Gordon Ramsey: Shark Bait
Shark videos 14 years ago 3,116,402 views
Gordon Ramsay loves sharks, and this passion leads him on his most personal mission yet - to investigate the controversial dish, shark fin soup. To understand more about the kings of the ocean, Gordon plunges in to swim with the deadly bull shark, in his scariest challenge to date. It's estimated that each year 100 million sharks are killed worldwide, and Gordon wants to find out if the slaughter is really necessary. Sharks are both terrifying and beautiful, but experts believe overfishing is threatening to drive a third of the world's open ocean shark species to extinction. Incredibly, some of the most threatened species remain untouched by international fishing regulations. What Gordon discovers on his journey leads him to campaign against the brutal and destructive shark fishing industry.
Well yes gordon, because 1 shark will have multiple fins on them lol
No seriously
10. comment for Gordon Ramsey: Shark Bait
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30. comment for Gordon Ramsey: Shark Bait
The oldest is shark?
Watching these baby sharks getting butchered and didn't get the chance to live happily makes my heart break and my faith in humanity is already limited..
50. comment for Gordon Ramsey: Shark Bait
Looks like a fish tail lol
Fuck these people doing this shit, they should be strung up and fucking shot
This can all be stopped, if people switch to whole plant based food.
Just terrible how they’re so oblivious they are to this. I just hope one day they’ll soon put a stop to this. Also such a shame to see a great white fin on the market... that’s one less in the ocean :/
Urgh just fucking realise that you’re making sharks go extinct!!! You deluded fucks. There is better food than shark.
I ain’t no vegan or vegetarian but I can’t stand the taste of fish and I’m rather glad due to how polluted our oceans are these days.
We’re too much of a dominant species and I think it’s time just to move planets and let the rest of the life on earth to roam free. Like we just lost a species of rhino and sharks are next. Put and end to this or I’ll make my ass a nuke and sort u out my self. Ashamed of you sick cunts. Just eat sand. You don’t deserve to live.
how fucking horrendous
i can't believe these stupid fishermen who don't even understand the dangers of what they're doing the thing that fucking disturbed me the most was the butchering of the live shark!!!!!
Now that might sound strange, but it's an artist's mindset and in essence, cooks that really create their own dishes ARE artists.
100. comment for Gordon Ramsey: Shark Bait
Japanese eating off the tuna
Chinese the shark WTF
cus why?
What, does that sound cruel or something? Cry me a fucking river.
the market women, the up his ass waiter, the corrupt postmaster. the people throwing benzin from the rooftop. i've eaten sharkmeat i caught its one of the best fishes i.ve eaten, whats there fucking problem so wasteful.
edit: i’m asian i’m disappointed in us
Now that's some fucked up shit.
Now organic, free range meat is catching on
Organic sustainable fishing will be next
I hope it happens a soon as possible
Thank you so much for helping to protect all of the sharks in this world. When I was watching this I was devastated and I felt horrible for these sharks, the way that they gunned sharks would be like going through surgery without any numbing cream and them cutting off all of your limbs. Thank you for putting a stop to this crime of cruelty! I love sharks so much and what you did to stop this meant a lot for me and a lot of other people. You have opened all of our hearts to sharks and keeping them safe. Just because of you Gordon sharks can live for more than just a century. I have more respect for you than I ever had before! And thank you for convincing the restaurant owners to put shark fin soup out of their menu. I was crying when I saw the finning happen and when I saw that they took it off their menu o was screaming and jumping for joy. So thank you Gordon Ramsey for everything you have done!! You have just saved thousands of shark lives because you had the guts to confront the owners and the companies and thank you for not giving up all those times they rejected you. And shame to all of you people who still are finning illegally, all of those sharks do NOT deserve to be tortured in such a cruel way! Thanks again Gordon for making a difference in the world and helping to put an end to this terrible terrible way to fin sharks. I have so much respect for you so thank you so much! And I hope the shark population goes up again very soon and all shark finning is put to an end!! Once and for all!!
So to all your sand eaters nig nogs
Turban warriors, and vegan pricks go take your family and swim with the sharks rather than typing your abuse on a youtube video
I know these practices are ancient, and supposedly part of the culture, but it's the 21st century, change these ancient methods before it's too late and these creatures are extinct.
like if u know the reference
I care about sharks and animals and all that but it's just too hard to resist
But the sharks are all ---
WE NEED TO DO THIS BY 2030 Or all the sharks a re over
Did you ever think of the long-term consequences while writing comments like that? Guys if we keep overfishing the oceans like that, the prices will just raise even more and as the prices raise, it will become even more popular because it is a symbol of wealth to eat/have something others can't have, in today's society as well as thousands of years ago.
Why do humans behave like they are the only f...reaking things on this planet and why do they often just worry about the next day instead of worrying about the future? It makes me really sick to see how humanity voluntarily undermines it's own basis of life just for the sake of profit
Hoo Ha Ha
As long as there's money involved, people always turn to money over morality.
That's about it.
Human's ignorance will be the fuse of our doom.
oml he just goes through everyones shit
guy: fish.
i think no one have ever done this before.
ppl need to start think about what would happen to the shark population and stop buying them..
Yeah that’s a great idea kill the human race... fucking hell. That includes you genius.
This is inhuman. Measures have been placed to save those animals. Nothing is there for a shark
You have to focus on the biggest threats first.
Chinese are not bad. We are not bad. We don't wish to be discriminated when we go abroad. We just need more guidance. That's all. We have 1.3 billion population. Even If just one small part of China gets guided properly, that small part can also change the world.
Gordon has such strong passion and will in delivering this vital message.
I really hope this makes a difference. My concern is, how do you change the views, culture and habits of nearly 2 billion people
Who ha ha
Then the rest of people want to be rich and mimic/followering rich creating a HUGE shark fin market ; inefficiency of utilizing shark fish and overpopulation SPEED UP ECOSYSTEM DAMAGE and could lead to faster FOOD SHORTAGE; food and environmental lacking lean toward WARS AND CONFLICTS. So-called high/low class or humanity will suffer and stop or backwards development comparing to the rest of the universe.
and it is so shit
I feel frustrated every day about this. This is what the animal industry is. There's not such a humane way to kill.
Fucking horrible imminent reality.
I come from Taiwan, I totally admire what Gordon has done in this video.
I know what I'm going to say now doesn't help much but I just want to say there is some misunderstanding to the fact that ''there are shark fin dishes everywhere''.
I think it's a shame that Taiwan might have made a ''not quite good'' impression on Gordon because of the consumption of shark fin. Shark fin is used in Chinese cuisine but it's not that often seen in everywhere just like Gordon said. Anyone in Taiwan knows that we don't easily see dishes contain shark fin unless you go to some high-priced fine dining restaurant. I almost don't have any experience eating shark fin soup or shark fin dishes.
But unfortunately, those dishes still exist, and some people still eat them.
''No consumption, no buisness'' is the only way to make them disappear.
It is odd, Taiwanese normally eat anything from head to toe, from fish eyes, pig ears, to chicken butt. They leave nothing to waste. They even eat the bones sometimes. We consider Westerners as wasteful because they normally don’t touch stuff like that, unless you are a Cajun. However, with sharks, Taiwanese are wasteful. They have abuse it for no reason but status.
and how he reactes to the barbaric handeling
of sharks .
Customer : whisper do you have shark ? I have 50k on my wallet with a tips.
Waiter " Whisper Right this way we must got to the private area to eat shark.
They will bankrup soon if they dont sells any shark food.