Great White Shark Attack Caught On GoPro (full video)

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Great White Shark Attack Caught On GoPro (full video) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1468

Shark videos 8 years ago 2,045,448 views

To use the video off platform in a broadcast or a monetized player, contact Courtesy: Tyler McQuillen Speargun and fins made by:

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Most popular comments
for Great White Shark Attack Caught On GoPro (full video)

Mathew DeCesare
Mathew DeCesare - 7 years ago
Oh HELL no! And to the people calling it an “investigative bump,” ...where’s his flipper? It’s GONE because it was BITTEN off, not investigatively bumped off. Like, what?
Boo Boo
Boo Boo - 7 years ago
I support killing all sharks (as in extinct) and just seeing what happens.  True science in motion.  Yes, yes, another predator will rise.......and we'll just see what it is and then deal with it accordingly.
Dylan Mccanlies
Dylan Mccanlies - 7 years ago
Way to keep your cool.
mike fede
mike fede - 7 years ago
Whiteout that spear gun he would have been fucked ... crazy good for him for taking it like a boss ... I would have walked in water
The Witcher 3 Misc
The Witcher 3 Misc - 7 years ago
It got scared when he poked it.
Vlog with Andy
Vlog with Andy - 7 years ago
Thumbs up if your binge watching Shark Videos...!!! I just cant seem to get enough right now.
Sonny Grambino
Sonny Grambino - 7 years ago
Shark was just curious to wtf your doing in its hood ! If he wanted a meal your go pro would be at the bottom of the ocean ! Oh ya also wouldn't have them pretty toes either ! Lol No open mouth on sharks second pass !
sniper zeroeight
sniper zeroeight - 7 years ago
Please watch also your back while swimming away from the shark, just for assurance that no sharks is at your back. God bless
Joe Thornton
Joe Thornton - 7 years ago
The context of all do's/dont's, shouldda/wouldda etc coming from our armchairs and sofas make them utterly meaningless.

10. comment for Great White Shark Attack Caught On GoPro (full video)

Kahele Koki
Kahele Koki - 7 years ago
Soul0Stealer - 7 years ago
Thankfully shark wasn't in full-hunt mode......did the old "curious" bite. Once it knew the flipper wasn't a seal's fin it wanted to know more so came back for a closer look. Otherwise if it thought it was a seal or some kind of food it would have nailed him at full force. But since it wasn't he was easily pushed away and figured, "I don't want some damn rubber thing."
Plus I've gone over this a few times in slow motion and can see no shot of the sharks mouth open at all. Just more that leads to my opinion that the shark wasn't trying to attack but simply wanted to know more about it.
Heather G
Heather G - 7 years ago
Wow! Super intense experience with a Super amazing Spirit! I'm glad you are ok! 1♡
Robert Hammond
Robert Hammond - 7 years ago
fuck that I would want a pistol fuck a spear. that bitch would be fucking off
Tim Murphy
Tim Murphy - 7 years ago
Diver: "Holy shite!!! A great white shark!!!"

Shark: (swims home) "I saw an alien. I swear it. Aliens in the water!!!"
duncan walker
duncan walker - 7 years ago
And he'll be back in the water anytime soon. Madness in my opinion
Headphone Guy
Headphone Guy - 7 years ago
His fin got bitten off and his toes got a scratch
Billy Villa
Billy Villa - 7 years ago
People say what they would have done but in that situation it’s almost helpless , haven’t encountered whites but some Bulls and Tigers and even if 99.9 percent the time they don’t attack at that moment your the point 1(.1) , just you and chance no 911 no hiding unless a lot of coral reef but how much is your tank , you imagine that second rush toward you , Congrats on another day mate
Billy The kid
Billy The kid - 7 years ago
It would be a lot of brown sauce in my wetsuit after an incident like that
Cody W
Cody W - 7 years ago
I just shit myself.

20. comment for Great White Shark Attack Caught On GoPro (full video)

Feelin Flush
Feelin Flush - 7 years ago
Ain't he swimming in circles with that flipper though?
Tribe Benjamin
Tribe Benjamin - 7 years ago
your very lucky sharks are lone ranger hunters sometime...if they hunt like a pack of killer whales it would be a different
C Sedan
C Sedan - 7 years ago
Why didn't you stop and look for your flipper?
Victor Campbell
Victor Campbell - 7 years ago
Ok guy swimming in ocean with a spear gun looking to kill for the so called fun... a shark gives him a nudge basically telling him to fuck off out of it ...then has the audacity to complain about it CUNT
Nate V
Nate V - 7 years ago
This shark was just curious to see what you were, had it been hungry you would have been dead. Be happy it wasn't a bull or tiger shark. Man eaters
Pat Dorsman
Pat Dorsman - 7 years ago
This is an amazing video
Kerry Humphreys
Kerry Humphreys - 7 years ago
Holy muda fookn shiznet... How sly nd stealthy was that. Amazing living breathn dino
fishncapt26 - 7 years ago
Low viz shallow water that's seal hunting shark attack prime time right there
Drew Bonsall
Drew Bonsall - 7 years ago
I don't care investigated bump or what have you that guy is nuts period
Tye Seeley
Tye Seeley - 7 years ago
Shark was just trying to photobomb your GoPro.

30. comment for Great White Shark Attack Caught On GoPro (full video)

Ryan Centnarowicz
Ryan Centnarowicz - 7 years ago
Would you rather swim with a great white shark or killer whale? I'd have to say Great white because Killer whales are very intelligent and are notorious for killing people more than great whites.
Zahra Shirmomhamadid
Zahra Shirmomhamadid - 7 years ago
Scott Mallory
Scott Mallory - 7 years ago
Honestly - dressed like a seal and wondering why a Great White might take an interest. Why don't.divera wear bright coloured wetsuits? Serves poisonous fish to prevent predatory attacks...
matt thomas
matt thomas - 7 years ago
how did he just stiff arm a great white shark wtf?!!!
Morgan D
Morgan D - 7 years ago
Where is this
Nicole Mantip
Nicole Mantip - 7 years ago
That huge beast didn' t cut your head off ? How?
Contamino - 7 years ago
you lost your fin you stupid fuck
hikefilm - 7 years ago
Never run from predators
dakidjahsiah - 7 years ago
its amazing to read all these dumb fucks acting like shark experts. talking about "bumb and bite" lol. that shark wanted to eat this idiot but he fought back.
dakidjahsiah - 7 years ago
shark should've ate this dumb fuck. it would've been the greatest video ever.
Allen Kemmett
Allen Kemmett - 7 years ago
Stupid Bastard, sharks dont attack people.. "oh but as i was holding a gun" swimming around.
Rick Lee
Rick Lee - 7 years ago
Attack? C'mon, he was just saying hello.

Oh, and this video basically starts at 1:20, and basically ends at 2:00.
Chris Alpha
Chris Alpha - 7 years ago
Not TODAY!!!
Crypto Wise
Crypto Wise - 7 years ago
No where near an "attack" but wow was that intense.
Carlos Mondragon
Carlos Mondragon - 7 years ago
Dumbass,what you expect aquaman? That's his house your the bitch
jake fiscus
jake fiscus - 7 years ago
i notice in most of these vids they poke it, i am inexperienced in this situation but i always feel like i would fire the spear the moment i get a bead on the shark. but i guess it is better to let it live
Frogman D.
Frogman D. - 7 years ago
Real man would have got his fin back.
jean paul fox
jean paul fox - 7 years ago
$100 free diving fin I would never just leave behind ! You go back and grab it ! Can't believe you fled the scene over a white shark !
john lockett
john lockett - 7 years ago
You just spooked him, he just wanted to spoon with you. LOL.
Thomas Angel
Thomas Angel - 7 years ago
Sharks attack very often in a few beaches there is a simulator for white sharks here

50. comment for Great White Shark Attack Caught On GoPro (full video)

