Great White Shark Accident ★★★★★

Come visit my new Cafe at If you are interested in using or licencing this footage please feel free to contact me by email: patrick.sean.walsh at A 2 ton, 15 foot Great White barrels into my cage and brakes through the bars... Patrick Walsh - Filming Paul Damgaard - Avoiding Sharks Mouth CC - The Shark "On November 4th we had an incident that was pretty darned exciting. CC, or Cut Caudal, one of our regular sharks, accidentally ran into one of the main cages on the Searcher. CC came up nearly vertical about 20 feet away from the cage and grabbed one of the hang baits, which he is known to do on a regular basis. However, on this particular day he swam right into the portside cage's viewing window. As CC took the bait he instinctively rolled his eyes back, couldn't see where he was going and accidentally swam directly into the viewing window. CC's entire head went inside the cage and he was stopped just short of his pectoral fins. Well, we all know that white sharks have no reverse and CC was too far in to turn around. He tried to turn, but he could not quite get his snout to clear the corner. He rolled on his side and began to thrash up and down trying to free himself. Being a rather large white shark he just ended up making the opening bigger by simply removing the front of the cage so he could get out of the cage. CC literally removed all the lower front vertical bars and the horizontal bar that connects all of the vertical bars to the main frame of the front cage panel and then swam away. What was amazing is that it took only about 10 seconds to do this. What was even more amazing was that there were 2 divers in the cage at the time and they thought that this was the coolest thing they had ever experienced and walked away completely unscathed. The divers also said that CC was just fine too! We were all very relieved that no one was injured. We were also pleased that our divers listened to the safety briefing prior to diving and followed the instructions and evacuated the cage when this incident occurred. One diver utilized the emergency escape hatch and somehow managed to film the entire event. We learned something from this and we will take appropriate measures to prevent this from happening again. When we said, "You can get face-to-face with the ultimate predator" this is not what we had in mind! The Searcher's cages are 6 years old now and we have learned a great deal since we first built them. We are going to take this opportunity to design and build new state-of-the-art cages that will be safer and stronger. We will unveil the new cages in spring 2008." Great White Shark Adventures

Great White Shark Accident ★★★★★ sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2478

Shark videos 17 years ago 20,904,702 views

Come visit my new Cafe at If you are interested in using or licencing this footage please feel free to contact me by email: patrick.sean.walsh at A 2 ton, 15 foot Great White barrels into my cage and brakes through the bars... Patrick Walsh - Filming Paul Damgaard - Avoiding Sharks Mouth CC - The Shark "On November 4th we had an incident that was pretty darned exciting. CC, or Cut Caudal, one of our regular sharks, accidentally ran into one of the main cages on the Searcher. CC came up nearly vertical about 20 feet away from the cage and grabbed one of the hang baits, which he is known to do on a regular basis. However, on this particular day he swam right into the portside cage's viewing window. As CC took the bait he instinctively rolled his eyes back, couldn't see where he was going and accidentally swam directly into the viewing window. CC's entire head went inside the cage and he was stopped just short of his pectoral fins. Well, we all know that white sharks have no reverse and CC was too far in to turn around. He tried to turn, but he could not quite get his snout to clear the corner. He rolled on his side and began to thrash up and down trying to free himself. Being a rather large white shark he just ended up making the opening bigger by simply removing the front of the cage so he could get out of the cage. CC literally removed all the lower front vertical bars and the horizontal bar that connects all of the vertical bars to the main frame of the front cage panel and then swam away. What was amazing is that it took only about 10 seconds to do this. What was even more amazing was that there were 2 divers in the cage at the time and they thought that this was the coolest thing they had ever experienced and walked away completely unscathed. The divers also said that CC was just fine too! We were all very relieved that no one was injured. We were also pleased that our divers listened to the safety briefing prior to diving and followed the instructions and evacuated the cage when this incident occurred. One diver utilized the emergency escape hatch and somehow managed to film the entire event. We learned something from this and we will take appropriate measures to prevent this from happening again. When we said, "You can get face-to-face with the ultimate predator" this is not what we had in mind! The Searcher's cages are 6 years old now and we have learned a great deal since we first built them. We are going to take this opportunity to design and build new state-of-the-art cages that will be safer and stronger. We will unveil the new cages in spring 2008." Great White Shark Adventures

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Most popular comments
for Great White Shark Accident ★★★★★

Justin Luna
Justin Luna - 7 years ago
i p on pets
Prince elloy De Guzman
Prince elloy De Guzman - 7 years ago
Hala Ang laki ng pating mg
Cade Halonen
Cade Halonen - 7 years ago
Is this real?
Tiana Villarruel
Tiana Villarruel - 7 years ago
That's scary it got in the cage!!
Joseph Tapu
Joseph Tapu - 7 years ago
Bro you wer shitting ure pants lol.
IT Central
IT Central - 7 years ago
If the shark was going to attack me, I'd poke the holy hell out of his eyes.
Diet Bleach
Diet Bleach - 7 years ago
Don’t worry human I will free you
ssgss gogeta
ssgss gogeta - 7 years ago
Whats the thumbnail for this video
Serenity Andrews
Serenity Andrews - 7 years ago
Happiness is in sides shark

10. comment for Great White Shark Accident ★★★★★

Nathan Da Challenger
Nathan Da Challenger - 7 years ago
joseph jackson
joseph jackson - 7 years ago
This is why I'm afraid of the open ocean
Danny Stylus jnr
Danny Stylus jnr - 7 years ago
lost his bottle , the shark was nowhere near him , i'd have nicked it's watch and wallet .. fucker .. ;-)
reed Johnston
reed Johnston - 7 years ago
TRINITI CHARLES - 7 years ago
Luis and samantha the funny kids.
Luis and samantha the funny kids. - 7 years ago
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh stop2
Billy Lyster
Billy Lyster - 7 years ago
What a jack ass
Judge Jury
Judge Jury - 7 years ago
Click bait. No accident.
Umerfarooq Hassan
Umerfarooq Hassan - 7 years ago
Wow it was nice
Yungz Dien
Yungz Dien - 7 years ago
Do u know de wae

20. comment for Great White Shark Accident ★★★★★

Abu Abdirrahman
Abu Abdirrahman - 7 years ago
or even great white shark breaks the cage
Marta Farion
Marta Farion - 7 years ago
Адам Магомедов
Адам Магомедов - 7 years ago
Daniel - 7 years ago
Miriel Vasquez
Miriel Vasquez - 7 years ago
I don't care how expensive it is this things need to be made out of freaking titanium
Rob True
Rob True - 7 years ago
I would like return your top of the Line " Extra Safe " shark cage.
I had some problems with it.
Hot Fire
Hot Fire - 7 years ago
i hope people think sharks are not bad because this one proved it was a hero it let a man free but it was still stuck i hope it is fine
scarlett Bermudez
scarlett Bermudez - 8 years ago
hell no I would have been so scared this is why I carry a gun all the time even in the ocean
KastleArtwork - 8 years ago
that is scary!!!!
Fat Guy Dominick
Fat Guy Dominick - 8 years ago
this is proof that sharks are Totally friendly fish that want to eat your face

