Incredible Footage of Sharks Leaping Out the Water

Clips taken from the following shows: Air Jaws, Deadly Waters, Jaws Comes Home, Island of the Mega Shark, Nature's Perfect Predators and Sharks of the Shadowland. Subscribe to Discovery TV for more great clips: Follow Discovery on Twitter:

Incredible Footage of Sharks Leaping Out the Water sentiment_very_dissatisfied 131

Shark videos 8 years ago 515,754 views

Clips taken from the following shows: Air Jaws, Deadly Waters, Jaws Comes Home, Island of the Mega Shark, Nature's Perfect Predators and Sharks of the Shadowland. Subscribe to Discovery TV for more great clips: Follow Discovery on Twitter:

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Most popular comments
for Incredible Footage of Sharks Leaping Out the Water

james cameron
james cameron - 6 years ago
That sucks they should've just tied a noose around a live seal and let the shark eat it.
Al Bundy
Al Bundy - 6 years ago
should push those idiots into the ocean who are teasing the shark
Chris Gunter
Chris Gunter - 6 years ago
Good way to chase the shark away from his natural feeding ground you idiots. I hope your boat sinks. Leave him ALONE.
Hobib Ali
Hobib Ali - 6 years ago
the sharks then choke on the rubber seal and dies, another shark swallowed the fake rubber seal, didnt digest, blocked his anal passage then unable to take a fucking dump it died.
Mikeita M.
Mikeita M. - 6 years ago
Why do I feel bad tht the shark kept jumping up for food just to get some fake ones instead lol
Danielle Ferrell
Danielle Ferrell - 6 years ago
They definitely needed a bigger boat that shark is massisive amazing creature
Jacob Rogers
Jacob Rogers - 6 years ago
They need to give that shark some food wtf teasing him for a video! Fk people
Abbet Alingalan
Abbet Alingalan - 6 years ago
Is that a Plastic Fake Seal????
Jonathan Frakes
Jonathan Frakes - 6 years ago
Dicky must HODL.

10. comment for Incredible Footage of Sharks Leaping Out the Water

MyLifeForAuir87 - 6 years ago
SOURAV PAUL - 7 years ago
massive cunt
massive cunt - 7 years ago
man Gordon Ramsay likes the discovery channel
Abubakr Kassem
Abubakr Kassem - 7 years ago
My favourite animal
Kvyanna Clanton
Kvyanna Clanton - 7 years ago
Kvyanna Clanton
Kvyanna Clanton - 7 years ago
Drew 2u
Drew 2u - 7 years ago
Its a puppet I can see the string !! lol
SarahG1183 - 7 years ago
Sharks breaching is always a beautiful sight. Always amazed by it. The sheer power to propel themselves out and flip around is huge. And that mouth action. DAMN so incredible.
NA NA - 7 years ago
FACT: Humans can NO LONGER swim in the ocean randomly! Sharks have UPPED their intelligence! Humans have Zero chance now!
Rayan Likaimi8
Rayan Likaimi8 - 7 years ago

20. comment for Incredible Footage of Sharks Leaping Out the Water

Voodoo Stickman
Voodoo Stickman - 7 years ago
15 Minutes Can Save You 15% Or More On Car Insurance.
NA NA - 7 years ago
Eva Julia Olivares
Eva Julia Olivares - 7 years ago
I hope that you actually gave him something later. Likea big piece of tuna or something, because a jump like that requires a lot of energy for a shark.
Tracy HuntFam
Tracy HuntFam - 7 years ago
To bad he didnt get to eat awsome though
Christian Gabriel
Christian Gabriel - 7 years ago
"Xerses has taken the bait"
Jeremy Montes
Jeremy Montes - 7 years ago
And this is why sharks attack anything.
Biggieboss power
Biggieboss power - 7 years ago
I freaking love Sharks awesome Animals!
Amber Somers
Amber Somers - 7 years ago
All sharks r cute but the great white is absolutely gorgeous I would love 2 go cage diving in the middle of a great white feeding frenzy
Late Jasen
Late Jasen - 6 years ago
Amber Somers your on one hella of suicide mission aren’t you.
Jerome Jesse Importante
Jerome Jesse Importante - 7 years ago
Decoy! These people are so stupid
Dick Butt
Dick Butt - 7 years ago
Fuck these things are HUGE!
JTV - 7 years ago
The man is stained in blood!!!Thats tough

