Great White Shark Attack And Breach | Planet Earth | BBC Earth

Epic footage of one of Earth's most feared predators, the Great White Shark. Each dawn, Cape Fur Seals leave their colony to go fishing. To reach the open sea they must cross a narrow strip of Water which is patrolled by the largest Predatory Fish on the Planet. Taken From Planet earth Subscribe to the BBC Earth YouTube channel: Want to share your views with the team behind BBC Earth and win prizes? Join our fan panel here: BBC Earth Facebook BBC Earth Twitter BBC Earth Instagram Visit for all the latest animal news and wildlife videos This is a channel from BBC Worldwide who help fund new BBC programmes.

Great White Shark Attack And Breach | Planet Earth | BBC Earth sentiment_very_dissatisfied 246

Shark videos 7 years ago 953,429 views

Epic footage of one of Earth's most feared predators, the Great White Shark. Each dawn, Cape Fur Seals leave their colony to go fishing. To reach the open sea they must cross a narrow strip of Water which is patrolled by the largest Predatory Fish on the Planet. Taken From Planet earth Subscribe to the BBC Earth YouTube channel: Want to share your views with the team behind BBC Earth and win prizes? Join our fan panel here: BBC Earth Facebook BBC Earth Twitter BBC Earth Instagram Visit for all the latest animal news and wildlife videos This is a channel from BBC Worldwide who help fund new BBC programmes.

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Most popular comments
for Great White Shark Attack And Breach | Planet Earth | BBC Earth

Mechanical Turk
Mechanical Turk - 7 years ago
Damn nature, you scary
Yesica1993 - 7 years ago
Well, that was freaking terrifying! Can you even imagine what that poor seal would have felt? I hope it died quickly so it didn't suffer much!
Tyrant A.Devillier
Tyrant A.Devillier - 7 years ago
Seals...disgracing the mammalian family...
Theonce-ler Pezet
Theonce-ler Pezet - 7 years ago
Is this actually real. Not fake like some other videos
Royson D'souza
Royson D'souza - 7 years ago
2:21 - One of the most breath taking scene I have witnessed. I learnt that they make such leaps and jumps to catch their prey. However when watching the actual footage, it still manages to leave me awestruck.
Caitlin Earle
Caitlin Earle - 7 years ago
It's amazing how little we know about our world
Flinchy Sotelo
Flinchy Sotelo - 7 years ago
shark porn
Kelsey Bright
Kelsey Bright - 7 years ago
Majestically beautiful
Angel Maire
Angel Maire - 7 years ago
My favorite program to watch hope it never ends

10. comment for Great White Shark Attack And Breach | Planet Earth | BBC Earth

Haris Wirabrata
Haris Wirabrata - 7 years ago
what's the music playing in the background?
madzangels - 7 years ago
My favourite ever wildlife clip
غريب طرابلس
غريب طرابلس - 7 years ago
Jay and Kai Family Review
Jay and Kai Family Review - 7 years ago
Reza M. Ammarie
Reza M. Ammarie - 7 years ago
Whhhhooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so majestic
Brian Salk
Brian Salk - 7 years ago
More slow-mo! Even slower! Slow down the narration, too. Maximize the slowness!
Scorpio - 7 years ago
2:09 Have great whites ever attacked a person like that I wonder
kennedy Lorigan
kennedy Lorigan - 7 years ago
Sharks are gorgeous animals
Alpha6499 - 7 years ago
What’s actually funny is that the Great White is one of the last few sharks that would ever attack you. In fact, they are very shy when they encounter something that is not familiar to them. Sure, coming face to face with one is simply too terrifying, but surprisingly they are more likely to keep their distance from you and simply avoid you.
Satyam Kumar
Satyam Kumar - 7 years ago
How many fps

