Exclusive video: The first hunt by a great white shark ever recorded in San Francisco Bay
Shark videos 9 years ago 767,655 views
Learn more about Alcatraz Cruises and Hornblower Cruises & Events: http://www.alcatrazcruises.com/ https://www.hornblower.com/ Fall is prime time for great whites to roam off the coast of San Francisco. While they’ve been documented inside the bay in the past using electronic monitoring, none have been spotted inside the Golden Gate, let alone seen stalking and attacking prey. Some say this was the first known recorded predation event in the San Francisco Bay. On Saturday, October 10, 2015, witnesses from Alcatraz and the Alcatraz Cruises hybrid ferry watched in awe as a great white shark devoured a sea lion just a few yards off Alcatraz Island. This is the first attack by a great white shark ever recorded in San Francisco Bay. The bloody spectacle is proof that one of the most feared oceanic beasts sometimes takes feeding forays into bay. Some believe that this year’s robust El Niño is driving sharks northward into uncharted territory. The attack was recorded in great detail by the cameras aboard Alcatraz Cruises’ hybrid vessel and from Alcatraz Island.
10. comment for Exclusive video: The first hunt by a great white shark ever recorded in San Francisco Bay
20. comment for Exclusive video: The first hunt by a great white shark ever recorded in San Francisco Bay
30. comment for Exclusive video: The first hunt by a great white shark ever recorded in San Francisco Bay
depends of the season, they are moving between
(1)Hawai - (2)Guadalupe island - (3) San Francisco,
thats the information about their GPS. The famous triangle every year.
The Red Triangle. You don't wanna go swimmin' over there.
I thought that was a trait only known to G whites in south Africa ?
I agree. However, in some of the well known white shark hot spots where they hang around, I won't be entering the water for a leisurely swim.
There have been cases where the white shark, and some other sharks, have actually fully eaten the human they attacked. Yes, they mostly eat seals etc. and not humans but if they attack a human, they may completely eat that human.
True, true. The guys who escaped were most likely eaten by sharks.
The secret is to season it with pepper, garlic and paprika and leave it to marinade for 24 hrs in the refridgerator.
Then sprinkle with olive oil and fry or grill, and have it with plenty of veggies. I prefer to grill.
50. comment for Exclusive video: The first hunt by a great white shark ever recorded in San Francisco Bay
Nope, I don't say sorry to the food on my plate before I eat them or the flowers in my garden. I'm just glad that they are available and enhance the living experience. We will all perish at some point, the objective must be to optimise and enjoy.
Nope, I don't say sorry to the food on my plate before I eat them or the flowers in my garden. I'm just glad that they are available and enhance the living experience. We will all perish at some point, the objective must be to optimise and enjoy.
Nope, I don't say sorry to the food on my plate before I eat them or the flowers in my garden. I'm just glad that they are available and enhance the living experience. We will all perish at some point, the objective must be to optimise and enjoy.
ok mr.iQofyourAge . let me re phrase my self so your little dumb nerv in side of your skull can understand. FUCK SHARKS KILL THEM ALL; Have a nice day :)
I am not alone with harmless fish, when I am in the water of the San Francisco Bay.
"...já ví que é algo relacionado a futebol, não gosto dessa merda..."
Depois manda essa:
"...Tá vendo porque não gosto muito de futebol, o esporte é bacana..."
Tá perdido cara?
Se vc não gosta dessa merda (ou gosta pouco),se não entende a zoação,me diz então o que te irritou tanto,normalmente essa irritação viria de um São-paulino (Bambi),mas como vc não é desse mundo,diz aí?
É estranho uma pessoa que parece não ligar para esse tipo de coisa (futebol e suas zoeiras) se afeta tanto com algo que não lhe cabe e não entende,ou seja,coisa de débil mental.Acredito que essa roupa veste melhor em vc.
A merda é um cara dizer que não saca do assunto mas mesmo assim dá um rage sem sentido,coitado de vc.