Fonzie Jumps the Shark on Happy Days (Episode 5.3) 1977

Ever hear someone say that a tv show "jumped the shark", implying that they've created an outrageous episode to try and win back viewers? Wonder where it came from? If you weren't alive in the 70s, it's possible you really don't know where that term came from. Well, this is it! We do not own, nor do we claim to own this video nor the rights to the show Happy Days. This video is for review purposes only. No copyright infringement is intended.

Fonzie Jumps the Shark on Happy Days (Episode 5.3) 1977 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 137

Shark videos 12 years ago 944,518 views

Ever hear someone say that a tv show "jumped the shark", implying that they've created an outrageous episode to try and win back viewers? Wonder where it came from? If you weren't alive in the 70s, it's possible you really don't know where that term came from. Well, this is it! We do not own, nor do we claim to own this video nor the rights to the show Happy Days. This video is for review purposes only. No copyright infringement is intended.

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Most popular comments
for Fonzie Jumps the Shark on Happy Days (Episode 5.3) 1977

Andres Vercetti
Andres Vercetti - 6 years ago
Still wearing his leather jacket. Brilliant!
gar y            .
gar y . - 6 years ago
The Fonz did it!!

I knew he would do it!!!
janschutz174 - 6 years ago
I'm here because of Stephen Colbert show lol
Jorvikson - 6 years ago
I expected a shark jumping out of the water given how apparently unbelievable this was.

I also can't believe that after Henry Winkler asked for a water skiing scene this was the best they came up with.
chefbee70 - 6 years ago
Wow that was a stunt man
TJG Galiardi
TJG Galiardi - 6 years ago
Thus began the phrase, "Pee is stored in the balls".
Erik H
Erik H - 6 years ago
im just impressed how the whole jump was only 3 cuts.
Nowadays that shit would get at least 6, plus some replays
Sean Mckenzie
Sean Mckenzie - 6 years ago
I was really hoping for a much worse shark. Like a really bad fake shark jumping out of the water to bite Fonz and him jumping over it with ease
Help - 6 years ago
Wow they really killed the moon

10. comment for Fonzie Jumps the Shark on Happy Days (Episode 5.3) 1977

Yyyyzyyy - 7 years ago
This show really jumped the shark after this scene
Baron Von Trenk
Baron Von Trenk - 7 years ago
Oh boy, to think I use to love this show! The times they are a changing
Marcus Roele
Marcus Roele - 7 years ago
Look.... he beat Mork from god damn Ork with just his thumb. A weak ass shark aint no threat to Arthur 'Iwearmyleatherjacketforeverything' Fonzarelli. That's why this episode is such a joke, it's unbelievabilityness.
Gretgor - 7 years ago
And just like that, an expression was created.
AYO 4 Pro
AYO 4 Pro - 7 years ago
This episode is shit!
spacekitt3n - 7 years ago
did he died
BORBA IS A RAT - 7 years ago
Star Wars The Last Jedi
ggurks - 7 years ago
not enough shark
Sal De'Friez
Sal De'Friez - 7 years ago
Hurricane Handy
Hurricane Handy - 7 years ago
Brought here by Jimmy Dore.

20. comment for Fonzie Jumps the Shark on Happy Days (Episode 5.3) 1977

Grundle Munch
Grundle Munch - 7 years ago
yo, nice
HitchensImmortal - 7 years ago
Those shorts though.
Shmick !
Shmick ! - 7 years ago
Most unnecessary build-up to a waterski jump ever.
tolstoy143 - 7 years ago
Why is Fonzi wearing a diaper?
Rico Baca
Rico Baca - 7 years ago
Yet people kept watching.
Andy D
Andy D - 7 years ago
I was nearly sick with worry when I watched this originally. No one knew if he'd make it. I certainly didn't want to see the Fonz eaten alive on a Saturday tea time. Would he be able to pull it off?
erikbarrett85 - 7 years ago
Comeon BUB that's classic shark jumping music
Robert Contreras Jr
Robert Contreras Jr - 7 years ago
Remember love everybody's here OK how very love every
Robert Contreras Jr
Robert Contreras Jr - 7 years ago
Richie was driving the boat he was only and you know jump over the ramp but you know that will go the shark know most like Jaws I'm a guys and girls watching over-the-head when like go as the hedge challenge is he said it was a me was you I know I know understand the ranch Lake ocean the commons over the beach he has a sail away from the deep
Israel Adoba
Israel Adoba - 7 years ago
Here from Community because Troy mentioned this part

30. comment for Fonzie Jumps the Shark on Happy Days (Episode 5.3) 1977

Europa - 7 years ago
That 70' show
wolfgangouille - 7 years ago
He jumped the carp.
Baron von Crags
Baron von Crags - 7 years ago
Shit like this makes me almost fine with white genocide.

J Shepard
J Shepard - 7 years ago
I think it's fair to say that 70s music was way better than 70s TV.
sclock2 - 7 years ago
I’m a little confused. Was the shark contained in a limited space that he had to jump or was it just swimming through the water freely? If it’s the latter then exactly what was so challenging and risky about it? The shark could swim away in every direction and not even be near the spot where he jumps. What if the shark were to have swam towards him? Would he have tripped over its fin or something?
DaveMac95 - 7 years ago
The worst moment in television history
Popeye Jones
Popeye Jones - 7 years ago
Hey you do know when this episode originally aired Star Wars (original) was still playing in theaters it premered 4 months before this!!!
Chris Jenkins
Chris Jenkins - 7 years ago
Words can't express what a letdown this is. He didn't jump on a sharks back or shove a crackpipe up it's ass or pee in its mouth. This scene could have been so much hotter
Ovik2k - 7 years ago
Proud to say I had already jumped Happy Days by the time this episode aired.
AngstG - 7 years ago
How does Fonz hear little Opie when over the engine & the wake when he asks "are you sure you want to do this"..... and how did he keep his leather jacket dry?? Simply AMAZING!!
wheres_walmart - 7 years ago
alex cameron brought me here
Rey Mustayne
Rey Mustayne - 7 years ago
This is not as bad as everyone made me believe.
Maxbuerrox - 7 years ago
They say television is dead but I'm not sure it was ever alive to begin with in the first place
Tyrone Sakimoto
Tyrone Sakimoto - 7 years ago
Happy 40th Anniversary!!!
DigitalEffex Hosting & Design
DigitalEffex Hosting & Design - 7 years ago
Amazingly horrendous.
MCPrimetime - 7 years ago
Totally better then when Michael Phelps raced a shark.
Caleb Kuster
Caleb Kuster - 7 years ago
who else is here from that 70's show?
One 7 Decimal 2 Eight
One 7 Decimal 2 Eight - 7 years ago
brilliant to jump the shark when there is a bridge right in front of you.
skbmsb78 - 7 years ago
By the time he made it to the ramp,I was hoping he would fall short and get eaten by the shark
Lester Diamond
Lester Diamond - 7 years ago
Joni, you whore!

50. comment for Fonzie Jumps the Shark on Happy Days (Episode 5.3) 1977

Inigo Montoya
Inigo Montoya - 7 years ago
They totally went Beyond the wall.
Rowgly - 7 years ago
Shark jump mic drop
Daniel Terry
Daniel Terry - 7 years ago
1:40 (((ok)))
Daniel Terry
Daniel Terry - 7 years ago
Sharks in the water is code for an impending human sacrifice... so I've heard.
benified 6
benified 6 - 7 years ago
whew. that was a close one.
jabman549 - 7 years ago
s - 7 years ago
Sharks very rarely attack humans, you can swim with them and likely remain unharmed. Fonz would have survived even if he had falled in the shark tank
you2099 - 7 years ago
1:06 - the first true sign that Ron Howard was gonna lose all his hair!
onslaughtmp - 7 years ago
that two minutes and twenty seconds lasted FOREVER! No one screwed around with dramatic T.V. back in the day... fantastic!. HIT EM' WITH THE HEIN!
Jeff B
Jeff B - 7 years ago
They were too busy thinking about whether they could, they didn't stop to think whether they should
Samuel Lane
Samuel Lane - 7 years ago
Worst moment in TV history
Bryan Charles
Bryan Charles - 7 years ago
What about the St. Elsewhere finale?
Rob Sherwood
Rob Sherwood - 7 years ago
Wow check out all the 1970's style haircuts in a show based on the late 50's, and early 60's.
Nicholas NRG
Nicholas NRG - 7 years ago
Geez this goes on forever
Wutzido IOthCatchJitsu
Wutzido IOthCatchJitsu - 7 years ago
MoonShibe64 - 7 years ago
Reddit brought me here
UDONTCME111 - 7 years ago
I watched a few, I'm guessing, earlier episodes as a kid. I have no idea how they got from that story to Fonzie jumping a shark on water skies.
yogurt1989 - 7 years ago
it's great to be white
Burg Buggle
Burg Buggle - 7 years ago
This was an insanely stupid scene...
UserName Whatever
UserName Whatever - 7 years ago
Worth watching just for Laurette Spang in a bikini.
jimijackson - 7 years ago
fuck breaking bad...THIS was a true thriller!
itsCONTROVERSY - 7 years ago
the jump was cool, but when Fonz ejected then walked up on the beach like that..... ayeeeeeeeeee!!
Con rad
Con rad - 7 years ago
Someone needs to edit this so it's just ten hours of the Fonze and Ritchie looking back and forth at eachother.
cgsoldier4196 - 7 years ago
That happened and we all let it happen
bbbrobo - 7 years ago
Worst TV episode......ever. RIP Garry Marshall.
David Lazenby
David Lazenby - 7 years ago
I forgot Richie flashed the white power sign at 1:41.
johan .G
johan .G - 7 years ago
Da Fonz is funny ahah :)
Leanne Haddock
Leanne Haddock - 7 years ago
And thus in television history, the jumping of the shark... is born.
ComputerControlled - 7 years ago
how much of a build up did you need!?
Daniel Dougan
Daniel Dougan - 7 years ago
Does it bother anyone that he was wearing a leather jacket while water skiing? Wouldn't the jacket be ruined?
displayfireworks2008 - 7 years ago
It created a new saying from this point on. What next are they going to Jump the Shark. LOL
27dollars - 7 years ago
to think this scene inspired its own phrase! Amazing that it happened in the 70s... i mean, memes are created everyday now here on planet interwebz.
Sean's Myth
Sean's Myth - 7 years ago
Most people probably don't know or remember that two seasons earlier, in a 2-part cliffhanger episode, Fonzie jumped over some garbage cans on his motorcycle. This was right in the middle of the Evel Knievel heyday so the episode got HUGE ratings and is IMO the sole reason for the show's initial success, which not long after began to fade again. So the producers had a wild brainstorm (or goose egg) and the rest is meme history. But it helps to know the backstory since the whole point of jump the shark is to take an original idea that worked at first and then try to top yourself by doing the same thing again but in a slightly different way. Here It gave the fans a case of de ja vu and it just made the people on the show look desperate.
number nine
number nine - 7 years ago
The stress of the shark jump caused richie cunningham's hair to fall out.
Eurotrash4367 - 7 years ago
This is more believable than Rick Grimes being saved by a tiger.
Dashoost - 7 years ago
At least the people that were standing around the beach saw the shark, not one person saw or heard the deux ex machina aka Shiva the tiger appear silently out of thin air to save the day.
D4v3 the demon
D4v3 the demon - 7 years ago
let me be clear this is not jumping the shark no no no this is jumping the shark coming back shooting its balls rapeing it eating its flesh consuming its soul and then doing the same thing to twelve other sharks just to be safe
Robert Writes
Robert Writes - 7 years ago
Jumping shark infested waters.... but still wears a life vest. What a guy!
xxiamfreexx - 7 years ago
YESSSSSSS FONZIE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!! That made my day.
Wayne Powers
Wayne Powers - 7 years ago
I was sad for days when I first saw this
falcondriver100 - 7 years ago
Was that the Fonz or Rachel Madcow?
Tony Montano
Tony Montano - 7 years ago
"Sit On It! Sharky!" ~ The Fonz
Dist Rose
Dist Rose - 7 years ago
i didnt grow up watching this but ive heard the phrase originates from this episode. was this the beginning of a downhill in the shows development? was it worse than the last 5 seasons of friends?
FlatEarther1965 - 7 years ago
I stopped watching Happy Days way before this.
Jonathan McCormick
Jonathan McCormick - 8 years ago
Wait, why does the boat driver give a knowing "okay" sign right after the jump and then freak out 10 seconds later? "Hey good job... ... ... ... ... OMG HE JUMPED A SHARK YESSS!"
Echiewel - 8 years ago
The pacing. That horrible, horrible slow pacing. Like something out of the 20's.

Yes, that's the thing I'm taking away from this scene. I'm a terrible audience member.
Marko Vuorinen
Marko Vuorinen - 8 years ago
If you'd like to get now as much publicity as this got you should fuck the shark.
frank rizzo
frank rizzo - 8 years ago
That was pretty cool, even for Fonzie!
Gabriele Neto
Gabriele Neto - 8 years ago
Damn, Troy wasn't lying at all
Juan Carlos Alvarez
Juan Carlos Alvarez - 8 years ago
why does he still have his leather jacket on.
Joey Gonzales
Joey Gonzales - 8 years ago
this show is so fucking retarded xD
Meghan Belle
Meghan Belle - 8 years ago
this tv show really jumped the shark. this was so bad they got a saying out of it

100. comment for Fonzie Jumps the Shark on Happy Days (Episode 5.3) 1977

Mixlop - 8 years ago
The show really jumped the shark on this episode
beloit22 - 8 years ago
LOL, Where editing got it's jump-start.
Colomba Silva
Colomba Silva - 8 years ago
I mean, yeah, was a terrible idea, but Fonzie wasn't a "Nietzsche Explained" either, so, I just think this was so awesome at the time. Yeah, it's all the ridiculous as can be, but, come on, this is pure gold, I laugh so hard, and at the same time I was thrilled. Human feelings are made of this!
paul smith
paul smith - 8 years ago
shame it weren't Sharknado in that pen
Nick Sexton
Nick Sexton - 8 years ago
Best episode of happy hour
maurice meerts
maurice meerts - 8 years ago
jumps a fucking life shark right?
Drake Vega
Drake Vega - 8 years ago
Man, Richie's sister got hotter
Alxa - 8 years ago
I loved this episode when i was younger
TheUrbanLoner - 8 years ago
hey look it's the walking dead!
sergery102 - 8 years ago
Hit em' with the Hein!
Zippy - 8 years ago
When Fairly Oddparents decided to add "Poof", then the dog, then Chloe.
Spongebob episodes after the first movie.
The Simpsons when it wasn't the 90's anymore.
The Office losing Michael Scott.
bigstar66 - 8 years ago
^ this hahaha
Nick Sexton
Nick Sexton - 8 years ago
Austin Reed MLP when it was thought up by the writers*
bigstar66 - 8 years ago
Rugrats after Kimi, arguably Dill
Archer Vice
Austin Reed
Austin Reed - 8 years ago
MLP when they introduced Flurry Heart.


