Hammerhead Shark with 34 baby's

Video of hammerhead shark with 34 baby's caught! This is terribly wrong ! I actually videoed this while we were on vacation For licensing / usage, please contact licensing@viralhog.com

Hammerhead Shark with 34 baby's sentiment_very_dissatisfied 815

Shark videos 9 years ago 2,619,537 views

Video of hammerhead shark with 34 baby's caught! This is terribly wrong ! I actually videoed this while we were on vacation For licensing / usage, please contact licensing@viralhog.com

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Most popular comments
for Hammerhead Shark with 34 baby's

Blonde Slasher
Blonde Slasher - 6 years ago
You are sick! I hope someone does this to your wife you fucking monster!
Philip Petroschke
Philip Petroschke - 6 years ago
I thought this was a joke, Americans or Canadians in the background counting the death ? Seriously OMG 33 omg that’s it, no more, wtf no more dead babies are these people sick in the head? I hope you have a miscarriage and enjoy some beautiful smells and people make fun of your stink.
Андрей Армянинов
Андрей Армянинов - 6 years ago
You cannot intermeddle in estestenno selection.For prirody will give us back!!!!
gremix a
gremix a - 7 years ago
Болиочээ новшнууд
gremix a
gremix a - 7 years ago
haraal idsen america
Таисья Павали
Таисья Павали - 7 years ago
Оголодало нечесть ускоглазая позорная,все жрете что шевелится пидорасы!
Woof Dog
Woof Dog - 7 years ago
Fucken Assholes look at all that life you took for what ? Sick bunch of humans destroying life ..Like Democrats
Oliver Bundgaard Terp
Oliver Bundgaard Terp - 7 years ago
Poor Sharks a dead female and babies
c snyder
c snyder - 7 years ago
There is nothing sporting about this. It’s cruel and it’s wasteful. They should be ashamed.

10. comment for Hammerhead Shark with 34 baby's

ayane es
ayane es - 7 years ago
woah sick people
Teodora L. Kostadinova
Teodora L. Kostadinova - 7 years ago
congratulations, you just shortened their way to extinction, you must be very proud of yourself.
Sabrina Truax
Sabrina Truax - 7 years ago
what the fuck is wrong with these bystanders? they're talking about how many babies there are like they would count the number of beers they had, this is sick and people like this don't deserve to be free in public and should be in jail.
Jacob Murphy
Jacob Murphy - 7 years ago
Brayant Mtz.
Brayant Mtz. - 7 years ago
Too disgusting, a terrible and tragic murder by that disgusting butcher! }:(
Doua Xiong
Doua Xiong - 8 years ago
This is not even enough to feed the homeless in DC area; gets a life people move on!
Hendranique Johnson
Hendranique Johnson - 8 years ago
let's be clear y'all catching feelings for shit that can kill you in seconds please
Debrah McCabe
Debrah McCabe - 8 years ago
This is awful! What is going on with humanity, we are sick sick sick and just love to kill.
LegendaryPro_ 2168
LegendaryPro_ 2168 - 8 years ago
This is wrong
Hell onH
Hell onH - 8 years ago
you'll find those sharks on the black market for sure... what a world that we're living.

20. comment for Hammerhead Shark with 34 baby's

Green Lives Matter
Green Lives Matter - 8 years ago
These Asian immigrants come to the USA and do fucking do fucked up shit like that its an embarrassment.
Mry01 - 8 years ago
So based on your opinion of Asian's needing to be more "humane" based on a video. Then all white people need to learn how to be respectful to women because of he who should not be named. And I never doubted where your vote went but thank you for sharing.
Green Lives Matter
Green Lives Matter - 8 years ago
+Mry01 Well I voted for him. Asian need to learn how to be more humane.
Mry01 - 8 years ago
You are an embarrassment to the USA for your ignorant comment. You sound like a certain someone in the White House.
Eddie G
Eddie G - 8 years ago
bella vista
bella vista - 8 years ago
pfft, look at all the bitches in the comments crying over a dead animal. Do none of you guys eat meat?
TheAlkoneS - 8 years ago
i hope storm will eat this guy..
PTL Mazacre
PTL Mazacre - 8 years ago
These kinds of People are the reason why Some SHARKS go EXTINCT! And it is Really unnecessary to Kill the babies... If I were that fisherman, I would've released the babies back to the Ocean... This is Bad for Nature.
wanndeco - 8 years ago
You saw wrongly.
He just killed the female "mamma" shark which was pregnant - so the offspring died and the fisherman had no choice.
PTL Mazacre
PTL Mazacre - 8 years ago
wanndeco Really? I saw on the link that the fisherman KILLED the "Babies"
wanndeco - 8 years ago
The "babies" were dead.
Truth Hurts
Truth Hurts - 8 years ago
35 murders in an hour. Animal activists where are you now?
bella vista
bella vista - 8 years ago
I know, shark abortions are horrible!
xSmoker - 8 years ago
+Princess Me Ah yeh
Truth Hurts
Truth Hurts - 8 years ago
+xSmoker say it then shut it
xSmoker - 8 years ago
+Princess Me But you are the comic con looking bitch.Why so mad?Its my opinion i can say whatever i want
xSmoker - 8 years ago
+Princess Me Troll? Naah i mean it for real.You look scary to me where is the damn problem he? Exepct it or shut up
Truth Hurts
Truth Hurts - 8 years ago
+xSmoker don't you have coins to go collect under your bridges you fucking troll
Truth Hurts
Truth Hurts - 8 years ago
+xSmoker that's fine. It's supposed to make idiots like you stay far the fuck away but guess it didn't work
xSmoker - 8 years ago
Wtf are you talking about? You just looks scary as fck
Truth Hurts
Truth Hurts - 8 years ago
+xSmoker I Do what I want
xSmoker - 8 years ago
+Princess Me Aah shit pls dont write back
Truth Hurts
Truth Hurts - 8 years ago
+xSmoker k
xSmoker - 8 years ago
Oooh my Goshh you look so fuking scary Eeeww
AUser0000001 - 8 years ago
This was so unnecessary and very sad.
Manoel Ramon
Manoel Ramon - 8 years ago
Sheryl Castro
Sheryl Castro - 8 years ago
Whoever killed that hammerhead shark, displayed a disgusting behavior toward God's creation!!! This is too sad.
Hungry Shark World
Hungry Shark World - 8 years ago



