Chris Sacca and Mark Cuban Shark Fight - Shark Tank

Chris Sacca and Mark Cuban fight with each other during the brightwheel pitch. Watch this scene from Shark Tank 7x26. Subscribe:

Chris Sacca and Mark Cuban Shark Fight - Shark Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 163

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Chris Sacca and Mark Cuban fight with each other during the brightwheel pitch. Watch this scene from Shark Tank 7x26. Subscribe:

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Most popular comments
for Chris Sacca and Mark Cuban Shark Fight - Shark Tank

Tom Jones
Tom Jones - 7 years ago
Same types, clash.
Mr. Locke
Mr. Locke - 7 years ago
Chris Sacca is the epitome of everything I hated in the Bay Area when I lived there
joel kuck
joel kuck - 7 years ago
min. 1:10 Damonds face
Irsyad Mhd Ilham
Irsyad Mhd Ilham - 7 years ago
I love both of them chris and mark...but in this standpoint I agree on chris...he knows more and better about techie industry
Mohamed Azarudeen
Mohamed Azarudeen - 7 years ago
mark vs elon would be interesting ;)
John Baxter
John Baxter - 7 years ago
Shark tank is a much more credible "reality TV show" than Trump had. ST is real, Trump is fake.
John Baxter
John Baxter - 7 years ago
Cuban is awesome. He should crash the white house and punch Trump in the face" just for fun :)
Oscar Santiago
Oscar Santiago - 7 years ago
Mark is so hot Chris is just cute
Laura Strong
Laura Strong - 7 years ago
Love this show!!! Straight vicious

10. comment for Chris Sacca and Mark Cuban Shark Fight - Shark Tank

Saleh Jenai
Saleh Jenai - 7 years ago
If they ever make a real life Simpson's movie, they just have to cast Kevin as Mr. Burns.
White Pride 1488
White Pride 1488 - 7 years ago
Sacca is such a cunt. He clearly feels like he needs to prove himself and assert his wealth. I’d take Mark or Kevin over that dildo any day.
Xpzilla - 7 years ago
Is this Sacca guy still on the show? I prefer the OG Sharks.
Xpzilla - 7 years ago
Get him Mark
Edwin Torres
Edwin Torres - 7 years ago
I have an invention that will help a person in a hospital rail bed. in so many ways and they will be happy and safe.
Steve L
Steve L - 7 years ago
Chris Sacca just brags about Uber
Sprang Productions
Sprang Productions - 7 years ago
Yup how long did that douche bag last on the show
Nikhil - 7 years ago
they are like dinosaurs colliding !
Josef ASW
Josef ASW - 7 years ago
Probably a top Daymond moment LOL
Starts with J
Starts with J - 7 years ago
Chris needs to grow up and be a man. I watched the full episode, Mark and Chris ended up partnering. However, Chris still bore a grudge (I don't know why since he was the one who started the shit) when Mark clearly was trying to be friendly and make up with him but he ignored Mark and never even smiled when the deal was done.

20. comment for Chris Sacca and Mark Cuban Shark Fight - Shark Tank

dilwich123 - 7 years ago
The coon showed his street knife skills. . . . .
Arsenic - 7 years ago
Lul 1v1 final destination no items fox only
Danny Greene
Danny Greene - 7 years ago
Scorpio Snake
Scorpio Snake - 7 years ago
Chris is the only Manly guy in there who can go head to head with Mark . Chris makes things exciting . The others just chicken out , infront of a shark fight .
TooFatTo Fish
TooFatTo Fish - 7 years ago
Sacca knows way more about the tech industry. It's not about the net worth guys.. Cuban sold a shit video company to Yahoo which was the crappiest deal ever. Cuban might be a good sales person but sacca knows his tech shit.
Zain Ul Abideen Mughal
Zain Ul Abideen Mughal - 7 years ago
Mark seems like a Great person to work with

He can be a great mentor
rabbeseking - 7 years ago
I it's great how animated Damon gets when they fight, he loves it
Adonis Amaya
Adonis Amaya - 7 years ago
Flavio Alejandro Diaz
Flavio Alejandro Diaz - 7 years ago
X q no traducen esta mierda
Mobile Godz
Mobile Godz - 7 years ago
Chris and Mark had a fight like a chicken and for that reason i'm out. Barbara

30. comment for Chris Sacca and Mark Cuban Shark Fight - Shark Tank

Vumilia - 7 years ago
im kind of surprised chris isnt a snapchat investor lol
Julius Thompson
Julius Thompson - 7 years ago
LOL Daymond
sophia suen
sophia suen - 7 years ago
I'm totally Daymond just going: shark fight, shark fight, SHARK FIGHT!
Cool Guy
Cool Guy - 7 years ago
Too much beef here and I’m a hindu and for those reason I am out
Adam G
Adam G - 7 years ago
Has Chris invested in Uber?
Ash Krikorian
Ash Krikorian - 7 years ago
"Once you get out of that little bubble called silicone valley, it doesn't mean shit!" DAMN that was SAVAGE!!!
thefaredevil - 7 years ago
This bearded guy's trying so hard to look important
Alejandro’s Adventures
Alejandro’s Adventures - 7 years ago
I use brightwheel for my son school and love it .. they keep you updated thru out the day
Anshuman Aich
Anshuman Aich - 7 years ago
Mark got owned at the end
mike kamaleddine
mike kamaleddine - 7 years ago
Who tf is Chris Sacca
John - 7 years ago
This fight made me smile but I am Barbara so for that reason I am out
Pontiac2001GT - 7 years ago
I’m Chris Sacca and I invested in Uber, did you know I do uber? Listen, UBER. Oh by the way, UBER, I invested in uber. The challenge for you is, you’re not UBER
Prahalad Kangeyan
Prahalad Kangeyan - 7 years ago
Mark slams the ginger
Avram David
Avram David - 7 years ago
mark cuban is a real G
H Khurram
H Khurram - 7 years ago
Did i mention that I invested in Uber?
King Tibet
King Tibet - 7 years ago
Lmao Damon crazy ctfu
Natalie Pazmiño
Natalie Pazmiño - 7 years ago
Dude shut up already!
Cee-Oh-Dee987 - 7 years ago
At 1:11 Daymond felt like he was right back in his hood
Win this World
Win this World - 7 years ago
Daymond is cute with his expressions . Shark fight , Shark fight and 1:12 @ lol.
IROKLIFE - 7 years ago
Its like..the great white biting the hammerhead XD

50. comment for Chris Sacca and Mark Cuban Shark Fight - Shark Tank

frow234 - 7 years ago
Lets face it they are all pricks i dont like any of them but if i had to pick it would be Kevin. Woooooh what? well heres why. Out of all the sharks hes the only one that dosent pretend to actually be nice or caring you know fake tear yada yada. Every other one acts caring at some point or another then will flip by doing something insanely arrogant or rude by belittling the people who enter the show or the sharks next to them. Kevin is always blunt, arrogant, rude and just plain mean but he dosent play nice for the cameras and try to get you to relate to him. For that i respect him but i sure as hell dont like any of them. As they say from my country peace ooooooooot
adam roberts
adam roberts - 7 years ago
CHRIS SACCA-SH*T lmao what a bitchass
alan carrasco
alan carrasco - 7 years ago
xq chucha no se ingles no entiendo ni mierda
Gyasipk - 7 years ago
1:08 lol Daymond instigating
Nicholas 4321
Nicholas 4321 - 7 years ago
Daymond is hilarious
Zainab Mirza
Zainab Mirza - 7 years ago
All I see are Mark Cuban fanboys in these comments. - 7 years ago
Cuban keeps quiet because he's the biggest shark in the room. He's the megalodon. Everyone is tiny to him. He doesn't need to speak up and thump his chest because he knows what he brings and what he can do for a company.
WhiteOakRidge - 7 years ago
Mark > Chris

,,,,,Chris Sacca was so full of himself it was unbelievable. Cuban at least as some humility. Step out of California once Chris, you made yourself look like an idiot.
Rage blade x
Rage blade x - 7 years ago
Fuck Chris Sacca he can go sacca dick
Dope Ass Nuts
Dope Ass Nuts - 7 years ago
this is the only thing i watch on Netflix
Fresco L
Fresco L - 7 years ago
Cant wait for uber to go bankrupt
haha haha
haha haha - 7 years ago
i've watched this vid numerous times now and the sole reason i come back is just to see daymonds reactions lmfao its sooo funny!!
bob tony
bob tony - 7 years ago
chris got lucky, uber was a luck investment, winning any state lottery would take LITERALLY the same amount of efffort.
Ash - 7 years ago
bob tony
Even if you are correct, I highly doubt he gives a fuck
Cody Noway
Cody Noway - 7 years ago
considering youre mostly in the social technology space, yes chris, sorry but you havent left the valley.
Bromthymol Blue
Bromthymol Blue - 7 years ago
Daymond was having so much fun lol 1:10
Liping Lin
Liping Lin - 7 years ago
Chris is just this little insecure mother fucker that only talks about UBER. UBER MY ASS
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan - 7 years ago
Every episode where Sacca is in, I suspect he'll mention uber. And he never fails
Kellucky69 - 7 years ago
It's fun to watch the sharks have little hissy-fits.
Kellucky69 - 7 years ago
They all act like little-spoiled brats on there. All talking at once. Demanding the pitcher answer their question first. Even though no one could hear them because they all have to talk over the other.
12345balla12345 - 7 years ago
Marks never liked Chris from the beginning
bLaCjAcK Daniels
bLaCjAcK Daniels - 7 years ago
Chris is insufferable
bbcgang - 7 years ago
I see why they sit on opposite sides
bbcgang - 7 years ago
Barbara was here in the beginning… But she was out the second she walked in the door
Jay Li
Jay Li - 7 years ago
I hate passive aggressive people
minh hoang tho
minh hoang tho - 7 years ago
top 10 anime fight
Gyasipk - 7 years ago
It's funny that Chris and Mark are always squabbling. Plus how come they don't wear ties with their suits like Daymond Kevin and Robert?
Leper Messiah
Leper Messiah - 7 years ago
Chris can fuck off. Bitchass nigga mentioned Uber every fucking episode. Stop bringing him on Shark Tank, ABC!
Muhammad Farrukh
Muhammad Farrukh - 7 years ago
Chris is fucking annoying. I deadass flip the channel whenever they bring him on here.
16joe - 7 years ago
this saccashit cant stop talking about uber like the other idiot who cant stop talking about gopro
German SS 88
German SS 88 - 7 years ago
Was Barbara out?lol
Bradley Biggle
Bradley Biggle - 7 years ago
Chris seems like a cocky scumbag.
Charles Wood
Charles Wood - 7 years ago
money run less to complicate
Dave Fischer
Dave Fischer - 7 years ago
this is great lol
Carlos Ilagan
Carlos Ilagan - 7 years ago
mark got paranoid tho
Five Iron
Five Iron - 7 years ago
Why is Chris so cunty? Did the kids call him 'Christ Nutsacca' on the playground once too often?
ADITYA G KULKARNI 15BEC0760 - 7 years ago
By saying I have enough confidence in the value of the mark meant ' Fuck Chris I'll be daddy now' give me the share idc about the money
nicolas DEFRANCESCO - 7 years ago
Mark Cuban says " right?" allot
The Cliffton
The Cliffton - 7 years ago
Daymond is having the time of his life 0:25 1:05 3:20
diego Silva gaming
diego Silva gaming - 7 years ago
Who else would smash with cuban???
Darren Davenport
Darren Davenport - 7 years ago
diego Saliva gaming grow up pajama boy.... you really need to get laid....
Angel L
Angel L - 7 years ago
shark fight lol
hhds113 - 7 years ago
Shark fight shark fight shark fight
canefan17 - 7 years ago
Mark was right in this case. HE has name recognition all over the country, Uber-boy doesn't.
Austin Tobin
Austin Tobin - 7 years ago
Damon practicing his knife skills 1:07
Edgar Bikermas
Edgar Bikermas - 7 years ago
North Korea is not alone.You just wait and see.
Peatear Griffin
Peatear Griffin - 7 years ago
Not a fight if it is staged.
Loyalty1269 - 7 years ago
2 billionaires goin at it but mark worked his ass off to get his. Chris is a fart smeller who got lucky after blowing his boyfriend
Jolie - 7 years ago
So when you become a billionaire, your eyes get saggy as fcuk?
Peep: Chris & Mark
Cody Sray
Cody Sray - 7 years ago
1:13 hahaha Damon killlllled that shit lol
impulselol - 7 years ago
Chris Sacca isn´t likeable at all. Fuck him and his fucking uber-pitch all the time... Annoying as hell..
alex domain
alex domain - 7 years ago
I think sharks on the sides either respect Kevin a lot of scared of him :) They never fight with him, they just shut up and listen

