Huge Tiger Shark Caught while Drift Fishing

WEBSITE: This tiger shark was caught while we were drift fishing on the east coast of Florida. We were in about 80ft of water. This shark was playing with the bait for a few minutes before it actually committed. The fight lasted about 30-40 minutes. As were getting ready to put the tail rope on the shark, it quickly dove under the boat and snapped the 200lb monofilament. This was my brothers first big shark. GEAR USED: Bait Used --- Rainbow Runner Hooks --- 18/0 Lindgren Pitman Circle hook Leader --- 6ft of #19 single strand wire Reel --- Duel 12/0w Line --- 200lb Cortland C16 Braid backing with 200lb mono topshot Rod --- Custom Barrett Shark Rod SPONSORS: ********************************************************************** RELATED VIDEOS: Offshore Fishing - Bull Shark: 500+lb Monster Hammerhead Shark: Deep Sea Fishing for Sharks:

Huge Tiger Shark Caught while Drift Fishing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 225

Shark videos 12 years ago 800,828 views

WEBSITE: This tiger shark was caught while we were drift fishing on the east coast of Florida. We were in about 80ft of water. This shark was playing with the bait for a few minutes before it actually committed. The fight lasted about 30-40 minutes. As were getting ready to put the tail rope on the shark, it quickly dove under the boat and snapped the 200lb monofilament. This was my brothers first big shark. GEAR USED: Bait Used --- Rainbow Runner Hooks --- 18/0 Lindgren Pitman Circle hook Leader --- 6ft of #19 single strand wire Reel --- Duel 12/0w Line --- 200lb Cortland C16 Braid backing with 200lb mono topshot Rod --- Custom Barrett Shark Rod SPONSORS: ********************************************************************** RELATED VIDEOS: Offshore Fishing - Bull Shark: 500+lb Monster Hammerhead Shark: Deep Sea Fishing for Sharks:

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Most popular comments
for Huge Tiger Shark Caught while Drift Fishing

tfhgmdh Awztwkit
tfhgmdh Awztwkit - 7 years ago
Jonathan Salisbury
Jonathan Salisbury - 7 years ago
Just a random question, was that your brother?

Dme Pcdo
Dme Pcdo - 7 years ago
hi can you make a video of fishing octopus
Jacob Cassidy
Jacob Cassidy - 7 years ago
Dme Pcdo I may be wrong, but I don't think you can catch an octopus on a hook
Joe Willsen
Joe Willsen - 7 years ago
Nice job! You may want to fight a fish like that in the stern next time and get a fighting belt to go with that the family jewels from taking a beating!
Ella Leehane
Ella Leehane - 7 years ago
hi can u please do some big tuna fishing that would mean the world to me. Btw keep going with your vids they are lit
Ella Leehane
Ella Leehane - 7 years ago
BlacktipH thanks soo much
BlacktipH - 7 years ago
It's in the schedule.
Kenneth Harliwich
Kenneth Harliwich - 8 years ago
you guysare curl even know your fishingyou should let it gon
Tigerball890 Labs
Tigerball890 Labs - 7 years ago
you literallyare horrible at remembering spaces
Jayda Lujan
Jayda Lujan - 8 years ago
shan anees
shan anees - 8 years ago
Friskyy - 8 years ago
Where the old vids shark fishing from the beach but sick vid josh

10. comment for Huge Tiger Shark Caught while Drift Fishing

Mr Drifter
Mr Drifter - 8 years ago
Hi blacktipH
Jocelyn Muñoz
Jocelyn Muñoz - 8 years ago
favorite fishermen
OONEILL -15 - 8 years ago
Tigerball890 Labs
Tigerball890 Labs - 7 years ago
Yana Harrison
Yana Harrison - 8 years ago
that is a big fish
Hungry Shark World
Hungry Shark World - 8 years ago
"Tiger Shark Caught Drifting With a Car" My Title.
LeadUR Subconscious
LeadUR Subconscious - 8 years ago
no barbecue? bull
Julian Joshua
Julian Joshua - 9 years ago
QJB Beast
QJB Beast - 9 years ago

Where were u guys fishing
PaperBagMan11 - 8 years ago
Description dumbass!
Katie Fair
Katie Fair - 9 years ago
ken carksztb
ken carksztb - 9 years ago
Thats a good rod, some would snap if you let them touch that rail like that

