Great White Shark spotted in Britain? | Sharks | BBC

Watch this short video from BBC widllife documentary 'Sharks: Great Whites in Britain?' to hear a convincing reason why swimmers should be wary of the British coastline! A group of divers believe they had a narrow escape from an aggressive encounter with a great white shark. . Watch more high quality videos on the BBC Earth YouTube channel here: and visit for all the latest natural history exclusives and fantastic new wildlife videos.

Great White Shark spotted in Britain? | Sharks | BBC sentiment_very_dissatisfied 67

Shark videos 15 years ago 305,652 views

Watch this short video from BBC widllife documentary 'Sharks: Great Whites in Britain?' to hear a convincing reason why swimmers should be wary of the British coastline! A group of divers believe they had a narrow escape from an aggressive encounter with a great white shark. . Watch more high quality videos on the BBC Earth YouTube channel here: and visit for all the latest natural history exclusives and fantastic new wildlife videos.

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Most popular comments
for Great White Shark spotted in Britain? | Sharks | BBC

Dougie Roberts
Dougie Roberts - 7 years ago
Hhahahhahahhahha, Great White Shark in British Waters,,,,,,,,,,, hilarious.
romanek shark
romanek shark - 7 years ago
i love this sure n believe on great white was that
dmatthieu2 - 7 years ago
Looks like you guys made it out just in time...not your regular fish and chips is it?
Farley Jack
Farley Jack - 7 years ago
By way of clarity, the footage of a live Carcharodon shown in this clip is not actual video footage from the sighting. No confirmed sightings of Great White have been made in UK waters. As there is a plentiful food supply, they can generate internal heat and have actually attacked people in sub antarctic waters South of New Zealand, the reason why they are not in the UK remains unclear.
John Tyson
John Tyson - 7 years ago
If this footage is original then there's no doubt that it was a great white in my mind
Brian Pengelly
Brian Pengelly - 7 years ago
I saw a great white off Harlyn Bay near Padstow back in the 90s. Half a dozen others with me all saw it too.
Patrick Melhorn
Patrick Melhorn - 7 years ago
the coloration is not the same as a porbeagle. and it's a bit bulkier. it's a great white.
Maxwell Smart_086
Maxwell Smart_086 - 7 years ago is a good time for you guys to have a cup of tea with cream at the Queens Windsor castle to tell her a true story....
PsyMongazoid - 7 years ago
How the hell did a Great White get into British waters though? What do you mean it swam? Why is anybody even slightly surprised? We have loads of seals here. 2+2=4. So the water's slightly cooler. And? They generate their own heat so can take cooler temperatures.

10. comment for Great White Shark spotted in Britain? | Sharks | BBC

Saq Lynch
Saq Lynch - 7 years ago
He said that he is a marine biologist but he doesn't know that sharks always swim and hunt in warm water and they themselves said it happened in july lawl
keegan773 - 7 years ago
Once you get in the water you are just .......FOOD.
PRO1 - 7 years ago
Guys many of you posting here mistakenly think the footage of the Great White on the film was taken by the divers, it wasnt, its the BBC programme makers trying to make the segment look more stills or live action was taken by the divers..if that footage was real we wouldnt need to discuss whether it was a GW or not because it was clearly a bloody GW!!
Alexander Hall
Alexander Hall - 7 years ago
defently a white shark
•xinq• - 7 years ago
Why the hell did you think it would be a good idea to dive with sharks? All sharks are very dangerous basking or not. Just because they don't eat people does not mean they won't attack or hit you or anything.
Jay munro
Jay munro - 7 years ago
porbeagle shark???
Ash A
Ash A - 7 years ago
Sharks are horrible animals
Terry TT
Terry TT - 7 years ago
I've dived all across the globe, expect UK waters cos its toooo cold! (So I went and dived in the Arctic Circle in a 14mm Wetsuit - Duh)! But many of my friends have hundreds, if not thousands of UK dives and they assure me there ARE GW Sharks in our waters! I've come across them over the rest of globe, so why not in UK waters! But don't expect to see Any shark on any dive. Its pot luck, or unluck depending how you look at it! Much of my diving was in middle eastern waters, where water temperatures were in the 80s Fahrenheit (lov er ley)! Most dives you'd come across white & black tips and further away from coastal areas we got the oceanic sharks! They were just pesky and no real threat. The really big ones were the Tiger, Bull and GW Sharks! Normally they won't bother you but during my 5 years out there, there was a rogue GW that attacked people in boats, diving and people swimming in 4 feet of water! A few limbs were lost and one fatality! The shark was caught and it was measured just short of 5 metres and was The Shark as contents of stomach had grisly remains! If your someone who persues any watersport you need to be aware of any dangers. Use local knowledge, not just for scuba diving but other sports such as surfing, boating etc. To all you divers out there "keep on bubbling"! (I had to quit thru' injury - bummer)!
Shaan purohit
Shaan purohit - 7 years ago
It's a great white all right.Know a lot about animals.Quite a small one though.The fin showed it was definitely a great white.
ElizaXoX - 7 years ago
Yay this really made me hate the sea☺

20. comment for Great White Shark spotted in Britain? | Sharks | BBC

Max Maidens
Max Maidens - 7 years ago
alfie morton
alfie morton - 7 years ago
it was probably a porbegle they are very common arond the uk
and look and are realated of the great white
tonypellowe - 7 years ago
What a load of attention seeking nonsense. Whilst I don't doubt they saw a shark and yes, it could well have been a Great White, the phraseology used is infuriating. At what point was any of the encounter aggresive? Shark hears noise, investigates, sees it isn't anything of interest and swims off. How is any of that aggresive?
X_Pipster&Rapper _X
X_Pipster&Rapper _X - 7 years ago
Would they come to the north coast? I'm still going in the sea, but just not as deep as I usually do. I never knew G.W's came here. Never seen a shark in the sea. Only in aquariums...
Jack Greenhalgh
Jack Greenhalgh - 7 years ago
luca Rossi
luca Rossi - 7 years ago
Marine biologist but he doesn't even know he's with a great white when he sees one? Dumb video
Gary Hedley
Gary Hedley - 7 years ago
maybe bull
Richard Davis
Richard Davis - 7 years ago
Are you serious, a 5m Great white at 2.10 seconds. More like a 5 foot baby white shark. Load of Rubbish!
Alan Wareham
Alan Wareham - 7 years ago
??????? Mako shark rare but more likely than a great white
reg ty
reg ty - 7 years ago
Eyes like a dolls eye !!!

30. comment for Great White Shark spotted in Britain? | Sharks | BBC

iancooll12 - 7 years ago
Change professions, That ain't no Basking shark, and at no point looked like one.
Barbara Dyson
Barbara Dyson - 7 years ago
I AM NOT a marine biologist, but that is not the fin of a basking shark. Probably a mako. and why not take a photo? I suppose the uk waters are getting warmer, do great whites grow to 5 meters long.
liberal tears
liberal tears - 7 years ago
Barbara Dyson Mk, so I am guessing you didn't watch the entire video?
alan turner
alan turner - 7 years ago
Great White or not. Who really gives a damn? It is known that Great Whites swim in the Mediterranean but we happily swim there without a care in the world, why should we worry about British waters?
Darren Green
Darren Green - 7 years ago
nice to see a truthful video for a change , come on folks get your lilos and dingys theres nothing in the water , jaws is just a movie !
johny roten
johny roten - 7 years ago
defo great white. i saw 1 in thialand eeveryone says water is too hot but know wht i saw
Rik  D
Rik D - 7 years ago
we have a good seal population around UK I'm not surprised we have great whites
china man
china man - 7 years ago
clearly fake. clear water and shining sun in britain???? pfffft
John Cornell
John Cornell - 7 years ago
Lots of sunshine and clear water in certain parts of Britain. Cornwall is gorgeous for a start.The sun shines more than it rains in Britain.
china man
china man - 7 years ago
ay bruh dont go calling me a brit alright. thats racialist innit
liberal tears
liberal tears - 7 years ago
china man The footage was either reconstructed, or it happened to be a nice day. Stop stereotyping Brits, and if you yourself actually are a Brit, stop stereotyping yourself... It's sad.
mikerafone music
mikerafone music - 7 years ago
then what happend ?
Herr Richtig
Herr Richtig - 7 years ago
People the footage showns is a RECONSTRUCTION, NOT actual footage. So it's just the story and that's what we got to do with it.
Scaboo 2009
Scaboo 2009 - 7 years ago
unmistakably a great white. i dont think many would argue the toss.
waqar khan
waqar khan - 7 years ago
it's a young white shark
Mobile madness Gamer
Mobile madness Gamer - 7 years ago
three possibilities. gw, mako, or salmon shark. all have more or less same colouration and could easily be found in British waters
TheAnglingAddict - 7 years ago
definitely a GW
baldieman64 - 7 years ago
Some posters don't seem to be able to understand that this is a documentary section containing interviews, reconstruction and stock footage of Great Whites.
Its is NOT footage of a shark filmed in Scotland.
ChewingTinFoil - 7 years ago
I love great white sharks. It's so sad and enraging that ppl hunt them
SHARK LIVES MATTER!!!! They rlly do.....shark r important to the eco systems in the ocean.
Neil Taylor
Neil Taylor - 7 years ago
what I can't understand is how all these encounters that happen nobody seems to have a camera to record. if they've been diving you would think they may have been taking pics and camera would of been to hand. but then again maybe not.
TheGreaterGood80 - 7 years ago
I know makos and porbeagles frequent the British Isles, but I find it weird that great whites are barely there it seems. Especially when I was in Ireland I was surprised to see such a relatively healthy seal population untouched by great white predation(I live in Northern California, and they pretty much own the waters off my area)
hengus pod
hengus pod - 7 years ago
shiver me timbers
xXToraKobayashiXx - 7 years ago
aggressivly? the great white was very calm and just curious...
FILNAT2011 - 7 years ago
FILNAT2011 - 7 years ago
That's nice of it, why don't you swim up to it and say thank you.
WhitewidowZzz - 7 years ago
The shark shown here is clearly a great white but is it the footage they took or some editing to add dramatics. If it wasn't I doubt it was a great white but rather a very large mako.

