This is our coral banded shark Being hatched. Watch my other video to see it walk on its bottom fins.

HATCHING A CORAL BANDED SHARK EGG! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 700

Shark videos 12 years ago 1,571,687 views

This is our coral banded shark Being hatched. Watch my other video to see it walk on its bottom fins.

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Most popular comments

Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 6 years ago
"Opinions are like ASSHOLES, Everyone has one"...........;-)
Swampert 06
Swampert 06 - 6 years ago
Hot Impressions I thought this was fake and that was an avocado
Kara Smith
Kara Smith - 6 years ago
he's cute!
Joanna Zawada
Joanna Zawada - 6 years ago
Why would you wear rings on a plastic gloves?
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 6 years ago
I wasn't I was super pale.LOL
Pongo Bozz
Pongo Bozz - 6 years ago
look like the shark is dead :D
The bees Memes
The bees Memes - 6 years ago
That’s a really interesting dog breed, what a good dog
Louis Kreyling
Louis Kreyling - 6 years ago
Why dose this guy sound like joe dirt
SALTs - 6 years ago
youll know if the fish is dead when its floating upsidedown.
Izaih Paponette
Izaih Paponette - 6 years ago
What kind of dog is this?
ooXChrissieXoo - 6 years ago
That's like me on school day mornings haha
richi2baked - 6 years ago
I think you killed it


Jo King
Jo King - 6 years ago
"I think it looks dead, so it must be dead. Rip in peace."
asss - 6 years ago
"Be careful not to smash him" shakes violently
Kurumi_ Chani
Kurumi_ Chani - 6 years ago
Wow that's A Great Weird looking cat
dash kat
dash kat - 6 years ago
Honestly he should have let him hatch it’s self it would’ve been better
Mizako 96
Mizako 96 - 6 years ago
dash kat He’s states that the placenta was gone and the shell wasn’t soft enough to let it hatch on its own. It would’ve run out of food and died in the egg if he hadn’t helped it. Not that hard to look.
Gavin Clayton
Gavin Clayton - 6 years ago
Mizako 96
Mizako 96 - 6 years ago
People don’t read. The shell wasn’t soft enough.
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 6 years ago
The shark would have died. I am not loosing a $100.
Jolty STNT
Jolty STNT - 6 years ago
An avocado!... thanks...
azlan abu bakar
azlan abu bakar - 6 years ago
baby shark do do do do do do
ILIKE HATS - 6 years ago
jesus,,, don't shake it
Sara Arroyo
Sara Arroyo - 6 years ago
That is not a Coral Banded shark is a Bamboo shark
TheBSideDJ - 6 years ago
getting nervous the way you do this.


AJ Moomey
AJ Moomey - 6 years ago
Let the shark break out on its own.
Mizako 96
Mizako 96 - 6 years ago
AJ Moomey It would’ve died in the egg. It couldn’t break out because the shell wasn’t soft enough. He’s said this.
Johnny Phive
Johnny Phive - 6 years ago
You need more rings, maybe that would help you in freeing the baby shark quicker.
DinosaurGirl135M - 6 years ago
He’s really cute! I don’t think he was ready to leave the egg though. You kinda forced him to come out. I’m not hating.
Mizako 96
Mizako 96 - 6 years ago
DinosaurGirl135M He had to. It would’ve died in the egg. Chill.
Ky ky
Ky ky - 6 years ago
Looks dead to me
Luka Zivkovic
Luka Zivkovic - 6 years ago
SYNIKAL - 6 years ago
Pretty sure it’s dead bro
seropserop - 6 years ago
Obviously wasn't ready to come out, should've done it at night.
Yhanxiel Dizon
Yhanxiel Dizon - 7 years ago
Have you seen my avocado?
Sirpoopi3 XP
Sirpoopi3 XP - 7 years ago
Avacodo banded shark
SquiffedArdvark - 7 years ago
LEL "they dont know how to walk."


Sushi - 7 years ago
I didnt know avocados gives birth
Lost Shadow
Lost Shadow - 7 years ago
Becareful he's a newborn just like a baby wiggles egg
MrSpaceBeast - 7 years ago
That egg looks like a pumpkin seed
setia darma
setia darma - 7 years ago
Nonesense Speaker
Nonesense Speaker - 7 years ago
Whoa, don’t need to sound so enthusiastic.
Mike Dragon
Mike Dragon - 7 years ago
who had to laugh aswell when he said ''you dont wan't to smash him, hes a baby.'' lmfao
robloxplays pokemon
robloxplays pokemon - 7 years ago
That's a mango seed sharks are mammals they don't have eggs
A Cole 26
A Cole 26 - 7 years ago
I was like omg did it just die when it sunc to the botum
Golden Steve Gaming
Golden Steve Gaming - 7 years ago
Awww He Used His Hands I would remind him to use gloves

Hi Judging My Comment
Neon Gaming
Neon Gaming - 7 years ago
Nice cat fish
grizzle something
grizzle something - 7 years ago
1:12 becareful not to smash it

Diamond_ Avenger
Diamond_ Avenger - 7 years ago
iidubbz bad unboxing throws the shark egg
Diamond_ Avenger
Diamond_ Avenger - 7 years ago
Did that avacado grow into an underwater avacado tree for the fish?
Stupid Nix
Stupid Nix - 7 years ago
L0gicWülf Schulman
L0gicWülf Schulman - 7 years ago
looks like a mango seed
Ledric Flores Hernandez
Ledric Flores Hernandez - 7 years ago
Can i have it pliz
Raphie Tsukimi
Raphie Tsukimi - 7 years ago
Well.... I don't really know all about sharks, but I do believe that when they first hatch from their egg case or something, instinct kicks in... they automatically swim, venture out, and hunt for prey. And in this case I think... he braked the egg case of the baby shark earlier. So my conclusion is the baby shark is still immature and not fully developed.
Mizako 96
Mizako 96 - 6 years ago
You’re wrong
KonxOmPax - 7 years ago
i would love to hear him saying "alright guys, im sorry i accidentally killed the shark. thanks for watching" with his chill voice
Demon Drug
Demon Drug - 7 years ago
Is this a bit like if you were to help a caterpillar out of it's cocoon to become a butterfly, you are actually NOT helping because then the butterfly won't have the strength/training to survive and flap it's wings?
BOBBY CAT drifter
BOBBY CAT drifter - 7 years ago
looks like a belcher water snake


Khevin Toledo
Khevin Toledo - 7 years ago
Looks like a pumpkin seed.
Sai stylead
Sai stylead - 7 years ago
You are not supposed to hatch it it should hatch by itself or there are high chances of it to die idiot it's should be a natural process it's probably dead cause it didn't use it's energy to come out of the shell now it had no idea tht it needs to spend energy to survive omffggg whats wrong with you people
Mizako 96
Mizako 96 - 6 years ago
Sai stylead Yea there were. It was a reply to a comment asking about it. Try again.
Sai stylead
Sai stylead - 6 years ago
Mizako 96 holy fuck chill out man its was over a month ago its alright now jeez. And also BTW there were no comments tht said tht the egg was deformed. jesus christ.
Mizako 96
Mizako 96 - 6 years ago
Sai stylead Yet I’m not the one who just humiliated myself by looking like a moron.
Sai stylead
Sai stylead - 6 years ago
Mizako 96 no shit sherlock
Mizako 96
Mizako 96 - 6 years ago
Sai stylead You called the man an idiot because you couldn’t be bothered to look in the comments...
Awesomekat - 7 years ago
suneetha bobba I do understand what you were trying to prove. I have watched countless videos of people helping animals out of their egg, and then the animals end up dying. But, this is different, because he was saving the sharks life. I do believe that we should leave nature alone, and let it do its thing, but if it is really necessary, we should help out a little.
Awesomekat - 7 years ago
suneetha bobba
1. The shark isn’t dead. In his other videos it shows that it’s alive
2. He had to help the shark out because there was something wrong with its egg shell so, if the man didn’t do anything the shark would die.
asdfg hjkl
asdfg hjkl - 7 years ago
the shark is dead
KcLee677 - 7 years ago
Avocado shark..
Magic - 7 years ago
This guy sounds like Richie from The Benchwarmers
Javii MK
Javii MK - 7 years ago
C muere jajaja
Verys a veve
Verys a veve - 7 years ago
Good job...its like you broke an egg from chicken...If its egg maybe shark must broke it by himself like in nature. Humans are weirdos..
Rachel Tojio
Rachel Tojio - 6 years ago
The egg was deformed and if he didn't break it, the shark most likely wouldn't have survived.
SomeSeriousCat - 7 years ago
An inside out avocado, huh?
CarlyBennett - 7 years ago
I dont know shit but you should probably take those rings off when putting your hands in their tank
Mizako 96
Mizako 96 - 6 years ago
Lisa Nyxx Omfg it’s fine. He has other videos of it. It doesn’t know how to swim. It was literally born two seconds ago.
salvador lopez
salvador lopez - 7 years ago
The egg shell looks like a mango seed lol
Pilip Atienza
Pilip Atienza - 7 years ago
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Christopher Pool it’s all good the shark is happy and healthy. Thanks for your concern.
# CLUBGORGEOUS - 7 years ago
Omg I thought it was dead
Hold this L
Hold this L - 7 years ago
Baby shark dodododo
Mike Pegram
Mike Pegram - 7 years ago
What ?! They can’t walk !
Joseph Murdoch
Joseph Murdoch - 7 years ago
Hugh G. Rection
Hugh G. Rection - 7 years ago
Squirell so cute
Mark Lee
Mark Lee - 7 years ago
U killed him
Smite - 7 years ago
And there is happy shark

Sinking to the bottom of aquarium
Todd Coutu
Todd Coutu - 7 years ago
Thumbs down for thumb ring.
Bryan Pham
Bryan Pham - 7 years ago
"Oh yeah, now there's a happy shark."

