Gigantic Sharks Break Into Ghost Cage | Island of The Mega Shark

The team go into a shark invested zone off the coast of Guadalupe to witness female mega sharks. It is then that some of the sharks attempt to break into the ghost cage! Subscribe to Discovery UK for more great clips: Follow Discovery UK on Twitter:

Gigantic Sharks Break Into Ghost Cage | Island of The Mega Shark sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5677

Shark videos 7 years ago 5,351,179 views

The team go into a shark invested zone off the coast of Guadalupe to witness female mega sharks. It is then that some of the sharks attempt to break into the ghost cage! Subscribe to Discovery UK for more great clips: Follow Discovery UK on Twitter:

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Most popular comments
for Gigantic Sharks Break Into Ghost Cage | Island of The Mega Shark

Byron 126
Byron 126 - 6 years ago
This is do fake
ايـمــن ولدك يا المغرب
ايـمــن ولدك يا المغرب - 6 years ago
For anyone who wants to know the truth

הנבואה של הנביא מוחמד באה בתורת ובבשורה שאין לך מקדבון There are verses in the Holy Quran
سورة الفاتحة : 1
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ ﴿ ١ ﴾ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ ﴿ ٢ ﴾ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ ﴿ ٣ ﴾ مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ ﴿ ٤ ﴾ إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ ﴿ ٥ ﴾ اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ ﴿ ٦ ﴾ صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا الضَّالِّينَ ﴿ ٧ ﴾
The Torah says in Deuteronomy 18: 18 and 19: I will make them a prophet among them, but he said of their brethren, any sons of Ishmael.

Second: The Gospel of John chapter 16 reads in paragraphs 16-17: But if the Spirit of truth comes, which guides you to all the truth, because he speaks not of him, but speaks what he hears, and he tells you all that comes.
The Prophet Muhammad is the evangelist in the Gospel and Torat, who is the descendent of Ismail from the brothers of Moses
Allah In Arabic means One God
Serenity Kelly
Serenity Kelly - 6 years ago
Damn 4 great wights
BTS WANNA ONE STAN - 6 years ago
omg his hands
BeanSauce - 6 years ago
in the metal cage there is a huge open area that any shark could get into what the hell?
Melanie Nava
Melanie Nava - 6 years ago
They put the slow one in the cage
Kitten White
Kitten White - 6 years ago
Uhh is this just me or does he sound panicked
Kiyabu - 6 years ago
is fake I thing
KingOfTeKnO - 6 years ago
I haven’t even seen someone mention how fake the sharks are like they are CGI and it’s so obvious

10. comment for Gigantic Sharks Break Into Ghost Cage | Island of The Mega Shark

Angela Anderson's
Angela Anderson's - 6 years ago
Are this people smoking crack?!x
Phoenix Williams
Phoenix Williams - 6 years ago
M M - 6 years ago
Punch 'em in the nose - you'll be fine, no cage needed. They're like little kittens.
Brachiosaurs Is Back
Brachiosaurs Is Back - 6 years ago
Staged! Those sharks were paid there great actors watch 47 meters dow n there great actors there!
hsubzero1 heart
hsubzero1 heart - 6 years ago
So damn fake..
COVET2010 - 6 years ago
he failed to die
Dirt Bike Things
Dirt Bike Things - 6 years ago
dickie pulls bitches
Adam Blister
Adam Blister - 6 years ago
That guy's accent is so fucking annoying I was hoping the sharks would've eaten him.
Adam Blister
Adam Blister - 6 years ago
Did they buy this "ghost cage" aka shoddily made plexiglass box at Daiso?
Englewood Frank21
Englewood Frank21 - 6 years ago
All that hype for nothing. Lame.

20. comment for Gigantic Sharks Break Into Ghost Cage | Island of The Mega Shark

Frøstii - 6 years ago
So Dicky
He looks like a sharks snacc (seal)
His hands bleeding (which attraccs)
And the doors broken (shark attaccs)
Frøstii - 6 years ago
Just wait for Phil Swift and his Flex Tape!
Plankt0n - 6 years ago
fucking retard that can't even hold a fucking snare properly. I call fake for the sake of the "Suspense" even though I'm trying my best no to cringe.
Ash Tin66
Ash Tin66 - 6 years ago
Dickie sure lives up to his name!
Niko Nikos
Niko Nikos - 6 years ago
Dickie is a dick
let the sharks eat him
Bon Appétit-Bon Appétit
rabia khan
rabia khan - 6 years ago
What is wrong with those people that is such a stupid idea!
Kirk Beebe
Kirk Beebe - 6 years ago
Why wouldn't you repair the damage before continuing
R ichard
R ichard - 6 years ago
'flippers'... FML
zinny999 - 6 years ago
Dickies..... man..... there... Big.... shark.... dude.....
Carlos Mondragon
Carlos Mondragon - 6 years ago
I use to like shark week until it became fake

30. comment for Gigantic Sharks Break Into Ghost Cage | Island of The Mega Shark

Emilia Marie
Emilia Marie - 6 years ago
ok but did he try flextape?
Sy Rine
Sy Rine - 6 years ago
This is the dumbest thing i've ever seen little dickie .
cityfashioncentercom Clark
cityfashioncentercom Clark - 6 years ago
those sharks can bite right though that plexigrass like paper
jimipurple123 - 6 years ago
Hope dicky never has children
Srikanth Reddy Gajjala
Srikanth Reddy Gajjala - 6 years ago
Absolute garbage!!
José Gómez
José Gómez - 6 years ago
Producers: Here's a great idea! Lets go to great white shark breeding grounds and drop a nearly invisible cage in with a flailing man in all black so they think its a seal. What could go wrong?
mike smith
mike smith - 6 years ago
"Great engineer" of the ghost cage. Fantastic job engineering it. Functioning door?
Salah Halimi
Salah Halimi - 6 years ago
Is he retarded?
Abdulmalik hassan abdi
Abdulmalik hassan abdi - 6 years ago
Cant you guys just make like a 5 or 6 layer cage from metal and glass
c - 6 years ago
4:28 this guy just pushed a great white shark out of the cage and i cant even get a damn spider out of my house
Mike Pambukchian
Mike Pambukchian - 6 years ago
Marco Playz
Marco Playz - 6 years ago
he might be dead now
Saoirse Justice McKenna
Saoirse Justice McKenna - 6 years ago
the sharks didn't attack - they were hungry and he had his bloody hands right in front of their noses. every idiot knows that sharks are drawn towards potential prey what bleeds, yet they seem to be extremely stupid
Bella Twixt
Bella Twixt - 6 years ago
That was annoying to watch...diver just happens to have a broken cage door...lame. And that dude Dicky has a voice that is like nails on a chalkboard. Ugh!
flyingbritman 66
flyingbritman 66 - 6 years ago
Isaiah Watson
Isaiah Watson - 6 years ago
That’s too much playing
Morti James
Morti James - 6 years ago
Dickie is to stoned to realize the danger
YellowSnowMan -AE
YellowSnowMan -AE - 6 years ago
Balls of steel or brain the size of a peanut?
Edit I finished the video and it’s a brain the size of a peanut dude.
Julia L
Julia L - 6 years ago
NO wonder why they tried to go in the box.THE DUDE WAS CuT UP BLEEDING...THEY SMELLED HIS BLOOD.....
EcHo Onslaught
EcHo Onslaught - 6 years ago
Totally safe

