Crocodile and Sharks Eat a Whale in First-Ever Video | Nat Geo Wild

A drone filmed two 10-foot tiger sharks and a 13-foot saltwater crocodile scavenging a dead whale. ➡ Subscribe: About Nat Geo Wild: Welcome to a place so wild, anything can happen. Nat Geo Wild is the network all about animals from National Geographic, where every story is an adventure and your imagination is allowed to run wild. Get More Nat Geo Wild: Official Site: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: It's also the first known record of a saltwater crocodile feasting on a whale. Diverse species will be drawn by a dead whale to scavenge. Observing the scavenging behaviors has scientific value, like watching two apex predators eat side-by-side. The video shows that these species can scavenge on the same food source at the same time without any or much fighting. As they say, sharing is caring – though these two are just following instinct. Read more: Crocodile and Sharks Eat a Whale in First-Ever Video | Nat Geo Wild Nat Geo Wild

Crocodile and Sharks Eat a Whale in First-Ever Video | Nat Geo Wild sentiment_very_dissatisfied 885

Shark videos 6 years ago 1,239,782 views

A drone filmed two 10-foot tiger sharks and a 13-foot saltwater crocodile scavenging a dead whale. ➡ Subscribe: About Nat Geo Wild: Welcome to a place so wild, anything can happen. Nat Geo Wild is the network all about animals from National Geographic, where every story is an adventure and your imagination is allowed to run wild. Get More Nat Geo Wild: Official Site: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: It's also the first known record of a saltwater crocodile feasting on a whale. Diverse species will be drawn by a dead whale to scavenge. Observing the scavenging behaviors has scientific value, like watching two apex predators eat side-by-side. The video shows that these species can scavenge on the same food source at the same time without any or much fighting. As they say, sharing is caring – though these two are just following instinct. Read more: Crocodile and Sharks Eat a Whale in First-Ever Video | Nat Geo Wild Nat Geo Wild

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Most popular comments
for Crocodile and Sharks Eat a Whale in First-Ever Video | Nat Geo Wild

AmritPal Singh
AmritPal Singh - 6 years ago
Gooper Loper
Gooper Loper - 6 years ago
THey should marry?
Jack Porkins
Jack Porkins - 6 years ago
Pretty cool. Not as much as the Dolphin pod, and, Shark frenzy that teamed up to take out an entire school of Tuna though.
bakugo - 6 years ago
Seen it.b4
jagadeesh Rogers
jagadeesh Rogers - 6 years ago
There's literally a mile long distance between a Croc & the shark.
Max Rod
Max Rod - 6 years ago
It's going to take a whale to finish that....
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 6 years ago
That’s not true I shot film years ago of this happening.
Chris Williams
Chris Williams - 6 years ago
Mark Mackenzie
Yes indeed it’s a poor video.. I wouldn’t have known they were decent size crocs. I thought I was looking at a baby croc & baby shark feed on that whale
PLATOON72 - 6 years ago
Nat Geo WILD "instinct" is an obsolete word, you may want to update it with "intelligence".

10. comment for Crocodile and Sharks Eat a Whale in First-Ever Video | Nat Geo Wild

Rkees5 - 6 years ago
Crazy i no crocs prey on bull sharks in certsin places but i generally thought crocs avoided the bigger sharks,this is very interesting
Mark Mackenzie
Mark Mackenzie - 6 years ago
Nat Geo WILD what a poor more for god's sake
Im Laughinq
Im Laughinq - 6 years ago
No Face no.
Josh-themighty - 6 years ago
Is it potentially possible other apex predators might under the circumstances share from the same food source? Since I am more interested by prehistoric life I wonder if say two unrelated large carnivorous dinosaurs would eat from the same food source together like a sauropod without fighting?
Chris Williams
Chris Williams - 6 years ago
No Face
You must have a low iq to think that... crocs have been around for ages.
When Dinosaurs rules the planet there were giant sharks in the ocean & giant crocodiles living in swamps, rivers etc.

Seriously a croc turning into a fish.. yeah right
Chris Williams
Chris Williams - 6 years ago
Nat Geo WILD
I wanna see them fight. Get footage of that
caveman Versace
caveman Versace - 6 years ago
You guys need to speak to locals of northern Queensland. Great whites and salties go at it all the time. This actually isn't new in Australia.
Tha_Monsta88 - 6 years ago
Nat Geo WILD paid actors
Marco Romano
Marco Romano - 6 years ago
Amazing! That is a very lucky and big meal for both sharks and crocs!
Delta Wick
Delta Wick - 6 years ago
Nat Geo WILD bunch of skeeters if I ever seen any

20. comment for Crocodile and Sharks Eat a Whale in First-Ever Video | Nat Geo Wild

mobile gaming
mobile gaming - 6 years ago
Raging Seize old age ever thought of that
Raging Seize
Raging Seize - 6 years ago
Any idea how the whale died?
bay hoh
bay hoh - 6 years ago
Surabaya vibe!
idushy - 6 years ago
Nat Geo WILD The drone operator could have gotten some great steady shots instead of constantly wobbling. What a missed opportunity
No Face
No Face - 6 years ago
I believe salt water crocs will evolve into a fish like reptiles just like those extinct marine dinousars!
Alexis Marie
Alexis Marie - 6 years ago
I know this wouldn't answer your question but.....this is my opinion.

It's our fault that every animals are having less food. It's even our fault that some turtles MAY die. And, most people doesn't have heart and they just throw away garbage and oil at the sea.

What I think about the two sharks and crocodile eating the whale is, that's the way nature is. Not everything lasts forever. Except for Jesus and God....
Alex - 6 years ago
Nat Geo WILD not too surprised! They aren’t feeding too close to each other either..
Isaiah Naegi
Isaiah Naegi - 6 years ago
It's a whale. Of course they're gonna share it. They're all in the same boat
Pynkhraw Marwein
Pynkhraw Marwein - 6 years ago
Nat Geo WILD animals as well as reptiles are running out of food due to the mess we've cause that's why we'll be seeing a lot of altercation in the ecosystem...we need to do more than just to wake up
Primal Rage
Primal Rage - 6 years ago
Nat Geo WILD this will feed them for a while

30. comment for Crocodile and Sharks Eat a Whale in First-Ever Video | Nat Geo Wild

t t
t t - 6 years ago
Garbage of a video! For all i know that crocodile is dead to or fake, since the video doesnt even show feeding....
Samir Ali
Samir Ali - 6 years ago
But who would win?
karim Mohamed
karim Mohamed - 6 years ago
But how?
Karxing Wong
Karxing Wong - 6 years ago
Shark and crocodile share a dead whale body to eat and not fight each other?!impossible !
Drey W
Drey W - 6 years ago
Even they can see that muhfucka big enough to go around. N around
Garo - 6 years ago
Pinchi caldo de ballena
Santos M
Santos M - 6 years ago
Two apex predator’s will not fight if the lot is big enough. had it been a smaller marine mammal, the shark would’ve torn the croc to shreds.
Congo Bee
Congo Bee - 6 years ago
Is that whale burnt or it's glazed?
In Da Cut
In Da Cut - 6 years ago
Pass the salt shark
Heinry J
Heinry J - 6 years ago
Nice to see Sura and Baya sharing food for each other ;D
hasan wirasno
hasan wirasno - 6 years ago
muhd abi
muhd abi - 6 years ago
Same situation at crab island, two species have party together.
Mie Ayam
Mie Ayam - 6 years ago
Inilah yg dinamakan Sura (hiu) dan Baya (buaya)
909 _ tonez
909 _ tonez - 6 years ago
Where was this?
Sorzin - 6 years ago
That 13 foot croc looks like a gecko compared to that whale
anoni miss
anoni miss - 6 years ago
Its so sad to see a majestic creature like a whale die like that
-SKY- of Wonderland
-SKY- of Wonderland - 6 years ago
That's going to be a lot of leftovers after they have their fill
Rox - 6 years ago
What is that stupid crocodile doing eating slated meat? Lol
Nicole Kwan
Nicole Kwan - 6 years ago
Wow how cruel.. filming dead animals really.. ZERO HUMANITY
Comicbookstoreguy177 - 6 years ago
I can only imagine the smell

50. comment for Crocodile and Sharks Eat a Whale in First-Ever Video | Nat Geo Wild

Gokul P
Gokul P - 6 years ago
How crocodiles can leave in salt water
PJ Rivera
PJ Rivera - 6 years ago
Gokul P uhhhh there is such a thing as a saltwater crocodile.....
Alex McCoy
Alex McCoy - 6 years ago
they aint vegan for sure
LOHX Jeff - 6 years ago
Wait croc can be in saltwater?
mix video
mix video - 6 years ago
Is this a trailer or what ?
addie sam
addie sam - 6 years ago
Wtf tht croc doing in open sea?? I though they prefer to live in swamp more then open water.
Sempre SLB
Sempre SLB - 6 years ago
Where was that recorded ?
Aliyah Brown
Aliyah Brown - 6 years ago
That water tho...
Joemar Cruz
Joemar Cruz - 6 years ago
Planted croc
Skysthelimit212 - 6 years ago
Where was this? Australia?
areeb1296 - 6 years ago
How big is that whale?? Is it a humpback whale? Hard to tell.
The croc and shark look so tiny.
Luckytubes - 6 years ago
Truth singh Finder
Truth singh Finder - 6 years ago
eat up guys not a part of this big whale should be wasted
Abdulrahman Naji
Abdulrahman Naji - 6 years ago
It's because they have more than enough to eat
ya Boy Jonez
ya Boy Jonez - 6 years ago
A good meal can bring anyone together.
ya Boy Jonez
ya Boy Jonez - 6 years ago
Crunchy Creeper 52 Why?
Crunchy Creeper 52
Crunchy Creeper 52 - 6 years ago
Be quiet
Noelle Francisco
Noelle Francisco - 6 years ago
They were on a date, sharing a meal. No biggie
The Skyrim Assasin
The Skyrim Assasin - 6 years ago
Love to see a fight between a massive mile crocodile and a great wife because even though crocs are smaller they have the most powerful bite strength in the world
Zebulun Mooralie
Zebulun Mooralie - 6 years ago
c6786 - 6 years ago
Two different animals feeding side by side without much fighting. Well, greed only exists in humans.
Nannoc Nannoc
Nannoc Nannoc - 6 years ago
727 people hate nature and need to die
twas brillig
twas brillig - 6 years ago
imagine the stench
matt forte
matt forte - 6 years ago
Mmm delicious
Raptor Cawk
Raptor Cawk - 6 years ago
Crocodiles and whales, those two don’t usually go together.
Testos Tyrone
Testos Tyrone - 6 years ago
More footage would have been nice.
Raisya Khansa
Raisya Khansa - 6 years ago
Sharing is caring, agree with that!!
Ashaun Walwyn
Ashaun Walwyn - 6 years ago
That whale looks like it's rotten
Emil Wharton
Emil Wharton - 6 years ago
What a lame video. From that far away shot? This video is totally nonsense.
Heavencloud19 - 6 years ago
Where does this happend?
Blade Max
Blade Max - 6 years ago
This just destroyed racism
suck mike hawk
suck mike hawk - 6 years ago
That shark must really like whale wings
animegod of greatness
animegod of greatness - 6 years ago
wow I have never heard of saltwater crocodile scavenging a death whale.
Eye See You
Eye See You - 6 years ago
Imagine the smell of this whale
Aldino Indra
Aldino Indra - 6 years ago
they both only the size of his d!ck lol
KSHITIJ KULKARNI - 6 years ago
Which species of whale is it?
UndeadSlayer5 - 6 years ago
What thats it?
Ekau DIAZ - 6 years ago
Lunch buddies
Mike Robinson
Mike Robinson - 6 years ago
Did they pay for the buffet?
Mthuthuzeli Mangxaba
Mthuthuzeli Mangxaba - 6 years ago
Christmas comes once a year, it's when the boss reported off sick @ we dance and wish him take da whole week even 2 ❤from South Africa
THESWAGKAT - 6 years ago
тнє ρσσя ωнαℓє ∂ιє∂ ωιтн α нαя∂ σи! ѕмн
Bloodhound - 6 years ago
Sven Servette
Sven Servette - 6 years ago
Gerbert Torres
Gerbert Torres - 6 years ago
Simply amazing!!!!! Nature!!!
mine mine
mine mine - 6 years ago
Foodies came all the way for whale
Ixabi97 - 6 years ago
Where took this place?
Ziad Khaled
Ziad Khaled - 6 years ago
You will explain the video but you won't show the video itself what a shame
Irsyad711 - 6 years ago
Sura dan baya akur yaa
Pralay Aryan
Pralay Aryan - 6 years ago
i dint know crocodiles can live in salt water
kevin sanada
kevin sanada - 6 years ago
suro and boyo
david coyne
david coyne - 6 years ago
Good dork shot!
Maya Thompson
Maya Thompson - 6 years ago
If it’s food, it’s food
Da Goddess
Da Goddess - 6 years ago
Dead whale

