Of all the animals in the oceans, the hammerhead shark may be one of the strangest looking. The exact purpose of the wide, flat head is a mystery, but several theories abound. We travel to the shark-infested waters of the Galapagos in Ecuador and to a research station in Hawaii to learn about the unusual habits of these sinister-looking sharks. Jonathan swims in schools of hundreds of hammerheads, and yet the sharks ignore him. What are the sharks up to? ********************************************************************** If you like Jonathan Bird's Blue World, don't forget to subscribe! You can buy some Blue World T-shirts & Swag! http://www.blueworldtv.com/shop You can join us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/BlueWorldTV Twitter https://twitter.com/BlueWorld_TV Instagram @blueworldtv Web: http://www.blueworldTV.com ********************************************************************** In the Galapagos Islands, during certain times of the year, large aggregations of Scalloped Hammerheads come together to circle around Darwin Island. Scalloped Hammerheads normally live in the open ocean, but here at Darwin Island they come close to shore in large numbers. Considering the vast numbers of fish here, it would be logical to assume that the sharks come to feed. Yet, nobody has ever witnessed the sharks feeding. The Galapagos Islands are a remote archipelago 600 miles off the coast of Ecuador in the Pacific Ocean. Hammerheads are most common at the northernmost island of Darwin, famous for its stone arch. Hammerheads are of course known for their strange, flattened heads. But you have to wonder…what is that flat head for? Shark biologists put their own heads together to figure it out. At first, they speculated that it gave the hammerhead wider stereoscopic vision. But that didn’t work: hammerhead eyes face in opposite directions, meaning they can’t see in stereo. The wide head probably has nothing to do with eyesight. So maybe it has to do with the sense of smell. Wider spaced olfactory organs would help the hungry shark sniff out prey more accurately. Well, not really. Although the nostrils and olfactory organs are widely spaced, a groove along the front of the head effectively connects them together. Therefore, they don't give the hammerhead a better sense of directional smell than any other shark. Scientists finally hit upon a graceful reason for the awkward head: It helps the hammerhead turn faster by eliminating the need for large pectoral fins. Some sharks, like white tip reef sharks can rest all day if they want, just gulping water to ventilate their gills, the shark equivalent of breathing. Hammerheads, on the other hand, cannot accomplish this. Like most pelagic sharks, they must keep swimming not only to stay up off the bottom, but to breathe. In an ironic twist of fate, if a hammerhead stops swimming, it will drown. The big flat head is a wing to keep the hammerhead up off the bottom. Researcher Kanesa Duncan at the University of Hawaii is studying Scalloped hammerheads. She catches the sharks when they are just pups, only a few weeks old, in Kaneohe Bay on Oahu. By holding the shark upside down, she places it in a kind of trans called Tonic Immobility. She frequently puts the pup back in the water to aerate the gills. Once aboard the boat, she first measures the shark while an assistant records the data. Next she implants a small visual tag with a number on it through the shark’s dorsal fin. This does not hurt the shark at all. The fin is almost completely made of cartilage. Next, she weighs the pup. Back at the lab, Duncan has several captive hammerhead pups that she is working with to determine growth patterns. She wants to learn, among other things, how fast baby Hammerheads grow. But I still want to know what they are all doing at Darwin Island in the Galapagos, and I finally get a clue when I see a shark being investigated by a fish. The strong current at Darwin Island allows a hammerhead to swim in place, like a runner on a treadmill, yet hold a fixed position over the reef. King Angelfish make their homes on this reef and they serve as cleaner fish for the sharks. Because the sharks get cuts and scrapes, not to mention parasites, that need cleaning, they come to a cleaning station where a King Angelfish is waiting to clean the wounds and eat the parasites. A shark looking to be cleaned often swims at an angle, with its white belly showing. This body language tells the angelfish to come on over. Angelfish looking to clean a shark swim up and down in the water to attract the shark’s attention. Often, something seems amiss to the shark and it rebuffs the fish. The sharks feel vulnerable while they are being cleaned, so they pick a cleaning station carefully. If anything doesn’t seem right, they move on.

Hammerhead Sharks | JONATHAN BIRD'S BLUE WORLD sentiment_very_dissatisfied 357

Shark videos 11 years ago 1,789,301 views

Of all the animals in the oceans, the hammerhead shark may be one of the strangest looking. The exact purpose of the wide, flat head is a mystery, but several theories abound. We travel to the shark-infested waters of the Galapagos in Ecuador and to a research station in Hawaii to learn about the unusual habits of these sinister-looking sharks. Jonathan swims in schools of hundreds of hammerheads, and yet the sharks ignore him. What are the sharks up to? ********************************************************************** If you like Jonathan Bird's Blue World, don't forget to subscribe! You can buy some Blue World T-shirts & Swag! http://www.blueworldtv.com/shop You can join us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/BlueWorldTV Twitter https://twitter.com/BlueWorld_TV Instagram @blueworldtv Web: http://www.blueworldTV.com ********************************************************************** In the Galapagos Islands, during certain times of the year, large aggregations of Scalloped Hammerheads come together to circle around Darwin Island. Scalloped Hammerheads normally live in the open ocean, but here at Darwin Island they come close to shore in large numbers. Considering the vast numbers of fish here, it would be logical to assume that the sharks come to feed. Yet, nobody has ever witnessed the sharks feeding. The Galapagos Islands are a remote archipelago 600 miles off the coast of Ecuador in the Pacific Ocean. Hammerheads are most common at the northernmost island of Darwin, famous for its stone arch. Hammerheads are of course known for their strange, flattened heads. But you have to wonder…what is that flat head for? Shark biologists put their own heads together to figure it out. At first, they speculated that it gave the hammerhead wider stereoscopic vision. But that didn’t work: hammerhead eyes face in opposite directions, meaning they can’t see in stereo. The wide head probably has nothing to do with eyesight. So maybe it has to do with the sense of smell. Wider spaced olfactory organs would help the hungry shark sniff out prey more accurately. Well, not really. Although the nostrils and olfactory organs are widely spaced, a groove along the front of the head effectively connects them together. Therefore, they don't give the hammerhead a better sense of directional smell than any other shark. Scientists finally hit upon a graceful reason for the awkward head: It helps the hammerhead turn faster by eliminating the need for large pectoral fins. Some sharks, like white tip reef sharks can rest all day if they want, just gulping water to ventilate their gills, the shark equivalent of breathing. Hammerheads, on the other hand, cannot accomplish this. Like most pelagic sharks, they must keep swimming not only to stay up off the bottom, but to breathe. In an ironic twist of fate, if a hammerhead stops swimming, it will drown. The big flat head is a wing to keep the hammerhead up off the bottom. Researcher Kanesa Duncan at the University of Hawaii is studying Scalloped hammerheads. She catches the sharks when they are just pups, only a few weeks old, in Kaneohe Bay on Oahu. By holding the shark upside down, she places it in a kind of trans called Tonic Immobility. She frequently puts the pup back in the water to aerate the gills. Once aboard the boat, she first measures the shark while an assistant records the data. Next she implants a small visual tag with a number on it through the shark’s dorsal fin. This does not hurt the shark at all. The fin is almost completely made of cartilage. Next, she weighs the pup. Back at the lab, Duncan has several captive hammerhead pups that she is working with to determine growth patterns. She wants to learn, among other things, how fast baby Hammerheads grow. But I still want to know what they are all doing at Darwin Island in the Galapagos, and I finally get a clue when I see a shark being investigated by a fish. The strong current at Darwin Island allows a hammerhead to swim in place, like a runner on a treadmill, yet hold a fixed position over the reef. King Angelfish make their homes on this reef and they serve as cleaner fish for the sharks. Because the sharks get cuts and scrapes, not to mention parasites, that need cleaning, they come to a cleaning station where a King Angelfish is waiting to clean the wounds and eat the parasites. A shark looking to be cleaned often swims at an angle, with its white belly showing. This body language tells the angelfish to come on over. Angelfish looking to clean a shark swim up and down in the water to attract the shark’s attention. Often, something seems amiss to the shark and it rebuffs the fish. The sharks feel vulnerable while they are being cleaned, so they pick a cleaning station carefully. If anything doesn’t seem right, they move on.

