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Most popular comments
for Finding Nemo- Shark Scene- Bruce

John Treweeke
John Treweeke - 6 years ago
2:53 better then the original
_True_Colors - 6 years ago
bubble pops nice flies away
stricken1666 - 6 years ago
I just held my phone up in front of my 40gal aquarium and I've never seen my fish so interested that they'd actually slow down and even stop to watch it together.
kraM L-I-
kraM L-I- - 6 years ago
Sometimes detailed animations, lead to horrifying experiences
Bryant Lam
Bryant Lam - 7 years ago
I remember this scene scaring the shit out of me
Gelle Spijker
Gelle Spijker - 7 years ago
"so, what are a couple of bites like you doing out here so late?"
Tag Wow m
Tag Wow m - 7 years ago
Safiya with the ABH lip palette brought me here.
solorhurrcane 695
solorhurrcane 695 - 7 years ago
2:15 girls when they smell cum
Joseph Simpson
Joseph Simpson - 7 years ago
Either "Here's Brucie!" or the "I am your father!" in Toy Story 2 were probably the first movie reference I ever saw.

10. comment for Finding Nemo- Shark Scene- Bruce

Joseph Simpson
Joseph Simpson - 7 years ago
That first scene is like a parent and their kid bumping into someone the parent thinks is a pedo.
Ice Age 4 Water Ice Age 4 Water
Ice Age 4 Water Ice Age 4 Water - 7 years ago
Hauq Cay Movie Daia The Incredibles jana Shsj Lqow qinajanaNajajkqsk
Sharleen Pereira
Sharleen Pereira - 7 years ago
Ugandan Knuckles
Ugandan Knuckles - 7 years ago
This remember me Hungry Shark
SeFu2006 - 7 years ago
Remember the steps mate!
L.J GamingMin.3D
L.J GamingMin.3D - 7 years ago
ヅMeeseeksヅ - 7 years ago
This scene scared the F U C K out of me when I first saw this
Daniel Paterson
Daniel Paterson - 7 years ago
This terrified me as a kid
Amelia Kyle
Amelia Kyle - 7 years ago
When ya high but you aint that high that you can't snap back to reality when ya see a bomb about to blow.
April Satomi
April Satomi - 7 years ago
I remember being terrified of Bruce as a kid, but watching this now, he’s a really cool shark

20. comment for Finding Nemo- Shark Scene- Bruce

the dark night
the dark night - 7 years ago
??? What would the sharks eat if they don't eat fish
The Wandering Jew
The Wandering Jew - 7 years ago
2:16 This is exactly what happens when you see fat booty.
Extra memez
Extra memez - 7 years ago
2:53 the shining refrence
The Mysterious Red Warrior: Blood
The Mysterious Red Warrior: Blood - 7 years ago
2:53 it took me so long to realize that was a Shining reference
SPARTAN Ravindra-919
SPARTAN Ravindra-919 - 7 years ago
The aquatic equivalent of an AA meeting
Edriss Scofield
Edriss Scofield - 7 years ago
"Hey look, balloons! It IS a party!" lol Dory is so cute
Spoonful for You
Spoonful for You - 7 years ago
Finding dory sucks compared to this master piece. Today Pixar movies feel like they are shoving messages and sad tones down our throat without giving us a proper adventure in the first place to make us care. I always saw dory as the comic relief side kick and that is the problem with the second film. I will admit, I did like finding dory and dory herself is so much fun to watch but to get a stand alone film is beyond me. Doesn’t she gain her full memories back at the end of the first one? We could have a true finding Nemo sequel with dory being developed along side Nemo. Maybe we could have Nemo as a teen who goes off to join the some sort of clown fish group and Marlon must fit in and make sure Nemo is ok with these tough clown fish. Maybe then they get lost and taken to California and dory must gather some friends from the reef including the three sharks to use as muscle. Meanwhile, we learn more about Nemo and marlon as they struggle to keep the group of clown fish calm. As dory comes to the rescue she discovers her family living in the California institute and decides to stay behind with them and live a good life in the aquarium because she never fit in outside in the ocean. Nemo, marlin, the clown fish and the other members must then travel back to the reef. Maybe they are hunted by one of those birds that can dive and hunt fish as well as fly. Maybe they could end up having some ultimate show down with it and it’s flock. That is how you do a finding Nemo 2.
Jorel Cruzate
Jorel Cruzate - 7 years ago
For sharks: Fish are friends not food
For Cats: Mice are friends not food
For Frogs: Flies are friends not food
For wolves: sheeps are friends not food
For lions: zebras are friends not food
For birds: Worms are friends not food
For eagles: Rodents are friends not food
For snakes: Rodents are friends not food
For cows: Grass are friends not food
For tigers: Elephants are friends not food
Logan C
Logan C - 7 years ago
Bruce: hello
North Wolf
North Wolf - 7 years ago
PLEASE MAKE A FINDING BRUCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(=

30. comment for Finding Nemo- Shark Scene- Bruce

North Wolf
North Wolf - 7 years ago
i feel soooooooooooooooooo sorry for bruce cause he's soooooooo cute just started to like sharks
Satan - 7 years ago
Why are they even australian
Jam Lym
Jam Lym - 7 years ago
It's funny because it seemed like he was just being sarcastic at first or darkly humorous, but they later find out that he was legit trying to be friendly.
nick solis
nick solis - 7 years ago
Fish are friends not food
Gelle Spijker
Gelle Spijker - 7 years ago
0:14 scared the sh*t out of me back when I was a little kid
UncleFriis - 7 years ago
"A little chum for Chum, eh?"
Hassan Syed
Hassan Syed - 7 years ago
They should make a third movie where Bruce looks for his father.
Diesel Prime
Diesel Prime - 7 years ago
J U S T A B I T E!!!
Almond Alegado
Almond Alegado - 7 years ago
1k subs with no videos please help me
1k subs with no videos please help me - 7 years ago
0:04 Lol pedo
egguin - 7 years ago
he's thicc
Wanderer - 7 years ago
3:32 The torpedo says yes.
Wanderer - 7 years ago
Bruce when sniffing fish blood = Person sniffing cocaine
Brooke Schwartz
Brooke Schwartz - 7 years ago
Bruce looks possessed
Faris Farhan
Faris Farhan - 7 years ago
Brooke Schwartz he look possessed when he smell blood
tmxk34 Keith
tmxk34 Keith - 7 years ago
Total cocaine reference lol. What else dilates the eyes and makes u aggressive after snorting it?
Timo Lopez
Timo Lopez - 7 years ago
heres jhonny 2:52
Marcos Araujo
Marcos Araujo - 7 years ago
Why so many dislikes? I love this movie
Dude Shrop
Dude Shrop - 7 years ago
rayden toll
rayden toll - 7 years ago
i would laugh if bruce was like put some sags on the bbq and i could go for some vb right now
JayZ Bryan
JayZ Bryan - 7 years ago
2:53 Disney references the shining lol

