I'm a Shark (children's video)
Shark videos 14 years ago 546,529 views
I'M A SHARK Just the name strikes fear in the heart!! The top of the food chain. But hey, they're not so bad -- Just a bit misunderstood Like he says in the song "I swear it's true, as sure as Frogs croak, When you get to know me .......I'm a really nice bloke but I'm a Shark!" You see Sharks don't deliberately attack people They don't have great eyesight so they might attack a person thinking it's a Turtle or a Seal. "Oh No" I hear you say "Not Turtles and Seals, they're so cute" But that's the food chain and the way of the Reef Everybody's got to eat and on rare occasions Sharks have been known to make a mistake Imagine if you bit into what you thought was a nice juicy apple, Only to find that it was a cricket ball! You'd spit it back out -- wouldn't you? Well the same goes for Sharks when they make a mistake. You know some people catch Sharks just to cut off their fin To make Shark-Fin soup! And then leave them to die! Now that's not cool!! "I'm a Shark" is a selection of the DVD entitled "Bubbles- On the Reef" For more information or to purchase DVD go to... http://www.cyberdiver.com.au
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Love sharks. Save the sharks!
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