50. comment for Gigantic Sharks Break Into Ghost Cage | Island of The Mega Shark

21Sandoval - 6 years ago
Fake as Fuck
shaneduc - 6 years ago
Sudden Star Flicks
Sudden Star Flicks - 6 years ago
Ha, White People...
IndigenousWombman - 6 years ago
How ridiculous and negligent is this crew! The door won't close really???
The SN
The SN - 6 years ago
Go Shark! Go Shark!
Mentally Unstable
Mentally Unstable - 6 years ago
I should not watch these with my anxiety. It was through the roof. I'm literally shaking I have Galiaphobia so....
Symbolic Gesture
Symbolic Gesture - 6 years ago
Put yourself in a dangerous situation with a shark, then if the shark does what is natural you will go round killing them as you will claim they have a taste for humans and are a danger so need o be killed.
Lucas Van Caeneghem
Lucas Van Caeneghem - 6 years ago
Chance of surviving while swimming with 3 great white sharks around you without a cage is ALMOST NOTHING.
Yuva Y
Yuva Y - 6 years ago
Are you kidding me? This footage and its producers didn’t get shot down?
Jay Templar
Jay Templar - 6 years ago
This seems somehow abusive to mentally retarded divers.
rxsie ana
rxsie ana - 6 years ago
Pull him out you idiots
Ginger Spice
Ginger Spice - 6 years ago
Mark Ugartechea
Mark Ugartechea - 6 years ago
Wow what morons!
EnigmaDrath - 6 years ago
You'd think they'd have a better Plan B than the old keeping-a-busted-toilet-stall-door-shut-by-hand trick :/
Thieso 14
Thieso 14 - 6 years ago
Idiots! I hope one of these idiots will get eaten soon. Fuck these morons
Konatari - 6 years ago
Yeah right. The door is "broken"... scripted BS.
TheFedHD - 6 years ago
Why did they make a door on a cage that has a fucking HOLE ON TOP?! fucking shitheads...
CatherineMaria - 6 years ago
I bet the shark was like: what a moron, I'm not even interested in eating him. I notice the camera and want to flex my fin.
other sharks: well for once I​ agree with, David.
DonnieALB - 6 years ago
All Dickies got balls but this one is special.....
ZEGO24x - 6 years ago
Sleestak - 6 years ago
They picked up Dickey at the dock....offered him 20 bucks and a beer..he said yes....
Ciel Phantomhive
Ciel Phantomhive - 6 years ago
Dumbasses why wouldn't you check to make sure that doors are okay
Jyaer West
Jyaer West - 6 years ago
What an idiot
LifewithŠärãh - 6 years ago
What an idiot. Natural selection.
ninja - 6 years ago
To get onto the boat dickie had to make a run for it in open waters? AWFUL programme. U cud hear dickie panicking but the boaters just ignored him. Thank God for kinder camera men who stood up for him and got him outta there. DISCOVERY shud be ashamed of themselves putting divkies life in danger for views. Plexi glass indeed!!!
vinrx76 - 6 years ago
Dickie, you're an idiot!
I would have came back in the boat and bitch slapped the people that built that cage.
Star Meenn
Star Meenn - 6 years ago
I hope the shark eat him dumass
Trundles :{
Trundles :{ - 6 years ago
Dicky has some balls
Z - 6 years ago
These ‘mistakes’ and ‘poorly constructed cages’ are too common for it to be accidental. If I was making a shark cage I’d over engineer it, it’s pretty simple to make a door that closes and locks effectively. I think they do this for added drama
Sophia Gallagher
Sophia Gallagher - 6 years ago
Pull him the freak back in morons
Huup - 6 years ago
I hope penisy and his stupid friends get killed or lose a few limbs for messing with sharks like this
eddiet204 - 6 years ago
Of all the animal researchers, shark people seem to be the most incredibly stupid when it comes to safety.
Breaksnbeats - 6 years ago
Is this narrated by Finchy from the office?
Jacob Aulaumea
Jacob Aulaumea - 6 years ago
1. How tf do y’all not make sure a door closes properly 2. Y’all see this man struggling to keep it closed and don’t pull him in. What the actual fuck
My cage door is broken. Oh well just stay out there???
esshoul - 6 years ago
too bad they did not make a snack out of him
AlexShmalex - 6 years ago
If the door is faulty why not pull him up and fix it before the sharks start ramming the cage again??
Cookies And Cream
Cookies And Cream - 6 years ago
I would dip my toe like DONE!!!
Cookies And Cream
Cookies And Cream - 6 years ago
I would dip my toe in the done!
chris sun
chris sun - 6 years ago
Fucking click bait there is no "Gigantic Sharks Break Into Ghost Cage "
JustBased - 6 years ago
"Shark" not "SharkS"
Who even likes Animal Jam anymore?
Who even likes Animal Jam anymore? - 6 years ago
i saw the desc and those were female sharks, so i thought "oh, those sharks just have a crush on that diver"
The Toking Toad
The Toking Toad - 6 years ago
Just scratch is belly and tell him he's a good boy! If that dosen't work throw a stick and say fetch!
Aicha Leeuwenstein
Aicha Leeuwenstein - 6 years ago
And this is why women live longer than men
Aicha Leeuwenstein
Aicha Leeuwenstein - 6 years ago
Why wouldnt you pull 8m back
Kathryn xx
Kathryn xx - 6 years ago
Why isn't he in a sphere cage so the shark can't really get its mouth round the cage??
Anderson A.
Anderson A. - 6 years ago
He was bleeding and yet stayed in the ghost cage what a big mistake.
Christian Forehand
Christian Forehand - 6 years ago
Dickie has some dinosaur sized balls. First not caring much when the door won’t stay closed. Then just fucking swimmming to the boat
John Konstantopoulos
John Konstantopoulos - 6 years ago
Chris Hamilton
Chris Hamilton - 6 years ago
Misleading title

100. comment for Gigantic Sharks Break Into Ghost Cage | Island of The Mega Shark

Alex Pinion
Alex Pinion - 6 years ago
fuk that
Sean VV
Sean VV - 6 years ago
Um make that shit out of bullet proof glass maybe? Sweet jesus bunch of idiots
meh Gusta
meh Gusta - 6 years ago
i swear white people are something else.
audrey radio jr
audrey radio jr - 6 years ago
they are dumb
NerdyLemon Gaming
NerdyLemon Gaming - 6 years ago
They arnt pulling him back because they want views.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump - 6 years ago
I guess you could say Dickie was to 'big' for the cage. At least he had the 'balls' to stay in there.
Triplee Faail
Triplee Faail - 6 years ago
staged as hell
Hasan Ali
Hasan Ali - 6 years ago
Seems like diver was desperate for money ..his next venture would be a gay bottom role
Dedric Jones
Dedric Jones - 6 years ago
These type of people deserve to just learn they’re lesson
GTSTEALTHNIFE - 6 years ago
If your gonna deal with sharks get a better cage and there not even smart like if you agree
Brandon Hernandez
Brandon Hernandez - 6 years ago

