Expedition Jacksonville: Tagging White Shark Lydia

Watch the video of how OCEARCH tagged and released the first great white in Florida waters, Lydia!
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Most popular comments
for Expedition Jacksonville: Tagging White Shark Lydia

Jamal Hossain
Jamal Hossain - 7 years ago
Good GoB
right fight
right fight - 7 years ago
its just a entertainment business with pretentious research
Tammy Bui
Tammy Bui - 7 years ago
The other side of the flip coin : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQbk8fBPVAg&t=29s
BhaiSeriouslyMatLenaOk -
BhaiSeriouslyMatLenaOk - - 7 years ago
and I thought Deep Blue Sea was only a movie
C T - 7 years ago
At the end of the day it’s a fish...
A fish that animal lovers like myself respect...
Nils Magwalt
Nils Magwalt - 7 years ago
Marvelous! It looks like a pitstop!
thomy adamputra
thomy adamputra - 7 years ago
PEngen liat ikan yg lebih besar lagi
Todd Rovinski
Todd Rovinski - 7 years ago
Why dont.you fucking idiots do a bit of practice before you acquire your permits and go out and kill the fucking things, they could possibly be one of the most important species of shark and obviously top of the shark food chain, but I'm sure just move on to the next,, what a joke RIP to the greatest predators period rigjt guys way to go you fuck tards
MsLyon69120 - 7 years ago
Bande de fils de pute

10. comment for Expedition Jacksonville: Tagging White Shark Lydia

Grimm_ Ace
Grimm_ Ace - 7 years ago
Lydia.. That's a cute one.
Chrissy Kwiat
Chrissy Kwiat - 7 years ago
Evert Muis
Evert Muis - 8 years ago
This fkkn bulshit... leave those animals alone. Instead of drilling holes in them.
hdb80 - 8 years ago
At 2:22 the guy rubbing and patting her belly. Dude, this is NOT a dog.
Metatron - 8 years ago
Eheheh we call sharks "dog fish" in our language :D
Jason Gafar
Jason Gafar - 8 years ago
HAHAHHAAHHAHAAH. The thought alone of what that shark is busy thinking. hahahahaha, goodness.
Jason Gafar
Jason Gafar - 8 years ago
HAHAHAHA, this reminds me of a pit stop in those formula racetracks.
Jason Gafar
Jason Gafar - 8 years ago
The awkward moment you jump into water and notice there's a great white shark.....a few feet away.
William Lee
William Lee - 8 years ago
does the drill hurt on 2:35?
White Male
White Male - 8 years ago
This is basically alien abduction.
oldi184 - 7 years ago
I agree. I am almost positive that ETs are doing the similar things to us.
Ronald Irwin
Ronald Irwin - 8 years ago
my favorites are Katherine and Mary Lee. I am wondering if the two swimming cycle is true. if so is Katherine heading to the gulf of Mexico... hmmmm?

20. comment for Expedition Jacksonville: Tagging White Shark Lydia

Bob Johnson
Bob Johnson - 8 years ago
What was that dufus doing at 1:50 jumping into the water?
R R DeRagon
R R DeRagon - 8 years ago
Sure hope she's still out there....
Susan McGraw Keber
Susan McGraw Keber - 8 years ago
Lydia is out there swimming free! www.ocearch.org
Bees - 8 years ago
She tends to stay pretty deep in the water. I follow her, she's my favorite. There was a documentary about her, she traveled over halfway across the ocean fairly soon after she was tagged. Since she tends to stay underwater, she doesn't ping as often as the others. Sometimes she pings long enough that we know she's still alive, but not long enough to lock in her location. She pinged recently with a location - May 14, 2006. It had been months since she pinged with a location. Go to Ocearch.org and you can track her and the other sharks. I hope you will enjoy!
Carolyn Sue Wilford-Hall
Carolyn Sue Wilford-Hall - 8 years ago
Good Morning, Question, do you have a program to share your journey with developmentally disabled adults? We live in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. not far from Jacksonville.. I work with adults with Autism, Downs and others. My goal is to give them opportunities to experience life in different ways. Hands on, personal interaction with your staff, maybe see your boat or a shark . I believe people learn more by hands on learning and interaction.
Is there a way to contact you directly
Aubrey Trittipo
Aubrey Trittipo - 9 years ago
that made my day.....And happy
Lazy Weeb
Lazy Weeb - 9 years ago
why do you harm the animals :(?
spookshowlady - 8 years ago
It doesn't harm the sharks. They don't have central nerves in their fins, so tagging is, luckily, painless. It's slightly disorienting, but they bounce back as soon as they're let go.

