Flying Shark: Great White Breaches Off South Africa's Coast

Flying Shark: Great White Breaches Off South Africa's Coast SUBSCRIBE: We upload a new incredible video every weekday. Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don't miss out: A MAGNIFICENT great white shark leaps from the water to take a chunk out of a would-be seal.These amazing full breaches were conceived using a foam rubber seal decoy – which is dragged behind a shark cage diving boat, as a way of enticing the hungry predator. Shot by filmmakers Mark van Coller and Morne Hardenberg in Cape Town, between June and August of 2013 and 2014, the footage demonstrates the frightening power and agility of the iconic animal. But achieving such incredible shots is only possible if the conditions are right. Footage: Atlantic Edge Films Producer: Mark Hodge Editor: Sonia Estal For more compelling footage of the amazing side of life: FACEBOOK: Like Barcroft TV - TWITTER: Follow @Barcroft_TV - WEBSITE: For licensing & business enquiries, visit the Barcroft Media site -

Flying Shark: Great White Breaches Off South Africa's Coast sentiment_very_dissatisfied 126

Shark videos 10 years ago 1,292,927 views

Flying Shark: Great White Breaches Off South Africa's Coast  SUBSCRIBE: We upload a new incredible video every weekday. Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don't miss out: A MAGNIFICENT great white shark leaps from the water to take a chunk out of a would-be seal.These amazing full breaches were conceived using a foam rubber seal decoy – which is dragged behind a shark cage diving boat, as a way of enticing the hungry predator. Shot by filmmakers Mark van Coller and Morne Hardenberg in Cape Town, between June and August of 2013 and 2014, the footage demonstrates the frightening power and agility of the iconic animal. But achieving such incredible shots is only possible if the conditions are right. Footage: Atlantic Edge Films Producer: Mark Hodge Editor: Sonia Estal For more compelling footage of the amazing side of life: FACEBOOK: Like Barcroft TV - TWITTER: Follow @Barcroft_TV - WEBSITE: For licensing & business enquiries, visit the Barcroft Media site -

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Most popular comments
for Flying Shark: Great White Breaches Off South Africa's Coast

New Hope Church Camden MI
New Hope Church Camden MI - 7 years ago
Can I use this footage?
Millsy Kooksy
Millsy Kooksy - 7 years ago
Beautiful animals
az0970449 - 7 years ago
that's like putting a fake bud light on my farmers poarch not fair
FictitiousName - 7 years ago
They this narrator speaks is most annoying. One rhythm on every sentence.
T Production
T Production - 7 years ago
Joseph Arnold
Joseph Arnold - 7 years ago
who says monsters dont exist
Jill Willett
Jill Willett - 7 years ago
Hanna - 7 years ago
Such powerful animals
W1ll P0w3R
W1ll P0w3R - 7 years ago
Hope this dude threw some chump in the water at least after these sharks spent all that energy trying to feed on fake seal. How would you like somebody make you run after an ice cream truck and then tell you it’s fake ice cream but they just wanted to see you run.

10. comment for Flying Shark: Great White Breaches Off South Africa's Coast

Elise Rezvan
Elise Rezvan - 7 years ago
Trey Polio
Trey Polio - 7 years ago
Kobe brought me here.
ll Kasper ll
ll Kasper ll - 7 years ago
Duuuuuude! So rude to troll them with fake seal. Granted, the practice of using real ones would be wicked tough, but I sure hope they're at least getting something to eat out of it.
sunsetz72 - 7 years ago
they are so beautiful!!!!
Darius World
Darius World - 7 years ago
who says sharks can't fly
007 g
007 g - 7 years ago
grego4sykies - 7 years ago
amazing creatures the great whites!
Kevin - 7 years ago
Doing something like this is just stupid. Tbh you guys are just wasting his energy to hunting. mtfker human. Someday you will die by this great white shark bitch.
Prince Yahwyn
Prince Yahwyn - 7 years ago
@Kevin - THESE PROTECTED GREAT WHITES ARE LIVING IN FAR BETTER CONDITIONS THAT OTHER GREAT WHITES AROUND THE WORLD! THIS AREA (SEAL ISLAND) IS A MARINE SANCTUARY AND THESE SHARKS EAT SEALS UNTIL THEIR STOMACHS BURSTS! DON'T WORRY...WE TAKE GOOD CARE OF THESE "MONSTERS"!! :-) Seal Island has Tens of THOUSANDS of Seals living on it and they form part of the Shark-Seal food chain! Just Chill! Or if you are worried about a shark being my guest...take a good swim so 500 meters off the island! ;-)
nish parekh
nish parekh - 7 years ago
i love sharks
Bhaskar Yadav
Bhaskar Yadav - 7 years ago
just a spectacular animal

