Giant Shark Encounter, Barnstable Harbor, Cape Cod, 2017

Here it is!!!! Surreal shark experience, out of the blue, right off shore. Fishing for mackerel to use as striper bait and this monster swam up in about 50 ft of water. Muted a bit to avoid sharing the language that came out of our mouths, he had us scrambling. I can't explain how humbling this was. What an insane moment!!! We had no idea what he was until he got closer, he was as long as our 22' boat. First experience like this and hope there are more in the future! The coast guard was sent the video and they reached back out to us to let us know he was confirmed as a great white... what do you think?

Giant Shark Encounter, Barnstable Harbor, Cape Cod, 2017 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 965

Shark videos 7 years ago 2,988,463 views

Here it is!!!! Surreal shark experience, out of the blue, right off shore. Fishing for mackerel to use as striper bait and this monster swam up in about 50 ft of water. Muted a bit to avoid sharing the language that came out of our mouths, he had us scrambling. I can't explain how humbling this was. What an insane moment!!! We had no idea what he was until he got closer, he was as long as our 22' boat. First experience like this and hope there are more in the future! The coast guard was sent the video and they reached back out to us to let us know he was confirmed as a great white... what do you think?

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Most popular comments
for Giant Shark Encounter, Barnstable Harbor, Cape Cod, 2017

ClayDog Madman
ClayDog Madman - 6 years ago
That was an awesome site to see...
OtterBabs - 6 years ago
I'm a definitely a marine biologist/ichthyologist & shark theorist, and this is certainly either a GW/Basking genetic hybrid, extremely rare because they are sterile (like mules), or a megalodon neonate. Could also be a very large skipjack tuna, whose abnormal size is likely due to consuming marine plastics containing BPA & genetic material from GMO foods which leach into their plastic packaging.
Mustard Tiger
Mustard Tiger - 6 years ago
Might have stuck around a bit longer if you didn't cast a line at it...
schumifan78 - 6 years ago
Audio was recorded when I was showering after gym class.
Zevac - 6 years ago
names B R U C E
Kimber Leann
Kimber Leann - 6 years ago
The dorsal fin is too large to be a great white. Also, he acts way too stoned. To me, it looks like a basking shark. Incredible footage the sun hitting the water made his tail look ghost-like while he disappeared into the eerie depths. Absolutely breathtaking.
Maniac742 - 6 years ago
Wow. That thing was huge
Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson - 6 years ago
dmrc43 - 6 years ago
What is that thing Jay?

10. comment for Giant Shark Encounter, Barnstable Harbor, Cape Cod, 2017

TheTeamster Local282NY
TheTeamster Local282NY - 6 years ago
And that folks is why I have a swimming pool.
Mitch Presley
Mitch Presley - 6 years ago
"Hooper hurry it up now tie it on."
Joshua Alvarado
Joshua Alvarado - 6 years ago
Good Lord. They act like they've never been outside
Hard Hitter
Hard Hitter - 6 years ago
LSVGaming 11
LSVGaming 11 - 6 years ago
The Meg
tianrong zhen
tianrong zhen - 6 years ago
Its definitely not a great white shark because they cannot stop in the water like that.
Yaros Yari
Yaros Yari - 6 years ago
oh may god jump in the water!
Jason Stubbz
Jason Stubbz - 6 years ago
Kinda looked fake
Toolband42O - 6 years ago
Holy shit. That was on the Cape? Wow.
Andy Kessler
Andy Kessler - 6 years ago
Insert jaws line here we’re gonna need a bigger boat

20. comment for Giant Shark Encounter, Barnstable Harbor, Cape Cod, 2017

DazPaz - 6 years ago
It looks surface disturbance of the water, no dorsal fish breaking the surface....and when it turns to swim off again....surface disturbance from the swishing tail!!! It's like it turned in empty space....
tom ryan
tom ryan - 6 years ago
Look at him!!!!! I'm pretty sure they are lookin bitch
Kyle Lawhon
Kyle Lawhon - 6 years ago
Good thing I wore my brown trunks
Alvin J Hunt
Alvin J Hunt - 6 years ago
Great white.
David Gonzalez-Herrera
David Gonzalez-Herrera - 6 years ago
I'm not a marine biologist but I think anybody with common sense can easily distinguish thats a shark (I instantly also recognized it was a great white). People here talking as if you need to be qualified to identify the animal. No, any regular person with basic knowledge about sharks can figure it out.
Ray NOLTE - 6 years ago
I didn't know Cape Cod had that large of sea turtles
durk snof
durk snof - 6 years ago
It's not a great white, becuz this thing was laying still and a great whote need to swim forward to breathe
jose macias
jose macias - 6 years ago
That’s a female great white
Kamikaze Yamamoto
Kamikaze Yamamoto - 6 years ago
"Hi! My name is Sharky.
Come join me the water is fine."
Flashy Thing
Flashy Thing - 6 years ago
Jesus that fucking thing was massive.

30. comment for Giant Shark Encounter, Barnstable Harbor, Cape Cod, 2017

Ken Madafaka
Ken Madafaka - 6 years ago
i am a state employed construction worker, and i can tell you right now, that is definetly a tax payer
Jerberus - 6 years ago
She got suckered into buying a new phone, 'With a better quality camera!' that lasts for 30 seconds.
Volvo Fh16
Volvo Fh16 - 6 years ago
If this animal only knew how scary he is....
Ethan Fox
Ethan Fox - 6 years ago
Judging by (what looks like) the mouth coloration, pectoral fin size, dorsal fin size, along with slow swaying ....Pry a Basking shark. They move quickly but smoothly like that to catch plankton, like a big net in the water. Haven't seen a great white make subtle movements like that...But hey there's always a first time for everything! Would be super cool to have a recording of a massive Great white though, led alone a basking shark.
who ?
who ? - 6 years ago
It's not a basking or a great white shark....

Obviously It's a transgender sweet potato
riner9 - 6 years ago
who wants to go for a swim
SicSemperEvelloMortemTyrannis TyrannyEnder
SicSemperEvelloMortemTyrannis TyrannyEnder - 6 years ago
And that's the last time anyone ever saw them... or the boat.
Mini Batman2.0
Mini Batman2.0 - 6 years ago
And that kids, is how you were born.

SimplyWorldWideVaping - 6 years ago
holy fuck man thats nuts huge
OUR-Republic Never-Give-In
OUR-Republic Never-Give-In - 6 years ago
Sure would be nice to have an exciting experience without some woman with "mouth diarrhea" squawking like a parrot with its foot caught in a cage door.....
Michael Salisbury
Michael Salisbury - 6 years ago
damn I am still not sure XD
Michael Salisbury
Michael Salisbury - 6 years ago
bit more research I think its a great white again check the back of the shark basking has extra small fin near tail great white does too but much smaller so from what I see I say its a great white
John Cornell
John Cornell - 6 years ago
Yes most definitely a very large and bulky female great white for sure. It really does look to be huge but I wouldn't hazard an exact size estimate due to lack of scale and the fact its not at the surface.
Michael Salisbury
Michael Salisbury - 6 years ago
also its a female due too its size and yes the snout the white underside and the way its snout is too close to its fins too be a basking shark so I am now certain thats it is a great white
Michael Salisbury
Michael Salisbury - 6 years ago
one thing for sure its a giant a wonderful creature I think its a great white from the front but the size and weight of it wow must be over 16 foot for sure maybe nearer 20
John Cornell
John Cornell - 6 years ago
The head shape, the white underside of the snout showing through, the shape of the dorsal and the overall way it moves (it just seems to 'hang') says great white to me too.
Michael Salisbury
Michael Salisbury - 6 years ago
er the pectoral fins seem too suggest a basking shark
Michael Salisbury
Michael Salisbury - 6 years ago
luke skywalker was there too " look at the size of that thing !" I think its a great white too be nice too know for sure
Michael Salisbury
Michael Salisbury - 6 years ago
give him a fish :)
hugo levis
hugo levis - 6 years ago
son of a MEG? :D
KeiraR - 6 years ago
Are you gonna jump in? No? Ok, bye!
Dane Ta’A Tu’A’TonkA
Dane Ta’A Tu’A’TonkA - 6 years ago
Calling all cars calling all cars be on the look out for a 20’ 6 Ton Shark with with with small silver hook stuck in mouth..
Jarod Farrant
Jarod Farrant - 6 years ago
He must hVe thought they had food.
Scott Young
Scott Young - 6 years ago
Dam!!!!! He is huge. Yeah its time to go!!!!!