This is very critical for the research of shark behavior and helps scientists in their efforts to save these endangered creatures. If you go to the website, you can see the activities of the sharks as they swim all over, showing that they are very much alive and well.
Dieselyoyo - 9 years ago
+The Gaming Raptor the shark is not harmed don't worry. Her eye's are covered she doesn't know about anything and she won't get scared this way. They are just tagging her to keep track of her and if needed even protect her. Great whites are endangered and these people just want to make sure she will live a happy shark life.... such a beautiful creature!
David S.
David S. - 9 years ago
She's going to go back to tell her friends what happened, and none of them will believe her. She'll live the rest of her life sheltered and in constant fear, known by her community as "Loony Lydia."
tee walker
tee walker - 9 years ago
Keep up the good work guys :)
Christina Welch
Christina Welch - 9 years ago
I'd love to be apart of an expedition one day and tag sharks. Beautiful creatures.
Christina Welch
Christina Welch - 9 years ago
Who/where can you cage dive in jacksonville or Georgia with great whites.
Patricia Norris
Patricia Norris - 9 years ago
Lydia is my favorite of all the sharks. From her navigation data on Ocearch website it shows she spends most of her time in deeper water including making two trips out to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Wow. Mary Lee is completely different, she stays much closer to the coast. I would love if we could get more information about dive depths, etc. I know I read on Ocearch that Lydia is a deep diver, but the depth data doesn't seem to be available on their website as a feature that we can search.

Great work Ocearch and thanks to Caterpillar for all their support.

30. comment for Expedition Jacksonville: Tagging White Shark Lydia

Desert Rivers
Desert Rivers - 9 years ago
Where is Lidia today? Can you folllow her journey?
trackerinblue - 8 years ago
Go to the Ocearch.org site and you can see where many of the tagged sharks are! It's wonderful.
BonkersFraggle - 9 years ago
+Desert Rivers You can track the tagged sharks here: http://www.ocearch.org/#SharkTracker
miscellaniac - 9 years ago
It's depressing the amount of people on here that are anti-tagging. People who scream "SHARKS ARE KILLERS BLARG" are bad enough, but people who assume sharks will be fine if we leave them alone, if we don't research them, are burying their heads in the sand. 

Sharks are killed in the millions every year due to finning, longlines and nets, sports fishing, destruction of breeding grounds and other factors. Humans do NOT leave large apex predators, land or sea, alone. The 1970's Jaws panics proved that, with sharks being slaughtered because we were afraid of them, and some of those sharks were very big, very old sharks.

These tagging expeditions are intended to gather data that can be presented to law makers, the general public, and science foundations that can further education about how our oceans work to regulate the temperature of the planet, to enact laws designed to protect endangered specieis, and to help us as a species understand who we are, and where we're going as inhabitants of this planet.