20. comment for Great White Shark Attack And Breach | Planet Earth | BBC Earth

flippert0 - 7 years ago
Shark porn
nigel Khan
nigel Khan - 7 years ago
samanth Nikoses
samanth Nikoses - 7 years ago
Orca,,The Killer Whale is stronger than White shark ,the white shark fear when will see a Killer Whale .
Semyon Mart
Semyon Mart - 7 years ago
Saw it on TV today and was amazed by cinematography. Does anyone know from which film exactly this footage is?
Angel Smith
Angel Smith - 7 years ago
That slow mo tho
Ken Durham
Ken Durham - 7 years ago
That's like trying to get across the south side of chicago...
Jancy Varghese
Jancy Varghese - 7 years ago
Actually killer whales are the largest predator in sea
Rahul Nadig
Rahul Nadig - 7 years ago
Good explanation
ShadowEspioFan1 - 7 years ago
I still get chills seeing a Great White breach the surface picking seals off one by one.
Navi 305
Navi 305 - 7 years ago
Thats how i am eating some Whataburger!

30. comment for Great White Shark Attack And Breach | Planet Earth | BBC Earth

nice movie invite you to my page DOCUMENTARY CHANEL 4K thank you for watching and SUBSCRIBE great thanks !!!
nice movie invite you to my page DOCUMENTARY CHANEL 4K thank you for watching and SUBSCRIBE great thanks !!!
Hassan Syed
Hassan Syed - 7 years ago
I love sharks.
James Petrick
James Petrick - 7 years ago
Such raw power
John Doe
John Doe - 7 years ago
2:25 probably the greatest single footage ever recorded in animal world
Danny - 7 years ago
Yeah, I’d skinny dip there
Denis May
Denis May - 7 years ago
The power of Nature captured in a outstanding manner by some very professional photographers. Excellent addition to the BBC Earth's massive library of videos.
Christine Richmond
Christine Richmond - 7 years ago
Is this the shark, Deep Blue?
Synthia Zeng
Synthia Zeng - 7 years ago
OMG! How large is the shark?
Adrien Perié
Adrien Perié - 7 years ago
Those are huge great whites ! And the uncut footage ? Amazing, thanks.
Allosaurus The Great Theropod Dude
Allosaurus The Great Theropod Dude - 7 years ago
I love great white sharks
ashlyn c
ashlyn c - 7 years ago
im pretty sure those are sea lions and not seals? idk tho im not a marine biologist
Megalodon 999
Megalodon 999 - 7 years ago
Well why have they been found in warmer waters?
Blacka makawon
Blacka makawon - 7 years ago
Megalodon 999 n bb
DhDeadMan - 7 years ago
2:10 that was the most beautifull thing ive ever seen
Magnus Bendiksen
Magnus Bendiksen - 7 years ago
The great White shark is the second largest shark the greenland shark is the largest predatoryshark in the world they grow 9,5
meters Long and weigh 9,19 ton's
John Doe
John Doe - 7 years ago
Magnus Bendiksen greenland shark is a scavenger, not a predator...
Emix '75
Emix '75 - 7 years ago
BBC documentary are Simply the best!!!!
Darius Farzetta
Darius Farzetta - 7 years ago
It's beautiful
Neve Chris
Neve Chris - 7 years ago
Quite stunning footage!
Englishsea24 - 7 years ago
Fascinating creatures, but im just terrified of them
Arielelian Delunari
Arielelian Delunari - 7 years ago
Beautiful and terrifying. I have a great appreciation that these magnificent fish exist, but I never want to come face to face with one.