20. comment for Flying Shark: Great White Breaches Off South Africa's Coast

censhinx - 7 years ago
Bad karma teasing massive apex predators of the ocean...
gianni sampo
gianni sampo - 7 years ago
what if the shark eats the plastic seal? wouldnt he die?
Prince Yahwyn
Prince Yahwyn - 7 years ago
@gianni - They don't EAT the decoy! Although their digestive system CAN handle the bio-degradable materials a decoy is made of.
Floyd Outdoors
Floyd Outdoors - 7 years ago
In the US bass fisherman call this "bamabass"
Walter Mymala
Walter Mymala - 7 years ago
Kevyn Barnhart
Kevyn Barnhart - 8 years ago
Really creepy to see Bass doing the same jump as a Great White.
Hugo Sabato
Hugo Sabato - 8 years ago
Bait bike!
ju5tinpyne - 8 years ago
Watching water spill out of the shark's maw at 0:33 is pretty great
Adam Greenlee
Adam Greenlee - 8 years ago
this is nuts
Nick Tsui
Nick Tsui - 8 years ago
When this Mark guy uses this decoy seal, is it possibly going to hurt the shark? What if the shark actually swallows the decoy? It is because the decoy really looks like it is made of some sort of plastic.
luka jugeli
luka jugeli - 8 years ago
1:16 wich musik friends?