50. comment for Finding Nemo- Shark Scene- Bruce

Jay Ramirez
Jay Ramirez - 7 years ago
The way his eyes change from normal to blacked out full beast mode when he smells the blood is a beautiful little detail!!
xPalmup - 7 years ago
2:53 The Shining reference! (Here's Johnny!)
Adrianna Davis
Adrianna Davis - 7 years ago
" he really doesn't mean it he never even knew his Father.
Dheeraj Manhas
Dheeraj Manhas - 7 years ago
There Australian accent is spot on
Alyssa Martinez
Alyssa Martinez - 7 years ago
xD remember the steps mate!
StreakHunterGaming - 7 years ago
Fuhrmanizer - 7 years ago
Someone in my class is called Bruce. Useful information 101
Wonjae Yi
Wonjae Yi - 7 years ago
So what do sharks eat instead of fish?
Alex the wolf
Alex the wolf - 7 years ago
i just love this scene it just goes to show how deadly creatures like sharks can be friendly
misunderstood shark
misunderstood shark - 7 years ago
Fish are friends. Not food
Jaward Capuno
Jaward Capuno - 7 years ago
bruce having fish tonight?
Lordofice 18
Lordofice 18 - 7 years ago
i do not remember this scene looking like this when i first saw this movie
Robin Hughes
Robin Hughes - 7 years ago
he is like a megalodon his size is like a megalodon
Evan Rigas
Evan Rigas - 7 years ago
Robin Hughes He is a great white,he is huge,but not that huge.We just see him the way two little fish see him.Clown fish are teeny tiny.
Sam Montanez
Sam Montanez - 7 years ago
Jaws theme at 2:42
Little chum for chum ae
Koby Asiamah
Koby Asiamah - 7 years ago
Stop fucking deleting stuff
sirberina davis
sirberina davis - 7 years ago
Bruce is a Great White Shark. Anchor is a HammerHead Shark. And Chum is a Mako Shark.
Lau Ra
Lau Ra - 7 years ago
We can see the worst predator of all: the human and their war bombs.
Jojo Miller
Jojo Miller - 7 years ago
At 2:21 is my favorite part.
It’s funny as hell
y y
y y - 7 years ago
2:20 I died his eyes tho
Mario Escalante
Mario Escalante - 7 years ago
Dame freaking EDNA (Barry Humphries) is Bruce the Shark!!
Guillermo Gomez
Guillermo Gomez - 7 years ago
Amora Sembiring
Amora Sembiring - 7 years ago
filem nemo yang paling di sukai anak anak
Zilla rex
Zilla rex - 7 years ago
When I smell chicken tenders 2:16
NatLace13 - 7 years ago
Bruce is a great white, the other is a hammerhead and the third?
Evan Rigas
Evan Rigas - 7 years ago
NatLace13 Probably a mako shark
IShipBullshit - 7 years ago
This scene scarred me as a child
Tired 24/7
Tired 24/7 - 7 years ago
0:49 I thought he said ay cunt at first
away to sleep
away to sleep - 7 years ago
Hello Bruce
JeiVey WolfOrdron
JeiVey WolfOrdron - 7 years ago
2:39 G' DAY!!!
Steve Austin
Steve Austin - 7 years ago
...... Helloo
wickandde - 7 years ago
Does anyone know of Bruce is a bull shark or great white?
Evan Rigas
Evan Rigas - 7 years ago
wickandde He is a great white.All kids know what a great white is and he is white underneath.
Cool Alex
Cool Alex - 7 years ago
Ok I think it's a Seagul OK That Seagul Thought that Another Farted
Seagul 1: Fart Noise
Seagul 2: Nice
Marcos Bueno Murillo
Marcos Bueno Murillo - 7 years ago
Jurassic King
Jurassic King - 7 years ago
0:04 When you run into a low health enemy in the jungle in a MOBA
Smile S
Smile S - 7 years ago
Steel Samauri
Steel Samauri - 7 years ago
0:01 talking shit about someone 0:03 your reaction when you meet that person you were talking about
Jason Jokerst
Jason Jokerst - 7 years ago
Remember the steps mate!!
Unknown Ken
Unknown Ken - 7 years ago
0:01 Surprise motherfvcker!!
North Wolf
North Wolf - 7 years ago
unapopet langue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
OnlyMichaelJackson (Angel)
OnlyMichaelJackson (Angel) - 7 years ago
I just realized these sharks were trying to go vegan
Joel Bierbower
Joel Bierbower - 7 years ago
0:01-0:16 When a cop is a guest speaker for your class.
Sander Larsen
Sander Larsen - 7 years ago
The norweagian voice is better of bruce
E Wong
E Wong - 7 years ago
For drama my group has to do this scene and im marlin....
Iza Garza
Iza Garza - 7 years ago
44$$r32233 $33#33@2111#22q112#c
royandescartes - 7 years ago
literally died laughing when this shark spoke LOOOOL
Michiel Buurman
Michiel Buurman - 7 years ago
Michiel Buurman
Michiel Buurman - 7 years ago
Ana Sabino
Ana Sabino - 7 years ago
Berlin Oguez
Berlin Oguez - 7 years ago
Ryan G
Ryan G - 7 years ago
Why does this have 4k dislikes...?
maniaco por pizzas por pudim tbm
maniaco por pizzas por pudim tbm - 7 years ago
Im scared ;-;
• Chloe Lauren • The DayDreamer
• Chloe Lauren • The DayDreamer - 7 years ago
Daddy Shark doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

100. comment for Finding Nemo- Shark Scene- Bruce

Quarts Falcon
Quarts Falcon - 7 years ago
Is that crack for sharks
Gaming R Shark 99999
Gaming R Shark 99999 - 7 years ago
Pause at 0:25
Hamza Khaliq
Hamza Khaliq - 7 years ago
He was my favorite character when I was a young kid.
The Great Guitar Man 2003 O_o
The Great Guitar Man 2003 O_o - 7 years ago
0:04 HALO FU. Get it? Lolololol
KevTon 13
KevTon 13 - 7 years ago
2:17, 2:30, and 2:53 are my favorite parts.
PJ63 - 7 years ago
Bruce looks like a Rapist.
Spider- Boy
Spider- Boy - 7 years ago
2:17 when it's your first time taking drugs.
1rewd1 - 7 years ago
Dame Edna is Bruce the shark? Mind blown.
Sir Marc
Sir Marc - 7 years ago
Thats fucking creepy
Jolijn Attema
Jolijn Attema - 7 years ago
Fun thing is that Dory says shark in Dutch when she greets Bruce! In Dutch a Shark is called a Haai prenounced as hi
Just Monika
Just Monika - 7 years ago
wow One of them Sounds like Ozzy man
zack carman
zack carman - 7 years ago
2:52, here's Brucie Kibbutz from GTA 4.
Barney Smith
Barney Smith - 7 years ago
2:30 where her pussy smells like fish
Matt Muncher
Matt Muncher - 7 years ago
When I was a little fella I thought he said hallowho when he really says hello!
Disneyfan1990UK - 7 years ago
Disneyfan1990UK - 7 years ago
Sharks with Australian accents.
Disneyfan1990UK - 7 years ago
I was 13 years old when I first saw that movie at the cinema and Bruce's first appearance sent chills down my spine for the first time.
Springy Coyle
Springy Coyle - 7 years ago
I love bruce
SuperDog 2017
SuperDog 2017 - 7 years ago
Ohhhhhh is a good Fish is the best friend!!!!!!!!!
Frankie Prete
Frankie Prete - 7 years ago
HairMetalBrony1016 - 7 years ago