50. comment for Great White Shark Attack And Breach | Planet Earth | BBC Earth

Moni Poppaea Di Maria
Moni Poppaea Di Maria - 7 years ago
WOW and now in full speed real time please
Rumboltz - 7 years ago
So much more impressive then Orca's.
Kevin Clement
Kevin Clement - 7 years ago
BurnThatRag I know right?
emg213 - 7 years ago
let's hope they went quickly :/
Gutama ibrahim
Gutama ibrahim - 7 years ago
I will not jump into sea again!!!
MagicianMovies1992 - 7 years ago
The great white is the shark I want to see in the wild
Jawn Guillory
Jawn Guillory - 7 years ago
gawdddd that must hurt so much!!
Rahul Yadav
Rahul Yadav - 7 years ago
Good morning beautiful
Arcelia Ramirez
Arcelia Ramirez - 7 years ago
Qadir Jalaini Jalini Nordin
Qadir Jalaini Jalini Nordin - 7 years ago
How about megalodon,is that shocking you
sulekha sinha
sulekha sinha - 7 years ago
perfect shot
kopiHITAM - 7 years ago
Seneng banget dia main di air.. gk ngeri masuk angin apa ya tiap hari di air terus.
Andrew Ainscough
Andrew Ainscough - 7 years ago
44 seals have access to YouTube.
Tahir Ballikaya
Tahir Ballikaya - 7 years ago
Does anyone else think the shark must have a super ugly smile
artiste soundbox
artiste soundbox - 7 years ago
Do great whites attach low blacks
Blue Dragonwolf
Blue Dragonwolf - 7 years ago
I've been trying to find this video for so long
Unknown S.W.A.T01
Unknown S.W.A.T01 - 7 years ago
Anyone else notice the name "BBC"....
Weird Entertainment Network
Weird Entertainment Network - 7 years ago
This is why i don't like the ocean
John Allan
John Allan - 7 years ago
do sharks bite?
Rambocico - 7 years ago
No, they're only kissing these seals.
I wuv Me
I wuv Me - 7 years ago
Damn nature you beautiful ^_^
I Am Grime
I Am Grime - 7 years ago
1:59 may day may day where goin down
Amjad Ali
Amjad Ali - 7 years ago
rajeshr1 - 7 years ago
How sad that in some East Asian countries, they capture these magnificent animals, chop their fin off (for shark fin soup) and put them back in the water, where it sinks to the bottom of the ocean and dies a slow painful death.
Sudstah - 7 years ago
This is one of the few animals along with the crocodile that makes you feel how scary it would be in the time of the dinosaurs!
Story Of The Ninja
Story Of The Ninja - 7 years ago
this is so cool filmed!?
Jim Moriarty
Jim Moriarty - 7 years ago
Magnussen showing off again...
Sincere One
Sincere One - 7 years ago
That white belly is so tempting to rub
mike Lane
mike Lane - 7 years ago
Avelus 14YT
Avelus 14YT - 7 years ago
This is why I love Planet Earth cause they can record this amazing stuff.Also the Great White Shark is my favorite animal.
Waad Shraidah Baysn
Waad Shraidah Baysn - 7 years ago
I'm not going to the beach anymore this gives me goosebumps
conspiracy theorists don't really exist
conspiracy theorists don't really exist - 7 years ago
My stomach sometimes breaches the top button of my pants. If you want to film that in slo-mo let me know.
Anime Stories
Anime Stories - 7 years ago
Brandon Khuu
Brandon Khuu - 7 years ago
Mrs. Pringles
Mrs. Pringles - 7 years ago
Blue Nimbus
Blue Nimbus - 7 years ago
This video scares me.
destructodude - 7 years ago
Some of these shots look like old Air Jaws clips with the rubber seal being dragged behind the boat. That's probably why the footage has such a weird filter on it to disguise it against newer, higher quality footage. I'm guessing it's a hard thing to film much less predict and that predators fail most of their attempts.
Abuzar Saleem
Abuzar Saleem - 7 years ago
Eneko Gotzon
Eneko Gotzon - 7 years ago
Naturak egundoko biziraupen gailu ekoizten ditu
promontorium - 7 years ago
Open ocean shots of a great white going after a fake bait seal, interspersed with a bunch of seals swimming around near the shore. And one shot of a great white with a real seal filmed anywhere at any time.
Maxime R
Maxime R - 7 years ago
génial !
David S
David S - 7 years ago
Truly amazing.
nickdasnowman - 7 years ago
Feels like the sharks are just showing off here
Sam Glenn
Sam Glenn - 7 years ago
That is one magnificent animal.
Snake being
Snake being - 7 years ago
Awesome display of finess, speed, power and grace.
Unexplained Mysteries
Unexplained Mysteries - 7 years ago
Incredible footage!
David Sanchez
David Sanchez - 7 years ago
Unexplained Meterles
Bing Bong
Bing Bong - 7 years ago
People Rule
They mistaken human as seal.. So they can harm people dont tou think so people ?
People Rule
People Rule - 7 years ago
You know they don't harm people, most of the time they mistake humans for prey such as seals, you have nothing to worry about. Be more afraid of the thing with the camera ;)
People Rule
People Rule - 7 years ago
Great white do not harm people
Jeremy HH
Jeremy HH - 7 years ago
nice channel btw
Jeremy HH
Jeremy HH - 7 years ago
Nah great whites scare the hell out of me
Sofia Rosati
Sofia Rosati - 7 years ago
2:03 Is it a baby tail?
LPS firefox LĪGA
LPS firefox LĪGA - 7 years ago
cooolll ai love dis
TeagueSurf - 7 years ago
Good times! I remember when PE first came out and this feature was so epiccc! Still is.
Hassan Alzahrani
Hassan Alzahrani - 7 years ago
Waht a great video
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 7 years ago
This behaviour is used mostly off South Africa, making it a learnt hunting tactic
Tam-Ère Maime
Tam-Ère Maime - 7 years ago
"The Great White" the biggest predator

