Gordon Ramsey: Shark Bait

Gordon Ramsay loves sharks, and this passion leads him on his most personal mission yet - to investigate the controversial dish, shark fin soup. To understand more about the kings of the ocean, Gordon plunges in to swim with the deadly bull shark, in his scariest challenge to date. It's estimated that each year 100 million sharks are killed worldwide, and Gordon wants to find out if the slaughter is really necessary. Sharks are both terrifying and beautiful, but experts believe overfishing is threatening to drive a third of the world's open ocean shark species to extinction. Incredibly, some of the most threatened species remain untouched by international fishing regulations. What Gordon discovers on his journey leads him to campaign against the brutal and destructive shark fishing industry.

Gordon Ramsey: Shark Bait sentiment_very_dissatisfied 739

Shark videos 14 years ago 3,116,402 views

Gordon Ramsay loves sharks, and this passion leads him on his most personal mission yet - to investigate the controversial dish, shark fin soup. To understand more about the kings of the ocean, Gordon plunges in to swim with the deadly bull shark, in his scariest challenge to date. It's estimated that each year 100 million sharks are killed worldwide, and Gordon wants to find out if the slaughter is really necessary. Sharks are both terrifying and beautiful, but experts believe overfishing is threatening to drive a third of the world's open ocean shark species to extinction. Incredibly, some of the most threatened species remain untouched by international fishing regulations. What Gordon discovers on his journey leads him to campaign against the brutal and destructive shark fishing industry.

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Most popular comments
for Gordon Ramsey: Shark Bait

JorEl - 6 years ago
“There are more fins than there are sharks”

Well yes gordon, because 1 shark will have multiple fins on them lol
Hans Veerapatren
Hans Veerapatren - 6 years ago
Am not being racist but chinese/asian people have no concern to living organisms whatsoever.. man that's outrageous and heartbreaking ... i have no words to qualify my dispair.. #stopsharkmasacre
Sandy Hilligoss
Sandy Hilligoss - 6 years ago
Man I hope he had some bodyguards with him while filming. I was so nervous watching this. He's in a foreign country and trying to mess with their way of making money. So dangerous. I love Gordon for his way of researching the culture and everything about it before making his decision.
Dxync - 6 years ago
One question in this video... how the hell did they manage to catch a great white
Hitsoka - 6 years ago
DJ_URBAN_BG - 6 years ago
stupid people , dont even give a fuck about the animals .. we dont deserve to live on this planet anymore
TheRaptorZoid _
TheRaptorZoid _ - 6 years ago
This is a nightmare
No seriously
Joel Collings
Joel Collings - 6 years ago
gordon ramsey is amazing
irin munroe
irin munroe - 6 years ago
This is not right man

10. comment for Gordon Ramsey: Shark Bait

Young Penny
Young Penny - 6 years ago
I Know For Sure That Gordon Is Not A Bad Person, Nor A Cracker, But Dude Just Imagine Those Asians Having Flashbacks, Being Filmed & Policed & Judged Based On Their Culture & What They Choose To Eat & How They Live. Sadly Most White People Will Never Understand Unless It Happens To Them.
Young Penny
Young Penny - 6 years ago
I Love Gordon, But Dude How You Go To Asia And Tell Them To Not Eat Fish From Their Own Water? Sharks Are Just Another Fish, I'm A Vegetarian, But If We Use This Approach Then Eventually Everyone Will Starve Because Even Some Plants Are Endangered. Asians Should Be Proud Of Their Culture & Keep Doing What They Want. Not What Other People Think Especially Not Brits Or Us Americans When It Comes To Opinions On Culture.
ellie9311 - 6 years ago
I really hope we have banned it in the UK and I hope we can do something about it and banned it for good before we lose this amazing, magnificent creatures who outlived the Dinosaurs
Noha Haggag
Noha Haggag - 6 years ago
Stop eating shark fin soup
radiofun232 - 6 years ago
Hi Gordon, the best survey that you ever did!
Goffin-dewalt drinks
Goffin-dewalt drinks - 6 years ago
This is sad we are destroying the marine ecosystem for what something that tastes like broth
Shanna Sweger
Shanna Sweger - 6 years ago
Thank you Gordon Ramsay
Bel Homme
Bel Homme - 6 years ago
Great job Gordon. You should investigate to reveal how Japan kills big amount of whales each year in name of scientifc study too. We should work together to stop all these.
Felix Fischer
Felix Fischer - 6 years ago
The way the sharks are abused honestly makes me sick
Mojo - 6 years ago
Asians are barbaric. They will do to the rest of us what they did to those sharks if we let them. Think of what they did to tigers already.

20. comment for Gordon Ramsey: Shark Bait

LockeNess Motorsports
LockeNess Motorsports - 6 years ago
The guy at 25 minutes someone needs to cut his arms and legs off and toss the cunt over board
Erin McGraw
Erin McGraw - 6 years ago
Someone needs to regulate the shark and whaling industry. Especially ALL of the asian markets. So much useless and wasted killing of these magnificent creatures. How CRUEL!!!! Makes me SICK to see so many people actively doing this with absolutely NO consideration to life. Its VERY VERY SAD!!
ScottJohnCaile - 6 years ago
Shark Fin Soup still being sold here in Australia.
Qyngali - 6 years ago
Sickening. that's all I'm going to say.
E Kramer2
E Kramer2 - 6 years ago
Good going Gordon.
Review Central
Review Central - 6 years ago
Lots of Chuna
Monika Adamova
Monika Adamova - 6 years ago
Chinese ?? They eat fucking everything they see !!! fuckinghell do they also eat shit ??
doberman2374 - 6 years ago
You know shits fucked when Gordon fucking Ramsay has to speak up about it
Scarab king XzX
Scarab king XzX - 6 years ago
I like sharks and i disagree qith finning but im not gonna blame one race for something cause they arent thw only ones that do it and i really cant blame them for fallowing where the mpney goes
Scarab king XzX
Scarab king XzX - 6 years ago
Ok ive commented under comments now time to watch some butthurt racist start some shit

30. comment for Gordon Ramsey: Shark Bait

A b
A b - 6 years ago
I love gordon ramsay
Br1aNn8 - 6 years ago
Gordon, release your rage and anger now. From all those kitchen nightmares episodes.
Br1aNn8 - 6 years ago
17:09 waiting Ramsay to parkour himself up there.
Br1aNn8 - 6 years ago
Some of these “shark fins” aren’t even real, in the stores like Gordon saw, that huge one was from a fish..
Br1aNn8 - 6 years ago
I like sharks, their cool, I’ve touched dolphins, fish, and gentle sharks.
Br1aNn8 - 6 years ago
I imagine Ramsay running into a restaurant with shark fin soup and then saying, “ITS BLaND”
Br1aNn8 - 6 years ago
It’s hard to tell if the lady in the beginning was truthful when she said ther is only one species...
cynran gamer
cynran gamer - 6 years ago
Crocodile is the second oldest animal?

The oldest is shark?
EX3 Mema
EX3 Mema - 6 years ago
The least they could do to keep the population up is to not kill babies.
Scarab king XzX
Scarab king XzX - 6 years ago
EX3 Mema no not the shark the asians
EX3 Mema
EX3 Mema - 6 years ago
Scarab king XzX what do you mean? If you’re talking about species of shark then they are definitely not overpopulated.
Scarab king XzX
Scarab king XzX - 6 years ago
EX3 Mema arent they overpopulated
gage white
gage white - 6 years ago
I adore Ramsay's way of showing how much people take advantage of this way of life and I wish I could meet him and get his 100% of his life persepshon on the topic
1jviezy - 6 years ago
I cried and clapped. Literally. Looking into my phone, tears rolling down my face. I clapped! Thank you so much Gordon!
Orane Cassanova
Orane Cassanova - 6 years ago
Those countries are fucked up!!!!!!!
Gurza - 6 years ago
Not to undermine the subject matter, but I feel they missed an opportunity by not making the intro and outro theme Deepest Bluest by LL Cool J - "My hat is like a shark's fin!"
Hydr4 Gaming
Hydr4 Gaming - 6 years ago
They don’t care because they are stupid
Saiyan Says
Saiyan Says - 6 years ago
Unless they are willing to farm shark... it should be banned
Scarlet Everett
Scarlet Everett - 6 years ago
I'm just glad that here in the Philippines didn't do that kind of monstrosity..

Watching these baby sharks getting butchered and didn't get the chance to live happily makes my heart break and my faith in humanity is already limited..
Quinn Gilliland
Quinn Gilliland - 6 years ago
My parents always said monsters don’t exist. What a fucking lie that was. It’s acts of cruelty like this that makes me wish I could push the big red button. The sooner humanity wipes itself out the sooner Earth can start healing.
Jaiden Daniels
Jaiden Daniels - 6 years ago
I know it’s probably not but it looks a little staged
Da Screamer
Da Screamer - 6 years ago
The U.S needs to invade them and set a law for over fishing. They seem to have gone mad over in that country about it. They seem too stupid over there to realize if they wipe out a very important species, how devastating it will be not only to the environment but the entire world and for humanity.
Da Screamer
Da Screamer - 6 years ago
Scarab king XzX China is going to cause WWIII cuz of their ignorance to the ecosystem.
Scarab king XzX
Scarab king XzX - 6 years ago
Da Screamer so you want to start another war because they qont go down peacefully
Tyson Ly
Tyson Ly - 6 years ago
All anyone ever cares about is money. When the world starts to break, and these kind of industries start to crumble, I'd be happy to see the people who do this fall, even if it means they're doing it for their family to survive. I actually want sharks to go extinct to see this industry fall down, sadly.

