GoPro: Hammerhead Fin Cam in 4K

Andy Casagrande captures some incredible 4K footage and gives us a unique point-of-view from a great hammerhead shark's dorsal fin as it swims along the ocean floor. Shot 100% on the HERO4® camera from ‪ Get stoked and subscribe: Follow @ABC4EXPLORE on Instagram for more tales from the depths. Music The Skatalites "Fidel Castro" William Ryan Fritch "Leave Me Bonus Mix Vol 9" Link to buy: For more from GoPro, follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Pinterest: Vine:

GoPro: Hammerhead Fin Cam in 4K sentiment_very_dissatisfied 332

Shark videos 9 years ago 2,227,108 views

Andy Casagrande captures some incredible 4K footage and gives us a unique point-of-view from a great hammerhead shark's dorsal fin as it swims along the ocean floor. Shot 100% on the HERO4® camera from ‪ Get stoked and subscribe: Follow @ABC4EXPLORE on Instagram for more tales from the depths. Music The Skatalites "Fidel Castro" William Ryan Fritch "Leave Me Bonus Mix Vol 9" Link to buy: For more from GoPro, follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Pinterest: Vine:

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Most popular comments
for GoPro: Hammerhead Fin Cam in 4K

ItsYaboi Clipz
ItsYaboi Clipz - 6 years ago
Alright u guys can't be this stupid it's called connecting ur go with ur computer smh
Joshi der Bluter
Joshi der Bluter - 6 years ago
Rafael Suprayogi
Rafael Suprayogi - 6 years ago
Bachir Bikstar
Bachir Bikstar - 7 years ago
هل يوجد منها في تونس
alicha - 7 years ago
How do they get the camera back??
Marlin Roth
Marlin Roth - 7 years ago
It's interesting that this perspective shows that fish swim with a swaying side-to-side motion, similar to how a head-cam would be from a person walking.
Everton Calado Calado
Everton Calado Calado - 7 years ago
Good morning
Алькей Курманкулов
Алькей Курманкулов - 7 years ago
Бля лол
Kernal VA
Kernal VA - 7 years ago
The 4 most sharks that have attacked humans are
#1 Great White Shark
#2 Bull Shark
#3 Hammerhead Shark
#4 tiger shark
Also bull sharks are a lot more dangerous than the 4 but great whites have killed more people then them

10. comment for GoPro: Hammerhead Fin Cam in 4K

Joël ibarra
Joël ibarra - 7 years ago
EinWildesPyro - 7 years ago
Joaquin Rodriquez
Joaquin Rodriquez - 7 years ago
Someone needs to do a shark live stream just like this
Preston Playz fan #1
Preston Playz fan #1 - 7 years ago
Looks like, a video game
William Layne
William Layne - 7 years ago
Shark tried to take a nibble @ 0:41
acidexpierence - 7 years ago
Mr WAZDAX - 7 years ago
Bosingr - 7 years ago
How did that hammerhead feel about having a camera pinching his fin?
Faze Frantic
Faze Frantic - 7 years ago
This was so satisfying
Fish’n Finn
Fish’n Finn - 7 years ago
Did it come of

20. comment for GoPro: Hammerhead Fin Cam in 4K

explore enjoy adventure
explore enjoy adventure - 7 years ago
my uploads is about adventure travellings subscribe come letss travel around world
asianboy8969 - 7 years ago
I attached a go pro to an ant, there isn’t really much footage to show though because it smashed the ant. I have done this with multiple insects, it never really seems to pan out that well though. Any thoughts?
Gage rivers mclean
Gage rivers mclean - 7 years ago
Bye go pro never to be seen again
Snip Snip
Snip Snip - 7 years ago
I like how when the shark was swimming towards him, he just put his hand on its head. Sharks are so cute.
Oskar Grzendziński
Oskar Grzendziński - 7 years ago
kacper Woryna
kacper Woryna - 7 years ago
Mega fajne
lethargik - 7 years ago
videos cut at 1:11 where's the extended footage?
NAme xXx
NAme xXx - 7 years ago
hammer shark did use his brain to upload this video on youtube. amazing.
Rainbow Cat
Rainbow Cat - 7 years ago
The shark like..
Yo yo yo! Whats up! Look all my fans on my bodyy bross!
96svizzero - 7 years ago
Where can i buy this finch ?

30. comment for GoPro: Hammerhead Fin Cam in 4K

XXX313 - 7 years ago
Lol why tf is there a fish on top of the hammerhead for a while
memecunt - 7 years ago
4k is so good. Gonna get the GoPro 5 black soon....
stan talent stan loona
stan talent stan loona - 7 years ago
I love this version of Odell Down Under
Umberto Crema
Umberto Crema - 7 years ago
How did you get it back?
KN TheFantasyGuy
KN TheFantasyGuy - 7 years ago
It's like hungry shark 1 St person game
m&s Water
m&s Water - 7 years ago
wow cool!
Omega 64
Omega 64 - 7 years ago
0:48 "HELP! HELP!"
L Zhuan
L Zhuan - 7 years ago
In some GoPro videos ppl think they are playing cool doing amazing vids, but honestly they are just being somewhat disrespect and rude. This Vid and the video Jason Paul jump on the roof of ppl's houses and knocked the clock in a clock tower which was clearly purposed for emergency/religious. If the video maker knows their video is going to affect other ppl or animals, then they should either gave up shooting such video or prepare well and cause no trouble. Call me unlaughable all you want
Kirbyex7 - 7 years ago
Guy: puts GoPro on sharks fin
hammer head: thanks for the GoPro sucker.
Guy: hey get back here that GoPro cost me $149.99.
shinbin118 - 7 years ago
It almost looks like a vacuum cleaner at the ocean bottom
Isaiah Adams
Isaiah Adams - 7 years ago
Huh.... the shark turns sideways to knock the camera off..... Clever Girl.
Dragon slayer66
Dragon slayer66 - 7 years ago
it looks like a video game
Mauricio Lobo
Mauricio Lobo - 7 years ago
IV_DROL_VI - 7 years ago
This looks like a super realistic underwater vacuum simulator
Gabriel Mascitti
Gabriel Mascitti - 7 years ago
childs in camera could eat that africa
Jonjo Collins
Jonjo Collins - 7 years ago
Like hell would i get in there fair play to him
Janice Gordon
Janice Gordon - 7 years ago
it looks like a video game
LaNegrita98 - 7 years ago
The little fish is just chillin on the hammerhead
TAPP Channel
TAPP Channel - 7 years ago
did you had this camera on the line or something??
•TJV•productions - 7 years ago
wow bravo ☺

