Eaten Alive - Great White Shark
Shark videos 15 years ago 7,018,138 views
Hear the amazing story of the Australian abalone diver, Eric, who found himself inside a great white shark, being eaten alive.
Shark videos 15 years ago 7,018,138 views
Hear the amazing story of the Australian abalone diver, Eric, who found himself inside a great white shark, being eaten alive.
42,264 likes 66,032,899 views 10 years ago
Goliath grouper eating a black tip shark in one bite off the coast of Bonita Springs Florida. August 2014. This...
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This 450 pound black marlin was caught off Cairns, Australia. After about 22 minutes it panicks and goes down deep,...
42,264 likes 66,032,899 views 10 years ago
Goliath grouper eating a black tip shark in one bite off the coast of Bonita Springs Florida. August 2014. This...
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342,276 likes 44,613,491 views 9 years ago
Time to CATCH and RELEASE some SHARKS! ► Click HERE for crazy fishing VIDEOS! ► Click HERE to...
35,332 likes 44,187,080 views 18 years ago
This 450 pound black marlin was caught off Cairns, Australia. After about 22 minutes it panicks and goes down deep,...
The "Eaten Alive - Great White Shark" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.
Happy for you had survive.
10. comment for Eaten Alive - Great White Shark
an average human bite force is about 150psi and according to a USF study a black tip shark weighing about 150lbs has a bite force of about 250psi. so we’re supposed to assume that a 2,000lbs great white shark is that much weaker than every other shark in the ocean?
20. comment for Eaten Alive - Great White Shark
He was so incredibly brave.
I would just be done for.
30. comment for Eaten Alive - Great White Shark
Shark: yum
Me: let me die!!!
Shark: soooooooo go yum good meal
Me: eww it stinks dies
Shark: nah I do not care she die
Decompression illness
Discovery please don’t be daft
This is coming from a qualified advanced scuba diver
You must never panic
50. comment for Eaten Alive - Great White Shark
SHARK: ummm.........
SHARK:ru going to swim away
ME: no I deserve this
Seriously though , why do people living in Australia or USA keep putting their lives at risk like that ? They know that their goddamn oceans are infested with dangerous sharks ! They should be more cautious .
100. comment for Eaten Alive - Great White Shark
If that was me I would just give up and be like
ME: hey shark dinners ready
SHARK: I've been waiting for this moment ever since I saw you
Bob: this sucks! Huh? What's that noise
Bobs friend falls in shark stomach
Bob: Tim?!
Tim: Bob?!
Bob and Tim in unison: AYYYY
There was made a 1 hour documentary about it in the 90's, but the picture you see should be enough to make you squeel a little.
I would also like to thank my mom for recording that documentary for me on VHS when I was 10. Along with the Lion King and Cinderella, those were really important videos in my youth :-|
Mom: Why don't you go outside?
Me: shows video
and that's wrong and not good
I never thought of that
The diver also couldn't see him.
You're a dumb ass if you believe this fairy tale that you've been watching. His wetsuit would've been caught on them teeth and it wouldn't be that easy to climb out being half inside the sharks jaw. It's common fucking sense which some of you clearly don't have. SAD!
Only time I could see actually standing up for sharks is this, 1 person eaten by a shark, or the whole shark species going extinct, and while you might think I'm defending the animals I am not, sharks play an important part in the food webs and chains of the world, and without them humans would be worse off, but very few people tend to see or understand that concept, not to mention humans basically slaughter sharks in the millions, but then 1 guy gets eaten, and the media and other people twist it around to make sharks seem killers like humans,
As in they think just like us and know exactly what they're doing and dont care, truth is they're just trying to survive like us, why not live and let live
"humans are friends not food" (nemo reffrence
1. Play in the NFL
2. Become a shark scientist and study them
Deep water AND that.