50. comment for Gordon Ramsey: Shark Bait

Shanna Sweger
Shanna Sweger - 6 years ago
Gordon Ramsay single-handedly saved the ocean's ecosystem and essentially mankind.
Lisa Hayman
Lisa Hayman - 6 years ago
what people do is so disappointing and stupid and crule !
Shanna Sweger
Shanna Sweger - 6 years ago
15:50 broke my heart
TSI_Screens_TSI 2K
TSI_Screens_TSI 2K - 6 years ago
Now thats one heck of a well educated chef he really care about the future
I like cheesecake
I like cheesecake - 6 years ago
Just when I thought my Ramsay binge watching was finally done, I find this shit
Wild Boi Al
Wild Boi Al - 6 years ago
Why would anyone want to eat a shark or just a fin. I bet like crawfish they like the spices it's cooked in more than the product itself.
Enduro Pro
Enduro Pro - 6 years ago
Is there an update on this problem
WhenItCounts - 6 years ago
Looks like a fish tail lol
Versez One
Versez One - 6 years ago
Finning should be illegal.
Fuck these people doing this shit, they should be strung up and fucking shot
Locke117 - 6 years ago
I wish I could help. I just don't have the money........
Aaronatorguy main
Aaronatorguy main - 6 years ago
China, stop it with the shark fins. Go back with cats and dogs, because frankly even though I love these animals, they are overpopulated.
Josh_pie - 6 years ago
That Chinese woman who showed Gordon what type of shark the fin in his hand was from.. Was totally attractive. Yummy
David Gilde
David Gilde - 6 years ago
I've seen fishermen finning sharks.. its God awful.. especially since shark is actually very tasty meat.. but they take too many at once. Its horrible.
David Gilde
David Gilde - 6 years ago
I grew up loving sharks as well.. had posters everywhere, books, movies and love shark weeks.
Unicorns. Rainbows
Unicorns. Rainbows - 6 years ago
Why don't you eat chicken noodle soup,instead of shark fin soup?Anybody,Anybody?
Mike Waves
Mike Waves - 6 years ago
Governments need to stand up and learn some respect.
Unicorns. Rainbows
Unicorns. Rainbows - 6 years ago
There was whales now there's sharks,What else are there,Squids? Not to be rude
Bailey Warner
Bailey Warner - 6 years ago
Why would somebody eat shark fins or shark fin soup the shark fin Is literally just cartilage
Akshat Ghoshal
Akshat Ghoshal - 6 years ago
731 People who disliked this are shark finners
11 22
11 22 - 6 years ago
60 billion land animals are breed and slaughtered every year and nobody cares. But when some sharks are finned or dogs are eaten it’s a tragedy)))
This can all be stopped, if people switch to whole plant based food.
Scarab king XzX
Scarab king XzX - 6 years ago
11 22 no offense i wont do that but i do care about animals love them and u do make a good point so this comment was useless (my comment)
Jhone Carter
Jhone Carter - 6 years ago
We gotta make a difference
ST.Steven Fuchihara
ST.Steven Fuchihara - 6 years ago
That's not sad it's horribly wrong and sad really really sad.
Furious 454
Furious 454 - 6 years ago
In this mean time not only in China, but in Okinawa Japan they kill sharks and don't eat them. Look guys (Vice Channel) > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3UpAGRJ9XM
Jeatherlyy - 6 years ago
If y’all would’ve finned the shark, why can eat the other parts of the shark??
Weeaboos Hunter
Weeaboos Hunter - 6 years ago
It requires an international ban
The Predictable Gamer
The Predictable Gamer - 6 years ago
That’s the thing. Countries like them have a terrible system. They aren’t told in school how serious it is when animals go extinct Ect ect, which is most likely the reason they see finning normal and not dangerous.

Just terrible how they’re so oblivious they are to this. I just hope one day they’ll soon put a stop to this. Also such a shame to see a great white fin on the market... that’s one less in the ocean :/

Urgh just fucking realise that you’re making sharks go extinct!!! You deluded fucks. There is better food than shark.

I ain’t no vegan or vegetarian but I can’t stand the taste of fish and I’m rather glad due to how polluted our oceans are these days.

We’re too much of a dominant species and I think it’s time just to move planets and let the rest of the life on earth to roam free. Like we just lost a species of rhino and sharks are next. Put and end to this or I’ll make my ass a nuke and sort u out my self. Ashamed of you sick cunts. Just eat sand. You don’t deserve to live.
T̵h̶e̴G̵a̸s̶M̵a̴s̴k̶m̵a̶n̷ •
T̵h̶e̴G̵a̸s̶M̵a̴s̴k̶m̵a̶n̷ • - 6 years ago
The only words I can think of to describe this is evil
Dave Lol
Dave Lol - 6 years ago
I am not an expert on this but isn’t that rather the equivalent of eating skin
patrick cross
patrick cross - 6 years ago
Dave Lol skin and cartilage yes. Pointless.
Damien L
Damien L - 6 years ago
That man is so fucking legendary. What a brilliant fucking balsy motherfucker.
Aaron Gorton
Aaron Gorton - 6 years ago
oceans are already damaged massively thanks to fuckishima
i dote
i dote - 6 years ago
these people rely on shark fin for business, you cant just convince them with a stupid slideshow....that would be like peta telling gordon to shutdown his restaurant because of the inhumane treatment cattle have to go through before getting turned into meat
i dote
i dote - 6 years ago
cmon...pigs, cows and chickens go through way more worse treatment , and gordon also has no problem with veal(baby cow) but all of a sudden has a problem with shark fin ?
flyindevil - 6 years ago
"pigs, cows and chickens go through way more worse treatment" You are delusional.
Kenneth LaRosh
Kenneth LaRosh - 6 years ago
His approach is smart, but it will never fully work. These people need to be assassinated and slaughtered
GrobliasTheGreedy Bastard
GrobliasTheGreedy Bastard - 6 years ago
I have a plan that would be much help but its gruesome nuke the china or japan whatever the big country is -2 bil people so we have more land and resources and the factories in there stop making the climate change and endangered species of many things stop dying out but the anime numbers would drop alot or the china starts to make an antidote that kills humans because its poison full of its body but doesnt kill sharks the baby hammer head was still alive i would have gone to a place where there are sharks protected by greedy and moronic humans
Scarab king XzX
Scarab king XzX - 6 years ago
GrobliasTheGreedy Bastard ill give you that and sorry hard to tell who is joking and who arent behind the screen
GrobliasTheGreedy Bastard
GrobliasTheGreedy Bastard - 6 years ago
i was joking dude the anime is quite good but too many loli magic girl animes are popin up
Scarab king XzX
Scarab king XzX - 6 years ago
GrobliasTheGreedy Bastard what?!? If we nuked them everything including the resources would be gone and the animals and the waste from the bomb would leave an impact on the sea surrounding it your just causing more damage
Jason Sim
Jason Sim - 6 years ago
They are not caring the enviormont shark can be uae but they are so cruel
Zac Kawhe
Zac Kawhe - 6 years ago
Chinese and japanese have no respect for the oceans . Fucking cunts
Tofu and Beans K
Tofu and Beans K - 6 years ago
The soup ... is really delicious if it tasted bad i dont think they’ll eat it.
Ps4 badger 808
Ps4 badger 808 - 6 years ago
William Cutrell
William Cutrell - 6 years ago
asain people the worst thing to happen to the ocean .
deleted android
deleted android - 6 years ago
That's fucked up why would u hunt something that basically keeps the ocean from becoming fucked up
Absolute Fool
Absolute Fool - 6 years ago
Alright I’ve got a new personal hero and his name is Gordon Ramsay
iN3ff4BL3 - 6 years ago
I feel sick. This level of cruelty is incomprehensible to me. The lack of conservation and regulatory oversight is infuriating.
TerpeneProfile - 6 years ago
The dead baby hammerhead pissed me off and broke my heart.
Dan - 6 years ago
Fucking gooks
Marcus Stormm
Marcus Stormm - 6 years ago
God have mercy on man for the atrocities we’ve committed to the animals in our charge, though he shouldn’t.
Fírnen The Green Dragon
Fírnen The Green Dragon - 6 years ago
Wow, maybe that is why sharks hate humans...
jandnoc - 6 years ago
I'm surprised he didn't get shot. The place where he found them drying looked hella sketchy.
muskie hunter
muskie hunter - 6 years ago
Sharks are friends not food
your mom
your mom - 6 years ago
oh my fucking god
how fucking horrendous
i can't believe these stupid fishermen who don't even understand the dangers of what they're doing the thing that fucking disturbed me the most was the butchering of the live shark!!!!!
Wormy - 6 years ago
I'd love to have a look into the mind of great chefs. When they see anything, do they just think 'What could I make of this?'
Now that might sound strange, but it's an artist's mindset and in essence, cooks that really create their own dishes ARE artists.

100. comment for Gordon Ramsey: Shark Bait

Cheese Curl 190
Cheese Curl 190 - 6 years ago
Saul HC
Saul HC - 6 years ago
Lol Gordon Ramsey: shark bait
Leonardo Soto
Leonardo Soto - 6 years ago
D W - 6 years ago
Fuck me , it wouldn't be so much of a shame if someone blew that port up
First Last
First Last - 6 years ago
"No bowl of soup is worth that" amen brother
Adrian Zapata
Adrian Zapata - 6 years ago
People only care about money these days
Adrian Zapata
Adrian Zapata - 6 years ago
That shit is so fucked up smh
Cookiestealer3297 - 6 years ago
This is the dark side of humanity. “Why are you eating shark fin soup?” “Because it is good.” That is fucking sick dude. Doesn’t even take the time think about what it is doing to the sharks.
Brittany Taylor
Brittany Taylor - 6 years ago
This made me wanna cry
Raffy Almendras
Raffy Almendras - 6 years ago
They fish illegally not in their territory but to other territory. chinese people doesnt care about what could happen in the future as long as they earn big money. worst mentality ever.
Scarab king XzX
Scarab king XzX - 6 years ago
Some chinese*
Gordon Chan
Gordon Chan - 6 years ago
they should use drones to shoot
Ryuri Angelica
Ryuri Angelica - 6 years ago
Wow..Gordon is fearless
VINCENT HE - 6 years ago
Such immocent fools why would they kill endanger animal
The Game Alex
The Game Alex - 6 years ago
You got a pen or pencil?
lopez l
lopez l - 6 years ago
fuckin Asian people is sick
Japanese eating off the tuna
Chinese the shark WTF
Weeaboos Hunter
Weeaboos Hunter - 6 years ago
tuna is acceptable, they reproduce far faster
TheMegaelectronic - 6 years ago
Why dont you just farm the sharks???? Clearly it would be worth it. Such a lucrative business.
Panagiotis Kolofotias
Panagiotis Kolofotias - 6 years ago
First fucking time in my 19 years of life have i watched a straight 48 minute video without getting distracted or changing it.I was in awe.Gordon really is a good fucking guy and has huge balls to do this stuff with no self gain.The documentary itself was really informative and hit you right in the feels.Humans really would sacrifice anything for money.Ban this act all over the world.It's really fucking stupid and ignorant to torture these creatures and ruin their/our environment for the green.A lot of respect to this man,these restaurant owners,all the people that are supportive to the banning of this madness and last but not least the sharks themselves.
Haru Wu
Haru Wu - 6 years ago
Well if that is your reason to change chinese culture and save shark lifes then you should stop eating chicken and cow -.-
segafan93 - 6 years ago
Whites are the only people that care about ecology. Non-whites are scum.
Frustrated English
Frustrated English - 6 years ago
fuck those shark because i watched deep blue sea and jaws 1 2 3 , i hate shark because those sharks eat people ! im having shark fin soup now
Infinity Salinity
Infinity Salinity - 6 years ago
We're lucky the chinese don't have a Human dick soup in their traditional status recipes or humanity would be in serious risk of extinction right now.
Maximus The Champion
Maximus The Champion - 6 years ago
I mean, it's technically all cartilage, why would it have a taste?
Marcel Gilbert
Marcel Gilbert - 6 years ago
That sucks well u know them chinese ppl eat everything
david diehl
david diehl - 6 years ago
Simple solution SINK THE SHIPS catching them. Burn down the restaurants that serve them. Gut the people that eat it hang them in the butcher shops. Make it deadly to catch them.
Jamie Angel
Jamie Angel - 6 years ago
This reminds me of the way Europeans killed off the buffalo or the dodos for nothing, or how others kill the rhino for the horn etc. Its disgusting and I was not aware of this cruelty till this program. It is hurtful to think how widespread this is and hard to watch.
Jesus Esquivel
Jesus Esquivel - 6 years ago
We need to ban shark fishing in asia even if the asians do it for a living.they can go live like bums in the streets.fuck them for killing sharks the sharks do not get a chance to reproduce
Savagecharizardgamer and Vloger Of Awesome
Savagecharizardgamer and Vloger Of Awesome - 6 years ago
You spelled Ramsay wrong
God - 6 years ago
1 Like = 1 Shark Saved
Kale tunk
Kale tunk - 6 years ago
Damn asians! Totally lacking in intelligence! No thought in what they do! Burn thier boats and homes till they learn!
Dabi Games
Dabi Games - 6 years ago
Thats why animals go instinct
cus why?