50. comment for Great White Shark spotted in Britain? | Sharks | BBC

Whoop Whoop
Whoop Whoop - 7 years ago
I don't understand why people don't believe there's great whites in the uk?? They've been caught in northern France so why wouldn't they swim 40 miles up the channel??
bunny pong
bunny pong - 7 years ago
When do you think our local chippy will have Great White with Chips? ;OP
liberal tears
liberal tears - 7 years ago
FILNAT2011 Firstly: I don't They do chips that big.
Secondly: He was talking about the fish, where did you get big chips from?
FILNAT2011 - 7 years ago
I don't think their do chips that big.
Keyboard Warrior
Keyboard Warrior - 7 years ago
I have know 100% that this was a great white.
Rhian1404 AJ
Rhian1404 AJ - 7 years ago
Could have been a mako arent they related to great whites? Or a porbeagle
John Cornell
John Cornell - 7 years ago
Not at that size and yes they are both related to great whites, which of course means there is no reason why some great whites can't be off Britain, seeing as the other mackerel sharks are.
Shaun Turner
Shaun Turner - 7 years ago
Where's all the proof we live in an age where people can't stay off their fones all these sightings and not 1 clear video
liberal tears
liberal tears - 7 years ago
Shaun Turner I know right, the internet is so overused, people just can't pick up a book and learn from that. Like a dictionary and learning how to spell Phone.
House Bolton
House Bolton - 7 years ago
The shark that appears on the video is a Great White Shark no doubt!
- Portugal
Videostarz- SophieleeXx
Videostarz- SophieleeXx - 7 years ago
u need to get it out of the waters of Britain for children sake
liberal tears
liberal tears - 7 years ago
Sophie-lee2280 GamingXxxx Great Whites are nice sharks.
harry grant
harry grant - 7 years ago
any one else think its a bit fishy all these story's of great whites and yet no pictures , videos. just a reconstruction on a documentary. would be great to see some real footage then I would believe it.
John Cornell
John Cornell - 7 years ago
What's not to believe?
TheNext Chapter
TheNext Chapter - 7 years ago
Porbeagle at best
Beth mc
Beth mc - 7 years ago
Great white sharks have been seen in new quay over the years as our seas are alot warmer
Michael Howard
Michael Howard - 7 years ago
Have they!?!? Please post documented ane verifed evidence of this before perpetuating tabloid rumour and scare stories. NO GWS has EVER been verifed in UK waters. The closest was a tagged individual heading towards Eire from U.S. waters. Stick to facts!
s lewins
s lewins - 7 years ago
Adventures With H
Adventures With H - 7 years ago
fact: great white sharks live in ALL oceans
Saef Ali
Saef Ali - 7 years ago
Does anyone think him shaking his head at the end as he states his belief means anything?
Ross McBride
Ross McBride - 7 years ago
Has to be a Mako, Great Whites won't be in our waters just yet, wait till the sea warms up a bit more
CORRIGEEN71 - 7 years ago
they are here saw one off the west coast of ireland ,
Xenologist - 7 years ago
That in the footage is indeed a Great White
North Oak Therapy
North Oak Therapy - 7 years ago
Basking shark. The colouration can fade if the shark has spent a lot of time in warm waters which sometimes happens. The fin gives this away as well as the long angular tail which is rare to see in a white shark protruding from the water. A basking shark will always appear to have two fins and sometimes is mistaken for two sharks unless viewed up close. (dorsal and tail) If you use filters on the video you can see the gill slits. I'm a marine biologist too and i'm surprised that they did not use light filters to see the shark more accurately below the surface. Schoolboys can do this very easily and is something that marine biologists do all the time as the animals being photographed, eg. under water from a boat, are often difficult to make out. So busted!!
Dann Dane
Dann Dane - 7 years ago
White shark is also known as a traveler shark, which means they can travel to distant places in the world. This of course has the consequence that there could be white sharks in Britain as well.
Jess Gibney
Jess Gibney - 7 years ago
its a tiger shark
Dale Louis
Dale Louis - 7 years ago
That's me never going in the water again!
Abhijit Oka
Abhijit Oka - 7 years ago
You need a bigger boat , Thats it !
Here's Johnny
Here's Johnny - 7 years ago
Great whites have always been in British waters....abundance of seals and other food they like makes it prime white shark waters. Warming climate makes them more likely than ever to be in British waters.
Norwegian Angling
Norwegian Angling - 7 years ago
1ChampagneSupernova1 - 7 years ago
Its a gw for sure as its a reconstruction of what he thought he saw,read at the start,RECONSTRUCTION.
Beerzerker - 7 years ago
I am pretty sure it was a russian submarine...
13paul13 - 7 years ago
probably a big salmon shark , probably looks bigger to people not used to seeing them in the UK , if it really was a great white I'd expect it to be much much bigger and probably more interested in the divers and boater that witnessed it
FlyDragonFly - 7 years ago
omg how amazing! I bet you can find Great Whites off the shores of the german north and east sea in the near future. I'd like to see that happen.
Andrew Wynd
Andrew Wynd - 8 years ago
someone took a photo that day of Mr white. pls release it
Constavlos - 8 years ago
yep thats stock footage of a great white alright.
Motney Hill
Motney Hill - 8 years ago
This figures, a mate down the pub said 15 of his mates were fishing off Dover when they were all eaten by a Great white Shark. That global warming has a lot to answer for.
Nutella msp
Nutella msp - 8 years ago
tbh, i never go in the ocean anyway, so idrc
Alex Kerr
Alex Kerr - 8 years ago
Where's the pics to prove ,Until ones photoghraphed and or caught and stuck on thr front page of the ,Sun I'll believe it
paul28218 - 8 years ago
we have plenty of seal colonie's around the uk,i would'nt disbelieve that there are white sharks of our shore's,think ?
john sheppard
john sheppard - 8 years ago
Is this actual footage or reconstruction if it's the real thing then this is a great white without doubt but for a marine biologist he doesn't seem to quick to identify the shark you would be able to tell in seconds it was a great white the only shark that looks the slightest bit like one is its cousin the mako
Michael Howard
Michael Howard - 7 years ago
Not accurate. The Porbeagle Shark has a body plane more closely related to GWS than Mako and also inhabits IK waters Shortfin Mako have a more promimemt eye, sharper snout, exposed teeth and are generally more compact and stocky in comparison to a Great White.
Emma Whitney
Emma Whitney - 8 years ago
If we get warm ocean waters when we have a really hot summer we can get all sorts of sharks and that was a great white shark
FH - 8 years ago
Of course it was a great white !
Izina - 8 years ago
This is why I don't swim in the British sea
FO 669
FO 669 - 8 years ago
nah he was prolly just a bull shark
I hate you mother-fucker!
I hate you mother-fucker! - 8 years ago
Like others that have left an opinion, I'm also fascinated by great white sharks. Therefore, when I saw headlines in the likes of "The Sun" and "Daily Star" claiming that "Jaws" had been spotted off the Cornish cost, my immediate reaction was sensationalism.

However, does anyone remember a story (a few years ago) regarding a team of marine biologists that caught, tagged, tracked and then named a great white shark by the name of "Lydia" for their research?

Well firstly, I do believe that "Lydia" is still swimming around healthy and well. However, "Lydia" made news around the world when early data from her tracking device showed that she was well and truly on her way to Ireland. As much as I'm fascinated by great whites, personally I wanted it to turn back. However, around the same time the Plymouth Herald then reported via her data that "Lydia came within 700 miles of Devon's waters." You don't have to be a fully qualified marine biologist to quickly appreciate that a distance of 700 miles for a great white shark is nothing. Also, if a great white shark was to visit UK waters, you'd think it would visit our warmest patch of water, which would be the Cornish coast before heading further south, eventually into the Mediterranean.

However, the woman in this clip says that she had just started "a weekends diving in Ullapool." I openly admit that I've never heard of "Ullapool" and had to Google its location. Considering we're talking about great white sharks, I was shocked to find that Ullapool is right up north on the west coast of Scotland.

Therefore, we all believe what we want to believe. Have great white sharks ever visited UK shores? I for one believe it's entirely plausible that a great white shark may have been spotted off the Cornish coast. But off the coast of Scotland? I struggle to believe it.

Please excuse my ignorance if I'm wrong as I'm not an expert. But to me and in theory, that means there's a rare possibility that a great white shark (albeit during the summer.) COULD/MIGHT be spotted off the coast of Blackpool (cold, dark & filthy water) Liverpool (cold, dark and filthy water), Isle of Man, Caernarfon etc. All due to (and according to some.) the "gulf stream?" Well, all those locations (like Ullapool.) are also on the west coast the UK. I know it sounds silly but to me, it's all the same principle. Isn't it?