20. comment for Huge Tiger Shark Caught while Drift Fishing

Hien Dao Thi
Hien Dao Thi - 9 years ago
Bofa Sofa
Bofa Sofa - 9 years ago
don't do this at home? how would you....?
mee937 - 10 years ago
The guy catching the shark is a catch himself . Damnn that body !
Tigerball890 Labs
Tigerball890 Labs - 7 years ago
--mnn your grammar!
123YoshiLover - 10 years ago
Is the shark harmed?
Tigerball890 Labs
Tigerball890 Labs - 7 years ago
Whaddaya think? A hook in its mouth for 40 minutes? Shoving and heaving, and by the end of the video it still is fine. No, I don't think it's harmed.
Jabb Throne
Jabb Throne - 8 years ago
Adco Martin
Adco Martin - 10 years ago
You guys should come down to the land down under. Much the same as fishing in florida just a lot more to chose from. Nothing compares hooking up to a 700 lbs mako in a smallish boat. Yewwwwww
Alexis Anderson
Alexis Anderson - 10 years ago
I love all the anti fishing comments on here. Oh he's an animal and feels pain too, but I'm sure if he bit your leg off hun that the tiger shark community would write you a full hearted apology.
Syeda Muskan
Syeda Muskan - 7 years ago
Alexis Anderson dhvxh
honeybobo i have a large cocko
honeybobo i have a large cocko - 7 years ago
well you shouldn't judge all the tiger sharks based on one tiger shark action
victor grado
victor grado - 9 years ago
+funny guy ok
funny guy
funny guy - 9 years ago
+C Colt
u guys are all a bunch of cocksucking cunts.
funny guy
funny guy - 9 years ago
+victor grado
lmao am i the only one who has a brain in this convo?
victor grado
victor grado - 9 years ago
+C Colt best comment ever.
Dustin Vidrine
Dustin Vidrine - 10 years ago
I literally Lol'd. I like this comment. True stuff.
pepe lopez
pepe lopez - 10 years ago
two stupids guys fishing a tiger shark with a squid
MadeInVolantis - 9 years ago
And one big panocha named Pepe Lopez
MrMauricioG - 10 years ago
Well humans are pretty stupid sometimes, fish are animals as well, and they feel pain just like us.
vitaley simonovich
vitaley simonovich - 8 years ago
MrMauricioG and the fishermen use rust away hooks that will rust to salt water in about a week so stop acting so animal friendly, if that shark bit your arm off you would gladly shoot it
Tane Hickey
Tane Hickey - 8 years ago
+MrMauricioG I never said that I agree with them. I was telling u that the hook dosen't hurt it. so don't worry
MrMauricioG - 8 years ago
+Tane Hickey so if you don't agree with ppl catching stuffs for fun (like this video) don't try to defend them :) cuz that thing only makes you an stupid person and not a intelligent guy who knows everything, they are not just using the hook for give them an accesorie :) they are catching you know? And that actually hurt them.
Tane Hickey
Tane Hickey - 8 years ago
+MrMauricioG not that I like people catching sharks. I actually don't believe in catching sharks unless its for research.
Tane Hickey
Tane Hickey - 8 years ago
+MrMauricioG have u done your research on sharks yet? the hook in there mouth dosen't hurt them. they can feel the hook pulling in there mouth but thats it. if it hurt them they wouldn't pull against it cause it would hurt them more.
MrMauricioG - 8 years ago
+Tane Hickey pretty late answer lol don't make me laugh, if you agree with ppl who hurt animals in general cuz they don't feel the same level of pain like us you're just dumb and pretty stupid, done
Tane Hickey
Tane Hickey - 8 years ago
fish actually don't feel pain like us. learn about them before u assume something like that
Mauricio Guerra
Mauricio Guerra - 9 years ago
+GoPro Gunther no my friend, i'm not from your town lols
GoPro Gunther
GoPro Gunther - 9 years ago
Did you just blow out from stupid town
Clarence Boddicker
Clarence Boddicker - 10 years ago
The guy said "don't try this at home", I won't be, I don't have a tiger shark or an ocean in my house.
fishing addict with Cheyne darcy
fishing addict with Cheyne darcy - 7 years ago
Clarence Boddicker hahahahahaha lol
Elisa Miguel
Elisa Miguel - 7 years ago
Clarence Boddicker thats the point, its a joke
Fisherman Robb
Fisherman Robb - 10 years ago

