Giant Shark defeats Two Experienced Fisherman

It's not everyday that you hook a giant shark like the one in this video. This shark was extremely strong! We used a cobia carcass for bait and within 15 minutes, the shark took the bait. Josh fought the shark for about 30 minutes before handing the rod off to Peter. Josh was concerned about the safety of the shark. He did not want to kill the fish with exhaustion. Peter fought the shark for an additional 20 minutes before the hook straightened. This shark could have easily weighed more than 1000lbs. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ABOUT BLACKTIPH ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ BlacktipH Fishing brings you some of the most exciting fishing videos on the web. Our host, Josh Jorgensen, is an extreme angler who has an adrenaline seeking appetite for monster fish! Whether it's catching monster fish from the beach, from a kayak or from a boat, Josh pushes the limits of big game fishing. Our content has been featured on Discovery, National Geographic, Today Show and many more! ► NEW VIDEOS EVERY TUESDAY!! ► Click Here to Subscribe → ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Website & Social Media ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Website → Facebook → Instagram → Twitter → Google+ → Periscope → Snapchat → BlacktipH ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Gear Used ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Reel: Duel 12/0w • Rod: Custom Barrett shark rod • Line: 200lb Jerry Brown braid backing with 200lb mono topshot • Leader: 6ft of #19 wire and 20ft of 700lb mono shock leader. • Hook: 20/0 Mustad circle hook • Bait: Cobia ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Sponsors ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Related Videos ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Extreme Beach Shark Fishing: Avet 80w Getting Smoked: Giant Shark vs Giant Fishing Reel:

Giant Shark defeats Two Experienced Fisherman sentiment_very_dissatisfied 14694

Shark videos 10 years ago 39,380,956 views

It's not everyday that you hook a giant shark like the one in this video. This shark was extremely strong! We used a cobia carcass for bait and within 15 minutes, the shark took the bait. Josh fought the shark for about 30 minutes before handing the rod off to Peter. Josh was concerned about the safety of the shark. He did not want to kill the fish with exhaustion. Peter fought the shark for an additional 20 minutes before the hook straightened. This shark could have easily weighed more than 1000lbs. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ABOUT BLACKTIPH ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ BlacktipH Fishing brings you some of the most exciting fishing videos on the web. Our host, Josh Jorgensen, is an extreme angler who has an adrenaline seeking appetite for monster fish! Whether it's catching monster fish from the beach, from a kayak or from a boat, Josh pushes the limits of big game fishing. Our content has been featured on Discovery, National Geographic, Today Show and many more! ► NEW VIDEOS EVERY TUESDAY!! ► Click Here to Subscribe → ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Website & Social Media ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Website → Facebook → Instagram → Twitter → Google+ → Periscope → Snapchat → BlacktipH ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Gear Used ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Reel: Duel 12/0w • Rod: Custom Barrett shark rod • Line: 200lb Jerry Brown braid backing with 200lb mono topshot • Leader: 6ft of #19 wire and 20ft of 700lb mono shock leader. • Hook: 20/0 Mustad circle hook • Bait: Cobia ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Sponsors ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Related Videos ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Extreme Beach Shark Fishing: Avet 80w Getting Smoked: Giant Shark vs Giant Fishing Reel:

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Most popular comments
for Giant Shark defeats Two Experienced Fisherman

norshahril mohd.salleh
norshahril mohd.salleh - 7 years ago
He got a submarine out there..
Fishing - 7 years ago
Fishing Indiana Charlene
Fishing Indiana Charlene - 7 years ago
Wow can’t catch that little old Indiana thanks ver much enjoyed
Sin Love
Sin Love - 7 years ago
prayoga sutrisno
prayoga sutrisno - 7 years ago
Rhendis Adimas
Rhendis Adimas - 7 years ago
wow big fish
Amazing Huh
Amazing Huh - 7 years ago
Ha Ha Ha... Noobs...
Scarfy Boy
Scarfy Boy - 7 years ago
It probably was a baby snapper lol
Dominic Aguilar
Dominic Aguilar - 7 years ago
Oldie but goodie

10. comment for Giant Shark defeats Two Experienced Fisherman

crambone t
crambone t - 7 years ago
Wow,, wonder what you guys had
Roland Perret Gentil
Roland Perret Gentil - 7 years ago
You guys sure it wasn't just a boat?
Shlok Gupta
Shlok Gupta - 7 years ago
Chutiya hai vo fish bhai
Hard Reset Fishing
Hard Reset Fishing - 7 years ago
Death Note L
Death Note L - 7 years ago
Well its obvious that's gonna happen. Who going to win? A bug or a shoe. Same things here. Whoa going to win, A shark that is litteraly made to kill or a human being.
Andrew K
Andrew K - 7 years ago
Damn! All that roast
uruiamnot - 7 years ago
Should have used a treble hook.


You guys were just asking for treble with that hook.
MihaKožuh - 7 years ago
Xena Newton Mason
Xena Newton Mason - 7 years ago
Where was this?
z y
z y - 7 years ago
Hmmm... disappointing

20. comment for Giant Shark defeats Two Experienced Fisherman

Extreme Monster Fish
Extreme Monster Fish - 7 years ago
It's not everyday that a video like this is available; that is unless you are a fan of BlacktipH !!!!! Keep up the awesome work and the videos coming..Always setting a high bar for the rest of us to follow.
HappyCacti - 7 years ago
the question is what shark it was
hor ilovehir 12345AAyuo
hor ilovehir 12345AAyuo - 7 years ago
Emmanuel Khawlhring
Emmanuel Khawlhring - 7 years ago
ka va it e aw☺☺
Death Boss
Death Boss - 7 years ago
Lol imagine came out a sardine jk
Finsprout1 - 7 years ago
probs a great white xD
Aditya Ridwan
Aditya Ridwan - 7 years ago
Iwak opo jane
Tristan ivanov
Tristan ivanov - 7 years ago
Dang strong shark
indemniman 162
indemniman 162 - 7 years ago
I wouldn't want to be strapped to that gear with that fish on. That shark might just pull you in the water to get a look at you.
IPt Andi Sukma Putra
IPt Andi Sukma Putra - 7 years ago
Jacket the north fish wow

30. comment for Giant Shark defeats Two Experienced Fisherman

el crak e.n
el crak e.n - 7 years ago
Suba Senthor
Suba Senthor - 7 years ago
Ryan Niebla
Ryan Niebla - 7 years ago
Luziane verdade Santos verdade
Luziane verdade Santos verdade - 7 years ago
Eu que ñ do conta de puxar um peixe desse
tahereh tadayon
tahereh tadayon - 7 years ago
Amazing video,setting in front of tv having tea
John Burgess
John Burgess - 7 years ago
Rods are strong as heck!
ภูตะวัน เพชรชุม
ภูตะวัน เพชรชุม - 7 years ago
Ultra Angler
Ultra Angler - 7 years ago
How did I miss this video?
Christ Paw
Christ Paw - 7 years ago
cool i want to get shark too
Warno Hamid
Warno Hamid - 7 years ago
saya rendy dari indonesia wow saya kagum hiu sebesar itu bisa takluk hanya dengan pancing padahal kami di indonesia hanya bisa memancing ikan lele yang besarnya kurang dari 3 kilo gram
Sasu sika
Sasu sika - 7 years ago
nice video my dear
Geovanny villanueva c.
Geovanny villanueva c. - 7 years ago
Who else is watching this in 2017?
Geovanny villanueva c.
Geovanny villanueva c. - 7 years ago
I lov fishing
Subhajit Kundu
Subhajit Kundu - 7 years ago
Shubs _
Shubs _ - 7 years ago
You're gonna need a bigger Peter.
Xander Margate
Xander Margate - 7 years ago
Could it be the MEGALODON or just a whale shark
บาส แสวง
บาส แสวง - 7 years ago
Patricia Freitas
Patricia Freitas - 7 years ago
Brasil Bolsonaro 2018
Damiiian 2016
Damiiian 2016 - 7 years ago
Yo no entiendo nada !! Jajaja
go mil boy
go mil boy - 7 years ago
хуйня какая то

