NOW THIS IS GOING TO BE EXCITING!! Adding sharks to my aquarium! I love that they are so tiny and we will be able to document the entire process. Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/uarujoey/ SUBSCRIBE ► https://goo.gl/xjOm50 Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► https://goo.gl/E2l6tk Facebook ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: https://goo.gl/gu3CsK How to build aquarium filters: https://goo.gl/cw0Jl9 How to build aquarium stands: https://goo.gl/9JB9jo How to build aquarium equipment: https://goo.gl/BHkT2s How to build aquarium lighting: https://goo.gl/Wg4kt0 How to build aquarium decorations: https://goo.gl/crQkeT Varius aquarium tutorials: https://goo.gl/BKCb3a ALL Thursday videos: https://goo.gl/DPHjEM ALL Sunday videos: https://goo.gl/Rn0wmS My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: http://ecotechmarine.com My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by: http://customaquariums.com My aquarium backgrounds are made by: https://aquadecorbackgrounds.com/

I BOUGHT 2 SHARK EGGS!!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 464

Shark videos 6 years ago 408,360 views

NOW THIS IS GOING TO BE EXCITING!! Adding sharks to my aquarium! I love that they are so tiny and we will be able to document the entire process. Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/uarujoey/ SUBSCRIBE ► https://goo.gl/xjOm50 Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► https://goo.gl/E2l6tk Facebook ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: https://goo.gl/gu3CsK How to build aquarium filters: https://goo.gl/cw0Jl9 How to build aquarium stands: https://goo.gl/9JB9jo How to build aquarium equipment: https://goo.gl/BHkT2s How to build aquarium lighting: https://goo.gl/Wg4kt0 How to build aquarium decorations: https://goo.gl/crQkeT Varius aquarium tutorials: https://goo.gl/BKCb3a ALL Thursday videos: https://goo.gl/DPHjEM ALL Sunday videos: https://goo.gl/Rn0wmS My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: http://ecotechmarine.com My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by: http://customaquariums.com My aquarium backgrounds are made by: https://aquadecorbackgrounds.com/

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Most popular comments

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 6 years ago
PS: This is a grow out for the eggs. Just to have everything in 1 place. Eventually the sharks will be moved to hatch separately. I see no point to running 2 tanks for months just to do the same thing.
B Bryson
B Bryson - 6 years ago
The king of DIY what gender do you think what the baby sharks gender is?
razorbomber220 - 6 years ago
The king of DIY you should also see videos of how other people hatch their sharks to get an idea of want you want to do
razorbomber220 - 6 years ago
The king of DIY when the eggs have tiny cuts every where there ready to hatch, some people let them hatch naturaly, but some don't want to risk the shark not being to get out and suffocat , so they peel the egg
Boomer - 6 years ago
The king of DIY wew i was just thinking of how are they surviving in thr after hatching
Rob Fall
Rob Fall - 6 years ago
The king of DIY yo you know u should get shark incubator it like bubble light but different it water and light dont get as hot u should use tap water safe safe guard and pond fish bacteria and mix of tropical and brakish and marine salt and uv taning light and white and blue led buble and uv steriliser and green clair filter and air pump oxgen ball and water fall and flow to make current in water and mini heater rock soil and gravel and buld sand at bottom and insect and carbourn 3ft deep and 6foot wide carol and tropical oxgen plant reef and add fantin use makral or sprout lamprey perch goldfish best way to feed squide halibut pellete that best way to feed grow and hatch shark incubator a bit like a bubble light that best way to do it
Liftedlifestyle - 6 years ago
NinjaRider777R oh really you sound like an expert Ninja only one flaw in your response you said most of the time how do you know this did you just read someone else’s response and come at me with that cause I bet you did and your false they grow very fast as with all sharks and even if they stay on the bottom they still need a round tank if they ever get startled and crash into the corner so why don’t you get off my balls and actually realize that this is not a good setup for a shark
Youtube Edits
Youtube Edits - 6 years ago
You should live stream the sharks hatching
jamie oakes
jamie oakes - 6 years ago
you got me in to the hobby i thank you for that keep doing what you do cant wait to watch the eggs hatch
MrChicosuave10 - 6 years ago
Tminus he clearly said it is only till they hatch that he will be moving them when they hatch to another tank. No sense on running two tanks
NinjaRider777R - 6 years ago
Liftedlifestyle - "did you miss the part that they get 3ft or bigger 500 gal is way too small plus a shark in a rectangle aquarium is a bad idea they may injure themselves"

It takes YEARS for them to reach that size, in that amount of time they can be moved to different tanks. You're literally acting like they come out of the eggs 3 feet long..... And there ARE bottom dwelling sharks that don't need round tanks, they sit on the bottom the majority of the time.
NinjaRider777R - 6 years ago
taken hunter - "you need to help the Sharks out of the egg"

Nobody helps the sharks out of their eggs in the wild, sharks are NOT attentive parents so they don't stick around to monitor their own eggs. They lay the egg and leave it alone to survive or die on its own.
Mecca Johnson
Mecca Johnson - 6 years ago
The king of DIY I forget you are from Canada until I heard you pronounce your o's and u's.
It is super cool.
Liftedlifestyle - 6 years ago
Ned did you miss the part that they get 3ft or bigger 500 gal is way too small plus a shark in a rectangle aquarium is a bad idea they may injure themselves plus those fish may eat the shark eggs plus babies idk just seems like a very negligent plan on the owners side especially when having a following like he does must be careful on what you display as for those creatures that you influence other to keep you should keep them correctly your self
Lucille Boule
Lucille Boule - 6 years ago
The king of DIY ,
taken hunter
taken hunter - 6 years ago
King you need to help the Sharks out of the egg
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 6 years ago
Oh stop.. Where where you when i got stingrays? a fish that gets WAY bigger than these little sharks. Or the asian arowana.... that get bigger.
Kristy Melenudo
Kristy Melenudo - 6 years ago
keep a oscar
Andrew Wright
Andrew Wright - 6 years ago
The king of DIY I do not know if this is in reference to my comment or if this directed to another poster. I was preface this by saying I do like your videos. I watch all of them. I do think you can agree you do put too many fish in one tank. You remedy this by giving/selling the fish when they are too big, which is good. But most people do not do that and keep the fish. All I am asking is for a video illustrating why it is a good idea to only get fish that are big enough for their size aquariums. I think you are unintentionally showing people that it is okay to get fish that are too big for their aquarium and not being a good fish keeper. Again, I do admire your work, I just know that most people come to you are coming to learn and are not aware that there are size requirements for fish.
Zerroa Bear
Zerroa Bear - 6 years ago
The king of DIY I think it's awesome that your hatching them sharks. Ignore the haters! I'm trying to learn so I can set up a 55 gal salt water. My husband wants few saltwater fish so I'm trying to figure it out. Lol I'm sure glad to be able to watch you go threw this process again.
jodi mccosh
jodi mccosh - 6 years ago
Great video Joey, although I’m slightly concerned about the lionfish nibbling the eggs! Is the water inlet covered? Can the eel swim up it and into your filter? I will you please do a more detailed vid on your “simplified” set up, as I’d love to do the same thing, but I’m often put off by the PhD in marine biology that is often required to set these up!!!! Keep up the good work mate!!
Zoravar Dadhley
Zoravar Dadhley - 6 years ago
The king of DIY iii
xdarkace87x - 6 years ago
The king of DIY I know nothing about any of that but I like what your doing but how sure are you that you don't have them clamped on the end where they come out.
Shark Bait Aquatics
Shark Bait Aquatics - 6 years ago
People hear sharks and instantly see jaws. These sharks will only get to around 28 INCHES and will take a few years to get there.
darrelljayna west
darrelljayna west - 6 years ago
The king of DIY a
darrelljayna west
darrelljayna west - 6 years ago
Can you please make Nother video About all your fish
Boboexplosion - 6 years ago
why ?
Nose Nothing
Nose Nothing - 6 years ago
My Lionfish was not even in my tank for half an hour and he was eating frozen food
Carnage 83
Carnage 83 - 6 years ago
Just watched previous videos, the case exchanges water/air chemistry. Puffer most likely would pick at lion and sharks even full grown. Thanks for testing the snake oil for us, always wondered if it worked.
Atticus Pelissier
Atticus Pelissier - 6 years ago
you should get a panther grouper after the sharks grow out
Daniel Katzovitz
Daniel Katzovitz - 6 years ago
i voulenteer for a public aquarium, when they are large enough, feed them pices of fresh fish with vitamin capsles.
FEAR_JONESZ - 6 years ago
can you get a turtle and a frog?
angadik - 6 years ago
remove the lion fish joey
Álvaro Pereira
Álvaro Pereira - 6 years ago
The king of DIY that means that i m an animal abuse to lol
Professional hater!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 6 years ago
haha.. hes on my other videos commenting on my other fish that get WAY bigger telling me how awesome they are. Hes just jumping on a bandwagon is all lol
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 6 years ago
I really dont think you pay attention. Secondly, is this a joke or something? We do realize that i have a tank of stingrays and asian arowana right? Been keeping them for years... they get WAY bigger than these little sharks. Now full discloser... as always, i do a search in my comments on my channel when people like you comment like this. 99% of the time you are on other videos of mine tell me how great i am... which you are, including the rays and arowana....
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 6 years ago
I have been on youtube for 10 years now. A 2 minute google search will show how long creators have been able to make money. I made videos for YEARS without making a cent. As for animal abuser.... give me a break.
Álvaro Pereira
Álvaro Pereira - 6 years ago
The king of DIY Make a timelaps of the growing of the sharks
Frag Cellar
Frag Cellar - 6 years ago
read up on and prepare for galvage feeding the babies. much like snake babies, it can take a bit to get them feeding
Daniel Gonzalez
Daniel Gonzalez - 6 years ago
The king of DIY Im worry about the lion fish eating them
Ned - 6 years ago
liftedlifestyle i take it you missed the part where he clearly stated he would move them to the 375 or 500 gallon tank once they grow out, not listening to what he said seems a little negligent on your part
slyy - 6 years ago
The king of DIY when they hatch you should do a cote for there names
Aaron Carter
Aaron Carter - 6 years ago
This is so awesome!
Brandon G
Brandon G - 6 years ago
Joey, do not expose the eggs to AIR. It can harm/kill the sharks.
Tminus - 6 years ago
@The king of DIY When are you planning to add the shark pups in with the Lion fish as there known to eat baby fish.
Liftedlifestyle - 6 years ago
Do you plan on getting a bigger salt tank? Your tanks really isn’t fit for sharks it’s a box the sharks are going to be damaging their noses on the corners of the tank I realize you are very knowledgeable but you must realize the reach you have and how many sharks you just killed because now everyone that sees this is going to want to go out and buy a shark seems a little negligent on your part
Steven C
Steven C - 6 years ago
Tim Schenkel i agree
Tim Schenkel
Tim Schenkel - 6 years ago
The king of DIY hey Joey you don't think that eel will go eat the sacks you might want to think about hanging them inside an internal breeder box
W 18
W 18 - 6 years ago
wouldn't setting/placing them horizontally be better for more space and movement inside the sac for the baby shark?
Wonderful Pleco
Wonderful Pleco - 6 years ago
Some people don't believe you when you say things like this.
If you can, could you do a video on the allegations that you are an animal abuser and the claims by tumblr's fish keeping community that you only do this for ad revenue (because I know you aren't and that you don't, but a clarification might need to be made).
Sincerely, a long time fan,
MrChicosuave10 - 6 years ago
The king of DIY the comments are sounding like this is your first tank or something.
eddiekytia - 6 years ago
Get a small waterproof light that you can put inside the water and get the light behind the egg to see better
anthony cohan
anthony cohan - 6 years ago
The king of DIY yes you should pin this
April Navarro
April Navarro - 6 years ago
The king of DIY pin this comment please for all the people who don’t realize you know better.
FlashFishing - 6 years ago
buy a titan pleco now
Kameo Hosley
Kameo Hosley - 6 years ago
To those concerned:
We all know that Joey is going to take great care of his animals. All of them. Quality of life is the first thing on his mind. If Joey cant handle the sharks he will make sure they get a great home elsewhere.
Also, to those not liking that they are wild caught. I do not agree with catching already established animals from the wild and moving them into captivity. It is wrong and we dont have the right to do that. That being said, these sharks have not hatched yet. They have not experienced the wild and they are not being taken from the world they already live in. They are not established and will live just as good of life, maybe even better. They will not experience the stress of moving into a domestic home after being in the wild. Do not personify animals. These sharks arnt going to feel robbed of their chance at living in the wild and they wont hate Joey for buying them.
Wolfcchi - 6 years ago
Not sure if I can support a channel that features wild caught animals...but your passion for these things are evident. Just not my taste.
ओवतंह यदरा लच्त
ओवतंह यदरा लच्त - 6 years ago
Shut up nigga quit whining
David Wilson
David Wilson - 6 years ago
At least some do dont they
David Wilson
David Wilson - 6 years ago
I thought sharks have live babies
Kameo Hosley
Kameo Hosley - 6 years ago
Some do
Tyler Antonio
Tyler Antonio - 6 years ago
Well you thought wrong. DAB
Bobby J's Reef Tank
Bobby J's Reef Tank - 6 years ago
Subscribed , can’t wait to watch the progress of these shark eggs and of Course the moment they hatch will be amazing
BadW01f 2
BadW01f 2 - 6 years ago
I don't know much about shark eggs but isn't it best to have them on their sides so the shark has more room to grow length wise?
Star Light Cookie
Star Light Cookie - 6 years ago
Did u assume their gender? Lol

10. comment for I BOUGHT 2 SHARK EGGS!!!