100. comment for Great White Shark Attack And Breach | Planet Earth | BBC Earth

Daniel López
Daniel López - 7 years ago
this is spechless... AMAZING PHOTAGE
Chidori Nagashi
Chidori Nagashi - 7 years ago
le documentaire complet slvp
Cvetko Jovcevski
Cvetko Jovcevski - 7 years ago
gotto love the invention of video
andros charilaou
andros charilaou - 7 years ago
andros charilaou
andros charilaou - 7 years ago
Animals making lave
Deep Chouragade
Deep Chouragade - 7 years ago
A moment of appreciation for filming such a scene.
SpLiC3 - 7 years ago
Agreed, probably why working of one of Sir David's projects means your the best in your field.
I wuv Me
I wuv Me - 7 years ago
indeed. props to them
Kronos - 7 years ago
It's 3 in the morning. What am I doing here??
Kronos - 7 years ago
I'm....well....I am.
yknot000 - 7 years ago
Wow great video !! I saw another video starring a great white and a Killer Whale. Guess who won that battle. I am pretty sure it's on YouTube
Pete Kuhns
Pete Kuhns - 7 years ago
Imagine the power required to propel your 2000lbs + out of the water while ramming into and gulping down a 200lbs+ seal. Talk about power!
HeinRich W. KocH
HeinRich W. KocH - 7 years ago
Absolutely awesume!!
samanth Nikoses
samanth Nikoses - 7 years ago
Orca the killer Whale has more power the White Shark,,and I saw many times that Oracs kills white shark,,even great white Shark is no match for The king of Sea is Orca.
IC BM - 7 years ago
What are you talking about ? 20 metres long, Deep Blue is the biggest great white shark on vid, and she is 7 metres long weighing 5,000 pounds.
Rohith Vishwajith
Rohith Vishwajith - 7 years ago
Lala you mean 20 feet right
Mechanical Whale Productions
Mechanical Whale Productions - 7 years ago
La - 7 years ago
Remember next time you are swimming in the sea, that Great White Sharks can swim at speeds of 35 mph (while humans only swim 3 mph), and they can be 20 metres long.
Louie Niglio
Louie Niglio - 7 years ago
Casper Wouters that was good response didn't think I could laugh that hard ever again
Casper Wouters
Casper Wouters - 7 years ago
PsyQoBoy The Germans tried, it didn't work out for them, or anyone else really.
PsyQoBoy - 7 years ago
Screw horsepower, I'll start measuring in great white power.
I'm GREEN !!!
I'm GREEN !!! - 7 years ago
eu sou brasileiro ponham as legendas
Sengamala Selvi Rm
Sengamala Selvi Rm - 7 years ago
it's rare and amazing,it's a life cycle.
scubadrew9292 - 7 years ago
This is from the 2007 Planet Earth and is still amazing to watch
t.c.a.w Exposed
t.c.a.w Exposed - 7 years ago
the video quality to
Bender Veloso C.R.F
Bender Veloso C.R.F - 7 years ago
such an amazing creature!!
ILLUMI ZOLDYCK - 7 years ago
i'd like it more if i saw this without the slow motion !
Vikram Singha
Vikram Singha - 7 years ago
Atleast the British taxpayers are funding some amazing footage here...cheers to TV license fees
Plumbus Smith
Plumbus Smith - 7 years ago
amazing footage
Sophie Raymond
Sophie Raymond - 7 years ago
it sure is
4exgold - 7 years ago
magnificent creatures, sadly going to be facing extinction in a generation or less unless people and govts act.
madyahanapu srinivas
madyahanapu srinivas - 7 years ago
that was absolutely stunning
unr1 - 7 years ago
madyahanapu srinivas I agree!
MarlonMax - 7 years ago
Amazing Amazing Amazing beast !!!!
Dmitri Kaminiar
Dmitri Kaminiar - 7 years ago
You can see the fear in their eyes...