50. comment for GoPro: Hammerhead Fin Cam in 4K

balikati - 7 years ago
the shark turned sideways to speed up i wonder why is that
Jordan Jackson
Jordan Jackson - 7 years ago
balls of steel to grab a hammer head shark
Sexbomb 6641
Sexbomb 6641 - 7 years ago
I thought he got bit when he celebrated
123TauruZ321 - 7 years ago
Why did the shark suddenly swim sideways?? It is almost like it thought "I've given you enough fun now, time to get this shit off my fin!"
Avrile L.D.
Avrile L.D. - 7 years ago
Its head kinda looks like an animal vacuum cleaner
Emma Doma
Emma Doma - 7 years ago
Oh greaaaat !! Another useless and stupid thing to do
PrezDub - 7 years ago
I watch this and pretend I am a shark, nomnomnom, get in my mouth you small cunts.
Taly Mancuso
Taly Mancuso - 7 years ago
how'd he get the camera back?
BOBBY CAT drifter
BOBBY CAT drifter - 7 years ago
it looks likemyour riding a formula 1 while riding on that hammer head shark
huhu - 7 years ago
good job
# Tw![X]
# Tw![X] - 7 years ago
tBm - 7 years ago
The thumbnail looked like a t shirt to me at first ;) lol
Isabella Mitchell
Isabella Mitchell - 7 years ago
2:27 bye bye fishy
Hehasgune - 7 years ago
go pros - still the best way to film in HD how you get eaten alive
Dragon Gamer
Dragon Gamer - 7 years ago
It looks fake to me
JayMikez Tanza
JayMikez Tanza - 7 years ago
it's look like a game?!
Mr. Weird
Mr. Weird - 7 years ago
The Jerm
The Jerm - 7 years ago
That 4k is amazing
Country boy zach
Country boy zach - 7 years ago
do a megladon next
Uncaringplane Ee
Uncaringplane Ee - 7 years ago
Stick it to a whale shark or an animal that goes really deep
Jacob Maclachlanjacob
Jacob Maclachlanjacob - 7 years ago
I always wanted to ride around the ocean astride a shark hunting for the ancient city of Atlantis and murder victims. Thank you
Voullderaw VD
Voullderaw VD - 7 years ago
Cool_ Gamer
Cool_ Gamer - 7 years ago
Chipmunk Productions
Chipmunk Productions - 7 years ago
looks like a new video game
CrystalChubs - 7 years ago
Why did it get so close to you? Sharks are typically shy.
Sóley Centipede
Sóley Centipede - 7 years ago
This is awesome! They swim so smoothly, it's relaxing.
JTB Reptiles
JTB Reptiles - 7 years ago
The real question is how did he get the camera back?
Infinite Flight Online
Infinite Flight Online - 7 years ago
Tony Le
Tony Le - 7 years ago
Wow the hammer head tried to bite NAM to late he has bid hammers :/
BassFishin243 - 7 years ago
guys yells "I got it!" then comes the realization... I just put a $400 camera on a wild animal... aaaaannd it's gone.
Dre Wst Ryder
Dre Wst Ryder - 7 years ago
spidermancoolkid12 - 7 years ago
That's cute though
Grace Adams
Grace Adams - 7 years ago
How do u get it off??
Zayza - 7 years ago
I'm happy as long as it doesn't effect the shark
Luxeee - 7 years ago
Deda0414 - 7 years ago
It looks so fake
Hiba Poyraz
Hiba Poyraz - 7 years ago
Exact reason why I don't do the whole "ocean" thing
jose luis bustos ayllon
jose luis bustos ayllon - 7 years ago
woow he got balls
RPDBY - 7 years ago
put gopro on trump's nose
kurtsaidwhat - 7 years ago
I like how the fish fell off at 1:26 and was like heyyy wait for meeee
PRIME - 7 years ago
So peaceful down there... and the shark so graceful
Pulse - 7 years ago
simultanious multi-fin drifting
Swallers AG
Swallers AG - 7 years ago
For some of you saying how they get the gopro back…they have track it with a device
DeadPirate - 7 years ago
Hammerhead shark simulator 2017
MoustachePlayz - 7 years ago
why the he'll was it swimming sideways
Anthony San Lorenzo
Anthony San Lorenzo - 7 years ago
To answer everyone's dumb ass question... the GoPro probably had a tracker
Ariane Trek
Ariane Trek - 7 years ago
Pokémon Go : Squba edition. Loved the joy when you got the camera attached to its fin.
Ali Alketbi
Ali Alketbi - 7 years ago
Well Done
Ethan Johnson
Ethan Johnson - 7 years ago
This is incredible, best way to study marine life. Huge props to this dude, the way he held his face was crazy. I would have been scared shitless
adam bamf
adam bamf - 7 years ago
Felt like finding nemo

100. comment for GoPro: Hammerhead Fin Cam in 4K

TheReal CloroxBleach
TheReal CloroxBleach - 7 years ago
If you guys are all wondering how he got the gopro back I'll tell you so there's this timer on the gopro and once it goes off it explodes the shark and everything within a 10 mile radius but the gopro is made out of a super strong fiber so it survives but anyways after the explosion there's these to rockets that come out the side of the gopro and they shoot it up into space and in space NASA recovers the gopro and uploads the video from space.
Jared Wood
Jared Wood - 7 years ago
dissapointed this was only a 2 min video..... thats what she said.
Max Watto
Max Watto - 7 years ago
the most relaxing thing ever
Barbara 1
Barbara 1 - 7 years ago
That with the music was so pleasant to watch. Well done.
tictakjak - 7 years ago
Why he move like an AI in a videogame
Addison Mclean
Addison Mclean - 7 years ago
0:41 lol.

Human :: "Stand still!"

