Great White shark dies
Shark videos 8 years ago 2,472,470 views
We found a 2 M male Great White shark that had washed up onto the rocks in Gansbaai, South Africa. It was still alive. Members of the community tried to help the shark, but unfortunately it was too late. With the serious threat of their extinction imminent, the death of another White Shark really is a blow to our hopes of their survival.
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Support sharks and sign the petition to save sharks and donate to help oceana save these sharks
The homo-sapien.
Save the sharks!
Well except for whale sharks
They don't harm people
Probably just wanted a seal for breakfast :c
1 like = 1 revive!
10 revives for bad
20 revives for not bad
30 revives for good
40 revives for Nice
50 revives for Great
60 revives for excellent
70 revives for an happy Great shark Family
80 revives for all the Great sharks in the world and outside of the world!
But now everyone is not scared anymore. But yeah
S. .e
T. .c
. .e
Shark is delicious - and no bones.
Great White shark tacos.
FUCK YA’LLWhen one dies, they become a star watching over us.
We , citizens from Europe (excluding Northern countries : Sweden , Finland , Norwich and Denmark) and North America don't need to care , the rest of the world who's leading ocean life to extinction does ...
look like these blood thirsty monsters but actually there dying
and there dying because people are afraid of them and want to get
rid of them
He turned around and said "Surprise, muthafuckas!" and viciously consumed them all.
#SaveTheOcean #SaveSharks #SharksMatterToo
Just the dumbest kind, most of us.
Animals Are Meant To Die.
Very sad video
No, it is humans who are directly hurting this animals population. Acting as if we have no responsibilities to the world we live in is ignorant at best and dangerously self-destructive at worst.
They can all die
He just wanted to be in jaws 4
I know I’m an asshole
Why those dam humans just continue fucking up the sharks, what they are only doing is fucking up the ecosystem