30. comment for Great White Shark Accident ★★★★★

CRAZYWILDMAN49 - 8 years ago
The misleading thumbnail isnt even a great white, it is one of the genetically bred sharks from the film "deep blue sea". no sub from me.
הלן מויאל
הלן מויאל - 8 years ago
Derpy Kat
Derpy Kat - 9 years ago
Edison Chang
Edison Chang - 9 years ago
I hope their ok
Edison Chang
Edison Chang - 9 years ago
jdjdj 20
jdjdj 20 - 9 years ago
cool und gefährlich
Skribb - 9 years ago
Chinese lock or bad welds? ^^,
Pirate du cap coz
Pirate du cap coz - 9 years ago
terrible vidéo
THE FLASH - 9 years ago
Wow I love sharks they are such a beautiful and powerful type of animal
randy martinez
randy martinez - 9 years ago
mushimu kungawa melchoala slainoa milkia shark greatly happack
Rosetta Davis
Rosetta Davis - 9 years ago
Before I knew what great whites actually eat I thought great whites will eat humans
Krank Buster
Krank Buster - 9 years ago
Quick, a shark broke our cage, let`s kill it and everything that looks like it
Tamagoyaki jp
Tamagoyaki jp - 9 years ago
Long street
Long street - 9 years ago
Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha.  He almost got your young ass!
Xander Cage
Xander Cage - 9 years ago
"This cage is bulletproof and can withstand anything." Apparently the cages Chinese manufacturer didnt get that memo.
Xander Cage
Xander Cage - 9 years ago
Touche lol
Anal Destroyer
Anal Destroyer - 9 years ago
+Xander Cage Bulletproof? There's openings in the cage. I don't think that would be very effective.
Mishkamoto - 9 years ago
And the water would be turning BROWN because I would be shitting myself, OMG
MuslimApostate - 9 years ago
thats a wtf moment.
Alfin AN
Alfin AN - 9 years ago
Misunderstood Shark is misunderstood

He just wanted to free the poor fellow
nightwing2016 batsvssupes
nightwing2016 batsvssupes - 8 years ago
Love that meme
Ulysses - 9 years ago
+AustralianShark I FOUND HIM!
isuru - 9 years ago
Supacomputer Revolution
Supacomputer Revolution - 9 years ago
L. Michelle .V
L. Michelle .V - 9 years ago
Oopsies well that was stupid

50. comment for Great White Shark Accident ★★★★★

Scrazelope - 9 years ago
where did it go?
No No
No No - 9 years ago
am i the only one who fucking hats the sound of the camera underwater
A Minute Histories
A Minute Histories - 10 years ago
thats not great white thats mako or tiger
Иван Иванов
Иван Иванов - 10 years ago
What a rusty piece of shit this cage is made of?
StormCaster - 10 years ago
This has jaws written all over it. (Ending)....
Juan Carlos
Juan Carlos - 10 years ago
if that was me in that cage i would trow up, shit myself and have and automatic heart attack...
MrTeknotronic - 10 years ago
that water is surprisingly not brown
Finlandiaperkele - 10 years ago
Guess the shark panicked as much as the divers.
Adam Azri
Adam Azri - 10 years ago
Did anyone else played the JAWS theme song when the shark is gone? I did..
Joais Santos Carvalho
Joais Santos Carvalho - 10 years ago
Só o rastro de merda que o cara deixou foi o bastante para o tubarão ir embora! huahuau
TheGerogero - 10 years ago
Lawsuit in order maybe?
Joseph Mora
Joseph Mora - 10 years ago
And some thought it only happened in the movies =)
jackie mehoff
jackie mehoff - 10 years ago
Was the shark okay?
Winston Huckleberry
Winston Huckleberry - 10 years ago
Fuck ........................................... that..............

uncertainty principle
uncertainty principle - 10 years ago
bought that cage from ikea or what ?? lolz
Babicka Fantastica
Babicka Fantastica - 10 years ago
Fuck that.
Gustaf Smythe-Richards
Gustaf Smythe-Richards - 10 years ago
Former Okinawa resident and karate instructor here. In Okinawa I used to go swimming with sharks all the time, and it's well known that if you happen to get attacked by a shark you need to strategically strike back. And punching them in the nose with an age-zuki (rising punch) or straightforward choku-zuki (straight punch) is the best defense. 

~Gustaf, thrice gilded Reddit™ moderator of /r/StevenSeagal, /r/Karate and /r/anime (80.000+ karma)
רונן גל
רונן גל - 7 years ago
+Pan קPieczarka צ צהיסב הגכ
SkyLovesPokemon - 8 years ago
Gustaf Smythe-Richards it was not a attack if you think it is a attack you are not a shark expert they go blind when they attack then it comes back the shark did not try do do that it was panicking because it was stuck in a metal cage and sharks can only go forward not backwards
Pan Pieczarka
Pan Pieczarka - 9 years ago
+Gustaf Smythe-Richards So ,Gustaf, tell us did you penis was ever in womans who0-who0 ? Or you just use 4chan for that stuff ?
Based Gob
Based Gob - 10 years ago
Thank you Gustaf, your expert advice is appreciated as always.
Josh Ramsden
Josh Ramsden - 10 years ago
Stop looking at sharks in this way you fucking idiot. You're responsible when they're culled because they're too close to the bays because Johnny-fucking-small-bollocks wants to see a shark in chummed up water.
Garry S
Garry S - 10 years ago
Oh woops is this your care?
Napstar25 - 10 years ago
Well, I hope y'all kept the receipt.
screeem - 10 years ago
first time seeing a shark footage. I wouldnt have bothered if it werent for that super bowl katy perry shark bros.
Sailor Steve Holt!
Sailor Steve Holt! - 8 years ago
Does the comment look really weird on anyone else's phone?
Dean R
Dean R - 10 years ago
I'm sorry. Did you say gentle giant? There didn't seem to be anything gentle about that. Pray to GOD she doesn't get rough!! ;)
Kevin Roach
Kevin Roach - 10 years ago
Ah a fellow sharkkin or "finkin" as i like to call them.
MrRospiden - 10 years ago
Damn that cage is flimsy. This would make me not wanna go under in that thing. All he had to do was turn his head a bit a the damn thing popped open.
Magoskillz Magoskillz
Magoskillz Magoskillz - 10 years ago
stop moving the cam, can't see the shark!
randomnothingnis - 10 years ago
What's even more unnerving and utterly terrifying is you can see a small glimpse of another Great White lurking about 30 feet below them at 0:33.
JYC422 - 10 years ago
"It's my first time out, how do you turn this thing???"
Booker Menatti
Booker Menatti - 10 years ago
Nice thumbnail you fucking faggot. Don't mislead people dick head. 
sbowesuk - 10 years ago
We can land people on the moon, but we seemingly can't make shark cages that don't fall apart when hit by a confused shark...
Akibah :#
Akibah :# - 7 years ago
sbowesuk that shark just showed how strong creatures they are.
Sounds4theInfowar - 10 years ago
Cage goes in the water, you go in the water. Shark's in the water.

Our shark.