30. comment for Incredible Footage of Sharks Leaping Out the Water

Matias Acosta
Matias Acosta - 7 years ago
I'm high as fuck
S L - 7 years ago
3:50 is so gnarly
Paulo Henrrique
Paulo Henrrique - 7 years ago
Good morning friends
King Poopykins
King Poopykins - 7 years ago
Gordon Ramsay likes this
danny Flies
danny Flies - 7 years ago
Bullshit. 100 MILLION SHARK DEATHS? SERIOUSLY? WHO'S killing them,and how? That would mean there's well over 2-3 BILLON GREAT WHITES or similar types in the oceans. Bollocks!!!
markjc6 - 7 years ago
They've better used edible fake seals. So fukin cruel if the sharks choke to death from eating a plastic seal. People are fukin morons!
Dragon Slayer
Dragon Slayer - 7 years ago
Cool name Colossus.
Rafael Gapud
Rafael Gapud - 7 years ago
don't angry i do draw a great white shark
Rhiannon Kay
Rhiannon Kay - 7 years ago
I hate sharks. They're ugly and eat all the cute sea animals.
A Link In The Comments
A Link In The Comments - 7 years ago
Tip of the day: Don't become shark poop.
PrettyBoyBeats - 7 years ago
Nematullah Mehri
Nematullah Mehri - 7 years ago
Wow for human being is it way difficult To jump from waterYou need alot of strength
NICOLE - 7 years ago
That was Awesome
Officer Unit 325
Officer Unit 325 - 7 years ago
dAbSpUr 1882
dAbSpUr 1882 - 7 years ago
Just think of how much energy these animals have to use to throw themselves out of the water! And they get nothing for their efforts!
Zia Shahzad
Zia Shahzad - 7 years ago
These are truly incredible especially with there spectacular talents and features but I prefer orca whales more than the sharks
Michael Collier
Michael Collier - 7 years ago
They need to train them to brush their teeth. Terrible gum disease.
jacques du toit
jacques du toit - 7 years ago
I love great white sharks they are awesome predators and true beauty
Nikhil Prabhu
Nikhil Prabhu - 7 years ago
Idiots on the boat !!
Nikhil Prabhu
Nikhil Prabhu - 7 years ago
How stupid, nonsense, cheating the Sharks with decoy just for visual fun, hope it's not going adverse effect to alter the normal instincts of grate white in this part of the ocean
Doctor Psycho
Doctor Psycho - 7 years ago
This is for scientific study.

