Girl Attacked By Shark! | Shark Week
Shark videos 16 years ago 17,058,056 views
A young girl who was attacked while on vacation reveals actual footage from that day. For more Shark Week
Shark videos 16 years ago 17,058,056 views
A young girl who was attacked while on vacation reveals actual footage from that day. For more Shark Week
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Goliath grouper eating a black tip shark in one bite off the coast of Bonita Springs Florida. August 2014. This...
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Time to CATCH and RELEASE some SHARKS! ► Click HERE for crazy fishing VIDEOS! ► Click HERE to...
35,332 likes 44,187,238 views 18 years ago
This 450 pound black marlin was caught off Cairns, Australia. After about 22 minutes it panicks and goes down deep,...
42,264 likes 66,033,076 views 10 years ago
Goliath grouper eating a black tip shark in one bite off the coast of Bonita Springs Florida. August 2014. This...
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342,276 likes 44,613,715 views 9 years ago
Time to CATCH and RELEASE some SHARKS! ► Click HERE for crazy fishing VIDEOS! ► Click HERE to...
35,332 likes 44,187,238 views 18 years ago
This 450 pound black marlin was caught off Cairns, Australia. After about 22 minutes it panicks and goes down deep,...
The "Girl Attacked By Shark! | Shark Week" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for Girl Attacked By Shark! | Shark Week
20. comment for Girl Attacked By Shark! | Shark Week
jump on it's back and start stabbing that big mother up till it was dead and lifeless then.....
turn it into shark fin soup
30. comment for Girl Attacked By Shark! | Shark Week
Oh, by a shark. No... never by a shark.
NEVER swim in the deep ocean and in waters you don't know. because it is, and it always WILL be f'cking dangerous! i love sharks and i will definetly go cage diving sometime. but never enter the deep unprotected. this is THEIR territory. we are just a tiny plankton and easy prey in the big blue, for we all don't know what else is lurking down there. for your own safety.... and for the safety of these majestic animals! sharks are being hunted because of stupid senseless idiots (expt. divers/scientists) who swim in open deep water!
You're safe anywhere brah.
second I'm mad no one in the rescue boat went to save her what kind of rescuers are they they jus waitiled till the shark brought her back up lmaoo
50. comment for Girl Attacked By Shark! | Shark Week
In her unfortunate case, the shark thought she was tasty, so it came back around for a more aggressive attack.
think about all of the people all over the world who go into the oceans every day. and, what, 70-80 are definitively killed by sharks every year with a few undetermined deaths in places like india and africa? we should be praising them for not slaughtering us by the thousands, rather than slaughtering them by the thousands simply because they kill a person here and there.
That is bullshit... I don't go in the ocean, that makes my chances on a shark attack pretty small (not zero as I could for instance suffer shipwreck or a plane crashing in the ocean))
if we didnt have predators like sharks in our oceans, there would be a nasty surplus of "pests" fish,
and thus, it can cause a chain reaction which will eventually cause changes in our own ecosystems.
we need them because they help keep the natural balance of things.
sadly, the arrogance of man has already thrown us offfor such a long time.
She was in deep water, the shark's domain, and she and her friends invaded the shark's territory.
If you're dumb enough to swim in deep ocean areas, then get attacked by a shark,
then it's your own fucking fault.
No offense to you, by the way :)
It's a dumb move, swimming in shark inhabited waters, but theres no reason to label someone.
but yeah, dumb, risky choices and behavior will sooner or later screw you over.
I was just setting the mood for you two lovebirds.
what the fuck man?
How about you two get a room and suck each other off?
Not just going "LOL u a stupid faggit, go die"
like so many others.
I respect people with enough decorum online to actually give an educated and intelligent argument.
So, even though we probably wont see eye-to-eye on this matter, My hats off to you, for at the very least, showing maturity online.
again, my apologies for the long text.