StarKids Legend
StarKids Legend - 7 years ago
Bruce eye when he smells blood and gets fucking high
Ryan Roberts
Ryan Roberts - 7 years ago
INTERVENTION!!!!!!! 2:21
Angel Simone
Angel Simone - 7 years ago
The smile Bruce makes scares me, why trust a shark! You can't and shark's smell blood! I wonder what goes on inside a Shark's mind! Bruce Is my favorite in this but when he attacks Dory, and the other clown fish! scary!
Bruce The Killer
Bruce The Killer - 7 years ago
Nixon Fuentes
Nixon Fuentes - 7 years ago
Brus no conose a su padre
Nixon Fuentes
Nixon Fuentes - 7 years ago
soy Brus lauerte tu y U hembra son mejores
Mbiggz - 7 years ago
Wait, don’t sharks have gills and not nostrils? He had nostrils when he smelled dory’s blood even though fish have gills
Sam Sammyb200
Sam Sammyb200 - 7 years ago
I love the part that Bruce chases the fish it’s funny hello my name is Bruce
UnityQuest - 7 years ago
3:33 Funny how they go back into the tube. lol
Habib Ahmed
Habib Ahmed - 7 years ago
"Sorry about- ... Bruce mate."
"He's really- ... a nice guy."
Alex Harrison
Alex Harrison - 7 years ago
2:16 the first time you try crack
Matthew Stone
Matthew Stone - 7 years ago
John Ng
John Ng - 7 years ago
Ice Cream Thing
Ice Cream Thing - 7 years ago
Aybüke Gökçe YAVAŞ
Aybüke Gökçe YAVAŞ - 7 years ago
I remember having rough nights with Bruce' smile 00:01 going around my head as a kid. He still creeps me out this day (I am 17 now.) Geez :D
herobrine - 7 years ago
Here is brusi >here is johhny
herobrine - 7 years ago
A gray white shark and hammerhead shark? And a tiger shark?
moatguy - 7 years ago
Chum's not a tiger shark. He's a mako shark.
yttuP Putty Back and Normal
yttuP Putty Back and Normal - 7 years ago
kengkengnicdao rihhana
kengkengnicdao rihhana - 7 years ago
iiit's Bruce 2:53
springtrap 063
springtrap 063 - 7 years ago
springtrap 063
springtrap 063 - 7 years ago
Heres?!?! Bruceieyie
F861 - 7 years ago
Damn, even the ocean has liberals.
Angel Simone
Angel Simone - 7 years ago
The way bruce Smiles creeped me out! The shark that Bruce is like the shark from Jaws which is based on! I love the Sharks and Bruce scares me but its good! I love the small fish freaking out! I would be scared too LOL
TripleA7 - 7 years ago
0:04 the way he says hello LOL
Arjan Luhar
Arjan Luhar - 7 years ago
I love the way his nose wiggles when he laughs
Wally Khotesouvan
Wally Khotesouvan - 7 years ago
Bruce is the great white shark I think the megalodon is Bruce's dad
chum is the mako shark
and you guys know the third one so i'm not gonna ask
great white sharks sometimes smells blood and then attacks
Wally Khotesouvan
Wally Khotesouvan - 7 years ago
Bruce:dory are you ok smells blood ohhhh that's good
2 sharks: EDIVETION
Alexander Ip
Alexander Ip - 7 years ago
2:18 RUN, EVERYONE!!!!!!
1fifaworldcuplover2 - 7 years ago
Caroline - 7 years ago
*Bruce pounding on door

Dory: Who is it?
Nichos Clyde
Nichos Clyde - 7 years ago
Artur Cruz
Artur Cruz - 7 years ago
Lenetra Lashay Wysinger
Lenetra Lashay Wysinger - 7 years ago
i though t that movies was gonna be boring because of the title but i loved it
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 7 years ago
That's the smallest great white shark. Never seen one as small as a clown fish
Krissa Dy
Krissa Dy - 7 years ago
I LIKE Jam the Mako Shark
Countryballs Reichtangle
Countryballs Reichtangle - 7 years ago
I died by the ending of the video
AlexBirdieBronze - 7 years ago
The scariest thing is that all of those mines ALL blew up when only one of them should have.
Kelly Robinson
Kelly Robinson - 7 years ago
Yummy blood
sweetjesus .mp3
sweetjesus .mp3 - 7 years ago
相澤亮 - 7 years ago
Myrdoc - 7 years ago
Bruce was the name given to the robot shark on the set of Jaws.
Laurence D
Laurence D - 7 years ago
Why trust a shark right?
amityboy14 - 7 years ago
my childhood
Maya Sykes
Maya Sykes - 7 years ago
When you smell the food a mile away
starwarzfan71 - 7 years ago
its been over two years since my last fish and i feel absolutely wonderful
starwarzfan71 - 7 years ago
who else thinks bruce is funny
grant marques
grant marques - 7 years ago
I watched this in school. Don't ask why
Zaid Rocha
Zaid Rocha - 7 years ago
Mary Pup's Toy Channel
Mary Pup's Toy Channel - 7 years ago
juniorzilla 11
juniorzilla 11 - 7 years ago
when I was little I was scared of this part
Hank Hill
Hank Hill - 7 years ago
Bruz the chopper:Always say you're an optimist know what that is mate it's about sizing up the situation it's bloody impossible and saying yeah alright I'll have a go I'am exactly the same way
- The Ultimate. Videos.13
- The Ultimate. Videos.13 - 7 years ago
3:39 - NICEE
SirBlot - 6 years ago
- The Ultimate. Videos.13 omg
Siddharth kumar
Siddharth kumar - 7 years ago
Gdgsysbsnsjss shsushebsmals anima
Perla Lesende
Perla Lesende - 7 years ago
- The Ultimate. Videos.13
Jarek R
Jarek R - 7 years ago
- The Ultimate. Videos.13 wesf Aino majtkach full ej ale oh pi and oh E nas
Jaya Mani
Jaya Mani - 7 years ago
loi ngo nn
Christa Storms
Christa Storms - 7 years ago
ws8eo bbgbbb;IIII P
Jie Shao
Jie Shao - 7 years ago
- The Ultimate. Videos
Jie Shao
Jie Shao - 7 years ago
- The Ultimate. Video
loi ngo
loi ngo - 7 years ago

AniqRBLX - 7 years ago
That is Megalodon shark
Evan Rigas
Evan Rigas - 7 years ago
AniqRBLX Great white.And a small Greta white compared to others.He just seems huge because we see him from the eyes of two tiny fish.
The Canadian Stenonychosaurus
The Canadian Stenonychosaurus - 7 years ago
Fish are friends, not food. I have never eaten a single piece of fish since I first heard that
LightingNinja X
LightingNinja X - 7 years ago
HERE'S BRUCEY!!!!!!!!!
Ria Baxter
Ria Baxter - 7 years ago
Bruce was one scary motherf*** when I was like 7. Now I'm looking at him I'm thinking- gimme a hug.
Animal39er - 7 years ago
Finding Bruce anyone???
moatguy - 7 years ago
Maybe you should tell that to Pixar and keep a sharp eye one them when they do it. Except for Toy Story 2 Pixar has changed their minds too much about new chapters in movies.(Sequels' prequels' etc.) They changed their mind about Finding Dory' not once' not twice' not thrice but FOUR TIMES!!!
StagBeetleMaster - 7 years ago
I like Anchor!
scootaloo the filly
scootaloo the filly - 7 years ago
xxdudeyy Dude
xxdudeyy Dude - 7 years ago
After watching Jaws. It makes me look at this in a new light This scene really was made to poke fun at it.

