Insane Whale Shark Crash Attack!

Watch closely as this spearfisher has a close call with a whale shark in the Atlantic Ocean. For licensing/usage please contact: licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom

Insane Whale Shark Crash Attack! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 376

Shark videos 10 years ago 2,361,764 views

Watch closely as this spearfisher has a close call with a whale shark in the Atlantic Ocean. For licensing/usage please contact: licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom

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Most popular comments
for Insane Whale Shark Crash Attack!

Maor Refael
Maor Refael - 7 years ago
luiz henrique Puchalski
luiz henrique Puchalski - 7 years ago
imagina o susto
Z - 7 years ago
Alot of sharks killed each year and even daily for finning and they kill 1 of us and we call them monsters
J. A. Harbour
J. A. Harbour - 7 years ago
Why would the diver yell ? Idiot..
Luuk Prins
Luuk Prins - 7 years ago
thats no attack he just dident see it coming just stupid
DragonArtist - 7 years ago
HAHAHA! This was just hilarious, how could he miss that?! The whale looked hilarious with his face up to the camera too
DragonArtist - 7 years ago
I just realised I assumed a whale's gender
Alexandra Cabanelas
Alexandra Cabanelas - 7 years ago
Why did u have to grab it by the fin. Leave it alone
crescent fallen
crescent fallen - 7 years ago
Did anyone get the number of that bus..
dendorovium - 7 years ago

10. comment for Insane Whale Shark Crash Attack!

Sahil King
Sahil King - 7 years ago

hrm - 7 years ago
プンプンてつや - 7 years ago
snacker - 7 years ago
dexm2010 - 7 years ago
OMG this is even cooler than that dude punching the kangeroo!
Megluvyoutube19 - 7 years ago
“Surprise, motherfucker.”
VicenzoV - 7 years ago
Does anyone think this looks even rometely real? Get outta here.
luiz henrique Puchalski
luiz henrique Puchalski - 7 years ago
puta que pariu
Coca-Cola Official
Coca-Cola Official - 7 years ago
Toxic Blob
Toxic Blob - 7 years ago
It just fucks me up when these fucking ppl ride these beautiful creatures. Son of bitches.

20. comment for Insane Whale Shark Crash Attack!

Hazelnut - 7 years ago
Damn Blurub, stop screaming.
Miguel Danzig
Miguel Danzig - 7 years ago
Wow! The ocean make that guy look so small.
Avrael Asgard
Avrael Asgard - 7 years ago
Aaw, it's like: "Hiiiii!" BOOOP
Nessence - 7 years ago
he didn't attack he was just saying hi lol
The Bukkakian From The Planet Dillhole
The Bukkakian From The Planet Dillhole - 7 years ago
slender enderman boy overkiller
slender enderman boy overkiller - 7 years ago
You guys know its the biggest fish in the sea right?
Racingsuper Legend607
Racingsuper Legend607 - 7 years ago
Whale shark savage
Damian Gierlak
Damian Gierlak - 7 years ago
Damian Gierlak
Damian Gierlak - 7 years ago
Linkbros21 - 7 years ago
This is FAKE boi they only want to eat dem fish

30. comment for Insane Whale Shark Crash Attack!

LiL KYL3 - 7 years ago
I will shit my pants if that happens to me.
NaaffaX - 7 years ago
pikazooka - 7 years ago
when a reaper Leviathan sneaks up on you
wilease1 - 7 years ago
Kinda sucks that the idiot decided to hold onto the shark's fin. Why do people feel the need to touch wild animals?!
MeargleSchmeargle - 7 years ago
reminds me of EatMyDiction when he was playing Subnautica's and a reaper spawned right in front of him xD
MeargleSchmeargle - 7 years ago
Good thing it was a whale shark! Still a pretty good jump scare x'D
spahi22 - 8 years ago
Helsey Rew
Helsey Rew - 8 years ago
The fucking scream lmao I'm crying
R.C Jones
R.C Jones - 8 years ago
Just Destiny Being Nearsighted
shadows of sun
shadows of sun - 8 years ago
hooman pls kiss me !
Musaed Mandani
Musaed Mandani - 8 years ago
Thank god ur alive
peter griffin
peter griffin - 8 years ago
GoredonTheDestroyer - 8 years ago
"HONK HONK THE WATER BUS IS HERE" - Whale shark, probably.
Infinite Gamers360
Infinite Gamers360 - 8 years ago
The thing is the person holding the camera looked like he was gonna get eaten
TechGuruGames - 8 years ago
why the heck are those people screaming. whale sharks do not eat humans
Hyper Rifle
Hyper Rifle - 8 years ago
no but mabye it was 2 cm behind him and had a huge mouth with ugly hair and crashed in to him
Asian Cookie
Asian Cookie - 8 years ago
if the guy recording it how did he got pass the whaleshark btw u should be dead because of that and if you died then who posted this????
TheTazzy411 - 8 years ago
Whale sharks can't eat humans
Maël Dove
Maël Dove - 8 years ago
He just wanted a hug.
TheSpiikki - 8 years ago
Whale shark: Cmon Brah, i aint that ugly ;C
Gamer Girl's World
Gamer Girl's World - 8 years ago
This is so true
Ahmadfaris zikri
Ahmadfaris zikri - 8 years ago
that guy: arghhh...

