Huge Great White Shark circles the boat and feeds on a Whale

45 miles south of Long beach NY we came upon a 40+ foot dead whale with lots of sharks around it, including a great white the size of 3 or 4 average sharks. To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email for more info

Huge Great White Shark circles the boat and feeds on a Whale sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2699

Shark videos 9 years ago 10,918,192 views

45 miles south of Long beach NY we came upon a 40+ foot dead whale with lots of sharks around it, including a great white the size of 3 or 4 average sharks. To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email for more info

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Most popular comments
for Huge Great White Shark circles the boat and feeds on a Whale

Paul Popp
Paul Popp - 7 years ago
That sharks not that big, bout a 9' or so.
Trevor F. Phillips
Trevor F. Phillips - 7 years ago
I wonder if anyone has ever tried to f*** a shark. I've heard people trying to f*** a dolphin and succeeding, and I've seen a dolphin try to f*** a human, pretty intently I might add. But I've never seen or heard or a person trying to *uck a shark. Maybe there's a good reason.
The Crow
The Crow - 7 years ago
I think they like you.
You should go for a swim with them.
Dominating DK
Dominating DK - 7 years ago
You people are crazy to record that
Chris 5401
Chris 5401 - 7 years ago
Why the fuck will he just jump in the water and stay there being there's a big ass shark right there
10babiscar - 7 years ago
those beeps are offensive, just leave the swearing in
Carter McClees
Carter McClees - 7 years ago
Holy frick that shark is like famous its in every shot and stuff
_SebaS_ - 7 years ago
0:26 the earth is round checkmate flat earthers
Patato Gamer Lōic yT
Patato Gamer Lōic yT - 7 years ago
that whale looks juicy

10. comment for Huge Great White Shark circles the boat and feeds on a Whale

RammyDino// Cookie//BashfulMussel96
RammyDino// Cookie//BashfulMussel96 - 7 years ago
2:00 oh no
Ph0eN1x50 - 7 years ago
“hello, my name is bruce”
Léo Andrade
Léo Andrade - 7 years ago
No final ali é uma baleia morta ?
The Betta Fish Journey
The Betta Fish Journey - 7 years ago
I’d like one of those in my house swimming around
centro de estudos de jiu jitsu e catch wrestling
centro de estudos de jiu jitsu e catch wrestling - 7 years ago
Carmen Ripley
Carmen Ripley - 7 years ago
Don’t do anything to the shark or it’s environment and it won’t do anything to you!
Jai0328 A
Jai0328 A - 7 years ago
Best shark recording
Danny Boyle
Danny Boyle - 7 years ago
shut the fuck up with your "holy shit"
morris rider
morris rider - 7 years ago
Amazing! Hell's Bell's you got the full impression that the Great White comes in XXXL size on occasions, inquisitive fish also, this one swam right on in there like he was trying to say 'howdy you guys' Although I think it's intentions may have been very different.
Fantastic, great video short.
Ellen Hamilton
Ellen Hamilton - 7 years ago
Hit it with a baseball bat

20. comment for Huge Great White Shark circles the boat and feeds on a Whale

Mustang Racer Boy Bcab
Mustang Racer Boy Bcab - 7 years ago
Shock!!! Am frozen that shark got really close that go pro
AnonymousLol Luke
AnonymousLol Luke - 7 years ago
I think thats suicide
Loïck Pluies
Loïck Pluies - 7 years ago
"holy shit" biiip "holy shit" biiip
I think there is some problem with the censoring
Gaming Panda
Gaming Panda - 7 years ago
don't mobe ☺
Finn Games
Finn Games - 7 years ago
He bit the gopro
Laylah Green
Laylah Green - 7 years ago
Who is that dumb to get that close to a shark he could have died
Tony - 7 years ago
I hate ocean
gregory shtickory
gregory shtickory - 7 years ago
Damn dude you got some balls being that close, even with a selfie stick. Awesome video, what a great experience.
Savvas Soteriou
Savvas Soteriou - 7 years ago
Holy shit..PEEEEP. Holy shit...PEEEEP
Selfie - Agario
Selfie - Agario - 7 years ago
You have balls

30. comment for Huge Great White Shark circles the boat and feeds on a Whale

Brisa Rodriguez
Brisa Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Sharks only circle the boat because they think it’s a wale
Harvey STEWART - 7 years ago
I have thalassophobia (fear of the ocean)
Pat Kelly
Pat Kelly - 7 years ago
Be rotten to a spring a leak eh
Vie Loi
Vie Loi - 7 years ago
If you fuck it with it.. It will fuck with you
Fvkin Amazed
Fvkin Amazed - 7 years ago
If you prefer to not die in a car crash stay off the streets.If you don't want a shark attack stay outta the water. Life can be easy like that
Isabella Codd
Isabella Codd - 7 years ago
You guys are dumb
BB Wolf
BB Wolf - 7 years ago
Beautiful water, do take a swim.
Oakland’ Stables
Oakland’ Stables - 7 years ago
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
Random words I didn’t really hear
country boy flogs
country boy flogs - 7 years ago
0:16 i thought i heard a truck backing
DYLAN DEPOLO - 7 years ago
Lucky Amen
Lucky Amen - 7 years ago
Luna Bazzi
Luna Bazzi - 7 years ago
Whenever I watch shark videos I always think to myself DONT DROP THE CAMERA (kinda started happening after watching 47 meters down
Cherie Spillers
Cherie Spillers - 7 years ago
Baguette - 7 years ago
Remember; sharks are more scared of you then you are to them.
birdgirl3357 love
birdgirl3357 love - 7 years ago
It's a dream of mine to see a great white
Lego Madness
Lego Madness - 7 years ago
Shallows 2
AGENT 47 - 7 years ago
Not a smart idea sticking your arm in the water to get a tape of the shark because if it bit you its would naw your arm clean off.
Starwars Battlefront Clips
Starwars Battlefront Clips - 7 years ago
I love sharks I only dont want to mead them in the sea
Mcsteveberry - 7 years ago
best footage yet
Andrean Datura
Andrean Datura - 7 years ago
There is only one thing I fear in this world... and that is that big beast in the water! As amazing and strangely beautiful they are, I live in morbid dread of them, born thanks to a certain movie several decades ago, and since have never been in the open water. But what an amazing experience and privilege it must have been to not only video this encounter but to get up so close and personal to one of the greatest Apex predators on planet Earth ever.
Astonishing footage!

