Fonzie Jumps the Shark on Happy Days (Episode 5.3) 1977
Shark videos 12 years ago 944,518 views
Ever hear someone say that a tv show "jumped the shark", implying that they've created an outrageous episode to try and win back viewers? Wonder where it came from? If you weren't alive in the 70s, it's possible you really don't know where that term came from. Well, this is it! We do not own, nor do we claim to own this video nor the rights to the show Happy Days. This video is for review purposes only. No copyright infringement is intended.
I knew he would do it!!!
I also can't believe that after Henry Winkler asked for a water skiing scene this was the best they came up with.
Nowadays that shit would get at least 6, plus some replays
10. comment for Fonzie Jumps the Shark on Happy Days (Episode 5.3) 1977
20. comment for Fonzie Jumps the Shark on Happy Days (Episode 5.3) 1977
30. comment for Fonzie Jumps the Shark on Happy Days (Episode 5.3) 1977
50. comment for Fonzie Jumps the Shark on Happy Days (Episode 5.3) 1977
ok)))Yes, that's the thing I'm taking away from this scene. I'm a terrible audience member.
100. comment for Fonzie Jumps the Shark on Happy Days (Episode 5.3) 1977
Spongebob episodes after the first movie.
The Simpsons when it wasn't the 90's anymore.
The Office losing Michael Scott.
Archer Vice
Sonic when he started doing nothing but stand there and make jokes.
And didn't tune in for the next episode.
"It Stinks!"
Saying "Happy Days" is a kids show give me the opinion that you watched them as re-runs.
Did you watch the show back in the 70s (when they first aired)? Are you comparing Happy Days to other more contemporary shows? It was not considered a kids show.
PS: OK I re-read my post and figure you are trolling my language/post. The premise of my post was correct...the delivery was kinda silly.
At least I don't fall prey to trolls...Emo boy....
LOL!!!! Took long enough for someone to take the bait...
Also this was the first time I ever saw this scene, so that's pretty cool too.
why is he wearing that dumb leather jacket while skiing? why is there a shark corralled in a net? why is there a ski jump in front of a net with a shark in it? and why is everyone in the neighborhood at the pier.
like I said, this is the stupidest shit I've seen in a while.
When a TV show "jumps the shark", like Happy Days did (literally), it means that it's a turning point for the worse. Ratings go downhill and it signals the beginning of the end. Ted Cruz is implying that Trump's campaign "jumped the shark", so to speak, with his stupid birther comments about him.
Like that Jeb, like that!
NOT: Trump is a Jerk,
Just like I told you Jeb, watch...
This is a political lesson. It's not the content; it's the delivery. In this case the delivery had a cool phrase (which Cruz didn't come up with, I'm sure).
Sometimes, I wonder if Trump's gang is politically ignorant and bring up stuff as they learn. They came up with the 9-11 criticism of Bush 43 rather late in the game, and this Cruz birther logic should come to anybody making a first reading of Cruz's bio. His birthplace is the first fact given.
The Constitution doesn't define "natural born", but common practice in America since the writing of the Constitution defines it as including babies born to a US mother (or even father) while outside of the physical US. If Trump could demonstrate that this has not been the practice, then he would have a case, but that's not possible.
Nonetheless, I like the issue being brought up. The issue makes some good questions. Let's say a Mexican shows a DNA report indicating she is the daughter of an American citizen father. Then she gets US citizenship. Right?
Unless you've changed your mind and are now agreeing with Ted Cruz.
New York values: partial birth abortions, no problem, we'll just replace our babies with illegals.
Not a lot of conservatives come out of New York.
(and I'm a outsider too, so...)
X Factor can only dream of eclipsing this episode of Happy Days.
Simon Cowell can only judge his career unfavourably with The Fonz.
I remember being a little kid and seeing this as a rerun , and I remember how crappy it was. When your like 10 and you cant stand a crappy shark scene with the Fonz ya know it sucked!
I wish they could do a remake and do it with a Killer Whale ....The Fonz would screw up when a ski breaks he would slam the ramp face first and slowly drop off the top of the ramp into the Killer whale. The whale would chomp him up and flick him into the air on the shoreline....
THEN We Could Have David Hasselhoff, Pam Anderson and the rest of Baywatch crew pull'em outta the water and watch him bleed to death on the beach....and then start the rumor about how Pam Anderson got Hep C from the Fonz!!!
BUT The Fonz would make a full recovery 6 months later. After all the Mayhem that happened, The camera zooms into the hospital room after the attack..... we see him in the hospital bed with the " leather jacket" on with a bunch of teeth marks. The Killer whale couldn't bite all the way thru the jacket and that's what saves him.... Way better version !!!