Baby sharks lifelessly sinks to the bottom of the tank.
Matthew Stokes
Matthew Stokes - 7 years ago
Me when I open a pack of Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh cards.
Shapyra - 7 years ago
5 more minutes
paige denise
paige denise - 7 years ago
what is wrong with you let it hatch #NatureRules
Heinrich Karg
Heinrich Karg - 7 years ago
Who else thought that the shark was probably dead?
IShootYou StayDown
IShootYou StayDown - 7 years ago
Avacados from Meh-Heeko!!!!
AnimeRanger - 7 years ago
Is this guy wearing gloves or are his hands just white as hell
AnimeRanger - 7 years ago
thx for the correction
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
AnimeRanger e white as hell.
Lala Jay
Lala Jay - 7 years ago
Looks like a mango seed and husk
itzyaboilava - 7 years ago
This is like a mystery kinder egg review s man
Ryan Yates
Ryan Yates - 7 years ago
Man: You dont have to be gentle, but dont be harsh with the egg."

grim reaper
grim reaper - 7 years ago
Xanarchy Xanxiety
Xanarchy Xanxiety - 7 years ago
Looks like an avocado
Arianne Larosa
Arianne Larosa - 7 years ago
This is animal cruelty
Awesomekat - 7 years ago
How the fuck is this animal cruelty??? He is saving the shark
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Arianne Larosa no animal cruelty is leaving the poor shark to starve to death in the egg!
TexasGTO - 7 years ago
whats with all the rings?
Davanne Marcelo
Davanne Marcelo - 7 years ago
Welcome to the world young one
its K.Y.B.Ø
its K.Y.B.Ø - 7 years ago
Kai Chan
Kai Chan - 7 years ago
Awe su cuttttee
Gizmo's World
Gizmo's World - 7 years ago
It looks like a freaking 100 year old avocado
Flou - 7 years ago
"well it's a happy lookin shark"
*wind howls as if nothing happens
Ugandan Knuckles
Ugandan Knuckles - 7 years ago
I don't know why this thing is on my recommended section but i've never seen anything like it before, so it's incredible
Musket Pawz
Musket Pawz - 7 years ago
Gordon Lin
Gordon Lin - 7 years ago
Dang I didn’t know sharks came outta rotten advocadoes
Red Playz
Red Playz - 7 years ago
how do you hatch a shark?

Illuminati music
P.w_ Gaming
P.w_ Gaming - 7 years ago
Assassin warrior
Assassin warrior - 7 years ago
sexy korean girl
sexy korean girl - 7 years ago
drop like a stone
Dexther Orleans
Dexther Orleans - 7 years ago
1:57 "Oh yeah and theres the happy shark"

The creature doesnt seem to be happy lmao
Jaime Lupo
Jaime Lupo - 7 years ago
when first born they dont know how to walk and they also take a moment to rest.
Dr.Proteinman Mcgains
Dr.Proteinman Mcgains - 7 years ago
He's dead :D
raja green valley
raja green valley - 7 years ago
I thought they give birth to offspring


Edvards Dreimanis
Edvards Dreimanis - 7 years ago
what kind of shark is that?
Chloe G
Chloe G - 7 years ago
Did he hatch it in the ocean??
Melina Suzanna
Melina Suzanna - 7 years ago
They should come out alone and not shaked out
Michael Alford
Michael Alford - 7 years ago
The Niggеr Force Fuсk Shit KKK Smasher Of Faggоts
The Niggеr Force Fuсk Shit KKK Smasher Of Faggоts - 7 years ago
She will walk one day... one day. :'(
Enchantedtube2 - 7 years ago
Ahh look at there a new happy shark
Falls to the ground
...Oh crap.
Null Null
Null Null - 7 years ago
What? Sharks lay eggs? ftw...
Annette T.
Annette T. - 7 years ago
Ivy Siu
Ivy Siu - 7 years ago
This coral sharks are a specific species of shark that don't know how to swim when they hatch that's because the shark has to learn to swim on its own which is Cool
Derpsta101 - 7 years ago
Hes talking like were going to do the same thing
apdroid geek
apdroid geek - 7 years ago
how to unbox a shark
lehcaR maL
lehcaR maL - 7 years ago
"they dont know how to walk- i mean they dont know how to swim"
reaaalll smooth
Ariya Adi
Ariya Adi - 7 years ago
dude dont do that, no any shark will gone stuck in the egg, u pushed them out in premature condition
blackbox 6500
blackbox 6500 - 7 years ago
shark unboxing
HUNTER 369 - 7 years ago
1:55 open the egg
Alyssa Taylor
Alyssa Taylor - 7 years ago
It's like a piece of beef jerky
тнєʟєɢєɴᴅ 27
тнєʟєɢєɴᴅ 27 - 7 years ago
So sharks lay eggs?!!
Kid Martial Arts
Kid Martial Arts - 7 years ago
1st Time watching: That's not a shark. Dats a avocado
Guest G
Guest G - 7 years ago
Its a new born (shakes egg with the shark.)
Duty James
Duty James - 7 years ago
SMyL3x水 - 7 years ago
Daheadsmiter - 7 years ago
It swam like a brick too
its like you unboxed a shark
Lil_Uzi_JK - 7 years ago
Lmfao they don't know how 2 walk
Kenya Benya
Kenya Benya - 7 years ago
IDK why but, this was cute... congratulations on your new baby!
Core 563
Core 563 - 7 years ago
they don't now how to walk #(DUH) #
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Core 563 Makes a tad more sense if you watch the whole video. Lol
gamer nl :D
gamer nl :D - 7 years ago
its so kjoet
bubulaw - 7 years ago
Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo~
Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo~
Baby shark doo doo doo doo~
Baby shark
old commrade
old commrade - 7 years ago
It dont know how to walk...I mean it dont know how to swim XDD
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
old commrade my bad is the first video ever made. It does have over a million hits though.
Sachiko Tori
Sachiko Tori - 7 years ago
They don't know how to walk...
Sachiko Tori
Sachiko Tori - 7 years ago
Hot Impressions I actually heard you say that and it's kinda funny
( ՞ ᗜ ՞ )
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Ousa Somol ? What do you mean?
Fate - 7 years ago
It looks dead
Fate - 7 years ago
Hot Impressions I forgot to watch it but I'll do it strait away
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
AnimeGamer If you watch my other videos you’ll see it is very alive.
FEAR OF WENDIGO - 7 years ago
Looks like an avocado
Solitary Psycho
Solitary Psycho - 7 years ago
Just like a baby

Shakes egg

Wth XD
Daniel J
Daniel J - 7 years ago
I wonder what they taste like deep fried...
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Daniel deep fried shark sounds tasty.
Elizzybeth - 7 years ago
Lil sharky
Nicolás Berrogorry
Nicolás Berrogorry - 7 years ago
"There's a happy shark!"
*sinks like we're all gonna die anyways*
XxItsTheCocoShowxX - 7 years ago
Nicolás Berrogorry i
XxItsTheCocoShowxX - 7 years ago
Nicolás Berrogorry in lenyfuufyihgty
Onur YILDIZ - 7 years ago
It is breathing are you blind or something?
Nicolás Berrogorry
Nicolás Berrogorry - 7 years ago
Hey thanks, I already did! It's a beautiful creature!
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Nicolás Berrogorry Check out my other videos you would be surprised how well it swims away.
Sanguine Pariah
Sanguine Pariah - 7 years ago
Umm aren't sharks live birth?
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Sanguine Pariah not this breed.
Rogue T-Rex
Rogue T-Rex - 7 years ago
Get out of the bag Nebby....
Ronin Silvawalker - Erindale SS (2322)
Ronin Silvawalker - Erindale SS (2322) - 7 years ago
best kinder egg ever
GrastTube - 7 years ago
so useful that the sharks come individually packed
10k likes Some vids
10k likes Some vids - 7 years ago
When he said he didn’t know how to walk I was like yea no shark knows how to walk
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
10k likes No videos this shark walks.
Malchik Blue
Malchik Blue - 7 years ago
It looks just like a mango seed.
Han Gyo Jin
Han Gyo Jin - 7 years ago
"it's one happy shark" and then sink to the bottom.

