GoPro: Director's Cut - Shark Riders

Shot 100% on the new Dive Housing & HD HERO2® camera from The Director's Cut dives deeper into the world of a bird and a fish, Roberta Mancino and Mark Healey. This story was collaboratively created on-site in the Bahamas over 5 days, capturing over 150 hours of footage. Directed and Edited: Bradford Schmidt and Brandon Thompson Camera: Andy Casagrande, Mark Healey, Roberta Mancino and Bradford Schimidt Learn more about the new GoPro Dive Housing: Special Thanks- Patriot3 Maritime for their amazing Jet Boot technology Stuart's Cove Andy and Emma Casagrande for their filming talents. Music Emancipator, "Ares" Buy at: American Dollar, "Flood" Download a free compilation of 9 of their best tracks here: Lorn, "Grandfather" Buy at: Head: Green Hands:Blue, "Mid-Range Psychology (Parts 1 & 2)"

GoPro: Director's Cut - Shark Riders sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4597

Shark videos 12 years ago 15,847,454 views

Shot 100% on the new Dive Housing & HD HERO2® camera from The Director's Cut dives deeper into the world of a bird and a fish, Roberta Mancino and Mark Healey. This story was collaboratively created on-site in the Bahamas over 5 days, capturing over 150 hours of footage. Directed and Edited: Bradford Schmidt and Brandon Thompson Camera: Andy Casagrande, Mark Healey, Roberta Mancino and Bradford Schimidt Learn more about the new GoPro Dive Housing: Special Thanks- Patriot3 Maritime for their amazing Jet Boot technology Stuart's Cove Andy and Emma Casagrande for their filming talents. Music Emancipator, "Ares" Buy at: American Dollar, "Flood" Download a free compilation of 9 of their best tracks here: Lorn, "Grandfather" Buy at: Head: Green Hands:Blue, "Mid-Range Psychology (Parts 1 & 2)"

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Most popular comments
for GoPro: Director's Cut - Shark Riders

Rafa Diaz
Rafa Diaz - 7 years ago
Name of glasses?
Eckhard Schwiemann
Eckhard Schwiemann - 7 years ago
MarinsBest VideoProductions
MarinsBest VideoProductions - 7 years ago
the most sensitivity that i've ever seen... I know having something like that happen in Hawaii with a school of large fish, I feel the wonder................
HyperMcRoblox_YT - 7 years ago
Titanic XD
Frank Misura
Frank Misura - 7 years ago
don't touch the coral, you'll kill it ..
Alex Rodriguez
Alex Rodriguez - 7 years ago
God ningh
y n в ι х a ĸ
y n в ι х a ĸ - 7 years ago
sorry from my english pushing buubles underwater in the freediving = blackout :(
Isaac Daniel
Isaac Daniel - 7 years ago
Anyone know what goggles they are using?
emo trash
emo trash - 7 years ago
Omg i love this so much

10. comment for GoPro: Director's Cut - Shark Riders

Passeio em João Pessoa Paraiba
Passeio em João Pessoa Paraiba - 7 years ago
Mentira do carai
Veronica Pérez
Veronica Pérez - 7 years ago
Me parece muy aburrido
Sergio Aguero920
Sergio Aguero920 - 7 years ago
Ver onica Gonzalez
Ver onica Gonzalez - 7 years ago
The Disabled Gamer
The Disabled Gamer - 7 years ago
GoPro.......I Love You !
Robin Rouwen
Robin Rouwen - 7 years ago
Please don’t touch the coral!
Karen Weise
Karen Weise - 7 years ago
are there at the titanic iv always wanted to see th titanic
Karen Weise
Karen Weise - 7 years ago
and sharks are beatyful creatures
Mike Irwin
Mike Irwin - 7 years ago
I was just wondering how many of these videos of swimming with the sharks went wrong and was never put on here.
Андрей Иванов
Андрей Иванов - 7 years ago
Не лезь к ним, дебил, они тебя сожрут!!
I only came for thumb nail, im a simple man i see a babe i click

20. comment for GoPro: Director's Cut - Shark Riders

Khalid Bamakhshab
Khalid Bamakhshab - 7 years ago
very nice video.Free diving fantasy sport
Marco Munoz
Marco Munoz - 7 years ago
How long can the GoPro survive in water because maybe one day I am planning to get a GoPro
Binaashkaa Anishinaabe
Binaashkaa Anishinaabe - 7 years ago
These two remind me of the idiot Timothy Tredwell. Why can’t humans just leave other animals alone to live in their own environments without human interference.
syb norbart
syb norbart - 7 years ago
loud fast
loud fast - 7 years ago
beautifully done
Black Country Piker
Black Country Piker - 7 years ago
What s lovely video
Jakepaul 4life
Jakepaul 4life - 7 years ago
Was that bout the titanic
Divine Lluisma
Divine Lluisma - 7 years ago
Im afraid of sharks
whatido120 - 7 years ago
I like to fart in the water
Undead gamer
Undead gamer - 7 years ago
The ocean is connected with humans

30. comment for GoPro: Director's Cut - Shark Riders

HeHoZy - 7 years ago
I don't go freediving very often,which means i only have had one of those moments in my life. It's weird because even though they're wonderful, they're scary. All pain goes away. All the stress and all other thoughts. It feels like you've died and gone to heaven. It just doesn't feel real. It's a fear-mixed delight.
Pokemon Master
Pokemon Master - 7 years ago
Nature may seem beautiful calm and peaceful but in reality a lot of people and animals die trees burn down animals or humans die of suffication and many more ways to die
Milano games
Milano games - 7 years ago
Shark shark!
Anddy Carsai
Anddy Carsai - 7 years ago
what a trip
Tomić Tomić
Tomić Tomić - 7 years ago
mega prainte 56
mega prainte 56 - 7 years ago
A like
Outdoors Guy
Outdoors Guy - 7 years ago
I love that GoPro never advertises their product, they let everyone else do that
Outdoors Guy
Outdoors Guy - 7 years ago
2:02 I'm loving that plane wreck
Mohd Zaire
Mohd Zaire - 7 years ago
Beautiful video
LorenGamer_YT - 7 years ago
Com konio aguantan tanto en el agua?
Raidneyami6 - 7 years ago
Gage rivers mclean
Gage rivers mclean - 7 years ago
Who else is guessing why did u touch the coral it will dye r.i.p coral
Mariana Aguiar
Mariana Aguiar - 7 years ago
Nice video but please, dont touch in the sea animals!
Reginaldo Martins
Reginaldo Martins - 7 years ago
TheNinjonny - 7 years ago
I don't even know what the hell I just watched but I really want to be fish right now...
the.mighty.kyuss - 7 years ago
Why does that dude swim with a perpetual duck face on? Wtf?
Brohemia - 7 years ago
I know how to free dive I’m just wondering where all these abandoned planes are? They’re so beautiful
ussilunaticpizza - 7 years ago

Katie Cat Bendy's wife/girlfriend
Katie Cat Bendy's wife/girlfriend - 7 years ago
THEN GO UP FOR AIR GENUS! also who else feels like they cant breath by watching them or other people not breathing.
Adrian Meiring
Adrian Meiring - 7 years ago
That was awesome, often feeling more at home under the water, than above it.