Farewell and adieu to you, fair Spanish ladies. Farewell and adieu, you ladies of Spain. For we've received orders for to sail back to Boston. And so nevermore shall we see you again.
Dan Smitham
Dan Smitham - 10 years ago
I expected this to be the first comment I saw, instead it was around number 15.
Catdragon's Art
Catdragon's Art - 10 years ago
He must be left shark. 
ALVROZ - 10 years ago
I wish I was a shark so when my girlfriend is on her period I know to run the other way. 
Jean Chiarelli
Jean Chiarelli - 10 years ago
This is a really shit cage, my cadle was stronger than this. 
mack89464 - 10 years ago
+Jean Chiarelli LOL - I wondered - I spent ages on Google looking up "Shark cadle" and "deep sea cadle" and couldn't find anything!!
Jean Chiarelli
Jean Chiarelli - 10 years ago
lol, my cradle not cadle, what's a cadle? I don't know what it is. 
mack89464 - 10 years ago
Whats a cadle?
B1SCOOP - 10 years ago
Hooper, you idiot!
iguisard - 10 years ago
Cage made out of toilet paper.
Tobias Kørvéll
Tobias Kørvéll - 10 years ago
Yep. That settles it. I'm never going diving.
rat vicius
rat vicius - 10 years ago
at 18 second mark..that was straight up the scene with the raptor in jurassic park!
tortuga - 10 years ago
fuck the ocean man
xHSMx J ROC - 7 years ago
tortuga dont take him by the hand
long time dead
long time dead - 10 years ago
"You go in the cage, cage goes in the water, sharks in the water... Farewell and a do my......."
Cynthia Andrade
Cynthia Andrade - 10 years ago
Já penso se depois que ele sai da 'jaula" aí vem um monte de tubarão atrás do cara '-' 
JazzyyG - 10 years ago
Ouch poor shark those people should have found a better observing area
Nikita Schut
Nikita Schut - 10 years ago
Omg a big shark
Mike Cimerian
Mike Cimerian - 10 years ago
Hero shark attacks strange contraption  Bubble Telegraph.  ^^
REDFOXstudios - 10 years ago
Damn nature u scary
Lance Anator
Lance Anator - 10 years ago
really i may be wrong but say i if you think this is fake..............i
Lance Anator
Lance Anator - 10 years ago
+Screen Siege Films nope, i have no clue what cgi even is XD and also it could be true because we only know like 7% of the ocean
Screen Siege Films
Screen Siege Films - 10 years ago
+Mighty Midget
you don't know shit about CGI, do you?
Rogan - 10 years ago
+Mighty Midget pfffffft thanks for the laugh
Lance Anator
Lance Anator - 10 years ago
+REDFOXstudios photo shop
REDFOXstudios - 10 years ago
cleary that dont look fake it looks real as hell how else did they get a shark to look like it broke the cage and got in
Awesome monkey 2
Awesome monkey 2 - 10 years ago
If you are wondering why the shark tried to get out of the cage coz it it was stuck, sharks can't swim backwards - 10 years ago
Lo que se exponen los profesionales para que podamos ver preciosas imagenes
رايد الجعيد
رايد الجعيد - 10 years ago

