Girl Attacked By Shark! | Shark Week

A young girl who was attacked while on vacation reveals actual footage from that day. For more Shark Week

Girl Attacked By Shark! | Shark Week sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2221

Shark videos 16 years ago 17,058,056 views

A young girl who was attacked while on vacation reveals actual footage from that day. For more Shark Week

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Most popular comments
for Girl Attacked By Shark! | Shark Week

Deborah Clark
Deborah Clark - 7 years ago
Just show the fucking video
Calvin smith
Calvin smith - 7 years ago
To bad it didn’t get all of them, there would be a few less stupid people left in the world
Robert Mcintyre
Robert Mcintyre - 7 years ago
Dheeraj Thakur
Dheeraj Thakur - 7 years ago
that is why we should not swim anywhere
Dheeraj Thakur
Dheeraj Thakur - 7 years ago
that is why we should not swim anywhere
romanek shark
romanek shark - 7 years ago
i not undersand why the stupid people on that boat they did not help...why stick ?why he did not catch her someone
Meowchi D
Meowchi D - 7 years ago
The reason why she was so calm throughout this and thought the water was pretty was because she was dying of blood loss her brain was dying.
psicofukapus - 7 years ago
Good for you, shark lady, good for you.
German Thiemann
German Thiemann - 7 years ago
It's only safe to swim with Sharks if you're of Finnish descent.Fonzi jumped a shark once.... Didn't float to the surface again till Adam Sandler fished him out.True story

10. comment for Girl Attacked By Shark! | Shark Week

Nexsterzz - 8 years ago
can someone remind me why am i even watching this?
The Scorpion Network
The Scorpion Network - 8 years ago
My girlfriend was hit by lightning 2 times
natn0 - 8 years ago
The Scorpion Network
The Scorpion Network - 8 years ago
no for real
natn0 - 8 years ago
Tehi Tonge
Tehi Tonge - 8 years ago
Do not play around in deep waters,sharks can attack from any angle.She is lucky the shark didn't hit her from the bottom.
Nutty Nutcase
Nutty Nutcase - 8 years ago
what a fuckin stupid comment!
Stallbackens Schleich
Stallbackens Schleich - 8 years ago
Help meeeeee
Stallbackens Schleich
Stallbackens Schleich - 8 years ago
nikkibit - 8 years ago
Submarine the shark attack against man
Anabelle Agueran
Anabelle Agueran - 8 years ago
Anabelle Agueran
Anabelle Agueran - 8 years ago
FuzzyMoose Head
FuzzyMoose Head - 8 years ago
I would've turned around and hit it she was a lucky wee man
HostDisorder - 8 years ago
She thinks the chances of being bitten by shark swimming in the deep ocean is the same probability as being struck by lightening. This is why women shouldn't be in the work place. Fat bastard

20. comment for Girl Attacked By Shark! | Shark Week

TheWholeSystemisFckd - 8 years ago
chewing on her ankle "didn't hurt". that's because the motherfucker severed the nerves so you don't feel it. he wasn't looking for a treat and to be called a good boy
Emily P
Emily P - 8 years ago
That's so scary......ouch...but I only swim in the beach where the water only reaches my waist
Cobra_Rhodes - 8 years ago
hey Heather do yourself a favor at 2:12 and shove that fuckin stick in the shark's eye, gills, or in the back of it's throat!!! good lord!!!
blurman101 - 8 years ago
WOW, great Attitude to have after such an unlucky thing to have happen to you.
Ghost shadow
Ghost shadow - 8 years ago
Woman you were an expendable idiot used by your professor for a live specimen. Think about it, why would your team leader let all you people into the water for a swim, you were the bail for a live feeding experiment. You were not lucky, the shark got what it wanted, a nice t-bone you were what is called an expendable idiot. How much $$ did the person make from the research data collected and the live footage. hope it was worth it, you need to collect from this as well.
Joey Point
Joey Point - 8 years ago
I would've been like pass me a speer or a couple of knives im going in,
jump on it's back and start stabbing that big mother up till it was dead and lifeless then.....

turn it into shark fin soup
MiCRO•iCE - 8 years ago
by looking at ur pic, u'll definitely shit in ur pants if it ever happens hahaha bruh
Xsuprio - 8 years ago
"...I'm pretty safe now". * gets attacked by lion *
soda ouch
soda ouch - 8 years ago
I want to pet a great white in the nose area.sharks are cute
Anthony Bustamante
Anthony Bustamante - 8 years ago
Christopher Miller jr.
Christopher Miller jr. - 8 years ago
I like sharks
Rithea Sorn
Rithea Sorn - 8 years ago

30. comment for Girl Attacked By Shark! | Shark Week

Mark J Productions
Mark J Productions - 8 years ago
my brother has gotten bitten
Xsuprio - 8 years ago
I got bit lots of times.

Oh, by a shark. No... never by a shark.
Zair Toscano
Zair Toscano - 8 years ago
Sharktatoes - 8 years ago
Who would swim there?
ross vandenberg
ross vandenberg - 8 years ago
aqua hippies
Jpdst29 - 8 years ago
If I'm ever attacked by a shark I'm immediately defecating myself sort of like a squid with its ink. Hopefully a face full of feces will deter it from eating me.
FlyDragonFly - 8 years ago
THAT'S why i am NEVER swimming in ocean water deeper than 5 feet !! even while snorkeling in Boracay, where there are "no" sharks according to the locals. but that's a lie. of course there are great whites in the philippines... !! there are even great whites in the mediterranian and on our German North and East coast seperating germany from denmark.. Those f*ckers are everywhere. there is no "no sharks".
NEVER swim in the deep ocean and in waters you don't know. because it is, and it always WILL be f'cking dangerous! i love sharks and i will definetly go cage diving sometime. but never enter the deep unprotected. this is THEIR territory. we are just a tiny plankton and easy prey in the big blue, for we all don't know what else is lurking down there. for your own safety.... and for the safety of these majestic animals! sharks are being hunted because of stupid senseless idiots (expt. divers/scientists) who swim in open deep water!
Fathappykitten - 8 years ago
so true
Wancroc Slayer
Wancroc Slayer - 8 years ago
"In 1985 Ann Shirley Durdin was snorkelling in only 7 ft of water in Australia Peak bay when she was viciously struck by a great white shark that was so powerful it ripped her in half. The gory scene was witnessed by her husband and 4 children who watched helplessy from the shore. As the 20 ft (6m) great white left only Durdin's headless torso bobbing up and down in the water.
You're safe anywhere brah.
Meghan Bradner
Meghan Bradner - 8 years ago
Most shark attacks happen in five feet of water or less. Just sayin.
smoses x
smoses x - 8 years ago
Malaysia doesn't hv any shark in deep ocean lol
Mr. Mayhem
Mr. Mayhem - 9 years ago
Everytime I've ever seen Heather Boswell interviewed, she always seems so calm, careless, and almost happy about the situation. Just saying. She's def a brave bitch.
Thor - 8 years ago
+Jonas Cortes Lol
Sadie Lauth
Sadie Lauth - 8 years ago
its stands for 'Defenitly'
charlotte allen
charlotte allen - 8 years ago
+Jonas Cortes mate it stands for definitely
Jonas Cortes
Jonas Cortes - 8 years ago
she is not def
EviePlaysRoblox Lol
EviePlaysRoblox Lol - 9 years ago
that was horrible
Kristen Stanley
Kristen Stanley - 9 years ago
There was a pop!
Brett Plank
Brett Plank - 9 years ago
Shark: "I wonder what this is NOM NOM NOM-- oh shit my bad!" -- leaves girl alone.
Wancroc Slayer
Wancroc Slayer - 8 years ago
Most of tomes yeah. But some people get eaten alive
CrimsonBladeKiller - 9 years ago
Anyone else cringe when she said “I looked down and my leg was gone."
Feels - 9 years ago
women are retarded
Skeene _6
Skeene _6 - 9 years ago
Gets attacked by a shark, remembers how pretty it was lol
Mona Bys
Mona Bys - 7 years ago
ikr lol
יואב קרביץ
יואב קרביץ - 9 years ago
זה מפחיד וגם מסוכן הרבה דם
Mason Janickii
Mason Janickii - 9 years ago
OK first off she dumb as fuck they tool your leg tf u wanna back for the attack may be rare but obviously u wasn't the lucky one stay out gosh I swear u don't v Spanish or black only white ppl lol
second I'm mad no one in the rescue boat went to save her what kind of rescuers are they they jus waitiled till the shark brought her back up lmaoo
Wancroc Slayer
Wancroc Slayer - 8 years ago
"In 1985 Ann Shirley Durdin was snorkelling in only 7 ft of water in Australia Peak bay when she was viciously struck by a great white shark that was so powerful it ripped her in half. The gory scene was witnessed by her husband and 4 children who watched helplessy from the shore. As the 20 ft (6m) great white left only Durdin's headless torso bobbing up and down in the water." Stop with pretending be a scientist young teenager, main situation don't mean every situation
Mason Janickii
Mason Janickii - 9 years ago
+Kilitim first off what are you trying to say about the nigger? and second I am Puerto Rican no nigger come to where I live and say that and lets see what happens to your probably white ass lol only tough through computer and I graduated high school buddy for your info yes I did pass i just type quick and don't read it after so now stop sucking me and go live your life
Timothy Thawng Tha
Timothy Thawng Tha - 9 years ago
omg omg o my god so scared oh my heather you ok?? omg ;(
Katy Lee
Katy Lee - 9 years ago
She doesn't understand the theory of probability. Nice girl though.
ross vandenberg
ross vandenberg - 8 years ago
Right, she still has the same chance of being attacked every time she goes into the ocean she had before. My theory is that sharks don't attack people on land so I just keep my probability at zero all the time.
Lady R.M.Z
Lady R.M.Z - 9 years ago
I am never going to the ocean for this stupid reason. Omg Now I know why when you turn 13 your a teenager! Because teenagers are Crrraaazzzzy
Cherokee New
Cherokee New - 9 years ago
No. Youre fucking stupid
Lady R.M.Z
Lady R.M.Z - 9 years ago
And this is why you never go deep into the ocean!
Athieu Bec
Athieu Bec - 9 years ago
Who hands someone a stick?! Literally
Mike 11 16
Mike 11 16 - 9 years ago
+Athieu Bec They were using it as a makeshift paddle and held it out to her so she could grab on to it. They were going to use it to pull her over quickly to them and get her on the boat since they weren't close enough to just reach in and pull her out.
Tari Jade
Tari Jade - 9 years ago
why didnt they show more of the original clip? stupid

50. comment for Girl Attacked By Shark! | Shark Week

Roxy_Star_15 - 9 years ago
This is made in 2008 WHY ARE THEY DRESSED LIKE IN THE 80s
Roxy_Star_15 - 9 years ago
+ShannaCaine oh ok got it
Shanna The Ebony
Shanna The Ebony - 9 years ago
+Rozelle Farley The TV shows have a dress code; they can't have regular clothes with brands on them.
Zeb Yaj
Zeb Yaj - 9 years ago
the mother said shark but in her mind it's a puppy.
dtice - 9 years ago
i hope that people realize that it is entirely, 100% possible to sympathize with the girl for losing her leg in a freak accident AND sympathize with sharks for the fact that they're being mercilessly slaughtered all over the world. you don't always have to be so extreme in your opinions, guys
3thalio_N_ational Werdzz
3thalio_N_ational Werdzz - 7 years ago
Gaurav Sharma
Gaurav Sharma - 9 years ago
That Last thing she said.. That was one of the DUMBEST thing I've heard in a long time...! #dumbamericans
Christopher Johnson
Christopher Johnson - 8 years ago
+Kilitim LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL HOLY SHIT I share the same disdain for Indians. fuckin krishna worshiping zealots
Lisa Flodin Ekström
Lisa Flodin Ekström - 9 years ago
It' feels like a puppy but my leg was gone, ehmm ok
Mike 11 16
Mike 11 16 - 9 years ago
+Lisa Flodin Ekström She was referring tot he initial bite from the shark, which was a gentle "curiosity" bite. Sharks will bite in an attempt to examine an unfamiliar object, and they usually bite gently when they do this exploratory behavior. That's why many shark attack survivors often get away with only moderate injuries or, in worst case scenario, an amputated leg or arm.

In her unfortunate case, the shark thought she was tasty, so it came back around for a more aggressive attack.
Rafael Vieira
Rafael Vieira - 9 years ago
+Lisa Flodin Ekström lol
J A. M
J A. M - 9 years ago
That shark deserves to be hunted down and killed.
Lions Fan
Lions Fan - 9 years ago
I saw this footage year ago. Horrifying. I'm glad the girl is ok and it was good to see her now fast forward a few years and doing fine.
Alex Mousso
Alex Mousso - 9 years ago
I got attacked by a baby shark its was so cute but what if the mom comes..
Vince Bagay
Vince Bagay - 9 years ago
That girl was really lucky
sea man
sea man - 9 years ago
i would of jumped and helped her
sea man
sea man - 9 years ago
mkay; good story bro 
The Derpy Penguin
The Derpy Penguin - 9 years ago
Everythings fun
Everythings fun - 9 years ago
Please god that she will be all right
Danigirlxoxo - 9 years ago
It said "her friends are right there to help" but really she didn't even know them
Lisa Flodin Ekström
Lisa Flodin Ekström - 9 years ago
And stay home
SniperWithADrP - 9 years ago
We should go out and kill ALL the beautiful sharks. So we can swim in peace.
Cherokee New
Cherokee New - 9 years ago
Sharks hardly attack humans.
SniperWithADrP - 9 years ago
+Bree Aye Jaws was based off of a true story back n the 1950's or sometime like that
xayebri - 9 years ago
+SniperWithADrP jaws is a movie, most movies are fiction
SniperWithADrP - 9 years ago
+Bree Aye no they r out to get us. Have u not seen Jaws They r trying to eat us all.
xayebri - 9 years ago
+SniperWithADrP they dont try to go after humans, they usually mistake us as seals/sea lions and from the surface we look like seals
SniperWithADrP - 9 years ago
+Bree Aye sharks only out there to eat us
xayebri - 9 years ago
ASIAN BOI - 9 years ago
She was running away that's why the shark attacked her and her friends were screaming they should of shut up that shark was nibbling on her foot to get attention probably
Risto Haabsaar
Risto Haabsaar - 9 years ago