50. comment for GoPro: Director's Cut - Shark Riders

MrBigK shaz
MrBigK shaz - 7 years ago
Amerlad mad
Amerlad mad - 7 years ago
i like how the dude is fully camouflaged and still, while the chick is completely naked and moving all over the place
Patrick Star
Patrick Star - 7 years ago
Patrick wants to go in shark's mouth!!!
Cryzk - 7 years ago
damn you gopro i need sleep stop having amazing videos for me to watch
daersoulkeeper - 7 years ago
2 min 24 sec, you can see what he's looking at, oh yea
Megan Sparnon
Megan Sparnon - 7 years ago
Working on the Great barrier reef as a Divemaster for 10 years, i remember what majestic place it under the sea. It truly is the level to amazing.
Just Swell - A Surf Channel
Just Swell - A Surf Channel - 7 years ago
Kind of a scary angle. 5:09
Ja'Niyah Overstreet
Ja'Niyah Overstreet - 7 years ago
I would be scared being that close to a shark
Fluffy Flender
Fluffy Flender - 7 years ago
That's a lot of GoPros
Mr.Snake - 7 years ago
My GoPro was stolen two years ago
Tonton Langidrik
Tonton Langidrik - 7 years ago
Sware to god
Tonton Langidrik
Tonton Langidrik - 7 years ago
Not lieng
Tonton Langidrik
Tonton Langidrik - 7 years ago
And godesess
Tonton Langidrik
Tonton Langidrik - 7 years ago
Not even the gods
Tonton Langidrik
Tonton Langidrik - 7 years ago
It's like something hiding, something hurt, and something no one ever seen
Tonton Langidrik
Tonton Langidrik - 7 years ago
And I always feel something weird when I look at waters
Tonton Langidrik
Tonton Langidrik - 7 years ago
Blue is my fav color
Tonton Langidrik
Tonton Langidrik - 7 years ago
Sea not sae
Tonton Langidrik
Tonton Langidrik - 7 years ago
My fav thing to learn about is all about the sae
Tonton Langidrik
Tonton Langidrik - 7 years ago
I love the sea
Keep the sea clean
Tonton Langidrik
Tonton Langidrik - 7 years ago
This one is the best vid iv ever seen
BattleDrone968 - 7 years ago
My happy place is underwater
The Mighty Mushroom
The Mighty Mushroom - 7 years ago
I really want to go scuba diving now.
The Mighty Mushroom
The Mighty Mushroom - 7 years ago
Wow they found a plane. Thats history, and that would be a dream to see.
Ramandeep Singh
Ramandeep Singh - 7 years ago
You guys are incredible
MTB Comedy 10
MTB Comedy 10 - 7 years ago
I would do a under water shit when I see a shark
Spiritual Donuts
Spiritual Donuts - 7 years ago
4K people thought dislike meant ''dis i like''
JinguLaddoo - 7 years ago
song at 4:05?
YoloyoloWarrior - 7 years ago
You like shark and swiming my them good it going to close to your dath
john - 7 years ago
theunraveler - 7 years ago
I'm more interested in the mask, it combines reflective lens which will be great for spearfishing and a GoPro mount....any idea where I can get one?
phoenix azetrof
phoenix azetrof - 7 years ago
Daryle M
Daryle M - 7 years ago
When I was just a little baby boy, my mama used to tell me these crazy things.....
Машинист - 7 years ago
Hi, I am 14 years old and I have had the bike Mongoose Fireball SS 2015.But it was stolen and I am very upset. I do not live in a wealthy family, only with my mom, I had to go to work at 12 years old(Now I'm 14) because I didn't want to beg for money from mom and she is a very large sum. This bike has searched for three months and was never found. Of course I could earn again, but I can't because of heart problems. GOOD PEOPLE, could you please help me and give me at least 1$, I will be very grateful. My Webmoney purse WMZ Z013443173173. Thanks again.
Mohamed Azzaoui
Mohamed Azzaoui - 7 years ago
Black Niggerman
Black Niggerman - 7 years ago
Learn From Us 1
Learn From Us 1 - 7 years ago
wow this dude has a hot ass wife
Michelle Satuito
Michelle Satuito - 7 years ago
You know my freinds gopro almost going to sink lucky somebody get it
Francisco Serrano
Francisco Serrano - 7 years ago
nice wetsuit
sweety strawberry
sweety strawberry - 7 years ago
It's so impressive! I too want to be a shark.
Gahmuret Van Begonia
Gahmuret Van Begonia - 7 years ago
lara croft?
is that you?
Freddy Fazbear Freddy Fazbear Pizza
Freddy Fazbear Freddy Fazbear Pizza - 7 years ago
*Story Of Videos
1.When Desember 28 2017.Sea Of UnderWaters There Is
When Yuo Cut The Sharks Yuo Will Killed!
So Presentes Clicks DumbedWaysT
This Short Story
Master Chief
Master Chief - 7 years ago
Who came here for the thumbnail??
Caroline Almeida
Caroline Almeida - 7 years ago
Mathew Bateman
Mathew Bateman - 7 years ago
I dig marine life as much as the next chapter, but the female form is so beautiful to watch. But not fat flabby burger munching retards that's just gross...
Nehemiah Mayo
Nehemiah Mayo - 7 years ago
I like sharks to
Irma Encalada Olivas
Irma Encalada Olivas - 7 years ago
Wtf! You are not supposed to touch the corals!! It makes them die and it takes years for them to grow back. Seriously, if you love the sea so much, show some respect. This just makes me furious
Annija Kate Kadiķe
Annija Kate Kadiķe - 7 years ago
This is fake shark
GrimPlays_ YT
GrimPlays_ YT - 7 years ago
How?! 6 minutes ?!!!! I can only do 1 minute and after 1 minute, I can collapse and drown
Olly James
Olly James - 7 years ago
He can hold he's breath 6 mins mine 6 seconds free diving here I come

100. comment for GoPro: Director's Cut - Shark Riders

laura saprõkin
laura saprõkin - 7 years ago
can they breath under water?
Wookiee - 7 years ago
Why they are still alive?
Kwang Lansangan
Kwang Lansangan - 7 years ago
But dont go with skinny shorts because sharks will remind its a fin of a fish and dont go underwater if your bleeding with a shark of cource and last but not least it will EAT you
Wilson054 - 7 years ago
Why do we see sharks as killers. When we kill things everyday. Cows, chickens, pigs, and ,much more. Come on people. There just like us they need to eat. They attack us bc we're food just accept that all the things we eat don't have a choice to bail out. They live on earth to so just because they living life and eating doesn't mean we have to be the killers. They beautiful creatures and are meat eaters just like us. They don't know how to control themselves we do. So be the person who sees them different as any other animal. There just like us. We're all killers
David Panton
David Panton - 7 years ago
Wilson054 We have a choice to kill animals for food or not. We do not need to eat meat.
Dr Misilla
Dr Misilla - 7 years ago
"I want to be a shark"

Just don't go toward China, you'll miss a few limbs.
Yumara Cabrera Lopez
Yumara Cabrera Lopez - 7 years ago
i love is the animals
Auburn L
Auburn L - 7 years ago
I thought they where going to help a dieing shark
sjajnas fishing
sjajnas fishing - 7 years ago
Big fish
Rachel Kruse
Rachel Kruse - 7 years ago
This is so stupid. A plastic shark head? Not at all what I thought this would be about. And by the time you learn about it you've committed 4 minutes to the story
SavageGangsterGaming YT
SavageGangsterGaming YT - 7 years ago
How does they breath underwater!????????
Lizzyyy - 7 years ago
"Humans are very complicated" yes, yes they are. Such as going to the bottom of the sea right next to the sharks
Jeremiah Fox
Jeremiah Fox - 7 years ago
Those camo skins are bad ass
Freddie Willem
Freddie Willem - 7 years ago
nope nope nope
Zachary Budd
Zachary Budd - 7 years ago
he can hold his breath for 6 freaking minutes
Rita Fung
Rita Fung - 7 years ago
4:11 That lady in the background though...
Jenny Reyes
Jenny Reyes - 7 years ago
Admiral Ackbar
Admiral Ackbar - 7 years ago
This what you can do if you are using infinite oxygen cheat code
Daeva83B - 7 years ago
insane!! I love thrills, from high to low, done it all...

But free diving... man.. there is nothing i can think why i would like that, constantly out of air, going up all the time and popping ears, but worst of all... no air.. fear of drowning, where is my limit? blacking out... too much stress hehe, yeah this is really extreme imo.