50. comment for Giant Shark defeats Two Experienced Fisherman

El BY RECORD - 7 years ago
ThEwAVeYoNe518 - 7 years ago
Steroids cant help you catch a fish
Maria Danila
Maria Danila - 7 years ago
Cari faza
Wailam Leung
Wailam Leung - 7 years ago
Roy Jack
Roy Jack - 7 years ago
crazy fish you got!
michaelwni - 7 years ago
and i'm guessing people surf at that beach? i'll pass
Eiasin Eiasin
Eiasin Eiasin - 7 years ago
In da imaay
Eiasin Eiasin
Eiasin Eiasin - 7 years ago
Sexy dance
Wow...amazing video
djie venri
djie venri - 7 years ago
Jin ventilasi
GoodTimeFishing - 7 years ago
I clicked on this vid from suggested...sees 37 thousands views...looks back...o 37 million views
anthony gomes
anthony gomes - 7 years ago
How filling during this time.
land of Lincoln
land of Lincoln - 7 years ago
what you guys think 500lbs+
Alex Dunbar
Alex Dunbar - 7 years ago
Probably foul hooked a fish.
Pete Rhein
Pete Rhein - 7 years ago
BlacktipH , you guys tie some righteous knots! Everything held! The line, leader, swivel, and the weakest link is usually the knot(s). But much respect, BlacktipH
The8o8Gamer - 7 years ago
I like how he cares about the fish
jonas Rafa
jonas Rafa - 7 years ago
Vídeo bosta
Серик Жолмагамбетов
Серик Жолмагамбетов - 7 years ago
ссуки где рыба???
M.C GALAXY - 7 years ago
Shark:I need to get out of the hook before I lose all my blood Chris:well at least it never died
M.C GALAXY - 7 years ago
It's good to keep the fish a live
David Brown
David Brown - 7 years ago
David Brown
David Brown - 7 years ago
Meti Tafilaj
Meti Tafilaj - 7 years ago
Happy Fungshy
Happy Fungshy - 7 years ago
best fishing Chanel ever☺
BIG PUN - 7 years ago
if u have enough line id try and let it run a bit instead of getting ur self tired..but what do i know i never caught a monster shark..
Cambodia Animal Channel
Cambodia Animal Channel - 7 years ago
Hi....Guy! Very well video
Antonio Marcos Veloso
Antonio Marcos Veloso - 7 years ago
Doudaev Jawhar
Doudaev Jawhar - 7 years ago
Bulbophile - 7 years ago
"Don't want this fish to die?" Must be missing something.... looking to land a fish for several hours; what was it going to do when it reaches the shore? live?
manzar abbas
manzar abbas - 7 years ago
I was one of 37 million fools, who watched till end.
Paul Diefendorf
Paul Diefendorf - 7 years ago
Foul hooked, hooked ripped out after so much pressure?
Mohammad Sahidullah
Mohammad Sahidullah - 7 years ago
Giant sharks defeating two experiences at the beach.
Mohammad Sahidullah
Mohammad Sahidullah - 7 years ago
The beach just has wave that they went fishing.
the one g
the one g - 7 years ago
Probably snagged a whale and it took that long for the hook to rip out
austin lalith lalith
austin lalith lalith - 7 years ago
hi hi
inger og helmer larsen
inger og helmer larsen - 7 years ago
Arlo Guitars
Arlo Guitars - 7 years ago
How much line did that thing take?
Valdemir Ribeiro
Valdemir Ribeiro - 7 years ago
Caraca que peixe e ésse
Juniaris Lorenzo
Juniaris Lorenzo - 7 years ago
NDOMAKONG SUH - 7 years ago
What kind of fishing line are you using
YOUNG BOSS - 7 years ago
Wow!! Nice
chサラリーマン - 7 years ago
Terry Hazzard
Terry Hazzard - 7 years ago
I think it was Jaws...............or the great barrier reef
Jason Ross
Jason Ross - 7 years ago
Pffft shark. It is a stingray
Khmer Daily Life
Khmer Daily Life - 7 years ago
Wow big
919 Fishing
919 Fishing - 7 years ago
I'll bet it was a killer whale
John Mavrides
John Mavrides - 7 years ago
Tùnh Thanh
Tùnh Thanh - 7 years ago
Oh no
steakdude46 - 7 years ago
It was a whale
Ťhåňh Phű
Ťhåňh Phű - 7 years ago
Oh My God
The Raging Elmo
The Raging Elmo - 7 years ago
Where did they get those hooks from?
BlacktipH - 7 years ago
+Emoji Blast Gaming From a tackle supply shop.

