Cookiecutter Shark

One of world's weirdest shark species. Learn facts about the cookie cutter shark that bites whales, deep sea fish, and even submarines. Did you know that there is a shark that is also classified as a parasite. Parasites by rule hurt their prey but don’t kill them. The only parasite in the shark family. They average 20 inches long, about the length of the average ferret and are one of the smallest sharks in the world, the smallest being the dwarf lantern shark of Colombia and Venezuela. The cookie cutter shark used to be called the cigar shark and it’s pretty easy to see why. So where did the name cookie cutter shark come from? First a little about its lifestyle and it will all become clear. They live in the deep warm coastal waters, near islands, around the equator. I don’t mean kind of deep. These guys spend their days at depths equal to that of the Titanic Wreck. At night they come to the surface to feed, , and they have one of the best evolutionary fish lures in the world. Like many deep sea creatures they are bioluminescent. Their bellies are covered by photophores which emit a greenish glow that looks like a smaller fish to anything below it. Their bioluminescence is so strong that they’ll continue to glow up to 3 hours after they die. As for the hunt their technique is to wait for something to try and eat them from below, or just pass by, then they whip around and form a tight suction with their mouth on the attacker. Then they turn in a circle and carve out a chunk of the animal and swallow it before letting go. The result is an almost perfectly round crater looking hole resembling one made by a cookie cutter, hence the name change from cigar shark. They aren’t choosy about their victims either. They attack seals, whales, dolphins, large fish, mega mouth sharks, and even nuclear submarines. There have been a few recorded cases of cookie cutter sharks taking a bite out of the rubber sonar domes of passing submarines. Sometimes inflicting enough damage to cause an oil leak and send them back to port. But don’t worry there have been very few recorded attacks on humans, since they only come up from the depths at night and they’re so small they’re not deadly. They’re parasites remember. Let's Connect -- -- -- --

Cookiecutter Shark sentiment_very_dissatisfied 90

Shark videos 10 years ago 437,440 views

One of world's weirdest shark species. Learn facts about the cookie cutter shark that bites whales, deep sea fish, and even submarines. Did you know that there is a shark that is also classified as a parasite. Parasites by rule hurt their prey but don’t kill them. The only parasite in the shark family. They average 20 inches long, about the length of the average ferret and are one of the smallest sharks in the world, the smallest being the dwarf lantern shark of Colombia and Venezuela. The cookie cutter shark used to be called the cigar shark and it’s pretty easy to see why. So where did the name cookie cutter shark come from? First a little about its lifestyle and it will all become clear. They live in the deep warm coastal waters, near islands, around the equator. I don’t mean kind of deep. These guys spend their days at depths equal to that of the Titanic Wreck. At night they come to the surface to feed, , and they have one of the best evolutionary fish lures in the world. Like many deep sea creatures they are bioluminescent. Their bellies are covered by photophores which emit a greenish glow that looks like a smaller fish to anything below it. Their bioluminescence is so strong that they’ll continue to glow up to 3 hours after they die. As for the hunt their technique is to wait for something to try and eat them from below, or just pass by, then they whip around and form a tight suction with their mouth on the attacker. Then they turn in a circle and carve out a chunk of the animal and swallow it before letting go. The result is an almost perfectly round crater looking hole resembling one made by a cookie cutter, hence the name change from cigar shark. They aren’t choosy about their victims either. They attack seals, whales, dolphins, large fish, mega mouth sharks, and even nuclear submarines. There have been a few recorded cases of cookie cutter sharks taking a bite out of the rubber sonar domes of passing submarines. Sometimes inflicting enough damage to cause an oil leak and send them back to port. But don’t worry there have been very few recorded attacks on humans, since they only come up from the depths at night and they’re so small they’re not deadly. They’re parasites remember. Let's Connect -- -- -- --

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Most popular comments
for Cookiecutter Shark

GP Me - 7 years ago
To save a long drawn out comment lemme just say this.... This guys an idiot
DoHickey - 7 years ago
nukiller submarines?
Sheep Dog
Sheep Dog - 7 years ago
I saw the Cookiecutter Shark in the movie "Shark Night".
GoodFebruarian - 7 years ago
I eat submarine for breakfast
Archimedes Bird
Archimedes Bird - 7 years ago
cookie cutter porno addicted sharks, come to delray beach, 330 with veins popping out
Luis Flores
Luis Flores - 7 years ago
One has finally taken a bite out of a kid in Australia and according to the article its the second one in hostory.
omkr 01
omkr 01 - 7 years ago
I wonder if the navy has weaponized these sharks...
egguin - 7 years ago
I thought these guys would design my cookies for me....
Spinz - 7 years ago
I watched this at school