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Most popular comments
for Hammerhead Sharks | JONATHAN BIRD'S BLUE WORLD

Tooth Pick
Tooth Pick - 7 years ago
The babies are so cute AAAAAA
FuzzGamez YT
FuzzGamez YT - 7 years ago
Hammerheads don’t look dangerous at all cuz of their mouth It doesn’t look scary
rip frite
rip frite - 7 years ago
im guessing the sharks that attack humans are the ones who were picked up in and out of the water when they were babies , revenge haha!
Asmara Cempaka
Asmara Cempaka - 7 years ago
watch this with 2 times of speed. hahaha
WhoDat TV
WhoDat TV - 7 years ago
These sharks blow my mind. Like they are so unlike any other species of shark. How did they come to evolve like that?
Daya Manya
Daya Manya - 7 years ago
too good
Solo Rider
Solo Rider - 7 years ago
Hi John, where do Great hammerhead sharks get their name? Is it cause of big dorsal fin, or there's more to it? Thank you!
Solo Rider
Solo Rider - 7 years ago
Thank you!
BlueWorldTV - 7 years ago
They are the largest species of hammerhead.
Jonah  Barroga
Jonah Barroga - 7 years ago
I love your videos, btw its pronounced "Kah neh oh heh" (kaneohe)
cookiesandcream - 7 years ago
Aww that baby Hammerhead is so cute

10. comment for Hammerhead Sharks | JONATHAN BIRD'S BLUE WORLD

cookiesandcream - 7 years ago
Fish are friends, not food!
BlueWorldTV - 7 years ago
Right on!!
Amanda Haile
Amanda Haile - 7 years ago
Hammerheads are my favorite sharks.
black Master
black Master - 7 years ago
Hammerhead is best shark ever
BlueWorldTV - 7 years ago
Hammerheads are certainly one of my favorites!
Damon Blakely
Damon Blakely - 7 years ago
I love hammerhead shark's
Alfie Smith
Alfie Smith - 7 years ago
They use there hammerhead to pin down stingrays
BlueWorldTV - 7 years ago
Great hammerheads certainly do, but I don't know if there is any evidence of scalloped hammerheads doing that.
The Minimaster
The Minimaster - 7 years ago
Sports Education Dz
Sports Education Dz - 7 years ago
From the moment I saw one of your videos, I have been stuck in your channel trying to watch as many videos as I can. You're vlog is addicting
BlueWorldTV - 7 years ago
Thanks! Love to hear it! We just started with the VLOGs but there are a couple hundred underwater adventures to watch!
Ashe pradeep
Ashe pradeep - 7 years ago
The relationship between King Angel and the Hammerhead Shark is commensalism. Where one benefits and the other one doesn't get harmed. It is kinda mutualism because both get helped but yeah.
Ashe pradeep
Ashe pradeep - 7 years ago
BlueWorldTV - 7 years ago
Look up our video on symbiosis!
Solo Rider
Solo Rider - 7 years ago
Hi John, was it you who posted a video about Hammerheads swimming sideways to save energy? I can't find that video. Thanks!
Solo Rider
Solo Rider - 7 years ago
Thank you very much!
BlueWorldTV - 7 years ago
Yes, that was us! Hammerhead Shark Mystery.
Alfie Smith
Alfie Smith - 7 years ago
what about killers whale

20. comment for Hammerhead Sharks | JONATHAN BIRD'S BLUE WORLD

Anders Lindroth
Anders Lindroth - 7 years ago
@ 3:48 - Those sharks look kinda cute, just laying on the bottom chillin'. :-)
Hafiz Njr11
Hafiz Njr11 - 7 years ago
RonanFC - 7 years ago
I never thought a Hammerhead pup could be so cute
Jikook Harling
Jikook Harling - 7 years ago
They're so cute. They are the jumping spiders of sharks.
Garage Builed
Garage Builed - 7 years ago
Why would someone dislike this video ?????
Oliver Bundgaard Terp
Oliver Bundgaard Terp - 7 years ago
The hammerhead is cool Sharks how Can hammerheads drown is so wired
Nepheista Solace
Nepheista Solace - 7 years ago
Hammerheads creep me out :(
Septipliens Setilien
Septipliens Setilien - 7 years ago
Go on full screen. So good!
Eshara Abdeen
Eshara Abdeen - 7 years ago
SpearKyoko - 7 years ago
0:59 "I'M RIGHT HERE, COME ON KILL ME, I'M RIGHT HERE KILL ME" -Arnold Schwarzenegger From Predator

30. comment for Hammerhead Sharks | JONATHAN BIRD'S BLUE WORLD

Izzul Danish
Izzul Danish - 7 years ago
im jonathan world and welcome to my bird
QIHONG JIN - 7 years ago
Just keep swimming keep swimming...
funtime freddy fnaf worlds
funtime freddy fnaf worlds - 7 years ago
i love all shark
Crocodile Whispers
Crocodile Whispers - 7 years ago
Jonathan Bird, you're the man, man
Burke Minns
Burke Minns - 7 years ago
111Bionary Ray111
111Bionary Ray111 - 7 years ago
it would be cool if hammerheads use their hammer as a weapon but nope just extra fins i guess
Akchaiyan Shanthakumar
Akchaiyan Shanthakumar - 7 years ago
why are they called king angelfish
Akchaiyan Shanthakumar
Akchaiyan Shanthakumar - 7 years ago
BlueWorldTV - 7 years ago
A long time ago someone decided to call different kinds of angelfish by "royal" names, so there is a King Angelfish, a Queen, an Emperor, a Regal, etc.
Charlie Cox
Charlie Cox - 7 years ago
I subscribed
Oliver Bundgaard Terp
Oliver Bundgaard Terp - 7 years ago
Hammerheads are so cool but shy
melody villa
melody villa - 7 years ago
Jonathan: What are those sharks up to?
In my mind: Probably slam people to walls and eat them till death.. But are those nice Hammerheads?
Tokyo Ghoul
Tokyo Ghoul - 7 years ago
This is creepy as hell
Anti septic
Anti septic - 7 years ago
they SHORE look cool
Randy Clark
Randy Clark - 7 years ago
How does a fish drown?????
BlueWorldTV - 7 years ago
If you can't breathe, you drown. Some sharks need to keep swimming to get water to flow over their gills so they can breathe.
Big Bro's
Big Bro's - 7 years ago
Great video!! I was looking for a shark video and I found this channel.
Raja Gibran
Raja Gibran - 8 years ago
Have you make any videos about mako shark?
miss Jae
miss Jae - 8 years ago
i live vicariously through him because theres no way in hell i could ever do what he does...great videos
Wølf girlmckenzie
Wølf girlmckenzie - 8 years ago
AstroArts TM
AstroArts TM - 8 years ago
I like galapagos ilands.
abc .z
abc .z - 8 years ago
Cindy Klenk
Cindy Klenk - 8 years ago
Oh my! Nature is absolutely wonderful! Its a cleaning station! And I never knew that the angels were cleaners! As to the broad head on the Hammerhead - I always thought that it was to increase the density of the Ampulii of Lorenzeni and thus its electrical detection capabilities......Once again, I have learned something new, on your wonderful channel. See you on the bottom!
Seb Welch
Seb Welch - 8 years ago
I love the oceans I'm so interested in them