If interested, I've left links regarding "Lydia" when she was well and truly on route to the UK. The second link will provide you with all of "Lydia's" tracking data. These links show it's entirely plausible that great whites and from time to time might visit the Cornish coast. But off the coast of Scotland? Sorry, but I'm not entirely convinced.

And as for the shark we see in the clip while these people tell their story. If that is genuine footage of a great white shark swimming around & off the coast of Scotland, then no doubt about it, we'd have all seen that exact same footage by now as it would have made world news. Just like "Lydia" did when she was on her way to Ireland.


Michael Howard
Michael Howard - 7 years ago
Did you ever go t the OSearch link I recommended? Hope you found time.
Michael Howard
Michael Howard - 8 years ago
Go to the Osearch website (including Lydia if she is still out there).  They track a wide variety of fish species, the Great White tracking is only a section of their (now dubious) work.  They have several Great Whites tagged and you can track them.  FYI the plot for Lydia showed her crossing the Atlantic, yes heading in the direction of Eire, but I believe at that point the data transmission stopped.
Scott Castles
Scott Castles - 8 years ago
yep 100% a Great White,
Richard Jolly
Richard Jolly - 8 years ago
in the summer months the west of Scotland becomes a haven for many sea creatures. along with the gulf stream comes yearly visitors I.e white sharks , sunfish n even leather back turtles.
I do slot of skate fishing in the sound of mull/ firth of Lorne and once had a 12/15 ft shark cruise under the boat. it was about 25ft down so couldn't see it but was on the sonar/ fish finder.

there are whites there not very many but they are there in the summer.
Michael Howard
Michael Howard - 8 years ago
A 12ft-15ft 'shark'..... that you didn't see visually.... so how do you know it was even a shark of ANY species?  Let's deal in hard fact here.  Or I  could say, could it have been a porpoise/dolphin?  Could it have been.... any other type of fish at 12ft-15ft?  People speculate too easily instead of the known facts.  If it WAS a shark... it could have been a large Blue, a Porbeagle, a young Basking Shark even....
peter neagle
peter neagle - 8 years ago
Its a great white
bonnie upham
bonnie upham - 8 years ago
100% a great white
rayan kuczera
rayan kuczera - 8 years ago
clearly great white shark
BlockTuber YT
BlockTuber YT - 8 years ago
Wow sharks are appearing all around the world!!!
Alex Kerr
Alex Kerr - 8 years ago
Nope don't believe it , to cold in our waters for a great white
OBAMA HATER - 7 years ago
jek 21
jek 21 - 7 years ago
Alex Kerr axualy british islans are not to cold from south .!
unplanedlayer - 7 years ago
haha, calm down dear. I made my comment in a flippant passing comment kind of way because he made his the same way, not my job to educate people on youtube, not yours either....I'm surprised you can even see the screen from up there on your high horse. Hate it when people comment on stuff acting like they are the worlds authority on the subject and everyone else is assumed to be morons.
Ian Gourlay
Ian Gourlay - 7 years ago
Okay, could be I'm both of those, who am I to judge? But I didn't make the original unpleasant comment designed to crush someone else's stated opinion. Just because you CAN condemn (with a whole eight words) someone else's take on it - doesn't give you the right to do so in such a fashion. Yours was the comment of a lazy mind and a predatory manner, you didn't offer any helpful explanation - you only tried to hurt. Which says much about the sort of person you are.

I'll happily accept being both Patronising and Condescending rather than being an anonymous keyboard-bully who has no mind for other people's opinions and rides roughshod over them - just because he can, all the while hiding behind a YTube handle.
unplanedlayer - 7 years ago
Ian Gourlay no - your second comment was almost as patronising and condescending as your first.
unplanedlayer - 7 years ago
Ian Gourlay yawn.
Ian Gourlay
Ian Gourlay - 7 years ago
Perhaps just an uneducated thing rather than silly? (This is You Tube, remember...) Great Whites are known to generate their own body heat internally and are known to be patrollers of coasts where warm water species rarely venture. The Porbeagle is a close cousin to the GWhite and the world's biggest specimens of those occur off the Northern Scottish coastline in and around the Pentland Firth. There is absolutely NO reason why White Sharks are not already here, all they need is here aplenty. Unless the ultra busy-ness of our shipping lanes fills the water with blankets of sound that disturbs their senses?
unplanedlayer - 7 years ago
too cold is a silly thing to say .
Ian Gourlay
Ian Gourlay - 7 years ago
Alex Kerr
White Sharks generate their own body heat. There is NO reason why they're not here. None at all. Someone said it was probably a Porgie - but no Porbeagle ever reached anything like 5m. We have the world's biggest Porbeagle sharks in the Pentland Firth and those top out around 800lbs - they're tubby sharks and aren't seen at the surface unless hauled up on a line or a net. If these people are telling accurately what they saw then Great White is the only fitting fish ID. As said elsewhere there is no reason why they aren't here. In fact they SHOULD be here given temperatures and available food supplies in the form of huge seal populations.
aud loves life
aud loves life - 8 years ago
Sorry sent early by mistake. He's had run ins with most including a tiger, bull and porbeagle (several). Deffo great white.
aud loves life
aud loves life - 8 years ago
Michael Howard I understand what your saying.... BUT my son really does dive around the the world, it's his living. He knows his sharks too well to have been mistaken. He's cage dived many times with GW's
Michael Howard
Michael Howard - 8 years ago
+Alex Kerr The shark on film is without doubt a Great White.  However, without some sort of  point of reference, it is near impossible to establish that the footage of the shark was captured in British waters.  Considering how much fishing takes place around the UK (I mean commercial more so than recreational) there seems to be little firm evidence of Great Whites.  Conversely, one or two may stray, wander into UK waters, but that is very different to an established, resident population. 
Michael Howard
Michael Howard - 8 years ago
+aud loves life  Aud.  This could very well be a case of mistaken identity.  While taking nothing away from the knowledge of your son, the south west is known for sightings of Porbeagle Sharks.  They look like a miniature Great White, large black eye, stocky build, but smaller.  That is the more likely species and verified in our waters.  The teeth would be the better distinguishing factor in this sighting... but of course, the fish is now gone.  I rule nothing out but in return I ask that you don't either. 
aud loves life
aud loves life - 8 years ago
Alex Kerr No way! They're here. My son was diving in Cornwall when he saw one, about 12-13 feet long. He dives all around the world and he really know his sharks. He's a 100% certain it was a GW.
Michael Howard
Michael Howard - 8 years ago
It could be that you are falling into the typical mistake that, because tv/movies tend to show sharks in tropical, clear, easy to film waters, they don't venture into cooler areas.  The GWS is a fast moving predatory species (capapble of maintaining a higher internal body temp than the surrounding waters necessary for good muscle viability), as is the Blue Shark, a frequent visitor in the southwest of England, along with the Porbeagle.  The Porbeagle a direct relative of the GWS, you could almost say to look at, a miniature GWS.  Too cold?  Consider the setting for Jaws, the North Eastern coast of the U.S. in Massachusetts.  Temperatures much the same as ours.  The biggest question on the mind of anyone with a good level of shark knowledge is this:  Seeing as the water temperature is right, the coastal drop off is good and that seals and other good sized marine life is off the shores of Britain, food items that are ideal for a GWS.... Why ARE'NT they here????
Richard Jolly
Richard Jolly - 8 years ago
Alex Kerr you have the gulf stream right up the west.
Alex Kerr
Alex Kerr - 8 years ago
fatsamcastle is the footage real .If so its definately a white
fatsamcastle - 8 years ago
Alex Kerr is not. Check out the average waters around the coast in summer and winter and then check out the water temp great whites live in.
Technically whites could be swimming around northern England and Scotland in the summer time and pretty much the south coast (especially a place like the Scillies) all year round.
givingbirthiseasy - 8 years ago
Why are great white sightings off the British and Irish coast so unbelievable? The waters in summer are perfect for them and there's food aplenty. This is definitely a great white.
St. Apollonius
St. Apollonius - 8 years ago
They was very lucky that day.
Condoggydog - 8 years ago
Isn't it cute for the shark to turn up to the reconstruction?
Russell Beardsley
Russell Beardsley - 8 years ago
why would great whites NOT be in britain??!! we're on the same latitude as Newfoundland and they're there as well!! they prefer cooler, temperate waters and we've got tens of thousands of nice fat juicy seals for them.