THEKILLERBEETLE 47 - 6 years ago
Finning is just cruel if you're going to throw a living shark body back don't you know that sharks can't breathe when their not moving I have lost trust in humanity
Ken Pharaoh
Ken Pharaoh - 6 years ago
its just fish. no different from eating any other fish like tuna salmon and etc
Ink Bold
Ink Bold - 6 years ago
Boycott Taiwanese for shark hunting! Taiwanese aren't Chinese so don't get confused. Lmao.
Tien Pham
Tien Pham - 6 years ago
Bruh. Can someone PLEASE just get this over with and drop a ban on shark finning before sharks become extinct?
FedixTrolls Gaming
FedixTrolls Gaming - 6 years ago
HappySnap - 6 years ago
Yo donate money to sharktrust.org bros!!!! Let's destroy all these shark killers!!!
FacePalm99 - 6 years ago
Taiwan don't you mean Republic of China
Luisangel Aguilar
Luisangel Aguilar - 6 years ago
Damn he made a change
brandosavage - 6 years ago
This is sickening
Elaiza C.
Elaiza C. - 6 years ago
Toruk8Makto - 6 years ago
I admire this chef
Its Harmicidal
Its Harmicidal - 6 years ago
Those damn asian people fucking up populations again.
Ma Malek
Ma Malek - 6 years ago
This is what Chinese are doing, if you tell them not to do that, they won’t understand.
SherR - 6 years ago
probably, Thanos was right. those sharks :(
John Mala-ay
John Mala-ay - 6 years ago
No wonder China is hated.
danny vannoller
danny vannoller - 6 years ago
35:43 if it was me it wpould be the end of the line of their life as i feed them to the shark also if you think wouldnt be smarter just to raise them in a tank so you can mass breed and slaughter them beacase their your property now i dont agree with
danny vannoller
danny vannoller - 6 years ago
my uncle has actually cut shark finning lines
Emery Hall
Emery Hall - 6 years ago
WOOHAHA--oh sorry am I the (ten) thousandth person to make that joke
GalaxyGamer 360
GalaxyGamer 360 - 6 years ago
I have no words this is cruel cruel cruel cruel this is messed up THEASE ANIMALS ARE ALIVE!
DeerDown99 - 6 years ago
Of the make a wish foundation. Anyone who sees this should do the same or what they can to help.
DeerDown99 - 6 years ago
You sir are an inspiration to thousands for what you did for the children
Wolf Rider2006
Wolf Rider2006 - 6 years ago
I mean 32:00
Wolf Rider2006
Wolf Rider2006 - 6 years ago
Go to 32.00
Jay T
Jay T - 6 years ago
This is way more interesting than vice today.
DarknoorX - 6 years ago
Saudi Arabia alone kills young sharks in masses
brian self
brian self - 6 years ago
Taiwan is such a garbage country
Sup Boy
Sup Boy - 6 years ago
I think whoever eats sharks should have their limbs cut off while they're still alive and fed to them
Melissa cernauskas
Melissa cernauskas - 6 years ago
I want all people to die this is why people don't deserve animal I think all people who do this to animals should be the one who geting killed and bleed I want all of them to die and killed like them animals if you die im haveing you legs cut off
7th.archer - 6 years ago
Asian people like to raid everything.leave nothing.take the small fishes too .i see it when i go fishing..
Randy Butler
Randy Butler - 6 years ago
This is awesome
TheLeftyGamer - 6 years ago
I love the fact that Gordon’s so straight rave to the chinese neighborhood xD
may Allen
may Allen - 6 years ago
These people eat anything they dont care sad.
jack daniels
jack daniels - 6 years ago
no one speaks english.. you are at there home.. not a tourist attraction.. you want an inside peek to there culture and speak to them, then learn there language.. understand there beliefs and culture and talk to them with respect and they will open up to you but you expect them to speak english and show you everything to a rude, uncultured ignorant chef then moan like a child.. only judge them not show them respect and complain about them being inhumain but boil lobsters alive! the irony is insane, yes there not indangered but is anything a worse way of death compared to relatively quick beheading.. i could go on forever but who will listen when lobsters part of our culture so we can make excuses to slaughter them but judge other cultures!
jack daniels
jack daniels - 6 years ago
what a prick.. such little respect for the peoples restaurant.. its there birthday and he rudely barges in and belittles you! then he tricks the waiter to speak to the vips.. how little respect for the people paying alot of money to enjoy there food in peace, its not there problem so why hassle then! deal with the problem in hand not hassle the people whos culture it’s ingrained in, get governments to call a ban but dont be a cunt gordon like you always act like, you are not ross kemp, you boil lobsters alive yet cutting a fin off then thrrowinf the shark back ALIVE is baaad! your ethics are always so twisted..
VuRdEx - 6 years ago
Does no body realize this video is in 2011
ANDREW THE BOSS - 6 years ago
Bru chill just listen to OcEaN mAn
Lacey Harvey
Lacey Harvey - 6 years ago
I know a lot of people have seen Gordon Ramsey as a huge dick, but he isn’t. He’s the most passionate and well respected man and he should be seen far more differently. His concerns and reaching out to show people that these things people are doing? Is wrong and should be stopped and banned all over the world. Cause he quotes “no shark is worth killing for a soup” I’m proud to watch all his shows and take time to realize that he’s more then what people think he’s known for. I too voted for his champagne. No animal is worth being abused for self gain or money.
Kemp Dog
Kemp Dog - 6 years ago
fuck hes got balls
Angus MACDONALD - 6 years ago
In Australia it’s illegal to take grey nurse and great white sharks and big finds happen
Elvis Pereira
Elvis Pereira - 6 years ago
Sturgin are mostly used for caviar
thescarpface - 6 years ago
i hate those fucking asians assholes i have no respect for them killing a shark take his fins a throw all the body away to make a fucking soupe this is the most crucial disturbing and discuting hartless shit i ever seen i magine what you could have done in the world war i dont blame USA for nuking you 2 times probably you had to be exterminated
Scarab king XzX
Scarab king XzX - 6 years ago
So why not bomb the Europeans. Just sayin they did make the dodo (a peaceful bird) extinct
Xxcorix Xx
Xxcorix Xx - 6 years ago
ANDREW THE BOSS i agree but that’s japan
ANDREW THE BOSS - 6 years ago
Then they will make dogs extinct
ANDREW THE BOSS - 6 years ago
TONGAN WARRIOR like heroshima
Seno Aji Nugroho
Seno Aji Nugroho - 6 years ago
Like i kniw that not every chinese people like the fisherman but cant you just imagine you had a kid and someone cut their leg and hands and just leave em on the street suffering like this is madness i wish i could kill those bastards
Nolan Ruotsala
Nolan Ruotsala - 6 years ago
Let's get out of here before we get shot
Noises - 6 years ago
Seems to me if we want to stop shark finning, we need to chop the arms off asian fishermen and the government officials who let it happen :)
What, does that sound cruel or something? Cry me a fucking river.
Angel Guerra
Angel Guerra - 6 years ago
Chinese People are so rude
Angel Guerra
Angel Guerra - 6 years ago
Why do people kill sharks?
Sofia Fender
Sofia Fender - 6 years ago
That baby hammerhead shark, and seeing those fins being dried up, fills my mind with quite violent thoughts, honestly. What is more frustrating than ignorant, selfish and cruel creature who calls himself human. Ramsay did amazing for not just.. I don't know, start a small war or something
Sofia Fender
Sofia Fender - 6 years ago
Many times mr Ramsay has driven me mad but this is just gold. Really good job sir!
Duale Faisalfarah
Duale Faisalfarah - 6 years ago
i dont know whats so special about shark fins
indaystocome - 6 years ago
Humans once again fucking it up for everyone. It's people like Gordon who will change this, he is high profile others will listen to him more.
David Capps
David Capps - 6 years ago
Gordon rocks. I hope he helps to make an impact on this ridiculous and barbaric stupidity. We"re killing our planet and too stupid to know what the eventual outcome will be.
Naomi Lopez
Naomi Lopez - 6 years ago
Im going to kill those people of what they done to shark at least I would kiss it sad even they are scarry they have a life image you as a shark what would it feel
Cosmic Fishy
Cosmic Fishy - 6 years ago
How did I get to watching ROBLOX to this lol
Jeanne Nilsson
Jeanne Nilsson - 6 years ago
we could stop eating it in Every country! I Never had it, never will!
705 GOMEZ - 6 years ago
Im starting to believe that these Taiwanese people and other people across the world serving this dish are doing this illegaly due to how secretive they dont want to talk about it
Gabby ROBLOX - 6 years ago
FYI, it's RamsAy
SS WAVE - 6 years ago
His daughter has shark dildos too
Rubio Carlos
Rubio Carlos - 6 years ago
Gordon...I love you.
Big Boi Bill
Big Boi Bill - 6 years ago
Im gonna go around cutting off chinese cunts arms and legs and see how they like it
Big Boi Bill
Big Boi Bill - 6 years ago
Fuck me if i was gordan i would be throwing punches at these cunts
Mocha Squad
Mocha Squad - 6 years ago
Viu pi cho?
Rowen Edward
Rowen Edward - 6 years ago
He is very lucky though he didnt encounter the mafia controlling thes business..
Noah Hill
Noah Hill - 6 years ago
Chinese are rude as fuck. to hell with them, do they think we are stupid?
the market women, the up his ass waiter, the corrupt postmaster. the people throwing benzin from the rooftop. i've eaten sharkmeat i caught its one of the best fishes i.ve eaten, whats there fucking problem so wasteful.
martin choi
martin choi - 6 years ago
thank you for doing this
Mathew Terry
Mathew Terry - 6 years ago
Japanese are fucking stupid sometimes
Salad Boi
Salad Boi - 6 years ago
Insert intellectual discussion here
Kristina Mitchell
Kristina Mitchell - 6 years ago
glad he cares somewhat about animals, watching him makes me forget sometimes that he has a compassionate side
Craig L
Craig L - 6 years ago
he should've gotten a local to translate cuz the ppl over there obviously do not trust westerners
「AoW」 Potatoees
「AoW」 Potatoees - 6 years ago
i love how so many people on earth are so fucking retarded (maybe 2 billion people aren’t retarded so maybe 5 billion shits are retarded as fuck)
edit: i’m asian i’m disappointed in us
John Liu
John Liu - 6 years ago
Those stupid people don’t realize that in about like 10 years the shark species cud be extinct
Beverly Rios
Beverly Rios - 6 years ago
At the end of the vid I totaly forgot they were talking about shark fin soup
Fun - 6 years ago
Fucking savages
Guthix Guthix
Guthix Guthix - 6 years ago
If only I had super powers, I could bring justice to those in charge of this abomination to the culinary arts.
Jb88 - 6 years ago
wow, human beings really are a pathetic creature.
mentos mint
mentos mint - 6 years ago
Me gusta la idea que trates de ayudar. A estos hijos de toda su puta madre.
Lemontarts01 - 6 years ago
I wanna eat shark not the FIN the SHARK wtf man fin wont even fill me up looks so small
eddie dejito
eddie dejito - 6 years ago
Lovely Gordon Ramsay god bless more power..
JJ Plays
JJ Plays - 6 years ago
What the actual fuck is wrong with people
Jimmy H
Jimmy H - 6 years ago
Stupid Chinese mother fuckers
Morty Smith
Morty Smith - 6 years ago
There’s a ratio of one micro plastic for every two plankton in the ocean water. We fucked the world.
Stephen Yalbir
Stephen Yalbir - 6 years ago
Someone should take the people doing this and cut off their limbs and let them flop on the floor in agony of until they die
ron johnson
ron johnson - 6 years ago
watching this made me so fucking angery.
Charles Harwood
Charles Harwood - 6 years ago
Isn't the Mercury from the fish sharks eat stored in the fin
Jameson Dymond
Jameson Dymond - 6 years ago
Charles Harwood I’m pretty sure the highest concentration is in the stomach because they get the mercury from the fish they eat
TheCosplayhouse - 6 years ago
I know its 2018 but fuck I hope that those fuckers that butcherd those hammerheads have been hanged.
Mik Mok
Mik Mok - 6 years ago
Nature is going to throw a big ass predator our way (probably actually a disease) to wipe out a good chunk of humankind because of the intensive rate we’re killing everything.
TheKekoaRecruit - 6 years ago
In Hawaii we believe that each family is protected by a spiritual guardian, much like a guardian angel, but in Hawaiian culture, it's an animal. These guardians are called "Amakua." My family's specific Amakua is the Tiger Shark. No matter how much you pay me I will never eat shark.
Laimonas Milašius
Laimonas Milašius - 6 years ago
18:10 lmao you hav no swag just 360- build up a ramp and quik skop em with rare pump lol take dem shark fin loot
Teknobliz - 6 years ago
British or england steal diamond In Afrika that cruelty
Teknobliz - 6 years ago
Freeport and USA steal gold In every country of the World and kill many People In indonesia
Brandon Adams
Brandon Adams - 6 years ago
That is fucking cruel and humane
der Karpfenprinz
der Karpfenprinz - 6 years ago
Dan Best
Dan Best - 6 years ago
Asians have alot to answer for
Scarab king XzX
Scarab king XzX - 6 years ago
Since we're generalizing a whole race to answer for something then whats the answer from whites? Ofc not all of them there are alot of cool white peiple but a few can spoil tge bunch
Dan Best
Dan Best - 6 years ago
ANDREW THE BOSS they're sick nearly as bad as isis
Nikolas Stancu
Nikolas Stancu - 6 years ago
Humans need to go extinct.
Infinity Salinity
Infinity Salinity - 6 years ago
Just invent human dick soup in China and that's job done.
James Smooth
James Smooth - 6 years ago
This is hard to watch
Odyssa Marie Padojinog
Odyssa Marie Padojinog - 6 years ago
my respect to you chef Gordon. God bless you and your family.
Jody LeCompte
Jody LeCompte - 6 years ago
I've never had shark fin, but I have eaten stingray fins and the flavor was not bad at all. Very mild white fish meat taste; but you could tell you were eating a wing if that makes sense. The texture just wasn't good for me.
Samantha Javenfeldt
Samantha Javenfeldt - 6 years ago
The sad part is that illegal finning will always continue through the use of private docks and similiar methods, especially in countries where it's easy to buy the local authorities. But the more people stop consuming it, the less demand there will be. I just wish all animal cruelty like this would stop, in all industry areas. If you're using one piece of the animal, use the rest. There is so much that can be done with fur, meat, blood and bones. Waste not, want not.
Crislolzlolz turtles
Crislolzlolz turtles - 6 years ago
It's just so cruel to the shark because they're even killing the baby sharks and they cut their fins while still bloody alive
Nabil rana
Nabil rana - 6 years ago
There is a limit to everything. When something is endangered thats a sign from God. Some ppl are just way too ignorant to understand.
Tristi - 6 years ago
They're just fish, brainless killers. But yeah, sucks for the eco system
TheArchetypes - 6 years ago
This is so sad. Gordon is such an inspiration and a great figure.
RC Codes
RC Codes - 6 years ago
i find it hysterical how cynical and hypocritical he is... take a look at his menus, visit some of the deer farms his venison comes from, lets se.... or quail etc.... i bet he loves that leather in his audi.. get over yourself.
Ethan Brewerton
Ethan Brewerton - 6 years ago
So you would be happy to let this go ahead??
Will Rayne MC
Will Rayne MC - 6 years ago
They just don't care...is it cultural? I've been to many other countries in my life, lived in a few for months at a time. It seems those cultures that are not western, just don't care about what they do to animals, and can't understand why anyone would.
Yudcrazy - 6 years ago
he is so brave approaching the illegal spots..... you know.. some people there have the potential to take "extreme" measures to "shut" Ramsay down to prevent leaking information if you know what i mean.... Ramsay sure has adamantium balls
Rigbbby - 6 years ago
i hope that one day a fucking shark eats all the people on the boat
Vixon 707
Vixon 707 - 6 years ago
If I were on that boat I would have chucked every body off the boat and saved all the sharks
Vixon 707
Vixon 707 - 6 years ago
Did anyone else cry seeing the hammerhead shark getting de fined
CriticoolHit - 6 years ago
I know he said that was the most horrific shit he'd seen but that's only because he hasn't seen the Korean dog videos yet.