100. comment for Crocodile and Sharks Eat a Whale in First-Ever Video | Nat Geo Wild

michelle dailing
michelle dailing - 6 years ago
Who else noticed the clean bite marks on the whales fin
KICK DAT KIRBY TO DA KIRB! - 6 years ago
I never knew crocodiles can swim in the ocean.
Меня уже никто не остановит Estonia Florida
Меня уже никто не остановит Estonia Florida - 6 years ago
KICK DAT KIRBY TO DA KIRB! That's why its called a saltwater crocodile..
WOLFGUY 711 xx2
WOLFGUY 711 xx2 - 6 years ago
If a tiger shark and a salt water crocodile would fight the shark would lose
RedVolver BR
RedVolver BR - 6 years ago
fake, don't exist crocodiles in sea
TheDark Knight
TheDark Knight - 6 years ago
dazhibernian - 6 years ago
It's a trap, the orcas have poisoned the whale.
Gowtham Vk
Gowtham Vk - 6 years ago
where shark
Partha Mallick
Partha Mallick - 6 years ago
they can probably live without a fight for over a year now
mojojojo911 - 6 years ago
kind of a waste of a video.
Eibborify - 6 years ago
That croc won't have to eat for a million years!!!
Mr.PBBaconL YT
Mr.PBBaconL YT - 6 years ago
HEY, something two very different species can learn from each other while one very similar species barely can...I’m not saying who but cough humans cough you can get an idea...
Wolfie Doggie
Wolfie Doggie - 6 years ago
Sharing is caring

But I don’t care
Marcus Wolve
Marcus Wolve - 6 years ago
Idiots be like “omg why didnt you guys help the whale instead of filming? You just let him die and get eaten.” :(
Яobot - 6 years ago
I can only imagine how bad that thing smells
Deno Valenti
Deno Valenti - 6 years ago
Now that's cool =D
Akshat - 6 years ago
Look at that clean water.
Doncroft1 - 6 years ago
fire wolf19
fire wolf19 - 6 years ago
the rare whale feast is a time of joy and peach for the crocodiles and sharks, who will feed on the mighty beast for weeks, once the whale is gone the 2 different predators will leave bellies full, only to meet again as enemies in the ocean once again, till the next whale feast
TheReviewSpace - 6 years ago
Whales are basically the fattest animals on earth.
G0diear 16
G0diear 16 - 6 years ago
That whale can go "KABOOM" in moment
A Deeper Look
A Deeper Look - 6 years ago
Game theory bro
STIeveBow The Mighty Ranger
STIeveBow The Mighty Ranger - 6 years ago
I cant see anything...
Untung Cipto sejati
Untung Cipto sejati - 6 years ago
Suro? Boyo? is that you?
premierfong - 6 years ago
That is sooooo rare.
Gryphon Word
Gryphon Word - 6 years ago
I wonder what whale meat tastes like
David Bouffard
David Bouffard - 6 years ago
Nobody gonna mention the elephant in the room that is that whales gargantuan peen?
RAGE - 6 years ago
Some times it looked like a octopus
rusky driver
rusky driver - 6 years ago
This can only be in australia >:)
Chris Mizo
Chris Mizo - 6 years ago
wow, its incredible seeing in video, I can't imagine how that looked in person...they certainly won't be hungry for a while.
HelixMaster12 - 6 years ago
Looking like orca leftovers.
Hassan Alamoudi
Hassan Alamoudi - 6 years ago
Since when the crocodile can swim i the sea
Harry Nutzack
Harry Nutzack - 6 years ago
10,000 subscribers without any videos
10,000 subscribers without any videos - 6 years ago
Japanese msut have sent them
Lehnsherr Eric
Lehnsherr Eric - 6 years ago
Where is the eating?
SENG CHUIN LU - 6 years ago
i am curious what caused the death of the whale? seem like a pretty young (small sized) whale.
romel battle
romel battle - 6 years ago
Lol a dead whale is the most dangerous part of the ocean I guess
Day Seven
Day Seven - 6 years ago
Thanos should see this....there's enough resources in this planet
Hanif Huzairi
Hanif Huzairi - 6 years ago
Sylvia Falls
Sylvia Falls - 6 years ago
Give it some time and the Japanese gonna be there too
anash0926 - 6 years ago
Dead whale also known as the buffet of the sea
pink princess
pink princess - 6 years ago
Omg that croc is eating while surfing. Mad footage. Drones really changed the game huh.
Absolom Apple
Absolom Apple - 6 years ago
People talk about animals like this fighting, but in reality, they would most likely avoid each other. Why try to attack something that might kill you if you don't have to?
Brucey - 6 years ago
They’re planning something to overthrow us...I know it...
Mahmood Toorani
Mahmood Toorani - 6 years ago
The music... does not.... match...
MaddenDM77 MaddenDM77
MaddenDM77 MaddenDM77 - 6 years ago
That is disgusting
Daddy Government
Daddy Government - 6 years ago
salt water crocodile? since when do crocodiles swim in the ocean?
Brett Segmento
Brett Segmento - 6 years ago
Daddy Government Since millions of years ago?
Gavnochido - 6 years ago
They were on different sides, otherwise sharks would've finished croc too and keep it for a desert. Thats what prob happened later hehe.
James Huynh
James Huynh - 6 years ago
Guys look it up, saltwater crocodiles go into the ocean sometimes
Lyrick - 6 years ago
Is the whale okay
James Huynh
James Huynh - 6 years ago
Lyrick it’s dead
AceTheKing - 6 years ago
Basically Olivia it’s a saltwater crocodile....
James Huynh
James Huynh - 6 years ago
Basically Olivia actually saltwater crocodiles naturally live in the ocean close to shore
Lavar's Balls
Lavar's Balls - 6 years ago
Of course they wont fight both were on the opposite sides of the ISLAND made of meat
umut çağlak
umut çağlak - 6 years ago
I am sorry but so bad music
Tony Axeman
Tony Axeman - 6 years ago
National Geographic always gets amazing footage!
PunchianThe3rd - 6 years ago
Whale what did you expect?
pilgrimpater - 6 years ago
If the size of the carcass compared to the size of the Salties, large themselves, doesn't give a perspective of the size of whales then nothing else will.
AFROSRB - 6 years ago
Animals communicate with each other in their own language, they don't just follow "insticts"!
Menehune Beachbumboogie
Menehune Beachbumboogie - 6 years ago
Wont lie, those comments that kept popping up were annoying im tryna watch the gators but didtracted too easily like a dog
ZETSU BOU NO SHIMA - 6 years ago
Find that whale, and collect it's ivory. Good looking jewelry when you know what to do with it
The Unknown
The Unknown - 6 years ago
Well there is plenty to go around so the sharks don't care
evan reid
evan reid - 6 years ago
I get that you have to put out some info on the video but dam... let me watch the action a little bit at least!!
Drea Blunt
Drea Blunt - 6 years ago
Amazing maybe a once in a lifetime experience
I'm nobody
I'm nobody - 6 years ago
never thought I would see a crocodile & a shark together in the wild.
Justus Warner
Justus Warner - 6 years ago
They gon get so big and stwong
sha cee
sha cee - 6 years ago
Well i mean thats alot of whale to go round why wouldnt they share? Lol
DLortz - 6 years ago
What kind of whale?
Al Simmons
Al Simmons - 6 years ago
Ooooooo nature you scary!!!!!!!
Supes Me
Supes Me - 6 years ago
They gotta watch it...that Whale can go Boom
Really didn't see much I wish I could see more
AGbaby235 - 6 years ago
GERSON MAZARIEGOS Same here. All that good footage gone to waste.
J.R. Vasquez
J.R. Vasquez - 6 years ago
Me too...
SomethingReallyStrange - 6 years ago
yeah I was hoping for more zoom
Davon MTUI
Davon MTUI - 6 years ago
Croc X Sharknado confirmed series.
Alex Arctic
Alex Arctic - 6 years ago
Mike Lambeth
Mike Lambeth - 6 years ago
Wait til that thing pops.
Dap 99 Neo
Dap 99 Neo - 6 years ago
It proof that even tho we different, we all can share.... If.