50. comment for Huge Great White Shark circles the boat and feeds on a Whale

Shaun McFall
Shaun McFall - 7 years ago
Prayers for the whale
Bella and LucyFear✌
Bella and LucyFear✌ - 7 years ago
Fuck that
wetherman21 21
wetherman21 21 - 7 years ago
Each pass the noak got closer and closer and then the stare and nibble....That's Awesome!!
LAX Traction
LAX Traction - 7 years ago
why that music killed it
Marleny Martinez
Marleny Martinez - 7 years ago
Prateek Rai
Prateek Rai - 7 years ago
imagine a shark with dolphins jump feature
Levi Waters
Levi Waters - 7 years ago
Jaley_gaming _onYT
Jaley_gaming _onYT - 7 years ago
I like how this guy with the camera basically put the camera and his hand in the sharks mouth
Matthew Presta
Matthew Presta - 7 years ago
I'd of hit it with the go pro
Master AG19
Master AG19 - 7 years ago
Rip fruit shoot 1:40
Sam J
Sam J - 7 years ago
would it be possible for you to of court it?
hayes572 - 7 years ago
I'm sitting here watching this is my comfy bed thinking what a moron, stick your hands in the water in front of a hungry great white.... Then I'm thinking cool!.... wait fuck that I'd never do that.... I get to watch a an awesome apex predator from my bed in snowy Canada because this guy isn't a pussy like I THANKS! THAT WAS AWESOME!
Redoutable Fille
Redoutable Fille - 7 years ago
0:21 lol thought that was an island from far away
Asphalt Ricky
Asphalt Ricky - 7 years ago
With the constant bleeping and soft rock music playing over the top I turned this piece of shit upload off after 45 seconds
Clarence Wyatt Montilla
Clarence Wyatt Montilla - 7 years ago
Yes is Titanic
Natasha Vinson
Natasha Vinson - 7 years ago
This needs to be in VR! Lol. Great video
Chase O
Chase O - 7 years ago
looks small
Sweederland Johnson
Sweederland Johnson - 7 years ago
MegaBspark - 7 years ago
its a large male
Kat Lee
Kat Lee - 7 years ago
I love sharks there so cool to see but I would never want to go cage diving or swim with them.
Rina Stanfield
Rina Stanfield - 7 years ago
The shark won’t hurt u unless u annoy it or threaten it
Lori Choate
Lori Choate - 7 years ago
Shannon Ashley Barr
Shannon Ashley Barr - 7 years ago
Whereare they?? The water has absolutely no waves!!!
Janice Hill
Janice Hill - 7 years ago
I love your picture
Dalal Ibrahim
Dalal Ibrahim - 7 years ago
Ohh no no dont try to get away from the shark how about you but a camera in his face good going
Slime 101
Slime 101 - 7 years ago
P.Rae - 7 years ago
That shark looked preggo.
Shaun Mostert
Shaun Mostert - 7 years ago
Damn these great whites are beautiful!
joney kickspeople
joney kickspeople - 7 years ago
This guy is very dumb
Leroy Dennis
Leroy Dennis - 7 years ago
That tiny baby shark.. you should slap yourself
Lerman - 7 years ago
I dont know why but the great white is cute to me
Zieonna Minor
Zieonna Minor - 7 years ago
When u put the cam in the water i like the sound
George Rolfe
George Rolfe - 7 years ago
Here's a tip: don't hang around floating carcasses.
Lis - 7 years ago
Is this dude that stupid that he has to put his fucking hand close to the sharks mouth?
JA Purnell
JA Purnell - 7 years ago
should have smoothed it like a dog they love it
Julian Pulido
Julian Pulido - 7 years ago
One question, why is the water so calm Isn’t it the ocean?
Luna Wolf Pup
Luna Wolf Pup - 7 years ago
Who is filming this
KittyCat Kyle
KittyCat Kyle - 7 years ago
When ever the camera goes into the water i just think DONT BITE MEEEEEEEE

..... I hate sharks.....
Netrix - 7 years ago
Was it the camera that went under water or the man, because I saw a snorkel thing that was orange, and those sharks didn't attack.
Daniella Stuart
Daniella Stuart - 7 years ago
a dead whale and they are surprise to see Sharks can not be the brightest sparks on the ocean
RobertBrandon - 7 years ago
This is great footage of the sharks your lucky
Izuna - 7 years ago
I don't think he's ever seen shark before because of his reaction
Samuel Somers
Samuel Somers - 7 years ago
boring but cool
Dave H
Dave H - 7 years ago
You're gonna need a bigger boat
Dan Best
Dan Best - 7 years ago
Youre acting like its trying to kill you but its defending its food
Cringeykids .com56
Cringeykids .com56 - 7 years ago
Poor whale
Kirsten Skipper
Kirsten Skipper - 7 years ago
Is that person stupid and crazy because he kept getting close to that shark he trying to kill himself
Anaya Gonzales
Anaya Gonzales - 7 years ago
This reminds me of the shollows
Eden Skye
Eden Skye - 7 years ago
Did they even watch the shallows?????
Pixel gun Lover
Pixel gun Lover - 7 years ago
1:52 I CrInGeD

100. comment for Huge Great White Shark circles the boat and feeds on a Whale

Lena Lutgenhorst
Lena Lutgenhorst - 7 years ago
Cool and scary at the same time
Randomness •
Randomness • - 7 years ago
*Silently Wishes I Could Boop The Shark When He Was Near The Surface*
Mary gold Productions
Mary gold Productions - 7 years ago
When I watch these kinds of videos there’s always that “dramatic” moment where you first get a good shot of the shark. Just me?
Lucie M
Lucie M - 7 years ago
No need to curse so much he ain’t interested in u
Lillianna Vallongo
Lillianna Vallongo - 7 years ago
That poor whale
Kasama Kloythep
Kasama Kloythep - 7 years ago
Poor whale
Ian Gibson
Ian Gibson - 7 years ago
why is the shark moving the dead whale for
Ian Gibson
Ian Gibson - 7 years ago
what's a dead whale doing in the water
Ian Gibson
Ian Gibson - 7 years ago
wait is that a dead whale in the water
Ian Gibson
Ian Gibson - 7 years ago
i thought he threw something
Ian Gibson
Ian Gibson - 7 years ago
he's about to throw something at that shark
OReillyGaming - 7 years ago
Sharks are my favourite animal the hammerhead is my favourite so if I saw a shark I would be jumping with joy but there would be a little of me saying I’m scared
It's Lucas
It's Lucas - 7 years ago
I appreciate that you didn't add in the title "SHARK ATTACK", at this point titles like that are way too common on youtube
Fabian Esquivel
Fabian Esquivel - 7 years ago
I have never seen a shark before
Miss Depressed
Miss Depressed - 7 years ago
Umm just saying that's not that big I've seen bigger one in my life
Srsly I'm not kidding we go fishing every summer
But it was Beautiful when I and the others saw the shark up close❤️
Leah L
Leah L - 7 years ago
I gotta say one word. Sharks are some big ass fishes!
Matt Adkins
Matt Adkins - 7 years ago
Lol I will name him scar face, because his battle scars
Colin Meijering
Colin Meijering - 7 years ago
Fake look at 1.22 how the shark moves its going forwards and in notime his goingbackwards
石田ライ †
石田ライ † - 7 years ago
Great shot - That was freakin scary!!
Whitelightning - 7 years ago
One of the deadliest predators is trying to smell this niggas hand and he screams woooah with joy like he on a roller coaster or some shit?? nigga u gon die the fuck u doing?? I'm dying haha
someone - 7 years ago
Real smart