Shanox - 7 years ago
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Moch.Fariz Dzulfiqar
Moch.Fariz Dzulfiqar - 7 years ago
Shanox what? clamp shaped belly? o_O
FromHyrule - 7 years ago
When you go scuba-diving for the first time you see this shark everywhere.
michaelvinceramos - 7 years ago
Carlos Wright
Carlos Wright - 7 years ago
is this the only great white filmed catching prey
Michael O Neill
Michael O Neill - 7 years ago
There dummy seals dragged along by the boat
Carlos Wright
Carlos Wright - 7 years ago
Aaron Aarooon if someone is unaware of something they ask questions, am i not allowed to ask questions?
Carlos Wright
Carlos Wright - 7 years ago
Reason why i ask that is because this is the only one I've ever seen, if u are aware of a plethora of such filmings please provide me with a link so that i too may become knowledgeable of them
David Narvaiz
David Narvaiz - 7 years ago
David Attenborough is my spirit animal.
Lili Koch
Lili Koch - 7 years ago
I'm scared
Awais Yousaf
Awais Yousaf - 7 years ago
The only reason i like seals being eaten by Sharks is that seals eat penguins and penguins are cute :P
Awais Yousaf
Awais Yousaf - 7 years ago
yeah but they are seals!
Raphael Carl Ong
Raphael Carl Ong - 7 years ago
Awais Yousaf aren't the seals which eat penguins only or something like a Leopard Seal?
Antonio Lewis
Antonio Lewis - 7 years ago
Great Whites are the only sea animal that eats IN FREE FALL.
The God you never knew
The God you never knew - 7 years ago
One of Earth's most ancient predators in action
The 90th hunter
The 90th hunter - 7 years ago
The God you never knew The Great White evolved around 8.5 Million years ago, Kinda pathetic compared to the Sand Tiger Shark which evolved around the Cretaceous (Probably around 100-120 Million years ago)
The God you never knew
The God you never knew - 7 years ago
The Miocene?
The 90th hunter
The 90th hunter - 7 years ago
The God you never knew The Miocene seems kinda recent mate.
ZyReX ツ xd
ZyReX ツ xd - 7 years ago
And THAT is that why i hate the sea!
Casper Wouters
Casper Wouters - 7 years ago
Otterbecrafty I agree with you for the most part, but your argument is invalid. You don't have to be an expert about combustion engines to know you can get run over by a car.
ZyReX ツ xd
ZyReX ツ xd - 7 years ago
Otterbecrafty i know that they don't mean to eat us, but their look is just horrifying
Otterbecrafty - 7 years ago
ZyReX ツ I'm fully aware that on 5 percent of the ocean has been discovered. it's my life's work to discover it. that is why I don't appreciate when individuals say they dislike the ocean.
ZyReX ツ xd
ZyReX ツ xd - 7 years ago
Otterbecrafty WE don't know anything about the sea, we have only discovered about 5%
There is huge things down there for sure...
Otterbecrafty - 7 years ago
uncle ruckus just because you watched a three minute video on YouTube doesn't mean you're an expert.
uncle ruckus
uncle ruckus - 7 years ago
Otterbecrafty don't know anything yet just watched sharks hunt...huh?
Otterbecrafty - 7 years ago
ZyReX ツ because you don't know anything about it??? that doesn't seem like a good reason to hate something.
Ravedaze - 7 years ago
Damn fish you scary big teeth!!
Death Sweet
Death Sweet - 7 years ago
they're basically skateboarders
MrDylanHole - 7 years ago
apt picture
J D - 7 years ago
at least it's a quick death
TheNaxHiri - 7 years ago