I really feel bad for sharks.Their family members shouldn't be abused and cooked by disrespectful humans.Dang i actually wish i was a shark so no sharks can eat me xD
And even if you DO come in contact with a shark, they aren't exactly fond of human flesh, and they tend to think surfers are seals. So you can sleep easy. ^^
sharks don't know the difference between fish/seals/ and people.
it may seem hard to understand why, but it's the truth; that shark didn't eat him for good the second time because he knew he wasn't a fish. sharks don't purposely eat humans; its accidental so take it easy on them, sure their scary, but they don't know. I know this isn't gonna ease anyone's fear of them; but honestly I'm way more scared of spider, and drowning than I am of sharks; cause I know the deal. hit them a couple of times; maybe they'll see you can fight harder than a fish; and realize you aren't one.
And I love sharks.but people's that don't agree with you,
They are just some retarded people's.
Discovery, go home, you're drunk.
Being hurt in the military it was nice not to lug a tank on my back...
He saved his own life. Not many could have done this...
Your in heaven at the pearly gates.. How did you die? Car accident.. Yeah, we got a billion of those.. How'd you die.. I was guppy food for a great white.. Well, step right in sir.. Tell us what it was like...
We are way off topic...
Shark Shark Shark...
Chomp Chomp Chomp.. Chew, Spit Swallow..
Nono, do not talk to the retard, we have already discovered this person is not intelligent enough to have an opinion.
honestly making you realise how stupid you are makes what time i have left more meaningful.
You do not even understand what a "psycho" is so please restrain yourself from using the term.
First, i am going to call you a fucking moron because you are acting like one,
second, if you do not know much maybe you should not say much hey?
Third, Is that supposed to be an insult?
Gee you are an unoriginal sack of lumpy camel shit ya know.
Whale sharks eat krill you fucking moron.
And Coconuts kill more people each year than sharks, maybe we should focus on killing coconuts as they are obviously the real danger here.
sharks eat krill, krill eat the plants in the sea.
the plants in the sea account for two thirds of the worlds oxygen, so if you kill all of the sharks then you will lose two thirds of the planets oxygen!
i thought he died until i heard him say that HE was eaten alive
but he lost alot of blood guys how did he live???
Not the sugargliders! ( :
At least you don't go swimming deep down to the sea
Or at least you don't live the burmuda triangle
One of my fav reports was a Shark found with Mid-evil armor inside. What I still dont know if if the shark was that old, or some stupid ass went into the water to fight it later on with armor from those times...
Shark don't eat humans, it was mostly just a coincidence or the shark had mistaken its prey.
Something creepy about him
you are in danger!
Me toooo!
If they left us alone I wouldn't kill them, but unlike a robber there 2 stupid, to understand there actions. And my are is gone so you can "see" what I taste like.
-most if great white attacks are errors of sight
-if sharks realy wanted to eat humans,why do we always find pieces of the bodies?(if they actualy wanted too eat humans,they would eat it whole).
All I want to say is that shark attacks are way too mediatized, comared too the 10000 peaple that die from snake bites each year,or the 250 people how die from coconuts or the 600 people who die because of elefants each year.
it's soooo lame LOL
Sharks got instragram now! Takin' pictures of their dinner and sharing!
Beautiful but dangerous prove me wrong
You know the "United States" is not a breed of people, we are made up of all peoples on this earth...
Read more:
stop being a bitch
There is of course a god but only in the imagination of those who believe. YOU believe in god but you didn't come up with the concept of the god you believe in, you were taught to believe by your peers. In that teaching, 'holy books' were used to reinforce the belief and not just occasionally but over and over again. This is generally referred to as 'brainwashing'. If you are christian, your belief system comes from the bible made up of texts from the Hebrew Torah and the new testament. The basis of this 'holy book' is from the Hebrew 'holy books'. Those stories of god are no more than about 4000 years old. We humans have been around for about 200,000 years, and before the Hebrews, and since, there have been tens of thousands of other gods, equally as real as yours.
dont even think about saying its nature cause its not !
I don't "believe in nothing". Even though you give all indications of being a cretin, I'm sure there is some hope.