Yeah i know it's not dead but funny though.
Han Gyo Jin
Han Gyo Jin - 7 years ago
Hot Impressions i watch the whole video. You are the one who didn't read my whole comment.
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Han Gyo Jin Guess you didn’t watch the whole video the shark is very happy and walks very well until it swims away.
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
clhau boih it is alive watch my other videos of it .
Vova C
Vova C - 7 years ago
You must not help them - only the strongest should survive. You are spreading bad genes!
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Vova C I’m not letting the shark die. Duh.
Gordo Maldito
Gordo Maldito - 7 years ago
How did you get that tiny shark into that mango seed?
Kevin Swami
Kevin Swami - 7 years ago
I bet chinese people eat shark eggs
DryBonesGamer[]Retarded Reptile
DryBonesGamer[]Retarded Reptile - 7 years ago
Just Your Average Unboxing Video
Crystal Clear
Crystal Clear - 7 years ago
bigworm 678
bigworm 678 - 7 years ago
Lol he don't know how to walk that's funny. Your funny
Gregg Alavanza
Gregg Alavanza - 7 years ago
i thought the shark was dead when it landed on the ground..
AnonymousStranger YouDon'tKnowMe
AnonymousStranger YouDon'tKnowMe - 7 years ago
It thought sharks give birtb as in birthing not egglaying.
midas nightmare
midas nightmare - 7 years ago
hold it
thats an egg?

so em the eggs in my backyard will hacth into sharks 0.0
Kaya Yuksel
Kaya Yuksel - 7 years ago
"And there is a happy shark!" the shark falls down
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Kaya Yuksel if you watch the whole video the outcome is astonishing.
Monte Melikyan
Monte Melikyan - 7 years ago
Dude I think you’re cat is broken
Beau White
Beau White - 7 years ago
its 2017
almost 2018!
Chadi RandomStuff
Chadi RandomStuff - 7 years ago
UR MUM - 7 years ago
You shouldn't help a hatching animal..........
Kianskii - 7 years ago
I thought sharks are mammals
Chris P. Bacon
Chris P. Bacon - 7 years ago
aren't you supposed to not help a baby animal from being born cause of the rules of the wild?
Suci Murwani
Suci Murwani - 7 years ago
"Chris p bacon" LMFAO
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Gaming Bonzi that shark cost me $60.00 . Rules of the wild doesn’t count.
Benoit Soupart
Benoit Soupart - 7 years ago
"5 more minutes please"
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Benoit Soupart I have more videos of this shark.
Naku Kami
Naku Kami - 7 years ago
It puts the Joe dirt in the hole!
Naku Kami
Naku Kami - 7 years ago
"Cut or slices"...well i wanna say cracks
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
HORNY LEGEND you are right but this was my first video. I was nervous and don’t rehearse my videos.
baley Pond
baley Pond - 7 years ago
Awww I love baby animals they're so cute!!!
LegacyWolf - 7 years ago
Zebra Fish.
Mikoto Suzumiya
Mikoto Suzumiya - 7 years ago
Baby shark dududududu du du du
Zombie Rampage
Zombie Rampage - 7 years ago
He don’t know how to walk

Grows lags few years later u said I can’t walk
sunder lal
sunder lal - 7 years ago
_jay_ wolf_
_jay_ wolf_ - 7 years ago
I thought it was an obocto
Alastair - 7 years ago
Looks like a green bean
Hooded Sweater
Hooded Sweater - 7 years ago
Inthenickofvine - 7 years ago
at 1:59 i thought the shark died lmao
Joep b
Joep b - 7 years ago
im supposed to be studying
xfreddy08 - 7 years ago
xfreddy08 - 7 years ago
Its shark?!
Thats a shark egg?!
OfficerPistolOfficial & Riot The Canine
OfficerPistolOfficial & Riot The Canine - 7 years ago
An avocado with a baby shark inside it
FancyXcornXdog - 7 years ago
cool vid the rings are stupid as hell you aint cool lol
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
FancyXcornXdog almost a million hits make me cool...lol
Awesome Animation Time
Awesome Animation Time - 7 years ago
awwwww so small
Uhgene Ignorian
Uhgene Ignorian - 7 years ago
Now there's a happy shark
as it's lifeless body flops to the bottom of the tank
Jaime Lupo
Jaime Lupo - 7 years ago
its alive if you look closely you can see it breath.
The Avrage Gamer
The Avrage Gamer - 7 years ago
More like a Avocado banded shark
Lost Shadow
Lost Shadow - 7 years ago
"They don't know how to walk" XD
I know he didn't mean to say that but that cracked me up good
Rafael Suprayogi
Rafael Suprayogi - 6 years ago
Phil Velez its can't swim
Skelton Shark
Skelton Shark - 6 years ago
It’s alive bro
Natalia Vazquez
Natalia Vazquez - 7 years ago
Natalie Schaffer You're wrong, it's "floats lifelessly" not "floats lifeless".
Natalie Schaffer
Natalie Schaffer - 7 years ago
Phil Velez not lifelessly lifel3ss
Carson Adams
Carson Adams - 7 years ago
Phil Velez hits his face on the ground
JustTheLetter__7 - 7 years ago
Phil Velez it can't swim yet
headlines headlines
headlines headlines - 7 years ago
Sophia Ambrose
Sophia Ambrose - 7 years ago
I love sharks they're my favorite animal!!!
Owen Own
Owen Own - 7 years ago
Omg it looks like a mango pit
Mr.Jewels The 99th
Mr.Jewels The 99th - 7 years ago
It looks like an avocado
HeroNeo - 7 years ago
when you open that egg and fall to the ground you thought it was dead..
tommaX 1324
tommaX 1324 - 7 years ago
Sea coconut.
Paxxit ?
Paxxit ? - 7 years ago
I thought most sharks gave live birth? With the eggs hatching in the womb?

Kara'sLittleOne - 7 years ago
Your voice sounds like David Spade
Junior Ornithologist
Junior Ornithologist - 7 years ago
"You just kinda push him out" edamame
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Cat Lover I tried to be as gentle as I could. This was also the first YouTube video also so I was nervous.
Joseph/Judah/Judas/Matthew - 7 years ago
"This is a coral bandage shark" NO Sir ThatAn aAVAcado
Xiang Qerupiso
Xiang Qerupiso - 7 years ago
... he is a newborn like a babie... - Its not even born yet
•Sanpirix_BTSK7 •
•Sanpirix_BTSK7 • - 7 years ago
"They don't know how to walk"
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Please watch my other videos to see the outcome of this beautiful totally alive shark. Thanks for watching.
Andrey Resh
Andrey Resh - 7 years ago
Totally happy: drops dead to the bottom of the aquarium yeah ok :)
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Andrey Resh you might want to each the other videos that shows a very happy shark.
Niya Gaihre
Niya Gaihre - 7 years ago
This Sark is dead you killed it man other ones know how to swim
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Niya Gaihre Please watch my other videos to see the outcome of this beautiful totally alive shark. Thanks for watching.
Sir Antenna
Sir Antenna - 7 years ago
They dont know how to walk
Typical Clips
Typical Clips - 7 years ago
Why it look like an avocado tho?
ZakEnLigne - 7 years ago
'' they don't know how to walk...*cough* cough swim...''
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
ZakEnLigne Please watch my other videos to see the outcome of this beautiful totally alive shark. Thanks for watching.
t rex
t rex - 7 years ago
i thought the thumbnail was an avocado
John Lemon
John Lemon - 7 years ago
Lol it looks like a avocado
Hank Marvin
Hank Marvin - 7 years ago
You should of asked someone else to do that you use your hands like an ape
ariana Valenzuela
ariana Valenzuela - 7 years ago
That looks like a ovacotto
Mimi l
Mimi l - 7 years ago
Is it just me or can I imagine Rin from free doing this
All I can say is
All I can say is - 7 years ago
This actually fucking hurt to watch
Eduardo Diaz
Eduardo Diaz - 7 years ago
U sound like Joe dirt
PoopySnoops - 7 years ago
It's like opening a pack of Pokemon Cards.
ismilesback - 7 years ago
A shark? From an egg?
Romy Dingle
Romy Dingle - 7 years ago
Tetra YT
Tetra YT - 7 years ago
Jesus Bustos
Jesus Bustos - 7 years ago
I thought it was a avacado
Dante Del Sarto
Dante Del Sarto - 7 years ago
"And there's a happy shark."

sinks to bottom

Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Dante Del Sarto in my other video it shows a very happy healthy shark.
KarlsburgReview - 7 years ago
Wow what an experience!
shanmugam viji
shanmugam viji - 7 years ago
where do u get it
Major Maxus
Major Maxus - 7 years ago
Sorta looks like a mango seed...
Stuart Callis
Stuart Callis - 7 years ago
congratulations you are now a qualified fish midwife
wahyu rifai
wahyu rifai - 7 years ago
and there is happy shark.
(Shark Dead)
PixieSpells - 7 years ago
wahyu rifai it's alive
Xbox720 Insta
Xbox720 Insta - 7 years ago
My fat ass thought it was a green bean
yop yop
yop yop - 7 years ago
can i use the video man?
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
yop yop you can share the link to this YouTube .
Aerin Atkins
Aerin Atkins - 7 years ago
What the fuck you sound kinda like Matthew McConaughey.
Jaxon Bokan
Jaxon Bokan - 7 years ago
What breed of dog is that??
Dale Nixon
Dale Nixon - 7 years ago
The shark was obviously breathing even if it didn't move much. Some people are both arrogant and moronic: a terrible combination.
IamPrototype - 7 years ago
if the egg was so damn hard and the just born shark is so weak.. wasn't it destined to be suffocated until death if you aren't helping it?
BATMAN :D - 7 years ago
Lol walk
internal fired
internal fired - 7 years ago
Guy: "theres a happy little shark"

