GHOST SHARK UNLOCKED!! || Hungry Shark Evolution - Ep 32 HD

The New Ghost Shark has been found in Hungry Shark Evolution! Created in a lab one man tries to track this beast down. The Ghost Shark Is one of the only sharks to have it's own unique gold rush, the Ghoul Rush! Also it's invincible. ❤❤ For Exclusive Updates you can find them all here: ❤ Merchandise Here: ❤ Facebook: ❤ Instagram: ❤ Twitter: ❤ Twitch: Take control of a very Hungry Shark in this action packed aquatic adventure. Survive as long as possible by eating everything that gets in your way! Many different sharks to collect and evolve, including the Hammerhead, Great White and Megalodon!

GHOST SHARK UNLOCKED!! || Hungry Shark Evolution - Ep 32 HD sentiment_very_dissatisfied 181

Shark videos 7 years ago 408,804 views

The New Ghost Shark has been found in Hungry Shark Evolution! Created in a lab one man tries to track this beast down. The Ghost Shark Is one of the only sharks to have it's own unique gold rush, the Ghoul Rush! Also it's invincible. ❤❤ For Exclusive Updates you can find them all here: ❤ Merchandise Here: ❤ Facebook: ❤ Instagram: ❤ Twitter: ❤ Twitch: Take control of a very Hungry Shark in this action packed aquatic adventure. Survive as long as possible by eating everything that gets in your way! Many different sharks to collect and evolve, including the Hammerhead, Great White and Megalodon!

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Most popular comments
for GHOST SHARK UNLOCKED!! || Hungry Shark Evolution - Ep 32 HD

Arda Şahin
Arda Şahin - 7 years ago
Mad potato
Mad potato - 7 years ago
good acting
Nightmare Blue
Nightmare Blue - 7 years ago
It's art style is like the ones from hungry shark world
Kenia Juarez
Kenia Juarez - 7 years ago
My freind plays this game,and he is on Great White Shark.
So please leave a like
1 like=1000 supports!!!
Please do it,he just started
Blake Wright
Blake Wright - 7 years ago
I got the same toy shark as that!
Dilophamophasaurus Lego animations and stuff
Dilophamophasaurus Lego animations and stuff - 7 years ago
Twan Lange
Twan Lange - 7 years ago
Dude, came for a review, but my man... THIS WAS AN AWSOME INTRO
Le Pro Du FPS 2.0
Le Pro Du FPS 2.0 - 7 years ago
2018 ?
Yolanda Leyva
Yolanda Leyva - 7 years ago

10. comment for GHOST SHARK UNLOCKED!! || Hungry Shark Evolution - Ep 32 HD

Charlie A
Charlie A - 7 years ago
Keffan Abiansyah
Keffan Abiansyah - 7 years ago
I got it yesterday
Максим Спектра
Максим Спектра - 7 years ago
Я не знаю английского
Micheal Mia
Micheal Mia - 7 years ago
During a ghoul rush EAT humans on surface. It is better way of food . I have shark I know. BTW THEY ADDED MOBY DICK TO THE GAME. I HAVE IT
Thelma Andal
Thelma Andal - 7 years ago
Your so wierd
Martino Naufal
Martino Naufal - 7 years ago
Gimanah sih cara download nya
Ignacy Cz
Ignacy Cz - 7 years ago
Or wersja you
Matthew Gaming
Matthew Gaming - 7 years ago
Six scribe and hit that notification bell if you haven’t ok
Matthew Gaming
Matthew Gaming - 7 years ago
wolf ENDER385
wolf ENDER385 - 7 years ago
He kept moving in ghoul rush

20. comment for GHOST SHARK UNLOCKED!! || Hungry Shark Evolution - Ep 32 HD

Juan Miguel Botoy
Juan Miguel Botoy - 7 years ago
You scare us when you are in the haunted house
Jurassic Lark
Jurassic Lark - 7 years ago
That intro was hilarious
Annie Huynh
Annie Huynh - 7 years ago
U died so much
Annie Huynh
Annie Huynh - 7 years ago
Beaver i have the trial baby for some reason????
Noe Gomez
Noe Gomez - 7 years ago
Gregory Jefferies
Gregory Jefferies - 7 years ago
Wow do you get all that
Kai Stephens
Kai Stephens - 7 years ago
I have hungry shark
Amizi Shahrulizan Alias
Amizi Shahrulizan Alias - 7 years ago
Hung Le
Hung Le - 7 years ago
Your the best your the best
Josh Pelfrey
Josh Pelfrey - 7 years ago
Omg the ghost scared me so much!!!!

30. comment for GHOST SHARK UNLOCKED!! || Hungry Shark Evolution - Ep 32 HD

Lael Enderman Games
Lael Enderman Games - 7 years ago
rocraft gamer
rocraft gamer - 7 years ago
Guys tap the right screen and u go into walls!!!! Cuz its a ghost shark
CLAIRE DIANNE - 7 years ago
im at the shower acually
CLAIRE DIANNE - 7 years ago
Remiel Tyberius Lenardo
Remiel Tyberius Lenardo - 7 years ago
I have this shark!
Alan Copca
Alan Copca - 7 years ago
Can you swim to the bottom of the ocean and teleport down
S Roy
S Roy - 7 years ago
how can i use this shark i download the same version but i can't get it in special shark
cyka nugget
cyka nugget - 7 years ago
wait, sharks don't have bones?! G E T Y O U R L O G I C R I G H T
Michael 666
Michael 666 - 7 years ago
With that shark, it can be maybe better than Moby Dick, and there is no room in hell.
TNT and Munar
TNT and Munar - 7 years ago
TNT and Munar
TNT and Munar - 7 years ago
If Comments Like Beaver
TNT and Munar
TNT and Munar - 7 years ago
Wow HALLOWEEN So Awesome!!!!
TNT and Munar
TNT and Munar - 7 years ago
Lol The Great Wolf
crisis action and geometrydash games
crisis action and geometrydash games - 7 years ago
Rolie Tanzo
Rolie Tanzo - 7 years ago
Who Else Loves His Laugh?
Mark Many
Mark Many - 7 years ago
Three minutes for a terrible joke
Alexcosm - 7 years ago
pokeshark go :D
SOURGIRL 1 - 7 years ago
How did you get IT
Athina Mavraki
Athina Mavraki - 7 years ago
my score is 999.999.999.999.999.998 christos hacker
Indominusrexhashir roblox
Indominusrexhashir roblox - 7 years ago
Rest in dinosaurs and ghosts james
Chopped No
Chopped No - 7 years ago
I am trying to get the ghost shark too

50. comment for GHOST SHARK UNLOCKED!! || Hungry Shark Evolution - Ep 32 HD

JakePlayz Roblox
JakePlayz Roblox - 7 years ago
My personal fav is moby dick.Thats The Last Shark.Its Like a The Daddy
JakePlayz Roblox
JakePlayz Roblox - 7 years ago
I'm gonna make it into a vid
Just be patient
JakePlayz Roblox
JakePlayz Roblox - 7 years ago
I unlocked all of the Sharks
ғιlιpιno тvcѕ eтceтera pхp PXP
ғιlιpιno тvcѕ eтceтera pхp PXP - 7 years ago
Pls. reply:

Where did you got it? From the secret lab?
eurys villa
eurys villa - 7 years ago
How did you get so many gems
Gabriel S
Gabriel S - 7 years ago
Manuel Montiel Bello
Manuel Montiel Bello - 7 years ago
I have hugry shark
Devara Athalla
Devara Athalla - 7 years ago
Lol shocked
u5u4ry 01000001
u5u4ry 01000001 - 7 years ago
kd os br
Flaming Cat107
Flaming Cat107 - 7 years ago
Thank you for inspiring me to make a YouTube channel keep it up and check it out i have three vids
Badir plays!
Badir plays! - 7 years ago
Use lucky patches on this game it works and doesn't work for iPhone users even works with hungry shark world
Uganda Kunckles Cayetano
Uganda Kunckles Cayetano - 7 years ago
Can't get the coolest special shark :(
Uganda Kunckles Cayetano
Uganda Kunckles Cayetano - 7 years ago
Can't download on Google lucky patcher :(
marc homer
marc homer - 7 years ago
scay an funny the shark said hello
evilguardian266 campos
evilguardian266 campos - 7 years ago
Beaver use hungry shark evolution mod
michel stubbs
michel stubbs - 7 years ago
You will have to practice with the shark.
Kimberley Campbell
Kimberley Campbell - 7 years ago
Good night to you and your family and friends with your dad and I know that you are y
Neelam Qais
Neelam Qais - 7 years ago
I hage every sing them fully boosted
Neelam Qais
Neelam Qais - 7 years ago
I have hacked this game guyz download ac market for web
Samantha The eggvers of roblox Lim
Samantha The eggvers of roblox Lim - 7 years ago
Luca Official
Luca Official - 7 years ago
i play hungry shark on my channe
Stacey Gibson
Stacey Gibson - 7 years ago
You are so cool make another video
Luca Official
Luca Official - 7 years ago
best game ever!!!!!!!! best youtuber ever!!!!!!!! 2 in 1
mincraftcreeper boy
mincraftcreeper boy - 7 years ago
Hydra please listen to how you laugh it's cringey
Marianne Barruela
Marianne Barruela - 7 years ago
What the fuck TheGamingBeaver
Marianne Barruela
Marianne Barruela - 7 years ago
Fuck off
Dr. Anonymous
Dr. Anonymous - 7 years ago
lol he called himself a weirdo
Amanda Mears
Amanda Mears - 7 years ago
Hello! That shark SCARED me
Rickard Ilves
Rickard Ilves - 7 years ago
Video starts at 2:42
RJ Macantan
RJ Macantan - 7 years ago
Ghost shark weakness is ghoul rush
Stone Boy
Stone Boy - 7 years ago
I don't like the ghoul rush music.
Nathan Johnson
Nathan Johnson - 7 years ago
Use boost to teloport
Mateusz Dąbrowski
Mateusz Dąbrowski - 7 years ago
Nice xd
Infinite the hedgehog
Infinite the hedgehog - 7 years ago
Don't be suprised that ghoul rush is ghost shark can die very quickly because of ghoul rush
gabriel gomez
gabriel gomez - 7 years ago
yep... i got scared! XDDD i knew it was coming... and jet... almost crap my pants.... dandy
Munesh Singh
Munesh Singh - 7 years ago
I dare you to play shark world
hentai heaven
hentai heaven - 7 years ago
Loved it
Dragica Jelčić
Dragica Jelčić - 7 years ago
ghost shark : Hello!
me: O gosh is that a chicken!
Iron Cat8
Iron Cat8 - 7 years ago
The ghost is cuteeeeee
Master indonominus Gaming
Master indonominus Gaming - 7 years ago
That made me jump
Time4PlayGames - 7 years ago
Hi! I appreciate the video you make, you can visit my channel and appreciate it, thank you so much.
Hola! Aprecio el video que haces, puedes visitar mi canal y apreciarlo, muchas gracias.
Miguel Angel Valle
Miguel Angel Valle - 7 years ago
is this update forever or just an event for halloween?
SugerGaming87 - 7 years ago
Yay!~ the new sharks!
Crazy Dinosaurs
Crazy Dinosaurs - 7 years ago
Hannah Batley
Hannah Batley - 7 years ago
I like the funny skits please do more
dreadcraft plays
dreadcraft plays - 7 years ago
Lul I think the lower multiplayer causes ghoul rush
Hoang Nguyen (Jeffrey)
Hoang Nguyen (Jeffrey) - 7 years ago
That moment when you see a strange ghost
Ωภεg ผลлк ๆiσทε
Ωภεg ผลлк ๆiσทε - 7 years ago
ghost shark : A PEEK A BOOK/HELLOO
AMAZING Z GAMER - 7 years ago
Bump into a stone and boost to teleport
Rasyid Prasetyo
Rasyid Prasetyo - 7 years ago
what..... is helo
william siejna
william siejna - 7 years ago
The beggining is like a Idubbbz content cop intro

100. comment for GHOST SHARK UNLOCKED!! || Hungry Shark Evolution - Ep 32 HD

Donna Bowen
Donna Bowen - 7 years ago
It os a shak
Raanan Zerach Khan
Raanan Zerach Khan - 7 years ago
Ghost shark vs zombie shark
Taylor Barbieri
Taylor Barbieri - 7 years ago
1:06 LEL
Taylor Barbieri
Taylor Barbieri - 7 years ago
Ethan Garner
Ethan Garner - 7 years ago
The gaming beaver natural habitat
Michael Gayeta
Michael Gayeta - 7 years ago
hey I unlocked the ghost shark too
carmelita de vera
carmelita de vera - 7 years ago
cool i hope new update
Pokemon Master
Pokemon Master - 7 years ago
I love you so much beaver
Captain Kibble
Captain Kibble - 7 years ago
OH GOD! The camera quality! It's too scary! D8
kingcobra12355 - 7 years ago
am i the only one that acutally got a little scared 2:40
rodai MacCormick
rodai MacCormick - 7 years ago
ghost shark:HELLO!!!!! (explodes in beaver's face)
beaver's ghost:awwwwwwww cmon man i still had to level my indominus rexies in jw the game ):
Riley Kirt
Riley Kirt - 7 years ago
I love this shark
Gael Alba
Gael Alba - 7 years ago
It's zero
Gael Alba
Gael Alba - 7 years ago
Never don't you remember it's zero
Ty-Ty Ty-Ty
Ty-Ty Ty-Ty - 7 years ago
I stand corrected
Nathan's Animation
Nathan's Animation - 7 years ago
Nathan's Animation
Nathan's Animation - 7 years ago
Nathan's Animation
Nathan's Animation - 7 years ago
Nathan's Animation
Nathan's Animation - 7 years ago
Emma Tyler
Emma Tyler - 7 years ago
I is da life of da party u is da life and u are a weirdo
Rudy - 7 years ago
I just want to say you always go the extra mile James...keep it up
Skullsh0t12 0
Skullsh0t12 0 - 7 years ago
2:39 got me good lol

