Great White shark dies

We found a 2 M male Great White shark that had washed up onto the rocks in Gansbaai, South Africa. It was still alive. Members of the community tried to help the shark, but unfortunately it was too late. With the serious threat of their extinction imminent, the death of another White Shark really is a blow to our hopes of their survival.

Great White shark dies sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1730

Shark videos 8 years ago 2,472,470 views

We found a 2 M male Great White shark that had washed up onto the rocks in Gansbaai, South Africa. It was still alive. Members of the community tried to help the shark, but unfortunately it was too late. With the serious threat of their extinction imminent, the death of another White Shark really is a blow to our hopes of their survival.

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Most popular comments
for Great White shark dies

Jeff 994
Jeff 994 - 6 years ago
No tío ToT, da tela de penita
Yeshiva yehweh
Yeshiva yehweh - 6 years ago
The Indulgent Gamer
The Indulgent Gamer - 6 years ago
This is devestating :( one of the most spectacular creatures on our planet. The people trying to save it, also risking theire own limbs to do so, should be rewarded. We need more people like that. Thank you
Spykid - 6 years ago
Rest in Peace
Anthony Moreno
Anthony Moreno - 6 years ago
I would of fucked that shark
Tenzin Chokdup
Tenzin Chokdup - 6 years ago
I never saw how beautiful these creatures is and how they have a life ,Just how sad it is .WERE ARE FCKING HUMAN ,THE ONLY INTELLIGENT LIVING THINGS THAT IS CAPABLE OF UNDERSTAND AND LEARNING OTHER ANIMALS .WHY DO WE LIVE ,BEACUSE u guys think were are a higher capable living being than other animals gave us the FCKING REASON TO NEGLECT them ?ALL ANIMAL WANT TO LIVE NO ONE WANTS TO DIE .WE ALL ARE FCKING ASSHOLE so am I .THERE ARE MEANT TO BE LIKE THIS WE CANT CHANGE WHO WE ARE .
양말 - 6 years ago
한국인 손
TheGaming Chiken
TheGaming Chiken - 6 years ago
R.I.P shark
Der Fisch
Der Fisch - 6 years ago

10. comment for Great White shark dies

The Raz Gamer Ez
The Raz Gamer Ez - 6 years ago
Mark Harrison
Mark Harrison - 6 years ago
Shark steaks for dinner!
Nath an
Nath an - 6 years ago
At least it’s final moments were in the water rather than a net
Ramon Peña
Ramon Peña - 6 years ago
Dumbest shit I've ever seen go help some people starving children wasted my time with this shit
SkyworksNC Com
SkyworksNC Com - 6 years ago
This shark beached itself to avoid being attacked by killer whales who are known to hunt great whites in this area for their livers. It beach, suffocated and was unable to be resuscitated in time.
Hyper Phoenix
Hyper Phoenix - 6 years ago
Great white shark need to reproduce
XD Alex ةتخحلا
XD Alex ةتخحلا - 6 years ago
Why did dolphin have teeth? And why it so ugly
Nathan Sanchez
Nathan Sanchez - 6 years ago
This is really sad
poke tube awsome a
poke tube awsome a - 6 years ago
Poor poor shark they never dserve to die what did they ever do to us that was evil on purpos they dont mean to attack they just thick were seals
Xrocks - 6 years ago
This is so sad can hit loot lake

20. comment for Great White shark dies

daniela - 6 years ago
The great dead shark
Manuel Buitenhuis
Manuel Buitenhuis - 6 years ago
i wanna give that shark a hug
Robbyansyah_069 - 6 years ago
Andrei Partenie
Andrei Partenie - 6 years ago
megalodon ??
horacio sisa
horacio sisa - 6 years ago
RIP big nigga
SCPGalaxy 1471
SCPGalaxy 1471 - 6 years ago
This makes me sad
J.P Gonzales
J.P Gonzales - 6 years ago
marivic de pedro
marivic de pedro - 6 years ago
poor shark
jesse Cullison
jesse Cullison - 6 years ago
did the shark end up dying i hope not :(
Fixingthingz4u - 6 years ago
Baby shark do do do do do do baby shark mummy shark do do do do do do do do mummy shark !!!! RIP GW

30. comment for Great White shark dies

Levi Smith
Levi Smith - 6 years ago
It’s hard to think that we are killing most of the sharks than anything else. Not just that shark in general I mean other sharks too. Same goes with other sea creatures.
VnM Miner
VnM Miner - 6 years ago
this video sucks
Raffaele Orefice
Raffaele Orefice - 6 years ago
Ma che pucchiaccata
TNF - 6 years ago
“No more, humans. It is too late”
Andrew Daley
Andrew Daley - 6 years ago
Anyone know what caused the shark's death?
Gabe 67676
Gabe 67676 - 6 years ago
It’s just one shark shark
ImaCatNotADog - 6 years ago
Purple Sprite
Purple Sprite - 6 years ago
fuck that shark
ZeterY - 6 years ago
this might trigger most of u guys but sharks kill people and ur being sad that it dies
Cat Gamming
Cat Gamming - 6 years ago
Lexxus Beats
Lexxus Beats - 6 years ago
Why wont we kill people that kill sharks. Why are we finding ourselfes the most important.
Pizeled 159
Pizeled 159 - 6 years ago
Night Raider
Night Raider - 6 years ago
Dont just stand there!
Mary&AJ H
Mary&AJ H - 6 years ago
If god existed he would have killed us all
Baba Konda
Baba Konda - 6 years ago
ühühhhhhü üüü nasıl ölmüş yhaaa ühühühühüühühü ağlıyorum ühhüühühüh
santinee Gaming SG
santinee Gaming SG - 6 years ago
Dont let other great white get killed we already lose megalodon
jack johnson
jack johnson - 6 years ago
i cried
irondvs1996 - 6 years ago
Can I get a F ?
ImDAOneonlyone Unknown
ImDAOneonlyone Unknown - 6 years ago
Who else is not happy for them getting extinct even they eat or hunt in our community :(
Ricky Bobby
Ricky Bobby - 6 years ago
either poisoning or disease from pollution or it ate something that punctured it stomach