RileySunSet - 6 years ago
u said the word wrong its pronounced (alasma branks) ik this becuz my mom studies sharks and manta rays
Edwards Reef
Edwards Reef - 6 years ago
tank looks very new... in terms of the salt world
Tyanna McNally
Tyanna McNally - 6 years ago
he literally just built it
Hugo Persson
Hugo Persson - 6 years ago
Matt Cranham
Matt Cranham - 6 years ago
apart from Frank can you please do a video on the other flowerhorn and I really love the idea of a goldfish aquarium in the gallery I recommend comon and comet goldfish there my favourite type of goldfish seeing as I own those type of goldfish. I was inspired by you and solid gold aquatics to start owning goldfish of my own and I'm saying to have a goldfish aquarium because I really miss your old goldfish aquarium. hopefully you read this if you do can you give me advice of how to grow my goldfish because my brother's goldfish grow but not mine it's buging me.
Lokesh Chaudhari
Lokesh Chaudhari - 6 years ago
LEGENDS say after some years fish began to rule the king of diy

random af
random af - 6 years ago
I think you should put the eggs horizontally
Uganda knuckles Warriors
Uganda knuckles Warriors - 6 years ago
Thats not bamboo shark eggs
ds7483 - 6 years ago
Hope your lion fish gets eaten
B DAVIS - 6 years ago
Jøhñŷ Töûçåñ
Jøhñŷ Töûçåñ - 6 years ago
Addie youcantknowmylastname
Addie youcantknowmylastname - 6 years ago
idk why but i thought the shark was gonna be bigger in the egg
edgyboyo.mp4 - 6 years ago
Addie youcantknowmylastname np
Addie youcantknowmylastname
Addie youcantknowmylastname - 6 years ago
oh lol ok thx!
edgyboyo.mp4 - 6 years ago
Addie youcantknowmylastname there are different types of sharks so that means different type of eggs
HorseAreMyLife 55
HorseAreMyLife 55 - 6 years ago
Sharks don’t have eggs. They have pups like a mammal. They give birth
Kameo Hosley
Kameo Hosley - 6 years ago
Not all of them. Some lay eggs
HorseAreMyLife 55
HorseAreMyLife 55 - 6 years ago
Maddy Beaulieu Yea they are weird right?! That’s what I first thought researching them lol
HorseAreMyLife 55
HorseAreMyLife 55 - 6 years ago
Marthadraws Yea I know and my one of my friends wrote the comment but I’ve done a essay about sharks so I know about them a lot
BLEACH OF THE FUTURE - 6 years ago
HorseAreMyLife 55 your retarded, do your research.
Marthadraws - 6 years ago
Most give birth but there are some branches of sharks that lay eggs
Maddy Beaulieu
Maddy Beaulieu - 6 years ago
Look up port Arthur shark eggs they are so weird
Paper Please
Paper Please - 6 years ago
not all of them

20. comment for I BOUGHT 2 SHARK EGGS!!!

Fergus Edward Cummins
Fergus Edward Cummins - 6 years ago
get him away from that lionfish. they eat every thing
Majestic26x - 6 years ago
Omg awesome !
Legitimate Vlogs
Legitimate Vlogs - 6 years ago
They bottom feeders
Braneesha Herring
Braneesha Herring - 6 years ago
Ohhh it’s so tinnyyyyy!
Brad Bennetts
Brad Bennetts - 6 years ago
I have a Fu Manchu Lionfish, it took me 10months to get him off of live food although it is pretty cool to watch it stalk its prey. Now he eats parts of frozen prawns (shrimp). I also have a snowflake eel since it was little, he is now about 15inches. The Shark eggs are pretty awesome.
Marley's Life
Marley's Life - 6 years ago
Babyyyy shark do do do do do baby shark do do do do do
MissKyleesBeauty - 6 years ago
Seahorse Whisperer
Seahorse Whisperer - 6 years ago
Awesome! I use those clips to hold Seahorse feeding dishes! Lol. Can’t wait to see how this turns out!
Life With China
Life With China - 6 years ago
This is amazing
Clean Living
Clean Living - 6 years ago
Things I never knew: what shark eggs look like
Paper Please
Paper Please - 6 years ago
means their eggs hatch inside them, mostly
Mr. Sohta
Mr. Sohta - 6 years ago
They are what?
Paper Please
Paper Please - 6 years ago
thats because most sharks are ovoviviparous

30. comment for I BOUGHT 2 SHARK EGGS!!!

Christie Ko
Christie Ko - 6 years ago
I don't know how I feel about you keeping sharks...
David Reiter
David Reiter - 6 years ago
I kept noticing in the video you mentioning them as being bamboo Sharks. Due to the shape of the capsule, it being fairly thin oval rather than a bamboo who has a wide oval, it is more than likely that you actually have a Coral Cat Shark Egg (Atelomycterus marmoratus).
Shey's Betta
Shey's Betta - 6 years ago
Achilles Fitness
Achilles Fitness - 6 years ago
Your getting borderline with keeping aquatic animals that shouldn’t be in an aquarium. I get ya got to keep us entertained but just concerned on the quality of life
Kameo Hosley
Kameo Hosley - 6 years ago
Achilles Fitness He will take great care of them and if he cant he will get then a great home elsewhere
DMR Films
DMR Films - 6 years ago
Feed them traitor to the sharrrrrrrrrks
Albert Pampalona lisnenko
Albert Pampalona lisnenko - 6 years ago
Wow you have 2 baby sharks , a lion fish and an ell!!?? I am far away from you in this hobby
John Rameses Tolentino
John Rameses Tolentino - 6 years ago
baby shark dodododo baby shark dododododo baby shark
Pinguino Penguin
Pinguino Penguin - 6 years ago
Dont show this video to liberals, they hate babies
Kenny Jenkins
Kenny Jenkins - 6 years ago
Is there any specific way the eggs have to lay or is the vertical orientation ok as well? I was just curious because it seems with the natural shape of a shark, the eggs should be horizontal to give the best chance of success?
Steven nope
Steven nope - 6 years ago
No, I can't see that.
Bonju Reyes
Bonju Reyes - 6 years ago
Coral Cat Shark eggs not bamboo catshakrs :)
Sharon Bendtsen
Sharon Bendtsen - 6 years ago
This is so cool, I am very excited
Down the Worm Hole
Down the Worm Hole - 6 years ago
Very cool. Thanks for this journey!
Yvonne Gossett
Yvonne Gossett - 6 years ago
Looks like one of the eggs has twins in it
Martin Amezquita
Martin Amezquita - 6 years ago
I like how Big Frank takes a peek in the corner. Hahahaha
Derek Smith
Derek Smith - 6 years ago
Yes! Sharks!
Lebaby27 - 6 years ago
The flow looks too strong for the lion fish. You are so awesome
Salpsan - 6 years ago
We all know this dude is gonna have 2 out of 2 eggs hatch.
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U - 6 years ago
You look so pumped. Ive never had saltwater so im no expert on shark eggs, But i do like how you have them in a net like bag now so more flow can get around them and they can move around the eggs more, ive been studding saltwater for about a year now and been watching Rico and other salt channels like arrons aquariums for awhile now and now you to into salt its only a matter of time and i will be to....... Tanks4sharing
ModernGeekReview - 6 years ago
Once baby sharks are hatch don't let the other fish in the tank eat the baby sharks?
Boss Man
Boss Man - 6 years ago
I knew ittttt

50. comment for I BOUGHT 2 SHARK EGGS!!!

Mac Slaughter
Mac Slaughter - 6 years ago
Nuno Fidalgo
Nuno Fidalgo - 6 years ago
Very cool idea Joey, love all types of sharks... And hope you can show us the hatch moment. Cheers
09092008harrison - 6 years ago
Were is today’s vid
09092008harrison - 6 years ago
09092008harrison - 6 years ago
Found iy
Aaron Taylor
Aaron Taylor - 6 years ago
09092008harrison ikr
E - 6 years ago
Turn one of those 120g into a turtle tank you've said that you've wanted to get some turtles
S K Raja
S K Raja - 6 years ago
Did u guys see it... Frank is getting HUUUGGGGEEEE......
isaywhatiwill89 - 6 years ago
"oh my...can you see this??" That sounds like a little boy seeing his first fish.. Hahaha.. Amazing. Love all your vids.

From Malaysia.
Dem turtlos
Dem turtlos - 6 years ago
"Can you see this?" No, because you don't know how to focus camera right.
DK Dempcey Knight DK
DK Dempcey Knight DK - 6 years ago
Goes to prove how ignorant I am to ocean life. Never knew some sharks have eggs =/ Documentaries and books have failed me. I thinks that is something one would want to know when studying sharks.
DK Dempcey Knight DK
DK Dempcey Knight DK - 6 years ago
Dylan Gregory As if I thought a third way for a shark to have offspring, the stork? Thanks for that.
Dylan Gregory
Dylan Gregory - 6 years ago
DK Dempcey Knight DK not all sharks lay eggs, Great Whites, Tigers, Bulls, Snaggletooths, and many others are live bearers
Ian Morrison
Ian Morrison - 6 years ago
CockatielFanatic - 6 years ago
Mate,he doesn't deserve 751k subs,
Matthew Dearing
Matthew Dearing - 6 years ago
You should do a guppy video
jason clay
jason clay - 6 years ago
Hatching sharks is fun to do I have done it two times
Quoc Hung On
Quoc Hung On - 6 years ago
Did he ever have any betta ????
Quoc Hung On
Quoc Hung On - 6 years ago
feel like it time for him to get his hands dirty on these
someonedifferent198 - 6 years ago
I know that his daughter has or had a betta in her room, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't the first one :)
Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith - 6 years ago
Would you ever consider doing salt water rays as you are now growing out 2 sharks would go nice with the predator set up you are doing
gordon fitzpatrick
gordon fitzpatrick - 6 years ago
It’s not an egg it’s a seaweed pod
Moist Owlette
Moist Owlette - 6 years ago
It's an egg.
shark whisperer 1267
shark whisperer 1267 - 6 years ago
But thats a good name too
shark whisperer 1267
shark whisperer 1267 - 6 years ago
Its an egg and it's called the mermaids purse.
Shahir Ansari
Shahir Ansari - 6 years ago
wont the eel or lion fish eat them when they hatch in this tank.
Mr. King
Mr. King - 6 years ago
I was actually worried they would mess with the eggs but im sure Joey has thought about that.
Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith - 6 years ago
They hatch at about 8 inches in size so I don’t think they will be eaten
guy zlatkovsky
guy zlatkovsky - 6 years ago
I think the eggs should be horizontally , like in the nature. More space inside for a babies to move.
someonedifferent198 - 6 years ago
I was also very surprise why he didn't clip onto the natural attachment points off the egg but onto the actual egg
jaimmie27 - 6 years ago
That is so cool !!
Faris Ahmad
Faris Ahmad - 6 years ago
The time you'll reach 1M subs I wonder what would the video be about....
Anyway have a Happy Easter guys!!!!
AL Lan
AL Lan - 6 years ago
Excited. This will be fun to watch.
michael sevilla
michael sevilla - 6 years ago
im rooting for this babies :3
StainlessDave - 6 years ago
Get the substrate a little thicker that eel will undermine it like crazy, it's so cool. Love watching lions inhale goldfish too. Had to skewer mine to get the eel to eat them before the lion, and get him to eat them head first.
Natasha J
Natasha J - 6 years ago
Coming from a new hobbyist, I would love to see a quarantine tank video kinda explaining how often to do water changes and what medications you use for a variety of common illnesses.. Much love ❤
Wilbert Collante
Wilbert Collante - 6 years ago
also you might have to manually hatch them and open the egg once the time comes, lots of times they dont come out and you have to open them.
Wilbert Collante
Wilbert Collante - 6 years ago
Watch out for the lionfish when they hatch, he could swallow them whole.
you'd be surprised how big of a bite they can take.
Video Trashcan
Video Trashcan - 6 years ago
Aquarium gallery
Medicated Jesus
Medicated Jesus - 6 years ago
Hey can you guys get me to 50 subs please. Thank you
justin johnson
justin johnson - 6 years ago
Joey your gonna give me a stroke
Logan Yand
Logan Yand - 6 years ago
You mentioned in previous videos that when you have any extra fish people who want them can have them and if that's the case for the baby sharks and any other fish maybe I can get some to. Hope this is to much to ask for .
Jeremy Murphy
Jeremy Murphy - 6 years ago
I hatched two cat shark eggs (mermaids purses).. they hatched successfully around 6 inches, I had no luck getting them to eat after they hatched.. I tried frozen, live, freeze dried, held any and everything in front of their faces.. to the point I was doing a lot of water changes, I felt it was my fault they didn't eat after hatching, so I kept trying.. no luck.. excited to see these develop and hatch and what you get them to feed on
Brit - 6 years ago
Sir Squirtle she meant shan't lol
Sir Squirtle
Sir Squirtle - 6 years ago
Carmela Oyola you commented the same thing twice
Carmela Oyola
Carmela Oyola - 6 years ago
I mean I shan't one
winonahatesme - 6 years ago
I know you probably field one thousand questions a day, so thank you in advance if you find the time to answer this. A while back I seem to recall seeing some sort of inline thermometer on your water change system. Theoretically allowing you to precisely set water temp before refilling. Is this actually thing? If yes where would I find one? Keep making awesome videos! Thanks again.
Krissy - 6 years ago
Brit - 6 years ago
Moist Owlette
Moist Owlette - 6 years ago
Zeke Lewandowski
Zeke Lewandowski - 6 years ago
they are so cute
Noah Lowe
Noah Lowe - 6 years ago
Get a betta fish
The 99%
The 99% - 6 years ago
There it is,
Another +1 million view video above.
Roblox Gamer
Roblox Gamer - 6 years ago
No, it is no shark egg IT IS A BOMB!!!!!!