Shark: sinks to bottom "HELP ME IM CRIPPLED"
Mary TheBear
Mary TheBear - 7 years ago
"And there's a very happy shark"
sinks immediately
BIG T - 7 years ago
I thought it was an avacado
Coin Slot
Coin Slot - 7 years ago
where is the vagina!!!111one??
Antonio Miller
Antonio Miller - 7 years ago
"They don't know how to walk"
Thank god for that
Teressa Wynne-Rose
Teressa Wynne-Rose - 7 years ago
Herro 'lil pupper!! Whosa good shark puppy?!?!?!?
WolfyAnimates - 7 years ago
Thought this was an avocado
男絶望の男 - 7 years ago
the shark that doesn't know how to walk.
Naxin Arts Things
Naxin Arts Things - 7 years ago
Since when did any kind of shark lay eggs?!
not scrody
not scrody - 7 years ago
Naxin Arts Things since forever
Here Comes HoneyBee!
Here Comes HoneyBee! - 7 years ago
Umm, sharks don't hatch from.eggs... the mother gives live birth...
Lenny Is A Carrot
Lenny Is A Carrot - 7 years ago
Here Comes HoneyBee! Some do, some don't
g-reg - 7 years ago
Fuck me u made a meal out of that
Oldschool Cyborg
Oldschool Cyborg - 7 years ago
the shark is dead! the shark is alive! who cares!
Rose - 7 years ago
I saw the thumbnail and thought it was a weird avocado
Cereal Killer
Cereal Killer - 7 years ago
Now squish it.
Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez
Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez - 7 years ago
john 3.16
reynalda marsetya
reynalda marsetya - 7 years ago
it's a pack opening :D
dragon gaming
dragon gaming - 7 years ago
This is a weird unboxing video but amazing
green batman raven
green batman raven - 7 years ago
I've never knew a shark could be hatched
C. Precious Jones
C. Precious Jones - 7 years ago
My fat ass thought it was an avocado
Milani Fairley
Milani Fairley - 7 years ago
Thought he was opening a candy rapper when I looked back after 3 seconds
The Doge
The Doge - 7 years ago
Well that shark looks like me when my mom tryna wake me up
NICOLEAYOUB HC - 7 years ago
Him: "They don't know how to walk i mean they don't know how to swim" Me: LMAO when did they grow legs?!
Minh Van
Minh Van - 7 years ago
shark egg
Remedios Cabading
Remedios Cabading - 7 years ago
Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo
Twenty One Crybabys at the Imagine Disco :P
Twenty One Crybabys at the Imagine Disco :P - 7 years ago
Let it hatch by itself. That's what they do in nature. You're disturbing it's peace.
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Twenty One Crybabys at the Imagine Disco :P the shark would have died. The placenta was almost gone.
Sean Abaya
Sean Abaya - 7 years ago
I want an shark egg
Loyd Bronne
Loyd Bronne - 7 years ago
Did you just assume its gender??
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Loyd Bronne yes I did.
Emery Begaye
Emery Begaye - 7 years ago
He dont know how to walk. He need some milk!
Simone Dias
Simone Dias - 7 years ago
Looks like a mango seed
Ashley Nixon
Ashley Nixon - 7 years ago
If it was going to hatch anyway, then why didnt you let it hatch by itself?
Dowie Dow
Dowie Dow - 7 years ago
''There's a happy shark'' Nose dives into the sand
FriesGC _GamingChannel
FriesGC _GamingChannel - 7 years ago
The way he says baby
Money Man
Money Man - 7 years ago
FriesGC _GamingChannel i wonder if that shark is still alive today
No Name
No Name - 7 years ago
They don't know how to W A L K
Cheez Loord
Cheez Loord - 7 years ago
No Name these types can walk on their pectoral fins
Tyson Ngawhare
Tyson Ngawhare - 7 years ago
From a little thing to a big sark
Christian Lachance
Christian Lachance - 7 years ago
Here is an happy shark ... boom.
Infinity Wolf Gaming
Infinity Wolf Gaming - 7 years ago
Is this real?
Neefty - 7 years ago
Animal life
David Johnson
David Johnson - 7 years ago
Maple And Butter
Maple And Butter - 7 years ago
Joe Lerma
Joe Lerma - 7 years ago
I didn't know David spade hatched sharks too
I have Seen things
I have Seen things - 7 years ago
Instructions unclear ripped shark apart
The Dorky Demon
The Dorky Demon - 7 years ago
Hedgehog In a Starbucks cup
Hedgehog In a Starbucks cup - 7 years ago
2:12 your shoes today ;)
Jospor Por
Jospor Por - 7 years ago
Weirdest unboxing dude
ekane kay
ekane kay - 7 years ago
why don't u let it hatch naturally?
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
ekane kay the placenta gets too small sometimes for the shark to survive. If I didn't hatch the egg it will die.
The demigod REQUIS
The demigod REQUIS - 7 years ago
Who else thought that was a avocado
Alan Thor
Alan Thor - 7 years ago
I didn't know sharks laid eggs...
Majestic_Spoon - 7 years ago
wtf thats an avacodo
pici Nyopi
pici Nyopi - 7 years ago
this is a bambooshark
Tr3 - 7 years ago
Defs dead ahahah
podster12 - 7 years ago
Baby shark doo doo doo (repeat 3x)
Baby Shark!
Caleb Black
Caleb Black - 7 years ago
David Spade buys an aquarium
WicKked WiazZard
WicKked WiazZard - 7 years ago
Sharks hatch from eggs? Never knew
Ramon Brink
Ramon Brink - 7 years ago
"It dont now how to walk"
Davey Lindsay
Davey Lindsay - 7 years ago
Wow, David spade is shit at hatching sharks
First Last
First Last - 7 years ago
Am I the only one who has this on my recommended videos?
ROBLOX - 7 years ago
Blumac5 - 7 years ago
Looks like a mango seed to me
Slvmpy - 7 years ago
My cat doesn't looking anything like your cat
Aznpursuazn - 7 years ago
The thumbnail looks like an avocado LOL
Jennifer Smalec
Jennifer Smalec - 7 years ago
It's cute
bent540 - 7 years ago
fucking cringyworthy watching your crap motorskills trying to open that egg!

Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
bent540 thanks I made sure to do that just for you !!!!
Frederick Justine Kyle III Bueno
Frederick Justine Kyle III Bueno - 7 years ago
Who watches it on 2017?
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Frederick Justine Kyle III Bueno oh where are your videos? Not!!!
Miss Bookworm
Miss Bookworm - 7 years ago
Dude... I'm not an expert but... I think your dog has autism
I don’t start fights because I’m responsible
I don’t start fights because I’m responsible - 7 years ago
Lesbian Bookworm at first I thought you would say it was dead ( like a lot of people are saying)
MPSecare - 7 years ago
it's like a little seed
Mortem - 7 years ago
he sounds like Joe dirt
Chino Error
Chino Error - 7 years ago
Guys I swear I just got free.$3929.real.money from this amazing website: (just go to)=> http://ppcash.win/?kMGOUE
fdgfd hgf
fdgfd hgf - 7 years ago
dude you are a fking fggt. because
1. I felt bad for that baby shark for how you handled it
2. you have like 30 rings on your fingers
3. you like men
Princesssa P.
Princesssa P. - 7 years ago
you sound just like David Spade!
Mystiicstory - 7 years ago
how did u guys know when the shark was ready to be hatched?
Mystiicstory - 7 years ago
oh, thx for letting me know!
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Griffin -E when the placenta is so small it can no longer live.
Rare Pepe
Rare Pepe - 7 years ago
Anything is a dildo if you're brave enough
Jaredylan 1017
Jaredylan 1017 - 7 years ago

How come they do not know how to walk insert jackie chan meme here
Alice Fairley
Alice Fairley - 7 years ago
When you said at the end "Well there's a happy shark!" I'm like "no that's a dead shark!" Then he said that the shark didn't know how to swim yet and I'm like "oh ok it's probably not dead then...."
Noah Sebastian
Noah Sebastian - 7 years ago
it looked like it came out of stink beans shell xD
Baharuddin Anwar
Baharuddin Anwar - 7 years ago
quickly bitch!!
Daria Rose K
Daria Rose K - 7 years ago
It's so leedle! Very interesting egg shell!
The Gaming Knight
The Gaming Knight - 7 years ago
the shark when he was ripping open the egg, "oh god my base has been discovered, you'll never take me without a fight", procedes to hang on for dear life
The Hundredth Monkey
The Hundredth Monkey - 7 years ago
how do they even survive in the wild? he made no effort to get out of the egg, and then he just sank after? there must be a 99% fatality rate for newborns in the wild
Wouju - 7 years ago
Some sharks need time to learn how to swim, it's like birds, some in like a week or two can live without their parents, some needs months. Also he said that some sharks cant get out of the egg and die, it's just survival of the fittest.
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Jam Buddies you can buy them at most salt water tank stores. You can also buy them online.
Tyler Lizeé
Tyler Lizeé - 7 years ago
If it don't make it out, them genetics was to weak to carry on the species.
hangry lilcow
hangry lilcow - 7 years ago
dude just get it OUT!!! STOP BEING STUPID
Wouju - 7 years ago
Friend - 7 years ago
He's like bro...I'm not ready yet. lol...
LEX OCEAN - 7 years ago
didn't know dave franco hatched sharks
Chipta Harnita
Chipta Harnita - 7 years ago
caveman Versace
caveman Versace - 7 years ago
It's funny to see people enjoy things from the Pacific ocean when we can have them any time.
FurryACiD - 7 years ago
RIP Headphone users.
bmw1725 - 7 years ago
Opening a package of treats
Itama Uchiha
Itama Uchiha - 7 years ago
For some reason I want to eat the egg. I know I'm weird lol
Greninja_Gaming - 7 years ago
sure seems like a shark
princeeroni - 7 years ago
damn never knew minecraft was real
lava lupus
lava lupus - 7 years ago
GalaxyMoon ._.
GalaxyMoon ._. - 7 years ago
FUK THAT IS TOO FLIPPING CUTE!! I want one But there's 2 thing My country can't get one and my mom...
äestheticallÿ - 7 years ago
Wtf sharks come out of eggs
Wouju - 7 years ago
It's like snakes, some come out of eggs some come out of.... a black hole.....
Law - 7 years ago
sharks dont have eggs they are mammals
Wouju - 7 years ago
It's like snakes... some come out of eggs other come out of a..... black hole....
Law - 7 years ago
k nice he put a shark in a avacado seed
Humpty Dumpty.
Humpty Dumpty. - 7 years ago
From the thumbnail I thought you were holding an avocado
Turtle5598 - 7 years ago
TehProTrollBoi - 7 years ago
"it cant walk"