Alece Dodd
Alece Dodd - 9 years ago
Really guys? Sharks are incredible creatures who have small brains. Its not their fault. Sharks think that people are their favorite food to eat; seals. Its not their fault. Sharks killed bout 5 people in 2012 while people killed about 100,000 sharks.
sheldon1983 - 9 years ago
It's put my mind at ease watching this vid! "Feels like a puppy" "pretty bubbles" I'll remember that whenever I feel like going for a dip in shark infested waters. Also, if any of us do get attacked by one of these giant, innocent creatures in ITS environment, there is no need to worry about it happening again, we'll hunt down the murderer until it's slaughtered, hauled in and hung up like a trophy!
Juan Mejia
Juan Mejia - 9 years ago
It was the sticks fault
ünsal kara
ünsal kara - 9 years ago
Why you Not Listen to your mom bitch!!!
Anna Esposito Photography
Anna Esposito Photography - 9 years ago
Kids... That's why parent are there for you! Please listen to them and you won't get harm :(
Jiang Pan
Jiang Pan - 9 years ago
Great Chinese people eating shark fins soup for her revenge!!
Rachel - 9 years ago
This is why I never fuck around with bodies of water. The ocean, a lake, a pool, I don't give a shit there's a shark somewhere in that bitch.
Daniel Blinder
Daniel Blinder - 7 years ago
I totally understand this feeling.
GYT 390
GYT 390 - 8 years ago
+Rachel yooo omg have you ever been in the deep side of the pool and think theres a shark coming up from the bottom and you start panicking and start rushing out . lmao everytime i go
Mason Janickii
Mason Janickii - 9 years ago
gosh u sound like me I'm the same like and then this fuck gonna say what are the chances of getting attacked twice bitch u don't have a leg tf stay out
Caitlin Smith
Caitlin Smith - 9 years ago
Sharks can't go in pools
Roxy_Star_15 - 9 years ago
I would only hang around pools cause they put chlorine in it and sharks cant live in chlorine BUT I AINT GOING IN LAKES RIVERS OR OCEANS NOT EVEN ON A CRUISE
Alexis Davis
Alexis Davis - 9 years ago
Joker Aleks
Joker Aleks - 9 years ago
+Rachel A you step in a average puddle from the rain. RAWR. Shark Attacks
Alexis - 9 years ago
If you go to a man made lake , there are no sharks (they only live in saltwater -oceans) no snakes , and no alligators ☺️I go there all the time and the only thing that happens is i get my legs and feet tickled by fish ☺️
komujimaru - 9 years ago
its when he said: FROM THE HIP DOWN. do you know where your hip is... fuck
rocknjerr - 9 years ago
People are idiots to swim in the middle of the ocean.
JackassJunior627 - 9 years ago
See, its because of idiots like her, that think they can swim anywhere they like, are leaving themselves open to shark attacks. Sharks do not intentionally put humans as primary prey, its usually curiosity or misidentification. But people like her are the reason sharks are continuously getting killed because they attack swimmers, even though its people like her who invade their territories, swim in their hunting grounds, and not understanding that Sharks are not murderous creatures, they are just apex predators doing what they have done for millions of years.
K_whileMovies - 7 years ago
honestly if her friends were being smart the would've pocked it in the eye it would've let go. Playing tug of war with it, well no shit she lost her leg
Brooke Cummins
Brooke Cummins - 7 years ago
JackassJunior627 so now it's illegal and dumb to not be a little bitch and just go swim in the ocean?
JackassJunior627 - 8 years ago
+Johnny Tsunami Actually we do, and we don't even kill for food. We also kill for sport, safety, and for money. I would rather have sharks around on the planet for my kids to know about and see, and same for their kids.
JackassJunior627 - 8 years ago
+Johnny Tsunami Yeah to eat, and it's in their territory. People like her show no respect for that, because chances are that shark has been hunted down and killed because of this attack.
AbCadab - 8 years ago
it's kind of like us humans when we get bugs in our houses. We those OUT of there because they're in our territory. It's almost the same thing, except sharks don't intentionally want to kill humans.
dtice - 8 years ago
+Wancroc Slayer of course they're wild animals, no one is saying anything different. we're just saying that, when we go swimming and surfing, we're in their domain. we can't fault them for attacking us, whether they do it mistaking us as prey or whether they actually treat us as prey. why? because, as you said, "they're wild animals."

think about all of the people all over the world who go into the oceans every day. and, what, 70-80 are definitively killed by sharks every year with a few undetermined deaths in places like india and africa? we should be praising them for not slaughtering us by the thousands, rather than slaughtering them by the thousands simply because they kill a person here and there.
Wancroc Slayer
Wancroc Slayer - 8 years ago
"In 1985 Ann Shirley Durdin was snorkelling in only 7 ft of water in Australia Peak bay when she was viciously struck by a great white shark that was so powerful it ripped her in half. The gory scene was witnessed by her husband and 4 children who watched helplessy from the shore. As the 20 ft (6m) great white left only Durdin's headless torso bobbing up and down in the water." Sorry but... Shark are still wild animals, no matter how hard you're trying to give them credits
Ever heard about Europe
Ever heard about Europe - 9 years ago
+JackassJunior627 yea I was gonna say that.
JackassJunior627 - 9 years ago
+Strawberrybum x Thank you. Give sharks the respect they deserve.
Antonia Curry
Antonia Curry - 9 years ago
I agree. Sharks don't attack on purpose. It's usually caused my misidentification. They misunderstand humans for turtles or prey. You ARE in their hunting grounds and shouldn't be there. Don't listen to those haters, I totally agree because what you said is true fact.
dtice - 9 years ago
+JackassJunior627 "the pigs in blue with badges." lmao, i never knew the LAPD was responsible for slaughtering sharks
JackassJunior627 - 9 years ago
+Dreams Gamer Not to mention they mistake us for seals. So they don't actively hunt humans.
JackassJunior627 - 9 years ago
+Deborah Porter I would still respect sharks and will always defend them from pricks like you. They don't kill intentionally. The sea belongs to them, we are trespassing, far as i'm concerned they have every right to attack.
Deborah Porter
Deborah Porter - 9 years ago
+JackassJunior627 listen moron lets see if u say that if one of ur family members or ur child was attacked and eaten id be happy if they killed ALL THE SHARKS !!!!
JackassJunior627 - 9 years ago
+Dreams Gamer Exactly its misidentification when they attack, 1 out of every 100 sharks turn into maneaters.
Ever heard about Europe
Ever heard about Europe - 9 years ago
sharks thinks that wee humans are seals,turtles you know. And its really stupit of her
JackassJunior627 - 9 years ago
+Yamodramo Few have, and either way it gives gunman an excuse to hunt it down and kill it. Just because some family fears a shark will eat their child, what a load of crap.
Joker Aleks
Joker Aleks - 9 years ago
+JackassJunior627 I'm pretty sure that no one has ever blamed the shark.
JackassJunior627 - 9 years ago
+elizabeth dietz And people like them have my respect, because they are the ones that know they are in the wrong of the attack. Yet the pigs in blue with badges have to hunt the sharks down and kill at the risk of "Another attack".
Liz - 9 years ago
Most of people attacked never blame the shark because they know they're just the visitors and that's where they live
Frans Paihonen
Frans Paihonen - 9 years ago
Fuck that is fake
Law Dawg
Law Dawg - 9 years ago
No its not, she has a prothsthetic leg now.
cali girl production
cali girl production - 9 years ago
We'll she's not because she us taljing
al deeb
al deeb - 9 years ago
Notice how no other humans went into the water to help her. This shows the real cowardliness and self centered behavior of the vast majority of human species when tested, yet mankind adores itself in earthly nobility. Definitely thee worst species of bipedal ape to ever exist.
Ed19601 - 9 years ago
They say the chance of getting attacked by a shark is smaller than getting struck by lightning.
That is bullshit... I don't go in the ocean, that makes my chances on a shark attack pretty small (not  zero as I could for instance suffer shipwreck or a plane crashing in the ocean))
ilya.hill - 9 years ago
I have no pity for her. I have no pity for anyone killed or maimed by a shark. The ocean is their territory. It is their kill zone. All a shark knows how to do is kill...
3thalio_N_ational Werdzz
3thalio_N_ational Werdzz - 7 years ago
ilya.hill you sound so, wrong. I agree that we shouldn't cross their territory but don't put it in a way that makes you sound inconsiderate or unsympathetic to the deaths of people by sharks, it sounds heartless. To say you don't feel sympathy for a person who loses their lives to a shark that's sad and pretty animalistic minded. My only problem with this comment is how you say you basically feel they deserve death for a mistake that can be made by all.
Vysarx der Schänder
Vysarx der Schänder - 9 years ago
dtice - 9 years ago
+ilya.hill didn't seem to me like she was asking for any pity. just telling her story
JackassJunior627 - 9 years ago
+ilya.hill I agree, they belong in the ocean. we don't. We are intruders to heir world. Sharks don't know better, they can only do what they have done for millions of years that made them into apex predators; be the ultimate killing machine.
Sarath Gunathilaka
Sarath Gunathilaka - 9 years ago
Guardian of the galaxy aka spooderman
Guardian of the galaxy aka spooderman - 9 years ago
People say only about 6 people get attacked by sharks a year and half of them die. Well that's complete bull shit its actually tons more just only about an eight of them are reported the rest aren't so don't go into the ocean kids o_0
paula rodriguez
paula rodriguez - 9 years ago
Soufian El-berkani
Soufian El-berkani - 9 years ago
Ember Hydra
Ember Hydra - 9 years ago
So cute shark love
Ember Hydra
Ember Hydra - 9 years ago
Why they are not doing enything? Stab the shark puke him or just shot him and is done. God damn give a fucking stick? RLY?! Do you want save her or kill her. Fucking all jump down and stab the shark or punsh his nose
Eloise S
Eloise S - 9 years ago
I love sharks
AMrTheAn - 9 years ago
She gets bitten by a shark! How fun! :D
Dean Hopkinson
Dean Hopkinson - 9 years ago
So bjorn you're saying if this happened to you you'd stay calm and not panic? Haha great advise
BRIANNA LINARES - 9 years ago
This broad hurts my brain of how stupid she is -.- ......
Michael Hoey
Michael Hoey - 10 years ago
That must hab be scared her varey
samuel wright
samuel wright - 10 years ago
lol dumb asses thats wat u deserve
Devin Stator
Devin Stator - 10 years ago
then she gets killed by a stingray
TheHackedGamer - 10 years ago
icanmake babyscry
icanmake babyscry - 10 years ago
Why the fuck do we need sharks anyways lol
Jude Grijaldo
Jude Grijaldo - 10 years ago
they help balance the aquatic ecosystem, dude.
if we didnt have predators like sharks in our oceans, there would be a nasty surplus of "pests" fish, 
and thus, it can cause a chain reaction which will eventually cause changes in our own ecosystems.
we need them because they help keep the natural balance of things.
sadly, the arrogance of man has already thrown us offfor such a long time.
Nur Hanizah
Nur Hanizah - 10 years ago
trumpet t140v
trumpet t140v - 10 years ago
should have hit you with the stick
madelinegrace1 - 10 years ago
A fucking stick? Wowww
Sixten Linder
Sixten Linder - 7 years ago
madelinegrace1 Alicia Baker spelar dragspel
onzeker meisje
onzeker meisje - 9 years ago
+madelinegrace1 how do you want to help her i've your hand isn't long enough
Jude Grijaldo
Jude Grijaldo - 10 years ago
It's hard to feel sorry for her.
She was in deep water, the shark's domain, and she and her friends invaded the shark's territory.
If you're dumb enough to swim in deep ocean areas, then get attacked by a shark,
then it's your own fucking fault.
JackassJunior627 - 9 years ago
+Jude Grijaldo None taken 
Jude Grijaldo
Jude Grijaldo - 9 years ago
Nice to have that clarified.
No offense to you, by the way :)
JackassJunior627 - 9 years ago
+Jude Grijaldo I only called her a moron not because she is stupid, but because she is not using common sense.
Jude Grijaldo
Jude Grijaldo - 9 years ago
+JackassJunior627 Thanks for agreeing with me, but we shouldn't call her a Moron.
It's a dumb move, swimming in shark inhabited waters, but theres no reason to label someone.
but yeah, dumb, risky choices and behavior will sooner or later screw you over.
JackassJunior627 - 9 years ago
+Jude Grijaldo YES THANK YOU! Someone understands its morons like her that are the cause of shark attacks. They have ruled the oceans for millions of years, it will always be their domain, we should not think we can push them out of their hunting grounds. Sharks have been in the sea first, we were never meant to be in the sea. Support the Shark.
Phil Perry
Phil Perry - 9 years ago
+Jude Grijaldo
I was just setting the mood for you two lovebirds.
Jude Grijaldo
Jude Grijaldo - 9 years ago
is it really that strange to you that some people can resolve an argument without being assholes about it?
what the fuck man?
Phil Perry
Phil Perry - 9 years ago
+Jude Grijaldo
How about you two get a room and suck each other off?
Jude Grijaldo
Jude Grijaldo - 9 years ago
+Dave Heinrich Dont fret, I live in the philippines, so there are plenty of great spots to go swimming. I have and still do enjoy the ocean, just not in an overly grand or risky way.
Dave Heinrich
Dave Heinrich - 9 years ago
+Jude Grijaldo Haha fair enough. I hope one day you get to enjoy the ocean as I do. Cheers!
Jude Grijaldo
Jude Grijaldo - 9 years ago
+Dave Heinrich By the way, even though I don't agree with you, and find your comparisons off base, I'd just like to thank you for making your argument in a (relatively) polite, mature and civilized way.
Not just going "LOL u a stupid faggit, go die"
like so many others.
I respect people with enough decorum online to actually give an educated and intelligent argument.
So, even though we probably wont see     eye-to-eye on this matter, My hats off to you, for at the very least, showing maturity online.
Jude Grijaldo
Jude Grijaldo - 9 years ago

again, my apologies for the long text.
I hope, if we still dont see eye to eye, we can at least agree to disagree , like adults.
I dont like getting into a squabble over people on the internet. haha, and sorry if what i said rubbed you the wrong way.
but i'm afraid it's my opinion. It may be wrong to many, but i dont think it will change.
Jude Grijaldo
Jude Grijaldo - 9 years ago
+Dave Heinrich +Phil Perry 
I'm sorry to you guys for the incoming long text. I just ant to clear some things up, as to avoid further conflict.

first off, Mr. Perry, thank you for trying to help my case, if that was the original intention.
much appreciated.

And secondly, Mr. Heinrich, I apologize for being "ignorant". And in all honestly, You seem to know more about the behavior of sharks than I do, so I wont further argue that part, seeing as you made your point in that regard, and thank you for clarifying.

But the comparisons you sited, like the one with hurricane Katrina, are off base , as well as not even that closely related to the point i tried to make.
My problem was basically with her attitude.
I don't feel sorry for her because of just how reckless she is.
I've lost friends to reckless, and borderline stupid behavior.
Comparing a drive by to a shark attack in my opinion is hardly an apt way of siting my attitude toward her, but I'll give it a shot.
I see it as her actually trying to envoke danger and harm to befall her again.

let's take that drive by thing you mentioned.
Let's say I've had a past  traumatic experience with a drive by near an area known for such violence in my neighborhood, and it almost gets me killed, would I ever go back to the areas, or similar areas, If i didn't need to?
No, of course not.
I don't want to have to take the risk of getting f*cked up, when i was lucky enough to survive the first time around.
I would actually try to learn my lesson and adjust to ensure it never happens again.
Not just be "chill" with it, and say "what are the odds of it happening again?"
like i don't care.
no matter how small the odds are, it can still happen, and not learning from past blunders is just idiotic and reckless in my opinion.  
Dave Heinrich
Dave Heinrich - 9 years ago
+Phil Perry That sure is a lot of text for something that has nothing to do with you.

The examples I cite above are completely analogous and if you can't see that, I'm afraid I can't help you.
Phil Perry
Phil Perry - 9 years ago
+Dave Heinrich
That was a lot of text for something that has absolutely no meaning.You just tried to make him feel bad.
He said it was her fault, which is correct.
He said she invaded the shark's territory, which is correct as well.
If you endanger yourself, you'll have to deal with the consequences.
This arguement alone renders all your "arguements" worthless.
Dave Heinrich
Dave Heinrich - 9 years ago
+Jude Grijaldo Due to popular demand, I will further explain. 

First of all, why is it hard to feel sorry for someone who is attacked by an shark? Do you not feel sorry for people who are attacked by cougars while on a bike trail? People bitten by snakes in their backyard? People hit by cars in the middle of a crosswalk? I have been surfing, freediving, spearfishing and swimming in the ocean my entire life and have never had an issue with sharks. You can enjoy the ocean responsibly, but as with EVERY activity, there is some risk involved. This woman didn't jump into the water knowing there was a great white nearby, there were no warning signs. By saying that there COULD be is just a silly argument with no weight. There COULD be a drive by in your neighborhood at any time(with far higher likliehood than a shark attack), does that mean you never leave your house?

I guess you shouldn't feel sorry to victims of hurricane Katrina either, because you know, they had it coming living in areas where hurricanes might roll through. The callousness and lack of empathy you display is saddening.

