GoPro: Hammerhead Fin Cam in 4K
Shark videos 9 years ago 2,227,108 views
Andy Casagrande captures some incredible 4K footage and gives us a unique point-of-view from a great hammerhead shark's dorsal fin as it swims along the ocean floor. Shot 100% on the HERO4® camera from Get stoked and subscribe: Follow @ABC4EXPLORE on Instagram for more tales from the depths. Music The Skatalites "Fidel Castro" William Ryan Fritch "Leave Me Bonus Mix Vol 9" Link to buy: For more from GoPro, follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Pinterest: Vine:
#1 Great White Shark
#2 Bull Shark
#3 Hammerhead Shark
#4 tiger shark
Also bull sharks are a lot more dangerous than the 4 but great whites have killed more people then them
10. comment for GoPro: Hammerhead Fin Cam in 4K
20. comment for GoPro: Hammerhead Fin Cam in 4K
Yo yo yo! Whats up! Look all my fans on my bodyy bross!
30. comment for GoPro: Hammerhead Fin Cam in 4K
hammer head: thanks for the GoPro sucker.
Guy: hey get back here that GoPro cost me $149.99.
50. comment for GoPro: Hammerhead Fin Cam in 4K
100. comment for GoPro: Hammerhead Fin Cam in 4K
Human :: "Stand still!"
Hammerhead :: "Ahhhh me noooose!!!!"
#FINdindNemo #FishySmell
and also, with a pic like that, I'm thinking you're a mermaid.....
I could study you for hours.....
I like these because the sea is very mysterious and we could see things that no human or submarine could get close to.
The fact is: we don't see anything special on the ride, the shark seemed to be annoyed more that chilling out and smoking with his shark-friends...
We've seen eagle/falcon cams which were more interesting and breathe taking than this video...
then from 0:55 starts singing..... ♪ glad you're goin' my way...... I love it when we're cruising together..... ♫
You do realize that he’s just making fun of the video in a nice way, right?
Your not smart enough aren't you
First Person Camera with Shark!
Thanks 4 sharing ...
Where was this filmed? I NEED to dive there!!
I have some amazing gopro shark footage on my channel if anyone's interested! :)
friends of gopro, anyone, please can you tell me where can I find and buy aa fin clamp for a gopro cam??
many thanks
... wastes half the time showing how cool it is to put a camera on a creature.
Is there a full video on this?
but den he gets back on :D:D:D:D
سبحانك ربّي ما أعظم خلقك …
I don't think they get the camera back I think the camera automatically sends the video file to a computer
They got the camera back because the clamp floats once the Shark shakes it off, and the clamp has a GPS tracker on it so they can find it.
Jk. the GoPro is a clip-on that falls of in a bit. This is an interresting video. Really like the end, how the shark swims.
epic shot thought!
Maybe (I've never had a GoPro before, just guessing) it knocked it and stopped the recording.
But I have to say the HERO4 does look sexy cool in the dive housing.
"Leave Me Bonus Mix Vol 9"? Don't seem to find it and I kind of like it a lot :-)
They do exist..see news from Sth Africa and Brasil.....
Crap. :)
atleast asians kill animals,
white people kill other humans.
Colonization of the Americas - 50-100 million killed
Atlantic slave trade: 4 million dead
Napoleaon's wars: 1.3 million dead
world war 1: 17 million dead
word war 2: 72 million dead
korean invasion: 4 million dead
vietnam invasion: 4 million dead
invasion of afghanistan: 2 million dead
invasion of iraq: 2 million dead
White people are the Devil
Same logic, pretty dumb
This is perfect for shark week!!!!!!!