Gave me a good shock
Tim Poulsen
Tim Poulsen - 7 years ago
ghoul rush is gold rush
DRAGON PIT - 7 years ago
OMG i think this shark can eat everything i also unlocked it :D
Cesiah - 7 years ago
Why is it dead BUT IT IS ALREADY
Bijoy N R123
Bijoy N R123 - 7 years ago
What an annoying weak shark this is..
We've waited for years or two only just to receive this weak ghost ?
Master mewtwo Mew2
Master mewtwo Mew2 - 7 years ago
How are you killable??even in Boulder rush??you are already dead
Tara Lundquist
Tara Lundquist - 7 years ago
You died in my mind is that you
Tara Lundquist
Tara Lundquist - 7 years ago
Tara Lundquist
Tara Lundquist - 7 years ago
Hey man... wow sounds like a good time for the next day or night. I'm not sure if you are not the only thing that you are looking to get the most of us
Tara Lundquist
Tara Lundquist - 7 years ago
Hey man who has the most important thing is that you are you doing this for me to be the first one to be able to make sure that you are looking to get the most important things
Tara Lundquist
Tara Lundquist - 7 years ago
GamyKoo06[YT] SG, IS AND AC FAN!!
GamyKoo06[YT] SG, IS AND AC FAN!! - 7 years ago
Why are you doing this? I was worried for you, better go back to your house
Ethan Swallow
Ethan Swallow - 7 years ago
Tom Hodges
Tom Hodges - 7 years ago
it must have been chained
vincent - 7 years ago
Why does the ghost shark have bones?
TheRainBowNoob MCPE
TheRainBowNoob MCPE - 7 years ago
Jump scare scare me
Knight Bomb
Knight Bomb - 7 years ago
As soon as one ghoul rush finishes another one will start in 5 to 15 seconds!
Ignasius Alvin Jibran
Ignasius Alvin Jibran - 7 years ago
You can only teleport but don't to far
Xavier Dela Torre
Xavier Dela Torre - 7 years ago
Omy mother fuk
snaker gaming
snaker gaming - 7 years ago
The ghost shark looks like a dead megalodon
Kiran Jeffery
Kiran Jeffery - 7 years ago
I wonder if he was being serious with the ghost thing
Kiran Jeffery
Kiran Jeffery - 7 years ago
Never mind
Nancy Robbie
Nancy Robbie - 7 years ago
It's close to helewen here
Conner Navie
Conner Navie - 7 years ago
Me to lord
J Thompson
J Thompson - 7 years ago
yeah that ghoul rush is WAY to often shark looks cool tho
atharva plays
atharva plays - 7 years ago
atharva plays
atharva plays - 7 years ago
AlphaHusky0213 - 7 years ago
Do more
Peewee Martinez
Peewee Martinez - 7 years ago
William Vassar
William Vassar - 7 years ago
With the pryo shark you should fire fire backwards and you get a boost in water and out of water you fly when you fire fire. WHY HAVEN'T THE DEVELOPERS DONE THAT?!?!?!?!?!?
Scorpion Emerald
Scorpion Emerald - 7 years ago
beaver the hello on the shark vlogy part acctually scared me
foxyb0t02 1
foxyb0t02 1 - 7 years ago
2:42 skip ghost hunting
DraweonYT - 7 years ago
i update hungry shark but i still dont have it ;(
PREZEL moncatar
PREZEL moncatar - 7 years ago
But what shark was zero????
PYROGAMING Hi - 7 years ago
The ghost shark is actually zero because the spine see the same spine of Facebook
Eduardo Escobar
Eduardo Escobar - 7 years ago
Hayden Boswell
Hayden Boswell - 7 years ago
You can be better at the shark IF YOU TRY HARDER
mariam baiomy
mariam baiomy - 7 years ago
hydragon of death
hydragon of death - 7 years ago
i subbed because i know what is coming to UEBS that he`ll do, godzilla humaniod vs king kong
and also he`ll do him and whitney playing the isle again, not to mention, also beaver plz reply quick, i just startedjurassic world the game and my legendaries are trex micropasaurus, ammontite, dunkelosaeus, will it be wroth trading 2000 bucks for a sarchoschuchus, and oh yeah i made suprannozilla vs super flaffy mod in UEBS along with rage vs unicorn wizard ultimate, also labryinthasaur vs alangasaurus and even erilophasaurus vs super berries (metrophadon) mod, and dont hate scabbers vs berries and segnosauruszilla vs idominus mod, whew and one (aka a couple) more mods, thegamingbeaver vs anthomia vs everynightxriot mod,also check out goku vs cell mod and supakoolaide vs 99*(times) trex, (ps spoiler) koolaid wins!!!!! hes the best!!!! no likes needed just need beaver to see this oh yeah im putting videos on my channel soon so subscribe soon
Mr. Cuber
Mr. Cuber - 7 years ago
hydragon of death I
hydragon of death
hydragon of death - 7 years ago
i subbed because i know what is coming to UEBS that he`ll do, godzilla humaniod vs king kong
and also he`ll do him and whitney playing the isle again, not to mention, also beaver plz reply quick, i just startedjurassic world the game and my legendaries are trex micropasaurus, ammontite, dunkelosaeus, will it be wroth trading 2000 bucks for a sarchoschuchus, and oh yeah i made suprannozilla vs super flaffy mod in UEBS along with rage vs unicorn wizard ultimate, also labryinthasaur vs alangasaurus and even erilophasaurus vs super berries (metrophadon) mod, and dont hate scabbers vs berries and segnosauruszilla vs idominus mod, whew and one (aka a couple) more mods, thegamingbeaver vs anthomia vs everynightxriot mod,also check out goku vs cell mod and supakoolaide vs 99*(times) trex, (ps spoiler) koolaid wins!!!!! hes the best!!!!