50. comment for Great White shark dies

celestian gamer
celestian gamer - 6 years ago
I don't want great white shark to go extinct :'(
Tomas P
Tomas P - 6 years ago
One less to worry about , lets hunt these fuckers...
Emerald 6YG/Dplayz
Emerald 6YG/Dplayz - 6 years ago
God will respect the ones who care for these endangered creatures.
Rikka Salonga
Rikka Salonga - 6 years ago
RIP poor shark
agent kay
agent kay - 6 years ago
People are so fucking pathetic sometimes. Let's teach him how to swim again. Oh yeah, don't forget the camera.
squidatsea - 6 years ago
Don't worry there are millions of these in Australia to make up for this dead one
M3PH1STHUS - 6 years ago
Poor Shark.
AndrewTheSavageKid - 6 years ago
How does marine animal get wash up in shores?
legionary illuminati
legionary illuminati - 6 years ago
Apogeemer - 6 years ago
we need sharks to keep the fish down so the creatures of the ocean dosnt overgrow
CAPTAIN elijah
CAPTAIN elijah - 6 years ago
Kenykenken - 6 years ago
Shark comes back, pretends he’s dying. People go into the water to help, shark eats.
Enzo Rocca
Enzo Rocca - 6 years ago
Crocodriles are terrible animals they kill they hunt for hunger or no reason if you go to the lake and one crock see you there it will attack you no mather what!!! but sharks if they are not hungry they dont eat you! Poor animal
[PFG] Killclixs
[PFG] Killclixs - 6 years ago
Poor shark
robloxiannerd - 6 years ago
who has 2 thumbs and is gay as can be? poachers
nameless beast
nameless beast - 6 years ago
We destroyed nature and nature will destroy us
Paul Phoenix
Paul Phoenix - 6 years ago
chinese people are responsible for this. They are burglars to neighboring countries killing sharks for their delicacy.
WOohoo PLAYZ - 6 years ago
Little Bruce
Kday weydo
Kday weydo - 6 years ago
Huon RISPOLI - 6 years ago
CoolGuyLG213 Foster
CoolGuyLG213 Foster - 6 years ago
lol they say great white shark why is it a great chuuby shark
Mohamed Nejib
Mohamed Nejib - 6 years ago
Me too i was thinking "one less shark yupiiiiiiiiii" then i remembered the Ecosystem fuck we can't catch a brake can we !!! and Henry21053 ther is evel blood thirsty animals on this earth google it this kind of sharks is one of them thinking otherwise is 100 % naive and foolish,no offense,,open your eyes if you had the misfortune to be face to face with one of them and i hope non of us will like hundreds of others did to not say thousand either lost their limbs or their lives or if one day the water rises and cover the land then will see if you still think that they are misunderstood like others think when they take a bite of you.
2018 Wonders
2018 Wonders - 6 years ago
I hope this won’t happen again.
Mau - 6 years ago
rip sharky boi :(
KITTYvidios CatNat
KITTYvidios CatNat - 6 years ago
;-; sharky almost dead ;(
VID MADAGUCCI - 6 years ago
RIP shark
Nicholas Parlamis
Nicholas Parlamis - 6 years ago
who tf disliked and why tf.
creep and eek
creep and eek - 6 years ago
Chill out thar are like 99999996867776776676666767666667766766665565666665 more sharks in the sea it's not andaerd and it's not a human so take a chill pil
Henda 929
Henda 929 - 6 years ago
i think its time great white sharks have to leave after its 11 million years on earth
Henda 929
Henda 929 - 6 years ago
new king bull shark
Sophat Sar
Sophat Sar - 6 years ago
It was sad
Sophat Sar
Sophat Sar - 6 years ago
I cried
Robloxian Dude And More
Robloxian Dude And More - 6 years ago
why cant a female shark like jaws unleashed and take action and kill all the people that try to kill them and capture them
Peyton Sedacca
Peyton Sedacca - 6 years ago
I will kill every last one of them cus my FUCKING DAD DIED to THOSE MONSTERS
Jessica Schneider
Jessica Schneider - 6 years ago
Humans don't kill everything idiots
Peyton Sedacca
Peyton Sedacca - 6 years ago
Erickindoge Gameplays and more
Erickindoge Gameplays and more - 6 years ago
Peyton Sedacca well I’m sorry for your loss then
Peyton Sedacca
Peyton Sedacca - 6 years ago
Erickindoge Gameplays and more
Erickindoge Gameplays and more - 6 years ago
Peyton Sedacca then when they take a bite they let go because they don’t like the taste of us
Erickindoge Gameplays and more
Erickindoge Gameplays and more - 6 years ago
Peyton Sedacca they don’t mean to attack us they think were seals
Erickindoge Gameplays and more
Erickindoge Gameplays and more - 6 years ago
Peyton Sedacca no
Jesus Arango
Jesus Arango - 6 years ago
Maria Facio
Maria Facio - 6 years ago
Y can't people leave animals a lone R.I.P great great white shark
Kwstas Zlatinoudis
Kwstas Zlatinoudis - 6 years ago
thats very sad :(
Jonny West
Jonny West - 6 years ago
230 volt and some amps should have kickstarted the little fella
Jovon Johnson
Jovon Johnson - 6 years ago
this is sad
Rosebud1012 Foley
Rosebud1012 Foley - 6 years ago
Wait did it really die or did it swim away?
bushy Boi
bushy Boi - 6 years ago
That's a porebeagle
Slam-Master - 6 years ago
So did they eat it... hell ya shark steak,
Erikjoelalexander - 6 years ago
whats up with the music
Raptor Gamin
Raptor Gamin - 6 years ago
;( I cry about this because sharks are my most favourite animals....
Thower cz reactions
Thower cz reactions - 6 years ago
Good work!
Legend PvP
Legend PvP - 6 years ago
why the fuck are you put him he live he need die before the human die !!
norman pro
norman pro - 6 years ago
therockiesfan3 - 6 years ago
Its a fishhhh people chill

100. comment for Great White shark dies

Rhino Gamer
Rhino Gamer - 6 years ago
This is pretty sad
Emerald Batchelor
Emerald Batchelor - 6 years ago
I'm a shark hater but now I feel bad
Carcharodontosaurus Rex
Carcharodontosaurus Rex - 6 years ago
I would put that great white back in the water
Adrian & Daliza Chacon
Adrian & Daliza Chacon - 6 years ago
This is sad
Kendrix Silva
Kendrix Silva - 6 years ago
Terry Holt
Terry Holt - 6 years ago
That’s a mako
Mr. Geladu
Mr. Geladu - 6 years ago
I cried
Mohammed Alnuaim
Mohammed Alnuaim - 6 years ago
I feel bad for the shark too I'm going to cry I wish it is alive
Jessmiseter - 6 years ago
this is sad
A V - 6 years ago
its sad D:
SuperGodzillaBr - 6 years ago
Diamond Skeleton
Diamond Skeleton - 6 years ago
That’s so sad a great white
Caolo - 6 years ago
Man i wasn't planning on crying today
BloodingKnife : jeff the killer :
BloodingKnife : jeff the killer : - 6 years ago
No is mako shark
juggernuts1000 - 6 years ago
Poor shark. hollywood like to make movies about killer sharks and scare people until they dont like sharks. this is complete bullshit. look at the statistics of how many people got killed by sharks and how many people are getting killed by other animals or even better, by other people. most of the time even if you swim next to a shark it wont do you anything. only if you start to make mess and it thinks you are his natural pray like a seal for example. its only trying to survive and eat food like anybody else.
Ho Tuan Anh
Ho Tuan Anh - 6 years ago
That's so sad
nathan atwell
nathan atwell - 6 years ago
We need sharks in are oceans.
猫我蜜糖 - 6 years ago
ybzskci - 6 years ago
I hate sharks and snakes. One less shark to worry about.
Furia Roja
Furia Roja - 6 years ago
Poor little great white
NoobPlayzYT - 6 years ago
RIP this is just sad D:
Tyler O'Connor
Tyler O'Connor - 6 years ago
Poor thing
Caroline Green
Caroline Green - 6 years ago
At least that shark is in a better place now
Caleb Ladines
Caleb Ladines - 6 years ago
It’s so sad
Dos nens cualsevols
Dos nens cualsevols - 6 years ago
alien - 6 years ago
Everybody well die no won lives forever
Javier Roca Puig
Javier Roca Puig - 6 years ago
Foxy And Mangle 12
Foxy And Mangle 12 - 6 years ago
Aww Rest In Peace ;(
Emre Emezing
Emre Emezing - 6 years ago
Why did I click on this?
Monsieur Matte
Monsieur Matte - 6 years ago
why 1.6k dislikes ?
Ada Sanchez
Ada Sanchez - 6 years ago
Noo sharkee i cri
Jariya Km
Jariya Km - 6 years ago
ส่งงานที่ไม่อยากไปเรียนแล้วเรียนพิเศษของฉันชอบ วิดีโอเก่า
CatLover1243 Plays
CatLover1243 Plays - 6 years ago
CRI Cri i prayy they dont get extinct
Andrew Brown
Andrew Brown - 6 years ago
Poor Shark
jaycob brittain
jaycob brittain - 6 years ago
rip to the shark
Gaming Legend
Gaming Legend - 6 years ago
Do you know what is the most dangerous creature of all time....