100. comment for Chris Sacca and Mark Cuban Shark Fight - Shark Tank

haha haha
haha haha - 7 years ago
1:07 i swear his reaction never gets old its soooo funny im dying
OnlyGreatness007 - 7 years ago
Daymond LOL
armon king
armon king - 7 years ago
Haha daymond
Jack Jameson
Jack Jameson - 8 years ago
i can't believe that he stole your car. he left the keys but he's gotta good heart. his hand aint nothing if it hasn't got a ring on it.
bishal poudel
bishal poudel - 8 years ago
why is damond so happy
Gups M
Gups M - 8 years ago
Love you Mark. God bless you man
ᴘɪᴄᴋʟᴇ ғᴇʀɴ
ᴘɪᴄᴋʟᴇ ғᴇʀɴ - 8 years ago
Daymond tho
Scott K
Scott K - 8 years ago
Yesterday Chris announced to the world that he's gay.
And for that reason, he's out.
Carlos Villalvazo Puentes
Carlos Villalvazo Puentes - 8 years ago
Billionaire vs Billionaire
Octavian Caesar Hibernicus
Octavian Caesar Hibernicus - 8 years ago
Chris is a fuckin wanker,crush him Cuban.
Issac G
Issac G - 8 years ago
lmao, little bubble . lmao
Jude K Owura
Jude K Owura - 8 years ago
Why is Mark Cuban even making offers. he's worth billions.
Political Addict!
Political Addict! - 8 years ago
Cuban is a beast!
MAN UTD - 8 years ago
Barbara was out before it even started
visho89 - 8 years ago
While these little sharks fight it out, Steve Jobs is laughing from above or below (who knows), Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are playing bridge and not giving af.
Mrakstunna - 8 years ago
The quality is great... therefore I'm in
Paul Walker
Paul Walker - 8 years ago
Mark Cuban is a sore loser. He is very arrogant
Harry Carrey
Harry Carrey - 8 years ago
The real story here is that they were fighting about a company that had no sales and had a patent pending on reusable port a potty toilet paper.
Mike Hughes
Mike Hughes - 8 years ago
Daymond at the end, "oo" haha
DUKE of NEW YORK - 8 years ago
So, what happened in the end?
Black Onyx
Black Onyx - 8 years ago
I swear...Mark Cuban is my hero.
Carson cat
Carson cat - 8 years ago
Mark is right about Chris's "name". I literally had no idea who he was until Shark Tank, yet I've known who Mark Cuban was for ages. I don't even know Chris' last name. Also, if you go to rural parts of Pennsylvania NO ONE knows what Uber is, so they definitely don't know who Chris is.
RIPPLE H - 8 years ago
Who's chris sacca
Cristian Avila
Cristian Avila - 8 years ago
Mark Cuban is Reggie
Nizzar Alexander
Nizzar Alexander - 8 years ago
Chris is just lucky. He invested at the right time. People like Kevin and mark on the other hand have been working since teenagers. They are the real sharks.
cody bonk
cody bonk - 8 years ago
anyone notice how high that salesman is
Apurba Biswas
Apurba Biswas - 8 years ago
You look like a homeless illegal immigrant, for that reason I am out
LeJunny - 8 years ago
Uber, twitter, and instagram are going broke; talk to Mark when you sell a company for $5.7B to Yahoo
Boyan Lilov
Boyan Lilov - 8 years ago
Chris is arrogant, that's not typical for a successful entrepreneur, and when interviewed constantly speaking about being humble, annoying indeed
Rob Luke
Rob Luke - 8 years ago
As daymond represents us, the lower and middle class, and our reactions
DreamJordan - 8 years ago
I hate Chris and I have a ego, and for that reason I'm in
kittenlove1987 - 8 years ago
ya i know im getting old
kittenlove1987 - 8 years ago
Dang i don't really liking admitting stuff like this.....but i feel every year alot of people get more money hungry 1-2X more and more.Yes i understand we a good stable decent/ income to provide a roof over our head, but sometimes i feel its like a stupid war between happiness and being wealthy. And technology is awesome but at the same time every damn week theres a new fcking damn phone or upgrade ETC just to drag us in to buy it. I just miss the simplicity of not having to be in a fcking materialistic rat race ETC, but somehow i feel like i get dragged in sometimes. i remember watching something on netflix about a guy living with little/ less is better ( forgot the title though).compulsive buying is a bitch though. Is it me or this is extremly similar to the wolf of wall street??? sometimes i like this generation better/ more than other days and sometimes its drenching. Oh well i guess i better upgrade myself to accepting the future of changes.
Brady Patrick
Brady Patrick - 8 years ago
Why even think it's a good idea to argue with Cuban?
miraxell - 8 years ago
Chriss is like one of those annoying bitches in the parties who wouldn't stop bragging about her vagina.
RENZ - 8 years ago
I'm in, and for that reason, I'm out.
colbymchenry - 8 years ago
lol Mark has spray tan or makeup on his collar
Blame Connor
Blame Connor - 8 years ago
Whos the richest shark?
Teemo4Life - 8 years ago
Fuck the video quality is incredible
Jay Jawad
Jay Jawad - 8 years ago
fucking Silicon Valley rules the world.....absolutely true....however, Mark Cuban can help your business take off just by having access to his connections.....add the finance possibilities.....after making my point loud and clear I'm OUT
Sophos Utm
Sophos Utm - 8 years ago
Barbara sounds like Marge from The simpsons, and for that reason I am out!
Raze4147 - 8 years ago
I have to catch my uber and for that reason im out
usernameisavailble - 8 years ago
i like the quality of this video and for that reason ill make you a deal if you post more like this ill subscribe for 20% equity
Rob Is Superior
Rob Is Superior - 8 years ago
seeing this shit in hd again is lit
kim peter
kim peter - 8 years ago
Bro daymond was so fuckin funny lol
Yousif Perchim
Yousif Perchim - 8 years ago
Mark Cuban is a real boss !!! DALLAS BABY LOL ... I'm from Toronto :/
timothyzc - 8 years ago
Does shark tank take part of these businesses that get a deal? Every website I've checked that got a deal, the shark tank logo is on it.
Mitchell - 8 years ago
Hahaha damon
Forsake - 8 years ago
Does barbara ever do anything?
A Little Bit of Everything
A Little Bit of Everything - 8 years ago
Yukino Aguria Yes. She says she's out 95% of the time.
jorge vargas
jorge vargas - 8 years ago
there was a 30 second ad and I couldn't skip it, and for that reason, I'm out.
Jai S
Jai S - 8 years ago
like him or not...Cuban it's a straight up guy... no bullshit
Addison M
Addison M - 8 years ago
He looks like dr oz
Gavin Carr
Gavin Carr - 8 years ago
Fricking Daymond XD
King Cobra
King Cobra - 8 years ago
get um Cuban, get um!! Haha
Robles Junior
Robles Junior - 8 years ago
uber this uber that who the fuck is this guy, fuck off.
Dominic Cleveland
Dominic Cleveland - 8 years ago
so who got the deal?
hsp - 8 years ago
LoL, Kevin braggin about selling his company to Mattel. He forgot to mention he was fired after 6 months for scamming them and sued! He made a total of $11 million from that sale of $4 billion. He acts like he is a bigshot.
TheDbz97 - 8 years ago
daymond is too funny
Johny Hero
Johny Hero - 8 years ago
1:16 they just love showing the back of their domes
mcworld999 - 8 years ago
O'Leary is a loser. Check his track record. Every company he led ended up crappers post-sale. The education software was sold to Mattel. He was subsequently fired when it tanked. Investors sued Mattel who settled and fired Mr. not so Wonderful. Yet he continues to brag about that lame s/w from over 20yrs ago. He's had several deals in which he misled peeps either in performance, valuation, etc. which brought on lawsuits.
nick_98 - 8 years ago
chris jerks himself off to uber everyday
theOGwelshman - 8 years ago
Brendan Nicholas why wouldn't he it made him filthy rich
Gram T
Gram T - 8 years ago
3:20 lmao Damon is such a drama queen
intx123 - 8 years ago
Seemed like Mark was about to cry, he just doesn't want to lose, or lose out on a good investment lol....
Ben420Blunt - 8 years ago
St Hr
St Hr - 8 years ago
Not much of a fight. Gloves left on, no big deal.
noah wood
noah wood - 8 years ago
Get wrecked
Jay Yavid
Jay Yavid - 8 years ago
yay, maine was mentioned
NerdLady100 - 8 years ago
No shit, whenever I hear Sacca, is going to be on the show I flip the channel. I simply can't stand his arrogant attitude. I understand that he's probably richer than I'll ever be, but I still can't stand him.
Chivo Man
Chivo Man - 8 years ago
everyone calm down Bill Gates doesnt even need to be on the show why the fuck would he need to be on the show lmao life is all about time why waste time on this show
nick_98 - 8 years ago
mark cuban kicks ass. he should run for president in 2020.
Delphineaux Mustardwater
Delphineaux Mustardwater - 8 years ago
cuban looks haggard
dsadad21 - 8 years ago
Damon - "You're taking the offer, not even going to listen to anyone else"

Ummmm... Doesn't Damon and all the sharks get pissed when they make an offer and the entrepreneur says "I want to hear other offers" WTF Damon?
Ronald Regan
Ronald Regan - 8 years ago
so truuue
Richard Russo
Richard Russo - 8 years ago
now mark is a cocky fuck but he has every right to be so. he sold newspapers door to door when he was kid. he owns to date like what twenty companies? he can be a hothead but for the most part he is calm and calculated and only speaks when he wants to either call someone out for their bullshit or make an offer. he doesnt just run his mouth
Jose Perez
Jose Perez - 7 years ago
you can check, and Mark stated in Shark Tank, he owns over 140+ companies, the only reason he criticizes Trump is because Trump has never being a true billionare with all of his debt while Cuban has a financial mind and he is a true billionare.