ѕαяαн *яя*
ѕαяαн *яя* - 7 years ago
Random Cookie
Random Cookie - 7 years ago
haha the end of the scary bit made me jump haha
Padma Rp
Padma Rp - 7 years ago
Ooh beaver do something for Halloween
Darius Ali
Darius Ali - 7 years ago
I know what I'm not buying
Antonio Garcia
Antonio Garcia - 7 years ago
Goul Rush is exactly like gold rush but in a bad way
Adam Yelland
Adam Yelland - 7 years ago
you got me with that jump scare well done 1like !
Nighthawk Rice
Nighthawk Rice - 7 years ago
I jumped are ye happy? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeghhhhhhhh
THE SHADOW Jack - 7 years ago
i wish they had put jasper the ghost shark pet in hungry shark evolution so thegamingbeaver could do double ghost shark like if you agree
TheCoolDino - 7 years ago
Oh, schliechs!!! And that movie in the end was spooky, really suddenly!
Jon Bon San Agustin
Jon Bon San Agustin - 7 years ago
Steven_Rey Pamitalan
Steven_Rey Pamitalan - 7 years ago
Um...the thing like you did scream...that was a toy dude...i think
Jacob Geshel
Jacob Geshel - 7 years ago
No crap.
Rylen TheGamingRhino
Rylen TheGamingRhino - 7 years ago
kylemasterbuild -kyleetta
kylemasterbuild -kyleetta - 7 years ago
funny new shark, including the way it goes through stuff
Tawfik plays Gaming
Tawfik plays Gaming - 7 years ago
That was Jesmendeen XD I wish I was there XD XD
XNON4MEX - 7 years ago
The ghost shark is the only shark that makes getting gold rush a bad thing
Manu Roberts
Manu Roberts - 7 years ago
dont die
Triston Brody
Triston Brody - 7 years ago
You can only teleport when you boost
ZBOI 3 - 7 years ago
I love the ghost shark
DeltaBlaze8201 Gaming
DeltaBlaze8201 Gaming - 7 years ago
mm... who knew that the same road where you can find real pokemanz in the same road where you can find spoopy ghosty goos!!
Spinos Vlogs
Spinos Vlogs - 7 years ago
That is scary
jay halpin
jay halpin - 7 years ago
Oooo fug
Xsharknz - 7 years ago
The Ghost shark that popped at the end of the skit and said "hello" really SCARED ME
Xsharknz - 7 years ago
I have that TOY SHARK AT 2:31
Xsharknz - 7 years ago
Haha the first bit was SO FUNNY
Zezo Musree
Zezo Musree - 7 years ago
Dang jumpscare almost got me XD
Vanny Math
Vanny Math - 7 years ago
Why was it so dark?
MetroShawn29 Denny
MetroShawn29 Denny - 7 years ago
The more he eats the more the Gold rush shows
Tiffany Proske
Tiffany Proske - 7 years ago
Why is John cena always commering
Big NOOB - 7 years ago
somehow i didnt find the first bit cringy its just something about him
Alma Figueroa
Alma Figueroa - 7 years ago
poor beaver
Pierre Malanum
Pierre Malanum - 7 years ago
2Scary4Me For That Ghost Shark :P
Vam X
Vam X - 7 years ago
That one Shark guy
That one Shark guy - 7 years ago
My question is how did he look when he was a normal shark
GalaticDiamondGamer Murrill
GalaticDiamondGamer Murrill - 7 years ago
Lol that begining
robbielans1 - 7 years ago
The game looks different, DID IT GIT UPDATED OR AM I STUPID?
Spongebob And Patrick
Spongebob And Patrick - 7 years ago
I'm romanian
TheGamingPigy TheGamingPigy
TheGamingPigy TheGamingPigy - 7 years ago
Beaver thasss my boi
Kendrick Williams
Kendrick Williams - 7 years ago
I didn't get that shark
Andy. Phu. KhAnh Nguyen
Andy. Phu. KhAnh Nguyen - 7 years ago
Daniel Lee
Daniel Lee - 7 years ago
can you please do another primal extinction vid
Carno 99
Carno 99 - 7 years ago
Ghost if you are in ghost busters you must live
RA_TV - 7 years ago
In Pennsylvania where?
Donnath Garza
Donnath Garza - 7 years ago
He's in the forest
Vam X
Vam X - 7 years ago
Please play wild animals online please
ShadowX Plays
ShadowX Plays - 7 years ago
Jacob Geshel
Jacob Geshel - 7 years ago
A new episode of what? Jesus kid this video was uploaded yesterday. Have some patience.
Joey Robinson
Joey Robinson - 7 years ago
DaAsainGamer YT
DaAsainGamer YT - 7 years ago
Hey beaver try killing the artic shark while being ghost shark I love to see you try tho if you win that's epic bro but it's a good idea
DaAsainGamer YT
DaAsainGamer YT - 7 years ago
Hey game beaver may I have support on my channel? Btw I SUCK I HUNGRY SHARK but I am still sad because I had a great white and something happened to it so yeah that's why I am mako shark (wow dude noice grammer galaxy )
Dino Squad
Dino Squad - 7 years ago
The cring beaver the cring
Cristina Garcia
Cristina Garcia - 7 years ago
Wen will Do more of the isle?
sloth rose1
sloth rose1 - 7 years ago
Ya given me a heart attack jumpscare
rodrigo santana
rodrigo santana - 7 years ago
Defeat the king crab with the ghost shark
SethieT 554
SethieT 554 - 7 years ago
Um....sharks don’t have bones
Jay Horton
Jay Horton - 7 years ago
how you get that
Sandra Stefanescu
Sandra Stefanescu - 7 years ago
Hey i live in transilvania :D
Man2Nature xnature
Man2Nature xnature - 7 years ago
hay whats that