By demanding they be left alone you are unwittingly contributing to the ignorance that perpetuates the decline of predatory species. 15 minutes of discomfort is better than entire species annihilation due to ignorance.
Ryan Roberts
Ryan Roberts - 9 years ago
It really would be nice if they find less intrusive ways to get this research in the future. While I understand the shark doesn't feel any pain, I'm concerned with the effect the device might have on the way it swims. It uses that fin to help direct itself after all. Is there anyway to just stick the transmitter to the shark's main body like they do with sea turtles?
washington luis de figueiredo alves
washington luis de figueiredo alves - 10 years ago
what a waste of shark soup
Stevie Wonder
Stevie Wonder - 10 years ago
R.I.P. Paul Walker, he will be missed not only for his roles in The Fast, and the Furious.
Jeff Allen
Jeff Allen - 10 years ago
Awesome footage of what you guys do! How is that they are so calm when you are tagging them?
Dirk Westphal
Dirk Westphal - 8 years ago
ow my head.
spookshowlady - 8 years ago
+Tenshos007 ..?
Jeff Allen
Jeff Allen - 10 years ago
+Tenshos007 Huh?
Tenshos007 - 10 years ago
some sharks life male sharks are agreesive and care about food only nothing else i mean femlaes are more smarter so they realize if the people give her water she understands that they wont kill her but if they dont they she will try to bite someone by jumping so yeah...
James Crockett
James Crockett - 10 years ago
what is that at 2:31 ???
Jeff Allen
Jeff Allen - 10 years ago
Sturrmm - 10 years ago
HOLY FUCK! I swam in those waters, didn't know they came in that far in Jacksonville.  Was stationed in Mayport.
dan m
dan m - 10 years ago
Poor lydia is now swimming in circles due to an incorrectly foiled fin.
Brian Cleary
Brian Cleary - 10 years ago
For those of you who do not follow OCEARCH or have not heard of it I strongly suggest reading into it.  This is a great organization that aims to create real time data on large predatory fish that is shared with the public.  Understanding our ocean's largest predators is imperative in understanding what makes an ocean ecosystem healthy.  I have grown up loving sharks and watching sharkweek and it is great to see OCEARCH getting some attention.  Before you start talking about animal cruelty when they "tag" these sharks, please read what OCEARCH is all about.  Keep up the good work guys!
dougieladd - 10 years ago
This is interesting what is it that the team hopes to achieve?
isaswag - 10 years ago
My name is lydia XD and I LOVEEEE SHARKS so this is like a really cool tagging! LOVE YOU LYDIA
Lord Marvin
Lord Marvin - 10 years ago
the sharp turn on the map made me laugh. 
murat karaali
murat karaali - 11 years ago
Protect the Great Whites!
ChantalMiss - 11 years ago
I dream that? Drill holes in the wing to attach this tag? This is what they found as a means? Although sharks do not feel pain in their fins, which I doubt anyway, it does not happen as a method! (translation)
dougieladd - 10 years ago
+Crimsonwilson PSN
Yeah makes sense. Concentrated nerves in the nose/head "ampullae of Lorenzini" for prey detection. And then less everywhere else. Yeah, I'll go with that. Love sharks, love 'em :)
Jimmy - 10 years ago
Not even that much. I doubt the shark would bat an eye. Sharks have far less nerve endings than we do and most of them are on the business ending of the shark.
dougieladd - 10 years ago
It's fin is made of cartilage. So about the same pain as ear piercing.
ChantalMiss - 11 years ago
If it is painless ok. When we look at it a little shocking. Thank you for your answer!  Si c'est indolore ok. Quand on regarde ça choque un peu. Merci de votre réponse!
jigglybean - 11 years ago
They have tried other ways and this works best. It's painless, fast and effective.
kitty girl
kitty girl - 11 years ago
If u research Lydia it will say she is pregnant!
Baby Rose
Baby Rose - 11 years ago
Lydia is alive and doing well. We are waiting for her next ping.
heather landskron
heather landskron - 11 years ago
you are doing a awesome job +OCEARCH . !!! have a good day and night. 
Hannah Coleman
Hannah Coleman - 11 years ago
Hah she's on her way to Ireland!!
Jack Drummond
Jack Drummond - 11 years ago
It now 500 miles of the coast of Northern Ireland I will look out for her