ADEBISI ADEBISI - 7 years ago
Why he ain’t dump on that foo
jake fiscus
jake fiscus - 7 years ago
ADEBISI ADEBISI he does not know de wea
Black Me
Black Me - 7 years ago
I have an excuse to be scared of the water now :)
Cobra_Rhodes - 7 years ago
Hey man you lost your flipper, go back and get it dude wtf...Lol
Tom Jones
Tom Jones - 7 years ago
Do you ever see the shark?
Niggleblade - 7 years ago
kelsey G
kelsey G - 7 years ago
Great whites attack from the bottom he got lucky
TheNapski - 7 years ago
Hey, if you're in the ocean then you are trespassing, so get the f--k out!
Dimitry Pavlov
Dimitry Pavlov - 7 years ago
Mock yourself
Outcast Outdoors
Outcast Outdoors - 7 years ago
Maybe a black wetsuit looks like you are a Seal??? Can't they color them something higher up the food chain, like in Great White or Killer Whale?
Nigga Waffles
Nigga Waffles - 7 years ago
Oh ur cool jk ur gay for running away pooosy you should of killed that shark like a man
Hassan Syed
Hassan Syed - 7 years ago
It bit off his right dive fin.
Adeninad Channel
Adeninad Channel - 7 years ago
I feel SOOO bad though
Clint Whatley
Clint Whatley - 7 years ago
Stupid Ass. You get what you get
trap city Adams
trap city Adams - 7 years ago
Stay out of the ocean people....dont die or get with all your body parts
Cadet Bone Spurs
Cadet Bone Spurs - 7 years ago
Fake! The shark is a paid actor.
Terry V
Terry V - 7 years ago
Dicey spear fishing in low visibility water with those little creatures for company,I feel lucky watching these videos after diving for abalone for five years where these fishys used to feed on the seals in the area we worked in,you're a lucky boy,buy yourself a lottery ticket,
Tis but a dream
Tis but a dream - 7 years ago
Prey meet Predator. Prepare to be pulverized!
manuel martin
manuel martin - 7 years ago
i will never understand why people go into murky water were sharks and other animals are above humans on the food chain. then act suprised when a shark comes over to remind them of least when surfers get attacked they dont see it coming.
Dave - 7 years ago
Yup that's a bump. No attack here. He thought you might be tasty until he tasted rubber. LOL
Maximillian Keentiger
Maximillian Keentiger - 7 years ago
Lucky diver...
R6-D2 - 7 years ago
1:36 wat up playa this is my hood
BoSsKVNGChains MT - 7 years ago
Is like facing a GOD creature once , your heart starts to beat faster is means you are in great danger
ihds6yg dtghjh
ihds6yg dtghjh - 7 years ago
If it wanted to eat you
there's nothing you could do about it
Levi Haughton
Levi Haughton - 7 years ago
Looool did it steal his flipper looool
GoogleJim - 7 years ago
Imagine something with lots n lots of teeth, the size of a large van or small bus five feet from you - oh and you know it’s there and you’re looking, yet still completely unaware.
Joel Elliott
Joel Elliott - 7 years ago
Way to stay calm n not panic. It did bump u little. It was coming back for second shot at u. Lucky.... Good job
Immortalmecha - 7 years ago
This video helped me with my 3 day constipation problem! Thanks!
Salvatore pluchino
Salvatore pluchino - 7 years ago
Dude you look like a seal
Mark Solarz
Mark Solarz - 7 years ago
When you enter there world you never know who will show up for the party! Careful your not the cake! Respect to all who are respectful!
Corinne McLeod
Corinne McLeod - 7 years ago
Water is way to murkey and quiet for me, haven't you see Jaws lol
Benjamin Dane R.
Benjamin Dane R. - 7 years ago
Jeffrey Scheffer
Jeffrey Scheffer - 7 years ago
Suicidel?....holy fuck man the way it appears...i would pass the fuck out and be fishfood
dean russell
dean russell - 7 years ago
you were 1 Lucky boy!!!!!
darren fusco
darren fusco - 7 years ago
that guy sure kept his cool , the pointer looked pretty excited on that second attack / ram , and it was a good size shark too ,
Lance Mannion
Lance Mannion - 7 years ago
Where was this?
papio masta
papio masta - 7 years ago
dude the shark took his fin that aint no bump
Toasted Hashins
Toasted Hashins - 7 years ago
If I was him the water would of got warmer xD
KnifeCatcher - 7 years ago
Only a certain kind of idiot would be: (i) this far out; (ii) swimming in murky water; (iii) dressed as a seal; and (iv) spear fishing.
t k
t k - 7 years ago
Go back and get the damn flipper, they're expensive!
Luke Griebel
Luke Griebel - 7 years ago
Way 2 stay kewl bro!
Gregory Thomas
Gregory Thomas - 7 years ago
Nature’s most powerful laxative
That damn Gucci
That damn Gucci - 7 years ago
The shark just was curious. If the shark wanted to eat him then he would have.
Jay 1rst place
Jay 1rst place - 7 years ago
Fuck that I'm not going in water
ja maguire
ja maguire - 7 years ago
The cliff notes version can be seen from 1:24 to 1:48. No shark footage before or after.
Justicar AB
Justicar AB - 7 years ago
MikiKemo E
MikiKemo E - 7 years ago
Thats what you get pussy for filming in 480p
mr joex3
mr joex3 - 7 years ago
Boring video. Not really an attack. Click bait
Diana Prince
Diana Prince - 7 years ago
Y'all already know there's a sharks in that sea, why still wanna go there?
Dill Hole
Dill Hole - 7 years ago
I wonder if he went back for the missing flipper. Better that than a missing foot.
Mark Wheeler
Mark Wheeler - 7 years ago
U enter there domain bad luck if they get u. U chose to go
Johan Hereora Hummerhielm
Johan Hereora Hummerhielm - 7 years ago
Did he poke the shark with the harpoon?

100. comment for Great White Shark Attack Caught On GoPro (full video)

Is_ fun_ time
Is_ fun_ time - 7 years ago
After all the discovery shark programs telling the sharks wont attack people a d they are inoffensive.
I would try to ride on this beautiful animal. Maybe hold on the fin and swim with him.

Bullshit . Sharks do attack. And this is a clear sample
Mark Garduno
Mark Garduno - 7 years ago
Yeah . . . .noooo. I'll be a Lilly Landlover for the rest of my life mate. RRRRRRR, YOU CAN KEEP THE OCEAN MATIE!
MannyCAM - 7 years ago
Gonna need a new wetsuit, after soiling this one. PUT-PUT FOR SURE
Vitto Filardich
Vitto Filardich - 7 years ago
Damn, you're faster than shark!
Namdor - 7 years ago
Deploy the ink...
jeremie stukel
jeremie stukel - 7 years ago
Maybe don't wear shit that makes you look like a seal
shane mccarthy
shane mccarthy - 7 years ago
EBay. For sale spear gun one flipper wetsuit with shit stains will not use again
Hans Laurentius
Hans Laurentius - 7 years ago
Stupidity at his fullest/spearfishing myself for 42 years now
Arsene Nose
Arsene Nose - 7 years ago
Well i have a headache now
Justin squires
Justin squires - 7 years ago
Haha lost your fin..
That Yung Boi
That Yung Boi - 7 years ago
Lost a flipper pal
RiacArdo Bardo
RiacArdo Bardo - 7 years ago
Made Premade
Made Premade - 7 years ago
я бы обосрался
Beatnik Bravo
Beatnik Bravo - 7 years ago
Shark noped the fuck out after 2nd bump lol
amanda Lilley
amanda Lilley - 7 years ago
@1.15 a stingray shot off either scared from the diver or the shark..either way it was like 'im outta here bye'...
Evil Banjos
Evil Banjos - 7 years ago
Went into the ocean with a stick feeling a big man...Then nature said NO!

Titan Army
Titan Army - 7 years ago
Brent Gregory
Brent Gregory - 7 years ago
That attack was territorial. Shark basically letting him know this is my territory and get out.
Trails Of The Smokies
Trails Of The Smokies - 7 years ago
I wouldn't have called that an attack! Click bait! It was a brush with a shark. Waist of my 5 minutes...
Turbotonio - 7 years ago
Wetsuit is a little heavier now. He's lucky the shark wasn't really hungry or it wouldn't have missed
Lonnie Farrare
Lonnie Farrare - 7 years ago
He got close enough to realize he wasn't a meal.
Mr. EOUS SOUNDS - 7 years ago
Mel Makavali
Mel Makavali - 7 years ago
Yes we human own this sea...
Muhammed Nadjib
Muhammed Nadjib - 7 years ago
You straight up gangsta
Voklst Westie
Voklst Westie - 7 years ago
I always wear an all black wet suit, so I resemble a seal...
"F-in Gnarly" ?
Really? Lucky the shark did not Gnarl you 1st time up instead of just
Bump you,...he was tasting!!!
brettjern05 - 7 years ago
Well now u have to go back and get that other flipper
Mel Makavali
Mel Makavali - 7 years ago
Fuck you twat that was an investigating bite but could be devastating..fuck it kill white sharks..they prey on us...he could have shot the fucker in the guilds..and let it die slow
Nick Newport
Nick Newport - 7 years ago
Mel Makavali that's the sharks world not ours. Humans act like we own everything.
rvrbarnacle79 - 7 years ago
Guns are for pussy’s and I’m a conservative republican.
Randy H
Randy H - 7 years ago
We have very different definitions of attacks.
Sir Tristen
Sir Tristen - 7 years ago
Weak and worthless video. Not an attack...curious bump. Trash.
john jones
john jones - 7 years ago
the jab with the spear gun probably saved this guy. the shark weighed the risk of injury, plus the bump told him that this was not a regular prey item.
Bruna de Oliveira Santos
Bruna de Oliveira Santos - 7 years ago
O que são essas cordinhas amarelas?
Virokk Gaming
Virokk Gaming - 7 years ago
If he spear the great white shark, I know it doesn't do anything to that big great white shark but that guy end up in his stomach.
John Kraemer
John Kraemer - 7 years ago
Wow! Amazing!
Jelly Ninja
Jelly Ninja - 7 years ago
Jelly Ninja
Jelly Ninja - 7 years ago
Most times they say shark attack and then they attack the shark instead of the other way around
Sidney Dowman
Sidney Dowman - 7 years ago
Hope the shark was ok after that
Gary Mckee
Gary Mckee - 7 years ago
Beyond stupid. Seriously you are an absolute twat. Don't play with sharks or you could be killed.
Dolev wajsbrot
Dolev wajsbrot - 7 years ago
looks a little fake...but ok
gamingwithZane clark
gamingwithZane clark - 7 years ago
Are you okay from the great white
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 7 years ago
My man's just tryna get a snack
Dom Loz
Dom Loz - 7 years ago
I bet that swim back felt like it took hours.
israel morales
israel morales - 7 years ago
a shark in the middle of the ocean, who would know
Jabber Wockey
Jabber Wockey - 7 years ago
Damnit, rubber again! Humans, and their confusing petroleum by products.
icimblind - 7 years ago
This is how the attack process works. You may get bumped with their nose first, or a bite from behind. In this case the shark did both. He bit off his flipper and came back and bumped him. The third time the guy used his spear and poked him hard. I am sure that would be strange to the shark and would get him thinking do I want to proceed? If this guy didn't use his hands and push the shark off and then poke him with his speargun the shark would have continued and bit him. Then he'd back off and circle him until he bleed out. And this whole process can change depending on how hungry they are. Stop trying to make sharks some kind of cute sea puppy coming up to lick your legs. They do things with purpose.
Andres Muro
Andres Muro - 7 years ago
If they attacked as you describe, they would ever eat. They would nudge seals with their noses and the seals would split right away.
Dénes Márton
Dénes Márton - 7 years ago
I love how people love to make themselves as an expert, while talking stupid things. No man, this was a curious investigating, a shark attack process is looks like when you realize he is attacking, you are fcked, probably already drawned down with some missing pieces. A shark not gonna make you bleed out. You know why? Cause it's a race for them. They don't want to share their pride with other sharks. Maybe you don't realize but with this stupid comment you are harmfull for sharks, and for people also, whose maybe find themselves in a situation like this, and gonna start panic, which definetly gonna make the shark attack for real. But be happy cause like 100 people on youtube believe you are a shark expert...
Tesla Hex
Tesla Hex - 7 years ago
icimblind Is it ok to swim away frantically like that? I was told that’s bad but what other options do you have? Especially if your without a spear.
TH3GPS - 7 years ago
Lol no? That's not at all how the attack process works. If they want to attack you, you best believe they'll attack you. A slight nudge or even a bite is not an "attack" by any means. They don't have hands, so the only way they can investigate things is either with a nudge or a bite...
Rosso The'Crimson
Rosso The'Crimson - 7 years ago
Jake Duffles
Jake Duffles - 7 years ago
icimblind you’re over analyzing this fella
Outcast Outdoors
Outcast Outdoors - 7 years ago
Technically, he got you.
Theo P
Theo P - 7 years ago
icimblind perfectly said
j hackett
j hackett - 7 years ago
Fuck that shit....god damn son u were just about lunch for that big mf
winter soldier
winter soldier - 7 years ago
worst video I ever watched!! u flip upside down and run backwards forever from the shark.... worst video ever take it down next time cut the video
Blu - 7 years ago
Is it a fake video?
MasterHaunter - 7 years ago
No Thanks!
leo - 7 years ago
its a baby shark eat him with the second attack
Oleg Djakonu
Oleg Djakonu - 7 years ago
scary shit,you are a one lucky bastard XD
thomas williamson
thomas williamson - 7 years ago
hunter becomes the hunted. karma.
Chris Wright
Chris Wright - 7 years ago