The homo-sapien.
Aztlan Ruiz
Aztlan Ruiz - 6 years ago
My favorite animal ;(
Florin Enache
Florin Enache - 6 years ago
Rui - 6 years ago
Sad Video, I LOVE SHARKS . Big Thank you to the rescuers, that risk their life to trying to resuscitate this lovely Animal.
Mark Ivan Coros X719
Mark Ivan Coros X719 - 6 years ago
Atilio the youtube channel!!!
Atilio the youtube channel!!! - 6 years ago
It's sad to see a amazing anmail die why is nature so deadly
nathan atwell
nathan atwell - 6 years ago
I wil never forget you shark
Jacoby Dioquino
Jacoby Dioquino - 6 years ago
Jade Duong
Jade Duong - 6 years ago
Poor sharky :(
Alexander Lopez2009 Alexander
Alexander Lopez2009 Alexander - 6 years ago
Arsox Gaming [OFFICIEL]
Arsox Gaming [OFFICIEL] - 6 years ago
Dead Shark ,o_o,
tripleheshy - 6 years ago
They sucker you in with that sappy sad music so you'll sit there crying your eyes out over something that happens NATURALLY in nature. How in the hell do they know humans caused its death? They don't, they ASSUME and that's the problem here. Everything that lives dies in time and most of it has NOTHING to do with how we live on this planet. As George Carlin said, "Over 90% of all the species that have ever lived on this planet are gone...they're extinct, we didn't kill them all they just disappeared because that's what nature does". Get that through your incredibly thick skulls and maybe just maybe you'll understand.
Omega - 6 years ago
This shark is in a better place from shark poachers now
Foxythepirate Foxy
Foxythepirate Foxy - 6 years ago
And why do they kill sharks there not mean we are makeing them attack us so its our falut
Foxythepirate Foxy
Foxythepirate Foxy - 6 years ago
D: did he died how?! She look fat so i guess she has baby :(
Zedd1500 - 6 years ago
Save the sharks!
don stoleon
don stoleon - 6 years ago
I m sorry
Atalissa Lobberecht
Atalissa Lobberecht - 6 years ago
RIP shark
Lewy v
Lewy v - 6 years ago
Good kill them all vermin of the sea
Fallout Boy
Fallout Boy - 6 years ago
Pink Corrin Main
Pink Corrin Main - 6 years ago
SxQuack - 6 years ago
Akatsuki Shinobi
Akatsuki Shinobi - 6 years ago
Tbh that wasr really sad to watch
Spinoraptor the Noob!
Spinoraptor the Noob! - 6 years ago
Sharks dont eat humans They think ur a Seal thats why Their Not food to humans
Drama tuber
Drama tuber - 6 years ago
Aww sad that people dont know about our eco system...
Owen Murphy
Owen Murphy - 6 years ago
video made my day, going shark hunting tomorrow
Mosquera Vera
Mosquera Vera - 6 years ago
R...i...p sharky
Mosquera Vera
Mosquera Vera - 6 years ago
Noooo my love
icewalow_come_ _
icewalow_come_ _ - 6 years ago
Sharks need to go extinct

Well except for whale sharks
They don't harm people
Heaven Scrivens
Heaven Scrivens - 6 years ago
Who cares, they kill the cutest animals, seals.
TheWeird1 - 6 years ago
Haha shark rest in pepperoni
Poor thing
Probably just wanted a seal for breakfast :c
Katten i billen YE
Katten i billen YE - 6 years ago
I love pepol that Are helping dieing
FringedWig46 - 6 years ago
AtomiqueBapidiboop - 6 years ago
It's Kieran
It's Kieran - 6 years ago
RIP we need 2 do something now
Austin Welch
Austin Welch - 6 years ago
I've never broke down and cried so quickly, rest in peace, you are in a better ocean now friend..
iSchenifer _112
iSchenifer _112 - 6 years ago
350-530 White Shark is my favorite animal :'(
_Sleepehboui _
_Sleepehboui _ - 6 years ago
When bae be cheating and you had enough, but then his homies come to save his poor ass again.
Walter De Marco
Walter De Marco - 6 years ago
Kill the shark ,yes
Jam Jam
Jam Jam - 6 years ago
R.I.P great white
Charlie Rushworth
Charlie Rushworth - 6 years ago
Did you wear gloves? You could've easily got yourself I'll with bare hands.
I - 6 years ago
This is sad
Space_Child - 6 years ago
TDurp - 6 years ago
pandas 4 life
pandas 4 life - 6 years ago
Gordon Ramsay
Gordon Ramsay - 6 years ago
When life gives you a dead shark, you make sushi with it
Sneakers HD
Sneakers HD - 6 years ago
:( Mr. great shark died

1 like = 1 revive!

10 revives for bad
20 revives for not bad
30 revives for good
40 revives for Nice
50 revives for Great
60 revives for excellent
70 revives for an happy Great shark Family
80 revives for all the Great sharks in the world and outside of the world!
Turono Playz
Turono Playz - 6 years ago
Rip earth
TifØlb1t The Fox
TifØlb1t The Fox - 6 years ago
R.I.P Great White Shark

But now everyone is not scared anymore. But yeah
Sue G
Sue G - 6 years ago
You bad people. How said. Why couldnt you save it. Go and do something else, like catch butterflies. I am so upset that this happened. Unless you are a trained scientist or biologist, get lost...I didnt read it all but I dont care, you deserved to be bit and die...........
dylan morrison
dylan morrison - 6 years ago
Okay a shark can just die once and a while? Like shes on shore who knows what happend
Ronald FlobJobbin
Ronald FlobJobbin - 6 years ago
Ez dinner =D
laurie hardin
laurie hardin - 6 years ago
Heartbreaking.. We really don't get it. Very sad
xd RaptorClaw
xd RaptorClaw - 6 years ago
Whoever disliked,go in a closet and die
Dino Lover
Dino Lover - 6 years ago
At least it’s free in shark heaven
Space Potato
Space Potato - 6 years ago
Rip rubber fat boy
Jacob Dipietro
Jacob Dipietro - 6 years ago
One less shark to worry about
vaper xy
vaper xy - 6 years ago
Rip... feels bad.wait a second is it pregnant?
Sandra Lopez
Sandra Lopez - 6 years ago
It was a male
Márk Moldován
Márk Moldován - 6 years ago
It's too small to be pregnant.
mues - 6 years ago
rest in peace sharky boi
TailRash Production’s
TailRash Production’s - 6 years ago
No my pets :(
kitty 9596
kitty 9596 - 6 years ago
She was pregnant
Mirvana Tsekai
Mirvana Tsekai - 6 years ago
Noo...poor shark ive never cried for a shark but this video made me cry.. R.I.P Great White Shark
FormedRobin5 Gaming
FormedRobin5 Gaming - 6 years ago
I swam with sharks and the some of the disgusting treatment that they get is just horrible, it makes me so upset to see such majestic animals die a horrible death, I wish I could make people see that what there doing to animals that can survive the extinction of the dinosaurs
OutofSyncLV - 6 years ago
Very tragic. A lot of sea creatures are dying because of our plastic pollution in the ocean.
Ruben II Ramos
Ruben II Ramos - 6 years ago
I fell bad for the shark but they are killers
Powerly NL
Powerly NL - 6 years ago
That’s a female it has babies
DogeTheGamer DTG
DogeTheGamer DTG - 6 years ago
Poor great white let's have a moment of silence for the sharks :(
Julien Lemay
Julien Lemay - 6 years ago
Cole Strong
Cole Strong - 6 years ago
Is it bad I’m kid of glad sharks are dying
Arnold Stollar
Arnold Stollar - 6 years ago
Shark. Fillets should be marinated cold overnight before grilling. This makes it tasty in a ginger-teriyaki wasabi soak, That removes urea from the fish fillet.
Mr. Mann
Mr. Mann - 6 years ago
Jerico Pasague
Jerico Pasague - 6 years ago
God bless great white shark
nick asdgfasd
nick asdgfasd - 6 years ago
oh fuck off with these self righteous way ppl are spinning things we all know we are fucking the planet get off your horse
SomeGuyWithMtnDew - 6 years ago
welp that shark is swimming with my 4 died platies and a goldfish my relatives use to have
Moodals GT
Moodals GT - 6 years ago
Why shark want to die
Peyton Vincent
Peyton Vincent - 6 years ago
H! Bwahahaha Rest in Shit you man eating jingle berry
nerds and lollipops lol #Beliber
nerds and lollipops lol #Beliber - 6 years ago
S. .e
T. .c
. .e
Alex Odysseos
Alex Odysseos - 6 years ago
How on earth u was planning to save him when he was bloated. He needs surgery in the early stages otherwise is too late
The Suspicious Pancake
The Suspicious Pancake - 6 years ago
Alex Odysseos its a shark they arent spending money to save the damned thing
Jasper Kramer
Jasper Kramer - 6 years ago
Groot gelijk in de aftiteling
Barrington A3
Barrington A3 - 6 years ago
and is it a baby great white its not so big and if its a baby that's even sadder
Barrington A3
Barrington A3 - 6 years ago
The Suspicious Pancake
The Suspicious Pancake - 6 years ago
Barrington A3 they really dont
Krysen - 6 years ago
Im hungry now
Ace Nablea
Ace Nablea - 6 years ago
Big Dipper Draco
Big Dipper Draco - 6 years ago
What's the music called?
Klunken HD
Klunken HD - 6 years ago
idk animations?
idk animations? - 6 years ago
Rip xxxtensharkeien
Etna van der Merwe
Etna van der Merwe - 6 years ago
Rest in peace shark
Kamikaze Yamamoto
Kamikaze Yamamoto - 6 years ago
I hope they ate it.
Shark is delicious - and no bones.
Great White shark tacos.
Gravity falls fan 101
Gravity falls fan 101 - 6 years ago
Rip JAWS also known as Bruce he will be missed 1975-idk
Ricky Thao
Ricky Thao - 6 years ago
Muxi Q8
Muxi Q8 - 6 years ago
I love sharks and I study about them a lot so rip to this shark and I hope people understand that they need to help their nature and as some of the comments said that animals are never bloodthirsty or trying to just kill they need to survive because Earth Cannot handle another enxtintion
Titan52berg - 6 years ago
These beautiful creatures deserve a far better world in which to survive; one without the destructive, abusive influence of mankind ( please take special notice of the last syllable of that word ). The entire word, itself, has meaningful significance in relation to our place in the animal kingdom! Great White sharks exist for an important purpose on our planet! Man has chosen to twist that purpose for his own corrupted perversion in 'sharing' the planet with other forms of life. We are becoming the savage means of our own fates: complete extinction of the most precious acquisition bestowed upon us from the first beginnings: Life.
Arnold Stollar
Arnold Stollar - 6 years ago
Dead fish can be eaten. Broiled , after washing, cleaning,gutting marinating,
The Suspicious Pancake
The Suspicious Pancake - 6 years ago
Arnold Stollar Sounds great but its bloated so most of it isnt even edible now. :( and shark taste so good
msconfig32 - 6 years ago
I mean, you can't really save animals who die from non-human contact...
Bartas parkur
Bartas parkur - 6 years ago
There's no use... People have been and will always be a bunch of stupid idiots. They will continue what they're doing and kill us all
Brody Flemming
Brody Flemming - 6 years ago
RIP Great white shark
DefinitelyDeer - 6 years ago
I Feel so bad I am Cryiny i was sad when my favorite shark went extinced Megladon also this is my second favorite Great White Save the Sharks stop attacking leave them alone hammer heads are almost extinced also same with whales and dolphins leave them be!
MrsMoon Jelly
MrsMoon Jelly - 6 years ago
he did not find da wae to survival
SaleBrat - 6 years ago
This is so saaad,Alexa play despacito
Trolix YT.
Trolix YT. - 6 years ago
So this shows that we all need to change and take care of our land and aquatic environment for future generations!
phc_ stain
phc_ stain - 6 years ago
I love sharks
The Suspicious Pancake
The Suspicious Pancake - 6 years ago
Indoraptor kawaii Galaxy Girl I dunno about that
Lady Cris
Lady Cris - 6 years ago
What is it that are killing the sharks ? Sharks are my least favorite sea animal, but my heart still aches in pain for these poor sea creatures, especially when nearing their extinction... No living creature should ever go through this...
Osama bin Laden
Osama bin Laden - 6 years ago
You where happy when jaws died But sad when this one died