50. comment for Expedition Jacksonville: Tagging White Shark Lydia

skin186 - 11 years ago
If "Everyone" and by that I mean the majority as they are so often called keeps saying "kill all the sharks because they are mindless eating machines", then surely this research will prove them wrong! I love Great Whites a true pinnacle of predatory evolution, If you need a real life example of how some attack victims look at sharks check out Bethany Hamilton, She is a pro surfer who unfortunately lost her arm in a shark attack, She doesn't harbour any ill feelings about sharks and still rides the surf like a boss! She is still sponsored as a pro and still competes... She even trains in the bay she was attacked in! 
skin186 - 11 years ago
So happy Ocearch are doing this it's about time people cared more for this beautiful apex predator, and stopped hunting it because it can harm humans. 
Blackout987 - 11 years ago
Geez, talk about taking size into account.
Bullman1000 - 11 years ago
She is expected to be heading towards Ireland and to be hitting the Irish seas in the next coming days :D
Vic Ls
Vic Ls - 11 years ago
Poor sharks, why we need to put those things in its body? they don't need it... we destroy all as I can :/
Hawaiian Mermaid 23
Hawaiian Mermaid 23 - 8 years ago
+spookshowlady it makes me so mad how many comments are on here like this. We track to save people. Please do your research.
spookshowlady - 8 years ago
It's to track them and thus protect them from hunters and pollution. It's an effort to save these animals. Do some research. It causes no pain and doesn't impede their life.
Douglas Onionds
Douglas Onionds - 11 years ago
Why did they have to drill hole's through her poor body. That bulky transmitter they attached to her would cause her great drag and seriously effect her hydrodynamics too, when in attack mode traveling upwards of 30 knots through the water, it's sad. 
spookshowlady - 8 years ago
Shark fins have no central nerves. They feel nothing. And the transmitter does not impede movement.
Ciaran HD
Ciaran HD - 11 years ago
Reading that she just washed up on Irish shores unfortunately
Ciaran HD
Ciaran HD - 11 years ago
My bad! 
Bullman1000 - 11 years ago
That wasn't here that was another shark that washed up on the coast of Kerry
mac salvor
mac salvor - 11 years ago
why stick all that junk all over her let her be! stupid yanks
mac salvor
mac salvor - 11 years ago
still not happy with the stupid americans let it be
marcel lecram
marcel lecram - 11 years ago
It's obvious, it will be great, if we can just left them. But we already interfere in their habitat and leaving them is not enough. If we now just leave them, they will die, because of, for example, the pollution of waters, where their reproduce. And before we left them, we have to make researchs like that.
mac salvor
mac salvor - 11 years ago
whatever let her be so you just think? that shark should be left alone. Before techology they roamed the waters so let the shark be it's cruel. 
marcel lecram
marcel lecram - 11 years ago
+mac salvor Oh yeah, let swim free and then destroy her natural habitat - so noble. This research will give us information about her way of life and for exemple how to protect young sharks from hunting. Just think of it.
mac salvor
mac salvor - 11 years ago
free world free speech get rid of that crap on her let her swim free
mac salvor
mac salvor - 11 years ago
forget negative not neagative! let her be
Ciaran HD
Ciaran HD - 11 years ago
It's for research, c'mon don't be so negative
Logen77 - 11 years ago
....animal cruelty... Who wants a GPS in the ass?
mitch katz
mitch katz - 7 years ago
Animal cruelty? Is it better that you take a dip in the ocean and there is a shark in the water that if it was tagged you would've known it was near by so you wouldn't have just became bait,
spookshowlady - 8 years ago
Do some research. It's literally part of a conservation effort to track and save sharks. Shark fins don't have feeling. It doesn't hurt them.
Chicchetto954 - 11 years ago
Alan07881 - 11 years ago
I'm sorry to tell you sir but, you my friend are retarded. This is very unfortunate and i do feel a little sorry for you.
copycatDrumЯ - 11 years ago
So does the shark live the rest of its life with a tracking device attached to its fin? While it may not cause the shark physical pain, I wonder if it could affect its sense of balance or its sense of direction.
Camilente2 - 11 years ago
She's beautiful.  Hope she makes it to UK waters but I presume it would be too cold here for her.
miscellaniac - 9 years ago
+Camilente2 She made it about half way across the Atlantic towards Ireland.
Camilente2 - 10 years ago
Well from your perspective I can understand that.
dan m
dan m - 10 years ago
Personally I'm pretty glad that we have next to no white sharks in our waters: Surfer.
Camilente2 - 10 years ago
I've been unable to access the site since I first saw it so I don't know where she ended up?
Stephen Dellinger
Stephen Dellinger - 10 years ago
White sharks do fine in cold water. She did cross the Atlantic, I forget what continent she was near though.
Adam c
Adam c - 11 years ago
Seriously wrong, I don't get this at tall.  I've been loosely following the story about this on Carve mag and other facebook feeds, first I thought it was a joke but realised it was actual research into what sharks get up to.  Leave them be, totally disgusting how they catch the shark and haul up and then all is saying we know sharks have been doing this for 100,000years for what actual purpose are they following this shark other than to say its crossing the Atlantic?  Shame on surfers who have got on board with this shite.  Disgusting and sad human activity.
Hawaiian Mermaid 23
Hawaiian Mermaid 23 - 8 years ago
Are you serious? You have no idea what your talking about. This won't hurt the shark at all, nor will the shark most likely remember it. We study to save! We learn their habits to help protect a dying species! You know nothing. Do not spread stupidity if you don't know what's really being done.
spookshowlady - 8 years ago
...If you've only followed it loosely, you don't have room to comment. This is about tracking shark behavior in order to better protect them from pollution and hunters. It's to SAVE them.
JaxxDaemon - 11 years ago
Cool video but that guy shouting all the time was so cringe worthy
Eric Faith
Eric Faith - 11 years ago
I don't understand why everyone is claiming that this "is not research". The shark doesn't feel anything during the tagging (the dorsal fin lacks central nerves), and they release it alive and healthy afterwards. This helps them record migration and behavioral patterns. It is certainly research, and helps us understand sharks a lot more than we used to.
Joseph Martinez
Joseph Martinez - 7 years ago
the shark feels the weight of itself crushing down on vital organs...... this is not a good practice.
Roy Mckie
Roy Mckie - 7 years ago
Eric Faith I have a brachial plexus injury and I still feel pain and my arm totally paralysed.... Also it's not just about pain..these things the bolt on with a dewalt drill and no iodine or something to kill infection was used that I seen of .. also these things must interfere with hunting... Yes white shark conservation is a must but if man just left them alone and only watched them and didn't feed them I have confidence the sharks would do very well without us...were the sharks problem and the reason the huge whites are gone .. deep blue is a one of fish which were once common..
birilol - 9 years ago
+Marcus Zimmer your ignorance physically hurts me
miscellaniac - 9 years ago
+Marcus Zimmer Do you understand basic anatomy? There are no nerve receptors in a sharks fin. None. Zip. Nada. This means that the shark cannot feel pain, or as you put it "pain" in its dorsal fin. The freakiest thing for the animal is probably having a bunch of people yelling stats around it and having a hose put in it's mouth for the 15 minutes (that's right, 15 minutes) it takes to take down its information.