Me:I WANT SUSHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII you see me jump on the dead hammer head shark and grab seaweed and sauce and a knife WHO GONNA CUT IT
Hungry Shark World
Hungry Shark World - 8 years ago
Zendarius - 8 years ago
But... but... I want Sushi too! :c

30. comment for Hammerhead Shark with 34 baby's

Curtis Jordan
Curtis Jordan - 8 years ago
Any true fisherman would've noticed that this shark was a female & very pregnant.
Charlie Martina
Charlie Martina - 8 years ago
All that life, gone... ;(
Robert Knauer
Robert Knauer - 8 years ago
Jeff Bratcher: YOU need to contact FWC law enforcement before they contact you (and they will), I just reported this Felony to them, and since YOU video taped it, and failed to report this CRIME in progress, you too may be guilty of the same. You can help yourself by contacting FWC and assisting them in the prosecution of this boat captain and those involved. Note that this is a Felony, and punishable by 1 year in prison and a big fine. Please help yourself and those involved in this CRIME. CALL 850-265-3676 AND ASKED TO BE PUT THROUGH TO THE LAW ENFORCEMENT DIVISION.
Miss Ka
Miss Ka - 8 years ago
so who kill the sharks and babys?? did you know need make justice here this is horrible abuse animal :/
Jeff Bratcher
Jeff Bratcher - 8 years ago
Apparently their is some grey issue as to where this shark was caught etc.
Leslie Wray Doyle
Leslie Wray Doyle - 8 years ago
What a freaking disgrace to humanity.
Matdogg2k - 8 years ago
I thought it had eaten 34 human babies and it was being digested. After seeing this, it is still a little disturbing but I'm glad it didn't eat any human babies.
3angels Ikabod
3angels Ikabod - 8 years ago
Lord, this is so sad on every level.
Churtch Pidgeon
Churtch Pidgeon - 8 years ago
and now they are all dead. Fucking idiots.
SelmaGirl1 - 9 years ago
The correct spelling is "babies", not "baby's" an apostrophe s ( 's ) does not make a word plural.... It shows possession ... (The baby's toy fell on the floor")
Jeff Bratcher
Jeff Bratcher - 9 years ago
Oops Selma, thanks for the heads up.
Ariadne Benavides
Ariadne Benavides - 9 years ago
como lloran jaja
claudia bera
claudia bera - 9 years ago
un horror!
claudia bera
claudia bera - 9 years ago
+donald yu I do not use that excuse. you because I think if I do it makes me sick to eat more chicken. but I understand that there are differences, and this is horrific.I do not change my stance. but that we respect differences. best regards
donald yu
donald yu - 9 years ago
on my gosh why you think not horror why what if you like shark fin s

oup ???????
furtherbeyond - 9 years ago
So these assholes managed to kill dozens of hammerheads in one shot. Bastards!
Claudia Varela
Claudia Varela - 9 years ago
Realmente estúpidas e irracionales las personas que hacen este tipo de atrocidades
Ram Gopal
Ram Gopal - 9 years ago
so sad...
Katerina Katya
Katerina Katya - 9 years ago
отвратительная жестокость
Symm C. Kenny
Symm C. Kenny - 9 years ago
You all bitch at this guy killing an animal while you all will quite happily go eat your steaks. How is ending a cows life any fucking different?
Scott McCarrick
Scott McCarrick - 9 years ago
the restaurant that get the meat will be very popular
Joel Hill
Joel Hill - 9 years ago
exilemike - 9 years ago
What a shame.
Real Fit Expo LLC Get Fit For Real
Real Fit Expo LLC Get Fit For Real - 9 years ago
Some humans really suck, especially the ones who killed this shark and her pups just because they could. Losers.
Random Junk
Random Junk - 9 years ago
what happened to the babies?

