Extreme Beach Shark Fishing!
Shark videos 11 years ago 2,312,872 views
This is by far one of the most extreme land-based shark fishing videos on YouTube! We hooked and landed two hammerhead sharks at the same time, a double header hammerhead. The first shark was under 10ft, but the second shark was bigger (12ft). This was a once in a lifetime experience that every shark fisherman dreams of. GEAR USED: Bait Used --- Bonito Hooks --- 18/0 Lindgren Pitman Circle hook Leader --- 20ft leader with 6ft of #19 wire and 14ft of 500lb mono shock leader. Reel --- Shimano Tiagra 80w, Shimano Tiagra 130 Line --- 200lb Jerry Brown braid backing with 200lb mono topshot Rod --- Custom Shark Rod SPONSORS: http://barrettrods.com/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ABOUT BLACKTIPH ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ BlacktipH Fishing brings you some of the most exciting fishing videos on the web. Our host, Josh Jorgensen, is an extreme angler who has an adrenaline seeking appetite for monster fish! Whether it's catching monster fish from the beach, from a kayak or from a boat, Josh pushes the limits of big game fishing. Our content has been featured on Discovery, National Geographic, Today Show and many more! ► NEW VIDEOS EVERY TUESDAY!! ► Click Here to Subscribe → http://bit.ly/blacktiph-subscribe ► Website → http://blacktiph.com • Facebook → http://bit.ly/blacktiph-fb • Instagram → http://bit.ly/blacktiph-instagram • Twitter → http://bit.ly/blacktiph-twitter • Google+ → http://bit.ly/blacktiph-GPlus • Periscope → http://bit.ly/blacktiph-periscope • Snapchat → BlacktipH ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ RELATED VIDEOS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Extreme Saltwater Fishing!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKULfR4RjOA Double Header Tiger Shark: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pblv8P1K74M Monster Hammerhead Shark on the Beach: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-sfTcw22dE
10. comment for Extreme Beach Shark Fishing!
The energy they spent is enormous..
A human equivalent of such amount of energy would be like if you'd stole the car of someone..
shark/surf fishing worldwide
alot of monster sharks have been posted from all over the globe. join the page and add your people you wont regret.
Every single one, unless its an artificial lagoon or a lake type lagoon that is brackish. Even then it may still have bull sharks.
If you can't deal with the fact that there are sharks in the ocean, don't swim in the ocean. Its their territory, not ours.
20. comment for Extreme Beach Shark Fishing!
-o:Whos watching in 2016
-o:30. comment for Extreme Beach Shark Fishing!
Are you allowed to take the fish home?
What are those fishing instruments made from, and what are they called?
50. comment for Extreme Beach Shark Fishing!
they built a hosue for it?
"Never pull a large shark fully on the beach! Make sure that the majority of their body weight is supported in the water. Remember, sharks don't have bones. If you bring them completely out of the water, their body weight will damage or crush their organs."
...yet here you are, dragging the shark clear out of the water, just like all your other videos. smh
There is more to learn.
100. comment for Extreme Beach Shark Fishing!
muito showwwww
Yeah, but there's still a lot more sharks in certain areas. So, "so many sharks is normal" is less normal in a small shark populated ocean.
If it's freshwater, you still never know.
the shark is the end of the feeding line thats why they`r full of mercury ,i wouldnt eat the meat
So you can't have them as pets or breed them? Lol maybe that's not even possible?
The type of pain in fish (as it is written in literature), is without "the full range" of nociception typical of humans or other mammals, but they feel an other type of pain, not known to humans. For to know it, humans have to experience the consciousness state of a particular fish. It is extremely unlikely that they don't feel anything at all. That's just non-sense from a physical, natural, and logical perspective. Keep in mind that, analgesics and anesthetics are commonly used for surgery on fish, for a reason.
NVM because soon there will be no sharks, only in books
Thank you for your effort to inform me about that in detail, while showing me an other point of view at the same time, I appreciate it!
strengthening a species is a bad thing? catch and release has promoted strength in fish because as basic as there instincts are. they might be stressed pulling into shallow water. but you know how elated that shark must of felt when it was over with? that's what they do with sturgeon on the tidal fraser river is catch and release. and most of the time they record it. but its hard to record a shark out of water without a sling and proper tools because if you want the shark to live you need to keep water moving through its gills since it barely force water through it themselves. they don't have a big buccal cavity that allows them to expand the volume of there mouth to suck water through. LMB didn't start getting stupidly huge until sports fishing came along. and gouging the fishes esophagus and throat out? maybe if your using a barped hook and the fish doesn't have a solid bone plate for a jaw....I'd agree. but even in fish that have softer tissue jaws its mostly bone. the only nerves are in the corner of the mouth so it can obviously open and close it. Bass for instance have no feeling in there upper or lower lip. and most of the time don't bleed at all when hooked. unless like I said. you gut hook them which happens to everyone now and again and is the reason I use a barbless hook. I haven't killed a fish since I started flattening barbs on trebles and or using just barbless hooks from the start if I can. but most lures come with barbs you have to flatten yourself with a pair of pliers. but YOU make that decision. a barbless hook only hurts during the puncture process. normally there so sharp you don't even bleed afterwards. and if you do. its only a drop or 2. after the bass has its lip punctured and its through . all it feels is the force against them. its not in horrible pain. it might be scared and stressed but like I said. you don't think a fish is exhilarated to be release after you set it back down in the water and it gets its bearings?
I know him well, he's my friend. He's a very good guy!
Neither vegan or non-vegan. Just logical.
I didn't even try to be philosophical.... it's simple words, simple logic. Everything that you cannot "conceive" in your mind will sound philosophical to you! Just forget it. The discussion is not suitable for you.
why you're on a fisherman's channel, antagonizing them?
You confuse "being a loser" with just "having a personal and valid view about something". If you don't like what I'm saying, move on to another comment and don't waste your time here. What bothers me really is not what these guys are doing, but that they do it "as a sport" ! That's what makes it and your ideology "completely retarded", if you have at least some logic in your mind. Anything that harms conscious creatures by calling it "a sport" is ridicoulous! And you say about animals that have killed people... for sure the didn't do it "for their sport" but for living!
Anyway, one day you will grow up (intellectually) and you will understand.
Ok, with such a logic, if we (humans) didn't get cancer and we could regenerate any body part, with much faster healing... then it would be ok to do absolutely the same to humans too! Just think a little what you're saying...
Except if for you it's not ok just because we are humans... then ok, it's a fact that human logic is screwed up completely!
An example to make you "think": Just tell me logically, if lets say there was a possibility that after your death you will be incarnated into that shark, would you like such an event to happen to you? If not... why?
Think of it wisely, I hope you have the brains, it's not hard.
They are also endangered species. Go eat some royal crabs if you want a fight and help the environment you piece of shit.
That's a correct point you have, but they are not using regular fishing line, neither regular hooks. The lines and the hooks they use are specifically made for sharks and.. maybe other species of such size.
Imagine yourself being "pulled" from water with a "hook" that's hooked into your mouth, tearing apart your internals of the mouth or the canal of the esophagus. Just for fun... And then you are released back to the sea, with such a memory from humans. Would you attack a human after that or you would understand their "passion"? That's not passion. That's a completely senseless / impassible / insensate act.