Panda Nuke
Panda Nuke - 6 years ago
Stupid idiots
kirbyman1kanden7pf - 6 years ago
it's the WalMart Black Friday sale shark cage
DailyDoseOfGaming - 6 years ago
This is stupid if you have a broken door bring him back.
Evil Twin
Evil Twin - 6 years ago
Dickie seemed druged
Giacomo Ferrario
Giacomo Ferrario - 6 years ago
Sorry to those I care about but, to you idiots on that Boat that PLANNED THIS SITUATION "FOR EFFECT AND FOR EXACTLY WHAT YOU GOT AND FROM ME FOR FALLING FOR THIS LIE" You set us up!!! You Made this Plastic Box FLIMSY and WEAK and Deliberately Broke the HANDLE so the FILMING WOULD BE MORE INTENSE and you'd get MORE FEEDBACK and CLICKS. Maybe even idiots Subscribing. At any rate YOU PUT THIS GUY AT RISK FOR A FEW YOUTUBE "HITS" AND "PENNIES on Ads". Fuk off!!!
David Stanton
David Stanton - 6 years ago
How stupid to not make a door that stay shut
Richard Martin
Richard Martin - 6 years ago
any twat that thinks he can fuck with a shark deserves everything he gets. If you were not there they would not be there.
Aljaž Jesen
Aljaž Jesen - 6 years ago
dickie seems stoned af
Ayadi Azli
Ayadi Azli - 6 years ago
what a bunch of morons. DISLIKED!
JP Stone
JP Stone - 6 years ago
A bad day for Dickie... surrounded by big, sexually mature females, and Dickie is wearing a plexi-glass CONDOM.
Jane Arthur
Jane Arthur - 6 years ago
jesus the guy in the cage just lived a nightmare
USAOnlineCasinos - 6 years ago
Dicky is a moron tool
ECHO LEOPARD - 6 years ago
Jovaz T16
Jovaz T16 - 6 years ago
They could have needed flextape to seal that shit
Dylan Tedlock
Dylan Tedlock - 6 years ago
What he saw under him was Deep Blue :D
WhoHitWho - 6 years ago
this door bullshit is scripted lmao - they do it on purpose to create tension
Jacob Bali
Jacob Bali - 6 years ago
The door situation looks staged, otherwise they would have pulled him in. If it wasn't staged, he must of signed a ridiculous job contact and legal waver.
Jason Nunnery
Jason Nunnery - 6 years ago
He swam in open water with a cut hand just remember that
skaindu - 6 years ago
Looks like a government funded nigger
skaindu - 6 years ago
Never call it a nigger
AdiFury - 6 years ago
kD Heart for Christ
kD Heart for Christ - 6 years ago
dinner is served! o.o were you bait?!
GoBattle HD
GoBattle HD - 6 years ago
Only 5% of the ocean is discovered so dont think that megalodons are extinct btw i might have spelled that wrong
Hayden Lynn
Hayden Lynn - 6 years ago
Dang even discovery channel click baiting
Sparkley Kawaii
Sparkley Kawaii - 6 years ago
I think sharks are cute :3
Charli Power
Charli Power - 6 years ago
I wanna know why the heck they were filming underwater when they could have been helping him
Time3to3fly9488 - 6 years ago
It's also very interesting to learn about sharks immune system I swear to never get sick isn't that way we study them in the first place
Revolution X
Revolution X - 6 years ago
Dickie pretty fucking dumb
Faithful is He
Faithful is He - 6 years ago
It's a set up Dicky! You need new friends lol
Jackson Roberts
Jackson Roberts - 6 years ago
Why make a door when there’s a hole on the top to climb out of
Alberto PAncho
Alberto PAncho - 6 years ago
wow impressive piece of information, really : 'wow duuuud they were some BIG sharks down there.' Wow, duuude, you forgot something, some big sharks AND a stupid blond donkey.
Alberto PAncho
Alberto PAncho - 6 years ago
come on .. entertain us next time. Send this stupid Dickie wearing a G string and lipstick, no door this time. more clicks ! more money from ads ! go for it, you'll find another idiot to dive once this once is dead
Alberto PAncho
Alberto PAncho - 6 years ago
ahaha 'the door is broken' . stupid moron ! then die.
El Blaise
El Blaise - 6 years ago
Ian Malcolm would have a field day with this hubris on display in the face of nature.
Aedan pro2.0
Aedan pro2.0 - 6 years ago
O my god pull him up
To Ja Klaudia
To Ja Klaudia - 6 years ago

YouCanCallMeReTro - 6 years ago
They definitely designed that cage to fail
AM__ Booiii
AM__ Booiii - 6 years ago
I don’t understand this... who in their right mind would get into a glass box surrounded by great whites without checking to make sure the door was secure before going out?
Equnoxe - 6 years ago
this is another reason why

everyone else has to pay more for insurance.
Equnoxe - 6 years ago
wow that tops scketchy as shit.. how thick is that?

and how didn’t you make sure the fucking door was going to stay shut.
Equnoxe - 6 years ago
not to mention the big hole in the roof.
phily ***
phily *** - 6 years ago
Bunch of idiots.
SugarSnap - 6 years ago
Everyone here is blaming it on the men on the boat, when actually it was no ones fault. Sharks CIRCLE because they are CURIOUS. If they really wanted to get you, they would strike from below you so you don't see it coming. That shark in there was just curious as to how there was an "invisible wall" between it and the diver. I mean, imagine if YOU saw a creature you never saw on land and you walked up to get a closer look, and BAM! There's a wall you can't even see. You would be curious... If not mad right?
immaparannah - 6 years ago
The dude KNEW the door was broken but chose to stay in the water, y’all needa chill. Was it stupid of his crew to not pull him back regardless? Maybe, but homeboy is a grown ass man and knew his chances of getting hurt or killed.