30. comment for Huge Tiger Shark Caught while Drift Fishing

Emili K.
Emili K. - 10 years ago
If you live in the keys you could do it at home
ReelGuyTv - 9 years ago
+Emili K. Hell yea!!
Timebomb Productions
Timebomb Productions - 10 years ago
2:45 "I repeat do not do this at home" how do you catch a 10 ft tiger shark at home?
Timothy Ward
Timothy Ward - 7 years ago
if you live in Australia .shark like this are normal to catch.
Tigerball890 Labs
Tigerball890 Labs - 7 years ago
you're to bad at remembering there's TWO O's in too!
Elisa Miguel
Elisa Miguel - 7 years ago
you're to literal, hes joking
s3nz3i millyun
s3nz3i millyun - 10 years ago
I came across a tiger shark while spear fishing in Kauai, it was a young one around 4 ft. They are some mean bastards
DRAGONBARBER 6 - 10 years ago
Can u try and catch sum giant tuna please
Tigerball890 Labs
Tigerball890 Labs - 7 years ago
can u try and catch sum good grammah please
Nellie Van
Nellie Van - 8 years ago
Your grammar is terrible
anchor 123
anchor 123 - 8 years ago
+DRAGONBARBER 6 Yeah can u
DRAGONBARBER 6 - 10 years ago
Omg the real blacktiph no way :O !!!!!!
BlacktipH - 10 years ago
We are hoping to do a Tuna trip next year. 
Ian Ferguson
Ian Ferguson - 10 years ago
ASDFx2 - 10 years ago
It's a tiga shork! You guys rock it would be amazing to fish with you guys someday :D
TurtleTF - 10 years ago
are you using a dive housing on the gopro?
TurtleTF - 10 years ago
thanks man, love the videos btw cant watch them without craving fishing
BlacktipH - 10 years ago
I use a Blurfix. 
Nate River
Nate River - 10 years ago
those guys are cute
edwin j
edwin j - 10 years ago
I really want to eat a shark
David L
David L - 9 years ago
It's okay. I've had much better fish then shark. I prefer grouper over shark any day.
GreatKeny - 10 years ago
+Edwin Johnson I ate shark once. It does not taste good...
edwin j
edwin j - 10 years ago
Hell ya shark steaks = good food and good times
David Molina
David Molina - 10 years ago
I would eat shark with a sidw of lima beans and a tall glass of merlot ...mmm it will be splendid ...÷)
Owen Santos
Owen Santos - 10 years ago
that guy had a nice bod
reel_salty 18
reel_salty 18 - 10 years ago
To the idiot below we all use rust-away hooks they dissolve in the salt water usually in about a weeks time. No harm is done to the shark we only have its best interest most shark or big game fishermen wont fight fish over an hour just because we do not want to kill them due to exhaustion so please keep your stupid comments to yourself. Josh see you in this years upcoming black tip challenge
michael witherspoon
michael witherspoon - 10 years ago
Damn, I actually was going to try this at home. Thanks for warning me :p
Savage Pirate
Savage Pirate - 10 years ago
So...You left a giant hook in its mouth? maybe I should put a giant hook in your mouth and make you walk around with it for the rest of your life.
Jack Karasin
Jack Karasin - 7 years ago
They rust off after a couple weeks
QueefBurglar69 - 7 years ago
shut your whore of a mouth
owen no
owen no - 8 years ago
Savage Pirate you are retarded
vitaley simonovich
vitaley simonovich - 8 years ago
Savage Pirate boi what else can you do? are you just gonna reach your hand into a tiger sharks mouth while its thrashing around just to take its hook out? how dumb are you, it will rust off or slip off
Tane Hickey
Tane Hickey - 8 years ago
fish don't feel pain like we do that shark wouldn't even know that hook iis in its mouth. it will rust away in week anyway.
max toscano
max toscano - 10 years ago
it rusts off after a week or so
educate yourself before making comments
Adrián B
Adrián B - 10 years ago
rust-away hooks...  not for the rest of the shark's life
Andrew Sharif
Andrew Sharif - 10 years ago
+sykeadelic yeah next time you consider writing something on the internet.....don't
FlashTinlegs - 10 years ago
2 weeks exactly
nathan bromley
nathan bromley - 10 years ago
You must be new to fishing, that hook would dissolve in under a month.
FlashTinlegs - 10 years ago
Someone who is smart
Blake B