Now that's some fucked up shit.
Genius Goblin
Genius Goblin - 6 years ago
Fucking disgusting people. Zero humanity. Pathetic, backward society.
AHeroAlmost - 6 years ago
Ramsay is the correct spelling not to knit pick....brilliant documentary thanks for uploading. .
buffalo - 6 years ago
fuck china
jack chan
jack chan - 6 years ago
SwedishBrew: The Best Brew
SwedishBrew: The Best Brew - 6 years ago
i wont eat in a resturang that serves this. its fucking insane and inhumane.
Brian Bmo Morgan
Brian Bmo Morgan - 6 years ago
Man id love to beat the shit out of that shark finner on the laptop footage
Ray Thompson
Ray Thompson - 6 years ago
I totally agree with Gordon. I believe these people are ashamed of the shark fishing and if they aren’t, they should be.
Golden Clips
Golden Clips - 6 years ago
Fuck man some people are sick for doing this
harrybob123456789 - 6 years ago
Sharks should not be used for food especially just the fins, wasting 95% of a beautiful sea creature Is pointless and don't see why It's even on the market
AgentN - 6 years ago
The fishing industry has it coming for them
Now organic, free range meat is catching on
Organic sustainable fishing will be next
I hope it happens a soon as possible
MlgCookieYT - 6 years ago
I wish I could smack one shark fin people in the face!!!!!!!
Courtz - 6 years ago
I think don't understand until they see it personally. I'm glad the restaurant owners took a stand. Thank you to all of them. I hope people will protect the shark like the Chinese government protect their pandas.
Rebecca Salcido
Rebecca Salcido - 6 years ago
Thank you so much for helping to protect all of the sharks in this world. When I was watching this I was devastated and I felt horrible for these sharks, the way that they gunned sharks would be like going through surgery without any numbing cream and them cutting off all of your limbs. Thank you for putting a stop to this crime of cruelty! I love sharks so much and what you did to stop this meant a lot for me and a lot of other people. You have opened all of our hearts to sharks and keeping them safe. Just because of you Gordon sharks can live for more than just a century. I have more respect for you than I ever had before! And thank you for convincing the restaurant owners to put shark fin soup out of their menu. I was crying when I saw the finning happen and when I saw that they took it off their menu o was screaming and jumping for joy. So thank you Gordon Ramsey for everything you have done!! You have just saved thousands of shark lives because you had the guts to confront the owners and the companies and thank you for not giving up all those times they rejected you. And shame to all of you people who still are finning illegally, all of those sharks do NOT deserve to be tortured in such a cruel way! Thanks again Gordon for making a difference in the world and helping to put an end to this terrible terrible way to fin sharks. I have so much respect for you so thank you so much! And I hope the shark population goes up again very soon and all shark finning is put to an end!! Once and for all!!
Bronwen Sarjantson
Bronwen Sarjantson - 6 years ago
I'm so disappointed in these countries do they want theses poor thing to go instinct!!?
Lighsaber Lord P373
Lighsaber Lord P373 - 6 years ago
Why do Taiwanese people hate Gordon Ramsay?
Yeetmister - 6 years ago
Anyone else get the feeling like those people are assholes the shark killers and should be shown how it feels to be stripped of arms and legs and put in the water for the fact of how bad they are hurting the community
Ingrid du Preez
Ingrid du Preez - 6 years ago
Eish. Gordon. You are PART of the problem. You believe in, and eat and use fish and other sea animals; you YOURSELF, therefore helping to CAUSE this hungering of the sharks and other sea animals! REMOVE yourself from this ENTIRE industry, as well as the land animals animal husbandry, and be in the COMPASSION business! Indeed. Please go PLANT-BASED! Go VEGAN! This is the COMPASSIONATE way to go! AMEN!
Piper - 6 years ago
Wow alot of racism towards a culture that not all of them are involved in
So to all your sand eaters nig nogs
Turban warriors, and vegan pricks go take your family and swim with the sharks rather than typing your abuse on a youtube video
Slaughter Evil
Slaughter Evil - 6 years ago
Not only that..... the oceans are floating with plastic and sewage, so therefore fishes will die so sharks will starve , and this is disgusting to watch. Sharks are my fav animal and damn it hurts to see them go extinct.
Jonathan Hernandez
Jonathan Hernandez - 6 years ago
I love sharks. I would be a shark if I could
GrimReaper - 6 years ago
Fucking China is so ignorant and clueless. Why the fuck is China so fucking fucked up in the head. Gordon gained my respect. Big respect Gordon.
Saleh Ahmed
Saleh Ahmed - 6 years ago
Gordon should give the people of taiwan something to switch from shark fin soup to.
madmanmapper - 6 years ago
There's SO much money in this industry, I feel like somebody would've attempted farming sharks. I mean, it's not far fetched. Find a species with the best fin to body ratio, selectively breed it for biggest fins, bam. Problem solved.
St. Louis Critic
St. Louis Critic - 6 years ago
Gordon when it comes to money SPEAK USA terms , please
Susanne Roberts
Susanne Roberts - 6 years ago
St. Louis Critic he's british. He thinks in british terms. Pounds are always worth more than Dollars, so a lot of pounds are even more dollars. A lot if the programs and shows he does are for a british audience. He won't change that just because you're too lazy to google the exchange rate
Ashton Henderson
Ashton Henderson - 6 years ago
hoo ha ha
xxxxxx - 6 years ago
..it´s a needing campain but when 80% of the restaurant owners say no to the soup, will the 20% sale it for the tripple price and customers will pay because they have no idea what they do and ignore the problem for there own ideology! That is the fact of a sad chineese traditional believes and behavior!
Catherine Yong
Catherine Yong - 6 years ago
they have so many in stock, why is it so pricey? .-.
Lava Pro
Lava Pro - 6 years ago
Now Thats a happy ending honestly I love sharks so much plus they are like bees or other animals or even humans be nice to them keep away from there properties and territory they will not attack you unless your the only source of food left for them and honestly sharks a real extremely beautiful and like what Gordon said about how if we remove sharks the environment will collapse that's absolutely true cause take jelly fish for example if I'm not mistaken only great white sharks eat them so imagine what will happen if all great white sharks died for a stupid bowl of soup jelly fish populations will increase by a lot and I mean a lot do you wanna live in a world where jelly fish are in every ocean in the world and with huge amounts I don't think so. And that's only great white sharks so I say stop killing sharks for some fins I ate a shark once not the fine never got close to that we bought it since it was there really tasted good plus it has lots of meat and is delicious so Stop please
darrian liang
darrian liang - 6 years ago
Ty very much I'm so sorry the my race r retards
darrian liang
darrian liang - 6 years ago
Ty gordaan
Ok Ok
Ok Ok - 6 years ago
WOW, amazing tour. maybe eat less animals altogether.
Lucky Luciano
Lucky Luciano - 6 years ago
Chinese are wired af when it comes to eating food. Dog and shark fins and live sea food
James Hughes
James Hughes - 6 years ago
Everybody should share this!
The Outdoorsmen
The Outdoorsmen - 6 years ago
this video upsets me as a hunter
Credence Clementine
Credence Clementine - 6 years ago
you know whats sad? only 4 of the 12 stopped. when you make $30+ profit on one item no businessman is going to stop for morality reasons. good on ramsay though.
TheDreReichDude - 6 years ago
I've been to a few aquariums where they have sharks, the ones in Boston, Camden in New Jersey, London and Berlin, for example. I love aquariums!
myx younus
myx younus - 6 years ago
Thank God finally someone saw through this..acts thanks to sir ramsy hope they stop hunting rinos n elephant also for there task
GalacticpulseGaming - 6 years ago
Shark fishing should be seriously banned. It's not even that necessary to eat shark fins or shark.
Noah Perez
Noah Perez - 6 years ago
If your gonna eat a part of an animal you might as well put the animal to use other wise the meat will go to waste
Jessica Watson
Jessica Watson - 6 years ago
Holand and Barratt sell shark fin in tablets
silva 167
silva 167 - 6 years ago
I dont know why some asian food has so many bad cooking methods and are just so cruelly! , ie cook a fish alive and serve it still alive, octopus, placed alive into a pot on the table and eaten while still moving. Shark fin soup. Cut the fin off while shark is still alive and toss the still alive shark back to the o ean, where it eventually dies. Birds nest soup, they take the swallow nest, most times they throw the eggs or baby swallows away and keep the nest, which by the way is created by the swallow using their spit. The Japanese are supposedly catching and killing whales for scientific research. Bullshit!
I know these practices are ancient, and supposedly part of the culture, but it's the 21st century, change these ancient methods before it's too late and these creatures are extinct.
Jeremiah Blowers
Jeremiah Blowers - 6 years ago
They window flyer is in English... the average person walking by that flyer will not be able to read it. Other than that, we'll done.
flyback 2me
flyback 2me - 6 years ago
flyback 2me
flyback 2me - 6 years ago
Journeying_ Soul
Journeying_ Soul - 6 years ago
I'm writing a research paper on overfishing, and came to this film from a clip of it I saw a while ago. I knew I could rely on this first hand information, and it breaks my heart to know of this. I knew it was bad, but not this bad. You know what? Idea for a senior project when I get there. Thank you Gordon, for going out of your way to educate us. I will pass this knowledge on to my classmates.
Shane Ruddock - Pedalling the Globe
Shane Ruddock - Pedalling the Globe - 6 years ago
But he'll sell Fois gras from a goose force fed 10 times its food consumption so the animals liver stretches and swells like a balloon until often the animal dies from the eventual damage to it. All these animals feel is fear and pain trapped in a pen. And its served by him just because of customer demands and request instead of refused. This cruelty is a delicasy. The worlds cruelest food
Shane Ruddock - Pedalling the Globe
Shane Ruddock - Pedalling the Globe - 6 years ago
He's not much to talk serving non ethical Fois Gras from one of the cruelest suppliers. Barbaric dish. Just because people asl for it. If you dont agree with it dont serve it. I used to look up to this talented dude im just sick of the way He criticizes his own morals
Random Asian Vids
Random Asian Vids - 6 years ago
just use a drone lol
Hash Brown
Hash Brown - 6 years ago