50. comment for Giant Shark Encounter, Barnstable Harbor, Cape Cod, 2017

BJB - 6 years ago
Jump in bitch
Deschutes Maple
Deschutes Maple - 6 years ago
Amazing creatures, they need protection from poachers and other horrible people. Humans are rapidly killing off sharks for sharkfin soup :-( Global shark population in rapid decline :-(
MRDRAXX - 6 years ago
Did anyone notice that the shark stopped moving at one point? Are sharks suppose to do that? I thought they had to keep moving just so they can breathe through their gills.
John Cornell
John Cornell - 6 years ago
Great whites can 'hang' in the water not moving much.
Teddy Tales
Teddy Tales - 6 years ago
Barskin shark?
Carlos Reyna
Carlos Reyna - 6 years ago
Contemplating whether to find the shark cool or just terrifying from it's size
Kirk Dunn
Kirk Dunn - 6 years ago
Sharks don't stay still, and when it leaves it fades off with no visible sign of body..........
Kirk Dunn
Kirk Dunn - 6 years ago
Friggen nice try, fake as fuck.....
Carl Swanson
Carl Swanson - 6 years ago
Basking Shark or Greenland Shark
Warm Tea
Warm Tea - 6 years ago
That's a Megaladon Lady !!!
Black Lima Six
Black Lima Six - 6 years ago
Put another barrel in him , he can't stay down with 3 barrels in him chief!!
John Cornell
John Cornell - 6 years ago
You ever had one do this before?
Tim - 6 years ago
That's a fucking great white. She's fucking huge
xdeiri - 6 years ago
Its waiting for feeding, because it associated boats with food, thanks to researchers...
Angry Angry
Angry Angry - 6 years ago
Holy shit
Tounssi hor
Tounssi hor - 6 years ago
not a real video...
Speedy 1
Speedy 1 - 6 years ago
Oh my god! Shit american
Aaron Briggs
Aaron Briggs - 6 years ago
marco tunesi
marco tunesi - 6 years ago
Is a Great White...sure
Nate Sawin
Nate Sawin - 6 years ago
And then he tipped the boat... lost footage
Steven Frew
Steven Frew - 6 years ago
Calm the fuck down!Enjoy what you're seeing Americans.Tone down on the OMG's
Bluestomiv - 6 years ago
It's a Great White Shark. It's has a grey top side and you can see the white on the underside of it's head.

Not a basking shark because
A. Nose isn't pointy enough
B. It's not Brown it's grey on top
C. There is no giant mouth.
please enter a name
please enter a name - 6 years ago
Give it a hug ya fucken prick's
FSEVENMAN - 6 years ago
wow that was totally amazing I can't believe somebody didn't Jam their foot into that babbling bitches mouth to shut her the fuck up
awesomeness 185
awesomeness 185 - 6 years ago
Look at him! Look at him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mike bonea
mike bonea - 6 years ago
Multiple 15-30 second ads to watch a 30sec video ? Ridiculous
Emil Olsson
Emil Olsson - 6 years ago
I don't have a single ad. Ever. Get ad block ;)
Buiten Zorg
Buiten Zorg - 6 years ago
The shark is female goddammit...
G Quinn
G Quinn - 6 years ago
She’s beautiful and most likely pregnant
Miss Ting
Miss Ting - 6 years ago
Sorry, that is a Beautiful Great White!!
Larry Bushey
Larry Bushey - 6 years ago
Prime example of why I don't swim in the ocean
Vacancy Interest
Vacancy Interest - 6 years ago
That is probably a fish.
Fuktup Funny
Fuktup Funny - 6 years ago
thats creepy but amazing
Ricky Westley
Ricky Westley - 6 years ago
I don’t know why people are so fond of sharks ,there the most creepy,heartless,dead eyed,cold,callous predators in the animal kingdom .
Agil Asadi
Agil Asadi - 6 years ago
I want to think that it's a great white, but i think it was not. plus this thing is pretty far from the surface, it's tip does not come out of the water, i can't imagine it's actual size
davidson2004fatboy - 6 years ago
Puertecitos68 - 6 years ago
it aint nowhere near megalodon size though
Chris Whitbread
Chris Whitbread - 6 years ago
You're gonna need a bigger boat!
Flip Flop
Flip Flop - 6 years ago
She is huge
Adam Parker
Adam Parker - 6 years ago
Did she just climax?
Rainbow Dash328
Rainbow Dash328 - 6 years ago
So blasphemous
Strom - 6 years ago
If you close your eyes it's sounds like they're admiring something else...
dennis menace
dennis menace - 6 years ago
She was checking you out.
Samantha Peabody
Samantha Peabody - 6 years ago
looks more like a Greenland shark
fumasterchu12 - 6 years ago
....and that's why I don't like swimming in open water. Flashbacks of "Jaws" when I was a kid, I think I just peed a little. That is one massive shark!!
ace fernandez
ace fernandez - 6 years ago
J zizou
J zizou - 6 years ago
Wayne Palmer
Wayne Palmer - 6 years ago
20 plus feet holly shit
Cici - 6 years ago
Nature's amazing. that being said, this is why I stay the fuck out the water.
Chief Spoon
Chief Spoon - 6 years ago
the ppl r so ignorant. check ur fucking pronouns.
Masochistic Suicidie
Masochistic Suicidie - 6 years ago
All the comments saying it's a basking shark are wrong. Read the description. Not hard to tell what it is anyway
Whoop Whoop
Whoop Whoop - 6 years ago
That was a mackerel
Joe Sawyer
Joe Sawyer - 6 years ago
It's a megaladon. I gave birth to a baskin shark and it didn't look like that.