Jk i know it is a shark eggs
Rayy Bayybee
Rayy Bayybee - 6 years ago
Yaaayyy so happy you got sharks ! The best things ever can't wait to see them grow !
DUBS08R6 - 6 years ago
Wat if they hatch and get eaten
Carlos Topete
Carlos Topete - 6 years ago
Congrats on achieving 750 k!
sharin god
sharin god - 6 years ago
Bamboo sharks are soo cute i went to the aquarium the other day i touched them they don't harm you
Rachel Kruse
Rachel Kruse - 6 years ago
Scientists found that deep sea skates use hydrothermal vents to incubate their egg capsules which look a lot like the shark egg you have. Look up Her uses ROV hydrothermal vents on YouTube for the video. Fun watching critters get used to their new homes.
pretty ruff
pretty ruff - 6 years ago
Be extremely careful with the Lion fish being in the tank with those baby sharks. Because the Lion Fish can & will eat them, when they hatch.
Driftin Driftwood
Driftin Driftwood - 6 years ago
Hey man, number one youtube channel in the world regarding aquarium keeping !! Gotta love it, and being form Atlantic Canada no less, sweeeeeeeeet.
Green Machine45
Green Machine45 - 6 years ago
Now I've only owned a couple freshwater tanks with a "all in one" style filter but I was wondering could I use the 5 gallon bucket canister for a saltwater aquarium?
Twichl - 6 years ago
You know what would be amazing? When you do the hatching livestream, have a light fixed over the eggs see we can see the inside of the egg during the hatching process. :)
Kocat Bishop
Kocat Bishop - 6 years ago
Ooooooooooooooooooo SO COOOOOLLLLL
Jamie Tolsma
Jamie Tolsma - 6 years ago
do a shell dweller update
Jerry Ball
Jerry Ball - 6 years ago
Wow you clearly dont know what ur doing... stick to freshwater buddy.
Dave Clayton
Dave Clayton - 6 years ago
Jerry Ball what’s he done wrong. So everyone aware.

100. comment for I BOUGHT 2 SHARK EGGS!!!

stormywch - 6 years ago
Since the lion fish prefers live food, will the baby sharks be in danger after they hatch?
ohmickiysf - 6 years ago
Mermaid purse
Dystxny - 6 years ago
i hate having to wait for them to hatch, i’m like hoping there’s a video tomorrow like THEY HATCHED but it’s gonna take ageeesss. im wishful thinking
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 6 years ago
It occurs to me that the lionfish might swallow the babies...
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 6 years ago
Ah. Missed that.
SomeRandomKat - 6 years ago
He is going to separate them right be for they hatch
John Gayle
John Gayle - 6 years ago
Joey fascinating and really cool however as soon as they hatch that lionfish will gobble them up and i know lionfish
FANTAIL - 6 years ago
Why dont you just use a breeder net?
Kevin Sinclair
Kevin Sinclair - 6 years ago
your lion fish will eat them when thay hatch
Miss Ultimatum
Miss Ultimatum - 6 years ago
This seems educational and also awesome. Excited to see them hatch!
Maddox Atom
Maddox Atom - 6 years ago
cant waiiiiiit
Stevenkhup - 6 years ago
you can do this!
Annika Linder-Elliott
Annika Linder-Elliott - 6 years ago
Baby shark Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo
legit gamer
legit gamer - 6 years ago
Happy Day happy life me too............
Happy Day happy life
Happy Day happy life - 6 years ago
Oh no...I just got that song out of my head..
Patricia Kloeppel
Patricia Kloeppel - 6 years ago
Milen Shopov
Milen Shopov - 6 years ago
Can you make a jellyfish aquarium?
Jake Carruthers
Jake Carruthers - 6 years ago
Call the lion fish “LORD ZUKU”
Michael Edleston
Michael Edleston - 6 years ago
You are so great to have in our hobby. Thank you for all that you do.
Life With The Berry's
Life With The Berry's - 6 years ago
this such such a cool video! I think it is sooooo cool that you are stepping outside of fresh water and killing it! thanks joey!
archangle12otaku - 6 years ago
Will the hatching be ok with the lion fish once they hatch?
FishingFreak - 6 years ago
If anyone has a 10 gallon or a 20 gallon long tank they do not want anymore hmu on instagram at fishing_freak_tv
Robert Mccreary
Robert Mccreary - 6 years ago
Feeding video next
iRTehSecks - 6 years ago
Wait. I thought sharks gave live birth... is that specific to that species or was it like a shark SEA-section. I just had to, but serious question.
iRTehSecks - 6 years ago
Read the title, commented and then you answered it later. Mah maann!
Charles Cruz
Charles Cruz - 6 years ago
Hi Joey, ive been watching your videos for some time now and just want to know how the roofing material ensures that when your arowana jumps that the lid does not get knocked over and the fish to land outside the aquarium?
Cool Chameleon
Cool Chameleon - 6 years ago
Nice surprise!!!!
HK 3D - 6 years ago
Will other fishes eat the baby sharks? They are just too tiny.
Kristopher Johnson
Kristopher Johnson - 6 years ago
Make sure you put radius edges in you saltwater tank for your sharks cause if you don't when they're swimming around they will bump they're noses on the walls
Michael aquarium
Michael aquarium - 6 years ago
Awesome tank Joey can't wait to the sharks Hatch and I can't wait for the 24 hour video Watch on the shark hatching
Crystal Casares
Crystal Casares - 6 years ago
That's awesome Joey
cheeseball - 6 years ago
Oh. I was wrong... it is a fish. Still awesome!
darthpaul1970 - 6 years ago
I thought maybe you’d go with a panther grouper since you had a black and white theme going there.
Roberta Preston
Roberta Preston - 6 years ago
might want to place the horizontal instead of vertical.

I love this tank, I had a wonderful tank with the snowflake eel and lionfish, but in Florida and the coast ------ lion fish are a menace. YOu could have gotten all you want for free in Florida.
Roberta Preston
Roberta Preston - 6 years ago
oh man, JOey..... don't be juggling those eggs around.... don't want to upset the yoke sack.
In fact most eggs have a position that is best suited for the healthy growth of the critter...
Keith Cunningham
Keith Cunningham - 6 years ago
Nice Wedding Ring
a strip of bacon
a strip of bacon - 6 years ago
This is so cool! Can't wait for the next update videos in the future!!
Amanda Brooks
Amanda Brooks - 6 years ago
I need help my aquatic snail kept flipping himself at night when I wake his still flipped on his back and I'm getting worried about him
Amanda Brooks
Amanda Brooks - 6 years ago
Thank you so much
Neos&Nanos - 6 years ago
Amanda Brooks best thing to do is just leave him be
Dan M
Dan M - 6 years ago
Really cool video! Awesome that you got them as eggs. I'm curious about keeping sharks in an indoor pond setup vs a conventional aquarium. Does a round or oval pond better prevent injury from hitting the side? (cuz I know shark noses are quite sensitive). I'm curious to hear peoples thoughts, cuz I've seen sharks housed in both.
SJ.SheWolf - 6 years ago
Frank needs a friend.
Hunter Middlemas
Hunter Middlemas - 6 years ago
The fact you people try and critique literally someone who is the face of fish keeping makes me laugh. He knows what he’s doing more than you. Get over yourselves upset people. Y’all are acting like a bunch of over reacting crazy people.
Robbie Clipperton
Robbie Clipperton - 6 years ago
I have a feeling that as soon as they hatch, the eel will eat them
krislouth - 6 years ago
Love the videos, wondered why you say aboot instead of about, sounds like an Irish twang in there somewhere.
Tom Lynch
Tom Lynch - 6 years ago
krislouth Nope. That's canadians for you.
Billy Henry
Billy Henry - 6 years ago
Feeding lions is easy target feed as you would your eel, but feed sparingly, every three-four days then after a few weeks drop the food in and bang! They will devour
Raequel Suina
Raequel Suina - 6 years ago
Billy Henry read his pinned comment, obviously Joey knows better.
Cichlids23 - 6 years ago
super cool
Stoned Batman
Stoned Batman - 6 years ago
Can't wait to see them hatch! You're gonna name them, right?
Travis Michaud
Travis Michaud - 6 years ago
Stoned Batman Snagglepuss and Bruce
Josiah Child
Josiah Child - 6 years ago
Cool can you do a another video
Kevin K
Kevin K - 6 years ago
Very excited to watch these develop. Nice work and thanks for the great videos.
taken hunter
taken hunter - 6 years ago
You need to help them hatch
Kevin Poe
Kevin Poe - 6 years ago
Knowing your luck, they’ll probably hatch while you’re at work or asleep or something
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 6 years ago
I work from home.
Rambo - 6 years ago
How much does the eggs cost? Keep up the great work.. :)
Nate Rager
Nate Rager - 6 years ago
Would be awesome if you set up a 24 hour live stream of the eggs so we could check in whenever we wanted.
Emortal Eternity
Emortal Eternity - 6 years ago
Joey U must be getting Leapord sharks if you want to raise sharks
Gina Goth
Gina Goth - 6 years ago
How cool is this?
Hassan Saleh
Hassan Saleh - 6 years ago
Jblazen3 - 6 years ago
@The King of DIY why not feed them live fish? Thats the best part of having a predator fish
Raequel Suina
Raequel Suina - 6 years ago
Jblazen3 prepared foods and giving them things that are more beneficial to their dietary need a is better than just live food
One plus one equals fish Aquatics
One plus one equals fish Aquatics - 6 years ago
Nice mermaid purses
Arvinraam Mani Kumar
Arvinraam Mani Kumar - 6 years ago
lion fish will eat the baby shark
Raequel Suina
Raequel Suina - 6 years ago
Arvinraam Mani Kumar Read his pinned comment please. Joey knows better.
Ed E
Ed E - 6 years ago
Wow that's awesome Joey! Excited to watch the process!!
The Best Bear
The Best Bear - 6 years ago
Travis Rambo
Travis Rambo - 6 years ago
I'm concerned about the lion fish eating them when they hatch
Travis Rambo
Travis Rambo - 6 years ago
Raequel Suina Sorry. Wasn't reading his thoughts
Raequel Suina
Raequel Suina - 6 years ago
Travis Rambo Read his pinned comment. Obviously Joey would know not to do this.
John Golbani
John Golbani - 6 years ago
I like this channel a lot
ShelbyRae Lane
ShelbyRae Lane - 6 years ago
Andrew John Lim
Andrew John Lim - 6 years ago
You should do an octopus tank that would be really awesome!!!
The Flo Ark
The Flo Ark - 6 years ago
to keep octopus, you'll need a very very thick glass or acrylic panel..those animals are so strong you would not suspect it.
Matt Helton
Matt Helton - 6 years ago
Problem with octopus is they can literally squeeze through any hole that's as big as their beak. Not a big deal if you have a closed system but it would require a LOT of work for him to get a tank system set up for an octopus. There are videos/stories all over about people losing their octopus.
Kimon Vontas
Kimon Vontas - 6 years ago
We all know where this is going to go...
Buys the eggs, "Let's just go through the hatching experience"
Sharks hatches
"Guys, I have a problem, I've fallen in love with these sharks"
Proceeds to buy 500 gallon tub for sharks
Tim Jack
Tim Jack - 6 years ago
It is fun to see you so excited!!
Jeremy - 6 years ago
Make sure to feed them as soon as they hatch(if they do not have a yolk sac
Edwin Brown
Edwin Brown - 6 years ago
I’m excited to get back to the freshwater tanks too
toy masterl
toy masterl - 6 years ago
taurian Kelly
taurian Kelly - 6 years ago
you gotta get the snowflake eel a spot to hide in
taurian Kelly
taurian Kelly - 6 years ago
Alex Heacock he can use like that white pipe and hide it wit the decor
Alex Heacock
Alex Heacock - 6 years ago
taurian Kelly The rocks are hollow.
Tampa Tom
Tampa Tom - 6 years ago
Kill the lion fish
Ash - 6 years ago
I am already excited to see the progress...Great Video Joey...
Tom Lynch
Tom Lynch - 6 years ago
I'd suggest using a light which has much less intensity - the potential exists to damage the developing eyes.
Also please refrain from removing the eggs from water in the near future. As the shark develops further and grows, the case can (and most likely will) crack and water can leak out - exposing the extremely sensitive gills to air. I recommend that if you do want to view the develoment, a clear plastic or even glass container can be submerged and you can place the eggs within and after withdrawing it from the water you can shine the light from underneath to view the pups in their cases.