50. comment for Hammerhead Sharks | JONATHAN BIRD'S BLUE WORLD

Marea Neagră
Marea Neagră - 8 years ago
Olivia Stabb
Olivia Stabb - 8 years ago
do the sharks ever try to attack you? or do they just go on their way and just curiously bump you a bit?
crazy eddie
crazy eddie - 8 years ago
The Galahpargoes Islands, eh?
AstroArts TM
AstroArts TM - 8 years ago
crazy eddie Yes Galapagos
Pamela Ramtahal
Pamela Ramtahal - 8 years ago
Pamela Ramtahal
Pamela Ramtahal - 8 years ago
I like shark
Ms Squirts A Lot
Ms Squirts A Lot - 8 years ago
I like turtles
BA Morgan
BA Morgan - 8 years ago
love ur vids
Laxu Rasaily
Laxu Rasaily - 8 years ago
Cool I'm your fan
Mister Owl
Mister Owl - 8 years ago
I would rather be around one of these than a bull shark.
Nacho ochoa
Nacho ochoa - 8 years ago
Young Laps
Young Laps - 8 years ago
Grace and Whiskers
Grace and Whiskers - 8 years ago
their head can help them balance in swimming witch the hammer head is the most unique sharks
Grace and Whiskers
Grace and Whiskers - 8 years ago
there weird and wide eyes are used for them too balance swimming
hamerheads killed more humans than sharks
kobyashi - 8 years ago
"Come and clean me you filthy peasants!"
BRZK CLAN - 8 years ago
I like the hammerheads blueworldtv thx
Elizabeth Tomhave
Elizabeth Tomhave - 8 years ago
When I grow up I want to be a squib diver.
Nick Sidor
Nick Sidor - 8 years ago
I've been in the waters most beautiful creatures
Laxu Rasaily
Laxu Rasaily - 8 years ago
Sup bro
Sami Mas
Sami Mas - 8 years ago
so they are real! i thought they are just cartoons. what else u gunna tell my? that the saw / knife shark and whales and dolphins are real!
Manatee overload
Manatee overload - 8 years ago
Justin DeJesus
Justin DeJesus - 8 years ago
make more sense
rafael colon
rafael colon - 8 years ago
so cool in my big brothers book it says if your in a shark attack you have to hold your legs and stay still until it goes away wait 2min 1sec
Gabby Mangantulao
Gabby Mangantulao - 8 years ago
I think some people got fishing for hammer heads
Max Wolf
Max Wolf - 8 years ago
The hammerhead is my favorite shark I would love to go diving with them it would be so cool
Mahin Ahmed
Mahin Ahmed - 8 years ago
They look so sweet..but don't they bite people?
Polix King
Polix King - 7 years ago
there very well manerd sharks and they also have protected sailers from great whites that's partially why I love them so much
Polix King
Polix King - 7 years ago
Mahin Ahmed not very often. as far as sharks go hammerhead are relatively docile
One Sock Wonder
One Sock Wonder - 7 years ago
Nope at least not that often
mod peace
mod peace - 8 years ago
sharks mistake a lot of things for food mainly humans thats why great white sharks attack but they don't meant to hurt you they hate the taste of human and we have too many bones and not enough meat for them so they try to leave us alone but it's hard for them to see in water so thats why sharks attack the bull shark likes the taste of human though and will eat them but just stay away and you will be fine
David Chlebowsky
David Chlebowsky - 8 years ago
mod peace
mod peace - 8 years ago
+Cahms not really they only bite if they think you want to kill them keep a distance for a while and they will come to you
adnan hermiz
adnan hermiz - 8 years ago
Mahin Ahmed
SneeSnoo45 - 8 years ago
are you dumb? Nothing would stop the shark from biting you even though they usually don't eat humans, It only happens if they are confused but it's definitely possible, Jesus Christ I doubt this guy knows that a cat can scratch your arm.
NesianAngel81 66
NesianAngel81 66 - 8 years ago
The ocean is their territory, if people go flapping about in shark infested waters and their around, then yes they could possibly bite, pays to check before swimming.
Shame Yu
Shame Yu - 8 years ago
Mahin Ahmed 2334
k reddy
k reddy - 8 years ago
Michelle Linton kkjkk
TheFalloutShot96 - 8 years ago
in hawaii there have been atracks
Michelle Linton
Michelle Linton - 8 years ago
Francisco Sanchez
Francisco Sanchez - 8 years ago
They don't really attack people
The Blank King
The Blank King - 8 years ago
I think like most sharks, they only bite when they confuse something as food, or feel threatened.
Laxu Rasaily
Laxu Rasaily - 8 years ago
+BlueWorldTV you are the best guy
Cahms - 8 years ago
+BlueWorldTV yes they do Jonathan they can be dangerous
BlueWorldTV - 8 years ago
Jurassic Park Fan
Jurassic Park Fan - 8 years ago
I love hammerheads check out my channel
Unnamed Shadow
Unnamed Shadow - 8 years ago
0:59 "go ahead, eat me! I dare you!"
David Johnson
David Johnson - 8 years ago
Unnamed Shadow wźzzźxźzźza1w
DrNark420 - 8 years ago
I thought the hammerhead allowed the shark to sense stingrays under the sand? I take it that's been debunked?
Maxwell Smart_086
Maxwell Smart_086 - 7 years ago
...everything under the sand - not only stingrays. Crabs, fish, anything that will make a BBQ.
Jazmin Cunningham
Jazmin Cunningham - 8 years ago
thank you he didnt die
SepTiX_JackEtZ - 8 years ago
I Thought They Use them Flat Heads For Breaking Into Stuff
Derp_The_ Great
Derp_The_ Great - 8 years ago
Well no they will get hurt
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
+David falling "I seen it"
SepTiX_JackEtZ - 8 years ago
They Do I Seen It Before
Trevali - 8 years ago
Sometimes they use them to pin stingrays down, but I have never heard of one using its head to break into something.
Bunbun Bunny360
Bunbun Bunny360 - 8 years ago
The pup is cute!
Daryl Dixon
Daryl Dixon - 8 years ago
I think hammerheads are the most unique sharks
Katherine S
Katherine S - 8 years ago
loved the galapagos
Steven Kaplan
Steven Kaplan - 8 years ago
hey Jonathan you should check out the Margate beach in Kwa Zulu Natal in South Africa the ocean life is stunning
AlienMyth64 - 8 years ago
hammerhead sharks are the coolest
Average Alien
Average Alien - 7 years ago
go away fake alien
Evelio Morales
Evelio Morales - 8 years ago
go home
Haslinda Husaini
Haslinda Husaini - 8 years ago
My favourite shark are hammerhaed and great white shark
ZZbreezy - 8 years ago
I would be scared af if I was in the shark pile.
Ben Jones
Ben Jones - 8 years ago
how do they sleep Jonathan ?
Ben Jones
Ben Jones - 8 years ago
are great whites dangerous
0bstinacy - 8 years ago
thats adorable lmao
Howling Burd19
Howling Burd19 - 8 years ago
I love nature :)
Aisha issah
Aisha issah - 8 years ago
Otheking 1
Otheking 1 - 8 years ago
guy man
guy man - 8 years ago
what the eef is all im thinking
Bradley Barth
Bradley Barth - 8 years ago
a whale shark is not the bigest a megaldon is.
copcoop24/LightningPlays - 8 years ago
It was, until the Megalodon go extinct (or did it?) he' talking about a living fish.
Jeff Webber son
Jeff Webber son - 8 years ago
he is obviously talking about living fish
kareti koteshwar
kareti koteshwar - 8 years ago
could you put an episode on smooth hammerheads?
Aidan Nicholas Weir
Aidan Nicholas Weir - 8 years ago
I personally think it's so they can go fast to catch up with fast prey
Shu Kurenai
Shu Kurenai - 8 years ago
BlueWordTV I love Your videos
Tania Lister
Tania Lister - 8 years ago
Vvfggrthfngnghng. Vgfggbgggb. Ghgggbbhbbbbbbbbbb