Those 15 minutes of "pain" (god that makes me laugh. No nerve receptors= NO PAIN. Jeebus) and confusion could mean life or death for the entire genus. So tell me wonder boy, what's better for the shark? 15 minutes of what amounts to an alien abduction so the general public can get a clue about the entire species, or death at the hands of uninformed assholes who think sharks are monsters? Sharks already have it rough: they're being finned in the millions every year, and there are some heinous individuals out there who fish for sharks because they think it's sport. If there's an opportunity to limit the needless deaths of sharks by researching them like this, wouldn't you say it's worth 15 minutes of discomfort?
sdschlegs - 10 years ago
+Crimsonwilson PSN 
PETAards! You gave me my first chuckle of the day so thank you!
Jimmy - 10 years ago
+Marcus Zimmer
So many fucking PETArds in here.
Darren McCoy
Darren McCoy - 10 years ago
+Marcus Zimmer never go full retard my friend
Eric Faith
Eric Faith - 11 years ago
+Marcus Zimmer  You're kidding, right? There is a difference between tagging humans and tagging sharks.

Just as Bob Jones said, we don't have a need to tag humans. We can talk to each other verbally. Without tagging animals, just how would we research the different species? How would we know what we know about animal migration patterns, or feeding patterns, or animal behavior in general? And before you say "that stuff isn't important", I suppose you think it "isn't important" if we just build bridges over rivers full of endangered fish, or set up oil drills over areas full of endangered cetaceans.
taabuu2342 - 11 years ago
+Marcus Zimmer If it doesn't hurt a person then it can't be threatening or inhumane :I
Marcus Zimmer
Marcus Zimmer - 11 years ago
Oh yes, let's tag humans on places they do not feel "pain" just because there aren't any nerves, and then call it research and come up with lots of bullshit and "valid" reasons for threating that person in a inhuman way! Sounds fair and good, now doesn't it?! Yes I bet you lots would say "But that's a different story", well no, IT'S NOT!
melodykey - 11 years ago
a bit of a girly thing to ask i know, but does it actually hurt the shark when they are tagged i mean they are drilling through their fins
melodykey - 11 years ago
excellent thank you for that, I noticed that there wasn't really much movement from the shark whilst they were doing it, but I was curious thank you for clearing that up for me :)
Eric Faith
Eric Faith - 11 years ago
According to the OCEARCH Facebook page, the shark's dorsal fin does not feel pain, because it lacks any central nerves. So it really does not feel anything when they drill through the fin.
werasf offwrasf
werasf offwrasf - 11 years ago
Don't particularly like how much stuff they tacked on to her fin. But if it helps anyone learn more about sharks, then I don't see anything wrong with it.
HEKTIC458 - 11 years ago
Placid? Is he serious? it's a SHARK you nut job! It will kill you if it wants to.
Jimmil431 - 11 years ago
They are putting their lives on the line? They are killing and maiming sharks throughout the world, do a little homework before making statements about their "heroism"
Rusty Shackleford
Rusty Shackleford - 11 years ago
theweathernetwork said she traveled 16,000 kms to nl, but its only a 4000 km drive, and going water should be considerably shorter... unless he was doing circles along the way, or went to africa and/or europe first.
Nathan M
Nathan M - 11 years ago
This is so awesome.
ThomasCrown911 - 11 years ago
I'd like to know a LOT more about this!: wwwcausecom/v2actions/1737072-ask-caterpillar-to-reconsider-sponsorship-of-ocearch
BMD35i - 11 years ago
is this the first shark they seen or something? Free Willy lol
steeliechaser - 11 years ago
Yes, Lydia is now vacationing in NFLD :) very fascinating. Thanks for sharing your research with us all!
MrNewff - 11 years ago
This one decided to come to newfoundland and get screeched in.