100. comment for Giant Shark defeats Two Experienced Fisherman

Thompson Family Vlogs
Thompson Family Vlogs - 7 years ago
Love the vlog BlackTip H you're a great fisherman
Valeria Diaz
Valeria Diaz - 7 years ago
Puto ni sabes pescar
Joe w
Joe w - 7 years ago
Yup that's fishing in the big water for ya , I remember when I was only 11-14 and I went dock fishing and something almost snatched my ass over the railing but thank God my best friend Corey was there to grab my legs and save me from falling in the water , I think it must have been a seal or a Humboldt squid .
Clearanceman2 - 7 years ago
Probably a 20 foot shark.
jon bones
jon bones - 7 years ago
It's a great workout
Oppoใว Aย
Oppoใว Aย - 7 years ago
STJANK - 7 years ago
y'all should call mark her to do that stuff
Kgw100 - 7 years ago
more like 1 experienced who actually brought it in
Leo Thorne
Leo Thorne - 7 years ago
Maybe you hooked a log or something
Pesquisou TM
Pesquisou TM - 7 years ago
Moses Petersen
Moses Petersen - 7 years ago
That would eat me inside not knowing what it was and how big it was.
luidirex - 7 years ago
piyel Islam
piyel Islam - 7 years ago
Jedits - 7 years ago
I hate shark fishing
Papi Pingüino
Papi Pingüino - 7 years ago
you guys need to eat beans to make you guys stronger,
diamond crest
diamond crest - 7 years ago
Promise the fish was getting a snack than hes gf Said "Am home alone" and... the rest is a history
Eric Rodriguez
Eric Rodriguez - 7 years ago
That was a strong goldfish.
Figlio Diego
Figlio Diego - 7 years ago
Devi dare meno lenza
Saampler - 7 years ago
retarded humans
Mike Yettaw
Mike Yettaw - 7 years ago
Great white shark 25 feet JAWS
Aman Boss
Aman Boss - 7 years ago
all their hardwork goes in seawater
Sikici Abi
Sikici Abi - 7 years ago
are you brother of tostcu erol ?
R Angus
R Angus - 7 years ago
you know the drags high when it pings like that when taking line
Paper Chaser
Paper Chaser - 7 years ago
Would've been funny if he hooked a sunken boat thinking it was a shark
All American Fishing
All American Fishing - 7 years ago
Could it have been a great white
Coleen West
Coleen West - 7 years ago
Coward scum each of you. One person gets to fish and if the fish tires you out it wins. Only a scummy loser then switches out to another guy. Why not hook it up to your pick up trick and use the winch? Such losers.
Carl Tilley
Carl Tilley - 7 years ago
what's the rod and reel please?
Davis Robinson
Davis Robinson - 7 years ago
Wow, GG!
paulo xxx
paulo xxx - 7 years ago
not fish is a Submarine :))))
theepicsealshow123 - 7 years ago
just a rock
BlacktipH - 7 years ago
Rocks don't pull 80lbs of drag.
Anonymous - 7 years ago
Josh: what is this fish?
Blue Whale: did I just get shanked?
John Hussey
John Hussey - 7 years ago
Could have been great white or maybe you guys hooked Hitler the giant hammerhead shark that is always eating tarpon.
Colin Soileau
Colin Soileau - 7 years ago
In soviet Russia you swim to the shark and hook it on by hand then swim back to reel it in.
M Julien
M Julien - 7 years ago
Such click bait videos!!!!!!
BlacktipH - 7 years ago
+M Julien Really? How so?
JamesJuniorHD - 7 years ago
lasouuzm - 7 years ago
найс акцент
1人コンパス民の - 7 years ago
xX BELRUPT Xx - 7 years ago
my guess is a Grait white
На рыбалке
На рыбалке - 7 years ago
вот это рыбалка
Bass fishing 4 you
Bass fishing 4 you - 7 years ago
What kind of tackle were you using
anshul kumar
anshul kumar - 7 years ago
Big Toe
Big Toe - 7 years ago
Would have been nice to have seen what was at the end of the line.
Josh Cabote
Josh Cabote - 7 years ago
maybe it's just NORRIS (CHUCK)
Alexandra HAPPY
Alexandra HAPPY - 7 years ago
did they even get if
domino diamond
domino diamond - 7 years ago
you could use my zebco33 next time
Simple Fishing
Simple Fishing - 7 years ago
It could have been a boat
Finn Bish
Finn Bish - 7 years ago
waste of time watching
Alessandro Abys
Alessandro Abys - 7 years ago
New to surf fishing, how did you cast your bait out off the surf with that type of set up? Did you kayak out and then come back in?
BlacktipH - 7 years ago
+Alessandro Abys We used a kayak to deploy our bait.
Big Dee
Big Dee - 7 years ago
so...where is the fish...d-bags
seregasss seregasss
seregasss seregasss - 7 years ago
Слабаки! Дуйте к нам на воблу в астрахань! Харе мелочь таскать.
Ellie A
Ellie A - 7 years ago
The 12,077 dislikes are the people who can't even catch a snapper
Lu Cho
Lu Cho - 7 years ago
36k views and no Shark?
what a waste of time. .
Oyun Faresi
Oyun Faresi - 7 years ago
bu adamların taşşakları acımıyomu
Kevin Hernandez
Kevin Hernandez - 7 years ago
Diego Adames
Diego Adames - 7 years ago
are crazy
بن لادن
بن لادن - 7 years ago
فين السمكه
jp o mito vem ai
jp o mito vem ai - 7 years ago
Muito loco bolsonaro 2018 presidente do brasillll
hydragirium - 7 years ago
Afffff, foda demais isso aí que eles pegaram... eles acharam que era um Tubarão, não dá pra saber o que era, mas com certeza absoluta é algo Muito Grande mesmo... tipo, perto de 1 tonelada de peso. Esse equipamento deles aí, por melhor que seja, aliás, é Top de linha esse equipamento deles, mas pra tirar algo muito grande e com essa força toda aí não tinha como mesmo, rsrs... enfim, animal demais essa pescaria na praia.
сергей королев
сергей королев - 7 years ago
Yellow Submarine?
Razefonn Razefonn
Razefonn Razefonn - 7 years ago
ото бля удка
Topchik yarikgg
Topchik yarikgg - 7 years ago
KHR Daily
KHR Daily - 7 years ago
is so good idea
Aidan Mill Ps4
Aidan Mill Ps4 - 7 years ago
And I thought my 3 lb bass was big
Bappy SHIKDER - 7 years ago
I think they hooked up a ship ...ha ha ha
tran ben
tran ben - 7 years ago
Octavio Maldonado
Octavio Maldonado - 7 years ago
Coolest fish ever
Alex Pavlov
Alex Pavlov - 7 years ago
Hey, the big guy does crossfit?
Living Fire
Living Fire - 7 years ago
it was probably a Russian submarine. that made a wrong turn they hooked
陳瑞慶 - 7 years ago
Stuarticus86 - 7 years ago
What's up with these retards praising catch and release and scorning those who keep fish to eat. Realize a true fisherman does both.  A lot of us love to eat fish and catching is a hell of a lot better than store bought.
Binô Won
Binô Won - 7 years ago
Very good
Akrapovix - 7 years ago
donald trump was probably swimming in the ocean that night
أبو أنس الغرباوي
أبو أنس الغرباوي - 7 years ago
What is the number of the fishing machine And the number of sticks also
MrBanolicious - 7 years ago
Francis Serra Films they swim the baits out with kayaks.
galant supardi
galant supardi - 7 years ago
fish big banget
Mark Perryman
Mark Perryman - 7 years ago
Get shark fin soup banned..
Bsprecks - 7 years ago
what pound mono is that?
BlacktipH - 7 years ago
+Bsprecks 200lb
さんはるか - 7 years ago
How many Ib is this rod ?
さんはるか - 7 years ago
Thank you very much.
I do this style in Japan, too.
BlacktipH - 7 years ago
+ARROW TV 80-130lb
joao felipe
joao felipe - 7 years ago
bagulho doido mano
Some YouTuber :p
Some YouTuber :p - 7 years ago
Jaws the comeback
Earthling - 7 years ago
People swim in these waters and never realized there was a huge hungry hammer head right by the shore.
Jose Hernandez
Jose Hernandez - 7 years ago
chidos videos
paulo vicente
paulo vicente - 7 years ago
ueh mas cade o peixe
Pawel bike stunter 21
Pawel bike stunter 21 - 7 years ago
ว่าไง ไข่โว
ว่าไง ไข่โว - 7 years ago
Donavan o'Brein
Donavan o'Brein - 7 years ago
In Soviet Russia, shark catches you.
トトロじゃないよカビゴンだよ! - 7 years ago
トトロじゃないよカビゴンだよ! - 7 years ago
Jack Sprat
Jack Sprat - 7 years ago
can't give a thumbs up. you did not land that fish
Juan Real Ospina
Juan Real Ospina - 7 years ago
putas no muestran
Gigi Utomo
Gigi Utomo - 7 years ago
sooooo nicee....
Fernando Xavier
Fernando Xavier - 7 years ago
Tarik Quabous
Tarik Quabous - 7 years ago
chof tv
ญาติ ผ.อ ประหยัอ
ญาติ ผ.อ ประหยัอ - 7 years ago
ทิวลี่มือกลอง เอ็นจัง
ทิวลี่มือกลอง เอ็นจัง - 7 years ago
Revi Elfiano Ofili Lumoindong
Revi Elfiano Ofili Lumoindong - 7 years ago
Cv cari c
Андрей Малютин
Андрей Малютин - 7 years ago
гандон ебучий
Андрей Малютин
Андрей Малютин - 7 years ago
พีรพัทธ์ สุวรรณอําไพ
พีรพัทธ์ สุวรรณอําไพ - 7 years ago
buckmeyer44 - 7 years ago
Why are "experienced fisherman" cranking the reel backwards?
buckmeyer44 - 7 years ago
Sorry, on my two speed reels both speeds are the same direction.
