GoPro VR: Diving with Sharks - Truth Below the Surface

Jeb Corliss takes us to experience sharks up close with 360-degree views of hammerheads, bull sharks, and nurse sharks in the Bahamas, the shark diving capital of the world. For the most immersive experience, click and drag your desktop, or move your iOS device in any direction. Get stoked and subscribe: Music Paul Hepker, Mark Kilian "Bye Bye Baby" "Leaving Aap" Daniel Hart "Ruth Tries to Write" "Freddy's Dead/Sylvie's Born" Explosions in the Sky "Seal Credo - Landing" For more from GoPro, follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Pinterest: Inside Line: GoPro:

GoPro VR: Diving with Sharks - Truth Below the Surface sentiment_very_dissatisfied 136

Shark videos 7 years ago 221,923 views

Jeb Corliss takes us to experience sharks up close with 360-degree views of hammerheads, bull sharks, and nurse sharks in the Bahamas, the shark diving capital of the world. For the most immersive experience, click and drag your desktop, or move your iOS device in any direction. Get stoked and subscribe: Music Paul Hepker, Mark Kilian "Bye Bye Baby" "Leaving Aap" Daniel Hart "Ruth Tries to Write" "Freddy's Dead/Sylvie's Born" Explosions in the Sky "Seal Credo - Landing" For more from GoPro, follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Pinterest: Inside Line: GoPro:

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Most popular comments
for GoPro VR: Diving with Sharks - Truth Below the Surface

Sebastian Yang
Sebastian Yang - 7 years ago
Now I feel dizzy and surrounded by sharks and sharks r everywhere
Camera On Films
Camera On Films - 7 years ago
Very cool. Was this shot with the GoPro Fusion?  If so, what underwater housing were you using please?  I have a Fusion and love it but have heard that stitching underwater is a real pain and seen some real world examples where it looks less than acceptable.  Any advice really appreciated. Thanks
PANDARLAX_YT CLD_69 - 7 years ago
Wow is the amazing experiens
Roskam - 7 years ago
I just watched 47 meters down I'M TERRIFIED
Cold Ravioli
Cold Ravioli - 7 years ago
This is actually a really cool idea. more. But with less talking.
Simply Savage
Simply Savage - 7 years ago
It’s like I’m trapped
Kaleidoglobe - 7 years ago
Famous :)
p.sudheer Kumar
p.sudheer Kumar - 7 years ago
Making of this video under sea is excellent. Here are some articles about adventure sports has a bucket list.

10. comment for GoPro VR: Diving with Sharks - Truth Below the Surface

Supreme - 7 years ago
1.56 where is that,??
Karl Bernstein
Karl Bernstein - 7 years ago
There are multiple shark attacks per year, every year.

swims with sharks for 5 minutes
saves entire ecosystem because no fear
-Nyasha -
-Nyasha - - 7 years ago
4k mmm cool
Nimble - 7 years ago
Sharks are my weakness .... the most noble beasts
DRAKE ESTERO - 7 years ago
العوتيبي _FM
العوتيبي _FM - 7 years ago
Ethan vlogs
Ethan vlogs - 7 years ago
How can I move the screen
manu Man
manu Man - 7 years ago
This is not vr, thats hust a 3D video
Gregor Graschitz
Gregor Graschitz - 7 years ago
Just an AWESOME video!
ThatOne Gret
ThatOne Gret - 7 years ago
This looks fake like a VR game