His crew isn’t in charge of a fellow adult.
Beths amazing adventures
Beths amazing adventures - 6 years ago
Omg they should be sued trillions
andrew amiet
andrew amiet - 6 years ago
Dickie is an idiot. Doors broken, get the F out of the water!
Foysol Ahmed
Foysol Ahmed - 6 years ago
Those fucks just wanted to make this video look interesting with broken door could have loss someone's life
Bambi Pardis
Bambi Pardis - 6 years ago
I once wanted to work at an aquarium sea world
Bambi Pardis
Bambi Pardis - 6 years ago
I have great respect for the oceans and seas
H2THEP33 - 6 years ago
Fakest shit ever
Lt. Fireguy
Lt. Fireguy - 6 years ago
Fake door malfunction
Rasta Putin
Rasta Putin - 6 years ago
Why do you refer to whites as 'mega sharks'?
Are these ones related to Mecha-striesand?
This is why no-one takes any non-BBC documentaries seriously.
Yamaha R1
Yamaha R1 - 6 years ago
play with nature ill bite you the fuck back how fucking stupid can some one be to not check the doors on that glass before going in water
Rice Crispeee
Rice Crispeee - 6 years ago
Why am I watching this when my biggest fear are sharks
Andrew Jurkiewicz
Andrew Jurkiewicz - 6 years ago
Wot a DICK,Y
WhenYouWalking - 6 years ago
Wow, the most people say, to be absolutely still, what a lie, they want us killed
OhhRecoilz - GFX,Trickshotter
OhhRecoilz - GFX,Trickshotter - 6 years ago
These guys are so fucking dumb to not pull him out when they're attacking like what
All out Gamers channel
All out Gamers channel - 6 years ago
These 2 guys deserve to gotten eaten
Bella Sanchez
Bella Sanchez - 6 years ago
So scary
Euphoric Dankey Kang
Euphoric Dankey Kang - 6 years ago
Fake ass shark week drama
Red Panda
Red Panda - 6 years ago
The sharks are actors
Dead Pixel
Dead Pixel - 6 years ago
I couldn’t see the guy in the cage with those two giant balls in the way
FrogOblivion - 6 years ago
these stupid idiots are so hollywood. putting a broken cage and all that bruises. stfu and do it right. you are discovery channel for fuck sake.
Richard Dawson
Richard Dawson - 6 years ago
Surrounded by big, sexually active hungry sharks. Brilliant idea!
Paul S
Paul S - 6 years ago
Dicky is an idiot.
Team Unfair Bear
Team Unfair Bear - 6 years ago
wish they ate him.
John Knight
John Knight - 6 years ago
Dude , Dudddde hold my beer while i get in this dollar store plastic shark box .
Aaron Weinbach
Aaron Weinbach - 6 years ago
This has the terrible drama of a soap opera
JAMES WHITTEN - 6 years ago
How much did he get paid to be shark bait?
elizabeth pimentel
elizabeth pimentel - 6 years ago
Pawtrol 5
elizabeth pimentel
elizabeth pimentel - 6 years ago
elizabeth pimentel
elizabeth pimentel - 6 years ago
xr28y ge3fl1
xr28y ge3fl1 - 6 years ago
So now we know where Shaggy ended up after Scooby Doo.
Joe Clavette
Joe Clavette - 6 years ago
So set up. Like you morons would have put someone in there without checking that lock. "Oh I'm going to have to hold it closed" No you dont lol you can have them pull you in and reset. Such awful acting by him. Wow guys this door is like not closing.
Sydney AndDomino
Sydney AndDomino - 6 years ago
If he crossed his arms the shark wouldn’t feel threatened
Abby Stephens
Abby Stephens - 6 years ago
Why would anyone do this ?! Are they stupid ?! Get him out !
Aydra Music
Aydra Music - 6 years ago
Some people r dumb
DEVINE john - 6 years ago
chris hancock
chris hancock - 6 years ago
my arse!
NOTnoah rivera707
NOTnoah rivera707 - 6 years ago
Why aren’t they pulling him up
Yamil838GamingChannel - 6 years ago
Bleed while around sharks= no good
Katarina Hadzi Manic
Katarina Hadzi Manic - 6 years ago
Riki Fukui
Riki Fukui - 6 years ago
Just use flex tape
M Trevino
M Trevino - 6 years ago
Well I’m sure they said “who’s the dumbest idiot we know” dicky just looks and sounds like one lmaooo
All Wrightman
All Wrightman - 6 years ago
Why did they put a door when the guy could have simply entered it from the top ?
Kyle Christel
Kyle Christel - 6 years ago
I think they just did it for attention. Title of the video didn’t match what I saw. Great way to catfish a view
Bass Pro37
Bass Pro37 - 6 years ago
I did not see a shark break nothing, that was human error, not nothing to do with the shark.
Wild Jewl
Wild Jewl - 6 years ago
In honor of Shark Week. GET YOUR FREE SHARK BRACELET NOW! Comes in many different colors. LIMITED TIME ONLY!
Toyo_ Tiger
Toyo_ Tiger - 6 years ago
Lol the guy said little guys... Im like if thats little... then wtf
EdWilsonPhoto - 6 years ago
gotta know when to abort
ItzMagikz - 6 years ago
Rayna Tripp
Rayna Tripp - 6 years ago
Why wouldn’t they help him??!!!?
David White
David White - 6 years ago
White peoples
Laurent D'Hondt
Laurent D'Hondt - 6 years ago
Black Quinn
Black Quinn - 6 years ago
why don't the help him that can pull him out but the didn't they are so stupid
James R
James R - 6 years ago
That cage looks like a lunch box for the sharks.
RA PER - 6 years ago
Dicky is a dumb fuck talks like a mentally disabeld cunt
Captain Win
Captain Win - 6 years ago
Man gets close to sharks, if shark gets too close to man, man shoots shark citing the fact the shark got too close. Discus man's stupidity.
Kurt Farnsworth
Kurt Farnsworth - 6 years ago
Ughhh, no shark broke into the cage.
Rain Saldio
Rain Saldio - 6 years ago
Idiot companions, that man has big mascle must be thrown into the ocean, fucking idiots. Where are your brains?
Rain Saldio
Rain Saldio - 6 years ago
They are so extremely idiots, they put their companion at risk. Hope they get killed first.
Ian Ford
Ian Ford - 6 years ago
Dickey sounds high ASF!!
7malik 7
7malik 7 - 6 years ago
All this Just to make video interesting
Jennifer Sanders
Jennifer Sanders - 6 years ago
raashid appleby
raashid appleby - 6 years ago
Utter shit .
Avriel the Kawaii popcorn
Avriel the Kawaii popcorn - 6 years ago
Get in the f out
M/M M/M - 6 years ago
This is like going to a gun fight with a cap pistol......
Joe Golden
Joe Golden - 6 years ago
175 deep ive been in over 70p feet deep water with a tiger shark
Haydn Samuels
Haydn Samuels - 6 years ago
Aladina Pichardo
Aladina Pichardo - 6 years ago
Xie Jerry
Xie Jerry - 6 years ago
When did the shark break in?
TheJohnnystockman - 6 years ago
Click bait
Jeshi Blue
Jeshi Blue - 6 years ago
Dude it was insane dude I almost died dude super crazy. Wtf
dsahsdouga - 6 years ago
Cage with faulty doors go in the water, you go in the water, sharks in the water, farewell spanish ladies
conner theandroidsentbyCYBERLIFE
conner theandroidsentbyCYBERLIFE - 6 years ago
For those saying pull him back up it was a door he went into not a hatch a the top so he can't go up and there's a rope and how does he get up if you pull him back and if you pull him back the shark will follow because he is bleeding you stupid people
Jin's Windshield Laugh And BTS The Bullies
Jin's Windshield Laugh And BTS The Bullies - 6 years ago
Sharks like "What you doing down here m8?"
Caleb S.
Caleb S. - 6 years ago
The guy is suck a dumbass he doesn't even know the name of the shark. This is such shit. You are 10 times more likely to get killed by a coconut than a shark.
Swork - 6 years ago
I was scared when he made a break for the boat in the most POPULATED SHARK WATERS
Trexori - 6 years ago
Ponuru - 6 years ago
This looks like a shoot that the cameramen ran instead of a producer. If not I'd love to know which producer tried to kill her actors.
TakeMetoW0nderland - 6 years ago
Dicky is one insane SOB but I love him
Ngrabbit X
Ngrabbit X - 6 years ago
There's some prettyy BiG sharks
The Jurassic King
The Jurassic King - 6 years ago
Is Andy Serkis narrating this?
Amelia Farley
Amelia Farley - 6 years ago
Quick question why are you trying to get a shark to attack the cage they are actually quite affectionate creatures you just have to treat them right.
Also if you start bleeding near sharks get out off there they'll think your weak and will think your food and try to attack you.
e. r.
e. r. - 6 years ago
the way he literally PUSHED THE SHARK OMGG
Usman Majeed
Usman Majeed - 6 years ago
Dang dicky sounds like a real bonehead though lmao
Joe Shmo
Joe Shmo - 6 years ago
this looks like something from Jackass
Flattake - 6 years ago
so fcking scripted
GURT GURT - 6 years ago
I think they also attacked because he had Blood losing from the Sharp cage
Martin G
Martin G - 6 years ago
these people deserve what coming
Jonathan Chen
Jonathan Chen - 6 years ago
Getting your hand cut up and bleeding surrounded by sharks, what could go wrong
Fuss Tunes
Fuss Tunes - 6 years ago
Seems like a lot of sharks would injure themselves on that glass cage too if dickie got cut up. Smart.
Tobias Johnson
Tobias Johnson - 6 years ago
Fending off the sharks lol hes sitting in a plastic box
Jimmy Ho
Jimmy Ho - 6 years ago
are those cgi sharks?
Ahmed Ali
Ahmed Ali - 6 years ago
White folks and sharks why play with your life.
Assassin KH
Assassin KH - 6 years ago
idiot should have been torn apart
Pup Cake
Pup Cake - 6 years ago
This is a how to video:
Pup Cake
Pup Cake - 6 years ago
Come on, get the Flex Tape!
Marmaidena - 6 years ago
Dominic Zampa
Dominic Zampa - 6 years ago
Get Dicky out there
Crimp - 6 years ago
i won't be surprised if someday someone got killed from this stupid production. it's so uncomfortable to watch them keep shooting this video when their friend is in danger. trust me, you guys will regret it for the rest of your life if your friend died just because you oversimplify shits like that.
Challenger0428 - 6 years ago
Tell them to fix that door and do this professionally.
anishgupta - 6 years ago
What a dickhead for not going up
Pup Cake
Pup Cake - 6 years ago
Analina marjorie bad or good thing I need to change it lol :-P
Pup Cake
Pup Cake - 6 years ago
Analina marjorie really good point but the ocean is for us when we want or just say beach but really good point there!
Heyboohowsyouuu 727
Heyboohowsyouuu 727 - 6 years ago
These people are idiots
Fortnite Lover
Fortnite Lover - 6 years ago