Lps Taylor
Lps Taylor - 6 years ago
Adam bartice
Adam bartice - 6 years ago
fish are friends not food
The Suspicious Pancake
The Suspicious Pancake - 6 years ago
My cousin followed that advice. He's dead.
Wes Syde
Wes Syde - 6 years ago
Why you crying so damn loud
greninja 944
greninja 944 - 6 years ago
They are right sharks should not die and there need to be changes
acom 719
acom 719 - 6 years ago
Why am I crying at right now
Golden •_•
Golden •_• - 6 years ago
Toaster Ninja
Toaster Ninja - 6 years ago
Yes one less shark to worry about! :-)
Omar alqutub
Omar alqutub - 6 years ago
RIP shark this made sad
rainbow mothra
rainbow mothra - 6 years ago
Ima sad :(
Darrick - 6 years ago
Honestly, those brave selfless people put their lives on the line to try to get this Shark to come back. They didn't know if it would suddenly turn on them and attack, and it doesn't seem like they cared. People like this truly give me a sense of hope
The Suspicious Pancake
The Suspicious Pancake - 6 years ago
Darrick I think they're just retarded
Alexander Valdivia
Alexander Valdivia - 6 years ago
Rest in peace shark
5 paws Tomlinson
5 paws Tomlinson - 6 years ago
Tbh I feel rlly bad and. Sad
DnA FestiveScorpio
DnA FestiveScorpio - 6 years ago
i might get alot of hate when i say this but if i had 1 wish i would wish for that the human never would exist
GTR Pro - 6 years ago
Lou Hihouse
Lou Hihouse - 6 years ago
WHY IS THERE 13K LIKES this is so sad............
Puppy Lover
Puppy Lover - 6 years ago
So sad
Puppy Lover
Puppy Lover - 6 years ago
Christian H
Christian H - 6 years ago
Holy shit! Only about 350
ccddle - 6 years ago
A broken cog in a greater malfunctioning machine.
Amie Apolonio
Amie Apolonio - 6 years ago
Jhett Sanford
Jhett Sanford - 6 years ago
Any one else think the shark was pregnant
Jay Daugg
Jay Daugg - 6 years ago
They might seem like monsters but they are really nice and beautiful creatures
Danny Nguyen
Danny Nguyen - 6 years ago
CallOfDuty 296
CallOfDuty 296 - 6 years ago
bruh who cares its a just a shark lmfao
Nicotine 4242
Nicotine 4242 - 6 years ago
1 down 19999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 to go
Draco Knight
Draco Knight - 6 years ago
it's life everything will die eventually even us
TheWolfLover Zero
TheWolfLover Zero - 6 years ago
He is now swimming is heavens seas
PinapplePhycho! :P
PinapplePhycho! :P - 6 years ago
Noooooooo This Is Not Funny! That is just sad!
wittybush_ - 6 years ago
iiPinapple :P Also stop liking ypur pwn comment that's just sad.
wittybush_ - 6 years ago
iiPinapple :P You mean poachers and careless people that are unaware of the testosterone produced in the sharks body making it naturally angry.
PinapplePhycho! :P
PinapplePhycho! :P - 6 years ago
Cause a lot of ppl hate Great white sharks
wittybush_ - 6 years ago
iiPinapple :P Why did you think this was supposed to be funny?
goldencheast - 6 years ago
Humans are awful :(
Infinite Mix
Infinite Mix - 6 years ago
I think there’s a baby in there
Dr. Bubbles
Dr. Bubbles - 6 years ago
Great white sharks are a killing machine but they are the beautifulist animals in the ocean
jesus christ
jesus christ - 6 years ago
Rip to this lil fish
Patsakorn Sagunasing
Patsakorn Sagunasing - 6 years ago
baldi - 6 years ago
Xạo lờ
Akad akad
Akad akad - 6 years ago
It's pregnant
Collin 97
Collin 97 - 6 years ago
Yeah changes need to be made, the only solution is less people we've got to stop beating around the bush at some point we can't just have freedom with reproduction. Beneath this comment write one thing that could be solved by population control it will be the longest thread ever but people are touchy about freedom no matter how much it fucks up the next generation. Our society has fucking failed but everyone wants offspring that 99% end up doing nothing except eating, buying and working a shitty job. Your child will likely be stupid, depressed and talentless but you need to breed it's in your DNA. Humanity has so much potential, we are, believe it or not awesome and special, the only flaw is technically not letting population stay at a healthy level.
ElectricShark - 6 years ago
We can mourn the loss but remember: he is a star in the sky now.
When one dies, they become a star watching over us.
Goor Szilard
Goor Szilard - 6 years ago
Rest In Peace
dinosaur guy
dinosaur guy - 6 years ago
I like sharks
Preston Bozeman
Preston Bozeman - 6 years ago
so what its a fish
Malikie Jackson
Malikie Jackson - 6 years ago
rest in pickles
Bofa Deeznawtz
Bofa Deeznawtz - 6 years ago
Yeah, fuck getting in the water with that thing lol
Keroro Gunso
Keroro Gunso - 6 years ago
Why should you feel sad because 1 shark died when we humans literally kill millions upon millions of sharks every single year ?
We , citizens from Europe (excluding Northern countries : Sweden , Finland , Norwich and Denmark) and North America don't need to care , the rest of the world who's leading ocean life to extinction does ...
Xxthe neon gamingxX
Xxthe neon gamingxX - 6 years ago
Rip shark :(
dakhari's vibez
dakhari's vibez - 6 years ago
and to think... we demonized them through movies like Jaws... R.I.P
Super Codz
Super Codz - 6 years ago
One like= one more fish in the sea
Devin delaOsa
Devin delaOsa - 6 years ago
Devin delaOsa
Devin delaOsa - 6 years ago
Argyle Andre Diaz
Argyle Andre Diaz - 6 years ago
No this is my most fav!!!
Argyle Andre Diaz
Argyle Andre Diaz - 6 years ago
JoyousTiger4 6
JoyousTiger4 6 - 6 years ago
This mad me sad
DJ swagbableves
DJ swagbableves - 6 years ago
DJ swagbableves
DJ swagbableves - 6 years ago
R.I.P earth
Terrorist Kermit
Terrorist Kermit - 6 years ago
This is why I hate animal planet they make great white sharks
look like these blood thirsty monsters but actually there dying
and there dying because people are afraid of them and want to get
rid of them
Trevor Buckner
Trevor Buckner - 6 years ago
What is name of song
Tyson 29
Tyson 29 - 6 years ago
the duck of wisdom
the duck of wisdom - 6 years ago
If you didn't spend all that time taking footage of the poor thing,you could have saved it
Mike Hill
Mike Hill - 6 years ago
I heard theres a lot of orcas in SA these days they could be partly responsible for the decline this one probably got stranded or had an illness though as it had no bite marks
John Ruud
John Ruud - 6 years ago
Gay, I would have killed it and carved its jaws for a trophy as the great white I killed with a knife.
Fernada Andres
Fernada Andres - 6 years ago
Pobre tiburón blanco
Krystal Garcia
Krystal Garcia - 6 years ago
Alexandria - 6 years ago
This is so very sad, I really believe we're past the point of no return, it's gonna take divine​ intervention to sort out the horrific mess we've made.
kid of the asome penguin group
kid of the asome penguin group - 6 years ago
super dinosaurio reviws
super dinosaurio reviws - 6 years ago
shark dead
super dinosaurio reviws
super dinosaurio reviws - 6 years ago
Paul Casey
Paul Casey - 6 years ago
Her mouth was closed meaning water couldn't move over her gills when they tried to move her. If they'd opened her mouth she may have gotten enough water over her gills to come to.
Briggs Canete
Briggs Canete - 6 years ago
SpinoDragon ProductionsTM
SpinoDragon ProductionsTM - 6 years ago
What's even more sad about this is that mankind don't know that they're killing off an animal thats 16 myo (million years old).
Bundthead - 6 years ago
This is so sad
STAY PUFT STUDIOS 21 - 6 years ago
Sharks aren’t scary and only mistaken people for seals also why aren’t lifeguards on the beach not doing anything or if there aren’t any lifeguards on the beach they should get some.
Nick Coudounellis
Nick Coudounellis - 6 years ago
How sad. Every living creature deserves the right to live
htowntx1986 - 6 years ago
What a gay ass message
Joey K
Joey K - 6 years ago
I am very surprised that they tried....I would have lefted it to die less chance that it would eat me when I'm swimming in their waters looking like their natural food...
Moonlight Otter
Moonlight Otter - 6 years ago
See we animals have to go thru the same crap they just strive to survive like us humans
secretivewowgiraffe1 gaming
secretivewowgiraffe1 gaming - 6 years ago
Hmmn I bet you wouldn't be sayin that if you saw how many lives that that species took from us then you wouldn't be talking
Aluminum Wire Flowers
Aluminum Wire Flowers - 6 years ago
What if heaven is the garden of eden
Aluminum Wire Flowers
Aluminum Wire Flowers - 6 years ago
Sharks crocs rhinos are animals I like
Why youtube why
Why youtube why - 6 years ago
What caused the swelling in the stomach?
VolleyCat200416 - 6 years ago
Why is there dislikes on this... what is wrong with you people?!
the card calecter
the card calecter - 6 years ago
This needs to stop
Meenakshie Pahladsingh
Meenakshie Pahladsingh - 6 years ago
Yolotl Lorenz
Yolotl Lorenz - 6 years ago
Frei Bylander
Frei Bylander - 6 years ago
Are u for real?
GunacyXP CazyXD
GunacyXP CazyXD - 6 years ago
I feel bad for the shark
Kay garcia
Kay garcia - 6 years ago
The video seemed short, was it sick, did it eat plastic or garbage, was the waters polluted ? did it have pups because it look pregnant?Please do a part 2
Veronika Arcuri
Veronika Arcuri - 6 years ago
Veronika Arcuri
Veronika Arcuri - 6 years ago
No nooooo sorry!!!
Happy Boi
Happy Boi - 6 years ago
The last day, of great white shark.
Djimmy Lavaux
Djimmy Lavaux - 6 years ago
Triste et magnifique à la fois... Merci à ces braves personnes au grand cœur...
LANDON GERDNER - 6 years ago
Poor great white. ;c
Speedster1102 - 6 years ago
I realize that some people watching this don’t care cuz they think sharks always bite people and are mean but in actuality they’re creatures we should respect and help them to survive
squiddy 1356
squiddy 1356 - 6 years ago
Lool is ded
random person
random person - 6 years ago
Say NO to shark fin soup
iguana hero
iguana hero - 6 years ago
u know a few off us iss the real monster not these beutiful shark
Rexeil Marquez
Rexeil Marquez - 6 years ago
They aren't evil :( they're just fighting to survive
chris soto
chris soto - 6 years ago
Also sharks have to move to stay alive
Guideplay - 6 years ago
The great white the most beautiful shark in the ocean and sadly people think that these creatures are killing machines but the truth is your more likely to be struck by a car then get killed by a shark
genjigamer TM
genjigamer TM - 6 years ago
Graciela Romero
Graciela Romero - 6 years ago
I LOVE u sharks
Nyan Kitty
Nyan Kitty - 6 years ago
It lived it's life so long
AngryDuck46 - 6 years ago
Saddest thing I've seen lately. They aren't a man killer they're animals who heed help.
Ace Spades
Ace Spades - 6 years ago
i love sharks too theres so cool
Gemstar 382
Gemstar 382 - 6 years ago
As they pushed him lovingly out to sea...