Zachary Cross
Zachary Cross - 7 years ago
Fuckin gnarly
Issish Mullen
Issish Mullen - 7 years ago
Uhhh this isnt your video its spearfishing reviews video
Project Panda And Daisy
Project Panda And Daisy - 7 years ago
it is pretty dumb that people go under the see and expect it to be fine but they still something bad might happen they might encounter a shark or get stung by a jellyfish so I think they should just avoid going under water I prefer people going underwater in submarines that where they are safe and they won't get attacked they will still experience he same thing except just no shark attack :)
Kermithedronepilot '
Kermithedronepilot ' - 7 years ago
This is on shark week rn
Winkelried V.
Winkelried V. - 7 years ago
American idiot
frankdrebin - 7 years ago
Wow this dude had some balls. No way I'd have there wherewithal to grab the spear gun after getting my flipper ripped off by a great white. Where was this shot? Further, after the second hit, I would have put the spear through its head w/o a second thought, FU shark, and all the tree hippies. He kept his cool.
Dragonballgamer20 18
Dragonballgamer20 18 - 7 years ago
That poor shark
Truth Seeker
Truth Seeker - 7 years ago
got really lucky here. hit him from behind didn't even see him
24Toprak - 7 years ago
Some say he's still swimming backwards to this day..
Terry Pagan
Terry Pagan - 7 years ago
24Toprak just piss myself lol
R. M.
R. M. - 7 years ago
Thats my worst nightmare. Some people actually died in scuba diving because of shark attacks.
Christopher Tucker
Christopher Tucker - 7 years ago
Stan Finch
Stan Finch - 7 years ago
1 of 2 things would of happen. I either would of A. passed out after it bumped into me or B. panicked like a idiot said fuck the spear gun and swam for my life. I can openly admit a shark that size would of made me lose any composure
Rickety Wrecked - son
Rickety Wrecked - son - 7 years ago
could almost hear that shark humming his own jaws theme tune lol
MihalisM Kickyourass
MihalisM Kickyourass - 7 years ago
how can you swim in waters like this? fuck
Ray Cisneros
Ray Cisneros - 7 years ago
hahaha that's what you get.
Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch - 7 years ago
What no one is seeing is the OC in the sea of comments saying it's all good and it's licensed. Lol
Zilla Rex
Zilla Rex - 7 years ago
was scared for this dude, very lucky man
Daniel Gorse
Daniel Gorse - 7 years ago
What's wrong with ya mate? It was right in front of you. ever heard of pulling the trigger?
jtarwood63 - 7 years ago
jtarwood63 - 7 years ago
M  U  R  K  Y      W  A  T  E  R!!!!!   =  D  U  M  B  A  S  S!!!!
Steven G
Steven G - 7 years ago
Mannnn! he was going to eat you if it wasn't for that harpoon gun you can tell ol boy done took your flipper on the first strike you got super lucky it wasn't your foot
Cool Hand Luke
Cool Hand Luke - 7 years ago
Thats what happens when you go where sharks live
highgate14 - 7 years ago
Let's get the shark's version of events.
jesica velle
jesica velle - 7 years ago
highgate14 i can’t lmaoo
Willy Wonka
Willy Wonka - 7 years ago
Did it actually attack you or bump you? Big difference.
Mike F
Mike F - 7 years ago
...and the ocean ran brown that day
Itchy_Gooch79 - 7 years ago
Great whites sure do love the green water, cloudy too. Make sure you wear all black like a seal....oh you are
Jasokay - 7 years ago
Apple Day
Apple Day - 7 years ago
Never dive in water that murky
Davo Rebo
Davo Rebo - 7 years ago
Stingray was like he who must not be named aka dark lord is behind you ...bye
Cheez Loord
Cheez Loord - 7 years ago
This shark was not being an asshole, It was defending its territory. It thought that Tyler was another great white. They bite each other's tails when one encroaches on another's territory. The shark was being pretty respectful toward the guy. When it realized that Tyler was not a shark, it backed off and left him alone as a sort of "apology". Sharks do have a social hierarchy as well as a respect for surrounding life. If it wanted to eat him, it would have come from below while aiming for Tyler's torso. You can hardly even call it an attack. That is the beauty of sharks. They respect, they care, and they back the hell off. Still scary as fuck though, to be honest.
Angelo Meloni
Angelo Meloni - 7 years ago
bad situation
Sir Wulf
Sir Wulf - 7 years ago
Boyd Crowder
Boyd Crowder - 7 years ago
"fuckin gnarly" I almost got eaten alive by a shark....... FUCK that.... if that's his definition of gnarly, ill settle for a boring life....
minityper - 7 years ago
Sometimes you hunt, sometimes you're hunted. Its all cool.
paolo bongioanni
paolo bongioanni - 7 years ago
TheRealSpoony - 7 years ago
Hope he played the lottery just afterwards...he would've won!
Lacey YDG
Lacey YDG - 7 years ago
bro i would have been running on water haha. glad you made it.
Robert111 - 7 years ago
Now why in the hell didn't the guy shoot the shark in the eye?
Brian Volek
Brian Volek - 7 years ago
he better not get back in
cg - 7 years ago
click bait, there was no attack
SHGaming - 7 years ago
I don't see any blood
Renee Rosenthal
Renee Rosenthal - 7 years ago
Sean James
Sean James - 7 years ago
absolutely terrifying
Rosco - 7 years ago
Probably a good idea to stay out of the murky water !!
yonatan - 7 years ago
u people are f crazy
Fishing Time
Fishing Time - 7 years ago
fuck moments huh
Ana Vasquez
Ana Vasquez - 7 years ago
not a shark attack
joe carr
joe carr - 7 years ago
born again...
watchful news
watchful news - 7 years ago
brave keep doing it maybe you'll find megladon dumb ass
bodus - 7 years ago
I envy that scenario. always wanted to wrestle a great white and choke one out. damn
Oliver Poultney
Oliver Poultney - 7 years ago
and this is why I don't like the ocean
KevinProNOW - 7 years ago
Göktuğ Kaya
Göktuğ Kaya - 7 years ago
What the fuck is this guy doing anyway? Underwater jousting? And the water is murky as fuck! Nothing good can come out of this...
Eliot VLOGG - 7 years ago
1:38 youtube welcome
Mr.Eric Cartminez
Mr.Eric Cartminez - 7 years ago
That's not a shark attack that's a shark bump utterly terrifying in all fairness the diver kept his head brilliantly
rmarolla33 - 7 years ago
why don't divers where bright yellow or orange wet suit at least maybe then they wouldn't look so much like a seal?
Can sharks see color I wonder?
bone stone
bone stone - 7 years ago
it would of been more knarly if u got bit on gopro and seen the blood flowing
Matt Mallam
Matt Mallam - 7 years ago
fuck that, the shock would have been crazy once you get a bump in the ocean then realizing what it is, good to see you survived
P.J. Webb
P.J. Webb - 7 years ago
Pucker factor 10.0
Oscar Ostrouska
Oscar Ostrouska - 7 years ago
I wouldn't get into the water for all the rest of my life
Daniel Lockaby
Daniel Lockaby - 7 years ago
He was just investigating you. If he wanted to attack you, he would have fuckin attacked you.
John Beamer
John Beamer - 7 years ago
U knew shit just got real when u seen his foot
Chewbecca101 - 7 years ago
Dear God, this selfie age, does it know no bounds?? None of this was remotely an attack, but another 19 year old just went viral for lying.
Crow Killer
Crow Killer - 7 years ago
That dude fucking lucky it hit him but didn't bite or missed it's bite
GoMiGman - 7 years ago
Holy crap!  That was ridiculous.  I would've collapsed from a heart attack.  Actually, I would never find myself in such murky water on purpose, to be perfectly frank!  Amazing video!
Robert - 7 years ago
Matt Louv
Matt Louv - 7 years ago
Jesus motherfucking god damned fuck christ
jp cia
jp cia - 8 years ago
you go from top of food chain to bottom when you enter the ocean.....theres a story of a boogie boarder swallowed whole by a Great White in Australia just seconds after entering the water......his fishing buddies watched it all.....
Matt - 8 years ago
Fuck the Ocean!!!
Gary Shaw
Gary Shaw - 8 years ago
Swimming in water with great white sharks is so dumb.
malek jame
malek jame - 8 years ago
then the shark from finding nemo is right behind him like 'Hello'...
Apple tech support
Apple tech support - 8 years ago
Stylianos 304
Stylianos 304 - 8 years ago
He's a lucky mofo
Jean-Michel René SOUCHE
Jean-Michel René SOUCHE - 8 years ago
Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.
Mark Twain
Jesse Byrd
Jesse Byrd - 8 years ago
it didn't even attack it just swam bye you
Xenomaniac - 8 years ago
nobody wonders why he/she is missing a fin?
Nizaru - 8 years ago
wow :D
Fatty Pigs in a little bit of butter
Fatty Pigs in a little bit of butter - 8 years ago
He's one lucky man
Muhammad Faherr
Muhammad Faherr - 8 years ago
where is your other Fin?
Riley Gilbert
Riley Gilbert - 8 years ago
Wow! I never thought that anyone would dare open swim with a great white but me!
Paradigm Apocalypse
Paradigm Apocalypse - 8 years ago
terrifying couple of seconds, sticking your hand out when the great white approaches, what else can ya do all he had to do was bite ya, chose not to, intelligent creature
jhene williams
jhene williams - 8 years ago
All the shark did was brush against him......
jhene williams
jhene williams - 8 years ago
Man swimming in water man comes across a shark shark tried to swim away man like shark me poor shark..... If it was a "attack" why didn't the shark try to bite?
Askar Seitov
Askar Seitov - 8 years ago
spunch bob
kurojin97 - 8 years ago
Wow.....and how very easily you could have had a missing arm or leg instead of just a missing flipper....and you sound like a douche gloating about how you got that on video...
pocketbookEra - 8 years ago
you get into the water so brave but when came face to face with a shark you swam for your life
Jeran Morris
Jeran Morris - 8 years ago
Your level of stupidity is mind boggling.. baffling.. how is that gnarly??? smh
Tyler Mc
Tyler Mc - 7 years ago
Jeran Morris your a dumb fuck
Blue Galaxy
Blue Galaxy - 8 years ago
how the scuba diver lost his or her Flipper...
Sarah Ayala
Sarah Ayala - 8 years ago
I love how the shark is literally like "Jesus fuCKIN-- I AM SORRY JEEZ"
oliver dibbs
oliver dibbs - 8 years ago
They're endangered asshole!
Edward Thayer
Edward Thayer - 8 years ago
I sure hope this dude played the lottery that noght!!!!!÷
C A - 8 years ago
damn what was your location?
Renard Inniss
Renard Inniss - 8 years ago
where did this happen
die go
die go - 8 years ago
stupidest video ever. I hate you and so does the shark u fucks modafucks ill shoot you and make a wack video
Ryan M
Ryan M - 8 years ago
Did we need the last 3mins?
Ryan M
Ryan M - 8 years ago
KarllGilbert07 - 8 years ago
Wait..go back..y'a forgot yer fin !!
Ariel Castillo
Ariel Castillo - 8 years ago
1000th comment niggas
Marnarabyss - 8 years ago
What hacks did you use to spawn the shark in?
Eric Lucifer
Eric Lucifer - 8 years ago
The notorious one would have spinning hook kicked dat shark right back to da Great Barrier Reef yeh? Fook outta here shark
Theo P
Theo P - 8 years ago
Thats some serious great white looking water, all murky and semi deep/tropical.
Junior Manic Man
Junior Manic Man - 8 years ago
paranormal activity + Jawa : this video
james lloyd
james lloyd - 8 years ago
Sharks don't do curiosity. Its pseudoscience bullshit. Their brains are not capable of curiosity. They just see potential food and try to eat it.
R E - 8 years ago
That beautiful White Pointer was all so sry just checking...
BAGofTALENT - 8 years ago
if u ever needed a reason not to go in the ocean this would be it
Josh Roberts
Josh Roberts - 8 years ago
I didn't see a shark, or I'm retarded
Josh Roberts
Josh Roberts - 8 years ago
dumass see no shark at all wtf
Yngwie J. Malmsteam
Yngwie J. Malmsteam - 8 years ago
Shark: Hi, ya 'ol Chum!
Looks like he got the fillet of sole. And heel.
LeGette88 - 8 years ago
to the idiots in the comment section about a "bump and bite" scenario ..

