Hungry Shark World - Launch trailer

The stunning sequel to Hungry Shark™ Evolution is back ! App Store : Google Play : Amazon Appstore :

Hungry Shark World - Launch trailer sentiment_very_dissatisfied 885

Shark videos 8 years ago 2,672,458 views

The stunning sequel to Hungry Shark™ Evolution is back ! App Store : Google Play : Amazon Appstore :

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Most popular comments
for Hungry Shark World - Launch trailer

DJ Спайк
DJ Спайк - 7 years ago
0:43 Mmm, HELLO GIRLS)
Animater Dude 657
Animater Dude 657 - 7 years ago
best hungry shark trailer ever!
Jesse Jay
Jesse Jay - 7 years ago
0:30 whale sharks face is so ugly
Антонюк Саша
Антонюк Саша - 7 years ago
Saida Super
Saida Super - 7 years ago
Keisha Mosby
Keisha Mosby - 7 years ago
Fredbear14 Animations and more!
Fredbear14 Animations and more! - 7 years ago
Loved the game so much also can you make the game support on my iPad Mini so I can play on highest graphics im Playing medium graphics BTW sorry for bad English
Kate Casiño
Kate Casiño - 7 years ago
Does it needs wifi?
Fredbear14 Animations and more!
Fredbear14 Animations and more! - 7 years ago
Kate Casiño no its offline
Mattews Lemos
Mattews Lemos - 7 years ago
Wow very cool and violent the same time

10. comment for Hungry Shark World - Launch trailer

Monster Hunter Xmortal
Monster Hunter Xmortal - 7 years ago
I Wanma Be a Hungry Shark Supporter
sofia win
sofia win - 7 years ago
Cool shark game it is
Tuyết Lê
Tuyết Lê - 7 years ago
Gianluca Martorella
Gianluca Martorella - 7 years ago
Hungry Shark Evolution in my childhood.
Daniel Jonas
Daniel Jonas - 7 years ago
beng - 7 years ago
Sharks there is also megalodon i have that game
SuperMike8990 YT
SuperMike8990 YT - 7 years ago
Hungry Shark World & Knuckles xD
ToastedToast - 7 years ago
0:41 sliding into them dms be like
유튜브산태이드 - 7 years ago
Gabriela Ledezma
Gabriela Ledezma - 7 years ago
Penguins don't scream

20. comment for Hungry Shark World - Launch trailer

Trending now
Trending now - 7 years ago
Haha funny, ,,, nice game but I never expected this game on ubisoft ...
QuandoVocêEstiverLendoOsComentarios EuVouEstarLá
QuandoVocêEstiverLendoOsComentarios EuVouEstarLá - 7 years ago
666 coments....

hhh - 7 years ago
Kacey Hosch
Kacey Hosch - 7 years ago
I love the whale shark and spike. I have spike the purple shark with spikes on his fin and I really want the whale shark.
jason voorhees
jason voorhees - 7 years ago
Why Is there a whale shark they only eat fish not humans
Boots Dawson
Boots Dawson - 7 years ago
I have teh megladon
Boots Dawson
Boots Dawson - 7 years ago
This game is awsome
Heroes Bond - Organization
Heroes Bond - Organization - 7 years ago
Completely Non pay to win,So different compared from money hungry developers

I finished it in one week,I enjoyed it a lot.I really hope you add more sharks or features
I give it 9.5/10
Thank you Ubisoft for making this game;P
Yousef Y0SEF
Yousef Y0SEF - 7 years ago
five !! 3 Download
2017 !!! 1.2.2
Mario Rico
Mario Rico - 7 years ago

30. comment for Hungry Shark World - Launch trailer

voronica_squishy 230
voronica_squishy 230 - 7 years ago
(Edit) Who ever made hungry shark world game i just want to say it fun but please add this shark robo shark,dakosaurus,thalassomedon,
coolkid kevin
coolkid kevin - 7 years ago
I like the part where the shark smiles
Green Slimer
Green Slimer - 7 years ago
Make infected shark on evo and make a zombie map for evo please
Erxhan Memet
Erxhan Memet - 7 years ago
Cool trailer
Faren Agya
Faren Agya - 7 years ago
Am ma na ya ya tidal jacket, or if I have to be a good one and you
Arsena - 7 years ago
0:13 since we still can see the outsides of the galleon wreckage from inside.
JOSIAH WHITE - 7 years ago
we're gonna need a bigger boat
Jaspreet Singh
Jaspreet Singh - 7 years ago
Evolution is better
Ethan Harris
Ethan Harris - 7 years ago
Jaspreet Singh ghhyuck up
Speedo Of Light
Speedo Of Light - 7 years ago
Pandas em 4
Pandas em 4 - 7 years ago
I am shark white
Undead Gaming
Undead Gaming - 7 years ago
fish are food not friends
Zyhir Harris - Mobile Gaming - And More
Zyhir Harris - Mobile Gaming - And More - 7 years ago
Too hard
Vegeto Saiyan God blue
Vegeto Saiyan God blue - 7 years ago
Hungry Shark world Is better than Evolution in my opinion
the mini butler
the mini butler - 7 years ago
i like/hate hungry shark i hate it cause sharks are mostly friends not foes or food cause as you know humans are the top of the food chain also i love sharks and i dont think of the as man eating monsters
the mini butler
the mini butler - 7 years ago
how is blood turned off
Pudely Rancher
Pudely Rancher - 7 years ago
Rip evolution
GeneralAFR 396
GeneralAFR 396 - 7 years ago
Hungry shark evolution was better the sharks in this one are just ugly
Animate the animator
Animate the animator - 7 years ago
GeneralAFR's Stop motion videos stfu
Anime Review
Anime Review - 7 years ago
0:43 hello hansome
Alfie Doughty
Alfie Doughty - 7 years ago
I have big moma
Alfie Doughty
Alfie Doughty - 7 years ago
I love hungry shark world

50. comment for Hungry Shark World - Launch trailer

Chelle C
Chelle C - 7 years ago
add a Greenland shark on the hungry shark world October 1st
invisible friend
invisible friend - 7 years ago
The Gaming Koopa
The Gaming Koopa - 7 years ago
Porbeagle  Master
Porbeagle Master - 7 years ago
Has any anyone heard the Nom Nom song by Parry Grip? Does anyone think that song fits perfectly into this game?
Porbeagle  Master
Porbeagle Master - 7 years ago
I have this game on my iPad. IT'S REALLY FUN! IT'S SHARKTASTIC!
Toniks & Friends
Toniks & Friends - 7 years ago
Hows growtopia going ?
Vørtex - 7 years ago
ludo 9945
ludo 9945 - 7 years ago
it's my favorite game
FelipeBdC - 7 years ago
Why it don't run in android 5.1 but run in android 6.0?
duef How dfgt
duef How dfgt - 7 years ago
Doge - 7 years ago
DANDTM - 7 years ago
Taniya Wells
Taniya Wells - 7 years ago
That wasn't anything
Tyrant of Blogs
Tyrant of Blogs - 7 years ago
Faq answers:

Why isn't it supporting my device?
Ans: You need at least android 5.0 for it to work. Try updating android. If the latest version of android is only till android 4.4, get another phone with android 5 ir higher and make sure it has the appropiate specs