Hammerhead :: "Ahhhh me noooose!!!!"
Barnie Woodward
Barnie Woodward - 7 years ago
umm how do they get the camera back
connor wells
connor wells - 7 years ago
so cool
Matthew Graham
Matthew Graham - 7 years ago
I love how at the end the shark was like "NOW WATCH THIS SHIT!! SIDE WAYS HAMMERHEAD WHOOOO"
Mark Smales
Mark Smales - 7 years ago
Did you get the GoPRo back? lol
Nigrum Quercu
Nigrum Quercu - 7 years ago
I Have Crippling Depression
I Have Crippling Depression - 7 years ago
Testiclops - 7 years ago
What's the song, because the link doesn't tell me anything lol
johngamache7 - 7 years ago
wow the hammer head toke it off and uploaded it to his computer nice
MiauwPower - 7 years ago
Question how did he get his camera back?
andrew munslow
andrew munslow - 7 years ago
no do a whale shark, take some duct tape,,heheheh,
Alicia torres
Alicia torres - 8 years ago
that is so cool
Jose Morales
Jose Morales - 8 years ago
the hammer head shark swam off like he stole it, he was like im taking this gopro straight to the pawn. get it? pawn shop
ShopTuberZ - 8 years ago
When its swimming it looks fake!!!
TwistedSwivler - 8 years ago
SnitelGaming - 8 years ago
so funny hammer head shark recording go pro
frootygroovin - 8 years ago
Where is this?
Laetitia Chrétien
Laetitia Chrétien - 8 years ago
XxxTitanxxX - 8 years ago
I did the same thing I went diving
Guardian Milsim
Guardian Milsim - 8 years ago
how it feels to chew five gum
Anamarie Connely
Anamarie Connely - 8 years ago
This video is AWESOME!!!!!!! I like the music in the back ground that starts at the 0:08 second mark.
crosstownkicks - 8 years ago
it looks like he became aware of it on his fin and turned sideways to try and hit it against the ocean floor to knock it off
Janeil Nold
Janeil Nold - 8 years ago
I love how it tolerates it for a little bit, then just rolls over to scrape it off in the sand. Cool video and brave diver. I understand that sharks don't just bite everything that gets in front of them, but I still would never place my hand on one's face like that!
TrenDIY - 8 years ago
Where is dis?
Storme's Gameplay
Storme's Gameplay - 8 years ago
i wish this was a live video
Just Steve
Just Steve - 8 years ago
Duuuude i loved that calm fish on the Hammerhead Sharks head
I know that I'm amazing
I know that I'm amazing - 8 years ago
im vegan
Memeions Have Feelings Too
Memeions Have Feelings Too - 8 years ago
0:30 omg im so scared yikes
de1eri0us - 8 years ago
pretty impressive that a fish is smart enough to use the ground as a tool.
Lila Rodriguez
Lila Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Yay a virtual ride
Alex Alex
Alex Alex - 8 years ago
The shark is a creature wonderful altough in certain dangerous circumstances
megalovania 89
megalovania 89 - 8 years ago
a day in the life of a hammerhead shark...
ScorpionVideo75 - 8 years ago
water fantastic
Paul Genovese
Paul Genovese - 8 years ago
Warriors blew a 3-1 lead
Abbas Mohammdi
Abbas Mohammdi - 8 years ago
Ruby Lou
Ruby Lou - 8 years ago
Did u take it if cuz if u didn't then this poor guy is stuck with it on
Coszmo Gaming
Coszmo Gaming - 8 years ago
Nice video but what the hell happened at the end when it turned over I thought the hammerhead was being eaten by a great white or something
Shaun Silverside
Shaun Silverside - 8 years ago
Where was this shot in
Bill Ratchet
Bill Ratchet - 8 years ago
1:15 is that a great white?
Anthony L
Anthony L - 7 years ago
black tip reef shark
Francisco Matheus
Francisco Matheus - 8 years ago
ugly god No, it's a average caucasian shark
fourwhitesocks YT
fourwhitesocks YT - 8 years ago
wish the could do a live stream but don't think that possible ahahah
Phanny Obsession
Phanny Obsession - 8 years ago
LOL!! How did you know you'd get it back?!?!
ElkeGaming - 8 years ago
Shark dead? Strange end?
Peckham Chanel
Peckham Chanel - 8 years ago
Things took a turn for the worse when the hammer head started making prancing videos but being a shark the pranks were such things as biting humans legs off and causing a general nuisance to local police!
BigHunTraps - 8 years ago
aren't all these sharks dangerous?:D
True KingEthan
True KingEthan - 8 years ago
BigHunTraps no sharks are scared of humans we kill thousands of them every year they only kill 4 or 5 of us each year
Unknown S.W.A.T01
Unknown S.W.A.T01 - 8 years ago
That's it.....
Steffen Swarchling
Steffen Swarchling - 8 years ago Coool
Ninja - 8 years ago
it looks like a simulator lol
MAJINBUU23 - 8 years ago
fuk howd you get the go pro back, how'd that mofukn shark not bite cho ass when you muffed him on the for head.
A1EXANDROFF - 8 years ago
1:08 зайцем поплыл
Unknown S.W.A.T01
Unknown S.W.A.T01 - 8 years ago
Jacaso Asheland
Jacaso Asheland - 8 years ago
wow he just rubbed it off his fin
Pixtato - 8 years ago
Am I the only one who tought he was screaming because he was getting attacked at 0:49 ? x)
TAPP Channel
TAPP Channel - 8 years ago
lol that's a great video. Is that real???
Rich Lo
Rich Lo - 8 years ago
Mr. COHIBΛS - 8 years ago
Can You Guys Try This To a Blue Whale
Savio Di Giosa
Savio Di Giosa - 8 years ago
what is the name a support ?
FearLezMagma - 8 years ago
Wow that's a nice place, the water is so clear
Hottes Vlogs
Hottes Vlogs - 8 years ago
Did the hammerhead shark get you?
Tele Falco
Tele Falco - 8 years ago
Awesome video
Chronicles of Jojo
Chronicles of Jojo - 8 years ago
Looks like I'm watching an animated snowplough under water
Irkutsk - 8 years ago
несмотря на различия с другими акулами, она всё равно тусит со своими.
coolguy9916 - 8 years ago
How did you get the go pro back from the shark?
Joe Munson
Joe Munson - 8 years ago
Cool. That's a great FAKE video
DoctorHyruleCat - 8 years ago
That's creepily awesome!
Will Productions
Will Productions - 8 years ago
Hug -A- Bull
Hug -A- Bull - 8 years ago
Whoa! It's like he turned on his side on purpose to get the camera off!!
Hug -A- Bull
Hug -A- Bull - 8 years ago
I'm so glad they didn't have to stab it's fin in order to place the camera.
curtis gaming
curtis gaming - 8 years ago
the shark just got the gopro and just swam away.
Durp Fish
Durp Fish - 8 years ago
Hungry Shark 5?
Learning Planche
Learning Planche - 8 years ago
Go pro should have a live stream feature, where you can watch the vids as it records. That way it would work for long term shark vids if you have no intentions on retrieving it.
AlphaMan x
AlphaMan x - 8 years ago
How don't see how crazy this diver is, sharks are not even that dangerous
Maya Equestrian
Maya Equestrian - 8 years ago
Why do the fish stick to the shark?
thesmoothone - 8 years ago
biggest balls award goes to the diver
Slushyy Art
Slushyy Art - 8 years ago
you wasted 200$ :)
KinDeRMVP - 8 years ago
shit.... that was SICK !!! AMAZING VIDEO !
Chalky - 8 years ago
That little fish leeching off it reminds me of the people in the Trump cabinet.
Dj Brunk
Dj Brunk - 8 years ago
pls don't ruin something so beautiful and majestic with your shitty political comments
cervezadog - 8 years ago
Grover yeah, the people that Trump has hired to do his bidding. Do you know what a government leech is?
Chalky - 8 years ago
+cervezadog Do you know what a cabinet is?
cervezadog - 8 years ago
Grover You mean the people who voted for Obama twice and then Hillary once.
WakeUp - 8 years ago
Only 1 minute of footage? You cheap bastards! :)
River Green
River Green - 8 years ago
wonder how he got the camera back lol
James Chill
James Chill - 8 years ago
The Prancing Pony 1:27 a moment for fishy ;~;
ツAdrii - 8 years ago
1:35-1:40 WTF? XD
Nn Je
Nn Je - 7 years ago
The Japanese fishermen returned it
nos - 7 years ago
not at all.
Gregorio López Pérez
Gregorio López Pérez - 8 years ago
Elizabeth lizz it has a timer
Cozzy Internet
Cozzy Internet - 8 years ago
+Akshit Jain hahahaah! how was that for fun.....?
Cozzy Internet
Cozzy Internet - 8 years ago
the shark brought it back......said, gee thanks, that was fun!
MeeM | ميم
MeeM | ميم - 8 years ago
Akshit Jain / with a rope
Luq He
Luq He - 8 years ago
Themshark felt something at its fin and turned sideways as you can see at the last few moments of the tape. The Shark got rid of the GoPro...
derbambusstock - 8 years ago
I imagine the shark managed to get the camera off of his back at the end where the screen turned black and they just navigated to it per gps since it doesnt seem to be very deep and also the ground is very straight.
Akshit Jain
Akshit Jain - 8 years ago
Elizabeth lizz finnding something underwaater EVEN with GPS is EXTREMELY HARD
Elizabeth lizz
Elizabeth lizz - 8 years ago
Akshit Jain maybe had a GPS tracker on it? was wondering the same.
Thefoodcan - 8 years ago
4k looks amazing
Hein van Niekerk
Hein van Niekerk - 8 years ago
sharks are so majestic and beautiful
Hein van Niekerk
Hein van Niekerk - 7 years ago
Sub Killer
Sub Killer - 7 years ago
until you're surrounded
Dennis - 8 years ago
That one fish catching a ride on top of the hammer shark's head is living the good life.
Willow Animations
Willow Animations - 8 years ago
Dennis Mirza yup xD
Music's best
Music's best - 8 years ago
S-K-I - 8 years ago
the ocean is so beautiful it always just melts my mind
Gypsum - 8 years ago
I could watch footage of this for hours. Please do more. This is the most un-invasive way to study marine life in my opinion.
Sajjaad Francis
Sajjaad Francis - 7 years ago
Some Guy In A Hammock damn bro you savage, love it
HungryForSmashing Roblox
HungryForSmashing Roblox - 8 years ago
Gypsum lol
jay cabrera
jay cabrera - 8 years ago
Gypsum p
Strange LaMere
Strange LaMere - 8 years ago
hanith forman ya
Cozzy Internet
Cozzy Internet - 8 years ago
+Gypsum I agree with you.....
and also, with a pic like that, I'm thinking you're a mermaid.....
I could study you for hours.....
WhitewidowZzz - 8 years ago
I dont know about that.. A GoPros shape seems to cause a lot of drag in the water. Hammerhads are pelagic sharks that roam the ocean. They need efficiency in its movements to conserve energy. Notice how they use a clip that is easily removed and the video ended with the shark at the surface, my guess would be it tried to get it off by surfacing and diving. A short video like this seems fine, but a long study with video needs a different hardware.
BigHunTraps - 8 years ago
Exactly !
Garry Iglesias
Garry Iglesias - 8 years ago
+Gypsum I agree, that's what I expected, but at the end, we just saw the sea ground as we can all experience doing some diving... The only thing a little "funny" was the pilot fish on the head.
Gypsum - 8 years ago
Eagle cams are very cool!
I like these because the sea is very mysterious and we could see things that no human or submarine could get close to.
Garry Iglesias
Garry Iglesias - 8 years ago
+Gypsum Not a "bad thing", just that it's still invasive even if it's less than some others (what you said). But yeah, it could be worse :).