Its enough...
HaloNoobGrunt - 6 years ago
wow that croc goes all the way out to the ocean to feed! amazing!
25,000 Subs With Out Any Videos
25,000 Subs With Out Any Videos - 6 years ago
Rip whale
J.L - 6 years ago
The next thing you know, all animals will unite to extinguish human race.
Ricky 90
Ricky 90 - 6 years ago
Even those sharks were chilled out you could tell that croc was cautious,just waiting for the right time.probly thinking " yeah not keen to get bitten in half"lol
paulkenneth conde
paulkenneth conde - 6 years ago
he must got attacked by megalodon!
Cademan Caden
Cademan Caden - 6 years ago
Crocodiles around sharks just seems odd...
dopeytheclown86 - 6 years ago
I thought I was going to see a crocodile and sharks ripping the dead whale two pieces
Hussein 5564
Hussein 5564 - 6 years ago
Great i swim in the ocean fearing sharks now i watch this and there is croc. Too
Eddie Bowles
Eddie Bowles - 6 years ago
How big is that whale that it makes 10ft sharks and 13 foot croc look small?
Master of Sales
Master of Sales - 6 years ago
Neat observation
Gamer_ 14j
Gamer_ 14j - 6 years ago
WTF Where's the biting parts lazy.
Dudjom Dorji
Dudjom Dorji - 6 years ago
Free food for years
fx Gamer
fx Gamer - 6 years ago
so what is a crocodile doing in this type of water?
yudistira Gaming
yudistira Gaming - 6 years ago
Surabaya story
Blinx 00
Blinx 00 - 6 years ago
Where have i heard this song before? Was it pulp fiction?
Malani Garcia
Malani Garcia - 6 years ago
I hate that shark and crocodile
Joaoguilh plays
Joaoguilh plays - 6 years ago
Poor whale
Pot Dragon
Pot Dragon - 6 years ago
Why are they surrounding your, Mom?
White - 6 years ago
Saltwater crocodiles their the only species that and go in fresh and salt water.
scynapz - 6 years ago
Let me guess, this happened in Australia. The land of NOPE!
Last Samurai
Last Samurai - 6 years ago
Did you roast it
El Hermano
El Hermano - 6 years ago
If only the croc and the shark team up against an orca
Yamin Thein
Yamin Thein - 6 years ago
Aggressively remembers scenes from The Shallows. Brrrrrrrrrrr. Chills.
Vivek varun
Vivek varun - 6 years ago
Marvel: Infinity war is the most ambitious crossover event in history.


i Khan
i Khan - 6 years ago
This video shows texts ....and a stupid drone camera.

Nothing much stupid
J C - 6 years ago
What is wrong with the water?
Brett Segmento
Brett Segmento - 6 years ago
James Huynh
James Huynh - 6 years ago
J C nothing
Kresna Mukti P
Kresna Mukti P - 6 years ago

Mike Sharon
Mike Sharon - 6 years ago
That's a 13foot croc??
Tha_Monsta88 - 6 years ago
Cant wait for it to explode from all the deterioration of internal gestation
Mega Roll
Mega Roll - 6 years ago
They’re having a whale eating fiestaaaaaa!!!
ni wer
ni wer - 6 years ago
Welcome to party
Bagus Samudra
Bagus Samudra - 6 years ago
Rayan Agarm
Rayan Agarm - 6 years ago
A blue ?
just saying
just saying - 6 years ago
Something humans don't do.....
just saying
just saying - 6 years ago
They respect each other....
User S
User S - 6 years ago
This crocodile is looking for trouble
Viper's Venom
Viper's Venom - 6 years ago
could have been better footage. barley saw the sharks
tulipsxw2 - 6 years ago
Was this in Australia?
Sagareswar Gummeneni
Sagareswar Gummeneni - 6 years ago
Comedy.. If the meal is small then their behaviour changes
Krisana Bunsawad
Krisana Bunsawad - 6 years ago
Whale buffet
John Smith
John Smith - 6 years ago
Cristian Iglesias Carbajal
Cristian Iglesias Carbajal - 6 years ago
Un buen semental de ballena macho.
LKNANML - 6 years ago
Ok. That's a new one. Lots of food for all. I'd say the sharks would win but swim away with some serious wounds.
joma Huntington
joma Huntington - 6 years ago
Whale dork
George Kings
George Kings - 6 years ago
I want to see them go at it
Phawhas Abdurrahman
Phawhas Abdurrahman - 6 years ago
Pausnya gosong?
Trevor Or
Trevor Or - 6 years ago
Someone get in there and save her! opps my mistake it really is a whale
Majrum Q
Majrum Q - 6 years ago
So i guess ima have to be the first to comment about that whale being erect after death...
Brett Segmento
Brett Segmento - 6 years ago
Majrum Q You’re not the first.
ShortComment Only
ShortComment Only - 6 years ago
That's a huge donger smileyface
Island Hopper TV
Island Hopper TV - 6 years ago
Where is this?
Fairy Tail
Fairy Tail - 6 years ago
So that's a male whale
Abir Ahmed
Abir Ahmed - 6 years ago
This video makes me realize how big the whale is :o
OB1 callaway
OB1 callaway - 6 years ago
I've seen this one before
Darth Prime
Darth Prime - 6 years ago
Whale Hello There
black rabbit
black rabbit - 6 years ago
Franklin Egbuche
Franklin Egbuche - 6 years ago
I was actually looking for the shark and the crocodile even halfway into the video not realising that the two tiny this moving in the water were them.
That whale made them look like a piece of flesh that fell out.
Nilesh Darunde
Nilesh Darunde - 6 years ago
This is truly amazing first time seeing two predators sharing one prey this proves if there's enough food then everyone will satisfied and what's amazing that both are prehistoric animals who doesn't need evolution and survived extinction and top of food chain.
Nani Farras
Nani Farras - 6 years ago
F.L.F.S - 6 years ago
They from the same hood
Kyle Khris-Cord
Kyle Khris-Cord - 6 years ago
So whale was black?
Brett Segmento
Brett Segmento - 6 years ago
Soo Siyo
Soo Siyo - 6 years ago
If they fight each other they will be called surabaya
Wayne Cure
Wayne Cure - 6 years ago
If you force fed an alligator or crocodile 2/1 of their stomach capacity everyday and injected growth hormones similar to the ones that they revived in early stage development into them would they grow bigger and stronger?
r r
r r - 6 years ago
Jose Medina
Jose Medina - 6 years ago
Animal food court
SamuelTheFox - 6 years ago
Why the stupid music
CrushboyDJ47 - 6 years ago
Wait since when did Crocs start going to the sea???
James Huynh
James Huynh - 6 years ago
CrushboyDJ47 since millions of years ago
Chill Frost
Chill Frost - 6 years ago
Don Hancock
Don Hancock - 6 years ago
Reminds me of the dead whale I saw of the coast of Southern California being eaten by hundreds of sharks.Not sure what species however.
Ben Towers
Ben Towers - 6 years ago
I only saw One Shark
Putu Widyatama
Putu Widyatama - 6 years ago
crocodile live in sea ???
Dork Allure
Dork Allure - 6 years ago
I also want to eat whale meat
About-random- things
About-random- things - 6 years ago
Dan inilah awal dari pertemanan Sura dan Buaya, kawan-kawan.
Master Sensei
Master Sensei - 6 years ago
It's funny cause the crocodile only has a bite and it's weak lol
Xaviar Alexander
Xaviar Alexander - 6 years ago
That's messed up
James Huynh
James Huynh - 6 years ago
Xaviar Alexander this is a good thing
Vincent Heisenberg
Vincent Heisenberg - 6 years ago
Pool party
adrian gamos
adrian gamos - 6 years ago
Turn off the freaking noise
Ricardo Guerrero
Ricardo Guerrero - 6 years ago
First time a crocodile and a shark meeting and they from different types of carnivores and they never faught
Alexis Marie
Alexis Marie - 6 years ago
Urk! I feel like vomiting....
OfTheDawn Patriot
OfTheDawn Patriot - 6 years ago
No fighting. Because there is plenty.
Uzumaki Narutoo
Uzumaki Narutoo - 6 years ago
If it was 2 human beings, we would fight to the death to keep the whale fot ourselves.
Brett Segmento
Brett Segmento - 6 years ago
Uzumaki Narutoo What two human beings would want a rancid bloated whale carcass???!
Dylan Geltzeiler
Dylan Geltzeiler - 6 years ago
I can't believe it. A Crocodile is right next to a dead Whale.
Chronic_Slayer - 6 years ago
They can eat from the same corpse in peace huh? Lets find out on a bird or a dolphin. Anything smaller than a whale. And my god i could smell that through my phone.
Bob Bulat
Bob Bulat - 6 years ago
They must be having a whale of a time together
Freaky Gamer
Freaky Gamer - 6 years ago
Jonathan Waddington
Jonathan Waddington - 6 years ago
It's a blasted whale Stubbs!
Clorox Bleach Kys
Clorox Bleach Kys - 6 years ago
I like how the crocodile was chill on the fun of the dead whale
Traill Williams
Traill Williams - 6 years ago
My question is, what killed the whale?
Oriana Lara
Oriana Lara - 6 years ago
Super fome el video más se veían las letras que lo que estaban haciendo los cocodrilos
Wildan Aufa
Wildan Aufa - 6 years ago
suro & boyo
Aarohini Ghosh
Aarohini Ghosh - 6 years ago
Where did this happen?
Aarohini Ghosh
Aarohini Ghosh - 6 years ago
Jose Larios III thats it. Im never going to Australia
Jose Larios III
Jose Larios III - 6 years ago
Aarohini Ghosh some wild aussie ocean lmao
Ophir Averbuch
Ophir Averbuch - 6 years ago
What a beautifil sight. We deffinately should kill whales more often
Anurag Kumar
Anurag Kumar - 6 years ago
Fresh water or salt water. Free food is always welcome
bay hoh
bay hoh - 6 years ago
Mr. FreeZee
Mr. FreeZee - 6 years ago
Uhh i may just be weird and all but am i the only one shocked to notice his pen!s is almost as big as that crocodile and those sharks?
simoxnia - 6 years ago
The song is so wrong
Marco Simula
Marco Simula - 6 years ago
Rip gigante!!!
Jonathan - 6 years ago
Annoying music
lowkey lies
lowkey lies - 6 years ago
Whales have oils that are flammable
El Hermano
El Hermano - 6 years ago
lowkey lies don’t say that cause then greedy Americans and Asians will hunt all the whale’s down just for oil
Farhan Ramadhan
Farhan Ramadhan - 6 years ago
The real Suro and Boyo
Jim Faherty
Jim Faherty - 6 years ago
I wonder how the whale died... Plastic ingestion perhaps??
Start Out Studio
Start Out Studio - 6 years ago
a croc looks like a lizard from that high..
กูโลกสวย - 6 years ago
crocodile + whale = mosasaurus
Ramdasappa R Ramdas
Ramdasappa R Ramdas - 6 years ago
They not fighting because meal is more than enough
Black Fox
Black Fox - 6 years ago
Wierd dog.
okonomi katsu
okonomi katsu - 6 years ago
Level 100
Level 100 - 6 years ago
If those two were human they will surely fight
Jay Dilla
Jay Dilla - 6 years ago
I didn’t even see anything I had to watch a second time
Nat Geo WILD
Nat Geo WILD - 6 years ago
We're not surprised, Jay! The crocodile and sharks look pretty small compared to their meal!
Katerina Luna diCamella
Katerina Luna diCamella - 6 years ago
If there's more than enough, no reason to fight
stellvia hoenheim
stellvia hoenheim - 6 years ago
Katerina Luna diCamella Yeah next thing we know they're having croc and shark marriage.
Âishah Wife Of Naeem
Âishah Wife Of Naeem - 6 years ago
Crocs and sharks have both been known to frezy during feeding