OMFG this show was so bad looking back .... WOW ....
I thought it was funny as hell, mainly because The Fonz still wore his lather jacket when water skiing!
I agree. The slow build up to the jump itself with the scene switching between Fonz and the women in bikinis reminds me of Truffaut at his prime as a director. The use of the the Fonz's leather jacket as a metaphor for the American oppression of Antarctic penguins is a simple subtle genius. The shark itself can be seen as quiet rebuke against the perils of vanity and fame facing all the young "Fonzies" in Hollywood. Effective and powerful television indeed.
Which is the same as this incredibly long "chargeup" sequence for the shark jump?
Hah. You said "No" cause DBZ does this every episode eh?
And I can't believe people are trying to explain it to them. It's deadpan humour!
They already know. Obviously.
Forget the progress remark since I don't believe in having more than one conversation at a time :)
Maybe he's got a gross pair of hairy manboobs under there.
You're the proof of my comeback.
Captain never Wins
Trolling YouTube vids all day
Getting owned by all
Notice I called it a haiku and not an equation. With practice I believe someday you'll be able to tell the difference!
haha. JParks That's you that is.
Then again, it's not like the youtube comments are a pillar of intellectual discussions.
Of course someone thought of it. If they hadn't you wouldn't have read it here.
Have a nice pint of win on me.
We can summarise the debate here in the form of the following equation - me > you.
That's your own definition. You just made that shit up in your own head and believed it's true.
Joke (noun)
"A thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline"
Oxford English dictionary.
Hey tramp. If you preface an insult with a racial, religious, homophobic or disabled term then you're guilty of a hate crime of the type you prefaced it with. Hence, if you call someone a bastard, that's just an insult. Preface it with 'black' and you'll find yourself on a charge of racism. Preface bastard with any nationality and you can be charged with a race crime. That's UK law and that's EU law.
Don't give up your benefits you tramp.
The Act was amended further by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012, which came into effect on 25 November 2012.
The legislation provides definitions of racial groups and religious groups in the following terms:
"A racial group means a group of persons defined by reference to race, colour, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins."
So yes, under UK law (and under international law) nationality is considered a race and ignorance of the law is not a defence.
I'm still from the UK you stupid plank so you'll be expecting a knock at the door from the boys in blue.
Racist much Connie dearest? Perhaps the UK police would appreciate a screen shot of you in action. Oh, and this is Youtube, not not the Booker prize. You're clearly still hurting from John's joke flying over your head.
You're about as bright as a broken light bulb. John's humour was an example of dry or deadpan humour and from the monotonous tone of your replies it's too complex for you.
and Constance dear, you poor, deluded little twat. I'm not from the USA. I'd tell you to kill yourself in return but you come across as brain dead anyway. Oh, and who made you the global arbiter on what's funny and what's not? That's right, no one. So stfu.
You still don't get the fact John Petersen was joking in his reply, do you? Dopey.
You been doped.
"...and remember kids: to be cool you always need to wear a leather jacket! --- eyyy!" lol
I love holding my thumb out and saying "eyy!" when I'm joking about stuff/being sarcastic about how cool something is - I don't think any of my friends really get it. XD
I'll bet the writer of that scene never lived it down. lol
-This message brought to you by the Killjoy Association of America. Ruining your happiness since 1910!
Hahaha, nothing gay about that.
Take it easy man
No problem. Yeah, I have a real problem when someone is wrong and will never admit it. I'm a mature man, so I can admit when I was wrong. I don't know where the hell I got that from, but I swear I heard it somewhere. Must have been a rumor or something.
I wasn't making assumptions or spreading lies. I swear I heard he was gay years ago. After googling it myself, I see that he has never "come out". Well, I guess I was wrong. Maybe I just assumed he came out because of his femininity. Sorry about the confusion. I swear I heard that somewhere. I can admit when I'm wrong though.
Shit, I don't know. 20 years ago? Google it. He also never knew how to ride a motorcycle. All those motorcycle scenes were (obviously) green screen scenes or something similar.
people don't STILL think that do they?
July 17, 2014 8:48 pm
The term "Jump the Shark" was coined by John Hein, who is now a contributing personality to The Howard Stern channels on Sirius-XM satellite radio. In college he and friends debated the subject. He started a website called Jump the Shark which detailed the episode that he believed popular American tv shows began their decline. Yes, this was the episode from which that phrase was coined. THe website was sold to TV guide.
And yes.. Family Guy just jumped the Shark.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
It's time for my pills!
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