20. comment for GoPro VR: Diving with Sharks - Truth Below the Surface

AyAy Ay
AyAy Ay - 7 years ago
I think the makers of this videos misunderstood something. Informing people that sharks aren't as dangerous as they seem, won't make people stop killing them... Some people make a living off of selling shark meat and shark fins. It's not like we stopped killing cows and such, just because they're harmless...
Eloi Roobol
Eloi Roobol - 7 years ago
Does anyone know how they created that map in the sky at 0:57?
Lee Bledsoe
Lee Bledsoe - 7 years ago
Yep, we used after effects and a talented motion graphics artist.
РЫБАЛКА И ОХОТА В ТАЙГЕ. Коми. - 7 years ago
Mr_Abdullah_2015 - 7 years ago
Aaron S
Aaron S - 7 years ago
Not a huge fan of the 360 on this type of artistic video. I think a lot of what makes GoPro videos of this style so good is how they choose to present the subjects. I think 360 is absolutely amazing when there are less cuts and more of a real time exploration of something. It's just my opinion but I found this video a little hard to follow and I always felt like I was missing the point they were trying to show me.
Виталий Стадников
Виталий Стадников - 7 years ago
Zoyer1 - 7 years ago
Lol nice 3d sharks, can see at 2:57 when the hammer shark passes how the animation glitches
Lee Bledsoe
Lee Bledsoe - 7 years ago
Not CGI, what you are seeing is an artifact from the stitching and clean up process. I can 100% say for certain that this is all real footage, having been the person who was on site filming it.
Lalduhzuala Saivate
Lalduhzuala Saivate - 7 years ago
wow so awesome
Ethan Seymour
Ethan Seymour - 7 years ago
All fun and games until a great white shows up lol
Leo Pinewood Lane
Leo Pinewood Lane - 7 years ago
2 fps video.

30. comment for GoPro VR: Diving with Sharks - Truth Below the Surface

Matlyn Ua
Matlyn Ua - 7 years ago
This is so cool!
- 7 years ago
Great work! Keep it coming!
garaths333 - 7 years ago
420 Blaze It
420 Blaze It - 7 years ago
EverythingAppleGoPro 14
EverythingAppleGoPro 14 - 7 years ago
Is this the Go pro Fusion? Because I heard the Go pro fusion support 5.2k and 360 video
Mindy Vaughn
Mindy Vaughn - 7 years ago
Sharks are beautiful. Great whites are eating machines. I have a healthy fear of sharks that do not eat plankton. Most fear what they don't understand. I understand meat eating sharks. They bite you, rip out your colon, you die, but thanks for the video.
Marcus Fischer
Marcus Fischer - 7 years ago
Kanye East
Kanye East - 7 years ago
This is the best 360° vid I've ever seen. I think vids like this are the future of vr vids because I can't emagine a better use of this technology!!!!
Benji Prosserpowell
Benji Prosserpowell - 7 years ago
Γιώργος Παπαδόπουλος
Γιώργος Παπαδόπουλος - 7 years ago
Robert Ennor
Robert Ennor - 7 years ago
Soo good loved it
Lukáš Grassl
Lukáš Grassl - 7 years ago
Amazing who agresívne like on comment
Andrey Yu
Andrey Yu - 7 years ago
What camera you used for this movie?
BluebearChu - 7 years ago
For a moment I thought it said dining with a shark
jackson clevenger
jackson clevenger - 7 years ago
Varun Biday
Varun Biday - 7 years ago
I wonder what madman would dislike this video
BTS Kook_U
BTS Kook_U - 7 years ago
More of this!!!!
TheRedPanda - 7 years ago
misfiteando - 7 years ago
If I was there a brown mist would come out of my ass
NeonsStyle - 7 years ago
Shit video. Too obviously contrived. Would've been a lot better without the over acted voice over.