Anyway, next step must be the re-breather for me and i'll be bubble-less like you guys. One with the wondrous underwater world. :)
Mustafa Mert Musaoğlu
Mustafa Mert Musaoğlu - 7 years ago
Sizi de
Mustafa Mert Musaoğlu
Mustafa Mert Musaoğlu - 7 years ago
Mustafa Mert Musaoğlu
Mustafa Mert Musaoğlu - 7 years ago
Ben bütün YouTube ileri seviyorum sizi de seviyorum
ambr Robledo
ambr Robledo - 7 years ago
German Sepulveda Oliva
German Sepulveda Oliva - 7 years ago
COZUMEL is the shit
Zsolt Balint
Zsolt Balint - 7 years ago
Angelica Ortiz
Angelica Ortiz - 7 years ago
Angelica Ortiz
Angelica Ortiz - 7 years ago
hay tiburónes
Angelica Ortiz
Angelica Ortiz - 7 years ago
disney puppy
disney puppy - 7 years ago
when i WAS a ugly man i used to watch birds #cringeistakingover
moonlightbae •
moonlightbae • - 7 years ago
I try to think of them as horses since horses are my fave animal and it keeps me relaxed and calm
umu - 7 years ago
I thought someone was going to ride a shark
Robbie Jones
Robbie Jones - 7 years ago
Halston Stroud
Halston Stroud - 7 years ago
how she breath that long
Azmin Lai
Azmin Lai - 7 years ago
IT just shark head on gopro
Andrew Mitchell
Andrew Mitchell - 7 years ago
Girl is sexy. Them titties
vane4jc - 7 years ago
Did she really grab a handful of coral in 1:07 - 1:10 ....
Arnol Brons
Arnol Brons - 7 years ago
Y como se llama
Arnol Brons
Arnol Brons - 7 years ago
Donde venden ese aparato para respirar bajo el agua
ART - 7 years ago
sharks hate go pros
Premium Blue
Premium Blue - 7 years ago
The deeper you go in the water, your lungs get smaller
Shannon Vaughn
Shannon Vaughn - 7 years ago
im distraught. my comment wont go thru and i want to see the video called too much talking. could someone help
Manny's Channell
Manny's Channell - 7 years ago
hth do they breathe
sexypoetry - 7 years ago
what is the secret of swimming with sharks and being somewhat sure that they are not going to attack?
no body
no body - 7 years ago
dat click bait tho
Funny Vidios Try not to laugh
Funny Vidios Try not to laugh - 7 years ago
Iron gamming PLA y
Iron gamming PLA y - 7 years ago
Damn shes hot...i only came here to watch that....
Shiny Goomy
Shiny Goomy - 7 years ago
Talking is an action dumbass
Ki023ng G
Ki023ng G - 7 years ago
Who else is holding their breath while watching
Tomás Restrepo
Tomás Restrepo - 7 years ago
I really wonder who downvotes an video as awesome as this... what is there in the video not to like?
بلال أحب فلم غدر الزمن Yosf
بلال أحب فلم غدر الزمن Yosf - 7 years ago
أحب السباحا
Graeme McKay
Graeme McKay - 7 years ago
Beautiful video. All at piece with nature and the world and then he says "I went down to get some fish". So he is a typical human who cant just watch, he has to go and kill too. He also says "sharks are misunderstood, they are wild animals, one day they are your friend and the next they want a piece of you". Sounds familiar, just like him then. After he gets his gopro back on the boat he goes spearfishing.
Bodhi O'Connell
Bodhi O'Connell - 7 years ago
At 2:23 in his mask you just see him staring at her boobs
WidowMaker - 7 years ago
"I've been dreaming of flying my entire life" Hasn't everyone?
FabianEkholm15 - 7 years ago
3:12 busted a nut
GamingChris YT
GamingChris YT - 7 years ago
Me to
Alex Voxel
Alex Voxel - 7 years ago
Lara Croft ? is that you
Edison Trent
Edison Trent - 7 years ago
Loved this. The music chosen, the fading eding, the footage. Even the speech was really interesting. I have experienced a similiar moment, you could live off that feeling alone.... I wish I could experience it again
Kite boy
Kite boy - 7 years ago
click bait
Matthew Clark
Matthew Clark - 7 years ago
I want it so bad
Kacper Głodowski
Kacper Głodowski - 7 years ago
that was 4 years ago, is he still alive?
Karan Nathani
Karan Nathani - 7 years ago
how long can you hold your breath underwater???
DEAD_P1XL - 7 years ago
Sooo... for someone named 'Ocean' do you not know that touching coral kills it?
BIGTING - 7 years ago
there snorkel masks are sick
Anant Batgali
Anant Batgali - 7 years ago
Hit me right in the feels
Oscar H Music
Oscar H Music - 7 years ago
Lara croft
wishedacher 901
wishedacher 901 - 7 years ago
awesome and true
Ionut Viorel
Ionut Viorel - 7 years ago
so cool
loligagger85 - 7 years ago
semi click bait. wanted to see gopro in sharks mouth.
Lucas Valerio Pedro
Lucas Valerio Pedro - 7 years ago
que eu escreve no cana do lucas
Sean Kane
Sean Kane - 7 years ago
looks awsome, that moment at the end sounds like you went into a deep state of meditation. swimming under water makes you have to focus on your breathing just like meditation therefore removing thoughts.
li Fonseca
li Fonseca - 7 years ago
gualhzf forte deymaz coymu xothegue
ONEKINGOFF - 7 years ago
Reckon the shark is thinking,do they taste like chicken
John HAHN SR - 7 years ago
The photos icons are lies
Zymbol - 7 years ago
When I was 6 years old I broke my leg
Android Gear
Android Gear - 7 years ago
That chick is like chicken: Juicy
Jack Kelly
Jack Kelly - 7 years ago
is and always will be my favourite GoPro video!!!
Ramiel Gesulga
Ramiel Gesulga - 7 years ago
7:37 for the people who have trypophobia
Konrad Stutzman
Konrad Stutzman - 7 years ago
freedivin is more fun than SCUBA I do both but freedivin is a blast!
Dani MC
Dani MC - 7 years ago
The words were what I really liked of this video
crunchybooger - 7 years ago
seriously where can I get those propellers! since I'm going to Hawaii soon
time of nibbles BNJEOL
time of nibbles BNJEOL - 7 years ago
I like the ocean too
time of nibbles BNJEOL
time of nibbles BNJEOL - 7 years ago
my special place is water and I with i would be a dolphin because they swim around with a buter
Muhammad Naufal
Muhammad Naufal - 7 years ago
What's the propeller she's using?
supfarson - 7 years ago
"how many humans tell you what they're doing only by their actions?"
man how you never met a nyucka that know sign language smh
Kurdiansyah Xiao
Kurdiansyah Xiao - 7 years ago
love your video
Raphael james v Laher
Raphael james v Laher - 7 years ago
its sou fake
u tuber
u tuber - 7 years ago
looks more like bearded clam riders...
Stoner Yutaka
Stoner Yutaka - 7 years ago
who else clicked because of the thumbnail , you know who you are
Lisa R
Lisa R - 7 years ago
this video is amazing!! Go see mine please it's on Dubai!
A. Saleh
A. Saleh - 7 years ago
Many people think 'wow Earth's seas are enormous', but consider this: Earth's seas are shallow compared to the seas of Europa, Jupiter's moon, its seas are 10 times deeper than the seas of Earth. The seas that cover the Earth are in reality a thin sheet, it's just that we're so small we think they're deep as hell.
LucasUribe - 7 years ago
wow, how that men can breath under the water?
Наталья Калинникова
Наталья Калинникова - 7 years ago
как красиво
Fluid Vision
Fluid Vision - 7 years ago
Great Healey!!
Brian - 7 years ago
This is amazing footage.
Deetroy 2521
Deetroy 2521 - 7 years ago
animated graphics
ОРехова Яна
ОРехова Яна - 7 years ago
Tabinda Saqib
Tabinda Saqib - 7 years ago
Omar Velazquez
Omar Velazquez - 7 years ago
very scary
Joseph Malish
Joseph Malish - 7 years ago
me to
Nathaly tepas
Nathaly tepas - 7 years ago
I love shark's please like
GrandRiser - 7 years ago
Clickbait. Fker.
MsDobrita - 7 years ago
Jon Stark Targaryen
Jon Stark Targaryen - 7 years ago
IURII KOVAL - 7 years ago
Он вообще дышит?
M43LY5 X
M43LY5 X - 7 years ago
thats video are so beatifull
LifestyleFlex x
LifestyleFlex x - 7 years ago
bach nguyen
bach nguyen - 7 years ago
Mariana Ribeiro
Mariana Ribeiro - 7 years ago
Nicolas Palaisa
Nicolas Palaisa - 7 years ago
you sexy
Leonardo Dank
Leonardo Dank - 7 years ago
wankers everywhere
SharkRider - 7 years ago
Ze Deathazor
Ze Deathazor - 7 years ago
"My parents threw me into the water and I was swimming before I could walk."
That's some parents that wanted to kill their baby. wtf
Blu Letal
Blu Letal - 7 years ago
Remember Jaws kids
Drayfon - 7 years ago
2:31 he was only admiring the view right?
Glasstraxx - 7 years ago
click bait
MonkeyOnShoes - 7 years ago
gopro is awsm.... gopro i love nature...
do checkout my channel too.
michael - 7 years ago
Cool video, but enough with the clickbait b.s.
Bellaclava Dating
Bellaclava Dating - 7 years ago
Wow very kool
Meanwhile Onxbox
Meanwhile Onxbox - 7 years ago
hold his breathe for 6min? I cant even hold it for 10sec above water
Go Pro Rottweiler
Go Pro Rottweiler - 7 years ago
beautiful video:-)
nonquintessentialone - 7 years ago
yeeeeeahhhhh.. no clue how I got here from Farmer Obama's America, but yeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhhh
sam bill
sam bill - 8 years ago
Well its 2017 you can actually become a shark... So um yeah that women can become a shark.
Dershuler - 8 years ago
Are they diving without tube
Santhosh Kumar
Santhosh Kumar - 8 years ago
This is a nice documentary
Southwest Stress
Southwest Stress - 8 years ago
For only speaking with their actions... they sure do talk a lot.
Armando Catanyag
Armando Catanyag - 8 years ago
is that a titanic
• Minecraft Kid_102 •
• Minecraft Kid_102 • - 8 years ago
I love swimming like if you love or like swimming
Andrew Gaines
Andrew Gaines - 8 years ago
Since u were Touching the coral they will die
The Burrito Man
The Burrito Man - 8 years ago
GOT SWAGMONEY thank god some one said it
Sam'sArtWorld - 8 years ago
Someone please tell me what the things on the girls hips are called?
They're so cool looking :P
London Copple
London Copple - 8 years ago
That is cool
Dr Shank
Dr Shank - 8 years ago
Dope !
i21games - 8 years ago
Does anyone else hold their breath when there is a scene in a movie or video with water or is it just me?
thomas s
thomas s - 8 years ago
Joelson Santos
Joelson Santos - 8 years ago
Perfect I loved one day my video will reach this level
croco xD
croco xD - 8 years ago
2:23 he was looking at her things :))))
Parascythe - 8 years ago
Damn, watching this just makes me sad because I know I'll never experience anything like this.
Parascythe - 8 years ago
Hambone4815 - 8 years ago
Salad 5 because you're dying?