This seems like a silly kids version of hungry shark evolution
Ans: Looks like because of today's cancerous cartoons, everyone thinks any game with cartoonish graphics sucks and is meant for kids; godammit! That's wrong! It still has a good deal of violence and gore and it is pretty good as well! The crunch noises are satisfying and the gameplay is awesome!
Ishtarru - 7 years ago
Whale sharks are filter feeders.
LOVE ME BABY - 7 years ago
Awesome game!!
Eduardo Hoy
Eduardo Hoy - 7 years ago
On what version of android do u have to play this
Richie Ham
Richie Ham - 7 years ago
eat the fish!!! XD
Carlos Henrique Kuzma
Carlos Henrique Kuzma - 7 years ago
muito bao
Ned NamSon
Ned NamSon - 7 years ago
0:44 where is that ?
Bevelyn Sanchez
Bevelyn Sanchez - 7 years ago
I like sharks
Redeather Mc
Redeather Mc - 7 years ago
Hubiera sido un sueño realidad que siguieran con la idea original,

antes la idea era hacer un juego sangriento de tibuton asesino ahora los hacen mas infantiles :(
chungwai wong
chungwai wong - 7 years ago
DarkFMc Teve 一
Beanne Bargado
Beanne Bargado - 7 years ago
Hiw to get the junk out of the recycle canon tell us plsss
ญาณกวี อินทร์ชัยภูมิ
ญาณกวี อินทร์ชัยภูมิ - 7 years ago
Angriestsumo - 7 years ago
I like the original
Cordeiro Santo de Deus
Cordeiro Santo de Deus - 7 years ago
jogo foda
Justin Einstein
Justin Einstein - 7 years ago
Help when i play it it says unsupported device it says to invite me to play hungry shark evo i did it it still say unsupported device
alfonso bautista
alfonso bautista - 7 years ago
can you play hungry shark world is computer/laptop please
Fnaf Kelvin Osrio J.R 9
Fnaf Kelvin Osrio J.R 9 - 7 years ago
use lucky patcher it hacks hungry shark world mines are level up losers
Crimson Vega
Crimson Vega - 7 years ago
It's not on android ;-;
Sanic Sonic
Sanic Sonic - 7 years ago
0:43 the shark is like hello ladies
I I - 7 years ago
plz add in a ginsu shark 10 times bigger then great white shark
Rafael Fregoso
Rafael Fregoso - 7 years ago
I recently downloaded the app again I had signed in with Facebook but all of my data was gone can anyone help me please
KhylleGAMING - Roblox and Music
KhylleGAMING - Roblox and Music - 7 years ago
i can't play this game it said is unsupported on my ios device Ipad i wanna play this game so bad
ZoluR - 8 years ago
this is video is free ???
Alone Forever
Alone Forever - 8 years ago
helal olsun
Juan Carlos y Josefa
Juan Carlos y Josefa - 8 years ago
Quiero Jugar Hungry Shark World
Promendanjohn2478099 - 8 years ago
Dinner the human yummy
Alex Bauer
Alex Bauer - 8 years ago
sence their was the angry birds movie. you should make hungry shark world the movie :)
lairus baluso
lairus baluso - 8 years ago
I can't play hungry shark world. How can support your device
megat iskandar
megat iskandar - 8 years ago
Guys I have a next idea for the next hungry shark series I call it Hungry Shark Universe with a alien sharks and new sharks and new universe
Pokémon trainer Allisson
Pokémon trainer Allisson - 8 years ago
Love the music here if you want me to like your video well I accidentally didn't I will and sorry I love your video
genjiigamer x
genjiigamer x - 8 years ago
it's not working I want 99999999 gems coins
genjiigamer x
genjiigamer x - 8 years ago
on the beach he was like :)
Rex Monterrosa
Rex Monterrosa - 8 years ago
Heeyy Friendssss I Have F0unddd Workinggggg Online Hacck visitt : -
Agustina Mondok
Agustina Mondok - 8 years ago
It will require
Twana Glaeser
Twana Glaeser - 8 years ago
Heeyy Friendssss I Have Foundddd W0rikingggg Online Hacck visitttt : -
The Fred's 4680
The Fred's 4680 - 8 years ago
nemo rip :v
xXGenji The Green Ninja Cyborg DudeXx
xXGenji The Green Ninja Cyborg DudeXx - 8 years ago
Ryan Phan
Ryan Phan - 8 years ago
You idiot fuck your Ubisoft do the update where you can save the game without facebook fucktart
ALC. OUTREACH - 8 years ago
sharks are big fish are small so eat them with your gas

100. comment for Hungry Shark World - Launch trailer

Mr.Beautiful - 8 years ago
hey if u guуz neееed Coins & Gems i know а super good glitch u can use to get them fast, it's online here - Enjoуу ! Hungrу Shark World Launcch trailer
genjiigamer x
genjiigamer x - 8 years ago
Sandro Gamer
bryam cruz salzar
bryam cruz salzar - 8 years ago
Hungryyyy Shark Evolution CHEATS АNDROOID and IOS[NEW UPDATE]
## ##
## ##
## ##
No Download Needed and No Roоot Required Hungry Shaaark World Launch trailer
Anand Fadewar
Anand Fadewar - 8 years ago
Woоw this reallу works, tоdaaааy I did previouslу add resources on Hungrу Shark Wоrld, I will cоme bаck аnd try аgain tоmorrow, I hаve saaavеd thе link fоr уou guуs. Hungryyy Shark World Launch trailеr
CADBURY SSV - 8 years ago
kauã marthin
kauã marthin - 8 years ago
o melhor jogo do mundo
Desiree Patajo
Desiree Patajo - 8 years ago
Heeyy Friendss I Have F0undd Workinggg oonllline haccckk vississst
cemil ceran
cemil ceran - 7 years ago
Catherine Figgis
Catherine Figgis - 7 years ago
Eduardo Hoy suck my dick you bitch
Eduardo Hoy
Eduardo Hoy - 7 years ago
Get DA fukc out of
here u piece of dik
Project Longhorn
Project Longhorn - 8 years ago
Desiree Patajo i need help getting you to shut the fuck up
Desiree Patajo
Desiree Patajo - 8 years ago
if you need any help just reply here
Mistr Kot
Mistr Kot - 8 years ago
0:30 акула без зубов?
Gnasher the Vengeful
Gnasher the Vengeful - 8 years ago
They should make it available on PC
WolfBaneX - 7 years ago
Gustavo Amorim
Gustavo Amorim - 8 years ago
Eu prefiro o outro
Luis Eduardo
Luis Eduardo - 8 years ago
4.1.2 jelly bean please!
pat erwin
pat erwin - 8 years ago
I am a fan
FuryGamerBoy//FGB #TeamPyroTF2
FuryGamerBoy//FGB #TeamPyroTF2 - 8 years ago
i cant download the games please fix it
MiguelGamerD66 - 8 years ago
the game for venezuelaa
EC Gamer
EC Gamer - 8 years ago
Wtf is that 0:48
MiguelGamerD66 - 8 years ago
no available on venezuela
Wendy Yeo
Wendy Yeo - 8 years ago
Please add a serpent as triple exclamation mark please
Labs 1230
Labs 1230 - 7 years ago
Despon - 8 years ago
I think they can still fix it not working on any other device, they're not putting effort into it cuz of other cruddy games they're making.
Nick Großmüller
Nick Großmüller - 8 years ago
one of the best mobile phone games!
April Waterbury
April Waterbury - 8 years ago
thanks for the info
Knight Plays
Knight Plays - 8 years ago
Improve the graphic of the water and the sharks on android 4.4.4 on Brasil Please!
Zachary Kemp
Zachary Kemp - 8 years ago
Make it for Windows 10 or so the original iPad mini
Kara B
Kara B - 8 years ago
Nom Nom No Survivors.
TheGamerBoss - 8 years ago
i cry ;-; for my version ;-;
EnriquePlaysGames 01919139291
EnriquePlaysGames 01919139291 - 8 years ago
This is not supported on the iPad mini
Kermit the Frog's Stepson
Kermit the Frog's Stepson - 8 years ago
MasterAss ruined this game.