Well true if the shark "misses" and doesent hit em fully. I remember watching documentary on these great whites at galapagos islands who hunt the seals like this. They calculated the G forces what the shark emits to the seal and cant remember the number but it was something absurd like 5-10 times more g forces than jetpilot experiences.
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 7 years ago
A great white bite bleeds out in less than a minite
KVSTLES - 7 years ago
TheNaxHiri no, they're still alive sometimes they bleed out
TheNaxHiri - 7 years ago
Actually it is quick death. The amouth of force is impacted to the seal once the shark hits stuns em.
ĸɩηɡ ɕσɓɾα
ĸɩηɡ ɕσɓɾα - 7 years ago
not really ur getting ripped apart being alive
LaniAirbusFlyer - 7 years ago
Is this off the coast of Cape Town?
pen pencil
pen pencil - 7 years ago
False Bay Capetown
EL Profesor
EL Profesor - 7 years ago
i liked your channel
Darwin-Evolution - 7 years ago
Also, BBC Earth, could you upload a clip from one of your documentaries, please? It's from Attenborough's Life that Glows, and it's the part with the mating display of the bioluminescent ostracod Photeros annecohenae over Belize reefs at night. That fascinated me when I watched it because the mating display is one of the most complex and amazing ones on Earth.
Marco Palma
Marco Palma - 7 years ago
I remembered the first time I saw this scene. I was shocked and speechless. bbc the best!
Resat Bisljimi
Resat Bisljimi - 7 years ago
Sameer Khan
Sameer Khan - 7 years ago
Darwin-Evolution - 7 years ago
That is extremely difficult to film cause you never know where a shark will breach. Now imagine how difficult it was for the team that filmed this with an ultra slow motion camera.
Dan Dan
Dan Dan - 7 years ago
Darwin-Evolution couldn't they just slow it down after they filmed it
12345 - 7 years ago
The camera is fitted with a device which records like 5 seconds before you hit the record button. so the camera guy probably hit the record button when the shark was out of the water. But it was still really hard to guess where the shark will jump out
SpLiC3 - 7 years ago
Hi king cobra, sadly it is not that simple because you still only have 25fps or 50fps whatever. Slowing it down would not give this effect. This needs to be recorded at super high frame rate to give you the perfect smooth motion you get even at very slow playback speeds. This was probably shot at about 500fps.
iron setiawan
iron setiawan - 7 years ago
Darwin-Evolution i
ffi1001 - 7 years ago
I guess they use a drone
why not
why not - 7 years ago
Not really. The problem of timing is solved through the fact that the modern digital cameras they now use records the previous 10 seconds as well. The problem with movement is solved through the use of gyroscopes.
Guerrilla Gaming
Guerrilla Gaming - 7 years ago
Darwin-Evolution They tow a fake seal behind the boat with a camera pointed at it. Not that hard.
Tomb Stone
Tomb Stone - 7 years ago
dude true
Dezrj B3ckbock
Dezrj B3ckbock - 7 years ago
There is a feature on cameras that makes it constantly record, when the camera man hits record the camera then saves the video.
Kepzia 214
Kepzia 214 - 7 years ago
Darwin-Evolution I was thinking that the whole video
dude - 7 years ago
They bait the shark with seal and film it.
Darwin-Evolution - 7 years ago
Pikaia Battaile Oh hi dude! long time no see on the forums lol