Heyboohowsyouuu 727 well I mean it's their job so find a mega shark and be the first to document that type of shark
Heyboohowsyouuu 727
Heyboohowsyouuu 727 - 6 years ago
Fortnite Lover yo so your saying you would get in a shark cage and while your in it a shark tears the door down lol ok
Fortnite Lover
Fortnite Lover - 6 years ago
Heyboohowsyouuu 727 how, their living is doing research on the sharks?
Rouge Titan11
Rouge Titan11 - 6 years ago
Why keep him down there
Gcal1956 - 6 years ago
This is a how to video.
Rowena Serrano
Rowena Serrano - 6 years ago
Saoirse Justice McKenna
Saoirse Justice McKenna - 6 years ago
poor sharks - they don't like human meat
ESGloves44 - 6 years ago
Dicky sounded like he was on crack
Cro nus
Cro nus - 6 years ago
Lets see lure a shark in and hopefully see them mating. What he looks like a seal lol.
Brett Martin
Brett Martin - 6 years ago
Yah had one job larry!
Darf Gnarson
Darf Gnarson - 6 years ago
What a load of fake drama bullshit. That open cage was 100% intentional.
settawut leenavong
settawut leenavong - 6 years ago
this is one of the dumbest video i've ever watched
Lisomo - 6 years ago
"A bad week for a human in a cage with lots of sharks"
Señor Doggo
Señor Doggo - 6 years ago
Honestly, the sharks only started bumping into the cage because they sensed the blood from when he cut his hands
Sarah Knudsen
Sarah Knudsen - 6 years ago
i fkn hate this, .. omg, stupid
theguywithin - 6 years ago
This just in: Dicky is an idiot!
Jovan Djordjevic
Jovan Djordjevic - 6 years ago
No shark broke in ... clickbait title. AND at the end of the video the guy says "no mega sharks out there" so its completely misleading...
Simone PleTon
Simone PleTon - 6 years ago
Silly bastards.
Fortnitegaming XXD
Fortnitegaming XXD - 6 years ago
Pull him up
Tempo-ImBad - 6 years ago
For real
Oreo & Oakley's World
Oreo & Oakley's World - 6 years ago
i would absolutely love to shark dive with gws, but not with an inch of fragile glass only protecting you around SEVEN sharks!
Jakub pogubila
Jakub pogubila - 6 years ago
that’s careless for a boat full of experts not to pull the cage up and fix it.
DemonX - 6 years ago
Stake drama cuz no one watched tv
Joshua Evans
Joshua Evans - 6 years ago
I thought these guys were professionals? Why were they so retarded in this video?
TJ Liwanag
TJ Liwanag - 6 years ago
Ghost cage with ghost hinges
RisenPhoenix - 6 years ago
Why would you NOT ensure the cage was secure before going into the water? Oh that's right. It's Discovery. FAKE science, FAKE TV bullshit.
kapitanpochie - 6 years ago
is dicky still alive? ._.
watchingrob - 6 years ago
It's almost like a little plastic box with a broken door is a bad idea..
mini mo
mini mo - 6 years ago
This man is in a big danger guys
Squishy Sharkkk
Squishy Sharkkk - 6 years ago
WOOOOW!!! Those sharks can be up to 15 feet long
puppy lover
puppy lover - 6 years ago
if this was me and the door broke I would've been like "SIKE! PULL ME BACK UP"
Stephen S
Stephen S - 6 years ago
It’s scripted.. no ethical team would keep him down there. Dickey sounds like an idiot
Choff C
Choff C - 6 years ago
Dicky's got some fuckin nuts hanging between his legs...Holy Crow
David Stephenson
David Stephenson - 6 years ago
When is a door not a door?
When it’s ajar
Landin Langridge
Landin Langridge - 6 years ago
Discovery has been going downhill
David De La Cruz
David De La Cruz - 6 years ago
Jason Thompson
Jason Thompson - 6 years ago
Is dickie drunk?
HappyThree ProBro
HappyThree ProBro - 6 years ago
Why'd he open the door in the first place? -_-
Mo Mc an Rí
Mo Mc an Rí - 6 years ago
looks Tricky Dicky
DammitHopek - 6 years ago
Why is everyone so calm? There’s multiple 15 foot long sharks swimming around this plexiglass cage with a faulty door...
czekan - 6 years ago
Bianca Neve
Bianca Neve - 6 years ago
These people are crazy and Dicky seems on drugs
Jonah Mosevoll
Jonah Mosevoll - 6 years ago
the cage is falling apart befor e the sharks attack
TheBigGuy3380 - 6 years ago
All that money spent on the ghost cage and they can’t even get the basics correct.
Drew Deaver
Drew Deaver - 6 years ago
Pull him ul
Sofia Flores-Morales
Sofia Flores-Morales - 6 years ago
Sofia Flores-Morales
Sofia Flores-Morales - 6 years ago
epic, but why didnt they pull him up??
Thomas W
Thomas W - 6 years ago
you'd think they would test of the door closed before getting in it
Mr Clash
Mr Clash - 6 years ago
Them balls don’t get much bigger,-OMG you brave sole. Stay safe
Neisan Kun
Neisan Kun - 6 years ago
Why won't they pull him out :_:
Tommy Nance
Tommy Nance - 6 years ago
I am very disappointed by the infused drama!! The real housewives of the deep! I am so glad I canceled my cable years ago
Henry Boland
Henry Boland - 6 years ago
It’s obviously staged
jawan coleman
jawan coleman - 6 years ago
Js sayin the shark never gets in the cage
Jplayz 123
Jplayz 123 - 6 years ago
cosmicjourney1 - 6 years ago
Why didn’t they pull him back?
BlueSkylar.213 - 6 years ago
It's really hard to be a Dickie. I never want to be one.
Wolf Fur
Wolf Fur - 6 years ago
Natural selection at its best. He's lucky.
aymen - 6 years ago
pause at 2:05... OMGGGGG
Mike Gibson
Mike Gibson - 6 years ago
This was kinda frustrating and annoying to watch lol
Dimitra Panagiotakis
Dimitra Panagiotakis - 6 years ago
Come on guys.... its Discovery channel, they are creating suspense. Just like in the movies!!! Who would go in there in a cage with a broken door.... surrounded by great whites, the largest predators... risking his life... or to be eaten in front of the cameras!!!
Hanna - 6 years ago
The sharks are curious and not even attacking. They feel with their mouth, it's normal for them to find out what it is by using the mouth
Vanishing Sun
Vanishing Sun - 6 years ago
Almost like it’s scripted for dramatic effect huh?!
theGameofGames - 6 years ago
The door opening part is staged guys for excitement and tension
Coast Hearing Aid Lab
Coast Hearing Aid Lab - 6 years ago
Why don’t they pull him up
Ajax - 6 years ago
Fuckin anxiety dude pull him up
Arm Leuchter
Arm Leuchter - 6 years ago
This guy is insane!
BlueBadgerGamer - 6 years ago
5:09 then throw some meat into the water to lure them up.
Northern Beaches Same day surf
Northern Beaches Same day surf - 6 years ago
If someone deserves to be eaten it’s them, could you possibly ask for it more, I don’t wish death on the idiots but a missing finger or 2 would serve them right
Lil Dream
Lil Dream - 6 years ago
This is fucking stupid what if the sharks actually get in
Lashyn Ahmad
Lashyn Ahmad - 6 years ago
Dicky fucking fearless
ThefkinSloth - 6 years ago
Stupid fucking commentary.
KING MING - 6 years ago
this was dumb
veprecose - 6 years ago
Who narrated this?
zoey southbird
zoey southbird - 6 years ago
Marla Gypsy
Marla Gypsy - 6 years ago
Jillian2chillian - 6 years ago
Do they make like different color suits? So like casual divers dont have to be at risk of being mistaken
Pepper K
Pepper K - 6 years ago
He likes the thrill, let him stay there 1 night and comeback next day. Throw in the cage some dead fish too, it will add some action during his one night journey
MNE_Hermqn - 6 years ago
Why is it a fcking DOOR in that cage?! U just know something bad is gonna happend :P
Garreth Moran
Garreth Moran - 6 years ago
what a fucking idiot
1,999,999 Views - 6 years ago
This pisses me off, if the door is broken. Pull him up and fix it
T Kyng
T Kyng - 6 years ago
They just wanted to ask Dicky if they had anything in their teeth
DeadBunny69 - 6 years ago
Future Darwin Award winner
jf76 - 6 years ago
Darwin Award waiting to happen. That cage is so flimsy - who designed that thing and put that genius inside of it?
steeler091 - 6 years ago
In the name of science, oh hell nah! That’s some bs
Vara Lakshmi
Vara Lakshmi - 6 years ago
Man pls.. this not a joke
Mckenzie Mahal
Mckenzie Mahal - 6 years ago
Why leave him with seven sharks with a broken door?. And why tf is the ghost box so cheap?
Adrien L
Adrien L - 6 years ago
What a stupid show... All staged... Sharks aren't dangerous... You have more chances to die from a car accident then from a shark attack... Stop with those fake propaganda...
sparkfirehot - 6 years ago
The shit white people do smh.
Scar King
Scar King - 6 years ago
Wtf why they don’t pull him back
sonicrollin - 6 years ago
schmangel 23
schmangel 23 - 6 years ago
Cage door is broken and these idiots “hmmm.. wanna pull him back up?”
Calvin Tran
Calvin Tran - 6 years ago
Pull him up idiots
Juan Pablo Alatorre
Juan Pablo Alatorre - 6 years ago
This is bullshit. I hope the shark eats him
Mollie Faith
Mollie Faith - 6 years ago
Dude, sharks freak me out! I don’t know why I watch these kind of videos! Lol
Mollie Faith
Mollie Faith - 6 years ago
Man that made me so tense! I kept saying to myself bring him in! Bring him in!
J.D. Saldivar
J.D. Saldivar - 6 years ago
Props to these dudes!! No doubt how smart they are. My opinion is that they were not prepared. My ex girlfriend's girlfriend ( kidding!!) could kick shitt outta the plastic cage. Ha!!
Queen ll
Queen ll - 6 years ago
My names jeff
Spilled Tea
Spilled Tea - 6 years ago
haylyn henderson
haylyn henderson - 6 years ago
Spilled Tea lolololololololololol
Hannah Rodgers
Hannah Rodgers - 6 years ago
Omg why didn't they just pull him up
TATE STARKS - 6 years ago
they need to help him
TATE STARKS - 6 years ago
these are awesome videos and they need to be safe
john U.S.
john U.S. - 6 years ago
Shit They do for ratings. This door has to be in The scenerio.
peter ganem
peter ganem - 6 years ago
Drama Drama Drama
It's supposed to be about the sharks, not the humans.
StormIsSalty - 6 years ago
HAHA its all fake , i mean its actually happening and there is risk with the sharks but its so obviously staged
ugh. - 6 years ago
Some people just have a death wish
Heidi Hungerford
Heidi Hungerford - 6 years ago
Ugh I hate reading comments now of lately like just stop bitching
They made the choice to go out there
If they die let them