Liquid Cash - Debt > $1BM for you to be a billionare
Darren Davenport
Darren Davenport - 7 years ago
Richard Russo cuban is a pathetic joke that is insanely jealous of Trump .... he cries like a little pussy
B H-0
B H-0 - 8 years ago
Cuban is a fuckin boss when it comes to this shit. he's too quick on his feet to get a zinger on him
Plum Life
Plum Life - 8 years ago
Mark should have teamed up with kevin offering more money and equity to stick it to Sacca
mario - 8 years ago
jesus that dude is ugly, the pitcher
Mike C.
Mike C. - 8 years ago
hahyunlee -- First of all, I said YOUR home, not MY home. Little problem with pronouns, huh? Didn't do well in English 101, I see. Second of all, I have a pretty nice house.
Rene Roux
Rene Roux - 8 years ago
mark is a selfmade billionaire
HIGH TIDES - 8 years ago
0:16 damn Chris shit himself when Mark went after him
Abdallah Abdi
Abdallah Abdi - 7 years ago
Abdallah Abdi
Abdallah Abdi - 7 years ago
TheQuirkyGirl - 8 years ago
I like how Daymond is just sitting there, entertained by their argument
leloodallasmultipass - 8 years ago
I feel so sad for lonely sharks.
Jen SMITH - 8 years ago
who the fuck is Chris Sacca anyways? Get off shark tank, you suck.
SpeedyT55 - 8 years ago
The only person richer then him there is mark
dave chang
dave chang - 8 years ago
This is great! Love the clash of billionaire egos. They're both right and makes for great tv
Evan Harris
Evan Harris - 8 years ago
` almost all the companies Sacca named are private, so he doesn't make any money from them until they IPO or get acquired.
Evan Harris
Evan Harris - 7 years ago
Hey that's my name too. look at us!
the_______ accuser!!
the_______ accuser!! - 8 years ago
that guy all he talks about is uber uber uber uber lol every episode.
HUDD1N - 8 years ago
uber is actually worth 27 billion not 67 billion.
also the company is increasingly losing money and is kept afloat by investors pouring more and more money to keep it from going under which isn't a successful business model.
the company had a net loss of 670 million in 2014, which later increased to 1.5 billion in 2015 and then 3 billion last year. now that is a lot of fucking money, hence why they are so adamant about pushing the self driving cars but other companies(like google) are already ahead of them in that department so it seems like they will be fighting an uphill battle going forward.
their current business model mirrors that of a city metro not a for-profit organisation with investors subsidizing somewhere around 41% of the cost or possibly even higher.
it is currently a giant charity taxi company.
LyingPrauses - 8 years ago
nymx self driving cars. Though that might take 10+ years minimum
Platinum Pineapple
Platinum Pineapple - 8 years ago
nybiggs oh shit haha thats what i need, id retire and then save 10 mill for each of my kids and each person in the next generations for a lifetime so they wouldnt have to work ever!
nybiggs - 8 years ago
Except there has been talk of uber's ipo at as much as 67 billion... so 4% would be 2.68B dollars before dilution...
Muzaffar Zarrataj
Muzaffar Zarrataj - 8 years ago
Platinum Pineapple yeah but to overused the "uber invest point" when you own just 4% is kinda annoying right lol
Platinum Pineapple
Platinum Pineapple - 8 years ago
Muzaffar Zarrataj ok well i was gonna say if he doesnt founded it or own it, then why the hell is he famous for uber. but ok now i know
Muzaffar Zarrataj
Muzaffar Zarrataj - 8 years ago
Platinum Pineapple Chris Sacca owns like only 4% of Uber. He feels like he is important to Uber cause he's the one that negotiate to buy the name rights "Uber" from Universal Music Group.
SuperAn0nymus - 8 years ago
And you're the___accuser for that reason I'm out!
Platinum Pineapple
Platinum Pineapple - 8 years ago
Matt Bruder yea like 90% of the company, because everytime i search uber that dude pops up
Matt Bruder
Matt Bruder - 8 years ago
+Platinum Pineapple no he didn't, he invested in it
Platinum Pineapple
Platinum Pineapple - 8 years ago
the_____ accuser!! yea because he founded it
Bobby Lim
Bobby Lim - 8 years ago
Yeah Uber is losing money but they aren't losing valuation. You realize? Why is their valuation getting higher and higher though. Just because it's losing money doesn't mean it's NOT going to earn money afterwards.
the_______ accuser!!
the_______ accuser!! - 8 years ago
+nybiggs u work for them don't u? Make money driving part time 2000/week sound femlier lol scam!!
nybiggs - 8 years ago
Dranksta lol could be worse. You could have bought stock in AOL. I remember being in school back then and the words aol and Internet were interchangeable.
I Showed him my dick and called him a fag
I Showed him my dick and called him a fag - 8 years ago
+nybiggs if ur business is losing a billion a year how the fuck can u grow that business? with what fucking money? the company is worth 6 billion but its losing 1 billion per year. tell me how amazing it is again lmao
nybiggs - 8 years ago
nymx I realize now I'm trying to reason with someone who might not have the business acumen to understand success past a lemonade stand style accounting. Watch what happens if Uber goes public this year and see how many people jump on the ipo. They've gone from 1.5b to 5b in net revenues and they are still in their early growth stage.
I Showed him my dick and called him a fag
I Showed him my dick and called him a fag - 8 years ago
+nybiggs cause they all sound retarded. a few years old and they r losing money. u forgot to mention that. u want uber to maintain these new business additions but they cant even maintain their original idea
nybiggs - 8 years ago
nymx I can think of plenty of ways it could be altered. Add delivery services like Amazon has been experimenting with. Moving services like uhaul. Allow personal cars to be rented like enterprise or rent a car. Will they do any of these? Probably not. They don't have to. The taxi service is billion dollar industry and their business is only a few years old which is why they are so remarkable. Start thinking outside the box instead of just seeing what's right in front of you.
I Showed him my dick and called him a fag
I Showed him my dick and called him a fag - 8 years ago
+nybiggs and what can Uber do? sell u toilet paper? like i said amazon had the options to grow and change since it was basically a delivery service. how many ways can u change a taxi company?
nybiggs - 8 years ago
nymx do you know the history of Amazon? It started as an online book store competing with Barnes and. Nobles and borders back in 1994 when the Internet was starting to popularize. People thought it was crazy the idea of buying books on the Internet when there were book stories all over the place. They started expanding out of books and every time people were like who's going to buy toys from Amazon when there's toys r us? Who's going to buy music when there's Apple? You're looking at them now and saying there's no completion. When in reality they survived and their competition didn't.
I Showed him my dick and called him a fag
I Showed him my dick and called him a fag - 8 years ago
thats the problem amazon really doesnt have any good competition uber does
nybiggs - 8 years ago
Short sighted thinking. Companies don't need to make profit right away to be a good investment. It took Amazon 20 years to become profitable, even as their stock price soared because people knew Amazon was positioning itself as the king of e-commerce. Uber has disrupted the taxi industry like crazy and it's not going anywhere unless something happens with Lyft.
Dean Hartland
Dean Hartland - 8 years ago
the_____ accuser!! The funny part Uber is losing money, recently posting a 1 billion loss haha
You know I had to do it to em
You know I had to do it to em - 8 years ago
Chris and mark are always fighting
MyChemicalFruitCake - 8 years ago
Lol Damon
crazywaterz - 8 years ago
I can't stop laughing at the ignorance of the idiots in the comments, and can't beleive how clueless you all bozos are on how these guys made their money. Cuban made 90% of his fortune by being lucky to sell a shitty website that doesn't even exist to the bozos at Yahoo back in the internet bubble. Sacca invested early in Twitter, Instagram and Uber and was a millionaire trader in his early years. He is literally the guy responsible for Google having so much fiber optic and datacenter capacity because in the early days of Google he traveled the entire US and world to negotiate deals for them. You jackass trolls have no idea. This dude wrote the book on business deal hustling. Cuban is a pompus amateur when compared to Sacca or uncle Kevin. FACT !
77,777,777 views - 8 years ago
There's no counting for success and intelligence . Cuban ain't no Elon Musk anybody can make money with money.
Epic - 8 years ago
Cuban is still richer.
Yushi - 8 years ago
Spot fucking on.
WreckTangle - 8 years ago
crazywaterz exactly. these dumbfucks have no idea about business or investing but preach like they're warren buffet
Michael B.
Michael B. - 8 years ago
I can't Daymon john is just loving this drama XD
William Carr
William Carr - 8 years ago
It's a bright wheel, right?  Like Arthur's round table?  Inventor should have asked for Chris and Mark to invest doubling his original request and then ride them like Ben Hur to the chariot races while watching the sparks fly.
Freedom Anon
Freedom Anon - 8 years ago
Mark Cuban was dead wrong in this election, it's pretty hilarious. I hope it follows him for the rest of his life.
James Kibrick
James Kibrick - 7 years ago
Shadow Anon Oh yea his multi-billion dollar self cares so much.
weeweeim - 8 years ago
Chris ain't got nothing on Mark. I want to see Elon on the show and have a go at it with Cuban. That'd be epic!
TheUchiha - 7 years ago
weeweeim elon aint got no time!
Zoid Burg
Zoid Burg - 7 years ago
Elon is FAR too busy for this pissant little show. John McCafee!
John Wick
John Wick - 7 years ago
Alif Aleph Sajan Well said
aquamop15 - 7 years ago
For anyone that isn't fully aware of the Net Worth of every Shark and how they got there, here they all are, including every Guest Shark there ever was and every new Guest Shark that will be on the upcoming Season 9:

Richard Branson - 5.1 Billion
• Virgin Group Founder

Mark Cuban - 3.4 Billion
• Audionet/ Co-Founder (Sold to Yahoo for 5.7 Billion)
• Owner of Dallas Mavericks
• Co-owner of 2929 Entertainment
• Chairman of AXS TV

John Paul Dejoria - 3.2 Billion
• Paul Mitchell Co-Founder
• The Patrón Spirits Company Co-Founder

Chris Sacca - 1.22 Billion
• Lowercase Capital Founder/Proprietor
• Early Investor in Twitter, Uber, Instagram, Twilio, and Kickstarter

Steve Tisch - 1.2 Billion
• New York Giants Co-Owner/Chairman/Executive Vice-President
• Film/Television Producer

Sara Blakely - 1.18 Billion
• Spanx Founder
• Atlanta Hawks Co-Owner

Nick Woodman - 990 Million
• GoPro Founder/CEO

Mark Burnett - 450 Million (Shark Tank Creator)
• Television Executive Producer
• President of MGM Television and Digital Group

Kevin Harrington - 450 Million
• As Seen On TV Founder

Kevin O'Leary - 400 Million
• SoftKey Software Products Co-Founder (Sold to Mattel for 4.2 Billion)
• O'Leary Funds Inc./O'Leary Ventures/O'Leary Mortgages/O'Leary Books/O'Leary Fine Wines Co-Founder
• O'Shares Investments Chairman

Daymond John - 300 Million
• FUBU Founder/President/CEO

Alex Rodriguez - 300 Million

Robert Herjavec - 200 Million
• Herjavec Group Founder/CEO
• BRAK Systems Founder

Ashton Kutcher - 200 Million
• Actor
• Investor in Skype, Foursquare, Airbnb, Path,
• A-Grade Investments/Sound Ventures Co-Founder
• A Plus Co-Founder/Chairman

Jeff Foxworthy - 100 Million
• Comedian
• Actor
• Television Personality
• He is a member of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour, a comedy troupe which also comprises Larry the Cable Guy, Bill Engvall, and Ron White.

Barbara Corcoran - 80 Million
• The Corcoran Group Founder
• Barbara Corcoran Inc. Founder
• Barbara Corcoran Venture Partners Founder

Troy Carter - 60 Million
• Atom Factory Founder/CEO/Chairman
• Coalition Media Group Founder
• Manager of John Legend, Meghan Trainor, Miguel, Lindsey Stirling, Eve, Benny Cassette, Bonnie McKee

Lori Greiner - 50 Million
• "The Queen of QVC"
• For Your Ease Only, Inc. Founder/President

Bethenny Frankel - 25 Million
• Skinnygirl Founder/CEO

Rohan Oza - "I know business publications like to talk about net worth but I don't really like talking about it."
• CAVU Ventures Co-Founder/Partner
• Idea Merchants Capital Founder/CEO
• Early Partner in Vitamin Water (sold to The Coca-Cola Company for 4.2 Billion)
• Early Investor in Vita Coco, Pop Chips and Bai (sold to Dr. Pepper for 1.7 Billion)
• Helped marketing sales growth in The Coca-Cola Company for Sprite and Powerade
"The Hollywood Brandfather" - Makes Celebrity Endorsement Deals
aquamop15 - 7 years ago
Richard Branson will be a Guest Shark on the upcoming Season 9.
alicantino11 - 7 years ago
This was exactly what I was thinking, seeing as Elon is worth almost 5 times that of Cuban.
THEJFLORES - 7 years ago
Reehji Warren Buffet would not invest for how little these companies are. A couple of millions are single dollars for him. He buys billion dollar companies whole.
Joe Kennedy
Joe Kennedy - 7 years ago
I do not think its billions my friend.
Reehji - 7 years ago
Warren a great investor he would know if a deal is good or not
visho89 - 8 years ago
That's a million dollar comment right there.
RumbleHD - 8 years ago
weeweeim What about Richard Branson?
mrrickstur - 8 years ago
not sure if Elon would be interested at all, since he's busy changing the world
Alif Aleph
Alif Aleph - 8 years ago
Elon is busy saving the world. Cuban is not in that tier. Just a very good businessman. They're footnotes compared to the Elon, Tesla, Einstein as well as the Gandhi, MLK and JFKs.
Skifahrer Sep
Skifahrer Sep - 8 years ago
and he gives it all back..... with interest!
SS4 Grimgeta
SS4 Grimgeta - 8 years ago
weeweeim Elon's busy saving humanity
Jay K
Jay K - 8 years ago
Elon Musk makes his money by getting billions in handouts by the government.
Rajmund Csombordi
Rajmund Csombordi - 8 years ago
Call in Larry Ellison, his bullying would ruin people for life probably. Too bad he's busy building Japanese villages and surviving pacific storms
Alex Gregg
Alex Gregg - 8 years ago
Nah Gates would just give money to people for the hell if it.
Justin Moua
Justin Moua - 8 years ago
Call in Bill Gates and Elon Musk.
John Ramboni
John Ramboni - 8 years ago
Mark Cuban is the epitome of an arrogant jack ass!
Ridha Shah
Ridha Shah - 8 years ago
Dope Ass Nuts
Dope Ass Nuts - 7 years ago
Ridha Shah his name is daymond
Hh Yhh
Hh Yhh - 8 years ago
Ridha Shah fuc u
SkipMBA - 8 years ago
I recently found out that up until 2013, contestants on Shark Tank were required to shed out 2% of their profits OR 5% equity in their company to be featured on the show. Until Mark Cuban made a stand against that clause and threatened to not return.
ahah ihih
ahah ihih - 7 years ago
ah, so American lie on auditions. Right, that clear my doubt. I thought USA is a great country with great people. Now I know they are full of dumb bitches and liars. I guest Trump was right, we do need to make America great again.
ahah ihih
ahah ihih - 7 years ago
Elia Kalman that's actually stupid of you, if you don't want them to PR, all you need to do is to not letting them enter the show, ever heard of audition before?
Productions CEO
Productions CEO - 7 years ago
that's ridiculous!! Whiout participant there is no show
James Kibrick
James Kibrick - 7 years ago
SkipMBA I'm pretty sure it was a 10% royalty to ABC
DarkClassicGamer - 8 years ago
LegendJ0e4 nope
LegendJ0e4 - 8 years ago
so they dont have to give a % to the show anymore?
Schmuck - 8 years ago
Reading through the comments, everyone chimes in with their input. It's annoying to see how many belittle these successful entrepreneurs accomplishments.
grawnut - 8 years ago
Schmuck Being a success doesn't keep you from being a half baked cunt like Chris
grawnut - 8 years ago
Schmuck Being a success doesn't keep you from being a half baked cunt like Chris
Rick Deckard
Rick Deckard - 8 years ago
Nah, don't give a rat's ass. Unless, you are MLK, Mother Teresa, Newton, Einstein, Tesla, Copernicus, or individuals of that nature, I don't give a shit.
Sarah Yap
Sarah Yap - 8 years ago
I've watched a few episodes of Shark Tank, and I must say Mark is one of my fav mainly because he's the only one that often share and educate people, and that's the most valuable, not so much the money. Money is out there, it's simple to find investors when you have a good product/service. In fact, you'd probably want to think if you'd want someone to invest in your company as a share holder and look at what they can contribute besides just the money.