ThePedro8161 - 10 years ago

100. comment for Great White Shark Accident ★★★★★

I sleep under your bed and stab you to death
I sleep under your bed and stab you to death - 10 years ago
I don't go to warm countries for vacations and i dont surf the beaches because i know the are sharks. As the world is getting warmer shark may start to show up in Norway as well.
I only like the beache and seas when the sun goes down and the skies becomes so beautiful that you only want to cry..
or just get a fast bike and visit the alps :)
Ching long ding dong
Ching long ding dong - 10 years ago
why are they fuckin around with nature in the first place?
Dylan Cooney
Dylan Cooney - 10 years ago
sorry the last one i post  it came up my brother name  but I'm ella
Dylan Cooney
Dylan Cooney - 10 years ago
not scare like the picks her   but i love sharks and I'm 8  I'm ella 
John Adrian
John Adrian - 10 years ago
How many fish were there?
Cornelius Vaginus
Cornelius Vaginus - 10 years ago
Bite that fucking humans head then fucking skin him KILL THAT HUMAN make him suffer revenge your fallen brothers and sisters who have been eaten or skinned alive HUMANS MUST DIE
isuru - 9 years ago
Am ded cuz ur ded 2
Jose Navarro
Jose Navarro - 10 years ago
+Adrian Alvarez nice one he will learn his lesson
Adrian Alvarez
Adrian Alvarez - 10 years ago
Kill yourself then.
Rohan Chaturvedi
Rohan Chaturvedi - 10 years ago
Great Troll mate! :)
5winder - 10 years ago
That's right, corny cunt.
Cornelius Vaginus
Cornelius Vaginus - 10 years ago
Leannaire - 10 years ago
If humans must die, then why are you still alive? :I
Scrotum Leech
Scrotum Leech - 10 years ago
Just tie me a sheep-shank will ya....
LORD DRAGUIL - 10 years ago
play wit big dawgs you might get biten
Marco della Valle
Marco della Valle - 10 years ago
Eediot Spudworth
Eediot Spudworth - 10 years ago
The shark had its eyes closed due to feeding - It swam into the cage by accident through blindness. I approve of the title of this video highlighting that it was not an attack :)
youthoughtthisisausernamebutitsmedio - 10 years ago
Its Rin from Free! XD
Leannaire - 10 years ago
BadMadPlay - 10 years ago
it look so cute i want to pat it xD
Angie V
Angie V - 10 years ago
Kboy12 - 10 years ago
When a shark attacks it rolls it's eyes up so it couldn't see so it ran into the cage by accident
Trrristan - 10 years ago
This shark actually suffers from thalassophobia and saw the opportuniy to seek shelter into this cage "let me in guyz! i hate the sea it's full of creepy creatures!! please!!!"
Jenna Worlley
Jenna Worlley - 10 years ago
Before the shark hits the cage, you can see its eyes went white. That's an eyelid to protect the eyes. So the shark was blind when it hit the cage. Pretty sure people know this but it wasn't no ones fault really.
Clevecher Romano
Clevecher Romano - 10 years ago
FearIanNow - 10 years ago
he shat himself so big that he is now at the bottom of the sea
Leon Wierwille
Leon Wierwille - 10 years ago
cool video you have some luck :-)
Robert Hardy
Robert Hardy - 10 years ago
...and that what happens when a fish that cannot go backwards gets in your face :)
StarwasterPrime - 10 years ago
lol, I'm guessing nobody told the shark that diving cages aren't supposed to be open on one side.
KAZUTUBE1001 - 10 years ago
so cage is not enough to be safe!?? No way to dive ocean anymore..
Elmar Bernet
Elmar Bernet - 10 years ago
Relax, a shark just can swim forward so he must go trough the cage ... :-)
Ela Mongrella
Ela Mongrella - 10 years ago
I like that the divers were good sports and understood what was going on, and that they didn't think the shark was deliberately trying to attack them.
Julia Frydlewicz
Julia Frydlewicz - 10 years ago
Alex Renwards
Alex Renwards - 10 years ago
That guy must have had shit in his suit.
Alessia Cocozza
Alessia Cocozza - 10 years ago
I'm sure the shark was more scared than that man. It was stuck into a cage...
IT Central
IT Central - 7 years ago
Alessia Cocozza bruh.
Akibah :#
Akibah :# - 7 years ago
Alessia Cocozza no way! Thats one of the most scariest thing can happen to people
ThePrinceOfPleasure - 10 years ago
It whas clearly an accident. The shark got curious of the cage and got stuck and then panicked because once a shark or any other fish can't move they will slowly start to drown. So the frantic swimming from the sharks part once inside the cage whas not based on the diver being Its prey. If he where, Well, then he would continue to chase him once outside which it didn't. It got spooked and fled once it got free. They are predators yes, and will sometimes mistaken People for being prey because of poor eyesight but not for being "murdermachines". Please Try to have a little more understanding for all of the wonders that dwell in the sea.
Jordan T
Jordan T - 10 years ago
"yeah just let me take a video while i almost die, it'll be fun!" nope
Marathonracer - 10 years ago
And, as the Great White enters the cage, the immortal words of Mick Jagger come to mind....."Pleased  to meet you, hope you guess my name. But what's puzzling you, is the nature of my game".
homeycdawg - 10 years ago
Why do they make the viewing vents in these white shark cages big enough for a great white to get it's nose through. I've never understood that.
Wowbagger86 - 10 years ago
+GermanyFan01 They are. That's how sharks have survived for millions of years...
homeycdawg - 10 years ago
Actually great whites are very well known to be incredibly curious.
GermanyFan01 - 10 years ago
Great Whites aren't known for Curiosity
iSak - 10 years ago
iSak - 10 years ago
yohoshop - 10 years ago
Watch how sexy ocean Ramsey deal with the giant white shark.shame you.
Wellington S Firebrand
Wellington S Firebrand - 10 years ago
The smell of feces from the diver must have driven the shark away...
Mehmet Dmk
Mehmet Dmk - 11 years ago
Waht the fuck
Nolan Eddy
Nolan Eddy - 11 years ago
Kakashi Sensei
Kakashi Sensei - 11 years ago
I love sharks :)
sdalyDESIGNER - 11 years ago
Yup I would have had to change my scuba suite...
Jessica Quesenberry
Jessica Quesenberry - 11 years ago
That was no great white shark.
soh sam
soh sam - 10 years ago
It's a great white shark . LMFAO
Remont - Sanuzel™
Remont - Sanuzel™ - 11 years ago
ReBeL Grinch
ReBeL Grinch - 11 years ago
Yeah dude I agree want you guys just leave the creatures alone they don't come to where we live in mess with us so why do you go where they live and mess with them but stupid people don't learn to something bad happens
Redd Sinn
Redd Sinn - 11 years ago
shark says... "looks nice in there, you got tee-vo?"
ahmet memo
ahmet memo - 11 years ago
I'm in love with these sharks man
pornchk kim
pornchk kim - 11 years ago
cage..........Made in China..
StarlightEngram - 11 years ago
If I was there instead of that guy I bet I could write a story about how I managed to keep my scuba pants on as all that poop popped out when that giant carnivore rammed into the cage. I'm only joking of course. What a terrifying experience it really must have been.
ILoveESCFrequently - 11 years ago
Its just a shark no one can defeat even a whale shark their too bad for some reason but i do have a feeling their are going to kill the world please dont and their mouth just always creep me out.
Meredith M
Meredith M - 11 years ago
why cant they leave these creatures alone
Salma Mustafa
Salma Mustafa - 11 years ago
That cool
Karlo Silverio Sevilla
Karlo Silverio Sevilla - 11 years ago
It's more exciting.
Professional Bob
Professional Bob - 11 years ago
The number of separate incidents just like this that I've seen has made me re-think my plans to one day get in a shark cage. Why do they make them with such large gaps?!
Michaelle Selcke
Michaelle Selcke - 11 years ago
jerico641 - 11 years ago
Farewell and adeau to you fair Spanish ladies, farewell and adeau, you ladies of Spain; for we've received orders for to sail back to Boston, and so nevermore shall we see you again...