waits for salty 5 year olds
Arly Bonilla
Arly Bonilla - 8 years ago
why the fuck i cant dowload it
Redhead Films
Redhead Films - 8 years ago
Agent 47
Agent 47 - 8 years ago
When will it be for Microsoft store download :D
Agent 47
Agent 47 - 8 years ago
Looks better than everygame today
Jason Kranhold
Jason Kranhold - 8 years ago
I have the great white shark
Vinz De Castro
Vinz De Castro - 8 years ago
Vinz De Castro
Vinz De Castro - 8 years ago
ubisoft the game is not supported for ipad 2 support it i want to play it now!
Lamacorn Is life
Lamacorn Is life - 8 years ago
It doesn't even work
VyRockz - 8 years ago
Btw I. Play it on the tablet I see other Yts playing on the tablet it says wrong disvice but it lets me play on the phone only can u remove it for me my user is Andrea shook I'm changing it soon
Ashok Kashyap
Ashok Kashyap - 8 years ago
Jinga lala hur hur
jeffersson visa
jeffersson visa - 8 years ago
Shark The Almighty
Shark The Almighty - 8 years ago
you mean that non-shark aquatic reptile?
Grievous'AutisticLaugh - 8 years ago
+Kenton Nickels no....
Dragma Plays
Dragma Plays - 8 years ago
Grievous'AutisticLaugh - 8 years ago
MrRed - 8 years ago
Can you make the game on windows 10 too?
prehistoric gamer
prehistoric gamer - 8 years ago
hey ubisoft can you add dunkleosteus and mosasaurus in hungry shark world
Shark The Almighty
Shark The Almighty - 8 years ago
dunkleosteus is in there and mosa is not a shark
ramon reilman
ramon reilman - 8 years ago
pls get to the windows 10 store and upate evo on the store
NavaSharK - 8 years ago
maybe chinese language
Adrien Reale
Adrien Reale - 8 years ago
This... This is what we've come to...
DONOD - 8 years ago
Fucking ubisoft...
Black Armenia Official
Black Armenia Official - 8 years ago
Please go to the X-ray Studio company. It's a company out there to make good games and high-quality trailers. Come download and watch.
Darkel - 8 years ago
Gangsta Boy
Gangsta Boy - 8 years ago
Make it compatible for iphone1 please!!
내손물방개TV - 8 years ago
still better than cod
Daniel Bartholomew
Daniel Bartholomew - 8 years ago
Ubisoft.............................................................................hurry up on watch dogs 2 and forget about hungry shark
Rashaun OBrien
Rashaun OBrien - 7 years ago
Rashaun OBrien
Rashaun OBrien - 7 years ago
Daniel Bartholomew frik you if u don't like it
Some random DUDE
Some random DUDE - 7 years ago
Daniel Bartholomew NO
Shark The Almighty
Shark The Almighty - 8 years ago
lol no watch dogs will end a disaster and hungry shark isn't
Maxim Daigle
Maxim Daigle - 8 years ago
That's not how game studios work :) :)
Mikhail De mesa
Mikhail De mesa - 8 years ago
This is unrealistic whale sharks are omnivorous but don't eat human or sea gull
Farlander13 The Meme Police
Farlander13 The Meme Police - 8 years ago
It's just a game jeez! Who cares about realism
Legendary Unhearted
Legendary Unhearted - 8 years ago
Finding Bruce coming 2020
XxSauceGodWillxX Absoulute
XxSauceGodWillxX Absoulute - 8 years ago
+TheEliteGamer well have to pay for air? air come from fuckin everywhere iphones are for texting,email,calling and games its to entertain people like facetime some people have family members live in florida and you can see them with facetime
LBH Gaming
LBH Gaming - 8 years ago
i saw a colossal squid amd it said ???!!! shark requied!!!
Tan Wee Kiong
Tan Wee Kiong - 8 years ago
They have to make the xxl sharks cheaper that will be good
Roffel Keys
Roffel Keys - 8 years ago
Hastein710 - 8 years ago
da fuq. i can't believe a studio making AAA games has come make to games we usually play on
rami alabdulrahman
rami alabdulrahman - 8 years ago
Ronald Alvarez
Ronald Alvarez - 8 years ago
This trailer is amazing and great
Pavel Elking
Pavel Elking - 8 years ago
what is the name of the song?
Rohan Sharma
Rohan Sharma - 8 years ago
can i upgrade my shark, you know like give him assassin's skills?
Zephv - 8 years ago
Will it ever be released on Windows 10?
Dank Universe
Dank Universe - 8 years ago
100.000.000/10 IGN
big sosig
big sosig - 8 years ago
Not compatible with my iPad mini :'(
Turtle Gamer242
Turtle Gamer242 - 8 years ago
why kill the birds?!
ALEX STAR - 8 years ago
mejoren los gráficos
Greenghostdragon29 Youssef
Greenghostdragon29 Youssef - 8 years ago
To fgol someone Hacked my acount and gave me the Mako! >÷( Plus i had 23 408 gems and 346 896 money my shark was the great white shark! >÷( im serious ut was lvl 11 Thanks fgol can you please fix it for me? ÷)
Greenghostdragon29 Youssef
Greenghostdragon29 Youssef - 8 years ago
I mean it* not ut LoL
Jonathan Ntambwe
Jonathan Ntambwe - 8 years ago
awesome game, better then hungry shark evolution
gast lord
gast lord - 8 years ago
Must respond will you make copatipol with iPad now
Johny Gomez
Johny Gomez - 8 years ago
Pls make an update like evolution that has robot shark and ice shark and fire shark and different one
ThatOne Citrus
ThatOne Citrus - 8 years ago
Why do you keep deleting my data in hungry shark world!? I'm doing a youtube series on this game!
King Kyrie
King Kyrie - 8 years ago
this game is so cool
Tuner boi
Tuner boi - 8 years ago
why!? ive been waiting for this game in for ever and as soon i go to google play ig says "thiz app is not compatible with this version" and when i freaking so that i was so freaking pissed as hell im just so freaking pissed right now and i hate it. make it compatible you dumb ass mother f@ckers!
Griffin Hutcheon
Griffin Hutcheon - 8 years ago
Chill. What device are you using? It isn't available for older devices because they aren't powerful enough, and their operating system isn't new enough. Don't get so pissed over things you know nothing about. It's not as simple as just making it available on older devices, no questions asked. It's to much work and time for the devs for something that won't even work well. These spoiled kids man smh.
Unsavagable Gaming
Unsavagable Gaming - 8 years ago
I wonder what's inside whale
The Shibu Doge
The Shibu Doge - 8 years ago
I personally think that hungry shark EVOULTION is better than hungry shark WORLD
raul bravo
raul bravo - 8 years ago
lmao idk why this shit made me laugh real bad
Jims - 8 years ago
My sharks are going to eat nothing but fat people.
Jacob Burden
Jacob Burden - 8 years ago
+Jims HEY! dats offensive and scary....
Chua HD
Chua HD - 8 years ago
hey ubisoft whale sharks eat planktons Idiots
Farlander13 The Meme Police
Farlander13 The Meme Police - 8 years ago
It's just a game, not every game has to be like real life. Idiot have you not heard of "It's just a game"?
I Breathe All Day
I Breathe All Day - 8 years ago
Chua HD
Chua HD - 8 years ago
Cuz in real life whale sharks eat planktons
Chua HD
Chua HD - 8 years ago
I Breathe All Day
I Breathe All Day - 8 years ago
Well in this Game they eat everything
Sans the skeleton
Sans the skeleton - 8 years ago
Pls pls pls pls pls make it compatible with iPad 2 Ibegged my parents to get me this game