Sure sometimes he gets snappy and laughs people off, or whatever, but he's not stingy with his knowledge, experience and advice; and I think that's invaluable whether he buys your pitch or not.
DarkKrusty - 8 years ago
watching mark and the other sharks fight, its like a Bear vs bunch of wolves or something, sure they have teeth and a good bite, but not like Mark, add Chris, another billionaire to the mix? its 2 bears squaring off.
housefly ma
housefly ma - 8 years ago
That damn porch monkey was so annoying! Kept trying to antagonize the situation. Just like a coon to make things worse.
Nehlis - 8 years ago
Daymond John seems like he's enjoying the situation...
Aditya Aswal
Aditya Aswal - 7 years ago
Nehlis It better to stay in your lane when people with reap money are fighting
Sylvanas Windrunner
Sylvanas Windrunner - 7 years ago
Dont blame him. In dragons den and shark tank it's uneventful and they discuss for hours. So it's exciting when suddenly a fight happens.
Smokez - 7 years ago
He has an odd but relatable sense of humor :)
Too Nice
Too Nice - 7 years ago
Daymond been known to eat ass
Shadow Ocelot
Shadow Ocelot - 8 years ago
Nehlis fights make it better
Alyssa Roupas
Alyssa Roupas - 8 years ago
haha he loves the shark fights
Leon Matilda
Leon Matilda - 8 years ago
Go Cuban
Alittlebitnuts2day - 8 years ago
fuck mark Cuban trying to manipulate the US election. he's a lying cheat cry baby
AlCapone7979 - 8 years ago
Dam, go Mark!!
daniel brockman
daniel brockman - 8 years ago
idk how I feel about Chris honestly...
Kim Jong il
Kim Jong il - 8 years ago
put bill gates in there
BostynM8 - 7 years ago
Mark Cuban would be better at business than bill gates. Bill has a huge rep and is technically more advanced. But business wise mark has him.
ENZOxDV9 - 7 years ago
Andrew Whitley that's Jeff Bezos
natedoggrevolution - 7 years ago
forbes is wrong. He's the richest businessman in the world, but not the richest man. They don't count people from noble houses.
BedTime - 7 years ago
MIAirsoftMr sure but business connections aren't the only thing there is to business. He might be super helpful for tech startups but not enough for most other shark tank applicants
MIAirsoftMr - 7 years ago
FruityBunBuns anyone who's worth 90.2 billion dollars has connections that would easily make him useful to have as a business partner though
BedTime - 7 years ago
Andrew Whitley
Yeah but anyone can write books on those topics regardless of their ability to do so. I'm sure Megan Fox can do that too if she wanted, but you can't say she's a great business woman just because she got rich off a completely different profession. I have no doubt Bill Gates can handle a business, but lets not pretend he's where he is due to his business prowess.
Andrew Whitley
Andrew Whitley - 7 years ago
Okay_Then ya he only started up the largest software and computer business on the planet, and has written like 5 like books on how to start a business, make money, stock market, investing, etc. oh and is the richest man in the world (according to Forbes)
Alex Tran
Alex Tran - 7 years ago
Okay_Then yeah that what I was about to say lol.. he may be successful but that doesn't mean he's a business man.. Bill Gates is more of a Successful Software Developer..
Okay_Then - 8 years ago
Bill gates is not really that much of business guy.
Sulman00 - 8 years ago
I know right, Mark Cuban would be sucking his dick the whole time...lolll
Jay Hooks
Jay Hooks - 8 years ago
Bill or
Swavvy116Xrs - 8 years ago
Lmaoo deadass
TheHannah280 - 8 years ago
Who ended up getting the deal?
tom bob
tom bob - 8 years ago
Mike Addison lmmmoooohhgs
Palraja Pal
Palraja Pal - 8 years ago
Ricecake - 8 years ago
Gosh the uk version is way more classier
Matthew Jones
Matthew Jones - 8 years ago
The difference between UK and American television surprised me. I've been watching the Great British Baking show on occasion, and while it's very quiet and subdued, it's nice that there's no forced drama, editing tricks, or royalty-free music. American Food Network is cool and all, but half the time I feel like I'm being manipulated...
WreckTangle - 8 years ago
Ricecake the UK version sucks though
muddinity - 8 years ago
Idman Ahmed way more boring and lifeless too.
Its Wiseman
Its Wiseman - 8 years ago
Idman Ahmed 100% correct. But you cant lie, the american version tends to be way more entertaining :)
Maikel Jimenez
Maikel Jimenez - 8 years ago
Uber is losing a ton of money
Srijita Sengupta
Srijita Sengupta - 8 years ago
No one needed Sacca. It was way better with Robert Herjavec. Mark is a rational man, it's better to buy into his valuation than Chris.
abdulfattah el-sinawi
abdulfattah el-sinawi - 8 years ago
I can't stand mark Cuban.
Marl Senin
Marl Senin - 8 years ago
abdulfattah el-sinawi like it or not. he tells it as it is. he doesnt bullshit around. your source is based on an "exposed" video on Youtube.
abdulfattah el-sinawi
abdulfattah el-sinawi - 8 years ago
+sergio arenas yeah the guy is a piece of shit check out this thing called mark Cuban exposed video.
Cher Cher
Cher Cher - 8 years ago
you can really tell mark cuban hates that another billionaire is in the room lol
Sirius Black
Sirius Black - 8 years ago
HAHAHAHHA I died when Daymond was stabbing the air while Cuban was tearing Chris's ass up.
AriAxyss - 8 years ago
Man, I haven't seen this episode yet but it seems they all really liked this idea - they were literally ripping at it between each other like dogs in a toy tug-of-war! lol :P
Mike C.
Mike C. - 8 years ago
Mark Cuban is maybe the biggest dorko unconscious douche-bag idiot on the planet. How unappealling is this guy? If he is an attendee at a party in your home, wouldnt you be taking an over/under on how long before he's asked to leave? Such a know-it-all, black hair dye, self absorbed MORON. "Im out." he says with virtually every presentation. No Mark --- YOURE OUT.
hahyunlee - 8 years ago
Mike C. Why the hell would a billionaire wanna go to your wack ass house party in the first place?
Marky Mark
Marky Mark - 8 years ago
that dumbass with the beard
Ricky Bobby
Ricky Bobby - 8 years ago
Haha Damon is hilarious.
Victor 96
Victor 96 - 8 years ago
Chris have had some pretty smart investments, but Mark's networth is over 3 time bigger, so...
Hugo guest
Hugo guest - 8 years ago
and he didnt create the companies, only invest, Cuban created his companies
Victor 96
Victor 96 - 8 years ago
+Str8Murder Yeah, you'r right _'
Thirsty Boi
Thirsty Boi - 8 years ago
"smart". Twitter and Uber were not smart investments.
Airborne - 8 years ago
Jew Tank
Sidhant Garg
Sidhant Garg - 8 years ago
Daymond is awesome.
KingParisBuckingham - 7 years ago
Sidhant Garg daymond is great.mark is super smart at snatching deals under their asses
andrew H
andrew H - 8 years ago
damon acting like black kids in poor neighbourhood middle school
Ankur Tripathi
Ankur Tripathi - 8 years ago
Herjavec and Mr. Wonderful fan
don't like Cuban, too cocky
Eric Lu
Eric Lu - 8 years ago
chris sacca is a saccashit
Owesome Music
Owesome Music - 7 years ago
Natalie Pazmiño
Natalie Pazmiño - 7 years ago
To the top lol hahahahahahaha
Jolie - 7 years ago
Eric Lu
LOL true
Jack Jameson
Jack Jameson - 8 years ago
bahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaha im dying im dead
Luke Rangel
Luke Rangel - 8 years ago
Eric Lu hahahaha this made me laugh a little too much... thank you buddy for the good laugh
Robert Longmire
Robert Longmire - 8 years ago
does Mark really oncuba
Joseph Capaldi
Joseph Capaldi - 8 years ago
So much sycophantic commenting about the so called 'stars' of the show. Did any of you sons of bitches notice the man who has developed education tools? I'm not holding by breath (except to prolong the high). I've never seen a man more resemble a rabbit innocently staring down the barrel of a shot gun. Extremely unprofessional. Clearly the fault of the studio and set designers, both of whom need to get out more and smoke something.
Leonardo C
Leonardo C - 8 years ago
Russ Hanneman: Mark Cuban + Chris Sacca
Michael Crennan
Michael Crennan - 8 years ago
Shark Fight! Shark Fight! Shark Fight! (Insert non-existent shark emoji here)
iFayt9034 - 8 years ago
I live in SIlicon Valley. Mark is so right hahaha.
hybby - 7 years ago
Ding Yu You do realize the person you responded to never actually said 'squatty potty', right?
Boris the Blade
Boris the Blade - 7 years ago
+Han venture capitalist
Hanya - 7 years ago
Whats VC?
Ding Yu
Ding Yu - 7 years ago
SuperAn0nymus I work at one of the most famous VCs in Silicon Valley, and I can only agree half of your point. First off, squatty potty is not considered a "silicon valley start up". We here are looking for tech-enabled businesses that can be applied to a variety of verticals. In the past, it is somewhat true that companies with a large number of active users, also pre-revenue, would be valued at an absurd amount. Now and in the near future, VCs' money is going to be invested in AI and block chains. VCs are not drunk at all. They already tweaked their investment thesis as more and more entrepreneurs trying to catch the last wave of big data.