Shana - 8 years ago
Please help me by using my PayPal.Me link:
とと。 - 8 years ago
TheGarfieldxx30000 - 8 years ago
I'm disappointed for fake shark
Frank Williams
Frank Williams - 8 years ago
Why not appreciate it for what it is? Most people don't get to experience what it is
seedblossomful - 8 years ago
how long can the guy hold his breath under water
Jens Christian Kriangkrai Vils Klindt AKTM
Jens Christian Kriangkrai Vils Klindt AKTM - 8 years ago
yea wy do peapole say they deserve to die i love sharks
GHOSTFACE 354 - 8 years ago
I love aqua categories I'm INSPIRED
Flipa Clip Arts
Flipa Clip Arts - 8 years ago
Alright.. - Swims to the shark - ... - Gets eaten... -
S a m i m S a m i r
S a m i m S a m i r - 8 years ago
very beautiful
15000 subscribers with no videos challenge
15000 subscribers with no videos challenge - 8 years ago
Efe Akın
Efe Akın - 8 years ago
6:16 Shark is like "these remoras are getting bigger every year"
Minhaaj Hussain
Minhaaj Hussain - 8 years ago
I want a Gopro :(((((
Yan Amorim
Yan Amorim - 8 years ago
chorals are very sensitive creatures, don't touch them
ninja - 8 years ago
her speaking voice is so damn boring
Igor Lozovskiy
Igor Lozovskiy - 8 years ago
Lily Molly
Lily Molly - 8 years ago
nice video:)
Xavier Worker
Xavier Worker - 8 years ago
I love your video
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch - 8 years ago
"when I was six years old I like to watch the birds... so now I grow up I swim with sharks"
Justin Frisbie
Justin Frisbie - 7 years ago
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch She swims because floating freely underwater is so closely related to flying.
ThatGirlKayla - 8 years ago
Wow this was awesome
Daily - 8 years ago
Motivation in this video is big
이한규 - 8 years ago
LynxPvPz - 8 years ago
2:53 is that tytanic
lllSILENTxGHOSTlll - 8 years ago
One of the most sickest things i ever saw!
Altair Auditore
Altair Auditore - 8 years ago
Really cringe
Naomi das uber ich
Naomi das uber ich - 8 years ago
super amazing Go Pro
Faith - 8 years ago
The end is especially beautiful :')
What's the name of the song that plays at the end?
Faith - 8 years ago
Just seeing them under the water for so long gave me anxiety lol
Harleyboy312 - 8 years ago
The Dapperman
The Dapperman - 8 years ago
how fascinating that a highly intellectual species of primate had found ways to explore worlds inhospitable to his terrestrial origin now when we are gone and if something may discover our fossils and traces of our civilization will they know that this highly.intellectual.species of primate once braved into inhospitable territories opposite to his own terrestrial origin ? this is fascinating
Ne'La - 7 years ago
The Dapperman We came from the water originally.
rich808 - 8 years ago
am i the only one that thinks that was a tiger shark? are u guys nuts
Leila OG
Leila OG - 8 years ago
This looks similar to the titanic.Was it the titanic?
nickaragua the savage
nickaragua the savage - 8 years ago
the titanic was way too deep for these divers. they would have been crushed by the pressure or froze to death because it is so deep.
46- 10
46- 10 - 8 years ago
are you serious
What - 8 years ago
Leila OG Do you even know how big the Titanic was?
Jeremy Jahnke
Jeremy Jahnke - 8 years ago
olan87 - 8 years ago
i would be no where near that tiger shark
joshua han
joshua han - 8 years ago
Love this.
Ashley Mosley
Ashley Mosley - 8 years ago
same reason why u want to be there...
aldea flavius
aldea flavius - 8 years ago
Herro Reckfur
Herro Reckfur - 8 years ago
1:35 "just a moment you keep to yourself" and 14 million people on youtube
Parascythe - 8 years ago
Herro Reckfur Watching a video online is a very different thing than experiencing it with your whole being
Tommi Albin
Tommi Albin - 8 years ago
Schakka - 8 years ago
PartySongsHD BlancProducer
PartySongsHD BlancProducer - 8 years ago
he has a relaxing voice
Mark V
Mark V - 8 years ago
awesome video....
Lainlain Fontaine
Lainlain Fontaine - 8 years ago
Wan 257
Wan 257 - 8 years ago
super inspiring cant really imagine how they do this video
Praxographist - 8 years ago
Spectacular video, but the amount of ego in it is almost nauseating.
Faab - 8 years ago
Jan-Harm van der Merwe
Jan-Harm van der Merwe - 8 years ago
You seem to be missing two fingers
alexia jimenez
alexia jimenez - 8 years ago
alexia jimenez
alexia jimenez - 8 years ago
F T - 8 years ago
If you cared about the sealife, you wouldn't touch it and certainly wouldn't encourage others to do so.
camillie _Hi
camillie _Hi - 8 years ago
That so cool!!! :D
Ross goodman
Ross goodman - 8 years ago
KENDAMA RUSH - 8 years ago
AndaliteBoo - 8 years ago
I know that feeling of complete relaxation under water where you feel like you will never run out of air. I had to go back up because I wasn't sure if i was drowning and didn't know it lmao
SubCulture MEDIA
SubCulture MEDIA - 7 years ago
Yep, you definitely need some training then.
Darkness - 7 years ago
Hmm, I already told you that I can swim under water for 12 hours
SubCulture MEDIA
SubCulture MEDIA - 7 years ago
Again. You should really look into some training. A level one free diver course is affordable and really makes a huge difference. PLUS, you are internationally certified, so you can dive in places average 'snorkelers' would not be permitted.
Darkness - 7 years ago
Yeh, it happened to me too,,
I realized that I was underwater for half a day without taking a breath though I don't have strong lungs!
It was relaxing!!! Xd
Serious 100%
SubCulture MEDIA
SubCulture MEDIA - 7 years ago
You should probably take the Level-1 free diving course.
Zaidys Gutierrez
Zaidys Gutierrez - 8 years ago
AndaliteBoo n nbigi
M Urbi
M Urbi - 8 years ago
kong buravas
kong buravas - 8 years ago
Victor Manuel
Victor Manuel - 8 years ago
Mello Keehl
Mello Keehl - 8 years ago
beware the mermaids song
Hinaio - 8 years ago
same omg!
Dominik Janik
Dominik Janik - 8 years ago
AndaliteBoo same once omg
Teun Heugten
Teun Heugten - 8 years ago
+Ladyhawk Feathers-in-her-Hair
It has nothing to do with lung capacity... but with efficientie
Ladyhawk Misses Gabby
Ladyhawk Misses Gabby - 8 years ago
Wish I had your lung capacity. XD
Xavier Worker
Xavier Worker - 8 years ago
Kujo Tron
Kujo Tron - 8 years ago
AndaliteBoo you
Teun Heugten
Teun Heugten - 8 years ago
+AndaliteBoo it was only one time for me too. But maybe I was just getting unconsious
AndaliteBoo - 8 years ago
+Teun Heugten yeah I've never felt so at peace
Teun Heugten
Teun Heugten - 8 years ago
I had that to... but then my sister scared me by jumping in the water above me and I had the feeling that all the oxygen in my blood just got pulled out of my skin and I had to go back up... it was really nice though
trent jenkins
trent jenkins - 8 years ago
what are those black propeller thingies on ya leg called ?
Harzard Jason
Harzard Jason - 8 years ago
Molotov Cocktail
Molotov Cocktail - 8 years ago
shut me
Erika Rodriguez
Erika Rodriguez - 8 years ago
I love sharks I ain't killing none of them who ever what's to kill sharks dislike this who dose not like this
Erika Rodriguez
Erika Rodriguez - 8 years ago
what the heck a freaked plane in there was it a crash or people put In there
Isabella Jade
Isabella Jade - 8 years ago
there awesome animals i surf so i see them
DerPanzerFahrer1 - 8 years ago
A - 8 years ago
WR around 11min with normal air in lungs
Much more with pure oxygen
West Matthew
West Matthew - 8 years ago
I kept trying to hold my breath did anyone do the same?
Tactical _ Bushcraft
Tactical _ Bushcraft - 8 years ago
wow what a perfectly put together story. well done.
Neech - 8 years ago
He could probably pull of the longest yeah boy
A Tem
A Tem - 8 years ago
i was just looking at the girl.
A Tem
A Tem - 8 years ago
your sarcasm is good.
Hambone4815 - 8 years ago
A Tem woah you must be straight. excellent confirmation of your "heterosexuality".
PANZOID INTROS - 8 years ago
I know that but what state city or country is it in?
Zeta Zone Production
Zeta Zone Production - 8 years ago
This video is awesome when you turn off sound
PANZOID INTROS - 8 years ago
were was this filmed?
Bispak lee
Bispak lee - 8 years ago
In their local bathub
Jan-Harm van der Merwe
Jan-Harm van der Merwe - 8 years ago
Kainoa Kihano-Yoshimura
Kainoa Kihano-Yoshimura - 8 years ago
in the ocean
Natalia Romero
Natalia Romero - 8 years ago
super cool and beautiful
The Unwanted One's
The Unwanted One's - 8 years ago
Wtf sharks don't attack on sight O_O
The Unwanted One's
The Unwanted One's - 8 years ago
It does help I feel a lot more confident about swimming in the ocean now was always had a fear of sharks ever since I was a kid.
Alex Viper888
Alex Viper888 - 8 years ago
sharks dont like the taste of human, they only bite fir 1, defense and 2, when you are floating you look like food to them, they 99% of the time release the person after a bite, sharks arent these brutal murderous creatures humans make them to be, i hope this helped
Stuart - 8 years ago
Id inhale her fart bubbles like something out of Sonic The Hedgehog
Jan-Harm van der Merwe
Jan-Harm van der Merwe - 8 years ago
shake my head
Mr. Moostache
Mr. Moostache - 8 years ago
What the hell?
It is I
It is I - 8 years ago
7:44 hypoxia?
Taquonda Taylor
Taquonda Taylor - 8 years ago
Is there a shark oh ok I see one in the Video
Crystal Wolf
Crystal Wolf - 8 years ago
Omg ppl that ask for likes is so stupid
Like if u agree
mohammed_arif - 8 years ago
the sapphire boat
the sapphire boat - 8 years ago
because I'm scared of sharks, werl pools and more
What Did I Just Make Edits
What Did I Just Make Edits - 8 years ago
the saphire boat why
Anthony Pieroni
Anthony Pieroni - 8 years ago
Maura Sanchez
Maura Sanchez - 8 years ago
Was that the titanic that you got in
NOPE !!!
NOPE !!! - 8 years ago
The ocean.... It's a scary but beautiful place.... It's a whole other world....just cause there's sharks! That people think that are terrifying! Not me....
Andreas Werner Reiske
Andreas Werner Reiske - 8 years ago
Thank You for this beautiful film.
Thanks for sharing ...