-''Jaws'' the shark in the first movie was nicknamed ''Bruce'' by the production team.

-Trying to make the sharks ''vegetarian'' was designed to poke fun at the stereotype image of Sharks being killing machine man eaters.

-Having meetings was like being in therapy to make them more socially acceptable to the rest of the ocean creatures which are lower on the food chain then them.

-The 'eyes turn black' ''Like a doll's eyes'' and the proceeding chase comes right out of Jaws.
Sean Delling
Sean Delling - 7 years ago
Autumn Dulong
Autumn Dulong - 7 years ago
I remember this scene used to freak me out when I was little!
Kayla Mannett
Kayla Mannett - 7 years ago
My sister used to be scared of Bruce.
Axiom_ - 7 years ago
2:53 The Shining reference?
SIR - 7 years ago
At 0:02- Rape face activated.

2:18- "Ohh, that's good", If you know what I mean!!

Only true dirty minds would notice these
Kevin Blanchard
Kevin Blanchard - 7 years ago
OHHHH, thats gooood!
FireChaser2134 - 7 years ago
Duh dun...duh dun...dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun......
Miles Kenney
Miles Kenney - 7 years ago
This movie made me realize I'm terrified of the ocean
ink pen
ink pen - 7 years ago
3:21 to 3:45
me when drama is about to start and when it happens.
mitcheltheman13 - 7 years ago
They actually put a reference of The Shining in a kids' film. Go figure.
xGunner1600 - 7 years ago
0:01 when you see the last slice of pizza
Kalpana Sanjaya
Kalpana Sanjaya - 7 years ago
A 119054356814
Keno Lopez
Keno Lopez - 7 years ago
Hey ki Pl i3 please k b
y bybgab
Powerful pangoros And stuff
Powerful pangoros And stuff - 7 years ago
Did u know anchor is voiced by Eric bana? 'Loud gasp'
Chrisma Joy
Chrisma Joy - 7 years ago
"He never even new his father!"
-Hammer Head Shark
Justas KK
Justas KK - 7 years ago
G'day and welcome to the techmath channel
Leonorah Lindo
Leonorah Lindo - 7 years ago
MIke Rokkjær
MIke Rokkjær - 7 years ago
B b.
marwaosm - 7 years ago
I had the biggest phobia of sharks because of this guy
Larry_the_living_legend - 7 years ago
Jovan Cucukovic
Jovan Cucukovic - 7 years ago
Mike Wisowski
Mike Wisowski - 7 years ago
This fucker used to scare the shit out of me
donthaveone donthaveone
donthaveone donthaveone - 7 years ago
Got mine also!
donthaveone donthaveone
donthaveone donthaveone - 7 years ago
you found me!
now what?
donthaveone donthaveone
donthaveone donthaveone - 7 years ago
Arias Johnson
Arias Johnson - 7 years ago
Bruce fish blood is a hell of a drug
American Track Master
American Track Master - 7 years ago
Why is everyone else in this movie Australian, except for the fish. This movie does take place near the Great Barrier Reef
An Average Human
An Average Human - 7 years ago
Pavel Trigub
Pavel Trigub - 7 years ago
Blood cocaine
ProjectGamesNL - 7 years ago
0:02 To be continued......
Torpedo Tron
Torpedo Tron - 7 years ago
Tip of advice, never have blood around a shark, especially a great white like bruce
Torpedo Tron
Torpedo Tron - 7 years ago
Why does it seem like when you look at Bruce face front, he seems...fat and on the side he seems like a perfectly sized shark, so weird
Marluxia 85
Marluxia 85 - 7 years ago
Did you know he was named Burce after the shark from Jaws
Jeremiah Roman
Jeremiah Roman - 7 years ago
0:02-0:17 The look i give when i find out Christmas noobs are coming
Johnny ong
Johnny ong - 7 years ago
Harmaakarhu - 7 years ago
0:02 and 2:20 worlds greatest trollfaces :D
Osk42 - 7 years ago
"... nice"
Eire Lyi
Eire Lyi - 7 years ago
the voice actor of bruce is awesome xD
Mr.BrainHead - 7 years ago
When the nazis meet usa
Niamh Mclarnon
Niamh Mclarnon - 7 years ago
Bruce scared the fuck out of me!
iRinnda - 7 years ago
So am I the only one actually scared to hell and deeper by those sharks (or any sharks, really?) Especially the moment when Marlin and Dory just turn and Bruce's just there... all smiles... My god I swear I almost shat my pants when I saw this movie years ago on a big screen! And the moment of intervention... Pls noe! I'm easily spooked! D,,:>