I believe in what I see and when I see thousands of people praying and nothing happens, then I believe my eyes and know that NOTHING happened or will happen. I defy you to show a verifiable incident where someone was affected by a prayer being answered.
I also believe in scientific reports that provide evidence of their correctness, where they have been peer reviewed. One minor things is that I believe it when they say that our planet is like a slightly squashed ball revolving around our sun along with all the other planets in our solar system and that our solar system revolves around our universe, The Milky Way. All of which is in defiance of bible 'knowledge'. I believe it when scientists say there IS evidence of floods all over the world but NO giant worldwide deluge 6 metere above the tallest mountain.
Your equally stupid assumption that religion wasn't forced on me is also wrong. It WAS forced on me until I was 11.5 years old. In other words, I was abused as a child as idiots like you do to your own children.
I have NO respect for fuckwits like yourself who have the 'holier than thou' attitude in telling everyone YOU know everything because you get it from some book written by ignorant arseholes, like you, who wished to control people with the fear of the unprovable.
If you want to believe that there is some old fucker sitting in heaven that directs what happens to us mortals, who calls us his 'children' and if we don't succumb to his every whim we will suffer the most horrible of punishments for eternity, well fuck him and you for believing such shit, but go ahead, believe all you want. Don't push it down my throat or like the one who made the stupid statement here first about god, I WILL have a go at you.
If you are such a believer, why don't you join a sect who believe so much in how god protects them they handle live poisonous snakes. Just like the dickhead who died just recently, with luck they'll bite you too.
Now that WOULD be a blessing in disguise.
"Thank god" may well be a common phrase for one such as you, I prefer thank goodness, thank your lucky stars or even thank fuck, which personally has more relevance and reverence than 'thank god'. Without the almighty fuck, none of us would be here, nor would we have the bliss of unity between 2 like minded souls, or the companionship it brings.
Prisons are full of thieves, murderers, rapist and pedophiles who are all born again christians. They all like to say things like, 'I love Jesus' or 'praise the lord' and plenty of 'thank gods' but none of it means shit when it's all boiled down.
I looked at this clip in awe of a man who had the presence of mind, under absolute extreme circumstances where he was moments from death, to save himself. Unlike some wanking god believer, he didn't scream for help from his saviour Jesus or some god, if he had, we wouldn't be having this conversation now, he'd be dead.
He did it all on his own, no help from any sky fairy and anyone who wants to take that away from him, go fuck yourself.
Stormtrooper, you illiterate wanker, you don't even understand that the person who made that stupid statement in the beginning is a woman, NOT a 'GUY'.
BrandonMPage; If Danyelle Brooke has the right to make such a comment, I too have the right to make a counter comment. You say I have no evidence for there not being a god, it' not up to me to prove that point but it IS up to those who believe and make the point of god to prove their point. I am in an impossible position to prove that something that doesn't exist is not there. In fact I would put to you all that there is more relevance in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, than any other god. There WAS evidence at the time as to which god helped Eric in his moment of need. You might think the red colouring in the water was blood. It wasn't, it was the tomato sauce from the FSM that was spilled when he went to assist Eric.
+BrandonMPage & +stormtrooper1296 This video DOES have nothing to do with religion. What you don't realise is that the religious 'monster' was brought up by someone else, not me. If you look down to the post by Danyelle Brooke, she said, "Thank God. Eric you better praise God, for He was with you". That is where my comment was directed and towards any other idiot that thinks that god had anything to do with this man's survival. You & anyone else has a right to believe in anything you wish but you don't have a right to force those wishes on others with stupid unfounded comments. You may also notice that I also got up the morons who criticised the manner in which he spoke.
I guess you think they have a "god given right" to do that also?
The man in this clip presented himself with extreme clarity of mind & purpose and was solely instrumental in his escape from the shark, something all the critics here lack in spades.
I guess you're correct and like you, can live in as much ignorance as they like as well.
What's this got to do with sharks?