like if u know the reference
gary miller
gary miller - 6 years ago
Katie Maige
Katie Maige - 6 years ago
I love shark and don’t like other people eating there fins that should be legal if Trump should stop this I mean he the president
Jay Torres
Jay Torres - 6 years ago
Daniel tosh - "shark party" makes sense now
Bjorn Nilsson
Bjorn Nilsson - 6 years ago
"there are more fins than there are sharks" doesnt a shark have...4 fins each
Steven Jones
Steven Jones - 6 years ago
Why not buy the whole shark?
Unimate - 6 years ago
I'm sorry but I've had shark fin soup and it's actually very good and I would have them for the rest of my life everyday.
I care about sharks and animals and all that but it's just too hard to resist
Rain Stand
Rain Stand - 6 years ago
Watching his other programs like this I've come to deeply respect him as human being and his passion for preserving our natural world
MUCHACHO - 6 years ago
Save the sharks
XMp3Xdrone 1
XMp3Xdrone 1 - 6 years ago
People are potentially killing us by eating these sharks what sharks become extinct
littleKing Yt
littleKing Yt - 6 years ago
Stop kowshon from killing sharks
Dirtmaid - 6 years ago
Taiwan, China...they can burn in hell. boycott the mthrfkrs.
Scarab king XzX
Scarab king XzX - 6 years ago
Dirtmaid you do realize most of our things come from them
Samantha Brett
Samantha Brett - 6 years ago
I gagged watching this... just tormenting smh
HAPPY PANDA - 6 years ago
people are also eating chicken noone is doing anything about that
アイサカ - 6 years ago
I'm fucking mad, if sharks go extinct, I know who to blame.
Samuel Loegan
Samuel Loegan - 6 years ago
6:48 hey it's Taiwan. Where my mom was born. I visited this place for vacation with my family
BonelessBacon - 6 years ago
Gordon is doing a better job than PETA exposing this shit
Blunny - 6 years ago
7 years later This is still a problem U G H
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 6 years ago
Shark Bait ooh haha XD
Connor The Android
Connor The Android - 6 years ago
Weird thing China eats fins of the sharks,cats and dogs
TheeMasterChris - 6 years ago
Thats so fuckin cool lol
Janice CHU
Janice CHU - 6 years ago
This is so good :)
But the sharks are all ---
WE NEED TO DO THIS BY 2030 Or all the sharks a re over
FoxPrime77 - 6 years ago
I love gators and crocadiles and definitely sharks I hate the way they get disrespected and they are one of the best living today I cant imagine if they go extinct.
NERF ME - 6 years ago
its wrong, the numbers of sharks wasted for their fins
kang pimp
kang pimp - 6 years ago
eat Shark's Fin Siomai instead of those Shark's Fin Soup. its more tasty, not illegal and 80% cheaper.
Theo Vernon
Theo Vernon - 6 years ago
Title spelt "Ramsey" and not "Ramsay"
joseph lim
joseph lim - 6 years ago
I agree that eating shark fins soup is a bad idea
samuraineko3 - 6 years ago
When I'm rich, I'm gonna eat this just to be a dick
Paul -
Paul - - 6 years ago
Often I'm just shocked by the cruelty of humans. YES, these people are "just doing their job" and "they haven't got any other chance".
Did you ever think of the long-term consequences while writing comments like that? Guys if we keep overfishing the oceans like that, the prices will just raise even more and as the prices raise, it will become even more popular because it is a symbol of wealth to eat/have something others can't have, in today's society as well as thousands of years ago.
Why do humans behave like they are the only f...reaking things on this planet and why do they often just worry about the next day instead of worrying about the future? It makes me really sick to see how humanity voluntarily undermines it's own basis of life just for the sake of profit
MBLz - 6 years ago
sees title

Hoo Ha Ha
jesse grat
jesse grat - 6 years ago
What a legend Gordon Ramsay is. I have tons of respect for this man.
Brandon Cole
Brandon Cole - 6 years ago
This just makes me strait up angry.
Piper - 6 years ago
Brandon Cole so does genocide and mass killings in africa
Cam Z
Cam Z - 6 years ago
That was not a fucking Threshers fin mate.
Blaze Burner
Blaze Burner - 6 years ago
Money always blinded people.