Just shove your camera in the water when its lookin right at it with its mouth half open
Jesse Martinez
Jesse Martinez - 7 years ago
Cmon guys it looks so cute, don't you just wanna pet it :) not cuddle, let's not be stupid
Audrey Lin
Audrey Lin - 7 years ago
WOW so brave to swim with sharks
this is me ya
this is me ya - 7 years ago
Me sittin here thinking y'all stupid what happens when that shark eats yo go pro like geez
pandasareforlife andgunnieapigs
pandasareforlife andgunnieapigs - 7 years ago
I love sharks , they just need food
Peachyby Slimes
Peachyby Slimes - 7 years ago
If you are in the water I hope the sharks get you because that is stupid
Chloe Vlogs
Chloe Vlogs - 7 years ago
That would be so cool! I'm scared of snakes but I love sharks!!
TSIXGaming - 7 years ago
my plan if i ever got attacked by a great white was to try flip it over so it would go to sleep but this shark is feeding upside down lol
dogsfurlife dogs
dogsfurlife dogs - 7 years ago
Leave the shark bitch dont record him dumb ass its a dangerouse creature
Majestic unicorn
Majestic unicorn - 7 years ago
Wow that's a really nice shark he did not eat you and ate the whale
Matthew Gaming
Matthew Gaming - 7 years ago
This Is from TomoNews!
ilona Kratochvílová
ilona Kratochvílová - 7 years ago
Erivan Flores
Erivan Flores - 7 years ago
FNAF GamePlays
FNAF GamePlays - 7 years ago
Selene Hall
Selene Hall - 7 years ago
Wow is that shark more than 12ft?
Explorer Guy
Explorer Guy - 7 years ago
This is why I only go to pools
Danny Branderson
Danny Branderson - 7 years ago
K -.-
K -.- - 7 years ago
1:58 mY ANxIETy
Sheila Candia
Sheila Candia - 7 years ago
O yeah cause that a great fucken idea you see a dam shark that could eat in in like 5 seconds and you think let me jump in
Izediting - 7 years ago
is he swimming i’m there
Mylo Stylo
Mylo Stylo - 7 years ago
I saw a baby shark in ocean city and got stung by a jellyfish when I was 3
Dan Kendra
Dan Kendra - 7 years ago
Your video is fake because the shark is in one place then the other in a click of a button
Jonathan marvel saptrasto saptrasto
Jonathan marvel saptrasto saptrasto - 7 years ago
What a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggeeeeee and bbbbbbbiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggggg dead whuuuuuuauuuaauauuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllleeeeee!
BubbleGum Girl
BubbleGum Girl - 7 years ago
W a c k
Janell Mendez
Janell Mendez - 7 years ago
It kinda reminds me of 47 meters down ( movie) if you agree
Sea Wolf
Sea Wolf - 7 years ago
I felt so bad for the whale!
Hayley Y
Hayley Y - 7 years ago
Acronyx - 7 years ago
video begins “we’re coming up on a dead whale” “hooly shit!” (x10)
Missy Long
Missy Long - 7 years ago
Actually I cant tell if this is fake or not but at 1:20 that is just weird.
Missy Long
Missy Long - 7 years ago
This is fake. 1:20 The shark can teleport?...
PurpleWolf FancyStripe
PurpleWolf FancyStripe - 7 years ago
PurpleWolf FancyStripe
PurpleWolf FancyStripe - 7 years ago
i love great whites
panda robles
panda robles - 7 years ago
The shark is so freindly dont be so scared some sharks wont even eat you so stop
Jay Brown
Jay Brown - 7 years ago
When I am swimming doing the races I do
I imagine I am being chased by a shark and I always come first that’s how I win my medals haha
Aiden Dixon
Aiden Dixon - 7 years ago
i would piss my pants if i saw a grate white and it started circouling my boat
Squidward TORTELLINI - 7 years ago
Sharks really aren't that dangerous at all. If you get attacked bye one it's most likely a mistake of the shark thinking your a seal or your in it's terrortory.some sharks are ACCTUAL VERY Terrortoryal.
abigail ashcraft
abigail ashcraft - 7 years ago
This looks fake.
Livereater00 - 7 years ago
impressive recording, especially underwater!
PandaBunn Slimes
PandaBunn Slimes - 7 years ago
If I were on a boat and saw a shark I’d be like “mm no no no turn this boat around.”
Francis Quilicot Bajao
Francis Quilicot Bajao - 7 years ago
Francis Quilicot Bajao
Francis Quilicot Bajao - 7 years ago
Uniquely Ana
Uniquely Ana - 7 years ago
The last part looks like if you really wanted to, you could say it was a mermaid....dang what a cool mermaid...feeding on a whale...oh no
Frank James
Frank James - 7 years ago
" name is sam and im an aqua holic "
Hitesh Patel
Hitesh Patel - 7 years ago
I don’t get how you get so close
Kath dinsdale
Kath dinsdale - 7 years ago
Sharks are not mindless killers,there just curious
Michelle DaSparklist
Michelle DaSparklist - 7 years ago
I really love sharks n ur the best
Bella Kane
Bella Kane - 7 years ago
You guys are stupid
Ivan Does gaming
Ivan Does gaming - 7 years ago
Take the stupid noise for when u cus it gives me a headache
Alicia is this real Duffy
Alicia is this real Duffy - 7 years ago
1:36, touch the shark I would and I'm 9 years old olmost 10
xTheLoyalOnex AJ
xTheLoyalOnex AJ - 7 years ago
anyone else hate being alone in a pool cause there could be a shark when there’s a 0% chance there actually would be
BananaPomPom Icecream
BananaPomPom Icecream - 7 years ago
MrShy Penguin
MrShy Penguin - 7 years ago
Kath dinsdale
Kath dinsdale - 7 years ago
How is it fake?
DIY'S witj Kaniyah
DIY'S witj Kaniyah - 7 years ago
This is cool and disgusting
TheGamefulShark :D
TheGamefulShark :D - 7 years ago
Are they scared of a shark? Before u get triggered at this comment, think about this: all animals eat right? Well that doesn't mean sharks TARGET humans. If you don't believe me, just think about how many people were on that boat, and none got hurt.
Come on and dance With me by Ellie and seyhan
Come on and dance With me by Ellie and seyhan - 7 years ago
Pls don’t get eaten
Kath dinsdale
Kath dinsdale - 7 years ago
Sharks don't eat people
Zach Gentile
Zach Gentile - 7 years ago
Me to great vid
xXAvaGalaxyXx - 7 years ago
why didnt it attack you
Kath dinsdale
Kath dinsdale - 7 years ago
Because sharks don't attack people that often, your more likely do die from a coconut
Tainted Love
Tainted Love - 7 years ago
I love how relaxed the swim, and they though ass face.
Oli Clarke
Oli Clarke - 7 years ago
That's not a great white I can tell from the tail
Our FantasyWorld
Our FantasyWorld - 7 years ago
Leave alone a shark.
rose cat
rose cat - 7 years ago
I thought he jumped in the water with the shark
MICHAEL Rudge - 7 years ago
Fantastic footage
MICHAEL Rudge - 7 years ago
Couldnt see why it was bothering with 2 outboard motors when there was a juicy big Whale there for the taking
irene ivana
irene ivana - 7 years ago
I scream at 1:58
BabyLlamaDon'tNeedNoDrama Roblox
BabyLlamaDon'tNeedNoDrama Roblox - 7 years ago
I would have touched it lololololol but like at the back so I don't get eaten alive
Valeria Bringas
Valeria Bringas - 7 years ago
How’d you get so close to it probably a tripod or something but like how ????
Andrew Wilkinson
Andrew Wilkinson - 7 years ago
cool cool is yall faces!!!
cool cool is yall faces!!! - 7 years ago
I feel greatful because u guys dident die
Kath dinsdale
Kath dinsdale - 7 years ago
Sharks don't attack people that often,only of you provoke them
sweet Gemini 13
sweet Gemini 13 - 7 years ago
I can't swim
Lena xLx
Lena xLx - 7 years ago
You are Crazy
fawkes2013 - 7 years ago
I do love sharks and marine life despite my phobia of oceans. I Find them fascinating
Guava Juice
Guava Juice - 7 years ago
This was pretty funny.I think the camera man had a fun time filming this.I would if I was the camera man.Great video
Cara Edwards
Cara Edwards - 7 years ago
Fuck that
Eric Cartman
Eric Cartman - 7 years ago
great video.... perfect timing!
The sick shredder
The sick shredder - 7 years ago
Kyle Yeagley
Kyle Yeagley - 7 years ago
I got scratched by a sharks fin
Thebatjoeny - 7 years ago
Off long beach Really!! Wow.