30. comment for Flying Shark: Great White Breaches Off South Africa's Coast

Andy Skied
Andy Skied - 8 years ago
cool video. not do cool to tease the sharks lol
RegionPhilbis - 8 years ago
damn nature, u scary!
MrHedonisme - 8 years ago
The real Lord of seas Neptune sucks : )
Imgema - 8 years ago
Poor decoy seals :(
The One and Only Clorox Bleach
The One and Only Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
rm B
rm B - 8 years ago
great footage thanks for the upload
Oscar Robinson
Oscar Robinson - 8 years ago
its weird wen the water cimes out if its mouth
Knee-Cola Yo-kitc
Knee-Cola Yo-kitc - 8 years ago
Something that big shouldn't be that fast
The One and Only Clorox Bleach
The One and Only Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
It is though and we love it!
lmao fabioftw
lmao fabioftw - 8 years ago
Meechy Merc Em welp,it is
Derrick G Wood
Derrick G Wood - 8 years ago
I've seen a lot of these videos and they are all in slow motion. That's okay sometimes, but is there a video that shows this in real time motion?
The One and Only Clorox Bleach
The One and Only Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
idk lol
Chris  Lauren
Chris Lauren - 8 years ago
Though this is one of my favorite sharks, this is the most intimidating, scariest thing I have ever known about them.
Prince Yahwyn
Prince Yahwyn - 7 years ago
@Chris - AND keep in mind. THESE waters (False Bay) are THE ONLY waters where this BREACHING behaviour is noticed worldwide!
mike o'neill
mike o'neill - 8 years ago
mike o'neill
mike o'neill - 8 years ago
Cats an sucks
Irren Haus
Irren Haus - 8 years ago
That's a big fish... Nice video
Badass Strike Eagle
Badass Strike Eagle - 8 years ago
godstomper - 8 years ago
Amazing , all that speed and strength to breach water , these sharks weigh over a thousand pounds.
The One and Only Clorox Bleach
The One and Only Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
2 tons on average! amazing!
Leaderofbatz - 8 years ago
Can't they do that to small boats.
Prince Yahwyn
Prince Yahwyn - 7 years ago
@Chris - Yes! Latitude: 34° 8'14.23"S Longitude: 18°34'57.31"E
These are the coordinates of the Great White - Seal Island Sanctuary. If you zoom out, you will notice a town towards the west called Fish Hoek. Quite often, a Great White will swim away from their sanctuary feeding waters and go to that western seaboard of False Bay and terrorise the swimmers at the beaches. Quite a number of attacks have occurred there over the years as well, hence the establishment of Shark Spotting on the road about 200 meters above sea level. These spotters with binoculars and a radio, warn the beach patrollers if sharks are in the waters close to the beaches. a Black flag is hoisted and people are warned to stay out of the water until the sharks have returned to Seal Island. These Great Whites are unique from others around the world in a number of ways. They breach the water (jump out - their entire body is out of the water) and they are NOT afraid to come within a few meters from the water's edge...grabbing a person with no problem. Lastly, these Great Whites and both dangerous AND aggressive. They are NOT nice to you if you are nice to them...they WILL attack you!
HeilEvalion - 8 years ago
It has happened to a kayaker in Massachusetts.
Chris  Lauren
Chris Lauren - 8 years ago
Are they capable? Yes. However, they would have no interest and it isn't within their normal behavior or nature. A boat doesn't look at all like a seal from below, no matter how small. A person on a surf board or smaller, kinda and especially because of your limbs hangin off to the sides. I don't think they'd attack a surfer if all they saw was that weird oval shape and no limbs.
Nathan Rasmussen
Nathan Rasmussen - 8 years ago
let's put some hooks on that seal decoy and now, topwater great white fishing
Taylor Oezer
Taylor Oezer - 8 years ago
lmai me and my sis use to watch this show
draft galosa
draft galosa - 8 years ago
has anyone ever died from a shark breach like this?
Prince Yahwyn
Prince Yahwyn - 7 years ago
@Chris - is because we have too many bones in our bodies! Great White's teeth are floating in their jaws and can break out quite easily. THAT is why they don't eat the decoys and a human leg for example. They reach the bone and don't like it. Normally, like the guys said above, they explore the first bite and determine if the "prey" is worth the bite or not! Actually, "Hammerhead and Bull Sharks" are perhaps humanity's greatest nemesist among the shark species!
Aaron B
Aaron B - 8 years ago
+Joshua Seda kind of, it's basically like what some dogs do, our primary way of exploring things are our hands, so holding and touching helps us to know what things are, their primary way is to use their mouths to figure out what something is, the reason people get so injured by it isnt because they want to eat them, a lot of the time its just because a lot of sharks are just so strong and with just powerful jaws even a little nip can be enough to cause a ton of damage. Like if you were to accidently on an ant, you might not have meant to kill it, but even without meaning to you can
Aaron B
Aaron B - 8 years ago
+Chris & Lauren haha thank you
Chris  Lauren
Chris Lauren - 8 years ago
+Joshua Seda They taste us. A shark that actually eats a human would more likely just be a rogue and the odds are ridiculously low. We don't taste good to them, especially since we are not seals. It's not to say that seals are the only things they eat, cause they're not, but we're not at all ocean prey. Our bodies are fed from what we eat on land. Even if all we eat is fish, we won't ever taste like their ocean prey. Most of the time, they nip and let go when they realize we aren't their typical ocean prey. Though, yes, people have lost limbs to this, it's all particularly dependent on the situation that occurs.
Chris  Lauren
Chris Lauren - 8 years ago
+Aaron B You beautiful creature, you. My god, I am so happy you know this. This isn't a joke. I explain the experimental bite thing to people all the time and they either don't believe me or just rule it off as bs
Joshua Seda
Joshua Seda - 8 years ago
+Aaron B so basically they have fun with us huh
Aaron B
Aaron B - 8 years ago
They don't really do it to humans, when they bite a human it's usually an exploratory bite to see what we are, the breach hunting is what they do to catch fast seals, might be a bit of overkill to do against a slow swimming human
Veronica Gonzalez
Veronica Gonzalez - 8 years ago
That's my worst fear
edmund - 9 years ago
they're so beautiful to watch