And for the record, because you know so little, great whites are primarily shallow water hunters. Far more attacks occur near shore as that is where their primary food sources are found. While they migrate through deep waters, the vast majority of attacks occur in shore. Claiming that the "deep water" increased her likelihood to be attacked by a great white is ignorant.
Jude Grijaldo
Jude Grijaldo - 9 years ago
+Dave Heinrich what made you think i know little of the subject? Did i say anything too complex? I don't think i did.
I don't need to be an expert to know how stupid and risky it is to swim in deep, unsafe, and shark infested waters, just a working brain and common sense.
Yes, people get attacked near the shore,
i understand that, but isn't it even more of a risk to actually go to the place where the risk for attack is THAT much higher?
Again, I'm not an expert, never claimed to be, but i believe it's common sense to understand that it gets riskier and riskier the further you go out to sea for a swim, or just to intrude in any potentially dangerous animals habitat in which you have no f*cking business being in in the first place.
Phil Perry
Phil Perry - 9 years ago
+Dave Heinrich
Then please enlighten us on how his statement is wrong, instead of giving such a usless answer.
Dave Heinrich
Dave Heinrich - 9 years ago
+Jude Grijaldo don't speak about subjects that you know so little about
Anna Cornykova
Anna Cornykova - 9 years ago
+Jude Grijaldo People get attacked close to shore and even in the surf, not just deep water. I'm not judging her. I'm terrified of sharks, I stay on the beach, lol.
EL20078 - 10 years ago
Shut up asshole! If we thought like you man kind would not have made its great darwinian treck to modern civilization. We we would still be hiding in our caves. 
Paige Darwen
Paige Darwen - 10 years ago
+️️Maddi Brooke them* she* stupid* not them he and tulip
Paige Darwen
Paige Darwen - 10 years ago
+JMJRK Umm it's not a stupid comment it's true, they were swimming in over 8 feet deep water! No they weren't poking it with a stick for it to attack we know that but they were swimming in really deep water what do you expect to happen? Nothing you don't expect anything your just thinking happy thoughts them it gets you. All I'm saying is it's not a tulip comment it's a true fact it's hard to feel sorry for her because well it's her fault he swam in deep water
Phil Perry
Phil Perry - 10 years ago
Actually it's not a stupid comment.She was swimming next to a boat which, for the shark, looks like a smaller fish.
Jude Grijaldo
Jude Grijaldo - 10 years ago
Jude Grijaldo
Jude Grijaldo - 10 years ago
Sorry if i sound too preachy, i really don't mean to, but people just do some pretty dumb, dangerous things, and they get hurt for it. I find it pretty annoying and depressing how reckless and overall stupid we can be...
Jude Grijaldo
Jude Grijaldo - 10 years ago
All i'm saying is, we shouldn't be surprised when bad shit like this happens to us if we put ourselves in a position to be in the line of danger. In my opinion, deep sea, open swimming is pretty risky and reckless. I mean, why the fuck would you swim in the open ocean? and when you get attacked, it is mostly your fault. I can't really hate a shark for trying to score a meal, it's part of survival, but when we get attacked cuz we were messing around in places we weren't suppose to go, then isn't it a bit dumb of us to be there in the first place? that's just my take on it. 
Mag Fed Ops
Mag Fed Ops - 10 years ago
+JMKRK it's not like they were chumming the waters and poking the damn thing with a stick repeatedly until it attacked
Mag Fed Ops
Mag Fed Ops - 10 years ago
Wow. That's just about the stupidest comment I've ever read...

100. comment for Girl Attacked By Shark! | Shark Week

Larry Witte
Larry Witte - 10 years ago
You are stupid to go back in.
Riley McElreath
Riley McElreath - 10 years ago
oh my goodness
mrouterrim - 10 years ago
It only takes once !!!!
Vanesa Flodin
Vanesa Flodin - 10 years ago
Luis Valentin
Luis Valentin - 10 years ago
She got bit twice? !? Wow this is hard to believe. Honestly I really admire this woman. If it was me wouldn't even go near the water after the first attack. And yes she was right what are the chances of happening a second time. But woow, I guess shit really happens. Got to be thankful because even though she lost her leg, well she still alive, she could had died from shock or even blood loss. And the way she spoke on the video tells you that she transcended those events something really to admire.
Strix Talon
Strix Talon - 10 years ago
Fake if the shark wanted her it would a fkin had her lol
Tyson Garcia
Tyson Garcia - 10 years ago
Shoulda smacked that bitch with a flip flop
Joel Lopez
Joel Lopez - 10 years ago
I yes want to say this is not to many big species end we don't or we should not destroy them look what happened to Japan for killing wells end you se effects that afects gods creation for a good reason. End.
Cornelius .Warbenshneider
Cornelius .Warbenshneider - 10 years ago
Wow your grammar iz horruble.
Cabbage - 10 years ago
I swear if anyone accuses you of having bad grammar im going to go apeshit on them since this is obviously not your first language.

Nothing very bad has happened to japan for killing whales. Porpoises CERTAINLY bad things have happened from it.

Horrible things happen to the ecosystem by killing off whales.
But it wont have direct. Severe consequences for quite some time still.
Metro Cop
Metro Cop - 10 years ago
Shark thought she was a walrus so he attacked.
Sorry I'm a mean person
L.P Moonstone
L.P Moonstone - 10 years ago
Ive seen this one like 100 times!!   lol   i thought it would be a different one..  :(
jaylinp42 - 10 years ago
All you stupid haters can shut up. That's my step mom. People saying "she should of punched it in the nose" they can stfu because they wouldn't be able to if they were in that position. She was scared. She thought she was going to die.
JackassJunior627 - 9 years ago
+jaylinp42 She swam in shark waters, more importantly a hunting ground for Great Whites, what did you expect? She didn't have any consideration on the possibility of sharks and look what it got her, she had her leg chewed off. If she actually listened to her mum she would have avoided this. She was lucky the Great White attacked out of curiosity and only lost a leg, than a full on attack from underneath and end up bitten in half. I have swam in shark infested waters, thankfully none of them approached me, but I don't just go swimming around thinking I can swim wherever I like without a care in the world; shallow or deep water. I actually take considerations that it's their home, their hunting grounds, and people need to respect that. I am sorry she lost her leg, but you can't blame people who say it is partially her fault. She acted out of inconsideration, the shark acted out of instinct!
Chris H
Chris H - 9 years ago
Dude your step mom is chill af she was getting bitten by a shark "all I kept thinking was how pretty it was" dude total badass. Also in the end " heard abpop then I looked down I'm like ugh guess my legs gone" Ahahha your step moms cool as shit dude so lucky xD
Ansis Kristiāns Dāboliņš
Ansis Kristiāns Dāboliņš - 9 years ago
just ignore them dude. I do that everyday and it works just fine ;)
Cabbage - 10 years ago
Thats completely true.

Its a hungry 14+ footer gnawing on your ankle.

I dont think it would give much of a fuck how hard a human could hit it.
L.P Moonstone
L.P Moonstone - 10 years ago
you cant help that people are immature.Don't let them get u so angry! :))
SKYLANDBAK - 10 years ago
Footage was lame!...Show the whole seen including her with missing leg.....
mahat zaagi
mahat zaagi - 10 years ago
Its not that the shark is gentle, its because from the shock that u had, the nerves couldn't send pain signals to the brain because of the shock.
Jed Farley
Jed Farley - 10 years ago
You camera angle people suck so bad.
Why why does every fucking video that has something crazy going on have to be ruined by bad taping. People always turning away. Fuck
jampij - 10 years ago
omg! An american wale attacked by shark!
Robiney Robin
Robiney Robin - 10 years ago
U r really lucky 2 survive!! U should make an I survived book
Gaurav Sarai
Gaurav Sarai - 10 years ago
It was not "luck" it was the work of God
Gaurav Sarai
Gaurav Sarai - 10 years ago
Gaurav Sarai
Gaurav Sarai - 10 years ago
It was not luck it was the work of God
jampij - 10 years ago
yeah, the attack was the work of God
Diver Dan
Diver Dan - 10 years ago
Why did u spend years worrying about shark attacks on land....
Just stay away from areas known to have big things that eat people....I don't swim off Africa or camp in bear infested woods without a big gun....I guess it's not easy if you live on a beautiful coast & there is great diving etc but I'm stuck in the city so what do I know..
Bos Bosken
Bos Bosken - 10 years ago
You could of pocked the stick in the sharks eye stupid
Morgan Hughes
Morgan Hughes - 10 years ago
Second before a shark bites it rolls it's eyes away, it wouldn't have worked, yuk also lose all punching and kicking power when in water
Derek Wall
Derek Wall - 10 years ago
great white and bull sharks have killed more people than any other fish whether fresh water or ocean dwellers
DAGATHire - 9 years ago
+Derek Wall How many sharks have been killed by people?
Derek Wall
Derek Wall - 10 years ago
+TJskillz169 yeah if there's an undercurrent like rip currents, water temperature, toxins from radioactive or chemical pollution, algae, bacteria, or swimming to close the intake or outlet pipes behind and in front of a major hydroelectric dam without grates where a swimmer getting sucked in would either drown or be crushed by the turbine
TeeJay - 10 years ago
+Derek Wall Also, pretty sure water alone kills more people than sharks do.
Derek Wall
Derek Wall - 10 years ago
+James Madrid yeah that's definitely true especially in bodies of water where you would least suspect to find them. freshwater rivers and even lakes 
James Madrid
James Madrid - 10 years ago
dude -_- bulls kills more humans a year
TeeJay - 10 years ago
+Destiny Boss Then lets take it a step further. Vending machines are far more deadly than a great white shark, killing a whopping 13 people annual. HELL, BLACK FRIDAY HAS MORE PEOPLE KILLED THAN SHARKS. THATS ONE DAY A YEAR IN ONE COUNTRY. (550 people annual)
Destiknight - 10 years ago
+TJskillz169 because bees live on land.. and so do humans
TeeJay - 10 years ago
And guess what has killed more than them? 
that's right, Bees.
Brian Hill
Brian Hill - 10 years ago
Ravine lake
Derek Wall
Derek Wall - 10 years ago
+Brian Hill here in south Dakota its debatable about whether or not the bull shark could survive in ravine lake here in south dakota 
Brian Hill
Brian Hill - 10 years ago
I've heard they could also
Derek Wall
Derek Wall - 10 years ago
+Markus OhmanHD bull sharks can live in both freshwater and oceanic salt water and can live in mild to warm water climates from 50-90 degrees 
Derek Wall
Derek Wall - 10 years ago
+Brian Hill yep there have been attacks by bull sharks reported as far north as lake Michigan and people have caught them on rod and reel using 100lb test line 
Brian Hill
Brian Hill - 10 years ago
Bull sharks can live in fresh water also
Derek Wall
Derek Wall - 10 years ago
+Brian Hill so ive learned, bull sharks have been known to attack people as far inland as lake Michigan
Brian Hill
Brian Hill - 10 years ago
Trinavara - 10 years ago
She' s badass !!
Shawn Boston
Shawn Boston - 10 years ago
chaosbolt66 - 10 years ago
wow... that yell of the lady recording is almost more horrific than the actual attack.
chaosbolt66 - 10 years ago
dude... no it's not.
sulufest - 10 years ago
that lady yelling is the girl screaming during the attack
RAVINDRA JAVANJAL - 10 years ago
Horrible movie clip
yan zhang
yan zhang - 10 years ago
When does people going to learn
YouOriginal - 10 years ago
Her calm attitude saved her.
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal - 10 years ago
I hate this all this video does is kill sharks, for gods sake people it is more common to drown in your bathtub than to get bitten by a shark! The worst thing she did was struggle, she could have punched it in the nose or slapping it would have been more effective. When you struggle the shark knows it has the advantage so it fights more.
trumpet t140v
trumpet t140v - 9 years ago
i accept hat
doh1976 - 9 years ago
+Roy Eternal not only are you late to the party and trying to ignite a 6mon old troll flame war your technique is garbage. Or, you really are a fucking moron.
Roy Eternal
Roy Eternal - 9 years ago
+doh1976 god, you and the other commenters must be trolls or the most retarded abominations on earth and should be stuck in a gas chamber. Lol crying about being sharks killers while humans already had other species going extinct just for the sake of money. All animals play a role in nature's system and by despising that fact and rotting out every single animal on earth that you see as a harm, humans will wipe out their own kind in the process and destroy earth. But you and the other retards are obviously to blind and ignorant to accept hat. Fucking idiots.
NEMESIS9415 - 10 years ago
Shweeksie on YouTube
Shweeksie on YouTube - 10 years ago
+NEMESIS9415 You suck balls.
NEMESIS9415 - 10 years ago
+Tony Sexton Depends...some  times  it  might  work, but  the  most  prudent  thing  is  to  avoid  it! After  all  with  a  can  never  tell! The  F@#^&*cking thing  won't  let  go  so  easily! Even  if  they'll  be  repelled  once, chances  are, they  might  return  for  another  run  anyway, and  so  a  punch  will  be  useless  anyway! 
Tony Sexton
Tony Sexton - 10 years ago
For future reference if you punch a shark in the nose underwater all your going to do is piss it off.
F-117 Sorry We didnt know it was INVISIBLE
F-117 Sorry We didnt know it was INVISIBLE - 10 years ago
nicely said.
NEMESIS9415 - 10 years ago
+doh1976 HEAR! HEAR!
NEMESIS9415 - 10 years ago
+Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal NO  PAL! IT  IS  YOU  WHO'S  THE  BASTARD! If  you  don't  like  the  humans  then  go  ahead  and  live  with  those  prehistoric  relics (IF  they'll  accept  you, 'cause  most  probably  you'll  end  up  in  their  stomach  for  all  I  know) and  stop  posting  commends  in  here! FAMILY  COMES  FIRST!....And  in  this  case, for  better  of  for  worst  family  are  the  humans! If  you  don't  want  to  join  us  then  grow  fins, and  take  a  dive  for  all  we  care!....Jerk!
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal - 10 years ago
+doh1976 ill have to agree with you on that one shweeskie sucks at trolling
doh1976 - 10 years ago
+Shweeksie on YouTube yeah as far as trolling goes you suck at trolling. Learn how to troll maybe?
Shweeksie on YouTube
Shweeksie on YouTube - 10 years ago
ItsAlvaa - 10 years ago
+Shweeksie on YouTube ''Your words retard''. Let me figure out what that means..
Shweeksie on YouTube
Shweeksie on YouTube - 10 years ago
+doh1976  "My mother was a human not a shark lol" Your words retard.
doh1976 - 10 years ago
+Shweeksie on YouTube sorry bro I think you don't know what you are talking about. Feel free to respond with some retardation though.
Shweeksie on YouTube
Shweeksie on YouTube - 10 years ago
+doh1976 Momma`s dead so you`re an angry man, Boo hoo so sad for you.
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal - 10 years ago
+Rene Avila exactly
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal - 10 years ago
+Brianna McAbee things that kill more than sharks

#1 – Stoplight Intersections
Traffic lights are responsible for about 2,000 deaths in the U.S. each year. Well, we assume from people running through them, not the lights themselves.

Traffic Red Light

#2 – Coconuts
Falling coconuts cause about 150 deaths annually. You know, while you were keeping an eye on the sharks.


#3 – Mosquitoes
Malaria-carrying mosquitoes kill about 800,000 people every year.


#4 – High School/College Football
High school and college football injuries claim an average of 12 lives annually.


#5 – Champagne Corks
Believe it or not, champagne corks kill almost 24 people each year. Don’t be a show off. Safety first.

Champagne Cork

#6 – Tripping
Almost 6,000 die from tripping and falling at home each year.


#7 – Lunch
Choking on food is the cause of about 3.000 deaths each year.


#8 – Raw Meat
Approximately 5,000 people die each year in the U.S. alone as a result of consuming uncooked, contaminated food.