100. comment for Great White Shark spotted in Britain? | Sharks | BBC

Bryan Callahan
Bryan Callahan - 8 years ago
I think they make these things up to get in the media. I wish it was true.i am a big jaws fan
liberal tears
liberal tears - 7 years ago
Bryan Callahan Well good news! It's true!
Mali Song
Mali Song - 8 years ago
The fins, the color, the body and head shape ... Everything fits into a Carcharodon carcharias. It's not a s.c. Porbeagle, nor a Short-/Longfin Mako. Colors and shapes don't fit. ... What else could it be? There are around 30 different types of sharks in and around the UK coastal waters. May be even upriver, like Bullsharks!? Who knows. Even not documented. Water temperatures are suitable for the G.W. around UK waters. And some waters are nourishing, like for aformentioned sharks, as well as for Bluesharks, Thrasher, Hammerhead and Sevengill sharks, etc.. And, UK waters are an ideal, safe environment for, like in the video, a yob white pointer. With no Orca whales. Or, asking the other way round; what makes people believe, that we don't get the chance to see a globetrotter and far-voyager shark, like the great white, around UK and european waters? They are simply everywhere, around the oceans and seas! Even in the warmer, mediterranian seas. If you whish to have no encounter with them, or other, perhaps dangerous sharks or sea creatures, there is only one solid advise to be given; pls. swim and dive ONLY in pools!
I hate you mother-fucker!
I hate you mother-fucker! - 8 years ago
Mali Song There's no doubt that the shark we see while these people tell their story is a great white shark. However, I (for one) can't help but think that if this was actual genuine footage, of a great white shark, swimming past their boat and off the coast of Scotland (because that was their location) then this exact same footage would have made world news. No doubt about that.
Michael Teale
Michael Teale - 8 years ago
Been warm bloodied its a possibility?but without proof.who can say?anyway most people in the u.k dont have a clule whats really swimming out on our coastline?porgies,thresher,big blues...?CHEMICHEL.M.ALIEN.T.EELS SNIDE SQUALLISS?5/4/666?
27DTF - 8 years ago
What we are lookng at here is a Carcharodon carcharias. Without a doubt. but.... this is not the real footage from there dive. A reconstruction that could of been recorded anywhere.
Stevo Canuck
Stevo Canuck - 8 years ago
is this encounter rare or something?
League Of Bronze
League Of Bronze - 8 years ago
is this real?
Matthew Lyle
Matthew Lyle - 8 years ago
Mat Lucas
Mat Lucas - 8 years ago
thats a great white shark
Miki Seius
Miki Seius - 8 years ago
"It came rather aggressively towards the boat" "sort of an aggressive turn or movement" 100% curiosity in search for bait fish or something similar. Aggressively my behind. If a dolphin did they same you wouldn't call it aggressive now would you. This guys a marine biologist? Where did he study? Jaws the movie university?
master blob
master blob - 7 years ago
Another internet expert...The only shark species in the UK which is known to glide on the surface is a basking shark. Anyone that knows anything about them know that they are passive and don't tend to change direction much, especially not aggressively. Porbeagle and blue sharks don't really go on the surface, they tend to stay in the mid-low water columns. Of course a shark could turn in a way that looks aggressive to investigate the boat.
Miki Seius
Miki Seius - 8 years ago
+Moat house Productions Obviously i didn't.
Moat house Productions
Moat house Productions - 8 years ago
Miki Seius
You do realise it was a re-creation? It wasn't actual footage of the event. And this was 7 years ago so the filming is obviously going to be bad
Neil Law
Neil Law - 8 years ago
Clearly Megalodon
James Middleton
James Middleton - 7 years ago
it was my pet goldfish
Herr Richtig
Herr Richtig - 7 years ago
Ok then it's the Loch Ness Monster
The Brown Fox
The Brown Fox - 8 years ago
megalodons bigger m8 xD
otherwise they're gonna need a bigger boat
vinny lu4
vinny lu4 - 8 years ago
paused it at309 could be a Porb but does look like a white
copamundial26 - 8 years ago
thresher shark
Stefan Dissmann
Stefan Dissmann - 8 years ago
Could have been a Porbeagle or Maco but 5m is a big one !  Marine Biologist will almost definitely know the difference though.Great whites aren't scared of cold water (eg Cape town) as long as the foods there - seals are around in the uk. Just because a species is not usually found here doesn't mean there wont be an odd one passing through. Last month a blue fin tuna was caught in Cornwall !Over the last few years there have been some odd catches - so I would put my money the chance that that was a Great white.
AR P - 8 years ago
it couldv been a porbeagle shark they actualy look like smaller great whites
vinny lu4
vinny lu4 - 8 years ago
yeh I fort that but I paused it at 3.39 and I'd say thats a white,coupled with the fact it come over and investigated em, and g his summer its been hot round UK coast down around kent anyway,they get lost as well as food supply and global warmi
Francis1930 - 8 years ago
Yep, that is definitely a Great White. Been in a cage diving with them, I've studied them, dived with them stroked one as it swam passed the cage. They are absolutely awesome incredible creatures. Can't wait to dive with them again!
matt gosling
matt gosling - 8 years ago
where did you cage dive with them?
yortko1 - 8 years ago
But is the shark in this video the actual one they saw? If it is then it was definitely a Great White. And it sounds like they got out of the water just in time too.
I hate you mother-fucker!
I hate you mother-fucker! - 8 years ago
yortko1 I've said it to others on this post. If that was actual footage of the great white shark they saw then this footage would have made world news. I don't know if you caught on. But listen to the woman at the beginning. She says, we'd just started "a weekends diving in Ullapool." I openly admit, I'd never heard of the place, it's in Scotland.