... i cannot stop watching – with joy ...
Izaz gaming
Izaz gaming - 8 years ago
the girl so sexy hehehehe ummmah
Izaz gaming
Izaz gaming - 8 years ago
the sea is so beautiful
F - 8 years ago
Weird ass fish people
Go to the surface and breathe some damn air for once
It's actually making me kind of mad the way they just go nonchalantly floating around underwater forever without any oxygen
Amish - 8 years ago
U can hold ur breath for six damn minutes?!? Damn sun
hiHannah - 8 years ago
Nikkii PJM
Nikkii PJM - 8 years ago
hiHannah i cant even hold it for 20 seconds
Sir Bear
Sir Bear - 8 years ago
Does he go up for air at all holy shit how long was he in that ship
frsgzl - 8 years ago
keep us away of your dummy talking
Charli McLeod
Charli McLeod - 8 years ago
Jáquan Diontray  Julio Robbins
Jáquan Diontray Julio Robbins - 8 years ago
what are those propeller things they are wearing?
Fionn Hirschmann
Fionn Hirschmann - 8 years ago
what diving mask do they use? ?
Fionn Hirschmann
Fionn Hirschmann - 8 years ago
what diving mask do they use? ?
on off
on off - 8 years ago
4:09 wow! look there is a hippo in the water! :D
Hanktilian - 8 years ago
Well now we have people identifying as sharks.. SMH will there ever be an end to insanity!?
Flaviacristinamonteirodossantos cristina
Flaviacristinamonteirodossantos cristina - 8 years ago
q coragem de passar a mão no tubarão
Little miss No one
Little miss No one - 8 years ago
Y did Ariel wanted to be human? The ocean is freakin amazing!!!
Harvey White
Harvey White - 7 years ago
Milos Maric
Milos Maric - 8 years ago
Little miss No one hdjsdndjghdhd
Jacob - 8 years ago
I wouldn't have the balls to even go near one of those motherfuckers, let alone ride it.
Mr. Moostache
Mr. Moostache - 8 years ago
That escalated quickly.
zak and david vids
zak and david vids - 8 years ago
once I was swimming in the sea I see turtle I see octopuss an then shark
Kapkan - 8 years ago
I didn't even realize that they were without an air tank :o
BANANANA - 8 years ago
panzoid - 8 years ago
panzoid - 8 years ago
I I can dredge under water for 5 mins befor lungs hurt longest I ever had I did I change the subject of sorry
Dominic Scoines
Dominic Scoines - 8 years ago
what wreck was That?
Jens Blaze
Jens Blaze - 8 years ago
Very inspiring!!! I too wanna go skydiving, deep sea diving, exploring frontiers all while recording my adventures with a GoPro Hero cam like these two but the problem is........