Raw Meat

#9 – Cows
Cows cause the death of about 20 Americans each year, mostly from blunt-force trauma. Think about that the next time you enjoy a glass of milk.


#10 – Wind
104 people were killed in wind related incidents including hurricanes, and tornadoes claimed 70 lives in the U.S. in 2012.


#11 – Bees
Bee stings kill about 100 people in the U.S. every year.


#12 – Horses
Horses kill about 20 people annually in the U.S. alone.


#13 – The Cold
About 600 people are killed in the U.S. each year from excessively cold weather.

Winter Cold

#14 – Ladders
Falls from ladders cause about 355 deaths annually in the U.S. Another reason not to walk under them.


#15 – Hot Tap Water
In the U.S., about 100 people die annually from being scalded by hot tap water. Patience people, patience!

Hot Water

#16 – Ants
Ants kill up to 50 people every year. If you get bit by one fire ant, you’d better run.


#17 – Dogs
About 30 U.S. deaths are caused by dogs. Not these dogs, but you get the idea.


#18 – Icicles
Falling icicles kill about 15 people in the U.S. each year. Chance of being injured increases with the use of a Red Ryder BB Gun.


#19 – Autoerotic Asphyxiation
As many as 1,000 people die annually by asphyxiating themselves in this way.


#20 – Hippos
Hippos claim the lives of 2,900 people around the world each year. You’ll never play Hungry Hungry Hippos the same way again.


#21 – Being Left-Handed
Some claim that 2,500 deaths are caused every year when left-handed people attempt to use products designed for right-handed people. While we can’t confirm that statistic it is true that left-handed people are five times more likely than right-handers to die in accidents.

Left Handed

#22 – Lightning
24,000 people are killed by lightning worldwide each year.

Storm Lightning

#23 – Vending Machines
37 people were killed trying to get a snack from a vending machine from 1978 to 1995. That’s an average of 2.18 deaths a year, making this cause of death WAY more likely than shark attacks.

Vending Machine

#24 – Jellyfish
Jellyfish can claim the lives of up to 40 people each year.


#25 – Beds
450 people die falling out of beds in the United States each year. A real life nightmare.

Sleeping Bed
Brianna McAbee
Brianna McAbee - 10 years ago
+Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal u are so dumb sharks are vicious predators we r more inacent then sharks they kill and attack for no reason yes for food but sometimes for no reason and cases if drowning in the bath r rare shark attacks r more common cases so just stop u weirdo
Cornelius .Warbenshneider
Cornelius .Warbenshneider - 10 years ago
+Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal You are fucking retarded.

There's my 2 cents on this whole stupid conversation.
ItsAlvaa - 10 years ago
+Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal Cold hearted bitch.
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal - 10 years ago
+ItsAlvaa i wouldn't care if she died
ItsAlvaa - 10 years ago
Well she was probably panicking, and who wouldn’t panic at a time like that? She could die, you know.
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal - 10 years ago
cows kill more than sharks
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal - 10 years ago
+Pentakill GG whats wrong with you sharks are innocent, i'd rather eat human than shark
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal - 10 years ago
+Pentakill GG yes
Captain Troll
Captain Troll - 10 years ago
+ZAENAL ZERO all humans? so you kill yourself?
ZAENAL ZERO - 10 years ago
i'll kill u all human & animal wuahahahaha
Captain Troll
Captain Troll - 10 years ago
+Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal whats wrong with you? kill the motherfucking sharks and eat them all! they are really delicious, check it out!
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal - 10 years ago
ok little fucker ive analyzed your results and i am sorry, you are diagnosed with dumbassiosis christianate whoremother disease
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal - 10 years ago
oh my your trying to sound like a nice guy but in the inside i know you are a homophobic morbidly obese quadriplegic 
doh1976 - 10 years ago
+Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal i could care less if your little dick gets sprung for bros. But i do say you are a whiny little cunt. Get fucked on crybaby.
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal - 10 years ago
wow the guy who is insulting at all times says i need a therapist, what would you say if i said i was gay
doh1976 - 10 years ago
+Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal you cry to much rage boy. Go see a therapist.
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal - 10 years ago
+doh1976 it is the truth one shark should be worth ∞ of you
doh1976 - 10 years ago
+Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal you mom was a crack whore that wouldnt breastfeed or give you attention. That is why you think 1 shark is worth 500 peoples.
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal - 10 years ago
+doh1976 im atheist but i still have an idea of morality
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal - 10 years ago
+doh1976 selfish little bitch
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal - 10 years ago
+doh1976 just because you are murderous doesnt mean that you have to call innocent animals murderous, by the way animals only kill for foodand they dont waste a scrap, humans kill for fun and if they eat they waste over 50% of it
doh1976 - 10 years ago
+Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal and you are a little crybaby that values filthy murderous animals over human life because your mom was a crack whore hippy that wouldnt breast feed you.
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal - 10 years ago
+doh1976 you are a genocidal maniac
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal - 10 years ago
+Daws Barend i have no life and prefer animals over humans
doh1976 - 10 years ago
+Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal you're retarded bro. My mother was a human not a shark lol. DEATH TO ALL SHARKS SO WE CAN SWIM SAFELY!
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal - 10 years ago
+doh1976 just imagine the shark as your mother
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal - 10 years ago
that is a waste of meat and the killing of an innocent animal
doh1976 - 10 years ago
+Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal shark fin soup bro. It taste so good. Long lines. Chop the fins and dump the rest. Best way.
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal
Bjorn Cattell-Ravdal - 10 years ago
you little bastard i would rather kill 500 humans than one shark
doh1976 - 10 years ago
we must kill all the sharks to be safe.
Jen S
Jen S - 10 years ago
It felt like a puppy lol
Jen S
Jen S - 10 years ago
Idk I never gave birth. Your reproductive system changes a lot.
Nechole777 - 10 years ago
Jenna: Hey Mary you feel like going for MID OCEAN SWIM? Mary: Sure, why not! Tiesha: hell NA... You must be crazy! Jed: hell yea! Woo hoo, Splash! Jamaal: I don't think floundering around in middle of the Pacific is a good idea!

DCO - 10 years ago
i would never go for a little dip like that in the ocean, so many sharks out there.. you're hopping into there environment -  ill stick close to shore or a pool!
DeeCee 51
DeeCee 51 - 7 years ago
brainiac409 Im on board with that too
Cunder Thunt
Cunder Thunt - 10 years ago
I'm with ya !! I won't swim in anything other than a pool anymore!!
AROONE - 10 years ago
This is why humans should stay away from nature
chess747 - 10 years ago
The shark thought it taste like chicken....these dumb fucks are so stupid you get sharks which just follow ships because of the food sauce ...just like they follow fishing trawlers not real smart considering these people are supposed to be professionals in there field but like most not a lot of common sense.
Greg robles
Greg robles - 10 years ago
Luck? Yeah, I'd DEFINITLEY say HE has a plan for you
aidan hart
aidan hart - 10 years ago
well considering like 2-300,000 people get struck by lightning per year ...... if youre less likely to be attacked by a shark then even at those odds its still pretty likely lol
aidan hart
aidan hart - 10 years ago
has any studies actually offered any advantages to sharks existing , just curious and yes i  expect butthurt uneducated spastic remarks
TeeJay - 10 years ago
+aidan hart its typically within 100 feet of shore, which is where the vast majority of people are when they go swimming at a beach anyway. But when surfers make up the majority of shark attack victims, the shark is for sure not in waist deep water.
aidan hart
aidan hart - 10 years ago
+TJskillz169 hmm ok  but dont most shark attacks happen in waist deep water ?
TeeJay - 10 years ago
Plenty. For example, killing sharks off would completely ruin the food chain and make it collapse, meaning no more fish to eat because their's barely any left to eat. Saying sharks shouldn't exist because of someone making a stupid decision doesn't mean a shark is evil. He's just existing. Don't want bite? Don't go that far out into open water.
Lourd John de Leon
Lourd John de Leon - 10 years ago
+franco Bonomo then go kill yourself, it will lessen the humans
Frankie Chance
Frankie Chance - 10 years ago
Has any studies actually offered any advantages to humans existing? besides destroying the planet with our car exhaust, overpopulating the earth. Killing off animals that help the ecosystem stay healthy. Planet earth would be ALOT better off without humans fucking it all up!
Randy Lahey
Randy Lahey - 10 years ago
Frankie Chance
Frankie Chance - 10 years ago
kill yourself
Victor C.
Victor C. - 10 years ago
I don't pitty idiots like this swimming in waters known to have sharks in it
Alex's DIY's And Doodles
Alex's DIY's And Doodles - 10 years ago
Im not a jerk, please stop it im 9 years old
LandSailor - 10 years ago
In light of her experience, I don't mean to trivialize her, but she and many other "educated" persons I know say the word, "drownding". I know it is because they are saying it as they have heard it, phonetically, although incorrectly. Ok, I put the soapbox away...
Arturo Budge
Arturo Budge - 10 years ago
ElioRaps - 10 years ago
she lost so lot of blood :| i think she ....
Jennifer Vargas
Jennifer Vargas - 10 years ago
Shes the one making the video dumbass lol
Melxf0 - 10 years ago
In glad ur safe
Miki Seius
Miki Seius - 10 years ago
2000 miles of the coast of South america, LETS HAVE A SWIM??? FUCK THIS BITCH!!!
Rochelle Snowden
Rochelle Snowden - 10 years ago
So sad
Alex's DIY's And Doodles
Alex's DIY's And Doodles - 10 years ago
Oh, didnt know, take my words back.
Tony Starks
Tony Starks - 10 years ago
SHOW THE GOD DAMNED MUTHERFUCKING SHARK ATTACK!!! Not some stupid re-enactment. 10 minutes to explain a 20 second video. Couldn't even show the whole thing in its entirety.
Alex's DIY's And Doodles
Alex's DIY's And Doodles - 10 years ago
Poor women, I bet you shes dead cuz she lost a lot of blood
Clash9777 - 9 years ago
Well she said me i sooo
Jennifer Vargas
Jennifer Vargas - 10 years ago
+Alexandra Shvidchenko You're right... I think she is dead :(
Alex's DIY's And Doodles
Alex's DIY's And Doodles - 10 years ago
+franco Bonomo STOP IT
Frankie Chance
Frankie Chance - 10 years ago
ALERT ALERT! dumbest human alive! ^^^^ 
Alex's DIY's And Doodles
Alex's DIY's And Doodles - 10 years ago
+Philip Barnett What dose that mean???
ThatScienceGuy! - 10 years ago
I apologise to your dad, it appears that the condom didn't quite work, did it?
Maria Brochs
Maria Brochs - 10 years ago
Little girl, watch the ep again.. The woman is talking during the whole ep. She lost a leg though after some puppy nibbling her foot;p
Ollie Lynch
Ollie Lynch - 10 years ago
You're retarded though
Alex's DIY's And Doodles
Alex's DIY's And Doodles - 10 years ago
I am not a jerk!!!
Jessica Dobson
Jessica Dobson - 10 years ago
Stella Love
Stella Love - 10 years ago
+kierant nigal yeahh
kierant nigal
kierant nigal - 10 years ago
Are you for real? She's doing the interview on this video, ofcourse she's not dead you retard.
Willbryan Medina
Willbryan Medina - 10 years ago
This bitch sounds so hardcore.
peirced2hell - 10 years ago
I think I would like to have sex with her. She would say, damn, first a shark bite, then omg... Impaled by a bulls horn... Ahhhh
Erica Jones
Erica Jones - 10 years ago
Its funny cuz i know this lady and omg your stupid
Elurien - 10 years ago
You're so cool.
roflmows - 10 years ago
doing ocean research...getting off the boat in the middle of the ocean....

you gotta wonder how these people didn't know about sharks and their habit of attacking unwary, delicious humans   o.o
Kevin McMurray
Kevin McMurray - 10 years ago
The interview did miss/edit out the part where she said people form the boat were yelling shark..shark and she thought they were joking.
babylove - 10 years ago
that girl is stupid. the girl obviously lost her brain. WHAT AN IDIOT!!!
mrRandomLlama - 10 years ago
Well probably because all nerves were destroyed
Creepynumbersheep - 10 years ago
It is for us braging what we would do if shark attacked us. Punch the nose, poke it in the eyes or whatever. But the moment when something with cutting teeth grabs your leg or right on your middle, you cant expect to keep a clear head. Also being dragged under water and getting shaken like a little dog toy will for sure make the most brave person to total freak out. Dont think so highly of yourselves i you havent accually been in the situation. You could react the exact opposite than you think. Swim calm and wear a sword in your bathingsuit :)
20BMR - 10 years ago
This girl talks like she went to McDonalds except her leg was the Big Mac and how beautiful the bubbles in the water was when the puppy is gnawing on her leg. Fuck that I woulda prob died right before I shit in it's mouth..
Jessica Olivar
Jessica Olivar - 10 years ago
This is my worst fear ever !!!!
Mark Lyne
Mark Lyne - 10 years ago
Fucking terrifying.
LPSGeorgiaOfficial™ - 10 years ago
Here you guys. Here is a list of 25 things more likely to kill you than a shark:
1.stoplight Intersections
Traffic lights are responsible for about 2,000 deaths in the U.S. each year. Well, we assume from people running through them, not the lights themselves.
Falling coconuts cause about 150 deaths annually. 
Malaria-carrying mosquitoes kill about 800,000 people every year.
4.High School/College Football
High school and college football injuries claim an average of 12 lives annually.
5.Champagne Corks
Believe it or not, champagne corks kill almost 24 people each year.
Almost 6,000 die from tripping and falling at home each year.
Choking on food is the cause of about 3.000 deaths each year.
8.Raw Meat
Approximately 5,000 people die each year in the U.S. alone as a result of consuming uncooked, contaminated food.
Cows cause the death of about 20 Americans each year, mostly from blunt-force trauma. Think about that the next time you enjoy a glass of milk.
104 people were killed in wind related incidents including hurricanes, and tornadoes claimed 70 lives in the U.S. in 2012.
Bee stings kill about 100 people in the U.S. every year.
Horses kill about 20 people annually in the U.S. alone.
13.The Cold
About 600 people are killed in the U.S. each year from excessively cold weather.
Falls from ladders cause about 355 deaths annually in the U.S. Another reason not to walk under them.
15.Hot Tap Water
In the U.S., about 100 people die annually from being scalded by hot tap water.
Ants kill up to 50 people every year. If you get bit by one fire ant, you’d better run.
About 30 U.S. deaths are caused by dogs.
Falling icicles kill about 15 people in the U.S. each year.
19.Autoerotic Asphyxiation
As many as 1,000 people die annually by asphyxiating themselves in this way.
Hippos claim the lives of 2,900 people around the world each year.
21.Being Left-Handed
Some claim that 2,500 deaths are caused every year when left-handed people attempt to use products designed for right-handed people. While we can’t confirm that statistic it is true that left-handed people are five times more likely than right-handers to die in accidents.
24,000 people are killed by lightning worldwide each year.
23.Vending Machines
37 people were killed trying to get a snack from a vending machine from 1978 to 1995. That’s an average of 2.18 deaths a year, making this cause of death WAY more likely than shark attacks.
Jellyfish can claim the lives of up to 40 people each year.
450 people die falling out of beds in the United States each year. A real life nightmare.
Viper - 10 years ago
That's super stupid.. If humans lived in water, specifically in areas where sharks live, as much as more than half of the stuff you said the percentage of humans getting killed by sharks will increase by like a million percent. Illogical things that you say like intersection lights which the majority of humans go by and see every single day x10/20/50 times, that's nothing to be compared by the amount of people who go into waters infested by sharks. That's just an example. Your list's logic is like comparing the chance of human beings getting killed in say car accidents to  humans getting killed on the moon, where obviously not that many people go.
Jenny Ll
Jenny Ll - 10 years ago
+Golden Freddy Well that's kind of how you do research.... you look shit up.
Alfonso Garcia
Alfonso Garcia - 10 years ago
You are smart
LPSGeorgiaOfficial™ - 10 years ago
 God I absolutely hate how people advertise sharks to be something there not! Shark attacks are very very very rare, and when sharks do attack, they aren't trying to kill you for fun. Actually, hippos are FAR more dangerous than sharks. They will actually attack you for fun if they think your are too close to them. I saw a show on Animal Planet that was a documentary about a male hippo who drowned a newborn hippo because he simply didn't like it.
daniela vanesa
daniela vanesa - 10 years ago
you said it didn't feel bad are you crazy nigga what the fuck
Cleveland Brown
Cleveland Brown - 10 years ago
Never going in sea not even shallow
7773nimrod - 10 years ago
Bad mite not do it mate?
Diver Dan
Diver Dan - 10 years ago
The chances are reduced even more if u don't swim with them....
I also avoid bears & pretty much all the big things that eat people
WillieIIIreborn - 10 years ago
 "The chances are reduced even more if u don't swim with them...."