Sharks are one of my biggest fears, you know. Not high places, not crowded areas, not even death to an account where I would be extremely afraid of it, but friggen' SHARKS!!!! And insects... especially spiders. :'(
Simon Boros
Simon Boros - 7 years ago
That weed gave Bruce the munchies.
The Natives
The Natives - 7 years ago
2:14 when fish hit drugs lol
DG - 7 years ago
When Sharks sense blood*
Jeoffrey Buensalida
Jeoffrey Buensalida - 7 years ago
fish are friends not food
Ricardo Frias
Ricardo Frias - 7 years ago
2:46 - "Who is it?" haha
Juan World Travel
Juan World Travel - 7 years ago
I love the way he says hello
LUIGIII - 7 years ago
0:01 begins one of the most tense moments in a kid's film, like god damn Bruce is terrifying
Susheela Susi
Susheela Susi - 7 years ago
Ed Battler
Ed Battler - 7 years ago
Leo McMahon.
QuarantineZ - 7 years ago
0:03 When you walk into school with homework, of which you cheated
Mercy's Profile of dickery
Mercy's Profile of dickery - 7 years ago
QuarantineZ - 7 years ago
Wilhelm Viktor Albert von Preußen and Vittorio Emanuele Orlando meets H. H. Asquith for the first time, as they attempt to invade France through Belgium (1914, Colourised)
Lee - 7 years ago
That shark's smile scared the crap out of me when I was young. Still makes me a little uneasy today..
Sevian Smiles
Sevian Smiles - 7 years ago
XD His fucking nose when he laughed.
Harmaakarhu - 7 years ago
wobbly sausage :D
Ardashes Najarian
Ardashes Najarian - 7 years ago
"Oh that's good..."
chris koch
chris koch - 7 years ago
2:16 when shes suckin the tip
Colin O'Connor
Colin O'Connor - 7 years ago
This scene scared the shit out of me when i was a kid
TyrStark - 7 years ago
Hey look! The Mad Max sharks.
LoveScar4Life :3
LoveScar4Life :3 - 7 years ago
Bruce has a lot of teeth so I think it is hard to speak
Filip Games
Filip Games - 7 years ago
2:15 smoke weed everyday
LoveScar4Life :3
LoveScar4Life :3 - 7 years ago
Oh is the party over?! **ding**BOOM!!
LoveScar4Life :3
LoveScar4Life :3 - 7 years ago
Drane in water?
LoveScar4Life :3
LoveScar4Life :3 - 7 years ago
Dory is not scared of anything EVEN A SHARK!!!
Derp Mcflerp
Derp Mcflerp - 7 years ago
Dana Easley
Dana Easley - 7 years ago
Who thinks he should be in hungry shark world.. like if you agree
furrysega7 - 7 years ago
Hello Bruce! You a poofter?
Heather zies
Heather zies - 7 years ago
Heather zies
Heather zies - 7 years ago
It is my birthday and my gramma died can I have a like please (crys)
Fawkes. - 7 years ago
0:02 only a face a mother would love.
mavis Li
mavis Li - 7 years ago
Vanessa Torres
Vanessa Torres - 7 years ago
FLY_ TAI - 7 years ago
The best part was "Nice,".
TheFallofTheEleventh - 7 years ago
These sharks need their own spinoff....i would seriously watch that shit
john kyler ocampo
john kyler ocampo - 7 years ago
Pikachu6904 - 7 years ago
Fish are friends not food 1:19
ZekealodonKoRnKnOtFan - 7 years ago
0:01 dat smile scared me to death
BLEACH - 7 years ago
Is it just me our is Bruce my favorite but as a kid when he smiled it scared me
Mkaaa Aaayyy
Mkaaa Aaayyy - 7 years ago
Hello my name is Bruce
Hello Bruce
Sakshi Kriplani
Sakshi Kriplani - 7 years ago
TheTraveling ToyGuy
TheTraveling ToyGuy - 7 years ago
Chumpy the Anteater
Chumpy the Anteater - 7 years ago
Dory: Who is it?

Bailey Callaghan
Bailey Callaghan - 7 years ago
When the sniff kicks in watch his pupils when he says dory are you okay ooooo that's nice
Gabriela Ramos
Gabriela Ramos - 7 years ago
Desde BMW tque y la gente y
ViceN53X - 7 years ago
As a kid, the first time I saw this, I had no idea what the reference was until I came across the meme
kamila sousa
kamila sousa - 7 years ago
Lalican Cito
Lalican Cito - 7 years ago
wow so nice
Lalican Cito
Lalican Cito - 7 years ago
wow so nice
Lalican Cito
Lalican Cito - 7 years ago
Lalican Cito
Lalican Cito - 7 years ago
MAD MAN - 7 years ago
sooooo bruce was just swimming around looking for friends to bring back to his meeting...
MAD MAN - 7 years ago
that jumpscare always got me as a kid when he chomps his teeth after saying "why trust a shark right" also the music that plays during that whole introduction scene is perfect for a shark first impression
hunter peck
hunter peck - 7 years ago
2:43 that's what I do before I go to work in the morning.
Luke - 7 years ago
Yo..."Why trust a shark?"
airetam 2
airetam 2 - 7 years ago
directed by micheal bay
AR P - 7 years ago
Bruce actualy looks like Barry Humphreys
Lena TheHyena
Lena TheHyena - 7 years ago
when is was younger the scene where Bruce went savage scared the hell out of me XD
Shamika Sarnaik
Shamika Sarnaik - 7 years ago
Luke Lopez
Luke Lopez - 7 years ago
Yo.. "Why trust a shark?"
Deciding were tø die Deciding were tø fight.
Deciding were tø die Deciding were tø fight. - 7 years ago
Literally a shark rehab
Leslie barboza
Leslie barboza - 7 years ago
0:14 that part scared the shit outta me when i was little
timothy fogarty
timothy fogarty - 7 years ago
My two irredcsent sharks are named bruce and anchor. Chum is my plecostomus
Reeshna Balakrishnan
Reeshna Balakrishnan - 7 years ago
Brennan Malo
Brennan Malo - 7 years ago
Blood cocaine 2:15
Timothy Cooke
Timothy Cooke - 7 years ago
I don't trust bruce
EeveeMon65 - 7 years ago
3:42 nice
EeveeMon65 - 7 years ago
Olin Romdeau6bhu
Olin Romdeau6bhu - 7 years ago
Jesse McCoy
Jesse McCoy - 7 years ago
2:20 Respect to Anchor and Chum for trying to stop Bruce, a 2 ton Great White!
thidarat singphan
thidarat singphan - 7 years ago
hot sliva
hot sliva - 7 years ago
there ozzy accent lol
Meeep90 Meeep90
Meeep90 Meeep90 - 7 years ago
How did the sub not detonate ONE of the many mines when it sank
Luke Anderson
Luke Anderson - 7 years ago
Love that they gave Bruce an Australian accent. Makes me think of Monty Python
moatguy - 7 years ago
The voice actor of Bruce(Barry Humphries)is Australian.
Kristian Brandt
Kristian Brandt - 7 years ago
I like how they went beyond simply giving them Australian accents, and give stereotypically Australian names aswell.
Bruno Hoang
Bruno Hoang - 7 years ago
c . cz x zxz
Imagine Life
Imagine Life - 7 years ago
"high functioning sociopath, with your number ~0:01-0:03~ "

W a l l a c E
W a l l a c E - 7 years ago
Winnie Bernard
Winnie Bernard - 7 years ago
Happens every single time when I'm on a diet.
anton - 7 years ago
so stupid it's funny
Insanity Gaming
Insanity Gaming - 7 years ago
I would've went belly up
Gpod Joe
Gpod Joe - 7 years ago
I always find the most vicious animals to be the cutest, idk why. I remember when I was a 5 year old seeing Bruce on the movie and I was like awwwwwwww
pepe monkey
pepe monkey - 7 years ago
Bruce is actually a reference to the JAWS film the name of the mechanical shark was Bruce
Darius Johnson
Darius Johnson - 7 years ago
when a meat lover tries to go vegan
Miss Agent E
Miss Agent E - 7 years ago
Fun fact: Bruce is named after the mechanical shark used in "Jaws" (1975)
Edward Kenway
Edward Kenway - 7 years ago
An autistic fish teaching sharks how to become vegan. this movie was sadder than I remember
Spino Gaming
Spino Gaming - 7 years ago
heres brucey never gets old but srsly this was terrifying as a kid that smile tho XD
Brody Collins
Brody Collins - 7 years ago
Doge Skyrim
Doge Skyrim - 7 years ago
Heres Brucey!
Lil Lord Akira 97
Lil Lord Akira 97 - 7 years ago
0:01 Hello
Danilo Silva
Danilo Silva - 7 years ago
Brüz the Chopper brought me here
Ugandan Knuckles
Ugandan Knuckles - 7 years ago
"Hello My Name Is Bush
Santieze Maire
Santieze Maire - 7 years ago
Ludmila Guimarães Mila
Ludmila Guimarães Mila - 7 years ago
Buck - 7 years ago
Ooooo thats g000000d
Seargent Gaming
Seargent Gaming - 7 years ago
0:15 my first jumpscare
Savage king
Savage king - 7 years ago
lol Bruce saying hello
Chisom Ololo
Chisom Ololo - 7 years ago
Yeah, and the next thing you know it, he slowly swims forward, and then he quickly turns around and snapped his jaws at Marlin and Dory.
Viky Romero
Viky Romero - 7 years ago
Si ddu