Football Geek
Football Geek - 7 years ago
Amazing shot
Lisa Ogle
Lisa Ogle - 7 years ago
Why would you film when the shark could bite you
Kath dinsdale
Kath dinsdale - 7 years ago
It wouldn't it was curious and had no signs of attacking men.
Emelia Root
Emelia Root - 7 years ago
These men are really dumb getting that close to a shark like that and of that size these man could have been dead on camera being stupid
Kath dinsdale
Kath dinsdale - 7 years ago
The shark was curious not angry
OOFERSON - 7 years ago
i love sharks
Random Dude
Random Dude - 7 years ago
Bagles_ unicorn
Bagles_ unicorn - 7 years ago
Oml you are so brave getting that close to the shark. If I was there I would have been laying on the floor making sure it doesn't see me. I was at a creek once and the creek was empty, there was no one there. Usually there is alot of people there too! Anyways I jumped into the water and hit the floor but I swore it was a shark or an alligator. I didn't go in again for the rest of the time that we were there.
maharjan bhim
maharjan bhim - 7 years ago
Lucifer - 7 years ago
P e t h i m
Night Light
Night Light - 7 years ago
Is the camera on a rope?
Laura SSO
Laura SSO - 7 years ago
i didn't know whales float when they die... i feel bad for that whale
Annie Avery
Annie Avery - 7 years ago
I forgot what I was going to s... NO I DIDNT! The shark obviously didn't like that camera being in it's face like if there was a weird looking camera in my face I would punch it to the ground
PokemonFan - 7 years ago
scary ;-; If i was that guy i'd be swimming to shore yelling HELP!!! A SHARK IS CHASING MEH!!!
Aimee 82009
Aimee 82009 - 7 years ago
How did I get here.. i was watching a make up tutorial....
Amanda McAbee
Amanda McAbee - 7 years ago
My gosh 1:24
Paul Steed
Paul Steed - 7 years ago
That's awesome, it looked like he was saying what's up , it's amazing you pearlfish were out there to record it
ultra instinct
ultra instinct - 7 years ago
I am a super hero of every thing
Jay Khan
Jay Khan - 7 years ago
Damn that is jaws alright
Maram Richa
Maram Richa - 7 years ago
Juliana Marcelino B.
Juliana Marcelino B. - 7 years ago
Beautiful creatures
D.I.Y Nation
D.I.Y Nation - 7 years ago
Aww the sharks seem to be a little bit friendly
Preston Williams
Preston Williams - 7 years ago
Dunkleosteus lived long before dinosaurs
Lone Crafter
Lone Crafter - 7 years ago
Hahaha dude that was so close! Becareful I thought the shark would bite the camera and he handz
Luis Carrion
Luis Carrion - 7 years ago
awesome video
pippi smith
pippi smith - 7 years ago
Omg what I would scream to the top of my lungs
Epic Gamer44
Epic Gamer44 - 7 years ago
At the start thay swor a lot
Kaleb _sav14
Kaleb _sav14 - 7 years ago
That not a great White Shark but it was still crazy
Susy Adams
Susy Adams - 7 years ago
Woa that was amazing
Random Vids
Random Vids - 7 years ago
After he almost gets bit why does he go back into the water!
Kath dinsdale
Kath dinsdale - 7 years ago
That was a go pro
Kath dinsdale
Kath dinsdale - 7 years ago
He never nearly got bit...
unicorn vlog squad
unicorn vlog squad - 7 years ago
that's a freaking tiger shark
Michael & Melissa Nava
Michael & Melissa Nava - 7 years ago
He killed a humpback whale
Leopard Lover
Leopard Lover - 7 years ago
is that whale dead?
Anubhav Khanna
Anubhav Khanna - 7 years ago
I’d punch that piece of shit
CoolWill - 7 years ago
Kdogcentral5ables - 7 years ago
Finally a nice shark video
Off White
Off White - 7 years ago
What is this Naruto ?
DaGoldenDoge - 7 years ago
michael were u holding the camera or was someone else holding it cuz were u going in the water with the chark or just puting the camera in the water?
Jessic Cave
Jessic Cave - 7 years ago
Cody Blanchet
Cody Blanchet - 7 years ago
do you want to loose that camera???????
Alex_Playz - 7 years ago
Julie Vences
Julie Vences - 7 years ago
Poor whale
Julie Vences
Julie Vences - 7 years ago
I love this video but I hate when the shark comes up to the camera!
Ron Beelen
Ron Beelen - 7 years ago
Beutifull creatures!
Betsy Castellanos
Betsy Castellanos - 7 years ago
eather way im chill but i haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate sharks
Kath dinsdale
Kath dinsdale - 7 years ago
Yet coconuts kill more people
Betsy Castellanos
Betsy Castellanos - 7 years ago
its my life they could kill you
Kath dinsdale
Kath dinsdale - 7 years ago
Why do you hate sharks?
Betsy Castellanos
Betsy Castellanos - 7 years ago
poor whale its so sad
saskia entingh
saskia entingh - 7 years ago
Ramone Griffin
Ramone Griffin - 7 years ago
I wouldn't dare swim in all that open water thats scary
irush-CFW - 7 years ago
irush-CFW - 7 years ago
Chicken Fingers
Chicken Fingers - 7 years ago
Beautiful creatures gotta admit.
schro0711 - 7 years ago
Please show me a shark video on youtube in which nobody says "Holy shit."
Supreme Gammer
Supreme Gammer - 7 years ago
At the start he said holy sh*t like a mil times
All about rita
All about rita - 7 years ago
now that is hugggggggggge
JingleKing - 7 years ago
Thats not a great white, my good man, thats a black tipped shark, its fins are tipped in black, both along the back fin and tail :)
All around Hannah
All around Hannah - 7 years ago
That is beautiful footage, but imagine the shark ate the GoPro
Ray Solorzano
Ray Solorzano - 7 years ago
I bet that that shark felt that either the boat and/or you guys were a threat to to its meal of the whale. I was amazed at its curiosity. The way that it kept popping it's head out of the water was crazy. Good video guys.
Emilia Thompson
Emilia Thompson - 7 years ago
Is angry tuna the sharks name or er the youtube or place?
Chicken nugget roblox!!!!!
Chicken nugget roblox!!!!! - 7 years ago
That must be scary
What's Poppen
What's Poppen - 7 years ago
So fake
TheVryfst - 7 years ago
Lame music, but at least it covers up some of the dialogue
Josey Cooper
Josey Cooper - 7 years ago
were you even scared it didn't look like it but,if that happened to me i would go crazy
slimey.limess - 7 years ago
Tanja Blueberryside
Tanja Blueberryside - 7 years ago
Ronnie Comendador
Ronnie Comendador - 7 years ago
Nice caught
Edward Evans
Edward Evans - 7 years ago
Luke Hammond
Luke Hammond - 7 years ago
God loves you all and sent his son to die for all of our sins!!!!!! Have an amazing week y'all!!!!!!
Western Reaper
Western Reaper - 7 years ago
christianity is a bullshit middle eastern religion. I follow the pagan gods of my European ancestors and will be sure to sacrifice a goat to Odin in your name. punk ass jesus and his gay father can suck my cock and balls, fuck your middle eastern god.
omc - 7 years ago
God? Are you a pedo?
Firefox Pro haker???
Firefox Pro haker??? - 7 years ago
Luke Hammond I don't believe in God but thanks anyways
level 197 plat 1
level 197 plat 1 - 7 years ago
This fake go to 1:21
Nort Crusader
Nort Crusader - 7 years ago
Pure beauty this shark
GamingLodgicZ - 7 years ago
You had a speed boat!!! You should of gotten the fuck out of there as soon after the shark bit your boat the first time.. yous are luckily to be alive.. you realize that?
Honeynonononooho !
Honeynonononooho ! - 7 years ago
OMGOSH I'm shook
Lamborghini - 7 years ago
That is a megaladon
Ben De Grauwe
Ben De Grauwe - 7 years ago
LAMBORGHINI VENENO you serious bruh?
Mr Muscle
Mr Muscle - 7 years ago
It’s not a great white
Swag Raptor
Swag Raptor - 7 years ago
Daniel Garcia
Daniel Garcia - 7 years ago
Savage yo
GoldenC Gaming
GoldenC Gaming - 7 years ago
That's a Great White?
Equinox LP
Equinox LP - 7 years ago
I love it how great whites don't even give a fuck because they know they're the fucking gods of sea
Amanda Frantzen
Amanda Frantzen - 7 years ago
Daleysa Gomez
Daleysa Gomez - 7 years ago
Don't bother sharks when there eating