Blake B - 10 years ago
oh my god, you're so stupid. hooks in saltwater dissolve after a few days. It's actually safer for both the angler and shark to just leave it in there because if you try to take it out, you're risking both tissue & muscle damage to the shark and you're also risking getting bit by the shark as well. Learn a thing or two about angling before you post your stupid remarks via internet.
FlashTinlegs - 10 years ago
The Hook will dissolve in weeks smartass
Alec NONYAH - 10 years ago
Shut the fuck up already. Geez just don't watch these videos then
KickAsssKadde - 10 years ago
if you want the hook out so bad reach your hand in there and get it out then dumbass. until then shut up +Savage Pirate 
Darian Gregory
Darian Gregory - 10 years ago
the hook will rust out on its own genius
Unstrict - 10 years ago
+gian calcag Okay xD
SteelChopsticks - 10 years ago
lol didn't mean it like that, i meant like how strong acids or bases are corrosive, so is high levels of saline on any fishing hook +TurkeyGaming 
Unstrict - 10 years ago
+gian calcag Lol don't say corrode because that makes it sound like an infection.
SteelChopsticks - 10 years ago
+Lauren LaFlamme you are not wrong. hook will corrode in about a week
K Butler
K Butler - 10 years ago
Jesus people, if any of you idiots actually read the description, you would see that it CLEARLY states that as they were going to put a tail rope on the fish - TO TAKE THE HOOK OUT - The massive tiger snapped the monofilament and swam off, and as others said, the hook will rust out soon. They had every intention to take the hook out.
Vibol Lee
Vibol Lee - 10 years ago
+Savage Pirate Shark Fisher mostly use a special type of hook that dissolve in salt water after a while. I expect these guys use that type of hook
Unstrict - 10 years ago
+sykeadelic I think you just wasted 5 minutes of your life
sykeadelic - 10 years ago
Idiots like you +SavagePirate @savagepirate trip me out. I bet you watched the whole video and then needed to criticize him to make yourself feel better. That hook will rust out in no time at all. These guys enjoy fishing releasing everything I've seen then catch. Would you rather them bored in the inner city getting involved in gangs and drive by shootings? I bet you don't have a problem with human on human violence do you. Well maybe you or one of your loved ones will get caught in the middle and shot one day. Then come back and criticize these guys, me, or another fisherman who are productive members of society. What do you have to say to that?
Lauren LaFlamme
Lauren LaFlamme - 10 years ago
I may be wrong, but the hook will rust away. The shark can still eat perfectly fine.
Tagovai Roppolo
Tagovai Roppolo - 10 years ago
+Savage Pirate Don't talk to me like that again, or I'll shove a propane tank up your rear end!
Savage Pirate
Savage Pirate - 10 years ago
+Hank Hill you're as stupid as your profile pic haha
Tagovai Roppolo
Tagovai Roppolo - 10 years ago
Do you expect them to reach into the sharks mouth and pull it out? They had no choice. Use your brain before you say something moronic.
Swedish Hunter
Swedish Hunter - 10 years ago
Tigerball890 Labs
Tigerball890 Labs - 7 years ago
look above for the worst idiot
vitaley simonovich
vitaley simonovich - 8 years ago
Swedish Hunter
Grow Yourself
Grow Yourself - 10 years ago
where's the shotgun
Kurtis Kurtanich
Kurtis Kurtanich - 10 years ago
Would it be easer to use the belt than no belt?
Kurtis Kurtanich
Kurtis Kurtanich - 10 years ago
Ok thanks and why don't you use and harness
BlacktipH - 10 years ago
We do use a harness. We just don't use a belt. 
Kurtis Kurtanich
Kurtis Kurtanich - 11 years ago
Where can I get one of those rods
David Molina
David Molina - 10 years ago
Go see Dick's ....i mean Dick's sporting goods..
BlacktipH - 10 years ago
Contact Peter at Barrett Rods.
Lionel Messi
Lionel Messi - 11 years ago
Why are they trying to catch a submarine in the middle of no where
jesuslovesmebetter - 10 years ago
Don't worry about it.
001hamish - 11 years ago
Nice fish as always!