100. comment for Giant Shark Encounter, Barnstable Harbor, Cape Cod, 2017

Captain Bang Bros
Captain Bang Bros - 6 years ago
"'s bigger than my...husband's..."
Olena K
Olena K - 6 years ago
In my opinion it looks like a great white, not basking. It has white lower jaw
Lowest of the low
Lowest of the low - 6 years ago
Shark "Can I order 1 large fries, 2 big macs and a human please"
Ibn Khairuddeen (ابن خير الدين الألباني)
Ibn Khairuddeen (ابن خير الدين الألباني) - 6 years ago
That is just bonechilling.
Dave Hinckley
Dave Hinckley - 6 years ago
I've seen the ocean on a map, and I like sea salt, so you know I know what I'm talking about. My expert opinion is that that is a boat.
DirtRipper - 6 years ago
Upon reflection of watching this video over and over, I can deduce, after careful deliberation that this is, none other than a, Great Basking White Shark. Totally harmless, unless you get in the water. Then it will kill you and eat you while basking in the sun.
Levi Grech
Levi Grech - 6 years ago
That's not a Shark that's a Monster and a Shark Combined
사이코 - EuPH
사이코 - EuPH - 6 years ago
Do Basking Shark eat Humans?
TimV - 6 years ago
WOW... That's a huge Great Caucasian.
Christian Osti
Christian Osti - 6 years ago
Its no baskin shark nor a white its a megalodon baby guys
Cubex - 6 years ago
How about a Moose?
How about a Moose? - 6 years ago
While I'm not sure what type of shark species this is (Huge feeling that it's a Basking Shark alright), it is definitely not a great white. There is no white streaks across it's body, could be wrong though.
UQ 12
UQ 12 - 6 years ago
Isn't he cute ... mitz mitz come to daddy
Bentilien - 6 years ago
She sounds like she saw my dick
Brian Matthew
Brian Matthew - 6 years ago
I think there gonna need a bigger boat
unit entierly
unit entierly - 6 years ago
That's a swole shark.
Tristan Billings
Tristan Billings - 6 years ago
Intro to Sharknado
Connor Campbell
Connor Campbell - 6 years ago
That is not a fucking basking shark expert or not lol
ditley - 6 years ago
holy... that things gotta be pushin 17+ feet
Cheyenne Wood
Cheyenne Wood - 6 years ago
Man, I thought something interesting was gonna happen. Like the shark was gonna bang against the boat or something
GShock112 - 6 years ago
Video ruined by apes screaming.
Bárbara Pires
Bárbara Pires - 6 years ago
it scared me more when the shark vanished.... my dude made me feel like he wanted to make a SURPRISE ATTACK
Adolf the cat
Adolf the cat - 6 years ago
Basking shark.
S K87
S K87 - 6 years ago
Sounds like a porno
Bedlam Boys
Bedlam Boys - 6 years ago
Just scream OMG every .5 seconds.
Johnny Muldoon
Johnny Muldoon - 6 years ago
This is a basking Shark
Kenny H
Kenny H - 6 years ago
A group of people in the Gulf of Mexico encountered a large tiger shark and peaved him off and he attacked their boat repeatedly trying to overturn their boat and eat them and almost succeeded.
Lisa Gosnell
Lisa Gosnell - 6 years ago
Alejandro Garcia
Alejandro Garcia - 6 years ago
Cheezy Flakes
Cheezy Flakes - 6 years ago
I like how the Shark stopped for a bit to look at them
Marilyn Alvarez
Marilyn Alvarez - 6 years ago
And they were never heard from again :)
Julie Hobbs
Julie Hobbs - 6 years ago
Its a Basking Shark not a GW you idiots
Julie Hobbs
Julie Hobbs - 6 years ago
Stop before you embarrass yourself John. Its a Basking Shark
John Cornell
John Cornell - 6 years ago
No it's a great white. It has the exact head shape of a great white, the snow white underside of the snout like a great white and a pointed dorsal fin like a great white. On top of that it moves like a great white.
It's a great white. They are frequently seen in this location. Not a basking shark.
Julie Hobbs
Julie Hobbs - 6 years ago
Umm no John its a Basking Shark
John Cornell
John Cornell - 6 years ago
It's a great white. You can see the white under the snout and the dorsal fin is the shape of a great white's. Great whites frequent this area.
David Ross
David Ross - 6 years ago
You're gunna need a bigger boat!
dundo le
dundo le - 6 years ago
Hellgee - 6 years ago
looks like a CGi fake to me
PapaZlRO - 6 years ago
This is a basking shark (a shark that is also common around Cape Cod), not a great white. its mouth is gaping a bit, which is why the underside of its nose appears to be white. The fins are far too broad to be a great white, and the gills are quite different from a great white shark's gills, too. The pelvic fins also differ from those of a great white. Awesome video, though! Basking sharks are the second largest fish, and they are awesome.
John Cornell
John Cornell - 6 years ago
No it's a great white. You can clearly see the white under the snout and the shape of the snout says great white, as does the shape of the dorsal. It moves like a great white as well.
PapaZlRO - 6 years ago
You are absolutely incorrect. I'm from New England, and we see these all the time. I don't know whether you've ever spent any time on the ocean, but I can assure you that this is most definitely a basking shark.
John Cornell
John Cornell - 6 years ago
It's a great white. You can see the white under the snout and the dorsal fin is the shape of a great white's. Great whites frequent this area. It doesn't have the head of basking shark and it moves differently to a basking shark too. Most definitely a great white.
Sam Partogi
Sam Partogi - 6 years ago
Probably great white shark
Badly packed Kebab
Badly packed Kebab - 6 years ago
Its just a kid with a cardboard shark fin...nothing to see here
manifestgtr - 6 years ago
Shark: sup, humans?

People: ZOMG, JESUS CHRIIIESJJRJTJRJE, jdlsksjdjfjdjjfsk!!!
The Holy Mackerel
The Holy Mackerel - 6 years ago
Jump in, pussies.
Truth Army
Truth Army - 6 years ago
It's a fucking shark in its natural habitat. Stupid fucking idiots man I swear
Max Hunter
Max Hunter - 6 years ago
The shark says look I've been watching Wicked Tuna on cable I just come up here to Cape Cod and get me some them Big Tuna you been reeling in
Music2MyGearz - 6 years ago
U gotta be kiddin me, clearly its a hamster.
Hi Im Dick
Hi Im Dick - 6 years ago
holy shit that was creepy. As a giant ghost, just sitting there still and staring upwards at you :O
Tam-Mala - 6 years ago
Someone throw that annoying woman overboard. Please.
aaronoregon705 - 6 years ago
There is something in the water.
green house
green house - 6 years ago
why are females noisy and over dramatic?
DJ DA VINCI - 6 years ago
Girls reaction when they see my BBC for the first time.
Mark F
Mark F - 6 years ago
Ohhh my goddd.
Holy shitttt
Ooohh nooò
Alyssa’s tongue pop
Alyssa’s tongue pop - 6 years ago
I’ve shown this to my neighbour who is a professional cleaner with multiple degrees in vacuuming and dusting and he confirmed to me that it’s actually a vacuum cleaner. False alarm guys.
Julie Hobbs
Julie Hobbs - 6 years ago
David Powers
David Powers - 6 years ago
BadRonald1 - 6 years ago
That looks like a 16' ft
Jayson Pida
Jayson Pida - 6 years ago
"That's a 20 footer....25, three tons of 'em" Same area
f - 6 years ago
Joe Davino
Joe Davino - 6 years ago
It's a basking shark 100% mouth is open n dorsal fin to tail shows what it is when it turns front pectoral fins are always far forward on the basking simple
John Cornell
John Cornell - 6 years ago
It's a great white. You can see the white under the snout and the dorsal fin is the shape of a great white's. Great whites frequent this area. It doesn't have the head of a basking shark and it moves differently to a basking shark too. Most definitely a great white.
Alan Heagerty
Alan Heagerty - 6 years ago
looks like GWS or basking shark!
witri9 - 6 years ago
Cape cod!
L S - 6 years ago
This is the biggest I've seen!
mojoden - 6 years ago
Can yanks say anything other than " Oh my God" over and over again? "Like" "dude" "holy crap".
Jan Anthony Domantay
Jan Anthony Domantay - 6 years ago
Chandler Russell
Chandler Russell - 6 years ago
Beautiful fish. It's crazy to think about how many species of fish that lived before it completely dwarf this seemingly massive animal.
Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne - 6 years ago
I am a Marine Biologist and that people is a Great White, not a Basking shark. The gill slits of a Basking shark come up further towards the back, this shark does not display that. Plus, the underside (white ) is visible under its mouth.
McGherkinburger - 6 years ago
i think a marine biologist would give a more elaborate answer than this.
The Kraken
The Kraken - 6 years ago
You're not a marine biologist, you're a billionaire philanthropist.