Angelo Vildasol
Angelo Vildasol - 7 years ago
Ha! I was just thinking the same exact thing. What an amazing amount of patience it must take to film this stuff
MrDylanHole - 7 years ago
I didn't mean to be snide! I was more responding to TheNaxiHiri.
And to you too.
MrDylanHole - 7 years ago
It's clearly a real seal @ 1:04
Pikaia Battaile
Pikaia Battaile - 7 years ago
Yeah, I was thinking that exact same thing. Props to the cameramen who filmed this. Also, c'est moi, Subnauticambrian
TheNaxHiri - 7 years ago
They actually use seal replicas and drag em behind their boat. Awhile cruising around the area.
MrDylanHole - 7 years ago
You think they wouldn't do that?
Darwin-Evolution - 7 years ago
MrDylanHole ...erm...
How do I say this XD
ĸɩηɡ ɕσɓɾα
ĸɩηɡ ɕσɓɾα - 7 years ago
Darwin-Evolution ohh ok
MrDylanHole - 7 years ago
No, I mean shoot a seal with a gun.
saquib hashir
saquib hashir - 7 years ago
requires patience
Darwin-Evolution - 7 years ago
MrDylanHole Two problems with that: there are seals everywhere so you've no idea which one is gonna get attacked, and secondly, the seals aren't that easy to film either cause they're sometimes hard to see under the water.
Darwin-Evolution - 7 years ago
PrayFor YourFaith I think that would highly affect the framerate. To get a really smooth shot, you need a camera that specialises in slow motion.
They did have a backup normal camera at the same time though, they showed it in the diaries of the episode this was on.
MrDylanHole - 7 years ago
Simply shoot a seal and wait.
ĸɩηɡ ɕσɓɾα
ĸɩηɡ ɕσɓɾα - 7 years ago
cant u just film it normal and than slowdown?
Harith rashid
Harith rashid - 7 years ago
Darwin-Evolution true
yelistener - 7 years ago
Directed by Zack Snyder
Amiel Moodley
Amiel Moodley - 7 years ago
yelistener expecting a wild Jason Momoa to pop out of nowhere
Kaylie Rawlings
Kaylie Rawlings - 7 years ago
This video has reminded me how much Great Whites scare me.
HeinRich W. KocH
HeinRich W. KocH - 7 years ago
Get onto the surface and run!
Georg Schmidt
Georg Schmidt - 7 years ago
Not true at all Lala, you are totally misinformed. E.g. Snakes, Insects, Crocs, Wildcats, Hippos are in the Top 5.
Mosquitoes kill 750 000 Humans a year, sharks only six! And the most dangerous shark is the Bullet Shark due to his agressive behaviour, not the Great White.
Georg Schmidt
Georg Schmidt - 7 years ago
Rather about 20ft or 7m.
João Maia
João Maia - 7 years ago
Lala orcas are worse than Great sharks
Gary Barber
Gary Barber - 7 years ago
Go scuba diving with Great Whites off the coast of Guadalupe, Mexico. They are not in the slightest bit interested in eating Humans. Every time a Human has been attacked by a Great White it has been a case of mistaken identity. They see a silhouette on the top of the water and think it's a Seal. Their staple. It's usually a surfer. These animals are not the relentless killers that movies like Jaws have portrayed them. They are curious, majestic and magnificent creatures that must be protected. Not feared and killed.
areeb1296 - 7 years ago
Don't worry. Orcas will protect you.
Kevin Clement
Kevin Clement - 7 years ago
Lala hippos, crocodiles, lions, even dogs and cows kill more people than sharks, including great whites
La - 7 years ago
Great White Sharks actually kill humans. Mosquitoes just spread malaria - it's not the same. Mosquitoes don't kill humans, but they carry viruses that do.