I don't have the money to do all these :'(
Dane Daniel
Dane Daniel - 8 years ago
Jenson Philip tttt
Lotus Underground
Lotus Underground - 8 years ago
i love swimming with sharks, its the best feeling in the world
maxbd - 8 years ago
hey come subscribe to my channel ...plZ   ; )>>
Abledartifact50 - 8 years ago
GEREX 94 - 8 years ago
Who's the chick?
Mateus Sandim
Mateus Sandim - 8 years ago
Roberta Mancino, model, diver, skydiver, wingsuiter and base jumper, a really badass girl.
RGT VT - 8 years ago
GoPros are awesome
aykut dundar
aykut dundar - 8 years ago
what's the song name after 1.45
mini gunner
mini gunner - 8 years ago
LOL his face I have a go pro for my dirt bike when I race
Felix Johansson
Felix Johansson - 8 years ago
Felix Johansson
Felix Johansson - 8 years ago
Is that Taitanic
UnKnoWN LeGEnD - 7 years ago
Shick are u ed
46- 10
46- 10 - 8 years ago
Alex The Cool
Alex The Cool - 8 years ago
Nuka Berry
Nuka Berry - 8 years ago
PindropPendragon - 8 years ago
I made a GoPro video of skydiving
Ryan Rudnicky
Ryan Rudnicky - 8 years ago
At 2:25 you can see in his goggles that he is looking at her bikini top
KAZUTO Kirigaya
KAZUTO Kirigaya - 8 years ago
Seen Green
Seen Green - 8 years ago
Are they holding their breath breath the whole time
Brett Seaborne
Brett Seaborne - 8 years ago
Awesome video, just so peaceful down there.
Nurbek Bayandin
Nurbek Bayandin - 8 years ago
She can deepthroat
CamTheHam - 8 years ago
How do they hold their breath so long
Ludo Wolff
Ludo Wolff - 8 years ago
It first starts with no smoking for sure (has to do with lung capacity).
KAZUTO Kirigaya
KAZUTO Kirigaya - 8 years ago
Kayciaz World
Kayciaz World - 8 years ago
wow...that was perfect
Kelp'Cs - 8 years ago
Have they ever heard of oxygen tanks
Eli-Michael Dahhan
Eli-Michael Dahhan - 8 years ago
it's called air tank. Pure Oxygen is toxic underwater.I do both scuba as well as freediving and I enjoy freediving more because of the peace of mind you get.
XBS - 8 years ago
^ these 2 dun know already
adamkieszkowski9 - 8 years ago
Freediving is so much better than scuba diving though
KAZUTO Kirigaya
KAZUTO Kirigaya - 8 years ago
+Hi Ho cherry"oe sharks are dumb? XD LMFAO LOL KILL ME
Kelp'Cs - 8 years ago
+DRX idc
XBS - 8 years ago
if they're dumb i pity you
Kelp'Cs - 8 years ago
sharks are dumb then
XBS - 8 years ago
bubbles scare the sharks
Brandon s
Brandon s - 8 years ago
it's called hypoxia
Cesar Curutchet
Cesar Curutchet - 8 years ago
What nise is the oushen
Famous N
Famous N - 8 years ago
She killed that coral
Umbrella Corp Security
Umbrella Corp Security - 8 years ago
Yeh well if i had that shit swimming behind me i wouldn't care how amazing it is :P
classicblackfire - 8 years ago
Beautiful imagery, crappy commentary.
PatriotPigeon - 8 years ago
No. Just no. There has been much worse commentary on many more videos. The commentary was great if you have had similar experiences to these people at all.
David Holaday
David Holaday - 8 years ago
I remember this experience I had when I was little. It was like this euphoric calm. And I remember being able to breathe underwater.
Emma Gibbs
Emma Gibbs - 8 years ago
he was riding a tiger shark
trutherbotburg - 8 years ago
donate bitcoin: 1EWnThGgRFLjuQpqF3p8rN3yLmHwgGAGS7.
T3SKATLIPOC4 - 8 years ago
...i use to do that at my home town(puerto vallarta) natural, no propellers aided, tho
Damir Bai
Damir Bai - 8 years ago
You are Amazing divers!
Josie Wang
Josie Wang - 8 years ago
Anyone knows the brand of their masks?
Emma Gibbs
Emma Gibbs - 8 years ago
He was in the west end bahamas . we go there every summer
Seth - 8 years ago
she neat som ogestin
Henry Smith
Henry Smith - 8 years ago
and I'm the king of the jugle
Media Stereotypes
Media Stereotypes - 8 years ago
All I can say is WOW! Breathtaking!
Olotele Forge
Olotele Forge - 8 years ago
Mark, I remember you as a young menehune "vibing" your elders in the surf lineup at Haleiwa (me). It is really cool to see the man you have become, and your immersion into the water realm. Nice diving and camera work. Roberta was really beautiful in this video as well.....poetry in motion.
Yohan Ibrahim
Yohan Ibrahim - 8 years ago
this is awesome
addisyn doggy
addisyn doggy - 8 years ago
im going to the old orchard, beach to swim in the ocean
Daily - 8 years ago
This is the best gopro video i ever seen pls do more underwater freediving videos
Monica Grzyb
Monica Grzyb - 8 years ago
walkman - 8 years ago
this is like my dream
SofusBastian - 8 years ago
4:56 is that a... butt propeller?
WOT U LOOKIN AT - 7 years ago
SofusBastian I
AJSilos - 8 years ago
+Zreknarf what is that ??
Zreknarf - 8 years ago
a pooter scooter
AJSilos - 8 years ago
Hannah Marie
Hannah Marie - 8 years ago
+MLG Official sdfe
SofusBastian - 8 years ago
+MLG Official
 good one
Daily - 8 years ago
Omg. Thats not a butt propeler thats a underwater pooper
Wes Lee
Wes Lee - 8 years ago
do they actually hold their breaths for that long?
Alex The Cool
Alex The Cool - 8 years ago
Tyler McDonald
Tyler McDonald - 8 years ago
I don't think they should touch the coral because they could kill it
Cooper Beggs
Cooper Beggs - 8 years ago
Did anyone else try to hold your breath with them?
Jazzy Loves BTS
Jazzy Loves BTS - 8 years ago
OMFG YESS i thought i could hold my breath that long XD
ThePixelPyro's - 8 years ago
Only worked 2 minutes, but that's nothing compared to what they do.
Sebastien Alvarez
Sebastien Alvarez - 8 years ago
I passed out
wvlfAce - 8 years ago
I died twice
walkman - 8 years ago
Ikenna Unamadu
Ikenna Unamadu - 8 years ago
Haha Yup :-)
Mitchell Gonzalez
Mitchell Gonzalez - 8 years ago
Christopher Joseph
Christopher Joseph - 8 years ago
horse shit. no sharks here. just people swimming dramatically.
Rainbow Puppy
Rainbow Puppy - 8 years ago
Finish watching the video. Probably already did but don't assume something until you are done watching.
M. Greene
M. Greene - 8 years ago
the ocean is dangerously beautiful
Bryan Tait
Bryan Tait - 8 years ago
white people
Jeremiah Clark
Jeremiah Clark - 8 years ago
the ocean is a thing of beauty
OneMoreLife - 8 years ago
This is Amazing! Check my channel too if you like adventures! You won't be disappointed! :)
N Delage
N Delage - 8 years ago
Good video
Rosalie Moonlight
Rosalie Moonlight - 8 years ago
Omg, sharks are scary, but I liked the video! :) nice !
Mad Max
Mad Max - 8 years ago
I like to dive like that even if i've been diving only a few times it would be awesome with a GoPro
Animus375 - 8 years ago
Does anyone know @7:23 how they got the camera to go into the sky like that? I've been wondering how they make those in the air cinematic shots after watching a bunch of these GoPro vids ...
flips graf
flips graf - 8 years ago
they use a droney fly it up high and then let it touch the water. Later they reverse the video, otherwise you would have to deal with water on the lense for the rest of the flight
Shirin K
Shirin K - 8 years ago
+Animus375 I think they used a drone
Dhul Qarnain
Dhul Qarnain - 8 years ago
this guy cums in the oceans
Xochitl Ramirez
Xochitl Ramirez - 8 years ago
Finn Wilson
Finn Wilson - 8 years ago
Great, inspiring video. What were those things on the GoPro lenses? They got rid of the fish eye effect right? what were they
Oscar Blair
Oscar Blair - 8 years ago
no, they make sure your gopro be able to withstand the pressure
Mike Lawrence
Mike Lawrence - 8 years ago
Snow Bird
Snow Bird - 8 years ago
Love this ocean, love your video..
Gixxerkartman - 8 years ago
Swimming with a tiger shark. Nope.
VallejoZooted - 8 years ago
yeah, you were drowning as they call it, you probably blacked out a little bit
Ralph Moran
Ralph Moran - 8 years ago
How did you get that kind of photo quality? I've tested Hero4 and I couldn't have that quality
HELLios6 - 8 years ago
The ending is just amazing. Coexistence....
Antonia Valls
Antonia Valls - 8 years ago
Missy Rabbit
Missy Rabbit - 8 years ago
what are those fan propellers on your legs called and where do you get them?
Missy Rabbit
Missy Rabbit - 8 years ago
I meant the fan things around her upper legs.
mrjt - 8 years ago
+Anna Bethel That's not what he was talking about. Look at her upper legs at 1:46.
Anna Bethel
Anna Bethel - 8 years ago
They're called flippers. You can buy them from any local shop that sells diving equipment.
Malik Jones
Malik Jones - 8 years ago
Amazing! 8 minutes worth of a million memories. Music and photography on point. Such a gorgeous woman in a sense icing on a cake. One word to sum up everything about this documentary, flawless.
Luz Maria Mejia
Luz Maria Mejia - 8 years ago
pues me gusto muchoooooo
emily g
emily g - 8 years ago
got the GoPro Hero 4