1st) it BIT him FIRST. and then tried to drag him off as you can see in the video.

2nd) the shark continued back around after it BIT him in his flipper.

3rd) the 2nd "strike"(which really it didn't bite) was a full on charge at the diver. it tried to bite him AGAIN , but the diver hit it in its nose(confuses the shark)

4th) the shark probably thought the diver was a seal. Murky waters, flippers look just like seals flippers.. and the black wetsuit..

Sure it might of been mistaken identity, but it for sure wasn't a "bump and bite" .. it wouldn't come around for a 2nd try at him if it was a bump and bite. Bump and bite is if it  would of swam up to the diver , bit him once (when his flipper came off)... it wouldn't swim around and try to strike again....

End of theory.
Karrot Kingz
Karrot Kingz - 8 years ago
Now the question is, is it real?
halo2player3 - 8 years ago
you guys are so fucking stupid for calling this a shark attack, all I see is an encouter with a shark that was curious and got a close up look. Educate yourself
maverick buckley
maverick buckley - 8 years ago
Watch 1.20 to 2.00 rest is him swimming backwards away.
Robby Midgett
Robby Midgett - 8 years ago
The fun of dressing like a seal and swimming in shark infested waters. Good thing that the shark realized you weren't what he was looking for and moved on.
Ruff Riders
Ruff Riders - 8 years ago
I remember my dad telling me don't ever swim/dive in murky water.
john schaub
john schaub - 8 years ago
I would kick that shark in the nuts then drink a beer.
Filbert Street
Filbert Street - 8 years ago
You can tell it's a baby. If that was an adult 1:36 would have been the kill bite.
AkatsukiLover OtakuLover
AkatsukiLover OtakuLover - 8 years ago
my friend got attacked before and she says it's because she was on her period lol
Cam Hunt
Cam Hunt - 8 years ago
I love reading comments on here, so many people make a comment that's just completely insane but hysterical and the replies always read the same something like

"I'm just trolling mate jesus"

Or "mate it's a joke"