BlacktipH - 7 years ago
+buckmeyer44 On a Duel, reeling backwards is low gear and reeling forwards is high gear.
Aaron Devlin
Aaron Devlin - 7 years ago
How is Star Wars not on this list?
Annie Esparza
Annie Esparza - 7 years ago
This looks really good, can't understand why so many people hate it
Rhett Hopkins
Rhett Hopkins - 7 years ago
What beach is this@blacktiph
Steven Lewis
Steven Lewis - 7 years ago
Me me big boy
rek'sai is my main
rek'sai is my main - 7 years ago
probaly is not a commun shark but MEGALODON
JuTube - 7 years ago
it's was probably a goldfish.
paweł janik
paweł janik - 7 years ago
cinema parça
cinema parça - 7 years ago
fokio men
TTH Fishing
TTH Fishing - 7 years ago
300lb STINGRAY????
Alexander Austen
Alexander Austen - 7 years ago
what is the Fishing rod and reel,What is the length of fishing rod ?thanks
Giuseppe Annese
Giuseppe Annese - 7 years ago
Giuseppe Annese
Giuseppe Annese - 7 years ago
casal baiano
casal baiano - 7 years ago
cara que linha é essa qual a marca dela
Amazing Huh
Amazing Huh - 7 years ago
Ha Ha Ha... Noobs...
Philip Wright
Philip Wright - 7 years ago
that was probably a 20ft hammerhead.
Joseph Mendoza
Joseph Mendoza - 7 years ago
That's what she said @ 1:25
Northwoods Angling
Northwoods Angling - 7 years ago
Must have been a monster!!
Yuvjit Singh Gill
Yuvjit Singh Gill - 7 years ago
Haha suckers!
Максим Хорошев
Максим Хорошев - 7 years ago
Так а что за рыба была не понял???))
sanju s
sanju s - 7 years ago
sanju sarma
Tan Do
Tan Do - 8 years ago
kime Hunt
kime Hunt - 8 years ago
I wouldn't mess with Peter, just saying dude is jacked and sounds like a hitman.
Ruy Mamedio Costa Mamedio
Ruy Mamedio Costa Mamedio - 8 years ago
Phil Kush Weed
Phil Kush Weed - 8 years ago
finebros fishing
finebros fishing - 8 years ago
What lb test was that line??
BlacktipH - 8 years ago
+finebros fishing 200lb
ThanhPhong Le
ThanhPhong Le - 8 years ago
do là ca gj vay
C Moon
C Moon - 8 years ago
Brian Shaw would bring em in
Tayfur Akman
Tayfur Akman - 8 years ago
Evie Albrew
Evie Albrew - 8 years ago
holy crap that sharks big
Derek Davis
Derek Davis - 8 years ago
looks like you hooked a school bus, maybe a megladon.
Elsie Nevares
Elsie Nevares - 8 years ago
Kauê Chavao mlk zica
Kauê Chavao mlk zica - 8 years ago
noobs otario
Pal Toshiba
Pal Toshiba - 8 years ago
schleyo _23
schleyo _23 - 8 years ago
I like fishing so much
Nova Bomb
Nova Bomb - 8 years ago
foul hooking submarines
Lucas Batista Batista
Lucas Batista Batista - 8 years ago
Eita vídeo mostra gostei
Lucas Batista Batista
Lucas Batista Batista - 8 years ago
Bala Thanam
Bala Thanam - 8 years ago
Dnl k
Dnl k - 8 years ago
whatever was caught was holding on a rock and decided that it don't want to be captured without legal documents. it was a Mexican who was not looking to be caught in us soil
Roberto Malagá
Roberto Malagá - 8 years ago
Kaua Silva
Kaua Silva - 8 years ago
Aaron Llewellyn
Aaron Llewellyn - 8 years ago
It was probably a meglodon
Khushi Ram
Khushi Ram - 8 years ago
Lucass Chavez
Lucass Chavez - 8 years ago
the fhis gulw genle
John Clark
John Clark - 8 years ago
This is serious STUFF. I've been watching Capt Jeff, LUNKERDOG. but this is different class.John ENGLAND.
Hermes Anderson Gutiérrez Abreu
Hermes Anderson Gutiérrez Abreu - 8 years ago
Amanda Townsend
Amanda Townsend - 8 years ago
So there is a giant hammerhead that lives off the Florida coast called old Hitler who is said to be 20 or 30 something feet long which might have been what you had on.
Borrega Coronel
Borrega Coronel - 8 years ago
not is shark is live
jorge Doumit
jorge Doumit - 8 years ago
acording to the stranlth of the fish we estamate this is a deep water sting ray if it was not a sting ray it is simpley a meadiam sized hamer head if no this vidio is fake
Bertram Tiger
Bertram Tiger - 8 years ago
Giant Sawfish maybe?
рыбалка Азии
рыбалка Азии - 8 years ago
Нормальное удилище!!!!
Alejandro Ruiz
Alejandro Ruiz - 8 years ago
esta bueno
Christopher Hanley
Christopher Hanley - 8 years ago
Marielin Munroe
Marielin Munroe - 8 years ago
If you were so concerned about this fish maybe you shouldn't have done this to start with. Good that you let him go.
x Fresh Memer x
x Fresh Memer x - 8 years ago
This video proves a NFL linebacker can catch a full size bull shark by himself. The linebacker plays for Greenbay.
Adoolit - 8 years ago
That was intense
Bryan Benasing
Bryan Benasing - 8 years ago
Tanecia Muirhead
Tanecia Muirhead - 8 years ago
Why don't you walk back so it works
Tony Tony
Tony Tony - 8 years ago
toma no cu fiquei vendo vidio pra nada cade peixe aff se fuder seus verme
otario vidio lixo
irsad ramadan
irsad ramadan - 8 years ago
itu yg pake pancing aja masih kualahan, saya dulu cuma pake tangan aja kuat ngangkat megalodon
M. Tv Muslim tv
M. Tv Muslim tv - 8 years ago
Staff depict be ambulance need .
Jake Toth
Jake Toth - 8 years ago
that's one big ass pole.
Viktor Bor
Viktor Bor - 8 years ago
Разводняк короче.
National Geographic Russia Fishing
National Geographic Russia Fishing - 8 years ago
Cool video like
Bryant Fraser
Bryant Fraser - 8 years ago
so cool
ikram ullah
ikram ullah - 8 years ago
Tom and Jerry
Henrry Flores
Henrry Flores - 8 years ago
cuando lo agan sabran q ta con madre el deporte no pendejadas wwww me gusta el de porte
J Buck Outdoors
J Buck Outdoors - 8 years ago
Does anyone else realize how much money josh got off this?
Sureshdon Sureshdon
Sureshdon Sureshdon - 8 years ago
Aleks shalyapin
Aleks shalyapin - 8 years ago
Отправь это 12 играм,
Как отправишь хлопни в ладоши10 раз,
Стукни логтём об стол, сходи на кухну, вернись
и у компьютера будет лежать IPad. Проверено 689
мальчиками, 892 девочкам
Andre Pennings
Andre Pennings - 8 years ago
Ruy Braga
Ruy Braga - 8 years ago
Perdi meu tempo olhando essa besteira
صيد اسماك النيل والبحر
صيد اسماك النيل والبحر - 8 years ago
مرحبا good
Brian Roberts
Brian Roberts - 8 years ago
never latched on to anything like this. the strongest fight I've had was from Amberjack near offshore communications towers. had a few decent sharks break my line, but nothing giant like this was. also had a fish hit live bait so hard in the coastal Everglades once that it turned the reel in my hand and busted my thumbnail as if it was hit by a hammer. still not sure what it was as the circle hook did not set. But, I'm guessing tarpon.
Sani Putri
Sani Putri - 8 years ago
Hebat banget
master hamid
master hamid - 8 years ago
Robert Cornelius
Robert Cornelius - 8 years ago
Russian spy subs have been known to get caught on large fish hooks.
TheGamerBruh5 - 8 years ago
When you realize it was just a snag
Tida Ngim
Tida Ngim - 8 years ago
blacktip needs that russian power
Arron l
Arron l - 8 years ago
veggiesoft googan
veggiesoft googan - 8 years ago
Arron l no I don't think so maybe
Jakob Sime
Jakob Sime - 8 years ago
No way
Arron l
Arron l - 8 years ago
must of got caught up on the bottom of a boat propeller. probably a cruise liner
BlacktipH - 8 years ago
Snags don't pull line off your reel and leave teeth marks on the hook.
syed rasul
syed rasul - 8 years ago
Rabeh Aridhi
Rabeh Aridhi - 8 years ago
syed rasul c
syed rasul
syed rasul - 8 years ago
atip poom
atip poom - 8 years ago
คือ ปลาอะไรหรอค่ะอยากรู้ตอบกลับ
Griffin Miller
Griffin Miller - 8 years ago
Do I tighten my drag? What do Ido? "Experience"
ShotgunsCentral - 8 years ago
Bruh that thing could have been 1000 lbs people who have been saltwater fishing their whole lives haven't caught fish half that size
Rhoombrp - 8 years ago
Megalodon confirmed.
Kelli Ralynn
Kelli Ralynn - 8 years ago
Worked y'all good.
Suat Kaya
Suat Kaya - 8 years ago
SeanDaBoss 22
SeanDaBoss 22 - 8 years ago
i think that was probally a fish but that very well could have been another boat or a submarine, not for hate but for a guess
Thomas von Aquin
Thomas von Aquin - 8 years ago
Jesus 31.186.446 Views, thats nearly half of german Population LOL, know we know what are the US people interested in, FISHING SHARKS.
benjamin sweeney
benjamin sweeney - 8 years ago
More than the Australian Population
Owen S
Owen S - 8 years ago
Maybe you have a bot on?
Soua Yang
Soua Yang - 8 years ago
I think u guys caught the dragon
ทองดี อิทริน
ทองดี อิทริน - 8 years ago
Kiwis Angeln
Kiwis Angeln - 8 years ago
cooles video.bin auch seid kurzem unterwegs