As long as there's money involved, people always turn to money over morality.

That's about it.
Jhones Castroverde
Jhones Castroverde - 6 years ago
Fvck this world
Human's ignorance will be the fuse of our doom.
Steven Tan
Steven Tan - 6 years ago
Would it be better if you took the entire shark?
noh Noe
noh Noe - 6 years ago
This video is upsetting...this is a cruel world..
Doge Eat Doge
Doge Eat Doge - 6 years ago
This is just really sad
Ruben Ramos
Ruben Ramos - 6 years ago
Why not do the same to the people that finn the sharks im DOWN!!
thang kham
thang kham - 6 years ago
LyDax - 6 years ago
This is why I look up to Gordon, he makes fantastic food, helps people to make fantastic food, and respects whats being made into food
Nate Vision
Nate Vision - 6 years ago
Haha Gordon is a bad ass! Taking charge of the situation; don’t touch me lol. He knows in other countries specially Asian ones you can get away with much more than you can in western countries it just takes how much money you can offer ha
KesselRunHero - 6 years ago
I was so hoping to see one of these people punch that smug look off of ramsey's face , especially that lady who he manhandled and went through her stuff without her permission...
panda shy
panda shy - 6 years ago
I believe if you hunt an animal you waste NONE of that animal, give it a painless death though this is only if you hunt to provide the meat for your family.
Joy Kaiza828
Joy Kaiza828 - 6 years ago
That's why there's crazy morphed looking sea creatures.
Rylee Ressler
Rylee Ressler - 6 years ago
Thank God He's shutting this down and not supporting this
S. FATBOI - 6 years ago
shark bait hoo ha ha
Jc JA - 6 years ago
Dam Asians. Killing anything in their way not caring about shit. Eating cats, dogs, sharks, and any exotic animals. Maybe they are ignorant on the topic of mass extinction. My question is why are there no repercussions for their actions? Sick ass people.
Stian Berg
Stian Berg - 6 years ago
I can't believe there is no market for sharkmeat (oh wait there is on Iceland). I would live of shark meat as a protein Source if it could be an alternative to tuna... Also it sounds more badass to have a body built on shark meat
rick grimes
rick grimes - 6 years ago
fucking Asians dude
Ludicrous Maximus
Ludicrous Maximus - 6 years ago
I cant understand why people would just take the fin of a shark. One shark alone could feed an entire family and these people are only taking the fin? Disgraceful.
Sam Baxter
Sam Baxter - 6 years ago
Imagine what this is doing to our ecosystem
Posh Fart
Posh Fart - 6 years ago
This is one of the reasons I'll never visit Asia
Tim-LuLuLP - 6 years ago
Those poor sharks
TheWolfsan - 6 years ago
Pompous irritating SJW with a bad haircut is about all
RickHard26 Myers
RickHard26 Myers - 6 years ago
Go on gordan stop thm evil people
RickHard26 Myers
RickHard26 Myers - 6 years ago
Evil Chinese Taiwan Japan how can u start to wipe out animals and that goes for everyone in the world how would u like it if I cut of your arms and legs and chucked u in the sea
Keegan Benton
Keegan Benton - 6 years ago
I agree with Matilda , Gordon ,and any level-headed human being
Ellie Haddock
Ellie Haddock - 6 years ago
I ired twice during this seeing the absolute torture these poor sharks go through. I'm glad gordon has addressed this, laws need to be in place to stop the chances of extinct species of shark as well as keeping the ecosystem in balance
Jesse Thapa
Jesse Thapa - 6 years ago
If someone catches a shark and only eats the shark fin and leaves the shark back their ducked up
Phelan - 6 years ago
now we know gordan does not give a fuck about trespassing

oml he just goes through everyones shit
Manjeet Singh Rana
Manjeet Singh Rana - 6 years ago
Start eating vegetables , when animals going to finish after 50 yrs and day comes when human is going to eat humans for a non vegetarian meal.
RidiculousJ - 6 years ago
retard Chinese
Jesse Cortez
Jesse Cortez - 6 years ago
I had to do more research after seeing this. And I’m glad to report that in 2018 shark fin soup consumption in China is down (in some surveys) 93% and the value of the fins has dropped significantly as well. Good job Gordon edumacting the masses
shukran jessa
shukran jessa - 6 years ago
sometimes its not about the taste that matter, but what have been taught down through the centuries by ancestors
Dxstlny X
Dxstlny X - 6 years ago
Huge respect
Iskandar Adiyaputra
Iskandar Adiyaputra - 6 years ago
Admit it. Its fucking delicious
MidNight - 6 years ago
gordon: what type of shark is that?
guy: fish.
Colton Gatrell
Colton Gatrell - 6 years ago
Shark Finn soup is delicious I’m not a sea food person but it is delicious.
Misty Ash
Misty Ash - 6 years ago
This is just cruelty, these nerd looking idiots are doing these? Humanity is going too far in a bad way... We need help...
Fritz Doctor
Fritz Doctor - 6 years ago
Ive tried shark fin soup when I was a kid it tasted good and then my mom told me it was illegal so I havent ate shark fin soup since then and I also thought that when I ate shark fin soup sharks were overpopulated and then my mom told me they were endangered and I felt sad so I never ate shark fin soup ever again #SAVESHARKS
patrick cross
patrick cross - 6 years ago
Fritz Doctor well done : ) now convince others.
nicholasowenjones - 6 years ago
Fritz Doctor what made it taste good? The fin or the broth? Gordon Ramsay says it's the broth not the fin, would you agree? Or maybe you didn't think about that when you were a hungry child?
Joshua Moua
Joshua Moua - 6 years ago
Sharks are awesome and they need to not get eaten or just thrown away a lot./sad :-(
Brockton Ma.
Brockton Ma. - 6 years ago
Who is he to decide what foods are acceptable. None of his business.
Brockton Ma.
Brockton Ma. - 6 years ago
Tischia Elius he eats animals.
Tischia Elius
Tischia Elius - 6 years ago
Robert D. He is trying to save the animals....
Brockton Ma.
Brockton Ma. - 6 years ago
RidiculousJ “fuck of cunt”, really?
RidiculousJ - 6 years ago
Robert D. except if that animal is only used for parts of it body while the rest are thrown away. fuckoff cunt
boo boo
boo boo - 6 years ago
but it make u pecker hard 9 time one night....... sexy time tiger penis an rhino horn too
peter chou
peter chou - 6 years ago
bruh there are like 3 shark fins or more on a shark and 1 body,so yea there should be more fins
LanKe Malaysia
LanKe Malaysia - 6 years ago
i wont eat it. finning is cruel. f@#k that s@#t
LanKe Malaysia
LanKe Malaysia - 6 years ago
Emma Praying Mantis i censored it for the viewer.. by the way thanks for noticing
Juliana Akied
Juliana Akied - 6 years ago
Spend more money only for kill animal ?? No thank you ..
Ichie Yamato
Ichie Yamato - 6 years ago
I'm slowly hating human beings.
1Piecer - 6 years ago
The best strategy would be for him to make the same dish but with different ingredient that makes it better. Because when he tasted the soup, he said the Shark fin is bland without a taste. A best solution to this problem is for the Chef to return back to Cooking a better dish and then giving the recipe to those restaurants.
Daniel Trinh
Daniel Trinh - 6 years ago
China needs to start cutting people’s arms of and throwing them into the ocean aswell
AEPtheLabyrinth - 6 years ago
If they're so ashamed of finning.... WHY DO THEY DO IT
TownyBE - 6 years ago
Going upstairs like a boss!! Ramsey is a badass!! :)
Vince Ong
Vince Ong - 6 years ago
Haha,if the great white shark is endangered,why do you still kill it and eat it
Kira Yamato
Kira Yamato - 6 years ago
thank you chef gordon..
i think no one have ever done this before.
ppl need to start think about what would happen to the shark population and stop buying them..
Michal Cieśla
Michal Cieśla - 6 years ago
i totally agree with Gordon shark finning should be stopped but what about the rest of the animals? sharks are no the only creatures that are getting extinct rhinos and other animals too so we should start thinking about everything.
Rian Parker
Rian Parker - 6 years ago
Kevin Tablet it was clearly a joke genius
Noah Bollinger
Noah Bollinger - 6 years ago
RC Codes but he uses all of the meat and makes a meal out of it they take 3 fins off a 1000+ lb animal and kills it without using any meat
LIL SHINY - 6 years ago
yeah its the type of deer theres more than just 1
Michael S
Michael S - 6 years ago
Deer?!?! That is about the least endangered animal in the world besides wild pigs
LIL SHINY - 6 years ago
RC Codes the bobwhite quail are endangered and they live in America and there’s common quail which live in Europe and they are least endangered and for deer the ones that live in Europe and are eaten in Europe are the Fallow deer and they are also least concern so there is no reason to protect them you’re just being an over exaggerating asshole...
Kevin Tablet
Kevin Tablet - 6 years ago
Morty Smith why the fuck would that solve anything?

Yeah that’s a great idea kill the human race... fucking hell. That includes you genius.
Daniel Mcdonald
Daniel Mcdonald - 6 years ago
RC Codes well they are not going fucking extinct are they?
Morty Smith
Morty Smith - 6 years ago
Michal Cieśla Kill all humans then the world will be balanced again
Kevin Tablet
Kevin Tablet - 6 years ago
RC Codes ah come on man there is an order

This is inhuman. Measures have been placed to save those animals. Nothing is there for a shark