However, I do agree that out here in the valley, there is a huge tech bubble. A company with 10 employees working products that have not been theoretically proved could be worth millions. Especially some of those companies I've seen do not even have a core, defensible technology. At this rate, when the VCs depleted their capital, early stage companies (series a b c) would be done, and unicorns companies would have a tons of trouble financing themselves due to next-to-nothing top line.
SuperAn0nymus - 8 years ago
Agree, I think apart from big companies like Apple, Google etc.. these startup guys in Sillicon Valley are retards... they pitch any stupid idea they get on potty seats & some how get a drunk VC to fund them... its kinda scam..
Nhat Hai Nguyen
Nhat Hai Nguyen - 8 years ago
What he mafskr
Dheaz Nhutz
Dheaz Nhutz - 8 years ago
Kim Jong il watch the video. idiot
Kim Jong il
Kim Jong il - 8 years ago
what he say about it
Harvir Dhindsa
Harvir Dhindsa - 8 years ago
Chris is a billionaire bred in the new technological age. Mark is too old school in his investments for something like this. This education platform is entirely tech based, and I would trust someone who worked at GOOGLE and then invested in the likes of UBER, TWITTER and INSTAGRAM before I go with someone else who has more money, but lacks the tech savvy Chris has.
ccricers - 8 years ago
Chris Sacca is more of a VC and angel investor. Mark Cuban got his big break selling a business he made for himself. So they work differently at least to me
Chris R
Chris R - 8 years ago
Mark Cuban knows a thing or two about tech companies... Not saying Chris Sacca doesnt, he of course does, but agree with the others that you may not be as familiar as you should be on who Mark Cuban is exactly
Andrew Bravo
Andrew Bravo - 8 years ago
+Sean Clifford This guy clearly doesn't know the history of Mark Cuban lmao
Sean Clifford
Sean Clifford - 8 years ago
+Andrew Bravo Lmao ik im done confronting it
Andrew Bravo
Andrew Bravo - 8 years ago
+Harvir Dhindsa Do you even know Mark Cuban bro?
Harvir Dhindsa
Harvir Dhindsa - 8 years ago
+Sean Clifford why are you so hostile bro??? This business is a TECH business. Mark does not understand the tech world like Chris does. Chris worked at frikin Google too, he knows exactly what the tech industry is.
Sean Clifford
Sean Clifford - 8 years ago
The fuck are you talking about, mark has connections across all companies but I guess since he invested in über is a god huh. Fuck off
Andrew Bravo
Andrew Bravo - 8 years ago
I really hope that you're trolling.
Gary Mazzeo
Gary Mazzeo - 8 years ago
Cuban suppose to be a friend of Donald Trump? ....You couldn't be more of a back stabbing two face ! Jealousy written all over this.
martinezandy15 - 8 years ago
Daymon was so childish for his behavior. Instigating a fight
DarkClassicGamer - 8 years ago
Maza you were a cameraman there?
Epic - 8 years ago
The childish people are the ones actually fighting.
Maza - 8 years ago
Forgive him, he was enjoying the moment. Remember cameras are around them all and he knew Mark was really offended by Chris insinuating that he didn't bring value. It was a tense moment. Me and one of the other camera guys looked at each other like 'OH SHIT' when Chris said that
M. Harrison
M. Harrison - 8 years ago
It's for your entertainment...not a board room.
Chris R
Chris R - 8 years ago
Uh, its a show, its made for ratings. People like fights and drama
nelson eyenike
nelson eyenike - 8 years ago
it is a show
Sgt James Doakes
Sgt James Doakes - 8 years ago
Benjamin Jacobs
Benjamin Jacobs - 8 years ago
is all for the tv
Paxior - 8 years ago
1:08 shanking the s**t out of that air!
Sturgeon - 8 years ago
Chris Sucka...
share bear
share bear - 8 years ago
damon's "oooh"
Brian Scalabrine aka GOAT
Brian Scalabrine aka GOAT - 8 years ago
chris was so annoying. all he kept saying is 'i invested in uber' in every pitch. no one cares. every shark in there is rich, they never talk about their investments to gloat like chris does
Nguyet Phan
Nguyet Phan - 7 years ago
I not i
Kyle Landon
Kyle Landon - 7 years ago
Every shark brags, let's be real.
Scott Mckenna
Scott Mckenna - 7 years ago
Brian Scalabrine aka GOAT uber is dying
TheHawk2001 - 7 years ago
him and that stupid go pro douche, all he says is "GoPro this and Go Pro that..."
future Programmer
future Programmer - 7 years ago
Harvir Dhindsa so has everyone else's
future Programmer
future Programmer - 7 years ago
100% agree
Quin Tyler
Quin Tyler - 7 years ago
Except that Go-pro guy. Lol
Every time he speaks it's "you know when I was Go-pro I Go-pro Go-pro, and had to Go-pro before I could Go-pro. So for that Go-pro, I'm out"
aquamop15 - 7 years ago
For anyone that isn't fully aware of the Net Worth of every Shark and how they got there, here they all are, including every Guest Shark there ever was and every new Guest Shark that will be on the upcoming Season 9:

Richard Branson - 5.1 Billion
• Virgin Group Founder

Mark Cuban - 3.4 Billion
• Audionet/ Co-Founder (Sold to Yahoo for 5.7 Billion)
• Owner of Dallas Mavericks
• Co-owner of 2929 Entertainment
• Chairman of AXS TV

John Paul Dejoria - 3.2 Billion
• Paul Mitchell Co-Founder
• The Patrón Spirits Company Co-Founder

Chris Sacca - 1.22 Billion
• Lowercase Capital Founder/Proprietor
• Early Investor in Twitter, Uber, Instagram, Twilio, and Kickstarter

Steve Tisch - 1.2 Billion
• New York Giants Co-Owner/Chairman/Executive Vice-President
• Film/Television Producer

Sara Blakely - 1.18 Billion
• Spanx Founder
• Atlanta Hawks Co-Owner

Nick Woodman - 990 Million
• GoPro Founder/CEO

Mark Burnett - 450 Million (Shark Tank Creator)
• Television Executive Producer
• President of MGM Television and Digital Group

Kevin Harrington - 450 Million
• As Seen On TV Founder

Kevin O'Leary - 400 Million
• SoftKey Software Products Co-Founder (Sold to Mattel for 4.2 Billion)
• O'Leary Funds Inc./O'Leary Ventures/O'Leary Mortgages/O'Leary Books/O'Leary Fine Wines Co-Founder
• O'Shares Investments Chairman

Daymond John - 300 Million
• FUBU Founder/President/CEO

Alex Rodriguez - 300 Million

Robert Herjavec - 200 Million
• Herjavec Group Founder/CEO
• BRAK Systems Founder

Ashton Kutcher - 200 Million
• Actor
• Investor in Skype, Foursquare, Airbnb, Path,
• A-Grade Investments/Sound Ventures Co-Founder
• A Plus Co-Founder/Chairman

Jeff Foxworthy - 100 Million
• Comedian
• Actor
• Television Personality
• He is a member of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour, a comedy troupe which also comprises Larry the Cable Guy, Bill Engvall, and Ron White.

Barbara Corcoran - 80 Million
• The Corcoran Group Founder
• Barbara Corcoran Inc. Founder
• Barbara Corcoran Venture Partners Founder

Troy Carter - 60 Million
• Atom Factory Founder/CEO/Chairman
• Coalition Media Group Founder
• Manager of John Legend, Meghan Trainor, Miguel, Lindsey Stirling, Eve, Benny Cassette, Bonnie McKee

Lori Greiner - 50 Million
• "The Queen of QVC"
• For Your Ease Only, Inc. Founder/President

Bethenny Frankel - 25 Million
• Skinnygirl Founder/CEO

Rohan Oza - "I know business publications like to talk about net worth but I don't really like talking about it."
• CAVU Ventures Co-Founder/Partner
• Idea Merchants Capital Founder/CEO
• Early Partner in Vitamin Water (sold to The Coca-Cola Company for 4.2 Billion)
• Early Investor in Vita Coco, Pop Chips and Bai (sold to Dr. Pepper for 1.7 Billion)
• Helped marketing sales growth in The Coca-Cola Company for Sprite and Powerade
"The Hollywood Brandfather" - Makes Celebrity Endorsement Deals
Hunter Amoruso
Hunter Amoruso - 7 years ago
Criss has the second most money there with 1.8 billion and third is 300k so he has over 1.5 more then anyone besides cuban who has 2.3 so there the too people you look at Barbra is 43 million and draymond has 250k
Tnn Dll
Tnn Dll - 7 years ago
LOL! Damon John at 1:08 with his stabbing motion!
Tnn Dll
Tnn Dll - 7 years ago
Too bad Chris retired. His fights with Mark Cuban were pretty interesting.

Reminds me of the earlier days of Shark Tank when it was Mark vs. Everyone or Lori vs. Everyone or Barbara vs. Everyone else!
George M.
George M. - 7 years ago
+jackthayer Tell Mark Zuckerberg that facebook is a worthless fad. Try to hurry before his body guard snaps your neck as he laughs on his 62.4 billion dollars. Tell him how its a passing fad when facebook has been around for 8 years. Fucking idiot.....
George M.
George M. - 7 years ago
I invested in myspace.
Kevin E Niedbalski
Kevin E Niedbalski - 7 years ago
Chris mentions Uber, but Uber is a cash burning machine right now. so I don't know what he is talking about.
assasinRTCme - 8 years ago
Lmao didn't Sacca get rid of all his twitter stock? Twitter is also on the down swing currently and its future is looking pretty grim.
George M.
George M. - 8 years ago
+kim peter​ What the fuck is your point? You say im sucking Chris's balls meanwhile all you've done is deep throat Mark Cuban so far that you can feel him in your tummy. Who gives a fuck that Mark Cuban is worth more. Do you have a crush on the guy? If so good for you, go fap to him or something but posting irrelevant ass bullshit is a waste of our time. Might as well make it Mark Cuban tank right? Like i said, Mark Cuban is worth more than Sacca. Sacca is worth more than every other shark. So why is his opinion less valid. And also, you didnt read my comments. Ive called sacca a arrogant cunt multiple times. Wipe mark cubans jizz out of your eyes.
kim peter
kim peter - 8 years ago
And also do you like to suck on chris sacca's balls becasue all your comments are on you defending chris sacca like god damn
kim peter
kim peter - 8 years ago
Exactly you just proved my point Chris is more successful then Kevin and Mark is more sucessful then all the sharks combined, marks net worth is more than all the sharks net worth combined
George M.
George M. - 8 years ago
+kim peter And chris sacca's net worth is quadruple Kevin O'Leary's. Your point?
kim peter
kim peter - 8 years ago
But Mark Cubans net worth is double Chris Sacca
George M.
George M. - 8 years ago
Kevin O ́Leary You do realize he invested in instagram, twitter, kickstarter and tinder too right? And that he is worth billions net worth. You are an idiot.
kumar01234 - 8 years ago
Mark Cuban also had a chance to invest in Uber and didn't
Platinum Pineapple
Platinum Pineapple - 8 years ago
Rare Person yea!
Rare Person
Rare Person - 8 years ago
+Platinum Pineapple chris says he bought into uber at a 3mil valuation for 300k iirc. he didn't found uber. it was a good investment obviously as ubers value peaked at ~50bill iirc
LyingPrauses - 8 years ago
Brian Scalabrine aka GOAT Uber is a glorified taxi service
SuperAn0nymus - 8 years ago
+SlyMagma No way Chris is compared to Mark. Mark was pioneer. Chris was just lucky to be in Sillicon Valley where its easier to fund new cool idea. Its just geography thats it!
Beburg Zehri
Beburg Zehri - 8 years ago
Platinum Pineapple hahahaha
Platinum Pineapple
Platinum Pineapple - 8 years ago
Brian Scalabrine aka GOAT he founded fucking uber
Lets Watch Anime!!
Lets Watch Anime!! - 8 years ago
Still hes better than the GoPro Guy who talks about GoPro in every single show he appears on.
Damm Devin
Damm Devin - 8 years ago
xmisato - 8 years ago
-" trading and investing are the same thing"
-"i said very clearly investing is the easy,trading is hard,".
^^^Your EXACT words.^^^
Lol, you're a joke at this point. The more you reply the more you contradict yourself. Of course you want me to "stfu already", because I'm pointing out that you don't know what you're talking about. Of course you have nothing to say about him still being on the show which was your entire argument. Just take the L, you're wrong.
xmisato - 8 years ago
+Kenny aka TI It's beating a dead horse at this point.They don't like Sacca so they'll ignore all of that.
Kenny aka TI
Kenny aka TI - 8 years ago
+dev You're not gonna see chris a lot because he's a guest shark. He will be on the new season. It's not like they just got rid of him like you suggested. He could even become permanent the way Lori and Mark did especially if one shark decides to quit and he wants to be permanent. Chris is a really good investor. During law school, Chris used his student loans to start a company which was unsuccessful and used what was left to start trading on the stock market. By leveraging trades for significant amounts (discovering a flaw in the software of online trading brokers) he managed to turn 10–20 thousand dollars into 12 million dollars. He had debt with a four million dollar negative balance. He negotiated to have it reduced to just under 3 Million and by February 2005 it was completely repaid. You don't have to like him but that's impressive in my opinion. The guy understands money and finances and how to invest.
dev - 8 years ago
+xmisato listen jackass, i said very clearly investing is the easy,trading is hard, i gave the exact reason and very specific explainations. nothing has changed accept that apparently your comprehension level is falling before my eyes. just stfu already
xmisato - 8 years ago
+dev Sooooo, it went from being "exceptionally easy" to " so difficult". This will be my last reply to you because it's clear that you're not clear on your views. He also is on the show this season... if you watched the premiere you would've saw where they featured him in upcoming episodes. Have a good one.
dev - 8 years ago
+xmisato your speaking to what you assume to be true based on pundits and culture, in reality what you are describing is just not true. trading and investing are the same thing, the same reasoning and psychological rhythms playing out as a fractal, the only difference is time frame. that is why trading is so difficult, there is no time for analysis and mistakes come full term very quickly which takes something incredibly simple and makes it an emotionally fought war against yourself.
to the actual argument at hand, whether it's personality or lack of experience, this shark couldn't make himself a market in the show as evidenced by the fact that he isn't around anymore, which is all that matters.
xmisato - 8 years ago
+dev Day trading is speculation not investing. Since we're talking about Buffet, he would attest to that 100%. You follow trends, not analyze stock based on intrinsic value. As someone who simply relies on volatility to make a profit, I don't think you can have real input on investing being exceptionally easy. For one, you don't have to run certain analysis. You also don't need to have any insight to gauge how a company will do in the years to come. BTW, I'm not knocking you. Day trading is fine for some, but again it's speculation. The process for day trading and investing is entirely different. +Kenny aka TI  and I were never debating that any old shmoe can put money into something, but it does take skill, knowledge and experience to be a great investor. Not sure why you're trying to make it seem like anyone can just invest and make millions/billions without putting in any work or brain power. On top of that he's not just an investor. I'm sure you'd agree that being a Google exec and running your own firm is not exceptionally easy. Give credit where it's due.
xmisato - 8 years ago
+Kenny aka TI Completely agree. There is so much that goes into investing smartly. Nobody can just "invest well" without tons of work. They make it seem like he's just some idiot who got lucky with where he put his money. Reading 10-k's alone would probably fry a lot of people's minds. I think Chris' personality is making people want to discredit him, but at the end of the day he's still a great candidate as a shark, for his success in the business world with major companies and his success as an investor. You can not like him, but why try and glaze over the facts of his success or make it seem like he's undeserving to be on the show? I don't get it.
dev - 8 years ago
I do know what I'm talking about, I'm a day trader and by contrast there is no contest. investing is exceptionally easy, having money to invest is the only barrier. don't take my word for it, go make an entry level study of warren buffet and his style
Kenny aka TI
Kenny aka TI - 8 years ago
+xmisato He doesn't know what he's talking about if he makes investing sound simplistic. Yes the basics are simplistic but it actually takes a lot of knowledge to invest wisely. If anyone could just invest we'd see a lot more millionaires. Also if anyone knows Chris's background they would know how impressive it was how he made and lost his money and made it back again.
xmisato - 8 years ago
+dev What are you talking about? You go on the show to get an investment. That's literally the entire point of the show. You're trying to split things up into separate entities, but the only thing being done on that show is investing. Nobody "creates things to invest in" on the show. What does that even mean? People already have existing businesses that need capital. You question Chris' place on an an investment show when you just sat there and said he invested well. You also try to simplify investing in order to discredit him. Investing is not rocket science, but there's also a reason why every investor is not a Chris Sacca or Warren Buffet. There is so much that goes into investing, analyzing investments and finding the right one for you that is also a good deal. And while discipline and common sense are essential, that's not all it takes to be a great investor. At the end of the day, he may not have started his own business (he actually did start his own business) , but that doesn't somehow make him a bad investor or even strategic partner. In what world does an investor/businessman not have a place on a show about investing in businesses?
Kenny aka TI
Kenny aka TI - 8 years ago
+dev Things don't need to be created on this show to be invested in. With the exception of Lori who specializes in products most of them will say "it's a product not a business" Most of the sharks are not actively involved in the businesses they invest in and probably have their team check on the activities of the business. The sharks probably meet up with the business owners once a year to discuss how the business did.
dev - 8 years ago
+xmisato for most of the world it is a show about creating things to invest in, for 6 or 7 people it's a show about making investments with the premise that they have proven they know first hand how to create said investments.
xmisato - 8 years ago
+dev This is an investing show.
dev - 8 years ago
as far as I'm aware all the standard sharks built companies and or products, all this guy did was invest well. investing well is really just discipline and a hefty dose of common sense...
Kenny aka TI
Kenny aka TI - 8 years ago
+Str8Murder Wow you don't understand the tech industry. If I invested in twitter today it would be a loss for me. Chris invested only 25,000 so even if twitter goes down his investment is still worth well over the 25,000 he put in. Facebook is growing and it's growing fast with healthy profits and a lot of that has to do with Instagram. Uber loses money but they aren't trying to make a profit yet. They have billions of dollars from funding. I'm not a big Uber fan and it could be a sink or swim company but I know chris probably didn't pour millions into the company so his investment is okay. What are the multi million dollar profit start-ups that Mark has invested? You haven't listed any.
Thirsty Boi
Thirsty Boi - 8 years ago
+SlyMagma There is no reaching you ignorant ass. You see 'technology' and immediately assume profit because you're fucking delusional. You want to talk billions? Let's talk billions. Twitter hasn't turned a profit and has a recorded net LOSS of 2 billion dollars since its initiation in 2006.