Kiwis Angeln
郑国熊 - 8 years ago
Kiwis Anbu

TheSeventDoor - 8 years ago
eh you gonna miss the fish fry with beer
Matheus Santos
Matheus Santos - 8 years ago
Matheus Santos
Matheus Santos - 8 years ago
Arfin Khondokar009
Arfin Khondokar009 - 8 years ago
Cees Timmerman
Cees Timmerman - 8 years ago
> Josh was concerned about the safety of the shark.

Leaving the giant hook out of the shark bait would've made it much safer for the shark.
Jakob Sime
Jakob Sime - 8 years ago
I enjoy the taste of piss
Cees Timmerman
Cees Timmerman - 8 years ago
+Daddy Cobia That doesn't stop the Chinese.
Aaron Major
Aaron Major - 8 years ago
Cees Timmerman no one eats hammer heads. Plus they are a protected species.
Cees Timmerman
Cees Timmerman - 8 years ago
Check shark nets, but many harmless sharks are endangered, toxic, and take like piss.
Cees Timmerman
Cees Timmerman - 8 years ago
Easy: with a net.
Cees Timmerman
Cees Timmerman - 8 years ago
Aaron Major
Aaron Major - 8 years ago
Cees Timmerman liberal
nayara ferreira
nayara ferreira - 8 years ago
nayara ferreira
nayara ferreira - 8 years ago
nayara ferreira
nayara ferreira - 8 years ago
Lucen Telfort
Lucen Telfort - 8 years ago
emannuel lopez
emannuel lopez - 8 years ago
Ömer Kök
Ömer Kök - 8 years ago
Boro Nut
Boro Nut - 8 years ago
You're gonna need a bigger beach.
Azores Fishing
Azores Fishing - 8 years ago
i only weight 60 kilos i would probably just go into the ocean draged by this fish LOL
GREEN KIWI - 8 years ago
c'était quoi le poisson
Alexander Murcia Calderón
Alexander Murcia Calderón - 8 years ago
Ojalá se los comieran esos tiburones por asesinos
Karannice ghaiintSharma
Karannice ghaiintSharma - 8 years ago
Alexander Murcia Calderón giant fish caewy
endri dollija
endri dollija - 8 years ago
paul zelenka
paul zelenka
paul zelenka - 8 years ago
Alexander Murcia Calderón
Alexander Murcia Calderón
Alexander Murcia Calderón - 8 years ago
+Joe Toodeep Sorry man... I don't talk to stupid people like you...
Joe Toodeep
Joe Toodeep - 8 years ago
Alexander Murcia Calderón Dude chill out why are you even watching this type of videos your being ignorant and viewing the aspects of a great sport of fishing why do you even bother watching these videos so ignorant you act perfect
Alexander Murcia Calderón
Alexander Murcia Calderón - 8 years ago
roman molina... ¿Te gustaría que yo te metiera un anzuelo en tu boca y hacerte sangrar? De eso se trata la pesca, de herir a los animales marinos, bien sea para matarlos, o para jugar con ellos. Las personas del video dicen que no los matan, bueno, es probable que no los maten, en cuyo caso me retracto, pero siguen siendo unos abusivos que encuentran divertido herir a los tiburones, y hacer que muerdan anzuelos que probablemente lastimen sus mandíbulas
Alexander Murcia Calderón
Alexander Murcia Calderón - 8 years ago
God, is so fool...
Alexander Murcia Calderón
Alexander Murcia Calderón - 8 years ago
Joe Toodeep I understand you, I understand that you care little what I have to say. after all, it is characteristic of people with low mental capacity, not having the ability to understand what at first glance seems to them that is not part of their teeny and ignorant world. Keep calm friend, do not lose control, I know that for autistic people like you, they must be especially difficult to be instructed and civilized, but try, try to be smart, to see if someday you know what that is. Have a nice day : D
Alexander Murcia Calderón
Alexander Murcia Calderón - 8 years ago
Joe Toodeep, I live about 3000 kilometers from Mexico. What makes you think I'm Mexican? ... I think I know why you think I'm Mexican, this is because you are like ignorant people who in her little mental world believe to be right. When actually they have a tiny mind. It is incredible that in the XXI century there is as ignorant as you people. Have a nice day. :D
anthony smith
anthony smith - 8 years ago
weak wak i can  do two times better
Marcos L Modesto
Marcos L Modesto - 8 years ago
o.o wow probably a baby megalodon
Jose Ramos
Jose Ramos - 8 years ago
fimi ,de,cmadp,para,marta
Steve Dupree
Steve Dupree - 8 years ago
little did they know they were hooked up to a submarine
المصري للفيديوهات
المصري للفيديوهات - 7 years ago
Steve Dupree حمدي
Steve Dupree
Steve Dupree - 8 years ago
+crazy rose I'm glad
Outdoor Rose
Outdoor Rose - 8 years ago
Steve Dupree lol this made my day!
Orlando Simoes
Orlando Simoes - 8 years ago
Steve Dupree mmmm
VIRALWHATSAPP - 8 years ago
R MAN TV - 8 years ago
How long where you out there?
Ray Hansen
Ray Hansen - 8 years ago
1,000 lbs. AT LEAST
460WeatherbyMan - 8 years ago
I'm looking to get another new shark reel and I have narrowed it down to a few choices. Shimano Tiagra 130, Duel 12/0 w, Okuma Makaira 130, and Penn International 130vsx. Can you give me any advice on which to choose? Maybe it is something I have not listed.
Peter Li
Peter Li - 8 years ago
Gerson Marreiro
Gerson Marreiro - 8 years ago
Pêche Méditérannée Fred
Pêche Méditérannée Fred - 8 years ago
assle of Gringo
Катарина Мраовић
Катарина Мраовић - 8 years ago
Donovan Hartman
Donovan Hartman - 8 years ago
is that the place you went on chasing monsters
If you wanna play, you gotta pay.
If you wanna play, you gotta pay. - 8 years ago
you guys did good , should take a class in tagging these wonders get paid for fishing what could be better.
Yasr Dfgr
Yasr Dfgr - 8 years ago
السلام عليكم
Thiago Lobo
Thiago Lobo - 8 years ago
I think it may be a giant stingray.
LilFuzzyDog Msp
LilFuzzyDog Msp - 8 years ago
this is fake
totes fake
Izep Tha
Izep Tha - 8 years ago
gan kalau bole tau di mano beli bahannyo tu gan?
Izep Tha
Izep Tha - 8 years ago
gan kalau bole tau di mano beli bahannyo tu gan?
Izep Tha
Izep Tha - 8 years ago
gan kalau bole tau di mano beli bahannyo tu gan?
Sunil Verma
Sunil Verma - 8 years ago
Nischu Boyh
Nischu Boyh - 7 years ago
Sunil Verma
Aman khan
Aman khan - 8 years ago
I Love Youtube Rodriguez
I Love Youtube Rodriguez - 8 years ago
How long
Julian Fonseca
Julian Fonseca - 8 years ago
William Penn
William Penn - 8 years ago
It's more important for the fish to live? You shouldn't be catching them for fun numbskull.
yasin azahar
yasin azahar - 8 years ago
how dare so big fish
Josh James Kiwi Bushman
Josh James Kiwi Bushman - 8 years ago
ItzRhys ___
ItzRhys ___ - 7 years ago
Josh James Kiwi Bushman

Xsharknz - 7 years ago
Roasted Stingray

It's the New Zealand way of saying 'awesome' or 'great job'
Xsharknz - 7 years ago
Hey josh James!!! I love your videos!! Keep up your great videos!!
Roasted Stingray
Roasted Stingray - 7 years ago
Josh James Kiwi Bushman ?
helthuismartin - 8 years ago
Why is Peter never on your boat josh????
Joel Barriga
Joel Barriga - 8 years ago
y el y huía Martín
muumoo111 - 8 years ago
yah we would love to see him in your videos
helthuismartin - 8 years ago
OKe.Whe love to see him on your videos.Maybe you can ask him for a fishingtrip on your boat and tied up your friendship with him again.?
BlacktipH - 8 years ago
+helthuismartin We don't fish much together anymore.
Aggeliki Gouti
Aggeliki Gouti - 8 years ago
Carlos Espino
Carlos Espino - 8 years ago
estan carones estos please
Killian Kraus
Killian Kraus - 8 years ago
Ten plus middle precise.
Dinand Broere
Dinand Broere - 8 years ago
grote vis
Hamo Elsense
Hamo Elsense - 8 years ago
انا نفسي اصطاد السمك دة
김경태 - 8 years ago
한국사람 손
wtsmaster - 8 years ago
but why?
escape escape
escape escape - 8 years ago
1:26--1:28 UFO ?
Angie Arreguin
Angie Arreguin - 8 years ago
my little girl she is 15 she has a crush on you her name is Alexandra
เด็ก เกรียน YouTude
เด็ก เกรียน YouTude - 8 years ago
kako kim
kako kim - 8 years ago
Khmer movies
muhammad yadi
muhammad yadi - 8 years ago
fic oke
Luke Sevenski
Luke Sevenski - 8 years ago
atleast the 28 grand you made from this video made up for it :D
Jr. Dario Torres
Jr. Dario Torres - 8 years ago
Que porqueria de video, donde esta el pescado
Tate Scott
Tate Scott - 8 years ago
What kind of fish was that at 3:10
muhammad syazwan
muhammad syazwan - 8 years ago
seem like hammer head shark
humanity First
humanity First - 8 years ago
good advertisement of rod & gear.
helthuismartin - 8 years ago
Wich brand of rod is that???????Thats the one i am looking for.
Arturo Joo Chavez
Arturo Joo Chavez - 8 years ago
teddy johnson ppppppp
teddy johnson
teddy johnson - 8 years ago
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Gear Used ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