I hope, if we still dont see eye to eye, we can at least agree to disagree , like adults.
I dont like getting into a squabble over people on the internet. haha, and sorry if what i said rubbed you the wrong way.
but i'm afraid it's my opinion. It may be wrong to many, but i dont think it will change.
I'm sorry to you guys for the incoming long text. I just ant to clear some things up, as to avoid further conflict.
first off, Mr. Perry, thank you for trying to help my case, if that was the original intention.
much appreciated.
And secondly, Mr. Heinrich, I apologize for being "ignorant". And in all honestly, You seem to know more about the behavior of sharks than I do, so I wont further argue that part, seeing as you made your point in that regard, and thank you for clarifying.
But the comparisons you sited, like the one with hurricane Katrina, are off base , as well as not even that closely related to the point i tried to make.
My problem was basically with her attitude.
I don't feel sorry for her because of just how reckless she is.
I've lost friends to reckless, and borderline stupid behavior.
Comparing a drive by to a shark attack in my opinion is hardly an apt way of siting my attitude toward her, but I'll give it a shot.
I see it as her actually trying to envoke danger and harm to befall her again.
let's take that drive by thing you mentioned.
Let's say I've had a past traumatic experience with a drive by near an area known for such violence in my neighborhood, and it almost gets me killed, would I ever go back to the areas, or similar areas, If i didn't need to?
No, of course not.
I don't want to have to take the risk of getting f*cked up, when i was lucky enough to survive the first time around.
I would actually try to learn my lesson and adjust to ensure it never happens again.
Not just be "chill" with it, and say "what are the odds of it happening again?"
like i don't care.
no matter how small the odds are, it can still happen, and not learning from past blunders is just idiotic and reckless in my opinion.
The examples I cite above are completely analogous and if you can't see that, I'm afraid I can't help you.
That was a lot of text for something that has absolutely no meaning.You just tried to make him feel bad.
He said it was her fault, which is correct.
He said she invaded the shark's territory, which is correct as well.
If you endanger yourself, you'll have to deal with the consequences.
This arguement alone renders all your "arguements" worthless.
First of all, why is it hard to feel sorry for someone who is attacked by an shark? Do you not feel sorry for people who are attacked by cougars while on a bike trail? People bitten by snakes in their backyard? People hit by cars in the middle of a crosswalk? I have been surfing, freediving, spearfishing and swimming in the ocean my entire life and have never had an issue with sharks. You can enjoy the ocean responsibly, but as with EVERY activity, there is some risk involved. This woman didn't jump into the water knowing there was a great white nearby, there were no warning signs. By saying that there COULD be is just a silly argument with no weight. There COULD be a drive by in your neighborhood at any time(with far higher likliehood than a shark attack), does that mean you never leave your house?
I guess you shouldn't feel sorry to victims of hurricane Katrina either, because you know, they had it coming living in areas where hurricanes might roll through. The callousness and lack of empathy you display is saddening.
And for the record, because you know so little, great whites are primarily shallow water hunters. Far more attacks occur near shore as that is where their primary food sources are found. While they migrate through deep waters, the vast majority of attacks occur in shore. Claiming that the "deep water" increased her likelihood to be attacked by a great white is ignorant.
I don't need to be an expert to know how stupid and risky it is to swim in deep, unsafe, and shark infested waters, just a working brain and common sense.
Yes, people get attacked near the shore,
i understand that, but isn't it even more of a risk to actually go to the place where the risk for attack is THAT much higher?
Again, I'm not an expert, never claimed to be, but i believe it's common sense to understand that it gets riskier and riskier the further you go out to sea for a swim, or just to intrude in any potentially dangerous animals habitat in which you have no f*cking business being in in the first place.
Then please enlighten us on how his statement is wrong, instead of giving such a usless answer.
Actually it's not a stupid comment.She was swimming next to a boat which, for the shark, looks like a smaller fish.