Batman tho, he can be whatever the fuck he wishes to be.
Frederick Hecker
Frederick Hecker - 6 years ago
I dont even know if people know how a basking shark looks like but the white belly already suggests a GW; and a basking shark is way bigger
John Cornell
John Cornell - 6 years ago
20 footer....25......3 tons of 'im.
Mark Wahlburger
Mark Wahlburger - 6 years ago
Estimate the length for us
John Cornell
John Cornell - 6 years ago
Dane Ta’A Tu’A’TonkA
That might be the perspective seen through the water. The head shape, the white underside of the snout showing through, the shape of the dorsal and the overall way it moves says great white to me.
Dane Ta’A Tu’A’TonkA
Dane Ta’A Tu’A’TonkA - 6 years ago
Bruce Wayne take a look at the tail a little broad for a white pointer..
John Cornell
John Cornell - 6 years ago
Correct. It's a great white. You can see the white under the snout and the dorsal fin is the shape of a great white's. Great whites frequent this area. It doesn't have the head of basking shark and it moves differently to a basking shark too. Most definitely a great white.
Julie Hobbs
Julie Hobbs - 6 years ago
No dickheads its a Basking Shark
Douglas Gilman
Douglas Gilman - 6 years ago
I 100%, 18 feet and almost 3,000 lbs?
Paul Pavelichenko From the Judea Kingdom
Paul Pavelichenko From the Judea Kingdom - 6 years ago
wow thats huge!!
fa1rys - 6 years ago
I love your cat.
Damian Damienov
Damian Damienov - 6 years ago
Jaws 2.0
ThatBoyKS - 6 years ago
After seeing that megladon trailer...I think I would have shit my pants the way it stood still like that
Jesse Judah
Jesse Judah - 6 years ago
..and people say there is no God, yet out of everyone's mouth in the world we hear "o my God" !!
The Toking Toad
The Toking Toad - 6 years ago
I'll give you $50 bucks if you get into the water with it.
Gilk Egoma
Gilk Egoma - 6 years ago
Would ya look at him? Would ya just look at him?
Johnny Bickle
Johnny Bickle - 6 years ago
Well all the Shark experts , and even the coast guard..... All wrong. This is a Basking Shark. You can tell by watching it over and over. The white of the huge mouth, the absence of white along the mid section running down the entire length of the body. the long and slender body over twenty feet, a GW this long would be fatter than an Elephant, round big fat belly. Notice how long and slender from the dorsal to the tail it is...... Now go look at pictures of a Basking shark. Then pictures of mature GW's. When this shark starts turning sideways to flee you can clearly see the huge mouth outlined in white and the long vertical gill slits on the side .... It takes some studying and over and over watching but it is definitely a Basking Shark....
John Cornell
John Cornell - 6 years ago
It's a great white. You can see the white under the snout and the dorsal fin is the shape of a great white's. Great whites frequent this area. It doesn't have the head of basking shark and it moves differently to a basking shark too. Most definitely a great white.
Julie Hobbs
Julie Hobbs - 6 years ago
Shutup dickhead its a GW
Bob Smith
Bob Smith - 6 years ago
Omg that is a silver three-finned ocean minnow! They feed on great white sharks for breakfast.
KING- -CJ92 - 6 years ago
It's a great white?
Karen Piotte
Karen Piotte - 6 years ago
That thing is a freaking monster! Looks 30 feet long. Been eating all those harbor seals. Just off the beach. That's scary.
ut000bs - 6 years ago
Yeah, that's a great white. Nice video!
QUACKer Oats
QUACKer Oats - 6 years ago
Its terrifying how its just watching them...
AColonDashSix - 6 years ago
I’m surprised nobody there commented on the size of the boat or their need for a bigger one.
da ad
da ad - 6 years ago
Thats a 20 footer........ quint: "25"
peter benson
peter benson - 6 years ago
Ojama Black
Ojama Black - 6 years ago
Where’s Quint at when we need him?
Adam Vesely
Adam Vesely - 6 years ago
Big fish! Checking you out, looking at you and thinking!
Adam Vesely
Adam Vesely - 6 years ago
WOW That's a 15 foot long thing
Brandon w
Brandon w - 6 years ago
So I'm guessing you didn't hear the theme song?
MR SLAV - 6 years ago
Thats not a god lady, thats a shark!
SNJ - 6 years ago
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies.
Gust Wright
Gust Wright - 6 years ago
Basking white underneath?? To me its GW.
Owen Morris
Owen Morris - 6 years ago
That’s a great white you can see its white under its mouth which will carry on under its body
Margaret Burns
Margaret Burns - 6 years ago
i thought it looked like a great white.
lucky luciano
lucky luciano - 6 years ago
How are there so many dummies thinking it's a Basking Shark smdh
Glen Doucette
Glen Doucette - 6 years ago
I think that could be a whale shark
deafinseattle1 - 6 years ago
What a cool experience, what a gift. Wow! She's a beauty. Cape Cod awesome.
Flame Rock
Flame Rock - 6 years ago
He's or she's 1 big SHARK!!! Happy Swimming!
Greg Murray
Greg Murray - 6 years ago
18 footer I reckon, big girl
frank rodriguez
frank rodriguez - 6 years ago
How did they not realize that they saw a Megalodon
buddit buddit
buddit buddit - 6 years ago
6 gill shark. There was a 25 foot example cough off the mayo cost in Ireland a few months ago
buddit buddit
buddit buddit - 6 years ago
If you don't know what a 6 gill shark is ..look it up look at the footage of the one in Ireland
SNJ - 6 years ago
25ft gill shark? Pics?
Surf Ninja
Surf Ninja - 6 years ago
"would you look at that" "I mean just look at it!" lol dorks
Drew West Press
Drew West Press - 6 years ago
Pretty sure it’s a female. Just saying.
Gage Bates
Gage Bates - 6 years ago
Does nobody read the fucking description it says it's a great white confirmed.
4 Deuce
4 Deuce - 6 years ago
Jump in.
ぱる ぱる
ぱる ぱる - 6 years ago
Taylor Riggs
Taylor Riggs - 6 years ago
Never going in the water again. NEVER!
sherman4970 - 6 years ago
I’m thinking Basking shark.
To many doubts for it to be a White.
James Thomas
James Thomas - 6 years ago
From my professional standpoint, it seems to be some kind of fish
NLC Raider
NLC Raider - 6 years ago
i noticed it looked like the Great White stopped swimming for a second and even swam back a little. And Great Whites cant do that. Thats odd. but yet again it might of been the wave movements.
TomDotCom BROS
TomDotCom BROS - 6 years ago
That's a big bastard .. wtf literally??
Oscar Florez
Oscar Florez - 6 years ago
DubSnatchers Tv
DubSnatchers Tv - 6 years ago
That was fucking huge
Drewkamaris - 6 years ago
It's a basking shark.....very common in cape cod. Distinguishable in this video from the broad pectoral fins, distance between snout and dorsal fin, and by the fact that when it swims away there is absolutely no white underbelly pattern. The white in the beginning was from its mouth. Also great whites don't swim like that....
Ezekial Ogle
Ezekial Ogle - 6 years ago
Wha . . . . . . why are you still there?
CRUSTYDOGTAlNT - 6 years ago
Vlql Vlql
Vlql Vlql - 6 years ago
God God GGGGGoDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!
Mitz - 6 years ago
I've changed my mind. Originally I thought it was a White but I now think it's a Basking. Length of body after fins and shape is more basking than white shark.
Devyn Delorme
Devyn Delorme - 6 years ago
I'd die
BoSsKVNGChains MT - 6 years ago
That is a great white damn looks lok3 between 20 feet
Jon Davis
Jon Davis - 6 years ago
Only way I ever go deep in the ocean if I'm on a jet skii but even with a jet skii I won't stay in one place for too long and this is why if u park in one place for too long a fukin shark might visit u
goutvols103 - 6 years ago
The video is better with the sound off.
BoSsKVNGChains MT - 6 years ago
You guys seriously needa a big boat
Chris Taylor
Chris Taylor - 6 years ago
I now know where I'm taking my mother in law for our vacation this year
[Autism Is My Superpower]
[Autism Is My Superpower] - 6 years ago
Chris Taylor