They could take a chomp from each other and their own kind

Crocs are also opportunistic and will often nip at legs and tails if they have a chance and death roll them off
Hassan Syed
Hassan Syed - 6 years ago
I remember from an old show called animal face off where they put a great white shark up against a saltwater crocodile. Looks like this match up may have happened in real life.
Native Texan
Native Texan - 6 years ago
The most Australian thing I’ve seen in years
Jaden Lee
Jaden Lee - 6 years ago
Whale peepee
Bob Kim
Bob Kim - 6 years ago
i thot crocs live in river this cant be true, clickbait
James Huynh
James Huynh - 6 years ago
Bob Kim saltwater crocodiles venture into the sea sometimes
Dogcraftfan 1287
Dogcraftfan 1287 - 6 years ago
Maybe they are a group of predators friends??
Ando - 6 years ago
JJ Wackadoodle
JJ Wackadoodle - 6 years ago
Andrew Manocchio
Andrew Manocchio - 6 years ago
Oleg Gerasimchuk
Oleg Gerasimchuk - 6 years ago
I haven't seen neither shark or a crocodile
Chris 8 Plays the kaiju fan
Chris 8 Plays the kaiju fan - 6 years ago
A bond of shark and croc
Jon Evangelista
Jon Evangelista - 6 years ago
homie got a big glock
Jonathan Bai
Jonathan Bai - 6 years ago
That whale is actually huge
David Ly
David Ly - 6 years ago
That’s cool
Nico Dominguez
Nico Dominguez - 6 years ago
Que hace un cocodrilo en el mar
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
They shouldn't be swimming after such a large meal.
Djordje Jovanovic
Djordje Jovanovic - 6 years ago
Raghav Baijal
Raghav Baijal - 6 years ago
That's a very 'Happy' dead whale!
Syed Hammad Ahmed
Syed Hammad Ahmed - 6 years ago
Name of Whale?
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
Syed Hammad Ahmed
Some call him Ishmal.
Bunty Thakur
Bunty Thakur - 6 years ago
Hugeeeeeeee meat.
Javier Hernandez
Javier Hernandez - 6 years ago
I may hate my ex, but she didn't deserve to be eaten by a crocodile and a shark
Flip Green
Flip Green - 6 years ago
That's a hot mess.
Prameya Gawai
Prameya Gawai - 6 years ago
Release the Krekan
Poki M84
Poki M84 - 6 years ago
How much is 10ft?
Jose Larios III
Jose Larios III - 6 years ago
Poki the Slav i think like 3 meters? Around there is 10 feet
Poki M84
Poki M84 - 6 years ago
Gen. Lee N. Knass in meters?
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
Poki the Slav
It's 120 inches.
Yasmin Roberts
Yasmin Roberts - 6 years ago
Plenty of whale to go around no need to fight over it
Hoodhippo - 6 years ago
Wale probably died of plastic ingestion
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
You know what would be really impressive?
Two sharks and a crocodile eating an elephant on dry land.
Eduardo Korff
Eduardo Korff - 6 years ago
Clickbait allert.. theres almost no footage of eather actually eating the whale...
moumous - 6 years ago
Isn’t this old news? Nice video though
Ewaz Nazari
Ewaz Nazari - 6 years ago
Alfie Bell
Alfie Bell - 6 years ago
This footage is great but the filming is awful. I felt sea sick just watching...
Piyapol Tientanyakit
Piyapol Tientanyakit - 6 years ago
Love the music, now im not sad for the whale
Anish vaidya
Anish vaidya - 6 years ago
" seems ok to me when they are cleaning out the water for us"
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
Anish vaidya
If we could just get them to eat plastic.
Kaylor styles
Kaylor styles - 6 years ago
That thing is huge!!!!
Mr. FreeZee
Mr. FreeZee - 6 years ago
Kaylor styles
Believe me. That whale is just a speck in our universe kinda like the size of a bacteria for us is SO tiny bbut for the universe were smaller than a bacteria for them! Even the blue whale
G T - 6 years ago
Nature knows how to thrive, it's carcass for us but food for other species.
s h
s h - 6 years ago
Flash A Smile
Flash A Smile - 6 years ago
Is it just me or the whale looked like it died while giving birth??
Jimmy carvajal guillen
Jimmy carvajal guillen - 6 years ago
The cruel reality
Lavar Ball Front Tooth
Lavar Ball Front Tooth - 6 years ago
Everybody Eats B
Migs PH
Migs PH - 6 years ago
Tavi Calhoun
Tavi Calhoun - 6 years ago
Wowwww he’s huge ! I wonder what happened to the whale ! ?
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
Tavi Calhoun
He died.
T.C.O Productions
T.C.O Productions - 6 years ago
They put that crocodile in the water
墨染疏狂 - 6 years ago
Wow! This is the wonder of nature!
Anthony Khj
Anthony Khj - 6 years ago
I thought it was predator's hair
Vinz Pogi123
Vinz Pogi123 - 6 years ago
breaking the food chain xD
Волгин Веспиеррен
Волгин Веспиеррен - 6 years ago
Good video but worst possible music choice
Killerwhale 6011
Killerwhale 6011 - 6 years ago
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
Killerwhale 6011
Hey, they're sharks and a croc.
Did you really think they wouldn't munch on that till you got back?
The CineRanter
The CineRanter - 6 years ago
That whale is massive
RaptorGorilla - 6 years ago
How not not think of Chased by Sea Monsters, when Hybodus and Metriorhynchus are feeding on the Leedsichthys carcass in the Jurassic seas...
Rogem Tabares
Rogem Tabares - 6 years ago
Looks like a squid. Yummy im so hungry now
Brett Segmento
Brett Segmento - 6 years ago
Rogem Tabares You’re gross.
eli carter
eli carter - 6 years ago
I would totally dance on a whale.
AudemarsontheWrist - 6 years ago
Yeah I wonder why they’re not fighting, there’s hardly any food to go around
Semaj boies15
Semaj boies15 - 6 years ago
I wanted to see the crocodile take a bite out of that thing
Tomasz Ondycz
Tomasz Ondycz - 6 years ago
Jarno Datema
Jarno Datema - 6 years ago
Honey Boo-Boo: The Final Episode
greekatso - 6 years ago
Where did this take place?
Lord Floyd
Lord Floyd - 6 years ago
Off the coast of Australia
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
In the ocean.
Kenny Rodger
Kenny Rodger - 6 years ago
Bless their hearts. They're embracing diversity and working together.
Space Raanger
Space Raanger - 6 years ago
even better i seen a hyena share its food with a lion
Brett Segmento
Brett Segmento - 6 years ago
Space Raanger That is pretty cool.
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
Space Raanger
Better yet.
A shark sharing its food with a hyena.
Tony kimbraley
Tony kimbraley - 6 years ago
I'm confused, what I know is that crocodiles don't live at the ocean, can someone explain what the hack is going on
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
Tony kimbraley
He just loves seafood.
Sajid Salmani
Sajid Salmani - 6 years ago
so much to share than why bother, they're not greedy like us "human's", always hungry for more
Audiwan Kenobi
Audiwan Kenobi - 6 years ago
How can I look at the full video?
J. E. Murl
J. E. Murl - 6 years ago
Wow, what a crappy video.
DABAT UL ARD!!!!!! - 6 years ago
Those Crocs looked like lizards from far above
ritesh sengar
ritesh sengar - 6 years ago
Kids having fun
MrPai - 6 years ago
There's too much to share that they no need to care...
gator 426428
gator 426428 - 6 years ago
Looks like the whale died happy. If you know what I mean
Will Costanza
Will Costanza - 6 years ago
And how did this whale die?
Teo Tron
Teo Tron - 6 years ago
Will Costanza old age sickness it really could be any thing
Powers Lohner
Powers Lohner - 6 years ago
I think this was the exact same cenario in that old show animal face-off.
Luis Felipe Méndez Caamal
Luis Felipe Méndez Caamal - 6 years ago
Tiger shark can defeat the croc easily
Luis Felipe Méndez Caamal
Luis Felipe Méndez Caamal - 6 years ago
Gen. Lee N. Knass si es verdad cada uno es fuerte en su ambiente
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
Luis Felipe Méndez Caamal
Unless they're on land.
sicilianotoronto - 6 years ago
Well at least we know the whale was male lol
trexcreatedthemanniquinchallenge hahaha
trexcreatedthemanniquinchallenge hahaha - 6 years ago
Its not cool to assume its pronouns. We dont know what the whale identified as! We will never know because its not alive to defend itself!
potato crystal
potato crystal - 6 years ago
Not the dead whale, but that... questionable appendage
potato crystal
potato crystal - 6 years ago
JonneyETV - 6 years ago
Drone breakthroughs
Nath Anter
Nath Anter - 6 years ago
After that saltie is bored of the whale meat it will go for the fresher tiger shark meat...then an orca comes outta nowhere and eats the saltie
Nath Anter
Nath Anter - 6 years ago
Gen. Lee N. Knass That's it... the Orca at the top of the food chain...
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
Nath Anter
And then?
Don't leave me hanging!
Widow Maker
Widow Maker - 6 years ago
Nice.. never thought I would see a croc and a shark in one place at the same time.. well maybe because there's enough meat to share, I guess.. they're not fighting and I'm curious which would win lol thx for sharing this
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
Widow Maker
Depends if they're on dry land or not.
Ayman Lockhart
Ayman Lockhart - 6 years ago
There will be diplomacy in animal kingdom.
Joseph Parkhurst
Joseph Parkhurst - 6 years ago
Fukushima has killed the Pacific Ocean. They are eating the only food they have left.
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
Joseph Parkhurst
Wonder if they'll eat plastic?
Ezra - 6 years ago
Sharks: gator, you know our history-
Gator: hey, stay on your side
Reggie Noble
Reggie Noble - 6 years ago
Plenty to go around so I guess they hardly noticed each other.
Yoda Ydyxz
Yoda Ydyxz - 6 years ago
Poor whale is about to explode
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
Yoda Ydyxz
Yeah, that'll be painful.
MKD58 Media
MKD58 Media - 6 years ago
Other than the fact that the whale is dead, this is beautiful footage.
Valeria Fal
Valeria Fal - 6 years ago
Sura dan baya
Ryan Heldoorn
Ryan Heldoorn - 6 years ago
As cool as this is, it blatantly spits in the face of professional drone operators. Australian drone policy for flying over marine animals is 300m (yes it's a stupid law based on light aircraft and needs to be amended) but still is law. Any Professional Operator who has been fined or had CASA warning will be seething at this! Oh but its ok because it ended up on NAT GEO! (NOTE: this was not filmed by nat geo, it was filmed by staff member on charter boat!
MrThestarfarmer - 6 years ago
Rosie O'donnell on vacation.
Adnan Kashogi
Adnan Kashogi - 6 years ago
Floating buffet for sea animals
Zion Maghoney
Zion Maghoney - 6 years ago
I saw the whales peepee
Jennifer Coleman
Jennifer Coleman - 6 years ago
Now we know what happens to the sea creatures when they die.
Efraín Rodríguez
Efraín Rodríguez - 6 years ago
as always this happens in Australia
Eimantas Varaneckas
Eimantas Varaneckas - 6 years ago
Fake video. Crocodiles dont live in seas just in lakes and swamps
James Huynh
James Huynh - 6 years ago
Eimantas Varaneckas saltwater crocodiles venture into both fresh and saltwater sometimes into the ocean, alligators live in lakes and swamps they’re different
SL - 6 years ago
Aww so cute
Brett Segmento
Brett Segmento - 6 years ago
SL Cute??
John Saunders
John Saunders - 6 years ago
Thumbnail pic looks like the Predator with dreads face down
chrissy el
chrissy el - 6 years ago
So where are they that there’s crocodiles, sharks, and whales in the same place. This is so interesting...
in Valhalla神様
in Valhalla神様 - 6 years ago
Where was this?
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
in Valhalla神様
The ocean.
brandon wright
brandon wright - 6 years ago
Super kool
Surgical - 6 years ago
Comment below... Who Wins:
Tiger Shark vs Croc
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
Depends if they're on dry land or not.
Hanbin’s IQ
Hanbin’s IQ - 6 years ago
The whale makes them look tiny
Alexsavache TV
Alexsavache TV - 6 years ago
They look like a baby crocodile and a baby shark munching in a grown fish they look small
Abu Hajaar
Abu Hajaar - 6 years ago
All I can think of is how bad the smell must be
Timothy Allison
Timothy Allison - 6 years ago
This must happen more then we think because there is no frenzy or fighting
Andybeast009 - 6 years ago
Where was this at
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
The ocean.
Danny Valencia
Danny Valencia - 6 years ago
Quit liying you guys put the crocodile their an from the vid it look like i wants nothing to do with the whale it is only used it to get out of the Water
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
Danny Valencia
Oh yeah. I never thought about it that way.
Danny Valencia
Danny Valencia - 6 years ago
Gen. Lee N. Knass exactly and it makes them read it in their own way
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
Danny Valencia
Very smart.
Plus it gives everyone a chance to interpret your comment in their own way.
Danny Valencia
Danny Valencia - 6 years ago
Gen. Lee N. Knass yeah i felt like i needed to make it look more simple for them to read it
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
Danny Valencia
Did you remove all the pronunciation marks when you edited your comment?
Tumi Moema
Tumi Moema - 6 years ago
Why would any competing predators fight over a whale of a meal? Surely there’s enough for all the tribes
RAY RAY - 6 years ago
orca is apex not a shark
Chocolate Explosion
Chocolate Explosion - 6 years ago
There's no point in fighting when there's enough food to go around
stellvia hoenheim
stellvia hoenheim - 6 years ago
Chocolate Explosion Then how will we know which one is the most Alpha that there is?
swiss cheese
swiss cheese - 6 years ago
Where is This? Ffs
Chris Fielding
Chris Fielding - 6 years ago
I thought that was a croc hatchling on the whale!!! Not a 13 foot monster! That whale is huge!!!
Fendi Setyawan
Fendi Setyawan - 6 years ago
That's a Male dead whale, clearly..
Kejana Jackson
Kejana Jackson - 6 years ago
Poor whale died with his d!€× out smh
Sofa King Awesome
Sofa King Awesome - 6 years ago
Kejana Jackson I noticed that too
John Gotti
John Gotti - 6 years ago
Looks like that female shark likes to eat the D*** part
Eibborify - 6 years ago
Must of had an exciting
Uchiha Sage
Uchiha Sage - 6 years ago
Probably the size of a human
jakep1979 - 6 years ago
That happened to my grandpa after he popped 2 pills of Viagra.
Gandalf the Tsaagan
Gandalf the Tsaagan - 6 years ago
That tends to happen with whale corpses
When they decompose, the amount of fat along with their size creates alot of heat and gases so the bodies get bloated
Which, in the males case, pushes out their penises (and sometimes it literally makes the corpses explode)
La Blue Girl
La Blue Girl - 6 years ago
Kejana Jackson
yaggle fraggle
yaggle fraggle - 6 years ago
Why is there a croc in the ocean?
Ten lov3s his fruits
Ten lov3s his fruits - 6 years ago
Invite the snakess
Jenn Mystic
Jenn Mystic - 6 years ago
Whale dicc lol
Addy Joe
Addy Joe - 6 years ago
Austraya i guess
SuA Bit Siyeon's Lip
SuA Bit Siyeon's Lip - 6 years ago
TmacDaFuckingGreat - 6 years ago
I made this video for NAT GEO with i movie and adobe final cut using cgi lol it’s fake dummy’s
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
You're fake.
Why would anyone use iMovie, when they have Final Cut?
ChimeraArts - 6 years ago
The Thanksgiving of the sea
Mario1611 - 6 years ago
Whale was probably assassinated by Russians.
Halian Chone
Halian Chone - 6 years ago
That's a really odd choice of music.
Armands Liniņš
Armands Liniņš - 6 years ago
What's the name of the jam????? Yeaaa
stellvia hoenheim
stellvia hoenheim - 6 years ago
Rick Sanchez this is what the average R&M intelligence huh, so dumb lol
Ken Michigwan
Ken Michigwan - 6 years ago
I mean sometime back a croc poped up on the kenyan coast it shocked many
Hilde Klop
Hilde Klop - 6 years ago
wat is het voor coort
Márcio Campos
Márcio Campos - 6 years ago
Well that is interesting. As most of your videos! Thank you
Snap Fortnite
Snap Fortnite - 6 years ago
Were tf the ninja turtles
highland extracts
highland extracts - 6 years ago
ahhh water musta been to cold when they took him out the bag. my first gold fish died this way. r.i.p spermy
jenna dean
jenna dean - 6 years ago
whoa I thought the thumbnail was exaggerated until I watch it!
Yono Sepe
Yono Sepe - 6 years ago
i love this type of content its brutally beautiful the cycle of life such an amazing sighting cheers!
Puskar Gurung
Puskar Gurung - 6 years ago
Now you can believe that crocs ancestors are really from the sea..
Force EV
Force EV - 6 years ago
Good for the Animals they Understand "Sharing is Caring"
vali - 6 years ago
Is anyone else thinking what these crocodiles are doing in this clean water, they belong to that mud