That's a FACT, you slimey little toad. That's real data. It being in the tech industry during the service age has not stopped it from FAILING. It didn't stop MySpace from failing. It didn't stop Instagram from get bought out (which honestly was the best thing for it because before that, they were struggling). Face it, just because an industry gets well-known, or deals in tech and acquires a large user base-- it doesn't make them invincible.

You people can talk about how popular these platforms are but the reality is, businesses don't stay afloat by popularity. They stay afloat by MONEY. And if you're not generating profit, you're going to fall out the bottom. Say what you will about Mark Cuban's business, but they generate income and maintain profit.

Chris wants to brag about Uber? Uber lost 1.2 billion dollars this year just in the first quarter! Second quarter losses are over 100 million. It's a sinking ship. Meanwhile, the majority of the start-ups Mark has contributed to are in profit. Many in multi-million dollar profit, with barely a handful in decline.
Shawn - 8 years ago
If you're going to talk about things going broke, tell the truth and actually know what' you're talking about, because right now the only thing that sounds broke is you.
Temp Fan
Temp Fan - 8 years ago
+Brian Scalabrine aka GOAT bro....never go full retard...when u say shits like that no one here that wont think ur dumb asf. the funny thing is that ur gonna come up with another reply. its dumb to say such thing man. they are making money and will keep evolving. their true value is in their massive number of members
Kenny aka TI
Kenny aka TI - 8 years ago
Did you really just say instagram is going broke? Instagram is owned by facebook and their revenues and profits are increasing every quarter.
RexRizzle - 8 years ago
losepoundsandinches - 8 years ago
I hope he gets asshole cancer & ends his days wearing a diaper, bedridden.
ldc62 - 8 years ago
The OP doesn't actually watch the show.
ldc62 - 8 years ago
You don't have much of a clue do you? Instagram got bought out by facebook. Twitter will eventually get bought out.
xmisato - 8 years ago
They actually all gloat about their investments, you must not watch the show often. Kevin with Wicked Cupcakes, Barbra with Cousins Maine Lobster & Daisy Cakes, Lori with QVC & Scrub Daddy, Robert with Tipsy Elves. That's the point. They are also there to sell themselves on why they are the best partner for the business if they want to invest. Like you said everyone there is rich, they have to kind of let them know, hey this is what I've done & that's why you need me. Chris hasn't done anything that the other sharks haven't a hundred times over. Quite honestly you seem a little biased. He has merit so I'm not too sure why you're trying to discredit him. Instagram and Twitter... are not going anywhere anytime soon. Uber isn't anything special to me, but that doesn't stop it from being successful. There's literally a song about it and it is constantly gaining popularity as a means of transportation and more importantly as a way to make money. Give credit where credit due.
marchveris - 8 years ago
Things like Uber was around in Asian even before smartphones.
Brian Scalabrine aka GOAT
Brian Scalabrine aka GOAT - 8 years ago
+SlyMagma ?
SlyMagma - 8 years ago
+Sean Puffynipples You are pathetic
Brian Scalabrine aka GOAT
Brian Scalabrine aka GOAT - 8 years ago
+SlyMagma Take my advice
SlyMagma - 8 years ago
+Sean Puffynipples Dude. Stop reaching. They are both billion dollar industries. Both more popular than any business Mark Cuban initiated
Brian Scalabrine aka GOAT
Brian Scalabrine aka GOAT - 8 years ago
+SlyMagma " twitter is going broke, instagram is also going broke"
SlyMagma - 8 years ago
Dude, Im sorry, Twitter, Instagram, are two of the biggest social medias out, kickstarter is the largest, most popular crowd funding site, and uber is kicking Taxi's out of business. Chris definitely has more to offer than Mark in this technological age.
Brian Scalabrine aka GOAT
Brian Scalabrine aka GOAT - 8 years ago
+Harvir Dhindsa nothing worth replying to. don't talk business if you don't know what the fuck business is
Harvir Dhindsa
Harvir Dhindsa - 8 years ago
+Sean Puffynipples you are just ridiculous and refuse to accept the fact we live in an information age and tech companies is where it is at.
Brian Scalabrine aka GOAT
Brian Scalabrine aka GOAT - 8 years ago
+Harvir Dhindsa also, licensing is anything BUT 'little bubble'. this has to do with anything and everything. it's about as big as you can get. do you have anything worth replying to? so far it's all been a waste of time
Brian Scalabrine aka GOAT
Brian Scalabrine aka GOAT - 8 years ago
+Harvir Dhindsa twitter is going broke, instagram is also going broke. they have noway to market them without putting ads, and people don't want ads so they'll lose customers. why do you think the rate of adblock sky rocketed when facebook started putting so many ads?
Harvir Dhindsa
Harvir Dhindsa - 8 years ago
+Sean Puffynipples look at his other stuff too. twitter is a social media platform stretching the whole world,and so is Instagram. they each have millions of active users everyday and help people be connected and more open to the world. kick starter changed the world for startups of every kind. the rest of these sharks invested in things that are still trapped in a little bubble. twitter Instagram and kick starter are definitely not trapped.
Brian Scalabrine aka GOAT
Brian Scalabrine aka GOAT - 8 years ago
+Harvir Dhindsa all of the sharks had investments that were world changing. mark cuban popularized, as an example, streaming online. how is uber world changing? it's just another form of a taxi. how's that more world changing than making online streaming popular? worst guest they ever had next to ashton kutcher
Harvir Dhindsa
Harvir Dhindsa - 8 years ago
Yeah but Chris's investments have been world changing ventures.
Keyon John
Keyon John - 8 years ago
That's awesome! Gooooo Brightwheel! I currently use their app for my daycare and it's a favorite amongst my staff, the parents and my self! Awesome features and great way to connect with parents and for parents to stay connected and informed of their children daily activities in real time!
wolverineiscool - 8 years ago
wow...mark is a bitch
robertk2007 - 8 years ago
Evan Green
Evan Green - 8 years ago
Cuban is the real boss. A true entrepreneur-investor. Sacca got lucky by being friends with the founders of Uber and Twitter.
Kate Riley
Kate Riley - 7 years ago
they all lucky but Mark Cuban did it by himself whereas Sacca just being friend with right people, he got fired in his first company
Thirsty Boi
Thirsty Boi - 8 years ago
Yeah and how about we look at the profit Twitter and Uber are raking in! OH WAIT. There is none. And in Twitter's case, there hasn't been one since they went live 10 fucking years ago. Yeah-- real smart investments there for ole Sacca.
Evan Green
Evan Green - 8 years ago
+Ivan98 I don't think mark cuban cares about "changing the world" I think he's more motivated by money & the game of business. It's in his book.

There's a really good quote by dan martell: "the people that never have to work again, are the same people that never want to stop working."

It sums up successful people, especially billionaires.

Broke people, like the 99%, they all want to "get rich quick" and "retire". That kind of mindset/work ethic isn't suitable for wealth creation.

Warren Buffet made 99% of his wealth after 40 years of age. For most of his life he was worth ten million (still a lot lol). He sat on stocks that grew big over a very long period of time. Not many people would do that. Check this graph:
Ivan98 - 8 years ago
You're right they all keep improving so eventually they get it, but Cuban has more of a laid-back, easy going nature where he would probably retire and get drunk all around the world like he said he wanted to. Elon Musk and Zuckerberg are just on another level where they litteraly never stop with innovation. Sure Cuban has CyberDust and HDNet but comparing to Spacex and the stuff that facebook is doing we can say that he would probably retire with less than a billion dollars and be comfortable with it, cuz how much more do you need ?
Evan Green
Evan Green - 8 years ago
+Ivan98 yes, but people like Mark Cuban are bound for success. He had (and still does) an amazing skill for hustling smart, looking towards the future and learning. This all proven by his investing career. Look at his portfolio, the guy is baller as fuck.

Another example: even if Zuckerberg failed with Facebook, that guy was gonna eventually be a success. Before he was 18 he had started & sold some companies, won a lot of awards, achieved great grades in school.

Another example: Elon Musk. Once again, before he was 25 he had created & sold several companies/games.

The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour.