You possibly have already been told these things, but just in case, a couple of likes to bump this comment so Joey is sure to see it would help - as it's vital information to ensure the health of these young sharks.
Looking forward to meeting the gorgeous girls, or guys upon their hatching.
Ethan Smith
Ethan Smith - 6 years ago
Tom Lynch That was exactly what I was thinking, thankfully I didn't have to type it out
Random Guy
Random Guy - 6 years ago
I think when the sharks get bigger you should build a massive saltwater pond for lots of different sharks and rays and monster marine fish like that. It’s just a suggestion and you obviously don’t have to do it if you don’t want to but I think it would truly be something to behold
The National Counter-Terrorism Center
The National Counter-Terrorism Center - 6 years ago
24 hour live stream
Wakin Goldfish
Wakin Goldfish - 6 years ago
Exactly like what i've predicted and very soon my buddy will be progressing to Seals and more challenging Penguins not forgetting Dugongs for fresh water.
Unicorn Powerz
Unicorn Powerz - 6 years ago
moutain top fish
moutain top fish - 6 years ago
Those sharks are nice can't wait to see them hatch just did my first video using your gutter
Lost World
Lost World - 6 years ago
Dude the Lion fish is going to eat the baby sharks i think X_X
Hannah Brighurst
Hannah Brighurst - 6 years ago
Lost World no they hatch out to big to worry about that
Carlson Moncrief
Carlson Moncrief - 6 years ago
Glad your finding your niche in the saltwater world
Dalton325 - 6 years ago
That's really cool man. You already answered one of my questions. I was hoping you'd make sure we saw the hatching. I had a couple of others, though. Are they big enough when they hatch that the other two won't hunt them. If not, maybe when you set the top tank up, they could grow out in it a little. Also, I know you have them mounted vertically, but would it be more comfortable to them, as they get bigger, to mount horizontally? Maybe with buoyancy it doesn't matter, but it was a thought.
Natural Aquatics
Natural Aquatics - 6 years ago
Get cuttlefish
CR7 Flowerhorn
CR7 Flowerhorn - 6 years ago
Best of luck for your new shark eggs.
Hope they grow well
okarnando88 - 6 years ago
Does the flashlight not hurt them in there?
Cali Fishliving
Cali Fishliving - 6 years ago
There pretty strong as a hatchling , and would mess up your aquascape , due to there wiping there tails , kicking up sand looking for food.
RC Dean
RC Dean - 6 years ago
I re subscribed after seeing this. Nice!
Mary Louise
Mary Louise - 6 years ago
Baby shark...do do do do do do do.
Guilherme Burity
Guilherme Burity - 6 years ago
Looks like a Coca Cola bottle
The Glitch
The Glitch - 6 years ago
Aaaand once more this highlights I really need to get a bigger tank! Cant wait to see the progress of the lil bamboos, sharks are teh greatest creatures on the planet!
leahengland80 - 6 years ago
I’ve always wanted bamboo sharks!! I love sharks they are so awesome!!
Rishabh Ranjan
Rishabh Ranjan - 6 years ago
remove the egg from the clip, it might crack the outer layer and it may leak.
Totally Tanked !!
Totally Tanked !! - 6 years ago
What was other fish in lionfish tank ?
GAMING TRUMPETS - 6 years ago
Totally Tanked ! Its a snowflake eel
Darryl Pennington
Darryl Pennington - 6 years ago
Now this is really educational awesome
pro noobs FOR REAL
pro noobs FOR REAL - 6 years ago
I thought sharks had to be in circular tanks
Liftedlifestyle - 6 years ago
Max TheFishGuy key word usually
Max TheFishGuy
Max TheFishGuy - 6 years ago
Sharks that are more active, such as black tips, need rounded edges so they don't run into the corners and hurt themselves. Smaller sharks, such as bamboo cat sharks, are not as active and usually hangout at the bottom don't need rounded edges.
pro noobs FOR REAL
pro noobs FOR REAL - 6 years ago
OG SPMEX I’m not sure I don’t know enough about keeping sharks I just know they need a circle so they don’t hurt themselves on the corners
OG SPMEX - 6 years ago
pro noobs FOR REAL depends on the shark doesn't it? I swear I've seen certain sharks just chillen in one spot
Review Houston
Review Houston - 6 years ago
It is elasmobranch- pronounced elasmobraenk. It is not pronounced 'branch' like a tree.
Gmac 1012
Gmac 1012 - 6 years ago
The lion fish might pic on them or mabye eat them
Rou'a Awaly
Rou'a Awaly - 6 years ago
Gmac 1012 jrnejesjjffnrnrbebehehehheheehehehheeggeegegegegegegeyyryeyeyey3yyeeyyyeeyyeeyeyeyeyeyyeeyey3y3yy33y3y3y3yyeyeeyeyy3y33y3y3y3yy3yewowiei3j3ueueyeyyeeye8e3iu3uu3u3u3h3u3h3h3u3h3h3h3u3ue8iii
NX- Afeeque
NX- Afeeque - 6 years ago
Put some live plants
Anna Morgan
Anna Morgan - 6 years ago
Plants don’t go in a saltwater tank.
Edwin Brown
Edwin Brown - 6 years ago
This is a marine tank ;)
Hardeep Singh
Hardeep Singh - 6 years ago
Wot a gallery!!! Thanks for sharing all this knowledge joey
Maddyth3 Killjoy
Maddyth3 Killjoy - 6 years ago
Yayyy!! I love sharks!! I can’t wait to watch them hatch lol
Justin Smits
Justin Smits - 6 years ago
Please buy a puffer
Conrad Lobo
Conrad Lobo - 6 years ago
Please!!! Please!!! Please!!! Please!!! Please!!! Please!!! Turn the whole rack into a salt water aquarium! YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! Give a thumbs up if you all want the same and let Joey take notice.
Josh Webster
Josh Webster - 6 years ago
So excited for you Joey, looking forward to the uodates, also please don't turn the whole rack into salt water I'm not ready haha
Pétur pétursson
Pétur pétursson - 6 years ago
i had problem feeding mine at first, but then i tryed to feed him overnight with some mysis and wholaahh ! love this tank, i am changin mine from reef to predatdor !
KCHstudio Phx
KCHstudio Phx - 6 years ago
Make a still photo, daily
skinnywhop87 - 6 years ago
Both the snowflake eel and the lionfish will eat your baby sharks. If it fits in their mouth they will eat it
skinnywhop87 - 6 years ago
Kingtony he said they grow slow, lionfish grow relatively quick, so do eels.
Kingtony - 6 years ago
skinnywhop87 thos sharks are pretty big when they first hatch
NJGamer2 - 6 years ago
When i saw the thumbnail ik it was the bandut sharks
NJGamer2 - 6 years ago
I think
Vivaldithe2nd Reptiles and Amphibians
Vivaldithe2nd Reptiles and Amphibians - 6 years ago
Nice! I love sharks. But you're pronouncing 'elasmobranchs' wrong. It's 'elasmobrank' not 'elasmobranch'.
sdq sdq
sdq sdq - 6 years ago
no corals , put white lighting ?
paylin - 6 years ago
You shouldn’t use the light to much as it could damage their eyes
wu kalina
wu kalina - 6 years ago
Wooowwww thats hella cool!! I never knew some sharks layed eggs! Omg im excited to see them grow*_*❤
GianSkyWarrior 44
GianSkyWarrior 44 - 6 years ago
Baby shark to dodorudurudu?
Boombox cat
Boombox cat - 6 years ago
there’s a lot of good comments here, i hope you’re reading them and listening to the people who got u where u are today and not just uploading videos without a second look at reflecting at their impact on ur viewers.
Boombox cat
Boombox cat - 6 years ago
vGMCv yes i actually am
vGMCv - 6 years ago
Boombox cat Are u his mum? Hahahaha
Austin A
Austin A - 6 years ago
Won't the lion fish eat them?
Muddy Yogi
Muddy Yogi - 6 years ago
Oh Joey...lol "he's almost like a tiny tiny miniature shark in there" you mean like a baby shark right? Haha you are so excited.
Loc Lam
Loc Lam - 6 years ago
Amazing, Tks for sharing.
Tony ARC
Tony ARC - 6 years ago
Cool man
shannon jane Mouland
shannon jane Mouland - 6 years ago
Omg that's awesome
Denzel Gabriel Manuel
Denzel Gabriel Manuel - 6 years ago
Ooh! Mermaid's purses are so cool!
Enzo A.
Enzo A. - 6 years ago
Do you extract saltwater fishes/eggs from nature or in captivity ?
Mushroom Elm
Mushroom Elm - 6 years ago
Enzo A.
He gets his directly from that Fish store. It's his go to.
Where they come from before that, he hasn't stated. He just says sometimes there is a wait on his orders because of availability.
If 80% come from natural habitats than I'm sure some of his came from that as well, after a transitioning period where the Fish Store had to get their own hands on them.
Enzo A.
Enzo A. - 6 years ago
vGMCv My question was rhetorical in order to prevent wild animals purchases. If you didnt know, around 80% of the saltwater fishes in aquariums are extracted from their natural home.
vGMCv - 6 years ago
Enzo A. Did u even watch the video dude?
ROHIT MESHRAM - 6 years ago
Now that is an adventure! Oh yeh baby!
AnonymousMuffin lolly
AnonymousMuffin lolly - 6 years ago
Aren't you worried about the other 2 predators trying to bite the eggs? especially the snowflake eel is really curious and will be trying to bite the eggs as soon as they are in for a few days.
Junior Enriquez
Junior Enriquez - 6 years ago
Am digging it joey can't wait
Fish Lover
Fish Lover - 6 years ago
IT'S Yo BOi - 6 years ago
Make another saltwater tank
Alex Binford
Alex Binford - 6 years ago
I can't wait to get a banded cat shark myself.
jurgen Boes
jurgen Boes - 6 years ago
KCHstudio Phx
KCHstudio Phx - 6 years ago
My favorite salties are the Little, tidel pool, Octopis . Winkk, Winkki, Nudge, Nudge.
Matthew Calabro
Matthew Calabro - 6 years ago
Congratulations buddy!
Dion Sirgobind
Dion Sirgobind - 6 years ago
Good show, Joey! Watching with interest. Let’s see another saltwater tank soon...
REIF ISEPPIC - 6 years ago
I would put them in a breeder box just in case they hatch when youre not there and get eaten
fish life
fish life - 6 years ago
This happened to me
Abdullah Butt
Abdullah Butt - 6 years ago
Hey Joey do a QandA
Savio Samuel
Savio Samuel - 6 years ago
Im just curious
Savio Samuel
Savio Samuel - 6 years ago
Wont the lion fish eat them when they hatch
Scott Marshall
Scott Marshall - 6 years ago
no stop trolling, joey will just think youre being an idiot
King Trill
King Trill - 6 years ago
Savio Samuel no, they’re too big
Ellie Wilson
Ellie Wilson - 6 years ago
I would have never guessed this
Luis Gallemit
Luis Gallemit - 6 years ago
Baby shark do do doo doo do doo do!!
MaiQGaming - 6 years ago
Going to be awesome! Hopefully they will hatch and we will see how it/they grow. Have learned a lot from you and made things much more simpler for me. Cheers! Keep it up!
MaiQGaming - 6 years ago
Ps. Would be awesome that you could update maybe the audio in some of your old aquarium making videos (One was hearing only in mono for example)
Sapphire Girl
Sapphire Girl - 6 years ago
I loved my sharks. Truly magical to keep.
Jack Puffer
Jack Puffer - 6 years ago
Sapphire Girl what happened to them? What kind did u have :)?
Oliver Blackhall
Oliver Blackhall - 6 years ago
Sick !!!
Ramon Perez
Ramon Perez - 6 years ago
Elasmobranch - the second A is pronounced as a long vowel and the "ch" is pronounced like a "k". So the fourth syllable of elasmobranch is pronounced "BRAYNK".
Muted Brian
Muted Brian - 6 years ago
Im curious as the sharks develop will the sharks run out room to grow as the eggs are positoned vertically. Would they be better off positioned horizontal so sharks have room to develop their size length wise
darrelljayna west
darrelljayna west - 6 years ago
MrDougiehunter Hunter
MrDougiehunter Hunter - 6 years ago
Can’t wait to see them hatch!!! Good luck
Jovar - 6 years ago
Lion fish are horrible for the environment in the shores of the America's. Every time I dive the master diver spears them when he sees them
Denise Thasder
Denise Thasder - 6 years ago
I hear they’re delicious
Just Cat Dreaming
Just Cat Dreaming - 6 years ago
Jovar i heard that they overpopulated? So we can just eat hunt them
B B22
B B22 - 6 years ago
I really enjoyed this video. Have fun.
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 6 years ago
Hopefully the suction cups don't slip off
Tremaine Joned
Tremaine Joned - 6 years ago
Takes 3 to 4 months to hatch
SS_Exotics_ - 6 years ago
A niger trigger would be a cool predator addition
Shahir Ansari
Shahir Ansari - 6 years ago
seems alright but i dont think hanging the eggs like that feels good.
RyanWake bradtelle
RyanWake bradtelle - 6 years ago
Of course I don't know about this particular species of sharks but I have seen C-sections before, are you prepared for that?
Mario Aguayo
Mario Aguayo - 6 years ago
You gotta do a large saltwater tank brotha LARGE
Stoep Tegel van de Straat
Stoep Tegel van de Straat - 6 years ago
Yes I got a ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I Esty I
I Esty I - 6 years ago
This makes me so happy knowing the possibilities that can go with having sharks this is gonna be so fun and cool to watch I can’t wait for the new videos and ideas also sharks are so cool that I’m happy the one and only DIY KING is doing it I’m so excited for future videos and watching the growth of the sharks
Taylor Mondina
Taylor Mondina - 6 years ago
I hope you make a giant saltwater tank and get some sharks and saltwater rays lol
Chris Beauchamp
Chris Beauchamp - 6 years ago
When I had my lion fish I fed live shrimp as well as live feeder fish. It took about two months but I slowly lowered the amount of live food and increased the frozen food (thawed in tank water) then eventually only frozen foods I kept mine two two years or so until I was cleaning the tank on day and he got me with one of its spines. Let me tell you that didn’t feel good at all.
Victoria Miller
Victoria Miller - 6 years ago
my musiclly name isniya110107
PepeTheFrog - 6 years ago
W h o r e
Shahir Ansari
Shahir Ansari - 6 years ago
nobody cares about musically here. sorry
Shawn_358 - 6 years ago
Saltwater is okay, but can I just say... koi pond?
Faith Fayyaz
Faith Fayyaz - 6 years ago
best of luck joey
Mrvin Liu
Mrvin Liu - 6 years ago
Dude congrats on trending
Wayne Quiggins
Wayne Quiggins - 6 years ago
Congrats on getting the eggs. I went through this process a few months ago (12/17-21/18) and I absolutely loved watching the process. I did end up manually hatching my egg about 5 days after the yolk had completely disappeared. The lil fella took about 10 days to finally eat (squid tentacle was the magic meal). Good luck with your new adventure.
David Crowser
David Crowser - 6 years ago
I want you to do something truly difficult: Planted Brackish water tank...
flaggschiffen - 6 years ago
I take from your comment that you would like to do a brackish planted tank.