He turned around and said "Surprise, muthafuckas!" and viciously consumed them all.
Forbidden_Sun - 6 years ago
Hey, you guys remember Lenny’s Dad from shark tales?
Trojan the virus
Trojan the virus - 6 years ago
To the people that disliked fuck you.
Vitória Gutierra
Vitória Gutierra - 6 years ago
Vitória Gutierra
Vitória Gutierra - 6 years ago
Sinto munto
Natalie Schaffer YT Exegamer
Natalie Schaffer YT Exegamer - 6 years ago
Why is there dragon hero 2 music
red skill
red skill - 6 years ago
the autistic pier champion of herb and peace
the autistic pier champion of herb and peace - 6 years ago
You should have kept his jaws jaw as a souvenir
the autistic pier champion of herb and peace
the autistic pier champion of herb and peace - 6 years ago
I would of kept the shark jaw of great white sharks teeth the great white sharks teeth I would have just cut it with a knife sharp knife
Danny Medina
Danny Medina - 6 years ago
Poor Great White Shark
Agent Right
Agent Right - 6 years ago
That shark could have killed someone in the future. Might have just saved someone’s life.
Kickrock GT B
Kickrock GT B - 6 years ago
noo i dont want them to become like megalodon sharks are nice but i know they kill for survival its not their fault if ur friends or famly members got killed by them as thats what they need to do for survival like us we harvest plant and cook them and animals we kill them for protein and energy to survive..
- Nekø -
- Nekø - - 6 years ago
Poor shark... It's so horrible...
Magnum Mountaineer
Magnum Mountaineer - 6 years ago
Changes must be made.... as Fukushima spills on.
muhammed Iqbal
muhammed Iqbal - 6 years ago
poor shark
michelle Guinto
michelle Guinto - 6 years ago
waaaaa im crying (┳Д┳)
Iago o esqueleto
Iago o esqueleto - 6 years ago
And die ;-;
Typical Pineapple
Typical Pineapple - 6 years ago
JordanCskywalker !
JordanCskywalker ! - 6 years ago
Burrito person
Burrito person - 6 years ago
May point out that this shouldn't be that sad yeah it died but circle of life and this a natruel thing there really wasn't anything you could have done and I understand that yeah "one less shark could mean the fate of our Ocen ecosystem" but like one fucking shark. ONE SHARK won't destroy the ecosystem and before you go and say I need mental help or that I'm a jackass I DONT FUCKING CARE
LuisManuelHdez - 6 years ago
Go after the fucktards that believe all those weird expensive dishes give them superpowers!
Indrid Cold
Indrid Cold - 6 years ago
Hopefully the shark died of natural, age related, complications. I wonder if a necropsy was performed on the carcass.
Farrel Farrel
Farrel Farrel - 6 years ago
Indrid Cold What?
Bush Wookie
Bush Wookie - 6 years ago
Shark aids
Xbox Gamer3
Xbox Gamer3 - 6 years ago
XxMtGamesxX - 6 years ago
How did it eash up there in the FIRST PLACE
Nathaniel Lanning
Nathaniel Lanning - 6 years ago
Doby. Oh Doby. May you find many treasures. Both spiritual and monetaaaaryyyy
Scrumbled Nut
Scrumbled Nut - 6 years ago
He died of hunger.. rip
Luna Kawaii
Luna Kawaii - 6 years ago
Rip Sharko❤❤
Dragon SaiyanGod
Dragon SaiyanGod - 6 years ago
I've said this many times this is heart breaking...animals may not have speech,higher intellect like us or a perfect society but if you look deeper they're people. They have hearts and souls just like us...why can't everyone see it
GamerKitty Salvatore
GamerKitty Salvatore - 6 years ago
This hit me as a Great White shark lover and as a shark lover in general. Sharks don’t just go after humans, when surfers or swimmers go into the ocean we enter their territory. They also attack because the wetsuits and fins from below look like a seal or sea lion. Sharks don’t see as we do they see looking up. Things have to change or we’ll suffer the consequences.
#SaveTheOcean #SaveSharks #SharksMatterToo
gordijn - 6 years ago
Call the sport fishers
Chad Stolka
Chad Stolka - 6 years ago
Aanvi Singh
Aanvi Singh - 6 years ago
There is a better chance of you dying from a coconut falling on your head then by a shark. Millions of sharks are killed each year, and only about less than 100 people are killed by sharks each year. I love sharks and this video made me very sad. RIP beautiful animal of the sea. :(
Bade ve fırtına
Bade ve fırtına - 6 years ago
speeze speeze
speeze speeze - 6 years ago
Just bonk the damn thing and feed the fish geeze.
tank tamer
tank tamer - 6 years ago
No pls why do they deserve this
Simonosky 20
Simonosky 20 - 6 years ago
Poor shark
vashfan - 6 years ago
Helping her with her last swim....
Scaletor - 6 years ago
Sharks are heavily misunderstood
Minh Phuong Van
Minh Phuong Van - 6 years ago
Even though he is a very dangarous animal but i dont want any creatures to die at all
Bad Drawing
Bad Drawing - 6 years ago
Billiebooo Frenchie
Billiebooo Frenchie - 6 years ago
I absolutely love any animals and this is so sad rest in peace shark
Sean Gooby
Sean Gooby - 6 years ago
So sad
Der Fisch
Der Fisch - 6 years ago
Nahrul Khairullah
Nahrul Khairullah - 6 years ago
Syndicate Bias
Syndicate Bias - 6 years ago
I fail to understand what exactly they mean by changes need to be made in correlation to this specific shark that didn't die because of any human i directly or directly but from what the video says, he was deformed already and washed up. So its fine that yes changes need to be made but using this shark as an example was not a very good one for what their campaign aims to do
Lwydius - 6 years ago
Depends what the bloated stomach was caused by. Further investigation would be needed. Was it a natural ailment? Or was it something artificial it ate? Who knows? But you are right, without that information this vid is a little misleading. But the essence of the message is valid. Humans kill how many tens of millions of sharks every year? A natural ecosystem cannot sustain itself when faced with that level of carnage.
No Name
No Name - 6 years ago
I agree. At least from what we can see, the Shark got washed up without human intervention. Of course it's horrible what humans do to sharks but this Video has nothing to do with that and shows the opposite: trying to rescue one
Tri gaming
Tri gaming - 6 years ago
Syndicate Bias thank you I thought it was only tree hugging idiots that believe humans shouldn't exist because a shark died
ZANGOJOE - 6 years ago
At least you made him swim one last time.
JayForDays2007 - 6 years ago
Mgdonald when you say they will kill you with no remorse humans eat kill abuse all animals around the globe just so you no humans say horrible false things about animals they call animals Monsters but really in there point of view there just trying to protect themselves and there babies sharks hurt people beacouse they normally mistake them for seals the worlds going to crumble beacouse of humans
Death Ninja
Death Ninja - 6 years ago
I cried
Greenhood Online
Greenhood Online - 6 years ago
If only ocean man, take the shark hand(fin) and let him see the land, he will truly understand. ;-;
FireArcher - 6 years ago
rip jaws number 5
Mrcreepyalex - 6 years ago
mother fucking Chinese people hint sharks just for their fins
Renato Aricó
Renato Aricó - 6 years ago
Rip great warrior ❤️
MNE_Hermqn - 6 years ago
RadEpicGaming Industries
RadEpicGaming Industries - 6 years ago
I want to work with these beautiful animals someday so this is super depressing to me
Speedeee - 6 years ago
Lik this has never happens before
Speedeee - 6 years ago
Burrito person ?
Burrito person
Burrito person - 6 years ago
Speedeee lol lieing bitch
TheClassicSpaceman - 6 years ago
uuuum, baby?
Jasper Jackson
Jasper Jackson - 6 years ago
So so sad..I love sharks.
Henry Loman
Henry Loman - 6 years ago
you live, you die
Donald Mousseau
Donald Mousseau - 6 years ago
Like humans and every other living thing on this planet we all die eventually. Some die young, some old. Maybe it was just this animals time...
Clara Cutts
Clara Cutts - 6 years ago
No animals are horrible sharks wasp I’m intressed in the ocean for my age I should be aloud in it but I love all my oceans all they want to do is survive it’s like you killing a killer to survive
Jack Moore
Jack Moore - 6 years ago
It got swim bladder, you had to puncture it’s bladder because it was visibly full of gas and they can’t release the pressure so you need to puncture it, if you don’t they have no balance,float to the surface and can’t move properly. The puncture can be tiny and it won’t cause any damage and if it somehow did it would at least give it a chance of surviving.
Twix tv
Twix tv - 6 years ago exactly what changes need to be made? Are we supposed to make the water more deep or something?
WARBZ09 - 6 years ago
So sad
NEW ROCKHAMPTON - 6 years ago
Im glad it died, and also you and scientists, marine biologists have no fucking idea how many sharks there is, NO FUCKING IDEA because nobody is in the water counting them all over the fucking world so fuck that shark, fuck the sad music, how sad would you be if a shark killed one of your loved ones
Rayra Martins
Rayra Martins - 6 years ago
Geronimo Gaming
Geronimo Gaming - 6 years ago
RIP shark, thumbs up for the heroes who tried to save it
Xhoen Ilnica
Xhoen Ilnica - 6 years ago
Nooo me faforite animal
Twix tv
Twix tv - 6 years ago
서재혁 - 6 years ago
pool shark..
toa mistika the moc maker!!!
toa mistika the moc maker!!! - 6 years ago
What have humans done to the animal kingdom...
Raphael, The Lost Nigga GTMNT
Raphael, The Lost Nigga GTMNT - 6 years ago
Found an animal/furry lover!
MisterTwister - 6 years ago
I’ve done nothing
Dodofin - 6 years ago
We are animals too.