Great white shark, spotted off the coast of Scotland, with genuine video evidence = world news.
Steve ANGLER - 8 years ago
funny how they never got a under water shot. lol
Herr Richtig
Herr Richtig - 7 years ago
AN underwater shot
Michael Marsh
Michael Marsh - 8 years ago
Thanks a lot I have a fear of going in water in the sea and had just got over it but now you have just scared me even more, THANKS!!
thomas weaver
thomas weaver - 7 years ago
Me too.
bunny pong
bunny pong - 7 years ago
I'm now so scared I won't even do a number 2!
PunkienTayTay - 8 years ago
You're the one who clicked it, Sherlock. BBC didn't demand you.
NaDe Eclipse
NaDe Eclipse - 8 years ago
Michael Marsh lol
Matthew Lyle
Matthew Lyle - 8 years ago
FAKE i live in britian the water is to cold for great white sharks the only sharks britan have are basking sharks,bull sharks and pike sharks
Nick Maurice
Nick Maurice - 7 years ago
Haha wonderful trolling
aud loves life
aud loves life - 8 years ago
Matthew Lyle lol!
I hate you mother-fucker!
I hate you mother-fucker! - 8 years ago
I love great white sharks, but I'm not an expert. Bearing this in mind I believe it's possible that you MIGHT encounter a great white shark off the Cornish coast and during the summer months. But off the coast of Scotland as these people have claimed to have seen? I find it hard to believe. I'd defo need to see it to believe it.
orange Cali
orange Cali - 8 years ago
Matthew Lyle there are no bullsharks in Britain
#420GAMING - 8 years ago
Don't be so naive ! If you turn round and say our waters are too cold or this is fake then your highly uneducated about sharks. Great whites pass through British waters every year, we have both the right temp at certain points in the year and also good food resources here for them to come inland. Look up and do research before making dumb comments, its their in both books and photos are pretty much proof too
Cian Kilbride
Cian Kilbride - 8 years ago
Matthew Lyle great white I THINK can go anywhere , search it on google
Mi Ke
Mi Ke - 8 years ago
Apart from the fact that a pike isn't a shark and lives in freshwater, bull sharks only live in warm water, and great whites actually prefer slightly colder water, your post was really good. Carry on, Einstein...
Zyrex - 8 years ago
They can live in Britain under certain conditions
Glen Cameron
Glen Cameron - 8 years ago
Shame you cannot spell Britain as you apparently live here!!
Great wights have been spotted around the UK for years, give climate change it is no surprise that they would move into our waters.
Plus don't go by the weather on the land to tell you what the sea temperature is!!
If their is a food source sharks will come in.
And I have seen seals from Cornwall to east wittering! So they have food...
We will only see more of these.
Matthew Lyle
Matthew Lyle - 8 years ago
No they don't its fake
LRchigga - 8 years ago
the waters from brittain are just as cold as those from south Africa. where sharks are hugely present
Angus1966 - 8 years ago
plenty of great whites visit British waters , Norwegian waters , Canadian , and around the south pole too , they like cold water.
Wayne Roberts
Wayne Roberts - 8 years ago
That's not true the temperature is perfect for them
William Thomas
William Thomas - 8 years ago
I was thinking Porbeagle until he said the size, the waters around the UK are warming up. sightings are becoming more frequent.
jim cartner
jim cartner - 8 years ago
great white definitely not porbeagle or basking and thus guy is marine biologist?
Darth Turtle
Darth Turtle - 8 years ago
actually there is another type of shark you get in britain i forgot what its called but its exactly like a great white just a tiny bit smaller and alot of people mistake them for great whites but that doesnt mean thats nto a great white
Darth Turtle
Darth Turtle - 7 years ago
Nick Parker
Nick Parker - 8 years ago
It could of been a mako shark
• Caius •
• Caius • - 8 years ago
Makos are a lot more gracile whereas this shark is thick and robust, the colouration and bodily proportions match a White Shark too
Martin Lang
Martin Lang - 8 years ago
5m plus White and you are in an inflatable! Scarry
Kevin Gately is Dead
Kevin Gately is Dead - 8 years ago
you can tell by just looking at the waters that great whites frequent them if there is seals about you most likely come across a great white especially with british seas getting warmer.
GoGamerz GnO
GoGamerz GnO - 8 years ago
That's definitely a Great White Shark
Robert Kristiansen
Robert Kristiansen - 8 years ago
Great white !!!
Michael Howard
Michael Howard - 8 years ago
So at least one Marine Biologist on board, regular divers who photograph the aquatic plant life but no one gets a picture as the fish cruises past even though they have suspicions about the species? The on board expert then gauges the length at 5meters which is still pretty large for a Great White? They need to stop chewing the local seaweed. G.W.S. in British waters? Don't rule it out, but these attention-seekers didn't see one. They probably saw a ghost, a UFO and The Loch Ness Monster on the same day.
I hate you mother-fucker!
I hate you mother-fucker! - 8 years ago
Michael Howard well said!
Mikael Falkenberg
Mikael Falkenberg - 8 years ago
Anyone fancy a swim?
james bromfield
james bromfield - 8 years ago
yep that looks like jaws to me if u want i find him for 3 but ill catch him an kill him for 10 chief lol
adamstrauss81 - 8 years ago
Great Whites have a very wide range, so this makes plenty of sense.
Andrew Compton
Andrew Compton - 8 years ago
100% de FINatley  a great white.....    why are people questioning this man?? hes a marine biologist.... for Christ sake..  he saw a great white..... a one off...  sighting... they do happen...  so I'm with the bloke aswell,,,  we have great whites (in certain weather conditions)  in our waters..................
michael mulcahy
michael mulcahy - 7 years ago
GWS are in the Med sea its very possible one could of travelled up in UK water,the biggest Great White shark caught was in Malta,theres a good docu called Jaws in the med have a look its on Youtube,they feed on Dolphins as their main source as no seals are in the Med anymore
Andrew Compton
Andrew Compton - 8 years ago
+Michael Howard totally agree..
Michael Howard
Michael Howard - 8 years ago
Birds have wings.... they can fly where ever they want to.... when was the last time you saw footage of a flock of Flamingo flying over London, England..... or a footage of Robins walking across the sheet ice at the polar regions.... then ask yourself why you don't see these things?  Ask yourself, if GWS can swim anywhere, why aren't they cruising up and down The Nile?  Or The Amazon?  Hang on.... the habitat isn't suitable.  Available/suitable food stocks, salinity, depth range, temperature range... all play a role.  Just because there is a body of water, it doesn't mean every species on Earth will show itself there.  Didn't happen to see a Salt Water Croc or a Blue Whale in the same 'footage' did you?
Andrew Compton
Andrew Compton - 8 years ago
Why would he make it up....
Michael Howard
Michael Howard - 8 years ago
Ummm.... no evidence that the footage of the GWS in the video was recorded by, or provided by, the divers in question.  They headed out with video gear but no one took a camera?  The 'footage' is the dramatization of the documentary, not footage provided by the dive team.
David Smith
David Smith - 8 years ago
MIKE KUNZ it's off Ullapool. Scottish highlands.
MIKE KUNZ - 8 years ago
you are 100% correct, ant make out the place tho
Andrew Compton
Andrew Compton - 8 years ago
yes lol
Katieboil Anegg
Katieboil Anegg - 8 years ago
Yup, they can swim wherever they want to. This is why I don't get in the water...
Nicola Douglas
Nicola Douglas - 8 years ago
well I hope there won't be a seal cull !
Gregor Carlin
Gregor Carlin - 8 years ago
If they were taking photos in the water then why on earth didn't anyone take a photo of it, to prove for the first time that great whites have been in uk waters in recent times, seems like a good achievement for a marine biologist but noooo, let's not take a photo
Daniel Clark Clark
Daniel Clark Clark - 7 years ago
Gregor Carlin dead great whites have been washed up on british beaches. Im guessing they dident take a picture because out at sea they may not have anythimg to to take a pic with
RICHARD LYCAWOLPH Wolfe - 7 years ago
I was thinking the same thing. Where's the photo- video of great white.
klootzakke - 7 years ago
My thoughts exactly, they saw it coming in aggressively from quite some distance before the 15sec swimby. I dont think the camera's could have been laying away far in a dinghy like that especially since they were just coming out of the water. I think after a day of taking pictures of underwaterflowers and dark caves and you spot a shark like that you would be diving for your camera. I call bogus on this story not on the presence of great whites in Britain. I think with global warming and the presence of seals it will be a matter of time before it becomes a regular habitat. remember San Francisco Bay? It took decades before they managed to film a great white inside the bay
Jack Snow
Jack Snow - 7 years ago
it is definitely not the first time a great white shark has been seen in the south of england. they have been coming here for years. it might be the first great white shark on film...
stilt - 7 years ago
Why is he comparing it to a basking shark. Its like saying "No it wasn't a 747, possibly a Cessna". Basking shark, much darker, bigger, surface feeders, massive mouth, slower and totally different dorsal. If your a Marine Biologist, convince us it wasn't a Mako or Porbeagle.
eddie mclaughlin
eddie mclaughlin - 7 years ago
just another story without the glory shot
DancinJim - 7 years ago
Christian Buczko I had a digital SLR in 2002 and was a poor student at the time, so there's no way these marine biologists didn't have one, or at least a compact digital camera.
Christian Buczko
Christian Buczko - 7 years ago
Back then in 2002 they didn't have that many digital cameras around with unlimited storage. They were probably taking portrait quality pics using film, and id bet they didn't have any film left after a 45min dive, either that or by the time they realised what it was, they couldn't take their eyes off it to pick up the camera. They said it was only there for 15sec beside the boat, he got a good look instead. Some people prefer to see things in reality, and not through a camera lens
juanjeremy2012 - 7 years ago
exactly these are liars. hey why not claim they saw megaladon or something?
Yuritower77 - 8 years ago
There is proof that they are in uk waters shark tracker tracked one to scotland a couple of years ago. They can occasionally even be found in Alaskan waters if conditions are right.
Andrew Gao
Andrew Gao - 8 years ago
This Great white shark is kind of small
sugino - 8 years ago
Eyes too small for a Porbeagle
Ben Steer
Ben Steer - 8 years ago
Mako shark. another member of the requiem shark family, fairly common around the UK. often mistaken for whites.
Borderlands - 8 years ago
How can you say they're mistaken about the measurements? On a small boat like that with known dimensions you compare the length to the shark and get an estimate. Might be a couple of feet out but not Mako sized.

Colouration looks like a GW, certainly not a basking shark or whale shark the only other contenders. Great Whites have been caught in the Bay of Biscay, so Britain is in their possible range. Great Whites have been known to have a feeding range from Australia to South Africa, so distance is no object.