And I do agree. Although he'd probably be a paper billionaire, not a cash one.
Ivan98 - 8 years ago
Cuban is the man but had it not been for the tech bubble he wouldn't be worth billions, he would be rich but not a billionaire.
hamachikama - 8 years ago
Isn't that kind of contradicting your first post? What makes Sacca different? He was lucky like Mark and Warren (bankrupted his first company), but in the end, they are all successful.
Evan Green
Evan Green - 8 years ago
+thiago silva no shit. Everyone that is successful is lucky to some extent. You still have to be smart, work hard and get yourself into a position to be blessed by luck. Anyways, honestly, it's a foolish thing for you to say. You don't become a billionaire by "luck" lmao. Same with Warren Buffet.

Btw Sacca isn't a cash billionaire like Cuban. Sacca is a paper billionaire. Most of his value is still in equity in companies like Uber and Twitter. They ain't realized yet.
thiago silva
thiago silva - 8 years ago
dood, cuban is probably the luckiest man alive have you ever watched it his documentary he even upright said "im the luckiest man in the world" with how he started his first major company than sold it to yahoo and uninvested in it when it was about to go the gutter man that lucky as shit
vhgnyc - 8 years ago
3:14 Shark fight at it's best!!!!
Som Dutta
Som Dutta - 8 years ago
mark cuban got burnt at the end ... :P
clafong9 - 8 years ago
Chris in his little cowboy shirts could go away and the show would improve. How long can he go without reminding us that he invested early in Uber? 5-minutes maybe?
Thirsty Boi
Thirsty Boi - 8 years ago
Yeah and look at Uber now. It's a mess financially. I sure hope he pulled out of that investment while he could.
MindTheJourney - 8 years ago
Damon is annoying as fuck adding to the drama with his remarks and shit...that's some middle child behavior right there (don't be the middle child)
fernando guerrero
fernando guerrero - 7 years ago
KingParisBuckingham and that is why you're broke and dumb. Have fun living off welfare cracker
KingParisBuckingham - 7 years ago
fernando guerrero shut the fuck up bozo
fernando guerrero
fernando guerrero - 7 years ago
KingParisBuckingham I think you're the one who needs to shut the hell up. I agree that the fucker is dumb... but you coming out calling him racist over some random ass shit that never had anything to do with race just makes you dumber than him. Racism only exist in ignorance and poverty and for you to try to make it relevant where it had nothing to do with anything then it ends up speaking a lot for yourself
KingParisBuckingham - 7 years ago
MindTheJourney shut your stinky racist mouth!!!youre just envious of daymond.( you dont say nothing about the worst pig " mr.wonderful" who insults Entrepreneurs and could cause em to commit suicide?? daymond is a very nice compassionate successful black man.respect daymond to the max, cause you aint fit to shine his shoes...
fernando guerrero
fernando guerrero - 7 years ago
MindTheJourney movie reviewers also have knowledge of the industry and probably do work with movie directors at times. By the way you conduct yourself, you don't know anything about business nor what it's like to make a deal. You're ignorant and unprofessional, you're probably from some hood. You're most likely broke, along with your family and you spend all day complaining about instead of doing something about it. You really hold no type of credibility and I simply just can't take you seriously. Have a good day kid, wish you luck in life.
KingParisBuckingham - 7 years ago
MindTheJourney no mr.wonderful is annoying and very disrespevtfui n insulting
Productions CEO
Productions CEO - 7 years ago
Ahhh relaxe man, Damon is the bomb and so real!!
SuperAn0nymus - 8 years ago
+AriAxyss Smartie in the home! ;) :*
Jacob Gross
Jacob Gross - 8 years ago
yeah but if i was a multi millionaire, I'd be fine with listening to pitches for hours on end, everyday. Sure as hell would beat the life I have now.
AriAxyss - 8 years ago
To be honest, most of these reality shows purposely instruct their stars to add to the spice by interacting or contributing 'remarks' / 'looks' when things are getting dramatic - just to make it more exciting. Usually I notice it's the shark nearest to the action, and I remember a lot of times Mark has gone "Woahh bamm!!" etc lol. Just an observation :) it's all to make the show interesting haha
M. Harrison
M. Harrison - 8 years ago
You know quite well what comes first in the show, RATINGS. He is bringing on the entertainment you came for. It's not a Boardroom.
Cher Cher
Cher Cher - 8 years ago
its called shark tank for a reason duhh lol they all cam be mean on there just watch the show more lol
Rachel Smøth
Rachel Smøth - 8 years ago
calm down. He one of the most mature out of all of them.
xmisato - 8 years ago
It's TV entertainment, he's having fun. You act like because of Daymond they're gonna go outside and fight after. They were going at it regardless, Daymond's just having fun with it. Chill out.
MindTheJourney - 8 years ago
I think i can have an opinion without being on shark tank. It's not like movie reviewers can make movies, but they're free to judge them still. So how about YOU stfu
Kobe Jamez
Kobe Jamez - 8 years ago
its a show 2
zaczattack - 8 years ago
They sit there all day listening to pitches for hours on end, he can have a little fun with it. When I see you up there on Shark Tank then you can have an opinion how Damon conducts himself but until stfu because no one want to hear it.
nardinit - 8 years ago
he's the only one not getting so butthurt and just enjoying himself.
clubdrunkify - 8 years ago
I used to like Mark Cuban before I started watching Shark Tank. This is coming from a Mavs fan too.
Dardan M
Dardan M - 8 years ago
+Dardan M a good eye*
Dardan M
Dardan M - 8 years ago
Idk I like him more. He cuts through all the bullshit and has a good idea for what will make him money
The Stuport
The Stuport - 8 years ago
Lorenzo Wyche
Lorenzo Wyche - 8 years ago
Cuban is so out of touch. silicon valley is a "little part of the world"? silicon valley is propping up the economy. Apple Instagram Facebook etc etc etc.... Cuban is a dinosoar made his money 20 years ago with a worthless company
Alex K.
Alex K. - 8 years ago
That worthless company which Cuban actually founded and sold for $5.7b? Or that worthless basketball franchise that he bought for less than $300m that is now worth 4 times as much?
The Stuport
The Stuport - 8 years ago
Silicon Valley ought to be propping up it's own backyard like is indeed propping up the economy as you say.....When you get to be in Cuban's league then I suggest you might be able to call him out on his self admitted old school ways...until then ....well, you most likely know the ending.....
jakesnjake - 8 years ago
you're a massive cunt haha
Cameron Hawes
Cameron Hawes - 8 years ago
Fuck off Sacca. Cuban could buy that entire panel he's so rich, he's anybody on that shows first priority.
rabbeseking - 7 years ago
Cameron Hawes lets be honest, Branson is the biggest shark. Mark is certainly up there, but Branson is top dog if we're talking every shark.
Tod Tamayo
Tod Tamayo - 7 years ago
Cameron Hawes are you a moron? Chris has more money than Cuban, the only way Cuban can compete and buy out Chris he'll have to sell the Dallas Mavericks that's he's net worth look it up I can believe how ppl are terrible at googling stuff it's ridiculous no wonder 99.9 percent of humans are living pay check
aquamop15 - 7 years ago
So, yes, Mark Cuban being worth 3.4 Billion, could buy Chris Sacca(1.22 Billion), Kevin O'Leary(400 Million), Daymond John(300 Million), Robert Herjavec(200 Million), Barbara Corcoran(80 Million), Lori Greiner(50 Million) and still have 1.15 Billion leftover.
With that 1.15 Billion leftover, he could then buy Nick Woodman(990 Million) and still have 160 Million, which is more money than Barbara Corcoran and Lori Greiner have combined.
With that 160 Million leftover, he could buy Barbara Corcoran a second time and still have 80 Million, which is all that Barbara Corcoran has to begin with.
With that 80 Million leftover, he could buy Bethenny Frankel(25 Million) and still have 55 Million, which is 5 Million more than Lori Greiners Net Worth.
With that 55 Million leftover, he could buy Bethenny Frankel a second time and still have 30 Million, which is 5 Million more than the Net Worth of Bethenny Frankel. By the way, with Bethenny Frankel being on Season 9 of Shark Tank, she will break the record and go down in Shark Tank History as the POOREST SHARK TO EVER BE ON SHARK TANK!!!!!!!!
Mark Cuban could buy the main Sharks and then some a few times over and still not be the poorest Shark ever, that title will go to Bethenny Frankel.
So yes, Mark Cuban is a fucking badass.
aquamop15 - 7 years ago
For anyone that isn't fully aware of the Net Worth of every Shark and how they got there, here they all are, including every Guest Shark there ever was and every new Guest Shark that will be on the upcoming Season 9:

Richard Branson - 5.1 Billion
• Virgin Group Founder

Mark Cuban - 3.4 Billion
• Audionet/ Co-Founder (Sold to Yahoo for 5.7 Billion)
• Owner of Dallas Mavericks
• Co-owner of 2929 Entertainment
• Chairman of AXS TV

John Paul Dejoria - 3.2 Billion
• Paul Mitchell Co-Founder
• The Patrón Spirits Company Co-Founder

Chris Sacca - 1.22 Billion
• Lowercase Capital Founder/Proprietor
• Early Investor in Twitter, Uber, Instagram, Twilio, and Kickstarter

Steve Tisch - 1.2 Billion
• New York Giants Co-Owner/Chairman/Executive Vice-President
• Film/Television Producer

Sara Blakely - 1.18 Billion
• Spanx Founder
• Atlanta Hawks Co-Owner

Nick Woodman - 990 Million
• GoPro Founder/CEO

Mark Burnett - 450 Million (Shark Tank Creator)
• Television Executive Producer
• President of MGM Television and Digital Group

Kevin Harrington - 450 Million
• As Seen On TV Founder

Kevin O'Leary - 400 Million
• SoftKey Software Products Co-Founder (Sold to Mattel for 4.2 Billion)
• O'Leary Funds Inc./O'Leary Ventures/O'Leary Mortgages/O'Leary Books/O'Leary Fine Wines Co-Founder
• O'Shares Investments Chairman

Daymond John - 300 Million
• FUBU Founder/President/CEO

Alex Rodriguez - 300 Million

Robert Herjavec - 200 Million
• Herjavec Group Founder/CEO
• BRAK Systems Founder

Ashton Kutcher - 200 Million
• Actor
• Investor in Skype, Foursquare, Airbnb, Path,
• A-Grade Investments/Sound Ventures Co-Founder
• A Plus Co-Founder/Chairman

Jeff Foxworthy - 100 Million
• Comedian
• Actor
• Television Personality
• He is a member of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour, a comedy troupe which also comprises Larry the Cable Guy, Bill Engvall, and Ron White.

Barbara Corcoran - 80 Million
• The Corcoran Group Founder
• Barbara Corcoran Inc. Founder
• Barbara Corcoran Venture Partners Founder

Troy Carter - 60 Million
• Atom Factory Founder/CEO/Chairman
• Coalition Media Group Founder
• Manager of John Legend, Meghan Trainor, Miguel, Lindsey Stirling, Eve, Benny Cassette, Bonnie McKee

Lori Greiner - 50 Million
• "The Queen of QVC"
• For Your Ease Only, Inc. Founder/President

Bethenny Frankel - 25 Million
• Skinnygirl Founder/CEO

Rohan Oza - "I know business publications like to talk about net worth but I don't really like talking about it."
• CAVU Ventures Co-Founder/Partner
• Idea Merchants Capital Founder/CEO
• Early Partner in Vitamin Water (sold to The Coca-Cola Company for 4.2 Billion)
• Early Investor in Vita Coco, Pop Chips and Bai (sold to Dr. Pepper for 1.7 Billion)
• Helped marketing sales growth in The Coca-Cola Company for Sprite and Powerade
"The Hollywood Brandfather" - Makes Celebrity Endorsement Deals
MVPEzekiel - 7 years ago
Boogie Cousins chris is younger and can become as rich as Mark Cuban
Gabriel Sinkevicius
Gabriel Sinkevicius - 8 years ago
Cameron Hawes your mum
George M.
George M. - 8 years ago
+Thee Don Learn to form a sentence and punctuate properly before you call someone a "dumbfuck" dumb fuck.
George M.
George M. - 8 years ago
+Darth Vader I was wrong.
Thee Don
Thee Don - 8 years ago
George M. Dumbfuck go check your facts before you comment
The Batman
The Batman - 8 years ago
George M. Chris sacca is worth 1.2 billion Cuban is worth 3.4 billion
George M.
George M. - 8 years ago
Boogie Cousins You are a retard. hes not even worth more than Sacca let alone all the sharks.
George M.
George M. - 8 years ago
Cameron Hawes Chris Sacca is worth more you dumbass. Check forbes.
nybiggs - 8 years ago
Boogie Cousins untrue. Jean Paul Mitchell is worth almost as much as Cuban and has been on a guest shark.
nicolas tesla
nicolas tesla - 8 years ago
Cameron Hawes m
Kobe Jamez
Kobe Jamez - 8 years ago
+Sean Clifford if he sells his team hes worth 3 bill
Thirsty Boi
Thirsty Boi - 8 years ago
+Konrad Obidoski And that's why you're NOT an investor. Out of those 4 industries you listed, let's take a look at them shall we?