50. comment for Hammerhead Shark with 34 baby's

Brittney Sanchez
Brittney Sanchez - 9 years ago
What bothers me? Is that some of you who are so heart broken over those pups are the same people who say a woman has the right to kill her unborn child. The same passion that you show for this shark, where is it for our humans? I live 30 minutes from Destin and the only way this man could have killed the shark, is if he had a permit. Otherwise he would have not let all those people watch. So if people find what he did to be atrocious, despite the fact that it was legal, shouldn't human abortions be considered atrocious too?
Monica Culler
Monica Culler - 9 years ago
This is the most disgusting video I have ever seen. It makes me want to cry that not only was this beautiful and endangered creature taken and killed from her home, but the 34 potential additions to our beautiful seas never even saw daylight... It's just horrifying and unfathomable how people can be so heartless and selfish. And the fact that everyone is standing around and watching him pull them out and counting them... Just disgusting.
Lenard Flores
Lenard Flores - 9 years ago
Humanity is fucked up. Don't be surprised nature fights back.
William Ramsay
William Ramsay - 9 years ago
We are horrible to animals and each other. This is hard to watch
Anna Marie Concha
Anna Marie Concha - 9 years ago
its fin has been cut off..
Gina McKay
Gina McKay - 9 years ago
That is sick. The bastard who killed her also took her jaws. But if they were going for her fins, they would have taken caudal fin too. That is 34 less Great Hammerheads in the world. They mature slowly, and don't reproduce every year. This is disgusting.
Justin Brantley
Justin Brantley - 9 years ago
The Hammerhead is far from a fussy eater though: they are known to eat fish, othersharks, squid, octopus, and crustaceans. Shockingly for us, they are also known toeat their own young, which are born viviparously. This means that the females give birth to live young.

barbaro267 - 9 years ago
I didn't know that Hammerheads gave birth to live young. Don't most sharks lay their eggs in mermaid purses?
Random Junk
Random Junk - 9 years ago
+barbaro267 sure
barbaro267 - 9 years ago
+Random Junk Then what the heck are the mermaid purses for? The pups grow in there and they have to come from some sort of female gamete, right? lol
Random Junk
Random Junk - 9 years ago
No... Sharks can't lay eggs
David Ortiz
David Ortiz - 9 years ago
This is sad. Hate to get political, but liberals are the type to cry about something like this, and turn a blind eye on abortion of human babies. 55+ millions babies since R v W. If this makes you feel bad, imagine all those innocent babies going through worse (abortion).
hanzala s
hanzala s - 8 years ago
but there are babies that have no option since they will die anyway and the only option is abortion.
Ali Randolph
Ali Randolph - 9 years ago
That's real
Rubber Ducky
Rubber Ducky - 9 years ago
So sad the babies die,this species of shark is very less now..lucky the mother have those 34babies,but unfortunely they died...sry bad english
SaturnApollo - 9 years ago
Liberals whine and complain about this yet they, at the same time, support the VERY SAME THING with human babies by supporting abortion.

How sick and twisted can liberals be? They think sucking out babies by a vacuum from their mothers womb (which should be one of the safest places on earth) and tossing them into trash cans is okay, but when it comes to sharks, "how could they"!

Wake up people. Abortion is murder. Period.
SaturnApollo - 9 years ago
Liberals whine and complain about this yet they, at the same time, support the VERY SAME THING with human babies by supporting abortion.

How sick and twisted can liberals be? They think sucking out babies by a vacuum from their mothers womb (which should be one of the safest places on earth) and tossing them into trash cans is okay, but when it comes to sharks, "how could they"!