50. comment for Huge Tiger Shark Caught while Drift Fishing

Nicholas James.S
Nicholas James.S - 11 years ago
That is one big beautiful fish. You guys must be pretty happy
spyros ziakas
spyros ziakas - 11 years ago
do you kill them in the end because in the finakl shot he was still hooked
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
All catch and release. 
Sunny Soonkyu
Sunny Soonkyu - 11 years ago
"Don't do this at home" Seriously?!!
Stevens Romero
Stevens Romero - 11 years ago
Cool tiger shark, please subscribe?
Stevens Romero
Stevens Romero - 11 years ago
I saw a video where a coupels went out to fish and a shark whale was underneath the boat. D:
Randy Boisa
Randy Boisa - 11 years ago
Nice to see you fight the shark and release it! nothing wrong with that! Love fighting fish in the water!
vitaley simonovich
vitaley simonovich - 8 years ago
boricuafrican the hook rusts away retard
Randy Boisa
Randy Boisa - 10 years ago
+boricuafrican Chill out and go eat some tofu. Lets see you get in the water with one of these predators. Anyway peace. 
boricuafrican - 10 years ago
except for the hole in it's mouth with a hook possibly still in it.
Mike Rumsey
Mike Rumsey - 11 years ago
☻/ This is Bob. Copy and paste him
/▌ all over Youtube
/ \ so he can take over
and return the old comment section
Mike Rumsey
Mike Rumsey - 11 years ago
Meh. I don't care either way
oceanceaser - 11 years ago
i like the new comments
Emil Jm
Emil Jm - 11 years ago
Who buy you your gear
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
Not with 50lb mono, it would take forever. Spool it with 500yds of 130lb Jerry Brown with a 150lb mono topshot.
luke illman
luke illman - 11 years ago
great video, you reckon that a shimano tld50 spooled with 50lb mono could catch a 10 footer?
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
As much as I would like to get every release on video, sometimes handling the shark to ensure a safe release is more important than filming.
chris w
chris w - 11 years ago
what if it wasn't?
TrollMaster300 - 11 years ago
new name more like leopard shark
Freediving Hunter
Freediving Hunter - 8 years ago
Also when they are first born, they actually look like tiger stripes, when they age they start to fade a little bit.!thats why they're called tiger sharks.
Freediving Hunter
Freediving Hunter - 8 years ago
TrollMaster300 there's already a leopard shark.
Jack Armitt
Jack Armitt - 11 years ago
u mean kilo's
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
We either removed the hook or cut the hook using bolt cutters.
Jailbreaker0110 - 11 years ago
how did u release it off this huge shark?
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
The shark was released.
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
Yes sir.
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
Jessica Bosse
Jessica Bosse - 11 years ago
Where was this?
kurojin97 - 11 years ago
Catch and release??
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
It's a Duel 12/0w and a custom Barrett shark rod.
Richard Burton
Richard Burton - 11 years ago
hey i'm looking into getting into deep sea fishing what rod and reel is that you are using in this vid? thank you
George - 11 years ago
silentBoss69 - 11 years ago
JermaineTR - 11 years ago
i hope one of y'all dudes fall in the see and be a shark bait
Freediving Hunter
Freediving Hunter - 8 years ago
JermaineTR I hope one day you'll learn correct grammar. It's sea dumbass.
Justin Thompson
Justin Thompson - 11 years ago
LakeForkGuy - 11 years ago
Another awesome video man, I want to catch a big shark so bad!
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
I wanted to, but I didn't have a mask.
Jake Milman
Jake Milman - 11 years ago
You free dive with her?
alexey sinayko
alexey sinayko - 11 years ago
what city is this near?
Islamorada FishTV
Islamorada FishTV - 11 years ago
Alison Nichols
Alison Nichols - 11 years ago
WheelieBigCheese - 11 years ago
5200 pounds?
Becca Jade
Becca Jade - 11 years ago
Poor shark :(
Johan Geist
Johan Geist - 11 years ago
I didn't find it all that exciting either. Hate me for it.
Set Me Free
Set Me Free - 11 years ago
BlacktipH - 11 years ago
What species was this?
Colin Lillie
Colin Lillie - 11 years ago
Gr8 catch I do the same my biggest is 2.6 tonnes whats urs
Hunter whitley
Hunter whitley - 11 years ago
tigers are fun i caught a 9ft on a penn6/0
prettymommy9309 - 11 years ago
Thank you for responding so fast!
Jason Ivey
Jason Ivey - 11 years ago
I enjoy your videos. I have one question what kind of cameras do you use
prettymommy9309 - 11 years ago
Serious question how do you get the hook out of a sharks mouth? Thats no fishin in the lake haha... But im serious how? i am very curious and have a ver curious 3 year old little boy who thinks they are hurt... even after being told a few times they are not
dave walker
dave walker - 11 years ago
great video . best watched muted !
YeahClickClack - 11 years ago
I thought that rod was about to snap towards the end! Great video.
sandemande2 - 11 years ago
pfft why go to the gym when u can do this... gyms are too mainstream
VeniceDevil23 - 11 years ago
what kind of rod and what reel is that?
Frog Hopper
Frog Hopper - 11 years ago
That has to be the Ultimate Torture ...
Patrick Farmer
Patrick Farmer - 11 years ago
wow good job
enrique flores
enrique flores - 11 years ago
have u ever thought of having a boat rod spiral wraped ? i heard its alot easy to hold then a normal conventional rod