Stop bitching it's so fucking annoying to see the same comment again and again
"Natural selection"
"When will humans learn"

Like JESUS it's annoying as fuck
Don't like it don't watch don't comment
If they die hell that's on them
Dawn jones
Dawn jones - 6 years ago
If that was me I would be FREAKING out. Sharks are my WORST fear
Ryan - 6 years ago
Who was rooting for Dickie to get eaten
Der 38er
Der 38er - 6 years ago
This guy sounds so dumb
König Leonidas
König Leonidas - 6 years ago
When he lost his arm , everbody says: Another shark attack bla bla , FUCKING people!!!
Hayden Vecera
Hayden Vecera - 6 years ago
Hell Nah I’d be screaming let me the fuck back up right now
Kairi420 - 6 years ago
the Shark is scared of Shaq
mavi kelebek
mavi kelebek - 6 years ago
Why is there even a door
This side of the internet
This side of the internet - 6 years ago
0:49 its a bad week to ve a dickie
This side of the internet
This side of the internet - 6 years ago
Dickie is dressed like a seal, dickie is a idiot
audrey maas
audrey maas - 6 years ago
For everyone saying,"why dont you pull him back up?" You can't. Pulling the heavy cage back up is like pulling a boulder up out of water. It is really heavy bc of the weight of the water going against it. Even if they did pull him back up it would take approximately 5 minutes which is plenty of time for the shark to kill them. It wouldn't matter either way.
Free L.S.P
Free L.S.P - 6 years ago
iCryanogen - 6 years ago
Boi the door is a perfect situation where you need flex tape
Ali Khan
Ali Khan - 6 years ago
People curious why they didn't pull him out. He didn't ask them to. If he asked they would. They have conversations like these before hand. If he wants to come up he'll have a safety word or make it abundantly clear. He didn't ask a single time to come back up. So they didn't get him out. Before they go in they know the risk, and footage is the primary goal. If it gets too much it's up to the diver in the first instance to state he is in danger, if the diver is unresponsive then the crew is required to pull him out.
Lori Strode Michael's Girl
Lori Strode Michael's Girl - 6 years ago
Dickie was kinda hot
Lightskin Shorty
Lightskin Shorty - 6 years ago
I’m freaking out and I’m not even in there
TruthFan - 6 years ago
The cage clearly has a latch on it, yet he can’t close it? They don’t pull him up?