• Reel: Duel 12/0w
• Rod: Custom Barrett shark rod
• Line: 200lb Jerry Brown braid backing with 200lb mono topshot
• Leader: 6ft of #19 wire and 20ft of 700lb mono shock leader.
• Hook: 20/0 Mustad circle hook
• Bait: Cobia
George Mitchell
George Mitchell - 8 years ago
It's a duel 12/0W
charlie king
charlie king - 8 years ago
I believe Josh's game rods are custom built E-glass rods
Chase Ambrose
Chase Ambrose - 8 years ago
lol me being crazy I wouldve jumped on the kayak and looked for it.
Bear - 8 years ago
how did they get the hook back ? I assumed they cut the line to let the shark go?
William Klima
William Klima - 8 years ago
Bear What you have just said lacks logic
Melvyn Desbuisson
Melvyn Desbuisson - 8 years ago
+1 very good !
Cam - 8 years ago
Them sharks are strong buddy
Timothy do
Timothy do - 8 years ago
what kind of rod and reel setup do you think is good for surf fishing for sharks
King of VTT
King of VTT - 8 years ago
BobbyCTV - 8 years ago
I think it was a white shark
Diego S.
Diego S. - 8 years ago
BobbyCTV Definitely a hammerhead. Great whites don't run that long with such heavy drag
YouTube Watcher
YouTube Watcher - 8 years ago
Thank you optic podcast
helthuismartin - 8 years ago
Is that a 7 or a 8 foot rod????
Uy Nguyenngoc
Uy Nguyenngoc - 8 years ago
tôi đang nói đến những thằng chuyên trộm cắp bắn chết mẹ nó đi
Uy Nguyenngoc
Uy Nguyenngoc - 8 years ago
cái thằng chỉ nghĩ cách để mà ăn cắp thì bắn chết mẹ nó đi. cái thằng lười lao động sớm muộn gì cũng chết
Racing is life
Racing is life - 8 years ago
then they rail it in and it's a small shark lol
Joe Hill
Joe Hill - 8 years ago
Did he get off when the guy reeled backwards?
Diego S.
Diego S. - 8 years ago
Joe Hill It's a 2 gear reel, you can fish reeling either direction. Gives the fisherman an advantage.
H. Singleton
H. Singleton - 8 years ago
Damn this has a ton of veiwa
School Shooter Josh
School Shooter Josh - 8 years ago
Protox 56
Protox 56 - 8 years ago
why you fish shaks?
Rebelution122 1
Rebelution122 1 - 8 years ago
You use cobia for bait? Wtf
Ana Bustos
Ana Bustos - 8 years ago
chico theses videos are to raw haha
Pro EXO DESTINY - 8 years ago
If they would body build they could be stronger
Zoe Roger
Zoe Roger - 8 years ago
Pals miss That was actually vbet software ! !
tactical warrior
tactical warrior - 8 years ago
that shark was about 76 pounds
ZACKNEBULOUS - 8 years ago
Thousand pound hammer shark they can grow to 1000+
Nathan Young
Nathan Young - 8 years ago
thought fishing sharks from a beach was illegal?
flatbg1 - 8 years ago
Where on earth did you get that idea??
Joshbly - 8 years ago
Josh: I don't wanna kill this fish
Shark: I dont wanna kill this Josh
Ashok Majhi
Ashok Majhi - 7 years ago
Joshbly ୯
Antonio alvarez
Antonio alvarez - 7 years ago
Joshbly lol
Mob_Tatted - 7 years ago
dat roast.
Death Ball
Death Ball - 7 years ago
Bly damn
James French
James French - 8 years ago
they cut the line and rigged a purposely bent hook
Serdar Muradov
Serdar Muradov - 8 years ago
Serdar Muradov
Serdar Muradov - 8 years ago
william poisson
william poisson - 8 years ago
il à jouer dans Cyril chauquette
ReTrO CoLleCtOr
ReTrO CoLleCtOr - 8 years ago
hey why not use a truck or csr to pull the fish straight to shore
Cynthia Marquez
Cynthia Marquez - 8 years ago
did you say lachlen
FilK79 - 8 years ago
What a disapointment. By "defeats" I was really hopping the shark eat them
North Maine Fishing
North Maine Fishing - 7 years ago
FilK79 shut up dumb ass feminist
Bertram Tiger
Bertram Tiger - 7 years ago
FilK79 the reason they didn't catch the fish is because they did not want to kill it. After that long of a fight the chances of a safe release are drastically reduced. If they really wanted to catch the fish they would have, they opted to save its life instead
Mitchell Is wild
Mitchell Is wild - 7 years ago
I am really hoping you learn how to spell
Airsoft MilSim
Airsoft MilSim - 7 years ago
FilK79 most of the time fishing is catch and release for fun
Foka Son
Foka Son - 7 years ago
FilK79 653317515
Chinna Babu
Chinna Babu - 8 years ago
+FilK79 net
FilK79 - 8 years ago
+Angel Zodiac I underdstand what you mean. But sorry, besides some rare cases of people living in isolated places where hunting is still used for food, I dont understand that in 21 century with sooooo many funny things to do, people chooe to hunt and kil animals as their hobbie. I speak mostly on hunting but include sports fishing as well. Go make sports, play million games, go make love to your loved one, go out with friends... but dont kill animals. In my view, sporting hunting and fishing would only be fun if chances of the hunter/fshermn being kiled would be 50-50%
Angel Zodiac
Angel Zodiac - 8 years ago
+FilK79 I'm conflicted on that, to be honest.
FilK79 - 8 years ago
+Angel Zodiac what I meant is that I dont feel sorry at all for people getting hurt while hunting aniimals
Angel Zodiac
Angel Zodiac - 8 years ago
You don't feel sorry for people killing animals, or you don't feel sorry for people that kill animals? Those are two different things xD
FilK79 - 8 years ago
+nightsurfer1 I sort of dont feel sorry for people killing animals
nightsurfer1 - 8 years ago
You must have serial killer mindset in you to think that would be a joy watch. Do you eat your friends and families?
Tane Hickey
Tane Hickey - 8 years ago
FilK79 you really dumb then
rajib babu
rajib babu - 8 years ago
anthony smith
anthony smith - 8 years ago
you guys are not bad for rookies, we do this at san francisco beach
charlie king
charlie king - 8 years ago
Post a vid and prove it
Fluffyguy958 - 8 years ago
They are far from rookies lol
مدخل لعالم الربح من النت
مدخل لعالم الربح من النت - 8 years ago
did you get it out of the water ?
q - 8 years ago
that's whale hahaha
KLynov M
KLynov M - 8 years ago
Peter's accent sounds Russian like. Петя, ты?
John Kraemer
John Kraemer - 8 years ago
It sucks that you lost him!
bruuki - 8 years ago
I'm going to the beach soon why am I watching these videos. Seriously 0/10 WOULD NOT OCEAN.
pako al
pako al - 8 years ago
super worm revenge
Toni Methvin
Toni Methvin - 8 years ago
It was probably a manatee
John - 8 years ago
something is fishing there
Остин Пауэрs
Остин Пауэрs - 8 years ago
тупые как хахлы
Shakira Monleon
Shakira Monleon - 8 years ago
i like thise.
Shakira Monleon
Shakira Monleon - 8 years ago
i like thise
Роза Екачёва
Роза Екачёва - 8 years ago
Вау ! Супер
Mad Max
Mad Max - 8 years ago
u suck :D
monkeybros SMD
monkeybros SMD - 8 years ago
2 guys 1 shark
Hidupaku Hidupaku
Hidupaku Hidupaku - 8 years ago
so crazy...but...cogret...nice fish
jj fox
jj fox - 8 years ago
Just giving out our fishing tip to land a lot of bull sharks and or hammers!
jj fox
jj fox - 8 years ago
When we fish Florida keys for hammerhead and or bull sharks we take the bait ! Kayak out from shore drop the barracuda paddle back in ,hook the shark , Shark peels the line ,we hop in the hobie mirage pro angler, peddle out with feet, stand up in flats kayak ,reel in trophy , release !! Spear fish the barracuda ,and chop in 1/3s !! Could've kept it if you had kayak !! Just a thought !! Not being a heckler