KKKn50cal - 6 years ago
"Look at him" ????
Females are larger than males.
roman boltunov
roman boltunov - 6 years ago
megalodon teenage ))
Anke Puetz
Anke Puetz - 6 years ago
In my opinion it´s a great white lady shark..they are bigger than the male one´s.
rmclarkjr - 6 years ago
5 meter momma
Demnys Montiel
Demnys Montiel - 6 years ago
El tiburón se detuvo y los miró a los ojos diciéndoles: por favor déjenme vivir y nadar tranquilo yo no les echo nada. Después se fue diciendo: ¿Qué estoy haciendo? ¿Súplicarles a los humanos? si ellos no tienen corazón.
EI8HT 8IT - 6 years ago
If you think that's a Basking Shark, slap yourself, and do some research.
Marcus Valente
Marcus Valente - 6 years ago
Its just a small fish? No larger then a few feet
arnab bose
arnab bose - 6 years ago
That is by far the biggest shark that I have ever seen on a video.
もふろうもふた - 6 years ago
Methadonebunyip - 6 years ago
Yeah nah fuck that.
BaddieUniverse - 6 years ago
Fuck! That thing looks huge. I even thought it was a whale at first.
Brian - 6 years ago
You can tell those people are black people from the sound of it their voices black people sounds a lot of woo woo woo
ghost walk
ghost walk - 6 years ago
And that ladies and gentlemen is why I don't swim in salt water. (Also, I live close to Cape Cod)
Dekisha Hickson
Dekisha Hickson - 6 years ago
It's a shark
Paws Draws
Paws Draws - 6 years ago
I'm videoing right now
johnnymcblaze - 6 years ago
Listen to these panicy retards. I garrente that shark was giving rides for funyuns that day and they start screeming about how shes going to flip the boat over so she left. Opportunity missed.
Ex Creed
Ex Creed - 6 years ago
Meh this boat is cute, Imma find a bigger one.
ハイドリアム - 6 years ago
Judging by the size alone, it more likely a female.
Flix - 6 years ago
Eddie Lopez
Eddie Lopez - 6 years ago
Judging by how it was as curious as it was and by the coloration of its underside, gonna have to say that's definitely Steve Buscemi. You're welcome.
Professor Funkyerdodder
Professor Funkyerdodder - 6 years ago
Nicolas Trujillo
Nicolas Trujillo - 6 years ago
Huh funny, thats exactly her reaction when i pulled my great white out
Callum Gillman
Callum Gillman - 6 years ago
It's a female great white and at that size they no longer predate in such tight packs like teenage sharks do (commonly 4-12).. She's too big and her ability to stop and carefully appraise the situation without wasting energy on 'nibbling' the boat shows we have a bright, independent shark who knows the game;)
Dawn Andreozzi
Dawn Andreozzi - 6 years ago
not basking shark look closley great white
Austin Carmona
Austin Carmona - 6 years ago
Lmao way to really annoy me with the edited out cussing love hearing the sound cut off every second
its matador
its matador - 6 years ago
Its a megladon
Dim Gkimi
Dim Gkimi - 6 years ago
I am a plumber and i confirm this is a shark.
TheCatchProductions - 6 years ago
Does anyone know if they survived?
Maximus Bush
Maximus Bush - 6 years ago
Pf ft
Pf ft - 6 years ago
lOOk aT hIM!