To think of all these years I wasted overestimating the chances of a shark attacking me on land. 
OldBurgerLover - 10 years ago
any time someone gets attacked by a shark it is the stupid humans fault.  You have to respect theses animals because they have the right to defend their territory against intruders even if than means using lethal force just like you would use lethal force against a home intruder.
3thalio_N_ational Werdzz
3thalio_N_ational Werdzz - 7 years ago
Mew no, when they say superior the mean in intelligence and and psychological factors, but of course physically we can not stand a chance against most these creatures that lurk on this earth.
Jude Grijaldo
Jude Grijaldo - 10 years ago
too many people feel so entitled about where we can and cant go.
We dont fucking own the world,
these animals have been in the seas for millions of years.
we should know our fucking place.
we do alot more damage than any other animal to have ever existed.
we mess around in places we dont belong in, and when we get hurt cuz of our own retarded choices, we blame the animals, who are just living and acting upon instincts.
fucking retarded how we act like we own and have a rite to mess around in an animals territory.
NEMESIS9415 - 10 years ago
+FeasiblePrepper Do  you  think  I  give  a  shit?! All  I  know  is  that  in  order  for  these  jack  asses  to  play  territorial, innocent  people  pay  the  price, and  for  me  that's  UNACCEPTABLE! THAT'S  WHAT  I  CARE  ABOUT! NOT  IF  THOSE  STUPID  BEASTS  WISH  TOO  PEE  THERE, AND  MARK  THEIR  SPOT  RIGHT  AFTERWORDS AS  IF  THEY'RE  DOGS! EARTH  BELONGS  TO  ALL  OF  US! NOT  JUST  TO  INDIVIDUALS! (And  I  also  don't  give  a  fuck  if  they've  got  the  brains  to  understand  that  or  not! That's  their  own  problem  on  their  backs! They  do  not  comprehend  it?....FINE! We  can  make  them  comprehend  it.......THE  HARD  WAY! Then  we'll  see  if  those  stupid  teeth  of  theirs  will  be  of  any  use, any  more!)
NEMESIS9415 - 10 years ago
N11CE1 - 10 years ago
Emmy Xaritou
Emmy Xaritou - 10 years ago
what are u saying ked are you stupid LEL
slingstone - 10 years ago
i dont think sharks kill humans over territory .
pseuds - 10 years ago
+name heré fucking ig tard
Darcy Henning
Darcy Henning - 10 years ago
Sharks do have territory so it was protecting its territory
slingstone - 10 years ago
sharks dont have territory >.< 
SiscoSelzun - 10 years ago
+Zelda Triforce
The only reason we are at the top is because of our superior intelligence and ability to invent, if we didn't have that we'd be screwed as a species.
Mew - 10 years ago
Exactly. We humans think we're superior but in reality, we don't stand a chance against these animals. If you go into the lion's den, expect to get eaten.
L.T.B.K - 10 years ago
Ah, ok.
OldBurgerLover - 10 years ago
+Lwando Thamae It's actually completely accurate.  If you study shark behavior, sharks attack oraganisms that enter a feeding territory and spit out animals mistaken for predators that may steal food or trespass because they are constantly competing for space and game.  Humans are not part of a sharks diet but they are treated as threats to an oceanic ecosystem among sharks which is a primary reason sharks attack humans.
L.T.B.K - 10 years ago
That's not really true. Sharks mistake their food and go for anything big. They sense it, they eat it.
OldBurgerLover - 10 years ago
+Anthoni Morrow If you are implying the shark acted instinctively, defense mechanisms both self and territorial are instinctive. 
Isaiah Abdon
Isaiah Abdon - 10 years ago
So stupid
Alice Braginsky
Alice Braginsky - 10 years ago
Shane R.
Shane R. - 10 years ago
It's real, she's real, sharks are real...fucking read a book and get off your Guilding asses and try life! have some respect for a woman that respects life. if you didnt ever do things because of something bad happening then you would just sit in your moms basement all day and night playing onlin........ohhhhh shit! hahaha 
Juulia Saarinen
Juulia Saarinen - 10 years ago
Sharks can go hell!!!!!
superfudge73 - 10 years ago
Rosilee Lace
Rosilee Lace - 10 years ago
Oh mom don't be ridiculous, a few hours later....crunch. Famous last words
Anass Rhammar
Anass Rhammar - 10 years ago
This is why I prefer inflatable pools, the only sharks I'm interested in are beating up loan sharks in GTA ;)
Juan Antonio Pérez Ruiz
Juan Antonio Pérez Ruiz - 10 years ago
how is it possible that you do not feel pain when your leg is ripped of???? i think i whouldt scream like i was in hell
cartrice2010 - 10 years ago
Adrenaline kicks in which causes you not to feel pain.
Lort Mauvais
Lort Mauvais - 10 years ago
She seems pretty nonchalant about getting her leg bitten off.
cartrice2010 - 10 years ago
Yea, it's probably better for her to keep a positive attitude and move forward instead of throwing herself a pity party about what happened, because life must go on.
boy White
boy White - 10 years ago
What r the chances of getting attack by a shark twice lol White people lmfao
sjcarvalho555 - 10 years ago
How are you not white your name is Reed
Christy Gibbs
Christy Gibbs - 10 years ago
It's not fake this is real they are just reacting it
Starfish - 10 years ago
thats what you get for not listening to your mom
Sidney Jenkins
Sidney Jenkins - 10 years ago
Sidney Jenkins
Sidney Jenkins - 10 years ago
Sidney Jenkins
Sidney Jenkins - 10 years ago
Mate word your dumb ads needs my foot up it
clumsy Kaitlyn
clumsy Kaitlyn - 10 years ago
For those of you saying its fake the damn shark is a robot think again it was on the news
nate word
nate word - 10 years ago
that's what her dumb ass gets
Stokley Riffle
Stokley Riffle - 10 years ago
Swimmers or Divers Always carry big knife or axe kill shark right on forehead or stab through eyes shark will be dead as good as it goes.
Screwedup4Life - 10 years ago
@00:28 Mom- "Oh what about sharks
Girl- Oh mom its the ocean dont be silly. Every one knows sharks live on land
Michelle Twocrow
Michelle Twocrow - 10 years ago
omg i hate sharks but not reef sharks
Roman Gerard
Roman Gerard - 10 years ago
This girl is amazingly nonchalant about surviving a damn shark attack...Good for you
Scorponizer - 10 years ago
Always amusing how bystanding women scream louder than the victims. Instead of screaming, they might try to help and be useful for a change.
Wango Bango
Wango Bango - 10 years ago
loosemyname - 10 years ago
shay. - 10 years ago
Eva Horsefield
Eva Horsefield - 10 years ago
It must be horrible I'm so glad she is alive
Roberto Matus
Roberto Matus - 10 years ago
why american talk like fucking retards
Victoria Pyne
Victoria Pyne - 10 years ago
Now I dont want to th e ocean
Mollikatt00 - 10 years ago
Dude, most of this was a reenactment. Calm down u guys
nidhu thakur
nidhu thakur - 10 years ago
You are very brave girl
Tim Senna
Tim Senna - 10 years ago
What she said at the end was more accurate than anything I've ever heard Discovery say about sharks. Inspiring person
7d7e7f7 - 10 years ago
It's called a test bite for identification. God this woman is so dumb. They swam in the middle of the ocean, they are stupid. The shark would have torn her to pieces if it wanted.
Shayleen Dursley
Shayleen Dursley - 10 years ago
She is lucky!
JIMMY james
JIMMY james - 10 years ago
she would be like a burger with the lot to a shark
Silkie Theobserver
Silkie Theobserver - 10 years ago
Some of the people that say she was lying or how stupid it was saying it felt like a puppy, I'm just saying, you have to remind yourselves that was the first time the shark bit her. When the shark circled around and tried to pull her down that's when she really started screaming. And yes, when did seem relax and chill when she aid she thought the bubbles were pretty. Maybe because she was in shock. It didn't really help that she was losing blood either so, forgive if her mind went a little loopy. And yeah, she said she went into shark infested waters or something again. Big deal. My sister's finger almost snapped off by a door once. You think she decided not to use doors again?
Matt - 10 years ago
Where dafuq are the Asian shark boats when we need em!?!
waqar khan
waqar khan - 10 years ago
so why did the shark attack her 
Vincee taylor
Vincee taylor - 10 years ago
Mistaking identity.
Michelle Oshiro
Michelle Oshiro - 10 years ago
What was that pop?
annette stalling
annette stalling - 10 years ago
her mom was right
Snowy1432 AJ
Snowy1432 AJ - 10 years ago
She's brave
LailaL - 10 years ago
Wow luck u
Tamashi Kokoro
Tamashi Kokoro - 10 years ago
luck really just luck u must have been one of the lucky ones to return with ur sanity 
Mr. Ben
Mr. Ben - 10 years ago
I like her style and am glad she survived.
Christopher Peoples
Christopher Peoples - 10 years ago
Its time to make these things smart n walk on land
Llama party
Llama party - 10 years ago
Holy cow...
D Pras
D Pras - 10 years ago
The real issue is that if you swim in the ocean, then you're taking the risk of being eaten by a shark.  The fact that attacks are rare is an invalid argument.  Being hit by lightning is rare, but I'm still not going to climb a tree during a thunderstorm with a metal pole strapped to my back.  What ever happened to swimming in a swimming pool?  For God's sake, it's called a swimming swim in one; it does wonders for avoiding shark attacks.  This obsession with swimming in the ocean is silly and unnecessary.  There are so many dangerous species out there: portuguese man of war, stingrays, stone fish...the list is almost endless.  I've swam in the ocean, but I'm smart about it.  I do it in places like Eleuthera on the Caribbean side where there is extreme clarity and it stays fairly shallow, so you can see trouble coming from a mile away, literally, and you can easily escape that danger.  People just need to be reminded that the ocean is one big kitchen where animals go to dine...on whatever they feel they can eat and humans are not excluded from that menu.  Let's try to be smart and swim in a place designed for humans to swim...the good old swimming pool.
sherry a
sherry a - 11 years ago
Ur So Brave and Courageous, I Admire You So. So Glad u made the right choice to live for your mom, she would of been DEVASTATED !!! IF I EVER LOST MY CHILD I WOULD NEVER CONTINUE TO LIVE !! GOD BLESS YOU !!
Christopher Peoples
Christopher Peoples - 11 years ago
Probably saved by a mermaid
Christopher Peoples
Christopher Peoples - 11 years ago
Could b psychological problem r the power of the bite is quick
Aaron Henderson
Aaron Henderson - 11 years ago
yea she's safe ,what are the odds a hungry shark will attack you when you dive again...???/ guess the shark that ate your leg told the other 1000's of sharks you taste awful and they are agreed to NOT eat you. i think dear you are still in shock and denial and just can't bear to remember your trauma, wich i understand
Dolfy Hitler Parodies
Dolfy Hitler Parodies - 11 years ago
 She was getting dragged down in the water by a deadly shark and she says I looked up and I remember thinking how pretty it was???!!! The shark was trying to bite off her leg and she says it felt like a puppy?!
WeirdPsychoTeen - 10 years ago
There is a strange beauty when seeing the brutality of nature.
TheDazinator - 11 years ago
james proteebro
james proteebro - 11 years ago
That woman is so lucky to survive that shark bite.
Angel - 11 years ago
So she was getting bitten by a shark and she thinks that it was a puppy
sjcarvalho555 - 10 years ago
GatecrasherSlim - 11 years ago
survives shark attack with a missing leg as constant reminder... decides it wont happen again... swims with sharks as before. And the the 2014 Darwin award goes to... THIS WOMAN!
GatecrasherSlim - 10 years ago
my motorbike is more likely to kill me than a shark or lightning etc, but if i had a near death experience (such as this woman), i definitely wouldn't taking the same corner at the same speed again. eg - respect to the TT riders, but they are still crazy ass lunatics with much bigger balls than brains.
baterickpatman - 10 years ago
most idiotic comment award goes to..
Aaron Henderson
Aaron Henderson - 11 years ago
+Uchiha Madara  in response to your rsponse to Gate's this woman's naive thinking that possibly may get her injured or killed that is the issue, Gate Crasher is being logical 
Uchiha Madara
Uchiha Madara - 11 years ago
the 2014 darwin award goes to your mother for birthing you's not funny bitch. so stop being a douche, every humans are worth in this world ''MOTHERFUCKER''
Bleh Meh
Bleh Meh - 11 years ago
She's so chill, just like "oh ya, the shark was biting my ankle like a puppy" and "yea, so, I looked down and I had no leg" Jesus Christ.
Alan P
Alan P - 11 years ago
You wonder what your chances are of getting attacked twice are? Your compare it to lightning? You swim in shark infested waters again? Do I need to say it? 
Jason Mires
Jason Mires - 10 years ago
Just 50 in the United States, 24,000 in the whole world per year
Jason Mires
Jason Mires - 10 years ago
Dude have u heard of googling something? there are on average 24,000 lighting deaths.....
Chewbecca101 - 10 years ago
+shutupandjam That WOULD be terrifying, and I didn't say it, lol
tour_da_bus - 10 years ago
+Chewbecca101 40 to 50 lightning deaths per year on average. How on earth did you get 24000? That would be fucking terrifying.
Maryjane Uka
Maryjane Uka - 10 years ago
baterickpatman - 10 years ago
about 24,000 people are killed by lightning strike EACH YEAR. 2881 reported shark attacks (not deaths) in the last FOUR HUNDRED YEARS. Crunch those numbers genius...
Chewbecca101 - 11 years ago
"Shark infested" waters? lol! Do you know how big the ocean is? It is likely that every time a person swims in the ocean, they are swimming within 200 yards of a shark, but nothing happens. it is VERY rare that one attacks. Millions of people swim each year and there are only a dozen attacks. The oceans are not infested, they are simply inhabited. You can hike in the mountains and encounter a bear, you can swim in the ocean and encounter a shark, you can drive in rush hour and encounter a human... Some experiences are worth the minimal risk. Doesn't mean we were asking to become victims. But next time you get in a car wreck, allow me to gloat and tell you what an idiot you were for driving in human infested highways.
shane carter
shane carter - 11 years ago
Why the fuck are some people so fucking care free in the wild thinking they are safe? Then go right back in harms way
BowForge - 11 years ago
never going in the ocean ever again
Teresa Warrior
Teresa Warrior - 11 years ago
Pretty darn scary. Good she survived the attack with a positive state of mind.
TheSecretCircle1994c - 11 years ago
i watched shark week once and sharks dont eat you couse theyre hungry its couse theyre threatend by you and they want to test you strength so they bite you and let go and see what ur reaction is and this girl try to get on the boat escape so it attacked her again were as if she stayed in the water and attacked the shark it would of swam away and left her but whos going to stay in the water with a 16ft ish great white and try hurt it right
ItzFliight - 11 years ago
People that aren't being attacked are scream for no fucking reason. Maybe this guy with the stick is trying to communicate with girl and she wouldn't be able to hear him
cartrice2010 - 10 years ago
They're screaming because they are terrified by what's going on. If I saw someone being attacked by a shark, I would probably scream too.
Voltrolic - 11 years ago
We'll because she thrashed that's why it happened...
Victoria Castleberry
Victoria Castleberry - 11 years ago
Just an FYI to the people freaking out about how it felt like a puppy when it bit her. I have read lots of stories about when sharks attacked people, and when they asked them what it felt like they usually all said "I was surprised. It didn't hurt at all. It felt gentle. Nothing that you would expect a shark to feel like when it is biting you".
Pasu suel
Pasu suel - 10 years ago
+Sean Moorer

well, if he bites with teeth at the 3rd nudge .... that would explain the wounds, right?
so, i dont see your point. i have not mentioned the wounds at all.
Sean Moorer
Sean Moorer - 10 years ago
+Pasu suel
Really pasu didnt use his teeth on the 1st bite what did he protect his teeth with his gums smfh. look at this girls injuries stfu please with the nonsense
Pasu suel
Pasu suel - 10 years ago
+Victoria Noonan

dont be rediculous.