Then the more replies button which will lead to a bunch of idiots who can't understand a joke comment, oh how I love YouTube
Jack P. Richardson
Jack P. Richardson - 8 years ago
I would probably never have gone swimming againn after that
Riki Prayoga
Riki Prayoga - 8 years ago
you should put background music (dom...durum...durum...durumdurum) thats will make more interesting
blackshadow - 8 years ago
This only happens with spearfishing ..... fish blood attract predators and they prey on humans only because they think they are dying fish....
Jacks Cleaner
Jacks Cleaner - 8 years ago
Still waiting to see "the shark attack". Just because you saw a shark doesnt mean you can say it "attacked" you.
Jerry Dandridge
Jerry Dandridge - 8 years ago
Wow --- looked like a ton of bricks coming at you !!!
Dwight Schrute
Dwight Schrute - 8 years ago
How does this video have so many dislikes and neg comments. Incredible footage. You got real lucky, that shark was game, came back for a second serving within a heartbeat, and I'm blown away you were left unscathed. I've been spear fishing since a young boy and surfing south aus since 8yrs old and never had a bad run in with a shark let alone a pointer. Lolling at everyone saying stay out of its home and that anyone who goes in the ocean is an idiot.... In that case, anyone who walks outside is a fucking moron cause there's animals that can kill you. Go buy a space suit because I'm sorry, this is earth, EVERYTHING CAN KILL YOU.
darktrooper2099 - 7 years ago
James O'Brien
James O'Brien - 7 years ago
Dwight Schrute i was wondering why myself, people make no sense
Carmen Perez
Carmen Perez - 8 years ago
I started having a panic attack on my couch.
And0ne35 - 8 years ago
Poor guy probably thought the sting ray was running from him!
Dinkymod - 8 years ago
I have no idea why this has so many dislikes... It's a shark encounter, it's the in video, as advertised. What's the big deal? Did you want his leg to be chomped off and you were disappointed?
Danijel Vukovic
Danijel Vukovic - 8 years ago
lovac ulovljen heheh, skoro ulovljen haha
LD Shadowlady
LD Shadowlady - 8 years ago
Scary man
Karma Hill
Karma Hill - 8 years ago
I am in love with sharks and I just am that kind of girl so and is this really true
Parzival - 8 years ago
that jump scare do
orzovk - 8 years ago
The man shot ir not?. The arrow and the speargun aré un the same position but when he have the shark in front of him it seems that pull the trigger. And then the shark scapes.. Could be a fake?? Thank you
Son Saijin
Son Saijin - 8 years ago
the shark didn't want to attack the guy , u can easy see that ,but anyway a nice close encounter ;)
TigerMeadows - 8 years ago
Nice. Very very rare footage of an actual attack.
Angel Annis
Angel Annis - 8 years ago
why did you not die thats shit
Angel Annis
Angel Annis - 8 years ago
you are an asshole becaus 1 sharks kill 1 pursan in a month am humans kill sharks 1.000 in a jeahr ore month so fuck you and go kill your self
poop - 8 years ago
Holy crap
Jason Gafar
Jason Gafar - 8 years ago
I know swimming is fun and all or perhaps scuba diving and the sort, but this video is exactly why I'm not too eager to swim in open water. You never know what's waiting around the corner for you.
tjwizzler - 8 years ago
stupid description.
tjwizzler - 8 years ago
and then 2:30 mins of stupidity. fuckin retard.
John-Paul C
John-Paul C - 8 years ago
Where was this?
Ambar Bussi
Ambar Bussi - 8 years ago
th water is way too murky to be in. You're very lucky.
Al Thea
Al Thea - 8 years ago
happy your alive bro
lost a fin but still alive
Al Thea
Al Thea - 8 years ago
romanek shark
romanek shark - 8 years ago
nice video
Errin Murphy
Errin Murphy - 8 years ago
that was stupid to do
Giant Potato
Giant Potato - 8 years ago
How far did he go in the ocean
Ryan Parker
Ryan Parker - 8 years ago
nice mdt gloves
machado orlando
machado orlando - 8 years ago
you're lucky!
giuajo - 8 years ago
William Mcspadden
William Mcspadden - 8 years ago
where did this happen at?
Xenon - 8 years ago
You got off lightly there, bro. I once got bitten in two by a 20ft great white. I'm now half the man I used to be.
n13roy - 8 years ago
Well, that was 5 Minutes of my Life, I will never get back.....what a Crap Video all round...
Deadpool's real Dad
Deadpool's real Dad - 8 years ago
2000 lbs per square inch in those jaws. You are lucky you didn't lose your leg!
Ratt Mice
Ratt Mice - 8 years ago
well done mate, id like to think id be able to poke it back too, u got balls
Jessica Garbade
Jessica Garbade - 8 years ago
Also did anyone notice that he lost his swim fin? I did:/
Jessica Garbade
Jessica Garbade - 8 years ago
trey surf
trey surf - 8 years ago
Shark encounter* Glad you are okay!
Owen Sanchez
Owen Sanchez - 8 years ago
the suspense......
JRodge12 - 8 years ago
You wanna know the scariest parts of this is?
You have limited visibility
You have terrible peripheral vision
And it's difficult and unadvised to look behind you
Luis Paz
Luis Paz - 7 years ago
@JRodge12 you forgot to mention that humans do not belong in the water where there are sharks
GoldenShip24 - 7 years ago
Why's it unadvised to look behind?
Mo I check my email
Mo I check my email - 8 years ago
funny how I was playing black Jack with this guy after he got his foot bit by shamoo lol a week after
Luis Franco
Luis Franco - 8 years ago
Praise God you made it to see another day. The ocean is not our territory and truthfully you're very fortunate. Wow.. Very lucky!
Thank God you did not become another statistic on the shark attack files.
Shayv8 - 8 years ago
I've watched it 25 times. As a diver with a 100+ night dives, it's amazingly terrifying video. Never saw the first hit coming, not ready for the second hit and then kicked to poke him while wearing only one flipper. My gut says that poke prevented another attack. Yes, when a great white rams you twice without provocation, I think you can call it an attack. Nicely played and don't listen to all the negative Nancys.
Chuck Davies
Chuck Davies - 7 years ago
that was an attack, the second run would have been much worse but diver was vertical in the water, this seems to cause unease when Whitey is an attack mode...Horizontal is not the place you want to be in this situation....
leo - 7 years ago
the best comment , it is the true adult shark eat him with the second attack
Simone Marcoccia
Simone Marcoccia - 8 years ago
lots of shark experts here... most people have now idea what spearfishing is and know great whites only from that stupid movie... anyway I totally agree with your statement.. shark was no joke.. he was in full attack mode... it was a baby white shark.. did not have enough power and besides that being hit on the nose during the 2nd strike got him confused , with an adult 15 ft great white we would have seen a lot of red on the camera...
mental minute
mental minute - 8 years ago
attack ??????? what a load of crap ! it swam past you !!!!!!
Artur Capristano
Artur Capristano - 8 years ago
big shit
KingAC - 8 years ago
At this moment he knew he fucked up
jdc 567
jdc 567 - 8 years ago
Can we please stop calling them “Great White” sharks?! I’m offended, and it just shows this shark’s white Priviledge! I’m calling for the name to be “Moderately Caucasion” shark! Thank You
Tonino Giunta
Tonino Giunta - 8 years ago
He holds the speargun like a pussy.
My God, grab it properly!
Tyler Mc
Tyler Mc - 7 years ago
Tonino Giunta didn't know there was a special way to hold a 130cm gun without getting ur hand hit by the bands... pussy ab get your ass in the water
Bacha Gaming
Bacha Gaming - 8 years ago
It was like he was hunting for sharks and instantly the shark booom
Crotalus atrox
Crotalus atrox - 8 years ago
It was all just a prank bro! The shark came up and said WHAT ARE THOSE!?!? And took his flipper.
Normal Guy
Normal Guy - 8 years ago
What a pussy
TheRosa63 - 8 years ago
whne in shark alley always keep an eye on your back side ambush predators like to be sneaky, he came in for a bite you hit him and he figured helost the element of surprise.
Саша з
Саша з - 8 years ago
lucky idiot
human_muslim 16
human_muslim 16 - 8 years ago
Motherfucker let them alone
Jeff Byrnes
Jeff Byrnes - 8 years ago
Fuck that.
TAPP Channel
TAPP Channel - 8 years ago
wow lucky you man...
Al Alexander
Al Alexander - 8 years ago
was it in California?
serkan caner
serkan caner - 8 years ago
where did it happened?
IceDragon Filmz
IceDragon Filmz - 8 years ago
Shark: "Huh? A HUMAN????!!!! swims away"
Moo WWs
Moo WWs - 8 years ago
I live in Australia and my friends all love spear fishing in the middle of nowhere but not me, I stay on the fucking boat.
Jay Casado
Jay Casado - 8 years ago
That motherfucking shark is fast af and big. He's lucky as hell
Rosaline Davenport
Rosaline Davenport - 8 years ago
Just wasted 6 mins of my life I'll never get back!! Where exactly was the shark attack????
Alex Slookifyed
Alex Slookifyed - 8 years ago
I was more worried about his flipper. at least it's free now.
Johnny Bam
Johnny Bam - 8 years ago
then he feels something behind him.
Even a bigger shark lol
PlaguesMorning - 8 years ago
Hi im bruce and im a vegan
MrVladexus - 8 years ago
да ну нахер так плавать...
Powder Hungry
Powder Hungry - 8 years ago
trying to reason friendship with a shark is like reasoning with a dinosaur, its just completely some fucking hogwarts shit
OJ Crew
OJ Crew - 8 years ago
dude that's living the dream bro
Jason Sudbury
Jason Sudbury - 8 years ago
You were lucky bro. Not a full grown adult. It looked like a female, it happens so fast it was hard to tell if it had claspers or not. Looked like a territorial style attack. You're lucky you weren't in deeper water, she would've really had the upper hand.
Ronald Pimentel
Ronald Pimentel - 8 years ago
Cobra_Rhodes - 8 years ago
Hey man you forgot you're flipper hehehe
Daniela Pool
Daniela Pool - 8 years ago
bit shark
Gabriel Wolff
Gabriel Wolff - 8 years ago
this lady a dumb bitch glad she OK lol rather than dead
youtubasoarus - 8 years ago
Pretty aggressive behavior, but no attack. If that shark wanted to attack there'd be blood all over the water and this video wouldn't be posted here but on liveleak. Glad the person filming made it out. I'd need a new wet suit after something like that. Yikes.
Leah Lloyd
Leah Lloyd - 8 years ago
That was not an attack, the shark just wanted his flipper so he can sell it on Ebay.
Julian Simons
Julian Simons - 8 years ago
this guy blows
Luke S
Luke S - 8 years ago
I would have pissed my wetsuit. This is something outstanding to have on film. Glad you weren't hurt Tyler Mc.
Kevin Raabe
Kevin Raabe - 8 years ago
Whoa!! Thats fkn gnarly!!! I live in Ventura, like to go for a surf, and i don't know if I could back in the water after an experience like that......geezus.....!!!!
CapREX77 - 8 years ago
Wow! All you animal lovers are pretty pathetic. Seriously, it's amazing to me, just how little regard you have for human life. You care more about the stupid shark than the person who was attacked. You respond by saying dumbass shit like "he shouldn't have been in the sharks territory!"
How the hell was he supposed to know that it was the sharks territory anyway?!
It's not like they put labels or street signs out in the middle of the ocean that say "WELCOME TO SHARK HUNTING GROUNDS!!!"
Get a life! Quit trying to save fish from humankind and actually get out there and do something useful for society!
Trust me, those animals don't give a shit about you! You care much more about them than they care about you. All they see you as, is a food source. And if the roles were reversed, and they were the dominant species, they wouldn't try to help you! They would EAT YOU!!!
bili starxidas
bili starxidas - 8 years ago
you very lucky, very lucky
Da Savage Shark
Da Savage Shark - 8 years ago
the shark didn't attack, it was just looking around :I
Karl Carroll
Karl Carroll - 8 years ago
why does the gun and camera never deviate from a straight line????
Karl Carroll
Karl Carroll - 8 years ago
how does that make a spear gun in water not move one inch from its path even during a shark attack?
kestral12345 - 8 years ago
You fought a great white and lived. You're offically a bad ass.
Glen Penrose
Glen Penrose - 8 years ago
My first defense against shark attack would be a natural one. Explosive, Skunk like, instantaneous crap from my bottom!
Hope ya like Beer & McDonald's flavored turds ya fucking over toothed, gut munchin, swimming pricks!?!
Markyroson - 8 years ago
wish it showed him getting out of the water.
Star _gazer
Star _gazer - 8 years ago
Holy shit that swim back must've been the longest 3 minutes of his life!
Palamara Productions
Palamara Productions - 8 years ago
Wow you are so lucky! Let me tell you, I've been killed 8 times by sharks before so trust me I know quite a bit about sharks, and these things usually attack to kill!
Glen Penrose
Glen Penrose - 8 years ago
I hate dying 8 times. The only thing worse than that, is dying 9 times. And the only thing worse than that, is unnecessary chainsaw penis reduction operations. I bloody hate those.
Владлен Кошеленко
Владлен Кошеленко - 8 years ago
то була добра акула
NOT SURE - 8 years ago
does shit come off a neoprene wetsuit easy
Somis Terioso
Somis Terioso - 8 years ago
ai q perigo!!!
Mario Infante
Mario Infante - 8 years ago
yeah, i think i'm going to stay in the pool
Александр Винницкий
Александр Винницкий - 8 years ago
Ёбнуться, яб после такого к воде не подходил воббще... повезло не то слово!
BlacKwoLF CoNsPiracY
BlacKwoLF CoNsPiracY - 8 years ago
...shaking my head. First of all your lucky bro. Secondly never go out when the water is dirty. Especially by yourself. You can't see the fish, but the tax collectors can see you. IF. You have to go out by yourself then the water has to be clear, and you always have to wTch behind you and below you that's where they come from. Only tigers are known to swim up from the front because they don't care. However white and other sharks come up from below and behind. I always leave my kui line 50ft behind me with fish so they go for that first. Geez man your lucky he wasn't swimming faster because your leg or half your body would have been taxed. Your a hunter in a hunters play ground. Remember that and you'll be fine.
Cosmicwolf - 8 years ago
did he get him?
Oryan Dovv
Oryan Dovv - 8 years ago
This is why I don't fuck with swimming in the ocean, my back yard swimming pool will do just fine
Roesch -4- Broward County Sheriff
Roesch -4- Broward County Sheriff - 8 years ago
No. This was filmed in Lake Okeechobee and although the diver is real, I interviewed the shark who's a paid actor. At least it was a good show.
Michele Totton
Michele Totton - 8 years ago
What a let down, totally boring
Vitalstatistix Stats
Vitalstatistix Stats - 8 years ago
What a manipulative bastard... the shark just gave him a high five and got blamed for attacking him...
Tedious - 8 years ago
5 minutes of a black screen
danny38615 - 8 years ago
Well, I I need to rephrase that question because obviously it was too quick to react because you wouldn't have just sat there, but did you feel or hear or what does it sound or feel like right before it happens the split second before it happens?
danny38615 - 8 years ago
Did you hear, sense, or feel any water movement before it got to you or was it just too quick?
JUMP23MΔN - 8 years ago
How ironic.
Somebody Bodysome
Somebody Bodysome - 8 years ago
5 seconds of the attack and 4 minutes of shi++ing bricks.
Zeiyuu Lysierra
Zeiyuu Lysierra - 8 years ago
some shark 'attack'.
Tyler Mc
Tyler Mc - 7 years ago
Ashley Torres only ripped my toe apart and almost had it amputated no big deal or anything.. fucking broad
Ste SMN - 8 years ago
Very scary video. Happy it was a simple encounter, not a more aggressive move from this shark. The moments after the encounter are really frightening to death !!! :)
Buck Turgidson
Buck Turgidson - 7 years ago
Ste SMN I say this with all respect: There is no such thing as a SIMPLE ENCOUNTER with white shark! Ffs, man, I damn near crapped myself when I came up on a barracuda while snorkeling. This "encounter" was 100x scarier.
Guy Frowney
Guy Frowney - 8 years ago
FOR SALE : assorted spear fishing equipment ..wet suit slightly soiled ......$5 ono
Clash With Demon
Clash With Demon - 8 years ago
Video starts a 1:35
you're welcome
play more
play more - 8 years ago
fake video ....look at the shark
lp z
lp z - 8 years ago
stuped to be there, smart to survive - 3 stikes and he didn't got the harpoon on
romanek shark
romanek shark - 8 years ago
u lost shoes bro
Kim L
Kim L - 8 years ago
Wow! Lucky you didn't lose any meat... just a flipper.
pool shark
pool shark - 8 years ago
shark added that flipper to his collection...
geoff617 - 8 years ago
From one free diver to another, I'm glad you're ok. It looks like you handled that nightmare situation as well as anyone could have. Cheers :)
bollocknaked1975 - 8 years ago
Time to buy yourself a new wet suit eh must of shit the back of that one.
augeedogy - 8 years ago
wow modern warfare underwater
Kilana kawaiola Kahaleuahi-Manners
Kilana kawaiola Kahaleuahi-Manners - 8 years ago
thank got hawaii aint got those things here...
Kilana kawaiola Kahaleuahi-Manners
Kilana kawaiola Kahaleuahi-Manners - 8 years ago
I've seen many tiger sharks black tip...reef sharks around the island chain...but for great one had seen those here in these waters..well the last time someone spotted was swimming not to far from the island circling around fishing was weird cause these waters are way to warm for them to swim in and can't adapt to these temperature. ...above it all it was Hungary lol..traveling thousands of search for food..cause mankind is wiping out the food.. in hawaii waters plentiful of food to go around....these magnificent fish are beautiful but scary ..
Aaron Peterson
Aaron Peterson - 8 years ago
Hawaii DOES have them there lol, watch some shark week!
jride042976 - 8 years ago
um, yes they do.
Peter Kinzio
Peter Kinzio - 8 years ago
glad he didn't shoot it..poor shark it was looking for food
Sunnchilde - 8 years ago
You idiot. What part of YOU DON'T BELONG THERE do you not understand?
Darth Teabagger
Darth Teabagger - 8 years ago
where did this happen ?
jride042976 - 8 years ago
Green water, so Pacific ocean. I'd guess by the size of the shark, San Diego area.
The Stimpy
The Stimpy - 8 years ago
Where'd that happen
stenly - 8 years ago
somebody was quite lucky this day
Justiceserver1 - 8 years ago
that was so intense
Korfingshile Headphones
Korfingshile Headphones - 8 years ago
Not sure if I'd like to prod that shark
Faust Checho
Faust Checho - 8 years ago
Mystic Rust
Mystic Rust - 8 years ago
This channel is making video by ripping from the original creator. On top, they're trying to license out a video that they're stealing.
Es Gee
Es Gee - 8 years ago
Stop watching after 1:46. Nothing else happens.
Thomas Jermy
Thomas Jermy - 8 years ago
Who does kinda shit for a hobby? Like really?
kenni411 - 8 years ago
ohh shit that musta made you freak the hell out !
Alex lamarche
Alex lamarche - 8 years ago
Miusov, as a man man of breeding and deilcacy, could not but feel some inwrd qualms, when he reached the Father Superior's with Ivan: he felt ashamed of havin lost his temper. He felt that he ought to have disdaimed that despicable wretch, Fyodor Pavlovitch, too much to have been upset by him in Father Zossima's cell, and so to have forgotten himself. "Teh monks were not to blame, in any case," he reflceted, on the steps. "And if they're decent people here (and the Father Superior, I understand, is a nobleman) why not be friendly and courteous withthem? I won't argue, I'll fall in with everything, I'll win them by politness, and show them that I've nothing to do with that Aesop, thta buffoon, that Pierrot, and have merely been takken in over this affair, just as they have."

