Great White Shark Cage Breach Accident
Shark videos 8 years ago 27,243,570 views
**This may not be appropriate for our younger viewers.** Follow up video showing the full story here: This became one of the biggest viral videos of 2016. This is not our usual kids content and Gabe and Garrett did not go on this trip, this video is from my trip to Guadalupe Island (I'm their dad). On a recent great white shark cage diving trip we experienced a very rare horrifying shark encounter event, a shark breaching the side of the cage. What might appear to be an aggressive great white shark trying to attack the cage, this is not the case. These awesome sharks are biting at large chunks of tuna tied to a rope. When a great white shark lunges and bites something, it is temporarily blinded. They also cannot swim backwards. So this shark lunged at the bait, accidentally hit the side of the cage, was most likely confused and not able to swim backwards, it thrust forward and broke the metal rail of the cage. There was a single diver inside the cage. He ended up outside the bottom of the cage, looking down on two great white sharks. The diver is a very experienced dive instructor, remained calm, and when the shark thrashed back outside the cage, the diver calmly swam back up and climbed out completely uninjured. The boat crew did an outstanding job, lifting the top of the cage, analyzing the frenzied situation, and the shark was out after a few long seconds. Everyone on the boat returned to the cages the next day, realizing this was a very rare event. The boat owner, captain, and crew are to be commended for making what could've been a tragic event into a happy ending. I'm sure God and luck had a bit to do with it too! I want to return next year for another great white shark adventure! FYI, being a kids channel, bad language in the comments gets caught in the filter. Update based on comments: 1. Crew knows there's a diver in the cage, it's passengers asking if anyone is in there. 2. Shark had very minor injury and is confirmed okay. 3. These tour operators work with the gov't, non-profit agencies, sanctuaries, marine biologists for the good of the sharks. 4. Cage design and bait techniques are being reviewed and changes made if necessary to ensure safety for sharks and divers. 5. 'Leave the sharks alone' got them on the endangered species list because poachers won't leave them alone. 6. No video footage from diver. 7. If you want your post read, don't cuss because it will be auto-filtered. Follow Gabe and Garrett on social media! FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: Thank you for watching the Gabe and Garrett Channel!
man gets out of cage
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Anyway, the cages have 3 compartments and are probably about 15 ft tall. The lowest compartment is where the divers observe the sharks around them. If memory serves correctly, you could fit 3 divers into each cage's lowest compartment. The middle compartment is essentially a contained ladder that allows divers to move from from the top compartment to the bottom compartment (and vice versa). This is why it took some time before the diver exited the water; he had to climb from the lowest portion of the cage up the ladder to the top. The top compartment - where the shark managed to squeeze its way into - is generally reserved for a dive master that occasionally enters a cage with a tuna head in order to lure the sharks in closer for better looks. Evidently, there was no dive master in the cage at the time of this video...otherwise, THEN there would have been someone hurt. From the shark's thrashing, at minimum.
Either way, PHENOMENAL experience. This particular portion is shot at Guadalupe Island, but when we'd done it we then continued down to Isla Cedro for diving with sea lions, and then to Socorros to dive with the giant mantas. Would love to return. :)
Shrugs "I dunno"
Safety first people lol.
And this shark at least looks pretty smart, he really knew what to do to get out of the cage 0:22.
Not after seeing this video though.
The shark was also probably panicking upon getting inside the cage
hi helloフツーに…。
How would they have not known?
Did he just appear out of no where? Wtf?
Cage goes in the water?
You go in the water?
Shark's in the water.
OUR shark.
Fairwell and adieu to you fine Spanish ladies..."
is the shark ok?
im doin me a stuck
what my brain is processing : Ohh he needs some milk
People: A way to go in the water to see fish and sharks so that they cant get us.
Shark:A SHARK cage, so i'm supposed to go in it with my lunch.
And then is wondered why these animals no longer exist anyway.
That poor shark
movies ruined skarks they are dangerous but they dont randomly attack you