50. comment for Flying Shark: Great White Breaches Off South Africa's Coast

Epic duck man Duck duck
Epic duck man Duck duck - 9 years ago
Graet White Sharks are 6. Meters
jack davis
jack davis - 9 years ago
What an Awe inspiring creature
Brian North
Brian North - 9 years ago
I'm from Cape Town, and a group of us all scuba dive in the False Bay coast. We dive rite near Seal Island, and to date ( touch wood ), I have never seen a great white. I don't think I could ever do cage diving, as I think if I saw them from the cage, I would never dive again :)
Prince Yahwyn
Prince Yahwyn - 7 years ago
@Brian - They are like nomads. They migrate following the GREAT SARDINE RUN along the south coast and then return to Seal Island. Believe me, when you're in the wrong place at the wrong will look towards Antartica's direction and suddenly see HUNDREDS of Great Whites coming "home"...their favourite "Seal Island"! Better get out of there ASAP!!!
Mike Branch
Mike Branch - 9 years ago
I had some fabulous white breeches when I was younger.
Couldn't think of a good name so I guess this is it
Couldn't think of a good name so I guess this is it - 9 years ago
Nice fishy...
Mind.O.M - 9 years ago
an look at the seal when it get thrown in the air
Jesus De Santiago
Jesus De Santiago - 9 years ago
I just realized how badass sharks are
Denzel Porte
Denzel Porte - 9 years ago
I think the shark was showing off lol. First it came out like; 'hey, check me scaring this small ass fish. Take a selfie with this!!!
zLwy - 9 years ago
the most beautiful underapreciated animal on earth, its sad that people view them as killing machines
Martin J.K
Martin J.K - 8 years ago
So go swim w them in South Africa
James Kolesnikovich
James Kolesnikovich - 9 years ago
you don't see them as killing machines...
Ryder Washington
Ryder Washington - 9 years ago
+Avail Stevenn I dual with ermac! Because power is the greatest concept in the world. EVERY SINGLE PERSON have at least once desired power. And kill = power. Sharks = power.
Victor C.
Victor C. - 9 years ago
They are killing machines. But orca whales eat sharks so..
L0gopeda - 9 years ago
After Shark attack the cameraman should yell " I'ts a prank bro " :D
Imagine shark reaction ^^
Kavazea Mccain
Kavazea Mccain - 8 years ago
David Sandbergen that's bc the seal decoy is bein towed behind the boat
Mind.O.M - 9 years ago
look when the shark jumps ur gnna see a line going up with the decoy
Carolyn Boyce
Carolyn Boyce - 9 years ago
+L0gopeda How many decoy seals have to be replaced on an active day?  All sorts of things wind up in sharks' bellies. Imagine someone that knows nothing of this study opening up a great white to find a dozen decoy seals in a malnourished shark.
Prof Mel
Prof Mel - 9 years ago
It seems kind of mean to bait them with a fake seal. They do the work, then don't get a snack...WTF?
Icicle Fledglings
Icicle Fledglings - 9 years ago
At this rate they'll soon be running into the bush chasing after antelope.
romanek shark
romanek shark - 9 years ago
Sean Clark
Sean Clark - 9 years ago
Pretty spectacular
Marek Bari
Marek Bari - 9 years ago
How fast he had to swim to jump like this?
Jae V
Jae V - 9 years ago
+Gio Penguin :O
Gio Penguin
Gio Penguin - 9 years ago
+Marek Bari about 25 mph
Ryan Lucio
Ryan Lucio - 9 years ago
few things in this world scare me. this is one of them.
Carolyn Boyce
Carolyn Boyce - 9 years ago
I never thought of a shark pushing a human into the air.
FloralWhite88 - 9 years ago