Ok lady, we see it. Calm down lol.
ShciiOsaurus OwO
ShciiOsaurus OwO - 6 years ago
Cheap Ship
Cheap Ship - 6 years ago
The meg...
Sam Gilfellan
Sam Gilfellan - 6 years ago
Totally a basking shark. It had its mouth open
baldieman64 - 6 years ago
Bigger boat or smaller gob on the silly woman.
Either would make the experience more comfortable for those present.
LFITZ0315 - 6 years ago
Did she just assume the shark's gender? Lol
Karfottel Edits
Karfottel Edits - 6 years ago
lOoK aT hIm!!!
Spanky Mcfly
Spanky Mcfly - 6 years ago
World record maybe.
G Lo
G Lo - 6 years ago
I cant be around people like them they will get me more nervous then they are smfh.. Just shut up and be quiet lmao.
jhonny Floréz
jhonny Floréz - 6 years ago
Look at him fuck with him look at him fuck with him look at him fuck with him.
joeg Last
joeg Last - 6 years ago
People are ignorant it's not a great white or basking shark ,you can clearly see it is a YORKIE
쿠퍼아 케나
쿠퍼아 케나 - 6 years ago
"I'm videoing right now" that's about white
keeferdog - 6 years ago
What do I think? Yup-swims like a great white/smells like a great white/looks like a great white....
Cheech n Chong ‘75 say, “MUST BE A GREAT WHITE”
HURRIC4NE B4WB4G - 6 years ago
I hate the sea. It's a scary place.
Obi Ihsan
Obi Ihsan - 6 years ago
"we're gonna need a bigger boat'
Urac Hunt
Urac Hunt - 6 years ago
that shark looked like a shark
anofi berry
anofi berry - 6 years ago
Chief, we're gonna need a bigger boat
Bree Holthus
Bree Holthus - 6 years ago
That is clearly not a basking shark.
Juan Pornozo
Juan Pornozo - 6 years ago
Yes im looking at him lady
crackshack2 - 6 years ago
2017. We censor cause we babies lol
Vanessa Delamora
Vanessa Delamora - 6 years ago
Is it just me or do I see one one big ass eye on that Shark ?
Joana Matsushida
Joana Matsushida - 6 years ago
Normal size for a femele white shark.
Gone To the Wild Ones
Gone To the Wild Ones - 6 years ago
Wow, now talk about a GREAT white shark... Aye, he's a massive one!
Gilvan - 6 years ago
Megalodon jr
Toronto6ix - 6 years ago
those are the same reactions i get when women see my dick...
DivergentTuber - 6 years ago
That's a Baskin I saw the mouth continuously open
David Smith
David Smith - 6 years ago
The shark is thinking, want just one of you Yankee hillbillies fall into the water.
John Fares
John Fares - 6 years ago
Basking shark 100%
Caleb Bryant
Caleb Bryant - 6 years ago
Deffinitely a Basking Shark...Its cool, they eat plankton.
Jolene Gov
Jolene Gov - 6 years ago
Yeah, yeah. All of you are smart. "It's a Great White because I can tell by the blah blah etc." Geez, you pricks.
Dan Man
Dan Man - 6 years ago
who ever decided humans should go in the ocean
Knox - 6 years ago
Where was this filmed? I need to drop off my mother-in-law there.
Craig Harborne
Craig Harborne - 6 years ago
I'd say basking shark, 22' is a good size for a younger basking adult, basking and whites share a lot of similar features so without getting an underwater shot its hard to tell, however the most interesting thing is it stop's swimming! I'm not sure if basking's do that but as far as i'm aware unless a white hits an object they never stop.
Glenn M
Glenn M - 6 years ago if the sharks start tipping boats over...y'all fucked....deep blue sea movie brains of sharks
Sierra Farrell
Sierra Farrell - 6 years ago
That ending though lol did he flip the boat
Azren Hodzic
Azren Hodzic - 6 years ago
Shes around 4meters if not 4,5 meters
BobbyBaconHat - 6 years ago
Dang ocean you scary
Zeb Dawson
Zeb Dawson - 6 years ago
43 second ad for a 31 second video...
ZLyTer C
ZLyTer C - 6 years ago
xADSUMUS - 6 years ago
You a need a big boat.
Gabriel Clarke
Gabriel Clarke - 6 years ago
looks a Basking shark
Mike A.
Mike A. - 6 years ago
Would ya just look at him! Lol that was a big ass shark
Brandy H.2426
Brandy H.2426 - 6 years ago
I love how curious the shark was. Like looking right at them
Asja Decosta
Asja Decosta - 6 years ago
When the Dick big and you only stick the tip in
Douglas R
Douglas R - 6 years ago
confucious said the wise ones will keep their heads inside the boat.
Darkest Twilight
Darkest Twilight - 6 years ago
If it's a basking shark then it's following behind the boat to eat the stream of plankton that comes off the back of the boats slip stream.
Darkest Twilight
Darkest Twilight - 6 years ago
It's either a female great white or a basking shark, basking sharks get bigger than great whites but they are harmless and they are filter feeders like the whale shark and manga rays. But if I had to say it's a great white...
Never Satisfied
Never Satisfied - 6 years ago
Youre gonna need a bigger boat
007 T-5
007 T-5 - 6 years ago
I don't think that was a great white. I just seen a picture of a gigantic shark but it just showed the pic of it and sade cape cod ma. The was opened way bigger than any great white. It was almost the size a whale shark but didn't have all the dots. It was of a brownish color???
Seikowski V
Seikowski V - 6 years ago
Nice try, but that's a sturgeon.
Anthony Vo
Anthony Vo - 6 years ago
bitch just chillin waitin for a nigga to goof up for the one times
chewy4160 - 6 years ago
I'm a barine miologist, and I can definitely say I'm retarded.
Sean Joseph
Sean Joseph - 6 years ago
I would have been intimidated with that Beautiful Beast just looking at me
Andy Richards
Andy Richards - 6 years ago
Greenland Shark
Alan Williams
Alan Williams - 6 years ago
Meaglaaaaaad on
Jill Sacsayhuaman
Jill Sacsayhuaman - 6 years ago
Yep, videos like this only make my fear of deep waters and the monsters that live there a little more solid and my fear is as solid as granite.
Total landlubber here, and keeping it that way!
Bladekill1298 - 6 years ago
retarded old people censoring themselves
DarthWill3 - 6 years ago
"You're gonna need a bigger boat..."
Billy Ray
Billy Ray - 6 years ago
Smile you son of a #######!!!!
Jake Duffee
Jake Duffee - 6 years ago
"The Meg" coming soon to theaters
boywonder undercontruction
boywonder undercontruction - 6 years ago
Sam Alexander
Sam Alexander - 6 years ago
Should’ve jumped in the water
Alfonso perez
Alfonso perez - 6 years ago
Now imagine accidentally tipping over and falling face down in front of that shark...and thats why I stay away from the ocean.
urmomsmells - 6 years ago
welcome to cape cod bitches
Annie K
Annie K - 6 years ago
the audio on this is a gem
Steph T
Steph T - 6 years ago
Pretty sure that’s a seahorse.
Aaron Boone
Aaron Boone - 6 years ago
Haylex - 6 years ago
It just wanted to chill with you guys
ForTheDevil - 6 years ago
Look at her nose shes just wanna get scratched...
Bonnie Spanos
Bonnie Spanos - 6 years ago
That's a female. By looking the size of this one, must be female? Female great white are bigger.
Zinnshady24 - 6 years ago
I swim at Long Beach in Plymouth almost every day in the summer... ugh, this is my nightmare...
George Bautista
George Bautista - 6 years ago
That's a big fuck
John Luca
John Luca - 6 years ago
Living in southern New England and seeing this isn’t encouraging.
Dustin Harris
Dustin Harris - 6 years ago
Whats even scarier is the shark swims up and didnt move an "BITCH I DARE YOU TO COME IN"
Mikey D
Mikey D - 6 years ago
Awww Hell no
Reptilian - 6 years ago
Sounds exactly what my girls tell me when we on bed , naw mean
Dave Hinckley
Dave Hinckley - 6 years ago
Definitely not Megalodon, because MEGALODON DIED MILLIONS OF YEARS AGO!
R3ar3ntry - 6 years ago
I'm no expert but if you had to ask me if say it's a basking shark
Kevzete - 6 years ago
Calm down, people. It's a Basking Shark and about as dangerous as a dolphin.
Sin - 6 years ago
That's a basking shark, look at the distance between head and dorsal fin! "That's a great white!1!!11" NO U BUNCH OF IDIOTS
Elyaas Stark
Elyaas Stark - 6 years ago
lmao at first I was like "That's not a fucking shark, ya dumb cunts", and then a few seconds into the video my eyes become as open as is physically possible, and all I could do was stare.

Honestly sometimes I forget just how big sharks can actually get..
안재동 - 6 years ago
Fucking monster
Leader success !
Leader success ! - 6 years ago
I'm also a pig farmer and I can definitely say that was a sea monster .
Leader success !
Leader success ! - 6 years ago
The shark was so annoyed by these people it was like What the fuck !
Android 21 Cell Absorbed
Android 21 Cell Absorbed - 6 years ago
He’s gorgeous
zambot3 - 6 years ago
It just hovered there for a bit
stormy day
stormy day - 6 years ago
Me- why don't I like going in the ocean, again?
Sees video ah now I remember
victor anaya
victor anaya - 6 years ago
White people will do this. But walk to the other side of the street when a black man is approaching.
bluesman7475 - 6 years ago
Did you try and catch it on your fishing rig?
Jon Davis
Jon Davis - 6 years ago
I don't think sharks attack motor boats
Jon Davis
Jon Davis - 6 years ago
At least they on a motor boat not like a lot of retarded ass bitches riding a plastic kayak lol
gelovr6 - 6 years ago
Aaaaaaand that’s what she said
Greg Vega
Greg Vega - 6 years ago
That's a big fuckin whatever
Riley Brenner
Riley Brenner - 6 years ago
Please please everyone settle down. I'm an amateur shark enthusiast from a place that has no sharks, and i can assure you with great confidence this is in fact a white. Not a basking.
Francis Kisiara
Francis Kisiara - 6 years ago
Some call it a basking shark, other call it a great white shark but I am certain thats a big shark.
Peorhum - 6 years ago
When you are swimming in green water, you never know what is swimming with you.
Boots Dawson
Boots Dawson - 6 years ago
Wait that's not a mososaures?
野原しんのすけ - 6 years ago
Don Fabio
Don Fabio - 6 years ago
'That's what she said' SMACDOWN!
José Larrosa
José Larrosa - 6 years ago
es un megalodon
Razorgeist - 6 years ago
Sharks thinking: "Wait a minute Cape Cod? let me get out of here before they start calling me a baby whale"
NyKk LaTenebra
NyKk LaTenebra - 6 years ago
Boripat Wannasri
Boripat Wannasri - 6 years ago
Truth Warrior
Truth Warrior - 6 years ago
Thats a big white. Holy crap.