Ludmila Guimarães Mila
Ludmila Guimarães Mila - 7 years ago
Robert Green
Robert Green - 7 years ago
It has been 6 weeks since my last fish, on my honor, or that I may be chopped up and made in to soup.
RAY RAY - 7 years ago
NICKOLASgaming its a pelican....
Nephila Edulis
Nephila Edulis - 7 years ago
Bruce is by far my favourite character from my childhood.
Zavok - 7 years ago
3 layers of 100 of sharp teeth
Antonio Vizcaino Lopez
Antonio Vizcaino Lopez - 7 years ago
G esss
Giovana e Jeniffer mancini
Giovana e Jeniffer mancini - 7 years ago
Davis Jackson
Davis Jackson - 7 years ago
I get so hype whenever Bruce is on screen.
Destiny Rogers
Destiny Rogers - 7 years ago
Bruce: Dory are okay? Dory: Yeah. Don't worry Brucie. I'm fine
Gabby Figueroa
Gabby Figueroa - 7 years ago
Ppm I
Maximus W
Maximus W - 7 years ago
Darkness075 - 7 years ago
Julieta Wapetona
Julieta Wapetona - 7 years ago
I've never been so turned on by anything in this fu** world
Juan caba
Juan caba - 7 years ago
O, ,ne
Maria Martins
Maria Martins - 7 years ago
Luis Tavera
Luis Tavera - 7 years ago
when u fimd the camper in call of duty 0:00
JonRowan1212 - 7 years ago
I was fucking scared of that thing when I saw him for the first time.
Sebastian Medina
Sebastian Medina - 7 years ago
Is it weird that bruce reminds me of jasper?
PUTA PETE - 7 years ago
DoubleRagnarok -
DoubleRagnarok - - 7 years ago
"Have me chopped up and made into soup" daily shark life in asia
Leto Atreides II, God Emperor of Dune
Leto Atreides II, God Emperor of Dune - 7 years ago
excluyousivite - 7 years ago
3:21 to 3:38 - Very Nolan-esque
KobraKopp - 7 years ago
3:33 minesweeper in a nutshell
assboye - 7 years ago
why did i watch this
North Wolf
North Wolf - 7 years ago
Joker - 7 years ago
here is yoney
JMtrooper - 7 years ago
"Sorry about..."*DONK*"Bruce mate!"*DONK*"He's really..."*DONK*"A nice guy!"*DONK*
Mario and Sonic super gamer
Mario and Sonic super gamer - 7 years ago
My favorite words that Bruce said were "I'm having fish tonight!" at 2:30, and "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Brucy" at 2:52.
Emily L
Emily L - 7 years ago
You can tell the actor voicing Bruce is having the time of his life with the role. Lol
Rare Egg
Rare Egg - 7 years ago
lunareclipse0629 - 7 years ago
video exists of this scene when it was still being rendered. now that was creepy.
Drummer Kam
Drummer Kam - 7 years ago
ธัญธร ว่องวิเชียรกุล
ธัญธร ว่องวิเชียรกุล - 7 years ago
2:21 Intervention!!!
Mickey- 2 Mouse-2
Mickey- 2 Mouse-2 - 7 years ago
Unlike a lot of people on here, I wasn't scared of Bruce when I first watched this movie- what I was scared of was the anglerfish, that bugger was terrifying.
Stephen nichols
Stephen nichols - 7 years ago
Tone B
North Wolf
North Wolf - 7 years ago
)= sad)=
Alexander NAVEJAR
Alexander NAVEJAR - 7 years ago
Christian Freddy
Christian Freddy - 7 years ago
have johnny
Alexander NAVEJAR
Alexander NAVEJAR - 7 years ago
Reaper25 - 7 years ago
Alexander NAVEJAR
Alexander NAVEJAR - 7 years ago
dimkacracker - 7 years ago
whos here after Bruz in shadow of mordor?
Audrey McMace
Audrey McMace - 7 years ago


Audrey McMace
Audrey McMace - 7 years ago
lmfao this scene got so funny omfaooooo
Audrey McMace
Audrey McMace - 7 years ago
i love how theyre australian lmfao
Audrey McMace
Audrey McMace - 7 years ago
yeah thats a bruce voice

they nailed it lnfao
CasualVideoGinger - 7 years ago
"ITTTtTSSSsSS BRUUUUCY" best reference ever!
Lick My Clit
Lick My Clit - 7 years ago
i just noticed... when they were saying the pledge, bruce didn't have his right fin up, he had his left
Mikel Cox
Mikel Cox - 7 years ago
so I'm watching the e3 2017 world premiere for middle earth shadow of war when he dominates this big thing and he introduces himself "name's Bruz" with the same exact voice and everything. I need to watch this movie again.
YouAreTearingMeApart Lisa
YouAreTearingMeApart Lisa - 7 years ago
he's so menacing and terrifying
desimurgi - 7 years ago
Love the rubbery creak when he says hello :)
greatwork25 - 7 years ago
What's with all the down votes?
jjmastah 19
jjmastah 19 - 7 years ago
Who came here after fell in love with Bruz from shadow of war?
North Wolf
North Wolf - 7 years ago
typo again somebody else b-r-u-c-e BRUCE!
Tobias David Henius
Tobias David Henius - 7 years ago
me haha
SLASHINGZORD - 7 years ago
so all sharks are British then?
Riley Flakemore
Riley Flakemore - 7 years ago
Apollo Skywalker
Apollo Skywalker - 7 years ago
Who came here after watching the new Shadow of War Gameplay at e3 xD
Danthegamer21 - 7 years ago
Haha same i thought i was the only one who noticed that
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 7 years ago
Names Brûz plop
North Wolf
North Wolf - 7 years ago
his name is b-r-u-c-e BRUCE! i like bruce better cause he's sooooooooo0o0o0o0o0o0o cute(=
Republican Guard
Republican Guard - 7 years ago
Dat Simpsons reference tho
Recicle TIME354294
Recicle TIME354294 - 7 years ago
Bruce is a great white shark
DXZ338 - 7 years ago
I personally think Bruce would have been good villain but he is sorta neutral
Pat Robinson
Pat Robinson - 7 years ago
P M.
M. N. B. S
watsupjew - 7 years ago
sharks really arent that scary without the lifeless black eyes
Doge Skyrim
Doge Skyrim - 7 years ago
i remember when i was scared of him well now he is just funny
Terrell Townsend
Terrell Townsend - 7 years ago
"Smile, you son of a--"
TheHero136 - 7 years ago
If this was for humans, it might go like this.