Fact:Sharks are not man eating they just mistake people for their prey like they might mistake you for a sea lions so that's why they attack because they think your a sea lions or other fish
Karim Tabaza
Karim Tabaza - 7 years ago
I like it
Georgia Andrea
Georgia Andrea - 7 years ago
The great white.. Such a beautiful and magnificient creature!!
Sarashi Xaenyth
Sarashi Xaenyth - 7 years ago
1:55 Sherk likes booping the snoot
Dodo - 7 years ago
Woah!!!! He's massive!!!
DAMN IT PHIL - 7 years ago
Why do great whites always look grumpy? From the top but puppy eyed from the side
Jelly Pies
Jelly Pies - 7 years ago
Such beautiful creatures..
The Narrator
The Narrator - 7 years ago
music choice sucks
The Narrator
The Narrator - 7 years ago
im sure the shark felt huge but was pretty small.
Mia Fuentes
Mia Fuentes - 7 years ago
First of all why would u go in waters were a shark is it could kill you second of all were was the wail third of all was that even a great white
Peridot 5XG
Peridot 5XG - 7 years ago
Everytime i go swimming, i always think that there’s a shark in the water... even in swimming pools....
Twisty the Clown
Twisty the Clown - 7 years ago
That's why I stay on the beach!
Putri Nurqairyna vlogs
Putri Nurqairyna vlogs - 7 years ago
Yo you crazy
Don carlitos Vesorio
Don carlitos Vesorio - 7 years ago
NzmAnh Dee
NzmAnh Dee - 7 years ago
Whales can live for 200 years.
Chek Seung Man
Chek Seung Man - 7 years ago
Why you guys not jumped into the sea when the Shark circling around.......?
charon ortiz
charon ortiz - 7 years ago
The fuck is the whale?
Lance and rain Shipman
Lance and rain Shipman - 7 years ago
You guys are crazy getting that close to Great white shark you could have got Attacked
slime master
slime master - 7 years ago
Im a yummy nacho cheese Dorito
Im a yummy nacho cheese Dorito - 7 years ago
was the whale dead or still alive?
Muddy Pawz
Muddy Pawz - 7 years ago
Aw hell nah
Greenman GT
Greenman GT - 7 years ago
He was so fking huge
kaksksks kakakkakaks
kaksksks kakakkakaks - 7 years ago
Horses are Life
Horses are Life - 7 years ago
TBH I'm so stupid that I would have touched him at 1:36
Gamescause Is
Gamescause Is - 7 years ago
yeah tru i dont swim in water i cant see in i only swim in clear water really clear water like hawia
Ethan Walker
Ethan Walker - 7 years ago
that shit is so fake
JESSICA OTTESON - 7 years ago
what a majestic creature
Misty York
Misty York - 7 years ago
Misty York
Misty York - 7 years ago
see the shark didint do iny thing it didint even try to bite the camra they just some times are really hungry and they want to now if they can eat that and well somtimes they get caried away with what there doing
Ritwik Anand
Ritwik Anand - 7 years ago
This has to be one of the most stupidest videos I have seen. You win the Darwin award.
Inthenickofvine - 7 years ago
Andrea Gan
Andrea Gan - 7 years ago
Hanna - 7 years ago
It's so curious!
Dubai Tube
Dubai Tube - 7 years ago
the guy videoing frkn rocks
Baymax Baymax
Baymax Baymax - 7 years ago
You were making the shark mad by putting the GoPro in its face
Kath dinsdale
Kath dinsdale - 7 years ago
No they weren't the shark was just curious
RIMI INC - 7 years ago
This footage is awesome!
Ash DaVloger
Ash DaVloger - 7 years ago
What whale is that I thought it was a blue whale
Ioana Otilia
Ioana Otilia - 7 years ago
are you crazy? it was a shark to eat you!
Marlee Isomura
Marlee Isomura - 7 years ago
I thought you were in the water
Jayzarn Peters
Jayzarn Peters - 7 years ago
Fuck you
Nashville borf the definition of a loser
Nashville borf the definition of a loser - 7 years ago
que the jaws music
Vanoss532 - 7 years ago
I don't hate sharks but they creep me out sometimes
ava leibel
ava leibel - 7 years ago
Whenever I watch shark videos I always think to myself DONT FALL IN!!!!
The Crow
The Crow - 7 years ago
Not me, they’re so cute that I just want to jump on their back and go for a long ride.
Trevor F. Phillips
Trevor F. Phillips - 7 years ago
I think if I was there I'd have an uncontrollable urge push someone in. Not to be a mean, it's kind of like the 'don't fall in!' feeling, but it takes over. Like when you scare yourself, really scare yourself. It's weird. I've had the same feeling/urge at places with a drop-off. I have to get away from other people, its like its building a rush as I feel like I'm closer and closer to actually pushing someone. What the f*** is wrong with me?
Chris Stokes
Chris Stokes - 7 years ago
ava leibel i
The Taggers
The Taggers - 7 years ago
I hate water the water parks fine but the the beach em em no
Mega43996 - 7 years ago
ava leibel SAMEEEEEEE
great gymnastics girl 101
great gymnastics girl 101 - 7 years ago
ava leibel right me to I thought it just me
Glow 612
Glow 612 - 7 years ago
ava leibel same
Flip Bros
Flip Bros - 7 years ago
Charlie Bartle sure
Charlie Bartle
Charlie Bartle - 7 years ago
Flip Bros I subbed to yours can you sub to bro fam with 11 subbs
Charlie Bartle
Charlie Bartle - 7 years ago
Flip Bros I mean bro fam they have 11subbs
Flip Bros
Flip Bros - 7 years ago
Charlie Bartle yeah sure but sub to my channel as well
Charlie Bartle
Charlie Bartle - 7 years ago
Flip Bros can you subscribe to my channel
Flip Bros
Flip Bros - 7 years ago
Charlie Bartle
Charlie Bartle - 7 years ago
Same with every one
Icham kun
Icham kun - 7 years ago
ava leibel me too
Janice Hill
Janice Hill - 7 years ago
ava leibel
Janice Hill
Janice Hill - 7 years ago
ava leibel bbcb
Jackie Molina
Jackie Molina - 7 years ago
ava leibel i always get scared
damian bla
damian bla - 7 years ago
ava leibel same
Lindsay Cowan
Lindsay Cowan - 7 years ago
Same lol
melkayhart - 7 years ago
ava leibel so do I
Ben Hamo
Ben Hamo - 7 years ago
Henry Simon
Henry Simon - 7 years ago
PandaBunn Slimes
PandaBunn Slimes - 7 years ago
ava leibel SAME!!!!!!!
Mia Peterson you tube
Mia Peterson you tube - 7 years ago
Omg same
TheRebelZahzee Slime
TheRebelZahzee Slime - 7 years ago
ava leibel yep the same
Mysteryfox32 - 7 years ago
I think of swimming pools and to never go in them again
ninjafox gaming
ninjafox gaming - 7 years ago
ava leibel I think SHARK EAT THE DUMB HUMANS
Emily 12
Emily 12 - 7 years ago
Savannah Miracle
Savannah Miracle - 7 years ago
ava leibel lol
Steve Vassallo
Steve Vassallo - 7 years ago
That’s a baby. Relax and do another rail.
Rose Girl
Rose Girl - 7 years ago
Awww, Mr White faced his fears to say hi to the scary people!
Thai Pham
Thai Pham - 7 years ago
Lol this thing look like the scenes in the “The Shallow “ movie
hell0 _
hell0 _ - 7 years ago
This niggas crazy putting his hand hella close to the shark but he's also brave
bowrudder - 7 years ago
Your camera is going to smell really nasty!
Perry Pierre
Perry Pierre - 7 years ago
I was hoping one hoped out and bit him
Queen Delicate
Queen Delicate - 7 years ago
I would've left
roni games at planet
roni games at planet - 7 years ago
abarronboy - 7 years ago
This was in America but after reading the comments I feel like I'm in another country.
Daniel Lara
Daniel Lara - 7 years ago
A great white could break a boat
Partywolf gamin
Partywolf gamin - 7 years ago
She'Myia Malone I was swimming in a lake and I seen a shadow go under me and I felt something I got scared so I got out and didn't go back in
mason's garage
mason's garage - 7 years ago
She'Myia Malone stop lying
Ashley Garcia101
Ashley Garcia101 - 7 years ago
She'Myia Malone Me too when i was little i would play in my
cousins pool and always think there was a shark behined me and i would Freak out and run
Tiarra Battle
Tiarra Battle - 7 years ago
Firefox Pro haker???
Firefox Pro haker??? - 7 years ago
Sharks can't live in that water and ow would one get in a pool?
Janell Mendez
Janell Mendez - 7 years ago
Omg that happens to me too when I was in a pool I saw a shadow and it looked like a shark I was scared I came out of the pool and never got in
Avinash Siva
Avinash Siva - 7 years ago
She'Myia Malone hy any social network of u
She'Myia Malone
She'Myia Malone - 7 years ago
Yuju B Shutup bitch
She'Myia Malone
She'Myia Malone - 7 years ago
TrevorTheFishy Nigga I was 12 dumbass
Avinash Siva
Avinash Siva - 7 years ago
Melanie Averruz what happens
Avinash Siva
Avinash Siva - 7 years ago
She'Myia Malone haha ur funny
Yuju B
Yuju B - 7 years ago
TrevorTheFishy lmaoo
TrevorTheFishy - 7 years ago
She'Myia Malone how retarded were you