droppes paper then pics it up

Map turnes into a blue print
koierek pl
koierek pl - 7 years ago
koierek pl
koierek pl - 7 years ago
TheGamingBeaver the playing primal carange?
Amanda Gibbons
Amanda Gibbons - 7 years ago
Is the ghost shark in hungry shark evolution the daddy of Hungry Shark world ghost shark
melk broeder
melk broeder - 7 years ago
more tyto dinos
WolfieNight - 7 years ago
GG beaver gg
rap tap tap
rap tap tap - 7 years ago
So spoopy
sally phan
sally phan - 7 years ago
M mmmmmmm I wounder what was that at the end of the intro
Jesper Lopez
Jesper Lopez - 7 years ago
Why did I delete this game ?
Alfie Munnelly
Alfie Munnelly - 7 years ago
told ya oh by the way that scared me
Sharkgamer999 - 7 years ago
angela hughes
angela hughes - 7 years ago
i used to live in newcastle now i,m in the mores
angela hughes
angela hughes - 7 years ago
also more tyto ecology PLZ
angela hughes
angela hughes - 7 years ago
i recognise that place it s in i,v been there
The Cat Meow
The Cat Meow - 7 years ago
I love your intro
AlphaCommander 42
AlphaCommander 42 - 7 years ago
"humans are my worst nightmare"
AlphaCommander 42
AlphaCommander 42 - 7 years ago
it somehow looks like a pig lol
Sheree Jonas
Sheree Jonas - 7 years ago
But dude it is ugly
Sheree Jonas
Sheree Jonas - 7 years ago
Yus I was right
Blueprince CuteWolf
Blueprince CuteWolf - 7 years ago
You could see him drop the paper xD
Trex Corbray
Trex Corbray - 7 years ago
The last of the film when u edited the ghost shark popping out of no where that shocked me cause I was not ready to get scared
Jurassic Gamer
Jurassic Gamer - 7 years ago
Please max out yudon next vid!
ISRAEL QUIROZ - 7 years ago
I wonder what kind of shark was the ghost shark was when it was alive plz tell me.
Aayan Latif
Aayan Latif - 7 years ago
I knew it was a ghost shark
catherine ann
catherine ann - 7 years ago
Looks like zero has risen from the underworld
fan boy
fan boy - 7 years ago
Hahaha best Start ever xD
LEGOSAURUS - 7 years ago
"What a weirdo" XD haha hey but he's my favourite weirdo
Romerio Wilson
Romerio Wilson - 7 years ago
Gamingbeaver i dont now if have any buks for me
T-wreck this ._.
T-wreck this ._. - 7 years ago
beaver why do u show up in my evry dream