nibba sharks dont walk, they just dont
Wouju - 7 years ago
He then corrected himself....
Isaac Vuong
Isaac Vuong - 7 years ago
That came out of a butthole
Charlie Hell
Charlie Hell - 7 years ago
"They don't know how to walk, sorry they don't know how to swim."
MsSunhappy - 7 years ago
Well, colour me surprise. I never knew sharks come out of pods.
sunnyBEEz - 7 years ago
He's sooooo cute!?!?!
Sebbi - 7 years ago
Do you microwave your ramen or boil it in a pot?
Austin Curry
Austin Curry - 7 years ago
Beautiful and adorable specimen! Well done! :)
erNomic - 7 years ago
hmmm shark pierogie
Zsa Zsa Umbra
Zsa Zsa Umbra - 7 years ago
"he's a newborn, he's like a baby" proceeds to shake baby.
VentrisZT98 - 7 years ago
They have to learn how to swim lol
Ergo Sum Adrieyl
Ergo Sum Adrieyl - 7 years ago
Jalynne Ramsey
Jalynne Ramsey - 7 years ago
I thought sharks gave birth to live pups or is that just great whites because when I saw a great white give birth it was a alive pup not a egg ?
Wouju - 7 years ago
It's like snakes, some do some come out of eggs.
Tipsylou - 7 years ago
i thought it was an avacadado
Stefina N
Stefina N - 7 years ago
He sounds exactly like 'Angsty Teen' at Five Night at Freddys Sister Location
ECBACKFCB - 7 years ago
アダムVlogs - 7 years ago
thats a weird looking avocado....
kevin ceniceros
kevin ceniceros - 7 years ago
jupiter joopitor
jupiter joopitor - 7 years ago
アダムVlogs irs a rotten and mouldy one right there
Ricardo Maravilla
Ricardo Maravilla - 7 years ago
アダムVlogs not a avocado
Gamer Tube
Gamer Tube - 7 years ago
Look at spike bug eggs
pokesam 909
pokesam 909 - 7 years ago
kimmy min jae aka lil suga avacado
Joshua Wheeler
Joshua Wheeler - 7 years ago
A mouldy avocado
kimmy min jae aka lil suga
kimmy min jae aka lil suga - 7 years ago
アダムVlogs i think like that too i saw avo there not shark eggooo
Destroyerdon80 - 7 years ago
"And there's a happy shark"
Shark falls to bottom of aquarium and doesn't move
mhmh - 7 years ago
Im glad sharks dont know how to walk, pweh
kevinflynn14 - 7 years ago
Like pokemon cards
kennith shynne ferrer
kennith shynne ferrer - 7 years ago
been here
Sony_ The_Sergal
Sony_ The_Sergal - 7 years ago
i know my animals...thats a zebra cat from the lands of west febreez and needs water for a safe birth...(lmfao theres something wrong with me lol)
Rage Coder
Rage Coder - 7 years ago
Looks like a Seed
CPGreeno357 - 7 years ago
I love this Kinder Surprise Egg video
MishMash - 7 years ago
I was thinking of that!
CPGreeno357 - 7 years ago
I'm in the US and I saw some Kinder Surprise Eggs in a convenience store last summer but it was the version where one side has the chocolate and the other has the toy.
destroyer basher
destroyer basher - 7 years ago
CPGreeno357 it's not a surprise tho
Asad Abdul Qaabir
Asad Abdul Qaabir - 7 years ago
BPA? What the heck are you talking about? They're prohibited in the USA (if that`s what you mean by "america") because idiotic kids could choke with the surprise. Easiest to prohibit a product than educate to no eat a toy. LOL
Yudi Kurina
Yudi Kurina - 7 years ago
yes, bpa in chocolate eggs thats why america doesn't allow them in.
Cavy Queen
Cavy Queen - 7 years ago
Asad Abdul Qaabir
Asad Abdul Qaabir - 7 years ago
Don't even talk about it. Kinder Surprise Eggs are illegal in some countries LOL
mr.m roblux gaming
mr.m roblux gaming - 7 years ago
I thought all sharks were mamules
NHchicky - 7 years ago
hes pretty :)
김진수 - 7 years ago
Your dog looks weird
DeanDoesShit Read it and weep
DeanDoesShit Read it and weep - 7 years ago
I like alwbdowm
griffin standridge
griffin standridge - 7 years ago
Why does this guy sound like Joe dirt?
Andrew Morphas
Andrew Morphas - 7 years ago
I think you should let nature do its thing.. You dont have to break the egg and "help" it...
Ps. nice rings
Pat Pat
Pat Pat - 7 years ago
Looks like an avocado seed
ktia - 7 years ago
it looks like an avocado
The epic Pro
The epic Pro - 7 years ago
Its a dog not fish
Jc Martinez
Jc Martinez - 7 years ago
The thumbnail looks like a pic of an avocado.
Creppy Mooth
Creppy Mooth - 7 years ago
Shark: *sinks to the bottom*
Me: Omg its dead... ;-;
Guy: He doesn't know how to swim yet.
Me: Dude, he's dead.. can you not see?
Shark: *moves a tiny bit*
depressed asian
depressed asian - 7 years ago
if this egg washed up on shore i wouldve thought it was just a regular seed
Rheina - 7 years ago
Lemme open that Shell for u
usernameisavailble - 7 years ago
Lol it looks like a mago core
TayborTalk Gaming
TayborTalk Gaming - 7 years ago
Bruce approves
Nalla Kinz
Nalla Kinz - 7 years ago
Cute dog man!
IloveJell0 - 7 years ago
odd the way it was in the egg seems like it wouldn't have been able to get out on its own.. Guessing if without your help it would have perished ?
Shyann Griffith
Shyann Griffith - 7 years ago
I thought it was an avocado
Sonja Manten
Sonja Manten - 7 years ago
He dead
Acidic Tree0
Acidic Tree0 - 7 years ago
It's not dead. In his other videos it's still alive.
Laurits Bilde
Laurits Bilde - 7 years ago
"They don't know how to walk"
cracked me the fck up xd
LordHH - 7 years ago
you should change the title of the video to: "Coral Banded Shark Unboxing and Overview" LOL
nj sherpa
nj sherpa - 7 years ago
Is it alive?
raging gaming
raging gaming - 7 years ago
So cute
IsaacTheFidgetGod - 7 years ago
why do I always click on these weird ass videos
Sid - 7 years ago
So that weird looking thing i always see at the beatch are fucking shark eggs??
Cango EZ
Cango EZ - 7 years ago
"They don't know how to walk-I Mean they don't know how to Swim"
Suzie Yen
Suzie Yen - 7 years ago
R.I.P Headphone Users
primo olivarez
primo olivarez - 7 years ago
cool.what shark is that??????????????????
Kent Santiago
Kent Santiago - 7 years ago
i know he could not walk
‘ ‘
‘ ‘ - 7 years ago
Is it Dead
iBanana - 7 years ago
Looks like a funking avocado "pip"
Freakinmuffinman - 7 years ago
Look Im Woody Howdy howdy howdy
Cancer Giant
Cancer Giant - 7 years ago
MasterAquatics - 7 years ago
Freakinmuffinman lol
Lazy Sloth
Lazy Sloth - 7 years ago
i thought it was an eel..
Asia - 7 years ago
Sharks lay eggs ? The fuck
Jesus Bustos
Jesus Bustos - 7 years ago
Thought it was a avocado
A_MkAY36 THEkID - 7 years ago
They don't no how to walk it mean swim
Griffin's ASMR
Griffin's ASMR - 7 years ago
M o m m y d I d I h a t c h f r o m a n e g g?
( ゚Д゚)
( ゚Д゚) - 7 years ago
(rips shark out of egg) ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh yeah thats a happy shark (sinks to bottom) XD had me dying
Bro Man
Bro Man - 7 years ago
of course don't smash him pass him
( ゚Д゚)
( ゚Д゚) - 7 years ago
holy fucking shit i was on 100 percent holy shet dis loud boi
Ivy Popejoy
Ivy Popejoy - 7 years ago
unboxing chanels are wierd
ragetail3 - 7 years ago
u smashed him
Ryan Wolver
Ryan Wolver - 7 years ago
I thought that egg was avocado seed xD
I Am A Person hi
I Am A Person hi - 7 years ago
Awww... the egg kinda reminds me of an avacado c:
ad9581 - 7 years ago
Too bad they dont know how to walk :p
Jahlina  Allen
Jahlina Allen - 7 years ago
Now i know sharks come from eggs
Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition
Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition - 7 years ago
Jahlina Allen They are fish mate!not mammals.....
blue Fox
blue Fox - 7 years ago
Not all of them
Mr. Clean
Mr. Clean - 7 years ago
Motionless Ghost i learn more everyday :v
Motionless Ghost
Motionless Ghost - 7 years ago
There are both oviparous and viviparous shark species. Oviparous meaning they lay eggs and leave. Viviparous meaning live birth. Most sharks like great whites, reef sharks hammer heads, all are viviparous. Coral sharks like the one in this video are oviparous breeders.
Jahlina  Allen
Jahlina Allen - 7 years ago
I thought they were born normally but I guess I should have known since they're not like normal mammals
Mr. Clean
Mr. Clean - 7 years ago
Same, I never knew :v
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Jahlina Allen it's cool right?
Анатоли Максим
Анатоли Максим - 7 years ago
oh he came out nvm he ded
uzumaki naruto
uzumaki naruto - 7 years ago
iam still confused is a shark really a mammal or no
Cheez Loord
Cheez Loord - 7 years ago
uzumaki naruto whales are mammals. All Sharks are fish. Some sharks lay eggs, others give live birth.
Motionless Ghost
Motionless Ghost - 7 years ago
There are two types of breeding when it comes to sharks. Oviparous like this coral shark. And viviparous like great whites, and such that have live births. Just like snakes. Some snake species can have live births as well as others lay eggs.
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
uzumaki naruto it's easier to explain if you google it.
Supremelouis - 7 years ago
I thought it was a avocado
Anonymous 1415
Anonymous 1415 - 7 years ago
It's a bamboo shark they walk not swim
AIbinoPo1arBear - 7 years ago
One eye PG3D Fucking idiot no its not
Imperfect - 7 years ago
I got this in my recommendeds...
I was watching Monster Hunter
Isaac Raymer
Isaac Raymer - 7 years ago
Open up a sunflower seed and you will find a friend and a boy
legionary illuminati
legionary illuminati - 7 years ago
You monster, you KILLED it.
Kk Goh
Kk Goh - 7 years ago
legionary illuminati it's still alive. It's gills are moving.
Branden Cote
Branden Cote - 7 years ago
Rip headphone users
Diego Lovera
Diego Lovera - 7 years ago
The egg looks like a avacado..
Isaac cushenbery
Isaac cushenbery - 7 years ago
Are you David Spade
Jarred Mullis
Jarred Mullis - 7 years ago
Nature doesn't produce straight lines. You cut that homie.
Jarred Mullis
Jarred Mullis - 7 years ago
Hot Impressions. As you said sometimes they have trouble getting out. Maybe you wanted to give it some help.
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Jarred Mullis why would I cut it? ???????!
misunderstood shark
misunderstood shark - 7 years ago
Aren't these cute
Tha_Monsta88 - 7 years ago
When i saw it float to the bottom. My thought process.. andd.. its dead..
Kurt Antipaso
Kurt Antipaso - 7 years ago
And now I want one..
the dragon King
the dragon King - 7 years ago
I thought sharks are known to give live birth
LadyMeav - 7 years ago
not all of them
panfriedd - 7 years ago
lord of the rings over here
Min Yoongles
Min Yoongles - 7 years ago
jordan s
jordan s - 7 years ago
panfriedd first good comment i have seen on this bloody vid
JANK ! - 7 years ago
He opens it like it's a pack of Pokemon cards
lol - 7 years ago
just wait til this thing is level 15
2best Lel
2best Lel - 7 years ago
JANK ! Don’t miss anything. Even the dead-sharkmon
TheStupidRaptor - 7 years ago
Ooooooh, a holo Sharpedo EX! Sweeeeet!
Wouju - 7 years ago
* Be very gentle *
Geflügel HNZ
Geflügel HNZ - 7 years ago
Lemme smash
LilGachi - 7 years ago
"Oh yeah, that's a happy shark" Floats to the bottom of the tank
Help me reach 100 subs
Help me reach 100 subs - 7 years ago
Tox!c_StopDropNTroll Stop acting like a "tough man" and try to stay positive.you're dumb enough to say it FLOATS.What a cunt.
• Izumi •
• Izumi • - 7 years ago
Jaime Echiveste people were still commenting lol, this comment isn't that old
Jaime Echiveste
Jaime Echiveste - 7 years ago
•Anime Kitten• It was dropped nearly a week ago.
• Izumi •
• Izumi • - 7 years ago
Tox!c Lol.. some of us have lives dumbass. Obviously we have better things to do then to comment back and forth on a comment every few mins... Just drop this honestly, you just made an unnecessary argument.
Jean - 7 years ago
Tox!c it wasn't a comeback just keep calm
csgo gg
csgo gg - 7 years ago
Jaime Echiveste what do you expect he is a furry lol
Jaime Echiveste
Jaime Echiveste - 7 years ago
Tox!c You seem to be taking this far too seriously.
LilGachi - 7 years ago
Jean "take a chill pill" that comeback has been around for years. Come up with something more original ty.
Jean - 7 years ago
Tox!c take a chill pill
Jaime Echiveste
Jaime Echiveste - 7 years ago
Tox!c Wow you sure are one angry furry
LilGachi - 7 years ago
You taking almost an hour to reply wont either. I can't believe out of all the things i said you get offended by calling you a kid. Just proves you are one.
Jean - 7 years ago
Tox!c calling me a kid wont make you a man
LilGachi - 7 years ago
Jean Yes i did kid. I also couldn't give a fuck.
Jean - 7 years ago
"Floats to the bottom" you meant sinks to the bottom?
kawa Kashira
kawa Kashira - 7 years ago
He sounds like joe dirt
Isaiah Ceja
Isaiah Ceja - 7 years ago
Why dose he sound like David spade
BE A MAVERICK - 7 years ago
i thought that was an avocado
Sebastian Rodriguez Silva
Sebastian Rodriguez Silva - 7 years ago
Baby shark stuffed in avacado seed
s_ r
s_ r - 7 years ago
i didnt know shark layed eggs
Susanna w
Susanna w - 7 years ago
The egg kinda looks like a mango seed
Summer Smith
Summer Smith - 7 years ago
theres a Happy looking shark