hoppermantis - 11 years ago
Show me the way to go home I'm tired and I want to go to bed I had a little drink about an hour ago And it's gone right to my head Everywhere I roam Over land or sea or foam You can always hear me singing this song Show me the way to go home...
Shannon Smith
Shannon Smith - 11 years ago
I love my mom
Shannon Smith
Shannon Smith - 11 years ago
Scary shark
John Citizen
John Citizen - 11 years ago
awww poor shark :(
RikkiTikkiTavi - 11 years ago
Bring me the shark cage, for I am hungry.
jerico641 - 11 years ago
That guy's name wouldn't happen to be Hooper, would it?
PaulOrientedotcom - 11 years ago
Alcatraz Crysis
Alcatraz Crysis - 11 years ago
delicous humans :p
Riller70 - 11 years ago
Shitty cage!
Udeshika Sewwandi
Udeshika Sewwandi - 11 years ago
Go and Google Morsch Muscle Madness to learn out how a new discovery made an ordinary guy ripped.
Sloppy Sloth
Sloppy Sloth - 11 years ago
I name jk
wyzyrddrummer - 11 years ago
I've never understood the lunacy of the people that make the shark cages with the HUGE gaping holes. WHY? Make the cage so that it is IMPOSSIBLE for a Shark to get any part of its head inside it.
ryan cridland
ryan cridland - 11 years ago
I went swimming with shark and sting rays wow big dill
Sir Kant
Sir Kant - 11 years ago
he nearly lost his head, pun intended ^^
DaLeadBull - 11 years ago
Damn, i was scared just watching. The water is its domain, I would be defenseless. I would rather take on a Lion on land. lol
robloxer24689 - 11 years ago
Satellite - 11 years ago
I once fought with a shark. I can tell you it`s a lot of fun.
Zanye Weast
Zanye Weast - 11 years ago
Dat Underwater Sound...
trond olsen
trond olsen - 11 years ago
sharks dont see humans as a food source,,,but u can never be to careful...there is no way in hells moist ballsack that i would go in shark infested water without being behind a cage
Scott Hamp
Scott Hamp - 11 years ago
that's impossible
Bojana Jokić
Bojana Jokić - 11 years ago
1:03, yeah now you laugh :D. Didn't hear you laughing when it got into your cage :D.
wolf guard
wolf guard - 11 years ago
sharks can only swim forward not back so this shark does not know how to get out, when the shark bites the bait this eyes get a protective schield in front of it, so its blind until he knows he is safe. thats when he hits the cage and gets stuck.
avrilhdez - 11 years ago
After a shark eats something like that piece of fish it immediately goes blind
UrbanSipfly - 11 years ago
I dare that deep sea diver to do it again...SCREAM while under water!!
Dorian Fontaine
Dorian Fontaine - 11 years ago
there is no point in these cages sharks dont attack divers...
Paranoia - 11 years ago
the guy with the bait is an idiot, sharks are blind when they bite.
TheLonniekinser - 11 years ago
prolly gives new meaning to "wet suit"
jaguar4u2012 - 11 years ago
Fuck you shark! this is some scary shit!
Dina Anderson
Dina Anderson - 11 years ago
have always wondered why they have such big open areas in the cages.. seems like one hole to put camera and the rest in mesh screen.. why make it easy for sharks to get in to attack????????
Arno Nymes
Arno Nymes - 11 years ago
Ah ah! Leave the sharks alone! There're not puppies! Asshole!
cameron mccollum
cameron mccollum - 11 years ago
build it stronger and they wont breack it down im just saying !
DanTheMan345140 - 11 years ago
I totally agree
rikuinuka - 11 years ago
FetusOfGod - 11 years ago
yet should i say fins
FetusOfGod - 11 years ago
lol whats with that cage ? it took two hits n hes got two pieces of fresh meat in his hands
snannert - 11 years ago
No animals were hurt during the making of this video
XxbeautysaraxX - 11 years ago
Now that was a brave thing to do!
Ben Nielsen
Ben Nielsen - 11 years ago
Where'd you get the thumbnail?
она её сломала? мне показалась она в неё пролезла
Michael Mattingly
Michael Mattingly - 11 years ago
I bet that dude shut his paints
finscomeback yo
finscomeback yo - 11 years ago
Wow that was awesome...FART
Tetra84 - 11 years ago
I wanna go cage diving even more now..
L9ne - 11 years ago
a slower death
Mina Otot
Mina Otot - 11 years ago
Full movie
Rosa Clemente
Rosa Clemente - 11 years ago
This so stupid
Blair Smith
Blair Smith - 11 years ago
hahahahahahaha it got its head stuck and was like.....fuck
Дмитрий Потехин
Дмитрий Потехин - 11 years ago
Cj Clark
Cj Clark - 11 years ago
What the heck did they think was gonna happen! The cage was built horribly!
Maddie Newell
Maddie Newell - 11 years ago
megalodon is better
Slowico - 11 years ago
How can you get a cover image for the video, which is not seen in the video?
Aye Papi
Aye Papi - 11 years ago
Lucky people
Alex Esperance
Alex Esperance - 11 years ago
Yo this is wierd
JAMES GREEN - 11 years ago
To be honest what a poor construction of a cage.
vanessa gomes alves
vanessa gomes alves - 11 years ago
um de vc falam portugues
Tavita K
Tavita K - 11 years ago
The picture was from Deep Blue Sea!
M R B 1998
M R B 1998 - 11 years ago
pucker factor of 10.0
therandomdot - 11 years ago
The dive crew hosting this great white cage dive chummed the water too much. Some dive crews over-chum the water to get the sharks excited and frenzied, b/c that's what some customers want to see ... their stereotype of what they think sharks are (rabid, frenzied, eating machines) come to life. These kinds of crews jeopardize all the divers. The sharks get whipped into a frenzy, and may not be able to control who or what they chomp on. This was totally the crew's fault.
rocketman63 - 11 years ago
Dimitri Silya
Dimitri Silya - 11 years ago
look the shark thought it was a dolphin XD
Daniella0628 - 11 years ago
rocketman63 - 11 years ago
If that was me in the cage, the shark would give up the attack because he wouldn't like all the PEE floating around in the water!!
rocketman63 - 11 years ago
It depends on the species. Great whites and other lamnids will not eat humans under any normal circumstance. Some sharks, though, actually prey on humans- mostly bull sharks, tigers, and oceanic whitetips.
Sasha Stereo_wolf
Sasha Stereo_wolf - 11 years ago
Did you know that if a shark takes a bite of a human it will swim off because they don't like the taste of human flesh
Sasha Stereo_wolf
Sasha Stereo_wolf - 11 years ago
Shut up
callofbioshock - 11 years ago
A sharks way of saying get the fuck outta my water
Alex Glass
Alex Glass - 11 years ago
i think its the pacific ocean
Gus Smith
Gus Smith - 11 years ago
It must be an Asian shark ZING!!!
undermykeyboard - 11 years ago
Actually the shark obviously didnt see where he was going as when a shark attacks prey they close there eyelids
shabby yabby
shabby yabby - 11 years ago
Scary, but have you seen a yabbie hypnotised? check out ' shabby yabby'
jbond5150 - 11 years ago
Really fucking bright. Lets get sharks to associate the chum u use to attract them nearby with humans.
Mike Jordan
Mike Jordan - 11 years ago
Ur like the only guy on youtube,who puts,a fake looking picture on a real and good video
Audrey Garcia
Audrey Garcia - 11 years ago
Alexandra Vitale
Alexandra Vitale - 11 years ago
sylvain clayton
sylvain clayton - 11 years ago
The shark attack the cage due to the fact that the metal of the shark cage interferes withe the sharks electronic senses causing the shark to think the cage is a huge lump of tasty meat. The shark isn't a man-eating monster and didn't intend on eating that diver.
sylvain clayton
sylvain clayton - 11 years ago
The shark attack the cage due to the fact that the metal of the shark cage interferes withe the sharks electronic senses causing the shark to think the cage is a huge lump of tasty meat. The shark isn't a man-eating monster and didn't intend on eating that diver.
Makayla Rose
Makayla Rose - 11 years ago
Theres video about it on this channel . Its called when vacations attack