The fact is: we don't see anything special on the ride, the shark seemed to be annoyed more that chilling out and smoking with his shark-friends...
We've seen eagle/falcon cams which were more interesting and breathe taking than this video...
Gypsum - 8 years ago
You say that like it's a bad thing
Garry Iglesias
Garry Iglesias - 8 years ago
So un-invasive that the Shark brushes the camera off at the end...
BIOHAZARD-42 - 8 years ago
Where was this???
Cozzy Internet
Cozzy Internet - 8 years ago
from 0:49 - - 0:54 the shark is like......"oh heckk naww!! someone please get this thing off my dorsal.....!!"
then from 0:55 starts singing..... ♪ glad you're goin' my way...... I love it when we're cruising together..... ♫
CLIPS N DIP - 8 years ago
my fav shark
TheOne TheOnly
TheOne TheOnly - 8 years ago
lose the damn music, every one of these go pro cam videos has the gayest music playing.. even the scuba diving videos...everyone is such a damn copycat.
Moozy Mathers
Moozy Mathers - 8 years ago
Water is so clear, where is it shot? Jesus..
SexyStudSam - 8 years ago
such awe
DuecePiece - 8 years ago
footage so crazy it almost doesn't even look real. amazing
King Of All Saiyans
King Of All Saiyans - 8 years ago
Why did the shark go sideways?
Emy Pierre-Louis
Emy Pierre-Louis - 8 years ago
King Of All Saiyans Hammerheads often go sideways. When they hunt, they circle around. They swim very differently from other sharks due to their head's shape. But, it can also be because it wanted to get rid of the camera on his fin.
BIOHAZARD-42 - 8 years ago
King Of All Saiyans most likely looking to see what was above him/her, hammerheads like you obviously know have eyes on the sides of their heads this explains the the shark turns its head so far side to side as it swims
Cappaco - 8 years ago
Probably trying to scrape the camera off, or part of his feeding process. I don't know much about hammerheads so it's possible.
Ratanak 632000
Ratanak 632000 - 8 years ago
How many GoPro models from the past until now?
Isa  Sydney K.
Isa Sydney K. - 8 years ago
Jocelyn Bates
Jocelyn Bates - 8 years ago
Hammer head sharks are so cute
TheLifeOfKK - 8 years ago
Abdullaziz Alsuwaidi
Abdullaziz Alsuwaidi - 8 years ago
appcty Roblox
appcty Roblox - 8 years ago
so cool
Sara - 8 years ago
Please don't bother that shark, leave it alone.
Bullock - 8 years ago
Where was this filmed
Pixel Games
Pixel Games - 8 years ago
O dat is cool
Castel C:
Castel C: - 8 years ago
How the hell does he has the guts to hold a sharks face
Cozzy Internet
Cozzy Internet - 8 years ago
BIOHAZARD-42 - 8 years ago
Cozzy Internet I know, he was a hybrid
Cozzy Internet
Cozzy Internet - 8 years ago
+BIOHAZARD-42 Scar was manmade.....
BIOHAZARD-42 - 8 years ago
Cozzy Internet well no, Scar was HUGE
Cozzy Internet
Cozzy Internet - 8 years ago
+Sean Hegan I noticed that. they're not as big as Scar in the Flipper movie..... haahah
New York Giants
New York Giants - 8 years ago
Castel C: do u see how small they are
BIOHAZARD-42 - 8 years ago
Castel C: hammerhead have a very short jaw line and can extend it very far he held the sharks face properly if you push them back with enough force they can't exactly reach you
Knightly Wolf
Knightly Wolf - 8 years ago
Castel C: I think he's crazy
Sarashi Xaenyth
Sarashi Xaenyth - 8 years ago
Castel C: hammerhead have a hard time biting you if you hold there snout like so
PECE Mast3r Race
PECE Mast3r Race - 8 years ago
It's called tonic immobility, really cool stuff
Cozzy Internet
Cozzy Internet - 8 years ago
he probably left his guts in the boat.......
forgiiatos - 8 years ago
sharks are still fish...
Dylparm m
Dylparm m - 8 years ago
obviously not that guy^
marijumanji - 8 years ago
It is known.
Dylparm m
Dylparm m - 8 years ago
lol a shark that can only look to the sides
Creepy Uncle Jack
Creepy Uncle Jack - 8 years ago
Guys believe or not I was in Miami and I saw one bull shark and I was scared,but nothing happened.the shark just swam around me and i got out of the water and nothing happened lol
cervezadog - 8 years ago
Creepy Uncle Jack Sharks don't like piss.
Dick Van Meter
Dick Van Meter - 8 years ago
How did they get their GoPro camera back off the shark?
Gypsum - 8 years ago
You can see, it had little floaties on it. When it falls off the shark, it floats to the surface and sends a GPS signal to let them know where to get it :)
Ely Ambrocio
Ely Ambrocio - 8 years ago
how how did that upload??
Max Wolf
Max Wolf - 8 years ago
I want to go swimming with hammerheads sometime what are some of things u have to do like what do u have to look out for and other things
Slepi - 7 years ago
we haven't even explored 5% of all of our ocean, yeah trust me theyre not going extinct
Noah Denver
Noah Denver - 8 years ago
"Oh, well western countries hurt the environment in the past so China and Vietnam can too!" Good logic there bud, real productive.
Bobby S
Bobby S - 8 years ago
That's a pretty cheap jab, dude. Yes, as it stands it's particularly the Chinese/Vietnamese causing a lot of damage to the ecosystem but that's because they've only recently been able to develop and afford "luxuries" - but the Western world has done the far most damage to all ecosystems so far, driving countless species to extinction and who's companies and technologies are the driving force behind it all. Do you also say "We all know which race to blame for this" in that regard? Probably not, huh? :P
VancouverCanucksRock - 8 years ago
We all know which race to blame for this
goober nachos
goober nachos - 8 years ago
humans have hunted them into near extinction. .....
Holo The Hogan Johnson
Holo The Hogan Johnson - 8 years ago
Oh man, it's so sad seeing the hammerhead try to brush the camera off at the end. :'(
Neil Crawford
Neil Crawford - 7 years ago
Holo The Hogan Johnson They actually used this method on Great Hammerheads to discover why they swim at an angle. I think this guy was involved in it, but I'm not sure
Holo The Hogan Johnson
Holo The Hogan Johnson - 8 years ago
+J. T. I'm just usually a bit reserved when seeing people mess around with animals in the wild. Call me a dumb "animal conservationist", but it's just my reaction.
J. T.
J. T. - 8 years ago
Holo The Hogan Johnson You've got to be kidding me
SourPatch Emma
SourPatch Emma - 8 years ago
it broke my heart
Justin M
Justin M - 8 years ago
Ol' hitler
DualSwords - 8 years ago
This is epic
Trev Que
Trev Que - 8 years ago
I can't believe you just put your hand on the snout like it was "Meh, do this all the time" O.O
XeTurtles - 8 years ago
Trev Que their mouths are under their body kinda so their is kinda no way of it of biting him by holding the head like that
xXPresident HawkeyeXx
xXPresident HawkeyeXx - 8 years ago
Only way to keep them from biting they do it with a lot of sharks
bd1965 - 8 years ago
4k's the poo.
jocelyn pixie
jocelyn pixie - 8 years ago
I feel like Ima have a shark dream tonight ..
Kathy Smith
Kathy Smith - 8 years ago
how in the world do they get the camera back???
Durri01 - 8 years ago
It had a transmitter attached to it
Miggy Duuu
Miggy Duuu - 8 years ago
Remora! :)
Andres Martinez
Andres Martinez - 8 years ago
That hammerhead shark is called a great hammerhead
AllLivingLegend - 8 years ago
how the hell is he so calm and like "chill out man" grabbing the shark oO
Philip Fahy
Philip Fahy - 8 years ago
I've heard somewhere they are the only shark who doesn't fear humans. However, we aren't even close to their primary food which tend to be epibenthic and buried organisms like rays.
Stephen not pronounced like Steven
Stephen not pronounced like Steven - 8 years ago
Hammerheads aren't really known to be really aggressive to humans either I'm pretty sure
Philip Fahy
Philip Fahy - 8 years ago
Sharks show warning signs before actually biting a person (which typically is investigatory, not a bite to kill anyway). People who swim with sharks tend to know these warning signs and know when its safe to be near the shark and when its time to get out of the water. Also, you can grab a hammerheads head fairly easily without having your hand close enough for its mouth to be a risk.
Jdhh Dhdej
Jdhh Dhdej - 8 years ago
bye bye
Tempesta - 8 years ago
Oh so that's how it looks like to drive a hammerhead shark
Elmeri Hirvonen
Elmeri Hirvonen - 8 years ago
Youtube Surfer
Youtube Surfer - 8 years ago
How was the gopro retrieved ?
Gabe Segundo
Gabe Segundo - 8 years ago
so the hammer head was eventually able to take off the go pro and upload to youtube? amazing.
Cameron Jackson
Cameron Jackson - 7 years ago
Lil Cactus sarcasm
Mr Doggie
Mr Doggie - 7 years ago
Gabe Segundo are you stupid? It will fall of sudenly and than they have a datector to know where it is you nub
Akram Asdairi
Akram Asdairi - 7 years ago
Gage rivers mclean
Gage rivers mclean - 7 years ago
Gabe Segundo for real though how did it uploaded
Candii Cat
Candii Cat - 7 years ago
Cactus is Life
You do realize that he’s just making fun of the video in a nice way, right?
Zay Clysm
Zay Clysm - 7 years ago
It's has a tracker on it or maybe it's steaming onto the computer.
Your not smart enough aren't you
Aaron Shenk
Aaron Shenk - 7 years ago
no they have it on a timer so that once the time is done the gopro unhooks itself and floats to the top sending its location to the owner.
John Kennedy
John Kennedy - 7 years ago
Timed suction, flotation device, GPS
Peter Purker
Peter Purker - 7 years ago
Gabe Segundo lmao
Noah Raikes
Noah Raikes - 7 years ago
Hiro Shiko Kumada
Hiro Shiko Kumada - 7 years ago
Gabe Segundo hahaha yeah!
Charles Hawco69
Charles Hawco69 - 7 years ago
Gabe Segundo I
Isaiah Adams
Isaiah Adams - 7 years ago
after a while the camera mount loosens and falls off and floats back up to the surface. The camera has a tracker so they just follow it and grab the camera
BiZken - 7 years ago
Gabe Segundo the camera Let Go and has a tracker on it.
Damn Bastard
Damn Bastard - 7 years ago
Oh, that explain why Billy the Hammerhead likes to come to my house through the toilet just to use my Wi-Fi.
IDK - 7 years ago
Gabe Segundo it was probably streamed onto a computer
Derrick Wong
Derrick Wong - 7 years ago
well you could just send the recordings to a computer and then upload it?
arch angel
arch angel - 7 years ago
Gabe Segundo Internet celebrity!
MAJINBUU23 - 8 years ago
Gabe Segundo lmao
Lionel Messi 2.0
Lionel Messi 2.0 - 8 years ago
The purple Dino Barney, how he is just making a point.
TVT_Cactus - 8 years ago
Gabe Segundo u are a dumbass
Chandler Hoskins
Chandler Hoskins - 8 years ago
It ripped it off using its lazers
Freedog13 - 8 years ago
Purrito Kitten
Purrito Kitten - 8 years ago
What a hero.
Frank Eeee
Frank Eeee - 8 years ago
Create Account
Create Account - 8 years ago
:(((( no camera
Create Account
Create Account - 8 years ago
camera fucked
Nancy Kunes
Nancy Kunes - 8 years ago
i want a Hero 4
Andreas Werner Reiske
Andreas Werner Reiske - 8 years ago
What a beautiful idea:
First Person Camera with Shark!