Bb Shark.: sinks to the bottom
DailyDesert760 - 7 years ago
Dude I found one of these in the water off a beach one time lmao idk wtf it was
Sony_ The_Sergal
Sony_ The_Sergal - 7 years ago
RICK SANCHEZ - 7 years ago
title sgould be
avtonynj39 - 7 years ago
I thought it was an avocado from the thumbnail
Awesome BlueBlox
Awesome BlueBlox - 6 years ago
avtonynj39 lol
Imma Person
Imma Person - 7 years ago
Yhanxiel Dizon
Yhanxiel Dizon - 7 years ago
avtonynj39 L0L SAME
Azai Zachery
Azai Zachery - 7 years ago
Ramen Noodles
Ramen Noodles - 7 years ago
avtonynj39 saME
TobstarPlayz !
TobstarPlayz ! - 7 years ago
xOBITO_Ox 17 why?
kevin ceniceros
kevin ceniceros - 7 years ago
Poul Kreutzmann
Poul Kreutzmann - 7 years ago
avtonynj39 they should have hacthed them selves
xOBITO_Ox 17
xOBITO_Ox 17 - 7 years ago
Kevin Truong lol
Kevin The Dasher
Kevin The Dasher - 7 years ago
xOBITO_Ox 17
xOBITO_Ox 17 - 7 years ago
avtonynj39 I love obito sharingan ability
Natalia Dubon
Natalia Dubon - 7 years ago
avtonynj39 same
Potato Evil twin
Potato Evil twin - 7 years ago
Bosskinggaming - 7 years ago
avtonynj39 same
李丽萍 - 7 years ago
Mya Gonzalez
Mya Gonzalez - 7 years ago
ExtremePugRider - 7 years ago
Vendetta Anonymous
Vendetta Anonymous - 7 years ago
avtonynj39 same
Havenna Chheng
Havenna Chheng - 7 years ago
avtonynj39 Same
Jeon Jeon
Jeon Jeon - 7 years ago
I lost it
À̷̖n̶͎͆t̸̢̄i̸̻̓s̶̫͂è̶̯p̵̲̄t̵̪̾i̶̢̚c̸͇̆e̶̯͌y̷̨̌é̶̝ - 7 years ago
avtonynj39 SAME
LegendaryPyro YT
LegendaryPyro YT - 7 years ago
Your voice is gay
Cheeki Breeki
Cheeki Breeki - 7 years ago
Let me guess. You are from the age range of 7-15
David Gringo
David Gringo - 7 years ago
haha why were all those rings over gloves, am i really the only person who noticed that.
Cheeki Breeki
Cheeki Breeki - 7 years ago
He fooled me too
David Gringo
David Gringo - 7 years ago
he had no gloves on, il neck my self now.
Russian Babushka
Russian Babushka - 7 years ago
Cyka, Sharks don't lay eggs.
They lay vodka shots.
Marcolovonio - 7 years ago
"Now that's a happy shark"
Shark impatiently sinks to the bottom of the tank.
KermitTheFrog - 7 years ago
Shake the baby
Göksin  Sahin
Göksin Sahin - 7 years ago
Why doesn't it hatch by itself?
Nick - 6 years ago
Ash Ley OH.... "I'm sure it is"..... That's probably why you don't have time to write a intelligent comment.
I'm sure babysitting can be very demanding.
Ash Ley
Ash Ley - 6 years ago
Nick well damn, there went going P....guess it's back to kindegarden. Least I can get nap time again, operating own company can be so tedious.
Nick - 6 years ago
OH.....sorry Just noticed it took you more than one try...... (edited)
Maybe summer school this year...?
Nick - 6 years ago
Ash Ley VERY GOOD.!!! you should have no problem when you get to Jr. high....
Ash Ley
Ash Ley - 6 years ago
Nick M!
Nick - 6 years ago
Ash Ley ......L
Joshua Liang
Joshua Liang - 6 years ago
Ash Ley k
Ash Ley
Ash Ley - 6 years ago
Joshua Liang nah.
Joshua Liang
Joshua Liang - 6 years ago
Ash Ley u a tough one eh? Stop being ignorant and end the arguement by saying only "k" it works everytime
Nick - 6 years ago
Ash Ley I think you got your man bun a lil' too tight sweet pea... "douche-nozzle" LMAO!!! that's exactly the kind of thing a pronoun like you would say.... "keyboard warrior" aren't those the people that threaten violence via a satellite and brag how tough they are..... Once again it would appear that you've failed to comprehend the conversation... As for your prior statement, it IS true...... truly irrelevant to the facts of the subject.... It's funny that you actually think you're saying something, but you've said NOTHING of substance on the subject.
Now wipe your eyes, and pull up your skinny jeans kiddo, Now get back to your play station and be a good little pronoun.
Nick - 6 years ago
Ash Ley LOL, look here cupcake, I've done far more than you could ever achieve...
It's fairly obvious to anyone with observation skills that you, in fact are the one that lacks a grasp on what's being said... I have a feeling that's because you're a part of the "no child LEFT behind". or is that you're just a little boy with a girls name that's confused about which pronoun he/she should use... Do you need a "safe space' to ease the anxiety of not knowing which bathroom to use in public..?
You should quit before you embarrass yourself further..
Ash Ley
Ash Ley - 6 years ago
Nick ...are you serious about needing further explanation? It's black and white text. I wasn't speaking Swahili. But for sake of your mind grasping the message, I will attempt a short hand version for your comprehension: Get off your soapbox, go do something productive.
Nick - 6 years ago
Ash Ley What you said has literally NO meaning what so ever.... Are you stupid or something.????
Nick - 6 years ago
Only the strong survive.... Natures LAW.! It keeps species strong and thriving instead of weak and disease ridden, like what is happening to humans right now...!
Demon Drug
Demon Drug - 7 years ago
Nice inferior genes cuck boy
Ash Ley
Ash Ley - 7 years ago
This is a awesome video of a shark being born from an egg sack.....Enough with your political agenda, get off the soap box and find a better platform. This is not to say for or against your statement, just that your literally pushing/voicing on a topic not even remotely related to what's going on. The shark is in a tank, not in the wild 'spreading genes' and if it is allowed to breed, it would most likely be either to another tank. If you can't focus to a topic, then you really should just shut the fuck up already. Damn dude.
Demon Drug
Demon Drug - 7 years ago
Aww bless, you still believe in fairy tales like every culture/religion will get along peacefully. That's the exact reason why we're probably going to have a Nuclear war and wipe eachother out.