Sonic when he started doing nothing but stand there and make jokes.
Jay Siemens
Jay Siemens - 8 years ago
The Fonz's jacket on display in the Smithsonium and yet the greatest legacy of Happy Days is the phrase "jump the shark".
oRuTRa45 - 8 years ago
Ok, so after years of hearing the term "jumped the shark" for years, I finally decided to watch this scene. I gotta be honest, it's not even as bad as I pictured. I thought they had Fonzie jumping over a fake shark or something lol. But then again, I still don't have much context because I don't think I've ever even seen a whole episode, let alone consecutive ones. So I still have no point of reference as to how the show declined in quality. But let's talk about Fonzie waterskiing in that damn leather jacket... That was the wackest part to me lol.
PreyForForgiveness - 8 years ago
no wonder this episode coined the term, like who actually thought it was a good idea? lol
999klondike - 8 years ago
They really "jumped the shark" with this episode...Oh wait.
A.K. Grimm
A.K. Grimm - 8 years ago
omfg make the jump already!!!
Shelby Miller
Shelby Miller - 8 years ago
And in his leather jacket, nonetheless.
Sarge - 8 years ago
They sure dragged that out.
J Glad
J Glad - 8 years ago
Reminds me of the man made global warming carbon tax scam... just a step too far from believability.
Pug - 8 years ago
Fonzy just made the list
Jonslaught - 8 years ago
From hearing it described I always thought Fonzie used the shark as a ramp, this was much less ridiculous than i thought...
keepondrinkin2 - 8 years ago
For me, this is when the show really jumped the shark.
illsmackudown - 8 years ago
Now jump over a whale!
Danny Foubister
Danny Foubister - 8 years ago
But he doesn't actually jump the shark?
THE CLARENCES - 8 years ago
Such s sweet and simple time....
Niall Reid
Niall Reid - 8 years ago
It was at that moment that the viewers at home realised that they were no longer watching a film about a group of young friends growing up in the 1950's, but were instead watching a show about losers jumping over sharks wearing skis and leather jackets.

And didn't tune in for the next episode.
J Shepard
J Shepard - 7 years ago
Niall Reid I've heard that the ratings were actually still good at this time, though I can't imagine why.
greenaum - 8 years ago
I dunno why, but I feel Happy Days wasn't quite as good after this episode.
PickleJar251 - 8 years ago
I also love how Fonzie holds his thumb up with his left hand, then in the next shot is seen with his right hand in the air instead. Bummer
PickleJar251 - 8 years ago
I love the stock footage of some randomly selected shark swimming about minding it's own business. Reminds me of something that would be seen on Spongebob.
Daniel Salas
Daniel Salas - 8 years ago
DUDE DUDERSON - 8 years ago
Fonzie once killed kenny
Yul Hubbart
Yul Hubbart - 8 years ago
I remember everyone in school talking about Fonzie jumping the shark. Tonight...39 years later I decided to see what all the fuss was about. I knew I hadn't missed much.
HASEnoncorperated - 8 years ago
>ok sign
"It Stinks!"
PerseusKarvasius - 8 years ago
absolute madman
sarcasmo57 - 8 years ago
That took a really long time.
Joseph Scott
Joseph Scott - 6 years ago
There were about four channels. It was this, or grownups talking, or messing with ants in the backyard, or getting out your Magic 8-Ball. MTV invented quick cuts later.
Mohamed Alhajery
Mohamed Alhajery - 7 years ago
A J MacDonald Jr xxbd
kenektik - 8 years ago
It was a slower time.
Shpongled - 8 years ago
Jon Hein
Hungrycheetah - 8 years ago
Great stunt.
bax323 - 8 years ago
Happy Days was a good show the first 3 seasons but it seems like the 4th season on it got kind of lame. Although it was supposed to be based in the 1950s the actors in it didn't care they wore their hair and clothes right out of the 1970s. Which ironically makes it seem even more dated today.
freshcaughtbass - 8 years ago
and directors...and producers....and....
Daniel Wise
Daniel Wise - 8 years ago
You know that actors don't get to choose their outfits... right? That's kind of what costume designers are for?
Evil Gary
Evil Gary - 8 years ago
"There was an episode of Happy Days where a guy literally jumped over a shark. And it was the best one!" Troy, from 'Community'
Denounce Rush
Denounce Rush - 8 years ago
This wasn't a bad episode. Fonzie wearing the jacket during the jump was the dumb thing about it. I think the show really "jumped" when Chachi burnt down Arnold's.
Kowasi - 8 years ago
Surely the pinnacle of Western entertainment!
Vedran Noneofyourbusiness
Vedran Noneofyourbusiness - 8 years ago
1:25 The Mass Effect 3 ending, in a nutshell.
Timothy King
Timothy King - 8 years ago
Only looked this up because of the That 70's Show scene
Aaron - 8 years ago
My life just "jumped the shark" after watching this clip.
Amos Nomore
Amos Nomore - 8 years ago
This actually happened.
The Flat Earth Preterist
The Flat Earth Preterist - 8 years ago
nice jacket... not
Matt Mullen
Matt Mullen - 8 years ago
Love the leather water skiing jacket.
Darren Mitchell
Darren Mitchell - 8 years ago
Troy from Community bought me here
P Dizzle
P Dizzle - 8 years ago
This is by far the most dramatic and spine tingling scene in TV history. I still can't fucking believe he made that jump.
Thomas Hamilton
Thomas Hamilton - 7 years ago
P Dizzle LOL
thatbamadude - 8 years ago
Hes the Fonz. So far, hes the only one who's done this jump and lived.
Mark S
Mark S - 8 years ago
A shame that he was no match for Stu Macher and Billy Loomis
ReaIly - 8 years ago
ReaIly - 8 years ago
ReaIly - 8 years ago
Chrispy Bacon
Chrispy Bacon - 8 years ago
Oh my god this is so much worse than I imagined. I've heard the term, of course, and after another favorite show of mine should've died, I came here just to see. Besides the terrible idea, could you draw it out more uselessly? Could you have worse dialogue? Could it possibly be lamer than fonzie wearing a leather jacket still while water skiing? Literally the only positive thing I can say about this is the girls looked hot. No wonder this became a trope and colloquialism.
Minkki82 - 7 years ago
Fonzie having a leather jacket on was actually hilarious. Otherwise this is cringe
XtreemMetalMan - 8 years ago
Matt Bacon what other favorite show of yours
Nothing\ - 8 years ago
HAhaha that's funny cuz that's about the only good thing I noticed about this too. The hot chicks in bikinis.
Lee Walter
Lee Walter - 8 years ago
+S Calgary
Saying "Happy Days" is a kids show give me the opinion that you watched them as re-runs.
Did you watch the show back in the 70s (when they first aired)?  Are you comparing Happy Days to other more contemporary shows?   It was not considered a kids show.

PS: OK I re-read my post and figure you are trolling my language/post.  The premise of my post was correct...the delivery was kinda silly.
S Calgary
S Calgary - 8 years ago
Are you kidding me?? This was absolutely momentous, inspiring, impossible, dazzling, and bewildering! You mustn't have a soul. Either that or you read way, way too much into a silly kid's show.
Lee Walter
Lee Walter - 8 years ago
The whole premise of the Hollywood episode (three parts) was monumentally stupid. The story line really didn't fit the show. AND.....Seeing Fonzie wearing his signature jacket on the beach in the middle of the summer jumping a shark (while wearing that jacket)....(Sigh)....JUST Silly/Stupid all mixed together. And the jump was kinda underwhelming for the build up they did.....
smh - 8 years ago
im saying i cant believe this phrase really was that literal
Underdog - 8 years ago
Then you make a show that's better.
Bronn of the Blackwater
Bronn of the Blackwater - 8 years ago
Yeah, my God did it ever take a long time to reach that damn ramp. What show inspired you to come watch it?
Luke Barnes
Luke Barnes - 8 years ago
who dafuq is ted cruz. jk, i dont actauly care
Bat5hade - 8 years ago
Everyone is talking about Ted Cruz, and I am here because of Bernie Sanders....
MajorSamsquamch - 8 years ago
Wow, that was the most fumbled attempt at the "I'm in on the joke too, guys" form of posturing I've ever seen. Congratulations; you're an idiot.
Dan Zabo
Dan Zabo - 8 years ago
+Bat5hade , maybe I'm the real troll? Sucker!
Bat5hade - 8 years ago
+Dan Zabo

At least I don't fall prey to trolls...Emo boy....
Dan Zabo
Dan Zabo - 8 years ago
+Bat5hade ,regardless. Get a job bait-boy! Your Marxist buddy sold out. Probably was in on this money making scheme the whole time. You were duped by an old lying lazy Jew. Sucker!
Bat5hade - 8 years ago
+Dan Zabo