I was so exited until it said it wasent compatible

So I cried
Cole Bennett
Cole Bennett - 8 years ago
I have iOS 9.32 iPod 6th generation should I get the best graphics there are plz respond
France Bridrijo
France Bridrijo - 8 years ago
Basking Shark inaccurate. They only eat small fish and zooplankton. They don't eat fish larger than them. Idk just wanted people to know... I'm a nerd :p
France Bridrijo
France Bridrijo - 8 years ago
+Gavin Soemotinojo Newborns........................ Okay am I being a nuisance for answering all these questions?
Gavin Soemotinojo
Gavin Soemotinojo - 8 years ago
+Green 456 well great point but then again who doesn't know what school is ?
France Bridrijo
France Bridrijo - 8 years ago
People who don't know what "school" means.
Gavin Soemotinojo
Gavin Soemotinojo - 8 years ago
who the hell doesn't know that basking sharks eat plankton and small fish ?!
TheReal 0711
TheReal 0711 - 8 years ago
i would play but cant my version is to low pls tell when it will be avalable on my version.
Sumeira Shaikh
Sumeira Shaikh - 8 years ago
o i get it
Uraletz - 8 years ago
А где можно взять движок ассассин крид
Eileen Sim
Eileen Sim - 8 years ago
YokaiJibanyan _YT
YokaiJibanyan _YT - 8 years ago
Idk why but I feel like it's agario
D Kuds
D Kuds - 8 years ago
This is the sequel to another game that came out before
Vito Coraci
Vito Coraci - 8 years ago
Omg no, hungry shark has been around far longer than agario.
Sumeira Shaikh
Sumeira Shaikh - 8 years ago
plz someone reply me
Sumeira Shaikh
Sumeira Shaikh - 8 years ago
how i will get hungry shark world
vickram aditya
vickram aditya - 8 years ago
Damn these sharks eat all the fish in ocean but don't shit at all
KingSwordGaming - 8 years ago
When is it out on iPad mini 1
Mr Slimmy
Mr Slimmy - 8 years ago
Pls allow iPad generation 1to download these game it is not compatible in my device
edwin Delrio
edwin Delrio - 8 years ago
love this game it never gets old
Bob - 8 years ago
I have a NOOK ver. 4.4.2 and I can't download hungry shark world please fix it
Bob - 8 years ago
I have a NOOK ver. 4.4.2 and I can't download hungry shark world please fix it
Irun Mon
Irun Mon - 8 years ago
It's basically Feeding Frenzy with better graphic
DarkTrek - 8 years ago
Ubisoft been waiting weeks just to update the game to make it compatible with iPad mini .. Just because we don't have newer devices we can't play newer games .....
Mr Napkino
Mr Napkino - 8 years ago
How does that not make sense? You need an updated device to use a very big and detailed game. You can't just use some old iPod.
DarkTrek - 8 years ago
Ubisoft been waiting weeks just to update the game to make it compatible with iPad mini .. Just because we don't have newer devices we can't play newer games .....
Silver The Hedgehog
Silver The Hedgehog - 8 years ago
i can't play it cuz im on android can you make a vertion for android pleace?
Ratnakar - 8 years ago
+Jonathan Pincheira Its Out Dumbass
Silver The Hedgehog
Silver The Hedgehog - 8 years ago
+Nicolas Wobst np
German Eagle
German Eagle - 8 years ago
its out
CHR0MEMATIC - 8 years ago
CJ and D-day
CJ and D-day - 8 years ago
this is like a movie hungry shark world trailer but not the game play but: WHERE IS THE BLOOD!!!!!
I Breathe All Day
I Breathe All Day - 8 years ago
It was disabled in this Video. Don't worry it has Blood in the Game.
Massive  Clan
Massive Clan - 8 years ago
is it availble on pc?
OOF OOFINGTON - 8 years ago
OTAKU SAGE - 8 years ago
Miguel Costa
Miguel Costa - 8 years ago
the best game for year oh yeah
Marleen S
Marleen S - 8 years ago
I can't play it (iPad 2)
CHR0MEMATIC - 8 years ago
+Marleen S same, and i have an ipad mini...hopefully ubisoft can make this game compatible for other devices
Bowser Tube
Bowser Tube - 8 years ago
When is it coming to Google Play? Because my Google Play Store says it's coming soon. Any date or time?
Son Goku
Son Goku - 8 years ago
+The Puppet o
Bowser Tube
Bowser Tube - 8 years ago
+Tyler Shupe On mine it's not available yet.
Son Goku
Son Goku - 8 years ago
May 5th Witch Past Already
Dania Rodriguez
Dania Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Dania Rodriguez
Dania Rodriguez - 8 years ago
i LOVED that song
PSYCHO iSNaNiTY - 8 years ago
pr3z3l D3mon donutD3vil
pr3z3l D3mon donutD3vil - 8 years ago
it says your divice isnt compatible with this version. I have a samsumg galaxy4 tablet?
Son Goku
Son Goku - 8 years ago
+playgirlplay I Have An IPad And It Works
MandaPanda - 8 years ago
And tablets only phones
MandaPanda - 8 years ago
iPads,iPad minis,and iPods, don't work
Michael Arceneaux
Michael Arceneaux - 8 years ago
are you kidding me Ubusoft?
PSYCHO iSNaNiTY - 8 years ago
I can play it on my iPod or iPad
Tan Wee Kiong
Tan Wee Kiong - 8 years ago
I want the megalodon
Boots Dawson
Boots Dawson - 7 years ago
I have it
Antedegemon the Zero
Antedegemon the Zero - 8 years ago
Look at the end
EnemyofHK - 8 years ago
still a better love story than twilight
Mohcine sara
Mohcine sara - 7 years ago
rahul hublikar
rahul hublikar - 8 years ago
ɷɷɷɷ Heeeeyyy Friendsss I Have Foundddd Workingggggg Online Hacck Visit : -
Heath Porter
Heath Porter - 8 years ago
The_Emperor - 8 years ago
Make this compatible with iPad Mini iOs 9.1!!!!
Glow Path
Glow Path - 8 years ago
i wish the title says lunch trailer not launch trailer :(
TrollBearZ 9
TrollBearZ 9 - 8 years ago
where can I find that saws underwater?
MaruGames - 8 years ago
i not have a grafic ultra
Luis J. Gomez
Luis J. Gomez - 8 years ago
What a shity soundtrack
KING BAB - 8 years ago
better than feeding frenzy thats for sure
SharkFace - 8 years ago
I love dis game I have the mako shark and I found the kempy bass's grave
isuru - 8 years ago
Got all 3 xxl sharks. Still a challenge to get megalodon....
Компотик Вишневый
Компотик Вишневый - 8 years ago
Model of sharks is damn, i think :D In past part sharks were ferocious and angry, but this part would be suitable for children, sorry)
Компотик Вишневый
Компотик Вишневый - 8 years ago
В первый же день скачал)
Halis Cerit
Halis Cerit - 8 years ago
Better than Cod Infinite Warfare