Ps first time saw a video of crocodile in clear water
stellvia hoenheim
stellvia hoenheim - 6 years ago
vali You American?
Mr. FreeZee
Mr. FreeZee - 6 years ago
Uhh thats kinda judgemental to crocodiles saying that they are crocodiles. They belong in mud also they are salt water crocodiles and it may seem bizarre because it is rare to see salt water crocodiles out in open sea because they usually hang out near coasts or beaches
Soulja Mandingo
Soulja Mandingo - 6 years ago
What a smell comin off the body
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
stellvia hoenheim
You laughed at your own
moronic joke.

Let me try that.
Maybe you should leave India.
...and bathe.
Bwaaa ha ha ha!!!
stellvia hoenheim
stellvia hoenheim - 6 years ago
Probably What Indians usually smells everyday lol
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
Your version of YouTube is more advanced than mine.
I'm a Motherfucker
I'm a Motherfucker - 6 years ago
Soulja Mandingo That's the reason they flied a drone
Helen Ivanic
Helen Ivanic - 6 years ago
Out of nowhere a Megalodon will pop up and eat them all. Hey, you never know.
I hate Google plus
I hate Google plus - 6 years ago
Then Ghidorah, King Kong, and Godzilla fight eachother while the world is ending and Thanos watches but then Superman appears and everyone is confused because this is a dumb mishmash of universes
whoahh - 6 years ago
Helen Ivanic then godzilla comes up again, and eat this world, because godzilla is the best , made in japan, japan quality, and japan is from asian, Roses are red. Violets are blue. There's always an Asian better than you.
TH3GPS - 6 years ago
Then Santa Claus will just come down and give them all presents. Because you truly never know.
whoahh - 6 years ago
Then godzilla come up and destroy the world
César/ Fake
César/ Fake - 6 years ago
Leo Rex
"anymore" already says it.
Leo Rex
Leo Rex - 6 years ago
César/ Fake
He does exist but as fossils
What you should say is
He isnt alive anymore
Leo Rex
Leo Rex - 6 years ago
Niall Daniel
No they wouldnt
Most of the bigger ones like sarcosuchus would not be even half the size of the whale
César/ Fake
César/ Fake - 6 years ago
Megalodon doesn't exist anymore.
Helen Ivanic
Helen Ivanic - 6 years ago
Tich Y yeah, I like that one. Keep the ideas coming.
walter - 6 years ago
Shut up meg
Josuke Higashikata
Josuke Higashikata - 6 years ago
Thanos came out and snap his finger and they all turn to dust you'll never know
Helen Ivanic
Helen Ivanic - 6 years ago
Tich Y yours is good. Keep the ideas coming.
Deathfire Grasp
Deathfire Grasp - 6 years ago
Slibby Lmfao
Tich Y
Tich Y - 6 years ago
Than next Godzilla comes out and eat megalodon guess you'll never know.
Helen Ivanic
Helen Ivanic - 6 years ago
Tom Gibson ooopppsss! Sorry.
Tom Gibson
Tom Gibson - 6 years ago
Helen Ivanic my comment wasn't meant to be a reply to you. Accident
Helen Ivanic
Helen Ivanic - 6 years ago
Tom Gibson I was being funny with the Megalodon.
Tom Gibson
Tom Gibson - 6 years ago
Helen Ivanic these creatures could never survive. The amount of food these apex predators would need would be enormous. They would eat everything in there territory, then die from starvation.
Sam Partogi
Sam Partogi - 6 years ago
Or maybe Mosasaur?
Helen Ivanic
Helen Ivanic - 6 years ago
BintangGamersHD ONLY 12-18m. That’s bigger than the one in the movie JAWS. Argh. Im scared now just to put my feet in the sea water.
BintangGamersHD - 6 years ago
But megalodon only 12-18m :/
Helen Ivanic
Helen Ivanic - 6 years ago
Slibby could be. Hey, that’s a good one.
lowkey lies
lowkey lies - 6 years ago
Ligthning can strike
Kenny James A. Cubero
Kenny James A. Cubero - 6 years ago
Ocean must be scary to look at.
J Lawless
J Lawless - 6 years ago
Helen Ivanic shhhhh.
Kenny Rodger
Kenny Rodger - 6 years ago
Sometimes you know...
Domenico Lombardo
Domenico Lombardo - 6 years ago
Sarcosuchus eating all !!!
Rhea Jana
Rhea Jana - 6 years ago
Never thought I would come across anything like this...
Saheb Rishab
Saheb Rishab - 6 years ago
By God... That crocodile looked like a lizard in the thumbnail
AGbaby235 - 6 years ago
Saheb Rishab Lolz for real.
THE GAME CHANGER - 6 years ago
miseli - 6 years ago
By bob and vagene
Thar lover
Thar lover - 6 years ago
Video me bhi
Pink Heart
Pink Heart - 6 years ago
Saheb Rishab It really did
T Chare
T Chare - 6 years ago
Wait how big is the whale?
SquidStone - 6 years ago
Nature doesn't always play by the rules.
MAURO OooO - 6 years ago
Then you fall i the middle
Alex Mayers
Alex Mayers - 6 years ago
Would of liked to get my hand on some ambegris.... Gotta be some in that ready to explode stomach
xXE1TESCOPESXx - 6 years ago
Why is the crocodile so far out I didn't know they swim in deep water
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
Yes, he shouldn't be swimming in the deep end.
Especially after eating such a large meal.
acreppinstp - 6 years ago
why didnt you put in any film of the crocodile tearing the meat apart
Doritos Master
Doritos Master - 6 years ago
The crocodile and the shark are like buddys :3
5567 5555
5567 5555 - 6 years ago
Doritos Master
Only becase their's allor of food to go around,if that whale wasn't there it would br a different story.
Bart Simpson
Bart Simpson - 6 years ago
That whale is so HUGE
The crocs looks really small
Brett Segmento
Brett Segmento - 6 years ago
Bart Simpson The whale’s dingdong is almost as big as the croc!
the night creper
the night creper - 6 years ago
no it cant only a hippo can swallow a human whole
Mohanasundaram Balasundran
Mohanasundaram Balasundran - 6 years ago
You’re gonna need a bigger boat.
toast warrior
toast warrior - 6 years ago
The biggest salt water croc could eat you whole
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 6 years ago
Bart Simpson it’s bigger than normal too cause it’s full of gas.
Jade C
Jade C - 6 years ago
I wish I could have actually seen anything of the sharks and croc past all your titles.
Mercenary - 6 years ago
In about 3 thousand years. Saltwater crocs will evolve similar to mosasaurs
Leo Rex
Leo Rex - 6 years ago
Why would they do that?
Dakodasaurs and other fully aquatic crocodilians werent succesful
Why feed only on aquatic animals when you can feed on both?
Phoeηix - 6 years ago
LOL, granted Earth is not a wasteland by then or saltwater crocs are already on the extinct animal list...
A Mastodont Gamer
A Mastodont Gamer - 6 years ago
Mr. FreeZee Not really you think a marine reptile would evolve in to a fish? You better show people where you get your info before sharing it to everyone.
Red Baron
Red Baron - 6 years ago
Mercenary Or just get bigger since they are doing pretty well now and crocodiles haven't changed much at all for 200 millions years.
Mr. FreeZee
Mr. FreeZee - 6 years ago
Cosmic Traveler ichthyosaurs are actually more similar to Gar instead of dolphins considering Gar's ancestors are ichthyosaurs
Cosmic Traveler
Cosmic Traveler - 6 years ago
And some could evolve into Ichthyosaurs the prehistoric fish like reptiles who looks similar to the marine mammals we called dolphins!
Rahmad Mulya
Rahmad Mulya - 6 years ago
Please no, that's a nightmare
Gandalf the Tsaagan
Gandalf the Tsaagan - 6 years ago
Mercenary Nah, that isn't enough time
And maybe they would look more like Metriorhynchus
X O - 6 years ago
where was the 2nd sharks i think i missed them
Nesha Britwood
Nesha Britwood - 6 years ago
Of course they aren't fighting because it's enough for the two of them.
Jojo Jolie
Jojo Jolie - 6 years ago
Where was this
Gandalf the Tsaagan
Gandalf the Tsaagan - 6 years ago
Jojo Jolie Probably in Australia or a near country where they have saltwater crocodiles
Adnan Mustafa
Adnan Mustafa - 6 years ago
Wait... there are seawater crocodiles too!
Mike Dee
Mike Dee - 6 years ago
Why just a few minutes
Luigi 24
Luigi 24 - 6 years ago
Chicken Biscuit
Chicken Biscuit - 6 years ago
Mmmm tasty!
animal killer
animal killer - 6 years ago
whoa that is craz
Haunted In PA
Haunted In PA - 6 years ago
How about someone talking instead of those slide-out text bars which are annoying!!!!!!!
Kenny Jonathan
Kenny Jonathan - 6 years ago
Dont eat the whale please
wolverine - 6 years ago
They probably didn't even see each other.
PianoWhistle526 Videos
PianoWhistle526 Videos - 6 years ago
I have a question,
How come did the Saltwater Crocodile end up in the ocean? ( I think its the ocean because there are Sharks and Whale and I dont think Sharks and Whales live in swamp like the Crocodile. ) ( Just curious. )
PianoWhistle526 Videos
PianoWhistle526 Videos - 6 years ago
kysike666 Umm, did you read my reply to my own comment? I said that I know already because someone already told me earlier than you! Please read first before you reply, and also, not everyone in the world know this, so dont be like that to me!
kysike666 - 6 years ago
That is why they are called saltwater croc for a reason.. What are u ten?
דוד טוביאן
דוד טוביאן - 6 years ago
Ethan James Leopoldo they were always there
The Deep Ellum Heel
The Deep Ellum Heel - 6 years ago
Ethan James Leopoldo Hi
The Lazy One
The Lazy One - 6 years ago
Bruh what do you smoke that morning?
potato crystal
potato crystal - 6 years ago