So contrived, a broken door? Seriously? Fake
Cam Yeah
Cam Yeah - 6 years ago
So we just not gonna pull him back to the boat
Kevin Bolsajian
Kevin Bolsajian - 6 years ago
To everyone in the comments asking “why not pull him in” this is how tv shows make money. They purposely broke the door, and they purposely did not pull him in. It is all part of their plan
Heather Coleman
Heather Coleman - 6 years ago
My Son now has a life goal of working, swimming, and saving sharks. Thank you Shark Week !!!! My son is 13 and since he was 6 all he wants to do is become the people he sees on T.V. He wants to get in the cage more then he wants to breathe air . Maybe one day he'll be on Shark Week . With so many kids now days not knowing what they want to do or be when they grow up, I am so grateful that he has chosen to do this. And thank goodness for the DVR for the other 51 weeks of the year. Calvin (my son) said "SHAQ your a sissy!" Shaq I still love you
Vanessa & Veronica Hearts
Vanessa & Veronica Hearts - 6 years ago
Nina Berniere
Nina Berniere - 6 years ago
And this is a example of a stupid caption
Getting Carried Away -GCA-
Getting Carried Away -GCA- - 6 years ago
Imagine if a shark Jaws’d his ass and ran him up from the bottom.
jegvilhais - 6 years ago
It’s staged you fucking morons
Kristoffer Ramos
Kristoffer Ramos - 6 years ago
yo that looks dangerous
King Possum
King Possum - 6 years ago
so what happened with the lawsuit? first thing I'd do when I got to land is file a lawsuit for unsafe work conditions as the door wouldn't shut. sure swimming with sharks might normally be unsafe but when you go in thinking the equipment is gonna work to find out it fails and is broken and you have lots of sharks swimming around you I think one could win that least in the US one would win the lawsuit.
Brian McNamara
Brian McNamara - 6 years ago
Fake drama...fucking idiots showing off.
Holly Hunter
Holly Hunter - 6 years ago
padillas 101
padillas 101 - 6 years ago
OMG PULL HIM UP that is so dumb
Smithdk1234 - 6 years ago
is a amazing animal wee need to protect them
Amelia Davies
Amelia Davies - 6 years ago
klub182 - 6 years ago
Pull him up!!!
Anna Banana
Anna Banana - 6 years ago
for sure thought he was gonna die
CLewey44 - 6 years ago
They aren't the apex predator of the oceans...I know it's shark week and you don't want to minimize them but orcas rule the ocean.
twinkie•ᴘᴀᴡs - 6 years ago
wow those people just watch him almost be eaten by a shark? :/
Great Stalin
Great Stalin - 6 years ago
Gabriela Sanchez
Gabriela Sanchez - 6 years ago
This seems fake . why wouldnt you shut the door in the first place
maya summers
maya summers - 6 years ago
Look, I love animals of all kinds, but there's no way in hell Ima risk my life like that to take a damn picture or get 2seconds of footage. I love to admire from a distance thank you.
More Animals Less People
More Animals Less People - 6 years ago
Thats TV for you people. The door issue was definitely planned.
Marissa Miller
Marissa Miller - 6 years ago
livie_Playz101 - 6 years ago
Dicky sounds like Donald trump
Ashley M
Ashley M - 6 years ago
Woah I would die
Nia Kelly
Nia Kelly - 6 years ago
At this point idc if he dies . Like you don’t care, I don’t care. This is stupid
aesthetic_moon - 6 years ago
and little dickie never trusted his friends again
Gréta Szimuly
Gréta Szimuly - 6 years ago
just fecking pull him back up and buy a new cage goddamnit
Edgy9yrold - 6 years ago
this is scripted af. so fake dude. why didnt they check if the door works before they loeered it. so fuckin fake
DaRk_ REAPERYT - 6 years ago
pull him up for god sake
R. K.
R. K. - 6 years ago
Pull him up! Oh my god! Why the heck would you not just pull him up when the door broke? I mean, why would you risk his life?
Dank Love
Dank Love - 6 years ago
Omg -_- bro pull him out
Joseph Lamicella
Joseph Lamicella - 6 years ago
Why are they wearing black? I heard when sharks see the color black they think of seals. Why not wear colorful colors other then those that ressemble a seal?
desmond brathwaite
desmond brathwaite - 6 years ago
These are some crazy edomites.
KillinSkulls - 6 years ago
desmond brathwaite
I know right!
SUICIDAL GAMING - 6 years ago
Nigga must have some big balls to do this shit
Levi Ackerman
Levi Ackerman - 6 years ago
LMAOOO where in that video do u see a black person
Viper - 6 years ago
For some strange reason i get this urge to hug that shark
That damn Gucci
That damn Gucci - 6 years ago
They are doing this for ratings. If he was in danger they would have pulled him in.
Hafsa Waseem
Hafsa Waseem - 6 years ago
I think these are not mega sharks
The Texian Libertarian
The Texian Libertarian - 6 years ago
It he was in serious danger they’d have got him out of there lol it’s for ratings
Valeria Citera
Valeria Citera - 6 years ago
Guy:There is a pretty big sharks down there!!
Me:let's get you up and get the hella outahere
NathCamy Gui
NathCamy Gui - 6 years ago
Most beautiful animal in the world
Lisa and friends /cinnmo
Lisa and friends /cinnmo - 6 years ago
These people are idiots
ally msp
ally msp - 6 years ago
At this point, the shark is 10× smarter than the humans.
Alex Hill
Alex Hill - 6 years ago
That was disapointing
clide Burts
clide Burts - 6 years ago
It's not worth any kind of money put your life in danger
clide Burts
clide Burts - 6 years ago
Every boss that's ever hired me said thanks smart not hard. And take safety very seriously if you're going to get in them cages at least have a electronic device for safety and put on That Metal protection in case you get bit it wouldn't be cool if you got killed man
clide Burts
clide Burts - 6 years ago
Be smart that goes cage is not safe very stupid don't you understand that they can hire people like you a dime a dozen you need to take safety seriously Dickey are you going to end up getting killed I'll pray for you to think smart.
Kelvin Wilson
Kelvin Wilson - 6 years ago
dam fool
Smilla Marie
Smilla Marie - 6 years ago
Im at 2.20 and I’m actually scared af
Ja Mob
Ja Mob - 6 years ago
Knock knock
Who ls there?
Shark who?
The shark whos gonna eat you because your dumbass didnt properly put that door together
Mayo Luck
Mayo Luck - 6 years ago
Some fucking dipshit engineering there, the diver sounds like fucking faggot
Gabrielle Jones
Gabrielle Jones - 6 years ago
Can I please get more subscribers
Marney Russell
Marney Russell - 6 years ago
Why didn’t they just put a dummy in with a camera?!
KF Gaming
KF Gaming - 6 years ago
Is it just me but don't some scenes look animated
Aneisha Sutherland
Aneisha Sutherland - 6 years ago
Pull ths dang cage up he might die!!!
Nariendra Persaud
Nariendra Persaud - 6 years ago
There niggas are retarded.. before u guys pull him in ...
Gaby Chuels
Gaby Chuels - 6 years ago
No wonder why so many sharks were attacking all his idiot blood was spilling in the ocean while the door was broken
Gaby Chuels
Gaby Chuels - 6 years ago
Why tf didnt they pull him in when he said the door was fucking broken this is a human beings life on the line are yall fucking crazy?
Rocket Jumper
Rocket Jumper - 6 years ago
“Why no pull cage up”

I want you guys to take a clear look at the boat, is there a pulley system? No. So they need to pull him along, and the sharks will follow, plus he needs to get as much footage as possible.
IZZY6IXTEEN - 6 years ago
Yeah wouldn't be a bad idea to leave a guy in a broken cage under the water with several sharks around him ,what can possibly go wrong smh
Crafty Girl
Crafty Girl - 6 years ago
Hello,pull him up
Quentin Basil
Quentin Basil - 6 years ago
i swear people do some stupid ass shit smh this is just non sense
I Roddy
I Roddy - 6 years ago
It was a mistake for me to watch this before going to sleep
Michael Dodus
Michael Dodus - 6 years ago
Wait... why didn't they just use Flex Tape???
Raz Worthers
Raz Worthers - 6 years ago
Unfortunately i dont belive this ,1 the pressure on that door would never swing open that easy and 2 if they belived for 1 second that door was unsafe what in the hell are they doing putting that guys life at risk wwhen they could of easily of pulled him out. 3 his hands were bleeding there was no blood trace in the water and if his hand had real blood on them, them sharks wouldnt of givien him time to open the door and swim back to the boat .
Samuel Brooks
Samuel Brooks - 6 years ago
Why does it need a door in the first place if the top is open!
arferret - 6 years ago
Ridiculous. A candidate for the Darwin Awards!
Alfonso Ferguson
Alfonso Ferguson - 6 years ago
Guess your gonna have too hire quint too hunt and kill the cheap, and be on welfare for the entire winter, chief. .....
Alfonso Ferguson
Alfonso Ferguson - 6 years ago
Keep still...they since ur a fish in distress.....this is why they're gonna attack
Teh2weird Kids
Teh2weird Kids - 6 years ago
Merdjoui Omar
Merdjoui Omar - 6 years ago
This kind of human behavior is encouraging the sharks to consider us as their meal, he may be protected inside the glass cage but one day these sharks will confront a human being swimming and they will feed on him I don't see the point from this video.
Luks 11
Luks 11 - 6 years ago
fucking clickbait
Lavar's Balls
Lavar's Balls - 6 years ago
Hey guys the ultra thin plexi glass is broken.. I'm so happy. Let me stay a little longer, ok guys