that first bite was investigative. it did not use his teeth. So, thats why it felt gentle.

the second bite she did not mark how hurtfull it was. but she makes the distinction that it started biting her  other leg. So. ' it started biting' after the gentle nudges.

sharkbites are known to feel like pieces of glas are entering you flesh
Victor Forsberg
Victor Forsberg - 10 years ago
+spoon8656 I salute you soldier, lucky your injury wasn't deadly!
justindnichols - 10 years ago
I was shot in Afghanistan and lost a 3rd of my calf muscle. It's 2 things 1.) the wound is so deep you can't feel it, there are not as many nerves in that tissue. 2.) adrenaline is an amazing thing, by you staying calm and pretty much ignoring your injury it makes everybody else feel better. But in about an hour or's gonna hurt like a motherfucker..
KateLynn01 - 11 years ago
Adrenaline is a natural pain killer. Our bodies are incredible. I've heard people say that getting shot or stabbed just feels like getting punched when it happens. 
Cryer24597 - 11 years ago
+Catherine tt Sometimes pain receptors don't kick in.
It's like when you cut yourself or something and you don't even realise but then you look at the wound and it suddenly starts to hurt.
Victoria Castleberry
Victoria Castleberry - 11 years ago
And I had also heard their jaws are weaker than a human's.
Victoria Castleberry
Victoria Castleberry - 11 years ago
Don't see why someone would make that up. Either way, the only response I have to that is the sharper it is, the easier it goes through. It may be so quick it takes longer to notice the pain. Idk either way.
thebobcatboy - 11 years ago
DamN Be CarEFULL guaiyz  gotzas Be Peaceful wit da fish Papacita never mess el papa
Eric weiss
Eric weiss - 11 years ago
not real all cg
Strike Electrum
Strike Electrum - 11 years ago
ITS REAL just some of the footage is dropped in from fake vids
guss weir
guss weir - 11 years ago
Omg that's so cool
Chris Mcmahon
Chris Mcmahon - 11 years ago
wonder what her body looks like
Elizabeth  Urquieta
Elizabeth Urquieta - 11 years ago
Dave Wolever
Dave Wolever - 11 years ago
Just show the damn fucking original shots thats it!!!! GOD ! ! this is so stupid
R ch
R ch - 11 years ago
No coments...
RJANO - 11 years ago
What I always wonder is, why are other people screaming when they are not the ones being attacked by a shark?
RJANO - 11 years ago
They would just be making the person actually in trouble panic even worse
Cryer24597 - 11 years ago
+Strike Electrum It's stupid. They aren't helping the situation at all by doing that. If anything they are making it worse.  
RJANO - 11 years ago
Makes sense
Strike Electrum
Strike Electrum - 11 years ago
Cause they are simply shocked!
Cedrick101 - 11 years ago
Well, Life Goes On :D
Jessica Amber Fernandez
Jessica Amber Fernandez - 11 years ago
I would recommend myself to use survival skills when I go surfboarding in case of the shark attack
Rave Cat
Rave Cat - 11 years ago
I still remember that a man bit a shark
Buns & Bass MYFHC
Buns & Bass MYFHC - 11 years ago
I love how shes so chilled like... i looked down and my leg was gone.
Jayme Casey
Jayme Casey - 11 years ago
omg you are soooo brave i am sooooo sorry
Alexander Daviau
Alexander Daviau - 11 years ago
She's pretty cool talking about this horrible life changing experience. I like her.
Antoinette - 11 years ago
Few people was there, how come nobody saw shark was coming, i just can't believe that...
Alexander Daviau
Alexander Daviau - 11 years ago
Because it's underwater..
Zoell Rarank
Zoell Rarank - 11 years ago
Syukurin siapa suruh main2 ke tengah... Nasib gk ke makan semua..
Vilmer Carlsson
Vilmer Carlsson - 11 years ago
For some reason I get the feeling she thought they asked her about her first sexual experience and not the shark incident.
Maria Brochs
Maria Brochs - 10 years ago
Hah, yeah! The puppy nibble, bubbles, so pretty, tug of war and then pop.. She's probably still traumatized, putting on some "cool act" to handle her emotions..
Ashlee A.
Ashlee A. - 11 years ago
Wemb Mus
Wemb Mus - 11 years ago
She doesn't really regret it. I like that cause diving with sharks is amazing, beautiful.
Christian Quiban
Christian Quiban - 11 years ago
Why didn't she hit the shark with the stick!???
SonicGamevids2013 - 11 years ago
CaesarGames - 11 years ago
The People in the world are killing sharks. So why will that shark not attack that woman? ;)
Andrew Howard
Andrew Howard - 11 years ago
start throwin shit at that shark
T Brock
T Brock - 11 years ago
Oh you know the deadly shark was just nibbling on my leg, like a puppy 
Jenna Cann
Jenna Cann - 11 years ago
Love her attitude. 
philly1weis - 11 years ago
Aren't you supposed to punch them in the nose or poke them in the eye??
Conrad Weiser
Conrad Weiser - 7 years ago
Seems like it all deopnds on the individual situations. I just thought I recalled hearing about at least one time when I surfer dude was able to fend off an attack with the donkey punch shocker technique. Maybe his shark wasn't quite the size of a chevy silverado like this mother fucker here haha :p lets hope we never have to try!
Evie Green
Evie Green - 7 years ago
philly1weis do both
mehari eseyas
mehari eseyas - 9 years ago
+Jesus Condom hey fucking bullshit
caCHbuHG - 9 years ago
+philly1weis punching and poking them? Yes I've tried both, but they STILL want to go shark diving! The lunatics!
megan proffitt
megan proffitt - 10 years ago
Hit the shark's eyes or gills. Best not to go for the nose because if they open their mouth and your fist misses then your fist will go into the shark's mouth.
unexplained wearenotalone
unexplained wearenotalone - 10 years ago
u right man Philly1weis best is do vs Shark hit nose or eye shark is weak face very very weak is sec he let u free away is true all animals or fish or crocodile all is weak face eye nose is true that try and u see remember who u cautch return ur body if u can and try hit to face and this save ur life vs wild Thx Philly1weis ur comment agreet is true.
ChillinJen - 10 years ago
Shona Simpson
Shona Simpson - 10 years ago
+Nina Sastri you are meant to fight back as sharks don't like things that fight back, thats why the have a brutal attack to finish the victim off before it can fight back. if they don't do this attack they may get injured. 
ChillinJen - 11 years ago
+Victoria Noonan I saw that this guy was in the same situation and he punched the shark in the  nose and the shark was gone.
Victoria Castleberry
Victoria Castleberry - 11 years ago
I had heard that your supposedly supposed to try and kick them in the nose to give a chance of them getting confused and letting you go. But from stories I have heard of where people did that it didn't do much good.
Jesus Condom
Jesus Condom - 11 years ago
+mehari eseyas Why should I change my name? So I can be just as generic as you Mehari Eseyas? 
Or so I can have as terrible grammar as you have?
mehari eseyas
mehari eseyas - 11 years ago
+Jesus Condom u sanababitch why don't change u r name bullshit u suppose to be eaten instead of the girl ass hole 
Jesus Condom
Jesus Condom - 11 years ago
I strongly doubt you will be able to poke them in their eyes while being
eaten alive with such a force.
Patrick Brönn
Patrick Brönn - 11 years ago
Screw that; throw me a bloody whale to distract the thing with! I'm not taking my chances with a one-on-one!
TheLastMatic - 11 years ago
+Nina Sastri
Throw me a knife and I'm good.
Billy Page
Billy Page - 11 years ago
hah hah... like that will do anything lol
Nina Sastri
Nina Sastri - 11 years ago
oh sure...try it :) my god ...
 with that attitude i can see you would not survive a day in nature
Patrick Brönn
Patrick Brönn - 11 years ago
Once they catch the scent of blood, they go into an almost unstoppable frenzy.
Vanish Bleach
Vanish Bleach - 11 years ago
There is no punching and poking when shark grabs you... 
Nordy™ - 11 years ago
you............your a robot
littleangel1060 - 11 years ago
@thisgirlmai she was trying to look at the positive aspect of the result of her attack by mentioning the statistic about lightning. She wasn't saying lightning is better she is just trying to stay positive after her attack.
littleangel1060 - 11 years ago
@B Shah how is she stupid?
sausagebandit3 - 11 years ago
That chick is awsome!
Storm Shadow
Storm Shadow - 11 years ago
Which sick bastard kept filming?!?!
3thalio_N_ational Werdzz
3thalio_N_ational Werdzz - 7 years ago
Storm Shadow the one that ensured evidence and entertainment was provided for its viewers and case investigators.
sjcarvalho555 - 10 years ago
You must not understand how rare it is for someone to have an opportunity to record an event like this.
bob joe
bob joe - 11 years ago
FAKE if you look closely you can the shark is a robot
:RWC - 10 years ago
+bob joe how do you get this is fake? its not like Discoverys Mermaid or Megladon footage... why would they waste time on this crappy of footage?
bob joe
bob joe - 10 years ago
fake and gay its all fake and gay
leon kasel
leon kasel - 10 years ago
Yeah right, and they cut off her leg as part of the joke too eh. MORON!
wadadlli - 10 years ago
it blows my mind that someone is looking at actual footage and says its fake. this video is also very was even on the news
bob joe
bob joe - 10 years ago
no its all fake and gay
Gabrielle Findley
Gabrielle Findley - 10 years ago
+UKMinecraftOfficial the part where you see the shark behind her is actual footage....all that up close stuff is a reenactment........
bob joe
bob joe - 10 years ago
cause its fake!!! fake and gay
lol dude
lol dude - 10 years ago
um.... why would they spend so much money on a massive robot shark for only 30 second of filming. and its obviously real. trust me I'm an aussie
UKMinecraftOfficial - 11 years ago
the videos that weren't the actual reconstruction were probably filmed using a robot but the actual story is real
Chris Mcmahon
Chris Mcmahon - 11 years ago
hahah thats great
Abbie Brown
Abbie Brown - 11 years ago
Did you watch the whole video? The real footage is filmed on the boat by people on holidays. This is not fake at all.
Cedrick101 - 11 years ago
If it's fake, why put it in Discovery?
Julia Nicole
Julia Nicole - 11 years ago
That's the remake the first part is the home video with the real shark
Tal Kaskas
Tal Kaskas - 11 years ago
@Joelina Pettersson You idiot they were pulling her out of the water while the shark was biting her leg and pulling her down its not that easy pulling her out of the water while a shark is pulling her down
Random Person
Random Person - 11 years ago
Go. To my video of shark it will save you
sicwititdime - 11 years ago
Idiots who swim in the ocean deserve what they get, cmon man
ashkeylumm - 11 years ago
I feel bad for her
AriT020 - 11 years ago
Parenting Fail!
Dropdonkers - 11 years ago
Smile you son of a bitch.
Mark Soderberg
Mark Soderberg - 11 years ago
Sorry Discovery channel, but I am dropping you.  Wait a minute, why am I apologizing?  YOU SHOULD BE THE ONES APOLOGIZING!!  You cut out the Cornelia Marie from the show Deadliest Catch when that boat made you guys a TON OF MONEY,  Then you manipulate the truth on a number of shows you have had on your channel!!  SHARK WEEK YAH.  "The Megalodon Lives"  show.  STOP LYING TO PEOPLE!!!   You have lost alllll credit with me.  Good bye, and good luck with the bull shit. 
merced castaneda
merced castaneda - 11 years ago
gooooooooooooooddddddddddddddddddddddddddd are alive are u ok is it scary im so sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Charles Bebee
Charles Bebee - 11 years ago
A whole lot of stupid
dieuson octave
dieuson octave - 11 years ago
luck?! thats God for ya right there
Callum Friedman
Callum Friedman - 10 years ago
+cartrice2010 Then why the hell would your god give humans the choice to enter the water? I mean you'd think that such a powerful being would have it all figured out... 
cartrice2010 - 10 years ago
You're so right, GOD was with her on that one! In accordance to the other comment, GOD doesn't make bad things happen to people. When she entered into the ocean she took a chance of getting attacked because she entered into the shark's territory. There's a reason why GOD put humans on earth and sharks in the ocean, because he knew that it would not be a good combination. But if you enter into the ocean by choice then that is just a risk you are willing to take.
Callum Friedman
Callum Friedman - 10 years ago
Yeah God is merciful so he makes shark attack people. Way to go mr bullshit.
Benji Haynes
Benji Haynes - 11 years ago
Scientists say the earth is millions of years old n dinosaurs existed then before any humans but u find human remains fossallised beside dinosaur bones lol scientists have to somehow come up with evidence that contradicts bible beliefs !!!! It allready blocked out google earth lol it can't disclose the truth lol
Shiiea007 - 11 years ago
No, we have not yet discovered any type of human remains existing within the same time period of Dinosaurs. Just because google spits our a few fakes once in a while does not make it factual. If you are thinking of the human footprints next to Dinosaur footprints... that was faked. Also Scientist do not have to come up with evidence that contradicts the bible, we only need to come up with factual evidence.  
Thrilla Whale
Thrilla Whale - 11 years ago
Lol source?
Benji Haynes
Benji Haynes - 11 years ago
Scientists have faith that something was created out of nothing lol like the Big Bang theory !!! They are putting creationists down cause they have faith in how god created the earth :):)
alice Cook
alice Cook - 11 years ago
OMG that is really scary I would hate that poor u just keep swimming like memo
Alex Van koolbergen
Alex Van koolbergen - 11 years ago
She's getting attacked let's film it ?
Austen Andrews
Austen Andrews - 11 years ago
People you can't kill the thing for just being itself it is their nature to hunt and kill it would be like killing us because we ate at Red Lobster we can't execute animals for doing what they 're supposed to.
Rosa Pacheco
Rosa Pacheco - 11 years ago
Stupid!!!! Just by it chewing on your ancle you shouldve thought it was a shark. Why did you think its pretty!!
Supra Man
Supra Man - 11 years ago
This is why I hate swimming in the ocean
kash latief
kash latief - 11 years ago
Sosa Gamingひ™
Sosa Gamingひ™ - 11 years ago
They SMART for NOT attacking the shark then they would have made it mad and made it eat her.
evenodds000 - 11 years ago
Love her attitude
Doctor Doom
Doctor Doom - 11 years ago
I agree with Kahuna, Didn't anyone have a gun to shoot thing?
pindabone - 11 years ago
Nicee more vids please
Kahuna Cazares
Kahuna Cazares - 11 years ago
That punk ass captain should have shot it :\ but nooooo ...
Sascha Kai
Sascha Kai - 11 years ago
damn, could i have a link to that video? thanks for the info
Unrealuknow - 11 years ago
Sharks are insecure basically. They are cautious about attacking prey and will usually bump an unknown object first before biting, and then a 2nd pass would be a nip to get a taste. This is why large sharks will circle. There is a video where a man gets out of the cage with 3 great whites and defends himself with a spear. When the advanced at them, they swam away. They don't understand aggressive behavior.
Sascha Kai
Sascha Kai - 11 years ago
wait why did the shark bring her back up to the surface?? was it just tired? and how come at first it just kind of nibbles at her ankles and doesn't go directly in for the kill? i would love some insight on this. thanks (please no answers regarding luck or divine intervention)
Francky Ebobisse
Francky Ebobisse - 11 years ago
God has helped her!
Jake Ayres
Jake Ayres - 11 years ago
I adore dog movies on Youtube. I squander tons of time by doing this. However the vast majority of folks are gradually over time KILLING their family dogs (without understanding it)… The shit commercial dog food companies use into dog food creates cancerous cells and makes family dogs die young.. If you have a dog and you would like to help save its life and overpriced vet bills then it’s vital to have a look at Double Life Dog Diet (Google it.)
Jennifer Roney
Jennifer Roney - 11 years ago
It's not luck stupid , it's God!
AngryKitty - 11 years ago
MrJ567 - 11 years ago
Fuck that positive outlook. If I lost my leg to a shark, I'd buy a boat and go on a murder crusade against them.
Grim Reaper
Grim Reaper - 11 years ago
beastnesschase1 - 11 years ago
Ur legs gone now
kazi Jukes