50. comment for Incredible Footage of Sharks Leaping Out the Water

Odog Shoota
Odog Shoota - 7 years ago
Holy cock fuzz
Nicole Baumgarten
Nicole Baumgarten - 7 years ago
Idk why you guys doubt me. I could totally survive being attacked ny a shark like this
Ali Danish
Ali Danish - 7 years ago
Shark was like what the fucking fuck comes into my mouth all the time. Where does that mother fucking seal go
Paul Little
Paul Little - 7 years ago
Incredible animals, was it hooper that said, a miracle of evolution, wouldn't like to see one up close
shawn eldridge
shawn eldridge - 7 years ago
Kurt Robinson
Kurt Robinson - 7 years ago
i am gonna stick to the pool, the size of that shark is terrifying, you wouldn't have a chance -
JacksonEbert - 7 years ago
Absolutely stunning
W1ll P0w3R
W1ll P0w3R - 7 years ago
Everyone is happy but the shark
jolly fresh
jolly fresh - 7 years ago
if y.o8r dion you lose tow fingers the shark oses eyesight like teh archon it is blind dumb and retrded yet its has half abrain
jolly fresh
jolly fresh - 7 years ago
left i mean eyesight is fukked nevr swim in the sea without s ahrp knife it slike walking out at night without mace are ewe t,his stupid
jolly fresh
jolly fresh - 7 years ago
when swimming carry a sharp knife if it takes abite the shark has no eyes
jolly fresh
jolly fresh - 7 years ago
grace its like taht earchon it can only harness fake humans true source energy would se this fool for what it is
Jawn Guillory
Jawn Guillory - 7 years ago
dude... fuck that!!
John Carlo Metante
John Carlo Metante - 7 years ago
What happen when shark eat rubber or plastic
Doctor Psycho
Doctor Psycho - 7 years ago
They spit it out.
Denice Olivares
Denice Olivares - 7 years ago
Larry Johnson
Larry Johnson - 7 years ago
I saw a great white shark that was at least 18 feet long breach at Panama City Beach, FL a few days ago.
It came completely out of the water in a perfectly vertical position and then fell vertically back into the water.
I now believe there may have been two of them because it came out of the water partially once and seconds
later breached completely with its prey inside its jaws. Isn't it impossible for one shark to breach completely
without going deep down into the ocean to pick up enough speed?
Steven Miller
Steven Miller - 7 years ago
A 4,000 lb fish with razor sharp teeth and jaws big enouh to swallow a human whole going 35-40 mph coming up from below it's prey without a sound? Is there a more perfect eating machine in existence?
A Link In The Comments
A Link In The Comments - 7 years ago
I once ate a bucket of chicken in five minutes.
KRK KLN - 7 years ago
James Bongiorno
James Bongiorno - 7 years ago
wanna hang out.
James Bongiorno
James Bongiorno - 7 years ago
James Bongiorno
James Bongiorno - 7 years ago
James Bongiorno
James Bongiorno - 7 years ago
the reflection of a fish in water.deadly don't ever let it walk near me all it is is death.
Josh Holt
Josh Holt - 7 years ago
I wonder why Gordon Ramsey liked this....
Lauren Gibson
Lauren Gibson - 7 years ago
Wat is the fake seal made of?
Last Son Of Krypton
Last Son Of Krypton - 7 years ago
When I lived here I swam around seal island every morning ;)
Kimmy Konnor
Kimmy Konnor - 7 years ago
who is that seal that suggested they all should live in this area? what an asshole
Kimmy Konnor
Kimmy Konnor - 7 years ago
who designs shark cages for these scientists,, some 8 year olds??
Zio Romesp
Zio Romesp - 7 years ago