50. comment for GoPro VR: Diving with Sharks - Truth Below the Surface

Courtland Gilbert
Courtland Gilbert - 7 years ago
they're beautiful creatures
Juan Miguel Lopez Ceballos
Juan Miguel Lopez Ceballos - 7 years ago
La calidad es muy mala
OPTI - 7 years ago
the best video i've ever seen. It shows the beauty of our world and of the beauty of these animals. Like !
Lester Castro
Lester Castro - 7 years ago
This was SICK!
Zulu - 7 years ago
Every VR Video needs a "Suggested viewing path" mechanism. I never know where to look between all the shots and it gets annoying going from looking at a swarm of sharks at the edge of the boat to a mans feet inside the boat.
Matt Blum
Matt Blum - 7 years ago
Sure beats the Michael Phelps vs CG great white ;)
Zayneyboy Buscette
Zayneyboy Buscette - 7 years ago
i like the vr footage but it should not be used for all videos but i liked this one
MrKlswe - 7 years ago
I love it. Its super cool. Is this from the Gopro fusion?
Jonas - 7 years ago
Jay Alsto
Jay Alsto - 7 years ago
Alex Bainbridge same
KMSully Sully
KMSully Sully - 7 years ago
Same. Very cool. Love these videos.
pack13er1 - 7 years ago
why doesn't it work with my cardboard. i can only see through one of the lenses.
Inna Clouds
Inna Clouds - 7 years ago
Jeb Corliss? wasnt expecting HIM!!! thumbs up. what a cool guy
Djiag _
Djiag _ - 7 years ago
Who else didnt realise you could move the camera
greekatso - 7 years ago
I would do this
Concrete Limit
Concrete Limit - 7 years ago
good video. but the voice over.. seems fake to me.annoying.
Electricos Cosmos
Electricos Cosmos - 7 years ago
7,777 views.... off to the casino!
Анна - 7 years ago
It's amazing!
Ben Ellefson
Ben Ellefson - 7 years ago
Was this shot on fusion or an Omni rig?
Blayne Street
Blayne Street - 7 years ago
Viktor Jonsson
Viktor Jonsson - 7 years ago
this was the most incredible video I have ever seen
Aldo - 7 years ago
I'm conflicted about 360. It's very cool to be able to look around yourself. But on the other hand a cameraman can probably look better for you and it's better quality etc etc.
Jade Saville
Jade Saville - 7 years ago
come to Cape Town and dive with some Great Whites
pg 116
pg 116 - 7 years ago
#Gopro army
KEKYOU - 7 years ago
Omg its amazing:D i like it so much
Gabriel FluØrite
Gabriel FluØrite - 7 years ago
How do we know if they won't bite us?
Synca - 7 years ago
Are these CGI?

COUGH COUGH Michael Phelps.
Andrew Christian
Andrew Christian - 7 years ago
This is awesome! I make travel films and a lot of those capture my experiences diving. You should check them out!
RebelForce8 - 7 years ago
yeah do this with a great white and therell be no video
SirolfUpaw - 7 years ago
How many incidents do you think there have been with great white sharks during scuba diving? Look it up and then see if you still stand by your statement.
Jords - 7 years ago
If you want to stop people's fear of sharks then why play scary music over it???
Joshua Tulberg
Joshua Tulberg - 7 years ago
This seems to be a poster-child for how to do VR.
- no hard cuts.
- long(ish) shots.
- interesting elements all around.
- audio or video ques as to where the most interesting element is.