Ellmaer Ranjber
Ellmaer Ranjber - 11 years ago
What's the whole point of the cage if the shark can F****N break it?????
Cool Guy
Cool Guy - 11 years ago
NightStar787 - 11 years ago
That's a heart attack or two right there lol
Jar Head
Jar Head - 11 years ago
Quick, scratch his belly, scratch his belly!
faye morgan
faye morgan - 11 years ago
I would get straight put not wait for about 5 minuets after it happened the twat
Kevin lounsbury
Kevin lounsbury - 11 years ago
OMG... IM on THIS part of youtube again.
mzsimba - 11 years ago
i'm a feminist/womanist, i'm all for women's rights but let me say this.. any man who survives that deserves a hot meal when he comes home. "steak and potatoes daddy" lol. ;) survival is sexy on a man
DanProp - 11 years ago
Spades Neil
Spades Neil - 11 years ago
And this has, what exactly to do with this video? And why do any of us care?
Spades Neil
Spades Neil - 11 years ago
..... wat.. no... it's not to keep the shark in. It's to keep the shark OUT.
DanProp - 11 years ago
What's in the cage? a shark or something?
Mina Baba
Mina Baba - 11 years ago
HOLLY CRAP THIS IS INSANE!!!! this two guys are real survivor!
Freedog13 - 11 years ago
Please refer to us as great white people from now on, thx
Freedog13 - 11 years ago
Oh man that gave me a good laugh
Max Apodaca
Max Apodaca - 11 years ago
SassyHershsey SassyHershey
SassyHershsey SassyHershey - 11 years ago
boycott that boat for allowing that phony video!
zion mainframe
zion mainframe - 11 years ago
the great White shark. why is it Great white not just white... fuckin white people lol
Lovemeifimcray - 11 years ago
Silvatrona sanchez
Silvatrona sanchez - 11 years ago
paque subes esto invecil
Gabrielle Tollerson
Gabrielle Tollerson - 11 years ago
hey,retards eho are saying fake,its called entertainment, how stupid are people?? stupid enough i say
Ulises Rafael Molluso
Ulises Rafael Molluso - 11 years ago
shit got real
vinnyz3 - 11 years ago
When the shark bites, they roll their eyes back. So once it got stuck, it was chaos from there.
Adria Altarriba
Adria Altarriba - 11 years ago
What the hell!!!
Ninjarem - 11 years ago
77Mrmister - 11 years ago
0:33-0:34 , Is that an other white shark ??
2008yamahayfz450 - 11 years ago
baaaa-dummm baaaaa-dummm- dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dumdumdumdumdum
Carissa L
Carissa L - 11 years ago
I'll take a cage with no windows. k thanks
spacemanspiff559 - 11 years ago
Looks like someone needs a stronger cage with smaller windows.
Ciera Cooper
Ciera Cooper - 11 years ago
a would kill you!
Elmond Ruan
Elmond Ruan - 11 years ago
they need a better cage made out of titanium
Melchior Lanel
Melchior Lanel - 11 years ago
We dont see anything :/
Anthony Kovash
Anthony Kovash - 11 years ago
Get Your Geek On
Get Your Geek On - 11 years ago
Duuun dun...duuun dun....dun dun dun dun dun dun BOM!!!
Meisseli - 11 years ago
smoking makes diabetes even worse!
It’s okay to be white.
It’s okay to be white. - 11 years ago
It's like the shark was being operated by a woman
Laurent DiscShowMan
Laurent DiscShowMan - 11 years ago
Mailys Chalvet
Mailys Chalvet - 11 years ago
en fait les requins ca voie rien
Holden Ames
Holden Ames - 11 years ago
Holy Shit!
tonytonydavis - 11 years ago
I didn't realise how big that shark was until it was next to that guys head!!
cs4life25yt - 11 years ago
Well thats one crappy cage for sure!!!!
rayochapin - 11 years ago
Now go change your undies. :D
Shark Attack Videos
Shark Attack Videos - 11 years ago
1. Press ALT and TRY to Thumb up this Comment. 2. REAL SHARK ATTACK Videos on my Channel. 3. Click & Enjoy!
Ruusaan - 11 years ago
The shark obviously saw to humans stuck in a cage and took it upon himself to free them. True hero.
Ben Murphy
Ben Murphy - 11 years ago
I'd need a sensor beep for the amount of cussing i'd be letting loose.
FlyingBison - 11 years ago
LoL that shark needs some swimming lessons on how to turn properly
J Parshall
J Parshall - 11 years ago
Mustuv ben scary as heack for them
AFTERSHOCK54321 - 11 years ago
when will they figure out how to make shark cages with the right size viewing window
Saul dos Anjos
Saul dos Anjos - 11 years ago
great! who's next?
bigmackstar1 - 11 years ago
Then the bars bend and break more easily dumbass.
bigmackstar1 - 11 years ago
Thomas Brunne
Thomas Brunne - 11 years ago
the shark just saw that you were trapped in a cage and wanted to free you
hammerbros01 - 11 years ago
I swear I seen this at TV...
Becca h
Becca h - 11 years ago
...try this at home
tall32guy - 11 years ago
Glad he got himself turned around and got out, and that neither he or the divers got hurt! Silly ol fishie. :)
TEMPLATA - 12 years ago
Por poco.
Jay Willis
Jay Willis - 12 years ago
Shit ending i wish he would kill more people
Zyxello - 12 years ago
i didn't see the same shark before i open the vedeo ! !
Alphonse F. Kensington
Alphonse F. Kensington - 12 years ago
Wow... now all we need is the Jaws theme tune...
Arska777999 - 12 years ago
Damn, the shark didn't get his due pray this time. Maybe next time he'll get to eat the stupid shark tourists.
the brutal truth
the brutal truth - 12 years ago
Was the cage ok???????
jaow - 12 years ago
@Alexander Guizzotti and ever single person I've seen whose been attacked by a shark doesn't have anything against the shark as they were in its territory.
jaow - 12 years ago
@Alexander Guizzotti still them attacking humans is very rate
Cosmonauta Monster
Cosmonauta Monster - 12 years ago
White Sharks don't like human's flesh. They won't attack you if you don't threaten them. Human deaths caused by white sharks are rare. It is more dangerous to swim in the middle of the hippos that among white sharks.
wolf - 12 years ago
Did you get nuged by it
Prankster - 12 years ago
OMG SO SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Liv Sp
Liv Sp - 12 years ago
Oh my god!!
Gator - 12 years ago
big ass shark
GamingExtraordinary - 12 years ago
They Are probably using the go pro hero.
thequantumforge - 12 years ago
Well, the ocean is a 1.4 quintillion ton toilet (correct me if I'm wrong), so I don't think you'll need it.
Nomey Dahomey
Nomey Dahomey - 12 years ago
Do they make under water toilet paper yet !!!!!!!!!! I'd fucken need it
jessiemxriestevens - 12 years ago
Im scared
Jamie Cothey
Jamie Cothey - 12 years ago
olivia jackson
olivia jackson - 12 years ago
sharks have poor eye site so they mistake humans for fish i mean you carn't tell what is at the sirface when you are 120 meters UNDER water with POOR eye site :¬)
braelyn means
braelyn means - 12 years ago
Does anyone know what kind of camera this may be?
arke killa
arke killa - 12 years ago
this happens dayly
Edinnson Ramirez
Edinnson Ramirez - 12 years ago
Cameron Cooper
Cameron Cooper - 12 years ago
Pah, easy to fight off.
Draggo Long
Draggo Long - 12 years ago
Anyone else reminded of the Gary Larson panel with 'Don's Discount Shark Cages'?
David Webb
David Webb - 12 years ago
So if your parents tell you to get of the computer, tell them "But im going out in a cage to feed sharks"
David Webb
David Webb - 12 years ago
Pretty damn awesome life.
Lauren McCourt
Lauren McCourt - 12 years ago
Awww even no sharks kill they are soo cute
JakeComeauNotFrench - 12 years ago
Poor shark didn’t get his meal
joel varela
joel varela - 12 years ago
por poco y se lo lleva pateko!
Michel Fernandes
Michel Fernandes - 12 years ago
this creature is responsible for thousands of deaths annually beware humans are dangerous
Charleen W
Charleen W - 12 years ago
Yes, you're in the middle of the ocean and yes a giant shark is trying to eat you, but please just hold the camera steady so we can all see it.
devon burch
devon burch - 12 years ago
Shark,"don't worry humans I'll free you from your cage" man in cage,"... I need a new wet suit..."
wiredsk8r - 12 years ago
lmfao why make the holes big enough for the shark to fit proper dumbcunts right here :D