He determined to drop his litigation with the monastry, and relinguish his claims to the wood-cuting and fishery rihgts at once. He was the more ready to do this becuase the rights had becom much less valuable, and he had indeed the vaguest idea where the wood and river in quedtion were.

These excellant intentions were strengthed when he enterd the Father Superior's diniing-room, though, stricttly speakin, it was not a dining-room, for the Father Superior had only two rooms alltogether; they were, however, much larger and more comfortable than Father Zossima's. But tehre was was no great luxury about the furnishng of these rooms eithar. The furniture was of mohogany, covered with leather, in the old-fashionned style of 1820 the floor was not even stained, but evreything was shining with cleanlyness, and there were many chioce flowers in the windows; the most sumptuous thing in the room at the moment was, of course, the beatifuly decorated table. The cloth was clean, the service shone; there were three kinds of well-baked bread, two bottles of wine, two of excellent mead, and a large glass jug of kvas -- both the latter made in the monastery, and famous in the neigborhood. There was no vodka. Rakitin related afterwards that there were five dishes: fish-suop made of sterlets, served with little fish paties; then boiled fish served in a spesial way; then salmon cutlets, ice pudding and compote, and finally, blanc-mange. Rakitin found out about all these good things, for he could not resist peeping into the kitchen, where he already had a footing. He had a footting everywhere, and got informaiton about everything. He was of an uneasy and envious temper. He was well aware of his own considerable abilities, and nervously exaggerated them in his self-conceit. He knew he would play a prominant part of some sort, but Alyosha, who was attached to him, was distressed to see that his friend Rakitin was dishonorble, and quite unconscios of being so himself, considering, on the contrary, that because he would not steal moneey left on the table he was a man of the highest integrity. Neither Alyosha nor anyone else could have infleunced him in that.