I think we will be seeing more VR on this channel in preparation for launching FUSION. Still on the fence about it, but videos like this really help sway me.
dirtangler - 7 years ago
Didn't care for this video on my smartphone, would have been better with one view
MLB Films
MLB Films - 7 years ago
I make action based films based on my travels and adventures shot 100% with GoPro and Karma. I'm super passionate about my work and I would appreciate if you gave me a look and checked some of my vids :)
derjoh1986 - 7 years ago
3000th !!! Lol
Marceli Wac
Marceli Wac - 7 years ago
"Overcoming our fear of these creatures is the firs..." - last words of the narrating diver
Downhill tobi
Downhill tobi - 7 years ago
niklapse - 7 years ago
God is the pen :)
GoPro is the highlighter :)
God draws the world :)
GoPro makes it brighter :)
BTS Kook_U
BTS Kook_U - 7 years ago
niklapse wrong
Kien - 7 years ago
So if i am in a water and see a shark heading towards me should i panic?
Grey Silverback
Grey Silverback - 7 years ago
Depends on the type and how big it is.
siddharth parmar
siddharth parmar - 7 years ago
Kien normally no. Make sure you are not bleeding or have any meat with you. Sharks sense others by electric stimulus. If you bleed, it might excite the shark.
T- GUERREIRO_ - 7 years ago
Kien sharks, like ANY other wild life animal only attacks you if they feel threatened. Or in a really poor condition of hungry. They don't kill for fun or sport like we do to them. Every single thing that an animal does has a purpose. They don't be like "oh wouldn't be fun if i attack this guy?". So yea the worst thing to do in front of an wild animal is to run, show a defense position or show fear/panic. They feel more than us. Which means they automatically feel panic and with that attack.
Mike Hinch
Mike Hinch - 7 years ago
Kien not really just make sure it is aware that you are aware of it
Andreweast123 -
Andreweast123 - - 7 years ago
hshxhxbsbu suuu
Genevieve.Haynes Typing Vidsss And Other stuff
Genevieve.Haynes Typing Vidsss And Other stuff - 7 years ago
Rome - 7 years ago
VR vids on YouTube are only acceptable on this channel.
MsTURKI1986 - 7 years ago
Rome vtrea.
Josef Obexer
Josef Obexer - 7 years ago
Nice video
TheBull001 - 7 years ago
Fares Layeb
Fares Layeb - 7 years ago
lol its a 360 vid where have u been living under a rock?
TheBull001 - 7 years ago
Kell Of Kells i didnt know that wow
boi - 7 years ago
Epic Gamer sarcasm or do u not know, it's supposed to be virtual reality if you have a headset for it or you can look around with your phone
JUGoWATER - 7 years ago
tbh i dont like 360 because i have to hold my mouse over the circle at the top left, rather simply have a single picture
MistrzBartekGames - 7 years ago
Joshua I found this yesterday and I'm happy that I could share this trick.
Shawn - 7 years ago
uh you can just grab ANYWHERE on the video and drag it around. not sure why you think only the circle controls the video
Joshua Tulberg
Joshua Tulberg - 7 years ago
Thanks. I didn't even realize you could scroll in/out with 360 videos. Very cool.
MistrzBartekGames - 7 years ago
Also I reccomend to scroll down while watching on fullscreen so you can see more
DDM0815 - 7 years ago
just click in the picture, hold the mouse and drag it. you don't have to move the camera with the circle on the top left
Joshua Tulberg
Joshua Tulberg - 7 years ago
You have 3 options AFAIK:
1. Use the top-left navigation.
2. Use "WASD" on the keyboard
3. Just click and drag anywhere within the playing video.

I personally prefer #3, because my fingers get tired with #2, and I find #1 a pain in the ass. I just wish there was a way to perform #2 but without having to "click".
KMD - 7 years ago
M&P Gabriele Venturini
M&P Gabriele Venturini - 7 years ago
YouxiRide yes
Young erick the sauce god
Young erick the sauce god - 7 years ago
Nice video
JohnnyLikesToSurf - 7 years ago
Watching this on my rotating office chair with my ipad in front of my face... so immersive and high quality, thats the VR-stuff i need more off!
BrattyHickory - 7 years ago
Anton Alferov
Anton Alferov - 7 years ago
Fnafteam638 - 7 years ago
That is Crazy

100. comment for GoPro VR: Diving with Sharks - Truth Below the Surface

Sniper 15
Sniper 15 - 7 years ago
Pilotor2727 - 7 years ago
Uno delos primeros
Monkeygames.nl66 - 7 years ago
Give me a gopro hero 5
Adithya - 7 years ago
if im A shark..........i' would've eaten that guy....not the #GOPRO
Jakeplayz P
Jakeplayz P - 7 years ago
Sahil 123
Sahil 123 - 7 years ago
I'll subscribe everyone who'll subscribe me !!! Just reply "done" to this comment :)
Xr80man - 7 years ago
Sahil 123 done
Off Road Nation
Off Road Nation - 7 years ago
Genevieve.Haynes Typing Vidsss And Other stuff
Genevieve.Haynes Typing Vidsss And Other stuff - 7 years ago
Sahil 123 done
Regular Toast
Regular Toast - 7 years ago
jake manee
jake manee - 7 years ago
Spook - 7 years ago
zCmacZzz - 7 years ago

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About GoPro VR: Diving with Sharks - Truth Below the Surface

The "GoPro VR: Diving with Sharks - Truth Below the Surface" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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