+Ryan Lucio I kept imagining that seal as a person. Talk about a scary reality check ..yikes!
Alphonse Capone
Alphonse Capone - 9 years ago
Fucking shit they are huge, fierce and scary. No more beach.
CestLaVie Berlin
CestLaVie Berlin - 10 years ago
WOW !!!
Jae V
Jae V - 10 years ago
Awesome footage
poshtotty0 - 10 years ago
Does anyone know what the music is please?
Daria Krousti
Daria Krousti - 8 years ago
kind of old comment but the soundtrack is : Enigma by Paul Lawler
Mitzi Ross
Mitzi Ross - 10 years ago
WHOA!!!! Ever big! Fantastic pictures.
Marie Williams
Marie Williams - 10 years ago
Alejandro Chavez
Alejandro Chavez - 10 years ago
White Sharks are not apex predators... Orcas are!!
Joker - 10 years ago
That shark would be pissed!!! I mean wouldnt you when somebody gives you a plastic hamburger?... XD
Sean Armstrong
Sean Armstrong - 10 years ago
Real-life sharknado!
Megan Ackermann
Megan Ackermann - 10 years ago
It is so awesome that this video is on YouTube because most videos are not this beautiful and has this side of great white sharks, these animals are amazing and awesome to watch
David Traver Adolphus
David Traver Adolphus - 10 years ago
Mark is going to regret this escapade when the sharks figure out who's been messing with them.
turkerkaya - 10 years ago
music ?
Alfred Mertens, almebo Mr. Almebo
Alfred Mertens, almebo Mr. Almebo - 10 years ago
Grandios !
Mohamed elamine Elasri
Mohamed elamine Elasri - 10 years ago
flying to sharking Israël
Mohamed Islam
Mohamed Islam - 10 years ago
what the name of the music
Soralella71 - 10 years ago
Fucking amazing creatures.
Debbie Tatsis
Debbie Tatsis - 10 years ago
An awesome video and fabulous photos Sharks are incredible sea animals. South Africa is the best place to see sharks and go shark diving too.  In a cage of course.
acuegra - 10 years ago
now all we need is a tornado! 
pepe pepito
pepe pepito - 10 years ago
its just a fish feeding frenzy
Prince Yahwyn
Prince Yahwyn - 7 years ago
@pepe - NO! They eat SEALS!!!
George Donnelly
George Donnelly - 10 years ago
The stuff of nightmares.
Mark Gray
Mark Gray - 10 years ago
Another reason to not wear a black dive suit, you look like a seal, shark food...
funky3ddy - 10 years ago
SPMNDK89 - 10 years ago
Poor shark gave them a free show and then got punked. That's definitely a rough day at work.
ApexPredator_ - 10 years ago
He's not just a professional photographer, but also a professional troll lol. Trolled danm sharks with dummy seals. XD
傀儡バンダイの - 10 years ago
Tony Shilov
Tony Shilov - 10 years ago
Здоровая сволочь...
ImTheBossCAE - 10 years ago
It would be great if they ever film the action under water :o
Acting on Morals not Orders
Acting on Morals not Orders - 10 years ago
What is the music? I love it!
Steve Geldof
Steve Geldof - 10 years ago
Beautiful, anyone knows what the soundtrack is?
tst.jpeg - 10 years ago
cant wait for discovery channel to host a show where a dude gets eatin alive by a shark!
Nike013 - 10 years ago
This is beautiful. Seeing the entire shark out of water makes really puts them into perspective of how big they really are
Ashley - 7 years ago
people don't realize how amazing sharks are
Airgun n00b
Airgun n00b - 10 years ago
I cannot even begin to describe how scary yet beautiful that is. If I'm going to die on film, that's probably one of the most epic ways to go out.
Rick Cosmo
Rick Cosmo - 10 years ago
cuatrotaco100 - 10 years ago
vídeo brutal!!! el gran tiburón blanco es lo más impresionante que he visto .