LOL!!!!  Took long enough for someone to take the bait...
Dan Zabo
Dan Zabo - 8 years ago
Figures! Now try paying for your own education or just get a job! Bum!
KingoftheGods123 - 8 years ago
something something ted cruz
bruceman200 - 8 years ago
I love how they have some docile harmless nurse shark or something in there. But if he falls in it might gently brush up against his leg!
Christina - 8 years ago
Awesome stunt man jumping the shark
Alex Davila
Alex Davila - 8 years ago
Just fucking jump already!
TheUnholyHandGrenade - 8 years ago
Steve Rogers being a member of HYDRA in the new comic book is if anything the primary reason I was here.
Also this was the first time I ever saw this scene, so that's pretty cool too.
Me Bwana Dik
Me Bwana Dik - 8 years ago
In what parallel universe where there were no people of color was this twisted fantasy filmed?
zxKAOS1 - 8 years ago
Interesting clip, but the idiom it spawned was far more prevalent.
Andrew Fonseca
Andrew Fonseca - 8 years ago
Jane Hein is awesome
Richard McMahon
Richard McMahon - 8 years ago
I know we've all seen it before .But it just poses so many questions I want answered. Why is the water only 1 metre deep in the shark net? How can Richie and Fonzie converse so easily from the boat to the skier? Why the ridiculous shorts? What is the stupid yellow belt and don't tell me it's a buoyancy vest? Where are the spectators and why do they sound like they are in a studio? AND WHY ARE THE GORMLESS GREENS TALKING ABOUT REVERSING OUR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT POLICY???
Qoaster Stream
Qoaster Stream - 8 years ago
Alright so I don't know why everyone is talking about Cruz but he dropped out. Bernie for president! And besides the unreleased Fun. song brought me here.
weexportus carl
weexportus carl - 8 years ago
leather jacket lol
druidboy76 - 8 years ago
Worst moment in tv history.
no comment
no comment - 8 years ago
+druidboy76 hey it worked for me, I came back for more
Hmanthe6th - 8 years ago
Fuck Ted cruz
KaiTen - 8 years ago
this is the stupidest shit I've seen in a long time.
why is he wearing that dumb leather jacket while skiing? why is there a shark corralled in a net? why is there a ski jump in front of a net with a shark in it? and why is everyone in the neighborhood at the pier.
like I said, this is the stupidest shit I've seen in a while.
ta2joe13 - 8 years ago
So much cheeze, it's artery clogging!
Emerson Alenkerk
Emerson Alenkerk - 8 years ago
haha That's 70's Show...
Joey Pasqualini
Joey Pasqualini - 8 years ago
This ruined the show lmao
Belarion A.D.
Belarion A.D. - 8 years ago
Jon Hein? He's the Blow job king of Michigan state. He's the nerd from Jump the Shark.
Stoney Guerrero
Stoney Guerrero - 8 years ago
I don't know why people say this killed the show when the show lasted six more seasons
KaydeyRai - 8 years ago
It didn't kill the show but this is the very first of a series of bizarre plot lines/episodes in a show that was originally quite realistic - after this episode they had Aliens, Ghosts, Scott Baio etc
Bigben028STL - 8 years ago
It's not that it killed the show immediately. The reason people say that it's the high point of the show is once they jumped the shark they could never top it and ratings never were as high.
Calienza Bigdick
Calienza Bigdick - 8 years ago
Doug Stanhope, brought me here.
Matthew Dagnan
Matthew Dagnan - 8 years ago
The Walking Dead 4-3-2016.... RIP
London Purvis
London Purvis - 8 years ago
And here it is. The scene that ruined happy days.
Area51UFOGynaecology - 8 years ago
This scene was not as hilarious as i thought it would be :(
Big Wee Wee Man
Big Wee Wee Man - 8 years ago
Why are there so many republicans talking about politics here?
Big Wee Wee Man
Big Wee Wee Man - 8 years ago
+Dan Zabo what?
Dan Zabo
Dan Zabo - 8 years ago
And a Muslim sympathizer! Or just a closet muzzy?
Thom Stone
Thom Stone - 8 years ago
Because BO is boring? ?
Lucas Mota
Lucas Mota - 8 years ago
Why is everyone talking about Ted Cruz?
Goku Black Guy
Goku Black Guy - 8 years ago
That's what I'm wondering
MrUltrapresident - 8 years ago
+Lucas Mota Hell if i know
Z Space Consulting
Z Space Consulting - 8 years ago
fuck the skiiing , who the fuck wear a jacket to the beach
joseph rouleau
joseph rouleau - 8 years ago
David Cooper
David Cooper - 8 years ago
john kasich brought me here
Tweet Protocol
Tweet Protocol - 8 years ago
Trump is the new Fonz of politics. Democrats & Cuckservatives have already jumped the shark and are now largely irrelevant. TRUMP 2016 - the man of the people!
Dan Barden
Dan Barden - 8 years ago
Joke all you want... but this era was so much better than the cr&p they have on TV today. Innocent doesn't necessarily equal boring.
Rad Dudesman
Rad Dudesman - 8 years ago
+Dan Barden People don't remember bad things. They only remember good things. Just like how all the bad shows of the past were forgotten, all the bad ones on TV now will be forgotten too. That's how nostalgia works; no one ever remembers bad things.
Christopher Thorkon
Christopher Thorkon - 9 years ago
A sitcom about the 1950's with 1970's music with 1970's haircuts and a guy jumping a shark with a leather jacket on. This is some crazy shit man!
QUAK Tornado
QUAK Tornado - 9 years ago
Longest run up to a ramp in action sports history.
Mary Ashlyn
Mary Ashlyn - 9 years ago
Watching him jump is too stressful even to this day
meow point1
meow point1 - 8 years ago
+Mary Ashlyn How is it stressful?
JDLiveSpecial - 9 years ago
Worst moment in television history
Steven Fallon
Steven Fallon - 9 years ago
As a 70's kid, who lived through this insanity, I can tell ya that this scene for instance, we knew it was horrible, and even kind of knew it was something "special" in a sense, but Fonz was so ingrained in the lexicon by 1977 that we watched with a smile, cheered him on and shook our heads at how ridiculous it was. Kind of the same as watching it today - and realizing how after the first two seasons, Happy Days got REAL bad. Sounds crazy but I really miss the 70's.
Joel Hassig
Joel Hassig - 7 years ago
I really miss the '70s, too
Regular John
Regular John - 9 years ago
I cant believe i was 5 when i saw this
Roku Jones
Roku Jones - 9 years ago
Wow, this is just... god-awful television. And I used to watch Happy Days as a kid in the Eighties daily.
Char Rar
Char Rar - 9 years ago
tohopes - 9 years ago
I guess they kept the "leather" jacket on him to distract from the stunt man's identity.
Take off your pants and jacket
Take off your pants and jacket - 9 years ago
AAAAAAA.... Don't i look cool in this leather jacket and ball hugging speedos
manpettyfan - 9 years ago
love it
manpettyfan - 9 years ago
with his leather jacket on!! lmao, live it,, epic
Chris Huemmer
Chris Huemmer - 9 years ago
aayyyy this is so stupid
labidomosquito - 9 years ago
That 70's Show brought me here. And Fez did it better.
James Harbinson
James Harbinson - 9 years ago
For the record, Canadians only ski over narwhals.
lol101lol101lol10199 - 9 years ago
Trump 2016!
theInimitablePip - 9 years ago
..ted cruz SUCKS Donkey BALLS in 2016!!
AV8R's Channel
AV8R's Channel - 9 years ago
Long after Happy Days and The Fonze are long forgotten, the legacy will be this slang or metaphor added to the American English language, primarily by those in politics who fear using "Hail Mary" as to characterize a last ditch effort. So while "jumping the shark" didn't capture audiences for Happy Days as did Jaws in did the day, it did leave an indelible mark in both TV history and linguistics. Ehhhh!!! Did you expect less than that from The Fonze?
Donald Brown
Donald Brown - 9 years ago
I believe this TV episode is etched on the Gold disk carried by Voyager 1....Man's crowing achievement of the 1970s.
Cool Grammaw
Cool Grammaw - 9 years ago
I cannot believe you guys aren't getting Ted Cruz's point. He's comparing the Happy Days' producers' efforts to shore up ratings to his competitors efforts to tear him down by bring up this moot point about natural-born citizenship. They are trying to neutralize him to the uninformed (the vast majority). This Happy Days show pulled out all the guns, regardless of whether it made any sense or not, trying to save the show (and the profits) for as long as they could. I sure hope he didn't give us too much credit. His natural-born citizenship is a non-issue, folks, he's got it. We urgently need him as our next President. I love Donald's rhetoric but we really need what Ted Cruz can do.
thilltrot - 9 years ago
Best response to a Trump attack that I've seen. I'm actually impressed with Cruz.
rstryker27 - 9 years ago
Why is the shark confined to those buoys floating on the water ? Is it a cage that goes all the way to the bottom or something ? Why the hell would anyone do that ?
Preview - 9 years ago
Notice the not so subtle homophobia at 1:45 they were like "eww I hugged a guy shirtless"
Pierce Sony
Pierce Sony - 9 years ago
Trump is an ass hole bring up people Ted Cruz birth crap.
William Joseph Wise
William Joseph Wise - 9 years ago
I have heard the stories told by my forefathers
johnarcheus - 9 years ago
XD with that jacket man! ;D
a4b6c10 - 9 years ago
Am I the only one who noticed there's a topless girl in this? This was a prime-time show and it was 1977, so how did this happen? I'm pretty sure I saw the original episode but I sure don't remember that.
jamesbrake45 - 9 years ago
+a4b6c10 she just had headlights
a4b6c10 - 9 years ago
+a4b6c10 Never mind, I see now that it was an illusion.
ace8842 - 9 years ago
Ted Cruz might have gotten my vote just bringing me here in response to Trump jumping the shark.
John Smith
John Smith - 9 years ago
Does this mean Cruz has jumped the shark ?
Adino1 - 9 years ago
I've always liked Ted Cruz. But seriously, you can't stump the Trump.
RisingVictor - 7 years ago
Adino1 yeah you can
lulumariemissypu - 8 years ago
+Jeanne Kropko #Trump2016  :)
Jeanne Kropko
Jeanne Kropko - 8 years ago
+lulumariemissypu Your point is obviously that he is alone now in the race. Comments are unchanged because we already knew he appealed to the masses and can outshout opponents because he's a loudmouth. The only thing I like about him are that he fought the established GOP. The only reason he will win is that everyone else sucks worse.
lulumariemissypu - 8 years ago
You were saying? :)
FURTIVE PYGMY - 8 years ago
+PyroInTheFace21 ive watched a few of his rallies and can wholeheartedly say you are wrong. He's a moron, his plans make no sense and he just straight up lies to the dumbshit white trash (i'm white) that eat it up. There is not one person I have ever physically met that has said FOX new isn't stupid. Just because he is in love with china doesn't mean he isn't racist. You say "across the ocean" but you realize i'm talking about Canadians and countries in South America right? I can drive down to Seattle in under 3 hours. 
PyroInTheFace21 - 8 years ago
People across the ocean only hear about trump through the liberal bias of mainstream media and memes on social media, it's really not a surprise when you say "Hurr ask anyone here and they'll say no to Trump"  No shit, because people hear he's a racist from Fox and CNN and don't do any research themselves 
KaiTen - 8 years ago
+IM SORRY IM SORRY I live in Florida, i was talking to my friend in Scotland about Trump and he said everyone in Scotland hates Trump and thinks he's a little nuts.
FURTIVE PYGMY - 8 years ago
+lulumariemissypu Ask anyone not american and they will say no to trump. Source: Canadian
Adino1 - 8 years ago
+PyroInTheFace21 Honestly I can't remember now haha, it was linked in a topic about Trump and Cruz haha
PyroInTheFace21 - 8 years ago
+Adino1 The fuck does that have to do with Fonzie jumping the shark
Jeanne Kropko
Jeanne Kropko - 9 years ago
I'm afraid so.
lulumariemissypu - 9 years ago
Adino1 - 9 years ago
+Jeanne Pauli You mean the majority of people? lol of course he is, that is why he is winning.
Jeanne Kropko
Jeanne Kropko - 9 years ago
Lulu, you are likely one of the masses because you jump to conclusions and you can't seem to comprehend the written word. Who a person appeals to doesn't indicate who they are just how their performance is perceived. When a person writes about someone's performance it doesn't mean they like anyone else, it just means they are commenting about the discussed person's performance.
Jeanne Kropko
Jeanne Kropko - 9 years ago
+Adino1 I really don't care if he's smart, not even that he's smarter than presidents we've had ... he seems to be appealing to those who cannot alter their gut emotions with a cognitive process.
Jeanne Kropko
Jeanne Kropko - 9 years ago
+lulumariemissypu I never said he wasn't intelligent. I never said I like Cruz. I said only I'd like someone who isn't a loudmouth and who doesn't appeal to the masses.
Adino1 - 9 years ago
+Jeanne Pauli Judging by Trumps test scores his IQ is over 156, placing him above every President we've had in the modern era.
lulumariemissypu - 9 years ago
Why would you think Trump isn't intelligent? For someone, in your opinion, so unqualified Ted Cruz is sure copying his game plan.
Jeanne Kropko
Jeanne Kropko - 9 years ago
+lulumariemissypu but we need one with less theatrics, one who doesn't appeal to those one standard deviation and below the mean in intelligence.
lulumariemissypu - 9 years ago
+Adino1  Trump2016 IS THE SHARK and he will be our next POTUS!!! WE NEED A STRONG LEADER IN OUR COUNTRY!
Paul Weatherby
Paul Weatherby - 9 years ago
Fonzie later arrested for not filing a stunt permit. lol
Steven Fallon
Steven Fallon - 9 years ago
+Paul Weatherby "Stunt permits are for nerds" - Fonzie
Raul Jimenez
Raul Jimenez - 9 years ago
A tiger, a great white, a mako, a tiger again...Multiple sharks?
ladistar - 9 years ago
I'm voting Ted Cruz... for Prime Minister
meow point1
meow point1 - 8 years ago
+ladistar I want the Fonz for prime minister
jojopuppyfish - 9 years ago
2:01 cool stunt by Henry Winkler....lets go of ropes and ski onto beach
DownwithMarx - 9 years ago
I saw the actual episode long before I heard about the backlash. I didn't go watch it again then so I couldn't remember what was so bad about it. Now I see how long that build up is and how goofy Fonz looks wearing his leather jacket while water skiing.
Kathy Soto
Kathy Soto - 9 years ago
Creative, funny, clever. The point is that it will all end up clearing his citizenship with ease, just like the Fonz..
Corn Fed
Corn Fed - 9 years ago
Gotta love the 2 guys hugging at 1:44 and then turning away in disgust. So backwards.
Steven Fallon
Steven Fallon - 9 years ago
+Corn Fed I think embarrassment, not disgust. Kind of like Danny and Knicke in Grease.
Stuart Farmer
Stuart Farmer - 9 years ago
+Corn Fed I saw it as they were so excited that they hugged each other and then realized that they should be hugging their girlfriends instead. No disgust involved.
AzureSymbiote - 9 years ago
Trump... that's enough out of you.
misterfunnybones - 9 years ago
What next from Ted Cruz, Gidget reruns?
Ollie - 9 years ago
Just another dumb assed yank
Pam Beck
Pam Beck - 9 years ago
Oh Wow!  I remember this episode.  Wasn't this after they knew they were cancelled and figured they had nothing left to lose?  lol
Ian Olson
Ian Olson - 9 years ago
Good for Mr. Cruz!   I like "the Donald" but can not envision him as "the president"  He has a girlish catlike way of racking on his rivals ....Put the long nailed claws back, Donald.
dani s
dani s - 9 years ago
ted cruz lmao
Mayheamk - 9 years ago
Does anyone know the meaning of this cruz linking this in response to trump? what does it mean?
Adam Moreira
Adam Moreira - 9 years ago
+Mayheamk K The term "jump the shark" is often used to refer to when a TV show (or in this case, a person's campaign) begins to go downhill.
jekennedy108 - 9 years ago
This was irritating
Luke Shaffer
Luke Shaffer - 9 years ago
Thanks Ted Cruz...
Adam Moreira
Adam Moreira - 9 years ago
What are your Internet viewing habits, Ted Cruz?
ADV TV 1203
ADV TV 1203 - 9 years ago
hmmmm..that's intelligent question! we don't ask Canadian citizens :)
American Writer
American Writer - 9 years ago
Ok.... clearly Ted Cruz has lost his mind.
Chris Jenkins
Chris Jenkins - 7 years ago
stevoridesagain That is not what jumping the shark means. That's simply the result of jumping the shark. Jumping the shark means being so desperate for ideas that you start doing crazy nonsense.
American Writer
American Writer - 9 years ago
+stevoridesagain I do understand the context, however, I clicked on the link hoping I would hear a sincere reply from Ted Cruz. Instead, I am stuck watching a clip of a sitcom episode I watched 20 times when I was a teenager. Really?? This guy wants to be president?
stevoridesagain - 9 years ago
+American Writer Nah, you just don't understand the context.