Wake up people. Abortion is murder. Period.
Vladimir Paje
Vladimir Paje - 9 years ago
Hunt or be hunted.  Like he's suppose to check if the shark is pregnant.  Besides, there are probably some of you (I said some, not all) that wouldn't bat an eye towards abortion.
Christopher Play
Christopher Play - 9 years ago
fack this guy
alex x
alex x - 9 years ago
Omg what happened to the shark! All those shark babys dead :'(
Dustin DeVera
Dustin DeVera - 9 years ago
Lyov Mkhitaryan
Lyov Mkhitaryan - 9 years ago
oh God who the fuck cares about this shark
he is just a fish
Random Junk
Random Junk - 9 years ago
Random Junk
Random Junk - 9 years ago
Wilmer  julian Rincon Dzguel
Wilmer julian Rincon Dzguel - 9 years ago
¿que pensaría este monstruo carnicero?. ¿que le estaba haciendo un bien a  la sociedad?. DIOS quiera que la justicia de ese país lo castigue por salvaje y bestia.
Robert Haarlem
Robert Haarlem - 9 years ago
seems like most americans have no respect for life whatsoever,its just kill kill kill,the world hates you for this
Robert Haarlem
Robert Haarlem - 9 years ago
loosen up,joni
SPREADALLDAY - 9 years ago
+Robert Haarlem shut up u bitch
Random Junk
Random Junk - 9 years ago
do you eat meat?
i think thats how the dodo went extinct
LaterTester3717 - 9 years ago
Jeff Brown
Jeff Brown - 9 years ago
Pretty sure that the fisherman caught the fish legally. You have to kill this animal to get him in the boat like every other big fish. I'm sure he did not know the shark was full of babies until it was already dead. I'm sure he did not jump in the water to check first. It's part of hunting and fishing. Sometime animals are killed not knowing if they are carrying. Ease up tree huggers. He did not go out and say I'm going to kill a bunch of little sharks. It happens. He most likely has someone who wants the small ones for food. No different than catching a fish out of a pond. You have to kill them to eat them. Sorry huggers but that's the cycle. Can't eat them alive
Steven Wenk
Steven Wenk - 8 years ago
Not to mention people eat shark just like any other fish in the sea. Shark steak is delicious!
Joel Hill
Joel Hill - 9 years ago
Joseph Whitley
Joseph Whitley - 9 years ago
Chris H
Chris H - 9 years ago
If this hammerhead was caught in federal waters ( 9 miles from shore ), then it is completely legal and there is nothing that no one can do about it. The meat is good to eat and is often sold to fish markets. This a great catch for whoever runs the charter boat.
Dark Executor
Dark Executor - 9 years ago
I hope that they would be eaten some day.
寶多加加多寶 - 9 years ago
evilemperordude - 9 years ago
The asshole could have at least thrown the pups in the water. Most sharks can fend for themselves from birth. Though they aren't moving at all, so they might be dead already. Unfortunately, nothing in this video is illegal in Florida.
Lucky Tran
Lucky Tran - 8 years ago
Landing a hammerhead is illegal in Florida.
Random Junk
Random Junk - 9 years ago
yeah i think they killed them or theyre dead because the lack of breathing
Paulvin Alcaraz
Paulvin Alcaraz - 9 years ago
context? cant judge from something like this. what if the hammerhead was already dead when they fished it? what if hes checking if the babies were still alive? people eat veal and you dont even care about it
1987BenMore - 9 years ago
fishing = killing
i hate fishing
u make fish get hurt
stop fishing. its not fun
Brandy Carranza
Brandy Carranza - 9 years ago
Fucking stupid, nasty ass, motherfucking pendejo!!!!! This is SO wrong on SO many levels! My 17 year old son loves, absolutely LOVES sharks of ALL kinds and this video made him cry like a baby. Haven't seen him cry like that since he was 2. These people need to be stopped. The hammerhead NEEDS to be put on the protected list! This is just insane!!!!!!!!!!
Rodrigo Cunha
Rodrigo Cunha - 9 years ago
Killed her and threw the 34 babies and her body at the GARBAGE just to get her tail. DISGUSTING PIECE OF SHT!
Random Junk
Random Junk - 9 years ago
+deucepac So wait whose going in the restruant?
deucepac - 9 years ago
+Random Junk no
Random Junk
Random Junk - 9 years ago
theyre actually taking the babies to the restruant
Grace Anderson
Grace Anderson - 9 years ago
The guy collecting the pups is going to eat them
balqis23977 - 9 years ago
u can see that guy care less...he cant even think to throw those babies back in the water..
Christina Ciaglia
Christina Ciaglia - 9 years ago
This is disgusting!! When will we learn not to kill every living thing??? What was the point of killing this poor shark and then just disposing of her 34 babies like they were toxic waste???? People are so disgustingly awful!!!!
Nakarin Ley
Nakarin Ley - 9 years ago
pig5566one - 9 years ago
Hummer 72
Hummer 72 - 9 years ago
Rare bitch this fisherman. Hook it in the ass
John O'Neill
John O'Neill - 9 years ago
Just wrong and sad!!!!!
Benjit - 9 years ago
Random Junk
Random Junk - 9 years ago
What about other animals who are killed for meat? Do those others not matter.
sandyku03036 - 9 years ago
I don't know how to express my feeling,it is cruel.
Aimedghost - 9 years ago
Пиндосы уроды, чтоб их всех пожрали акулы, педерасты истребители бизонов, акул и так далее
Антон Шнайдер
Антон Шнайдер - 9 years ago
ебаный пиндос, чтоб тебя акулы сожрали нахуй!
Ct Johns
Ct Johns - 9 years ago
I may have missed it but what was naming of fishing company ?
EARTH IS DYING - 9 years ago
humans are the cancer of Earth
gphelps114 - 9 years ago
not good.....
Tanner Wolf
Tanner Wolf - 9 years ago
We killed an endangered shark for some money on a fin and happened to kill her 34 other babies which are virtually useless to use c: were pround. This disgust me
Shearper2 - 9 years ago
this is horrible, if a species is endangered then that should be the end of it. its endangered and thus not legal to fish in whatever waters you are in at the time.
Random Junk
Random Junk - 9 years ago
theres only a couple thousand... and 7.9 billion humans
a majority of people dont care and will do this.
Don't you eat meat? This is mainly the faith most animals have.
No matter what, Every single day. Millions die. No one really cares
Bryant Gamez
Bryant Gamez - 9 years ago
WTF!! They are an endangered species wat is wrong with him killing a great white hammerhead with 34 pups wat is happening to this world
RXNK33 - 9 years ago
Wtf. I'm in awe. This is just wrong.
陳羿文 - 9 years ago
MegaJetgirl - 9 years ago
Repulsive and sickening on every level.
Mat Taroli
Mat Taroli - 9 years ago
Piece of shit...
kelly rae
kelly rae - 9 years ago
This is horrible. Definitely understand why you posted it hope it does go viral. Very sad to see this.
Random Junk
Random Junk - 9 years ago
it went viral