Thanks 4 sharing ...
SunsctBoulevcrd - 9 years ago
I wish it was live!
Spencer Nelson
Spencer Nelson - 9 years ago
Jumping into shark infested waters to put a GoPro on a shark? If I die doing this one day, don't let the words on my grave be: "Come on, it'll be fun! They don't bite.".
waldschratization - 8 years ago
Maybe not the right age, but great hammerheads grow bigger than 6m, so those big ones can definitely give you a hard time...
mushnoodle - 9 years ago
+Spencer Nelson think these are neither the right type nor the right age to kill any human other than giving them a heartattack ^^
Ophidian - 9 years ago
That looks like Bimini!
Gold Silver Ice Storm
Gold Silver Ice Storm - 9 years ago
Jaz - 9 years ago
Hey, If you guys are looking for 4k Ultra HD Go Pro Content, check the video on my channel of GoPro 4K Ultra HD Hero 4 Black Surfing Footage & Let me know what you think :)
Mark Moore
Mark Moore - 9 years ago
Im guessing the shark brushes it off in the sand at the end of the video
BIOHAZARD-42 - 7 years ago
The tags are on a magnetic timer that unlocks after a set amount of time
Ashley D
Ashley D - 7 years ago
They have to wait for a while lol
XxXxQ6RxXxX - 9 years ago
The beginning reminds me of switching characters in GTA V
X_Mitch_X - 9 years ago
israel olvera
israel olvera - 9 years ago
did you saw a shark and screm
israel olvera
israel olvera - 9 years ago
lol addison neria
israel olvera
israel olvera - 9 years ago
now get whaleshark for real
TheFishMan - 9 years ago
Did anyone else think this looked like the footage of a very realistic video game? Please invent this.
Collin Willis
Collin Willis - 9 years ago
Grabs the hammerhead by the face so he won't bite him. I need to get on his level.
Cody Alan
Cody Alan - 9 years ago
Am I the only one wondering about what type of fish that is sucking on the shark?
cervezadog - 8 years ago
Cody Alan I don't know, but she must need the money.
RAPID Trickshot
RAPID Trickshot - 9 years ago
RAPID Trickshot
RAPID Trickshot - 9 years ago
El Sc0rchi0
El Sc0rchi0 - 9 years ago
This is hands down the best video I've seen all week!
Where was this filmed? I NEED to dive there!!
IceFlame34 - 9 years ago
How did u get it back???
Christina Christina
Christina Christina - 9 years ago
I loved how the shark approached him like that and he was like BICH NO and he pushed its head away xD
CHE - 9 years ago
repeat but with a megalodon
Jonathan Jaramillo
Jonathan Jaramillo - 9 years ago
I this hungry shark evelution
LT CH - 9 years ago
Great video!
I have some amazing gopro shark footage on my channel if anyone's interested! :)
Neb Jackson
Neb Jackson - 9 years ago
Technology is the jam:)
Paws Over
Paws Over - 9 years ago
why did the shark go side wades?
Vasily Belonogov
Vasily Belonogov - 9 years ago
Вот это прозрак! Шикарно!
Vasily Belonogov
Vasily Belonogov - 9 years ago
Manu Esteve
Manu Esteve - 9 years ago
friends of gopro, anyone, please can you tell me where can I find and buy aa fin clamp for a gopro cam??
many thanks
jeremy western
jeremy western - 9 years ago
does the shark actually use its head for a hammer or anything?
Harris Sharif
Harris Sharif - 9 years ago
00:43 I just shat myself :'( scary shit
blaziken25 - 9 years ago
Do hammerhead sharks attack you?
Folkenv2 - 9 years ago
awesome never see that before
Michael Flynn
Michael Flynn - 9 years ago
smart shark
kneejo - 9 years ago
Makes amazing footage... the last 10 seconds were thrilling