Might be a basking..hard to tell . Cant tell if the white is on the bottom or in the mouth.
Carlos Ace
Carlos Ace - 6 years ago
"I am! I'm videoing!"
请不要背出我的名字 - 6 years ago
Oh My GOD!!
Tom !
Tom ! - 6 years ago
.....I think its the navy's newest nuclear sub, designed to swim past enemy defenses. Genius, pure genius.
Blue Rue
Blue Rue - 6 years ago
the shark wants you to come out for a swim, "come on in the water is fine". I'm hungry btw.
Brian Burke
Brian Burke - 6 years ago
That might be the scariest shit I've ever seen in my life
bruce wayne
bruce wayne - 6 years ago
That censorship is hellafuckinnoying
Connor Clemmons
Connor Clemmons - 6 years ago
Was the censorship really necessary for a 30 second video where it’s pretty much clear what they are saying?
Carguy 2204
Carguy 2204 - 6 years ago
What lake is that?

lol yeah that's probably close to a record white shark..
spotted gar fish
spotted gar fish - 6 years ago
Jaws 2018
cristobal arenas
cristobal arenas - 6 years ago
I'm a Marine Biologist and you can obviously tell that's a Giraffe in it's natural habitat
Myfour Biddeninja
Myfour Biddeninja - 6 years ago
It's a basking shark no worries w these dudes
Tommy ten speed
Tommy ten speed - 6 years ago
Thats why i stay in the boat lol
Bruce B
Bruce B - 6 years ago
Great White
Chase Ehrlich
Chase Ehrlich - 6 years ago
It looks like 28 feet!
Jason Lou
Jason Lou - 6 years ago
Casa Blanca
Casa Blanca - 6 years ago
We’re gonna need a bigger boat...
Sidh Pandit
Sidh Pandit - 6 years ago
so... did you catch it?
seckin gul
seckin gul - 6 years ago
%99 Oh my god, %1 shark
Martin Mistery
Martin Mistery - 6 years ago
Where is the human for scale?
Lammeune Romalia
Lammeune Romalia - 6 years ago
das a hyuj bish.
Paul T
Paul T - 6 years ago
Was it a great white ?
หอย นางรม
หอย นางรม - 6 years ago
When great whiteshark looklike this size you die!!5555
Mateusz Nowaczyk
Mateusz Nowaczyk - 6 years ago
It was GW or basking shark?
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler - 6 years ago
Shut up bitch
Agent Lemons
Agent Lemons - 6 years ago
If anyones seen shark week long ago if FLIPING SUBMARINE
เนวอ แชนว
เนวอ แชนว - 6 years ago
PabloPeekaboo - 6 years ago
Erm ma gurd. I’ve swam there
RaZ - 6 years ago
PabloPeekaboo Me too...yikes
三mbervine - 6 years ago
Based on what I see if say it's more likely to be a basking shark
reanimated 390
reanimated 390 - 6 years ago
He saw the boat as possible prey the way he was investigating it curiosily
reanimated 390
reanimated 390 - 6 years ago
See that huge scar on it's nose
21 savage bank
21 savage bank - 6 years ago
"I'm vidoeing him right now"
Glen Mitton
Glen Mitton - 6 years ago
Holyshit watch this video holy shit watch it holy shit we should only shit
INDONESIA Fishery - 6 years ago
Am very sure its a great white Shark . Very beautiful but it so scary if am at there .... good video
Filmes e CIA
Filmes e CIA - 6 years ago
Blue fire
Blue fire - 6 years ago
bleep - 6 years ago
nonny phakasri
nonny phakasri - 6 years ago
Oh my god oh my god wow oh my god oh my god oh my god oh wow oh my god
Federal bureau Of investigation
Federal bureau Of investigation - 6 years ago
This is why I’m afraid of the ocean
Tristan Taylor
Tristan Taylor - 6 years ago
Heeere's Bruceee
Tim's Auto World Tv
Tim's Auto World Tv - 6 years ago
That was a basking shark
Lawrence Cabizares
Lawrence Cabizares - 6 years ago
Oh mhy Ghad that's too big Oh my gHad,
Lesner Martin
Lesner Martin - 6 years ago
se asusto la gringa ,jaja,
Legariar G
Legariar G - 6 years ago
That was fuckin scary!!!
Alexandre Lopez Marquez
Alexandre Lopez Marquez - 6 years ago
Yo guys it is not a MEGALODON but Its a fucking WHITE shark. A basking shark is bigger, slower and BROWN...ignorants
Gavin Planas
Gavin Planas - 6 years ago
That's at least over 18 ft
Vuk Mirković
Vuk Mirković - 6 years ago
Look at this massive basking shark, only sharks i saw in my life are a blacktip reef shark, whitetip reef shark, a nurse shark, and a leopard shark.
Xiao Hei
Xiao Hei - 6 years ago
Kevin Dong
Kevin Dong - 6 years ago
Whole lot of NOPE
laertesdd - 6 years ago
The whole video is like...

...that's what she said.
Andrew Hall
Andrew Hall - 6 years ago
It is almost certainly a *her*, as the giants are usually female.
nurul oktavia
nurul oktavia - 6 years ago
That’s a whole bunch of NOPE ...
Tekaru kun
Tekaru kun - 6 years ago
Why is the shark not moving in the start? Distorting shark confirmed xD
chris zungulov
chris zungulov - 6 years ago
We're gonna need a bigger boat
Rebecca Benway
Rebecca Benway - 6 years ago
TheJollyG4mer - 6 years ago
I love how at the end of the video you can hear a guy start yelling
Randy Barber
Randy Barber - 6 years ago
looks like a basking shark to be honest.
Randy Barber
Randy Barber - 6 years ago
pelvic fins are also way larger than a white shark
Randy Barber
Randy Barber - 6 years ago
It's dorsal fin is much farther down its body than the pectoral fins are (pectorals are nearly at it's head)... definitely a basking shark.
elise k
elise k - 6 years ago
LOok At HIm
Florence Welch
Florence Welch - 6 years ago
Basking shark. Tail gave that away.
Rasheedul Akbar
Rasheedul Akbar - 6 years ago
It looks like Megalodan
Cripgang 100
Cripgang 100 - 6 years ago
Shark is like hey guys I heard you was talking bout me so wats up lol
Khang Ninh
Khang Ninh - 6 years ago
Khang Ninh
Khang Ninh - 6 years ago
Olivier Baghdadi
Olivier Baghdadi - 6 years ago
That's ridiculous
Beyond Reflect
Beyond Reflect - 6 years ago
Only feminists can turn a shark video into gender issues. You morons are unbelievable.
Turok - 6 years ago
Finally a shark video without an idiot hitting the shark with a paddle, scary though.
Laurent - 6 years ago
Seems fake to me the way he disappears
Teletubby Dipsy :*
Teletubby Dipsy :* - 6 years ago
What's the extra big deal about great White's? Killer whales are a bigger predator.
Spence Diamonds
Spence Diamonds - 6 years ago
100% great white you can tell by the tail and fins also theres white underneath. Looks around 20 ft basking shark would be longer than this.
R4c1nG_FtW - 6 years ago
Pete Venkman
Pete Venkman - 6 years ago
The water can distort the size and shape, but that IS a big white.
Liam Durand
Liam Durand - 6 years ago
The shark: no swimming today?
Garrett Goodman
Garrett Goodman - 6 years ago
Baby Megalodon confirmed
Plank - 6 years ago
It's not a Great White and it's not a Basking Shark.