Just the dumbest kind, most of us.
Brooklyn T. Flygon
Brooklyn T. Flygon - 6 years ago
+Jessica Schneider are you a dumbass? We kill millions in 1 day! Open your GOD DAMN eyes you retarded!
fuck You
fuck You - 6 years ago
toa mistika the moc maker!!! This Is Normal
Animals Are Meant To Die.
Jessica Schneider
Jessica Schneider - 6 years ago
We don't hurt anything it's the life and most things die cause of old age
609tw1ss anims
609tw1ss anims - 6 years ago
+VolleyCat200416 we are dominant
iilivelife - 6 years ago
This great white killed itself by swimming onto some rocks
Joseph Guzman
Joseph Guzman - 6 years ago
Twix tv literally exactly what he put
Tri gaming
Tri gaming - 6 years ago
VolleyCat200416 that's fucking idiotic was is this a fucking movie?
wittybush_ - 6 years ago
toa mistika the moc maker!!! Humans aren't the only force of destruction to the enviroment. Understandably most of the other species that destroy the ecosystem are excluded to that one spot. But there are algae blooms in Florida killing thpusands of fish in those waters yet no one but Florida bats an eye.
Tri gaming
Tri gaming - 6 years ago
Don't blame all humans I've never even come close to a shark
Bundthead - 6 years ago
VolleyCat200416 - 6 years ago
I don’t even understand how we are alive on this beautiful planet and why we belong here
VolleyCat200416 - 6 years ago
A lot of things, but it’s just the beggining
Twix tv
Twix tv - 6 years ago
kristian weston
kristian weston - 6 years ago
So sad to see. Nature has it's way though.
VlogandGamer Boyz
VlogandGamer Boyz - 6 years ago
i love animals they just kill you and eat you becuase they need food like us its fair i love animals sepcialy dinosaurs
Stingy'sMemePalace - 6 years ago
This is seriously making me sad knowing they're endangered
young grasshopper
young grasshopper - 6 years ago
Deadp00l - 6 years ago
Tackleberry - 6 years ago
Well get a ban for shark fin soup start there....
Sadtreesong - 6 years ago
Oh my god, what he the last of his kind??
Twix tv
Twix tv - 6 years ago
peggy Holliday
peggy Holliday - 6 years ago
Sharks are not killing machines. They kill to eat so they can survive. If you want to see a mindless killing machine have a look at our own species. We kill for fun and waste so much of what ever we eat.
xLoCo_TaCoX vIdEoS
xLoCo_TaCoX vIdEoS - 6 years ago
Good that what it gets
Angel Gonzalez/the best
Angel Gonzalez/the best - 6 years ago
This is also because of killer whales
Aesthetically - 6 years ago
I’m scared of sharks but RIP :(
Am retarded because
Am retarded because - 6 years ago
Sharks are actually scared of humans
Mona Honduh
Mona Honduh - 6 years ago
But how did it die?
Duke 'em & Nuke 'em
Duke 'em & Nuke 'em - 6 years ago
Even if great whites die out in those waters (wich would be a sad thing), it would not be the collapse of our oceans ecosystem. The only thing happening is a "spot" becoming free for apex predator of those waters, and like nature has always done there will be a replacement sooner or later(maybe hammerhead sharks or tiger sharks). Granted ofcourse humans don't kill everything living in the oceans.
Charging Active
Charging Active - 6 years ago
He is now swimming with x on a pool
Thanos - 6 years ago
Charging Active Dead pool
KLICK KAN KAP - 6 years ago
Red Baron
Red Baron - 6 years ago
Only brain dead retards listen to X
z Unknown
z Unknown - 6 years ago
Charging Active ain’t you the one that trolled Dakotaz and Yelo?
Willie Johnson
Willie Johnson - 6 years ago
Great whites don’t swim in pools idiot
SomeGuyWithMtnDew - 6 years ago
on pools? its in pools
#doggoForLife - 6 years ago
On pools?? Wtf is that right english or what??
Alejandro Perez
Alejandro Perez - 6 years ago
I love swimming on pools and not in them
Lebum Jamezz
Lebum Jamezz - 6 years ago
Charging Active lol wtf really .
Rexy :3
Rexy :3 - 6 years ago
Why Is this in my recommend section ? This Is sad you dumbass YouTube
The Flying Gasmask
The Flying Gasmask - 6 years ago
poor guy... it's in a better place now.
Shadow 000
Shadow 000 - 6 years ago
Even sadder it’s not even fully grown looking
Luis A Perez
Luis A Perez - 6 years ago
poor sharky :(
tony locke
tony locke - 6 years ago
Well unfortunate to see,least it died naturally rather than by some mindless retard jus cause its a shark
Shadow 000
Shadow 000 - 6 years ago
I’ve never been this sad to a carnivore in my life now I feel like a bad person :(
the being with no icon
the being with no icon - 6 years ago
R.I.P Great White Water Doggo
Ben Glowacki
Ben Glowacki - 6 years ago
We are killing this world so quickly it’s not funny
Foxes Planet
Foxes Planet - 6 years ago
To us it may matter but to heartless people out thr who dont care they dont understand that sharks are important to the ecosystem EVERY animal is. Each animal that dies bc of our selfish needs and pleasure is a step towards our ecosystems collapses. Our future kids may never get to see animals if we keep on killing them or throw trash in the ocean. Every animal deserves to live no matter what.(FROM WHAT I THINK YOU CAN CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG) think about it when we eat raw meat we get sick but since we discovered fire and cooked said meat it was fine to eat but lets say fire dident exists what would we eat plants so from what i picked up is that we are actually herbivores (YOU MAY CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG)
Ronii HH
Ronii HH - 6 years ago
Huge respect to those who showed the shark the last maybe only real love it ever felt! Rest in paradise <3
Nikosmar Marakis
Nikosmar Marakis - 6 years ago
Finally another shark is dead
Liliana G
Liliana G - 6 years ago
Maybe I shouldn't be scared of sharks but I will be a little less afraid and RIP to that shark and it needed to die it was getting old probably anyway poor shark
Clarissa Flores
Clarissa Flores - 6 years ago
I agree with all of your comments
Nub Agents
Nub Agents - 6 years ago
Thats for eating snuffy
poofy team
poofy team - 6 years ago
Noo great white shark dies
devraux kamuhemu
devraux kamuhemu - 6 years ago
The shark was pregnant that’s why it was so fat if the people helped it give birth then more great whites will be living in the South African waters
AppleSwizzledGaming - 6 years ago
I'm scared of sharks but I don't want them to be killed or be dead...
wittybush_ - 6 years ago
AppleSwizzledGaming Guys, it's Trump's channel.
strong belief
strong belief - 6 years ago
AppleSwizzledGaming what do mean? Refuring to the nasty crap that was going back and fourth?
AppleSwizzledGaming - 6 years ago
strong belief ?
strong belief
strong belief - 6 years ago
AppleSwizzledGaming .are you special son,?
BlondieVoltz YT
BlondieVoltz YT - 6 years ago
Sharks harm us..and we do the same..We eat fish, we destroy trees, we destroy nature, we started pollution..We kill animals..just like what sharks do to us..R.I.P sharky:(
Maureen Carpio
Maureen Carpio - 6 years ago
Rip,wait why do it was too small is it a baby great white shark???
Alexandra Diamandes
Alexandra Diamandes - 6 years ago
Open up its stomach, bet it is full of plastic it has eaten! That is why it died most likely. It is sickening :(
Dino Gaming
Dino Gaming - 6 years ago
Poor lil thing
Dodge Challenger
Dodge Challenger - 6 years ago
Japan, turning all of the damn sharks into sushi.
Grubkiller 432
Grubkiller 432 - 6 years ago
That sad
Junior Deloera
Junior Deloera - 6 years ago
Swimming with fishes so long gay shark
Mike Toepel
Mike Toepel - 6 years ago
Its the same like a dying human. This one less will not turn the world to a better one.
Gaming With Andrew
Gaming With Andrew - 6 years ago
this makes me so sad because ive grown up to see sharks as some of the most beautiful things ever
SuperEROQ - 6 years ago
The world is dying and man can do nothing about it...the efforts while noble are meaningless to a God who has a plan to destroy the current earth and universe as we know it and recreate a new heavens and earth.....your efforts are better spent on spiritual matters that are far more the issue at hand!
Bouncy Boy
Bouncy Boy - 6 years ago
People say uh sharks are scary they will kill you instantly but we eat cows animals like that to survive and sharks are trying to survive aswell by eating meat . Fun fact most sharks think you are a seal which is one of they're foods so that's probably a reason why it would kill you
Olga Ovcarova
Olga Ovcarova - 6 years ago
Jared and Nicky Games
Jared and Nicky Games - 6 years ago
Great whites aren’t bad there good and without them there would be to much fish cause it wouldn’t be there to eat them
Griffin Wentz
Griffin Wentz - 6 years ago
At least it wasn’t killed by some japs who want to make shitty overly expensive soup R. I. P. little guy
Vittorio Marcelloni
Vittorio Marcelloni - 6 years ago
Also when is dead it is at the same time so scary and so beautiful.
Very sad video
Kitchen Marshall
Kitchen Marshall - 6 years ago
There is no such thing as a collapse of the ecosystem: ecosystems are always imploding and exploding, giving life to new species and the possibility for evolution. It's called nature. Don't pause time. Let nature do it's course. Let the shark die.
TheWoebegoneJackal - 6 years ago
Kitchen Marshall then your argument about how its nature is invalid so long as you admit that. If humans are causing the change that is affecting these animals then it is by definition not natural. There is no predator here that has evolved beyond this specie's niche in the biosphere, it is not being out competed, and (for now) it's habitat can still support it.