Spettacolare....... Spettacolare........
H. Wolfe
H. Wolfe - 7 years ago
What an amazingly beautiful shark
Tony Powell
Tony Powell - 7 years ago
Beautiful creature.
Ethan Johnson
Ethan Johnson - 7 years ago
Epic video I want to see a shark breach so bad! Seen a bunch of dolphins jumping at PCB a week or so ago. The ocean is fucking awesome!
Darius Alunday
Darius Alunday - 7 years ago
An orca can easily fuck an great white
Finn Clark
Finn Clark - 7 years ago
Darius Alunday one on one, both kill each other, orca in a pod shark is fucked.
CJ Carpenter
CJ Carpenter - 7 years ago
Just goes to show why they attack humans .
Tina Huston
Tina Huston - 7 years ago
Oh, shit, it's Dickie, again. This is the guy who went out onto shark-infested waters on a piece of floating plastic that was cut in the shape of a shark. The plastic shark cutout was attached to the boat by a thin string. Dickie was surrounded by 3 large great whites. How much ARE they paying Dickie to do these completely unnecessary stunts?! He must be desperate to pay for his mother's surgery or something.
stranger things edits
stranger things edits - 7 years ago
Oh hell noo
Saber Sin
Saber Sin - 7 years ago
don't you just hate it when you post a comment and people suddenly start going against you for no reason.
OliveKS - 7 years ago
magnificent creatures
bottle2lip - 7 years ago
they are gonna need a bigger boat
Katey Ziegler
Katey Ziegler - 7 years ago
absolutely stunning footage!
grE68 - 7 years ago
Sharks snack corner
CakedFace - 7 years ago
Is it weird I find this soothing?
Shark trooper 6
Shark trooper 6 - 7 years ago
One of the generals of the shark army
Coffee is a drug like marijuana
Coffee is a drug like marijuana - 7 years ago
Id take my .50 cal out there and snipe them for fun
Doctor Psycho
Doctor Psycho - 7 years ago
Be careful not to cut yourself cause you're fucking edgy.
Kathy Dillon
Kathy Dillon - 7 years ago
Image Kid
Image Kid - 7 years ago
This is fucking hell for Seals xD
Tis but a dream
Tis but a dream - 7 years ago
Looks like perfectly good water to take a little dip.
Callie - 7 years ago
Tis but a dream
No, it's cold.
dunruden - 7 years ago
That is one HUGE fish!
Diletta Dile
Diletta Dile - 7 years ago
You are crazy people standing that close to it ! No way
Officer Unit 325
Officer Unit 325 - 7 years ago
Bro chill out you have no reason to be scared of sharks they bite humans out of curiosity
Shark trooper 6
Shark trooper 6 - 7 years ago
Diletta Dile is that an insult? The shark army will show no mercy on mankind
Frederick Weeks Jr.
Frederick Weeks Jr. - 7 years ago
Diletta Dile AGREED
RED RUBY121 - 7 years ago
these are not fish...these are god damn monsters. the power, the size, the speed, the fucking teeth. this is why these massive scary beautiful creatures are one of my favorites
RED RUBY121 - 7 years ago
Shark trooper 6 LOL
Shark trooper 6
Shark trooper 6 - 7 years ago
RED RUBY121 humanity has yet to see my shark army
RED RUBY121 - 7 years ago
one of my favorite parts
RED RUBY121 - 7 years ago
1:21 my favorite part of this video
RED RUBY121 - 7 years ago
Young Once exactly
Live Life
Live Life - 7 years ago
Quite agree..they are monstrous, but not monsters. They kill for survival. They don't do it for pleasure. I've always said that if great white sharks had kind smiles and big teeth like horses, they wouldn't look quite as terrifying lol.
Shadow Blinky
Shadow Blinky - 7 years ago
I remember watching the
Collussus documentary.