Salinity: 1.000-1.003
Anubias spp.
Anacharis (Elodea canadensis)
Moneywort (Bacopa monnieri)
Cryptocoryne spp.
Cabomba spp.
Hygrophila (Hygrophila polysperma, H. sticta)
Java Moss (Vesicularia dubyana)
Amazon Sword (Echinodorus bleheri) and Chain Sword (E. tenellus)
Indian Fern/Watersprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides)
Crinum thaianum

Salinity: 1.000-1.005
Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus)
Crinum calamistratum
Crinum pedunculatum
Cryptocoryne ciliata

Salinity: 1.000-1.010
Microsword (Lilaeopsis brasiliensis)
Brookweed (Samolus valerandi) (Does not survive fully submerged in water)

to 1.025 (Marine)
Red Mangrove (Rhizophora mangle)
Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans)
White Mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa)
Turtle Grass (Thalassia testudinum)
Manatee Grass (Syringodium filiforme)
Feather Algae (Caulerpa taxifolia)
Caulerpa prolifera
Macro Algeas
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 6 years ago
David Crowser Most plants melt back and then regrow with leaves that are accustomed to the salinity. Not that difficult at all.
loanna xxx
loanna xxx - 6 years ago
Take note when you know the shark ready to be born you have to open the case to set it free has the case is pretty hard to open on it's own and can suffocate them. Other then that both can be born healthy no reason to loose them.
T Ch
T Ch - 6 years ago
Lionfish will probably swallow the newly hatched sharks in one gulp.
T Ch
T Ch - 6 years ago
Just commenting on lion fishes in general. I'll unsubscribe.
Kirana Asmara
Kirana Asmara - 6 years ago
did you even watch the video? He'll move he shark eggs once he notices that the yolk is close to disappearing. they wont hatch there, you idiot.
Craig Woodhull
Craig Woodhull - 6 years ago
You need to make a larger tank OF use the 350 for salt !!!! Corals on the rocks, Harliequen Tusks, Clown Trigger,..!!!!!!!!!!Tangs and even a bunch of Damsel fish. ROCK ON. (most of the bacteria in a bottle is dead. use the black water from your filters. You know that is GOOD). Oh yes Lion fish DO NOT like fiow. Point your flow upwards.
Craig Woodhull
Craig Woodhull - 6 years ago
Try it you will LOVE it , I have. leave the corals out, just use that 350 for more than Rainbows!!!!
Clarkes_reef - 6 years ago
Craig Woodhull How can he put corals on the rocks and have a clown trigger? Trigger fish aren’t reef safe??
Craig Woodhull
Craig Woodhull - 6 years ago
OR USE the 350 !!!!!! Daaaa
Tazalyn Silvercat
Tazalyn Silvercat - 6 years ago
just remember that sometimes they wont be able to hatch on their own
A.J. Bensinger
A.J. Bensinger - 6 years ago
Sure they're meant to hang like that?
Goober tuber
Goober tuber - 6 years ago
This is interesting, Joey would know alot more than me but from what I know about sharks they never do very well in square tanks, they need to be circular. I guess the hatching process and babies may be different to larger sharks though.
Miss.Scales & friends
Miss.Scales & friends - 6 years ago
Goober tuber that particular type of shark does fine in a traditional rectangular aquarium. Cat/carpet/bamboo sharks are much more sturdy, more simple, and since they're much smaller than other sharks, can be kept in aquarium conditions.
Chase Guzman
Chase Guzman - 6 years ago
I yhought sharks gabr birth to live young
Dakotah Prahl
Dakotah Prahl - 6 years ago
Only species of shark does
HOMIE Croc - 6 years ago
Chase Guzman some do some don’t sharks are fish not mammals
Bradley Ford
Bradley Ford - 6 years ago
Might want to look into how the egg is hanging. Hanging it straight up and down may not be good for the embryo. If you hang it horizontally it gives it more room to grow.
Bradley Ford
Bradley Ford - 6 years ago
The spot where he put that clip looks safe to me it's just the angle that concerns me. I know that when it comes to snakes you have to watch how you put the eggs. I don't know if the same thing needs to be looked at when it comes to shark eggs
Rick Stalker
Rick Stalker - 6 years ago
I was thinking that and also not sure about that clip. I would think squeezing on the egg might increase the pressure within it.
oldiousnei - 6 years ago
This is exactly what I was thinking.
Alex Stewart
Alex Stewart - 6 years ago
Just so you know you shouldn’t take the egg out off water because I’ve heard it can damage the shark after it’s hatched
Nicolas Aldape
Nicolas Aldape - 6 years ago
I thought sharks had live births?
Craig Woodhull
Craig Woodhull - 6 years ago
Many do, but not all
Jahed Ullah
Jahed Ullah - 6 years ago
Not all
Aziz Morshed Khan
Aziz Morshed Khan - 6 years ago
Stream it on twitch. The birth stream
Gamefowl! /Life/Stile/
Gamefowl! /Life/Stile/ - 6 years ago
man that pump looks like its really blowing that lion fish around.
FOLLOW ME NOOOOW - 6 years ago
you know that you cant keep shark in your tank they will die..m
FOLLOW ME NOOOOW - 6 years ago
oh ok i didnt know that thmx btw for telling me.
Tamlin Giles
Tamlin Giles - 6 years ago
Dakotah Prahl tank shape doesnt matter... as long as they have plenty of room to move around, thats all that matters.
Dakotah Prahl
Dakotah Prahl - 6 years ago
You guys chill he’s meaning the shape of the tank is bad they need a race track shape tank for them or circular
Crystal Dragon Drawing
Crystal Dragon Drawing - 6 years ago
FOLLOW ME NOOOOW why do you think that... srly
Miss.Scales & friends
Miss.Scales & friends - 6 years ago
There are plenty of people who keep cat/carpet/bamboo sharks effectively. They're not nearly as complicated as a reef shark or other large sharks, and they stay much smaller.
Tamlin Giles
Tamlin Giles - 6 years ago
FOLLOW ME NOOOOW cant keep great whites.... doesnt mean the same for other sharks
kenjiface95 - 6 years ago
Mann, i'm so glad that i subscribed to you sometime ago! Amazing stuff bro, the Tanks are coming along to be stunning! Cant wait to see the progress of these sharks :D
RINZVEN GAMING - 6 years ago
David Chan
David Chan - 6 years ago
Looks like Alien the movie
Gore - 6 years ago
I know the idea of keeping a shark is cool and all but I thought the point of the gallery wall was to inspire us by having fish we could realistically keep ourselves?
Rick Stalker
Rick Stalker - 6 years ago
You can....
Pittsford Pets
Pittsford Pets - 6 years ago
You can realistically keep them yourself
ItsFine - 6 years ago
Joey built it to inspire younger and educate younger people to get into the hobby and expand it.
Rod Azarmi
Rod Azarmi - 6 years ago
Some tips from an experienced reefer. 1- monitor your alkalinity. Even with a fish only tank, alkalinity will decline and PH can crash. 2- seed your tank with some mature live rock. It will help kickstart the coralline algae. 3- slow down. only bad things happen quickly in a saltwater tank.
Ryan Hudgens
Ryan Hudgens - 6 years ago
Have considered getting an octopus?
Miss.Scales & friends
Miss.Scales & friends - 6 years ago
Julius joensuu an octopus can only escape if its beak can fit through any holes, or if the tank lid is not secure. There are plenty of people who've successfully kept octopuses (yes, that is technically the correct plural of octopus).
Julius joensuu
Julius joensuu - 6 years ago
is gonna get eaten or it will eat the others or it will escape
Erik Schiller
Erik Schiller - 6 years ago
Wow. You are crazy!
Aishwarya Kulkarni
Aishwarya Kulkarni - 6 years ago
Where are you going to put those sharks after they become big
Aishwarya Kulkarni
Aishwarya Kulkarni - 6 years ago
Tricks sorry I didn't watched video correctly
Tricks - 6 years ago
i believe he answered that in the video
Gamefowl! /Life/Stile/
Gamefowl! /Life/Stile/ - 6 years ago
Aishwarya Kulkarni pay attention he said it in the video.
ETRATH Chang - 6 years ago
KeefesAquariums - 6 years ago
None of those shark eggs are bamboo sharks, they are all coral cat sharks (A. marmoratus) please adjust correctly
KeefesAquariums - 6 years ago
I dont know I dont watch his videos anymore, as lack of research and an appology isnt good science.
The Larry
The Larry - 6 years ago
you were correct haha
Mei ling Tan
Mei ling Tan - 6 years ago
A shark might tear your eel apart when it grows big but it use be at least 1.6 feet Long to do that if the eel is still the same size as now
Lucas Ang 81
Lucas Ang 81 - 6 years ago
Hey joey, shouldn’t you put something over the eggs? The lionfish and the eel could possibly eat the newborns, it’s just my concern.
Chad Wilberg
Chad Wilberg - 6 years ago
Have you thought about putting netting over the tubes that go to your sump? The fish store I used to go to had "lost" their eel when it decided to hide in the sump.
Emily Gagnon
Emily Gagnon - 6 years ago
Do a daily picture time-lapse of these guys with the light, it would be cool to see them grow inside the egg.
Legend Dairy
Legend Dairy - 6 years ago
That flow seems to be too strong for the lion fish. He seems to be getting pushed back
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 6 years ago
This entire video and the one prior were filmed within a 30 min window. It was all the same day and same trip to the store. I have since made adjustments.
Rayden Farney
Rayden Farney - 6 years ago
What are you going to do with the snowflake eal and the lion fish once the baby shark's hatch?
Manav Kumar
Manav Kumar - 6 years ago
Bamboo shark?
Richard Maloney
Richard Maloney - 6 years ago
Joey this is absolutely amazing and absolutely a smart move for the channel. Saltwater fans will be hooked. Goldies next to come. You truly hit us with a surprise that totally renews your page. Just keep it up Joey!!! Much love.
Chad Wilberg
Chad Wilberg - 6 years ago
Ever since he said he was going to do saltwater at the end of the rack I've been bouncing up and down as we kept getting closer.
Prabz Universe GDP
Prabz Universe GDP - 6 years ago
I am waiting for ur sharks!!
Fenu S
Fenu S - 6 years ago
the lionfish may make a snack out of that
JIM MAGNO - 6 years ago
oh wow im excited in your upcoming updates. .!!
TrizzyTraxx - 6 years ago
I can't wait..... I mean i have to. Just continue giving us great content, and the wait won't be so bad...... Keep it up J
Carnage 83
Carnage 83 - 6 years ago
Your eel is going to escape
Sara Clarke
Sara Clarke - 6 years ago
So excited
Zeze - 6 years ago
holy hell this is really freaking cool
Wiz Wiz
Wiz Wiz - 6 years ago
I had a tank with a snowflake eel and had a banded cat shark egg clipped to the tank like you did one day the eel was hungry and found the egg and ripped it apart i recommend you use a mesh box or something where the eel wont get it eels have really good sense of smell and will find those eggs quick
HamsterLuv 189
HamsterLuv 189 - 6 years ago
Congrats on trending!!! ❤️❤️
derrik tribble
derrik tribble - 6 years ago
Love the shark egg idea! I didn't know that shark came from eggs! I know that not all do... but still Interesting. Can't wait for the journey!
SpAceX Fan
SpAceX Fan - 6 years ago
Joey is going salt water i just know it lol
Starkiller -86
Starkiller -86 - 6 years ago
SpAceX Fan he has had a salt tank for ages
Arup Das
Arup Das - 6 years ago
lovely lovely lovely
Tyler Smith
Tyler Smith - 6 years ago
Little Big Man
Little Big Man - 6 years ago
Shouldn’t they lay flat or does it matter?