... wastes half the time showing how cool it is to put a camera on a creature.

Is there a full video on this?
SillyBeastMonkey - 9 years ago
How did they find it?
Hutchiewoo - 9 years ago
Never said this on a YouTube video before, but FAKE. You can see the aliasing (straight unnatural lines) on the 'shark''s head. It's a guy with a camera and the shark was added afterwards. INB4 hate...
Damien Dziuk
Damien Dziuk - 9 years ago
1:27 da liddle fish falls off and he all like nuuuuuuuuuuu D:D:D:D:

but den he gets back on :D:D:D:D
Christine Lombardino
Christine Lombardino - 9 years ago
What accessory did he use to put on the shark
Øyvind Langnes
Øyvind Langnes - 9 years ago
How many different shark species are people able to see here? I'm able to see 3 different :) And what is the species you see in the frame at 1.16?
Danila Loginov
Danila Loginov - 9 years ago
Peter Unlustig
Peter Unlustig - 9 years ago
Plot twist: They didn't get the camera back, the shark took it home and uploaded the video by himself..
clowes1987 - 9 years ago
this is the first vid i have watched in 4k wow!
Diamond Dust
Diamond Dust - 9 years ago
"Steve mate! That land fish stuck something on your back!" "Ah shit get it off! get it off!"
Admiral Ackbar
Admiral Ackbar - 9 years ago
Hammerhead sharks are the coolest!
Travis Heinze
Travis Heinze - 9 years ago
Hammerheads live such boring lives.
Jacky Quorrex
Jacky Quorrex - 9 years ago
William ryan fritch song??
archonoid - 9 years ago
This is scientific!
humfy b25
humfy b25 - 9 years ago
That shark wanted to get it off, haha.
SMIshroomery321 - 9 years ago
The sharks are smart enough to know how to knock off the camera...  very cool view for sure & I think this sort of thing allows people to understand sharks & their behavior more... so that we can banish the fear associated with them in so many instances .
Priscilla Kara
Priscilla Kara - 9 years ago
Quick question ( I don't know if anyone's going to answer it ) - but I just got a go pro - and made a video - I plugged the go pro onto my Mac - I played the video I made- the audio would play, but the video didn't go with the audio?? If that makes sense.. Would you have any idea why?
jdrou - 9 years ago
this is awesome!!
Robert - 9 years ago
Some of us live in a fascinating time.
Jar of Smegma
Jar of Smegma - 9 years ago
Which diving spot was this done in?
Mauro Pagliai
Mauro Pagliai - 9 years ago
Great view!
Quaggsin - 9 years ago
0:55 Looks exactly like some video game.
Matthew Bunn
Matthew Bunn - 9 years ago
The fish on his head be there like: PLEASE SENPAI! NOTICE MEEEE!!!!
Jacob Becomes Israel
Jacob Becomes Israel - 9 years ago
This video would be better if...
Jacob Becomes Israel
Jacob Becomes Israel - 9 years ago
full video?
cory greene
cory greene - 9 years ago
Did you see that bad ass grab a shark by the face and be all like nah bra.
RaZoR Wolf
RaZoR Wolf - 9 years ago
Nishad Naik
Nishad Naik - 9 years ago
what are the fish on the shark...also where was this shot?
Jeremy Norton
Jeremy Norton - 9 years ago
Chebersss - 9 years ago
rugger digger
rugger digger - 9 years ago
A lot of go pro videos are too short we need longer GoPro video videos
REDKILLER - 9 years ago
Awesome but too short :(
Nectar - 9 years ago
That beginning is so badass, just pushing it's head away like a dog "NO! Naughty!"
da7oooom - 9 years ago
لا إله إلا الله ،
سبحانك ربّي ما أعظم خلقك …
Stephen Clark
Stephen Clark - 9 years ago
Where are there fish just chilling on the back of a hammerhead shark? You want food, shark? Look behind you!
tim __
tim __ - 9 years ago
Anyone else notice the cobia
Dabutterking - 9 years ago
This need to be made into a game... Think of all we could learn by watching it all
logan brockway
logan brockway - 9 years ago
Check out my vids GoPro
The California Natives
The California Natives - 9 years ago
He's on his way to Mick Fanning!
Kearress - 9 years ago
Amazing! May i suggest using a red filter next time?
joey - 9 years ago
Pause at 0:52 the fish looks like he's smiling with the thought "I see what you did there."
Romina - 9 years ago
I have always wondered... when making these kinds of videos, how do people get their cameras back??
Mourn - 6 years ago
Romina trackers attached to the cameras. Like how they tag and track sharks
#FightLikeAZebra !
#FightLikeAZebra ! - 7 years ago
I don't think they get the camera back I think the camera automatically sends the video file to a computer
Amanda Deardorff
Amanda Deardorff - 7 years ago
Probably a gps
Shark 03
Shark 03 - 7 years ago
Romina notice how the lol looks like a tie fighter
250 Demonds
250 Demonds - 9 years ago
I don't know, I was wondering the same thing.
uosɹǝd lɐɯɹou ɐ ʇsnſ
uosɹǝd lɐɯɹou ɐ ʇsnſ - 9 years ago
pǝɥsᴉuᴉɟ ǝɥ uǝɥʍ ʞɔɐq ɐɹǝɯɐƆ ǝɥʇ ƃuᴉɹq uɐɔ ǝɥ ɟᴉ ʞɹɐɥS ǝɥʇ pǝʞsɐ ʇsnɾ ʎǝɥ┴
Visco Productions
Visco Productions - 9 years ago
+tarkushead no problem :) 
tarkushead - 9 years ago
+Visco Productions Thank you!
Visco Productions
Visco Productions - 9 years ago
+tarkushead yes, they use a gps tracker to find it. after it floats to the top from the disposable pin or the shark knocks it off;.
Romina - 9 years ago
haha that's fine. I don't know how they do it, that's why I asked! ^_^
tarkushead - 9 years ago
+Romina Exactly - That's why I'm thinking they must have some way of tracking its whereabouts....You'll have to excuse me - I'm about 200 years behind modern technology thingys lol
Romina - 9 years ago
+tarkushead yea what happens after they float to the top? lol 
tarkushead - 9 years ago
+Harvey Parsons Thanks - that makes sense. Do the cameras also have gps or something so they can then locate it?
Harvey Parsons
Harvey Parsons - 9 years ago
+tarkushead there's apparently a disolvable pin on the attatchment so eventually the camera just floats back up
tarkushead - 9 years ago
+Romina Glad I looked - was just gonna ask that very question....
YoniALM - 9 years ago
Amazing !
Jerald Jinikashvili
Jerald Jinikashvili - 9 years ago
LogicallyCompromised - 9 years ago
i enjoy the temporary nature of this footage; i find most the devices biologist use to be very intrusive to the animals natural lifestyle.
Nekro Kanibal
Nekro Kanibal - 9 years ago
Name song please... :c
billy bobjones
billy bobjones - 9 years ago
Weren't you in something on shweekend and you did that to a great white
Priz - 9 years ago
He was using the 3?
jeffrey Middleton
jeffrey Middleton - 9 years ago
When he first put the camera on the shark and yelled I thought he was being attacked by a different shark from behind
Cory Schleret
Cory Schleret - 9 years ago
Gopro is amazing!!!!! I got one and it's really fun
Alvin Juniar
Alvin Juniar - 9 years ago
I always think that Hammerheads looks like a formula one car hahahaha
fred forbush
fred forbush - 9 years ago
So, how long does the shark have to wear this shit on his back?
Tom Origins
Tom Origins - 9 years ago
WHO EVER YOU ARE, your a legend
bigraviolees - 9 years ago
he is looking for a female to nail
FlyTula - 9 years ago
Голимая реклама GoPro.
Antonia Satchell
Antonia Satchell - 9 years ago
amazing footage so need to get one of these so i can make footage like this.
Lil Joe Fishing
Lil Joe Fishing - 9 years ago
+Salt Strong in case this isnt on your website already even though this isnt my video
Mark Girardeau
Mark Girardeau - 9 years ago
Cool but why did the video cut off?
SharkBytes App
SharkBytes App - 9 years ago
This is so awesome!!!!
Mark Kelley
Mark Kelley - 9 years ago
Chox TheMuse
Chox TheMuse - 9 years ago
That was so cool! Is there a longer video of this?
Nove Nyberg
Nove Nyberg - 9 years ago
This is NOT OK!!! Shame on you GoPro!
bokeflo - 9 years ago
Gotta Love Swimming Along with a Hammerhead Shark! Gotta Love GoPro!!
Chatpon Sonpong
Chatpon Sonpong - 9 years ago
cycling with kiwi
cycling with kiwi - 9 years ago
not cool
Artie Booth
Artie Booth - 9 years ago
Fuckin badass
The nextinline
The nextinline - 9 years ago
turns on it's side and scrapes the fin to the bottom to remove the camera. that's one smart motherfucker
Prus Pruslas
Prus Pruslas - 9 years ago
Gustajuy - 9 years ago
Mini Motl
Mini Motl - 9 years ago
Its cool
John Goetchius
John Goetchius - 9 years ago
Since apparently nobody knows how, they most likely got the camera back by the shark knocking it off, it floating to the surface, and sending a retrieval signal.
upgrad3z - 9 years ago
so sick when it flipped on it's side and started hooning across the seabed
Oktay Can
Oktay Can - 9 years ago
4k izleyemiyorum ki donuyo arkadaş bu nedir ya
S1MR3T Anthrax
S1MR3T Anthrax - 9 years ago
soooo I 've a question, where the camera goes? you loose it?
Je Suis Lindsey
Je Suis Lindsey - 9 years ago
Have you your camera back? +GoPro
Carl Lagefjäll
Carl Lagefjäll - 9 years ago
My gopro 4 black, the display is freezing when i am going to recording and it also freezing when i am going to do something on The gopro. Why?? Plz help me
jay1085 - 9 years ago
More footage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Péche Show
Péche Show - 9 years ago
paysage magnifique, il mérite une visite
Addison Neria
Addison Neria - 9 years ago
when the guy was screaming because he got the go pro on the shark it honestly sounded like he was being attacked lol
DA WAE MUSIC - 7 years ago
Yeah I thought he got bit
kyle goppy
kyle goppy - 7 years ago
Addison Neria same
Dawson Boyle
Dawson Boyle - 7 years ago
Addison Neria I thought he was screaming because the shark ran off with it
xochilt cisneros
xochilt cisneros - 7 years ago
i thought it was because the shark stole his gopro
Bobby S
Bobby S - 8 years ago
That's what the people on the boat probably thought too. LOL
OMEGAH - 9 years ago
+ツ, Jess OGツ yea lol
ツJess OG
ツJess OG - 9 years ago
I thought it was the shark screaming
Folkenv2 - 9 years ago
+Addison Neria lol yeah
Spino - 9 years ago
me to
christian ruiz
christian ruiz - 9 years ago
That's why i thought lol
brandon - 9 years ago
No "If I Was A Hammerhead Shark" song? :)
tyler b
tyler b - 9 years ago
How did you get that back?
Morgan Leigh
Morgan Leigh - 9 years ago
Please come watch my first video I made with my Gopro!
raditzz69 - 9 years ago
awesome video !!! not sure if you already answered this... at the end, why did the hammerhead go sideways or did you flip the video??
John Goetchius
John Goetchius - 9 years ago
The shark was probably trying to knock the go pro off.
Kevin Nickerson
Kevin Nickerson - 9 years ago
This person is on sharkweek
Luke Holley
Luke Holley - 9 years ago
Is this the silver or black edition?
Inspire Productions
Inspire Productions - 9 years ago
A safer way to do this is to strap your GoPro to a vacuum cleaner and go scuba diving with it.
Мария Стрельцова
Мария Стрельцова - 9 years ago
Pieter Labuschagne
Pieter Labuschagne - 9 years ago
Ali Dakhaikh
Ali Dakhaikh - 9 years ago
Wow, this clip is one of the best things that exist, like EVER.
Giò Maucieri
Giò Maucieri - 9 years ago
Great cam. I hope to record my future videos with GoPro cams :)
NICOLE - 9 years ago
hey i just posted my first gopro vid, please check it out? thank you!
Misha Parisius
Misha Parisius - 9 years ago
4k? Still gonna put it on 1080
Ben Mead
Ben Mead - 9 years ago
How would you get the go pro back
Nico Lucia
Nico Lucia - 9 years ago
how did they retrieve the gopro?
John Goetchius
John Goetchius - 9 years ago
It looks like the shark knocked it off, and when it floats to the surface, it probably transmits some kind of retrieval signal.
Kanye West
Kanye West - 9 years ago
0:54 till 1:11 ... UBER?
Chloe Armitt
Chloe Armitt - 9 years ago
I am really scared of sharks but this is amazing I never get bored of these videos
2KJack - 9 years ago
Where was this recorded?
Kashmir - 9 years ago
plz be nice to sharks ech
my31and37 - 9 years ago
Anybody that can put a gopro on a hammerhead that size has my respect.
Den [игровой канал]
Den [игровой канал] - 9 years ago
Я один русский
Fabian Ruiz
Fabian Ruiz - 9 years ago
Cool, but...why to do this? Why interrupt shark's environment?
over9000713 - 9 years ago
To everyone asking, I can't believe there is so many people asking the same thing (and getting the exact same answer every time).

