Great White Shark Attacks Kayaker in Monterey Bay, California
Shark videos 7 years ago 754,266 views
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10. comment for Great White Shark Attacks Kayaker in Monterey Bay, California
20. comment for Great White Shark Attacks Kayaker in Monterey Bay, California
-"do you see the fin?"
No ,no is a seal on the kayak
30. comment for Great White Shark Attacks Kayaker in Monterey Bay, California
50. comment for Great White Shark Attacks Kayaker in Monterey Bay, California
100. comment for Great White Shark Attacks Kayaker in Monterey Bay, California
"was it a person? a person?" no it was a giraffe what the fuck would a person be doing in a kayak?
"who do I call?" bitch call the ghostbusters obviously.
"they are just staring and not helping" yeah bunch of assholes, jump in there and fist fight that shark. "can they not hurry?" it's a SAIL BOAT. it doesn't have a motor so no, they can't hurry. they go as fast as the wind carries them. to be fair those people were in no hurry to pull him in but godamnit Karen.
MUTHAFUCKA, you should had call 911 to begin with. instead of waiting a whole 1 minute and 26 sec.
Plz move and shake the phone a little more with max zoom on and we will see more
Recorder: ignores her "see look at the shark"
These people are both idiots. Call 911 immediately. Don't flipping record it and wait several minutes to do something about it.
No duh,!
What is the world we live in?
haha, nice channel name. Totally doesn't sound like a money grabbing attempt.
That is correct.
The shark most likely thought the Kayak was a seal.
swims towards kayak
Did the youtube stabilizer not work when this was uploaded?
not only did she prove she was retarded 30 seconds into the conversation.
but then she says why can't that sailboat go any faster to save that guy.
well dipshit I'm pretty sure that everybody in the world understands why the second you said sailboat.
the sailboat goes as fast as the wind will let it it's not like it's a fucking speedboat
see that red kayak? huh.
yeah. see, see the red kayak? yeah. yeah there's a shark by the kayak. what? yeah by that red kayak. yeah. yeah a shark attackes it. wait. yeah a shark flipped over that red kayak.
ya figure it out yet sweetheart?
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it.... think!"
What many a hypocrite does to keep themselves in a reality-based place is to think of a child they love and imagine how they would treat that child, how they would want others to treat that child and what they would teach that child to do when they become an adult.
(Although, even 3 year old kids have called 911 faster than this self-promoting sociopath did.)
This photographer is seriously unwell and selfish to the point of endangering others.
Also, I agree about the dude filming being a sociopath. Clearly, any sane, rational person would have whipped out their handy bowie knife, clamped it in their teeth, dived into freezing cold water, given that damn shark a few jabs, and dragged that helpless soul to shore! Really, society these days! It's appalling, absolutely dreadful. Why are people arguing about gender rights and racism when we have more pressing issues like these?!
Sure, just drop the camera because being useless and crying over a potential accident is waaaayy better than recording the event for officials to confirm any injuries or let the public know that sharks are dangerous. K thanks, bye
And, can you see how everyone would prefer that what I am saying is what others would do if it were them in the water.... maybe not if it was you in the water... others might be tempted to give you some experience to grow some empathy and responsibility.
And you are a rascist Saumensch.
If you don't know, you don't deserve to know.
I mean, I never said that.
ok you can stop.
"Thank you for calling 911! The Coast Guard told me that your call was the first local report that they received."
so there, the camera guy did call life guards waaaay before this video started filming and helped him.
Poor dude in the water is just watching this asshole film his possible last moments.
"Hello, Pizzahut?"
Negative people... will always be negative and love to put someone else down or find fault, because they feel so bad about themselves.
Learn something about sharks idiot.
You do not science.
Also, your name suggests that you are a Chronic Troll
Sharks often mistake humans on surfboards or kayaks as seals, and after one bite, they often leave, as they do not like human meat.
when you're bopping around on the water do you think the sharks thinks 'oh look he's human, I'll leave him alone'
if its hungry and you're in the water...
thanks for having the whole film hear and hope you halt the "media" spinning dawning the "jaws" script! this entire area is known to have naturally occurring wildlife and it will be all you not from here that be leaving not them thank you very much!
You get the idea.
Sharks attack because people provoke
Also cows kill more than sharks
Sharks are colorblind
Yo ass be lookin like Inigo Montoya
Seems Legit...
It is scary AF
I'm ded now.
If ur gonna call people faggots, at least spell is right.
that is too funny!
The Mantis shrimp has 16 different cones (we have 3) and can crack plate glass with its fist.
it's why every year a surfer has an encounter up in North California.
About 15 years ago I had one swim under my kayak off Big Lagoon in Humboldt. At the time I was wondering if having an orange kayak didn't make me look like a salmon filet.
I'm not so sure they are colorblind, only the shark can say for so.
Holy shit the stupidity in this tread.
You just dont shut the fuck up.
You sir are correct
Morons all around, including the person who has never witnessed or been a victim of a shark attack, yet still talks shit about people who have.
Also, the Kayaker did the correct thing. Sharks are attracted to motion.
OOOOH WAIT....MY BAD!!! I just zoomed in on the video and noticed that the shark was holding the kayak with its right hand and swimming in circles.
This guy was so far away his camera shakes because he was in full zoom and way too far away to sail a boat over there, call anyone faster than the rescue boat at the end of the video, and can only watch helplessly in tense monitoring.
First off, he's clearly in a "dear in the headlights" situation. Calm down.
Also don't think you're do anything fucking differently. Don't try to be all high and mighty being a White Knight in this situation.
You know those things?