Harrison Mercieca
Harrison Mercieca - 7 years ago
Why don't they use a bigger boat
Giancarlo Awesome
Giancarlo Awesome - 7 years ago
This is all I hear beep beep beep
iAmMary - 7 years ago
Whenever he put the camera in the water it sounds like when you drink to much water and shake ur belly around and you can just hear all the water swish around
Broseth 18
Broseth 18 - 7 years ago
Why were yo7
Luna xo
Luna xo - 7 years ago
Does he want his arm to get bitten off?
PrestyWins-Playz And More!
PrestyWins-Playz And More! - 7 years ago
That ain't huge
Jasondtx GamerYT
Jasondtx GamerYT - 7 years ago
I hope you guys are safe
Jesus Sauceda
Jesus Sauceda - 7 years ago
Sharks are cool in cool ways
autofunk gt
autofunk gt - 7 years ago
1:20-1:23 how did the angle of the shark change so quick? Is it a pause then record or...
Sir Moo Moo
Sir Moo Moo - 7 years ago
Tbh I’d be terrified but that
boop was adorable! He/she came with this huge smile! :D
Markus Jimenez
Markus Jimenez - 7 years ago
Ka Ah
Ka Ah - 7 years ago
Maribel Rodriguez
Maribel Rodriguez - 7 years ago
That us fucking scary
DevinMoe - 7 years ago
apparently the shark doesn't like harassment
Chad JOHNSON - 7 years ago
Great footage
Katelyn Tackett
Katelyn Tackett - 7 years ago
Every time u put the go pro close to the shark in the water made me feel scared
Miguel Morice
Miguel Morice - 7 years ago
Holy Shit
Equine Time
Equine Time - 7 years ago
What the heck was that thing in the beginning
Wilson Ma
Wilson Ma - 7 years ago
70% of the dialogue “@&$# *$&#”
Olle Frankie
Olle Frankie - 7 years ago
dick is that big
KairaKateRenoahPercephone mellida
KairaKateRenoahPercephone mellida - 7 years ago
Is that danger I though the shark will eat you
Ashley Young
Ashley Young - 7 years ago
don't get your hands bit off
jennifer barker
jennifer barker - 7 years ago
say what
illiterate thug
illiterate thug - 7 years ago
You're braver than me, I'd be like "KILL IT, KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!"
Sydney Turman
Sydney Turman - 7 years ago
One time I was at a pool and it was dark but there were street lights,and the light made like reflective shadows at the deep end and I was scared to death to swim there bc they looked like giant sting rays
Coffee IsGoodForTesticleDurability
Coffee IsGoodForTesticleDurability - 7 years ago
Would you believe me if if i told you this excites me i actually envy you guys for being able to have fun adventures like this
Dale Skidmore
Dale Skidmore - 7 years ago
Fantastic film of a beautiful creature. I couldn't help but imagine you had the GoPro on a head strap and was dunking your head in the water and chuckling to myself.... Thank you for sharing this film.
Dat fan of everything
Dat fan of everything - 7 years ago
Oh so great whites don’t have tonic immobilization
iduwte a
iduwte a - 7 years ago
This is why Im afraid to go to the sea and also river :D i have some bad dark twisted phobia about it
sabrina yff
sabrina yff - 7 years ago
Thats one curious shark.
Steve Parker
Steve Parker - 7 years ago
That water so flat and calm, but underneath lurks death.
Kyle Choi
Kyle Choi - 7 years ago
TF bro f f f f f f f f f f f f fuck!!!! Btw nice video
Rylee G
Rylee G - 7 years ago
WAIT WAT??????1:22 the shark teleported
Rylee G
Rylee G - 7 years ago
1:25 the perfect shot!XD
Angela Santos
Angela Santos - 7 years ago
(Sees the shark) me: oh hell nooooooo
Kevin Sun
Kevin Sun - 7 years ago
Oh wow that whales penis
Blue Banana
Blue Banana - 7 years ago
He looks very pissed off. 0:53
Raegan Kubisch
Raegan Kubisch - 7 years ago
What killed the whale?
Games Are Epic
Games Are Epic - 7 years ago
This shark looks playfull
Onkel Farmor
Onkel Farmor - 7 years ago
At first i just thought you were SIMMING with it...
H3idel - 7 years ago
What a f*cking clickbait I always see that shark scene in any other rip-off like any of those vlogs who says that they almost die in a Sharkattack and shows this fucking clip..
H3idel - 7 years ago
Bert Lambert
Bert Lambert - 7 years ago
huge? sure..Huh huhh...ok...huh huhh
Kursed One
Kursed One - 7 years ago
iv never seen any type of shark in person but I think I would give one a hug if I did. majestic mfing creature
Ezra Buyacao
Ezra Buyacao - 7 years ago
That is not a megalodon shark megalodon shark is about 60 to 80 feer
Ian Bradshaw
Ian Bradshaw - 7 years ago
God that's big
Heather G
Heather G - 7 years ago
AWESOME! Thank you for sharing your experience with the world! Great White Sharks are incredible! I've been a huge fan since I was a kid. Insanely beautiful spirits! I hope you have many more once in a lifetime experiences to come. 1♡
John Moore
John Moore - 7 years ago
Aaawwwww he’s a cute 10 footer!!!!!
Trevor m
Trevor m - 7 years ago
This is like the movie the shallows.
Shyazreen Shaz
Shyazreen Shaz - 7 years ago
Go swim into the shark lol
Buzz Killington
Buzz Killington - 7 years ago
holy shit
Marie Ruben
Marie Ruben - 7 years ago
I don't know how big that boat was but they are lucky that shark didn't try to flip it for being in his feeding grounds.
Alison Whitney
Alison Whitney - 7 years ago
Little boy Wearing glasses
Little boy Wearing glasses - 7 years ago
Jesus have you never seen a whale or shark before???? You know they live in the ocean.
Maybe go to an aquarium for a look at sharks. You sound like a freaking idiot.
Society’s2Cent - 7 years ago
Great video
Faustina duvigneaud
Faustina duvigneaud - 7 years ago
how did you get so close
luka Maricc
luka Maricc - 7 years ago
It's fake look at 1:18 and he takes his camera out of the water then back in the alarm mysteriously teleports to a different place
Mads V
Mads V - 7 years ago
Holy shit ........... BEEP
waaazzzuuuppp duds
waaazzzuuuppp duds - 7 years ago
MrArbeter - 7 years ago
that shark is so cute i would have petet it
Evan Johnston
Evan Johnston - 7 years ago
Lucky ass shark got a whole big deaf whale all to HIMSELF wow dat cool XD
nairb zenar
nairb zenar - 7 years ago
does the whale smells?
Kamikaze Yamamoto
Kamikaze Yamamoto - 7 years ago
Have been ocean diving for more than 40 years and have seen a lot of sharks.
The ones that are most dangerous are the ones you don't see.
Oceanic (Pelagic) white tips are more dangerous than Great Whites.
They are the sharks responsible for the WW2 disaster of the USS Indianapolis, the greatest recorded shark attack in history.
Bull sharks are also more dangerous - highest testosterone level of any animal in the world. Very aggressive.
Makos are also very dangerous - especially big females.
Akina Speed Stars
Akina Speed Stars - 7 years ago
Well bleep that bleep!!! I'm out.
Emil Wharton
Emil Wharton - 7 years ago
It's gray not white. You freakin white dreamers. lmfao.
Hachem Weirdo
Hachem Weirdo - 7 years ago
wait wait...he was eating the whale upside down...don't they sleep if they are upside down?
Rin Okumura
Rin Okumura - 7 years ago
This is why I don't go out into the ocean
Declan McCartney
Declan McCartney - 7 years ago
Isn't it weird to think that without teeth sharks are just harmless pieces of floating rubber
Umer Zafar Tarar
Umer Zafar Tarar - 7 years ago
Scared the shit out of me
AAero - 7 years ago
Sharks are pretty badass
Goddess Gotti
Goddess Gotti - 7 years ago
Theresa Hansen
Theresa Hansen - 7 years ago
Amber Lynn Thomas
Amber Lynn Thomas - 7 years ago
She pregnant asf and just craving some whale
Mohecin Takouit
Mohecin Takouit - 7 years ago
look what a small shark do to a diver!
TourdeFrance20131 - 7 years ago
Dont jump in the water at sharks dinner time
Tardisius - 7 years ago
Hello, My name is Bruce =))
James Cline
James Cline - 7 years ago
They are not as bad as people make them out to be. I seen people surf right next to one. It could have killed them never bothered them.
The Loebster
The Loebster - 7 years ago
How is this sharks swimming upside down. Shouldn't it blackout, or is that a myth?
JORDAN reactshd
JORDAN reactshd - 7 years ago
Ooooooo interesting
funtime timber
funtime timber - 7 years ago
Whoa becelfull
- Søphie19 -
- Søphie19 - - 7 years ago
sundown005 - 7 years ago
I'm not an expert but doesn't the shark seem to be pregnant ? Just curious :)
Federick Marling
Federick Marling - 7 years ago
but that just a little bite
Federick Marling
Federick Marling - 7 years ago
why they dont eat you
Kakashi Hatake
Kakashi Hatake - 7 years ago
Wanna see a magic trick