There will always be wars if there's different tribes/civilizations. If there was only one civilization all humans on the planet would work cohesively. Btw I can tell from your ignorant statement you're part of the problem of why western civilization is crumbling now. Head in the sand, and think everyone from different countries are peaceful and loving lol.
Y Rena
Y Rena - 7 years ago
Demon Drug honestly, I hope we're all wiped out if there's people like you in this world
Demon Drug
Demon Drug - 7 years ago
Yeah but he was a noob, for example his whole thing about Blonde Hair Blue Eyes lul. On the right track though. You think I'm evil for wanting our species to be the best? Feel free to see that I'm right in the future when we all kill ourselves because theirs too many different civilizations, factions, ideologies, religions for us to co-exist. Hate me but you know I'm right. In the long run there will be more suffering if there's not a one world order working purely alongside eachother cohesively.
Ash Ley
Ash Ley - 7 years ago
Clearly below-"average grades"....Helping a shark in this condition is normal dude, mother's help young in the wild, no different than what was shown here by human hands. Has nothing to do with genes or human interference political agenda your trying to pull.
Demon Drug
Demon Drug - 7 years ago
6.4ft, decent metabolism, never had any disease, above average grades, my genes are pro fuck you lol
Y Rena
Y Rena - 7 years ago
Demon Drug you're the one passing on your weak genes
Jaime Lupo
Jaime Lupo - 7 years ago
if the shark is allowed to breed.
Demon Drug
Demon Drug - 7 years ago
But now your passing on it's weak genes into that species genepool...
Dragonary22 •
Dragonary22 • - 7 years ago
Christopher Pool if u let the shark hatching by itself,they will die bcoz of the avocado skin.Some of baby shark got helped by their mom.and as soon as they saw their mom swimming,they will follow it.
Christopher Pool
Christopher Pool - 7 years ago
Hot Impressions. That's your theory !! You don't no if it would have gotten out cause you helped it thats what's wrong with this world. Leave shit alone !!
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Sometimes the placenta is gone before the leathery shell is soft enough for the shark to escape. If we left it in the sack it would ran out of food and died.
ecastev8 - 7 years ago
It falling was funny
Carlo Cultura
Carlo Cultura - 7 years ago
its dead haha
Cheeki Breeki
Cheeki Breeki - 7 years ago
Kk Goh OH fuck you. Don't over react
Kk Goh
Kk Goh - 7 years ago
Carlo Cultura ITS ALIVE DICK
Carlo Cultura
Carlo Cultura - 7 years ago
Bunnycorn Murderer when i was born i can masturbate quickly
Cheeki Breeki
Cheeki Breeki - 7 years ago
It's alive. You weren't walking perfectly when you were born, we're you? Watch his over videos with the shark.
white fang
white fang - 7 years ago
shark unboxing
JustineRey PH
JustineRey PH - 7 years ago
dead shark
Cheeki Breeki
Cheeki Breeki - 7 years ago
It's alive. You weren't walking perfectly when you were born, we're you? Watch his over videos with the shark.
jopede and jcorella17SuperBigFan
jopede and jcorella17SuperBigFan - 7 years ago
who watching in 2017
Sebasss 808
Sebasss 808 - 7 years ago
1:57 Oh yeah
Shark: Sits on the sand ☺
Benjamin Victoria
Benjamin Victoria - 7 years ago
Dude its the seed of the mango
Jacqueline Gibson
Jacqueline Gibson - 7 years ago
Just wondering, but how do you know when it's ready to come out?
Tako - 7 years ago
sharks are mammals
Cheeki Breeki
Cheeki Breeki - 7 years ago
Mammals don't have gills.
Wolf Cyborg
Wolf Cyborg - 7 years ago
Tako ... Get out.
Introvert Kid
Introvert Kid - 7 years ago
It's dead
Cheeki Breeki
Cheeki Breeki - 7 years ago
NOAH Govea It's alive. You weren't walking perfectly when you were born, we're you? Watch his over videos with the shark.
Carson Thoe
Carson Thoe - 7 years ago
Alright lets open this bad boy! realizes its fucking dead you see they dont know how to swim at first lol
Chris The Hobby Guy
Chris The Hobby Guy - 7 years ago
That was great..your friend CHRIS THE HOBBY GUY''
Sad Teenager with No Hopes in Life
Sad Teenager with No Hopes in Life - 7 years ago
Stephine Jose
Stephine Jose - 7 years ago
looks like a seed.
Soupurb ?
Soupurb ? - 7 years ago
i suggest next time one doesn't come out easy you have to shake it as fast and hard as you can
Smol Fluff
Smol Fluff - 7 years ago
what a cute lil dude
Theboss47 - 7 years ago
This audio is ear rape
Just 5 more minutes... come on 5 more minutes then i get out.
DBrink_Outdoors - 7 years ago
i was waiting for an aw crap
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Rence gaming
Rence gaming - 7 years ago
Kevin Liu
Kevin Liu - 7 years ago
Low key looks like an avocado
Garcia Productions
Garcia Productions - 7 years ago
salt or fresh?
Joseph Stafford
Joseph Stafford - 7 years ago
Shark sans do you want to have
QsM__ redpanda
QsM__ redpanda - 7 years ago
You sound like David spade XD
Geen Naam
Geen Naam - 7 years ago
Wich supermarket did you buy this seed ?
Lizards'n Spiders
Lizards'n Spiders - 7 years ago
Thats one weird ass cat
joris 0313
joris 0313 - 7 years ago
Dogs shouldnt be in water. And he looks autistic
Larissa Osteen
Larissa Osteen - 7 years ago
Dude: Time to hatch.
Baby shark: No, I don't wanna.
Samantha Cameron
Samantha Cameron - 7 years ago
think i counted 7 times he had to say "watch my other videos, the shark is alive" haha
Brian Pollard
Brian Pollard - 7 years ago
Did anyone pay attention to his voice he sounds like David spade
The Wild Patrick
The Wild Patrick - 7 years ago
i never knew some sharks come from eggs
Adrian Angel
Adrian Angel - 7 years ago
BTW h sound like u don't care
Adrian Angel
Adrian Angel - 7 years ago
Cheeki Breeki
Cheeki Breeki - 7 years ago
No... no hes not. This dude is a professional, and does it very gently
John Lemon
John Lemon - 7 years ago
One word. Avocado
dayana ramirez
dayana ramirez - 7 years ago
its dead because they could swim when there born
Norman Monge
Norman Monge - 7 years ago
dayana ramirez autistic fag
Help me reach 100 subs
Help me reach 100 subs - 7 years ago
dayana ramirez Can you walk when you were born?
Puffy VALCANO - 7 years ago
do you have autism
Nugget Dugget
Nugget Dugget - 7 years ago
Are you serious, it's alive
Dionisius D.
Dionisius D. - 7 years ago
dayana ramirez it's not dead
Burning Skylarsoul
Burning Skylarsoul - 7 years ago
Everyone,that shark is not dead,it didn't know how to swim when it was born.
adriana juarez
adriana juarez - 6 years ago
Burning Skylarsoul how did you getbhere too XD
adriana juarez
adriana juarez - 6 years ago
Burning Skylarsoul h
UR MUM - 7 years ago
Burning Skylarsoul same like us dont know how to friking walk when we were born
Onur YILDIZ - 7 years ago
What to me for you comment.
Drew Stevens
Drew Stevens - 7 years ago
nice profile picture... that meme has been dead for years
Onur YILDIZ - 7 years ago
just like you idiot...


i didn't say you Dat Boi
Matt Maillet
Matt Maillet - 7 years ago
yes like every fish they get oxygen from water but these sharks literally walk on the bottom of the ocean so you clearly dont know shit

Purple Marble
Purple Marble - 7 years ago
Matt Maillet they still need oxygen but not fully air
Matt Maillet
Matt Maillet - 7 years ago
uuuhhh sharks are fish and dont need to breathe oxygen...
Purple Marble
Purple Marble - 7 years ago
Burning Skylarsoul If a shark does not swim it dies because it still need some oxygen, if they stay still they will DROWN the water will fill up their body and become bloated, then die
Laura 28
Laura 28 - 7 years ago
The Dapperman there are different kinds of sharks, some like the whale shark grow to be up to 18 meters, some like the pygmy lantern shark grow up to 21 cm. Sharks vary. This kind of shark lives on the seabed around coral reefs and has adapted to use its fins to 'walk' and push itself around.
Ilham Rifqy
Ilham Rifqy - 7 years ago
if the shark is dead he will float dapperman...
Daniel J
Daniel J - 7 years ago
Take it to local swim classes.
Dat Boi
Dat Boi - 7 years ago
The Dapperman You're a dumbass; it's moving its tail at the end. It's alive. The dude who made this video is an expert.
Matt Maillet
Matt Maillet - 7 years ago
look at the video at the end... isnt dead just cant swim yet!