100. comment for Hammerhead Sharks | JONATHAN BIRD'S BLUE WORLD

HeyGuy4321 - 8 years ago
I want a baby one as a pet
Chris Holt
Chris Holt - 8 years ago
Thought the hammer shaped heads were to sense electrical 'signals' to detect their prey ie stingrays hiding underneath the sand?
Chris Holt
Chris Holt - 8 years ago
I really enjoy the videos btw :)
Owen Shea
Owen Shea - 9 years ago
so cool yo
The Duck Clan
The Duck Clan - 9 years ago
The JuggaBlanch
The JuggaBlanch - 9 years ago
I would love to see a hammerhead
Matthew Benac
Matthew Benac - 9 years ago
must be a nightmare squeezing those massive balls into that wetsuit
Quang Tung Ha Nguyen
Quang Tung Ha Nguyen - 7 years ago
Matthew Benac 123456789012345667890123
111Bionary Ray111
111Bionary Ray111 - 7 years ago
Matthew Benac wont question
Angel Zavala
Angel Zavala - 7 years ago
Matthew Benac hammerheads are super shy so they usually avoid humans unless of course they mistake you for a fuckimg seal or something
SamytheGod - 8 years ago
Aurichalum ok
John Moreta
John Moreta - 8 years ago
Matthew Benac lmfao
Kaisura - 8 years ago
bring more likes pls
Lavar ball fan acct
Lavar ball fan acct - 8 years ago
Underrated comment
cal knickerbocker
cal knickerbocker - 9 years ago
i have cacht a grait whit shark
Howling Din
Howling Din - 9 years ago
I see, so the flat head makes it easy to pivot. If the shark swims into a dead end, it can make a tight turn without stopping so it can still breathe.
Hednisk Hjärtad
Hednisk Hjärtad - 9 years ago
1:08 What creature is that? I once saw that, too, but can't remember the name.
BlueWorldTV - 9 years ago
+Hednisk Hjärtad Sperm whales?
Cool Jesus
Cool Jesus - 9 years ago
I read somewhere that the hammerheads head is a sort of radar used to find fish in the sand at the bottom of the ocean
Allie Ackley
Allie Ackley - 9 years ago
how do you do that
Sandra Araujo
Sandra Araujo - 9 years ago
Adventure Awaits
Adventure Awaits - 9 years ago
Hey Jonathan, I hope you see this! Is there any company that will take people out here to go scuba diving with them or like be in a cage?
Snow Blizzard28
Snow Blizzard28 - 7 years ago
Sharks are very calm when they think your not food,but they eat people because they think were seals.so yup no need for cages
Michael Reo
Michael Reo - 8 years ago
Adventure Awaits Q
Ramil Hernandez
Ramil Hernandez - 8 years ago
+BlueWorldTV o_O
BlueWorldTV - 9 years ago
+Jay Blevins NO cage needed!
CanadianErin - 9 years ago
I've always wondered about the hammerheads head shape, too -- especially since there are so many slightly different ones! What would be causing the injuries they're getting cleaned at 7:18? Sorry if it sounds like a stupid question, but I've never heard any say what the injuries are from :)
Omar Sherif
Omar Sherif - 8 years ago
+BlueWorldTV I don't think these sharks can even eat you!
CanadianErin - 9 years ago
Ow wow I didn't realize the parasites would be so big as to cause those gouges! Funny how all kinds of life forms find a way live on & n all kinds of things, eh? :)
BlueWorldTV - 9 years ago
+CanadianErin Parasites mostly.
Ben Prior
Ben Prior - 9 years ago
I would love to dive with Hammerheads. If you had a choice between Darwin Island and Cocos Island, which one is better? I would love your opinion.Thanks.
BlueWorldTV - 9 years ago
+Ben Prior I personally think the shark action is better at Darwin, but Cocos is a much more beautiful place.
Ben Prior
Ben Prior - 9 years ago
Michael Pace
Michael Pace - 9 years ago
are you scared of sharkes
Gen Vievang
Gen Vievang - 7 years ago
Michael Pace I'm scared of wrong spelled words
Dararith Sath
Dararith Sath - 8 years ago
+BlueWorldTV holle jonathan do you go to Cambodia
Do you mat blue world tv at Cambodia
BlueWorldTV - 9 years ago
+Michael Pace On January 22 when the next Blue World Academy comes out, that question will be answered!
eekasheep - 9 years ago
Jonathan "Bird" ... loves the sea more than the sky! :-D
Sakari's Edits
Sakari's Edits - 9 years ago
"its love in first bite" heheh lik
Sakari's Edits
Sakari's Edits - 9 years ago
+The lucky Cat gamer just watch the vid
Sergeant Clement
Sergeant Clement - 9 years ago
+Adrienne05 da fock?
Sakari's Edits
Sakari's Edits - 9 years ago
Evelyn Soto
Evelyn Soto - 9 years ago
I bet you he wouldn't try to hand feed a great white shark without a cage nor without that steel  suit
TyGuy1245 - 9 years ago
Hey jonathan, quick question. Who funds these expeditions?
Jeff Webber son
Jeff Webber son - 8 years ago
your picture is disturbing
SpiritBear12 - 9 years ago
The wide head on a hammer head shark is not to help them swim. If this were so, other sharks like the Mako, Great white, Blue shark and other roaming sharks would all have wide flat heads. None of those sharks have any problem staying off the ocean floor. Hammer heads often feed on the bottom. The underside of their wide head is covered with tiny holes. These are special sensory organs called the Ampullae of Lorenzini. They are very sensitive to the electrical field every living creature has. The hammer heads search for prey that is hidden under the sand. They skim along the bottom moving their heads back and forth trying to detect something under the sand. It's sort of like a person using a metal detector. When a hammerhead senses a living animal under the sand it scares it out and snaps it up. The width of the head gives the shark a wider field of detection. Hammer head sharks can also eat prey swimming free in the water, but because they look for prey under the sand, they evolved that weird head.
Now, as far as I know, all predator sharks have the Ampullae of Lorenzini and they use it to detect their prey as well. But the prey of most other sharks doesn't hide under the sand, so they don't need a wide head to find their prey. Reef sharks try to find their prey hiding in holes in rocks and hard corals. They too use their ampullae to detect a fish in a hole because it's hard to see in a hole. Their heads are narrow to fit in some of the holes and get their dinner.
Jeff Webber son
Jeff Webber son - 8 years ago
+SpiritBear12 just messing around and my keyboard auto corrects me wrong and gets rid of all punctuation if you know how to fix that please tell
SpiritBear12 - 8 years ago
+Jeffrey Nickle
You very sorely need lessons in grammar and punctuation. Talk about a babbling incorrect run on sentence. Gosh, do some research in that and maybe you could have a valid argument with some one. But as you stand right now, your garbled bullshit is just that.
What a cute little troll you are pats Jeffy on the head
I am neither a lesbian or a feminist, so you're wrong again, Jeffy.
Jeff Webber son
Jeff Webber son - 8 years ago
your so dumb if you think it doesn't help and if it does why would the other sharks adapt their are extremely unique all sharks have unique personalitys and yes it does help them swim and how would you know look at your picture your obviously a lesbian feminist old cat lady and look at your name gosh you need to do some research
SpiritBear12 - 9 years ago
If that's the case, then he loses out on some good information. Judging a book by it's cover is not a wise thing to do. Read the words and think about them.
Max Tactical
Max Tactical - 9 years ago
+SpiritBear12 obviously you.
SpiritBear12 - 9 years ago
+Daniel Foor
 To whom are you talking to?
Daniel Foor
Daniel Foor - 9 years ago
Your profile picture makes it hard to take this comment seriously
Joshua Mwaniki
Joshua Mwaniki - 9 years ago
Our noses are made of cartilage too y'know :/ it's probably in a lot of pain
Joshua Mwaniki
Joshua Mwaniki - 9 years ago
Sharks sense electromagnetic pulses... Hammerheads are exceptionally good at it due to their wide head where there sensors are. It's easier for them to distinguish weather movement is coming from left or right.... There's a documentary on YouTube by nat geo on it..
de todo Shalimar
de todo Shalimar - 9 years ago
i like your vídeos
B_g24onzalez _
B_g24onzalez _ - 9 years ago
+BlueWorldTV How long did it take you to reach the bottom, and how long does it take for you to swim back up?
X Infinity
X Infinity - 9 years ago
+BlueWorldTV why didnt they attack the diver i thought they are man eaters
BlueWorldTV - 9 years ago
+Bres craft corner Depends on depth, etc. But for say an average 80 foot dive, you can get right down there very quickly, about as fast as you can clear your ears (maybe 1-2 minutes) but coming back up you must go slower to prevent bubbles from forming in your blood. The rule of thumb is to come up no faster than 1 foot every 2 seconds, with a 3 minute "safety stop" at 10-15 feet. So coming up from 80 feet (assuming no decompression obligation) takes somewhere around 6 minutes.
MrVideowatchy - 9 years ago
Very interesting documentary about sharks and other stuff.