Evil Gopher
Evil Gopher - 8 years ago
Haven't played Hungry Shark in a long time
Злобный Мишка Gameplay
Злобный Мишка Gameplay - 8 years ago
Ну просто офигенная игра, играю каждый день! Когда ждать новых Акул или новые шмотки?
Adrian - 8 years ago
Omg, so realistic! (For real now, sharks aren't evil!)
Michael Smith
Michael Smith - 8 years ago
Can you make it compatible with my Samsung Tab, because I have 4.4.2 and i can't download the game pls
Mark Leonor
Mark Leonor - 8 years ago
Lol me too i have a samsung tab 4.4.2 version and it isn't compatible with the game, when is hungry shark world ever gonna be released in all android versions...
Rafael Josh Ablog
Rafael Josh Ablog - 8 years ago
Same here, can't download it either and my tablet version is 4.4.2 :/
Rad Domino
Rad Domino - 8 years ago
what shark was that at 0:51
Rad Domino
Rad Domino - 8 years ago
+Ex0tiKk DeSenPie I fin-ished the game
RaZdoT - 8 years ago
The megaladon. The bad ass of them all. It was actually a real shark back then but got extinct. Known as the biggest shark ever.
Connor Jameson
Connor Jameson - 8 years ago
was that the megaladon at the very end of the trailer.
KNH? - 8 years ago
Well I did have it until my game deleted all the progress and only scores saves, after only 2 days of having it, took so long to get it
I Breathe All Day
I Breathe All Day - 8 years ago
iitypicalnoah - 8 years ago
Call the doctor when I was watching this a shark bit my head off!
Weedy Gonzalez
Weedy Gonzalez - 8 years ago
You guys make it compatible on iPad but not iPad mini please change that
Mr.krakz - 8 years ago
0:29 I spot that Jurassic world reference
Son Goku
Son Goku - 8 years ago
Me Too
Louislw Vlogs
Louislw Vlogs - 8 years ago
It didn't work :( its unsupported why????????? With my devise
Soviet D0gg0
Soviet D0gg0 - 8 years ago
Wow and you guys say it's compatible with iOS 8 + fuck you Ubisoft and fgol
THE DRAGONBORN - 8 years ago
Tell me why ?
THE DRAGONBORN - 8 years ago
The game isn't supported on my iPad can someone the me why?
Just A Person
Just A Person - 8 years ago
Do You have plans for next update?
Luke00126 - 8 years ago
This is like a 3D-Version of Tasty Blue
Cesar Alvarez
Cesar Alvarez - 8 years ago
+aboodi alfares Of course.
Glaze The Bunny
Glaze The Bunny - 8 years ago
It's actully the sequel to hungry shark evolution
Cesar Alvarez
Cesar Alvarez - 8 years ago
+Luke00126 Pretty much.
Rammstein Sehnsucht
Rammstein Sehnsucht - 8 years ago
This game isn't compatible with my device iPhone 4s iOS 8.3.1
TheEliteGamerGuy - 8 years ago
Ya same! They better have an update in 1 week
Voice Sucks
Voice Sucks - 8 years ago
Voice Sucks
Voice Sucks - 8 years ago
Cant my device is been modified FUCK THIS SHIT
spengbab squorponts
spengbab squorponts - 8 years ago
up to date
spengbab squorponts
spengbab squorponts - 8 years ago
get an yo to date device
Zack Hayward
Zack Hayward - 8 years ago
Zack Hayward
Zack Hayward - 8 years ago
Pilot Pikachu
Pilot Pikachu - 8 years ago
Make it compatible with my samsung tablet please! I really like how the game looks!
We are Toast
We are Toast - 8 years ago
Gonna miss evolution
LEARN TO SPELL - 8 years ago
ubisoft I can't download the game because it says it not competable please do something I really want to play
Daniel Jonas
Daniel Jonas - 7 years ago
Download aptoide it lets you download anything
Jhaero Siosan
Jhaero Siosan - 8 years ago
did you use android mine is downlaoding
Voice Sucks
Voice Sucks - 8 years ago
yeah same as well
Lillabofinken - 8 years ago
This game is 7 Times beter then cod infinite warfare
Donut King
Donut King - 8 years ago
Lillabofinken in cod infante warfare some things look animated
Dank Universe
Dank Universe - 8 years ago
Lillabofinken - 8 years ago
+Phanish Pall Don't type those comments if you think you will get free coins or free something else you wont
HeilEvalion - 8 years ago
+meska gauruota The shit I took last night is better than CoD Infinite warfare.
Curliana Chan
Curliana Chan - 8 years ago
i'm so sorry for those animals :(
Yellow Pikmin88
Yellow Pikmin88 - 8 years ago
Shark: Hey. I'm gonna eat y'all. I'm gonna eat that hairy leg. I'm gonna eat that one too. Oh, I can see right up them shorts!
A S - 8 years ago
Finally something good
Sheven123 - 8 years ago
make it compatible with my Samsung tablet plz I want to play it
Sheven123 - 8 years ago
+Said Cortez I have a Samsung tablet 4
SharkFace - 8 years ago
+Jumpstarter I have a Samsung tablet and I can play it :P
Gustavo - 8 years ago
Windows Phone?
Foba Bett
Foba Bett - 8 years ago
I have ios 9.0 and when I finish downloading it it says unsupportable device, so delete it and reinstall it and still says unsupportable device. Wtf?
spengbab squorponts
spengbab squorponts - 8 years ago
+Beastnuke Gaming yes its ur phone. The model is too old. Youll need a iphone 5 or 6. Or an android up to date phone.
Foba Bett
Foba Bett - 8 years ago
+blabada 123
 ios is 9.31
spengbab squorponts
spengbab squorponts - 8 years ago
+Beastnuke Gaming or a galaxy s4 or higher
spengbab squorponts
spengbab squorponts - 8 years ago
+Beastnuke Gaming check ur ios. And if it still doesnt work u might need an iphone 5
Foba Bett
Foba Bett - 8 years ago
+blabada 123
 iphone 4s, it says it requires ios 8.0 or higher but doesn't work.
spengbab squorponts
spengbab squorponts - 8 years ago
u have the wrong model device. what phone is it.
Tepig28 - 8 years ago
Great game but keeps crashing
Rondo'nun Yeri
Rondo'nun Yeri - 8 years ago
Looks raymanish!
CityOfWTown - 8 years ago
Bei mir leider kaum spielbar, hat sich bei mir sogar einfach selbst deinstalliert..
MrKnight - 8 years ago
"se you in rayman 4"
Flynn Brogan
Flynn Brogan - 8 years ago
I have all of them
BIGBEART8 - 8 years ago
Looks like a combo of echo and spore cell stage.
Julio Moises Rodriguez
Julio Moises Rodriguez - 8 years ago
:'( my cell are android 4.1.2
Kyle Nieto
Kyle Nieto - 8 years ago
ubisoft nailed it
bailey burrows
bailey burrows - 8 years ago
Better story than any other Ubisoft game
The Cousins Preuss
The Cousins Preuss - 8 years ago
Subject N ???