The numbers in British waters aren't big enough to deter anyone from swimming, more chance of being killed by sewage or drowning than a GW, but they're almost certainly around.
roothik - 8 years ago
+Ben Steer
Why does it matter if i have good knowledge of UK's marine fauna or not?
If we know that Great Whites have been and can be found there (even just occasionally), that's all we need to know.
(Considering of course that we know how a White looks like and how he is different from other sharks.)
roothik - 8 years ago
+Ben Steer
That's irrelevant...
Ben Steer
Ben Steer - 8 years ago
+roothik what country are you based in?
roothik - 8 years ago
+Ben Steer
Based on what? How can you be pretty sure about that?
Ben Steer
Ben Steer - 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure they are mistaken about the measurements
Stan Edwards
Stan Edwards - 8 years ago
mako's are nothing like whites, complete different body shape, a white is thick bodied a mako is very slim lined for speed mate
Peter Johnson
Peter Johnson - 8 years ago
Agreed. At 5 metres thats highly unlikely to be a Mako. If a Great White ventures into UK waters as i m sure they occasionally do its not interested in peoples opinions as to wether it should be there or not.
Yellyman Gonzales
Yellyman Gonzales - 8 years ago
Mako shark doesn`t get to be 5 meter long.
roothik - 8 years ago
Often mistaken indeed, by the average diver or fisher, but not so much by a marine biologist. And if the size of 5 meters (as described) is even remotely close, then it just can not have been a Mako.
Tim Howe
Tim Howe - 8 years ago
Well they've cut in visuals of a GW, but what they saw is almost certainly a big porbeagle. It's the right time of year for them to be up that way, they were close inshore. I'm a bit disappointed in the "professional marine biologist" in the clip who couldn't think of "anything else" it could be, yet didn't describe any feature that might distinguish it from a porgie (apart from perhaps his length estimate which I can't completely buy into without photos). Not knowing that L. nasus is native to the British Isles is a bit inexcusable for someone in his field.
matt gosling
matt gosling - 8 years ago
yeah that footage clip was 100% a great white but that film it showed wasnt what they saw it was just played to show how it could have been a white shark,like others have said marine biologist would know a great white and they were there to take photos most people would have grabbed a camera as soon as they knew it wasnt a basking shark
• Caius •
• Caius • - 8 years ago
There was no porbeagle, mako, salmon or any other similar species in this video. That was a Great White, the broadly pointed snout, the dorsal fin is easily recognisable, the dark colours shining vividly in the sunlight, makos are brighter, salmons have a more rounded dorsal and are stockier and shorter proportionatly as well as the colouration being off, porbeagles don't even reach near that size and the look doesn't match at all. Looks pretty reminiscent to a Great White to me
Andrew Compton
Andrew Compton - 8 years ago
porgies 5mtrs long.??.....and esp a triangular fin...  na.... great white all day....
MrSequinn - 8 years ago
Yep I thought that they could have seen a portabeagal!
spazzomaniacster25 - 8 years ago
Definitely a Great White shark
Dougie Montana
Dougie Montana - 7 years ago
spazzomaniacster25 do realise that it’s a reconstruction of what they saw (without any camera footage)
Herr Richtig
Herr Richtig - 7 years ago
Definitely a dog.
Cian Kilbride
Cian Kilbride - 8 years ago
spazzomaniacster25 yep
Jeffrey Cyrus
Jeffrey Cyrus - 8 years ago
100% right here its a great white shark all right no doubt about this., these sharks live and swam in these waters two thousand years ago.
Richard Mason
Richard Mason - 9 years ago
Sounds like a megaladon to me...
Mr Welsh Gaming
Mr Welsh Gaming - 9 years ago
but no footage
LambOfLucifer - 9 years ago
More likely a Porbeagle. Fin shape is different but at a glance with insufficient knowledge you could easily mistake the 2.
matt gosling
matt gosling - 8 years ago
it wasnt footage of what they saw,the clip was defo 100% white shark,but they were there to take photos 4 people they had a camera and not one of them thought to take any pictures?if i had to bet i would say we have got or had them in british water but i would of expected to see a photo of one by now
Sue Howard
Sue Howard - 8 years ago
yes agreed
Cameron Burge
Cameron Burge - 8 years ago
+Shelley Riley
It was mosty likely a great white. The eye witness descriptions are detailed and consistent with a great white. They are a widely ranging species, the UK water temps are well within their range and there is pleny of prey items to feed on.
It's logical the occasional wandering great white reaches Britsh waters.
Shelley Riley
Shelley Riley - 8 years ago
No doubt it was absoloutly not a great white. The closest a great white has come to uk waters is approx 250 miles. Still close enough but not even in the uks far reaching waters. Its safe guys go back in the water.
Cameron Burge
Cameron Burge - 8 years ago
+Tim Howe
You don;'t have to be a specialist in order to not be able to tell the difference between a 15ft great white and a 8ft porbeagle. Im not a specialist yet I can easily tell the difference. The guy has plenty of experience seeing big sharks, including basking sharks.
Cameron Burge
Cameron Burge - 8 years ago
I have a brain thank you. This was a clear and detailed sighting by a competent marine biologist. Great whites are here in British waters occasionally. Its not fantasy.
Cameron Burge
Cameron Burge - 8 years ago
+Tim Howe
No competent biologist is going to confuse a 8ft porbeagle with a 15ft great white. You'd have to be half blind, stupid or a liar. Are you accusing him of being one of the above?
LambOfLucifer - 8 years ago
+Tim Howe
Amen... Someone with a brain who does not believe everything he is told without questioning...
Tim Howe
Tim Howe - 8 years ago
+Peter Johnson not all qualified marine biologists are specialists in elasmobranchs, and they don't all have exposure to seeing a lot of big sharks in the water. Length/weight judgement are skills that need to be honed through first-hand experience. It's not just anglers that are prone to exaggerate sizes and weights when they're not used to seeing large creatures up close. You only need to read into the literature around deciding on the maximum length for the GW itself to see that length exaggerations are possible even with captured and taped-out specimens, and that there is an enormous amount of disagreement among the scientific community over maximum sizes of all mackerel shark species.
Cameron Burge
Cameron Burge - 8 years ago
+Marvin James
Yeah. Obviously they didn't have much money to spend on better trickery hehe.
Marvin James
Marvin James - 8 years ago
+Cameron Burge I was suspicious of the CGI of the dorsal cutting the water in background shots and the closer water ripples as it glides past the boat if you notice.
Cameron Burge
Cameron Burge - 8 years ago
+Marvin James
Yep. It is. Cheers.
Marvin James
Marvin James - 8 years ago
+Cameron Burge Yeah I'm already leaning towards that.
Cameron Burge
Cameron Burge - 8 years ago
+Marvin James
Its stock footage with a bit of CGI magic thrown in.
Cameron Burge
Cameron Burge - 8 years ago
You can't compare the footage of basking sharks and dolphins in British waters to the lack of footage of great whites. Basking sharks and dolphins = common/frequent around British shores. Great whites = rare occasional visitors. You have, in a way, even answered your own quandary. Great white sharks are extremely rare here. THAT is why there is no footage yet. There isn't much footage of great whites in the Mediterranean, yet they are frequently there. So where is the footage???
This biologist in all likelihood correctly identified  a very rare sighting of a great white shark in British waters. He described it in detail, from its size to its prominent features. Seeing as I don't doubt that great white sharks visit British waters from time to time, I see no reason to discount this report.
Marvin James
Marvin James - 8 years ago
+LambOfLucifer There's no "verified" footage of whites in our waters I'll give you that but because some of us tend to believe the word of the witness (a marine biologist), we're all the equivalent of kids in pre-school? Okay. Take care lol
LambOfLucifer - 8 years ago
+Marvin James They don't have to be quite the same thing. It is an example. I don't trust anyones word over the absolute truth. And EVERYONE makes mistakes, and some people tell lies. Also I should think it is BLATANTLY obvious that the footage is reconstruction..... There are NO pictures and NO footage of Whites in our waters...EVER. Bloody hell, I'm done with this thread. It's like going back to pre-school.
Marvin James
Marvin James - 8 years ago
+LambOfLucifer A marine biologist identifying a shark species up close next to his boat and a president saying in his defense "I did not have sex with that woman", aren't quite the same thing though are they? We expect politicians to lie as it goes with the job. Any scientists purpose in life is truth and facts.

All I'm saying is I'm more likely to believe what he's saying as he should be able to lidentify two very different shark species up close or his employers and grant bearers have got serious decisions to make right? lol

Not only that but the sharks we see in the footage are definitely Great White's. The question is was the footage shot there and then or just stock footage added for dramatic effect of the reconstruction? I'm currently leaning towards the latter.
LambOfLucifer - 8 years ago
+Marvin James
He is not risking anything though is he? As there is no proof either way. He tells his story and states his reasons. And trust me, Marine Biologists make mistakes ALL the time, just like every man/woman in any other profession in the world does. Your reasons for accepting his word as absolute truth equate to the same as trusting a president to tell the gospel truth. "Well it must be true, he's the president of the United States......". Doesn't work like that for me i'm afraid. But as stated maybe 5 times now, that is just my personal opinion. You and all other viewers can believe whatever you wish.
LambOfLucifer - 8 years ago
+Peter Johnson
I wouldn't just accept anything from anyone no matter how qualified. I have dived with Great White sharks off southern Australia and even our "experts" misidentified several sharks on several occasions over the course of 2 days. It is not a question of lying, I doubt that that particular man is a liar. I just totally doubt his story is 100% correct.
Marvin James
Marvin James - 8 years ago
+Peter Johnson Totally agree. Why risk ruin to his credibility and career by getting a shark species wrong especially when it's that close right?

The shark we see is definitely a Great White without question.