100. comment for Hammerhead Shark with 34 baby's

AJ Cosenza
AJ Cosenza - 9 years ago
I'm mad that the woman in the background is saying Ohhhh she meant business ducks the shark suppose to do when you are a Fucking savage
Marguritia Hawkins
Marguritia Hawkins - 9 years ago
This breaks my heart.
Amanda Brooks-Taylor
Amanda Brooks-Taylor - 9 years ago
How disgusting for someone to treat an animal like this. Sadly, he won't get arrested because of the confusing laws surrounding the waters around Florida. Why would anyone film this and post it on YouTube as well?
Captain Hook
Captain Hook - 9 years ago
Absolutely disgusting. I don't know which is worse, the sight of the mutilated shark and babies or the idiotic chatter going on around this. Humans suck!
Ray T
Ray T - 9 years ago
What else were they supposed to do. They didn't know it was illegal.
beans4943 - 9 years ago
This made it onto Discovery Channel's FB and main page.  
As big as this video may seem to some viewers, this has been happening for decades in the shores off Japan.  We are trying to ban Shark Fin Soup in California as well.  The video provides us with evidence and knowledge that yes there are sick people out there who cut up sharks for profit, throw the babies into a trash can, and gut the fish right there on the dock.  Tragic as it may be, we cannot prevent this from reoccurring again today, but perhaps in the future we can.  I've loved sharks since I was a little boy and this breaks my heart.  Thanks for the footage Jeff, its eye opening.

Here is the link from discovery.