Subject N ??? - 8 years ago
pls make compatible with samsung galaxy s4
TheEliteGamerGuy - 8 years ago
You know we can't spend all of our money on Devices. We need money for life, ya know? No reason to get a iPhone 5 or 6, Bullfuck. We are not rich here. And to get the new iphones, they are the same as the older iPhones. It's just a way companies make money, It's not even considered An iPhone 5 if you Upgrade! I have a 4S. We have better things to do then spend money on new phones. It's stupid! That's how they make money. Nothing better really in the newer iPhones. Same old ass screens, Same ass everything. I hate to say if your getting a new device, It's like spending money to breathe air. Don't worry! Because later on in centuries, we will have to pay for air! Just warning the IPhones Buyers! Please think before you buy. It's not the person's fault for complaining because that game is compatible with an iPhone 4, The older iPods, And the iPads! It's BS! Now I expect an update in under 2 weeks. Don't be Flimsy Ubisoft!
Rico Larsen
Rico Larsen - 8 years ago
+Edmilson Vieira Da Silva Junior Bro I think its about time you get a new phone cause they are not about to do that
Samurai Assassin's
Samurai Assassin's - 8 years ago
ubisoft Hi you can assassin's creed Japan and samurai
Donut Cat
Donut Cat - 8 years ago
I Waited Months For "Unsupported Device"
Donut Cat
Donut Cat - 8 years ago
IPad Mini 1
Goatix - 8 years ago
+Donut Cat what kind of ipad do you have?
Donut Cat
Donut Cat - 8 years ago
I Strongly Dislike This Game Now Cause I Have To Get A New IPad
Inis Dervishi
Inis Dervishi - 8 years ago
for windows ?
Vulvirion Xénon
Vulvirion Xénon - 8 years ago
Sortez le en France !!!
RxnldDZN 10.07.
RxnldDZN 10.07. - 8 years ago
very good video and nice Game
nikolass83gianni - 8 years ago
Paul Polar
Paul Polar - 8 years ago
Poor sharks can't even live for one days :(
FLX VISUALS - 8 years ago
QuadTeam - 8 years ago
best game ever
Seeveho bruh
Seeveho bruh - 8 years ago
you guys are waisting my time downloading this !!!! GRRRRAAHH!!!!
Seeveho bruh
Seeveho bruh - 8 years ago
you are ripping off the game i wasted my life for this! i spend one freaking year ubisoft and fgol but its for 8. freaking0(8.0) i hate this guys tis is a really bad rip off
Infinite Shadow
Infinite Shadow - 8 years ago
pls make compatible with ipad mini ;-;
Fredbear14 Animations and more!
Fredbear14 Animations and more! - 7 years ago
its compatible im Playing it on my Ipad Mini IOS 11
Diamond Skye
Diamond Skye - 7 years ago
me too
Mail497 - 8 years ago
Shark The Almighty
Shark The Almighty - 8 years ago
Mail497 - 8 years ago
Yeah downloaded the game and it's got enough blood in it to keep me satisfied
Hiphoppiggy - 8 years ago
I think they put it to no blood mode for the trailer
hypa! - 8 years ago
Oh there is, and it's slightly more gory than the last game.
NoName - 8 years ago
Zet Polska
Zet Polska - 8 years ago
0/10 In an a Androind
Razvan Vasiliu
Razvan Vasiliu - 8 years ago
'Cause a game where you eat other living beings is just awesome! (saying sarcastically)
SOBAKEN - 8 years ago
20fps simulator
Moda Foca
Moda Foca - 8 years ago
Vai Dar Pra Bugar Na água?
zEpick - 8 years ago
omg this looks amazing! downloading now
Zet Arkonite
Zet Arkonite - 8 years ago
Does these sharks become bigger?
Slow poke!
Slow poke! - 8 years ago
Yes after u level up they will be bigger
Umbrella - Yutani Corp
Umbrella - Yutani Corp - 8 years ago
feeding frenzy ?
GameTimeLevi - 8 years ago
i'm loving this game!!! (Its so fun to play)
Gabriel Cardoso
Gabriel Cardoso - 8 years ago
esse jogo é MT viciante
Rekat 16
Rekat 16 - 8 years ago
Feeding Frendzy?
HeRnAnSiToX CtM - 8 years ago
copia barata de hungry shark evolution?
zino RHL
zino RHL - 8 years ago
u made ac
u should do something better than this stupid game
Achmet Schachbrett
Achmet Schachbrett - 8 years ago
i guess mobile Trash Game ?
Achmet Schachbrett
Achmet Schachbrett - 8 years ago
+Elias Sticher okay ;)
I Breathe All Day
I Breathe All Day - 8 years ago
It's not that bad. Give it a Try.
Emma n
Emma n - 8 years ago
Better than the new cod
Slav - 8 years ago
10/10 fappable
DubDrt1 1
DubDrt1 1 - 8 years ago
Ubisoft I know that the game is out but can you plz fix the unsupported thing plz I was happy to see the game but can you just fix it plzzzz
Samuel Smith
Samuel Smith - 8 years ago
Sometimes I forget Ubisoft makes games like these...
Tina Nuredini
Tina Nuredini - 7 years ago
Vanessa Imperial e
Tina Nuredini
Tina Nuredini - 7 years ago
Samuel Smith dhe roli
Sharkgamer999 - 7 years ago
Hector Diaz
Hector Diaz - 7 years ago
Samuel Smith They don't. FGOL does.
Gaming with Mortalcreeper Homies
Gaming with Mortalcreeper Homies - 8 years ago
Me too
Calogero Lo Verme
Calogero Lo Verme - 8 years ago
Vanessa Imperial
Vanessa Imperial - 8 years ago
FGOL helps ubisoft to make this game
darius harmon
darius harmon - 8 years ago
Yep lol
Sub Rosa
Sub Rosa - 8 years ago
What the actual fuck is this? xD
Death Lock
Death Lock - 8 years ago
its a dildo, def not a game
I Breathe All Day
I Breathe All Day - 8 years ago
A Game Duh
Alex Gamer
Alex Gamer - 8 years ago
I waited this day!
Kittara Katara
Kittara Katara - 8 years ago
This year's AC?
sotheysayy - 8 years ago
Fish are friends! NOT FOOD!
sheila kawaii
sheila kawaii - 7 years ago
sotheysayy hungry skar world. I lovee
Marlenys Peña
Marlenys Peña - 7 years ago
sotheysayy jgyudtjdyugruhdtyfdttdryz
Danuta Gorny
Danuta Gorny - 7 years ago
Viewed Carpet046EPIC that true
Sebinko Suko
Sebinko Suko - 7 years ago
Je to fajn $$$$$$$$$
Faren Agya
Faren Agya - 7 years ago
sotheysayy wa he gamut cash youth hot Jan was so that has ya jam
Arsena - 7 years ago
bruce: Ohhh yeaahh! (that blood smell)
friend: ANIMAL CONTROL!!!!
Talha Sadiq
Talha Sadiq - 7 years ago
sotheysayy #findingNemo
Arbenajeti83 - 7 years ago
Ribbin Kids
Ribbin Kids - 7 years ago
Viewed Pikachu046EPIC
Viewed Pikachu046EPIC - 7 years ago
We eat fish
Cris Costa Da Silva
Cris Costa Da Silva - 7 years ago
AdamTheTiger - 7 years ago
Artem Vītols
Artem Vītols - 7 years ago
문준미 - 8 years ago
Neil Sharma