100. comment for Flying Shark: Great White Breaches Off South Africa's Coast

ballounette93320 - 10 years ago
Omg this monster so beautiful
Lucena Blues
Lucena Blues - 10 years ago
rawan bassam
rawan bassam - 10 years ago
That was an amazing video
Марат Мухамадьяров
Марат Мухамадьяров - 10 years ago
Учёному удалось заснять летающую белую акулу у берегов ЮАР
Красивые кадры.
kanatapaw - 10 years ago
I don't know why ppl find them scary.
I think there cute.
Beautiful animals.
They sence fear and only attack if your in there zone or if you piss them off like any animal or human.
DrSuperpump - 9 years ago
+PlayrSlayerz 100%
The Legend of Youtube
The Legend of Youtube - 10 years ago
You're retarded
Peqeliiciious - 10 years ago
qw619 - 10 years ago
Well, that's another place I definetly wont go for a swim lol
Mooshroom Jockey
Mooshroom Jockey - 10 years ago
poshtotty0 - 10 years ago
Great film! :-D
What's the music?
Alex Brateman
Alex Brateman - 10 years ago
Holy mother of nope.
Natalia .L
Natalia .L - 10 years ago
Beautiful and Huge. 
DarkoTDR - 10 years ago
That's what she said :)
Jerich0 - 10 years ago
Kinda terrifying
lucy Imamzade
lucy Imamzade - 10 years ago
Is that man crazy
daryl kong
daryl kong - 10 years ago
Fla561 - 10 years ago
I hate that slow motion shit, I wanna see. The power and speed
Alexis Kraus
Alexis Kraus - 10 years ago
At first I felt bad for the seal, but upon finding out it was fake, I felt bad for the shark.
MRVIPERZXX - 7 years ago
keep fooling the shark maybe one time it might jump after you
mititelu vlad
mititelu vlad - 7 years ago
Alexis Kraus e
Eric Losh
Eric Losh - 7 years ago
Actual shark's thoughts

Mr Mako
Mr Mako - 10 years ago
One big tease.
21poloonmydraws - 10 years ago
Great footage
rj20za - 10 years ago
they should hav used drones to film this
rj20za - 10 years ago
for aerial shots and very close up shots
Fergus J
Fergus J - 10 years ago
ninja2kernow - 10 years ago
making the shark waste energy that it needs.not cool .leave them alone.
hdjsui - 10 years ago
Oh foooey
Inazuma65 - 10 years ago
A reference to the recent false advertising documentary Eaten Alive by the Discovery Channel?
VIIStar - 10 years ago
+Mooshroom Jockey - Just drag a dead seal behind the boat ^^  they bait sharks all the time - I'm sure it's not impossible.  
Mooshroom Jockey
Mooshroom Jockey - 10 years ago
Oh. Yeah. Could they makes a seal dummy made of meat? :/
VIIStar - 10 years ago
yeah i feel bad for them too - how frustrating it has to be to breach on a dummy.  I've heard when they get too ticked off they destroy the decoy.
Mooshroom Jockey
Mooshroom Jockey - 10 years ago
Barcroft TV
Barcroft TV - 10 years ago
Flying Shark: Great White Breaches Off South Africa's Coast 
We upload a new incredible video every weekday. Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don't miss out
A MAGNIFICENT great white shark leaps from the water to take a chunk out of a would-be seal. These amazing full breaches were conceived using a plastic seal decoy – which is dragged behind a tourist diving boat, as a way of enticing the hungry predator. Shot by filmmaker Mark van Coller in Cape Town, during the summer months of 2013 and 2014, the footage demonstrates the frightening power and agility of the iconic maneater. But achieving such incredible shots is only possible if the conditions are right.