Susan Scammon
Susan Scammon - 9 years ago
Cristian Vitor
Cristian Vitor - 9 years ago
Inúteis seres humanos.
kdouglas947 - 9 years ago
This is so sad...
gregalabama - 9 years ago
Vertical video!!!  Will people ever learn?    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
carla bisi
carla bisi - 9 years ago
Muito triste :´(
Claudia Emanuelly
Claudia Emanuelly - 9 years ago
Triste...lamentável...e revoltante!
Android Neo
Android Neo - 9 years ago
Depois cai falando que tal espécie pode ser extinta...
Michael Lu
Michael Lu - 9 years ago
Seminole51 - 9 years ago
+Michael Lu I sincerely doubt the guy cutting up this shark was American...
Guilherme Santana
Guilherme Santana - 9 years ago
gosto muito de tubarões estou triste
Huang Damon
Huang Damon - 9 years ago
everything is wrong when you kill live
Huang Damon
Huang Damon - 9 years ago
^ ^
Random Junk
Random Junk - 9 years ago
+Huang Damon Thats just like my cousins :O
Huang Damon
Huang Damon - 9 years ago
+Random Junk Yes,I eat meat , I know what are you trying to express ,my religion is Buddhist , so we appreciate what we have what we eat what we can share ,anyway, immense gratitude to the earth
Random Junk
Random Junk - 9 years ago
Do you eat meat? Most animals don't live that long because they become food, and they won't live their entire life span
Kaoru3829 - 9 years ago
go die! you killed a mother and her babys,you should fucking go die,JERK
Poliana Nogueira
Poliana Nogueira - 9 years ago
Muito triste..
aiz25331 - 9 years ago
Human go dead, please!
RammCrowl Vids
RammCrowl Vids - 9 years ago
34 filhotes de Tubarão Martelo? Triste ver essa Perda na Natureza, já basta outros animais que os seres humanos Ceifam
Igor Arllen.
Igor Arllen. - 9 years ago
Homen sendo homen muito triste isso ;(
Rodrigo Wielewski
Rodrigo Wielewski - 9 years ago
cool, I hate sharks, less sharks= better
Rodrigo Wielewski
Rodrigo Wielewski - 9 years ago
Maybe I am, maybe not... You'll never know
Rodrigo Wielewski
Rodrigo Wielewski - 9 years ago
Nah, I was just joking around but actually, I hate sharks but theres no reason for just killing then, well at least you fall in my trolling
Seminole51 - 9 years ago
+THE FEAR So because you dislike sharks, the top predator from the ocean should be destroyed? You are beyond ignorant.
Kai Sheng
Kai Sheng - 9 years ago
Selfish Human!! karma is watching you!!
Random Junk
Random Junk - 9 years ago
Do you eat meat? this is mostly the process except the animals are enclosed and bred for food
Petrucio Alves
Petrucio Alves - 9 years ago
Está aí um resumo do ser humano!!!
Andre Santos
Andre Santos - 9 years ago
Desumano é a palavra que melhor define esse vídeo ,indignação total
Knutr -
Knutr - - 9 years ago
Fala sério, ser humano é um lixo mesmo!
Erick dos santos Camargo
Erick dos santos Camargo - 9 years ago
filho da puta
Jeff Bratcher
Jeff Bratcher - 9 years ago
Yes I was filing this, we were here on vacation from Oklahoma... The lady in the background is someone
I'm not affiliated with .The reason I don't sound upset or worried I had my kids with me and were already in shock from this . I did not know the laws of the different species of fish. I knew it was wrong that's why you hear me ask the man what are you going to do with this, he just looked at me!
Since this video and communication with others, I have a understanding of the shark situation! This video is to show how cruel and unusual and horrible! I'm pissed just like you guys! 34 pups as they are called which I learned is unacceptable to lose for the ocean! Save the Sharks
Debrah McCabe
Debrah McCabe - 8 years ago
He's talking about ethically and morally wrong. Laws don't necessarily take that sort of thing into account. Once upon a time it was legal to own slaves. Did that mean it was ethically and morally okay? No. Two different things.
faerie99 - 9 years ago
+Chris H
 Ah, yes, as I've noticed since posting the above, I may be wrong on the sport bit (that's what the article linking it said), but nevertheless, there is zero need to eat sharks or any endangered species for that matter. There's a difference between eating meat from animals that still exist in abundance and have been sustainably procured and hunting an endangered species to extinction. You are plainly an idiot and not worth talking to if this simple concept actually eludes you. Enjoy your jellyfish-filled oceans once there is no more fish, you moron.
faerie99 - 9 years ago
+Mike Mike Hi dude, in case you didn't know: killing endangered species affects everyone, not just the residents of a particular country or state. Get a grip on reality.
faerie99 - 9 years ago
+Chris H It's not about legality, it's about an endangered species apparently being killed for sport. Which is disgusting and as people have correctly identified wrong. Just because it isn't currently illegal does not mean that it shouldn't be made so.
Jeff Bratcher
Jeff Bratcher - 9 years ago
So you eat protected hammerhead sharks?
People don't eat hammerheads, they use the fins, etc
Dorkfish gaming
Dorkfish gaming - 9 years ago
Humans eat meat all the time, but when animals eat us, we freak out. So do you think man eating lions should be let roam? Also, this creature is endangered because of the actions of humanity. Hammerheads and sharks in general do not hunt fish species to extinction, but humans do. We need to protect endangered species.
John Falcigie
John Falcigie - 9 years ago
+Jeff Bratcher
Why do you say it is cruel? Have you not eaten fish in your life? Do you think they weren't caught and killed? There is really no way for a fisherman to know if a fish is pregnant or not, until after its been caught.