Keep up the good work.
That Robloxian
That Robloxian - 9 years ago
Hammer Heads are my favorite
retarded duck
retarded duck - 7 years ago
That Robloxian mine is mako
Mary Harty Dormido
Mary Harty Dormido - 7 years ago
Me to
Tresiah Tangatakere
Tresiah Tangatakere - 9 years ago
sorry blueworld TV your pretty cool
hiikuu - 9 years ago
One thing I still don't understand is...why do we, as humans, need to know everything? Like how a Hammerhead shark grows? why does that matter? All we are doing is disrupting the natural cycle of the earth/living things. All i'm saying is we don't need to know everything and that's OK. just let animals be animals. We don't need to capture the pups and hold them captive against their will. You separated them from their home. That's not how it should be. let them be free if you really love animals.
Soel Joeles
Soel Joeles - 7 years ago
+hiikuu Exactly. That's why we should care about the ramifications of our actions on the planet and the wonderful creatures who reside within.

That's why we explore and research wildlife. To get a better understanding and appreciation. It also makes apparent just how much damage we're causing our fellow mamillians and aquatic life.
Soel Joeles
Soel Joeles - 7 years ago
hiikuu If you ever wonder one day why our natural surroundings decay and more animals dissappear by the day, you have wonder who's causing this and how to help as an animal restore the ecosystem.
Miska Kopperoinen
Miska Kopperoinen - 8 years ago
+hiku Artifact202 For their protection, they need to be understood. This way we can determine their breeding cycles and maturity ages, as well as their feeding and behaviour patterns. If there is a threat to the shark population, these facts are crucial in protecting them. The cost of this information, a few tissue samples taken and a couple of sharks spending their youth being kept in optimal temperature water with more than enough food and no danger from bigger fish is far outweighed by the potential saving value this holds for the shark population as a whole.
BlueWorldTV - 9 years ago
+Tresiah Tangatakere It's just an expression, relax!
BlueWorldTV - 9 years ago
+Tresiah Tangatakere Yes. Yes it is! :-)
ingie bingie
ingie bingie - 9 years ago
i was told the head is to trap rays on the ocean floor. feed at night.
Charlotte Parsons
Charlotte Parsons - 9 years ago
ingie bingie I have heard that to
Charlotte Parsons
Charlotte Parsons - 9 years ago
+BlueWorldTV I love the hammerhead video it is so coll I think that you are so brave because you dive in the ocean \sea with sharks
BlueWorldTV - 9 years ago
+ingie bingie Large hammerheads have been observed using their flat head to hold down rays, but that is probably not the reason the head evolved to that shape.
Jake26Gamer - 9 years ago
Can You Make 1080p Please Mr Bird Pls Reply
BlueWorldTV - 9 years ago
+Jake26 Gamer It's really me! I try to go through the comments every morning.
Jake26Gamer - 9 years ago
+BlueWorldTv Thank You For Replying I Always Wonder Are You The Real Jonathan Or someone is using your account pls reply
BlueWorldTV - 9 years ago
+Jake26 Gamer Hi Jake, this one was filmed before we switched to HD, so we can't make HD version of this one or a few of the other first season shows. But we are in the process of re-releasing the second and third season shows in HD.
darklink1011 - 9 years ago
i would hate to be a nail fish.
Aassassin101 - 9 years ago
I want a assistant named gator
BlueWorldTV - 9 years ago
+Aassassin101 He's the best!
Starwarsrap1 - 9 years ago
Instant subbed. I love marine life and Hammerhead Sharks are my fav animal in the world.
Starwarsrap1 - 9 years ago
Subbed. I love marine life!!!
ava pratt
ava pratt - 9 years ago
Your great I was so scared of all sharks but know I realized how harmless they are thanks for teaching me so much I'd love more videos also I love the ocean it's so amazing
GamingFreddy - 9 years ago
0:58 That fish is like "Eat me! Eat me!"
PkimoutRX - 9 years ago
Sharks are the best right!
Gary Pelaez
Gary Pelaez - 9 years ago
i liked the part where the cleaner fish uses the shark as a morsel of prey instead of vise versaa
george balboa
george balboa - 9 years ago
very cool info :)
roberta rossi
roberta rossi - 9 years ago
Skylar Thompson
Skylar Thompson - 9 years ago
Some people say that hammerhead sharks head is for pertection agenst other sharks or people
Patsey Mcallister
Patsey Mcallister - 9 years ago
Sharks are badass
Yasin Onat
Yasin Onat - 9 years ago
Tucher97 - 9 years ago
I came here after playing Depth, just as a refresher on shark knowledge
Sensei poole
Sensei poole - 9 years ago
Are you a marine biologist
Billy Causgrove
Billy Causgrove - 8 years ago
On one of his videos he said he wasn't, I don't remember which video.
Bertha Lovejoy
Bertha Lovejoy - 9 years ago
aww the baby shark was so cute
Mikki McComb-Kobza
Mikki McComb-Kobza - 9 years ago
Shark infested?
Mikki McComb-Kobza
Mikki McComb-Kobza - 9 years ago
Incorrect! Hammerheads do have stereovision.http://jeb.biologists.org/content/212/24/4010.abstract
Torlava - 9 years ago
Hammerheads aren't dangerous right?
Jake Yates
Jake Yates - 9 years ago
If you were a wounded toddler alone in a school of them, maybe. But otherwise, they'll leave you be if you mean them no harm. The worst they might do is take a bite in self defence so don't be tryna kill them n stuff, lol
J P - 9 years ago
The pups are adorable
J P - 9 years ago
Does hammerheads look cute to you?
BlueWorldTV - 9 years ago
+Justin P Cutest shark ever.
J P - 9 years ago
I want to pet hammerheads I just love them
J P - 9 years ago
Hammer heads are just the cutest thing
J P - 9 years ago
I'm big fan of your shows
K Harbour
K Harbour - 9 years ago
I thought hammer head sharks head was so that they can hit or bump people really hard so then the person or thing falls down and then it gets it. Probably a different shark im thinking of then lol but I love your channel Jonathan im a big shark fan I have been since I was a toddler I know almost everything about sharks and it would be really cool to meet you some day so I hope I get to! I would also love to be a marine biologist and study sharks with someone like you some day any way just letting you know im a big fan and please like and subscribe to my cousins channel im a girl and not a lot of girls like  sharks so it was cool to see someone like that scientist that studys sharks growth so anyway big fan and your awesome at what your doing!!
K Harbour
K Harbour - 9 years ago
No problem! thanks for being really cool!
BlueWorldTV - 9 years ago
+kool cousins Thanks for watching! So glad to have you as a fan!
Brandon Perea
Brandon Perea - 9 years ago
Your awesome
Darren Stocks
Darren Stocks - 9 years ago
Cris Cool
Cris Cool - 9 years ago
IGameChangerI - 9 years ago
I know it's kinda pointless to anthropomorphise animals, but I really respect sharks. Seeing as they've been around since before the dinosaurs, it's hard to imagine an ocean without them.
Volha  H
Volha H - 9 years ago
nice vid
Fernanda Parra
Fernanda Parra - 9 years ago
Underestimated - 9 years ago
A diver with a youtube channel. Much better then pop music channels. Lol.