kazi Jukes - 11 years ago
Your fault if you see a great white shark you get out the water do t take you time because it happened to me.
Hash Tagz
Hash Tagz - 11 years ago
People dont belong in water like sharks dont belong on land
Voltron512 - 11 years ago
Wow, she has a great outlook on horrific situation. What the mind will rationalize to make a memory more manageable
Dungeons Dragons
Dungeons Dragons - 11 years ago
this is sad put yourself in her shoes.or if this was your mom or sister.before leaving rude comments.
Sam Barbrooke
Sam Barbrooke - 11 years ago
yeah get put in a tank of sharks but im sure they wont touch you...... stupid biatch
mybluebelly - 11 years ago
Oh no, not this video again..
BolusTube - 11 years ago
probably was on her period and he smelled her cunt's blood
C3rul3anxi1Lu5i0n - 11 years ago
" I remember how pretty it was lol"
nurnnobi1988 - 11 years ago
Imagine cutting weight quickly? Well Fast Fat Furlong did exactly that for me. Try it for yourself, just search the phrase Fast Fat Furlong.
Andrzej Matlakowski
Andrzej Matlakowski - 11 years ago
I would take a combat knife jump in thr water and kill the shark
angryartist808 - 11 years ago
she was finding some pooooop hhahahaha
Cody Hastings
Cody Hastings - 11 years ago
I got here by niagra falls
Daniel Wilken
Daniel Wilken - 11 years ago
wow some of the peoples comments on hear are just rude and nasty....bloody hell anyway, she is 1 lucky woman...what an amazing story to tell the grand kids.
SEECH7 - 11 years ago
she sounds like she likes it rough :o
alice Cook
alice Cook - 11 years ago
U r so lucky I would hate to be in that situation I would never swim again if that we're me :'(
BlueBlueberry7 - 11 years ago
Forgot How I got Here
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong - 11 years ago
She's so lucky
Lisa Thunell
Lisa Thunell - 11 years ago
HAHA aw :(
whiteshark187 - 11 years ago
What an ignorant statement. You're safe now? Keep swimming
d octor ogos
d octor ogos - 11 years ago
I agree with the last comment
namekiano - 11 years ago
Next time don't be so fat
likestari - 11 years ago
FeelTheRushHD - 11 years ago
Sharksbite for a reason guys
Abigail Baxter
Abigail Baxter - 11 years ago
Don't be vulgare.
Henri Isojämsä
Henri Isojämsä - 11 years ago
RDW - 11 years ago
Sharks are scary
Nonesense Speaker
Nonesense Speaker - 11 years ago
Shark will bite realize they made a mistake and let go unless there like this one iether this one was really hungry and would eat anything even a human, or it was just aggressive and was just doing this to hurt her
Brian Brandt
Brian Brandt - 11 years ago
Sharks bite and leave the human to be. They hate the way we taste. Food must either have been scarce or this shark had refined tastes. (Ha, ha.) Don't be surprised if her leg was left for the non-Apex predators. Sharks do not eat people. If they did, we would have no use for beaches--they'd come to us. The leg was lost due to the ignorance of the rescuers. I, too, believe she would have a couple of taste-test bite marks and both legs if these dopes did not cause such a stir and tug on her.
adamthecynic - 11 years ago
The initial movements of the shark where just so unlike the hunting approach a Great white shark would take if it was seriously going to try and attack her, GW sharks usually go deep under the water, swim up and take the prey whole, it was most likely just checking her out. I feel the reason the shark responded this way was due to both the boat and the girls response, she most likely moved erratically and the noise of the boat probably caused the shark to panic and attack.
memewoman9898 - 11 years ago
Click to go on an Adventure!
memewoman9898 - 11 years ago
No Adventure for you! >:D
Peter Hunsader
Peter Hunsader - 11 years ago
you should have at least shown your injuries. . Good reenactment tho. So your saying with your legs all messed up you can still swim?
lucia engel
lucia engel - 11 years ago
Alda des ist sau gruselig
Tomas  Orrego
Tomas Orrego - 11 years ago
David Hilton
David Hilton - 11 years ago
This is why you don't swim in he ocean. Dumbass hippies...
OfficialAarorStar - 11 years ago
That's really scary
silvia Dwyer
silvia Dwyer - 11 years ago
I saw this ep
Marianne Mclaughlin
Marianne Mclaughlin - 11 years ago
Getting struck by lightening is very rare like being attacked by a shark. Listen to what she is saying in the video if you are smart enough to understand. She is way smarter than you will ever be...thisgirlmia who called her a name with a stupid comment. Didn't your mother teach you any manners or English?
MidgetStomper10 - 11 years ago
this bitch is all kinds of wack
PSJawanda - 11 years ago
Your able to very easily get over 3000 dollars per month just by answering easy online surveys at home. This site shows precisely how\27txglr
delicious chicken
delicious chicken - 11 years ago
they are dicks
Jon Minter
Jon Minter - 11 years ago
@MrFi13 I'm not religious. But that is why they call it Faith.
Frank-eye - 11 years ago
It's true ..... It's true
olbas2 - 11 years ago
this video is about a shark attack gfto with that opinion
CyanideRevelations - 11 years ago
I'm not saying she was hunted, Im saying she was bitten once through curiosity, the shark could sense the increase in heart rate, the struggle she was putting up, the blood in the water and returned for a predatory bite. The reason she wasn't dead was because she made it to the boat.
1979mattant - 11 years ago
Great White sharks do not hunt humans or look at hem as prey, If a person wants to swim that far out in the sea then they should be aware of the dangers and as for your logic? The shark could have bit her then came back as it wasn't sure what she was it happens with us we taste things more then once, If the shark liked the taste of her she would be dead, simple as.
B Shah
B Shah - 11 years ago
She's Stupid
April Doughty
April Doughty - 11 years ago
omg are you ok
CyanideRevelations - 11 years ago
Okay this will be probably go round in circles so lets agree to disagree and put it to rest now.
cody hug
cody hug - 11 years ago
I understand what you're saying, but you're still lacking understanding in shark biology. Just like puppy dogs, when they explore their environment with their teeth, they'll do it several times to be sure. Same with sharks, when they see something new in their environment, they'll check it out. This means that the curiosity bite can and most likely will happen several times. The reason why her leg was removed is because of the serrated teeth. It was a curiosity bite, plain and simple.
CyanideRevelations - 11 years ago
I understand that due to the nature of the sharks teeth that damage is inevitable during any bite encounter, however, the fact remains that after the initial bite on the foot the shark returned to the girl within a matter of seconds of the initial bite, so the shark already knew what it was dealing with, and had already tasted the womans skin yet despite the taste issue returned for a second go, this time hanging on to her despite the taste issue again, then severed the leg rather than let go
cody hug
cody hug - 11 years ago
The mouth, as you should know, are filled with placoid teeth. These teeth have serrated edges, hence the damage. The damage doesn't matter in this case because all that was shown was a curiosity nature. People lose limbs all the time due to curiosity bites. Roughly 1% of shark bites have been recorded as predatory. The only reason why it'll prey upon you is because of the blood being similar to marine mammals. Once that skin reaches the taste buds, the shark will swim away. Please, do research.
cody hug
cody hug - 11 years ago
Hence why I said, "depending on the species." You need to read more carefully. This wasn't a white shark either, so that is irrelevant. I again suggest researching deeper on selachii behavior because I'm sensing that you don't know much about the topic. If it was a predatory bite, the entire human body would've been ravaged. This is due to the size of the human, and of the selachii. The reason why the leg came off is because the woman thrashed her legs while inside the mouth.
kinsleygreer - 11 years ago
not all christians are alike, and not all scientists are alike. It would be helpful if you gave an example of a proven fact that christians don't believe. As to scientists knowing that they don't understanding everything, some would claim they do. if you have seen Ben stein's documentary called "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" you would know that many scientists lose their jobs simply for considering other options besides the big bang theory. That does not seem to encourage real exploration.
Slicer0007 - 11 years ago
Shut the fuck up and keep your beliefs to yourself. If we want to believe it then we can do that on our own.
CyanideRevelations - 11 years ago
The short memory theory of a great white has been debunked a few times, it has the largest brain of any cold blooded animal and recent studies have indicated that a great whites memory is such it is able to recognize and avoid poisonous sea serpents, the initial bite on the lady's foot was a curiosity bite, once the blood was in the water and her heart rate increased it became predatory due to the shark removing the limb and not releasing the woman which is common of curiosity bites.
Chris Hollands
Chris Hollands - 11 years ago
Part of why a debate between a scientist and a creationist is funny, is that the scientist knows that they don't understand everything and they keep growing and learning and discovering. Where as a biased creationist ignores everything that the rest of the world sees as blatant, provable, fact.
Chris Hollands
Chris Hollands - 11 years ago
And what about all the people who believe in "god" but get painfully murdered? How about the thousands who did believe in god but not in the right way and were tortured in the NAME of god in the Inquisition? How about church going women who were falsely accused of witch craft and burned at the stake in the NAME of god in the witch trials? Wake up.
Chris Hollands
Chris Hollands - 11 years ago
Um, this is an incorrect statement. Just saying.
Chris Hollands
Chris Hollands - 11 years ago
Really? How do you know? Oh wait, you don't you've just been brainwashed.
cody hug
cody hug - 11 years ago
I suggest researching selachii behaviour. I myself have a degree in marine biology with a focus in selachii and batoid biology/behaviour. We spent a good few days learning behavioural patterns in the selachii and the batoids, especially when it came to it's defense and hunting techniques.
cody hug
cody hug - 11 years ago
The reason why they come back several times is because their brain is close to reptilian. They have a 5-20 minute memory span depending on the species. Coming back to bite a few times is typical for curiosity bites. Predatory bites never do that! They go in for the kill and that's it. Territotrial bites tend to be prolonged bites with rapid splashing. The shark conducted a curiosity bite first to test what she was, then left and was attracted by the EMF she was emmitting. Curiosity bite #2.
CyanideRevelations - 11 years ago
By that logic the shark would not have returned to bite her a second time after its initial bite on the foot, nor would it have continued to hold on to her had the taste been as unpleasant as you say it was which is debatable as I don't believe that every single bite that humans have sustained in the past have all been from curiosity bites, the rapid heartbeat would have also indicated she was prey.
cody hug
cody hug - 11 years ago
It was not a predatory bite at all. It had no signs of a predatory bite. The reason why the shark didn't let go is because the ampullae of lorenzini was triggered by the rapid movement of the person. Her heart rate raised and that attracted the ampullae and the lateral lines. Recent studies on sharks show that they actually have taste buds. These taste buds react violently with the trigger of human skin. This means that humans taste horrible to sharks and therefore not a food source.
CyanideRevelations - 11 years ago
CyanideRevelations - 11 years ago
Admittedly its not something I would be thinking.
CyanideRevelations - 11 years ago
The initial bite on the foot was a curiosity bite, the bite on the leg, to me, seems predatory, the reluctance to let go and the final severing of the leg tells me the leg was more than likely consumed by the shark and also the fact the shark returned to take the leg after the initial curiosity bite. A curiosity bite such as a bite on an underwater camera for example is quick as it is quickly deemed inedible, this shark knew she was a potential food source after the initial bite on the foot.
tendz rawr
tendz rawr - 11 years ago
Moral of the story: listen to your mom.
Katie Miles
Katie Miles - 11 years ago
Looking at the religion comments and thinking wtf would they waste their time writing this crap
cody hug
cody hug - 11 years ago
First of all, there's no such thing as a shark attack. That's called anthropomorphism. It's a shark encounter! 3 types of bites can be given: curiosity, territorial, and predatory. The reason why the shark was calm is because it was a curiosity bite. There's over 450 species of sharks, less than 8% have been known to bite humans.
Nathan Griffin
Nathan Griffin - 11 years ago
Atleast it was her leg bitten off and not her head or something really important like that, and i wonder why the shark was (kind of) gentle
Rocketman6100 - 11 years ago
>.< That must hurt. Those shark teeth are like meat knifes!
Summer - 11 years ago
Blood is very beautiful :)
Robert Ward
Robert Ward - 11 years ago
She was very lucky she came up nr the dinghy. She said it looked beat fulll
Lo - 11 years ago
Have you been attacked by a shark? No? Then STFU.
BlairrrrSeo - 11 years ago
I don't wanna ever go to a beach after watching so much shark videos
Ryan Tam
Ryan Tam - 11 years ago
Holy shitballs! Glad that she SURVIVED! Her FUCKING leg got bitten OFF!
Al noon
Al noon - 11 years ago
If you were there what would you have done if you had no boat and were standing on the pier?
Al noon
Al noon - 11 years ago
Thank fuck she survived.
PraiseTheGabe - 11 years ago
Hablas español
Vj Live
Vj Live - 11 years ago
Wth actually recorded instead of helping bitch
jthomiszer1 - 11 years ago
Emily yy
Emily yy - 11 years ago
your getting killed by a shark and your thinking about how pretty your blood looks in the water
Careless Jocy
Careless Jocy - 11 years ago
The person below me... Right its a shark video why yall talkin bout jesus??? I believe in him tho
sdschlegs - 11 years ago
So many religious comments on a SHARK VIDEO!!!
Frank-eye - 11 years ago
Science can be proven religion can't
Kristy Bowen
Kristy Bowen - 11 years ago
Based on fact, Jesus is more likely to be real than the big bang theory and guys/girls. Do not swim far out at sea. Like this comment if you agree with me :3
Kyle Matos
Kyle Matos - 11 years ago
Semaj Floyd
Semaj Floyd - 11 years ago
Right! Lol to the last comment
SiiK Drizzy
SiiK Drizzy - 11 years ago
im never gonna swim in a ocean
yaselness - 11 years ago
God is real. Jesus lived. That's a fact. Look him up in any history book. Whether people want to believe In Him is entirely up to them .. But it's as I'd saying George Washington was not real because we didn't see him . There is more evidence that Jesus lived than George Washington . Jesus saves . And god loves you all whether you love him back or not
lewwoo1981 - 11 years ago
Bigddlover1. I'm not religious but how do you know what happens when you die?
WorstChineseBurn EU
WorstChineseBurn EU - 11 years ago
Like how ppl say god saved her not the fact she was pulled out the water and the only thing that saved her was her leg getting bit off, so they could pull her out, coz god would not have stopped her from being drowned or died from loss of blood or being eaten , because coming out of it with one leg wow what a miracle
Political Incorrect
Political Incorrect - 11 years ago
If you look at keysi obe comment, she said that God saved her. and thats bull****
kinsleygreer - 11 years ago
Microevolution has been proven. However macroevolution is a little different. Science is the study of the physical world done through experiments that can be repeated. Scientists to this day have not been able to do an experiment that recreates a "big bang" effect where something is created from nothing, or life is created from non-living material. Atheists' beliefs about beginning of life have to be taken on faith, just like everyone else.