Furthermore, this giant Hammerhead shark ate tons of other living fish through it's life, but people like yourself think its an atrocity when humans do the exact same thing the shark did its entire life. I just don't get why people think its only wrong when people do the same thing other living beings do
Amber Craig
Amber Craig - 9 years ago
Im a Nebraska girl and I would have no idea what was legal and not legal to kill. We don't exactly have an ocean nearby. Whether it was legal or not though it would have felt wrong. I understand what you meant Jeff.
Chris H
Chris H - 9 years ago
Sounds like you should go buy a tent and start a "occupy White House" movement. Who knows?? Maybe ol' barry o. will whip up a couple of exec orders for you so you will stop crying like a little girl.
Dorkfish gaming
Dorkfish gaming - 9 years ago
also,I asked why it wasn't wrong, not why it wasn't illegal. There not the same thing. The trail of tears was wrong ,but technically, legal under US law at the time.
Dorkfish gaming
Dorkfish gaming - 9 years ago
the government can't get anything done, there not going to take care of the environment so we need to.
Chris H
Chris H - 9 years ago
That's a question you need to take up with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife service, dork.
Dorkfish gaming
Dorkfish gaming - 9 years ago
+Chris H so ripping open a pregnant endangered animal is right as long as it is in the waters off this country? Why!
Chris H
Chris H - 9 years ago
No problem, Reese. I apologize for anything out of the way I have said. I just found it quite irritating to see people trashing this fisherman without the facts. I've been fishing saltwater for 20+ years and the vast majority of these men and women who do it for a living work extremely hard and follow state and federal regulations. They are good people. Take care, Reese.
Ray T
Ray T - 9 years ago
+Mike Mike yeh man i feel you . i own a pond in oklahoma and i always got these people from florida putting sharks and alligators in it and laving trash. i mean why travel from florida to oklahoma to put florida animals in my 1 acre pond. smh
Mike Mike
Mike Mike - 9 years ago
+Chris H Hell yeah thats right..I hate tourist they throw trash on our beaches flood the damn roads rubber necking in shit.None of them mutha fuckers can drive either..That old man been on them docks for years getting what he can..IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT PLEASE STAY IN YOUR ON STATE OR GO SOMEWHERE ELSE..
Reese Townsley
Reese Townsley - 9 years ago
+Chris H hey, I didn't mean to come off like that . I'm just trying to defend a good friend of mine . We don't know laws of the ocean and we shouldn't have to . He was just expressing his views on this event by video taping it .
Jeff Bratcher
Jeff Bratcher - 9 years ago
Chris , if you have read the articles there is controversy on where it was caught! The truth will come out in the end! Thanks for your comments.
Chris H
Chris H - 9 years ago
That's great, Jeff. Nine miles from shore is federal waters and the catch is LEGAL and no one cares if the shark was feeding on a turtle or what it was doing. As long as it was caught in federal waters, it's LEGAL. Get over it and stop your crying.
Jeff Bratcher
Jeff Bratcher - 9 years ago
Chris, you need to get your facts straight about where they caught it. Do some research it was feeding on a turtle apparently 9 miles from shore. You think you can see a hammerhead feeding on bottom 9 miles out, and see land 9 miles out? Check your resources Chris!!!!
Chris H
Chris H - 9 years ago
As long as the catch is made in federal waters, it is NOT illegal and it is NOT wrong. You and the rest of the group are the ones who need to "chill".
Reese Townsley
Reese Townsley - 9 years ago
+Chris H chill, he didn't know it was illegal but he knew it was wrong . Plus if you went to Oklahoma and filmed something you only see in Oklahoma you would be "just a tourist with a camera".
Chris H
Chris H - 9 years ago
+Jeff Bratcher If you and your kids were in "shock" as you say, why did you continue filming or even stay in the area? You stated "I did not know the laws of the different species of fish. I knew it was wrong....."  Please explain just how you knew it was wrong when you yourself stated that you don't know the fish and game regulations pertaining to Florida or federal waters. It is quite obvious you have no idea what you are talking about and you are "just another tourist with a camera" trying to stir up a lot of trouble. Please feel free to stay in Oklahoma or vacation in another state other than Florida. If you feel the need to return to Florida, please feel free to stop at any bait & tackle store along the coast or a county tax collector office to get your free copy of saltwater regulations for state AND federal jurisdictions so you can learn a few things before posting a bunch of garbage to youtube. Have a great day.
DonArno - 9 years ago
Delete this video¡! How in hell can you post it you ***
Jeff Bratcher
Jeff Bratcher - 9 years ago
Why would I do that? We need to make aware this is wrong!
Eddie Wolves
Eddie Wolves - 9 years ago
Supposedly it was an accident, and they were gonna release it, but it died trying to escape the net. It's illegal to kill sharks in Florida.
Duarte Mendo
Duarte Mendo - 9 years ago
Um assassinato esportivo isso sim, ridículo. Vocês é que mereciam morrer, covardes. 

"A sports murder that yes, ridiculous. You do deserve to die , cowards."
Ricardo Uzai
Ricardo Uzai - 9 years ago
Atrocity, the big predator of the world is the human! Stupid low life!
Lucas Brito
Lucas Brito - 9 years ago
Nature asks for help!!!
Jhonatas Skriven
Jhonatas Skriven - 9 years ago
Depois me perguntam porque os extraterrestres não falam conosco. O ser humano é muito cruel.
Mario Partenoppi
Mario Partenoppi - 9 years ago
assasino filho da puta o bicho ta no abitate natural dele esse verme vai mata o bicho  filho da puta
Harryson Santos
Harryson Santos - 9 years ago
Assassinos! Qual o mérito em expor isso?
Tom Barnett
Tom Barnett - 9 years ago
He'll get what's coming to him in the long run!!!!,, it's guaranteed!!! what a piece of shut!!!
Carlos Amaral
Carlos Amaral - 9 years ago
Fucking idiots! Why the hell did they kill the shark? Humans are disgusting!
Don Rowe
Don Rowe - 7 years ago
Random Junk the adult ..yes. the babies were thrown out like trash. Fucking pathetic. Humans suck
Random Junk
Random Junk - 9 years ago
well in 1:40 or somewhere close they said theyre taking it to a resteraunt
Dorkfish gaming
Dorkfish gaming - 9 years ago
+Carlos Amaral yes you guys really are
Betina Louise Lorentsen
Betina Louise Lorentsen - 9 years ago
+Carlos Amaral So agree .. This can really piss me of ..