Mr.Beautiful - 8 years ago
I found this awesome all in one ccссheat for Hungrуy Shaaaark World :) Hungryуyy Shark Woоorld Lаunch trаiler
sotheysayy - 8 years ago
All spam comments will be reported and removed so don't even bother.
Commander Shepard
Commander Shepard - 8 years ago
+Abdullah Al Mamun Go screw your mother.
Quari Selim
Quari Selim - 8 years ago
Yоur cоurse dоеsn't work at mе to gеееt Hungry Shark World, nеvertheless i found a grеaateeer оne generator. Hungry Shаrk Wоrld - Launch trailеeer
Commander Shepard
Commander Shepard - 8 years ago
"Except stinkin Dolphins."
Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Ezio Auditore da Firenze - 8 years ago
+Said Cortez i luv shark pron
SharkFace - 8 years ago
shark is love, shark is life
shiv 421 kobra
shiv 421 kobra - 8 years ago
haha noice
sotheysayy - 8 years ago
+MAIKO_ :v yep
raika chingon
raika chingon - 8 years ago
Its just a game :v
CrazyMinigunBear - 8 years ago
Make it compatible for the iPhone 4S please
Zachary Kemp
Zachary Kemp - 8 years ago
Just get a cheep android tablet
vasilije94 - 8 years ago
+TheEliteGamerGuy Then developers also arent going to spend money on further development and downgrading of a game for a 5 year old iPhone. Its that simple.
TheEliteGamerGuy - 8 years ago
+vasilije94 Well listen here Bullfuck, I'm not spending money on a quad, This isn't a flea market here.
vasilije94 - 8 years ago
how is this going to work on 5 year old iPhone? I doubt developers will want to spend money developing and downgrading the game just so it is playble on 5 year old iPhone. Sell that shit and buy some quad core or octa core android. Quads are not that expensive and way better than the dual core iPhones and are way less epxensive.
TheEliteGamerGuy - 8 years ago
You know we can't spend all of our money on Devices. We need money for life, ya know? No reason to get a iPhone 5 or 6, Bullfuck. We are not rich here. And to get the new iphones, they are the same as the older iPhones. It's just a way companies make money, It's not even considered An iPhone 5 if you Upgrade! I have a 4S. We have better things to do then spend money on new phones. It's stupid! That's how they make money. Nothing better really in the newer iPhones. Same old ass screens, Same ass everything. I hate to say if your getting a new device, It's like spending money to breathe air. Don't worry! Because later on in centuries, we will have to pay for air! Just warning the IPhones Buyers! Please think before you buy. It's not the person's fault for complaining because that game is compatible with an iPhone 4, The older iPods, And the iPads! It's BS! Now I expect an update in under 2 weeks. Don't be Flimsy Ubisoft!
5tudent_Loans - 8 years ago
In order to promote the idea of upgrading your phone, they will limit access to "newer" devices.... like how the new emojis on android are only available to 6.0+
Leo pika
Leo pika - 8 years ago
Ultra - 8 years ago
0:27 jurassic world much
Diamond Skye
Diamond Skye - 7 years ago
Pontine man
Pontine man - 8 years ago
It's actually 0:28 to 0:31
Cat Its FAIL LOL - 8 years ago
hahhaha LoL
isuru - 8 years ago
Samuel Charles
Samuel Charles - 8 years ago
+Sgt Ultra I thought the same x) ^^
Nick Cheung
Nick Cheung - 8 years ago
+Edmilson Vieira Da Silva Junior ikr mean I know right okay ?
Subject N ???
Subject N ??? - 8 years ago
+DK1987Play GAMES what is ikr?
Subject N ???
Subject N ??? - 8 years ago
dat reference
Big Kahuna
Big Kahuna - 8 years ago
This gave me aids
Dead Meme
Dead Meme - 8 years ago
Make the graffics more like hungry shark evolution
Rafael Silva dos santos freire
Rafael Silva dos santos freire - 8 years ago
tou baixando
Daniel Mildon
Daniel Mildon - 8 years ago
better than the witcher 3. nice ubisoft you really pulled it out of the hat.
Cigarrete - 7 years ago
What the fuck
Charles Müller
Charles Müller - 8 years ago
AKA Microtransaction Simulator 2017
rico _4545
rico _4545 - 8 years ago
the graphics are so nice on appel and stuff but on samsung its not that nice please ubisoft fix that
The BLACK MAMBA - 8 years ago
I had this on my iPad
Mateusz Kaczmarek
Mateusz Kaczmarek - 8 years ago
awesome game
CesarEmpe - 8 years ago
A game of ubisoft without bugs this is rare?
Subject N ???
Subject N ??? - 8 years ago
pls make compatible with Samsung galaxy S4
Subject N ???
Subject N ??? - 8 years ago
+Revulotion MagZ but in mine,when i gonna install i cant install says this:
this version is not compatible with your phone
Leo pika
Leo pika - 8 years ago
+Edmilson Vieira Da Silva Junior i have a S4 and when im playing shark world its burning like hell ,so never
Subject N ???
Subject N ??? - 8 years ago
+Darren D my cellphone is a Samsung Galaxy S4
Darren D
Darren D - 8 years ago
+Edmilson Vieira Da Silva Junior but I thought they already released it in the whole world because I got it on my iphone 6s
Subject N ???
Subject N ??? - 8 years ago
+Revulotion MagZ and shut up
Subject N ???
Subject N ??? - 8 years ago
+Revulotion MagZ stop
Leo pika
Leo pika - 8 years ago
Hammer Hai
Hammer Hai - 8 years ago
Leomar j
Leomar j - 8 years ago
Eu baixei esse jogo, ta muito bom mais um trabalho nota 10 Ubisoft vlw
Kuro N3ko
Kuro N3ko - 8 years ago
In Windows Phone not? :'(
Verp - 8 years ago
Funciona em xbox360
Spica - 8 years ago
Keep making awesome games like that ! WOUHOAAAA !
Nel Vela
Nel Vela - 8 years ago
Hey, Its the part they took out from Spore!!
Wallas#WNL - 8 years ago
Esse game estar melhor do que o outro, gráficos caprichados Jogabilidade 100%
está um pouco difícil kkkk
Moex - 8 years ago
brb downloading
Felipe Oliveira
Felipe Oliveira - 8 years ago
Windows 10 mobile???
RJGAMER PSZ - 8 years ago
se copiaron de las letras del título de la película Buscando a Nemo :s
A3zazel '
A3zazel ' - 8 years ago
+Ubisoft, you seriously? o_O
Big Baws
Big Baws - 8 years ago
Better than infinite Warfare
Tyler Ryan
Tyler Ryan - 8 years ago
OrangPlaysEN - 8 years ago
Lmao I can't stop fucking laughing. WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST WATCH? LOL
Evil Gopher
Evil Gopher - 8 years ago
A new instalment to an age old smart phone franchise.
Matt 334
Matt 334 - 8 years ago
Shit game
Федя Удальцов
Федя Удальцов - 8 years ago
Nope! c:
Cesar The Sanchez
Cesar The Sanchez - 8 years ago
Why so many comments about it sucking? It looks great and feels just like the original!
Slow poke!
Slow poke! - 8 years ago
I was wondering that
Cesar The Sanchez
Cesar The Sanchez - 8 years ago
Ahh. Of course. I forgot to put common sense to it. :/
MasterLoLXD auz
MasterLoLXD auz - 8 years ago
THANKS!!!!! now its for my android 4.4.2 =)
evan swaine
evan swaine - 8 years ago
Does anybody remember the old hungry shark games like hungry shark 1,2 and 3? they were awesome but when hungry shark evolution came out they were banned or something
evan swaine
evan swaine - 8 years ago
We're saying that before hungry shark evolution, there was 3 hungry shark games which were hungry shark, 1, 2 and 3, they were the originals but unfortunately it's on the app store and not the play store
Louisetyne Canque
Louisetyne Canque - 8 years ago
What are you talking about the newer ones explained how a sequel should be
evan swaine
evan swaine - 8 years ago
Yes me too, I used to love the game, I even sent a letter to future games of London and told them how much I love the game, I even told them my ideas for a better hungry shark game, I never got a reply from them, but then hungry shark evolution came out, some of the ideas were in the game, I loved it, hungry shark 1,2 and 3 were still there but then they were gone but returned but now there not there anymore, but I remember the last time I had it, I had the free version but it said if I watched 10 adds or something, I could get the treasure map, the blood bath and other things that u would get on the full game, but I think that's why they don't have it on play store anymore, because they were losing money ,but I don't know, but now it's become such a huge franchise and yeah its a good game but It's nothing like the original
evan swaine
evan swaine - 8 years ago
I wonder why they don't have the game on play store anymore
evan swaine
evan swaine - 8 years ago
Yes mine too, I miss it
DryAssChicken - 8 years ago
Looks better than Infinite Warfare.
Rahmah Yunus
Rahmah Yunus - 7 years ago
+馬娜 yes that his name