thenworhemity1 - 11 years ago
you right. but I did not bitch. my friend bought some stock and he made money. his girl bought some bad stock and she lost money. I am only buying 5 shares of good stock and see how it works.
Taylah Hensle
Taylah Hensle - 11 years ago
Sunday Night Brought me here. Yay for Australia! :)
thenworhemity1 - 11 years ago
I enjoy seeing these videos of people tagging sea animals. enjoy even more eating them with butter, garlic, parsley and a little salt and black pepper. small shark is even good fried like catfish.
thenworhemity1 - 11 years ago
I agree. buy only blue chip. buy low; sell high. I need some advice but the general rule applies. do not buy stupid. buy some of the new Dubai land. does anyone believe it will make money? the palm island looks good to me. also, the "world pumped up island" will be really good. I am thinking about buying
thenworhemity1 - 11 years ago
do not call me stupid until you know me. I might be stupid but not as stupid as some,
thenworhemity1 - 11 years ago
no kidding. my friend buys stock and she has lost a pile. no kidding. it would be better to let me spend it. that way, we would both be happy. no. I do not believe in investing. spend it now.
thenworhemity1 - 11 years ago
I know some body who wants to buy stock. a dumbass friend of mine. I told him buy google, lo.
thenworhemity1 - 11 years ago
who is the bitch? please be specific because we all know there are more than one or two. name the person. who is the "bitch"?
thenworhemity1 - 11 years ago
who is the bitch? please be specific because we all know there are more than one or two. name the person.
thenworhemity1 - 11 years ago
who is the bitch? please be specific because we all know there are more than one or two.
thenworhemity1 - 11 years ago
SFA! wow.
thenworhemity1 - 11 years ago
what kind of stock? are you talking about the big stocks? my friend has a few million and I have told them to invest in good stocks. whats up?
thenworhemity1 - 11 years ago
kind of sad right?
flarecard - 11 years ago
This kind of thinking is why the USA's science research has slowed so much in comparison with other countries growth around world. And it's why we'll soon no longer be the leaders in science and technology.
White Shark Video
White Shark Video - 11 years ago
It's even worse than you know Paul.
White Shark Video
White Shark Video - 11 years ago
It's even worse than you know Paul.
Ron LaDue
Ron LaDue - 11 years ago
Drive the stock up and whining Like A little bitch. Sry for the typos
Ron LaDue
Ron LaDue - 11 years ago
If you own stock dumbass you should know this is great publicity and shouldn't be whining lime a little bitch . This great research if anything it will dive the stock up. Stupid
Jake Milman
Jake Milman - 11 years ago
Awesome guys, keep up the good work
thenworhemity1 - 11 years ago
Ask the dumbasses who are playing int the water how much "EMF" is produced by their equipment. I own Caterpillar stock on the NYSE and it makes me shamed to see my company waste money on this shit. Did I say Caterpillar wasted money (my money) on SHIT?
thenworhemity1 - 11 years ago
awesome is your brain! you can not believe this shit; can you?
thenworhemity1 - 11 years ago
why don't these bitches get a job? #2 where do they get the money to make a really bad show? #3 who was the dumbass who funded a bunch of really weak sucky people to make a "so-called" nature show?
thenworhemity1 - 11 years ago
in my opinion (yes, I know they are like what everyone has), this is a work in progress with no object other that to draw attention to a bunch of self-proclaimed "EXPERTS". so what is UP? a bunch of rich bitches riding around in expensive boats. WHAT THE FUCK IS UP? any science here? where the hell did your money come from? IT SUCKS!
Carlos Febrero
Carlos Febrero - 11 years ago
Great job guys !!! :)
Cool Guy
Cool Guy - 11 years ago
Wow I would love to be a part of this. I love the ocean and its creatures.