When a TV show "jumps the shark", like Happy Days did (literally), it means that it's a turning point for the worse. Ratings go downhill and it signals the beginning of the end. Ted Cruz is implying that Trump's campaign "jumped the shark", so to speak, with his stupid birther comments about him.
Hanina Singer
Hanina Singer - 9 years ago
I know everyone's responses are to Ted Cruz or Trump, but in case Marco Rubio is watching this I just wanna say "Hi". That is all.
dan smejdir
dan smejdir - 9 years ago
he was wearing that life belt completely wrong. should have been up around his chest. wearing one like that is the reason so many men died from drowning on D-Day. once they went into the water they flipped upside down and drowned.
Peter Hoffman
Peter Hoffman - 9 years ago
I think the blonde girl was Cassopia from the original Battlestar Galactica
Marry Joy Santos
Marry Joy Santos - 9 years ago
Ted Cruz IS Canadian. He was born in Canada....
J Shepard
J Shepard - 7 years ago
Marry Joy Santos To American parents, which makes him American. Or should he have had to grow up in a Canadian orphanage after his parents returned home? Duh.
Marry Joy Santos
Marry Joy Santos - 9 years ago
Terry Peterson
Terry Peterson - 9 years ago
Freeze 1:07. Yes, apparently Ron Howard was getting some follicular help, even back in the 70's!
Aaron Bailey
Aaron Bailey - 9 years ago
Ted Cruz brought me here.
matchbox555 - 9 years ago
+Aaron Bailey he CANNOT beat Hillary. TRUMP 2016.
tyler jackson
tyler jackson - 9 years ago
+Ken S Hey budday
ADV TV 1203
ADV TV 1203 - 9 years ago
hahaha... good old Canada
Quote Light Randomness
Quote Light Randomness - 9 years ago
Ted Cruz links to this in response to Trump's calling into question his natural born citizenship status!
Gaslightclub1978 - 9 years ago
Trump is a piece of Shit
Like that Jeb, like that!
NOT: Trump is a Jerk,
Just like I told you Jeb, watch...
kenny price
kenny price - 9 years ago
the beginning of the end
kenny price
kenny price - 8 years ago
+Joseph Scott yes true, but it was in a steady decline.
Joseph Scott
Joseph Scott - 8 years ago
+kenny price After this episode, Happy Days was on for 7 more years, which is e.g. longer than all of the Odd Couple, all of Good Times, all of Taxi, all of The Bob Newhart Show, all of NewsRadio, all of Martin, all of Wonder Years...
Tiger Quinn
Tiger Quinn - 9 years ago
This was your response, Cruz? My grandma would have come up with this, and she's dead.
stevoridesagain - 9 years ago
+Tiger Quinn Your grandma sounds like she kicked a lot more ass than you do.
Rob Bowen
Rob Bowen - 9 years ago
Cruz 2016!
Project Peace Walker
Project Peace Walker - 9 years ago
Me too Ted Cruz brought me here and I don't get it
Adam Moreira
Adam Moreira - 9 years ago
+Project Peace Walker Ted Cruz has to be a TVTropes fan.
martin thomas
martin thomas - 9 years ago
ted cruz= Canadian. Trump 16
martin thomas
martin thomas - 9 years ago
ted Cruz brought me here. for some strange reason.
RisingVictor - 7 years ago
lulumariemissypu Shut it
Jeanne Kropko
Jeanne Kropko - 9 years ago
+matchbox555 I expect you are correct
lulumariemissypu - 9 years ago
+matchbox555 Trump2016!!!!!
matchbox555 - 9 years ago
+Jeanne Pauli Cruz is NOW working for the establishment to try to stop TRUMP. But he shall fail. TRUMP 2016.
Jeanne Kropko
Jeanne Kropko - 9 years ago
+Nehmo Sergheyev It was relevant because Cruz was pulling ahead of Trump / Trump felt he was losing attention. You said yourself people were intrigued by the use of this phrase and looked it up. People didn't look it up because they now love Cruz for his cleverness or his turn of a phrase. So how is that a political lesson?
Nehmo Sergheyev
Nehmo Sergheyev - 9 years ago
Cruz is pleased with the reception this "jump the shark" comment got. I just saw a new interview where he proudly repeats it. It's really not relevant, but it's colorful. And many people were intrigued enough to look-up the phrase.
This is a political lesson. It's not the content; it's the delivery. In this case the delivery had a cool phrase (which Cruz didn't come up with, I'm sure).  
Aaron - 9 years ago
You cant stump the Trump; Not a lot of evangelicals come out of Cuba.
lulumariemissypu - 9 years ago
+matchbox555 Trump2016!!
matchbox555 - 9 years ago
+martin thomas TRUMP 2016
Jeanne Kropko
Jeanne Kropko - 9 years ago
+stevoridesagain The "show more" definition above is not that the ratings will now go downhill. It is that the show is already well on it's way out and they've created an outrageous episode to try and win back viewers.
lulumariemissypu - 9 years ago
+martin thomas eggs and ham, desperate I am yes I am....#Trump2016
JOYCE CLEMONS - 9 years ago
+JOYCE “Glenn'sSis” CLEMONS Castro considers Ted a Cuban National.
Darrell Schleif
Darrell Schleif - 9 years ago
+JOYCE “Glenn'sSis” CLEMONS You do not tell of your qualifications to interpret Constitutional law.  In the link below, two former Solicitor Generals seem to come to the opposite conclusion.
JOYCE CLEMONS - 9 years ago
+Nehmo Sergheyev The Constitution wouldn't have defined the word "bedbug"; had the Framers had any reason to use the word. They wouldn't have to because all the Framers knew what bedbugs were, and so did the people. Natural Born Citizen is the same. The Framers not only knew what it meant, but had legal references in case anyone (like today's suggestible Americans) might be stupid enough to not know. By all Original Meaning evidence, it meant, at the very least, BORN ON THE SOIL OF THE NATION (or at the very least on a ship of their state, or in a foreign embassy compound, a place under the full control of that sovereign and within which full ligeance is due). Cruz is a Natural Born Citizen of Canada, and a naturalized citizen of the US, not a Natural Born Citizen of the US. You said " common practice in America since the writing of the Constitution defines it as including babies born to a US mother (or even father) while outside of the physical US. That is not true. Those, if they comply with US naturalization law, MAY be naturalized. That involves PAPERWORK pursuant to statutes that did not exist at ratification. To be Natural Born, no one has to follow the changing immigration laws. If your parents both were born here, and you were born here, you are naturally born a citizen of the US. If both your parents were Naturalized, and then you were born here, you are natural born. McCain's eligibility was a matter of Congress's opinion (a resolution) that being born of two US citizens in a military installation in the Panama Canal Zone, while under full ligeance to the US, was an opinion that may be correct. Cruz's claim that his jus sanguinis claim makes him Natural Born is a very bad joke, which tells us that he thinks his opinion means more to him than the Constitution. That's a bad joke. Like referencing this Shark Jump stuff.
martin thomas
martin thomas - 9 years ago
+Nehmo Sergheyev the brilliance of it is not not legality of it but the impact raising the question has. all day on all media outlets it's all they are talking about. worth 100 million in ads
Nehmo Sergheyev
Nehmo Sergheyev - 9 years ago
+martin thomas -- Cruz's comment brought me here too. But the analogy doesn't fit, and Cruz understands this. He estimated the colorfulness of the statement outweighed its inappropriateness. Trump is not desperate for followers, and the birther criticism of Cruz was actually predictable. I, personally, was just waiting for it. 
Sometimes, I wonder if Trump's gang is politically ignorant and bring up stuff as they learn. They came up with the 9-11 criticism of Bush 43 rather late in the game, and this Cruz birther logic should come to anybody making a first reading of Cruz's bio. His birthplace is the first fact given.

The Constitution doesn't define "natural born", but common practice in America since the writing of the Constitution defines it as including babies born to a US mother (or even father) while outside of the physical US. If Trump could demonstrate that this has not been the practice, then he would have a case, but that's not possible.
Nonetheless, I like the issue being brought up. The issue makes some good questions. Let's say a Mexican shows a DNA report indicating she is the daughter of an American citizen father. Then she gets US citizenship. Right?
jojopuppyfish - 9 years ago
+stevoridesagain Cruz is saying the "birther comments" have jumped the shark
stevoridesagain - 9 years ago
Wouldn't the correct phrase be "It's just a stretch."?

Unless you've changed your mind and are now agreeing with Ted Cruz.
martin thomas
martin thomas - 9 years ago
+stevoridesagain I get it. it just isn't a stretch
stevoridesagain - 9 years ago
+martin thomas When a TV show "jumps the shark", like Happy Days did (literally), it means that it's a turning point for the worse. Ratings go downhill and it signals the beginning of the end. Ted Cruz is implying that Trump's campaign "jumped the shark", so to speak, with his stupid birther comments about him.
Adam Moreira
Adam Moreira - 9 years ago
+martin thomas I was going to say the same thing!
anonymous anonymous
anonymous anonymous - 9 years ago
+Shirley Acuff no!!!!
Shirley Acuff
Shirley Acuff - 9 years ago
+martin thomas Trump jumped the shark. It;s a joke response. get it?
kwaseb - 9 years ago
+martin thomas MSNBC via Cruz brought me here too
Brandon King
Brandon King - 9 years ago
ted cruz
Friggle Dee
Friggle Dee - 9 years ago
Ted Cruz brought me here #cruz2016
Rob Bowen
Rob Bowen - 9 years ago
Friggle Dee
Friggle Dee - 9 years ago
Ah yes Billy Cuckley......
Aaron - 9 years ago
+Rob Bowen Conservatives actually do come out of New York including William F. Buckley and many others.
Rob Bowen
Rob Bowen - 9 years ago
+Aaron M
 Not a lot of conservatives come out of New York.
Aaron - 9 years ago
+Joseph Paramonte I cant wait to find out if sand glows at night!
Friggle Dee
Friggle Dee - 9 years ago
+Herr Denker Sounds like a deal! #Trump2016 #Cruz4VP
Aaron - 9 years ago
You cant stump the Trump; Not a lot of evangelicals come out of Cuba.
Herr Denker
Herr Denker - 9 years ago
+Joseph Paramonte #Trump2016 #CruzforVP
Rob Bowen
Rob Bowen - 9 years ago
+Joseph Paramonte Great response by Cruz!
TRJ2241987 - 9 years ago
I love the episode of That 70's Show where Fez recreates this to show up the new foreign guy
ryan Williamson
ryan Williamson - 7 years ago
I stepped in fon dog do
Jane Crosby
Jane Crosby - 7 years ago
thats what brought me here
Alex Fisher
Alex Fisher - 7 years ago
Guiltily here.
Amelia Charr
Amelia Charr - 7 years ago
lol that's why I look it up about this
Megan Kelly
Megan Kelly - 7 years ago
I'm watching that episode now. It's why I came to this video Lol!!
cracksandwhich - 7 years ago
same here.
Jose D
Jose D - 8 years ago
Oji Torres I'm watching it too bro, this is strange
Oji Torres
Oji Torres - 8 years ago
Bruhh im watching that episode right now nd i looked this up cuz of it lol
Matheus Rodrigues
Matheus Rodrigues - 8 years ago
me too!

(and I'm a outsider too, so...)
rfl4931 - 8 years ago
thats y im on here also
youtuber - 8 years ago
Timothy King
Timothy King - 8 years ago
That's why I just looked this up lol
SpongeMattb - 8 years ago
Looked this up right now because I was just watching that episode
LGSPTJ - 8 years ago
I'm watching That episode of Netflix too. "Jackie Says Cheese" - Season 4 Episode 13.
Ly Cotes
Ly Cotes - 8 years ago
+McMuffin S4E13
Rudy - 8 years ago
+TRJ2241987 Thomas!!!!
virna liz
virna liz - 8 years ago
I see this episode right now lol
JayBee - 9 years ago
Ah, the high point of television. It was downhill all the way from here.

X Factor can only dream of eclipsing this episode of Happy Days.

Simon Cowell can only judge his career unfavourably with The Fonz.
boliussa - 9 years ago
I can't believe those shorts were [I suppose] fashionable for men.
MagicMarshN80 - 9 years ago
This is goofy as hell
anonymous scribe
anonymous scribe - 9 years ago
No sign of the shark as the Fonz (stunt double) jumped over the circle of buoys. And this created the saying: "jumping the shark"!
Libertarian Soldier
Libertarian Soldier - 9 years ago
We can finally put this term to its final rest. The new term for such TV antics will forever be known as "Crawling Under The Dumpster"
zamp6969 - 9 years ago
What do you mean Fonzie's a Jew?!
TravelinBand747 - 9 years ago
This was even more cheesy than I'd thought it would be. When these writers run out of ideas, they sure can come up with some stupid stuff. And if this aired in September of 1977, this was obviously during the Jaws heyday and being afraid to go in the water and all that. I'll bet the network promoted the hell out of this during summer 1977.
Gags GAGS - 9 years ago
This is the reason Ron Howard became a great director. After being subjected to this crap on a daily basis either he would become a heroin addict, or a director so that nothing like this could ever be shown to the American people.

I remember being a little kid and seeing this as a rerun , and I remember how crappy it was. When your like 10 and you cant stand a crappy shark scene with the Fonz ya know it sucked!

I wish they could do a remake and do it with a Killer Whale ....The Fonz would screw up when a ski breaks he would slam the ramp face first and slowly drop off the top of the ramp into the Killer whale. The whale would chomp him up and flick him into the air on the shoreline....

THEN We Could Have David Hasselhoff, Pam Anderson and the rest of Baywatch crew pull'em outta the water and watch him bleed to death on the beach....and then start the rumor about how Pam Anderson got Hep C from the Fonz!!!

BUT The Fonz would make a full recovery 6 months later. After all the Mayhem that happened, The camera zooms into the hospital room after the attack..... we see him in the hospital bed with the " leather jacket" on with a bunch of teeth marks. The Killer whale couldn't bite all the way thru the jacket and that's what saves him.... Way better version !!!