馬娜 - 7 years ago
DryAssChicken ,
naziha nasser
naziha nasser - 7 years ago
DryAssChicken u2irjue
Absorbed33 - 8 years ago
hhhh  infinite Warface is sh...
Pontine man
Pontine man - 8 years ago
+milad mirhoseini well maybe not E.T.
VortexGaming - Daily Videos
VortexGaming - Daily Videos - 8 years ago
milad mirhoseini
milad mirhoseini - 8 years ago
everything is better than infinite warfare
Reyz Music
Reyz Music - 8 years ago
+Mr Savage hahahahahaha
+Bryce Penrod rock n roll to you
Ashley Porras
Ashley Porras - 8 years ago
Jensen(Old) - 8 years ago
+DLC Gaming same
QuadTeam - 8 years ago
this fucking exo suit gave cancer to my eyes then i bleed out
DryAssChicken - 8 years ago
+Bryce Penrod Lol
Bryce Penrod
Bryce Penrod - 8 years ago
+Mr Savage Infinite Warfare actually looks better than all of the newer cods.
Jensen(Old) - 8 years ago
+Taste Of Ice no, i just hate the fucking exo and thrust movement
Jensen(Old) - 8 years ago
So true
cameron smart
cameron smart - 8 years ago
bsk3 - 8 years ago
No Name
No Name - 8 years ago
Mr. DaviD
Mr. DaviD - 8 years ago
Elendil Kalandriel
Elendil Kalandriel - 8 years ago
Ubisoft fucking concentrate on fucking PC and not on fucked app games. Done fucked it up.
KableFI - 8 years ago
+Elendil Kalandriel RIP Ubishit you will be missed
Elendil Kalandriel
Elendil Kalandriel - 8 years ago
+KableFI PC should be the Development plattform and not fucking consoles, dafq. Ubisoft you never will be like Studios like Warhorse or CD Projekt.
KableFI - 8 years ago
+Elendil Kalandriel They cant because they are not able to pull it off without fucking it up one way or another :D
Wallas#WNL - 8 years ago
fuck you
Carlous - 8 years ago
what the hell
dhedhe - 8 years ago
nom nom simulator 2016
Gioss - 8 years ago
PEGI 3 Right?
CroqueMoi - 8 years ago
april fool
Anthony Pacetes
Anthony Pacetes - 8 years ago
+Phanish Pall fucking god why do you spam these shit people know its a scam idiot
CroqueMoi - 8 years ago
+Ismael Garay ik :c
Ismael Garay
Ismael Garay - 8 years ago
aToz its not even April anymore
Spudz Cooper
Spudz Cooper - 8 years ago
I'm already on the hammerhead
Slow poke!
Slow poke! - 8 years ago
Im on bull shark with pet dave and kraken
hypa! - 8 years ago
So that's why they never made the map bigger...
Tommy Trần
Tommy Trần - 8 years ago
Cant play on ipad. Why? :(
Mordi Er Feit
Mordi Er Feit - 8 years ago
WTF Ubisoft?
Isaac Gutierrez Briceño
Isaac Gutierrez Briceño - 8 years ago
es el humgry shark evolution
tsemol - 8 years ago
Poupi - 8 years ago
I want it
H3L1 - 8 years ago
My lungs stopped working...
Nil Boix Luna
Nil Boix Luna - 8 years ago
And there is another mobile game for PS4....
Coelho Morto
Coelho Morto - 8 years ago
Alessandro Albertin
Alessandro Albertin - 8 years ago
is this far cry 5?
George Gaid
George Gaid - 8 years ago
Guarantee they will fuck it up, so tired of remakes of old classic games
Colors of Choices Official
Colors of Choices Official - 8 years ago
Kid Racer
Kid Racer - 7 years ago
Isn’t Rayman Orgins good enough for you?
QuadTeam - 8 years ago
+Twój Władca (Odjazdowiec007) wats the bad
Colors of Choices Official
Colors of Choices Official - 8 years ago
+DLC Gaming but its not a Rayman 4
QuadTeam - 8 years ago
+Twój Władca (Odjazdowiec007) yes but a new rayman came out
Colors of Choices Official
Colors of Choices Official - 8 years ago
+DLC Gaming they didin't
QuadTeam - 8 years ago
they did
Vinícius Leonardi
Vinícius Leonardi - 8 years ago
What the fuck was that song, Ubisoft?
Debayan Banerjee
Debayan Banerjee - 8 years ago
love it!
Mr.Fluffy - 8 years ago
hugh mongus
hugh mongus - 8 years ago
It's a bad game itself but the concept is good
Rhys Waugh
Rhys Waugh - 8 years ago
So umm just better graphics right?-story of ubisoft's legacy.
Wither Storm
Wither Storm - 8 years ago
+Rhys Waugh uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......... and pets?
Rhys Waugh
Rhys Waugh - 8 years ago
You mean shitty content
64bitTrevor - 8 years ago
It has more sharks and more levels.
Joe Cowan
Joe Cowan - 8 years ago
wheres the gore
witerlectrico/Bash LM juegos,blogs,pendejadas y mas
witerlectrico/Bash LM juegos,blogs,pendejadas y mas - 8 years ago
ubisosft xbox one and xbox 360 please
witerlectrico/Bash LM juegos,blogs,pendejadas y mas
witerlectrico/Bash LM juegos,blogs,pendejadas y mas - 8 years ago
+TotalProduction yes
TotalProduction - 8 years ago
+witerlectrico lopez mendez there aint gone be more xbox 360 games pal, they stop making them
Papa Panzer
Papa Panzer - 8 years ago
Toasters and washing machines please
Филипп Копривица
Филипп Копривица - 8 years ago
крутая игра
Noob Fernand
Noob Fernand - 8 years ago
Plz ipad mini air 2
Clash com GRSM
Clash com GRSM - 8 years ago
hypa! - 8 years ago
You serious?
### - 8 years ago
Yes.It is good game.
### - 8 years ago
I downloaded it!!!
Vinne Vinne
Vinne Vinne - 8 years ago
sem bugs em bugsoft
DarkFairy - 8 years ago
Will I be able to play this on my NDS?
美的ωæfe - 8 years ago
Are you serious?! LOOOOOL
DJ Jesus He Died For Our Spins
DJ Jesus He Died For Our Spins - 8 years ago
why have they removed the blood
Papa Panzer
Papa Panzer - 8 years ago
So angry mothers won't complain
OWSLA IS MY RELIGION - 8 years ago
Buddy Jesus
Buddy Jesus - 8 years ago
Stick to triple A games Ubisoft...
Masilya111 - 8 years ago
Wow. So original.
hypa! - 8 years ago
+Masilya111 Sorry! I thought you said it sarcastically, my bad. c:
Masilya111 - 8 years ago
What the hell are you talking about ? I said it was original..
hypa! - 8 years ago
+Masilya111 Are you mad they have taken their previous game, and made it better, bigger and cooler?
Atomic Ron
Atomic Ron - 8 years ago
Faren Agya
Faren Agya - 7 years ago
Atomic Ron ga jam Jan ha yummy yam jam
Fuck Me Eyes
Fuck Me Eyes - 7 years ago
Litten Fire then play it, its a upgrade, especialy for the harpooners (fuck em)
Diamond Skye
Diamond Skye - 7 years ago
Litten Fire they turned off blood for the trailers
Mia Tong
Mia Tong - 8 years ago
Hungry shark world
Litten Fire
Litten Fire - 8 years ago
yeah, Hungry Shark Evolution was all violent and intense this looks like a silly kid friendly version
hypa! - 8 years ago
+Atomic Ron You can't be serious...
Atomic Ron
Atomic Ron - 8 years ago
10/10 GOTY!!!
Julien - 8 years ago
Haha funny the joke :'D Wait... It's a joke ? It isn't the game you're making O_o ?
Herscher G
Herscher G - 8 years ago
gronkh lets play
timgaming - 8 years ago
great game again Ubisoft!
Tio Loko
Tio Loko - 8 years ago
Windows 10 ???
Dani751 - 8 years ago
+Jurek Kobra Win 8.1 too D:
Jurekkobra - 8 years ago
+Tio Loko I have Windows 10 and i would play this game on pc.
sri charan
sri charan - 8 years ago
When is ac identity coming out for Android???
Claudia Liliana Salazar Mancipe
Claudia Liliana Salazar Mancipe - 7 years ago
RIO][Gem ďddd
[Riotewo.] - 8 years ago
+Master Victor on hungry shark world facebook page and hubgry shark evolution page it says that the release day is today
Master Victor
Master Victor - 8 years ago
+RIO][Gem On Ubisfoft Facebook page they say it will be launched on 18 may
[Riotewo.] - 8 years ago
+Master Victor no its for androids i have samsung with android 5.1.1
Master Victor
Master Victor - 8 years ago
+RIO][Gem for Ios
[Riotewo.] - 8 years ago
+Master Victor its out now lol
Master Victor
Master Victor - 8 years ago
+sri charan Me too
sri charan
sri charan - 8 years ago
+Master Victor thanks mate.... Didn't check twitter and fb for the past few days cause of exams.... So freaking excited....
Master Victor
Master Victor - 8 years ago
18 May
Dam the bad
Dam the bad - 8 years ago
+sri charan 32 august
Crimedog CZ
Crimedog CZ - 8 years ago
Crimedog CZ
Crimedog CZ - 8 years ago
Blume - 8 years ago
Crimedog CZ
Crimedog CZ - 8 years ago
Pol Phoenix
Pol Phoenix - 8 years ago
menos mierdas y mas arreglar los bugs de vuestros juegos...
Pol Phoenix
Pol Phoenix - 8 years ago
Exacto jajaja
OWSLA IS MY RELIGION - 8 years ago
+SELIJOSEX XX perdón del ano
OWSLA IS MY RELIGION - 8 years ago
XD esto es el próximo juego del año
Subconsciente mwm
Subconsciente mwm - 8 years ago
Primer like y comentario

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About Hungry Shark World - Launch trailer

The "Hungry Shark World - Launch trailer" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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