100. comment for Expedition Jacksonville: Tagging White Shark Lydia

CAT Narcosis
CAT Narcosis - 11 years ago
So good job osearch, kill them all. They will not be missed. Oh, "you" will miss them? Really? When was the last time you saw one not on TV. When was the last time you went to the ocean looking for a GWS? The food chain won't miss this fish. It is an apex predator not a keystone species. Every year a few come down for 2-3 months and leave, the food chain doesn't know when it arrives or when it goes. What idiot said they protect the ocean? From what? Dead whales or porpoises?
CAT Narcosis
CAT Narcosis - 11 years ago
These shark are out here every winter, this isn't news off of Florida. These guys may or may not have an agenda to restrict fishing in the GWS territory. I hear some reports they are fishermen doing good things and I hear they are laughing all the way to the bank. The fact is they have killed a few GWS using their methods. They have shown the video on their own show of them releasing a dead GWS. So the fact is their methods are very harsh on an animal they claim to love and blah blah blah.
Dawn Permenter
Dawn Permenter - 11 years ago
This is awesome....
robertsnowphoto - 11 years ago
Hello Lydia @2:04
JD Shemp
JD Shemp - 11 years ago
How much EMF is produced by that gear on the fin?
metcalf2050 - 12 years ago
I am sorry but I have to really disagree with those of you who say this is not research. Great Whites or sharks in general, are the main "scare" of the beaches. My students are doing current event reports once a month and these taggings and updates of Lydia and Mary Lee have spread throughout my class as current events of the current research brought by these shark and what all the OCEARCH crew are doing. So if you count it not as research why are you watching in the first place?
Deb Trotter
Deb Trotter - 12 years ago
Those of you who are saying these people are doing it for money aught to get educated about this project before you spew your biased views. The actual taggers are from Mote Marine, one of the premier research facilities for shark research in the world. Thy are working in conjunction with other Massachusetts universities to learn not just their migration patterns but to also test the to see what their Mercury levels and other bioaccumulated toxins that they get from eating their prey.
___ManofSteele - 12 years ago
I'm always at Ponte Vedra Beach.. And now I know that there's white sharks out here, I always thought they were in the area! I think I'll keep my board out of the water for a few days.. Haha
Nick Carter
Nick Carter - 12 years ago
fucking sickk
allegronontroppo1 - 12 years ago
A small tag is one thing...and no, i have no problems with the tags that release after a given period of time.... this is a giant plastic block that is literally bolted to this animal. An injury to their fin still does not change the fundamental shape of the animal. Think of an F-15 with proportionately sized blocks bolted to the tail...how well do you think it is going to fly?
gypsy blu
gypsy blu - 12 years ago
Agree!!! :/ This is not research...
allegronontroppo1 - 12 years ago
This is awful. How could men of science do such a thing? They just took all the aerodynamics away from this animal. That block will cause a serious problem in coordination for this animal, and as a result, its hunting will suffer. They probably just killed a Great White shark; and should be fined or arrested for it.
gypsy blu
gypsy blu - 12 years ago
-Dr. Domeier, the original Ocearch scientist, has recently SPOT tagged a large Great White Shark WITHOUT bringing it out of the water. -All other researchers throughout the world are using slings when they need to incapacitate sharks.
gypsy blu
gypsy blu - 12 years ago
Ocearch team uses a platform to raise over 1 ton of animal (designed to be suspended in the water) completely out of the water with its full weight bearing on internal organs and/or any young inside. -These effects of such a large mass of weight on internal organs have been shown in other large pelagic fish to show long term higher risk for death and in the case of whales, has been recognized so significantly, it is policy among aquariums to use a sling.
gypsy blu
gypsy blu - 12 years ago
Ocearch claims their data is “ground-breaking” for the discovery of “unlocking the secrets of the Great White”. a) Migration route and gathering locations data has been around for over a decade. Prior to Ocearch, approximately 80-90% of migration loops were known. The use of other tags and photo identification have already shown what SPOT tags are showing. The risks associated with Ocearch’s methods to gain the final 10-20% of data is not justified.
gypsy blu
gypsy blu - 12 years ago
