Insane Whale Shark Crash Attack!
Shark videos 10 years ago 2,361,764 views
Watch closely as this spearfisher has a close call with a whale shark in the Atlantic Ocean. For licensing/usage please contact: licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom
Shark videos 10 years ago 2,361,764 views
Watch closely as this spearfisher has a close call with a whale shark in the Atlantic Ocean. For licensing/usage please contact: licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom
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Goliath grouper eating a black tip shark in one bite off the coast of Bonita Springs Florida. August 2014. This...
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342,276 likes 44,613,421 views 9 years ago
Time to CATCH and RELEASE some SHARKS! ► Click HERE for crazy fishing VIDEOS! ► Click HERE to...
35,332 likes 44,187,032 views 18 years ago
This 450 pound black marlin was caught off Cairns, Australia. After about 22 minutes it panicks and goes down deep,...
The "Insane Whale Shark Crash Attack!" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for Insane Whale Shark Crash Attack!
20. comment for Insane Whale Shark Crash Attack!
30. comment for Insane Whale Shark Crash Attack!
whale shark: sup bro........
50. comment for Insane Whale Shark Crash Attack!
If you meet one that close, I guarantee you, you at least pee in your pants xD same case here
Fu__ you
100. comment for Insane Whale Shark Crash Attack!
Shark: OH SHIT * Crash * SORRY
Diver: Screams
Shark: Ok then, goodbye :(
From your link "A gentle touch touch could break its skin protection and develop bad bacteria which could eventually kill this awesome creature."
Now your post: "you SHOULDN'T touch a whale shark as it will destroy their special barrier and most likely die"
eventually die != most likeley die
Still interesting to know.
It might develop bad bacteria n eventually kill it
00:00 - 00:09 "That's not a whale shark silly billy!"
00:14 - 00:20 "WTF WAS THAT"
Jk. Plankton tho......
The Fel Reaver had some kind of bug which was never fixed, where you could only hear it if you were looking at it, so sometimes you'd be walking along merrily and suddenly (to the tune of Snake Eater) FEL REAVER~~~~!!!
Most people on the comments act tough but they know they would sh*t bricks
(almost became his last word...)
whale shark 2: hmm watch this
(jaws theme plays)
Basically, this big guy was just swimming and thinking, "they are smaller, they'll get out of the way."
They let them run naked through the streets and shoot them with nerf guns...biaaatch
they wear camo EVERYWHERE
of all things he said you chose that dafuq xD
hey bro... bananas are berries and they grow off a herb plant, what u gonna do about it.
And in my honest opinion talking polite and kind with the kind of you is useless, actually talking with you at all is useless, but i like to flame unteachable stupid people like you just to release some stress, so i can stay clean with myself and stay in balance :)
It is clear that you are living a life desperately in need of education on how to be polite and kind to your fellow Internet user. It is unfortunate that you behave in such an uncontrolled and animalistic manner.
And are you trying to educate me right now? HAHAHA you better get a brain before trying to tell me anything i can do or cannot do, try again when you read a children's book about whales HAHA
But dont hurt yourself trying, your peanut sized brain might hurt by too much input...
I can pay it, i can do and say whatever i want on the internet, you better live with it old-man. But for me, you're nothing more than a stupid child, too stubborn to believe whats right, grow up man grow up
Do not threaten my children. You have no right to even discuss my children. You need to act like a mature adult, or you need to leave the Internet and wait until you are an adult before you are allowed to use the Internet, young man.
And having a different opinion about facts is stupid haha it's like i'm saying 2+2 in the decimal numeral system is 4 and youre having a different opinion about it and saying it's 5, thats plain stupidity...
So it's not about being immature or rude, it's about being realistic, but hey keep believing the whale shark is a whale with gills and these people try to kill a "whale" with harpoons, retard xD
just dont teach your kids stupid shit like that...they might get hurt
That is a false quote, and calling people stupid for having differing opinions is immature, as well as being as rude as you were being.
i just always ask myself where these obvious trolls or REALLY stupid people are always coming from, i'm thankful tho
the stupidity of humanity is as einstein once said endless anyway
Seriously? O.o You just said that? "Also, everything underwater has gills" If you are not a troll then you really don't know what you are talking about. Whales and other MAMMALS (not fish) who live under water DO NOT have gills. They have lungs and come to the surface to breath through a "blow hole". maybe this will help you in your ignorance. "Trust me, I know about these animals" couldn't be further from the truth. Educate yourself please.
It sounds like you have a vocabulary problem as well as a zoology problem. Trust me, I know about these animals. You clearly are unable to convey your knowledge through that stream of vulgarity.
Srsly i hope you dont have any kids you can pass your stupidity onto...
I dont know who shat into your brain, but YOU should start inform yourself, whales are NOT fish, ERGO this is not a whale, IT HAS FUCKING GILLS YOU MORON!!! If the size would define a fucking fish, your brain would be too small to consider yourself a human...
