Shark videos 11 years ago 1,789,301 views
Of all the animals in the oceans, the hammerhead shark may be one of the strangest looking. The exact purpose of the wide, flat head is a mystery, but several theories abound. We travel to the shark-infested waters of the Galapagos in Ecuador and to a research station in Hawaii to learn about the unusual habits of these sinister-looking sharks. Jonathan swims in schools of hundreds of hammerheads, and yet the sharks ignore him. What are the sharks up to? ********************************************************************** If you like Jonathan Bird's Blue World, don't forget to subscribe! You can buy some Blue World T-shirts & Swag! http://www.blueworldtv.com/shop You can join us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/BlueWorldTV Twitter https://twitter.com/BlueWorld_TV Instagram @blueworldtv Web: http://www.blueworldTV.com ********************************************************************** In the Galapagos Islands, during certain times of the year, large aggregations of Scalloped Hammerheads come together to circle around Darwin Island. Scalloped Hammerheads normally live in the open ocean, but here at Darwin Island they come close to shore in large numbers. Considering the vast numbers of fish here, it would be logical to assume that the sharks come to feed. Yet, nobody has ever witnessed the sharks feeding. The Galapagos Islands are a remote archipelago 600 miles off the coast of Ecuador in the Pacific Ocean. Hammerheads are most common at the northernmost island of Darwin, famous for its stone arch. Hammerheads are of course known for their strange, flattened heads. But you have to wonder…what is that flat head for? Shark biologists put their own heads together to figure it out. At first, they speculated that it gave the hammerhead wider stereoscopic vision. But that didn’t work: hammerhead eyes face in opposite directions, meaning they can’t see in stereo. The wide head probably has nothing to do with eyesight. So maybe it has to do with the sense of smell. Wider spaced olfactory organs would help the hungry shark sniff out prey more accurately. Well, not really. Although the nostrils and olfactory organs are widely spaced, a groove along the front of the head effectively connects them together. Therefore, they don't give the hammerhead a better sense of directional smell than any other shark. Scientists finally hit upon a graceful reason for the awkward head: It helps the hammerhead turn faster by eliminating the need for large pectoral fins. Some sharks, like white tip reef sharks can rest all day if they want, just gulping water to ventilate their gills, the shark equivalent of breathing. Hammerheads, on the other hand, cannot accomplish this. Like most pelagic sharks, they must keep swimming not only to stay up off the bottom, but to breathe. In an ironic twist of fate, if a hammerhead stops swimming, it will drown. The big flat head is a wing to keep the hammerhead up off the bottom. Researcher Kanesa Duncan at the University of Hawaii is studying Scalloped hammerheads. She catches the sharks when they are just pups, only a few weeks old, in Kaneohe Bay on Oahu. By holding the shark upside down, she places it in a kind of trans called Tonic Immobility. She frequently puts the pup back in the water to aerate the gills. Once aboard the boat, she first measures the shark while an assistant records the data. Next she implants a small visual tag with a number on it through the shark’s dorsal fin. This does not hurt the shark at all. The fin is almost completely made of cartilage. Next, she weighs the pup. Back at the lab, Duncan has several captive hammerhead pups that she is working with to determine growth patterns. She wants to learn, among other things, how fast baby Hammerheads grow. But I still want to know what they are all doing at Darwin Island in the Galapagos, and I finally get a clue when I see a shark being investigated by a fish. The strong current at Darwin Island allows a hammerhead to swim in place, like a runner on a treadmill, yet hold a fixed position over the reef. King Angelfish make their homes on this reef and they serve as cleaner fish for the sharks. Because the sharks get cuts and scrapes, not to mention parasites, that need cleaning, they come to a cleaning station where a King Angelfish is waiting to clean the wounds and eat the parasites. A shark looking to be cleaned often swims at an angle, with its white belly showing. This body language tells the angelfish to come on over. Angelfish looking to clean a shark swim up and down in the water to attract the shark’s attention. Often, something seems amiss to the shark and it rebuffs the fish. The sharks feel vulnerable while they are being cleaned, so they pick a cleaning station carefully. If anything doesn’t seem right, they move on.
Thank you!
10. comment for Hammerhead Sharks | JONATHAN BIRD'S BLUE WORLD
20. comment for Hammerhead Sharks | JONATHAN BIRD'S BLUE WORLD
30. comment for Hammerhead Sharks | JONATHAN BIRD'S BLUE WORLD
In my mind: Probably slam people to walls and eat them till death.. But are those nice Hammerheads?
50. comment for Hammerhead Sharks | JONATHAN BIRD'S BLUE WORLD
100. comment for Hammerhead Sharks | JONATHAN BIRD'S BLUE WORLD
Do you mat blue world tv at Cambodia
Now, as far as I know, all predator sharks have the Ampullae of Lorenzini and they use it to detect their prey as well. But the prey of most other sharks doesn't hide under the sand, so they don't need a wide head to find their prey. Reef sharks try to find their prey hiding in holes in rocks and hard corals. They too use their ampullae to detect a fish in a hole because it's hard to see in a hole. Their heads are narrow to fit in some of the holes and get their dinner.
You very sorely need lessons in grammar and punctuation. Talk about a babbling incorrect run on sentence. Gosh, do some research in that and maybe you could have a valid argument with some one. But as you stand right now, your garbled bullshit is just that.
What a cute little troll you are pats Jeffy on the head
I am neither a lesbian or a feminist, so you're wrong again, Jeffy.
To whom are you talking to?
Keep up the good work.
That's why we explore and research wildlife. To get a better understanding and appreciation. It also makes apparent just how much damage we're causing our fellow mamillians and aquatic life.
This video was awesome. I've always wanted to see the true nature of sharks without actually swimming with them myself (I'm not a diver, lol).
But every time I look for these kind of videos, I see (SHARK ATTACK).. LOL. No wonder they freak me out.
Nice video.
This video was awesome. I've always wanted to see the true nature of sharks without actually swimming with them myself (I'm not a diver, lol).
But every time I look for these kind of videos, I see (SHARK ATTACK).. LOL. No wonder they freak me out.
Nice video.
Why do you do this procedure?
Leave them allone.
remember that dogs were once wild! they are even some still in the wild. We were meant to protect them nt fear them
You make an excellent videos! I like the writing and the production. I can only imagine how much work goes into this. You make it interesting for everyone and that's what we need to have more people get interested.
jonathan when i see you swim with sharks i dosen't look scary
sharks don't harm people they are like 1 of the most beautifulest thing iv'e
ever seen
you make me smile every time i see you
watch and subscribe to your video every single day
i just love to swim with shark 1 quick question how many sharks have you swam with?
jonathan i love you
hope you enjoyed my very very lond speach
because it took 2 hours and had to miss a water park....................................... :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D <3
because im a real thrillseeker.
The whale shark is the biggest fish!
and since then we have shared so many smiles and tears, but I wouldn't change a thing!
You are my world Jonathan here is to another two years
Much love your hunny bun