OMFG this show was so bad looking back .... WOW ....
Gregg Hill
Gregg Hill - 9 years ago
And to think that I missed this episode! Lucky me.
Greg Myrkle
Greg Myrkle - 9 years ago
Trying to cash in on the success of 'Jaws', no doubt...
Pat Tanackered
Pat Tanackered - 9 years ago
meh I prefer the South Park version
McScott76 - 9 years ago
This is the 1977 equivalent of Glen from Walking Dead magically escaping eminent death from hundreds of hungry zombies.
spacekitt3n - 7 years ago
*imminent, not eminent.
Edward Smith
Edward Smith - 9 years ago
It's not Fonzie who's uncool! It's the f**king sh*t MUSIC!!! They should have used the soundtrack to Jaws!
Mathew Godfrey
Mathew Godfrey - 9 years ago
The holographic shark from Back to the Future Part II was more intimidating.
Anurania - 9 years ago
Happy Days really met the Borg queen with this episode
meow point1
meow point1 - 8 years ago
+Anurania ???
mapn123 - 9 years ago
I never could understand why this show was popular, could never bring myself to watch more than a few minutes of it back in the 70s when it was on. But I'd heard that this was where the phrase "jump the shark" came from, and wanted to see it. Thanks for posting it.
Steven Fallon
Steven Fallon - 9 years ago
+mapn123 Indeed, the first season was spectacular, the second pretty good, and then it was a steady downhill fall to absolutely insanity. Fun to watch the later seasons to see how bad it was, like Potsie singing that "bone" song in school.
Kevin M Packard
Kevin M Packard - 9 years ago
+mapn123 The first season was kind of good because it had a somewhat more gritty tone, and then it kept going downhill. But, more than that, it came out at just the right time to capture the nostalgia of everyone watching it.
boliussa - 9 years ago
+mapn123 watch fonzie vs mork see if you enjoy it
Tom Kaduk
Tom Kaduk - 9 years ago
That's the least intimidating shark I have ever seen.
OneThousandHomoDJs - 9 years ago
FAR more impressive was how he kept the leather fairly dry.
emprrah - 9 years ago
that 70s show brought me here
Maestro_T - 9 years ago
When I first heard about the jumping the shark thing, I thought there was a small pool containing a shark that Fonzie jumped over with his motorcycle. Seeing the real thing, I can't help but think my idea was worse but somehow better. This makes the list of worst things I have ever seen, just terrible on every possible level and only funny in ways they were never expecting it to be.
"CHILL OUT BRUH" - 9 years ago
I'm just here because of that 70s show lol
Arthur Fonzarelli
Arthur Fonzarelli - 9 years ago
Wow. The boob tube was just as stupid back then as it is now.
Mark Timko
Mark Timko - 9 years ago
At 0:38 they are in the exact same spot as at 0:58. What gives? proof of time slippage?
bones22j - 9 years ago
Who wears a leather jacket when jet skiing? Only "The Fonze" I guess.
lemisanthrope - 6 years ago
A 40 year old actor playing someone supposedly in their 20s.
KJV 1611 Bible Believing Fundamentalist
KJV 1611 Bible Believing Fundamentalist - 7 years ago
Rumor has it he was born wearing the jacket and had a tough time growing into it until he reached puberty.
KaiTen - 8 years ago
+Matthew W that would be fun.
KaiTen - 8 years ago
+Dheep' P there is nothing to get. It's a stupid scene, never would you see any of this in reality. The leather jacket skiing... the fact that everyone on the show just happens to be there at the pier, everything about this scene is just dumb.
Matthew W
Matthew W - 8 years ago
+KaiTen *rocket skiing..........
KaiTen - 8 years ago
*water skiing...
ADV TV 1203
ADV TV 1203 - 9 years ago
Ted Cruz :)
HAL - 9 years ago
shoudlve worn jeans though
Dheep' P
Dheep' P - 9 years ago
+bones22j - It's not really that tough to get is it ?
Retrocade Podcast
Retrocade Podcast - 9 years ago
They totally nuked the fridge with this episode.
TDGuitarJ729 - 6 years ago
Galaxy Gold
Doomguy - 7 years ago
Fried the Coke? I'd say you really Forced the Meme with that one.
Krom the Assassin
Krom the Assassin - 7 years ago
Retrocade Podcast they really turned the cranes with this one...
Nerdy George Washington
Nerdy George Washington - 7 years ago
I'd say they Fried the Coke with this one.
Ryan Ong
Ryan Ong - 9 years ago
Who the hell does water sports in a black leather jacket? Does he wear plate mail when he goes rock climbing?
Unlike the Motorcycle Jump Fonzie did, Henry could water ski. He couldn't however ride a motorcycle. Henry didn't do the jump here but he did ski.
Doorhenge - 9 years ago
ώhą๏hώ! ƒ๏ɲƶ€ ɨƶ $€๏ Ќ€ώℓ! h€ ȼąɲ jµʍρ ๏˅€я $hąяЌ$! ţ˅ €ж€ȼµţɨ˅€$ ď€$€я˅€ ąℓℓ ţhąţ ʍ๏ɲ€¥ ţh€¥ ʍąď€
Snow White
Snow White - 9 years ago
That was AWSOME!!! I am soo going to watch Happy Days forever and ever!!!
Jay Igaboo
Jay Igaboo - 9 years ago
I only came here because I was curious about what the expression "jump the shark" meant, and when the urban dictionary explained it, I had to see it.
I thought it was funny as hell, mainly because The Fonz still wore his lather jacket when water skiing!
delius amat
delius amat - 9 years ago
This is really where the series jumped the shark
D Rizzo
D Rizzo - 9 years ago
He should have worn pants for the jump.
Hopeless Lover
Hopeless Lover - 9 years ago
Thomas Zhao
Thomas Zhao - 7 years ago
u wot mate?
Mando Commando
Mando Commando - 9 years ago
+yurtpoh Omg same.
Tickleshits - 9 years ago
+Hopeless Lover i literally just paused that episode to come here and watch this.
poop - 9 years ago
nice quote ;)
F Zentura
F Zentura - 9 years ago
Some shows jumped the shark so powerfully that they flip and become magnificent trainwrecks to behold! Right now I'm witnessing this with Heroes Season 3...
Michael Hunter
Michael Hunter - 9 years ago
As someone who grew up in the 70's, this was the standard level of idiocy. Laverne and Shirley, Mork and Mindy, Fantasy Island, Dallas where one of them dreamed a whole year's episode, etc.  At the time it seemed normal but looking back, the writers and TV executives seem brain dead.
Michael Medley
Michael Medley - 9 years ago
+Michael Hunter As someone said, "That's the type scripts that are written on a three day coke binge in hot tubs."
Cloud Seeker
Cloud Seeker - 9 years ago
What is the problem here? Sharks are not blood thirsty killers, and shark attacks is pretty rare. If you jump into the pool the shark is most likely going to freak out in fear.
Margaret Nguyen
Margaret Nguyen - 9 years ago
Im just here to see the birth of the infamous jumping the shark moment but can someone explain to me why its such a low point of the show i havent had the chance to watch it and should i watch it one day even though i know it jumps the shark?
Mark Jefferies
Mark Jefferies - 9 years ago
Happy Days Jumped the Shark after the first season. Period. When the characters started dressing & talking like the 1970's it was most over for me
Ian McDowell
Ian McDowell - 9 years ago
I can see why this scene was a deal breaker back in the day. I nearly fell asleep waiting for the Fonz's sad little flop over the jump board. So, to really save the series the shark smells the leather in Fonzie's jacket, this gets his juices flowing, Fonzie gives his trademark thumbs up to the crowd on the shore. This is a bad move because the thumb looks to the shark like a small, tasty Italian sausage. So just when Fonzie is congratulating himself, the shark launches himself in the air, bites off the thumb, and throws it into the crowd on the shore. They all want it as a souvenir and fight over it. The cops get called and there's a bloodbath. The sea flows red.
Mathieu Comeau
Mathieu Comeau - 9 years ago
I just...this is so weird to watch from the perspective of someone that grew up in the 90s. I guess maybe because it's talked about so much, I was underwhelmed when I see it. However, I'd have to have more context from the time to see how exciting it must have been
Mathieu Comeau
Mathieu Comeau - 9 years ago
Also, I guess that is a good point. Like, it's talked about a lot, so it's easy to expect something spectacular. However, the whole point is that it was completely unspectacular, so it wasn't supposed to be impressive.
Mathieu Comeau
Mathieu Comeau - 9 years ago
10-15 year old girls and the nerdy, it was basically the My Little Pony of its time?
KaydeyRai - 9 years ago
It's talked about so much because it's a stupid and ridiculous scene - it was the beginning of the end for quality writing on Happy Days - I don't think you're supposed to be impressed by it
gary lampkin
gary lampkin - 9 years ago
+Mathieu Comeau Hate to use a cliche, but you really had to be there. If it helps with the context issue, the show's main audience was 10-15 year old girls and the nerdy group. Also, It was a throw-back to the 5o's& 60's when life was a little more "wholesome", but that is another story with tv shows like; another Ron Howard vehicle- Mayberry R.F.D., Ozzie and Harriet, My Three Sons and Leave it to Beaver for the popular family hour shows. Hope that helps, if you are really interested check out episodes of those other shows on You-tube and you will see the formula for the Cunningham (Ritchie character/Ron Howard's) family on Happy Days. Oh yeah, if you haven't seen the George Lucas(Star Wars fame) tome to the 50's, when he grew up, check out the excellent movie, American Graffiti-coincidentally co-starring none-other than Ron Howard. Try to put life in perspective then with, no internet, no cell phones and no cable tv- definitely no Beavis and Butt-head, Family Guy or Adult Swim. As you can guess I'm old enough to remember the 50's shows in re-runs, Peace.
Robert Harris
Robert Harris - 9 years ago
Did Ralph Mouth get some of that?
GQ daddy
GQ daddy - 9 years ago
Never having seen this I thought it would be some cheesy shark coming out of the water to snap at Fonzie as he jumps over it. Disappointingly it appears that even jumping the shark expectations have now jumped the shark. :(
because you would be in jail
because you would be in jail - 9 years ago
Wow! What a intense scene! I kept hearing people say jump the shark so I knew it was something cool, but man, that was something else! I didn't grow up in that era but I can only imagine how awesome it was for audiences to watch for the first time! Classic scene that will be remembered for millenniums to come!
Nehmo Sergheyev
Nehmo Sergheyev - 9 years ago
+hyperpsyched -- You missed a subtle point. The railing obscured the genital area of the primary female. Thus, you can often overcome the lurking beast of death, yet you must pay with sexual frustration. It's a sad but true comment on life.
hyperpsyched - 9 years ago
+El Chapo

I agree. The slow build up to the jump itself with the scene switching between Fonz and the women in bikinis reminds me of Truffaut at his prime as a director. The use of the the Fonz's leather jacket as a metaphor for the American oppression of Antarctic penguins is a simple subtle genius. The shark itself can be seen as quiet rebuke against the perils of vanity and fame facing all the young "Fonzies" in Hollywood. Effective and powerful television indeed.
TheDBZKing Goku
TheDBZKing Goku - 9 years ago
+Baeron Bubba no they do. But i wasn't really sure what you were getting at when you said "haha you said no cuz dbz does this every episode eh?" I was confused by what you meant but now that I know what you meant, yes they do in fact do that
Baeron Bubba
Baeron Bubba - 9 years ago
+TheDBZKing Goku So... You're saying that DBZ doesn't have the half-episode long "chargeup" sequences or "staredown" sequences, that it quite infamous for? O.o;
Which is the same as this incredibly long "chargeup" sequence for the shark jump?
TheDBZKing Goku
TheDBZKing Goku - 9 years ago
+Baeron Bubba it was a joke and no they don't for dbz. there are always going to be times where good loses to evil but ultimately good wins in dbz so no that is not the reason.  It was just a comment i have no idea why i commented on it. Thats why. Just felt like it.
Baeron Bubba
Baeron Bubba - 9 years ago
+TheDBZKing Goku
Hah. You said "No" cause DBZ does this every episode eh?
AtomicTipex - 9 years ago
+Killhelm II How deep is the irony hole
TheDBZKing Goku
TheDBZKing Goku - 9 years ago
+Rob no
lateralexrex - 9 years ago
+Sviatoslav I of Kiev I think you are missing the point of "jump the shark". It's not a compliment.
CPHD - 9 years ago
+Sviatoslav I of Kiev No, that is the whole premise behind John Hein's jump the shark premise is that it was a tacky move to win back viewers. It's a terrible scene.
Siberius Wolf
Siberius Wolf - 9 years ago
I see the jokes like "Wow, they really jumped the shark with this episode".
And I can't believe people are trying to explain it to them. It's deadpan humour!
They already know. Obviously.
Ryan McCord
Ryan McCord - 9 years ago
he jumped a damn nurse shark! that thing was looking for a sea fern to eat.
Ryan McCord
Ryan McCord - 9 years ago
look up infamous in the dictionary
KolyaKrasotkin - 9 years ago
Man, I'm so glad he made it.
Justin Y.
Justin Y. - 9 years ago
Whoomp, there it is
Kidz24 - 9 years ago
Yes, because you know... The Shark was going to stay within the circular boundaries...
ScoxGungFu - 9 years ago
why the hell is he wearing a coat?
Popeye Jones
Popeye Jones - 7 years ago
I think he put the jacket on right before it for good luck
Adino1 - 9 years ago
+ScoxGungFu He always wore his jacket because he was so damn COOL.
American Writer
American Writer - 9 years ago
+ScoxGungFu He's the Fonz eeeeeeh
James D. Chamberlain III
James D. Chamberlain III - 9 years ago
+JusticeForTheSilenced "Aaaaaaaay" **double thumbs up**
JayBee - 9 years ago
+JusticeForTheSilenced There would be justice if you were silenced.
James D. Chamberlain III
James D. Chamberlain III - 9 years ago
Moo Gum Guy Pan
James D. Chamberlain III
James D. Chamberlain III - 9 years ago
+Krystal Lake So... Fonzy is my momma baby daddy?
James T
James T - 9 years ago
To charm the shark.
The God Called Mars
The God Called Mars - 9 years ago
+ScoxGungFu He is Fonzie, get over it
Dheep' P
Dheep' P - 9 years ago
+ScoxGungFu - You Know Nothing John Snow
ScoxGungFu - 9 years ago
+gary lampkin lolz, I was there. Not literally but when this show was popular. Watching it now exposes how poorly acted and written it really was. 
gary lampkin
gary lampkin - 9 years ago
+ScoxGungFu Because he is the "FONZ". That was his trademark "cool" look, and he would say "Heyyy" to imply that he had it all under control. You had to be there!
Cruz Rodriguez
Cruz Rodriguez - 9 years ago
+ScoxGungFu This is why it is perhaps such a shark jumping scene... I mean for the first few minutes I swear I saw him wear jeans and cowboy boots.
Trevor D
Trevor D - 9 years ago
Stupidest shit I've ever seen
mike s
mike s - 9 years ago
Looks like the Fonz was actually out there watersking so you have to give him credit for that
Jan-Willem Swart
Jan-Willem Swart - 9 years ago
Wow, Happy Days really jumped the shark there...
mcsew2k - 9 years ago
They should of had the shark jump up and almost get him out of mid-air!
Ben Wasserman
Ben Wasserman - 9 years ago
Im trying to imagine this with the jaws theme song playing
LOSE SCREWZZ - 9 years ago
no, just the inspiration for it. dam I almost made it through the comments. thinking I was the only one with that thought .
Jason Seffern
Jason Seffern - 9 years ago
Maybe they should have coined the phrase, "Hurdled balls"?...
BrownHawk2 - 9 years ago
Losers gather to watch winners accomplish things. Afterwards, those losers run to the winners to surround them and admire them. Hell, at least Richie drove the boat.
oUnknown - 9 years ago
Santos S
Santos S - 9 years ago
Family guy brought me here...Hail Fonzie!!
Deep Heat
Deep Heat - 9 years ago
But come on......... a leather jacket & white T whilst water sking? - THAT's style!
noobjetz - 9 years ago
+John Dwyer How could you ignore the cut-off jean short shorts, that made the outfit for me.
Hard Rock Master
Hard Rock Master - 9 years ago
Laying the groundwork for Jaws III ...
Brian Rapp
Brian Rapp - 9 years ago
1977 Paul Rapp in the BU science 62 my usc Hutton drive live happy Days Dad Directed Fonzi Jumping the Shark at paradise cove with Ron Howard goneinsixtyseconds driveing the speedboat Hillary was dads happy days surf girl canyonlocalfilmscom protect the WILD Angels of Hollywood
Ace Delizo
Ace Delizo - 9 years ago
after watching "that '70s show" doing this skit, i have to see the original.
Bob Dougherty
Bob Dougherty - 9 years ago
Why the fuck is there even a comments section on YouTube?  70% of the time, people just show their worst sides and make humanity look pathetic, as any disagreement is enough to turn a thread into a despicable back and forth where the most heinous things are said.  To tell someone to kill themselves because of a misunderstanding in context or because a joke didn't go over is not progress in society.  Keep the videos.  Make the comments section go away.  Including this one; I won't miss it.
wheres_walmart - 7 years ago
Bob Dougherty bro listen i know it was 2 years ago but were u jumping the shark with this one i gotta know
Bob Dougherty
Bob Dougherty - 9 years ago
+Meme Cuck Ok, how would you like me to do it? Run the ideas past your parents, grandparents, and coaches first. Let me know how proud they are of you for saying such things to people you don't know.
Gram M
Gram M - 9 years ago
+Bob Dougherty Too many words; kill yourself.
F Zentura
F Zentura - 9 years ago
Hahaha! Just messin w you...
Bob Dougherty
Bob Dougherty - 9 years ago
+F Zentura This is the first comment I'm seeing from you, so no, I'm not trying to fight you. Why are you asking me that? Does the way I write suggest that I'm trying to fight anyone?
F Zentura
F Zentura - 9 years ago
Are you trying to fight me? You name the time and place, pal!
Mark McElroy
Mark McElroy - 9 years ago
I like the comments. They're just raw emotion, no filter... you get to see what people really think. It's unpleasant a lot of the time, but so what? Don't take it so seriously, and don't expect to see more than the kneejerk reaction of 12 year olds, and they're actually quite entertaining.