message: <Trols r evr ree wher>
Christian Allen
Christian Allen - 6 years ago
sour why are you so salty ?
sour - 6 years ago
Christian Allen Maybe you should remove your comment? It seems like Ethan has figured it out by the looks of it above your comment.
Christian Allen
Christian Allen - 6 years ago
Spell the name again, slowly
PianoWhistle526 Videos
PianoWhistle526 Videos - 6 years ago
Ok, I now understand, and if someone is new to watching this, cant you just not reply to me anymore, because im sorta kinda annoyed at the notifications, thanks! And for those who sorta murk me, can you stop doing that to other people, because you dont need to murk someone to know something ( Unless there are really stupid ), and I know it already because someone commented me about it earlier than you, and he/she didnt murk me, but can you just do that too? Again, thank you for informing me and correcting my mistakes.
caveman Versace
caveman Versace - 6 years ago
Hi Ethan. In Northern regions of Australia saltwater crocodiles do swim in the ocean. Fish are actually a large part of their diet and so mostly prefer to scavenge rotting dead fish. That doesn't mean a person isn't on the menu. The crocs you relate to with swamps are American species that are much smaller but just as elusive. The Australian Saltwater croc feeds on fish, sharks, whales, marsupials, humans, basically any mammal. They do in fact encounter great whites and attack each other. Most times the shark loses.
Eggsdayz - 6 years ago
Ethan James Leopoldo Keyword: Saltwater
5 XG
5 XG - 6 years ago
Ethan James Leopoldo Saltwater.
Randriax - 6 years ago
There are saltwater crocs in Madagascar and the East of Africa as well
Mit Mit
Mit Mit - 6 years ago
Ethan James Leopoldo bruhhhhhhhh
Greg A
Greg A - 6 years ago
Kobe Bryant Kobe had to murk him lol
Mr. FreeZee
Mr. FreeZee - 6 years ago
Uhhh isnt the name obvious why?
Kobe Bryant
Kobe Bryant - 6 years ago
"How come did the Saltwater Crocodile end up in the ocean?" Well the ocean is salt water and it is a salt water croc...
BigBadWolf - 6 years ago
Nath Anter actually sometimes they do swim out in the open ocean
Nath Anter
Nath Anter - 6 years ago
BigBadWolf they don't swim out in the open sea coz they don't swim well on strong currents and they could drown... they mostly stay in coastal areas, beaches and calm waters
BigBadWolf - 6 years ago
Ethan James Leopoldo Salties are seafaring crocodiles
Nath Anter
Nath Anter - 6 years ago
Saltwater crocs live throughout southern and southeast asia, australia and pacific islands..they live in saltwater/freshwater swamps, coastal areas, coves, and island-to-island on shallow waters
terminat1 - 6 years ago
How did the crocodile...
come ::::
come :::: - 6 years ago
Ethan James Leopoldo there are some crocs that are saltwater. I think some fimilar ones are the ones from india and Australia. Btw seen sharks in ponds.
Miles Rasmussen
Miles Rasmussen - 6 years ago
Saltwater Crocs live in in both fresh and saltwater. Generally they stay close to the beach, but will occasionally be seen miles from shore.
Nathan Roberts
Nathan Roberts - 6 years ago
Saltwater crocodiles live in the ocean. Very interesting. If you're interest like me you could research how they ended up living in saltwater. I'm going to.
Aqiltafad - 6 years ago
saltwater croc
Mister YOSO
Mister YOSO - 6 years ago
They look like a bestfriend
Awsemome Julian
Awsemome Julian - 6 years ago
There’s no way that’s a 13 foot croc, that means the whale must be like 50-60ft long, I swear humpbacks don’t get that long
Gandalf the Tsaagan
Gandalf the Tsaagan - 6 years ago
THE HOLY BUTTFUNGUS That would be in extraordinary cases
Humpack whales are between 45 and 50ft long in average
Awsemome Julian they can actually get to 60 ft that’s actually what they cap out at.
Trent - 6 years ago
yoo, why my boy whale got a stiff one?
stellvia hoenheim
stellvia hoenheim - 6 years ago
Clorox Bleach Drink yourself you ain't a funny meme anymore
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 6 years ago
Gandalf the Tsaagan or another hypothesis, it has cestodes trematodes or nematodes infections, it’s very common in seawater creatures, it may have an infection in it’s lymphatic system which cause an epididymal vasocongestion and filariasis,
we can see such cases in many poor hygienic countries in africa where they have elephantiasis, it’s caused from a nematode Wuchereria bancrofti.
Gandalf the Tsaagan
Gandalf the Tsaagan - 6 years ago
Trent That tends to happen with whale corpses
When they decompose, the amount of fat along with their size creates alot of heat and gases so the bodies get bloated
Which, in the males case, pushes out their penises (and sometimes it literally makes the corpses explode)
jason4275 - 6 years ago
This is why I would never go swimming in Australia with those sea water Crocodiles swimming they could be anywhere in the ocean.
stellvia hoenheim
stellvia hoenheim - 6 years ago
jason4275 Fear leads to the dark side
Jose Larios III
Jose Larios III - 6 years ago
jason4275 well lets not forget about the sharks fam. Lmao
glockmockflock Hudson
glockmockflock Hudson - 6 years ago
Any one notice the red rocket the whale had
stellvia hoenheim
stellvia hoenheim - 6 years ago
Yep about the same size of me
5567 5555
5567 5555 - 6 years ago
That thing is huge!
Destiny Summers
Destiny Summers - 6 years ago
I think we all did.
SuperMan - 6 years ago
Lol the croc looks funny. I'm surprised they can be on both land and water. I wish we had such ability. Could really help us out. On second thought, we could have destroyed underwater habitats, so maybe it was for the best lol
Riki Areef
Riki Areef - 6 years ago
Underwater city? sound like Rapture to me.
PunchianThe3rd - 6 years ago
Build and underwater small city not to deep and isolate yourselves for 1000 years and make swim in water almost all day a part of everyday life. Idk what will happened but I'm sure your descendants will be strong but get dry skin quick on land.
Logan Hoomana
Logan Hoomana - 6 years ago
We still destroy underwater habitats all the time
Joseph Silentium
Joseph Silentium - 6 years ago
We already did..
Chris G
Chris G - 6 years ago
New Way Devil walk on land and breathe underwater...
New Way Devil
New Way Devil - 6 years ago
SuperMan like being able to walk and swim?
Giovani Justo
Giovani Justo - 6 years ago
Thats dope.
Marlo Mallari
Marlo Mallari - 6 years ago
It's a Never Before Seen Wildlife Moment!
fredrich heart
fredrich heart - 6 years ago
Those look like baby sharks and a baby croc, the whale is giant
Nat Geo WILD
Nat Geo WILD - 6 years ago
It's quite amazing how small the animals seem compared to the whale. Looks like they'll be able to eat for days!
fredrich heart
fredrich heart - 6 years ago
are you asking me? No need to put question marks
Rastaman193 - 6 years ago
fredrich heart whales are big? And it's bloated from being dead?
Ben - 6 years ago
lmao if it was a bigger shark could have been a different outcome
I hate Google plus
I hate Google plus - 6 years ago
They didnt fight at all and this croc is still small they can grow to more than twice that size
Eggsdayz - 6 years ago
Ben Wtf there's no fight
Jeremy Boyd
Jeremy Boyd - 6 years ago
Nahh same outcome...Both the shark and croc would be too full from the whales flesh to attack each other
Ben I would doubt why would you expend the energy to hunt if there’s a giant heap of prey right in front of you. Not to mention the shark would be far more familiar with eating the whale.
Certified Ass Eater
Certified Ass Eater - 6 years ago
It's a whale, there's enough food for all. No need to fight bruh.
Erik Lehnsherr
Erik Lehnsherr - 6 years ago
Food for days.
Mr. FreeZee
Mr. FreeZee - 6 years ago
Gen. Lee N. Knass
Ehh i just act the food is expired so the other people to go some where else then i take it all acting like im gonna throw it out bam! Thats a true all YOU can eat buffet!
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
You should see me chase everyone away from the 'all you can eat' buffet.
Tacoman supreme
Tacoman supreme - 6 years ago
I'm not even sure they saw each other
Pitbull00000 - 6 years ago
The sharks could feel the crocodile in the water. They got special senses
Nat Geo WILD
Nat Geo WILD - 6 years ago
That's a valid point! Their meal was so huge, we wouldn't be surprised if the animals couldn't see around it.
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
You just don't make eye contact in these situations.
Alfie Bell
Alfie Bell - 6 years ago
They definitely dod
5567 5555
5567 5555 - 6 years ago
Maybe they smelled eachother?
TheTwilitHero - 6 years ago
Rare footage of a feminist being eaten out.
RadicalGreekBeard - 6 years ago
Leo Rex
Leo Rex - 6 years ago
And here i though feminists were poisonous
Brett Segmento
Brett Segmento - 6 years ago
Well then it’s a male feminist and they’re eating out the boypussy.
Xxx_mountn dew_XxxMLG Swag
Xxx_mountn dew_XxxMLG Swag - 6 years ago
TheTwilitHero that whale was a male you can see his sausage
MisterHeroman - 6 years ago