This video was awesome. I've always wanted to see the true nature of sharks without actually swimming with them myself (I'm not a diver, lol).

But every time I look for these kind of videos, I see (SHARK ATTACK).. LOL. No wonder they freak me out.

Nice video.
Underestimated - 9 years ago
A diver with a youtube channel. Much better then pop music channels. Lol.

This video was awesome. I've always wanted to see the true nature of sharks without actually swimming with them myself (I'm not a diver, lol).

But every time I look for these kind of videos, I see (SHARK ATTACK).. LOL. No wonder they freak me out.

Nice video.
Katrina Evangelista
Katrina Evangelista - 9 years ago
I was just at the Kaneohe Bay sandbar a few days ago and spotted a large shark by its fin.. it sure was an experience!
Amanda Ange
Amanda Ange - 9 years ago
Sharks are so cute i never knew you could make a baby shark kinda pass out (i forgot what it was called)
Myrthe Meijer
Myrthe Meijer - 9 years ago
+RecklessInsomniac who cares it's an opinion if she thinks sharks are cute let her think that
aboomination - 9 years ago
+RecklessInsomniac I defend her/his right to have an opinion (that doesn't "ruin" anything for me in this case, tbh).
FromRussiaWithLove - 9 years ago
+aboomination I'm inclined to agree. I hate it when people try to make things cute when they aren't. It's a hammerhead, ok, come on.
RecklessInsomniac - 9 years ago
+aboomination "Grow up" said the man defending someone who calls sharks cute. Take your own advice.
aboomination - 9 years ago
+RecklessInsomniac Calm down and grow up ^^
tasteegold7772 - 9 years ago
+RecklessInsomniac nah they're cute
RecklessInsomniac - 9 years ago
+Amanda Ange They are NOT cute! They're awesome and cool and badass and fierce, they're not cute.
BlueWorldTV - 9 years ago
+Amanda Ange tonic immobility
Shadey Mcbones
Shadey Mcbones - 9 years ago
i thought that the head was shaped like this so that their electromagnetic pulse detection is better. so they can more easily discover fish and rays hiding in the sand.
Shadey Mcbones
Shadey Mcbones - 9 years ago
+BlueWorldTV could be a combination of all those things xD awesome video's btw, i really like it
BlueWorldTV - 9 years ago
+Shadey Mcbones Theories abound and there is no question that the larger surface area of the "hammer" provides more real estate for ampullae of lorenzini, but there is no hiding the obvious fact that the head is shaped like a wing and it's most likely that the wing has something to do with it. My explanation is based on interviews with shark researchers who have long noticed that the head gives the Hammerhead an amazing ability to turn quickly that no other sharks have. It is based on the head providing both mass and lift at the front of the shark and allowing for smaller pectoral fins.
Shadey Mcbones
Shadey Mcbones - 9 years ago
+Shadey Mcbones after some digging around on the internet it seems that no1 is sure why its head is shaped like that, the wiki says 1 thing. you say another, some other source also says something else xD
MagicMan 73
MagicMan 73 - 9 years ago
Where u live
Sebastian Tinajero
Sebastian Tinajero - 9 years ago
Great video I loved the baby hammer head shark part <3
JP latick
JP latick - 9 years ago
Isaac - 9 years ago
Just keep Swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming swimming
unionrussia - 9 years ago
Какого х....я вы делаете с этими малышами? Зачем вы им эти печати ставите?
Why do you do this procedure?
George Barber
George Barber - 9 years ago
BellaPhoebeCrazy TV
BellaPhoebeCrazy TV - 9 years ago
The hamerheads see by moving there heads side to side so each eye takes a turn seeing in front
Alix Morrison
Alix Morrison - 9 years ago
Hi I love your videos
мир і любов божевільний світ
мир і любов божевільний світ - 9 years ago
amazing, the blue world.
Filip Cernak
Filip Cernak - 9 years ago
3:30 doing the moon walk/swim
LANCEitzMe - 9 years ago
I thought the flat heads are for smashing tpugh seashells like crabs n maybe some turtles
ken f
ken f - 9 years ago
+Epsilon Lazerface I think it's for vision perspective.
LANCEitzMe - 9 years ago
Thats interesting
LANCEitzMe - 9 years ago
+BlueWorldTV oh
BlueWorldTV - 9 years ago
+Epsilon Lazerface Nope!
LANCEitzMe - 9 years ago
Owen M
Owen M - 9 years ago
I don't know why but seeing those sharks breathing by opening their mouth and just sitting there was hilarious to me. It was probably because they were just chillin and I've never seen sharks just sit like that lol
Ashe pradeep
Ashe pradeep - 7 years ago
MCPEJakeTheLovenessOfMinecraft NEVERGIVEUP!
MCPEJakeTheLovenessOfMinecraft NEVERGIVEUP! - 9 years ago
Ok that was funny lol
Lizbeth Hernandes
Lizbeth Hernandes - 9 years ago
This is interesting they can not breth if they can not move
Lizbeth Hernandes
Lizbeth Hernandes - 9 years ago
This is assuming you are cool
Alex K.
Alex K. - 9 years ago
Steve Sinanian
Steve Sinanian - 9 years ago
I like your shark videos. Can you guess if I like sharks? Find out on Shark TV/toys.
Georgia Healy
Georgia Healy - 9 years ago
cool vidios

BlurBlade - 9 years ago
Weird looking head
Maree M
Maree M - 9 years ago
Wow I like your blue world it's amazing
Jade Matusow
Jade Matusow - 10 years ago
Typically a predator's eyes are in the front, but these guys seem to show otherwise... Any explanation?
Taylor Jordan
Taylor Jordan - 9 years ago
+Jade Matusow The eyes, which are on opposite sides of the hammer, are there for a very good reason. The eye placement makes the shark capable to see vertically at 360 degrees, making it extremely easy to spot things above it and below it quite easily. Hammerhead sharks often eat rays, specifically stingrays, and where do the rays live? On the ocean floor. The hammerhead shark eats the stingrays straight out of the sand, pinning them down with it's wide, flat head, but with all the upturned silt, it would be extremely difficult to see. Through adaptation, their need for frontal sight deteriorated. There is speculation that the shark sensory organs, or Ampullae of Lorenzini, are highly concentrated in a hammerhead's, well...head. Their sensors allow the shark to sense movement and very slight changes in the water from a very far distance. These sensors act like a radar would, giving the shark direct coordinates of the change in water (the presence in an organism). So, with all that said, frontal eyesight is not needed, because hammerhead sharks can "see" without really seeing. I hope this helped (:
Rita Fernandes
Rita Fernandes - 10 years ago
Please, excuse me! It was my 12 year old son who was here. He has Down Syndrome. I've talked to him the nanny. Excuse Me. 
Stef Wilk
Stef Wilk - 10 years ago
How long have you been shark diving?
Cricii The Bunni
Cricii The Bunni - 10 years ago
Are hammerheads aggresive? Because they're beautiful animals and I was thinking to visit some hammerheads when I'm an adult. What would you recommend?
Cricii The Bunni
Cricii The Bunni - 9 years ago
slowly grabs gun
Shadey Mcbones
Shadey Mcbones - 9 years ago
western music plays
Cricii The Bunni
Cricii The Bunni - 9 years ago
+Bonnie the Bunny oh god o.o
MLGBlindSolid - 9 years ago
+Bonnie The Bunny oh sh%t we have same name
MLGBlindSolid - 9 years ago
+Bonnie The Bunny fnaf lol
Cricii The Bunni
Cricii The Bunni - 10 years ago
+BlueWorldTV okay thanks :)
BlueWorldTV - 10 years ago
+Bonnie The Bunny No they are very shy.
sebastian oks
sebastian oks - 10 years ago
Hey jonathan, your vidieo, Tiger Sharks, comments are disabled, why?
BlueWorldTV - 10 years ago
+sebastian oks Accident. Fixed. Thanks for pointing that out.
SomeoneYouDontKnow979 Nope
SomeoneYouDontKnow979 Nope - 10 years ago
Hammerhead sharks are common, and don't bite (MAYBE) the baby kinds are so small and awesome.
Dolan SJC
Dolan SJC - 10 years ago
How Hammerheads sees what is in front? those eyes seem to see just what is on the sides. Sorry for my english, Im Brazilian... =]
Achala Hurpaul
Achala Hurpaul - 9 years ago
ggh gvy