Pwningmp - 12 years ago
Holy mother of Jesus
Ashleigh Hall
Ashleigh Hall - 12 years ago
What in the world is this?
uhrhdzxygbdhiojdsa - 12 years ago
Why are their dislikes?! Do people just click the dislike button because they want to be evil?
FlawlessRevelation - 12 years ago
So the shark cage breaks from one shark going at it??
pabba - 12 years ago
Close calll
Dio Falkner
Dio Falkner - 12 years ago
And that's the reason why i love Whites :).
Katherin Bergman
Katherin Bergman - 12 years ago
Gränsel Hetel
Gränsel Hetel - 12 years ago
cage made in china
1228rinze - 12 years ago
Devone Del Avellano
Devone Del Avellano - 12 years ago
pictureisup1 - 12 years ago
Are you reacting Mr Hooper from the movie Jaws?
Gael d'gleet
Gael d'gleet - 12 years ago
Go home shark, you're too fat for this party.
kita h
kita h - 12 years ago
Hi! I like this video,thanks
ImNormal - 12 years ago
that is why shark should not learn how to open gate
AJ ZAYAS - 12 years ago
GUADALUPE? F*ck yeah!!!!! We didn't see Cal Ripfin in 2012 :(
Chez Chex
Chez Chex - 12 years ago
Hey guys! Yeah I'm all right, I just have a shark eating my leg!
diakojim1977 - 12 years ago
You lost.Real!!!
MH370-Malaysia Airlines
MH370-Malaysia Airlines - 12 years ago
★★★★★ What ??
Impossibly Black
Impossibly Black - 12 years ago
Shark: "Fuck yo shark cage."
Heidi Lamb
Heidi Lamb - 12 years ago
"Excuse me, this is my cage."
Marc Jacobs
Marc Jacobs - 12 years ago
if pause at :34 seconds into it.... does it look like another shark below? let me know what yall. think. this could have ended alot worse.......
Skindoggiedog - 12 years ago
Dressing up like a seal and getting in the water where great whites hunt? Best idea ever.
westcbb - 12 years ago
The shark was just trying to get you out of the cage, he thought you were stuck :b
theguy1991 - 12 years ago
When I broke the surface I would've said GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE
Sam SYkO
Sam SYkO - 12 years ago
JIzz in my pants !!!
Austin Perrone
Austin Perrone - 12 years ago
The shark was like move bitch this is my cage now haha
Simon - 12 years ago
Poor shark heared the otherfish say there was a shark so he tried to get to the safety of the kage
Luke Northrop
Luke Northrop - 12 years ago
the pic looked so scary thats why i wached it
Blindsharingan1 - 12 years ago
If that was me I would have said a lot more than 'woah!'
Rachel Anne
Rachel Anne - 12 years ago
poor shark, it did not get lunch
Dima Kolomanikov
Dima Kolomanikov - 12 years ago
1:21 breast(boob) shot -[]-
pavlushazip - 12 years ago
я бы там кирпичами срал от увиденного
Brookelyn Smith
Brookelyn Smith - 12 years ago
dun na dun na dun na DUN NA DUN NA batman!!!not what u was expecting HUH?
ryu kai
ryu kai - 12 years ago
popopo8776 - 12 years ago
its jaws all over again, RUN RICHARD DRYPHUS RUN!!!!
David Michaels
David Michaels - 12 years ago
Whats the big deal? Not like a shark came into your cage or anything.
TheNabLover - 12 years ago
made in china?
Nicholas Almond
Nicholas Almond - 12 years ago
Sharks thoughts:Leeeeerrrrrroooooooyyyyy GENKINGS
ray paterson
ray paterson - 12 years ago
fuck sake fuck that fuck fuck fuck scary stuff my ass was makin buttons just watchin it
rick finch
rick finch - 12 years ago
wow i'm glade they survived. lol
Bee_Monei - 12 years ago
Oh my god...I would have shit my pants.
Ashley - 12 years ago
I would love to do cage diving
stonedforlyfebitch - 12 years ago
Damn they were prolly thinking abort abort!!!!!
sofia phelps
sofia phelps - 12 years ago
what happened?
pengasus - 12 years ago
Fuck e harmony
eden annonay
eden annonay - 12 years ago
CJihoo - 12 years ago
You know you're scared when you can scream "OH SH--!" loud and clear underwater.
HuyVenBin - 12 years ago
Dalton Lawson
Dalton Lawson - 12 years ago
cool iv always wanted to do that but iv not got the chance yet
Billie Henderson
Billie Henderson - 12 years ago
Be safe
SG T - 12 years ago
there's a great white shark in their cage...
Ryan Henning
Ryan Henning - 12 years ago
@iqbkltk Yeah bro this website here is just giving out comletely free Pink Apple iPad 4's for today only. You have to be living in the U.S though but it is all real, I claimed my one a few minutes ago. Better hurry up!
akajambas - 12 years ago
oh i dunno probably because they were avoiding a creature that can tear them in half
Victoria Brewer
Victoria Brewer - 12 years ago
No. The shark is blind not that SHE wants to save him.
SuperSwagPatrol - 12 years ago
Shark: oh what's that? Better go check it out Man: (video filming the shark while swimming towards him) Shark: (when it gets closer) oh the poor man is trapped inside of that metal thing, better save him. (rushed to the metal cage and tries to pound it) hang in there poor man I'll save you (trying to bite the metal cage) Man: Oh F*ck oh F*ck!! The F*cking shark wants to eat me!! Poor misunderstood shark
adriftinwonderland - 12 years ago
That shark really is drunk.
ALIA AZZAM - 12 years ago
why is he moving the camira soo much?
Mine PlexR
Mine PlexR - 12 years ago
coulda shit on the sharks face >:(
ohad peretz
ohad peretz - 12 years ago
wow oh my ******
Addison Smith
Addison Smith - 12 years ago
Fuck fuck fuck git the fuck out of the FUCKING! WATER
nuziey adik
nuziey adik - 12 years ago
Pete Ahladas
Pete Ahladas - 12 years ago
Is it hard to clean poop out of a wet suit?
Screamin Mime
Screamin Mime - 12 years ago
I would LOVE to do that, where was this filmed?
Justis H
Justis H - 12 years ago
Ahh I remember my first time getting hit by a shark
icyboy771z - 12 years ago
i would piss my pants if that ever happened to me
StoneThug Music
StoneThug Music - 12 years ago
lotrfanmoviefreak - 12 years ago
00:20-00:42 okay, WHAT just happened???
fvg - 12 years ago
This Cage is a piece of shit man!
FlyingThereAndBack - 12 years ago
This makes me question, why is that space in the cage provided?
Dd Dangler
Dd Dangler - 12 years ago
Christian Sales
Christian Sales - 12 years ago
smokeweed4llDay - 12 years ago
Dimitrios Grigoriadis
Dimitrios Grigoriadis - 12 years ago
Knew it wasn't safe
M ZiKRi - 12 years ago close.....
UbetYou2 - 12 years ago
Dude im glad you came up surfacing in one piece!
Always Kidrauhl
Always Kidrauhl - 12 years ago
Come on guys coment
tomas vergara
tomas vergara - 12 years ago
en verdad paso xd
Nayr Smada
Nayr Smada - 12 years ago
@cfrcvtd h definitely is right. i seriously couldnt believe when my brother say this to me. but i can show you now, if you do this is easy to make daily $30 without investing a cent:P. its worth a try here <<<
Trueromance - 12 years ago
just kite it around the cage
hangoookyujah - 12 years ago
jesus christ, I just peed myself.
hangoookyujah - 12 years ago
haha, great comment! that was a shitty ass cage.
Donald Trump Ice Cream
Donald Trump Ice Cream - 12 years ago
It awesome if you think about it..the shark was like "ooh free bait [eats it] alright, of to my real meal...
monster high
monster high - 12 years ago
god so scary!!!
Extil117 - 12 years ago
Shark, get out of the cage! You're drunk!
Sonpahien Gōnun
Sonpahien Gōnun - 12 years ago
You where lucky he did not want to eat you he just crashed into the cage he dint want to eat you
xHailzz - 12 years ago
I would freaking scream!!!
crazycutz - 12 years ago
with fine print: "made in china"..
ryratsephable - 12 years ago
in the fine print.........[This is a product proudly brought to you by China]
alessandra.ghezzi ghezzi
alessandra.ghezzi ghezzi - 12 years ago
Chris aqu
Chris aqu - 12 years ago
no chance this cage is from 1900 :D
Kristi Ambrose
Kristi Ambrose - 12 years ago
You can tell these people are flipping crazy (besides getting in the cage to begin with) by how they reacted afterward cheering and crap. Wtf is wrong with you?!
christina gola
christina gola - 12 years ago
berniedmj1 - 12 years ago
OKAY!!! Who's next to get into the cage???