Read more
Jim Stephens
Jim Stephens - 7 years ago
Outstanding video. Thanks for having the presence of mind to record it and even more thanks for sharing.
Maryam R
Maryam R - 7 years ago
Omg dude you are amazing how????
ThyChrysanthemum - 7 years ago
I keep thinking every time the camera goes into the water he's poking his head down there.

Tony Tigre
Tony Tigre - 7 years ago
Rotting grey whale corpse. Delicious.
Bruno Gomes
Bruno Gomes - 7 years ago
the music just made me jizzed my pants
Jeremy Smith
Jeremy Smith - 7 years ago
I bet all the big ones say: yeah he don't look so..... " GREAT " and then they laugh so hard.
nemo thecat
nemo thecat - 7 years ago
657f - 7 years ago
I've seen several great whites here in New Zealand. Mainly off the South Islands east coast while fishing off my bluewater boat. Biggest probably 15ft long and FAT as fuck. They are truly one of the worlds classic animals, and I have nothing but respect and fascination for them.
blinknudead lamine
blinknudead lamine - 7 years ago
2:35 swiming on sperm of whale GG
Piano Tiles
Piano Tiles - 7 years ago
Ummmmmm have you watched the shallows like bro if you have do you know what could of happend
Schleich Collection
Schleich Collection - 7 years ago
It's like the shallow when that girl goes near the dead whale
BloodRaven199 - 7 years ago
I'm the only one who noticed a giant whale dick at 2:21?
lj - 7 years ago
maiale what kind of name is that
Kin HAHAHA - 7 years ago
nice quality video .
Kennelkiz - 7 years ago
Thats not a great white . Great white is bigger and more aggresive
ThatRedPanda - 7 years ago
i best the shark just wanted to get song cool shots for you but then realised it has no hands
goshaman 2202
goshaman 2202 - 7 years ago
These fucking BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP are so fucking annoying
Laugh with Bitza
Laugh with Bitza - 7 years ago
1:25 , sup mfuker :)))))))))))
jsun blue
jsun blue - 7 years ago
Why are there so God damn mother fucking "bleeps" this is YouTube not mother fucking pb-goddamned mother fucking-s. Censorship of word are for stupid ignorate pussy ass Christians who crazily believe in a faceless white bearded half naked hypocritical non-existent asshole who floats around on a cloud deciding whether or not someone should be punished for all eternity because of a few mistakes. Pretty much as stupid as islam.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump - 7 years ago
Shark: Hmmmmmm...What are these dumb creatures? ,THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO FEAR ME?!
Azura's Cape
Azura's Cape - 7 years ago
To be honest, according to statistics, your more likely to die from a vending machine than a shark attack.
Jacob Cook
Jacob Cook - 7 years ago
He touched the butt