Liam Morris
Liam Morris - 10 years ago
Wow just wow
The Ugly Barnacle
The Ugly Barnacle - 10 years ago
I always thought hammerheads were the eeriest kind of sharks until I saw some at an aquarium (didn't know they kept them in captivity!). They looked pretty peaceful, especially when placed in a tank with a variety of other tropical fish.
Galahad - 7 years ago
Look up goblin shark.
Candace Barefoot
Candace Barefoot - 7 years ago
Hayden Tekkerz hugs hu
Candace Barefoot
Candace Barefoot - 7 years ago
The Ugly Barnacle hunter
The Minimaster
The Minimaster - 7 years ago
I enjoyed that
Jono Hanna
Jono Hanna - 10 years ago
Are hammerheads dangerous??
Stef Wilk
Stef Wilk - 10 years ago
Hammerhead are most likely to eat other fish, but if they can't see any fish in sight they will attack but it's quite rare.
Sharpedo Starz
Sharpedo Starz - 10 years ago
watching all your videos lol gotta learn more about the blue world ;D
PlasmA - 10 years ago
T = Hammerhead Shark
PlasmA - 10 years ago
I caught a 6 footer T
BlueWorldTV - 10 years ago
+SonicChannel INC. I hope you let it go!
Mr Untitled
Mr Untitled - 10 years ago
yasmin Clarke
yasmin Clarke - 10 years ago
Have you seen a sea turtle yet ?
BlueWorldTV - 10 years ago
+Victoria Coppard Never!!  ;-)  Jonathan Bird's Blue World: Sea Turtles
Goldfish Trees
Goldfish Trees - 10 years ago
Wow this must be so amazing to do this. I wanna do it when I'm an adult.
majik mesa
majik mesa - 10 years ago
You dont have a adult. Just do your research   
catarina oliveira
catarina oliveira - 10 years ago
isnt that dangerous or something? 
Antonia Lopez
Antonia Lopez - 10 years ago
You are one lucky awesome dude to be able to swim with all these beautiful fascinating fish :) keep up the good work, I love all your videos! :)
Tiny Heartless Cheetos
Tiny Heartless Cheetos - 10 years ago
<3 Baby hammerhead sharks r so cute!!!
littledisaster1 - 10 years ago
thanks for all the videos you made i have learned a lot about the ocean from you I am even watching your videos over and over again to write facts in my facts about the ocean book again thanks so much, and keep diving! :)
TheGamingPharaoh - 10 years ago
I should really make a series called Jonathan fish and it will be all about birds ill call it blue world since the sky is blue as well as the ocean I think it is ironic that your name is Jonathan bird but your a scuba diver   
Nana Copeland
Nana Copeland - 7 years ago
TheGamingPharaoh - 8 years ago
TheGamingPharaoh - 8 years ago
HI!!! I cant believe you replied!!
Iiro Palojärvi
Iiro Palojärvi - 8 years ago
BlueWorldTV - 10 years ago
+TheGamingPharaoh Great idea!  :-)
King Zog
King Zog - 10 years ago
I'm strange and mysterious? Well.... No. I'm maybe strange, but certainly not mysterious! :D I think I saw you!
thesantiso - 10 years ago
The Hammerhead's head is used as a radar, or something like that... If I'm not mistaken. Why would it need so much manouverability then?
ravendfj - 10 years ago
Why is it so important to know how fast the hammer shark grows up ?
Leave them allone.
ravendfj - 10 years ago
Ok, thanks.
BlueWorldTV - 10 years ago
+ravendfj To understand their life cycle makes it easier to protect them in a number of ways.
Fart See
Fart See - 10 years ago
were these the sharks that were in sharknado and sharknado 2?
Warpfangs - 10 years ago
I Must say, your videos are amazing! And I think the hammerhead shark looks beautiful too! It's one of my favorite sharks in the world! And the blue shark. Sorry for bad spelling or grammar but I am from Norway so English isn't my first language.
falegal - 9 years ago
Veronica Davis
Veronica Davis - 10 years ago
BlueWorldTV - 10 years ago
+KryptWrath Your English is better than my Bokmal!!
JokeRmakesPie - 10 years ago
From all the different sharks, I think the hammerhead is the one I like the most. It doesn't seem aggressive. It even looks cute with its small mouth :3
BlueWorldTV - 10 years ago
+JokeRmakesPie I totally agree.  One of my favorites.  
eldvindur - 10 years ago
really beautifull creature's and very intressting that they have a "cleaning station"
Anonymous - 10 years ago
The hammerhead shark is not really a shark that is going to make a shark attack
Riley Claire
Riley Claire - 10 years ago
I luv ur vids and tomorrow I'm going to swim with the sharks
M Davis
M Davis - 10 years ago
love love love sharks!
William Cox
William Cox - 10 years ago
Another worthy post and thanks for it.
gamerguyx095 - 10 years ago
By putting a shark upside down this causes the shark to panic, the natural response involves the releases of serotonin into the brain to calm it.
gamerguyx095 - 10 years ago
The head is actually for its electromagnetic sensitive glands that it uses to home in on prey, that large flat head acts like a giant radar dish, picking up electrical signals emitted by the muscles of animals moving.
scuss Katz
scuss Katz - 10 years ago
why do you block comments on some of your videos?
Crispin Geraldizo
Crispin Geraldizo - 10 years ago
ShortgyalRena - 10 years ago
Sharks are not harmful, just misunderstood just like most wild animals
remember that dogs were once wild! they are even some still in the wild. We were meant to protect them nt fear them
Kirk C. Colon
Kirk C. Colon - 10 years ago
Dear Mr. Bird,
You make an excellent videos! I like the writing and the production. I can only imagine how much work goes into this.  You make it interesting for everyone and that's what we need to have more people get interested.  
Jimmy Collins
Jimmy Collins - 10 years ago
what editing software do you use and what camera
BlueWorldTV - 10 years ago
That's a complicated question because our cameras have been changing every year.  We are now shooting on Sony Z100 4K XAVC (ultra-HD 3840x2160) cameras.  Before that we shot on the Sony PMW-200 XDCAM and EX1R.  Before that we shot on HDV tape with Sony Z1, Canon XH-A1 and Sony FX7 cameras.  Before that it was Standard def with Panasonic DVCPRO and Sony VX-1000/2000.  We started the series editing on a system called Media 100 but switched to Final Cut Pro which we used up until about 6 months ago when we switched to Adobe Premiere CC because Final Cut 7 was too old to handle the new 4K formats and I hate Final Cut X.
adrian's trains and planes
adrian's trains and planes - 10 years ago
U dive with anything... I might be inspured
MegaHowtoMan - 10 years ago
Great educational videos. I met a hammerhead in Key West as it was chasing a Tarpon. Scared me so I'm trying learn more about it.
Kaisura - 10 years ago
the hammer head sharks flattened head are use to pin down sting rays 
Kaisura - 10 years ago
(correct me if im wrong) i think its used for sensing prey from any direction i think.
BlueWorldTV - 10 years ago
That is one of the uses seen with Great Hammerheads, but not the primary purpose.
Anna - 10 years ago
If she is recording how fast they grow in captivity... wouldn't that differ from how fast they grow in the wild.? After all she is feeding them according to her schedule.... in the wild im sure its harder for pups to get their own food. Just a thought
BlueWorldTV - 10 years ago
Yes, you are right, but this gives fairly close growth data.
Brittany Setterstrom
Brittany Setterstrom - 10 years ago
John, u r amazing!! im up 4hrs past my "bedtime" because ive been watching these clips, scalloped hammers are one of my fav sea animals :) stay awesome! 