No, it is humans who are directly hurting this animals population. Acting as if we have no responsibilities to the world we live in is ignorant at best and dangerously self-destructive at worst.
Kitchen Marshall
Kitchen Marshall - 6 years ago
You are entitled to your opinion. I'm not denying climate change. Humans greatly affect the world around us in many ways. Every species has that opportunity as long as it's alive.
Kitchen Marshall
Kitchen Marshall - 6 years ago
The reason why one species is reduced is that A) another species either vastly outnumbers the other, B) that one or more other species have evolved into a more efficient predator or C) it's habitat has evolved into one that reduces the chance of successful procreation. That is exactly what a natural change is. Sharks are fascinating. They have evolved into smaller size animals even before humans were around. The ability to adapt to it's surroundings is what kept sharks alive for many many years. They are now faced with the challenge to either adapt to an ever faster-changing climate, or become extinct. Again: this is nature. It's C because of A.
Kitchen Marshall
Kitchen Marshall - 6 years ago
They sure are. Just as important as any other creature on this planet.
TheWoebegoneJackal - 6 years ago
That sounds like the same garbage climate change deniers say, as if humans somehow can't and don't effect the world around us negatively.
1Shark76323 - 6 years ago
Kitchen Marshall the reason the sharks die is because of humans, not naturally. So while ecosystems change, this isn't a natural change.
Farrel Farrel
Farrel Farrel - 6 years ago
Kitchen Marshall Sharks Are Important
Burrito person
Burrito person - 6 years ago
Kitchen Marshall Agreed
Blake Austin
Blake Austin - 6 years ago
Awwww. Poor thing. This, for me, was super sad too watch.
PuRe Voltage210
PuRe Voltage210 - 6 years ago
Vuk Cevu
Vuk Cevu - 6 years ago
Yea like u meet them u jump into the water and eat u out lol
brenda perras
brenda perras - 6 years ago
I love sharks and I feel so bad for the shark
ItzzzNiels - 6 years ago
Why is it so small?
Clyte44 - 6 years ago
did they do an autopsy to determine the cause of death or at least why it had such a bloated stomach?
GrounDLifteR - 6 years ago
Wait...what? So now i have to help sharks to survive, then theres clams, squirrels, whales, butterflies, even bees that are soon extinct... but how about....let the nature take care of itself it has done it for millions of years, if the balance goes off it goes Human is not a God that saves everything.
Jayden Common
Jayden Common - 6 years ago
esquilo tuber
esquilo tuber - 6 years ago
R.i.p death shark
xXWolvesXx - 6 years ago
That's it fuck this in becoming vegan I have watched too many animals DIE
Awesome Animals Dino land
Awesome Animals Dino land - 6 years ago
I REALLY HATE THE HUMANS,BECAUSE THEY MAKE ANIMALS EXTINCT ESPECIALLY MY FAVOURITE MARINE CREATURE:THE SHARK(even though my favourite is a bull shark)BUT STILL ITS THE SAME.(But I also hope that snakes won't be extinct as well).
First Last
First Last - 6 years ago
was it pregnant
Marina Ioannou
Marina Ioannou - 6 years ago
Sharks are my biggest fear but this is sad... Every creature in this world worths to live
kingfaggot - 6 years ago
Idont care what anyone says. I have no sympathy for any sharks