Viewers : ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
CARTER - 6 years ago
Diver: "hey guys the door won't shut, i had it open for awhile until the mega-shark arrived to get a better look around from my completely clear , so-called ghost cage, but now i cant close it"
Production Crew on boat: "should we help him immediately, dont pull the cage back to the dry safe boat or help the diver in the cage to close the door, this is getting good for ratings and would make a great promotional clip for press week commerials about our shark week show, this is good for ratings...screw the diver and the cage"
mejo76 - 6 years ago
Gigantic Sharks * Trying To * Break Into Ghost Cage.
RyJy - 6 years ago
Ah of course the cage door just happens to be "broken"...
Natalyah Rose
Natalyah Rose - 6 years ago
N4d43a - 6 years ago
I hate adverts
Kameron Robitaille
Kameron Robitaille - 6 years ago
theyre mad dumb why wouldnt they check to make sure its safe before putting him in the water
rachray83 - 6 years ago
Really they didnt know the door was broken. The walls look paper thin anyway
MrSlaav - 6 years ago
fukin yanks.
Red Quoll
Red Quoll - 6 years ago
Who's a clever Dick? Not Dickie ..that's for sure !
C A - 6 years ago
It's probably made in China
TheBestCartoons1 - 6 years ago
ninjarevv - 6 years ago
This guy is annoying
C Brown
C Brown - 6 years ago
2:08 imagine being in the ocean and seeing that, like a fucking horror movie
HockeyTown Luv
HockeyTown Luv - 6 years ago
The broken door is an act for ratings
Calli Barnes
Calli Barnes - 6 years ago
The sharks look fake btw dicky your a great actor
Pedro Martell
Pedro Martell - 6 years ago
U guys are too cute with broken door lmao bye
Zack's Scene
Zack's Scene - 6 years ago
Living on the edge
A person who quit YouTube
A person who quit YouTube - 6 years ago
Oh just making a door lock while he is about o die
Azalro - 6 years ago
The man seems to be retarded.
YoungiinChasinMoney - 6 years ago
then wonder why animals attack
YoungiinChasinMoney - 6 years ago
white motherfuckers crazy as hell leave them animals alone those are their homes this y you whitw mfs stupid now
LlamaFaceTV - 6 years ago
Danay Reyes
Danay Reyes - 6 years ago
EPC 1522
EPC 1522 - 6 years ago
Click bait

What a waste of fucking time
georgia - 6 years ago
Ya know check the cage door before your you go into WILD shark infested water
Dazzling Bunny
Dazzling Bunny - 6 years ago
I know this is mean to animals but if i was Dickie I would've brought a knife and if they try to break in i would slice the side of it
GGG GAMER - 6 years ago
Dazzling Bunny you're going to slice the ENTIRE head off? That's like slicing a person's body in half. You think the shark is just going to sit there while you attempt to slice the head off? And, anyways, you would need a mechanical saw in order to slice the head off which you would not be able to bring into the water.
Dazzling Bunny
Dazzling Bunny - 6 years ago
GGG GAMER I would slice the head off and it would be dead
GGG GAMER - 6 years ago
Dazzling Bunny then the shark you sliced would have been pissed and tried even harder to kill you.
natasha - 6 years ago
This is a big joke. The sharks arent doing anything. Its sick people like you who are making sharks out to be violent killers when they are an essential part of the ocean ecosysytem. If they wanted to kill him theywould be attacking like crazy. watch a shark frenzy with real food. You guys are clowns and should get a life
sydney maraldo
sydney maraldo - 6 years ago
why not just get him out of the cage
Alanwott - 6 years ago
Fnaf in the sea:
mws755 - 6 years ago
it's always Australians and British that perform these stupid stunts. There's a difference between being brave and being flat out stupid
The mad king Aerys
The mad king Aerys - 6 years ago
Is that the iron born from got? The first mate i cant remember his name but he has an awesome voice.
Heidi Chiandussi
Heidi Chiandussi - 6 years ago
What a name ...Dicky ?
Joe Fitzpatrick
Joe Fitzpatrick - 6 years ago
The whole broken door debacle is so staged for TV viewing and got me wound right up! If it wasn't staged then whoever made the door needs sacking and slapping, and whoever was tasked with checking the door should just go home.
F. 67
F. 67 - 6 years ago
Such an idiot
Layla Samone
Layla Samone - 6 years ago
i want to a marine biologist but if the cage break im telling tuem to pull up
Rylie Studeman
Rylie Studeman - 6 years ago
Then justget out of there gosh
Stanko Burrito
Stanko Burrito - 6 years ago
I was hoping the sharks were gonna eat the dudes in the water and then tip the boat over and finish off the rest of em
Kamikaze Yamamoto
Kamikaze Yamamoto - 6 years ago
This is nothing more than stupid fucking showboating.
Under the guise of legitimate real scientific research, they are really just fucking dumbasses playing for the camera.
I for one would really enjoy watching the attacking and feeding habits of one of these big Great Whites on Dicky the Dumbass.
This guy is just a fucking attention seeker who did some dumbass stunt years ago and because of it got hired to do shows on sharks with Discovery.
That camera hog idiot redhead bitch on Mythbusters is the same story.
I have a good friend who was a cameraman on it for years who told me the whole story about her basically blowing her way on the show.
Fake news here folks. Move along nothing to see here.
Andrew Scott
Andrew Scott - 6 years ago
Put a snack box in the ocean for the sharks and then put shitty locks on it?

Razvan Lisman
Razvan Lisman - 6 years ago
Staged and full of bullshit.
iiNarwal1 - 6 years ago
If I were I'm I would be screamimg,crying,and I would tell them to frickin pull me up lmao
Dez Eleven
Dez Eleven - 6 years ago
you guys were cock blocking I think thats why they were fucking with you lol!
The Healthy Einstein
The Healthy Einstein - 6 years ago
Not even the females wanted to eat him because Dicky was being a dick
csm bright
csm bright - 6 years ago
Fucking idiots. Let's put this thing in there with a faulty fucking door. Are you joking? Even after that, fix it throw it back in. whatever. Jesus Christ
AdLibby - 6 years ago
Why does the glass cage have a door in the first place? There is a huge hole in the top they can enter and exit from.
henocsome - 6 years ago
Dicky is fucked up in the head
Kevin Cherveny
Kevin Cherveny - 6 years ago
The door isn’t a problem they can’t get through it a missing bolt would be
Mark Oliver Parcon
Mark Oliver Parcon - 6 years ago
Battlemage 77
Battlemage 77 - 6 years ago
Survivalist tell you to stay calm in this kind on situation, yet people make movies and scenes all the time about sharks and how terrifying they are.
Just Jessica
Just Jessica - 6 years ago
Dicky was extreme shark observing with a 99% chance of death. He beat the odds. Lol
Anjello Luciano
Anjello Luciano - 6 years ago
dicky, what a great fucking name
Amanda Mapletree
Amanda Mapletree - 6 years ago
WOah I would be screaming for help
Dihein Menikkumbura
Dihein Menikkumbura - 6 years ago
Samantha Kahrman
Samantha Kahrman - 6 years ago
Shaun Asher
Shaun Asher - 6 years ago
"Its a bad week to be a seal" i WANT his shirt

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