Forget the progress remark since I don't believe in having more than one conversation at a time :)
Bob Dougherty
Bob Dougherty - 9 years ago
+Mark McElroy I respect your ability to respond without immediately lashing out, but I would like to hear you substantiate your position. I don't dispute that you think comments are awesome, but I'd like to know what you think is awesome about them. For my taste, it's exasperating to see people who've never met each other and otherwise might like each other if they found themselves colleagues or teammates side by side in real life, just abandon etiquette, compassion, manners and dignity, and rush to condemn one another in the most vile ways. They say vulgar things (often times without basis) that they know they would be very embarrassed for if these comments were shared with their bosses, their grandparents, their teachers and even many of their friends. In other words they just feel the need to belittle, disparage, and insult. If this weren't so predominant, I'm sure I'd see the comments section as a great avenue for constructive criticism, but most of the time we see watchers attacking the doers. There's no accountability and no shame. That is pathetic. What do you think? I also would like to know what you mean by "there's no such thing as progress". Are you saying that you're no further along in life than you were when you were eight years old? I doubt that highly. You've grown, you've learned stuff, you've matured, you've progressed.
Mark McElroy
Mark McElroy - 9 years ago
+Bob Dougherty I feel a strong compulsion to argue with you. Comment sections are awesome and there's no such thing as progress.
Watson Everly
Watson Everly - 9 years ago
+Bob Dougherty Madore was being ironic.
Bob Dougherty
Bob Dougherty - 9 years ago
+Madore Way to make a compelling argument. Or, perhaps you were so eloquently helping me prove my point. Poor, poor humanity.
Grace Regalado
Grace Regalado - 9 years ago
That 70's Show S.4 Ep. 13 brought me hear.
Fray2221 - 9 years ago
This was awesome. They should make this like a metaphor for how someone has finally made it as a badass awesome dude.
ElectronSpark - 9 years ago
Fonzie must be really insecure to wear a leather jacket while water skiing.
Maybe he's got a gross pair of hairy manboobs under there.
garichar - 9 years ago
Fun Fact: The character Fonzie's full name was Arthur Herbert Fonzarelli, he was a Ginny Greaser who rode a motorized bicycle! 
Caerulious - 9 years ago
So this is where the idiom comes from.
a625 c625
a625 c625 - 9 years ago
invented a new term
Adam Moore
Adam Moore - 9 years ago
Laurel becoming a crime fighter could become the moment that Arrow jumped the shark, hope not
Coby Brennan
Coby Brennan - 10 years ago
I'm only here because of the reference in Community. Anyone? No? Okay..
frjfsiuojrsdug - 10 years ago
Actually this is a lot better than any Happy Days I remember.
Supreme Ali
Supreme Ali - 10 years ago
Fonzy for president
iamemjar - 10 years ago
I didn't have a problem with this episode. I honestly liked it!
Chavezoid - 10 years ago
Ohhh it's JUMP the shark... I always thought it was HUMP and imagined "The Shark" was some naaaasty ho.
neoarcadezr - 10 years ago
my question is why in the hell is he wearing a jacket while surfing?
Nate Elliott
Nate Elliott - 9 years ago
+Thecritic2013 I know, If he was actually surfing the leather jacket would be normal attire.
Lucitaur - 10 years ago
You don't?
high5en - 10 years ago
+neoarcadezr Good question. The salt water would really do a number on The Fonz's prized leather jacket.
Gnarslogge The Sloth
Gnarslogge The Sloth - 10 years ago
+TwoScoopsXD AAAY
TwoScoopsXD - 10 years ago
Because he's the Fonz
Krakolio - 10 years ago
It's just a single shark swimming unaware of the presence of humans. It didn't look aggressive at all. What's actually dangerous is the jump itself. So, so, so stupid.
no comment
no comment - 10 years ago
Youtube literally just jumped the shark
AeriosDFY2 - 10 years ago
DIX - 9 years ago
No shit Sherlock
Phoenix Borealis
Phoenix Borealis - 10 years ago
This is somehow not nearly as epic as I had imagined it.
RisingVictor - 7 years ago
southsidesman Seriously I don't see how this was epic.
wingitprod - 9 years ago
+southsidesman Killed the quality but  not the show. It lasted 7 years after this episode.
Dheep' P
Dheep' P - 9 years ago
+Phoenix Borealis - Nothing EVER is
ScorchtheHawk - 9 years ago
Maybe if you add guile's theme?
Jack Jackson
Jack Jackson - 9 years ago
+Phoenix Borealis Of course it isn't. That's the point!
wingitprod - 9 years ago
+Dahoss tee hee:-)
Dahoss - 9 years ago
+Phoenix Borealis He jumped the shark and hit the much more epic could it be?
wingitprod - 9 years ago
+Phoenix Borealis You just don't know....
Fragmin - 9 years ago
Guess you can say...they jumped the shark...with this one.
Ash Vandal
Ash Vandal - 10 years ago
That's it?!   I thought the event was at least as awesome as he skied directly over the shark's head and bumped it or something.  70's were either super lame or I'm super jaded. 
Greg Dobson
Greg Dobson - 10 years ago
It's the latter, everyone is super jaded these days....sad world.
Tyler Durden
Tyler Durden - 10 years ago
Wow, TV use to really suck!
mariofan1ish - 6 years ago
Still does, just a different flavor of suck.
Camila Alarcon
Camila Alarcon - 10 years ago
Wait I don't get why this ep is the worst in television history??
plumlogan - 9 years ago
It's not, it's simply emblematic of a show running out of good ideas and becoming a shell of it's former self. That's what the idiom refers to - when a show lose its juice and starts to go downhill.
Nick Sexton
Nick Sexton - 10 years ago
Every episode after was low in quality so it's kinda the border between good and bad.
Brendan Keane
Brendan Keane - 10 years ago
The greatest moment in all of tv history.
fiddlerpin - 10 years ago
This is when the writers for Happy Days had nothing else for the show. It was doomed by then.
Tony Montano
Tony Montano - 10 years ago
Fonzie meets and beats them all! Ayyy!!!!!!!!!!! Sit on it! Sharky!
John Petersen
John Petersen - 10 years ago
For me, this is the point where Happy Days jumped the shark.
Jay Valentine
Jay Valentine - 6 years ago
John Petersen lol
Tarl Koroban
Tarl Koroban - 9 years ago
+John Petersen Great joke John Petersen. My sides are aching.
Middy Mizzle
Middy Mizzle - 9 years ago
+John Petersen ya don't say...
David Harrell
David Harrell - 9 years ago
Congratulations, you've coined a new phrase.
Michael Medley
Michael Medley - 9 years ago
+FacePaintedClown Happy Days went on a slow down hill slide from that episode onward. A new phrase entered our lexicon.
F Zentura
F Zentura - 9 years ago
Also, it's no use arguing with people who obviously don't understand humor over what's funny. It's a lost cause. It works with the people who get it and that's all that counts!
F Zentura
F Zentura - 9 years ago
Superb! A+++++++
Dual Shock
Dual Shock - 9 years ago
+Sound Affects Wow. Do you know how stupid your reply was? And to make it worse you act like you are intelligent trying to justify your stupidity
Steve Hughes
Steve Hughes - 9 years ago
Hahaha love it
Steve Hughes
Steve Hughes - 9 years ago
+Sound Affects how do you not get this joke??
SHOOTTHAFAIR1 - 9 years ago
+John Petersen It definitely nuked the fridge after this stunt.
Monkey Magic
Monkey Magic - 9 years ago
+John Petersen It was a fine joke, good sir.
Captain Win
Captain Win - 9 years ago
You're the proof of my comeback.
Lang - 9 years ago
+flaming terd droid We're all trolling except for UK Gollum.
JParks1981 - 10 years ago
+Captain Win I'm having trouble comprehending your comeback; were you saying that I AM an equation or did you drop the equation rip in favor of the "I know you are but what an am I" defense . Must say I'm disappointed after how proud you were about your inequality rip. Since you enjoy using grade school rips (and displayed a lack of grade-school-math comprehension) how about we keep with that theme. I'm not a bully and would rather increase the amount of your learning instead of giving up on you as if it were too late. How about a nice Haiku to try to stimulate that judgmental mind of yours?

Captain never Wins
Trolling YouTube vids all day
Getting owned by all

Notice I called it a haiku and not an equation. With practice I believe someday you'll be able to tell the difference!
Lang - 10 years ago
Yes, Conlan, that was the joke.
Conlan0215 - 10 years ago
+Lang That is literally the joke
Captain Win
Captain Win - 10 years ago
haha.  JParks That's you that is.
Lang - 10 years ago
Actually that joke doesn't work, because this is the origin of that phrase.
JParks1981 - 10 years ago
+Captain Win hahaha, you were trying to look smart with your witty reply but apparently you need a refresher on basic algebra: "me > you" is NOT an equation, it's an inequality. Perhaps you could also classify it as an algebraic "expression" but in order to have an EQUATION you must have an EQUALS sign, whatever lies on the left side of the = being EQUAL to that on the right side. I understand it's as difficult concept, with equal being the root word in equation, but I'm confident that with practice you'll be able to grasp the idea taught to 12 year olds. I'll give you an example to help you remember: YOU = sucks at math and not as clever as he thinks in arguing semantics with strangers on YouTube. Now see how that worked? It's an EQUATION because the variable to the left of the equals sign "YOU" is EQUAL to everything I said about you on the right side if the equals sign.
Blue Diesel
Blue Diesel - 10 years ago
+Captain Win Dude, everyone thinks of that "brilliant" comment. I didn't even have to go down to the comments, i just knew there would be 100s of those. And what do you know? there are. 

Then again, it's not like the youtube comments are a pillar of intellectual discussions.
Captain Win
Captain Win - 10 years ago
Of course someone thought of it.  If they hadn't you wouldn't have read it here.
Blue Diesel
Blue Diesel - 10 years ago
+John Petersen  How very original, i bet you no one thought of that.
Captain Win
Captain Win - 10 years ago
 Have a nice pint of win on me.
idonteatcheetos - 10 years ago
+Captain Win ive been smoking dope
Captain Win
Captain Win - 10 years ago
+Constance Waring

We can summarise the debate here in the form of the following equation -  me > you.
John Petersen
John Petersen - 10 years ago
+Shape-Shifters Anonymous I wish I had nothing to do all day except troll YouTube comment threads. You, Fellatio, and Constance must have very proud parents. If, in fact, you aren't the same person with 3 different Google accounts.
Captain Win
Captain Win - 10 years ago
+Constance Waring
 That's your own definition.  You just made that shit up in your own head and believed it's true.

Joke (noun)
"A thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline"

Oxford English dictionary.

Captain Win
Captain Win - 10 years ago
+Shape-Shifters Anonymous
 Hey tramp.  If you preface an insult with a racial, religious, homophobic or disabled term then you're guilty of a hate crime of the type you prefaced it with.  Hence, if you call someone a bastard, that's just an insult. Preface it with 'black' and you'll find yourself on a charge of racism.  Preface bastard with any nationality and you can be charged with a race crime.  That's UK law and that's EU law.
Captain Win
Captain Win - 10 years ago
+Shape-Shifters Anonymous
Don't give up your benefits you tramp.
John Petersen
John Petersen - 10 years ago
+Fellatio Scruffbagel With all due respect, that IS the joke. The fact that this is where the phrase originated- never mind. It's not funny if you have to explain it to people. I guess YouTube comment threads aren't the place for dry humor.
Captain Win
Captain Win - 10 years ago
+Constance Waring  Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (as amended)
The Act was amended further by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012, which came into effect on 25 November 2012.
The legislation provides definitions of racial groups and religious groups in the following terms:
"A racial group means a group of persons defined by reference to race, colour, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins."

So yes, under UK law (and under international law) nationality is considered a race and ignorance of the law is not a defence.

I'm still from the UK you stupid plank so you'll be expecting a knock at the door from the boys in blue.
Captain Win
Captain Win - 10 years ago
+Constance Waring
Racist much Connie dearest?  Perhaps the UK police would appreciate a screen shot of you in action.  Oh, and this is Youtube, not not the Booker prize.  You're clearly still hurting from John's joke flying over your head.
Captain Win
Captain Win - 10 years ago
+Constance Waring
 You're about as bright as a broken light bulb. John's humour was an example of dry or deadpan humour and from the monotonous tone of your replies it's too complex for you.