At the start it says "reconstruction". So I'm left wondering whether the actual shark footage we all see was in fact taken there and then on the boat at the time or in fact just stock footage added for dramatic effect by the BBC?
Peter Johnson
Peter Johnson - 8 years ago
From a qualified Marine Biologist i would accept what he says. No offence.
LambOfLucifer - 8 years ago
+Peter Johnson
Jesus christ, not you as well. The fact he says it was 5 doesnt make it so. Good god, do you just accept everything anyone says without question????
Peter Johnson
Peter Johnson - 8 years ago
+LambOfLucifer A Porbeagle at 5 metres length? Not possible.
LambOfLucifer - 8 years ago
+Cameron Burge
 I'm not entirely sure what point you are trying to make.You believe the story and think Whites are in UK waters and you don't need pictures for proof. I don't think they are liars, I think they are mistaken. I think that Whites do frequent our waters but very very rarely, and it's even rarer that any people genuinely see one here. I do require proof as for several decades now cameras and mobile phone cameras have been widely available and used. We have tons of basking shark pictures, tons of Whale pictures, tons of dolphin pictures and just about every other animal you can think of that lives in or around our seas. Yet there are ZERO definitive pictures of a White in our waters. That says alot. My rough guess would be for every 100 stories of Whites in our waters, 95 are mistakes, and the last 5 is a split between liars and possibly, 1 maybe 2 at most are legit. But again, that is just my opinion, and even experts can be mistaken. Fisherman are not too helpful either as they are likely to misidentify a Shark they have never seen in real life. I have been deep sea fishing many times and even when you hook fish or see them around your boat, you cant always identify until the very last seconds as UK waters are not particularly clear waters. Either way, I am not being negative about it, I would love to see the proof, hence I watched this video in the first place.
Cameron Burge
Cameron Burge - 8 years ago
This was 2003 (nearly a decade and a half ago). And it wasn't just him. The others there agreed with him. A 5 metre shark acting aggressively with a large pointed snout, black eye, triangular dorsal with white underside from the mid line. This is a detailed description of a great white and not a porbeagle or basking shark or anything else.
You say you think great white sharks sometimes come here and that people should be seeing them, but then when people do see then you wont accept it without pictures. That's kinda strange.
I don't doubt this report at all. It wasn't rushed and it wasn't at distance. I'm certain they are here and I'm certainly people have seen them. I don't need a picture to believe their story. Of course it would be better but no picture doesn't mean no great white.
LambOfLucifer - 8 years ago
+Cameron Burge
I do think he made a mistake. But that is just me, and like I said, everyone and their nan has a camera these days. Show me pics!
Cameron Burge
Cameron Burge - 8 years ago
I don't any competent biologist is going to mistake a porbeagle for a 5 metre white. And he wasn't the only one remember. There were others who though based on the size it was a basking shark at first.
The sighting wasn't fleeting and it appears to be detailed.
LambOfLucifer - 8 years ago
+Cameron Burge
I am not sure it is a Porbeagle, I am confident is probably was. It is much more likely. Secondly, check out some videos about how we exaggerate and literally make up a MASSIVE percentage of our memories based on what we think happened and what we expect to happen. Also I am 100% certain Whites have been in our waters, but it is a fairly rare event. Great stories have been told yes, but not a single solitary picture, in the age of mobile phones as well. Someone would have got a 100% crystal clear picture by now, they havent, and that does not mean they are not in our waters, but to me it means its a SUPER rare event.
Cameron Burge
Cameron Burge - 8 years ago
Why you so sure it was a porbeagle? Why don't you believe him? He actually described it well in detail. Its very likely that the occasional great whites visit British waters. Its not too cold for them, there is plenty of food for them and other sharks of the same family like porbeagles and makos are in British waters. The idea that great whites are in British waters is not only possible but even probable. Too many good eye witnesses to dismiss it.
Cameron Burge
Cameron Burge - 8 years ago
A 5 metre porbeagle? The guy is a marine biologist who knows his sharks.
Michele Padrino
Michele Padrino - 9 years ago
a mako ???? its 100 pro a great white
Rebecca Scully
Rebecca Scully - 9 years ago
Couldn't it be a Shortfin Mako?
They are native to the waters.
Michael Howard
Michael Howard - 7 years ago
In terms of mistaken identy the number one would surely be Porbeagle. Mako are in the Great White family but the body plane is stockier and snout more pointed. For an alleged Marine Biologist to make that error is a slight stretch. But present in UK water? It happens. You'd be making excuses for them though. Porbeagle is more viable as a miniature GWS.
Cameron Burge
Cameron Burge - 8 years ago
+Shelley Riley
 A number of different shark species are known in British waters and the water temps are not outside the great white's range, Most knowledgeable people accept they are liklely occasional visitors to British waters and detailed sightings like this one further make the point.
Shelley Riley
Shelley Riley - 8 years ago
Ok there was a tiger in my back garden last week. I've got no proof. But apparently I don't need it.
Cameron Burge
Cameron Burge - 8 years ago
+Tim Howe
Why are you so adamant it wasn't a great white though? It can well have been a great white despite no 'proof'. Becuase there is no 'proof' that doesn't mean it wasn't a great white.
The details and descriptions are way too clear. Many experts dont have a problem with this sighting. You are calling these people incompetent basically.
The behavior alone does not equate to mako or porbeagle and thats without the clearly recalled discriptions.
Seems like a great white to me.
Tim Howe
Tim Howe - 8 years ago
+Cameron Burge can't really be sure of that length estimate though eh? Seems a bit plucked from thin air. Anyway big makos don't get far off that. I really think there's not much in their description that stops it being a porbeagle. I've seen them up close to the boat and they do look pretty massive, the location at that time of year makes a lot of sense, and they're predominantly an inshore fish. Mako is another possibility, though they're much less common (a recent rod-and-line capture was the first in over 40 years). I don't have a problem with the idea that GWs do visit occasionally, but proof that they do would need to be a bit stronger than this. Why no photo if they had all that camera gear with them?
Cameron Burge
Cameron Burge - 8 years ago
+Rebecca Jönsson
Not at 5 metres.
carol mcloughlin
carol mcloughlin - 9 years ago
It would be great if we had Great Whites in Ireland. I love them.
carol mcloughlin
carol mcloughlin - 9 years ago
I'm not from Wexford I'm from Cork. This reporting of a Great White in Wexford was in the newspaper at the time it happened it was also reported on the news. I'm just sorry I found out about it when it was too late to go to Wexford myself at the time to see it.
Some fishermen however did experience the Shark swimming up to their boat, and it scared them when it got too close for comfort. Still, it would have been an awesome thing to have seen it myself, as it's only a once in a lifetime thing. But at the same time I know they're there, somewhere, waiting for that one unlucky person to be in the wrong place at the wrong time....there's really nothing to be afraid of.
kingneddy - 9 years ago
+carol mcloughlin you're mad. no way i'm getting in the water if there are great whites floating around. just an exploratory bite could take off a limb. lol. what part of wexford are you in? I love gorey and courttown.
carol mcloughlin
carol mcloughlin - 9 years ago
+kingneddy Thanks for telling me that. I'm looking forward to the summer now more than ever. A few years ago a great white was spotted off the coast of Wexford, it came from California, and stayed around for a week. I'd love to have seen it. We have perfect conditions for Great Whites here. They wouldn't scare me off swimming.
kingneddy - 9 years ago
+carol mcloughlin If they're in British waters then they are in Irish waters too. I surf on the west coast of Ireland every summer, its amazing surfing there but I'm starting to worry about big, scary great whites now. These sharks are not supposed to exist in our neck of the woods. whats going on?
Elaine Allan
Elaine Allan - 9 years ago
pinkpoo007 - 9 years ago
I would have pood in my underwear
AudemarsontheWrist - 7 years ago
Luckily mum walks around with a spare just in case so you'll be ok
Herr Richtig
Herr Richtig - 7 years ago
Eww go change your boxers
Ralph S. Collier
Ralph S. Collier - 9 years ago
The shark shown in this video is a white shark......positively.......demarcation, dorsal and caudal, mouth, all identify this shark as a white shark.....
Colin Berry
Colin Berry - 9 years ago
Every Cornish fisherman has seen a great white so probably not in U.K waters lol
nathan smith
nathan smith - 9 years ago
definitely a great white, no mistake
Eric Green
Eric Green - 9 years ago
A basking shark wouldn't make an aggressive move toward a small boat like that. Also, why wouldn't great white sharks visit the UK coast? There are yummy seals there!
liberal tears
liberal tears - 7 years ago
Eric Green They never said a Basking Shark made agressive movements like that...
typhoonda2 - 9 years ago
I'd say with some confidence that it probably was. I think a Marine Biologist has a pretty good idea what he's on about.
dance addicts
dance addicts - 9 years ago
yeah i think it was a shark.
Robert Thomson
Robert Thomson - 9 years ago
iv dived with great whites in south africa on my first dive i froze and never took a picture for the first ten minutes so i can understand why no pictures wer taken i believe it was a great white no reason they are not in uk waters
daBomb1968 - 9 years ago
I should imagine a marine biologist should be able to tell the difference between carcharodon carcharias and lamna nasus.
Paul Blackwell
Paul Blackwell - 9 years ago
Well, Lamna nasus is the porbeagle shark. Same family, but smaller. Basking shark is Cetorhinus maximus.
ayyyye - 9 years ago
+daBomb1968 ooooh nice latin
ste leach
ste leach - 9 years ago
This is a really ambiguous video as there is a mix of "stock" footage making it hard to discern which was filmed at the time or added in to the documentary style reporting, this is the kind of thing that doesn't do investigation any favours. The footage of the shark in the distance filmed from the boat with diver in shot is too distance to call; the footage of the shark apparently swimming next to the boat is clearly a Great White.
elizabeth McGhee
elizabeth McGhee - 9 years ago
Joe Conroy
Joe Conroy - 9 years ago
It will have been a large porbeagle shark which looks similar to a great white and is common in British sea's . Great whites avoid British waters
arran jack
arran jack - 9 years ago
It's meglodon
Lee Marshall
Lee Marshall - 9 years ago
What at a measy 5metres? I take it your 12 a don? Only a kid would attempt a crap joke like that....
alextw13jf - 9 years ago
100% Carcharodon Carcharias
def ender
def ender - 9 years ago
the pictures are mostly of a great white,but these pictures are not of the shark that you say you have seen on the dive trip,do you have any real life pictures/video of the actual event.
MegaBspark - 9 years ago
all the pics they took that day and not one of the shark.
abcabc - 7 years ago
Ita the obvious. They said clearly in the beginning.
MrFredSed - 7 years ago
+Bunny Pong
That was the Queen Mary... I launch one myelf every so often.
bunny pong
bunny pong - 7 years ago
I saw a Great Brown in my toilet! :OP
juanjeremy2012 - 7 years ago
they are LIARS. hey i just saw a great white in my swimming pool
sherman4970 - 9 years ago
Was just about to post exactly that.....
Luke Dawson
Luke Dawson - 9 years ago
Great White's are here in the UK and more than likely always have been!
MegaBspark - 9 years ago
+Luke Dawson no they are not, and there has been research into why they choose not to come here as the conditions would be fine for them plus lots of seals, but they tend to stay away.
great whites have been tagged and tracked, one has been spotted close to british waters by close still couple hundred miles away.
Elias Tran
Elias Tran - 10 years ago
Martyn Howe
Martyn Howe - 10 years ago
Reported by professional biologists!! The shark shown in the video is a great white.Totally different dorsal fin than a basking shark.Yes a porbeagle is a member of the great white family but this is no porbeagle " look again at the footage" What more proof do we need? Was it around birthing time for the local seal population? Great whites travel some distances with perfect timing just as pups are trying their new surroundings.The south West coast of GB has a large seal population.Coincidence ???
Martyn Howe
Martyn Howe - 9 years ago
Totally agree about the  unlikely locations the odd white shark has  been located plus the  range of sea temperatures they endure. I think i'm right in saying the closest evidence to the UK of whites spotted is off the coast of Brittany France. Until there's concrete evidence just hang in there & don't take you tube  to seriously. Well it's all up to the Whites now whether they show up ? Big toothy grin for the camera please. 
Mat Watson
Mat Watson - 9 years ago
You learn something new every day. You missed out easily the largest Great White coastline though. South Africa! Did two people just agree on Youtube????
dtice - 9 years ago
+Mat Watson agreed. but for the record, great whites are a coastal, cosmopolitan species meaning that they inhabit both warm and cold waters. the evidence of that being that they are found below the poles anywhere from alaska to italy. though they prefer water from 12 to 24 C. they most likely inhabit the waters off the coast of the UK but just in much less concentration similar to the white sharks found in alaska, vancouver and washington/oregon
Mat Watson
Mat Watson - 9 years ago
+Martyn Howe This isn't just to Martyn Howe. Im not going to go into an argument about whether or not was but its not really inconceivable. They are cold water sharks, there is a decent amount of the fav food source around the UK. I expect the amount of tagged White Sharks is a small amount of the true number so I fully expect surprises will be found in their movements. I don't expect there is a shark population near us but I defo would NOT be surprised if a couple turn up from time to time. There are proven Warm water sharks that turn up every now and again too.
dtice - 9 years ago
+Martyn Howe the problem being that the footage shown of the sharks wasn't in real time. these were stock images from others who had filmed whites. if the sharks had actually been filmed in the UK then there would be no discussion and it would be news worthy. i believe that whites inhabit the waters of the UK, but the footage in this video is not evidence at all
Abbie Mayre
Abbie Mayre - 9 years ago
You made me look at the video a second time and I realised that he was in the same shot as the shark! That creeps me out! I mean I know there wouldn't of been one in whiteheaven but I went what like neck deep! (Couldn't touch the bottom! That's terrifying! Not only could there of been a jellyfish but a shark!!!!!!! I love them but I would rather meet them in a cage or behind glass!!
Explorer Nate
Explorer Nate - 10 years ago
jesus, this video is too overly-dramatic. Even if it is a great white, you shouldn't be scared. Historically they're not the most aggressive sharks out there, bull and tiger have been associated with more 'attacks' on humans.  
Juan Diego Pinillos
Juan Diego Pinillos - 9 years ago
+Matt Wiggins wrong, the most dangerous sharks for humans are: oceanic white tips, bull sharks and tiger sharks, then great whites... the problem with great white attacks is that they are a great source of sensationalism for the media, that their raw power often transform a simple curious bite into a serious injury for a person and that their size and the film "Jaws" created them a very bad reputation as men eaters which is not true
Explorer Nate
Explorer Nate - 9 years ago
+Matt Wiggins i didn't say individually lol and anyway, bull sharks are considered more dangerous as they often inhabit near highly inhabited areas and are not afraid to swim up rivers, unlike the white
Matt Wiggins
Matt Wiggins - 9 years ago
Wrong, great white is number 1 for attacks
Elicia Jackson
Elicia Jackson - 10 years ago
I dont know because it would of eaten them if it was a great white but basking sharks are gentle not aggressive so i do not know xoxo
Craig Prosser
Craig Prosser - 10 years ago
+Elicia Jackson not really as the shark doesn't normal attack humans they normal attack when confused the human for seal you do get the odd aggressive shark that will eat anything but that may be 1 in i dont know say 1 in 1000
Kathie Cedillo
Kathie Cedillo - 10 years ago
It's a greate white you see white that proves he's wrong but I'm sure it's a greate white NOT a BASKING SHARK
Mehran Zonouzi
Mehran Zonouzi - 10 years ago
Great White 100%
Terry Carter
Terry Carter - 10 years ago
I use to dive in Cornwall off the lizard in the mid 1960s with my diving club.  We use to see Basking sharks which of course are harmless to human beings.  This shark looked like a Great White to me.  
mroldnewbie - 10 years ago
The marine biologist guy doesn't really say anything conclusive. He says that it wasn't a basking shark, but that doesn't mean that it absolutely must have been a great white.