ps it fells so real and i like it
T-wreck this ._.
T-wreck this ._. - 7 years ago
beaver i challange to use commons lv40 in live arena
DroidPlay Gaming Channel
DroidPlay Gaming Channel - 7 years ago
I've had this Shark since the 19th of October.Got the update then from PlayStore
Daan Kohlen
Daan Kohlen - 7 years ago
Jesus it scarde the crap out of me
Golden Boy
Golden Boy - 7 years ago
chucky swear so much omg calm dude
calm charles lee ray
Golden Boy
Golden Boy - 7 years ago
i meant to comment this on another video omg
aleix1203 - 7 years ago
No James! Bad! Leave the loli alone!
Golden Boy
Golden Boy - 7 years ago
lol that surprised me
idk how who got surprised too like me XDDD
Amber Tottle
Amber Tottle - 7 years ago
Play ark survive please
Anthony DALLOT
Anthony DALLOT - 7 years ago
i finnaly sub too you
im only 12
Rexy Rex
Rexy Rex - 7 years ago
Ghost shark in space,SY-FY’s next B-movie
Green Steve
Green Steve - 7 years ago
A jumpscare was the thing that i least expected in this vid...
Green Steve
Green Steve - 7 years ago
Green Steve
Green Steve - 7 years ago
What a weirdo
Green Steve
Green Steve - 7 years ago
(plays song)
Dj Plays
Dj Plays - 7 years ago
At 2:40 I got scared
Roselyne Rico
Roselyne Rico - 7 years ago
It looks like the references to GHOST SHARK THE MOVIE
Mustafa F. Ahmed
Mustafa F. Ahmed - 7 years ago
R u alone?
Thewolf Gamer
Thewolf Gamer - 7 years ago
max out yodon!!!
FrozenHeight Music
FrozenHeight Music - 7 years ago
my Bloddy valintine never-ending
my Bloddy valintine never-ending - 7 years ago
my Bloddy valintine never-ending
my Bloddy valintine never-ending - 7 years ago
I knew it
Meris Cekic
Meris Cekic - 7 years ago
Hello 2:40
Meris Cekic
Meris Cekic - 7 years ago
Hello 2:40
Blood Gum
Blood Gum - 7 years ago
For some reason I thought the intro was real!
SkrewDriver-N1 - 7 years ago
nelson yap
nelson yap - 7 years ago
U called yourself idiot
Mark Joseph Mendoza
Mark Joseph Mendoza - 7 years ago
Andreina Colmenares
Andreina Colmenares - 7 years ago
I’m in Spain beaver eye was finding lizards
Harrison's Brick reviews
Harrison's Brick reviews - 7 years ago
I don't have it in the special sharks :(
Jiny Skinjy
Jiny Skinjy - 7 years ago
i knew it!
Brecfast Ya boy
Brecfast Ya boy - 7 years ago
Vids not bids I hate when my tablet does that
Good 11
Good 11 - 7 years ago
baby shark du du du du du du baby shark du du du du du du baby shark du du du du du du baby shark
David Grzelak
David Grzelak - 7 years ago
Lol nice
Jack Gab
Jack Gab - 7 years ago
where did you get that shark? outside Transylvania?
Amy Ord
Amy Ord - 7 years ago
Amy Ord
Amy Ord - 7 years ago
I thought it was in the normal sharks place after moby dick
MGT Greene-Thompson
MGT Greene-Thompson - 7 years ago
that was halous your so funny
MGT Greene-Thompson
MGT Greene-Thompson - 7 years ago
I hope you become famous
lil pixel
lil pixel - 7 years ago

NOTICE ME SENPAI also beavers I'm your stalker don't be alarmed but I know your b day and the area where you live now don't freak out
lil pixel
lil pixel - 7 years ago
Dug D Dog umm shhh new castle upon Tyne I think
Dug D Dog
Dug D Dog - 7 years ago
CARLOS PLAYZ lol notice me senpai also plz tel me where he lives for personal reasons
saily Szmansky
saily Szmansky - 7 years ago
I am waching this at 4:37 am
I Am honest that I freak out
Ili loly
Ili loly - 7 years ago
How do you get the shark?
The Entity909
The Entity909 - 7 years ago
Looks like each game have they our hallowen shark! Zombie shark vs ghost shark!
Thirdy Gwapo
Thirdy Gwapo - 7 years ago
Oh fuck the jumpscare i almost died
The Entity909
The Entity909 - 7 years ago
Good shark! For hallowen!
SaraAson - 7 years ago
I think this shark might give you a better score if you prioritize going for the bonus items and shells first and try to avoid ghoul rush (gold rush) as much as possible until you have them. And once you have everything go nuts and eat as much as possible, maybe?
2014 Ong
2014 Ong - 7 years ago
aceicy - 7 years ago
WAIT A TICK if beavers missing then who made the video we caught you ghost sharkie red finned
Rileygamer286 - 7 years ago
The theme song for ghost shark is..........My heart is a ghost shark
Mohammed Abdul Makthadir
Mohammed Abdul Makthadir - 7 years ago
Can you please max out your Yudon
Crash Master
Crash Master - 7 years ago
why are there people swimming ... IN THE ANTARTIC!!!!??????
Justin Ems
Justin Ems - 7 years ago
Why I don’t have this update?
arno victor
arno victor - 7 years ago
gaming beaver please play until dawn
Ben Ved
Ben Ved - 7 years ago
I jumped at 2:40
Long Vu
Long Vu - 7 years ago
Oh come on I just deleted hungry shark darn it
The 8-Bit Flareon
The 8-Bit Flareon - 7 years ago
Of course its the last known footage hes now a beaver
Carly Cheers
Carly Cheers - 7 years ago
i'm only on reef shark!!!!
Atomic Hybrid :0 x •Atomic Shade• x
Atomic Hybrid :0 x •Atomic Shade• x - 7 years ago
The hunt for sharks!!
Atomic Hybrid :0 x •Atomic Shade• x
Atomic Hybrid :0 x •Atomic Shade• x - 7 years ago
Aww, i thought it ws a Sub-Shark anyways love ya beavs :3
DireWolf1234 - 7 years ago
Play more war dragons
The Minecraft Explorers
The Minecraft Explorers - 7 years ago
Hey can u plz look at yudon and primal rage at the lvl 40 and place them together they look the same I love your vids and I like ur videos
Bendyfan896 - 7 years ago
It is a ghost shark so you made that skit
Trung Lê Tuấn
Trung Lê Tuấn - 7 years ago
Can you play PVZ Heroes?
Pigeons Suck
Pigeons Suck - 7 years ago
That intro was really good...
Pigeons Suck
Pigeons Suck - 7 years ago
Maria Stephens
Maria Stephens - 7 years ago
HELLO I love you and your channel never stop
if people make fun of you never listen to them maybe report them
but can You give me a shout out please and this is the first ghost video
i have seen by you please play more minecraft KEEP DOING WHAT YOUR DOING
YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING. Sorry this is so long
aceicy - 7 years ago
aceicy - 7 years ago
Loved the intro
666 You All
666 You All - 7 years ago
Kampfer 107
Kampfer 107 - 7 years ago
If beaver is gone due to shark attack then is Whitney taking over the channel then?
Mikoraptor Entertainment
Mikoraptor Entertainment - 7 years ago
well "the last footage of this MAN"
so the last footage of the man?
well he's a beaver
JoshyDC 808
JoshyDC 808 - 7 years ago
Honestly if anyone hated that clip at the start of the vid then they have NO SENSE OF HUMER
The little blue raptor :D
The little blue raptor :D - 7 years ago
Yes it was good:3
Jake's Vlogs
Jake's Vlogs - 7 years ago
Is it only out for pc and mobile or just pc
Chen PUMBA - 7 years ago
1:29 look lilke a TF2!
willie Gonzalez
willie Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Nice to no
Fire Demon
Fire Demon - 7 years ago
Masterdeinonychus Gaming
Masterdeinonychus Gaming - 7 years ago
Haha funny beginning hahahahahahaha Nice vid
Ethan S
Ethan S - 7 years ago
Too spoopy for me
Laurice Rogador
Laurice Rogador - 7 years ago
Cool shark
Pk panda
Pk panda - 7 years ago
Try a collab with BestInSloth like you did before please.... That time you received benefits and now he needs
Simon  Michelsen
Simon Michelsen - 7 years ago
Is it just me or does his Voice Sound so good?
Quan Minh
Quan Minh - 7 years ago
2:40 hello
pickle boy
pickle boy - 7 years ago
I watched 10 seconds of the intro and am writing this comment. What a freaking bad @$$ intro! ( i can already tell)
Antonio Duarte
Antonio Duarte - 7 years ago
That ghost shark is cool with teleporting and that but that goul is hard
Antonio Duarte
Antonio Duarte - 7 years ago
I meant goul rush
Amy Rogulski
Amy Rogulski - 7 years ago
Yes finally wait... I thought sharks didn't have bones?
Amy Rogulski
Amy Rogulski - 7 years ago
Oops I commented on myself
Amy Rogulski
Amy Rogulski - 7 years ago
Hey I'm the first one to comment, WOW this never happens to me.
Ryan Hanchett
Ryan Hanchett - 7 years ago
what was the beginning I didn’t watch it
Obvious Flare
Obvious Flare - 7 years ago
It's almost time to hibernate
Andrei German
Andrei German - 7 years ago
Heeey I'm from Transylvania. Why does everybody think that are vampires and ghosts here
fidget spinner Rehan Channel
fidget spinner Rehan Channel - 7 years ago
from 14:07 to 14:10 the jetski man was. flying
Andy Fischer-McDonald
Andy Fischer-McDonald - 7 years ago
say ok to that beaver
Andy Fischer-McDonald
Andy Fischer-McDonald - 7 years ago
yeah (Oisin Hunt) we 15,000 likes beaver dammet. max up yudon its dam good
hello there
hello there - 7 years ago
This ghost shark is intresting and cool but a hate that goul rush.
Guadalupe Carvajal
Guadalupe Carvajal - 7 years ago
I was rong it was not a hybrid shark
Jj Fatts
Jj Fatts - 7 years ago
Andy Fischer-McDonald
Andy Fischer-McDonald - 7 years ago
beaver play power ranger legacy wars
Andy Fischer-McDonald
Andy Fischer-McDonald - 7 years ago
john cena god dammet stop putting crap out
Dante Hubbard shark gamer
Dante Hubbard shark gamer - 7 years ago
What was that?
Firevret The first
Firevret The first - 7 years ago
Hey beaver could u make another episode for jurassic ark?
Daniel Del Rosario
Daniel Del Rosario - 7 years ago
The ghost shark looks like a dead sand shark from hungry shark world