Drug Addicts: I am a human being who has used drugs, not a mindless feral trapped behind the walls of addiction. If I am to change this societal perception, I must first allow myself to be free of this handicap. Drugs are bad, not good.
Addict 1: Except for beautiful morphine.
Addict 2: Morphine, yeah! That stuff is so great! AH, HELP, I"VE BEEN SHOT IN THE LEGS! I NEED SOME MORPHINE, IT HURTS SO............ahhhh, that's the stuff.
Addict 1: Hahahaha.
Addict 3: Now, the only rule that you need to follow is bring a drug to show to us. Now do you all have drugs?
Addict 1: Got mine.
Shows a small bag of Cocaine.
Addict 3: What about you?
Addict 2: Oh, uh.....I seem to have to have lost drugs.
Shows empty bag of what used to be crystal meth.
Addict 3: That's okay, since I'm feeling so generous you can have one of my drugs.
Addict 2: Oh, joy, some drugs for Stevie.
Addict 3: I will start then. Hello, my name is Bill.
Drug Addicts: Hello, bill!
Addict 3/Bill: It has been three weeks since I have sniffed my personal stash or marijuana, on my honor, was transported to a border station for disposal.
Drug addicts: He's really inspirational to us all isn't he.
Samantha Lloyd
Samantha Lloyd - 7 years ago
Mystrohan - 7 years ago
I love the way Bruce is drawn.
Exadorator - 7 years ago
so it seems like Bruce is a great white, anchor is a hammer head and chumb is a mako
Wolf Gulley
Wolf Gulley - 7 years ago
When you see an Instagram model's pic n lost resistance to masturbate 2:17
ItsNoahScott - 7 years ago
Devonte Hays you don’t say......
North Wolf
North Wolf - 7 years ago
blood eyes
Devonte Hays
Devonte Hays - 7 years ago
I think after he smelled the blood, his eyes actually went from human to actual shark eyes
Devonte Hays
Devonte Hays - 7 years ago
I think after he smelled the blood, his eyes actually went from human to actual shark eyes
Stephen nichols
Stephen nichols - 7 years ago
Wolf Gulle
Wolf Gulley
Wolf Gulley - 7 years ago
I think wats mainly scary is da fact dat he was just sitting there like he was waiting on Marlon n Dory
Wolf Gulley
Wolf Gulley - 7 years ago
All of us as a kid probably pissed our pants when we 1st saw Bruce
[CS\MB]Catalytic Serpent
[CS\MB]Catalytic Serpent - 7 years ago
Wait wait wait I thought sharks can't stop swimming because if they stop they will drown and die
Moonlite Quimby
Moonlite Quimby - 7 years ago
Lava the martian
Lava the martian - 7 years ago
turn him out...nice ment
his really.....a nice guy
Elijah - 7 years ago
I first saw this when I was 5 and I had nightmares until I was 9
Bad Cattitude
Bad Cattitude - 7 years ago

Jaden Thomas
Jaden Thomas - 7 years ago
that Is one big ass shark
imeah zaromah
imeah zaromah - 7 years ago
jskdbxksk ok
Kryptonite Gamer
Kryptonite Gamer - 7 years ago
Bruce? I dont see batman
BattleKauLP - 7 years ago
joeyzbrown - 7 years ago
Homage to The Shining and Jaws. On set, they nicknamed the shark in Jaws Bruce.
Kyle Busch
Kyle Busch - 7 years ago
wait guys the barracuda vs brucy just give him blood and let him go crazy at the barracuda
Kyle Busch
Kyle Busch - 7 years ago
G. de Vires98 same
Patrick Star
Patrick Star - 7 years ago
Bruce is THICC.
James_Reyes - 7 years ago
3:41 nice
Mega Rayquaza Gaming
Mega Rayquaza Gaming - 7 years ago
So many memories....
Alaina Commander
Alaina Commander - 7 years ago
So funny!
Angerpull - 7 years ago
"Oh... That's gooood..."
1fifaworldcuplover2 - 7 years ago
Klimaxt - 7 years ago
now i know why bruce scary
UltraChris GMD
UltraChris GMD - 7 years ago
Omg memories..
Sentinel Magnus
Sentinel Magnus - 7 years ago
I knew Eric bana played anchor and Bruce banner in HULK
Sentinel Magnus
Sentinel Magnus - 7 years ago
3:22 3:23 oh no Bruce
John Gill
John Gill - 7 years ago
alvin fuerzas
alvin fuerzas - 7 years ago
. OK vffvb.

cm cm cm chug zoo z
Zeeeko - 7 years ago
why the fuck does this have 2,300 dislikes?
starflame34 - 7 years ago
"So...what's a couple of bites like you doing out so late, eh?"

I love that line.
Kristina Machuta
Kristina Machuta - 7 years ago
i cant stop watching 2:14
TrashyWeeaboo - 7 years ago
People at school say I look like Bruce when I smile without my glasses on. Literally the only reason I'm here.
VertexGAMING Vetzzz
VertexGAMING Vetzzz - 7 years ago
Im always scared of this movie when I was 5. I thought there will be jumpscares, and blood stuff. Idk why xD
Gameking 49
Gameking 49 - 7 years ago
Oliver Bundgaard Terp
Oliver Bundgaard Terp - 7 years ago
Bruce is a great White he is playing Nice
yalikejazz bee
yalikejazz bee - 7 years ago
Name's BRUCE.
Nicky Osborn
Nicky Osborn - 7 years ago
in real life great white shark eyes are actually black
Ryan Lewington
Ryan Lewington - 7 years ago
Shawana Dunson
Shawana Dunson - 7 years ago
nd n2trees Ok
Alyssa D
Alyssa D - 7 years ago
3:42 Nice xD
Shareen Wallace
Shareen Wallace - 7 years ago
I remember the movie I was 12 I'm 26
Max Frankow
Max Frankow - 7 years ago
Why should they refrain from eating fish? Its part of their diet lol.
That damn Gucci
That damn Gucci - 7 years ago
Who else was expecting Bruce to make a cameo in the Finding Dory movie?
Susana Fonseca
Susana Fonseca - 7 years ago
Ryan Newman
Ryan Newman - 7 years ago
0:02. It was at this moment where millions of children shat themselves...
Eh's Island For Unordinary Meatbags
Eh's Island For Unordinary Meatbags - 7 years ago
More like 0:12
Mijo Cee
Mijo Cee - 7 years ago
finding nemo is the only movie that got the shark's portrayal right
TheAlmightyCastform - 7 years ago
Why do five year olds watch this?
MDB - 7 years ago