10. comment for Cookiecutter Shark

Nani B
Nani B - 7 years ago
I'm sitting here watching shocking sharks on national geogrphic wild on tv. They showed that the cookie cutter shark did actually bite the leg of a person in hawaii swimming at night.
Eric Miller
Eric Miller - 7 years ago
lets make a fairy type pokemon outta this :3
Spinz - 7 years ago
Eric Miller fairy/water
Hefipale Burp
Hefipale Burp - 7 years ago
And some say it's not dangerous. Sure, until they plug them out a new perfect circular a-hole.
John Kant
John Kant - 7 years ago
Just another cookie-cutter porn-addict.
Justin justintheman
Justin justintheman - 7 years ago
is it true this shark has never been caught alive
ام ناصر
ام ناصر - 7 years ago
cookie cutter??!?!
na a aaa not getting a cookie that is my cookie! sea you later shark!
Andrew Dugas
Andrew Dugas - 8 years ago
this helped ALOT with school
The narwhal Squad
The narwhal Squad - 8 years ago
You know a cookie cutter shark coursed a sumberine to sink
lee wightman
lee wightman - 8 years ago
The parisitic shark ......I new that ...that can bite through submarines and shit
Overlord Vegeta
Overlord Vegeta - 8 years ago
Yeah because I know what depth the Titanic rests at you fuck.
BD Bd - 7 years ago
The Internet at your fingertips and you can't look up what depth it is.
vector6977 - 8 years ago
12,000 feet

20. comment for Cookiecutter Shark

HarlockGaming - 8 years ago
I'm sorry but one big mess up here is you said they stay as deep as the wrecked titanic, and i don't think most people know how deep that actually is...but still awesome video
sentino68 - 8 years ago
Did he say new-cular?? LOL!!
高橋優 - 8 years ago
Scorpio_ Slash
Scorpio_ Slash - 8 years ago
If I Had A Giant Cookie Can The Cookie Cutter Shark Be Useful

I'm Watching In 2016 Btw
Amelia Brewer
Amelia Brewer - 8 years ago
nope dont get it
Scorpio_ Slash
Scorpio_ Slash - 8 years ago
I KNOW TIME IS SO FAST!!hehe fast..hehehe find the reference
Kilo Johnson
Kilo Johnson - 9 years ago
Kilo Johnson
Kilo Johnson - 9 years ago
Send it to me
Justus Smith
Justus Smith - 9 years ago
Adam, I love your channel! Thanks for helping me learn all this cool stuff.
true gamer
true gamer - 9 years ago
me too
Chocolate SPIDER
Chocolate SPIDER - 9 years ago
WOW! I never new they attacked other sharks ,seals and wales but mostly nuclear submarine's and even normal submarines! WOW! This show is awesome where do you gather all this information.  can't wait to see more!
eggrollsoup - 9 years ago
+Glenda Oseguera lol you stupid ignorant idiot LOL
true gamer
true gamer - 9 years ago
me too so thinked the ate pepole
Jace Ryan
Jace Ryan - 9 years ago
these sharks just take a hunk of meat out a different shark and run away. it's like punching mike Tyson in the face and running like hell
UnstoppableXach - 7 years ago
Well to be fair thats like a rat biting off my finger or something. Its not like its gonna hinder me in any kind of way, its just that i would prefer it to fucking not. The only difference is we would kill the damn rat before they do that but most aquatic animals aren't that smart.
gendo1 - 9 years ago
Good video

30. comment for Cookiecutter Shark

tactac - 9 years ago
I learned about these when I was 3. I am 15.
John Hernandez
John Hernandez - 9 years ago
Ana  Pelayo
Ana Pelayo - 9 years ago
Cockie cutter epicwildlife
rolling tortilla 2.0
rolling tortilla 2.0 - 9 years ago
There is one attack but I'm not sure if it was fatal
Obie Oguejiofor
Obie Oguejiofor - 9 years ago
Damn look at those teeth sharp as Hell
Acid Killer
Acid Killer - 9 years ago
Cookie cuter lol
Aldona-Janina Petrauskiene
Aldona-Janina Petrauskiene - 9 years ago
Learn the facts about a shark!
Makhia Bush
Makhia Bush - 9 years ago
thats not true cookie cutter sharks
eat whale fat and they dont hunt
at night they hunt at day .how they
hunt is like this they go up to
the surface and there body
looks like little fishes swimming
and they get mixed up with rubber
and fat 100 percent true i know
Kobi Butlin
Kobi Butlin - 9 years ago
Sounds yummy cookies mmm
Teyasleep - 9 years ago
Dank Boii
Dank Boii - 9 years ago
Defenetly the sea lamprey
the shark cuts you, but the sea lamprey just suks there blood
and can be removed before it dose that
David Sanchez
David Sanchez - 10 years ago
Actually, a swimmer was attacked by a cookiecutter shark off the coast of Hawaii in 2009.
Lint - 9 years ago
+David Sanchez it's at the bottom of the link page
edit- that is talking about a different incident though, not the cookiecutter one in 2009
David Sanchez
David Sanchez - 9 years ago
psicofukapus - 9 years ago
Sorry, but it wasn't a cookiecutter, it was something else.