whale shark: sup bro........

50. comment for Insane Whale Shark Crash Attack!

TriumphantWolf AJ
TriumphantWolf AJ - 8 years ago
The fact that you FREAKED OUT XD
赤木秀一 - 8 years ago
Watching these gentle giants are pure joy. Love sea creatures.
Prometheus-II - 8 years ago
Human instinct is to be scared when faced with something bigger than you. That thing is a LOT bigger than you.
Sean Lange
Sean Lange - 8 years ago
rofl hahahhaha WAKE UP MFKA
Ghost - 8 years ago
The sea water around me would've turned brown.
MeargleSchmeargle - 7 years ago
Ghost Cuz of a filter feeder LMAO
Engineer 314
Engineer 314 - 8 years ago
Oh great, Destiny is still nearsighted (in case you didn't know, I'm referring to Finding Dory)
Fiat Multipla
Fiat Multipla - 8 years ago
0:14 I can't stop laughing when diver has jumpscared XD.
Elias Höglund
Elias Höglund - 8 years ago
Imagine what's lurking down in the deep..
NoHecksNoFricks - 8 years ago
cro-master master
cro-master master - 8 years ago
lol man its an actual living giant and it snraked up ur 6 omg thats funny grrrb rrlllbrg bram
CreativeCat - 8 years ago
Only after this video i realized how big whale shark is
Ludovic - 8 years ago
People saying "they eat plankton T_T" ; Is like saying "it's ok, elephants eat plants"
If you meet one that close, I guarantee you, you at least pee in your pants xD same case here
MeargleSchmeargle - 7 years ago
Ludovic Nah, that's only if they decide to be a douche and jump scare you like this cheeky shark did here.
Vili-Robert Hietala
Vili-Robert Hietala - 8 years ago
Yeah. Elephant can stomp you and whale shark can smack you with the fin. And just having one charging at you (be it elephant or whale shark) it would probably be a good hit as well.
fleeex - 8 years ago
00:15 "aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
Сакен Ержанов
Сакен Ержанов - 8 years ago
Лолек и Болек!
TheDankMemeDog - 8 years ago
Whale Shark: SURPRISE MOTHAF*CKA (vine)
patrick Van hoog
patrick Van hoog - 8 years ago
Haha duprise motherfucka
مستر العراق / MASTER IRAQ
مستر العراق / MASTER IRAQ - 8 years ago
U Know
U Know - 8 years ago
Move out my way
Berkaelzar - 8 years ago
That's why I always do a 360º every now and then below the water... in case something decides to sneak behind me ^_^
William Yang
William Yang - 8 years ago
You have no peripheral vision with underwater goggles. Any thing can creep up on you.
daniel ross
daniel ross - 8 years ago
You make the worst videos
daniel ross
daniel ross - 8 years ago

Fu__ you
Artur Lyadskyy
Artur Lyadskyy - 8 years ago
Just being honest A.K.A
Just being honest A.K.A - 8 years ago
Whale shark should have slapped him like move nigga get out the way get out the way
Sunita V
Sunita V - 8 years ago
that is really scary in virtual reality
Boondock - 8 years ago
LOL he sounded like a murloc
Josh Evans
Josh Evans - 8 years ago
this is just humans being stupid whale sharks are harmless
Ashaebi // Unity-Ashaebi
Ashaebi // Unity-Ashaebi - 8 years ago