Great White Sharks are easily the world's most dangerous animal.
Kevin Clement
Kevin Clement - 7 years ago
Lala Animals that kill the most human are mosquitoes. I'm not sure whether you are an internet troll or simply a fool.
La - 7 years ago
Great White Sharks are the world's most dangerous animals, killing more people than any other animal.
Reef Li
Reef Li - 7 years ago
Kevin Clement Not to be rude or anything, but a shark was seen feasting on a young woman's corpse, spotted by a couple on a cruise.
ccmyart - 7 years ago
Only a fool tempts nature.
Kevin Clement
Kevin Clement - 7 years ago
Lala Get your facts straight, great whites find human flesh distasteful and mostly attack us by accident. You should learn this from encyclopedias and documentaries, not from movies like Jaws and paranoid shark hunters.
La - 7 years ago
Great Whites attack humans more than any other shark species. Also the number of attacks increase as more humans are now swimming in the sea. Btw, they can swim 35mph underwater, while most humans swim 3 mph.
ccmyart - 7 years ago
The majority of shark bites are accidental or are provoked. Sharks do not hunt humans as we are NOT a part of their environment. Why must you people perpetuate stereotypes? If you look at the statistics, there have been only 6 incidents per year over the past 400 years, and very few have been fatal.
La - 7 years ago
Actually they do hunt humans - they kill more humans than any other shark species
ccmyart - 7 years ago
They don't hunt humans.
MrGoodkat - 7 years ago
Lala There ain't gunna be a next time I'm swimming in the sea after watching this..
La - 7 years ago
Just remember next time you are swimming in the sea, that Great White Sharks can swim at speeds of 35 mph, and they can be 20 metres long.
Sophie Ripari
Sophie Ripari - 7 years ago
Kaylie Rawlings ikr
AmazingThings - 7 years ago
Arabas Matipas
Arabas Matipas - 7 years ago
This video is better than CNN
I swear
uncle ruckus
uncle ruckus - 7 years ago
Arabas Matipas wassup with idiots and cnn? Starting to think libs and cons both watch it 24/7
frans dolmans
frans dolmans - 7 years ago
try watching no news at all problem solved if its fake news or not
Yash Totale
Yash Totale - 7 years ago
You do know that Fox News Channel is going down at staggering speeds. Many of their employees are getting accused and charged of various crimes, which is causing them to get fired. Cough Bill O'Reilly Cough
XenobladeShulk - 7 years ago
Just because they report FACTS that don't fit your narrative, doesn't mean that they are fake news. And don't say "oh, so the same thing applies to CNN" because it doesn't. CNN lies to push their narrative.
XenobladeShulk - 7 years ago
FOX is real news.
Covfefe Dotard
Covfefe Dotard - 7 years ago
Arabas Matipas its better than fox fake news channel
Cyrus Matibag
Cyrus Matibag - 7 years ago
First comment and first like
dunruden - 7 years ago
+Cyrus Matibag. If you look at the times above other comments, you can see that you most certainly were not first. Now, off you go. It's past your bedtime.
Tom Hunter
Tom Hunter - 7 years ago
Oh yea baby

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