 ""An incident at Haena, Kauai, on November 25, 1995 was misdiagnosed as a shark bite. The wound was initially attributed to a cookiecutter shark, but a tooth fragment recovered from the victim was determined not to have come from a shark, based on information from the International Shark Attack File.""
FeyonaT - 10 years ago
Yeah, I remembered about this case too when I heard that there were no cases of biting a human by this shark.
creepyKID 0718
creepyKID 0718 - 10 years ago
Yah so cute # sarcastic
Robin Priebe
Robin Priebe - 10 years ago
Those teeth scare me
alphabeticalor - 10 years ago
cookie cutters don't make perfectly round craters. they make perfectly vertical slices through thin, flat materials. this should be called the melon-baller shark. which only pathetic until you realize you don't have "baller" in your name.
Miss Amanda's world
Miss Amanda's world - 9 years ago
It just means around hile like old fashion cookie cutters. It remeinds me more of miter saw hole but cookie cutter shark sounds better for a small shark.
Garrett Hampton
Garrett Hampton - 10 years ago
Cookie cutter
life of black tigers
life of black tigers - 10 years ago
ugeine Clark brought me here
psicofukapus - 10 years ago
If the cookie cutter will attack anything, then there must have been attacks on human, albeit unrecorded.
Miss Amanda's world
Miss Amanda's world - 9 years ago
Nkt a pet animal but I understand.
psicofukapus - 9 years ago
+Miss Amanda's world Anyway, the cookie cutter shark is soooo cute!  I want one as a pet.
Miss Amanda's world
Miss Amanda's world - 9 years ago
Their have been few minor attacks on human reported but tjey weren't fatal. Painful probably fatal no mostly because we are gaints compared to the cookie cutter shark. Also gaunts to dwarf latern shark but we are dwarfs compared to say the harmless whale shark.
Cheyenne M.
Cheyenne M. - 10 years ago
that dwarf lantern shark is so cute
Amanda Kitten
Amanda Kitten - 10 years ago
In the horror movie "Shark Night" one of the girls are killed by being eaten alive by Cookie Cutter Sharks.