kinsleygreer - 11 years ago
first of all, what the heck does that have to do with this video? second, a big part of intelligence is your IQ, which you are born with, and your environment mostly does not affect. In addition, you can become smarter by studying and learning more about the world. Your beliefs in the afterlife and things outside this world have very little to do with that. If religious people are dumb, it is likely that a combination of a low IQ and a lack of studying had made them that way.
mushroom0metalhead - 11 years ago
ok, umm hehe yes! but umm umm random
Joshua Alonso
Joshua Alonso - 11 years ago
You misspelled friends.
Validus241 - 11 years ago
She should've punched that bastard right in the nose.
Validus241 - 11 years ago
Amen. Oh, and it's *altar.
Validus241 - 11 years ago
It's what happens on the internet when someone says something like "God saved that person" and all the militant atheists launch the counter-offensive.
Validus241 - 11 years ago
God also created sharks.
Validus241 - 11 years ago
God looks like Alanis Morissette, you ignoramus!
Thraxxus S
Thraxxus S - 11 years ago
There are over 2700 different gods in this world. Created by religous zealots who needed to control the masses. MastaBella23 is basically one of the sheeple who needs a book to show them how to be "good". A real person doesn't need a book to tell them how to be good. The do because they want to do good. Oh and please tell the pastors to leave alter boys alone. Thanks!
Thraxxus S
Thraxxus S - 11 years ago
Very simple. Its called evolution. Not that book you put so much stock into. Hmm lets see.. theres a mountain of proof that life existed and evolved over centuries and centuries but only that silly little book saying "god did it" God is a way for people like you to blame your ill deeds on some other person. And actually, people like youtopp74 do create this themselves. Its called procreation. But no no.. its not that. Some magical man created it. Are you really that naive?
TrollingTrollsTroll - 11 years ago
Kitchen knives: commonly found in the ocean.
TrollingTrollsTroll - 11 years ago
I always had this illogical idea that pool sharks could exist when I was a young child.
TrollingTrollsTroll - 11 years ago
He did think before he posted. Also, I'm not sure if you know this, but when people spam the fuck out of the comment section with things about their gods saving people, it's also very offensive. Please consider that little fact before you claim that you're being offended by something, and don't offer your "advice" unless you're asked for it.
Boss Ladiee
Boss Ladiee - 11 years ago
Wow she think she won't get attacked twice
Lupita Jimenez
Lupita Jimenez - 11 years ago
Political Incorrect
Political Incorrect - 11 years ago
Ever heard about big bang and evolution? it wasnt adam&eve or Noah who started it all trust me. Talking to fanatic religous americans is like talking to islamist(same fucked up ideology)
Adam Grimm
Adam Grimm - 11 years ago
MastaBalla that has to be one of the most uneducated sentences I've heard. Why don't you read up on evolution by natural selection.
MastaBalla23 - 11 years ago
If god doesn't exist, how can you explain life as we know it in the first place? You certainly didn't create yourself!
MastaBalla23 - 11 years ago
If god doesn't exist, how can you explain life as we know it in the first place? You certainly didn't create yourself!
ServiceMTA - 11 years ago
Anyone is able to very easily get over 3500 usd per month just by answering basic surveys at home. This site shows every detail how\XdAab
Mj Pete
Mj Pete - 11 years ago
How did sharks even become ALIVE?
Mj Pete
Mj Pete - 11 years ago
Did she like DIE, AND GO TO HELL???
hailey rose
hailey rose - 11 years ago
It's a bad week to be a person near a shark
Nuck Formies
Nuck Formies - 11 years ago
Fuck you you dont have to brag and make fun of other peoples religion
Leigh-Ann H
Leigh-Ann H - 11 years ago he what? poked the shark in the eye?
Political Incorrect
Political Incorrect - 11 years ago
Just shaking my head at you religous maniacs, welcome to 2013!
john pete
john pete - 11 years ago
Her attitude is amazing. If i were attacked by a shark id never be the same again. I especially wouldn't go into a shark cage.
John Gardner
John Gardner - 11 years ago
God is not a visible being he is a spirit so there for you cant see him and cant tell if he was there or not.
Political Incorrect
Political Incorrect - 11 years ago
ATHEISTS are more intelligent than religious people, according to a study. You dont have to be a Rocket scientist to figure that out, if you belive in a man with beard living up in the clouds you probably have some problems up in your coconut
Sam McMillan
Sam McMillan - 11 years ago
Hey we got a genius over here! Last time I checked God will never be visible until the day Jesus comes back, nice try though. And he uses his creations to do his miracles sometimes, it's not like he reaches a physical had down to save people. Go ahead and respond, let's have an argument.
Alex Hutzkal
Alex Hutzkal - 11 years ago
I personally don't believe god had anything to do with this, I am not bashing religions, as I respect people's beliefs, but this is a force of nature, and she was lucky enough to get away.
pyromaniacxangel - 11 years ago
in situations like that you only fight for survival you don't think things through clearly, adrenaline clouds the thinking process.
OnlyThe .WeakCheat
OnlyThe .WeakCheat - 11 years ago
Samantha Brown
Samantha Brown - 11 years ago
uh hu definetle
vivitar45 - 11 years ago
she was not so fat and heavy her friends be easier to get her in the boat
llTrillish ll
llTrillish ll - 11 years ago
I mean that slut almost got her azz are dumbazz bastard smh
llTrillish ll
llTrillish ll - 11 years ago
that's a damn shame retarted slit almost got her zzz are smh
Alexandra Yepes
Alexandra Yepes - 11 years ago
She could've hit the shark with the stick she is holding -.-
abfb123 - 11 years ago
He made those girl come, he sent a message through them and they helps her you bi**hes
abfb123 - 11 years ago
You guys are f**king stupid god made it all happen
Fauzi Tahir
Fauzi Tahir - 11 years ago
that's like in your face..i told you!
ilvglee - 11 years ago
I can't belive I missed it I wanna watch them
Krone - 11 years ago
Foxtrot - 11 years ago
Aww, gentle puppy bit my leg off.
angel porter
angel porter - 11 years ago
omg y wernt u freaked out lol
rompehuesos toran
rompehuesos toran - 11 years ago
chattabox22 - 11 years ago
Why is she romanticising this!! Fucking scary as!!!
ShindyK2 - 11 years ago
How about God just uses his magic to make the shark disappear? Incase you haven't noticed the only reason why her friends were able to pull her out of the water is because a piece of her (leg) is gone. So yeah, they saved a piece of her.
vanessa raudales
vanessa raudales - 11 years ago
sigh god did nothing? reallly...god use people like her friends to save her. whether her friends wanted to help her or not their decesion. . plus it is not their responsible for whether if the girl time is up or not. only in god responsible for that. -_-. if you wanna argue with me go ahead but i aint going to say shyt .
Lara Hojan
Lara Hojan - 11 years ago
I bet her mommy said "I told you so"
kitnbent - 11 years ago
This is what I hate about Christians, SHE fought for her own life, her friends and herself are the people who got her out of that situation. Dont try to take away their heroic act by telling people that God was the one to save her. Go play with your immaginary friend somewhere else and dont bother us with it.
kitnbent - 11 years ago
God didnt do shit, the her friends did. Read the fucking bible and use some common sense to judge it.
kitnbent - 11 years ago
He was on the ship, he couldnt really do much.
kitnbent - 11 years ago
It's not really common that sharks attacks like this.. They dont mind us being in the water, they usually only attack if we are bleeding or are agressive against it.
daryl flegg
daryl flegg - 11 years ago
Yeah, I've seen this incident on several different shark shows over the years, that's why I knew. It happened in 1994, so it's been on quite a few times.
Briana Kelly
Briana Kelly - 11 years ago
I woulda died instantly
OllieGreggs Gregory
OllieGreggs Gregory - 11 years ago
her friends saved her, not god
Hey i'm the one guy
Hey i'm the one guy - 11 years ago
So much talk about God on letting her live and stuff , but no the people who pulled her out was her savior not God .
daryl flegg
daryl flegg - 11 years ago
Great White
daryl flegg
daryl flegg - 11 years ago
And you're pretty smart, eh? 7 words, 3 spelling mistakes.
Micvnt - 11 years ago
I think by puppy she meant insanely aggressive pit bull
Political Incorrect
Political Incorrect - 11 years ago
Oh did he!? i didnt see him in the water, her friends saved her
Batzhor - 11 years ago
God did nothing.... Sharks tend to let go once they know its human blood because they dont like what we taste like, we are disgusting to them. if anything we should stop getting in there way!
Bryan Rojas
Bryan Rojas - 11 years ago
If the cameraman was there why didn't he help
keysi obe
keysi obe - 11 years ago
God saved her life
Michael Soul
Michael Soul - 11 years ago
Was great white ?
SpazDillinger - 11 years ago
"It was just chewing on my ankle, it felt like a puppy"....what puppies you talking about women?!?!
Roland Pana
Roland Pana - 11 years ago
I believe every thing that happens is a fight between god and the devil, whoever wins, gets to choose what happens
jennifer de la rosa
jennifer de la rosa - 11 years ago
Im tripping out how calm she was like. . It was nibbling on my ankle and kinda felt like... funny and sad she lost her leg thou she is a braveheart for fighting for her life thinking of her mother. .she is brave to tell about it and be ok with herself!
jill127aj :D
jill127aj :D - 11 years ago
and same to you about my other comment there
jill127aj :D
jill127aj :D - 11 years ago
you know thats offending lots of people believe in god including me its a belief a religion so be careful what you say because its very offending I don't care if you don't believe him but thats very offending to me and I'm sure a lot of other people your lucky I didn't expload like I normally would so heres some advice think before you post next time
Toby Clifton
Toby Clifton - 11 years ago
@episode272 you obviously have no idea what your talking about. I witnessed 5 people get attacked by 1 shark I was one of the 7 diving and I was one of the 2 whi wasn't attacked. 2 of my friends now live with amputated arms and legs. So do your research certain species of sharks are very aggressive and no human will scare it of just for out numbering the shark.
mokeeffe96 - 11 years ago
Stop ripping peoples religious beliefs because you have different, fucking idiot.
Clevar person
Clevar person - 11 years ago
I don't have much sympathy for shark victims, there are humans on every inch of the planet yet they choose to hunt sharks and swim in their habitats. humans know better, sharks do what there instinct tells them, which is to eat
Fakedetail - 11 years ago
your such a kid. there are no such thing as bad things not occurring.Be a little more mature, you act like your 10. People have their own right to believe whatever they want. Dont believe in God, then in the end you are going to hell.
episode272 - 11 years ago
dude sharks are pussies and know one realizes it cause they are scared. Get 3 people in the water on it and it will get the fuck out.
soy milk
soy milk - 11 years ago
You have no right to change the minds of others. Believe what you want. But let others do so as well.
joydivsion77 - 11 years ago
well said. I suggest people stop believing in adult fairy tales and start living with the guidance of science and logic. "The God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins is a fantastic read; in fact, you can check out Dawkins' videos on youtube. he frequently debates religious zealots and will have discussions with other noteable scientists about religion, amongst other things. people need to evolve beyond these arcane beliefs...
Nibba Eater
Nibba Eater - 11 years ago
I wanna se her leg
jake martinez
jake martinez - 11 years ago
Yah, i have NO IDEA WHY SHE DID NOT PUNCH IT IN THE EYE OR NOSE! IT WAS GOING GENTLE. and her friends, oh lets have a tug o war with the shark, i wonder who will win even though the animal is three times bigger than me!
episode272 - 11 years ago
Yea if only god made it so she wasn't attacked in the first place.
episode272 - 11 years ago
If that was my family and my sister was getting attacked we would have all jumped in and probably scared the shark off. Idk why everyone is so scared of one ark. If it saw many people dive in it would have swam away.
cashews224 - 11 years ago
At least she seems content with it all...
Ashleigh Paolone
Ashleigh Paolone - 11 years ago
how is she so chill about this..
James DeMayo
James DeMayo - 11 years ago
I would shit my pants
Britt de Cormier
Britt de Cormier - 11 years ago
yes, it has been out for years.
angienicole93 - 11 years ago
"kinda gentle for a was kinda chewing on my ankle.." yeah thats pretty gentle
icfree2 - 11 years ago
Be sure to look out for the great white poolshark though
pienas3210 - 11 years ago
damm that fizz and his ultimate..
Johnathan Smith
Johnathan Smith - 11 years ago
I give her props for not being scared lol
Maria Lopez
Maria Lopez - 11 years ago
She sounds like " oh whatever a shark bit me so yea i guess " TF?
PizzaAteMyCat - 11 years ago
And this is why i will never go swimming in the ocean.
Anjelo Munoz
Anjelo Munoz - 11 years ago
she lost a little more than her leg....
stitcha123 - 11 years ago
duuuuuuur dum. duuuuuur dum. dum dum dum dum dum...oh you get the idea.
Frostbite Allen
Frostbite Allen - 11 years ago
shark: oh it comes with free snack?
GETxS0ME - 11 years ago
I'm not trying to sound brave or anything, but I would go down there and help her. IF it was a relative of mine. I'd go find a kitchen knife and jump down on top of the shark. Go after it's gills or eyes and start stabbing. Idk but I'd do something if I was on that boat. Not gonna let some carnivore shark kill somebody I love and me do nothing just standing there.
Don1970 - 11 years ago
How would she fight with the stick in that depth of water? She'd already been bitten a few times by that point. I'm sure thinking straight is out the damn window in a situation like that. They didn't show the whole attack. Her leg is gone when they pull her in.
sukisuzuki10 - 11 years ago
There is actual footage of when they get her out the water and her whole leg is missing, all of it gone, can't find the footage anymore though, anyone know where it can be found?
Cristy Munoz
Cristy Munoz - 11 years ago
Those uv u who r sayinh shes an idiot have u ever been attacked by a shark
Tfg Ysl
Tfg Ysl - 11 years ago
May i ask everyone who is saying she is an idiot for not using the stick blah blah blah... Have YOU ever been attacked by a shark? No? So shut up!
TinyArts - 11 years ago
I heard some chinese guys gave her chopsticks aswell: Afta shalk keeled! Vely good to have!
United Destiny Entertainment
United Destiny Entertainment - 11 years ago
what an idiot
Thecoolguy10211 - 11 years ago
You guys think your SO smart but really you guys don't understand that it happens so fast that your in shock not knowing what to do jabbing it with a stick might work but if I was her I'd be too scared and in shock to think out of the box. Seriously think before you say stuff.
sadiegurl2018 - 11 years ago
Not luck
aliix70 - 11 years ago
yes scary
babewire - 11 years ago
Tug of war with a great white? You lose that battle, every time.
Hannah Nicole
Hannah Nicole - 11 years ago
Wow. Really?! A puppy!?
April Braga-Smith
April Braga-Smith - 11 years ago
I have been reading the comments on here, almost all of you are fucked up for calling her a dumb bitch. I went to high school with this woman. Go ahead laugh, your Karma will get you and then we'll all laugh at your expense see how you like that.
Manika Ray
Manika Ray - 11 years ago
That is scary
Dom Jones
Dom Jones - 11 years ago
and these people can't figure out how this would could happen on a calm "mid ocean" swim...
slickflicks - 11 years ago
thanks for pointing out the obvious! fuck me.

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