knightm27 - 12 years ago
anyone who taunts these beautiful animals by putting food in the water and then gets in with them deserves to get hurt.
Dawgie Freshman
Dawgie Freshman - 12 years ago
Damn he almost died. Got in the cage with the dude.
icestar1111 - 12 years ago
Whats 9gag?
Harley Viehweg
Harley Viehweg - 12 years ago
Eyeshield 21
Eyeshield 21 - 12 years ago
Hey! Do you get annoyed by all of the ads on Youtube? 1.go to chrome web store adblock plus 3.install and enjoy!
Shark Attack Videos
Shark Attack Videos - 12 years ago
Anyone else like REAL shark attack videos...? =]
DiDi Di
DiDi Di - 12 years ago
copycat lol
tipsy mcstagger
tipsy mcstagger - 12 years ago
cage goes in the water...sharks in the water..
priti Amin
priti Amin - 12 years ago
was it made in china my any chance??
Madarab Hasab Omb
Madarab Hasab Omb - 12 years ago
I didnt know walmart sold shark cages
icestar1111 - 12 years ago
He was only trying to help a friend who he thought was stuck in a cage...
92metroidfan - 12 years ago
Now that's scary
Devola - 12 years ago
That cage made in china...
Simon Moberg
Simon Moberg - 12 years ago
that's what happens when u take money from a lone shark...
DubVinC - 12 years ago
Should take the cage back to the shop for a refund..
Amanda Weller
Amanda Weller - 12 years ago
★★★★★ ha i can do it too
yfsbdb - 12 years ago
i love science and sharks.. x)
Jack Murray
Jack Murray - 12 years ago
0:15 hey guys!
SuperChaitea - 12 years ago
Obviously the snack wasn't big enough
Jack Smith
Jack Smith - 12 years ago
FAIL,the shark is like: Ooooops I'm sorry that was a TOTAL accident because I didn't see that 15*15 CAGE!!!!!!!
Felix Carreras
Felix Carreras - 12 years ago
shark: oh no i gotta save those humans trapped in that cage
Haluhabba - 12 years ago
Wheres that thumbnail from?
Heroes - 12 years ago
I would of shit myself
Heroes - 12 years ago
The justin beiber shit ended a year ago. Keep it that way
Socrates - 12 years ago
Why do scientists believe that Sharks don't eat people? and now this video shows something else.
logan LONGSHANKS - 12 years ago
now see if that were christopher walkens in that cage he would just go sleepy hollow on that shark and chop its head off
logan LONGSHANKS - 12 years ago
what the fuck are you talking about?
Theee Chosen One
Theee Chosen One - 12 years ago
Bogdan Rat
Bogdan Rat - 12 years ago
hey human, why don't you go play elsewhere?
PAT PATRIOT - 12 years ago
Hey shark, why you wreck my cage bro?
Yossarian147 - 12 years ago
Cage goes in the water, you go in the water. Shark's in the water. Our shark. Farewell and adieu to you, fair Spanish ladies. Farewell and adieu, you ladies of Spain. For we've received orders for to sail back to Boston. And so nevermore shall we see you again.
drno62 - 12 years ago
Didn't this happen in Jaws?
youareonthetube1 - 12 years ago
Proof that the shark cage is useless, ....
crystalpurityify - 12 years ago
lol I think the shark did it by accident
SuperAabbcc123456 - 12 years ago
BITE MY SHINY METAL A- abawoojawaba!
PinkOceanPhx - 12 years ago
Cage diving is a safer way to see sharks in their natural habitat! *Puts shark sized hole at the top of the cage*
StupidBeigeTelephone - 12 years ago
eat my ass
Powerjump - 12 years ago
Wrong title, its not an accident, its human stupidity!
GOETHE1963 - 12 years ago
It's all fun and games...til somebody gets hurt. Then it's hilarious.
stepfour - 12 years ago
Sharks hate China for they're immoral acts of cutting off their fins and such... he thought you were Chinese
einrich seinhardt
einrich seinhardt - 12 years ago
I hate when that happens.
Jacob Long
Jacob Long - 12 years ago
That's why you don't buy shark cages from China.
Abby - 12 years ago
HimeChan247 - 12 years ago
I would sue the shark cage makers.
larodem - 12 years ago
Theuns Cordier
Theuns Cordier - 12 years ago
HaHA... WOnder who got the biggest fright... The Shark or the Guy...
d will
d will - 12 years ago
nice day to die lol
Megan Rebekah
Megan Rebekah - 12 years ago
Oh my gosh!!! That would be so scary!!!!
MaeNotEast - 12 years ago
Thank you! Thank you! I'll be at Manny's Madhouse in the Poconos every weekend until Thanksgiving.
Andrew Webb
Andrew Webb - 12 years ago
Fish are friends, not food
drz2014 - 12 years ago
It seemed scarier on the thumbnail, and larger, and with more laser guided missiles.
jedi tai
jedi tai - 12 years ago
holy crap
dogribgamer - 12 years ago
0:17 guy was one chomp away from losing his head
Nicolas Donatelli
Nicolas Donatelli - 12 years ago
"hank hill" Buhhhaaaaa!
TheSuperbuffalo - 12 years ago
three thoughts 1- the shark just wanted a kiss 2- holy fuck the shark is literally in the cage 3- why is the water not brown from the man who clearly just shit himself
franky hall
franky hall - 12 years ago
johnney124 - 12 years ago
ReaperTheCreeper - 12 years ago
*badum tish*
Darren Parraz
Darren Parraz - 12 years ago
and thats why i hate the ocean.
GhostFace Will
GhostFace Will - 12 years ago
Give me a M1Garand With a spear on it......
EmperorBubba - 12 years ago
Holy crap.
N. kazuya
N. kazuya - 12 years ago
すごい迫力 動画つくりました 見てくださいね
MaeNotEast - 12 years ago
So what was it then - a mediocre alabaster?
MaeNotEast - 12 years ago
Sharks are too cool to swear. As a matter of fact, they hardly ever talk. You heard it here first.
Ivan - 12 years ago
shark wants him
Ivan - 12 years ago
Matt Porter
Matt Porter - 12 years ago
It wasnt a great white
rangomatic - 12 years ago
Did the water suddenly get warmer?
HDMODZ - 12 years ago
I would be scared
Nick Dalrymple
Nick Dalrymple - 12 years ago
sux 2 bu
RJ Pollard
RJ Pollard - 12 years ago
The whole front of the cage bursts open at 0:18
Lord Gaben
Lord Gaben - 12 years ago
The shark is like "COME HERE CUNT!"
Kurtis Cable
Kurtis Cable - 12 years ago
Because it wold be nice to be able to swim in the sea
wildchd1 - 12 years ago
i wonder how shit smells in a wet suitt?
janalien 1
janalien 1 - 12 years ago
Sea vs Human 1-0
Piet G
Piet G - 12 years ago
rule number 1 : stay cool it's just a fish!
Cori Kingery
Cori Kingery - 12 years ago
The poopy diaper?
drcfer - 12 years ago
Even the shark was white! :P
Commander Pinkman
Commander Pinkman - 12 years ago
Why people disturb Predator's fish
Scott Leaf
Scott Leaf - 12 years ago
I'll give you $1.99 for exclusive world wide rights so I can edit it properly or remove it from YouTube forever, depending on my mood.
Kurtis Cable
Kurtis Cable - 12 years ago
THIS HAPPENED IN JAWS!!!!! I always said it would and my friends thought I was just rambling :S Was gunna try cage diving one day to see if I could get over my fear of shark, but now I'll stick to trusty wildlife documentaries!
jrepnin - 12 years ago
First 22 seconds was good then it's minute 5 camera waving and bubbles..license it? watch it again in slow mo? mmm..nnah!
Weston dubYA
Weston dubYA - 12 years ago
Farewell and adieu to you, fair Spanish ladies, Farewell and adieu to you, ladies of Spain, For we've received orders for to sail back to Boston, And so nevermore shall we see you again.
Cyberscribe100 - 12 years ago
Must've been blind...
Ana Clara Vieira
Ana Clara Vieira - 12 years ago
that's why I prefer the sand ! ;)
Ana Clara Vieira
Ana Clara Vieira - 12 years ago
stupid racist
pimpavelly - 12 years ago
Notice carefully...there r no black ppl on da boat...cus its always dum white pll dat do stupid shit like dis smh hope ya all tip ova n get bit! Dicks!
STAYHIGH RAWLINS - 12 years ago
dumb ass bro shark in tha cage with u ur trapped your dead u dont juss get up .. putos man
Ifrid87 - 12 years ago
I'm imaging the Great White thinking/yelling: "CAGES ARE MENT TO BE BROOKEEEEN!!" Then the panic rises.
Mech Trop
Mech Trop - 12 years ago
1585 people peed their pants while watching this video.
Kaytlynn Delph
Kaytlynn Delph - 12 years ago
Sucks To Suck.
666DLA999 - 12 years ago
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