NJA2k8 - 8 years ago
In Soviet Russia, fish hook you
walan Eger
walan Eger - 8 years ago
meu deus não comseque pega um peixe qui puro da zero pra ele
George Morris
George Morris - 8 years ago
Enikő Nagy
Enikő Nagy - 8 years ago
Talán nem kéne minden halat kifogni... Ki fog akkor az élő-vizekről gondoskodni ingyen és bérmentve?!???
FRENCHCORE AmNeZiA - 8 years ago
il est où le grand requin fils de pute j'voulai voir
ken masters
ken masters - 8 years ago
Little did they know... they anchored a fishing boat that thought it had caught something too
Sam Corbin
Sam Corbin - 8 years ago
peter's better than u :D
Brandon LeeTreverton
Brandon LeeTreverton - 8 years ago
your gunna need a bigger boat
WesleyAPEX - 8 years ago
Obviously the fish wont die of exhaustion if its beating you both
Vivichi - 8 years ago
The Russian couldn't even pull out Atlantis
Shelley Heard
Shelley Heard - 8 years ago
"Russian Submarine."'
Isaac Marpaung
Isaac Marpaung - 8 years ago
come on go go go
you can see
:D - 8 years ago
Am I the only one who has wanted to fish with a truck or a winch on a truck? Take a big ass hook, hook a dolphin or something on it and toss it in the water. When caught, just use the winch >:D
barcarse rema
barcarse rema - 8 years ago
Stefanie Cruz Singletary
Stefanie Cruz Singletary - 8 years ago
farming simulator how you feel that you have a my life and the other side of my head y68
I was wondering if you are not the same thing as well as the name of your dog
is not only the best way to get the best job of
the wallmart in the New York City and I will be able to make sure you get a lot more money
ok you are not an option for a longest time to time and money to buy a new house and we are all great
Andres Escobar
Andres Escobar - 8 years ago
I literally just said "I would of gotten that fish out with a truck instead" haha
tino van der zwan phono cave!
tino van der zwan phono cave! - 8 years ago
i start to not like this channel its like only guys with muscles can catch the big ones
no guys!! its time and experience! ...i'm a fat out of tune kinda guy (all my life!!!) and i caught bullsharks in australia and even a great white in south africa in the early 90s as a teen! (illegally we let it go on its merry way it wasn't the intended pray but.. welcome!) so with a good guide and rig (chair like in jaws and good reel) you can catch anything without being butch!!!
Orange Username
Orange Username - 8 years ago
It probably hooked onto a thors hammer
North Maine Fishing
North Maine Fishing - 7 years ago
Oh wow you are so funny...
Sam Kudrna
Sam Kudrna - 8 years ago
Its a 2 gear reel. That's how you are supposed to use it.
Hugh Mungus
Hugh Mungus - 8 years ago
Why u gotta think like
Michael Gould
Michael Gould - 8 years ago
what kind of tackle are you using here?
Ethan Benson
Ethan Benson - 7 years ago
thats cool
BlacktipH - 8 years ago
+Michael Gould 130 size reel with a custom rod
LOL - 8 years ago
not shark,its spongebob maybe?
Kristianas Gad
Kristianas Gad - 8 years ago
Liberaci Pizarro
Liberaci Pizarro - 8 years ago
Jaden Ferguson
Jaden Ferguson - 8 years ago
you guys can never land anything
Samuel Zamora
Samuel Zamora - 8 years ago
skip leg day
Meteorite - 8 years ago
Meteorite - 8 years ago
+Kevin Perez sunfish :D
kevthecompass - 8 years ago
No blue gill
GTR8701 - 8 years ago
The Larch
The Larch - 8 years ago
Dammit, the Russian almost pulled up Atlantis.
Joshua King
Joshua King - 8 years ago
what kind of fishing reel is that
BlacktipH - 8 years ago
+Joshua King Its a Duel 12/0w.
jimmjimm6699 - 8 years ago
thousand pound hammer?
Waseem Parker
Waseem Parker - 8 years ago
thors hammer
Daniel Rose
Daniel Rose - 8 years ago
I dont think it was a white the way it ram and they jump acouple tes at least and it would be swimmkng side to side and in really fast like they do when we catch them here in cali
Fishing Addiction 555
Fishing Addiction 555 - 8 years ago
I bet ya it was a great white shark.
Andrew Yang Fishing
Andrew Yang Fishing - 8 years ago
How long was the fight approximately?
blanca gonzales
blanca gonzales - 7 years ago
Andrew Yang Fishing pop
LordDarkHelmet - 8 years ago
Not really issac you could be fighting sharks for hours if it's a big one.
Issac Bbboooyyy
Issac Bbboooyyy - 8 years ago
BlacktipH dats long
BlacktipH - 8 years ago
+Andrew Yang Fishng 50 minutes
chris valdez
chris valdez - 8 years ago
You guys probably hooked onto a Goliath grouper
Proud Rebel
Proud Rebel - 8 years ago
Its probably way bigger then a grouper
jake the ugly bihh
jake the ugly bihh - 8 years ago
Even those aren't hard to pull in
Snapper - 8 years ago
If you couldn't land it with a Russian... it just wasn't meant to be
Zohaib Ali
Zohaib Ali - 7 years ago
Yyh Budby
Zohaib Ali
Zohaib Ali - 7 years ago
Yyyyyyyyyy nfbdbebs nfbdbebs the
Magix - 7 years ago
That just means u need more than 2 people. 3 heads are better than 2. Am I right?
Vitao Manoel
Vitao Manoel - 7 years ago
Дмитрий ХИТРОВ
Дмитрий ХИТРОВ - 8 years ago
чё про Россию пиздим,,,??
Saxson Vaa
Saxson Vaa - 8 years ago
you only caught a small snalper
DTvidsx20 - 8 years ago
Fat John And Friends
Fat John And Friends - 8 years ago
at what point do you swim out with a bowie knife and let nature decide who lives and who dies :) lol thats what I call working for dinner.
eldis perez dias
eldis perez dias - 8 years ago
But they arent fishing for dinner
Joseph Quintiliani
Joseph Quintiliani - 8 years ago
That just looks physically exhausting.
Kaden Slankard
Kaden Slankard - 7 years ago
oyun deposu
oyun deposu - 8 years ago
Joseph Quintiliani
Maria Tereza
Maria Tereza - 8 years ago
. eu não tenho nenhum comentário a falar nada a falar p
michelle silva
michelle silva - 8 years ago
i want to swin in this beach..
Kim Kardashian west
Kim Kardashian west - 8 years ago
Why are they hooking the shark up anyway
Kitty_CUTIE_ KLU - 8 years ago
wow just relaxing at the beach aahh ;)
alfin hermawan
alfin hermawan - 8 years ago
jorannya keker bro
the loaf
the loaf - 8 years ago
I would be pissed then probably cry
adisbern tv
adisbern tv - 8 years ago
does peter have a youtube channel?
Weston Avera
Weston Avera - 8 years ago
Boy hooked a wale
refriamaral - 8 years ago
queque isso e um tubaram
Fishing Addiction 555
Fishing Addiction 555 - 8 years ago
could've been a new world record.
Marcello Soares
Marcello Soares - 8 years ago
I would like to see them pulling the water shark, I was in doubt whether it was a shark.
Elisabeth  Melendez Benitez
Elisabeth Melendez Benitez - 8 years ago
Nicolas Rulli
Nicolas Rulli - 8 years ago
What type of reel is that? Why can he reel both directions
BlacktipH - 8 years ago
+Nicolas Rulli Duel 12/0w
Nicolas Cooper
Nicolas Cooper - 8 years ago
Where was this...Was this in Florida?
Nicolas Cooper
Nicolas Cooper - 8 years ago
+BlacktipH Thank you so much for your quick you think you can run down steps for beginners that want to start shark fishing? Thank you so much.