Audiwan Kenobi mad af
Audiwan Kenobi
Audiwan Kenobi - 6 years ago
Oh gosh,70 dorks gave you a thumbs up.....smh.
Tinilif Abinin
Tinilif Abinin - 6 years ago
Rick Sanchez
Thanks, Rick. Stirring social commentary.
Rick Sanchez
Rick Sanchez - 6 years ago
Watch as two soyboys devour upon the engorged feminist, fat with pride over finding 2 acceptable, beta mating partners at once. Watch as the boys leave love marks on her fat blubber.
jim bob
jim bob - 6 years ago
TheTwilitHero probably best comment I've read in a while
Vyshakh Vathielil
Vyshakh Vathielil - 6 years ago
TheTwilitHero That whale is a guy haha, if you look in the right place, I thought it was a fin, but I was wrong.
TehJigzoh - 6 years ago
who before 100k viewers?
Duricas - 6 years ago
That carcass is about to explode.
Marikroyals - 6 years ago
Connor Adams Tiger sharks are one of the most aggressive and territorial sharks out there. My guess is once they were done feeding they would not be so friendly.
Chester Sabajo
Chester Sabajo - 6 years ago
Duricas it already was ,didn't you see
PunchianThe3rd - 6 years ago
Hmm I would guess the shark gotta better advantage because it's faster built more for water. While the croc is adapted to both but if the croc get first bite, it over. If any do really
Connor Adams
Connor Adams - 6 years ago
canti288, Predators rarely fight without reason. I'm not a fan of people stating falsehoods as undisputed fact.
Maria Fonseca
Maria Fonseca - 6 years ago
Duricas it already blew up
Mike2Raw - 6 years ago
canti288 wtf is ur point irrelevant asf
Dogcraftfan 1287
Dogcraftfan 1287 - 6 years ago
Duricas ikr
Duricas - 6 years ago
canti288 Blatantly simple logic.
canti288 - 6 years ago
You do realize that if one of them got close to the other, they'd rip each other apart till one is dead
im thefuckinglizardking
im thefuckinglizardking - 6 years ago
That doesn't look like a 13 foot croc looks closer to 5ft.
5567 5555
5567 5555 - 6 years ago
You're logic amazes me.
angel lara
angel lara - 6 years ago
Amonsterman01 and there's a big whale that dwarfs everything around it
Amonsterman01 - 6 years ago
It does look small, but take into account that the drone is high in the air.
EVE-Voni's World
EVE-Voni's World - 6 years ago
Well what waters are these that they all in there to begin with
stellvia hoenheim
stellvia hoenheim - 6 years ago
graphite YouTube is too PC for that dude
graphite - 6 years ago
Great Wolf I don't even know why this is news, yesterday I saw a 20 ft salty pull a buffalo into a billabong full of bull sharks. Pure carnage.
I think NAT Geo should send a film crew to the Kimberly instead of filming an old dead whale with a tiddler croc and some average size sharks.
Great Wolf
Great Wolf - 6 years ago
DrSuperpump Of course only in Australia will you find that.
DrSuperpump - 6 years ago
EVE-Voni's World Australia
Pumpkin0330 titi
Pumpkin0330 titi - 6 years ago
Times are tough in the crocodile world so at this point he's like thinking that's free food that I can eat on for go while why not! I don't blame him it's hard for these animals to feed themselves.
mirzulfaquarali razvi
mirzulfaquarali razvi - 6 years ago
What a video love it
Frank Dees
Frank Dees - 6 years ago
MrFiddleedee I've seen that video. Once he wouldn't back down or go away, they simply all ate together.
Mr P
Mr P - 6 years ago
Dont think they hv to pay for food no mc donalds in there
PunchianThe3rd - 6 years ago
Look up the leopard that walked up on a group of alligators feasting on a buffalo. It sit right down beside them and start munching lmao. It was so funny because he was that hungry and they was like he got to be. The leopard was looking up every few seconds like he was on the block.
PunchianThe3rd - 6 years ago
CJ Zanders Bears walk and boguard wolfs and coyotes meals.
Im Laughinq
Im Laughinq - 6 years ago
Kerry Li agreed
Zaxares - 6 years ago
Yep. This sort of behaviour is not uncommon if there's so much carrion that there's plenty to go around. I've seen videos of different types of scavengers going at an elephant carcass without bothering each other either. There's no point to trying to chase off other scavengers and risking injury if there's so much carrion that you can't finish it on your own anyway.
Kerry Li
Kerry Li - 6 years ago
nicky davani “The whale’s dead already. Those two predators were scavengers!!!”
nicky davani
nicky davani - 6 years ago
Kerry Li there is no free meal. The whale had to die. So it's not a free meal.
CJ Zanders
CJ Zanders - 6 years ago
MrFiddleedee - I’d like to see that video. Also it’s Zanders.
MrFiddleedee - 6 years ago
Funny you say that Sanders because I recently watched a video where a large male grizz shared a kill with a group of wolves. Took a while for the wolves to accept him but it eventually happened.
Klaas Vaage
Klaas Vaage - 6 years ago
CJ Zanders
CJ Zanders - 6 years ago
This also happens with sharks, Dolphins, and birds all trying to catch Sardines during specific seasons. Being content with an easy meal is much more important than fighting over territory. I couldn’t see bears doing this with any other apex predator though.
MrFiddleedee - 6 years ago
Video literally says: its instinct and NOT intuition that is guiding their behavior.
J - 6 years ago
Ugly whale
White - 6 years ago
+J He died and here you are calling names.
White - 6 years ago
+J That whale was my best friend.
J - 6 years ago
Conor McGregor don’t block free speech and free opinion just cause my opinion broke your heart boy
White - 6 years ago
Lord Bolton
Lord Bolton - 6 years ago
I wanted that crocodile to climb that whale.
Sofa King Awesome
Sofa King Awesome - 6 years ago
Lord Bolton same
5567 5555
5567 5555 - 6 years ago
So that it can eat it's hanging pee pee.
Lord Bolton
Lord Bolton - 6 years ago
+Husnain Ali
Thanks for agreeing.
Husnain Ali
Husnain Ali - 6 years ago
Lord Bolton me to
Muinat - 6 years ago
Any idea how the whale died?
Hans Meiser
Hans Meiser - 6 years ago
whale smoked to much weed
Manny Paws
Manny Paws - 6 years ago
Gang raped by giant squids.
Rick Sanchez
Rick Sanchez - 6 years ago
Muinat bad thyroid
Ronnie Smith
Ronnie Smith - 6 years ago
Thatmuslimgirl Plastic consumption.
Helen Ivanic
Helen Ivanic - 6 years ago
Maybe it saw a ghost. Lol
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
It was attacked by two sharks and a crocodile.
MajorAMinor - 6 years ago
come :::: not only technically. Orcas have been observed killing bigger whales by hunting them in the way of following and repeatedly pushing them down up to exhaustion until the whale dies drowning
Kari Waska
Kari Waska - 6 years ago
Thatmuslimgirl probably drowned, terrible swimmers
R Soul
R Soul - 6 years ago
Thatmuslimgirl motorcycle accident.
come ::::
come :::: - 6 years ago
Thatmuslimgirl I mean technically it can lmao. It's a mammal and has no gills.
Weeb Killer TYBG
Weeb Killer TYBG - 6 years ago
Gandalf the Tsaagan
Gandalf the Tsaagan - 6 years ago
glockmockflock Hudson Yeah, that tends to happen with whale corpses
When they decompose, the amount of fat along with their size creates alot of heat and gases so the bodies get bloated
Which, in the males case, pushes out their penises (and sometimes it literally makes the corpses explode)
come ::::
come :::: - 6 years ago
Thatmuslimgirl it drowned
glockmockflock Hudson
glockmockflock Hudson - 6 years ago
Having a fun night apparently look at that whale PHALLUS
Muinat - 6 years ago
Gandalf the Tsaagan thanks.. It's sad though
Gandalf the Tsaagan
Gandalf the Tsaagan - 6 years ago
It could be anything
Form old age, sickness, starvation, plastic ingestion, acoustic contamination, an impact with a ship, intoxication, etc
Antoine - 6 years ago
redcinos - 6 years ago
Please get rid of those letters narrating the video there are on the way of us watching the video
TheNY97 - 6 years ago
Well you already watched it and you’re only one person asking out of the thousand that’s watched this video so the door , skirtttt
CJ Zanders
CJ Zanders - 6 years ago
fagonfly- it definitely looks like a Facebook edited video.
fagonfly - 6 years ago
Probably edited that way for facebook
Friendly Nail
Friendly Nail - 6 years ago
I disagree.
CJ Zanders
CJ Zanders - 6 years ago
Video of a floating carcass? Boring
H Ĕ Ł P ?
H Ĕ Ł P ? - 6 years ago
redcinos I disagree
Baginda Aricha
Baginda Aricha - 6 years ago
Well,just like a legend from a city in Indonesia called Surabaya. Sura means Shark and Baya means Crocodile.
Den ron
Den ron - 6 years ago
We don't care.
Hamdan Jf
Hamdan Jf - 6 years ago
Najwa Shiab Nusantara
Najwa Shiab
Najwa Shiab - 6 years ago
Baginda Aricha long ago we are unite
syazh1 - 6 years ago
Lol it is malay word for crocodile.. buaya..
Hamdan Jf
Hamdan Jf - 6 years ago
Norman Hughedicko yes you're right, here in malay we called 'buaya'
PunchianThe3rd - 6 years ago
Ok ok ok y'all reconnecting the family line in one thread. Probably close kin who fell out or got separated long ago and amnesia set in with time, culture shifts and outside invaders depending on who. That's wassup y'all