100. comment for Incredible Footage of Sharks Leaping Out the Water

Tapas Panda
Tapas Panda - 7 years ago
plz dont trouble them they happy in their life
Y100819116 - 7 years ago
Why do they have to play that stupid adventure/horror music in the background? & then the public is afraid of sharks... well no sh&t. Let the shark jump. Take your video & go. Why do u have to add that ridiculous music?
FelineKelly - 7 years ago
Y100819116 to add affect dumb ass
Nicole Kelley
Nicole Kelley - 7 years ago
What time did he leap up from the water and when did he start eating?
FatherBootyHands - 7 years ago
Palmtree Fanatic
Palmtree Fanatic - 7 years ago
These are the most Beautiful creatures of the ocean
Maroon Immature Content
Maroon Immature Content - 7 years ago
Palmtree Fanatic ikr
Officer Unit 325
Officer Unit 325 - 7 years ago
Kimmy Konnor
Kimmy Konnor - 7 years ago
you're a weirdo lol
Shark trooper 6
Shark trooper 6 - 7 years ago
Major Dilemma You don't even want to know what the shark army can do.
Kimmy Konnor
Kimmy Konnor - 7 years ago
until your inside one of their mouths you won't find it too pretty there
Shark trooper 6
Shark trooper 6 - 7 years ago
Palmtree Fanatic thank you. Humans arnt (that) bad either
Sara Gagnon
Sara Gagnon - 7 years ago
sharks are scary and amazing
Robert Walker
Robert Walker - 7 years ago
That's crazy!!
Kasper Fjell
Kasper Fjell - 7 years ago
you guys are feeding him plastic
Paola Mondragon
Paola Mondragon - 7 years ago
Kasper Fjell actually shark throw away the fake seal or anything that doesn't taste like seal, with humans too. They go in and bite and then spit out the human cause they don't like the taste.
Maryclaire79 - 7 years ago
Koviljka Smiljkovic
Koviljka Smiljkovic - 7 years ago
Maryclaire79 99
CRAZYWILDMAN49 - 7 years ago
my baby......OUR BABY. I love you Colossus.
Shark trooper 6
Shark trooper 6 - 7 years ago
CRAZYWILDMAN49 Colossus is a general of the shark army
11DNA11 - 7 years ago
These are such magnificent animals..
Vilovery Landscape
Vilovery Landscape - 7 years ago
RED RUBY121 - 7 years ago
Vilovery Landscape damn straight
Bryan Graziano
Bryan Graziano - 7 years ago
Beautiful Shark, the perfect Apex Predator
Mikey Patchy
Mikey Patchy - 7 years ago
I want them to name a shark "snacker".
adica - 7 years ago
I hope they threw some real food at the end for them.. cuz they wasted so much time and effort for you to get those shots :P
Joanie Depool
Joanie Depool - 7 years ago
Sauceasszzz Tv
Sauceasszzz Tv - 7 years ago
Don't be scared. Sharks aren't really all that scary or mean, they're just hungry. They have to eat something and that something is seals, and shark attacks on humans is most of the time when sharks bite, they are just curious. Some people say sharks can mistake people for seals, but sharks know there's a difference in the electric field around our bodies. They bite people out of curiosity to see if they are prey. Actually, I've seen people petting sharks before. Sharks are just made out to be mean and scary, when really humans get attacked when they go into the water, which is the shark's natural habitat, so really who is to blame but ourselves?
Naomi Myles
Naomi Myles - 7 years ago
"How was your day at the office, honey?"

"Pretty good."

"Get any good shark shots?"

"Ya, quite a few."

"That's good. Wanna do pizza for supper?"

"Sure. How was your day?"