#shark   #sharkattack   #flyingshark   #sharks   #barcrottv  
luka jugeli
luka jugeli - 8 years ago
plz tell my what music 1:17 ?
Mohamed Islam
Mohamed Islam - 8 years ago
Алексей Скворцов
Алексей Скворцов - 9 years ago
+Barcroft TV What size was the mock fur seal? It is interesting to calculate the size of the sharks.
david vincent
david vincent - 9 years ago
+Barcroft TV
Actually the great white is not a "maneater"
Shawn Alain
Shawn Alain - 9 years ago
+Barcroft TV What's the name of the song in this video?
Adrian Frederick Channel.
Adrian Frederick Channel. - 10 years ago
.....This is indeed great work, love the video footage- hard work really pays off indeed. SALUTE! 
Pharmacie TUNISIE
Pharmacie TUNISIE - 10 years ago
song tite please
Katelyn S
Katelyn S - 10 years ago
Zach Gaming
Zach Gaming - 10 years ago
TheAgeOfTheWolf - 10 years ago
Everytime i swim in our oceans I feel scared that i will be eaten by these vicious man-eaters. I shouldn't have to feel this way when i go swimming in our oceans. It's not right. What we should be doing is killing all these beasts so i can feel safe when i swim at the beach. 
Tr4il - 8 years ago
We don't own the ocean, It's their domain.
AudemarsontheWrist - 10 years ago
Trolling at its finest
Dayna Ludwig
Dayna Ludwig - 10 years ago
you Muppet, they were here first!!!! it is their ocean!! we own nothing on this earth apart from the clothes on our back and e food we buy!!! otherwise everything can be taken away! so don't you say we need to kill them for our sea!
Hannibal Buress
Hannibal Buress - 10 years ago
You are more likely to be killed by a vending machine or a toaster than a shark
Jhonatan V
Jhonatan V - 10 years ago
+TheAgeOfTheWolf Never go full retarded man.
azimuth361 - 10 years ago
You're more likely to be hit and killed by a car at a crosswalk.  So, what say we kill all drivers?
Mr Mako
Mr Mako - 10 years ago
Mr. Marcus
Mr. Marcus - 10 years ago
He is just a kid troll trying to get arise out of people, just ignore him.
kanatapaw - 10 years ago
Since you fear them there most likely to sence it. Accept them then they will not halm you.
Humans scare me way more than these beautiful animals.
kanatapaw - 10 years ago
They own the ocean. There made for the ocean. Our ancestors may of lived in the ocean but we live on land.
I hope your trolling with that stupid comment.
Moriah - 10 years ago
I don't think we own anything that we didn't buy or make the ocean is there home land is ours they eat food just like us exept they adspted to catching live prey were as we humans have easily skinless packaged meat plus you are more likely to be killed in a car accident than be eaten by a shark P.S. this is my own personal opinion.
Benni #121
Benni #121 - 10 years ago
GTFO troll.
Holmkvists - 10 years ago
+TheAgeOfTheWolf Troll detected
Lewis .e
Lewis .e - 10 years ago
I was saying +sneekyshot1 was being sarcastic
TheAgeOfTheWolf - 10 years ago
+KrustyYeti No i wasn't. I want all sharks dead. why should i live in fear when i swim in our oceans? they don't own the ocean, we do. 
Lewis .e
Lewis .e - 10 years ago
He was being sarcastic lol
Basic Bird
Basic Bird - 10 years ago
+sneekyshot1 Tell that to Steve Irwin
sneekyshot1 - 10 years ago
Don't worry about jellyfish or sting rays, they can't kill anyone..
Holmkvists - 10 years ago
This footage properly shows how freaking big they are. So cool!
Gio Penguin
Gio Penguin - 9 years ago
+Rodney Brown oh really?
Rodney Brown
Rodney Brown - 9 years ago
+Gio Penguin 3.5 ft buddy.
Gio Penguin
Gio Penguin - 9 years ago
+Holmkvists The seal decoy is about 2 ft long, so make a proportion and see how big the shark is.
Draslox - 10 years ago
Could some one let me know what camera they used to catch this footage.
TitanIsBack - 10 years ago
Amazing just how quick they really are.
mangner eduardo
mangner eduardo - 10 years ago
Drizzt yoda
Drizzt yoda - 10 years ago
The energy that shark uses to catch the seal might mean the difference between life or death.
Raiden Protecter of Earthrealm
Raiden Protecter of Earthrealm - 10 years ago
No, it's not a Venice fly trap. Great White sharks have swim hundreds of miles a day this probably didn't effect it at all.
Nomadn - 10 years ago
pyscho butler
pyscho butler - 10 years ago
I wanna be a shark when I grow up
MvF JET - 7 years ago
pyscho butler yea so the chinese can catch you, cut your fins off and throw you back in the ocean so they can make shark fin soup
Rami - Craft
Rami - Craft - 10 years ago
Omg that shark Biggs

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