Hammerhead Shark with 34 baby's
Shark videos 9 years ago 2,619,537 views
Video of hammerhead shark with 34 baby's caught! This is terribly wrong ! I actually videoed this while we were on vacation For licensing / usage, please contact licensing@viralhog.com
10. comment for Hammerhead Shark with 34 baby's
20. comment for Hammerhead Shark with 34 baby's
He just killed the female "mamma" shark which was pregnant - so the offspring died and the fisherman had no choice.
Me:I WANT SUSHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII you see me jump on the dead hammer head shark and grab seaweed and sauce and a knife WHO GONNA CUT IT
30. comment for Hammerhead Shark with 34 baby's
oup ???????
50. comment for Hammerhead Shark with 34 baby's
How sick and twisted can liberals be? They think sucking out babies by a vacuum from their mothers womb (which should be one of the safest places on earth) and tossing them into trash cans is okay, but when it comes to sharks, "how could they"!
Wake up people. Abortion is murder. Period.
How sick and twisted can liberals be? They think sucking out babies by a vacuum from their mothers womb (which should be one of the safest places on earth) and tossing them into trash cans is okay, but when it comes to sharks, "how could they"!
Wake up people. Abortion is murder. Period.
he is just a fish
loosen up,joni
i think thats how the dodo went extinct
i hate fishing
u make fish get hurt
stop fishing. its not fun
a majority of people dont care and will do this.
Don't you eat meat? This is mainly the faith most animals have.
No matter what, Every single day. Millions die. No one really cares
100. comment for Hammerhead Shark with 34 baby's
As big as this video may seem to some viewers, this has been happening for decades in the shores off Japan. We are trying to ban Shark Fin Soup in California as well. The video provides us with evidence and knowledge that yes there are sick people out there who cut up sharks for profit, throw the babies into a trash can, and gut the fish right there on the dock. Tragic as it may be, we cannot prevent this from reoccurring again today, but perhaps in the future we can. I've loved sharks since I was a little boy and this breaks my heart. Thanks for the footage Jeff, its eye opening.
Here is the link from discovery.
I'm not affiliated with .The reason I don't sound upset or worried I had my kids with me and were already in shock from this . I did not know the laws of the different species of fish. I knew it was wrong that's why you hear me ask the man what are you going to do with this, he just looked at me!
Since this video and communication with others, I have a understanding of the shark situation! This video is to show how cruel and unusual and horrible! I'm pissed just like you guys! 34 pups as they are called which I learned is unacceptable to lose for the ocean! Save the Sharks
Ah, yes, as I've noticed since posting the above, I may be wrong on the sport bit (that's what the article linking it said), but nevertheless, there is zero need to eat sharks or any endangered species for that matter. There's a difference between eating meat from animals that still exist in abundance and have been sustainably procured and hunting an endangered species to extinction. You are plainly an idiot and not worth talking to if this simple concept actually eludes you. Enjoy your jellyfish-filled oceans once there is no more fish, you moron.
People don't eat hammerheads, they use the fins, etc
Why do you say it is cruel? Have you not eaten fish in your life? Do you think they weren't caught and killed? There is really no way for a fisherman to know if a fish is pregnant or not, until after its been caught.
Furthermore, this giant Hammerhead shark ate tons of other living fish through it's life, but people like yourself think its an atrocity when humans do the exact same thing the shark did its entire life. I just don't get why people think its only wrong when people do the same thing other living beings do
"A sports murder that yes, ridiculous. You do deserve to die , cowards."
She was so beautiful and should gave birth to these small fellas .. :(
R.I.P beautiful mom .. My heart crushed .. :(
i can't stand the stupid girl talking like is such a great achivment . Who told those idiots a tuna looks like that?
Do you know where this was filmed? If this was the Hammerhead that was caught in Destin, please share with Blue Planet Society. Their Twitter handle is @Seasaver