That's how I imagine the end of the photogs' day, and it's kinda perfect.
JustinBieber - 6 years ago
Naomi Myles retard
Justin Bay
Justin Bay - 8 years ago
This is what top water bass fishing feels like.
frankdrebin - 8 years ago
This is exactly what we should do w/ death row inmates. Put them in cute seal or sea lion outfits, and drag them behind the boat in shark alley south africa. Put it on pay per view, and donate the revenue to the families of the victims.
Sebastian Gonzalez
Sebastian Gonzalez - 7 years ago
frankdrebin what the fuck dude
Kimmy Konnor
Kimmy Konnor - 7 years ago
we have a politician here in the philippines that does that to criminals.. except he uses crocodiles.. search RODY DUTERTE here on youtube lol
A random person!
A random person! - 7 years ago
Chaotic good
Shark trooper 6
Shark trooper 6 - 7 years ago
frankdrebin unlike most sharks I like the taste of human so yeah, if you humans are okay with it we are too!
Live Life
Live Life - 7 years ago
I believe everyone deserves forgiveness . I once read an article about a mother whose son was murdered. Initially she was angry and wanted the murderer to sufferer until she went to see him in prison and after speaking to him for a while she decided to forgive the killer and this, she said, made her feel a million times better instead of constantly feeling revengeful and angry she turned that anger into a positive .
ifeel sic
ifeel sic - 7 years ago
I agree well said my friend
ifeel sic
ifeel sic - 7 years ago
no America is messed up because of people like dont care about the people these killers raped..murdered....beat...made there last mins on this earth want to let them like YOU are the reason why america is in the condition its in..who cares about the families lives he tore apart...lets save his life sad to see idiots like you breed
Live Life
Live Life - 7 years ago
By doing such a thing we'd be no better than the person on death row, assuming they are locked away for murder.
Fooz Ball
Fooz Ball - 7 years ago
what if people got to chose to go to the electric chair or get Sharkey baited. .put a a Lil go pro on it
A Voice In The Wilderness Angela van Es
A Voice In The Wilderness Angela van Es - 7 years ago
Victor Cano it would be an incredibly good deterrent against crime and cost way less in tax payer money. S.A. did away with death penalty and leave it to vigilante township justice where people put people in metal barrels and set them on fire....shark attack less painful and far more merciful then what happens here in South Africa while the police are bribed to turn a blind eye!
Victor Cano
Victor Cano - 7 years ago
frankdrebin child molesters for sure shark bait
Biggieboss power
Biggieboss power - 7 years ago
Because of People like you America is so fucked crazy that you realy can wish someone to get killed and eaten by a shark your not better then the Humans they kill and rob People if you wanna Change the World change your self first!
junk toyota
junk toyota - 7 years ago
Says Adolf Hitler
Ethan Bassadone
Ethan Bassadone - 7 years ago
e very fact that you think about shit like that is why you shouldn't be in the position to judge people
G _
G _ - 8 years ago
Sophie K
Sophie K - 8 years ago
Grace Kugler
Grace Kugler - 8 years ago
I feel bad, the shark did all that and got a fake seal
Hector Solis
Hector Solis - 7 years ago
Rhiannon Kay you’re sad
XxSlayerKillzxX - 7 years ago
Rhiannon Kay at least the shark is not lazy as you are living in you're mothers basement and watching hentai and being a weabo
Tyler Domoney
Tyler Domoney - 7 years ago
Sharks do more for this world than you ever will, maybe research the benefits of Sharks and Apex preditors before commenting.
Rhiannon Kay
Rhiannon Kay - 7 years ago
202020morehourstogo Then hopefully it will die
Rhiannon Kay
Rhiannon Kay - 7 years ago
Grace Kugler Fuck sharks I don't feel bad for the stupid shark at all they should have harpooned the shit out of that beast
William Griffin
William Griffin - 7 years ago
not a bad idea.. a news shark which would breach and suck all the FAKE
NEWS OUT OF MAINSTREAM MEDIA. and we could then throw them
a few editors and FAKE NEWS CASTERS ??
Bradley Seebaran
Bradley Seebaran - 7 years ago
Grace Kugler in the middle of the fakes there is a piece of meat
202020morehourstogo - 7 years ago
But what if the shark eats the plastic?
Frederick Weeks Jr.
Frederick Weeks Jr. - 7 years ago
Grace Kugler RIGHT. Big shark tho!
Bryan Neideffer
Bryan Neideffer - 7 years ago
Grace Kugler if was an experiment to show how great whites attack seals
Motaki Gonavakin
Motaki Gonavakin - 7 years ago
I feel bad for the person that's going to end up in it's stomach for deception revenge.
AssassinCred15 - 7 years ago
Grace Kugler I'm pretty sure they put meat on the fake seal
Andy Skied
Andy Skied - 8 years ago
I'd like to see what would happen if they used a decoy in the shape of a person.
William Griffin
William Griffin - 7 years ago
yeah like a lying unethical former secretary of State ??
A Voice In The Wilderness Angela van Es
A Voice In The Wilderness Angela van Es - 7 years ago
Andy Skied Yes, I believe if I am not mistaken it is 2 or 3 km in a boat from Fishhoek and or Hout Bay. I have been in a boat to it from Hout Bay twice but did not see any either time.
A Voice In The Wilderness Angela van Es
A Voice In The Wilderness Angela van Es - 7 years ago
Andy Skied I have not encountered one but I did see one that was huge swimming in another bay while driving up the coast road which was very close to the see. saw the fin and back....gave me chills and I do not venture very far out from the beach at all anymore in that area!
Andy Skied
Andy Skied - 7 years ago
That's pretty wild. Seal Island is that white shark feeding ground off of South Africa, yes? Have you ever encountered one? Sorry for all the questions...I'm just curious.
A Voice In The Wilderness Angela van Es
A Voice In The Wilderness Angela van Es - 7 years ago
Not to far from where this video was taken swimmers, that swam in Fishhoek Bay for years, where eaten during their morning swim.  Some of the local surfers say they won't surf this side anymore on account of it. Now they have a shark watcher that sits on top of the mountain overlooking the bay, during peak tourist / swimming season, and sets off a bell when he sees a shark, and all the people come running out the water.  It is crazy, I have swum in the bay before, and my son and husband too, not going to anymore though.
Andy Skied
Andy Skied - 7 years ago
+A Voice In The Wilderness Angela van Es I don't. I'd like to hear more though.
A Voice In The Wilderness Angela van Es
A Voice In The Wilderness Angela van Es - 7 years ago
Andy Skied they would bite it. Do you know about the people eaten in Fishhoek bay not far from seal island in the past 10 years.
Cookie Cat
Cookie Cat - 8 years ago
Scary I hate sharks I never want to swim in oceans(EVER)
Roger S Rivera
Roger S Rivera - 7 years ago
People hate or fear something when they dont experience and knowledge. But you just need to control the fear its a natural survival instinct
kara lee
kara lee - 7 years ago
ive been terrified to be swimming and see a giant shark
Shark trooper 6
Shark trooper 6 - 7 years ago
Izzy Kitty then I guess we will go on land
Armando Salgado
Armando Salgado - 7 years ago
+Eliza Genereaux
KelpNougatCrunch - 7 years ago
Eliza Genereaux I hate spiders
11DNA11 - 7 years ago
+Eliza Genereaux
Don't hate them. Just respect them.