It's a Whale Shark.
SenasanSena IND
SenasanSena IND - 6 years ago
Wtf that so biggggggg XD , i will die in 1sec if i fall off the boat
Skylingale - 6 years ago
God this bitch is annoying.
Jerry Perry
Jerry Perry - 6 years ago
"My line is like right on him. Hopefully I don't get..."
My two cents they were fishing.
Dudu S.Ribas Ribas
Dudu S.Ribas Ribas - 6 years ago
Holden Mijares
Holden Mijares - 6 years ago
Dassa whale
Deandre Key
Deandre Key - 6 years ago
Calm down Karen....
Jerry Perry
Jerry Perry - 6 years ago
It's not a great white shark. How do I know this? The size and behavior. White sharks often stick their head up above the water to see what's going on. Their nose is shaped differently. This is a slow and friendly giant. Most likely a basking shark. I'm not expert but you don't have to be.
Zaisuki Allice
Zaisuki Allice - 6 years ago
they say him but it is most likely a female
lil VEAGAN - 6 years ago
They're going to need a bigger boat.
iDatedMyPizza - 6 years ago
Basking shark
Thebearcat66 - 6 years ago
Hooper drives the boat chief
kelvin moses
kelvin moses - 6 years ago
Great white fatty
davidsirmons - 6 years ago
Did you hear 'the music'?
Andrea Paul
Andrea Paul - 6 years ago
That's is huge!!....
snowcloud8 - 6 years ago
It's nice to see people admire a wild shark than fly into a massive panic for once.
Jorge Junior Reis
Jorge Junior Reis - 6 years ago
Passando aqui para ver como esta o grupo... Ja fui... Valeu todo mundo.
Evilnug 541
Evilnug 541 - 6 years ago
Dats a yuuuuuuuuge bitch!
Zbieram 100k subskrybcji, a potem 150!
Zbieram 100k subskrybcji, a potem 150! - 6 years ago
longer than nigger penis
Connor Bowles
Connor Bowles - 6 years ago
Jacob MacDonald
Jacob MacDonald - 6 years ago
That looks scary as SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!
yearoftherat - 6 years ago
was probably a basking shark
Nayan Kar
Nayan Kar - 6 years ago
And he killed em all after 60 secs
Travis Keeton
Travis Keeton - 6 years ago
Me being the person that I am somebody's getting pushed in
Fabio Pistori
Fabio Pistori - 6 years ago
All'inizio sembra tutto ok, ma dubito il finale del video, ci sono dettagli che mi lasciano dei dubbi nel pensare che sia stato ritoccato, ovvero un fake.
Bobby Cropp
Bobby Cropp - 6 years ago
Still laughing my ass off... She is hilarious!!
Vulcarios - 6 years ago
Justin Bellini
Justin Bellini - 6 years ago
Basking Sharks are rad.
Edward S
Edward S - 6 years ago
I think i got a big fish men..
Oh c'mon it ll be another small .. HOLY SHHITTT
Sean J
Sean J - 6 years ago
And thats why i stay on the beach.
Septy Angalang
Septy Angalang - 6 years ago
Iku paos (paus bungkuk) dancok dasar orang luar sok sok
Mdog67 - 6 years ago
Naah I got a bigger one in my fish tank
tio Ganteng
tio Ganteng - 6 years ago
Teenage megalodon maybe
George Harvey
George Harvey - 6 years ago
We're gonna need a bigger boat.
Jesse Givens
Jesse Givens - 6 years ago
The shark was just curious. It didn't appear to be hungry or agitated at all. That said don't take this as a way to justify jumping in the water when you see it. That's a very easy way to startle them and whatever the result is, whether it's in defense or it sees you as prey who fell in the water, it's anything but fun.
Toady Home
Toady Home - 6 years ago
Sharks just sitting there looking up at them thinking’ I could eat you, boat and all, and pick my teeth with your ribs’. Then just turns away.
i'mMasterBaiting - 6 years ago
Holy m*ther of God.
ผีร้าย แห่งบูโด
ผีร้าย แห่งบูโด - 6 years ago
SparkY 9.12
SparkY 9.12 - 6 years ago
Tom Kirchhoff
Tom Kirchhoff - 6 years ago
Could you imagine jumping in 30 seconds before for a swim?
Little Fish
Little Fish - 6 years ago
Basking shark. Get your facts straight, people! It's not a freak white, their completely different from each other. Noticeable different looks too. Also great whites don't stay in one place as seen in the video, unless their dead.
Rebecca kent
Rebecca kent - 6 years ago
Little Fish great white its grey on top white on bottom with a pointed snout
the_bass_junkie - 6 years ago
Basking Shark or Great White.... it's just incredible how that thing disappears into the water like a ghost.... swim in the ocean???? NO THANK YOU
Matthew stanley
Matthew stanley - 6 years ago
Basking shark
jermzdee - 6 years ago
That was a pretty large fish.
Manuel Sanchez
Manuel Sanchez - 6 years ago
That's not a shark that's an Onion ring
conanone - 6 years ago
That is a Great White, that sucka is massive!! I guess Bruce from Jaws escaped
Azrialette - 6 years ago
It's only a baby Meg ;)
Blood In The water
Blood In The water - 6 years ago
I don't think my response would be much different..... HOLY......
William Osullivan
William Osullivan - 6 years ago
I like how she assumes it's a male because of the size, when female White Sharks are typically larger than the males.
End_My_ Suffering
End_My_ Suffering - 6 years ago
I like your pet whale
indian m&m
indian m&m - 6 years ago
That's a female! Females are bigger than males!!!
indian m&m
indian m&m - 6 years ago
He is massive! 2nd biggest shark I've seen wanna see a monster shark look up deep blue great white shark
nikki willis
nikki willis - 6 years ago
Oh hello there great white
Malik Roman
Malik Roman - 6 years ago
Lady keep yo head down we don't need a beautiful woman like yourself to lose a head
ordinary Productions
ordinary Productions - 6 years ago
That ain’t not shark. That a fuckin mosasaur
g405t - 6 years ago
Were going to need a bigger boat!
A life that needs a life
A life that needs a life - 6 years ago
Thanks for muting the bad stuff
ET On Wheels
ET On Wheels - 6 years ago
I think that might be a small basking shark they swim up to my boat some times as well
DAVID MATHEWS/The Minerals - 6 years ago
Wow!!! That was a monster there !!!
mek86.2 - 6 years ago
Food for me?
Monster of Analysis
Monster of Analysis - 6 years ago
Dats a big boy
Mr. Nibble Nips
Mr. Nibble Nips - 6 years ago
He should of jumped out of the water and ate Mrs. O my gawd.
Ryan Yeager
Ryan Yeager - 6 years ago
The Shark is hungry he just want some food.
Si Filey
Si Filey - 6 years ago
Jump in and say Hi!
Ryan Heisler
Ryan Heisler - 6 years ago
Your're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat, Holy Hell
aaron maxim
aaron maxim - 6 years ago
Lines Iin.....floor it back to mahhhthas viinnnyaahhhd kid.
Ralph Macchiato
Ralph Macchiato - 6 years ago
Probably a basking shark but it sure looks like a great white from these angles!
Say What
Say What - 6 years ago
"You're gonna need a bigger boat"
vijay m
vijay m - 6 years ago
Omg omg , look at him look at him , sound like she enjoys seeing Big Males !!! Omg look at the Size of Him !!!
Taro McArthur
Taro McArthur - 6 years ago
That’s crazy it’s almost like great white sharks grow that big.

demon souled
demon souled - 6 years ago
they act like they never seen a shark before lol
Candice Nicole
Candice Nicole - 6 years ago
He was seriously checking you guys out.
Jade The Cat Gamer
Jade The Cat Gamer - 6 years ago
I think it's a basking shark.
PUNKem733 - 6 years ago
Someone actually editied the cuss words out? LOL
jam5287 - 6 years ago
That was probably one of the coolest, most annoying vids I’ve ever seen
Hozwalt 148
Hozwalt 148 - 6 years ago
Holy shit is a megalodon
Garrett Ripp
Garrett Ripp - 6 years ago
So does anybody know 100% if it’s a great white or basking
Fresh Start
Fresh Start - 6 years ago

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