Anybody get that reference
Jorge Celaya
Jorge Celaya - 7 years ago
Is it just me or who ever was recording is dome like
EthanFilmsRBLX - 7 years ago
Smart move, buddy 1:59
xwing1977 - 7 years ago
That's a small / adolescent great white - not a huge great white ;)
Cj And Taly
Cj And Taly - 7 years ago
Only white people
Mr Cuddles
Mr Cuddles - 7 years ago
am i the only one that finds the shark cute?
Gabe Segundo
Gabe Segundo - 7 years ago
I remember back in Ninja school when I was 5 years old. I had to submit a great white shark via choke hold position. It was so easy.
Tommie Aitken
Tommie Aitken - 7 years ago
"once we interferes the nature, we must keep interfering".
juttada praveen
juttada praveen - 7 years ago
that whale is already dead there ?
Jacob Anaya
Jacob Anaya - 7 years ago
rocky lotus Thank you.☺
indigochild - 7 years ago
Jacob Anaya i like u
indigochild - 7 years ago
why do whales explode
kidmanier - 7 years ago
Nah, the whale with huge noticeable holes in was still alive I reckon
Samantha Melton
Samantha Melton - 7 years ago
The whale had been dead for a little bit before the boat arrived
Buhllisticz - 7 years ago
CookieEatEmma yes if they are sitting dead for a long ass time they can explode
Abbey Gardiner
Abbey Gardiner - 7 years ago
juttada praveen yea its dead
CookieEatEmma - 7 years ago
Teah Amato Whales explode?
Cloud_ Princess
Cloud_ Princess - 7 years ago
Makes me think how far did these people go out?
DallaxdX - 7 years ago
no shit
pingkoy pakayat
pingkoy pakayat - 7 years ago
The whale died when the boat got there.
Teah Amato
Teah Amato - 7 years ago
juttada praveen it was floating and it was about to explode what do you think
Pollebrok - 7 years ago
A whale
Geziani Nogueira
Geziani Nogueira - 7 years ago
juttada praveen yes
andi syach
andi syach - 7 years ago
• Seline •
• Seline • - 7 years ago
Alright people huddle up. Challenge - Count how many times you hear the beeping noise
Tyler Lerum
Tyler Lerum - 7 years ago
I would have pet it
Prost!Stuttgart - 7 years ago
That son of bitch is full of blubber. He probably didn't give a shit about anything at that point besides eating more blubber.
Locks Does
Locks Does - 7 years ago
Anyone else have Heart Palpitations at 2:53 thinking that white thing was someone's foot?
john plushy
john plushy - 7 years ago
i am wasting my life just watching this, i should be on a boat getting footage of this
burnt toast
burnt toast - 7 years ago
look how curious puppy is
The World According To Reese
The World According To Reese - 7 years ago
Don't stick your hand in the water! Commen sense
Erik Bates
Erik Bates - 7 years ago
Maybe you should get a bigger boat?
Heather C.
Heather C. - 7 years ago
They r beautiful. Now I would nvr ask it out or anything but their really beautiful in their habitat. They literally eat upside dwn too! Its wicked to watch.
ArnoldVeeman - 7 years ago
Nice video! (but the sound of the camera going underwater was a bit . . . well . . . unnecessary..? ;-) )
ColaKhanable - 7 years ago
These people are so annoying "holy shit holy shit holy shit"
Pump O Gamer
Pump O Gamer - 7 years ago
Was that Santa?
Zorgstein - 7 years ago
Zoey the Panda
Zoey the Panda - 7 years ago
It bit the camera bc sharks use their teeth as we use our hands
Jordan Drew
Jordan Drew - 7 years ago
Sharks mistake people for seals ok
Cyantifically - 7 years ago
The scenes if the shark rips the propeller off the boat
JustinSTeam2 - 7 years ago
What a sight
yah gurll
yah gurll - 7 years ago
why are they so scared it's just a great white
Pablo Gilberto Orbase
Pablo Gilberto Orbase - 7 years ago
LeafyisHere - 7 years ago
I would jump in that water faster than leafyishere views dropped
Jonesy Jones
Jonesy Jones - 7 years ago
I would've punched it in the face tbh
It's A Baby Whale Jay
It's A Baby Whale Jay - 7 years ago
Damn that was a fucking buffet for the great white
Amber Riggins
Amber Riggins - 7 years ago
It's so pretty and pregnant ❤️
Isaiah Patton
Isaiah Patton - 7 years ago
You guys should of jumped in with him he wasn't showing any type of agression
Greg g
Greg g - 7 years ago
like a dog chewing
FalcnPWNCH - 7 years ago
Just looking at the thumbnail almost made me wet myself - Great Whites are scary as FUCK ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
keroleen xyooj
keroleen xyooj - 7 years ago
welp! I'm never gonna go boating out in the ocean (sea)
ITZ TIZLER05 - 7 years ago
That's. Fake as hell
personM4N - 7 years ago
I resonate with the gentlemen who keeps repeating, "holy shit."
gamingcobra - 7 years ago
At the end were they in the water or did they just make the go pro longer with an attachment
Hugo Cruz
Hugo Cruz - 7 years ago
this reminds me of the shallows
The Zee Group
The Zee Group - 7 years ago
That shark is so full of whale that he doesn't give 2 shits about hunting anything
Swiss Dawah Channel
Swiss Dawah Channel - 7 years ago
nearly shit my pants when i saw that plastic bottle floting in the middle of the ocean !!!
PorkFrog - 7 years ago
I hereby name this shark 'Spot'
RADIN SYAH - 7 years ago
Is it me, or does that great white look exactly like an annoyed Deniro?
Anthony Sonido
Anthony Sonido - 7 years ago
fuck these man eating sharks kill them All
L!nZ - 7 years ago
The balance of nature. And that music... c'mon.
Comicbookstoreguy177 - 7 years ago
I can only imagine the smell coming from that dead whale
stefano giovannini
stefano giovannini - 7 years ago
Was it on Long Island or closer to NJ? Dit it leave any marks on the motors? Is it a GoPro?
Brenda Sullivan
Brenda Sullivan - 7 years ago
bet that stunk, he was a little too close
jamie y
jamie y - 7 years ago
How could anyone thumbs down this awesome rare footage lucky to even get the chance to see something like that?
BluntedAssasin27 - 7 years ago
" We're gonna need a bigger boat "
Leviathan Gaming
Leviathan Gaming - 7 years ago
Ehh it was just feeling out the surroundings, it's called Mouthing Sharks will do this constantly to boats and other objects in the water. To be freaking out about it is a little much, they're a harmless shark unless you're in the water thrashin about then it'll be more than mouthing, It'll be TASTING..Sharks don't know human meat from Seal meat, to them Meat is Meat and Meat is Lunch. if you're calm and keep all extremities from the teeth, won't bother you
Gerhard Rinkens
Gerhard Rinkens - 7 years ago
If man has something to get exited about: .....holy shit... holy shit.... oh my god... oh my god.... and on and on and on
macuserx30 - 7 years ago
"Ohh a great white shark, he could kill us , lets disturb him by eating a whale this is going to be lot of fun and not eveb dangerous"
Dude watch out
Sophie xxx
Sophie xxx - 7 years ago
What r we gonna do? I'll just stick my camera in the water right beside the great white! Great idea! #Idiot
Cameron Kiesser
Cameron Kiesser - 7 years ago
I shouldn't be watching this at 11:38pm.
ryan nugraha
ryan nugraha - 7 years ago
shark: oh look its a go pro,let me take selfie

go pro: shit
J Pagan
J Pagan - 7 years ago
Lets not bull shit ourselves here talking about "he is curious", the problem with their "curiosity" is we get hurt or im not saying they are the problem, i am fully aware, WE fuck with them too much

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