Miisoma - 7 years ago
Newton Noot
Newton Noot - 7 years ago
poor shark didn't know how to swim. Its gonna be in a very big surprise when it learns thats how it moves.
The Dapperman
The Dapperman - 7 years ago
Pheonix Skylar instinctively sharks know how to swim when they are born in order not to become food for predators
I want to die
I want to die - 7 years ago
pumpkin seed
Amy Monroy
Amy Monroy - 7 years ago
it looks like a dead shark but then u can see it breathing...
Samuel Collazo
Samuel Collazo - 7 years ago
At first I thought the shark was dead
jero villacastin
jero villacastin - 7 years ago
"they don't know how to walk" i laugh at that part
30kinglorn Gonzales
30kinglorn Gonzales - 7 years ago
its dead
30kinglorn Gonzales
30kinglorn Gonzales - 7 years ago
dont worry i did
Azure-O - 7 years ago
30kinglorn Gonzales watch the follow up videos
North Aphid
North Aphid - 7 years ago
Brooklyn T. Flygon
Brooklyn T. Flygon - 7 years ago
its the beauty of birth of my favorite animal sharks
o_Kamyn Plays
o_Kamyn Plays - 7 years ago
Gets friends attention Friend: What Me: Remember that angry math teacher from 5th grade? Friend: Yeah, Why??? Me: Listen to this guy Friend listens Us both: OMG ITS HIM!!! :O
Gandalf the Tsaagan
Gandalf the Tsaagan - 7 years ago
This reminded me of that Jurassic Park scene where Hammond helps the raptor to hatch
Gandalf the Tsaagan
Gandalf the Tsaagan - 7 years ago
If you look at the lil' guy's head when it sank, you can see de gills working
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
This shark didn't die if you watch my other videos you can see the shark swimming and very much alive..
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
I can get the coral banded shark at my local saltwater fish store.
J Circ
J Circ - 7 years ago
Hot Impressions cause you got a few
Domo Notell
Domo Notell - 7 years ago
Hot Impressions why not just do one bigger video where we see him swimming after a little clip or something
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Phat Pigeon Sometimes the placenta is gone before the leathery shell is soft enough for the shark to escape. If we left it in the sack it would ran out of food and died.
Phat Pigeon
Phat Pigeon - 7 years ago
how do you know when its ready to hatch?
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Sara Eyler they come from Indonesia .
Sara Eyler
Sara Eyler - 7 years ago
Hot Impressions. Thank you! What part of the world do they originally come from?
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Sara Eyler an adult banded shark can get 20" to 50". Tank size should be 350 gallon.
Sara Eyler
Sara Eyler - 7 years ago
Hot Impressions I'd love to see and adult Coral Shark. How big do they get?
potato _
potato _ - 7 years ago
Hot Impressions Where did you get it?
spaghetti - 7 years ago
it is not dead look at its tail at the end
Brylinand Alyssa
Brylinand Alyssa - 7 years ago
The egg looked like a dry avocado
Olivia Hughes
Olivia Hughes - 7 years ago
I saw the thumbnail and wondered why he wad holding an avocado in the water
Tone Deaf
Tone Deaf - 7 years ago
they arent mammals??
Cheeki Breeki
Cheeki Breeki - 7 years ago
Mammals don't have gills and don't breath water. That's why sharks don't have blow holes, and why deep sea sharks exist.
Tone Deaf
Tone Deaf - 7 years ago
its some pokemon from pokeball
Ƨqueak - 7 years ago
dear lord. I thought he was dead...
Enzo - 7 years ago
lmao born like a fucking rock
Creative Summon Studios
Creative Summon Studios - 7 years ago
People, stop saying the shark is dead, it's alive.
Alan Calcarian
Alan Calcarian - 7 years ago
Why does the egg look like a avocado
Chea Mich
Chea Mich - 7 years ago
the shark wont go out
xXCloudyGamerXx - 7 years ago
it's dead brother
Onur YILDIZ - 7 years ago
TwofacedDemon - 7 years ago
Ac Pastoral he's alive. look at the other videos lil
Kaisura - 7 years ago
Sharks at birth already know how to swim, it's in their genes.
Cheeki Breeki
Cheeki Breeki - 7 years ago
Do you know how to walk as soon as your born? Exactly. The shark needs to learn to swim
Kaisura - 7 years ago
No it's not.
7SleepySouls 1
7SleepySouls 1 - 7 years ago
"well that's a happy looking shark" he says as it sinks to the bottom looking like it's dead.
lost girl
lost girl - 6 years ago
7SleepySouls 1 lol
Shulhannur - 7 years ago
Well, when sharks, fishes, and men died, they float
Nonesense Speaker
Nonesense Speaker - 7 years ago
Guys... stop replying. All of these comments are either taking this joke too literally or getting way too offended. Calm down.
Tamyron Vlogs&More
Tamyron Vlogs&More - 7 years ago
7SleepySouls 1 it’s made to do that
AidenBK 2007
AidenBK 2007 - 7 years ago
7SleepySouls 1 xD
E.V.A Rake
E.V.A Rake - 7 years ago
he did say looking like its dead not it is dead
Onur YILDIZ - 7 years ago
don't see?it is breathing!
The Leader Of the Lizardmen.
The Leader Of the Lizardmen. - 7 years ago
I can clearly see it breathing, you have a funny definition of dead.
allonimo - 7 years ago
7SleepySouls 1 they cabt swim yet
Vrody Billani
Vrody Billani - 7 years ago
7SleepySouls 1 if u watched another 2 seconds he says it cant swim -.-
7SleepySouls 1
7SleepySouls 1 - 7 years ago
Hot Impressions that's good because when he floated down he didn't look like a very happy shark! lol
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
7SleepySouls 1 if you watch the other videos you will see a very happy alive shark.
Precious Faith Alone
Precious Faith Alone - 7 years ago
It looks like a mango seed.
Dennys Diaz
Dennys Diaz - 7 years ago
It is a mango sead
LPSbirdlover 87
LPSbirdlover 87 - 7 years ago
Gavin Harshbarger true
lava lupus
lava lupus - 7 years ago
Shawn V
Shawn V - 7 years ago
Popa Smurf no, that's how we get sharknadoes.
Imperfect - 7 years ago
Simon Fonnardy bruh, its in the middle of the mango
Popa Smurf
Popa Smurf - 7 years ago
Maybe if we plant it, it will grow a shark tree in which we can grow infinite amounts of sharks to take over the world MUHAHAHAHAHMUHAHAHAHA!!
Lucia Rodriguez
Lucia Rodriguez - 7 years ago
lol it does
Barrington Sawyers
Barrington Sawyers - 7 years ago
Simon Fonnardy You don't live close to the equator if I assume lol. Mango seeds are huge
Simon Fonnardy
Simon Fonnardy - 7 years ago
Precious Davis Mango,s have seeds? I didnt know
Eddie T. Head
Eddie T. Head - 7 years ago
That was hard to watch
KitKat LPS
KitKat LPS - 7 years ago
wow it died straight away...
Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition
Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition - 7 years ago
KitKat LPS Did you really expect the shark to swim like a fucking torpedo?it just hatched mate!let it rest a bit on the bottom!
Norman Monge
Norman Monge - 7 years ago
KitKat LPS its alive my dude...
Azure-O - 7 years ago
Snaggy LPS Yo can see the shark breathing and he has other videos showing that the shark is alive
johny Le the ultimate bubble god
johny Le the ultimate bubble god - 7 years ago
It looks like a unboxing video
Darius Delgado
Darius Delgado - 7 years ago
Azure-O - 7 years ago
Darius Delgado He's fine watch his other videos
Spongybob Squarepants
Spongybob Squarepants - 7 years ago
Sofinka Macikova
Sofinka Macikova - 7 years ago
Sylveon and Espeon sisters 4ever! Ever and ever! WALK?
Sylveon and Espeon sisters 4ever! Ever and ever! :3
Sylveon and Espeon sisters 4ever! Ever and ever! :3 - 7 years ago
He said it doesn't know how to walk or swim
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
Spongybob Squarepants this shark is very much alive. Watch my follow up videos.
flamowlX 88
flamowlX 88 - 7 years ago
u killed him
Azure-O - 7 years ago
flamowlX 88 watch the follow up videos
NeonWolf 12
NeonWolf 12 - 7 years ago
WHY DID YOU KILL THE SHARK................................................nah jokes XD
kapowchou o
kapowchou o - 7 years ago
"they don't know how to swim" because you killed it, like i mean look how it doesn't even move XDDDD
Hot Impressions
Hot Impressions - 7 years ago
kapowchou o this shark is very much alive. Watch my follow up videos.
coc0s - 7 years ago
Yer gonna need a smaller boat...

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This 450 pound black marlin was caught off Cairns, Australia. After about 22 minutes it panicks and goes down deep,...


The "HATCHING A CORAL BANDED SHARK EGG!" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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