The Ocearch team uses a large hook and buoys to drag the shark to near death exhaustion over multiple hours. Other researchers throughout the world have been able to acquire the same data using pole tagging without hooking the shark.
gypsy blu
gypsy blu - 12 years ago
StopOcearch check out the site priceofexistence
gypsy blu
gypsy blu - 12 years ago
not science...business and money...
gypsy blu
gypsy blu - 12 years ago
They are doing it for MONEY! The scientists on board are NOT the TOP SHARK experts...they are new young scientist grabbing the opportunity...OCEARCH have over a 50% failure rate in their tagged sharks...partly because the track system is later used to HUNT them.... :/ GET THE FACTS!
gypsy blu
gypsy blu - 12 years ago
...Saving THEIR World making a LOT of money!!!
gypsy blu
gypsy blu - 12 years ago
If course that it will... :/
nene ako
nene ako - 12 years ago
u said moron first boy...u will never shine!
nene ako
nene ako - 12 years ago
how do youlike that piece of your cake? Golden Rule:"Donot do into others what you don't want others do unto you!"...end of conversation to a moron
Gloria Li
Gloria Li - 12 years ago
one year more people died from vending machines than sharks. just sayin'.
LilBit - 12 years ago
She is a big beautiful female! Im sure Jax is proud to have her as the first tagged shark off their coast!
savage1ma - 12 years ago
Stop being a fucking child and stalking my youtube account to post the word moron under my comments, if i wanted my own comeback id wipe if off your mothers chin.
Costin Bucuresteanu
Costin Bucuresteanu - 12 years ago
Thatz the shark problem not yours my firend ... i think lydia is not in to speed she play nfs at home
Kyle P
Kyle P - 12 years ago
That dorsal tag looks like tieing a beer cooler to a stealth fighter, doesn't it impact the shark's speed?
Jax Rogue
Jax Rogue - 12 years ago
SQUEEE! Go Lydia!
anewascension - 12 years ago
"You're gonna need a bigger boat!" -Chief Brody
nene ako
nene ako - 12 years ago
dont go near the water,sharks will get u
Joey Antonelli
Joey Antonelli - 12 years ago
Chargin' hard. Nice job guys!
savage1ma - 12 years ago
ddowdy - 12 years ago
Wouldn't fit below but: Research for things like this is typically done not by "save-the-world foundations" but by sportsman interested in preserving or bettering the outdoors for future generations.
ddowdy - 12 years ago
Nene ako: Great whites are one of the most mysterious creatures in the ocean. They aren't fished for by most countries but, of course, there are exceptions. These guys have done this sort of research from S. Africa, to California, to Guadalupe Island, and an area between Baja California and Hawaii. I BELIEVE (maybe not so) they haven't lost one with this technique. These are true fisherman/spearfishing guys that really are interested not only what but WHY things are happening in the ocean.
monk3yv - 12 years ago
they are doing it to help preserve them and their future generations. Duh
nene ako
nene ako - 12 years ago
ocearch,how would you like it if the sharks do the same to you?...please leave them alone!
funseeker1969 - 12 years ago
awesome! and congrats!..do/ or are you going to have a website where people can follow her travels?
trekat71 - 12 years ago
Way to go guys, very excitng to watch
gigliott2000 - 12 years ago
I'm especially impressed with how professionally this team performed around that epic shark. I know how crazy excited I get when I hook a 50 lb tuna. If I was there, I'd probably have gone into shock from excitement.
Elleays2112 - 12 years ago
Salt water cowboys. Hurray for science.
Miss G's Channel
Miss G's Channel - 12 years ago
Scary and touching....and maybe kinda cute....
Robert mahany
Robert mahany - 12 years ago
Thanks Guys. Beautitul CTR.
Barry   D. Thomas Sr.
Barry D. Thomas Sr. - 12 years ago
I look foward everyday in coming home to touch bases with Ocearch. I am So impressed with the Outstanding care that you people give these Truly beautiful Creatures. Kid Gloves does not even come close to expressing the care given. Thank you for ALL who watch!
Ian Kramar
Ian Kramar - 12 years ago
Great short doc, love the use of timelapse.
Quicksilver0602 - 12 years ago
Congratulations! You win; the species wins, we win ... Yay! ;) Thank you for making it possible to track her on the website so quickly... >-^/>
bmpvw - 12 years ago
Incredible. Such good work. LONG live the GW's.
Grandmasubie - 12 years ago
Erin Schwamb
Erin Schwamb - 12 years ago
Way to go guys!! Keep up the great work.
THOMASEDWARD - 12 years ago
This makes me very happy, epically since i live in Jacksonville
B. BOYD - 12 years ago
Awesome!!!! So proud of the entire crew!!!
Dawn Barnes
Dawn Barnes - 12 years ago
Andy Bush
Andy Bush - 12 years ago
Awesome!!!! Another East Coast Shark :)

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