100. comment for Girl Attacked By Shark! | Shark Week
Nothing very bad has happened to japan for killing whales. Porpoises CERTAINLY bad things have happened from it.
Horrible things happen to the ecosystem by killing off whales.
But it wont have direct. Severe consequences for quite some time still.
Sorry I'm a mean person
Its a hungry 14+ footer gnawing on your ankle.
I dont think it would give much of a fuck how hard a human could hit it.
Why why does every fucking video that has something crazy going on have to be ruined by bad taping. People always turning away. Fuck
Just stay away from areas known to have big things that eat people....I don't swim off Africa or camp in bear infested woods without a big gun....I guess it's not easy if you live on a beautiful coast & there is great diving etc but I'm stuck in the city so what do I know..
that's right, Bees.
nicely said.
#1 – Stoplight Intersections
Traffic lights are responsible for about 2,000 deaths in the U.S. each year. Well, we assume from people running through them, not the lights themselves.
Traffic Red Light
#2 – Coconuts
Falling coconuts cause about 150 deaths annually. You know, while you were keeping an eye on the sharks.
#3 – Mosquitoes
Malaria-carrying mosquitoes kill about 800,000 people every year.
#4 – High School/College Football
High school and college football injuries claim an average of 12 lives annually.
#5 – Champagne Corks
Believe it or not, champagne corks kill almost 24 people each year. Don’t be a show off. Safety first.
Champagne Cork
#6 – Tripping
Almost 6,000 die from tripping and falling at home each year.
#7 – Lunch
Choking on food is the cause of about 3.000 deaths each year.
#8 – Raw Meat
Approximately 5,000 people die each year in the U.S. alone as a result of consuming uncooked, contaminated food.
Raw Meat
#9 – Cows
Cows cause the death of about 20 Americans each year, mostly from blunt-force trauma. Think about that the next time you enjoy a glass of milk.
#10 – Wind
104 people were killed in wind related incidents including hurricanes, and tornadoes claimed 70 lives in the U.S. in 2012.
#11 – Bees
Bee stings kill about 100 people in the U.S. every year.
#12 – Horses
Horses kill about 20 people annually in the U.S. alone.
#13 – The Cold
About 600 people are killed in the U.S. each year from excessively cold weather.
Winter Cold
#14 – Ladders
Falls from ladders cause about 355 deaths annually in the U.S. Another reason not to walk under them.
#15 – Hot Tap Water
In the U.S., about 100 people die annually from being scalded by hot tap water. Patience people, patience!
Hot Water
#16 – Ants
Ants kill up to 50 people every year. If you get bit by one fire ant, you’d better run.
#17 – Dogs
About 30 U.S. deaths are caused by dogs. Not these dogs, but you get the idea.
#18 – Icicles
Falling icicles kill about 15 people in the U.S. each year. Chance of being injured increases with the use of a Red Ryder BB Gun.
#19 – Autoerotic Asphyxiation
As many as 1,000 people die annually by asphyxiating themselves in this way.
#20 – Hippos
Hippos claim the lives of 2,900 people around the world each year. You’ll never play Hungry Hungry Hippos the same way again.
#21 – Being Left-Handed
Some claim that 2,500 deaths are caused every year when left-handed people attempt to use products designed for right-handed people. While we can’t confirm that statistic it is true that left-handed people are five times more likely than right-handers to die in accidents.
Left Handed
#22 – Lightning
24,000 people are killed by lightning worldwide each year.
Storm Lightning
#23 – Vending Machines
37 people were killed trying to get a snack from a vending machine from 1978 to 1995. That’s an average of 2.18 deaths a year, making this cause of death WAY more likely than shark attacks.
Vending Machine
#24 – Jellyfish
Jellyfish can claim the lives of up to 40 people each year.
#25 – Beds
450 people die falling out of beds in the United States each year. A real life nightmare.