Why hate something that does what ANY human would do? Kill another species to live. They're big and scary, but they don't need to be hated upon. Even people who have survived a great white attack are not hating them, why should you?
Genevieve Rivard-Gilbert
Genevieve Rivard-Gilbert - 7 years ago
Eliza Genereaux you'll never find me in an ocean either
Nathan - 8 years ago
Those people were enjoying it in the safety of the boat. Imagine if, by any reason, that boat turned upside down. Things would be different, I guess. :p
Salman Shaikh
Salman Shaikh - 8 years ago
And Crocodiles and Octopus too!
L.A.B ART - 8 years ago
why the fuck would you even be out there ?
M8 LOLZ 2 - 8 years ago
Gordon Ramsay Liked This Video.
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
514,698 subs and only a couple thousand views0.O
Koviljka Smiljkovic
Koviljka Smiljkovic - 7 years ago
Clorox Bleach 05ĺlp06
Tanmay H Pappu Leo Taurus
Tanmay H Pappu Leo Taurus - 8 years ago
Ethan Bowdren
Ethan Bowdren - 8 years ago
invisibleaznDJ - 8 years ago
pretty awesome.
imtiyaz rehman
imtiyaz rehman - 8 years ago

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Some Amazing Video Links: 5 Cases where Wild Animals saved Humans 5...

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DINOSAURS vs SHARKS GAME | Surprise Dinosaur +...

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DINOSAURS vs SHARKS GAME | Surprise Dinosaur + Shark Toys | Slime Wheel Games for Kids Video. Guess which dinosaur or...

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SHARKS IN THE WATER SLIDE!?! Mike's Leap of...

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Here is a look at our Day 3 in Bahamas! Thumbs up if you enjoyed! Don't forget to watch the 1st video with Day 1 and...

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Great White Sharks 360 Video 4K!! - Close...

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Check out the sequel to Great White Sharks on Steam VR -

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Jonathan travels to Mexico for an up close encounter with Bull sharks, infamous for the fact that they are known to...

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Top 5 Horrific Shark Attack Footage Caught On...

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Have you ever imagined being attacked by the shark? In this video we take a look of the top 5 horrific great white...

About Incredible Footage of Sharks Leaping Out the Water

The "Incredible Footage of Sharks Leaping Out the Water" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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