They got the camera back because the clamp floats once the Shark shakes it off, and the clamp has a GPS tracker on it so they can find it.
Man of Water
Man of Water - 9 years ago
love how they skim the sand
El Pingu
El Pingu - 7 years ago
Man of Water scanning for electrical signals
ibrahim narey
ibrahim narey - 9 years ago
Orww - 9 years ago
Anyone know where this was filmed?
carnaciousG - 9 years ago
Way too short :/
Bobby Jones
Bobby Jones - 9 years ago
In 2minutes
Bobby Jones
Bobby Jones - 9 years ago
"The life of a shark"
lbeckertberger1 - 9 years ago
whats the name of the song called? the second half? from around the 1:02 mark? its not still the skatalites....
mihedas - 9 years ago
+lbeckertberger1 William Ryan Fritch - A Slow Burn
6hrs2 - 9 years ago
why did it start to swim sideways?
Rasta Koots
Rasta Koots - 9 years ago
+6hrs2 I think he was chasing something I doubt he even knew that the gopro was on him
John Goetchius
John Goetchius - 9 years ago
To get the GoPro off
BCCAPZ - 9 years ago
All that for 30 seconds footage?
FunnyMoustacheHammy - 9 years ago
So cool! I love sharks!
The j
The j - 9 years ago
at 0:49 you clearly hear the shark scream for help! This is animal cruelty by far!
Jk. the GoPro is a clip-on that falls of in a bit. This is an interresting video. Really like the end, how the shark swims.
SHOORTYS - 9 years ago
Awesome view on an incredible species ! Well done!
TB Wild Images
TB Wild Images - 9 years ago
+SHOORTYS Hammerheads are so awesome!
ionizdgrunt2 - 9 years ago
Does anyone know the exact name of the song? (The william ryan fritch one)
ionizdgrunt2 - 9 years ago
Yus! Thanks a ton Youtuber!
mihedas - 9 years ago
+ionizdgrunt2 William Ryan Fritch - A Slow Burn
DansTube - 9 years ago
Sehr nice!
Halin Shtein
Halin Shtein - 9 years ago
он гопро забрал
statikiwi - 9 years ago
That fish is just chillin on the hammerhead
John Goetchius
John Goetchius - 9 years ago
Yea lol, they do that to hitch a ride and steal food scraps
Raditram - 9 years ago
Fake! This was taken off a GTA V game...
OneDinSD - 9 years ago
Too Short..more Shark videos pls
Tim Califa
Tim Califa - 9 years ago
It's called wifi stream
Aden Wachtel
Aden Wachtel - 9 years ago
Cool. I understand what the silly head is for now. It noshes on things hiding in the sand and it scans the floor with its electric face. I assume.
enthusia86 - 9 years ago
Poor little fishy! It's not cool to mess around with animals
TiagoWazzup - 9 years ago
haha the little fish 1:25
Nick Long
Nick Long - 9 years ago
What song is this? at 1:10
Nate Wolf
Nate Wolf - 9 years ago
How the hell did he retrieve that thing.. hahaha
epic shot thought!
Ashlyn - 9 years ago
Got my GoPro Hero 4+ today and i love it!!!
Данилка Юрьев
Данилка Юрьев - 9 years ago
А как они камеру забрали?
Zerado0r - 9 years ago
Where is the Full video of the shark cam????
Evan Saunders
Evan Saunders - 9 years ago
+gatorbait231 The shark knocks the camera off its fin by dragging it along the sandy bottom. Thats why the video ends so abruptly, and thats why the shark is on its side for the last few frames.
[M]YouPlay Music
[M]YouPlay Music - 9 years ago
+gatorbait231 u have footage of that? id love to see it :P
gatorbait231 - 9 years ago
+over9000713 It's very unlikely that the recording stopped. GoPros are notorious for continuous recording even through the roughest of falls. My GoPro 2 has survived and continued filming after being through fire, 100+ft falls. and even a few potato gun launches.
over9000713 - 9 years ago
There would have been no need to show the full video as right then the shark knocked it off... Nothing special to see.
Maybe (I've never had a GoPro before, just guessing) it knocked it and stopped the recording.
SuperNinjan - 9 years ago
Just me or how did you get your gopro back?!
Lepra Krahn
Lepra Krahn - 9 years ago
Nice tits in that game of war trailer, not my style of game and I'm sure it's probably shit but they sure know how to advertise.
Hanny Su
Hanny Su - 9 years ago
Try Orca next time,they'll make you a movie.
Suckafree TV
Suckafree TV - 9 years ago
How did you get your gopro back?
Adrian Espinoza
Adrian Espinoza - 9 years ago
how did they get the camera back
Scott Cook
Scott Cook - 9 years ago
Sweet video!
ChrisEditing Productions
ChrisEditing Productions - 9 years ago
0:43 that exact moment look that a hero3+? thats not a hero4?
But I have to say the HERO4 does look sexy cool in the dive housing.
Olivier Boukhobza
Olivier Boukhobza - 9 years ago
Amazing !!!!
_Turist Play_
_Turist Play_ - 9 years ago
Америкосы ебаные
Rodrigo's HDTV [GoPro & Travels]
Rodrigo's HDTV [GoPro & Travels] - 9 years ago
Oh my god! what a video! Really love it!
Lander - 9 years ago
When they show the camera in the back, i dont know why it feels like GTA driving a shark lol
Benondiscovery - 9 years ago
Just wow
Bianca Thornhill
Bianca Thornhill - 9 years ago
Maybe she was right sharks won't attack you unless you do something but this guy just jumped straight in I do this all the time sharks are cute
Андрей Мамбетов
Андрей Мамбетов - 9 years ago
GoPro Hero4 GodBay!!!
Roadgap_Runners - 9 years ago
How did you get it back ?:D
xXCatWalk xX
xXCatWalk xX - 9 years ago
I wonder how long it took to get the camera back
Manu Esteve
Manu Esteve - 9 years ago
Hi, does anyone know where can we find this clip system to put cams in the fins of fish or marine mammals?
Rafa Cuco
Rafa Cuco - 9 years ago
buggolein - 9 years ago
The beginning reminds me of GTA 5 character switch
Pierre Bonnafé
Pierre Bonnafé - 9 years ago
He got lucky to get his GoPro back...
M. Warrior
M. Warrior - 9 years ago
Fantastic images, but such an idiot idea
cchiquet - 9 years ago
Anyone know where to find this last song William Ryan Fritch
"Leave Me Bonus Mix Vol 9"? Don't seem to find it and I kind of like it a lot :-)
Lorenzo Viola
Lorenzo Viola - 9 years ago
Verners - 9 years ago
What is the last song name , cant find by that name.
Isiah Boyer Frazier
Isiah Boyer Frazier - 9 years ago
Cool asf
Urban Dropper
Urban Dropper - 9 years ago
I wish the megalodon sharks existed so we can have GoPro: Megalodon 4k videos
Rasta Koots
Rasta Koots - 9 years ago
+David Sheriff cant tell if your retarded or you are just a troll
David Sheriff
David Sheriff - 9 years ago
+Allen Gopro

They do exist..see news from Sth Africa and Brasil.....
Random-shiz - 9 years ago
Or the helicoprion
googboog - 9 years ago
I wonder how many people have been killed trying to do something cool to get featured on the GoPro page...
Sebastian Schumacher
Sebastian Schumacher - 9 years ago
did you guys see the fish fall off at 1:27 lol
915Mang - 9 years ago
Shark Week :)
Ocicat101 - 9 years ago
how pretty! the shark doesn't seem majorly bothered anyway, what great footage! more people should take the opportunity to dive with these chill animals
Imad Abselem
Imad Abselem - 9 years ago
Did you get it back?
SnakeBite4ever - 9 years ago
This was amazing! What if the shark was vlogging LOL
FailsNGames - 9 years ago
Song at the end o t video William Ryan Fritch - A Slow Burn
ItsMeHammie - 9 years ago
That's a lot of sharks... Can someone let me know where this is so I never go swimming in the area? =D
Khairus Alonso
Khairus Alonso - 9 years ago
It's just soothing to watch this video feels like you wanna be fish haha.
aJay - 9 years ago
So cooooooooooool
Sid Knee
Sid Knee - 9 years ago
Ang badang
Ang badang - 9 years ago
Is it expensive to dive ?
LischasChance - 9 years ago
This is so amazing! And kind of calming you down - love it!
HowToABC - 9 years ago
Put this camera on Megaldon.
vitara911 - 9 years ago
How did he recuperate his cam??? The shark was so far...
Andrew Silva
Andrew Silva - 9 years ago
Tell ya right now,  after he put the camera on the back of the Hammerhead,  and then he showed the actual view from the camera,  looked more like some sort of Fish video game where you the player is the Hammerhead and the object is to swim around the bottom of the ocean and try to avoid as many sharks or other fish as possble...LOL  Cool video.....
NonAlcoholRider - 9 years ago
so good:)
Bossman - 9 years ago
That was awesome, was he using a 3+ to film this? Looks like a 3+ on his head. I'm trying to decide between a 3+ silver or a 4 silver I could do with some help. I want to record in 1080 at 60fps
Marissa Marie
Marissa Marie - 9 years ago
This is absolutely wonderful
Matt Boehmke
Matt Boehmke - 9 years ago
And now to get it back...
hans hoholadan
hans hoholadan - 9 years ago
what an amazing video!
Logan Schellenberg
Logan Schellenberg - 9 years ago
whats the acoustic guitar song at the end? actually whats the genre? it sounds like ocean music or something like soothing and inspiring.
Logan Schellenberg
Logan Schellenberg - 9 years ago
Chris Reynolds
Chris Reynolds - 9 years ago
How the fudge did he get his camera back?
ninjadweeb 119
ninjadweeb 119 - 9 years ago
was it a clip or did he pierce it?
Yaiyasmin - 9 years ago
Gravo Elim
Gravo Elim - 9 years ago
How did he place it on the shark, he just let go of it without attaching it or anything
Julie J
Julie J - 9 years ago
MovieBlackboard - 9 years ago
Why or what does the guy screams after placing the camera? Did he got back up without any problems?
Melonnade - 9 years ago
He was shouting "I got it!" out of happiness :)
randomboy933 - 9 years ago
This makes me want to live in the ocean
Your friendly Neighborhood pessimist
Your friendly Neighborhood pessimist - 9 years ago
Waiting for the animal rights comments, "oh you could have broker its fin!" "He's clearly irritated leave him alone"
Jon Suts
Jon Suts - 9 years ago
Wow!! What a video! Breath taking
DeadeyeJoe37 - 9 years ago
Ya!  I got it!  Ya! Now how do you get it back???