Sleeping Bed
There's my 2 cents on this whole stupid conversation.
you gotta wonder how these people didn't know about sharks and their habit of attacking unwary, delicious humans o.o
1.stoplight Intersections
Traffic lights are responsible for about 2,000 deaths in the U.S. each year. Well, we assume from people running through them, not the lights themselves.
Falling coconuts cause about 150 deaths annually.
Malaria-carrying mosquitoes kill about 800,000 people every year.
4.High School/College Football
High school and college football injuries claim an average of 12 lives annually.
5.Champagne Corks
Believe it or not, champagne corks kill almost 24 people each year.
Almost 6,000 die from tripping and falling at home each year.
Choking on food is the cause of about 3.000 deaths each year.
8.Raw Meat
Approximately 5,000 people die each year in the U.S. alone as a result of consuming uncooked, contaminated food.
Cows cause the death of about 20 Americans each year, mostly from blunt-force trauma. Think about that the next time you enjoy a glass of milk.
104 people were killed in wind related incidents including hurricanes, and tornadoes claimed 70 lives in the U.S. in 2012.
Bee stings kill about 100 people in the U.S. every year.
Horses kill about 20 people annually in the U.S. alone.
13.The Cold
About 600 people are killed in the U.S. each year from excessively cold weather.
Falls from ladders cause about 355 deaths annually in the U.S. Another reason not to walk under them.
15.Hot Tap Water
In the U.S., about 100 people die annually from being scalded by hot tap water.
Ants kill up to 50 people every year. If you get bit by one fire ant, you’d better run.
About 30 U.S. deaths are caused by dogs.
Falling icicles kill about 15 people in the U.S. each year.
19.Autoerotic Asphyxiation
As many as 1,000 people die annually by asphyxiating themselves in this way.
Hippos claim the lives of 2,900 people around the world each year.
21.Being Left-Handed
Some claim that 2,500 deaths are caused every year when left-handed people attempt to use products designed for right-handed people. While we can’t confirm that statistic it is true that left-handed people are five times more likely than right-handers to die in accidents.
24,000 people are killed by lightning worldwide each year.
23.Vending Machines
37 people were killed trying to get a snack from a vending machine from 1978 to 1995. That’s an average of 2.18 deaths a year, making this cause of death WAY more likely than shark attacks.
Jellyfish can claim the lives of up to 40 people each year.
450 people die falling out of beds in the United States each year. A real life nightmare.
I also avoid bears & pretty much all the big things that eat people
To think of all these years I wasted overestimating the chances of a shark attacking me on land.
We dont fucking own the world,
these animals have been in the seas for millions of years.
we should know our fucking place.
we do alot more damage than any other animal to have ever existed.
we mess around in places we dont belong in, and when we get hurt cuz of our own retarded choices, we blame the animals, who are just living and acting upon instincts.
fucking retarded how we act like we own and have a rite to mess around in an animals territory.
.'The only reason we are at the top is because of our superior intelligence and ability to invent, if we didn't have that we'd be screwed as a species.
Girl- Oh mom its the ocean dont be silly. Every one knows sharks live on land
well, if he bites with teeth at the 3rd nudge .... that would explain the wounds, right?
so, i dont see your point. i have not mentioned the wounds at all.
Really pasu didnt use his teeth on the 1st bite what did he protect his teeth with his gums smfh. look at this girls injuries stfu please with the nonsense
dont be rediculous.
that first bite was investigative. it did not use his teeth. So, thats why it felt gentle.
the second bite she did not mark how hurtfull it was. but she makes the distinction that it started biting her other leg. So. ' it started biting' after the gentle nudges.
sharkbites are known to feel like pieces of glas are entering you flesh
It's like when you cut yourself or something and you don't even realise but then you look at the wound and it suddenly starts to hurt.
Or so I can have as terrible grammar as you have?
eaten alive with such a force.
Throw me a knife and I'm good.
with that attitude i can see you would not survive a day in nature