You should stop thinking of yourself of a 'conservationist', because youre not more than a stupid retard who doesnt want to see the reality but is making up his own fucking 'conservative' world not seeing the truth here, get real for fucjs sake. There ARE a lot of fuckers out there hunting dying species, but these are none. A fish a third of your weight can drown you with his power, how much power do you think A FISH (IT HAS GILLSSSSSS) this size can do with 3 men with some toothpicks?!
I'm by no means religious but im praying someone like you is never giving birth to the kind of you...
Trust me, I know what I've read and I don't need to read any further books to know the difference between whales and fish. I think you are trying to twist reality around into a version where people with whom you disagree (conservationists) are, in reality, destroying species somehow through their... efforts to conserve them? Really? I don't think you've thought out your logic here. Whales are not fish, ergo that is not a fish in this video. It's as simple as that.
and dont talk shit about "it's wikipedia, didnt teachers tell you dont trust wikipedia?" if so look whale shark up in a fucking book, it'll tell you the same about the whale shark being a fish. Whales/Dolphins are among other things defined by their lungs, they have to come up for breathing air, while fish/sharks have gills to get Oxygen through the water, sharks just have to keep moving because their gills are passive i think. And the whale shark (animal in the video!) is a fish/shark, actually the biggest living fish in the present.
i dont know what green jerk you are, but at least inform yourself before talking shit. people like you just make the fight for preserving the life of other species harder.
people who think green but dont know shit are the worst...
I'm bored so why not get into this. So a couple of things. One, a whale shark is not a whale. It's just a giant fish. Specifically, a shark. So stop calling it a whale. Second thing, they are vulnerable, not endangered. And finally, these guys were most likely spearfishing for tuna or had the spears ready in case of danger. In either case, the whale shark was not their target. As to why the guy had it pointed at the shark, it was only for a moment and only because he was just holding onto it, he did not have it ready and aimed in any way that would suggest intent on causing harm to the whale shark.
There's nothing wrong with being passionate about conservation and wanting to preserve the life of other species, especially if they are vulnerable, endangered or otherwise threatened, but please be better informed on the subject. It'll help the cause.
I hate to say it but it is, in fact, you who has the blinders on. If you watch the second half of the video, almost the entire frame is occupied by a whale, while they are pointing spears at it. Not surprisingly, the video cuts out right before they kill it.
Same with that bullshit "dive from bridge to meet great white" video.
1. It's too well coordinated.
2. You don't yelp out a cliche scream in situations like that.
3. Whale sharks are fucking filter feeders (like whales). They don't attack people.
Inb4 people start killing whale sharks because they're ignant as fuck.
Ive seen ppl scream alot longer and alot worse over a bug. It's very likely one would scream like this over a whale shark.
If yell duration is the only evidence for your claim, and yet you call people on the contrary side fucking dumb, then I have nothing else to say to you.
No fucking way you make that sound if you're actually blindsided like that.
I mean, at most it's like "AH!"
Bitch, you don't go "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"
How fucking dumb are you guys.
Visibility in sea water is often very low. While the cameraman could have seen the shark coming long before, he had his back turned on it, so it was up to the person 9 meters away to recognize it coming out of the fog behind him. The scream is cliche because people actually scream like that when they're scared for their life, he didn't have time to twiddle his thumbs and come up with an original scream, the thing was right on top of him. Whale sharks aren't inherently dangerous, but honestly would you not scream if an animal the size of a bus was suddenly right behind you, about to ram into your face?
They knew the thing was coming early on. They just acted like they didnt see it coming.
''Haha.. Dat looks like a dildo..!''
هذا خلق الله
This video is a scam because no one may have been injured.
Kind regards,
Your Mum's VJJ
The Blue Whale is the largest existing animal and the heaviest that ever existed
I would be so Scared if that Happen to him it would be like
Hole Lee Shit - I almost have A Heart-attack
Heart Pumping into Fast
Blood Pressure increasing
Panic Mode activating
Lucky the Whale Shark didn't injury him
"wait what?" looks over shoulder "OH SHIT CUNT'S FUCKED"
A: A DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No but seriously absolutely anyone wouldve shit them selves in that situation.
But thanks to a weird fear of giant mouths, this is still a bulk-purchase quantity of NOPE
One only question, where is it ? Mexico ? Atlantic ocean is quite big..
It's only a whale shark, they're one of the most harmless fish in the sea.
dolan pls
If he was actualy screaming there would be air bubbles spewing out.
Scary for a second, yes, but you're in THEIR territory
------>The joke-Your head
No it's not, Blue Whale is the biggest mammal/fish/animal/organism on this planet currently
I know this is a whale shark, I hope I do, I'm a marine biologist :-)