Crap.  :)
RC - 9 years ago
I'm surprised that you got your camera back!
danny garcia
danny garcia - 9 years ago
This needs to be a video game not like a extremely violent game where you just kill things but like a peaceful game like "journey"
delicious fishes
delicious fishes - 9 years ago
Just passed one million views on youtube.  Thank you GoPro.
Dexter Morgan
Dexter Morgan - 9 years ago
where is he diving? its Caribbean region?
TB Wild Images
TB Wild Images - 9 years ago
+Dexter Morgan The Bahamas is beautiful. One of my favorite places I have been. The water is incredible.
Dexter Morgan
Dexter Morgan - 9 years ago
+Boaz van Boggelen yeah, True
Royyy - 9 years ago
Dexter Morgan
Dexter Morgan - 9 years ago
+Doxxy Thnx for reply, looks beautiful 
Doxxy - 9 years ago
You're correct good sir, the Bahamas.
Brandon Movick
Brandon Movick - 9 years ago
Who else smiled? :)
jnets1122 - 9 years ago
This guy has balls ! He legit just grabbed that thing
David Palmer
David Palmer - 9 years ago
That's incredible
ThenextGeneration - 9 years ago
Wait what was happening at the end
INF3RNUSCOD - 9 years ago
Willi seiner
Willi seiner - 9 years ago
Super !
BenHG - 9 years ago
best steadycam ever !
David E Reese
David E Reese - 9 years ago
Pretty Cool!
mitchsfarm - 9 years ago
this is insane.
fabio hosoi
fabio hosoi - 9 years ago
the SKAtalites!!!
zebra sheep
zebra sheep - 9 years ago
Ocean is beautifull where is this!?
DowzerWTP72 - 9 years ago
I'll ask what no body else is thinking: why did the shark begin swimming on his side at the end?? Just looks weird is all!
Jake Trapp
Jake Trapp - 9 years ago
do you think they sell shark fin mounts at REI?
Mark Page
Mark Page - 9 years ago
What is his job title and where do I apply?
maulitdipshooter - 9 years ago
DREW FLOWS - 9 years ago
that was so cool and intense for some reason haha
richard - 9 years ago
i like to eat sharks ihr pimmelberger
abizar kiffari
abizar kiffari - 9 years ago
Harry Wynne
Harry Wynne - 9 years ago
SloY roX
SloY roX - 9 years ago
And How he get the Camera from the hammerhead back???
Fred L-K
Fred L-K - 9 years ago
Poor sharks.. killed by millions each year because of this stupid Asians.!
Jonan Stein
Jonan Stein - 9 years ago
+Fred L-K "most humans are not worth to live" who is worth to live and who is not?
Fred L-K
Fred L-K - 9 years ago
+Omar Cheema The most humans are not worth too live against the most of animals what are needed for the eco system 
Omar Cheema
Omar Cheema - 9 years ago
+royroy 133
atleast asians kill animals,
white people kill other humans.

Colonization of the Americas - 50-100 million killed
Atlantic slave trade: 4 million dead
Napoleaon's wars: 1.3 million dead

world war 1: 17 million dead
word war 2: 72 million dead
korean invasion: 4 million dead
vietnam invasion: 4 million dead
invasion of afghanistan: 2 million dead
invasion of iraq: 2 million dead

White people are the Devil
Jonan Stein
Jonan Stein - 9 years ago
+Dialog Signs i have a strong feeling that you are adressing the wrong person
Good Signs
Good Signs - 9 years ago
+xFarronEX X You can eat dog and cat if you want weirdo. But its not the same. Sharks hold a valuable position in the ecosystem of the ocean, they hold an important part of the food chain. If this position is at risk it could have enormous and un-measurable damage to the earth. (including what some experts believe to be compromised oxygen levels from an under population of krill and over population of whales DIRECTLY RELATED TO DEPLETED SHARK POPULATION) So listen you cat and dog eating, creepy, midget, probably chinese or north korean, ignorant chump: It is not ok to cut an animals fins off with complete disregard for the effects it could have on the earth and with callous and malicious intent. Let alone do it in such staggering amounts that the entire world fears for marine animal extinction as well as marine unbalance. Listen if it makes you feel any better since you want to talk about who is apparently 'smart' and you seem to have a grudge against 'white kids' I will tell you that i would gladly treat you like your people treat sharks and leave you sinking into the ocean without the use of your appendages to try and save yourself from a horrible demise. I would do this purely because of your ignorance and the fact that people like you will never change or learn.
xFarronEX X
xFarronEX X - 9 years ago
Lol, Asians aren't stupid. We're smart unlike you white kids. If you'd like to eat a dog, cat or a sea animal. It would be just like eating any other kind of meat stupid.
Jonan Stein
Jonan Stein - 9 years ago
+Fred L-K i hate the americans for being so intrusive
Same logic, pretty dumb
Kale Kale
Kale Kale - 9 years ago
+Fred L-K you singled out asians that what makes you racist
Kale Kale
Kale Kale - 9 years ago
+Fred L-K and like other people arent destroying the earth...
Fred L-K
Fred L-K - 9 years ago
Royyy - 9 years ago
Tru , asians are stupid when they kill a shark just for its fin to put in pot of broth
Jerome on a Stick
Jerome on a Stick - 9 years ago
+Fred L-K Killed by a camera on their fin?????????????
SnakeBite4ever - 9 years ago
Jonan Stein
Jonan Stein - 9 years ago
Fred you are a racist dumbfuck who has no clue of life
Evolution Gaming
Evolution Gaming - 9 years ago
+Fred L-K before calling people stupid you really need to check your grammar. "Because of this stupid." GG LOL
ABMNS PRODUCTION - 9 years ago
How did they manage to mount the camera on the shark and after retrieve it? Seriously, was it a household hammerhead shark?
Mike Stein
Mike Stein - 9 years ago
+ABMNS PRODUCTION what kind of household do YOU live in ? ? ? Hahahahahaha
BP FLY - 9 years ago
That was cool? This is on my bucket list!
Just Video
Just Video - 9 years ago
Anthony Dewstiny
Anthony Dewstiny - 9 years ago
Jordans Journey
Jordans Journey - 9 years ago
Yes this is amazing!! More videos like this PLEASEEEEE!!!
BCabral43 - 9 years ago
how did he get the cam back?
Julie J
Julie J - 9 years ago
So beautiful
This is perfect for shark week!!!!!!!
Gustavo Mattos
Gustavo Mattos - 9 years ago
Eu sei que é meio cruel , mas... é tão legal ! -
Colby Mills
Colby Mills - 9 years ago
how do you guys retrieve the gopro?
Reki 3000
Reki 3000 - 9 years ago
nikos-7- - 9 years ago
I will report you for animal abuse....unless u give me 3 cameras and a free travel there
Marcel Pfister
Marcel Pfister - 9 years ago
You should really go for 60fps instead of 4k, because nearly no one has a 4k display, but nearly everyone can watch it in 60fps and it looks a lot nicer when the motion is smooth

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About GoPro: Hammerhead Fin Cam in 4K

The "GoPro: Hammerhead Fin Cam in 4K" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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