Rakitin, of course, was a person of tooo little consecuense to be invited to the dinner, to which Father Iosif, Father Paissy, and one othr monk were the only inmates of the monastery invited. They were alraedy waiting when Miusov, Kalganov, and Ivan arrived. The other guest, Maximov, stood a little aside, waiting also. The Father Superior stepped into the middle of the room to receive his guests. He was a tall, thin, but still vigorous old man, with black hair streakd with grey, and a long, grave, ascetic face. He bowed to his guests in silence. But this time they approaced to receive his blessing. Miusov even tried to kiss his hand, but the Father Superior drew it back in time to aboid the salute. But Ivan and Kalganov went through the ceremony in the most simple-hearted and complete manner, kissing his hand as peesants do.
Kyle Christiansen
Kyle Christiansen - 8 years ago
Why is he so far away from his boat ? Not smart.
Kevin Allauca
Kevin Allauca - 8 years ago
Looks like doom... Shark edition.
Neil Adams
Neil Adams - 8 years ago
Great White attack caught on GoPro.....where?
A fucking shark swam past! Fair play I would have shat my wetsuit but there was no attack.
One of the most boring shark video's I've watched.
Neil Adams
Neil Adams - 8 years ago
Great White attack caught on GoPro.....where?
A fucking shark swam past! Fair play I would have shat my wetsuit but there was no attack.
One of the most boring shark video's I've watched.
Future Design
Future Design - 8 years ago
I think the shark bit on the guys flipper that's why its missing.
Shin Obi
Shin Obi - 8 years ago
1% action 99% zzzz
Lena Rose
Lena Rose - 8 years ago
I am with u on that one
CRITICAROOM - 8 years ago
Who Steeped in such waters, first by you not herself apprecietes! In a few words does not think logically! Respect but for the way your escape! You're lucky it was a small no more than 2.60 m. I wish you not to dive, but if you want nonetheless, at least make a camera back, so that we do not miss the beginning.
thodwrisb - 8 years ago
He lived to say the story..
Nicholas Gomes
Nicholas Gomes - 8 years ago
dude straight up punch then speared it. chuck norris is impressed
kenni411 - 8 years ago
haha no kidding
Ridvan Sahacic
Ridvan Sahacic - 8 years ago
When he poked him in the body shark was like yea fuck this I'm gone
DigitalPrime - 8 years ago
Attack? Or Just "cruising down the sea in his 64"
Callum B
Callum B - 8 years ago did that all wrong. First you needed to flop out your dick and piss on it to show dominate. Then if it was a female, fuck it , if a male beat the shit out of it.
reeveano heh
reeveano heh - 8 years ago
and this is why I hate the ocean
Thanesh Waran
Thanesh Waran - 8 years ago
wish it was a megalodan lol
DJS Vlogs
DJS Vlogs - 8 years ago
Scary!!! Every time I'm on the beach swimming I always watch out for shark. I became crazy about it, so weird feeling.
King Animal
King Animal - 8 years ago
God damn haha. It's an intense experience encountering a shark. I was once scrubbing the bottom of my dads boat just in my undies fins and mask, it's was quite murky water, then outta no where this shark comes out of the gloom. I think it may have been a blue shark. It was about 3-4m in front of me. I got out of the water pretty quick.
#NativeTribes Nature
#NativeTribes Nature - 8 years ago
Jeff Wood
Jeff Wood - 8 years ago
The Dude
The Dude - 8 years ago
Damn I would have poeped a floater.
Dreama40 - 8 years ago
1.37 shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
Fava - 8 years ago
sorry but who in the right mind swims in murky, great white shark abundant waters? the odds of encountering a shark are slim but under these circumstances, the risk greatly increases. imagine just losing your life because a predatory fish fucking savaged you. the fact that's even a possibility is enough to deter me. spear-fisherman are fucking crazy.
Tommy Tucker
Tommy Tucker - 8 years ago
fake. the shark got attacked by a gopro
Korbyn - 8 years ago
Was expecting to see him get purely ripped apart, 2/10
TCOCharlesDexterWard - 8 years ago
These are not places for speargun
HD SepticHolligon
HD SepticHolligon - 8 years ago
what is tjat hes holding?
Jamraptor - 8 years ago
lol fyi great whites are not particularly terrirorial, but you should always be aware of where they are seen. Luckily this one was just investigating. If it were hunting this footage would be very different, they would likely never see the shark.
Forbid - 8 years ago
white people...
faustfood - 8 years ago
@ Forbid ...are smarter and better bred than blacks there I finished your sentence.
Jacob M
Jacob M - 8 years ago
You know this dude is from So Cal by what he says at the end hahaha
Maddie Knowles
Maddie Knowles - 8 years ago
that's seeing a shark not an attack
BarefootBoys - 8 years ago
He wasn't shark hunting ds....but he was protecting himself.
BarefootBoys - 8 years ago
Jordan Drew is a douche bag.
Kieran West
Kieran West - 8 years ago
How dumb of a person do you have to be, to be a cunt with a spear gun in a sharks territory... 'Yes, that's pretty smart'.
Joseph Giangrandere
Joseph Giangrandere - 7 years ago
Shark Bait how wouldnt he know??
Jake Apps
Jake Apps - 7 years ago
If you swim at a local beach, then you are already in a sharks territory.. spastic
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 7 years ago
How the fuck would he know he's in a sharks territory? He was only spear fishing, how is he in the wrong?
Michal Korejtko
Michal Korejtko - 8 years ago
well sharks are in seas :)
CapREX77 - 8 years ago
How was he supposed to know the shark would be there? You asshole!
thomas mcclure
thomas mcclure - 8 years ago
Deathzone - 8 years ago
wtf so many hate comments why do people this is cruel its a shark they attack us but people think we arnt allow to attack them he was protecting his life
J. Michael
J. Michael - 8 years ago
I would have shot that thing in his razor tooth face and road him down deep in the ocean to his house and then taken out his shark wife and kids too. MERICA!
Rayan Arshed
Rayan Arshed - 8 years ago
If that was me, then I would've brought equipment that was non-letal, such as a shock rod, so that neither life was lost. Or you could just be Intelligent and not go looking for sharks In such a way.
Deathzone - 8 years ago
+Rayan Arshed and if he didn't shot the shark and it attack him and killed him then that's a human life gone so you would rather lose a human life than a shark what if that was you. would you let the shark attack you and kill you
Rayan Arshed
Rayan Arshed - 8 years ago
I don't see how that makes it better. He still went into its territory and shot it.If he fatally injured the shark, It may be dead by now. If it is dead, then a life of an animal is lost in return of someone trespassing. It can equate to a robber killing an innocent person in their own house for self defence.
Deathzone - 8 years ago
+Rayan Arshed he wasn't trying to hunt for a shark he shot the shark to try to scare it away you just don't know what it can do it may not attack ya or it could attack ya
Rayan Arshed
Rayan Arshed - 8 years ago
Why don't you google how many shark attacks happen per year? And then realise that they are no threat, yet they are being hunted on a large scale for the fake portrayal of them. It's his fault for trying to hunt a Great White.
Abid Hussain
Abid Hussain - 8 years ago
Footage would be better if the shark actually attacked....js
Jeoni Tao
Jeoni Tao - 8 years ago
the ocean seemed a little murky, might of mistaken him as a seal.
TFSimple - 8 years ago
"You can't hunt in these waters, bitch. Not on my watch!"
Troopz - 8 years ago
Yeah thats why we have swiming pools
Flater - 8 years ago
Moe - 8 years ago
why cause theres a shark in the video you use the word bait
TFSimple - 8 years ago
I wouldn't call this clickbait.
Katie B
Katie B - 8 years ago
That's one big bowl o' NOPE
Sweet Rand
Sweet Rand - 8 years ago
why all the disikes?
Raptorjesuslives - 8 years ago
That water seems a bit to shallow
Mitchellin man
Mitchellin man - 8 years ago
That dude is so lucky it could of gone down a lot different he did the right thing getting his speargun back
Allahackbar - 8 years ago
Juckthebuck - 8 years ago
Already found 5 people say it's fake
T McDonald
T McDonald - 8 years ago
First fuck up was you let go of the gun. Maybe the shark saw this and charged the second time lol. Spear fishing like an idiot will get you killed mate especially in shark infested murky water. Smh very lucky bro
Matthew Wong
Matthew Wong - 8 years ago
Alot of people are saying that he wasn't attached and the shark was just curious. while this is probably true it still would've been a terrifying experience give him a break.
Mustark Shahreya
Mustark Shahreya - 8 years ago
Blake Lively never learns
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - 8 years ago
That was clearly not a shark attack...
Valet - 8 years ago
Woah, he really shat himself. Glad he´s alive, though. Sharks are fascinating, but also scary.
DRAiNER'32 - 8 years ago
wow !!! great white California shark respect the ocean
Phoenix Nighingale
Phoenix Nighingale - 8 years ago
Is this fake
Tito Brozzi
Tito Brozzi - 8 years ago
This kind of white shark only eats rubber ..
ЮРчИК и КОМПАНИЯ - 8 years ago
Please fill in the $ 10 on my card visa
Mark - 8 years ago
Stupid leftist love nature and hate humans not realizing we are acting as a part of nature.
Maximilian - 8 years ago
Is this prick holding a harpoon
TheGusBus - 8 years ago
90% of the people in these comments have never seen the ocean with their own eyes.
Michael Grey
Michael Grey - 8 years ago
shit video
BillyBigNutz - 8 years ago
bullshit clickbait title. where was the attack?
Clayton Adams
Clayton Adams - 8 years ago
What shark attack? All I saw was some guy crapping his pants because one swam close to him.
Indica Sativa
Indica Sativa - 8 years ago
i love how it just tries to dip out like nothing happened. sharks probably make the worst lovers ever
Justicar AB
Justicar AB - 7 years ago
Indica Sativa how is that your first thought from this? Sounds like you have some serious relationship problems
Derek Keenan
Derek Keenan - 7 years ago
Due to the fact that sharks don’t have hands, they tend to hang on to each other by biting while they mate
Midditt - 8 years ago
If it ain't food it ain't worth the shark's time. This man was incredibly lucky and I wouldn't be sad if he died, after all, that's how nature works
Negan - 8 years ago
I would have shit myself
Then drowned myself
Greg Smith
Greg Smith - 7 years ago
Negan shit yourself and drowned yourself in period, not the way id want to go but each to their own
John-Paul C
John-Paul C - 8 years ago
I think I lost some fluids just watching this.
StickyVenom - 8 years ago
Negan me two
void wallker 17.83
void wallker 17.83 - 8 years ago
wow bro
LPS Unicorns
LPS Unicorns - 8 years ago
Israel Skudder
Israel Skudder - 8 years ago
Please tell me who you killed!!
.Mrblack. - 8 years ago
he's like. 'yeah, you better fear the big hunter, pathetic stingray, oh.'
DJ_URBAN_BG - 8 years ago
better than THE SHALLOWS !!
Underground LA
Underground LA - 8 years ago
Justin Buehler
Justin Buehler - 8 years ago
Anyone who rants against spearfishermen/women understands little about the culture of conservation and respect for nature held by most in our community.
jake fiscus
jake fiscus - 7 years ago
Justin Buehler learn to fish like a man!! shooting fish ffs
Justicar AB
Justicar AB - 7 years ago
Justin Buehler sure, do your hunting. But dont be upset when your buddy gets his leg bitten off or stung by a poisonous fish. Thats your fauly for picking a stupid hobby
Basim Micheal
Basim Micheal - 8 years ago
yeah u want to be safe .u have a pool to swim in it not a sea .these guys are ruining their lives actually
fresky74 - 8 years ago
Respect the animal then if they get eaten by the shark. If you hunt expect to get hunted!
Edward Londono
Edward Londono - 8 years ago
typical whyte boy mission....
CRAZYWILDMAN49 - 8 years ago
that was awesome. most perfectly designed animal on earth. how fast it was when it came at him and then circled. far different behavior than cage diving encounters. this thing wanted him out of its hunting ground. that was very "snappy" behavior.
i SkyWalKing
i SkyWalKing - 8 years ago
Was this douche-bag hunting? Because if so, then too bad he didn't become the prey. The irony would have been too delicious.
Irving Velasquez
Irving Velasquez - 8 years ago
That was some gangsta shit
Brian Smith
Brian Smith - 8 years ago
Yeah, I think I'll stay on the beach.
FairSkills - 8 years ago
That's what he gets for trying to hunt.
Issy King
Issy King - 8 years ago
First off your a retard...if you go into the water you have to respect an animals territory, the shark is telling you to piss the hell out of it's home and that bite was a warning, second off the speargun won't do shit if the sharks mad, either stay out its territory or stay in your boat, this wasn't an attack,
John Doe
John Doe - 8 years ago
wares the boat man wtf
John Doe
John Doe - 8 years ago
wares the boat man wtf
David Gabriel Silva
David Gabriel Silva - 8 years ago
eita capiranga
che lazar
che lazar - 8 years ago
lucky men the first attack was strong so he hunts him after he tastes rubber he was not sure what that is he try to attack another time and missed the target !! lucky guy that he not takes his leg
docarol - 8 years ago
22shots - 8 years ago
hardly a shark attack... lil guy was playing marco polo
SAF1981 - 8 years ago
it's a fake fish. you can see a pair of feet sticking out of the rear fin
Inhuman0 - 8 years ago
Seems fake to me.
JoeysGaming - 8 years ago
"If I wanted it, you'll be dead already"
Nick Disney
Nick Disney - 8 years ago
That diver kept his cool!!! If I had been in that situation I probably would have fired my spear after the second bump and then would have had to deal with a giant, injured great white shark and nothing to fend him off with. Not pulling the trigger was the smartest move he could have made.
airjaff - 8 years ago
Hardly an attack
Ryan M.
Ryan M. - 8 years ago
And this is why I stay the fuck away from the outdoors and inside behind my computer.
Audy W
Audy W - 8 years ago
beautiful creature. but she's my phobia..
Nahedh Siraj
Nahedh Siraj - 7 years ago
Audy W
Me too
Danny Branderson
Danny Branderson - 7 years ago
I'm more scared of little fish than sharks
Mister Tatooine
Mister Tatooine - 7 years ago
+L3GENDS 0F B0SS7 3 you are saying that in the wrong comment section
L3GENDS OF BOSS - 8 years ago
Matti Hal
Matti Hal - 8 years ago
You wouldn't be watching this video if it was your phobia.
jsilence418 - 8 years ago
If it was looking for a meal you would not be here, stay the fuck off it's territory or stay in your boat.
Anthony Rivera
Anthony Rivera - 8 years ago
eww hahahaha!!!
jsilence418 - 8 years ago
+Jason Gafar Only when you do, ( I'm sure you leave an oily deposit)
Jason Gafar
Jason Gafar - 8 years ago
right because swimming in the water violates the international law of the sea...?
Broc Glazier
Broc Glazier - 8 years ago
You are a freaking idiot. Go stay at home, sheltered doing nothing interesting in life and living like a vampire indoors. Sick of you wastes of oxygen.
kestral12345 - 8 years ago
Rafael, you need to do some research on sharks Lol
danman2424 - 8 years ago
+Rafael Maldonado sharks abandon their young immediately at birth. They'll often eat them too if they don't get away fast enough.
Philly Cheese Take
Philly Cheese Take - 8 years ago
What do you mean "nice try"? I'm right, great whites are not territorial, they're nomadic.
jsilence418 - 8 years ago
+ChasingTruth TakingFlak Nice try, you still look like an idiot. guess that's your territory.
Philly Cheese Take
Philly Cheese Take - 8 years ago
You're confusing the words "habitat", and "territory".
jsilence418 - 8 years ago
+ChasingTruth TakingFlak It's called the ocean , ever heard of it stupid ?
Philly Cheese Take
Philly Cheese Take - 8 years ago
Great whites don't have "territory", you fucking retard.