and Constance dear, you poor, deluded little twat. I'm not from the USA.  I'd tell you to kill yourself in return but you come across as brain dead anyway.  Oh, and who made you the global arbiter on what's funny and what's not?  That's right, no one.  So stfu.
Captain Win
Captain Win - 10 years ago
+Constance Waring
You still don't get the fact John Petersen was joking in his reply, do you?  Dopey.
Captain Win
Captain Win - 10 years ago
+Constance Waring
You been doped.
Shane 028
Shane 028 - 10 years ago
Batman wrestling with the shark and blowing it up with "Bat Shark repellent" was just as bad , if not worse 
Sergiu Paraschiv
Sergiu Paraschiv - 10 years ago
This scene is two minutes and ten seconds too long.
shihoblade - 10 years ago
Back when tv thought that only white people existed.
natasha day
natasha day - 10 years ago
ccricers - 10 years ago
You couldn't even see the shark in the moment when he jumped. What a letdown!
Kin3sisCurt - 10 years ago
Ok, I was born in the 80's. Can someone explain how a situation like this came to be in a show like happy days?
Wicked Prayers
Wicked Prayers - 10 years ago
People forget that this ep also capitalized on the success of Jaws from two years earlier. Even The Waltons did an Exorcist type episode.
tmright18 - 10 years ago
epic shorts. Also the children's swim belt is awesome. Mind . Blown. 
Silent Robert the Intern
Silent Robert the Intern - 10 years ago
As someone who never watched the show: what in the actual fuck is going on right here?
blackngold cuttlefish
blackngold cuttlefish - 7 years ago
No but he means like, really, what is happening in this scene within the show. Someone challenged him to jump over a ring of sharks that they apparently randomly keep penned inside a public beach?!
KJV 1611 Bible Believing Fundamentalist
KJV 1611 Bible Believing Fundamentalist - 7 years ago
The show Happy Days had run its course and instead of cancelling the show it continued on and on. This was the episode many people stopped watching and the slang term of any television show airing past its prime is now known as "jumping the shark". Awesome right?
Rocknrollgf12 - 10 years ago
a coversation with my mom when I said once upon a Time jumped the Shark brought me to this. And it was just as ridic as I imagined. 
MrJeezus - 10 years ago
Legendary moment in TV history.  The moon landing, Fonzie jumping the shark, the "I Have A Dream" speech, etc.
Mr.Clem - 10 years ago
@ 2:08... Gaviota Pier?
Proman476 - 10 years ago
Oh hell no.
Nicholas Mears
Nicholas Mears - 10 years ago
That sucked real bad!
ATCRyderX© - 10 years ago
Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy  WTF
Achilles - 10 years ago
Evil Knievel never jumped a shark!
Achilles - 10 years ago
+SCE2AUX2 that was the beauty of Knievel. He failed spectacularly.
Kerlem - 10 years ago
+Achilles I was checking it out earlier.  He'd have made it if the drogue hadn't popped out prematurely. 
Achilles - 10 years ago
+SCE2AUX2 ha ha. Oh well, tried. Fonzie was fake. Evil Knievel was real. Sure real crazy, but real. No one does stuff like that any more do they?
atomicbear1 - 10 years ago
+SCE2AUX2 Touché  
Kerlem - 10 years ago
Never jumped the Snake neither!
Ed Melendez
Ed Melendez - 10 years ago
In the book: The Real Happy Days. Fonzie actually dies in his attempt at jumping the shark. He in fact missed the jump and is eaten by the sharks. Richie is so devastated he has a nervous breakdown. Richie spends the rest of his life in a mental institution believing in a false reality where Fonzie is still alive. This explains Fonzie's seemingly magical powers by simply snapping his fingers, his meeting an alien named Mork, and Ted McGinley. 
Russell Challenger
Russell Challenger - 7 years ago
The book is always better :)
TheJediSonic - 7 years ago
What a great idea for a new Adult Swim show, expect it's called Happy Days: The Absence of
TRJ2241987 - 9 years ago
+Ed Melendez same exact thing happened on Roseanne!
James D. Chamberlain III
James D. Chamberlain III - 9 years ago
+Ed Melendez Aha!
Ed Melendez
Ed Melendez - 9 years ago
I am not at liberty to say. 
James D. Chamberlain III
James D. Chamberlain III - 9 years ago
Are you The Illuminati?
Nate Elliott
Nate Elliott - 9 years ago
+Ed Melendez The book was actually banned in Milwaukee in the 1950's. It started a whole underground movement including suicide pacts and school shootings. The Catcher in The Rye was practically a Dr Seuss work until the TV show was picked up. The book lost all its credibility after that. It was as if Johnny Rotten did a commercial for butter, or Metallica made a music video!
Hard Rock Master
Hard Rock Master - 9 years ago
That makes sense, because we know that Richie was never gonna get laid....
eaglerising82 - 9 years ago
+Timothy Humphrey I think they continued with that theme in the hit spinoff Joanie loves Chachi. Can't for the life of me figure out why they cancelled it?
Timothy Humphrey
Timothy Humphrey - 9 years ago
No no I read that book, I think you have some of the details confused. Fonzie does indeed appear to die attempting this jump. Months go by in which the Cunningham family and all of Milwaukee struggle to adjust and cope with life without the Fonz. Joni eventually turns to prostitution. Having already suffered the loss of his big cousin, this sends Chaci into a further tailspin which leads to a crippling drug addiction. Then one morning Richie awakens to the sound of running water. He proceeds to the bathroom  which is full of steam, pulls back the shower curtain and is shocked but relieved to see Fonzie alive and well. Caught completely off-guard the Fonz lets out a bewildered "AAAaaayyyyy!!"
Caerulious - 9 years ago
+Ed Melendez Lol you're awesome
Hávamál - 10 years ago
The chapter in the book is actually "Fonzie Humps a Shark"
eaglerising82 - 10 years ago
+M Wareham lel :D
M Wareham
M Wareham - 10 years ago
+eaglerising82 You have either won or just lost the internet. 
eaglerising82 - 10 years ago
+Ricardo José But Menendez was just talking about it. Why wud sum1 go on the internet n just lie?
eaglerising82 - 10 years ago
Is it on amazon i can' t find it
Buster Daily
Buster Daily - 10 years ago
Jude Law
Jude Law - 10 years ago
Who wears short shorts? The Fonz, that's who! Short shorts are cool! Take it from Fonzie!!
Criz Lee
Criz Lee - 10 years ago
"Oh, and for the record, there was an episode of Happy Days where a guy literally jumped over a shark... AND IT WAS THE BEST ONE!"
Tactical_Fish - 10 years ago
So it's Shark Week right now.
Payper Planes
Payper Planes - 10 years ago
lol, that's so hilarious! 

"...and remember kids: to be cool you always need to wear a leather jacket! --- eyyy!" lol

I love holding my thumb out and saying "eyy!" when I'm joking about stuff/being sarcastic about how cool something is - I don't think any of my friends really get it. XD
bashpr0mpt - 10 years ago
We do not own, nor do we claim to own this video nor the rights to the show Happy Days. This video is for review purposes only. No copyright infringement is intended. <- Do you idiots who prattle this nonsense realize that 'claiming to own' the rights is not even a part of copyright infringements? Displaying content you do not own the IP to is copyright infringement, no if's or but's. Saying the above just reminds people you're stealing and is more likely to get you reported.
Ansatsunin - 10 years ago
... It is an excerpt. Learn something about "fair use". Moron. The one thing I'll give you, is that that little snippet of text isn't stating the correct stuff to give notice of fair use.
osamablowz - 10 years ago
ron Tor
ron Tor - 10 years ago
this is the begining of the end for happy days it was a joke Fonzie fonzie Fonzie
Rogue_Leader - 10 years ago
Do you mean that you thought Happy Days was good before this?
That Guy...Brian
That Guy...Brian - 10 years ago
It's funny. This show now airs on The Hub Network in America, which broadcasts the very popular reboot of the My Little Pony cartoon. All of Season 4 practically jumped the shark.
tsntana - 10 years ago
I love how they flipped the Jaws theme over.  :)
CBKDaHottest - 10 years ago
Fez as fonz
CBKDaHottest - 10 years ago
Came here cuz the 70's show made fun of it
Dezi Sepulveda
Dezi Sepulveda - 10 years ago
The Fez did it better.
Ricky16100 - 10 years ago
lmaoo fez did it better
Reprovo a
Reprovo a - 10 years ago
Wow, the birth of an Idiom.
Kerensa Birch
Kerensa Birch - 10 years ago
1:22  At with that moment, a great show signs its death warrant.  Fonzie may have survived but the show didn't.
I'll bet the writer of that scene never lived it down. lol
Joshua Barry
Joshua Barry - 10 years ago
Kinda like when scrubs moved their show to a college campus.
AppleEarring - 10 years ago
+Jeffrey O Yeah. NBC wrecked the show by airing season 7 out of order. Season 8 was great. Best finale ever. Season 9 was basically a spinoff. Actually Bill Lawrence wanted to call the show Med School but was talked into keeping the scrubs name for name recognition. I thought it was an okay show, but a spin-off, not actual Scrubs.
Jeffrey O
Jeffrey O - 10 years ago
+Jude Law That was the last season. ABC brought it back a year earlier and had that excellent season where they introduced Eliza coupe and the other interns who didn't amount to anything. They actually saved the show from the crapfest it devolved into on NBC.
TheRealLittleBIGhead - 10 years ago
+Jude Law Thank you, Jude Law.
Jude Law
Jude Law - 10 years ago
that's different. It changed networks after NBC cancelled it. ABC had to find a way to bring them back after the supposed finale, so they moved it to a teaching college, from a hospital. 
Eric Kirkley
Eric Kirkley - 10 years ago
@ heyyyyyynow... Sit on it.
David Kunikis
David Kunikis - 10 years ago
The Fonz "jumped the shark" when he jumped the shark...
Tracy Carson
Tracy Carson - 10 years ago
Why are they playing the JAWS theme? The show took place in the 50s so it doesn't make sense 
Ante Radić
Ante Radić - 10 years ago
Cinestar Productions
Cinestar Productions - 10 years ago
This reminds me of two shows: That 70s Show (Fez) and The Simpsons (Homer)
ccricers - 10 years ago
lol what happened to Fez? I stopped watching that show when the main characters started going to college
Adam Kennedy
Adam Kennedy - 10 years ago
whats stopping the shark from leaving that circle? 
ShaggyDawg - 10 years ago
Two skis! What a wuss!
leri lala
leri lala - 10 years ago
What season is this
huntcd2012 - 10 years ago
Happy Days may have created the term "Jumping the Shark", but at least they jumped it in style.
Uncle Bernie
Uncle Bernie - 10 years ago
Unbelievably fucking stupid and lame.
Detective  HoodBruh
Detective HoodBruh - 10 years ago
Growing Up I oved The Fonz...He was cool as fck!!" I mean the Man 'jumped the Shark' in a leather Jacket...then came right up out of his skis upon hitting the beach effortlessly...'AaaaAaaaaaay.." It was Fonzie!!"
Locomamonk - 10 years ago
You did it Fonz! You created a reference so powerful that it will be used for decades  to come to reference worn out TV series!
ttwarrior1 - 10 years ago
just so happens this show jumped the shark after this episode
The Mr2000 Show com
The Mr2000 Show com - 10 years ago
And he kept his coat on!! #BOSS  
Detective  HoodBruh
Detective HoodBruh - 10 years ago
I'm tryin' to tell 'em..." Hahahaha....
Kawaii desu-san
Kawaii desu-san - 10 years ago
Mr. Jumpy Sharko
62636263c - 10 years ago
The beginning of the end for Happy Days.
G K - 10 years ago
and afterwards he jumped gidget's bones while frankie and annette rimmed them from behind.
Gary Smith
Gary Smith - 10 years ago
The term jump the shark means that the writers have run out of ideas and are scraping the bottom of the barrel. 
thepoppabear - 10 years ago
JapJackson - 10 years ago
Jon Hein!
Ka'imi'loa B.
Ka'imi'loa B. - 10 years ago
Never getting the leather jacket wet was the real trick.
Ka'imi'loa B.
Ka'imi'loa B. - 10 years ago
Never getting the leather jacket wet was the real trick.
James Laskowski
James Laskowski - 10 years ago
Check out that dolphin malph.. to your right
sikisikiamimis - 10 years ago
I always thought the term jumping the shark meant that someone just had given up and suicided by jumping in the shark.
Pat McCann
Pat McCann - 6 years ago
1talldaddy - 10 years ago
that's pretty much what it means, the pretty much writers gave up killed the show with this
Denis Martin
Denis Martin - 10 years ago
Liam Reddy
Liam Reddy - 11 years ago
Nuke the fridge!
S. Adam Bernstein
S. Adam Bernstein - 11 years ago
Actually had Fonzie fallen and ended up right next to the shark, most likely nothing at all would have happened to him; sharks in general don't bite humans except on rare occassion.  In any case this clip was an embarrassment to 1970s American TV and everyone associated should bow their heads in shame!
Garth Palmer
Garth Palmer - 10 years ago
+Krystal Myth 28 per year isnt all that much when you consider how many people go into the water on a daily basis in Hawaii. sharks only attack humans if they are hungry and cant find enough food elsewhere, smell blood or feel threatened (which isnt often)
Krystal Myth
Krystal Myth - 10 years ago
I'm sure the 28 people attacked by sharks a year in Hawaii are glad to know that it's only a rare occasion. Gives them that warm and fuzzy feeling.
brandondrunkbear - 11 years ago
I tried to do this once but I took an arrow to the knee
John Smith
John Smith - 10 years ago
I tried to make a "took an arrow to the knee" joke, but then Chuck Norris stopped me and said "all your base are belong to us". Then Mr. T ate my balls
Andrew Sandford
Andrew Sandford - 11 years ago
In reality, the Fonz was never in trouble.  Shark attacks are exceedingly rare.  I'd be more worried about him landing on the shark, killing the thing and possibly breaking his legs.

-This message brought to you by the Killjoy Association of America.  Ruining your happiness since 1910!
Pat McCann
Pat McCann - 6 years ago
Or breaking the sharks legs.
Brother Numpsie
Brother Numpsie - 11 years ago
A slowly swimming shark that never does anything.  Not exactly Jaws, is it?
manifestgtr - 11 years ago
hahaha I love all the comments from people who don't understand why this is so bad..."this is horrible...was the shark supposed to jump out of the water and get him?"...yes...that's exactly right...thanks for your valuable input
All My Best Friends Are Metalheads
All My Best Friends Are Metalheads - 11 years ago
Oh my god, he jumped over a shark that didn't even poke it's head out of the water! How amazing!
reinoob - 11 years ago
"Not only this was a terrible idea, but it was the worst moment on the history of television"
Kyle Breedlove
Kyle Breedlove - 6 years ago
This episode represented the peak of a crescendo of really bad plot lines. So while I’m its own it isn’t necessarily awful, when you think of all the bad episodes leading up to it people had had enough.
RisingVictor - 7 years ago
reinoob I just don't see how though. Can you explain why was it the worst.
Jane Crosby
Jane Crosby - 7 years ago
just watching that show haha
Mighty Raccoon
Mighty Raccoon - 7 years ago
Carlos Torres
Carlos Torres - 10 years ago
That 70s show
Szaam - 11 years ago
If it was too cheesy for Happy Days, that was some BAD writing.
richard gould
richard gould - 11 years ago
the shark jumping was bad ass. its opie's thinning hair that's not cool.
TheCynicalDouche - 11 years ago
So, I have a couple questions: Was there some sort of net holding the shark in place? Even though this was completely ridiculous and outlandish, did anyone expect anything different from a show that sucked so thoroughly? Lastly, why were people shocked when they learned that Henry Winkler was gay? Look at those daisy dukes he's wearing. The pockets are even coming out the bottom because they are so short.
voguevixen - 10 years ago
I just said the stupidest thing because I was talking in two windows at once.  I would appreciate it if you didn't blackmail me.
TheCynicalDouche - 11 years ago
+Adam Bernstein
Hahaha, nothing gay about that.
S. Adam Bernstein
S. Adam Bernstein - 11 years ago
He isn't gay, but after the series ended he DID devote the rest of his life to the extreme sport of shark jumping!
TheCynicalDouche - 11 years ago
Take it easy man
healingbuddy - 11 years ago
Well he does act pretty effeminate at times.  However that doesn't make him gay.  Nice chatting with you cynical douche. 
TheCynicalDouche - 11 years ago
No problem. Yeah, I have a real problem when someone is wrong and will never admit it. I'm a mature man, so I can admit when I was wrong. I don't know where the hell I got that from, but I swear I heard it somewhere. Must have been a rumor or something.
healingbuddy - 11 years ago
apology accepted.   I looked for what you said and nothing comes up.   Thanks for admitting when you are wrong.  Most people don't.  I have much more respect for you now. 
TheCynicalDouche - 11 years ago
I wasn't making assumptions or spreading lies. I swear I heard he was gay years ago. After googling it myself, I see that he has never "come out". Well, I guess I was wrong. Maybe I just assumed he came out because of his femininity. Sorry about the confusion. I swear I heard that somewhere. I can admit when I'm wrong though.
healingbuddy - 11 years ago
+healingbuddy Hey Cynical---The man's been married forever with kids and now has grandkids and has never come out.  Stop making assumptions and spreading lies.   It serves no one.  
TheCynicalDouche - 11 years ago
Shit, I don't know. 20 years ago? Google it. He also never knew how to ride a motorcycle. All those motorcycle scenes were (obviously) green screen scenes or something similar.
healingbuddy - 11 years ago
Henry Winkler is gay!!!! Never knew that.  I have so much more respect for him now.  When did he come out???
Jemmer1000 - 11 years ago
Oh my god it is so much worse than I thought it could be
tankmaster1018 - 11 years ago
How is that yellow circle holding the shark in? haha. Is it a net that goes all the way to the bottom?
tuseroni - 11 years ago
oh the 70's when people thought jumping over a shark was somehow dangerous...or even that landing in the shark area for that matter would do anything but makes the shark run away.