don't really know how to use it tho -_-
Madahi Khan
Madahi Khan - 7 years ago
That's why I haven't bought one yet
EJ DeNunzio
EJ DeNunzio - 7 years ago
then you don't need it
Giuseppe Termini
Giuseppe Termini - 8 years ago
Emily Gu u
Castel C:
Castel C: - 8 years ago
+Suckram 00 That's gold. xD
KAZUTO Kirigaya
KAZUTO Kirigaya - 8 years ago
+Suckram 00 rip
Sukram 00
Sukram 00 - 8 years ago
Me too. Most thrilling thing i've ever done with it was putting it in my aquarium ._.
John Doe
John Doe - 8 years ago
what is that bullshit that he talks about at the very end? don't get it
Catpanl - 7 years ago
Holding your breath long enough will make you feel dizzy. He is feeling effects of oxygen deprivation, but he makes it sound romantic. Free divers die from time to time after surfacing.
HELLios6 - 8 years ago
+King Harambe
 I wish I knew. They are very interesting
Hannah Marie
Hannah Marie - 8 years ago
+HELLios6 what are all the songs
HELLios6 - 8 years ago
I think he is describing a state of bliss. The sensation of being in the moment when your mind is clear and free
Jose Ole
Jose Ole - 8 years ago
I am scared
Wish Martinez
Wish Martinez - 8 years ago
my favorite shark is the great white.
AllAboardTheHypeTrain - 8 years ago
+Wish Martinez Mine is silky shark
Wish Martinez
Wish Martinez - 8 years ago
+Angello Kun I care.
AJG - 8 years ago
Who care? no one
isaiah park
isaiah park - 8 years ago
does anyone know to genre to the music played in the video? and also some recommendations
ShadowStorm - 8 years ago
She found Amelia Earheart!
Rodri S.P
Rodri S.P - 8 years ago
Gravitythewolf - 8 years ago
What's those things on there legs? There really cool
Tomace - 8 years ago
+Angello Kun They use those so that they don't get tired. Get some logic m9.
AJG - 8 years ago
aquatic turbines if you're to lazy to swim and move you're legs up and down you can buy does and just turn them on you don't need to swim just point the direction where you wanna go and BOOM you're moving without moving XD
Maryam Chocolate :p
Maryam Chocolate :p - 8 years ago
I am not scared of all sharks,just extreme ones like hammerheads,Tigers,and great whites.but I like mako sharks and nurse sharks.
Kayla Pavledis
Kayla Pavledis - 8 years ago
How do u hold on your breath so long
Kayla Pavledis
Kayla Pavledis - 8 years ago
Is it true
Kikoriki Hernandez
Kikoriki Hernandez - 8 years ago
todo sus vídeos me an gustado
teez au
teez au - 8 years ago
they train there bodies to hold there breath for longer I knowmsome who can for 3 minutes he does spear fishing
Alex Skywalker
Alex Skywalker - 8 years ago
that euphoric calm.. it happened to me holding my breath in my tub.. i almost drowned myself lol i must have held my breath for over 3 minutes. i coulda went longer but i was scared.
Manny Ozorio
Manny Ozorio - 8 years ago
casi como un inspirante sueno....(pero riesgozo)... muy buen video!
Mountain Do
Mountain Do - 8 years ago
That reptilian suit is awesome!
Rogerio Delis
Rogerio Delis - 8 years ago
Jade Alexa
Jade Alexa - 8 years ago
I don't understand how people can survive swimming with sharks???
Joan Massagués
Joan Massagués - 8 years ago
because they dont eat humans for pleasure. But they can think u r another fish or something and try to bite you (but just if they're hungry).
markgx86 - 8 years ago
Video capture the essence of freediving excellently. What's the dive location?
Dorian 2208
Dorian 2208 - 8 years ago
When I go snorkelling I hate touching the coral it gives me the chills
Jackie Bao
Jackie Bao - 8 years ago
wow, crazy, 100 ft free diving? wow
Bluecup Case
Bluecup Case - 8 years ago
Um your get dead
nyan scott
nyan scott - 8 years ago
your videos are so awesome it makes me so happy
iRoll - 8 years ago
time 02:13
VincentSupercars - 8 years ago
I must say the sharks in the video don't look as scary as any great white out there!
Macoi Sales
Macoi Sales - 8 years ago
1:09 your welcome
JD_uk93 - 8 years ago
That was the most peaceful, relaxing and nicest floating happy thing I have ever watched. If I could get my head around the fact that the shark might devour me to pieces while swimming with it, then I would love to do this. (And also be alright at swimming)
Hugh Garnsey
Hugh Garnsey - 8 years ago
what are the propeller suits they're wearing???
PUPPYLORD 14 - 8 years ago
What is on her leg were the freak do people get this stuff I want cool stuff like her
N Nionic
N Nionic - 8 years ago
Gopro Time
Tumppa 200
Tumppa 200 - 9 years ago
soup is delicious
soup is delicious - 9 years ago
Italian accent and Spanish accent when speaking English sound pretty much the same lol
Luke Michalowski
Luke Michalowski - 9 years ago
Your lungs collapse over 100ft, so crazy that sounds dangerous
thetalkingelement - 9 years ago
The training involved in lung capacity and the mental side of free diving is highly intense.
Lucas Ghaming Ghaming
Lucas Ghaming Ghaming - 9 years ago
super smecher ep asta
Fifield _kk
Fifield _kk - 9 years ago
how are they breathing or holding their breath for so long?
The Tazeling
The Tazeling - 9 years ago
geoff1121 - 9 years ago
i like the sharks who travel with a gang of smaller fish. You know they can throw a nice party.
R T Y U I O P Koresg
R T Y U I O P Koresg - 9 years ago
시발 도데체 페가 몇게임??????
Fianna Hartmann
Fianna Hartmann - 9 years ago
I mean sharks are cool but there terrifying
Fairyhorse 17
Fairyhorse 17 - 9 years ago
Diana Zaharchenko
Diana Zaharchenko - 9 years ago
как они плавали возле акулы?
dfgsda sdasdaxa
dfgsda sdasdaxa - 9 years ago
this is crazy
Sylo - 9 years ago
we have only explored 8% of the ocean, good luck :)
Hutch _
Hutch _ - 8 years ago
Actually it's 10% of the ocean we've explored
Suicide Mouse
Suicide Mouse - 9 years ago
My dream is going in the ocean floor and see the ships and planes AS A SHARK
Suicide Mouse
Suicide Mouse - 9 years ago
My monsters 2
Bosspower 123
Bosspower 123 - 9 years ago
some times i love them but then you here that people have been ript to shreds by them
American Way
American Way - 9 years ago
I tried to hold my breath for the entire video...and now I have brain damage
Маша Плотникова
Маша Плотникова - 9 years ago
ты что шлюха ваабражаешь!? а я тебе говорю дура ты что поцылуйчики шлёш а дура ечё рас увижу я тейбе задницу атар ву дебе панятно
Durand Launer
Durand Launer - 9 years ago
Moisture is the essence of wetness... And wetness is the essence of beauty. Lol
Proffessor LT
Proffessor LT - 9 years ago
The members of this film did not survive
ZyFerz ork
ZyFerz ork - 9 years ago