You have to focus on the biggest threats first.
RC Codes
RC Codes - 6 years ago
ok lets start with the deer and quail gordon serves in his restaurants...
Raikunai - 6 years ago
One at a time my friend, you can only do so much if you focus on everything at once.
Quintero Rafa
Quintero Rafa - 6 years ago
China has no heart.
Scarab king XzX
Scarab king XzX - 6 years ago
Neither does almost half of america but ya know we just ignore that and focus on unnecessary things
Xxcorix Xx
Xxcorix Xx - 6 years ago
ANDREW THE BOSS - 6 years ago
Quintero Rafa neither do u
Stuart Macrow
Stuart Macrow - 6 years ago
good work Gordon Ramsay
osquarefc - 6 years ago
Nobody realises it’s Gordon RamsAy
Joseph Reyes
Joseph Reyes - 6 years ago
I know this was 2011 but fucking hell Asia just doesn’t give a single shit about anything besides money. Most of their “cultural” stuff doesn’t even do anything just like how they say seahorses added in tea or soup helps strengthen their soul. I understand it may have been around when their emperors and a lot of the wealthy may have done it but it’s like now they just throw away the entire back ground of what these dishes and stuff were first meant for and now they just serve it to whoever the hell will pay for it.
Grilled_Cheese Yea
Grilled_Cheese Yea - 6 years ago
I like how gordon just comes in to random people's house
ant 1234
ant 1234 - 6 years ago
A lot of people think sharks are the top predetor but they are eaten by other animals
Nicholas Smith
Nicholas Smith - 6 years ago
20:15 "ok she just called someone on the telephone let's get the fuck outta here" haha Gordon is a legit savage
Nicholas Smith
Nicholas Smith - 6 years ago
Gordon did this with perfect understanding and wasn't rude and tried to he polite as possible, knowing this dates back in their culture, this is the way it's done, but i love how he snuck around the waiter haha Gordon is a bad mother fucker
Draggy654 - 6 years ago
Most ppl love to hate on usa but nobody seems to care chinese are driving so many animals to extinction ( sharks, tigers, rhinos, elephants ) i can go on, about how disgusting their some of their traditions are.
bleach - 6 years ago
All these people in the video whatever race are trash of human life and should be killed by nature,how? You may ask,this is how. you cut their arms and legs off and if they are still alive burn them. TRASH OF HUMAN LIFE
bleach - 6 years ago
This iso honestly sickening this is so hard to watch and I am heartbroken I can not believe what people do for cheap,cheap cash. Killing these rich,beautiful specimens of nature just for tasteless soup that arguably the best cheff in the world thinks is worthless I am honestly appauled
Nicholas Charles
Nicholas Charles - 6 years ago
Shark fin soup is total bull shit
Bruce Kang
Bruce Kang - 6 years ago
As a Chinese from mainland, i apologize for these terrible scenes and terrible people who have no idea of what they did, they've been killing endangered species for money. On the other hand, what Westerner must understand is, China has very large population density. And Because of that, everyone have to make living out of something , something they are able to do. However, they don't know what exactly those extinct creatures are and How is it gonna effect the whole ecological system. They need to be told and educated.

Chinese are not bad. We are not bad. We don't wish to be discriminated when we go abroad. We just need more guidance. That's all. We have 1.3 billion population. Even If just one small part of China gets guided properly, that small part can also change the world.
patrick cross
patrick cross - 6 years ago
Bruce Kang true. I read recently that animal welfare is starting to be taught to highschool level Chinese’s students. That’s a good start.
Utkarsh - 6 years ago
dog person
dog person - 6 years ago
Wow humans r fucking pos
Pur901 - 6 years ago
i can see how this would be a food for a king or a warrior; but the average man, i cant see them eating it
Paphawarin Changdee
Paphawarin Changdee - 6 years ago
I took a pause at 26:37 and balled my eyes out, this is exactly why I have a smear of misantrophy.
ShUhS _
ShUhS _ - 6 years ago
The videos was like watching how zombies are made
a fiery young man
a fiery young man - 6 years ago
And Humans fear Aliens will bring extinction of Earth. Shame.
HUNTER XG - 6 years ago
Shark fining will cause the sharks to die even if they throw it alive in the ocean it will still die because sharks needs to constantly move to live
HUNTER XG - 6 years ago
Isn't shark fining banned
RockyDragon54 - 6 years ago
Spelt his name wrong :P
cynran gamer
cynran gamer - 6 years ago
jacob sharpe
jacob sharpe - 6 years ago
Internationally ban it USA use ur trade deals as threats to ban shark fin soup then u can make china worry not with these shitty back and forth lose lose kinda deals
Shane Roper
Shane Roper - 6 years ago
I'd have every single goddam shark fining boat torpedoed. Period.
Crazy mofo
Crazy mofo - 6 years ago
Fuck cruel
Jono Vano
Jono Vano - 6 years ago
So sadd
ItzMichey 9
ItzMichey 9 - 6 years ago
I’m Asian, and this shark fin soup shit is sooo stupid. I bet the shark tastes like the rubbery fat in steak.
Ajax_Dish_Soap - 6 years ago
fucken asians man
Pish Posh
Pish Posh - 6 years ago
Fudge the chines
Chris Chapple
Chris Chapple - 6 years ago
Way to go Gordon let's put an end to this out dated barbaric tradition.
New York Cuban Connection
New York Cuban Connection - 6 years ago
god blessed u Gordon
edward oldenburg
edward oldenburg - 6 years ago
Wow, what a powerful presentation of a serious issue facing our environment.
Gordon has such strong passion and will in delivering this vital message.
I really hope this makes a difference. My concern is, how do you change the views, culture and habits of nearly 2 billion people
Ravenous HYDRX
Ravenous HYDRX - 6 years ago
Why the fuck do Asians eat everything the weird cruel cunts
ClassicPlayz - 6 years ago
Shark bait
Who ha ha
Jon Stover
Jon Stover - 6 years ago
Good job and thank u
Toby formosa
Toby formosa - 6 years ago
Shark fins contain mercury wich is really bad for humans.
yellowcat cat
yellowcat cat - 6 years ago
Unless I need to replace my own DNA production (Protein, cell/tissue repair and/or reproduce etc), I only feel the need to consume potato, vege, tabacoo/otherlike, citrus fruit, wheat, rice or tuna-like (low food chain fish) fish. Waste of fish bring humanity endtime just a bit faster unless we realize/wake up the the problem of humanity to nature.
yellowcat cat
yellowcat cat - 6 years ago
OVERPOPULATION high possibly create social inequality; inequality in money system create luxury; luxury people want luxury difference from rest of population; so shark fin is created as a luxury goods and have been bragged about.
Then the rest of people want to be rich and mimic/followering rich creating a HUGE shark fin market ; inefficiency of utilizing shark fish and overpopulation SPEED UP ECOSYSTEM DAMAGE and could lead to faster FOOD SHORTAGE; food and environmental lacking lean toward WARS AND CONFLICTS. So-called high/low class or humanity will suffer and stop or backwards development comparing to the rest of the universe.
I AM BLACK FOREVER - 6 years ago
Can kim jung un nuke those sellers?
I AM BLACK FOREVER - 6 years ago
What chineese people knows is shark is only shark,they are not well educated about alot of shark species.
ANDREW THE BOSS - 6 years ago
What anonymously anonymous know is grammar is not grammar, they are not well educated about a lot of chineese
I AM BLACK FOREVER - 6 years ago
Gordon:What kind of shark is that?
Sarhang Zebari
Sarhang Zebari - 6 years ago
This is why Gordon Ramsay is the best❤️
James Edwards
James Edwards - 6 years ago
this is one of the saddest things ive seen, shark finning is against humanity
and it is so shit
Metalcore Gaming
Metalcore Gaming - 6 years ago
I wish that Megalodon were real and attacking those Sharks Finning Hunter.
What the Fuck is that
What the Fuck is that - 6 years ago
Man the Chinese really don’t like Americans there do they?
SUB TO ME 4 I post no vids _
SUB TO ME 4 I post no vids _ - 6 years ago
Thank god they didn't kill the turtle
SUB TO ME 4 I post no vids _
SUB TO ME 4 I post no vids _ - 6 years ago
Shark expert here I can confirm that that fin was definitely a shark
S0kee YT
S0kee YT - 6 years ago
If sharks die, that mean....... the world will be over populated with fish and string rays
Ryan Schepens
Ryan Schepens - 6 years ago
Shit yea know your boi tryna make fake shark fin
PersonalCorner - 6 years ago
Beings with feelings, with the same instinct of living than us and any other animal.
I feel frustrated every day about this. This is what the animal industry is. There's not such a humane way to kill.
Fucking horrible imminent reality.
The LoneGamer
The LoneGamer - 6 years ago
Beef is more better than shark fin cause beef more delicious and more affordable and shark fin doesnt taste anything and is so expensive.
fonk kong
fonk kong - 6 years ago
Ryan Brown people have
Ryan Brown
Ryan Brown - 6 years ago
Cattle can be farmed, I have not heard of anyone that farms sharks.
Jameson Dymond
Jameson Dymond - 6 years ago
JhamirIsReal 0 exactly
The LoneGamer
The LoneGamer - 6 years ago
Gordon is the definition of savagery!!
Benedict Geronimo
Benedict Geronimo - 6 years ago
Gordon is right we sound not take anymore shark hin' s in
JP JB - 6 years ago
More fins than sharks? Isn’t there 3 fins (commonly) on 1 shark.
Taurus Centauri
Taurus Centauri - 6 years ago
Plazam Games
Plazam Games - 6 years ago
China namab wan
fm - 6 years ago
what’s ironic is that living sharks that are being displayed are in aquariums where they’re literally trapped within a small space. aren’t sharks comfortable in open oceans rather than a small aquarium?
jack madness
jack madness - 6 years ago
Rip shark :,(
Hella gay
Hella gay - 6 years ago
gordon ramsEy
Pumpedjosef - 6 years ago
Oh no I've eaten shark fin shomai before I thought "shark fin" shomai was just a fish version of siomai nooooooooo
XxOCEANxX x - 6 years ago
CelestialAurora - 6 years ago
I’m going to an aquarium and I’m telling the people there about this so they can do something about it
CelestialAurora - 6 years ago
Steven Blackwell
Steven Blackwell - 6 years ago
The power is at the top cuz us bottom feeders still need to eat and will do whatever we need to do to eat it's the rich that rule anything in life that goes wrong is at fault of the rich those mother fuckers. So now that Gordon Ramsay is just a medium ranged Rich Boy he's seeing things and we're supposed to be shocked by an they've been killing everything in Africa 4 years the buffalo in North America is almost extinct where the f*** have you been for the last two hundred f**** years
Maryann Marshall
Maryann Marshall - 6 years ago
My heart aches for these poor sharks and made me sick to the stomach of the torture they go through wish this practice gets banned
Steven Blackwell
Steven Blackwell - 6 years ago
Better yet it is the rich that shaped the poor is the the rich the make the poor do the things they need to do to survive to make enough money so if you ever in life time one question who was in the wrong it's not the poor people that do the things they do to make their money it's the fuckin rich that Force us to
Steven Blackwell
Steven Blackwell - 6 years ago
It's only the rich people that can change anything in society which that itself is wrong but I'll live with it or live without it hell I'm so poor I can barely afford rice now her family doesn't even eat beef anymore
BeTrue2Urself - 6 years ago
soon they will sell human flesh as a delicacy in China
Fancy Ninja
Fancy Ninja - 6 years ago
Alt title: Gordan Ramsey pisses off Chinese people.
zackbomb 20
zackbomb 20 - 6 years ago
supercomputer2004 - 6 years ago
Throw those barbarians into a tank of sharks see how they like the fins then >:) and the teeth
Hansonblitz - 6 years ago
This is fucked up.
I am anonymous
I am anonymous - 6 years ago
All of these people disgust me, they don’t even care if the sharks extinct or if they abuse the sharks or not! They’re ashamed and KNOW it bad but THEY REFUSE TO ADMIT IT. I hate all these people and there complete disregard for the extinction of sharks. And it’s all there f*cking fault.
Charlotte Macdonald
Charlotte Macdonald - 6 years ago
What's the history of shark fin soup anyway? Who decided "eating shark fins, that's a good idea?"
Ryan Gunns
Ryan Gunns - 6 years ago
shark fins are not everywhere in Taiwan, that's exaggerated.
SirLouis GT
SirLouis GT - 6 years ago
Tbh China contains almost all of the worst habits that harm the earth.
Nuke-thug - 6 years ago
There are more fins than sharks because there are 3 fins on 1 shark
Coolerthanu 84
Coolerthanu 84 - 6 years ago
"What kind of shark is that?"
"F i s h"
Jason The Toymaker
Jason The Toymaker - 6 years ago
It’s disgusting how people do this to living things, I’m not vegetarian or anything like that. But to drive it to extinction or even close to it it’s completely and utterly disgusting.
micjhon 37
micjhon 37 - 6 years ago
Dont just get the sharks fin and release it it will suffer just end the suffering by getting the whole body
lance bernardino
lance bernardino - 6 years ago
I feel bad for the sharks
You Know
You Know - 6 years ago
Gordon RamsAy
鄭才軒 - 6 years ago
(Sorry for my English)
I come from Taiwan, I totally admire what Gordon has done in this video.
I know what I'm going to say now doesn't help much but I just want to say there is some misunderstanding to the fact that ''there are shark fin dishes everywhere''.
I think it's a shame that Taiwan might have made a ''not quite good'' impression on Gordon because of the consumption of shark fin. Shark fin is used in Chinese cuisine but it's not that often seen in everywhere just like Gordon said. Anyone in Taiwan knows that we don't easily see dishes contain shark fin unless you go to some high-priced fine dining restaurant. I almost don't have any experience eating shark fin soup or shark fin dishes.
But unfortunately, those dishes still exist, and some people still eat them.
''No consumption, no buisness'' is the only way to make them disappear.
Libra - 6 years ago
The Redstone Archer // Yong Jie
The Redstone Archer // Yong Jie - 6 years ago
The- potato-warrior
The- potato-warrior - 6 years ago
To say that sharks are good is an obvious statement. But just like wolves, bear, etc. you don’t want that shit in your back yard. It’s all about balance
saim gamer
saim gamer - 6 years ago
Mannygsx - 6 years ago
Asians even eat dogs.
Jackson Lin
Jackson Lin - 6 years ago
Growing up in Taiwan, I completely agree with you, sir. I remember trying them growing up, and not once did I feel like it tasted amazing. It is plain like you said. I have never finished the whole soup. I didn’t even like the soup, it is too gooey. People simply eat it for the status.