BlacktipH - 8 years ago
+Nicolas Cooper Yes, this was in Florida
Ninja Potato
Ninja Potato - 8 years ago
What a waste of a day..all that for nothing
sdpy - 8 years ago
He foul hooked a submarine...The navy will be pissed.
Salman Khan
Salman Khan - 7 years ago
Tackle BC me...Hasan
Wallyssonmax Max
Wallyssonmax Max - 7 years ago
somsaks Wyaboon é
somsaks Wyaboon
somsaks Wyaboon - 7 years ago
Pedro Melero Monge ตายา
Pedro Melero Monge
Pedro Melero Monge - 7 years ago
Tackle BC trastor
Noah Haynes
Noah Haynes - 8 years ago
what lb. test
Gatinha Galáctica
Gatinha Galáctica - 8 years ago
+BlacktipH wtf
BlacktipH - 8 years ago
+Noah Haynes 200lb
Iwa Priyatna Priyatna
Iwa Priyatna Priyatna - 8 years ago
Thanks for help us
xPhantomLordx - 8 years ago
knowing jason he would pull the line in like he saw a whale
daniela Zafra
daniela Zafra - 8 years ago
hgsfaequicbgdadabafritongo ftilai
daniela Zafra
daniela Zafra - 8 years ago
vc nao comseguiu pegar porque era um tubarao
Antonio Isdio
Antonio Isdio - 8 years ago
nada mal
Fishing Magazine
Fishing Magazine - 8 years ago
Roberto Jaramillo Barco
Roberto Jaramillo Barco - 8 years ago
fraude . mal grabado . wbada
jayr diente agting
jayr diente agting - 8 years ago
fishing hiring
skrg kamsoy
skrg kamsoy - 8 years ago
Aj Graham
Aj Graham - 8 years ago
Tucker_ - 7 years ago
Dumpster Monkey that fish was a lot more than 700 pounds bud
Dumpster Monkey
Dumpster Monkey - 8 years ago
+Balazs Hep they get over 700 pounds sure it coukd have been
Reel Deel Fishing
Reel Deel Fishing - 8 years ago
a stingray cant pull like that ur crazy
Drkovac 11
Drkovac 11 - 8 years ago
My dad caught a hammer head years ago
Drkovac 11
Drkovac 11 - 8 years ago
On a boat on his own
Soma noma
Soma noma - 8 years ago
Thanks now there is an angry shark roaming around with vengeance on his mind
He is thinking probably three people in my belly would make us even
kola198585 - 8 years ago
What fishing rod did u use ?
Antonio Esquivel
Antonio Esquivel - 8 years ago
people who dislike vid dont know how serious theses guys are talking bout fish being big
Hong Hanh Le
Hong Hanh Le - 8 years ago
hay quá
inquisitor101 - 8 years ago
just curious here, but if that string tore due to all the stress then it would've caused some serious damage... especially to that guy sticking his face right in front of it :o
Zach Stabb
Zach Stabb - 8 years ago
where were you?
ban ZA BAN
ban ZA BAN - 8 years ago
так и на качаться можно...
Ana Luiza Goncalves De Moura
Ana Luiza Goncalves De Moura - 8 years ago
May good
Hunter Walls
Hunter Walls - 8 years ago
whatever u hung. that was one hell of a fish.
C Williams
C Williams - 8 years ago
what sort of a Rod is that
BlacktipH - 8 years ago
+Corey Williams It was custom built.
Zach Stabb
Zach Stabb - 8 years ago
either big tiger or hammerhead, i think. great white would have bitten through the liter, right?
BlacktipH - 8 years ago
+TurtleTuby A great white would not have bitten through the leader. I had two strands of #19 wire
Susie SawKlipp
Susie SawKlipp - 8 years ago
I think they fished a boat haha
Brianna Meza
Brianna Meza - 8 years ago
WTF :)
Dora Ferreyra
Dora Ferreyra - 8 years ago
fui Shark atac
Ayaan Gamer
Ayaan Gamer - 8 years ago
great white
Mert Burak uğur
Mert Burak uğur - 8 years ago
siktir deli
Norbert Lister
Norbert Lister - 8 years ago
I cant beleive you got out the Hook! Fake! I think, you cut only the Line! This is verry bad!!!! So, it ist a long, long death for the fish, because of hanging somewhere!
brody ruchti outdoors
brody ruchti outdoors - 8 years ago
The hook came out they didn't cut the line
Norbert Lister
Norbert Lister - 8 years ago
Then please help me! You and nobody else saw this big fish. How did you got the hook out from his throat? Thanks!
Jeffery Davis
Jeffery Davis - 8 years ago
Please tell me you're joking
steel bear slayer
steel bear slayer - 8 years ago
It's a great white or a baby whale shark
Akiesha Andrea Pagtakhan
Akiesha Andrea Pagtakhan - 8 years ago
this videos is real
Claudia caverzan
Claudia caverzan - 8 years ago
que bosta escapou
Samuel Paginton
Samuel Paginton - 8 years ago
it's a rock
Negro jose
Negro jose - 8 years ago
yo ablo español
no ingles
DR-GRAPE - 8 years ago
AYY PETER this is a nice fish. family guy lul
Ayaz Khan
Ayaz Khan - 8 years ago
Lorena Bulggiani
Lorena Bulggiani - 8 years ago
sí sí
Che Lucero
Che Lucero - 8 years ago
Albert Muñoz
Albert Muñoz - 8 years ago
BloodTar - 8 years ago
I had a similar experience like this fishing off the pier in Oceanside, CA back in 1987.  Everyone on the pier rushed over to watch me be dragged all the way to the end of the pier by some monstrous fish (shark?) that I couldn't even budge. 
An experience of a lifetime.
Shubs _
Shubs _ - 7 years ago
BloodTar bat Ray probably.
RoadKillFrog - 8 years ago
+Cole Riemer lol
Cole Riemer
Cole Riemer - 8 years ago
+Casper Ghost Five foot three and 230? And pure muscle? Wow your steroids and synthol usage is more than Ronnie Coleman. I want to see a picture of that!
Nedac Yhtroweson
Nedac Yhtroweson - 8 years ago
+Casper Ghost 5'3, 230 pounds at 46 ? Jesus Christ man that seems a little unrealistic, but damn.
BloodTar - 8 years ago
+Casper Ghost..
Excuses?  Do you think that I believe that a simple fishing story like mine would be remembered some 30 years anyone?  I'm sure there are hundreds of stories exactly like mine pertaining to the Oceanside pier, in fact, I sent you videos of large sharks being caught off of it.
BloodTar - 8 years ago
+Casper Ghost..
And I'm 5'11 220 solid muscle and lived there in Oceanscunge from 1987-'92.  Are you hoping to find some local witness that can verify my story of what happened in 1987?  I'm pretty sure it wasn't that big of a deal for people to still be talking about it in 2016, that's for sure. 
BloodTar - 8 years ago
+Casper Ghost..
Really?  You might want to ask someone who actually fishes in the area. 
Bahshshhshsbs hshsjsnsbsic
Bahshshhshsbs hshsjsnsbsic - 8 years ago
+Lazer Firegaming 32 mins ago
Dumpster Monkey
Dumpster Monkey - 8 years ago
stingray stuck on the bottom lol
Baby Games Gaming
Baby Games Gaming - 8 years ago
Wow,thats an awesome story man :)
김자반 - 8 years ago
낚시대 위치가...크고 아름답다...
Hyundai Eon
Hyundai Eon - 8 years ago
America lang yan wag kayo maliwalajan
The TeamGaming Channel
The TeamGaming Channel - 8 years ago
guys does a great black shark exist o4 nkt????
sarah para meninas Sarah
sarah para meninas Sarah - 8 years ago
Mike Liberty
Mike Liberty - 8 years ago
Now that a fishhhhhhh!!!!!.
lifeisshort - 8 years ago
i think it was a boat
huge boat
Charina Dayap
Charina Dayap - 8 years ago
small that ewwwee
Get That Car Loan
Get That Car Loan - 8 years ago
Tired just watching !!
Адольф Гитлер
Адольф Гитлер - 8 years ago
Шо-то Вы не о чем, Мы бы с бутылкой водки и Петровичем за раз-два справились.
arthur maluk augusto
arthur maluk augusto - 8 years ago
Dhora mais
Valdemar Jesus
Valdemar Jesus - 8 years ago
??????????????????? fudido!!

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