people don't STILL think that do they?
Andy Ewer
Andy Ewer - 10 years ago
More dangerous for the shark, really.
Bari Saxy
Bari Saxy - 10 years ago
Oh don't count people short, I'm sure they still do
Christina Archer
Christina Archer - 11 years ago
Very strange and odd.
Bill Nye The Russian Spy
Bill Nye The Russian Spy - 11 years ago
l still think frying the coke is cooler.
Bri Ram
Bri Ram - 11 years ago
When it was on the air, the Office jumped the shark so many times that the shark decided to jump the office.
CusterFlux - 11 years ago
Yeah, that was cheesy.
JENDALL714 - 11 years ago
It's not jumping the shark that surprises me, it's that after he comes out of the water, he let's them touch the leather jacket! No one touches the leather, wooah, ayyye!!!
D Sharp
D Sharp - 11 years ago
Nobody looks cool in short shorts... not even Fonzie! O.o
KilroyTheGreat - 11 years ago
This term shall henceforth be known as: "Running over the Brian."
TheRSC3 - 7 years ago
KilroyTheGreat How about, "Killing the dog" instead? It's easier on the tongue.
Garth Palmer
Garth Palmer - 10 years ago
i prefer "frying the coke"
ACDC7369 - 11 years ago
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this when Family Guy did that...
Landrew0 - 11 years ago
Who goes water skiing in a leather jacket?
Derftr - 10 years ago
Everyone who is a real man.
Jody Black
Jody Black - 10 years ago
The Fonz does,,,,,,,dumbass!!!!!!
whattheheck1000 - 10 years ago

July 17, 2014 8:48 pm
Lana Pedro
Lana Pedro - 10 years ago
The Fonz.
Detective  HoodBruh
Detective HoodBruh - 10 years ago
Detective  HoodBruh
Detective HoodBruh - 10 years ago
The Fonz man... The muhfckin' Fonz.." That's who.."
jkappianaq - 11 years ago
one and only Fonz
GerbilEssences - 11 years ago
JSMITH8505 - 11 years ago
I'll state the obvious only because there is so much incorrect discussion about the origin of the term.
The term "Jump the Shark" was coined by John Hein, who is now a contributing personality to The Howard Stern channels on Sirius-XM satellite radio. In college he and friends debated the subject. He started a website called Jump the Shark which detailed the episode that he believed popular American tv shows began their decline. Yes, this was the episode from which that phrase was coined.  THe website was sold to TV guide.
And yes.. Family Guy just jumped the Shark.  
amusement420 - 11 years ago
The music, sound editing, voice overs, shark proof leather jacket. It all sells it. Thanx for uploading this :
Michael H
Michael H - 11 years ago
Family Guy, anyone?
westbourne14 - 11 years ago
There's nothing wrong with this scene. Communists, Liberals, and sexual inverts coined the phrase 'jumped the shark' so they could mock muscular, heroic American youth.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

It's time for my pills!
Rohald20 - 11 years ago
░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄          Bob is building an army.
▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂           ☻/   This tank & Bob are against Google+
Il███████████████████].      /▌    Copy and Paste this all over 
  ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤..      / \     Youtube if you are with us
zzcolby27 - 10 years ago
Why are you spaming bob. It does nothing to stop google+. Lets get rid of bob.
#stopbob  This will stop bob from spaming us again. oh and #stopbob  
joey seidel
joey seidel - 11 years ago
im i the only one that looked this up because of that 70's show
mpnl21 - 11 years ago
OMG me too!!! Did not expect this comment here, especially so recent ^^
freak1c1 - 11 years ago
...And we knew another sitcom fell to the coke numbed imaginations of television writers. We suffered at home, hopelessly addicted to 3 networks in those days before cable came to every town, while the hollywood lizards writhed, tongues entwined in their polyester mural shirts and 3 inch heels. Disco music pounding in their ears, hypnotically calling them to sacrifice the viewers on the altar of 70s boredom.
Wes Sider
Wes Sider - 11 years ago
So this is where the phrase "jump the shark" came from!
adsfdsadfdf - 11 years ago
what i learned from Happy Days wear your leather jacket everywhere
Gary Tarbell
Gary Tarbell - 11 years ago
The phrase more accurately implies that a TV show (or anything else for that matter) has already used up every meaningful or useful story, device, or theme. Saying that they've jumped the shark mean they don't have anything new to add.
MaghoxFr - 11 years ago
I expected a sark jumping beneath him. At least his leather jacket was worth a laugh.
wesmatron - 11 years ago
One TV programme? Are you stupid?
BayviewFinch - 11 years ago
I would be embarrassed to have watched that much TV.
baggybinny - 11 years ago
Was is a shark swimming a small circle by a ramp? Mental Floss
Krakrock - 11 years ago
Mental floss
voveve - 11 years ago
FiendishDrWu - 11 years ago
Why did they make him do this in a village people costume?
reifsneider - 11 years ago
Troy and ahbed are seriously the funniest
Steve K
Steve K - 11 years ago
One of the most gripping scenes in television history,And did you see the way he landed on shore!!
pulseimages - 11 years ago
Would have been cooler if Fonzi was on his motorcycle with ski's on it. ;)
kevinbollers2 - 11 years ago
This doesn't look like the 50's at all......
Rob Dibble
Rob Dibble - 11 years ago
So bad it's actually a classic
newking70 - 11 years ago
the epitome of homosexuality.....leather boots, leather jacket, tight jeans.....can you say tom of finland.
MrGoodkat - 11 years ago
NOT cool Fonz, not cool!!!
Bo Fner
Bo Fner - 11 years ago
So... what the hell is the Fonz doing in Season 8 of Dexter again? I must have slept through this part too. Oh, who cares...
ExamplePrime - 11 years ago
That took a minute and 20 seconds to get to...
ChainedHunter - 11 years ago
I don't see the shark when he jumped.
Kaitain059 - 11 years ago
Who ever picked out the music for this scene should have been fed to the shark...
Michael Kirschbaum
Michael Kirschbaum - 11 years ago
"Are you sure you wanna do it?" "EEEEEYYYYYY"
heyyyyyynow - 11 years ago
Haha he's wearing a diaper.
Steve smith
Steve smith - 11 years ago
I wish the shark would have eaten that gun grabbing bastard.
Nuncamuere - 11 years ago
DodgerFan1988 - 11 years ago
Cheesy music.
szqsk8 - 11 years ago
"Jumped the shark" means a show has hit bottom and it's time to put it out of it's misery not that they made an outrageous episode to win back viewers. After Richie and Ralph left the show is when this show should have ended.
wesmatron - 11 years ago
I remember seeing this episode and thinking 'What the fuck?'. The show lost all appeal and died. The first time I heard the expression 'jumped the shark' I knew exactly what they meant.
GunClingingPalin - 11 years ago
Fonzie fell right when he hit the water... they had to cut it and take up a new fake landing recovery.. lol
gannable2222 - 11 years ago
actually, the first 2 seasons were very good but then the show began to revolve around the Fonz and it became a joke. Fonzie was a great character when he played a secondary role but then he became a caricature of himself.
theantigodoflife - 11 years ago
How is that different to now?
somewhatmaniacal - 11 years ago
Don't forget to wipe.
FragranceMonster - 11 years ago
So cool even wearing a leather jacket lol
Tom S
Tom S - 11 years ago
John Hein
Tasteful Tuna
Tasteful Tuna - 11 years ago
It didn't "make" the show suck. The observation is that it was a big desperate move to stay relevant, when it was pretty clear its glory days were over. Jumping the shark doesn't mean the moment that makes a show suck; it means the moment that marks the point where it becomes painfully obvious that a show has lost it and is trying and failing to regain it. Basically the switch from "dad, you're pretty cool" to "dad, you're embarrassing me".
TheHPExperiment - 11 years ago
I wonder why this made the show suck.
mdo686 - 11 years ago
Someone should have told him to lean back more on the ski's but he did a nice job with the beach landing.
ZL1 Camaro
ZL1 Camaro - 11 years ago
Worse moment in television after that I stopped watching
PowerHouse - 11 years ago
I pooped today.
CrazyKraut20 - 11 years ago
in soviet russia shark jumps you
Anglynn74 - 11 years ago
I love how as the show progressed over the years the actors began looking less like the 50s or early 60s and looked like they had hairdos from the 70s, as if no one really cared too much anymore.
Jonas Polsky
Jonas Polsky - 11 years ago
"He's approaching the shark!" "He's almost there!" "He's getting really close!" "Look, there's the shark he's going to jump over!" "I can't believe he's going to jump the shark!" "He's jumping it!" "He's in the air!" "He really did it!"
LordHEF - 11 years ago
Man, they really dragged that scene on didn't they :'D, it's just laughable. The music was just too much.
Stalicone - 11 years ago
Remember this was the era of "Jaws" and all of the sequels....Peter Benchley, was the cause of all that shark mania.
Stalicone - 11 years ago
Nah, We weren't retarded...but most of us were pretty stoned.....
friesregularsize - 11 years ago
Now with the movie Sharknado, the shark does the jumping.
z00ts00t77 - 11 years ago
Well let's see you try and do it then.
dmbandgroove - 11 years ago
How did this fuckbag shit make it past one season? Were people just fucking retarded in the 70s?
turntableandcassette - 11 years ago
In 1994 I told my girlfriend that every 5 years there's a new shark fad in popular culture. She thought I was crazy at the time.
hitorijuunin - 11 years ago
until they jumped the shark =P... i heard it wasnt the same from there
hitorijuunin - 11 years ago
just think that in that "age" the sharks in general were seen as monsters... so was kind of a big deal back then... its not the real danger, is what the people though that was dangerous.
David Firth
David Firth - 11 years ago
Have you not seen The Da Vinci Code?
Cheryl McDonald
Cheryl McDonald - 11 years ago
cause he didn't fall of
Cheryl McDonald
Cheryl McDonald - 11 years ago
happy days is the best show hat could be on in he 1970s
Natalia Young
Natalia Young - 11 years ago
This was the worst moment in television history.
ProstheticScissor - 11 years ago
That's one way to look at it. Another is: "The writers have run out of good ideas that make sense for the characters." That meaning holds as true for this episode of Happy Days as it does for shows running today.
HeavyMetalEvilien - 11 years ago
I never liked this show.
Nick G.
Nick G. - 11 years ago
Incredible how Fonzie's jacket didn't get wet.
SuperSaiyanLink2464 - 11 years ago
well obviously you have to have an IQ over dead pumpkin to enjoy it...
DeeDonner Ramone
DeeDonner Ramone - 11 years ago
It was a great show in 1975 - then came the live audience, cult of Fonzie - Then he jumped the shark - Heeeeyyyy!
mike drakster
mike drakster - 11 years ago
Your comment jumped the shark
Buffy Summers
Buffy Summers - 11 years ago
Methinks they would have reached their goal in increasing their ratings had they ended the scene with him missing the jump, only for the shark to spend half as much time ripping him to shreds as the rest of the cast spent saying "is he gonna do it?" "i think hes gonna do it" "i can't believe hes really gonna do it" "look hes getting ready to do it"
the ghost of redd foxx
the ghost of redd foxx - 11 years ago
this show was just fucking terrible. people bitch about how tv has gone down the shitter and how great all in the family was etc. but remember this turd was on, as was fantasy island, the brady bunch etc
joeyvader - 11 years ago
Henry Winkler is an awesome dude.
CoruscantSunset - 11 years ago
I don't know. People like Big Bang Theory and I think that proves that anything can become a hit now.
Jay Tee Kay
Jay Tee Kay - 11 years ago
He was already cool what the hell was the point of this?
Khalid Austin
Khalid Austin - 11 years ago
Read through the comments and really nobody... That 70s show brought me here
Edith Donato
Edith Donato - 11 years ago
When Happy Days was on the air i used to watch it and try to not miss any shows-It was always a good show and still watching the old repeats on You Tube or any videos is good,, or tv,-- today is good today.
mella1970 - 11 years ago
Can you imagine this show being a hit now?!
J.R. Reynolds
J.R. Reynolds - 11 years ago
That is not an accurate defintion of Jump The Shark, it menas more like 'the peak' or the beginning of the end' (although I've herd it argued that the phrase was retroactively applied, & Happy Daze had 6 more years before failing. imho the term stuck because "ordered another burger" didn't have the same ring to it.
Susan David
Susan David - 11 years ago
Um, the Fonz? Because Henry Winkler has been a successful director/producer of television for years.
Rebecca Cares
Rebecca Cares - 11 years ago
Hmmm, I missed this episode when it originally aired. How did they come up with a plot in which Fonzie water skied over a shark? And, most importantly, why? What does it have to do with days of happiness?
Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne - 11 years ago
And that kids is why shows should never jump the shark.
Farid Rushdi
Farid Rushdi - 11 years ago
And now he's selling reverse home mortgages to guys my age. Man, where did the years go?
Farid Rushdi
Farid Rushdi - 11 years ago
My kids used the term "jump the shark" to mean someone tried something that was too hard, that it shouldn't have been tried. I tried to built a bike from scratch and one of my kids said, "Gee dad, you jumped the shark." At that moment I realized that if you're old enough to remember the beginning of a term, you're really, really old.
MxZeal - 11 years ago
GreatBanterMan 5
GreatBanterMan 5 - 11 years ago
The the best video I've ever seen!! NOT!
TheOnlyGangstaFish - 11 years ago
The beginning of the end.
SuperMoninas - 11 years ago
starf gwarf
starf gwarf - 11 years ago
i would have had fonzie fall into the shark pit and be eaten violently. richie grows up to become an alcoholic and blames himself for the death of his good friend.
MikeDunn - 11 years ago
It's funny, whenever I heard the phrase "jump the shark" I had always assumed that Fonzie jumped with a motorcycle, not a set of water skis!

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