I know Bayt means house
Sobek was the crocodile deity of Egypt and Sobe (So Bay) in Spanish is associated with reptiles.

Etymology is key sense God confused the language of men because of Babylon. I will be studying you all different connections. Peace
Ikeane Dexter
Ikeane Dexter - 6 years ago
Im batavian.... Hehe
ғıʟʟᴛʜᴇғʀᴀᴍᴇ - 6 years ago
Stanly Nulai Stfu You Kontol
adhecil 412
adhecil 412 - 6 years ago
Stanly Nulai jancok
Stanly Nulai
Stanly Nulai - 6 years ago
I'm a Motherfucker
I'm a Motherfucker - 6 years ago
Kevin 080592 Gago ka
Norman Hughedicko
Norman Hughedicko - 6 years ago
Kevin 080592 for Malay,They called it Buaya If I’m not mistaken..Sorry im half Latino and half Malay
Kevin 080592
Kevin 080592 - 6 years ago
in the philippines we have Buwaya as a word for crocodile
Badger Queen
Badger Queen - 6 years ago
In Iban (from Sarawak) also call the crocodiles as baya too. Or jagu' (large crocodile)
*-N.N Duzz-*
*-N.N Duzz-* - 6 years ago
wish thay showed tha part where the crocodile kills the shark
thriddoctor - 6 years ago
No, the croc has a far more powerful bite.
thriddoctor - 6 years ago
Crocs kill sharks on a regular basis. Their bite is far more powerful.
thriddoctor - 6 years ago
A crocodile's bite has four times the power of a great white's so a tiger shark wouldn't stand a chance.
thriddoctor - 6 years ago
Crocs kill and eat quite big sharks.
Hassa Fausuto
Hassa Fausuto - 6 years ago
I love Jamie Dornan
Gustavo Alán Macías Herrada
Gustavo Alán Macías Herrada - 6 years ago
N.N Duzz Tiger & Croc vs Lion & Shark. T&C will win most of the times.
van nie
van nie - 6 years ago
N.N Duzz boring
Serena b
Serena b - 6 years ago
Well, the both crocodile and sharks can be eaten by killer whales. Orca is the top apex predator in the sea. Not a croc nor a shark.
Erik Lehnsherr
Erik Lehnsherr - 6 years ago
They won't fight because
A. There is plenty of food to go around.
B. It would be completely unnecessary and they could risk serious injuries for no reason.
keegan nipe
keegan nipe - 6 years ago
simbionte de la luz actually it would be a 50/50 all determined on who gets the first bite, they are both capable of destroying each other. The salty has armor plating which will have no effect on the razor shark serrated teeth of the tiger which will cut through. On the other hand the saltwater crocodile has the second strongest bite of any animal on earth, so if it gets a hold of the sharks soft fleshy skin it could be capable of crushing it from the outside in, while it could bite smaller sharks in half. Whoever makes the first move and gets the first bite wins so this debate is pointless
Cho Yau Charisse So
Cho Yau Charisse So - 6 years ago
you dont have to be asian to say that -_-
Niall Daniel
Niall Daniel - 6 years ago
simbionte de la luz do you know hard a saltwater crocodile can bite they bite the shark once and it’s over
PunchianThe3rd - 6 years ago
Why is Gamora tho?
*-N.N Duzz-*
*-N.N Duzz-* - 6 years ago
MB my cat is trying to start an argument... again
caveman Versace
caveman Versace - 6 years ago
caveman Versace
caveman Versace - 6 years ago
I'm Australian, guess again.
*-N.N Duzz-*
*-N.N Duzz-* - 6 years ago
Nickscharger - 6 years ago
Its known crocs eat small bull sharks in fresh water/river areas and also eat nurse sharks. But to imagine a croc eating a tiger shark especially 10ft< in open ocean seems far fetched, I would bet on the shark.
Allaam Rauf
Allaam Rauf - 6 years ago
oshadhaful Saltwater Crocs have been know to eating sharks all the time, I hardly hear it the other way round pal.
oshadhaful - 6 years ago
Allaam Rauf lol you are wrong, a croc won't have a chance against a shark of the same size
Allaam Rauf
Allaam Rauf - 6 years ago
Tiger sharks wouldn't stand a chance against saltwater crocodiles.
I'm a Motherfucker
I'm a Motherfucker - 6 years ago
Croc will get ripped apart btw
5567 5555
5567 5555 - 6 years ago
They won't figth,animals are not that dumb.
d x
d x - 6 years ago
They wont fight ,they are almost the same size and there is enough food for both
simbionte de la luz
simbionte de la luz - 6 years ago
where the shark kills the crocodile*
Azliana Lyana
Azliana Lyana - 6 years ago
These 2 species seems to be OK as long as there's enough food for everyone. I guess this is quite the opposite behaviour than most terrestrial apex predators? Thanks for sharing National Geographic.
Maximus Autizmus
Maximus Autizmus - 6 years ago
Sarban I’ve seen spotted hyenas sharing a carcass with lions and wild dogs
Gorilla Glue Expert
Gorilla Glue Expert - 6 years ago
I'm sure if a whale landed in the middle of the african savanna the animals wouldn't be fighting over the best cuts
caveman Versace
caveman Versace - 6 years ago
They do in fact have territories. The salties here reside on islands and have ranges for their territories. This is not a first, crocs and sharks fight all the time here in Australia. Its just never taken the interest of Americans until now. Its a frequent sight in Northern Territory and Queensland to see a croc with a dead shark on the beach.
General Lee N. Knass
General Lee N. Knass - 6 years ago
Yeah, don't get near me at an all you can eat buffet.
5567 5555
5567 5555 - 6 years ago
Zion Lion
Oh here we go again
Zion Lion
Zion Lion - 6 years ago
Can't say the same for humans. Enough isn't enough. We always want more
Mutantgamer - 6 years ago
I think both predators are smart enough to know there’s plenty of food to go around and fighting each other would only lead to unnecessary injuries.
Wes Lerat
Wes Lerat - 6 years ago
It's a whale... There's plenty to go around...
Sarban - 6 years ago
I've seen leopards and hyenas sharing a carcass.
babybones919 - 6 years ago
Andrew is the Apex predator
Azliana Lyana It’s usually like that for terrestrial species because they claim territory. Correct me if I’m wrong salt water crocodiles do claim territory but out in the ocean there’s nothing to claim so if there’s food everyone will be happy. And I suppose it’s because it’s so large so they can feed and distance each other at the same time.
Tyler Patrick
Tyler Patrick - 6 years ago
You must be a real fan of NGW because I see your comments a lot
äldkk akekjs
äldkk akekjs - 6 years ago
K36 Is Back your overuse of emotes is not only cringy but also triggers me for some reason.
Marcus De Villiers
Marcus De Villiers - 6 years ago
We are all just squirrels tryna get a nut.
Finn Bálor
Finn Bálor - 6 years ago
I always waited for a video like this
White - 6 years ago
+Rahmad Mulya What's wrong with that?
Finn Bálor
Finn Bálor - 6 years ago
so what?
Rahmad Mulya
Rahmad Mulya - 6 years ago
Finn Bálor that's a weird hobby

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