i can breath for 10 min
Ricardo Dowridge
Ricardo Dowridge - 9 years ago
Don't mention it chuck , Glad I could assist!
TheAlphaWolf - 9 years ago
Damn, she's fit
GSH Trickshots
GSH Trickshots - 9 years ago
That video makes me feel like I'm underwater. GO UP ALREADY IM SCARED LOL.
_ HeroIbra _
_ HeroIbra _ - 9 years ago
It's Angélica Rodríguez
It's Angélica Rodríguez - 9 years ago
What a video!!! I love it!!
Евгений Ваулин
Евгений Ваулин - 9 years ago
Русский? - лайк!
Gr8banta - 9 years ago
Every time I watch videos like these, it makes me wonder; what am I doing in life?
Sarah C
Sarah C - 9 years ago
this video is beautiful
Just Chilling
Just Chilling - 9 years ago
I think the final part where you were in a euphoric state is called oxygen deprivation.....
Jude Heath
Jude Heath - 7 years ago
Nitrogen Narcosiss
faze hakt gamer
faze hakt gamer - 8 years ago
Anthony Goodgame
Anthony Goodgame - 9 years ago
MrCakeBehindCamMaVlogs MaVlogs
MrCakeBehindCamMaVlogs MaVlogs - 9 years ago
Amazing work thanks for share this with us #GoPro
Kittie Red
Kittie Red - 9 years ago
About breve
Kittie Red
Kittie Red - 9 years ago
No real
Struwex - 9 years ago
They can hold their breath because of TRAINING
Nicholas Caruso
Nicholas Caruso - 9 years ago
This is oxygen depriving
Hannah Cheng
Hannah Cheng - 9 years ago
I'm kind of scared of the ocean but I think it's beautiful
Jayne Moulton
Jayne Moulton - 7 years ago
Hannah Cheng um excuse me cause you are literally me I’m scared of the ocean but I love it
Pikapika Loves drawing *i don't even know*
Pikapika Loves drawing *i don't even know* - 7 years ago
I’m scared of the ocean especially dark and murky water, u may not know what’s in a murky water
surferjo - 8 years ago
lose your fear but keep the biggest respect possible, the ocean can kill you in seconds. always keep that in mind while going into the ocean
Olivia sullivan
Olivia sullivan - 8 years ago
Omg sme
Blurry vessel face
Blurry vessel face - 8 years ago
+Theodorito with me
Theodorito - 8 years ago
i agree
Blurry vessel face
Blurry vessel face - 8 years ago
+Ollieisboss989 hmmm I know what u mean but do u think it would be scary and u could get eaten God knows I do go in the sea I just hang they're and I can get really scared how bout u
Blurry vessel face
Blurry vessel face - 8 years ago
Same! But I don't swim in the sea because I'm scared of sharks so well cough cough
Job Nonnekens
Job Nonnekens - 8 years ago
+Hannah Cheng⼁♡ agree to the max
Yoshiroo Kana
Yoshiroo Kana - 9 years ago
+Hannah Cheng⼁♡ I agree very much... en en
Mr ShadowsYT
Mr ShadowsYT - 9 years ago
same beautifully blue but there's scary stuff there
Pawel Trytko
Pawel Trytko - 9 years ago
Jobanny Lopez
Jobanny Lopez - 9 years ago
they hold there breath with a rubber mask so they don't get water in their nose
Daniel Fernandes
Daniel Fernandes - 9 years ago
No, that was just too much weed
valerie Garcia
valerie Garcia - 9 years ago
what a bunch of weirdos
JacktheDragon6 - 9 years ago
Taylor Barnett
Taylor Barnett - 9 years ago
His "state of euphoria" sounds like nitrogen narcosis.
Krow Sushi
Krow Sushi - 9 years ago
People just arguing over how long they hold their breath but not how they swam with sharks...
Stephen V G
Stephen V G - 9 years ago
These guys have a brave heart
Flames - 9 years ago
Flames - 9 years ago
How are they holding there breath that long without an oxygen tank
KAZUTO Kirigaya
KAZUTO Kirigaya - 8 years ago
Black magic
Christopher Joseph
Christopher Joseph - 8 years ago
rocket science
Ærik Bjørnsson
Ærik Bjørnsson - 8 years ago
+Flames practice
Indifferent Panda
Indifferent Panda - 9 years ago
Ur joking right?
Enkhtsag Damdinjav
Enkhtsag Damdinjav - 9 years ago
I recently did my first dive in Koh Tao (Thailand), and we went down to 15 meters. Its' quite easy, every 1-2 meters you go down, you just hold your nose and exhale trough your ears, this way you will adjust to the pressure. I was really scared, but then I found out its really easy.
CChissel - 9 years ago
+NeuxNTT I think he mean relieve the pressure through the ears. Hold your breath, hold your nose and blow as hard as you can, without letting any air out.
NeuxNTT - 9 years ago
How do you exhale through your ears :|
Danijel Rakic
Danijel Rakic - 9 years ago
This video is so relaxing
Leonardo Acosta
Leonardo Acosta - 9 years ago
Dont go to far down because
you'll explode your head
Choco chocolate
Choco chocolate - 9 years ago
Cool subs time
Avet Sedrakyan
Avet Sedrakyan - 9 years ago
no shark
MyLifeAs Gerneth
MyLifeAs Gerneth - 9 years ago
if your afraid of sharks don't be cause there's only 3 most dangerous sharks that can KILL YOU I knew that because I went to shark reef for our feildtrip plus there's like about billion of sharks being killed each year and there's only about 5 or less ppl getting killed because of shark attacks
ellie - 9 years ago
directors cut's are always the best.
Shooting Star Lights
Shooting Star Lights - 9 years ago
do u no the gogls they have a spare for the nows
ravencassidy - 9 years ago
Was that a Tiger Shark they were swimming with ?
Gianfranco Derosas
Gianfranco Derosas - 9 years ago
Albert Guerra
Albert Guerra - 9 years ago
Anyone know what type of underwater scooters they're using?
Albert Guerra
Albert Guerra - 9 years ago
Anyone know what type of underwater scooters they're using?
семён курицын
семён курицын - 9 years ago
я один русский?
Veren Gabriella
Veren Gabriella - 9 years ago
THE CHIPMUNKS GR - 9 years ago
Mampir Dooloo
Mampir Dooloo - 9 years ago
"just because it's shark, doesn't mean it's killer"
sesh - 8 years ago
That's a goddamn lie, sharks are carnivores, technically it can only possible be a killer.
ayisha lina
ayisha lina - 9 years ago
i think they try to practiced to hold it's breath
apitchoumer - 9 years ago
That girl looks like Lara Croft.
Amanda Doll
Amanda Doll - 9 years ago
that was so beautiful
Golden Sky
Golden Sky - 9 years ago
sexy white clothed woman is so sexy yess very veryy sexy
David Bourne
David Bourne - 9 years ago
Nice video on many levels, but GoPro, you missed the boat when you showed her touching the sea life. Bad form that should be discouraged.
Yelle Hughes
Yelle Hughes - 8 years ago
+David Bourne I felt the same way, beautifully shot but highly disappointed when they touched that shark. I wonder what species it was?
Nathalie & Alex
Nathalie & Alex - 9 years ago
this is amazing! Check out my go pro video from Thailand if you like :)

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