Me when I see a girl with a great ass in tight pants.....
Harmaakarhu - 7 years ago
haha good one :D
Steve's Channel
Steve's Channel - 7 years ago
What , a Canadian shark ?
Arsila nur putri
Arsila nur putri - 7 years ago
Kittisak Krithongsuk
Kittisak Krithongsuk - 7 years ago
pandacam10 - 7 years ago
When I was 5 this scared me, now watching this 10 years later still creeps me out a bit
Lighting McQueen Ashton
Lighting McQueen Ashton - 7 years ago
Oh yeah
Benzzodude - 7 years ago
ASHTONCRAVEN911 Roblox Actually he's Australian
Horror King
Horror King - 7 years ago
why was it skipping alot
SamB 88
SamB 88 - 7 years ago
Hi mrs will
SamB 88
SamB 88 - 7 years ago
My teacher. plays this in reading for inferring and claims.....
The Lemon King Of LemonVille
The Lemon King Of LemonVille - 7 years ago
This movies only 2 months older than me
Sam Ogilvie
Sam Ogilvie - 7 years ago
ha them sharks make me laugh
Sam Ogilvie
Sam Ogilvie - 7 years ago
god i love white sharks
HanJan97 - 7 years ago
Ios. mobile services
Ios. mobile services - 7 years ago
♥ روعه هههههه
phillip walling
phillip walling - 7 years ago
Espresso Emperor
Espresso Emperor - 7 years ago
it only takes a field of navel mines to fuck up a lot of shit
sebastian cuello
sebastian cuello - 7 years ago
I cried my eyes out watching nemo when I was 5
Älyssà MSP!
Älyssà MSP! - 7 years ago
HiveMistress - 7 years ago
Jaws gave sharks a bad rep.
Oscar Sanchez
Oscar Sanchez - 7 years ago
3:32 If Finding Nemo was directed by Michael Bay.
Rin Feast
Rin Feast - 7 years ago
Packing Peanuts
Packing Peanuts - 7 years ago
To this day, my dad still makes whale noises because of this movie.
Безбашенный Лис
Безбашенный Лис - 7 years ago
2:19 Well... That was pretty creepy.
Rana Nouh
Rana Nouh - 7 years ago
Jorge garcia colen
Jorge garcia colen - 7 years ago
2:55 The shining reference
Dexter Morgan
Dexter Morgan - 7 years ago
"Sorry, you'll have to come back later, we're trying to escape" LMAO
Leticia Cuellar
Leticia Cuellar - 7 years ago
lacombe75 - 7 years ago
What submarine is that?
Hatsune Miku
Hatsune Miku - 7 years ago
Mako Shark and Hammerhead Shark: gasp INDEFENSION!!!!!!!!
Shahan Cheong
Shahan Cheong - 7 years ago
Man, how much would it suuuuuuuuuuuuuuck to be in that sub when it went down...
Ryan O'Sullivan
Ryan O'Sullivan - 7 years ago
why so many Dislikes!?
TheNuttyWizard -_-
TheNuttyWizard -_- - 7 years ago
King Cark
King Cark - 7 years ago
Sorry....... about Bruce mate
He's really...............a nice guy, hahahahaha
Lil Lord Akira 97
Lil Lord Akira 97 - 7 years ago
1:50 Marlin sounds like a rubber duck
Saji Shark
Saji Shark - 7 years ago
if I were a shark and I went savage, I have eaten Marlin and Dory.
Gojifan02 BR
Gojifan02 BR - 7 years ago
this shark=the most scary thing in the world
Shameirah Sisco
Shameirah Sisco - 7 years ago
the end thou pop nice
Ryan - 7 years ago
2:39 G'DAY!
Ryan - 7 years ago
Ooooo thats good >:) 2:16
Ryan - 7 years ago
2:20 Dat face doe
Claire - 7 years ago
Brandon - 7 years ago
Why does this have so many dislikes?
Desirée Rodríguez
Desirée Rodríguez - 7 years ago
this has a lot of dislikes!!!
Succ The Camera
Succ The Camera - 7 years ago
sounds like he just busted a nut LOL 2:15
Freddy and Nightmare Foxy
Freddy and Nightmare Foxy - 7 years ago
Bruce's teeth looked creppy.
Jakob Fuchs Laird
Jakob Fuchs Laird - 7 years ago
are there ww2 mine fields like that in the ocean still
Thuy Hung Nguyen
Thuy Hung Nguyen - 7 years ago
frozen 2
Magical Toast
Magical Toast - 7 years ago
say the pledge
"i am a nice shark not a mindless eating machine if i am to change this image i must first change myself fish are friends not food"
Magical Toast
Magical Toast - 7 years ago
0:15 scared the hell of me when I was a kid
Stephen nichols
Stephen nichols - 7 years ago
Magical Toas
mlg shark
mlg shark - 7 years ago
sorry about..... Bruce mate .....he's really.....a nice guy
MarioCrash 19
MarioCrash 19 - 7 years ago
Man....i was shitscared of this guy
Shareen Wallace
Shareen Wallace - 7 years ago
this used to be my moving when I was 12
Zackary Nebeker
Zackary Nebeker - 7 years ago
MrGoldenApple - 7 years ago
"exept stinking dolphins!, Dolphins, oh yeah, they think there so cute, OH LOOK AT ME IM A FLIPPIN LITTLE DOLPHIN WATCH ME FLIP FOR YA, SEE MY FIN"
The Artsy Fae TV
The Artsy Fae TV - 7 years ago
fish are friends not food! this will be my motto from now on...XD
clan quoor.
clan quoor. - 8 years ago
Listen to 2:16-2:21 with your eyes closed.
paul stringer
paul stringer - 8 years ago
iCarlyKitty - 8 years ago
Fish are food, NOT friends. (XD)
BlairWhisperer - 8 years ago
Bruce was suckin on that submarines long torpedo
Timothy Torres
Timothy Torres - 8 years ago
Here's Brucy! (Finding Nemo)

Here's Krebsy! (Back At The Barnyard)

Here's Scampers! (Fanboy & Chum Chum)

Here's Maxie! (A Goofy Movie)

Here's Johnny! (The Shining)

(Anyone got anymore references? Anyone?)
Timothy Torres
Timothy Torres - 8 years ago
1:03 DING! Fight!
Dimitris kapoios
Dimitris kapoios - 8 years ago
Bruce was always giving me the impression of having malevolent purposes. But aparently he truly is a vegan shark.
Thesccreeper45 - 8 years ago
When I was 5 Bruce was very scary when he smiled with his 3 rows of teeth in his bottom jaw
BlairWhisperer - 8 years ago
I like how everyone is afraid of Bruce and the barracuda.........but did you seriously forget that angler fish........
BlairWhisperer - 8 years ago
I miss Bruce
DeadSilent Gaming
DeadSilent Gaming - 8 years ago
Nice... flies away
Richard Dong
Richard Dong - 8 years ago
Thumbs up if you wanna see Bruce eat Darla!
Diamond Tuy
Diamond Tuy - 8 years ago
Oar my. Vmhj. ,they. Assault
Native_Beats _2016
Native_Beats _2016 - 8 years ago

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The "Finding Nemo- Shark Scene- Bruce" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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