Uber-- just in the first quarter of this year, they've lost 1.2 billion dollars. They're projected to loss well over 100 million second quarter.

Twitter-- since 2006, it has not turned a profit and has actually accumulated a net loss of 2 billion dollars.

Kickstarter-- not failing but not turning an abundance of profit and not worth investing in with growing competition in the crowd funding sector.

Instagram -- Doing well now. But only after getting bought off by Facebook. Before that, they were running a 2.7 million dollar loss with only 5 million in the bank. Had they not been acquired, they'd be long dead by now.

Yeah... That's your genius billionaire, Chris Sacca.
ldc62 - 8 years ago
So what? Cuban isn't always right, however he was correct in this episode.
Sean Clifford
Sean Clifford - 8 years ago
+Konrad Obidoski lol u dumb
Sean Clifford
Sean Clifford - 8 years ago
+Kobe Jamez no he's worth 3 billion
Kobe Jamez
Kobe Jamez - 8 years ago
+Boogie Cousins​ if he sells his team, yes
Boogie Cousins
Boogie Cousins - 8 years ago
+Kobe Jamez Cuban is worth more than all the sharks combined who have ever been on the show including Sacca.
Konrad Obidoski
Konrad Obidoski - 8 years ago
And I would probably trust an investor who made the calls to invest in UBER, TWITTER, KICKSTARTER and INSTAGRAM.
No fucking wonder he's worth 1.2 billion at 41.
Kobe Jamez
Kobe Jamez - 8 years ago
chris sacca is a billionare 2...and money isnt the best thing for every business, like if you sold retail items mark wouldnt be a great fit
Ice Maker
Ice Maker - 8 years ago
Lol Daymond is too funny! The instigator! And yes, they should've brought Mr. Wonderful in on the deal..
Stufftough - 8 years ago
I don't want these sad dreams of never being able to afford my own house, every one of those Sharks has at least 2 houses..... :(
Damm Devin
Damm Devin - 8 years ago
great comment^... suck it up and start making better life choices
K Shif
K Shif - 8 years ago
Think different and be different. Making money isn't as complicated as you would think. Nothing against you I just hate when ppl use the woes me crap and the "look what they have". If you don't want to be in financial stress you don't have to be. Ppl don't get rich off of luck alone
Ryan - 8 years ago
EGarrett01 - 8 years ago
What made Mark Cuban so angry at 0:16? Was the "what do you think you need from the rest of the line" comment intended to mean that Cuban and everyone else were irrelevant and the Brightwheel guy had no reason to be requesting that they join in on the offer?
Kyle Jacobs
Kyle Jacobs - 8 years ago
The reason mark reacted is because Chris isn't even the most suited for this deal, let alone the only one suited for this deal, as mark and kevin later spoke to.
ChinoTheOG - 8 years ago
+EGarrett01 yes, that was what he was implying.
CFNA300 - 8 years ago
Little part of the world? Wow... Get a grip Mark. Three of the world's 10 most valuable companies have headquarters in Silicon Valley.
The Stuport
The Stuport - 8 years ago
+Str8Murder Str8 FACTS.....well done! Salute
Thirsty Boi
Thirsty Boi - 8 years ago
...Except Mark is absolutely right, at least as far as dealing with Chris. Chris brags about his investment in Uber. It's failing and generating a massive net loss. Brags about dealing in Twitter. It's been a total failure as a business since it went live and is generating a net loss. Kickstarter, a ho-hum investment that doesn't get much profit now with rising crowd-funding competition. Instagram was failing so badly since it went live that it was practically months away from going under until Facebook acquired it. These are Chris's investments. This is why he's a bad choice.
The Stuport
The Stuport - 8 years ago thinks CFNA300 isn't seeing the big picture.
TheDruxlol - 8 years ago
+CFNA300 not what he was referring too quite obviously.
Muneer abdul
Muneer abdul - 8 years ago
mark is a real billionaire, Chris sacca is a paper billionaire
Aditya Aswal
Aditya Aswal - 7 years ago
Muneer abdul and you are...
Fanblow - 7 years ago
He is not even a billionaire.
Matthew Vrdck
Matthew Vrdck - 7 years ago
dumb and stupid are the same thing you idiot
br714 ay
br714 ay - 8 years ago
Monik GG good luck with that
Hh Yhh
Hh Yhh - 8 years ago
Muneer abdul how?
Raphael - 8 years ago
Cuban is worth more then all of them combined it doesn't matter this show is fun for him
Chinie Chin Chen  陳小城
Chinie Chin Chen 陳小城 - 8 years ago
saccas wealth s tied up in companies with very high valuations
Happy Kid
Happy Kid - 8 years ago
+Muneer abdul You don't know jack shit. I never said one word against you or your point.
Monik GG
Monik GG - 8 years ago
The majority of your money should be in stocks. Only way to grow it.
Muneer abdul
Muneer abdul - 8 years ago
+Happy Kid it's complicated for some dumb stupid "kid" .
keep poking your mother butthole behenchod
SuperStarMcAwesome - 8 years ago
+Patrick Morrison yes, Imagine you own 10% of a company valued at 10 billion, then next week the company tanks is now valued at 1billion you just went from a billionaire to a hundred millionaire.
PJ Mo - 8 years ago
Are you saying most of his money is in stocks and not liquidated?
Michael Di Genova
Michael Di Genova - 8 years ago
who made the deal at the end
Michael Di Genova
Michael Di Genova - 8 years ago
Lol I guess not. Thanks man
Jordan Brady
Jordan Brady - 8 years ago
Mark Cuban and Chris Sacca and they didn't even consider Kevin lol
Alvaro Delgado
Alvaro Delgado - 8 years ago
Mark is usually quiet and might not say anything until the end. A calculated man does not speak without thinking. Chris is bugging out.
Danny Greene
Danny Greene - 7 years ago
His players hate him as well,he goes into the locker room and curses and yells out loud..he isnt no coach
AWESOME DUDE - 7 years ago
Alvaro Delgado chris is that kid.... Who got bullied by bullies... And now he tries to be badass... But he's a little Bitch he was
FootballGamesTV HD
FootballGamesTV HD - 7 years ago
Daymond is more calculated
sexy monkey
sexy monkey - 7 years ago
Alvaro Delgado a calculated man wtf is that you stupid
Paul Ruiz
Paul Ruiz - 8 years ago
Schmuck PENETRATION to the heart lol ..
Schmuck - 8 years ago
Good input, I'm sure those billionaires will take it to heart.
Raphael - 8 years ago
Alvaro Delgado literally bugging out lmao
Danny1 pa
Danny1 pa - 8 years ago
Alvaro Delgado True
martinezandy15 - 8 years ago
Exactly thank u!
trebledc - 8 years ago
chris sacca is dumping money on this start up tech trying to bubble it and gain some unrealised profit and if the time come cash out the shares. easy money but brilliant.
The Truth
The Truth - 8 years ago
Kevin O'leary exited at 4 billion even if u only owned 1.25% at the exit your gonna walk away with 50 million I think he chose the wrong partner as he went with chris sacca in the end.. its clear chris sacca enter companies that have no exit plan and continue to dump mass amount of money in to even be able to pull a profit out.. kevin o Leary was the best shark on this deal hands down if tech was patentable possibilities were endless
Chinie Chin Chen  陳小城
Chinie Chin Chen 陳小城 - 8 years ago
oleary got 15 mill from selling a company for 4 bill so he basically blew a giant bubble and sold it
Satish Vemuri
Satish Vemuri - 8 years ago
+nelson eyenike he is an idiot. Google about his deal with Mattel is known as the worst deal ever. He basically duped them.
nelson eyenike
nelson eyenike - 8 years ago
I disagree with you on that. He just a discipline financial investor as he say. He invest based on the number rather than the person personality.
Marten Dekker
Marten Dekker - 8 years ago
+Devin Ingram O'Leary is a crook. best not do dealnw kevin
The Truth
The Truth - 8 years ago
Yes I know... which in my comment above I stated was a stupid move.. o leary could of had a second company sell for 4billion+
nelson eyenike
nelson eyenike - 8 years ago
+Devin Ingram he made a deal with mark and chris
The Truth
The Truth - 8 years ago
I dont use uber, Twitter or instagram, while I admit to have signed up to twitter and thought about instagram its all trash.. Youtube is my social media and taxis take cash, WTF kind of buisness (uber) doesn't accept cash lmfao biggest joke since sliced bread lol ill slice it myself thanks
Facts no Hacks
Facts no Hacks - 8 years ago
You must be 70
The Truth
The Truth - 8 years ago
+timmylpz and yes I do make and slice my own bread im assuming you still pay the $2.99 for pre sliced
The Truth
The Truth - 8 years ago
Lol alot of hate here but I LUV itt.. keep it coming fellaz.. imma be famous
timmylpz - 8 years ago
You slice your own bread?lol
Empirical - 8 years ago
+Devin Ingram You're retarded. Everything you just talked about is your own personal, limited experience. Look at the macro, these are multi-billion dollar services. No one cares about you alone.
Srikanth Raju
Srikanth Raju - 8 years ago
Silicon Valley investing is insanely aggressive, those other guys cannot even comprehend it. Remember when CMB came on and they got laughed out of there? Looks like everyone's learnt their lesson.
TheAmericanRealist - 8 years ago
+Chris Wilson When you have a lot of money to throw around you can make risky decisions like that. You have to have money to make a lot of money for the most part.
Chris Wilson
Chris Wilson - 8 years ago
Lol Insanely aggressive? Insanely stupid maybe.....They invest on speculation and all their money is reliant on the tech company blowing up with insane appreciation. I'd invest in a 30 year utility company that pays good dividends then invest in a company that needs to blow up to make money.
Chidubem Ezinne
Chidubem Ezinne - 8 years ago
Thank The Lord The Sacca Is Coming On More!!!!
GunsAndClips - 7 years ago
Chidubem Ezinne You mean Uber? Uber, Instagram , Twitter and did I forget Uber...Uber
Pancake for breakfast
Pancake for breakfast - 8 years ago
some kind of vegetable?
Moises Quispe
Moises Quispe - 8 years ago
what is sacca
The Stuport
The Stuport - 8 years ago
Michael Miller
Michael Miller - 8 years ago
Chris is more entertaining than robert even though I love robert
GunsAndClips - 7 years ago
Michael Miller Constantly talking about Uber is entertaining?
Ben Beacham
Ben Beacham - 8 years ago
+Michael Miller I agree! It's nice to have another billionaire in the tank.
Folarin - 8 years ago
What fight?
Jared Leon
Jared Leon - 8 years ago
you're either that dumb or as mark said "are you that clueless?"
PJ Mo - 8 years ago
Sacca loves stirring the pot. You can see it in his little smirk haha
The Stuport
The Stuport - 8 years ago
he's probably burned quite a few bridges in his career....not to say other's haven't either....he just seems to go out of his way to annoy and in the end i think that's his enjoyment, more so than the deal itself!
Abdigani Aden
Abdigani Aden - 8 years ago
Lmao, love Daymond.
But Chris is condescending and is really clueless.
Christofer Sensei
Christofer Sensei - 8 years ago
Mark rarely invests on tv & the fact Barbra was gonna invest in "FashionTap" which is a fake Pintrest basically....
Mike P
Mike P - 8 years ago
+Brandon Jackson Mark invests all the time and he has enough money to blow through that pretty much everytime another shark is hard balling a person for more equity, Mark comes in at the last minute saying he'll do it for 5% less or whatever the person is trying to get them to come down to. He's made ALOT of deals.
Anjrue Sellers
Anjrue Sellers - 8 years ago
Lmao Mr. Wonderful got played so hard.
The Truth
The Truth - 8 years ago
+Anjrue Sellers go start at why Mark Cuban Is Rich on youtube.. and tell me it wouldn't be nothing but good having this guy and his team backing you.. chris sacca is a joke, he mentioned three companies that havent made a nickel off of me..
Top Life
Top Life - 8 years ago
+Anjrue Sellers Seriously? Are you really that clueless?

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