Will any of those fish in your tank eat the baby once it’s born?
Ali Love
Ali Love - 6 years ago
Little Big Man it wouldn't matter, and no they wont. By the time the babies hatch they'll be a lot bigger.
Ernesto Gonzalez
Ernesto Gonzalez - 6 years ago
Just an observation looks like both the Lion fish and eel are stressed. Flow looks to intense for the lion fish. His pectoral fin appears to be out. And the eel swimming around like crazy is definitely not normal eel behavior. Eels like to have a nice cave to spend their time in. I think with slower flow and a nice cave for the eel they would both be much happier, but it's just an observation
Carnage 83
Carnage 83 - 6 years ago
The king of DIY eel is going to escape
Ernesto Gonzalez
Ernesto Gonzalez - 6 years ago
The king of DIY Oh ok. My bad then. Totally thought this was already days after their introduction to your system. I had no doubt you'd make the proper adjustments. Look forward to watching the system progress!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 6 years ago
They were added 20mins prior to this. This was all the same trip to the fish store. same day. I just uploaded them in their own videos. Flow is turned down. fish are settled and eating now. All structures are hollow for the eel.
Carlos vilca
Carlos vilca - 6 years ago
Get a coral catshark!
They are smaller
Rhys Aistrope
Rhys Aistrope - 6 years ago
Carlos vilca it's all about availability so
Todd Jones
Todd Jones - 6 years ago
Everyone is saying exactly what I was thinking. The Lion Fish eat anything. Be careful.
Chaz *
Chaz * - 6 years ago
New favorite tank??? Lol very exciting
Corey Johnston
Corey Johnston - 6 years ago
So, what happens when you get both to hatch
Enzo Aquaholics
Enzo Aquaholics - 6 years ago
Love the idea. Hoping to see it when it hatch.
Tyler Jackson
Tyler Jackson - 6 years ago
I love sharks, they are so awesome
Renzo Salieri
Renzo Salieri - 6 years ago
It seem the Lion Fish is not compatible this tank bru, you should build a large tank for him
aquatic hobbies
aquatic hobbies - 6 years ago
Yo bro could yo do catfish in yhe predator
too a piranha
David J
David J - 6 years ago
Definitely make the 375g Aquarium to a salt water tank.
Xpoza - 6 years ago
David J I second this
dixoscot - 6 years ago
Very cool, I think people call those mermaids purse. Love the video
Matthew Wilson
Matthew Wilson - 6 years ago
I found a bunch of those at the beach one year, had no idea what they were...
Darshan Karthi
Darshan Karthi - 6 years ago
The eggs look like a coke bottle
Ryan Vlogs
Ryan Vlogs - 6 years ago
Joey turn the filtration pump down, you can’t display the lionfish’s true nature and look with all its pectoral fins out
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 6 years ago
This video was filmed the same day adding the fish was... same trip to the store. You are watching the fish in the tank, after being added 15 mins prior. No adjustments made. Today, they are settled and flow turned down.
primitivo vazquez
primitivo vazquez - 6 years ago
Congrats on the eggs! I’ve hatched out 8 of these sharks and I’ve had to help 2 out of the 8 hatch out, keep a good eye on them sometimes they have trouble hatching out. Good luck bro!
Catherine Kennedy
Catherine Kennedy - 6 years ago
The shark eggs are fascinating!
metallurgicarborist - 6 years ago
You should research exactly how they get out of the eggs. If they always come out one end of the egg you don’t want to clip that end shut. Looking forward to following their development!
Stacey Feltham
Stacey Feltham - 6 years ago
there is a small hole which allows sea water to seep into the egg, this is the hole the pup will emerge from. We always lay the purses on rocks so the pup can hatch without this hole being pinched, acclimation and handling are the key to keeping these eggs healthy!
yobel permana
yobel permana - 6 years ago
Love the footage. Cant wait to see tons of update about this. But how did they manage to get the shark eggs?
Commander Maxil
Commander Maxil - 6 years ago
lots of egg laying sharks are commercially available, for better or for worse
Ardiansa Martawidjaja
Ardiansa Martawidjaja - 6 years ago
Hell yeah sharks
Ashon S
Ashon S - 6 years ago
50th on trending Joey! Congrats!
Benny Morosco
Benny Morosco - 6 years ago
Shark Cam JOE!!!!!
John Dsilva
John Dsilva - 6 years ago
Lion fish might eat it after it's hatched
everyday chest day
everyday chest day - 6 years ago
ya, I am also worried about that.
Miguel Ma
Miguel Ma - 6 years ago
My bamboo shark grew to 3 feet in a year and a half
Carson Hooks
Carson Hooks - 6 years ago
hey can you do another fish food tutorial for your new fish i know you did this about a year ago but id like to see what you make the new fish's food with
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo - 6 years ago
375 saltwater now
J delta737
J delta737 - 6 years ago
Mr. Popo 2k gallon tank
HangeryFinsHS - 6 years ago
I want a shark but my mom won't let me lol
Tony Allan
Tony Allan - 6 years ago
Call the eel Blake. LOVE Bamboo sharks, you should build another large tank, maybe acrylic, for your sharks in the future with e.g a black tip.
Hill On Wheels
Hill On Wheels - 6 years ago
I have seen other youtubers nick the egg when the sharks are close to hatching to make it easier for the shark to emerge. Is that something you might do or do you think it is to dangerous?
Jaime Garcia
Jaime Garcia - 6 years ago
The eel are is going to eat it when they hatch
Fishing Newcastle
Fishing Newcastle - 6 years ago
You obviously didn’t listen to what he said
Jaime Garcia
Jaime Garcia - 6 years ago
The eel is going to eat it when it hatches !!!!!
Gagnant - 6 years ago
Will the puffer fish destroy the eggs shelf and eat the sharks?
dee Sydney
dee Sydney - 6 years ago
Thats sick!! Your nuts .your house must look like marineland loll .mine to almost loll
dee Sydney
dee Sydney - 6 years ago
The king of DIY. U have some nice fish!
dee Sydney
dee Sydney - 6 years ago
The king of DIY u have your own building with all of these tanks loll..r u kidding me ...do you sell fish also? Its like the diy factory ahahaha
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 6 years ago
This is in its own building
Sailing Free At Last
Sailing Free At Last - 6 years ago
This is awesome! I can't wait for the baby sharks
Pindar Corinna
Pindar Corinna - 6 years ago
I'm worried for the baby sharks: I think you shd have attached the egg cases by the other end, where the filament bases still show; these filaments normally attach the egg cases onto algal laminae or other substrates. I am no expert, but I suspect the babies might try to emerge out of the ends you have clipped shut. Just a hunch, but worth checking out. (Also the CH in Elasmobranch is a hard K sound- as in other Greek words like bronchial or Christ.)
MrKermit00 - 6 years ago
Awesome can't wait for your shark video's thank you
justin - 6 years ago
Try to get some garden eels
lol ll
lol ll - 6 years ago
can you get a great whight for your really big tank
Keven Lee
Keven Lee - 6 years ago
lol ll great whites are not compatible with tanks (already shown in a certain aquarium)
Anyway he will need a humongous tank to even keep them alive
mushlove - 6 years ago
Great whites are wild and grow bigger than 8+ feet long....
mushlove - 6 years ago
lol ll
lol ll - 6 years ago
lordraptor || why ?
lordraptor - 6 years ago
great whites cant be keeped in tanks
Andrew Maude
Andrew Maude - 6 years ago
Tactical Warrior Viking
Tactical Warrior Viking - 6 years ago
Ha! I knew it! I said in comments yesterday that you would be turning the 375 eventually into salt and adding those guys.
Brian Shimkus
Brian Shimkus - 6 years ago
Are you still going to add a puffer fish to this tank when one comes available?
Tommy Pieri
Tommy Pieri - 6 years ago
I have been wanting to set up a saltwater tank for the last 2 year's. And I finally did it. I set up my saltwater tank about a month and a half ago.
Aubrey Katz
Aubrey Katz - 6 years ago
You should put them in the 375 when they grow up
Jerry Ramirez
Jerry Ramirez - 6 years ago
24hr 7 days a week.. damn bro ur awesome!!!
Thats dope, really looking forward too it
Jerry Ramirez
Jerry Ramirez - 6 years ago
In the Wild Where does the mom shark lay the eggs?
Guessing in the sand or near rocks where she can protect them.
Roofus The Manager
Roofus The Manager - 6 years ago
Jerry Ramirez they don’t really truly stick around to protect them but they will attach them to a rock or some kelp
xLAZYDOGx - 6 years ago
You should look into a panther grouper for the predator tank! They are white with black spots sorta like the rays :)
Daniel Gonzalez
Daniel Gonzalez - 6 years ago
What size are they going to be at born time??? Im worry about the lion fish eating it
DC Exotics
DC Exotics - 6 years ago
That snowflake eel will DESTROY those eggs
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 6 years ago
its the size of a pencil... dunno about that. They'll be in a cage soon enough...
Kevin Gunawan
Kevin Gunawan - 6 years ago
Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo!
NukaPooka - 6 years ago
Mummy Shark doo doo doo Mummy Shark Doo Doo Doo Mummy Shark....

Daddy Shark doo doo doo Daddy Shark Doo Doo Doo Daddy shark.