50. comment for Cookiecutter Shark

lololol - 10 years ago
He is so cute.
Jeson Cario
Jeson Cario - 10 years ago
around 0100 hours cookie cutter shark attack filipino fisherman
Jeson Cario
Jeson Cario - 10 years ago
here in philippines this shark bites fisherman
Lauren Schechter
Lauren Schechter - 10 years ago
cookie cutter sharks actually will never travel in schools or packs. they are known to be cannibals when approached by other cookie cutters. they will eat each other, so they never travel together.
Aubrey Moser
Aubrey Moser - 7 years ago
Lauren Schechter you want to go to the store
Heliogenesis - 7 years ago
ThunderPlunder101 Some female fish drop their eggs at one random place, same with males but with sperms
ThunderPlunder101 - 7 years ago
How do they reproduce lol
???Mystery Wolf???
???Mystery Wolf??? - 9 years ago
Joey Robertson
Joey Robertson - 10 years ago
good fact
babygyrl2891 - 10 years ago
He said nucular.... fail
Laura Martinez
Laura Martinez - 10 years ago
Cookie cutter shark attack peaple sometime
Shiberu the 80's doggo
Shiberu the 80's doggo - 10 years ago
My new favorite shark <3
Im Johny John
Im Johny John - 10 years ago
i live in cypruse its on the ekwayter (wrong spelling) and i didnt sea iven one
Menzy - 10 years ago
You're videos remind me of my childhood with Alligator Hunter, idk why. Love your videos though!
charizard boss617
charizard boss617 - 8 years ago
JugglingJonas I believe you☺ cus I saw the pic
Miss Amanda's world
Miss Amanda's world - 9 years ago
He said no fatal attacks not no attacks period.
Epic Wildlife
Epic Wildlife - 10 years ago
+Jonas Storhaug Røed sure, can you post it on my FB or here
Ignacio Martinez
Ignacio Martinez - 10 years ago
I think sea lamprey
Dbabcock9 - 10 years ago
I fail to see where the mega mouth shark was bitten by a cookie cutter shark.
「OTGT」 - 10 years ago
+Redman10 Lul that's punny
list25 - 10 years ago
This little guy is scary looking!
Mystery videos HD
Mystery videos HD - 10 years ago
My friend died today by a shark great white in Australia
psicofukapus - 9 years ago
Sorry to hear that.
Tony Nguyen
Tony Nguyen - 10 years ago
PoiisonousTea - 10 years ago
The title made me hungry...
Bad Neko
Bad Neko - 10 years ago
Cookie cutters are they endangered
TasTygerGal - 10 years ago
Me no like the cookie cutter no more :(
Giovanna Meza
Giovanna Meza - 10 years ago
Watch Shark Night and you'll see why they're called cookie cutter sharks. 
Slavic Pepe
Slavic Pepe - 10 years ago
I now what it is I had speech on school over sharks. 
Mr_Glibb - 10 years ago
Oh my god, that mini lanturn shark is adorable!
Bedlington Terrier
Bedlington Terrier - 7 years ago
+Epic Wildlife What's with you and domesticating wild animals
hmm - 9 years ago
+Epic Wildlife well, they eat almost everything XD
Bad Neko
Bad Neko - 10 years ago
Ikr it looks a bit derby to me for some reason it's so cute I want one
Epic Wildlife
Epic Wildlife - 10 years ago
I know right? I'd love to have those in my aquarium!
Alexander Torres
Alexander Torres - 10 years ago
Hey Adam search up about the shark known as SUBMARINE
CGDylan - 10 years ago
Nice video! :)
drepop803 - 10 years ago
wow those are some big chunks. it can be fatal to smaller animals. maybe even medium sized. 
Makeshift Summer
Makeshift Summer - 10 years ago
Adam, you should do an episode on a bopit worm or a lamprey.
AE_Ali - 10 years ago
This shark is interesting I like it.
Eye of Horus
Eye of Horus - 10 years ago
Dat thumbnail tho...
Leila Smith
Leila Smith - 10 years ago
Don't parasites have to spend their lives living on or in their host?
Bad Neko
Bad Neko - 10 years ago
Most I think most
Hezechiah Jones
Hezechiah Jones - 10 years ago
parasite |ˈparəsʌɪt| noun
an organism which lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense.
Azikhu - 10 years ago
They don't spend their lives, but they use the host for their own survival (shelter/food etc). I don't think his definition is right.
LINKTheReaper - 10 years ago
i need more of this channel!!!
tmacc - 10 years ago
Redman10 - 10 years ago
Imagine going swimming and somehow your swim suit gets pulled off by the tide or something and one of these cookie cutters come and just get right on your dick. That would suck!
Paul West
Paul West - 7 years ago
Redman10 it wouldnt bites!!
ImpactoDelSur Enterprise
ImpactoDelSur Enterprise - 7 years ago
Or tear your pussy wide open
Miss Amanda's world
Miss Amanda's world - 9 years ago
+eggrollsoupnova2000 GGOod luck with that I have an a cup and barely bcup
eggrollsoup - 9 years ago
+Miss Amanda's world I'll take a chunk of your boobs
psicofukapus - 9 years ago
+Miss Amanda's world Ya, but what if cookie cutter enters your vagina and starts chompin.
Miss Amanda's world
Miss Amanda's world - 9 years ago
This makes me glad I am a female.
Someone Is Here
Someone Is Here - 10 years ago
He would be sucking alright.
Azikhu - 10 years ago
Wild imagination
Carlos Morillo
Carlos Morillo - 10 years ago
Aww man lol that would suck
raptors13jays - 10 years ago
Very cool!!!
Steven Escalante
Steven Escalante - 10 years ago
Idk XD
Super Septonic
Super Septonic - 10 years ago
Second to rule youtube
Yes Im Going To Be That Guy
Yes Im Going To Be That Guy - 10 years ago
I thought you did a video about these guys yesterday, but then i remembered that was Discovery
Gay Shrek
Gay Shrek - 10 years ago
Cookie clicker shark o wait alright this shark is too creepy for that
Half Fast
Half Fast - 10 years ago

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The "Cookiecutter Shark" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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