It is odd, Taiwanese normally eat anything from head to toe, from fish eyes, pig ears, to chicken butt. They leave nothing to waste. They even eat the bones sometimes. We consider Westerners as wasteful because they normally don’t touch stuff like that, unless you are a Cajun. However, with sharks, Taiwanese are wasteful. They have abuse it for no reason but status.
Jorex Calamba
Jorex Calamba - 6 years ago
Bunch of non existent eyes cunts.
Blu3Chu - 6 years ago
This is just so sad how people only care about the marketing rather then the damage they are causing and not being racist but some or most parts of China really can be horrible places full of people who don’t care and hate to lose money so they hide and continue in illegal and cruel things
Kim-Kim Andrew
Kim-Kim Andrew - 6 years ago
Is this a joke?, those shark are endangered species!.
tripraggya rai
tripraggya rai - 6 years ago
I respect your approach chef.. I hope it works well all over the world... "LEAVE THEM ALONE AND RESPECT THEIR BEAUTY."
la chef Jay
la chef Jay - 6 years ago
Jaws was not a bad shark he just was defending his people from humans a real political hero in my eyes
Rose Mary Velasco
Rose Mary Velasco - 6 years ago
omg its like discovery channel
WeezyIsBoss - 6 years ago
This is honestly fucking disgusting, like honestly wtf. They know exactly wth they are doing to all the sharks in the population and they still go and catch more sharks.
Luke McGregor
Luke McGregor - 6 years ago
That’s horrible why wouldn’t they ban it
Random Rachel
Random Rachel - 6 years ago
Lol who thought the title said shark bite lol was I the only one?!
Karan Patel
Karan Patel - 6 years ago
is better to leave all the animals alone. You got brains use them.
周吳鄭王趙錢孫李 - 6 years ago
I’m a Taiwanese, and personally I had never eaten shark fin soup and neither of my family members has a habit of eating shark fins, I even thought that Taiwan is not as bad as China on shark fin. I thought this issue does not exist in Taiwan. To be honest, seeing this video I’m quite disappointed to my country, I think the right word is ashamed. This is definitely a big issue that should be brought up. I hope more and more Chinese and Taiwanese could get the idea that shark fin does not includes any nutritions and special tastes. The reason people these people eats shark fin is from the idea that it use to be a food for emperor and it’s luxury. I find this f-ing bs, caviar, truffle all these stuff are a also luxury and they actually taste special, but you choose shark fin?
` Atzontix
` Atzontix - 6 years ago
Throw a bomb on china
Noah Bollinger
Noah Bollinger - 6 years ago
MB fireworks we’ve already tried that
segafan93 - 6 years ago
TheLeftyGamer good
TheLeftyGamer - 6 years ago
Then 20% population of the earth dies.
ANDREW THE BOSS - 6 years ago
MB fireworks that’s a little excessive
Demon Hunter
Demon Hunter - 6 years ago
this is just disgusting! they butcher sharks from around the world harvesting only 5% of the corpse tossing aside the rest and they make a ton of money selling it this makes me sick seeing them do this to sharks it's not much different then whales how some nations hunt them under the claims of research but still sell them in shops for people to eat. some cultures should be left in the past where they belong! they know sharks like the great white and hammerhead are endangered yet they still poach them no wonder the fishermen, shop owners and kitchens try to avoid talking about it they must fear being charged for poaching and cooking with them we need more people like gordon ramsay and all you other animal lovers helping to protect endangered species these animals aren't like cows pigs or chickens that repopulate basicly on a daily basis it takes so long for them to breed and grow yet we got assholes poaching them for profit or stupid old traditions. I know i'm ranting but its true this is doing so much harm to the ecosystem and if it doesnt stop soon the resulting damage could be far more sever then we can even imagine. Like it doesnt seem to get stressed enough but sharks are not out to kill us they're just curious fish sadly they can't talk to us to ask about us and murky water mixed with poor eye sight they mistake us for food not always a full on attack with the intent to kill they bite us to taste to see if were what they like and they often let go after even if the damage is done now folks excuse me while i go puke after seeing this
CreativeJess - 6 years ago
Mimzy1313 - 6 years ago
They should think about it like chopping the ears, tail and legs off a cow and throwing the rest away, idiots.
Foxina - 6 years ago
This finning thing has GOT to be illegal.
Swamp Digger
Swamp Digger - 6 years ago
That is a terrible waste of meat do you know how much edible meat is on a shark and how many ppl would be greatful for that meat, as a hunter, trapper and fisherman that is disgraceful I never take an animal or fish without knowing I can use or consume every part it
Gamaliel cortez
Gamaliel cortez - 6 years ago
Leave them alone and Respect their beauty , Well said, nice Sir Gordon.
Jaden Gomez
Jaden Gomez - 6 years ago
They say they'll stop serving it but once Gordon leaves that sign goes down
Merrie Lucas
Merrie Lucas - 6 years ago
26:05 this is heartbreaking. I can't believe they put an EXTREMELY ENDAGERED CREATURE through such TORTUROUS PAIN. This makes me lose faith in humanity even more than I already did. Fucking disgusting.
Flobbe - 6 years ago
taiwan fucks
Jamal Davis
Jamal Davis - 6 years ago
I do have a question for any marinaly inclined people that happen to read this. Now what are the drawbacks of sharks as a species going extinct. They are on top of the food chain for their enviroment. So logically it would mean fish populations sky rocket due to the last a predators. This would then effect their food source as that food source would not longer be able to sustain them. This in turn would cause the ocean to die, and if it died everything on the planet is likely going with it. However, couldn't we stop this domino chain by simply upping the amount of fish we catch. As opposed using the fish farms that exist in places around the world?
Aayush Sharma
Aayush Sharma - 6 years ago
Gordon is the real human being..bless him..
stig tuneback
stig tuneback - 6 years ago
Gordon is the best when it comes to food
and how he reactes to the barbaric handeling
of sharks .
Aayush Sharma
Aayush Sharma - 6 years ago
The moment i came to know that sharks are finned and left alive back to the ocean....i was like...well...happy humanity... damn you..that's cruel..
jz Gurung
jz Gurung - 6 years ago
i thought shark cant be put in aquarium...
Lunar Storm
Lunar Storm - 6 years ago
King Creeper5
King Creeper5 - 6 years ago
Im asian and I love sharks especially hammerheads
Alan Sanchez
Alan Sanchez - 6 years ago
Where are all those vegans/vegetarians when it comes to this? I'm quite sure farm animals like chickens or cows don't suffer that much before they die, besides humans keeping their populations high for the demand. But when the demand is higher than the interest of humans to keep their populations high enough and make them suffer slow death is nothing less than cruelty and pure abuse.
Ya boy Jesse game plays
Ya boy Jesse game plays - 6 years ago
You no they band YouTube that has no harm but they won’t ban something that can destroy our sea
NIROX MASTER - 6 years ago
Did it got banned?
James Richardson
James Richardson - 6 years ago
I very nearly lost my job after this aired. A douchebag came into my fishmongers asking for shark fin with a big grin. Wasn't impressed when I told him to eff off and called him a childish c..t. boss wasn't happy, so I showed him the program.
Ebot SP
Ebot SP - 6 years ago
All the Chinese Restaurant Ban all Shark food.
Customer : whisper do you have shark ? I have 50k on my wallet with a tips.
Waiter " Whisper Right this way we must got to the private area to eat shark.
They will bankrup soon if they dont sells any shark food.
Harry’s Animals
Harry’s Animals - 6 years ago
So it’s wrong to kill sharks but it’s ok for fish fish are just like small sharks lol
Andy Kwon
Andy Kwon - 6 years ago
I hope people in china town, china, or somewhere related to china, knows that sharks are endangered animals so they need to stop eating shark fin soup.
Frozzen Ferret
Frozzen Ferret - 6 years ago
The people that do fining should get there arms and legs cut off and get thrown into the oceon to slowly drown
Eenkeir - 6 years ago
Is the place Hong Kong ?

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