Dead giveaway?

It’s giant hump on its back
dabber man
dabber man - 7 years ago
I got this shark before he got it lol
Jayden Drax
Jayden Drax - 7 years ago
James I got some unfair Jurassic world news, so I had lvl 20 commons and a lvl 5 cargo and it balanced out a max tookie tookan, lvl 30 raptor and lvl 11 diplotater so unfair :(
supersonic geloFranz05
supersonic geloFranz05 - 7 years ago
RedCommieUnicorn - 7 years ago
Spoopy Sharky
supersonic geloFranz05
supersonic geloFranz05 - 7 years ago
Chinmay Mohite
Chinmay Mohite - 7 years ago
The ghost shark is here to cause some rampage
Chinmay Mohite
Chinmay Mohite - 7 years ago
I'll be namin him as jasper
Siroto Hakiy
Siroto Hakiy - 7 years ago
I said it was ghost shark
CoolKamGamin g
CoolKamGamin g - 7 years ago
Does any one think beaver should be a viner
angela gaston
angela gaston - 7 years ago
I have a premium HUTERBOLT on rise of Berkeley. I won it out of a classic pack you'll have your time James
HoX PaK - 7 years ago
plye punch club
The Magestic River-weasel
The Magestic River-weasel - 7 years ago
Well I guess Beaver is dead
chris camero
chris camero - 7 years ago
Hmm I wonder what else can the creators make as sharks maybe a invisible shark
Chelsea Peterson
Chelsea Peterson - 7 years ago
I prefer the other hungry shark game
Godzilla MC
Godzilla MC - 7 years ago
Woo ya got me I was prepared but ya still got me
thelegend 21
thelegend 21 - 7 years ago
lol I loved the skit XD
Harry Jameson Potter
Harry Jameson Potter - 7 years ago
sharkboy Martinez
sharkboy Martinez - 7 years ago
I just subscribed to your Channel
sharkboy Martinez
sharkboy Martinez - 7 years ago
Finally someone who like sin cara for their favorite besides me
sharkboy Martinez
sharkboy Martinez - 7 years ago
fablocko - 7 years ago
It does not appear to me, is it because it is in androit?
fablocko - 7 years ago
i have the last version
Chiz Kin
Chiz Kin - 7 years ago
fablocko have you updated your game?
Priya Rayn Sudono
Priya Rayn Sudono - 7 years ago
why is there a white dot moving in the bottom left of the screen in the first 3 minutes or so
MAKE IT SNAPPY - 7 years ago
Beaver can you play
Jelly BeanDragon
Jelly BeanDragon - 7 years ago
tracerow - 7 years ago
you lided
tracerow - 7 years ago
it not ther
Dillydog 715
Dillydog 715 - 7 years ago
I feel like jasper is the ghost sharks son
Flameburst5062 - 7 years ago
Dillydog715 Amundson lol
Indominus Pro
Indominus Pro - 7 years ago
Hey Beaver. On jurassic word the game on Friday the boss will start
DinoMaster - 7 years ago
Beaver this shark is scientifically inaccurate sharks don't have bones XD just kidding it looks Super cool XD
Mary Foreman
Mary Foreman - 7 years ago
Schleich +gaming beaver =favorites
Jashim Ahmed
Jashim Ahmed - 7 years ago
Cool, dude.
noc que poner :v
noc que poner :v - 7 years ago
Quien habla español?
Aqua Shark
Aqua Shark - 7 years ago
ᔕᕼIT ᗷᖇOᐯE TᕼᗩT ᗩᑕTᑌᗩᒪᒪY ᔕᑕᗩᖇEᗪ ᗰE ᗩT TᕼE Eᑎᗪ ᗯᕼEᑎ ᕼE ᔕᗩIᔕ ᕼEᒪᒪO
Springtrap 19834
Springtrap 19834 - 7 years ago
Hi beaver keep up ze great work also cant wait for the toast plush I hope it comes out most people won't know what I'm talking about but I hope u do because you said you would release it :D
Sky Sam
Sky Sam - 7 years ago
Midnight STALKER
Midnight STALKER - 7 years ago
ur funny laugh...hahaha...
PepsimanOnDrugs - 7 years ago
ZULT BOLT 344 - 7 years ago
Slendybeavers 4 confirmed
Deutschlander - 7 years ago
Spectacular intro! Keep up the good work!
Martine Pilote
Martine Pilote - 7 years ago
Who crapped there pants on the jumpscare
Gaming Soir
Gaming Soir - 7 years ago
aawww damit i though it was a frankienstein shark damit!
Lee Robert Guadaña
Lee Robert Guadaña - 7 years ago
legend says that he had a fight with a pod of orcas
Zukai Pureex
Zukai Pureex - 7 years ago
Jillian LaMarsh
Jillian LaMarsh - 7 years ago
Fuck off zukai
Team Rainimator
Team Rainimator - 7 years ago
Ghost busters!
Nordic Cake
Nordic Cake - 7 years ago
It's fake he lied
Gabriel gameing
Gabriel gameing - 7 years ago
bet u were thinking in the whole vid "how did the shark die"
Memes4days 955
Memes4days 955 - 7 years ago
I can't believe beaver never got the map and it's so cheap and when you get it it will be in the bottom left corner just so you know and I'm not trying to be mean
Zacman1a - 7 years ago
The shark is scarier than justin beiber unbelivable
PREZEL moncatar
PREZEL moncatar - 7 years ago
Pk panda
Pk panda - 7 years ago
Not even close to Justin Bieber
Zacman1a - 7 years ago
Dominic Casale eh maybe just as close to justin beiber
Dominic Casale
Dominic Casale - 7 years ago
assheadmcbullshit Are you sure? Justin Bieber gives me nightmares.
Alleo Blitz
Alleo Blitz - 7 years ago
gaming beaver ur the best
Davidson Seabourn
Davidson Seabourn - 7 years ago
Hey we hit 19k on Yukon
Davidson Seabourn
Davidson Seabourn - 7 years ago
I mean yudon
CrazyGabe79 - 7 years ago
If you want a free subscriber like this comment reply with☺and I'll sub
CrazyGabe79 - 7 years ago
I just tried him he's amazing plus subs for some of you
Karl Gabay
Karl Gabay - 7 years ago
Well he is not a robot his a hunted zero
Dinosaur FDMM
Dinosaur FDMM - 7 years ago
I got the shark. YESSS
Ola d mar Xdxdxd
Ola d mar Xdxdxd - 7 years ago
wolf Yowler
wolf Yowler - 7 years ago
That scared the shit out of me
wolf Yowler
wolf Yowler - 7 years ago
Dominic Casale I feel so bad for u I'm sorry
Dominic Casale
Dominic Casale - 7 years ago
wolf Yowler I know right I peed my pants, lol.
Edward Vazquez
Edward Vazquez - 7 years ago
Lemon Whale
Lemon Whale - 7 years ago
Ugandan brudda
Ugandan brudda - 7 years ago
I'm confused why does the shark have bones it shouldn't have bones, they're made of cartilage.
DJ GeneralTorpedo
DJ GeneralTorpedo - 7 years ago
Do a reverse cyclone underwater team for Jurrasic World the game do the cyclone team
jasper Van Der Sluys
jasper Van Der Sluys - 7 years ago
Jennifer Batt
Jennifer Batt - 7 years ago
ghost shark scares me
Mr. Molesticles
Mr. Molesticles - 7 years ago
You're literally shaggy
derpy crafty gamer
derpy crafty gamer - 7 years ago
More of transparent shark not ghost
Julie Huang
Julie Huang - 7 years ago
Huh the ghost shark is really hard every minute another ghoul rush begins like what?!
Clark Kent
Clark Kent - 7 years ago
The intro was great
ANDRES RIVERA - 7 years ago
Also please do more SPORE
chickenman8881 - 7 years ago
this reminds me of the movie ghost shark even with the invincibility and teleporting
CARNAGE ENDERMAN - 7 years ago

xD Great skit
Sonia Nottage
Sonia Nottage - 7 years ago
d video was amazing
Sonia Nottage
Sonia Nottage - 7 years ago
play ark survival i miss it
The gaming Hen
The gaming Hen - 7 years ago
Where does the food go if he is a ghost?
Sharkgamer999 - 7 years ago
I KNEW IT JUST KNEW IT WAS A GHOST SHARK! and what did i tell ya beaver? it did come out! :D
Sharkgamer999 - 7 years ago
ya what did i tell ya beaver?
olga perez
olga perez - 7 years ago
I knew it was a ghost shark
Mr McNighty
Mr McNighty - 7 years ago
olga perez
olga perez - 7 years ago
The yudon looked goofy
Rick Baugh
Rick Baugh - 7 years ago
First roleplay
Jhastine Carlos
Jhastine Carlos - 7 years ago
Am I the only one who thinks it looks like a pig?
Charlie The Velociraptor
Charlie The Velociraptor - 7 years ago
+TheGamingBeaver its so great to see you from your first video to this. You are the best YouTuber ever and a dinosaur fan for all people to enjoy. Your so funny and your funny montages got likes so fast. Don't listen to haters cause they just are jealous that there not as good as you. You love jurassic world and we all want to say your the best youtuber ever... can you remember when couldn't tell charlie and delta apart... or when you did happy wheels and you tried the dino levels. You should be one of the top YouTubers around. Keep up the good work bro!
TheGamingBeaver - 7 years ago
Charlie The Velociraptor thanks for the kind words. I'll keep trying to improve and just have fun
Exotic Coffee
Exotic Coffee - 7 years ago
How 2 get?!
Dylan Cortez
Dylan Cortez - 7 years ago
come on man
David c.
David c. - 7 years ago
I like how the sharks look in this one so much
Chrisrex 93
Chrisrex 93 - 7 years ago
That jumpscare actually got not gonna lie
tender - 7 years ago
Why did that skit actually scare me! ECKS dee
LoneWolf 20075
LoneWolf 20075 - 7 years ago
Beaver play Bendy and the Ink Machine on steam the first chapter is free but the rest cost money but its a horror game
Baltoendocrine - 7 years ago
that jump scare XD