100. comment for Huge Tiger Shark Caught while Drift Fishing

Maleke Ebanks
Maleke Ebanks - 11 years ago
what baid can u drift with for sharks? anyone may answer ;3
mike mellert
mike mellert - 11 years ago
Kyle Kwasoski
Kyle Kwasoski - 12 years ago
Little man, big troll.
buck roger
buck roger - 12 years ago
So how much difference is there between a Tiger Sharks tail, and a Thresher shark's tail. Do they inhabit the same waters? If so, is one more dangerous than the other in the same enviroment?
Jake Jorgensen
Jake Jorgensen - 12 years ago
u just jealous hater.
OoLowrieoO - 12 years ago
Does anyone in use a belt or harness in Florida?
Manueljoastt Santoni
Manueljoastt Santoni - 12 years ago
el problema no es liberarlo es que los cansan tanto y le dañan tanto con el anzuelo que que enferman o se les infecta la herrida y mueren
Holden Coffman
Holden Coffman - 12 years ago
But I thought that braid slipped when tied directly to the spool (please excuse my inexperience)
Holden Coffman
Holden Coffman - 12 years ago
I would have to sell all of my fishing gear, and then take out a small loan to make the down payment on that reel
Holden Coffman
Holden Coffman - 12 years ago
Why do you use braid as backing?
Manueljoastt Santoni
Manueljoastt Santoni - 12 years ago
no saben que mueren 11 mil tiburones al año por la pesca deportiva de tiburones
KWYLDE L - 12 years ago
I love your vids man!!
KWYLDE L - 12 years ago
I think I found someone who likes fishing more than me... impossible!!
stemessi - 12 years ago
The Best!!!!!!!!
Kevin Davis
Kevin Davis - 12 years ago
Do you guys charter ?
222buckley - 12 years ago
How did you release him or did you kill it?
Candice S.
Candice S. - 12 years ago
Who disliked this Video?????! !!!
sweetjoesph - 12 years ago
Flying Fish Guy
Flying Fish Guy - 12 years ago
Awesome vid. You might want to show the release (if there was one) so the tree huggers can calm down. Keep em coming and be safe out there!
okeebassdudes - 12 years ago
Awesome catch
MicBergsma - 12 years ago
awesome! I wish I was on that boat! :)
Sean Kearney
Sean Kearney - 12 years ago
It's a meme
wanabango002 - 12 years ago
There beautiful but dangerous at the same time.
Tomaszek - 12 years ago
Big congrats on the fish for the angler. Great underwater shots. What was the rating of the rod that you guys were using.
LunkerdogFishing - 12 years ago
Best Shark Videos on YouTube!
ProFishermanJones - 12 years ago
ivan romero
ivan romero - 12 years ago
va a partir la caña por apollarla y le dara en la cara un dia de esots xD
svndst69 - 12 years ago
little man big fish
skazazes1 - 12 years ago
Nice one
Austin Pruitt
Austin Pruitt - 12 years ago
Good looking tiger shark
Dalen Fusaro
Dalen Fusaro - 12 years ago
Love your vids
ultimatefishingzone - 12 years ago
Awesome catch jake and josh thats a great memory right there :). I cant wait to comedown again...i cant wait to see the action videos from this years blacktip challenge
BarrettRods - 12 years ago
dude such a nice fish way to go!!!
Alja Cardin
Alja Cardin - 12 years ago
Third comment but i like the video
auzziefish - 12 years ago
hey man i was just down in florida fishing for snook at wiggens pass on the beach at night and everytime i went out to fish all i caught was catfish.. i was using frozen mullet which my friend caught 2 15 pound snook in the same spot with the same bait? so i was wondering what i was doing wrong! thanks if you could help!!
Amazing Fishing
Amazing Fishing - 12 years ago
very cool video!!

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About Huge Tiger Shark Caught while Drift Fishing

The "Huge Tiger Shark Caught while Drift Fishing" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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