Yeah... thats a legit song in primary school XD
kenneth mills
kenneth mills - 6 years ago
Joey what would you put in a 55 gallon bow front fish tank freshwater
Nathan O'Donnell
Nathan O'Donnell - 6 years ago
Will there be a puffer still?
J'onn J'onzz
J'onn J'onzz - 6 years ago
wait a minute . . shark has eggs ??
Joshua McHarg
Joshua McHarg - 6 years ago
J'onn J'onzz all fish have eggs. The "live birthing" fish (some sharks and other elasmobranchs) just have the eggs hatch inside the mother which increases survival rights of the young. The shark and Ray's often have their egg cases called mermaid purses.
Sharon Wyly
Sharon Wyly - 6 years ago
J'onn J'onzz Some do and some have live birth.
Danny Rhodes
Danny Rhodes - 6 years ago
Great way to keep subscribers coming back. I'm hooked!
BrickHead Reptiles
BrickHead Reptiles - 6 years ago
Awesome video
Dennis Kat
Dennis Kat - 6 years ago
How cool! I'm so excited for you Joey. Can't wait to see them hatched.
Afnan Amirruddin
Afnan Amirruddin - 6 years ago
never expose a shark egg to the air
DON_ TIBBY - 6 years ago
Favourite tank
Hasheem K
Hasheem K - 6 years ago
That ring is baller status
DON_ TIBBY - 6 years ago
Wasn't expecting that awesome
Pat Scornaienchi
Pat Scornaienchi - 6 years ago
I always thought sharks have live birth
Joshua McHarg
Joshua McHarg - 6 years ago
Pat Scornaienchi none give true live birth. The live birthing ones, like bull sharks, have the eggs hatch inside the mother. It increases the survival rates of the few young they birth. No fish will give true live birth, they all use eggs. Elasmobranchs are really the only ones with a tough outer surface, most are gel-like.
Audrée Tanguay Fréchette
Audrée Tanguay Fréchette - 6 years ago
that is so cool !!!
Squash Bash
Squash Bash - 6 years ago
But wont the lionfish eat the baby sharks?
Squash Bash
Squash Bash - 6 years ago
ah ok thanks
Andrew  Clement
Andrew Clement - 6 years ago
he's not leaving the sharks in there when it's time for them to hatch. he's just growing them out in that tank
Andrew Lucfr
Andrew Lucfr - 6 years ago
prob too big for it to swallow when it hatch.
REEF MONKEY - 6 years ago
Joey's getting the salt water bug
JK Feather Ranch
JK Feather Ranch - 6 years ago
I found the easiest thing to get a lionfish to eat non live is to feed them their live food on tongs. It will move enough and attract the lionfish and he associates the tongs as food and anything on the tongs as food. I fed a few live on the tongs and then put a krill on the tongs and they took it.
Tina's Reef
Tina's Reef - 6 years ago
Hi Joey..I just wanted to ask an honest question not to banter you, but because Ive seen these very same eggs at my LFS. They were laying down flat and not standing up the way you have them hanging. Im wondering if they can grow correctly standing upright like that? Again, no banter because I know, you know what your doing...LOL I just wanted to know what your thoughts are on this.
Asiyah Bilal
Asiyah Bilal - 6 years ago
Tina's Reef i was wondering as well if vertical was such a good idea.
Joshua McHarg
Joshua McHarg - 6 years ago
You can do it almost any way. In the wild the eggs can float and be tossed around by currents. As long as it is in a balanced environment it will be able to survive and hatch. Think of it like a bird egg, there is a fat end and a narrow end, but those aren't always pointing the same way with eggs in a nest, it doesn't hinder hatching.
Tina's Reef
Tina's Reef - 6 years ago
Andrew Lucfr kinda cool. Thanks for the reply. I was just wondering because I hadn't seen it done this way.
Andrew Lucfr
Andrew Lucfr - 6 years ago
most of the reefers who hatches these sharks clip them on the sides of the tank, in a higher flow so that there's will be no algae growing on the egg. and also easier to monitor the shark. Thats what they say.
Mik C
Mik C - 6 years ago
I've never seen you that excited about something with freshwater
Lol although I know your true passion is freshwater saltwater is awesome and I've been in the hobby for 17 years now everything looks great Aquascape looks awesome one thing I will recommend add Cheeto morphite to your refugium helps keep the nitrates low and also keeps different kind of algae from growing inside the tank also is good to Howell's different kinds of copepods and little creatures that's also beneficial for your aquarium
Chico the Human
Chico the Human - 6 years ago
Wow this is so cool! What a great idea! Has anyone ever even done this before on YouTube?
Marwin Chavez
Marwin Chavez - 6 years ago
Dave Bigtas
Dave Bigtas - 6 years ago
Will the lion fish eat the baby sharks (incase they hatch)?
Zaku186 - 6 years ago
PLEASE turn the 375 into a shark tank. its such and awesome idea.
The Water Box
The Water Box - 6 years ago
Ok dude, this was a really cool video!! lol
heather jarrell
heather jarrell - 6 years ago
Joey upping his game!
George Bodkin
George Bodkin - 6 years ago
When they hatch the Lion fish can eat them..
Millicent Cecilia
Millicent Cecilia - 6 years ago
George Bodkin if you were a chill lionfish would you be able to eat a bigger than your mouth hatched shark? I thought the same but I googled it :/
Marwin Chavez
Marwin Chavez - 6 years ago
bett you your gonna have 2 giant sharks lol
Insane Del Terror
Insane Del Terror - 6 years ago
Raju Jayaraman
Raju Jayaraman - 6 years ago
Guess your flash light might actually harm them.
Harris Tan
Harris Tan - 6 years ago
ok I get what you mean but here is why i think its not really harmful to them, because they have not yet develop eyes, hence its not really harmful to them, its just like if you dont have eyes how can light hurt you, you know what i mean
Raju Jayaraman
Raju Jayaraman - 6 years ago
Harris Tan True, but I have seen aquariums advice us not to use camera flash lights while taking pics as it will irritate/harm the fishes. Thought same applies here. Like, someone flashes on your eyes while you sleep?? Sorry, but just my thought.
Harris Tan
Harris Tan - 6 years ago
Raju Jayaraman it will not just like how they do pregnant women but in the different way, people often use this technique to check chicken eggs as well as other eggs, unless you been using the flash light on in for a long period of time
Juan - 6 years ago
Maybe a noob question but wont the lion fish eat them when they hatch ?
Cliff de Vries
Cliff de Vries - 6 years ago
The king of DIY

PS: This is a grow out for the eggs. Just to have everything in 1 place. Eventually the sharks will be moved to hatch separately. I see no point to running 2 tanks for months just to do the same thing.
Greg Dinert
Greg Dinert - 6 years ago
I wondered the same thing too
Kuldeep Kumar
Kuldeep Kumar - 6 years ago
Wow. That's amazing.
The Real Al Capone
The Real Al Capone - 6 years ago
living life
living life - 6 years ago
this dude so legit
Josh Frederick
Josh Frederick - 6 years ago
Hi Joey, do not use the torch on the egg as it develops into a pup too much. You will damage its eyesight. This is the same with baby birds, there is a point where the eyes develop and the torch will damage eyesight from a certain point. The ocean floor is dark and even reefs don't that much light exposure. Be very careful please and enjoy your new babies.
maskofsanitycob - 6 years ago
oooo so excited for yoooou!!
C&L Fish Corner
C&L Fish Corner - 6 years ago
Wow , this is so cool. Great idea
Connor Anderson
Connor Anderson - 6 years ago
How come you pinned them rather than getting a hanging net? And why did you pin it on that end of the egg rather than the end with the prongs?
BOsborne - 6 years ago
What an awesome idea! Can’t wait to watch the sharks develop and hatch!
WOLFZ 9 - 6 years ago
you should put some soft corals in to add some new features and color on the rocks
geekroute - 6 years ago
April Fools?
Thai Jean
Thai Jean - 6 years ago
geekroute It's not April
Elvis Santana
Elvis Santana - 6 years ago
Great choice, very interesting. Im shore now you have alot of people attention.
Wayhart - 6 years ago
I was right I guessed sharks in the last video :-)
Justin Thompson
Justin Thompson - 6 years ago
Turner Dischinger
Turner Dischinger - 6 years ago
You should get a trigger eventually
Slimey Slimes
Slimey Slimes - 6 years ago
yep ive been waiting for your shark egg
Tyler Jeffers
Tyler Jeffers - 6 years ago
that's bomb idea
Tyler Jeffers
Tyler Jeffers - 6 years ago
that's bomb idea
theoutlawdekepatton - 6 years ago
Liss - 6 years ago
I love that you're taking us on this journey. I had no idea sharks laid eggs. I don't know much about sharks so this will be interesting. All the best with your new tank!
Diamond Slayer
Diamond Slayer - 6 years ago
baby shark do do do do do do
Mia's Keeper
Mia's Keeper - 6 years ago
This is sooo cool !!!!!
Angry-Moth-Noises - 6 years ago
Yemar Pina
Yemar Pina - 6 years ago
Been waiting to see and ooiooooo mannnnn
Nick Bianco
Nick Bianco - 6 years ago
Are you still getting the puffer?
Golden Rose
Golden Rose - 6 years ago
This is amazing!!! I always loved carpet sharks. You inspired me to start a saltwater tank.
You should also start doing shout outs to your fans. I think everyone would enjoy a positive message at the end of each video.
Thai Jean
Thai Jean - 6 years ago
Golden Rose I find shout outs quite annoying and disruptive. Joey is always sending positive messages throughout his videos.
Skelton Shark
Skelton Shark - 6 years ago
No way This is amazing I’m so happy for you!
Funk Skunk
Funk Skunk - 6 years ago
Yes Joey do it! Saltwater is amazing I’d love to see the racks with more marine life.
STEVE ORTEZ - 6 years ago
Lion fish can be acclaimed to fresh water scientific fact I feed mine gold fish
Eric TenEyck
Eric TenEyck - 6 years ago
Your Lionfish isn't acclimated to fresh water it's just been trained to eat freshwater prey.
Luka Heriot
Luka Heriot - 6 years ago
I’m 100% against live feeding it’s cruel and it gives fishkeeping a bad name
Mitch - 6 years ago
get another salt water tank above it and put live corals in it!
Brandon Pan
Brandon Pan - 6 years ago
isnt it possible for either the lionfish or the eel to eat them
Reefer2012 - 6 years ago
be careful of your water change bulk head fitting because the eel will live in there and might get lost in a water change
DragonHunter42 - 6 years ago
Hope the Lionfish or the Eel don't eat the sharks right after they hatch
BJLG - 6 years ago
Joeys vids are like watching anime on tv... it makes want you to see more easily
bananas70389 - 6 years ago
Love this series! I wouldn't be surprised if the eel nipped at it. My snowflake is a total dick.
gary granato
gary granato - 6 years ago
very cool
Hal Bronco
Hal Bronco - 6 years ago
How come there's no worry of the lionfish stinging the eel or the shark babies?
why not
why not - 6 years ago
mystery fish I:)
JJ Jones
JJ Jones - 6 years ago
awesome video Joey, love your enthusiasm
Albie Woodhouse
Albie Woodhouse - 6 years ago
You should plant seaweed in the saltwater tank
Ms Lady
Ms Lady - 6 years ago
This is probably my favourite video ever now. I had no clue what a shark egg looked like, I didn’t even know that some laid eggs!!! Wowowowowowow
tony flamingo
tony flamingo - 6 years ago
so awesome
Heather Vestal
Heather Vestal - 6 years ago
They are so cute! I can't wait for updates.If you had three you could name them Bruce, Anchor and Chum. Congratulations and I hope everything goes well with them and the new saltwater tank.
Hunter Stevens
Hunter Stevens - 6 years ago
The lion fish will eat the baby sharks
Skelton Shark
Skelton Shark - 6 years ago
It most likely will not but there is still a chance it will
Billy makovic
Billy makovic - 6 years ago
Hunter Stevens ye
Ron G
Ron G - 6 years ago
Two mermaids purse side by side! Looks Amazing!!!!
Albie Woodhouse
Albie Woodhouse - 6 years ago
In Australia I’ve encountered a 1.5 metre brownbanded bamboo shark
Lynda Painter
Lynda Painter - 6 years ago
AKA Grey Carpet Shark, Chiloscyllium punctatum. We saw one in a tidal pool in North Queensland when we lived up that way. Approx half a metre long and still patchy, very docile.
Jose Gonzalez
Jose Gonzalez - 6 years ago
Albie Woodhouse I didn’t imagine they were that big
Ervan AA
Ervan AA - 6 years ago
*baby shark song......
Anthony Piti
Anthony Piti - 6 years ago
Ervan AA do do do, do do do do
Lucille Wickliffe-Ewetuga
Lucille Wickliffe-Ewetuga - 6 years ago
He has evolved into Dr. Dolittle. help him......
Vilter Ignacio
Vilter Ignacio - 6 years ago
A baby shark
Thomas Langdon
Thomas Langdon - 6 years ago
Boom Emeney
Boom Emeney - 6 years ago
Sharky and George
Jay Corvin
Jay Corvin - 6 years ago
Hey Joey, would a type of screen or mesh be a good idea to put over the end of the thing (cant remember what it is exactly) on the right side of the tank so the eel won’t somehow swim into it and get stuck?
Monstar Aquatics
Monstar Aquatics - 6 years ago
You are inspiring me to do a salt water aquarium...you should turn the 375 into a salt water aquarium
SepyMeow GT
SepyMeow GT - 6 years ago
Egg Shark Do Do Do Do Do Do Do
Kr4zy Lagz
Kr4zy Lagz - 6 years ago
I don’t usually comment but That is pretty interesting
Zach Johnson
Zach Johnson - 6 years ago
Hey Joey I noticed you put both eggs vertically so the chip-clip would hold them but I think you should try one vertically and one horizontally. I have no knowledge on shark eggs but I had a few ideas why they might grow better horizontally.
1. Sharks are animals of length so as the shark embryo grows it will have more room to grow in a horizontally laid egg in comparison to a vertical egg. I wonder if a vertical egg would cause growth restriction.
2. In a vertical egg, the yolk sac is at the bottom and not fully suspended in the egg and might interfere some how with nutrient delivery to the shark embryo. A horizontal egg would suspend the yolk sac more evenly.
3. If this shark laid/deposited eggs then wouldn’t they fall or be deposited on its side rather that standing up? So it might be more natural in a horizontal position
4. Science is fun and would be an interesting experiment!