i got spooked ;3
James Roblox - Pokemon & more!
James Roblox - Pokemon & more! - 7 years ago
tyranprime - 7 years ago
i like the skit! it funny do more!
TheGameChronicles TGC
TheGameChronicles TGC - 7 years ago
Beaver, the "new boss" in Jurassic world the game could be and I hope it is a frickin TITANOBOA!!!
Dodo Legand
Dodo Legand - 7 years ago
He ate the electro shark
Afro DAlchemist
Afro DAlchemist - 7 years ago
Is this bootleg version blair witch:)
greg ray
greg ray - 7 years ago
How can the shark could be Ghost Shark it's like half shark and half skeleton
Marco Polo
Marco Polo - 7 years ago
Omg so scary
King Xenomorph
King Xenomorph - 7 years ago
Macallan Pettinger
Macallan Pettinger - 7 years ago
There's a new update for Jurassic world the game
José Santos
José Santos - 7 years ago
That wasnt a ghost. Or was it?!
Deon Wilson
Deon Wilson - 7 years ago
What up g
Chris 8 Plays the kaiju fan
Chris 8 Plays the kaiju fan - 7 years ago
This thing is OP ;-;
Mudzkipz Yolo
Mudzkipz Yolo - 7 years ago
Finally it's finally here
sharkboy Martinez
sharkboy Martinez - 7 years ago
Sonya - 7 years ago
You made me sad beaver almost died
sharkboy Martinez
sharkboy Martinez - 7 years ago
Shut up John Cena I like WWE but you're a jerk and I don't like you my favorite is Sin cara
Davidson Seabourn
Davidson Seabourn - 7 years ago
sharkboy Martinez I mean sins my frav to
Davidson Seabourn
Davidson Seabourn - 7 years ago
sharkboy Martinez sins my frat to
tomasisus k
tomasisus k - 7 years ago
You knows there's a flashlight on you phone, right?
DeRpY TuRtLe
DeRpY TuRtLe - 7 years ago
"What a wierdo" i laughed at this for 5 mins
Mr. Cuber
Mr. Cuber - 7 years ago
DeRpY TuRtLe I
cryptic pel
cryptic pel - 7 years ago
andres garcia
andres garcia - 7 years ago
theres a movie about a shark ghost
Kyle V
Kyle V - 7 years ago
I liked the skit
Tylosaurus Fan
Tylosaurus Fan - 7 years ago
Beavs, Yudon hit a 10 thousand likes! Waiting for level forty!
Blame Of the flame
Blame Of the flame - 7 years ago
I think that’s zero
shed Dizon
shed Dizon - 7 years ago
More war dragons
Assassin Sasuke
Assassin Sasuke - 7 years ago
F*ck the jumpscare got me xD
Brianna_owlfan - 7 years ago
XD nice ghost hunting
Supergodzilla2040 - 7 years ago
I was hoping it was a real specter but I knew their wasn't a ghost of of chance
Andrew Garbera
Andrew Garbera - 7 years ago
Very funny
Frostbite gaming and other 1234Z
Frostbite gaming and other 1234Z - 7 years ago
That scared me at the end of the footage
Andrew Lane
Andrew Lane - 7 years ago
Trent Matson
Trent Matson - 7 years ago
Thank you helped me overcome heatstroke to day
TheWeird Vloger
TheWeird Vloger - 7 years ago
Beaver bring back unicorn wizard in jw (jurassic word).pls he was da star he was my favriot pls beaver
Anunciacion Concepcion
Anunciacion Concepcion - 7 years ago
#RIPJAMES. We will never see him again.
SkyWard Gamers
SkyWard Gamers - 7 years ago
AGEIRA567 - 7 years ago
the 10 people who disliked are idiots who agrees
Mmocist 7986
Mmocist 7986 - 7 years ago
That damn hand "Helooo"
titanslayer54 - 7 years ago
Best skit ever
Sandeep Das
Sandeep Das - 7 years ago
Holy shit bever u scared the hell out of me at 02:39
colton carreras
colton carreras - 7 years ago
Eike Silva
Eike Silva - 7 years ago
Can I get likes for random reasons?
lasang lama
lasang lama - 7 years ago
Christian Meyer
Christian Meyer - 7 years ago
the Beaver goes crazy
you can tell "i saw it on youtube"
Trico - The Last Guardian
Trico - The Last Guardian - 7 years ago
So the only shark you don't want to go into Gold Rush with is the Ghost Shark. Also it's like opposite with the Ghost Shark cuz with other sharks, you're invincible during Gold Rush but vulnerable when not in Gold Rush and it's the opposite with the Ghost Shark...

HIPERYON 360 - 7 years ago
Why are you in Romania
I'm_D3finitely_3lite - 7 years ago
The shark pop up scared the crap out of me
EnchantedDinoLol - 7 years ago
Best intro ever!
PleasantKillz Playz
PleasantKillz Playz - 7 years ago
I love that I can actually find an awesome YouTuber THAT ACTUALLY LIKES DINOSAURS!!!!
Major Hatchback
Major Hatchback - 7 years ago
The length Beaver goes through to bring us good content. Well done Beaver, well done.
Luca Official
Luca Official - 7 years ago
yes well done
Major Hatchback
Major Hatchback - 7 years ago
TheGamingBeaver YOU REPLIED!! Day made
TheGamingBeaver - 7 years ago
Major Hatchback aww cheers, it wasn't too crazy but I thought why not do something a little different
R3D TRICKSHOTS - 7 years ago
CreeperSl4yer99 - 7 years ago
since it's a ghost should it be able to go through walls and certain things?
TaiTheBabyTrex - 7 years ago
Gabby Q
Gabby Q - 7 years ago
biscuit gamer327
biscuit gamer327 - 7 years ago
i'm the early beaver
Gigavolt - 7 years ago
I would've been better if you put creepy music in the intro, preferably the Abandoned Thrifty Megamart from Sun & Moon.
Z-girly Pandahearting
Z-girly Pandahearting - 7 years ago
I’m watching this in my AP environmental science class and I damn near throw my phone because of the intro
Skyler Vang
Skyler Vang - 7 years ago
RED 169
RED 169 - 7 years ago
I’m in Pennsylvania!!!!
Gigavolt - 7 years ago
In BotW I dyed all armour sets either black, crimson or red
sonicwolf 360
sonicwolf 360 - 7 years ago
Oh wow it was a ghost XD I forgot it a most hollowen lol and wait you can't kill the seal mama
Starla Vix
Starla Vix - 7 years ago
Lmao wow James! XD the fricken Beginning xD
Nathan Lawton
Nathan Lawton - 7 years ago
I love that dame fucking shark
Countryballs Reichtangle
Countryballs Reichtangle - 7 years ago
happy bottle
happy bottle - 7 years ago
I like ghost potatoes.
Nathan Lawton
Nathan Lawton - 7 years ago
I love your video
Andy Trinh
Andy Trinh - 7 years ago
spooky stuff
dragon master444
dragon master444 - 7 years ago
Nice skit beaver
Luca Official
Luca Official - 7 years ago
the howler
the howler - 7 years ago
Luz Lorentz
Luz Lorentz - 7 years ago
The ghost shark looks like zero
Charmander & Torchic
Charmander & Torchic - 7 years ago
You could say he got GHOSTED! Ha!
Adair Flores
Adair Flores - 7 years ago
Just can't stop saying this but I love you James!!
Mihaela Danoiu
Mihaela Danoiu - 7 years ago
Did you really got to Transylvania cuz that is in Romania and I'm romanian
Just A Hobo
Just A Hobo - 7 years ago
i have a spook now xD
Jay gaming
Jay gaming - 7 years ago
TheMilkyWay - 7 years ago
- too late and drink too many Red Bulls
cameronzilla gaming
cameronzilla gaming - 7 years ago
<h1 class="title style-scope ytd-video-primary-info-renderer">GHOST SHARK UNLOCKED!! || Hungry Shark Evolution - Ep 32 HD</h1> its CODE

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About GHOST SHARK UNLOCKED!! || Hungry Shark Evolution - Ep 32 HD

The "GHOST SHARK UNLOCKED!! || Hungry Shark Evolution - Ep 32 HD" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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