Drake Randles
Drake Randles - 10 years ago
Jonathan have you done a video for everything about the blue sea or do you still have more to give us I hope you have more I find your videos very interesting
Drake Randles
Drake Randles - 10 years ago
sorry i dont
BlueWorldTV - 10 years ago
Plenty more to come....but we need season 5 funding.  Know any millionaires that like the ocean?
alethia23 - 10 years ago
You are awesome.
mike the gamer metz
mike the gamer metz - 10 years ago
Thank you for making videos about sharks. Me and my sister love learning about sharks and it must be so cool to actually swim with the sharks!
mike the gamer metz
mike the gamer metz - 10 years ago
Thank you for making videos about sharks. Me and my sister love learning about sharks and it must be so cool to actually swim with the sharks!
Vajira Hettiarachchi
Vajira Hettiarachchi - 10 years ago
I'm a kid and I like and love all of your videos :)
Fiona Tanner
Fiona Tanner - 10 years ago
on my birthday im going scuba diving with dolphins when i do that it will remind me of you jonathan and your blue world it was my dream of swimming with sharks .
jonathan when i see you swim with sharks i dosen't look scary
sharks don't harm people they are like 1 of the most beautifulest thing iv'e
ever seen
you make me smile every time i see you
watch and subscribe to your video every single day 
i just love to swim with shark 1 quick question how many sharks have you swam with?
jonathan i love you
hope you enjoyed my very very lond speach
because it took  2 hours and had to miss a water park....................................... :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D <3
BlueWorldTV - 10 years ago
Not sure how many sharks I have swam with.  A LOT!!!
Mike Cutler
Mike Cutler - 10 years ago
Awesome vid
mrcollin011 - 10 years ago
christo792 - 10 years ago
A nice documentary, but his final comment is wrong. The water isn't blue, it is clear and the blue sky is refracting through it to make it appear blue.
christo792 - 10 years ago
+BlueWorldTV You're quite right. I have learned something. Thank you.
BlueWorldTV - 10 years ago
It's not the sky.  Water filters light.  Longer wavelengths (like red) do not penetrate very far into water, but shorter wavelengths do.  So if you get enough water together (i.e. a pool or the ocean) it actually does appear blue due to which wavelengths of light are absorbed and which are re-emitted.  Anything that appears a color is that color for all effective purposes.  The sky has nothing to do with it.  The ocean is still blue when the sky is cloudy.
christo792 - 10 years ago
+BlueWorldTV Oh good, you agree that seawater isn't blue. If you took a glass of seawater into a room, the water would be clear, at best, not blue.
BlueWorldTV - 10 years ago
Umm, no.
Bradley Chalupiak
Bradley Chalupiak - 10 years ago
Cate Vanzienie
Cate Vanzienie - 10 years ago
BlueWorldTV - 10 years ago
Cygnus GF
Cygnus GF - 10 years ago
Christina Winkler
Christina Winkler - 10 years ago
I love sharks
Ruben Smink
Ruben Smink - 10 years ago
Im actually thinking what is a good diving spot?
because im a real thrillseeker.
Ruben Smink
Ruben Smink - 10 years ago
The blue whale is the biggest mammal
The whale shark is the biggest fish!
moneyteam112234 - 10 years ago
You keep making them I'll keep watching ! Big fan here .Hopefully one day I'll go scuba diving myself and get to experience the blue world.
PhanWhiskers. - 10 years ago
Lol she cut up iblisticsquid :(
Bryan Guidos
Bryan Guidos - 10 years ago
The biggest fish but it's a shark a meglodon
Plish Plosh
Plish Plosh - 11 years ago
Jonathan let me into his world two years ago,
and since then we have shared so many smiles and tears, but I wouldn't change a thing!
You are my world Jonathan here is to another two years 
Much love your hunny bun
BlueWorldTV - 10 years ago
So sweet, thanks!
KatiushaVN4 - 11 years ago
You'd better make it 720p at least.
pcstudios3 - 11 years ago
very very Great videos.... thanks a lot my friend Jonathan for that... helo from Greece!!!
moneyteam112234 - 11 years ago
does any one know if hes still making these videos . this guy is good I've seen all his videos .  
BlueWorldTV - 10 years ago
Still making them!
Daniel Forero
Daniel Forero - 11 years ago
i wanna go diving with you.. i feel like i could learn a lot
proshooter xlx
proshooter xlx - 10 years ago
shark attack
c1n3man - 11 years ago
beautiful fish
BlueWorldTV - 10 years ago
White sharks get all the fame, but hammerheads are cooler looking!  :)
BlueWorldTV - 10 years ago
I agree.  I find the hammerhead one of the most beautiful animals in the sea.
Troy MacDonald
Troy MacDonald - 11 years ago
You are the man! I love your videos, I watch you more than anything else on youtube ^_^ Keep up the great work!
Thijmen Alblas
Thijmen Alblas - 11 years ago
4:45 cute little hammerhead shark
Nozomi Toujo
Nozomi Toujo - 11 years ago
the hammer doesn t look like a killer
sonofhistory - 11 years ago
sonofhistory - 10 years ago
oh ok :)
BlueWorldTV - 10 years ago
They were let go with no harm done.
BlueArmy - 11 years ago
no they dont o.o
Jaden Vickery
Jaden Vickery - 11 years ago
2:17 its in 3D mode.
Thijmen Alblas
Thijmen Alblas - 11 years ago
cute little hammerhead
werwdd - 11 years ago
Do hammerhead it people
werwdd - 11 years ago
Do Hamm
Sarah Yasue
Sarah Yasue - 11 years ago
Even the seas have a "society" of their own. :)
Fast Potato
Fast Potato - 11 years ago
logan colebrook
logan colebrook - 11 years ago
shut up its ugly lol
Omber Oni Link
Omber Oni Link - 11 years ago
The symbiotic mutualism between the hammerhead and king angelfish is so cool. ^^
EugenioS40T4TURBO - 11 years ago
5 minutes in the video the narrator says "putting the sharks upside down puts it in a trance state - no one knows why" actually we do now know why... these sharks need to be upright or they get disoriented, with humans its like spinning around in circles and getting extremely dizzy..octopus have been filmed grappling great white sharks and turning them upside down until they drown..killer whales do the same thing by knocking into them and biting them to hold them like that :)
Okkvltify - 11 years ago
that baby hammerhead is really cute :)
Sam Millis
Sam Millis - 11 years ago
I know right? I want one sooo badly
werdna4w - 11 years ago
Dude hammer heads don't harm you
mobscene13 - 11 years ago
Beautiful footage, thanks!
JeffGordonFan2404 - 11 years ago
Hammerhead is dangerous like come on
ProgramR1012 - 11 years ago
they have to keep swiming so they can swim. Thats hard :(
sam hu
sam hu - 11 years ago
love it just love it
CoyoteXP - 11 years ago
that moment when you think this should be more famous and on tv instead of some crap like annoying orange
Aroos Productions
Aroos Productions - 11 years ago
Awesome videos :), but is it possible to upload them in HD?
Maria Osborn
Maria Osborn - 11 years ago
Oh my god, that baby Hammerhead! D'awww!
Neymar Messi
Neymar Messi - 11 years ago
You should go find some blue whales
Neymar Messi
Neymar Messi - 11 years ago
This is great!!!!!!!!!!!
Jan Mosler
Jan Mosler - 11 years ago
guess Jonathan has reached his dream job
Majesty - 11 years ago
Good job man!
Brodie MacDonald
Brodie MacDonald - 11 years ago
Omg that is amazing!

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