Just some food for thought. Good luck with the shark eggs!!
Gary Peters
Gary Peters - 6 years ago
I like salt water fish, just hate the look of the saltwater rock, puts me off trying saltwater, freshwater scaling so much better
Max Xiang
Max Xiang - 6 years ago
InventionsThatHelp - 6 years ago
Gary Peters no freshwater scape beats a good reefscape!
Joe N
Joe N - 6 years ago
Joey.... do you think you will still get a puffer one day...? ... for your wifes sake! :)
MoNster FiSh KeEper
MoNster FiSh KeEper - 6 years ago
Joe N sss
Ben Brooks
Ben Brooks - 6 years ago
One day I want to buy a mansion with a huge entrance hall and staircases that curve up to each floor and then put a huuuuge cylindrical saltwater aquarium, but inside it is a vertical coral atoll and I could put reef sharks and sea turtles and all these different reef species and you can go in at the top and dive/snorkel whenever you want or just admire it from the entrance hall.

P.s. I know the ethos of keeping sea turtles and reef sharks in captivity may not be what I want it to be
theEccollective - 6 years ago
Ben Brooks actually same :)
Brennen Fish N Shrimp
Brennen Fish N Shrimp - 6 years ago
MoNster FiSh KeEper
MoNster FiSh KeEper - 6 years ago
Brennen Fish N Shrimp hankdom soamkeqoa uhhhhhh
jackoghost - 6 years ago
don't you have the eggs clamped the wrong way around? i think the wiggly bits are meant for attaching it to something and they hatch from the other side, which you clamped off
angadik - 6 years ago
wrong move lion fish are viscous predators get mesh joey
Skelton Shark
Skelton Shark - 6 years ago
nick.m - 6 years ago
angadik read his pinned commet this is only a grow out for the eggs when they come close to hatching he will put them in there own tank for the hatch
michael a
michael a - 6 years ago
Hey Joey, be weary of the lion fish predating on the baby sharks; that'll put a dent in your enthusiasm.
W 18
W 18 - 6 years ago
wouldn't setting/placing them horizontally be better for more space and movement inside the sac for the baby shark?
Zaya - 6 years ago
This is now my favorite tank
Basil Destiny
Basil Destiny - 6 years ago
Oh you've gone and done it, Joey! Your show has finally jumped the shark. And I can't wait to see what happens next!
NicTheMan - 6 years ago
This is really cool
ssc9309 - 6 years ago
When the sharks are close to hatching, have a continuous stream going on either youtube or twitch! So we all have a chance to witness the moment they are born.
DAAC86 - 6 years ago
I work in an Aquarium where we are breeding Smallspottet catshark also got a few of the bigspottet catsharks sadly the bigger ones are not breeding but last year I think we got around 50 young sharks out of the breeding and I most say its the best part of my job to take care of the shark babys and fun to watch them go from eggs till free swimming
Aquamantreasurehunter - 6 years ago
So glad your more into salt now!
MrMovieman174 - 6 years ago
Joey you the man thanks for doing it for the 99%. I've heard lion fish eat baby fish on reefs. Don't let him eat baby sharks
anthony cohan
anthony cohan - 6 years ago
Read his pinned comment!
TravySThompson - 6 years ago
I guess I’ll order mine if big al’s don’t got live ones
xSkye629x - 6 years ago
Now thats pretty damn cool
The DutchGamingNoob
The DutchGamingNoob - 6 years ago
You can, When the yokesack is gone, hatch the sharks yourself
sean powers
sean powers - 6 years ago
Soo coool
David Pumo
David Pumo - 6 years ago
Make sure the sharks are protected from the Lion and eel closer to the time of hatching!
anthony cohan
anthony cohan - 6 years ago
David Pumo read his pinned comment
Antutopiaukcouk Bedfordshire
Antutopiaukcouk Bedfordshire - 6 years ago
The king of DIY wow didn’t expect you to reply
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 6 years ago
Read pinned post
Antutopiaukcouk Bedfordshire
Antutopiaukcouk Bedfordshire - 6 years ago
Amr EzzElDin I thought the same thing
Dewey Bussell
Dewey Bussell - 6 years ago
I would love to see you turn that wreck into it and both saltwater
PumpkinKing 72
PumpkinKing 72 - 6 years ago
I would look into it because I am not 100% sure but I am wondering if you are clipping the end that they normally hatch out of because the if I am correct the string like end in the wild normally hooks to seaweed or a rock and the shark comes out the other end when it is ready. Love the vids like always Cheers.
Amber Wilson
Amber Wilson - 6 years ago
what are you gonna name them
Boom Emeney
Boom Emeney - 6 years ago
Sharky and George
nathan mccook
nathan mccook - 6 years ago
Pretty cool. Coarl catsharks would've been better though they are smaller and have more color
lauren74 - 6 years ago
Hey Joey, I’ve grown these out before and I think it’d be best if you got a mesh breeder container kinda like the one they had at the store you got them from. If I remember right when they hatch they come out of the side that you have clipped closed so they won’t be able to come out as they are now. Also they’ll get eaten right away from either the snowflake or the lion as soon as they come out so the breeder container can create a safe wall between them. Also if you want them to hatch faster you can bump the temperature up to speed up their development.
Well - 6 years ago
you should do a timelapse of the sharks developing, like take a picture once every few days then put it all in a video when they hatch
James Morningstar
James Morningstar - 6 years ago
Love the shark eggs
Edwin - 6 years ago
Will the eel or lionfish eat the baby sharks?
anthony cohan
anthony cohan - 6 years ago
Edwin read his pinned comment
Rob St.Helen
Rob St.Helen - 6 years ago
Absolutely SWEETNESS looking forward to keeping up with this!!!

Rob - portland oregon
Duncan Kesler
Duncan Kesler - 6 years ago
Are you still planning on getting a pufferfish. They are my favorite fish so I would love too see it.
Aileen Davis
Aileen Davis - 6 years ago
AAAHHHH!!! Totally geeking out about this! Sharks are so awesome! You're going to have an absolute blast with them. Bamboos are some of the cutest sharks out there. Totally looking forward to watching them grow
Elise Hansson
Elise Hansson - 6 years ago
This totally makes up for all the teasing, you're forgiven lol
kevin skaggs
kevin skaggs - 6 years ago
hope the lion fish doesn't eat the sharks when they hatch.
anthony cohan
anthony cohan - 6 years ago
Read his pinned comment
nick.m - 6 years ago
kevin skaggs he said in the comments that this is only a grow out when they close to hatching he will move them
Matthew Douglas
Matthew Douglas - 6 years ago
I'm just wondering.... How come you didn't just get a breeder net? Aren't you scared of the eggs getting harmed by the other fish?
Quarta's Reef
Quarta's Reef - 6 years ago
get a submersible flashlight to light the eggs from behind when you're giving us the egg updates!
matt ellis
matt ellis - 6 years ago
Looks good. Love the snowflake.
joe lee
joe lee - 6 years ago
That lion fish gonna massacre thay shark
Sean Eyler
Sean Eyler - 6 years ago
Glad to see you taking on some new challenges!
Goobie Collier
Goobie Collier - 6 years ago
How do they get shark eggs? They don't take them from wild mothers do they?
Goobie Collier
Goobie Collier - 6 years ago
nick.m ok thanks just curious because i thought that hey carried the eggs inside of them
nick.m - 6 years ago
Goobie Collier i dont think the moms stick around anyway
Gaming with the pro
Gaming with the pro - 6 years ago
Look I have a lion fish you just have to feedet squids and shrimp and the eal loves thes type of food to
Adrian Cheng
Adrian Cheng - 6 years ago
Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo. Sorry. Couldn't resist.
abraham scott
abraham scott - 6 years ago
Adrian Cheng exactly what I was thinking the whole time!
Aree Oree
Aree Oree - 6 years ago
TheUltimate Masters
TheUltimate Masters - 6 years ago
I knew it was a shark egg!!!
TheUltimate Masters
TheUltimate Masters - 6 years ago
Ch1ll ph LOL I meant Tuesday when that video came out
Ch1ll ph
Ch1ll ph - 6 years ago
TheUltimate Masters yeah like we can't see the title

Good job
Lamont B
Lamont B - 6 years ago
Thanks for another great video!
John Hanson
John Hanson - 6 years ago
Livestream the hatch vid live
Michelle Adams
Michelle Adams - 6 years ago
The lion fish will eat like a saltwater oscar!!
Emilio Rendon
Emilio Rendon - 6 years ago
Nice shark eggs Joey so what's the mystery fish
Pheezy420 REEFER
Pheezy420 REEFER - 6 years ago
I called it!!
Jen Banana
Jen Banana - 6 years ago
When I was a little girl we used to find pods like...well similar, we called them mermaids purses. It was always so much fun!
Rhiannan Thomas
Rhiannan Thomas - 6 years ago
ZOMG I am so excited about the shark eggs!!! My LFS had one of those and I couldn't look away. So, so cool to see the little guys squirming around in there. I can't wait for them to hatch! So much better than puffers. Not that puffers aren't cool, too, though. :0)
Jason Goad
Jason Goad - 6 years ago
Hope u do a update on the sharks every week on Thursday n show the progress of the eggs.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 6 years ago
i'll do plenty on instagram. Every week on youtube for 4 months will be unnecessary when its only a 15-30 second video.
FGS GHOST - 6 years ago
Name one of em Bruce from Finding Nemo.
chris burns
chris burns - 6 years ago
You're gonna need a bigger gallery!
glockmockflock Hudson
glockmockflock Hudson - 6 years ago
The sharks shall be named Bruce and clamps until further notice
Charlotte Norton
Charlotte Norton - 6 years ago
Never a disappointment!
GoldfishRescueofWisconsin - 6 years ago
So fascinating, Im scared to death to try salt water so its nice to live vicariously through someone else on it lol
Carved Parachute
Carved Parachute - 6 years ago
I’m exited to see the 24/7 cam
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 6 years ago
Its not public. Its just a camera i will set up and record when the time comes close
glock2dog - 6 years ago
lionfish will usally eat anything it can fit in its mouth youll need to be extreamly cautious with the sharks when they hatch possibly giv them there own tank till they are too large to be eatin
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 6 years ago
Wish they would eat the food im offering it then.... it will fit in there mouth for sure. I think people are going a little over board with that is all lol
Ryan Seay
Ryan Seay - 6 years ago
My parents had a bamboo 'I think' egg when I was a kid. If I remember right, they are a lot bigger than you'd expect when they hatch. I remember looking at the egg with a flashlight and I think the shark was bent in half and almost bursting the egg by the time it hatched. We also had a similarly sized snowflake eel at the time and didn't have any issues with it trying to eat the shark. I don't have any experience with lions, so can't accurately comment, but I don't think it will eat them. I could be wrong, happens all the time ;)
CatfishMan - 6 years ago
Should look into Black wolf fish, very interesting fresh water fish
PixelBros2006 - 6 years ago
Omg a shark cool
B D own
B D own - 6 years ago
Joey, invest in a USB microscope camera. There cheap and the content you could get from it would be great
Kamil Olczak
Kamil Olczak - 6 years ago
Give us an update on all tanks plz
Elsa Oliveira
Elsa Oliveira - 6 years ago
Oh wow!!! I'm not missing this!!! Amazing!
Connor Rouze
Connor Rouze - 6 years ago
R u still going to get the puffer?
Mayella Salazar
Mayella Salazar - 6 years ago
Spawn_Of_Satan - 6 years ago
wont the lionfish eat them once they hatch?
B D own
B D own - 6 years ago
Spawn_Of_Satan wouldn't he eat them still in the eggs? Or the eel? Looks sketch
Jean Ham
Jean Ham - 6 years ago
My two boys are super excited to see them hatch
Greg Smith
Greg Smith - 6 years ago
You're like the Steve Erwin of aquariums lol
Eric Johnson
Eric Johnson - 6 years ago
so true lol

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