They can all die
Emmanuel Quaak
Emmanuel Quaak - 6 years ago
That a moka shark still very sad
Some dude
Some dude - 6 years ago
Alanwott - 6 years ago
He just wanted to be in jaws 4
Deshone Joseph
Deshone Joseph - 6 years ago
Yah it is sharks are my favorite creatures r.i.p bro great white you will be remebered
hayden - 6 years ago
530 more to go

I know I’m an asshole
Zackster - 6 years ago
Sharks are friends not food.
mkgoro112 - 6 years ago
Great White Sharks and Megolodon Sharks are my 2 favorite sharks! Poor Great White Shark it looks so sad. :( I recently bought a stuffed Great White Shark and his name is Bruce! :D <3
sea King
sea King - 6 years ago
That's real see.
Ray Lunn Aung
Ray Lunn Aung - 6 years ago
Do not ever go to beach or the great white shark will come
B2KLeader 12
B2KLeader 12 - 6 years ago
Damn you all ############ shark haters ########## u all
Lił jøhnsøn
Lił jøhnsøn - 6 years ago
It's just the stupid music that makes it sad
King Lighttin
King Lighttin - 6 years ago
Fucking stop humans. Just fucking stop
Why those dam humans just continue fucking up the sharks, what they are only doing is fucking up the ecosystem
Cesar Alvarez
Cesar Alvarez - 6 years ago
Fake news! The shark survived
Freaky - 6 years ago
Poor shark :(
Omega Saturn
Omega Saturn - 6 years ago
I just donut like that people cut off shark fins for stuff LEAVE DA FINS ALONEEEE
haralabos xitiroglou
haralabos xitiroglou - 6 years ago
Come on animal is bad they are exactly like us humans..we hunt to eat they hunt to eat..we are bad cuz we kill animals for a hobby and they kill us for food think about it..they are so lovely
Kristen Jones
Kristen Jones - 6 years ago
Don't really care for him if they kill a child
Aziz Sabbi
Aziz Sabbi - 6 years ago
Stupid people you say i love sharks rip poor shark and so on but the shark sees everything as an enemy and attacks everything they have no fillings and while you tray to help them they want to destroy you
redMStoast - 6 years ago
No animal on earth is evil or blood thirsty. They're all just beautiful creatures fighting every day to survive. This is really sad to watch :(
this is a dead meme
this is a dead meme - 6 years ago
so sad
Casual Gamer95
Casual Gamer95 - 6 years ago
So if it bites your arm off you going to save it still?
CatFart111 - 6 years ago
Poor fishy
Syndell Rios
Syndell Rios - 6 years ago
Shark are my animal was never afraid
meah Garza
meah Garza - 6 years ago
I hate/afraid of sharks but how can we help like if u want to help
Salvador Romero
Salvador Romero - 6 years ago
El_Leon Culiao
El_Leon Culiao - 6 years ago
Mmmm... sushi
Braysonblue16 withrow
Braysonblue16 withrow - 6 years ago
:( shark!
Mr. Tap2play
Mr. Tap2play - 6 years ago
dank shark
dank shark - 6 years ago
At least he's a better place now.with god .
NoNonsensePC - 6 years ago
I'm eating shark fin soup tonight!

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