She was so beautiful and should gave birth to these small fellas .. :(

R.I.P beautiful mom .. My heart crushed .. :(
CrossStario - 9 years ago
No, the person behind this mess is disgusting.
Matheus Gomes de Oliveira
Matheus Gomes de Oliveira - 9 years ago
+Carlos Amaral Fortaleza... que saudade de você... Fortaleza não consigo te esquecer...
Juan P
Juan P - 9 years ago
+Carlos Amaral agree
Sean Mallory
Sean Mallory - 9 years ago
Fuck him !!!!
Bruno Dias
Bruno Dias - 9 years ago
Idiotas ! Sem necessidade alguma de ter feito isto com o animal ! Já que era pesca esportiva porque não o soltaram? Por causas dessas pessoas miseráveis que muitas espécies hoje em dia beiram a extinção !
AHekkert - 9 years ago
And what is the satisfaction of catching and killing this hammerhead and her 34 babies? Like we do not damage nature enough these days...?!
Jeff Bratcher
Jeff Bratcher - 9 years ago
For the record I did not participate in this atrocity. We were on a vacation and we walked upon this in Destin!
Don Rowe
Don Rowe - 7 years ago
cittauk yes he could have...released the mother after he hooked her and reeled her in. Very simple process, i have caught and released many sharks in my lifetime.
cittauk - 8 years ago
Don't think he could have done much to save any of their lives
David Trepanier
David Trepanier - 8 years ago
+Random Junk Seriously get a life!  If they were still alive more could have been done, but it was too late!
Zachary Donner
Zachary Donner - 9 years ago
People are so stupid! These fishing boats especially the shrimp boats catches sharks by mistake all the time. We also think Hammerhead sharks are aggressive killer when they're really not. This man on vacation with a camera, what was he suppose to do call 911 and preform cpr til the paramedic got there? That shark was dead before it got to shore stop getting emotional.
deucepac - 9 years ago
+Random Junk They were already dead by the look of it.......
Random Junk
Random Junk - 9 years ago
So you stood there and watched as they killed tons of lives that had so much potential to live?
NikkiLane1983 - 9 years ago
stupid low life!! motherkiller!!
Jeff Bratcher
Jeff Bratcher - 9 years ago
I can be reached at soonerguy33@gmail.com
Rita De Ferrary
Rita De Ferrary - 9 years ago
You should all be ashamed of yourselves, destructive pieces of shit on this earth!
Jeff Bratcher
Jeff Bratcher - 9 years ago
I want this to go viral and get people's attention that this is wrong
Debrah McCabe
Debrah McCabe - 8 years ago
Would you judge your neighbour if you saw him beating his kid or his wife everyday? What about if he kicked his dog down the stairs every time he walked past it? What is with this aversion to calling people out for bad behaviour? Maybe if we judge/shame abusers, maybe one day a kernel of understanding that what they are doing is wrong, will sink in. The fisherman in the video is a monster and an abuser.
Angel Gonzalez
Angel Gonzalez - 8 years ago
Jeff Bratcher You are right this is so wrong and it breaks my heart that they kill just for the sport of it. I guess they are proud of their self but they should be hanging there heads in shame. I can understand hunting for food to survive but in no way do I believe that is why this mother and her babies were murdered. But I am not their Judge I just have my feelings of hurt inside for this wrong. GOD IS THE JUDGE. Rest now in Peace Swimmers of the Sea's.
Jeff Bratcher
Jeff Bratcher - 9 years ago
Destin Florida
Jeff Bratcher
Jeff Bratcher - 9 years ago
Yes this was in destin.
Juan P
Juan P - 9 years ago
i can't stand the stupid girl talking like is such a great achivment . Who told those idiots a tuna looks like that?
NikkiLane1983 - 9 years ago
+Dennis Pillion doin' a piece 'bout soulless and brainless animalkillers?
Dennis Pillion
Dennis Pillion - 9 years ago
+Jeff Bratcher I'm a reporter for a newspaper in Alabama, would love to do a piece on this video. Can you email me at dpillion@al.com?
Mary Rosa
Mary Rosa - 9 years ago
Do you know where this was filmed? If this was the Hammerhead that was caught in Destin, please share with Blue Planet Society. Their Twitter handle is @Seasaver
SharkBytes App
SharkBytes App - 9 years ago
This is very sad especially because I believe this species is endangered or close to it. :( I thought is was also protected? Either way 34 baby Hammerheads and one mother dead! :(
Símun Wacher
Símun Wacher - 9 years ago

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