Great White shark attack on kayakers in Massachusetts and their 911 call from the water
Shark videos 10 years ago 4,035,198 views
Two experienced kayakers have recalled the terrifying moment their boats were attacked by a great white shark. Ida Parker and Kristin Orr were seal watching in Plymouth, Massachusetts, when the shark tried to take a bite out of one kayak. The women, who are both in their 20s, were paddling about 130 metres off shore when the white pointer attacked. "It happened so fast," Ms Orr explained to AP. "I was talking to (Parker) and the next minute I'm in the water and I just see a shark biting my kayak." "It was dark grey, pointy nose, big teeth, big eyes," Ms Parker added. "It was like right next to me. It was petrifying." The shark eventually swam away and the Plymouth harbour master rescued the women. Some Amazing Video Links: 5 Cases where Wild Animals saved Humans 5 Real Miracles Caught on Camera 6 Tiny Mistakes that changed History of the World 6 Chilling Hunting Tactics of Orca Killer Whales 7 Most Shocking Archaeological Discoveries 7 Weird Things that fell from the Sky 10 Most Dangerous Tourist Spots 7 Survival Tales of Human encounter with Wild Animals 16 Occasions when a human fell into a wild animal enclosure in a zoo 7 Unsolved Mysteries of India 7 Most Terrifying Creatures Ever found 10 Things about Bob Marley You Did not Know 6 People with the Most Unusual Pets Why is Lion called the King of the Jungle - Lion Vs Tiger Vlog - Mumbai to Kerala
10. comment for Great White shark attack on kayakers in Massachusetts and their 911 call from the water
20. comment for Great White shark attack on kayakers in Massachusetts and their 911 call from the water
30. comment for Great White shark attack on kayakers in Massachusetts and their 911 call from the water
Not saying I wouldn't shit myself tho, considering I'm in the ocean every week
Save your kayaking for inland rivers = more fun & a HELL of a lot safer!
50. comment for Great White shark attack on kayakers in Massachusetts and their 911 call from the water
What is it about being a doctor, police officer, or 9-1-1 operator apparently, where you just don't believe what people tell you?
'There has to be a reason' No shit Sherlock ! White Sharks, especially young males, are curious by nature, they use their mouths to investigate whatever takes their interest . Nothing to do with ' Attacking Humans. In fact If Humans go into the ocean and become somethings lunch, that's nature.
100. comment for Great White shark attack on kayakers in Massachusetts and their 911 call from the water
Yeah, a curious fish and a dumb bitch. You don't hear about dumbasses wandering in the savanna screaming about every animal they come across. These news stories are shit.
Same with otters anything .
If your there when their hungry your lunch.
911: Where are you ma'am?
Lady: The ocean in a kayak.
911: Ma'am, put the shark on the phone so I can assess the situation.
was abused by his sharkey mommie.
Me: I don't know. Maybe in the water right next to her?
usually an adult would have the natural self awareness as to what they do that is diffferent and its consequences.... earth is neither "open" nor "closed" upon subjugation of others!
That is STONE COLD BULLSHIT!!! Just like most other things we hear in mainstream news.
"No it was a great white fucking shark!!!"
"Mam, where is the shark?".........
It could be curiosity,spite,anger,global warming,pollution,or radioactive material that is still leaking in japan and spreading around the worlds waters.
Or get an Uniform and start acting tough like the most bitches do,but they have never faced real FEAR like an shark :D
so GG and learn from it.
so.. humans go into ocean. oceanic animal scares humans. humans send helicopters and boats looking for oceanic animal.
great allocation of resources. can't believe there was a shark in the ocean, it should be punished.
911 Operator: Was it a seal?
Nigga what????
Don't mess with the Maple Bar!
A kayak versus a twenty foot feeding machine. Yeah, good luck with that.
Well, that's within his rights since he found the easiest meal in the world.
This is like strapping pieces of meat to yourself and jumping into the Masai Mara river. How incredibly stupid are these two?
wtf really lol
A "manhunt" for a fish...
it's like going into the safari on a bycicle and then panicking when they see lions coming after them, so flippin absurd and dumb as phuk :/
Staring at me tits and supping a cocktail yee daft cunt!! Where the fuck do you think he is?? Ffs
you two ding bats should realize the ocean is not your is a predator's food pantry....smh
ps....I would have eatin' them too......
Sharks eat people.... that's how that shit works. Nature 101 mutha' fucker... humans are a menu item for great whites.
Your in its hunting grounds....its hungry....your clicking and giggling ,annoying the seals...scaring them off probably....messing with its meal. The shark was just saying "get da fuck out of here" a nice way.
please ...
and mass. what the fuck are they doing in a small shit raft/boat on the ocean?asking to get eaten-common sense=stay the fuck out of the ocean or this is what lurks beneath the waves! fuckin stupid people never stop to amaze me with there idiot choices-
kayak in a fuckin river or lake and ps bull sarks are more agressive and go in rivers to-nj-usa matawan creek attacks also mentioned in jaws-fuckin stupid bitches!
Tell that to the people who have lost arms, legs and lives to these creatures.
"oh well, it's right beside me having drinks"
-_- You should've asked about their condition if they were bitten, got a cut and etc. -_-
Your whistle idea also gave me another clue. You could get an audio alarm device that is much much louder than a whistle. You know how loud those house alarms can be? Well you could have something like that, but then the problem is it's too loud for your own ears. So what you do, is attach one of those extender rods onto it. What I mean is, you know say those telescopes that can be extended? They start in small, then you can pull them out long?
Well you could get one of those, but one that say extends out 100 yards. Then after you've extended the rod all the way out, you then activate the house alarm then quickly point it's speaker into the close end of the rod. Then the loud noise will come out of the other end of the rod 100-yards away, which will be far enough away that it's not too loud for your own ears, but still loud enough to attract other boats.
"Seals have 2 eyes. You know what other animal has 2 eyes? Chicken." lol
Doesn't this shark know that what he did was rude and against the law ?
"Oh right ok ok my bad just wanted to help you guys no need to overreact"
Answer: "Stay Out Of The Water!!!"
"Oh just sat chilling in my Kayak having some cake and doing a crossword... WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK IT MIGHT BE SHERLOCK?"
I had a chuckle there. First of, how does she know it's a male? Did he whisper "Hey look nice"? lol
Oh wait the shark stopped at McDonald's to get a fucking cheese burger, would you want the color of its pants?