If I was in his position, I'd do exactly the same thing. If a wild animal bites me, I wouldn't blink before stabbing it.

I can't believe you tree-huggers have degenerated mentally to the point that you'd rather die than defend yourselves from an animal. You're fucking pathetic.
jsilence418 - 8 years ago
+danman2424 Fuck another idiot heard from .
danman2424 - 8 years ago
We can go in their territory all we want. Just bring a spear or harpoon to kill it if it tries to bite
jsilence418 - 8 years ago
+Kevin Frederiksen Strange how the shark acted contrary to your diatribe. spend a lot of time at Marine land do ya ?
Kevin Frederiksen
Kevin Frederiksen - 8 years ago
Great White sharks are always looking for a meal child. They don't just up and decide whether or not they feel hungry or not. THERE ALWAYS ON THE HUNT... There hardwired that way. Great White's don't have territory either. They have certain channels of water they sometimes like to swim, depending on where the food is. It just came in for an investigative bite or nudge in this case. This diver is lucky, though! No offence but please get educated on Great Whites eh!
pit man
pit man - 8 years ago
what a fucken dickhead. went snorkeling in waters you can't see 1meter in front of you so lucky
Sasquatch Alleged
Sasquatch Alleged - 8 years ago
Looked like a lousy place to spear-fish anyway.....
Sasquatch Alleged
Sasquatch Alleged - 8 years ago
Just a game called Tag, you're it! HAH!
natvlia - 8 years ago
In that situation! Id knew "yeah im fucked" and just swim to the shark and idk try to ride it! And if it eats me! Then whatevrr
AxCos - 7 years ago
It's a good thing great whites hunt alone, and no smaller shark is dumb enough to hunt near a hunting great white.
Into thy hands
Into thy hands - 7 years ago
Scarlet Peoni lol that would suck!
Cam Hunt
Cam Hunt - 8 years ago
No kidding it's not like that's the ONLY shark in the water
H.Cruzz10 - 8 years ago
Scarlet Peoni imagine that holy shit that would be the death of me I would go into shock
eddie995863 - 8 years ago
All my thoughts exactly
Somebody Bodysome
Somebody Bodysome - 8 years ago
+NintodoMan64 what does it mean "6spooky9me''?
NintodoMan64 - 8 years ago
Nathaniel - 8 years ago
Is that a harpoon that he is holding?
10001000101 - 8 years ago
People really need to be more cautious whilst in the Ocean, and also learn Shark migration patterns.
Tom Tricks
Tom Tricks - 8 years ago
I think this could possibly be fake cos the shot of the shark swimming to the right is used for everything
RedDragozz __
RedDragozz __ - 8 years ago
It wont let you catch the rarest pokemon

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