For example, I read about an experienced professional big game fisherman in the US who caught a large shark. He was convinced it was a great white shark. He let it go because it is illegal to catch them in the US, but he took some photos of the animal next to the boat. The pictures were shown to a shark expert, who determined that it was actually a porbeagle. To bad for the fisherman, because it could have been a world record specimen lol. 

I believe that it shows that even people used to catching similar sharks can be fooled. The guy in this video, marine biologist or not, does not mention the specific porbeagle characteristics, i.e. he does not say anything about whether the shark did not have those characteristics. That would be the first thing to look for - the white marking on the dorsal fin - it is very conspicuous. The shape of the fin of the porbeagle is rounded - the great white shark has a very characteristic hooked shape of the dorsal fin, but it is not always obvious. The fins can look different when viewed at an angle - it's easy to be fooled. Another thing - Porbeagles can look bigger than they are, because they're sometimes very broad looking, and they can have very tall dorsal fins - so, depending on the clarity of the water, how choppy it is and the viewing distance, they may give an impression of a larger size than their true size.

All that said, he did actually say one single thing, which I must admit does suggest a great white shark, namely that the eyes were small - mako sharks and especially porbeagle sharks have large eyes.
mroldnewbie - 10 years ago
+Simon Loveland Yeah, but that has nothing to do with my comment. I didn't say that "he didn't say that it was a great white". I wrote about his reasoning.
Simon Loveland
Simon Loveland - 10 years ago
Watch it again carefully. The marine biologist concludes by saying,"In my mind there's nothing else it could've be..."(meaning Great White Shark)
callum raworth
callum raworth - 10 years ago
If great whites are found and caught in Brittany then for sure they'd often come to UK shores
epic103 - 10 years ago
Of course this is a Great White.
Orpheus Black
Orpheus Black - 10 years ago
Peter Johnson
Peter Johnson - 10 years ago
if the footage is genuine then yes thats a great white. we already have porbeagle, mako and thresher shark off the UK and they are in the same family as the great white. Temperate water conditions and also adequate food source in some locations for an apex predator to find its way into these waters so sometimes (maybe rarely) a white shark could turn up. theres no hard and fast rules to nature! Great Whites have been tagged and tracked showing they cover huge distances. 
Neil Dinsmore
Neil Dinsmore - 10 years ago
The footage is a reconstruction, it said at the beginning.
Alan07881 - 10 years ago
I'm sure Great White spend time in UK waters however, it was more than likely a Porbeagle Shark also known as the Mackerel Shark witch is a cousin of the Great White with similar markings, they can typically reaches 2.5 m (8.2 ft) in length and a weight of 135 kg (298 lb) and are common in UK waters.

But yes i think it is possible it was a Great White.
Alba1970 - 7 years ago
the gulf stream runs up the entire west coast of Scotland and Ireland so it isn't out the realm of possibility Scotland has visits from Great Whites considering their prey Blue fin tuna are common off the west coast of Scotland & Ireland also those Great whites more than likely come from the Mediterranean
mroldnewbie - 7 years ago
+Juan José Del Pino Rivas Thanks, it's a great white tooth, it is found in British waters, but it is likely fossil, according to that article.
Juan José Del Pino Rivas
mroldnewbie - 7 years ago
+Juan José Del Pino Rivas Maybe they were great whites, but there's nothing to suggest that the people who saw them could tell the difference and that's why they're not reliable accounts- including the one in this video.

Do you have any link to info about that shark tooth you mention?
Juan José Del Pino Rivas
Juan José Del Pino Rivas - 7 years ago
A Mackerel Shark can't reach 5 meters long, while this thing can reach up to 8 if they are really old, like the female in Guadalupe. They normally don't go to UK waters, but if the food is scarce in other places, UK waters can supply them with many seals, and there have been people who have spotted them a few times. The problem is that there are no photos of the encounters and only testimonies, but a tooth was found in a lobster cage and was quite's not South Africa, it's UK but the habits can change, temperatures are quite similar to many places where they are.
mroldnewbie - 10 years ago
+Chammyfan There's no video of the animal. What we see is stock footage of a real great white shark. It's well known that British GWS are unfilmable, just like the Loch Ness monster and the British Big Cat.
Robert Wraith
Robert Wraith - 10 years ago
+Cameron.A GamingAndMore lol
Robert Wraith
Robert Wraith - 10 years ago
A 5 meter porbeagle ?
Cameron Armitage
Cameron Armitage - 10 years ago
I know for sure it was a great white! There have been loads of these sightings. Loch ness is a shark but its a Greenland one
Chammyfan - 10 years ago
I thought at first it was a Portbeagle but there was no white marking at the base of the dorsal fin and the eyes where not large enough  and too far back. It was also too large. As you say, if that footage was real that could only have been a great white.
Shea Z
Shea Z - 10 years ago
+Steve Bomer a rough prediction, mate
Stevebomer - 10 years ago
they said it was a good 5 meters
Jacky Harrington
Jacky Harrington - 11 years ago
Posted on my birthdayyy
Tom Thehuman
Tom Thehuman - 11 years ago
Myyyyy gaawwwwddf
1001space - 11 years ago
billy liar
Kernow Muscle and fitness
Kernow Muscle and fitness - 12 years ago
most likely a porbeagle that is very common off of the cornish coast and uk waters and closely related to the great white and often the cause of so called great white sightings that are always a case of mistaken identity. my question is this these divers photo graphed everything they saw except what would of been the most amazing thing of the whole day if it was truly a great white to me seems like people exaggerating to get their name in the press
agonyagatha - 13 years ago
A few years back around the time there was that great white scare in Cornwall I found 3-4 seals washed up on a beach in Pembrokeshire, they all had massive chunks missing, they looked like big bites I really wish I had taken my camera with me!!
jgkdhj - 15 years ago
The title of this video belongs to the first video in the series and the opposite is also true.

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