Hideus_Ex - 8 years ago
It's like watching two Pyros diving.
Antonijo Ivčić
Antonijo Ivčić - 8 years ago
Aquawu - 8 years ago
Mason Kane
Mason Kane - 8 years ago
aaaaaaaauuuuugggghhhhh!!!!! Sounded like a stock scream.
The Pancake Boy
The Pancake Boy - 8 years ago
So the shark ate him, thats pretty cool...
BlackNapoleon - 8 years ago
eh eh thats why niggaz doesnt touch the ocean
Angie Rod
Angie Rod - 8 years ago
move bitch get out the way!! get out the way!
Tudor Vink
Tudor Vink - 8 years ago
"Excuse me sir do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Cthulhu?"
Kuthooloo - 8 years ago
Quit name dropping fam
Basil Luke Gregory Laforteza
Basil Luke Gregory Laforteza - 8 years ago
Desiree 9
Desiree 9 - 8 years ago
Whale shark don't kill or eat human's so his fine
Just being honest A.K.A
Just being honest A.K.A - 8 years ago
cyclist01222 - 8 years ago
I would have sank from all those bricks in my pants.
matteen Ahmed
matteen Ahmed - 8 years ago
东方雨嫣 - 8 years ago
That is 50 feet long
Isaiah Hamilton
Isaiah Hamilton - 8 years ago
That totally surprised the crap outta me. Hahaha
bluntobjct - 8 years ago
Kerbalf - 8 years ago
That guy
That guy - 8 years ago
fuck that and fuck the ocean.
That guy
That guy - 8 years ago
+haystacks suck my ass, buddy.
Mikkelin Jeesus
Mikkelin Jeesus - 8 years ago
All finnish people agree that the diver shouted saatana
AlVlogs - 8 years ago
Job Slijkerman
Job Slijkerman - 8 years ago
I shit my pants
destinyawaitsx3 - 8 years ago
This really looks like an animation or something from a video game...
margine louis
margine louis - 8 years ago
everything filmed underwater looks like that
Edge boi
Edge boi - 8 years ago
Stoplightde-lite - 8 years ago
Crystal's World
Crystal's World - 8 years ago
I'm was like ohh watch out omg ahhhhhh loo
Andres Martinez
Andres Martinez - 8 years ago
If I see a whale shark swimming towards me il be freaking out

100. comment for Insane Whale Shark Crash Attack!

rice00bowl - 8 years ago
Hahaha that scream was hilarious! But yeah, anyone would be terrified if that happened! Thankfully, it was just a whale shark, a cute and harmless sea animal.
paulwall142 - 8 years ago
fake as fuck
HibaSSful - 8 years ago
Omg ! Perfect fillings !
Fizz LovesToDraw!
Fizz LovesToDraw! - 8 years ago
Someone post this to bills channel!
MelancoliaI - 8 years ago
0:16 give us a kiss!
Joshua Pitts
Joshua Pitts - 9 years ago
At the beginning I was like; that's a tuna *five seconds later* ooooohhhhhh shiiiiiittttt
dedfrog - 9 years ago
I giggled so much at this. :)
Mr entertainer
Mr entertainer - 9 years ago
Megalodon 2 whale shark
whataboutredlorry - 9 years ago
Cunt spearfishers. Cunt for touching the whale shark. Leave them the fuck alone.
aspiknf - 8 years ago
and he touched the shark
James Payne
James Payne - 9 years ago
the shark touched him
wyv3rn1 - 9 years ago
Gotta admit, that would be pretty terrifying. Even though whale sharks eat plankton they're fucking his and I think that's enough t make anyone kinda freak out
Slaven Smolčić
Slaven Smolčić - 8 years ago
Yup!Imagine slap with that fin.Wooo!
German Eagle
German Eagle - 8 years ago
+wyv3rn1 he is like: wich one of you humans want a hug
wyv3rn1 - 9 years ago
+wyv3rn1 the video is still pretty hilarious though
OmegaMapDesign - 9 years ago
imbecile - 9 years ago
Whale sharks are my bros.
noobasdfjkl - 9 years ago
They're sooooo cute!
John Fakename
John Fakename - 9 years ago
Wow. So vicious.
ASFALT21 - 9 years ago
Shit, thing is like 10 meters long and still manages to sneak up on you lmao.
Berkaelzar - 8 years ago
I know right ?
Sean Dewar
Sean Dewar - 8 years ago
The Shark Obviously took Stealth Lessons from The T. Rex from the Last Dinosaur
daniel ross
daniel ross - 8 years ago
Hey don't cus who do you think you are
KEE - 9 years ago
your lucky it doesn't have sharp teeth
slipperynoodle 38
slipperynoodle 38 - 9 years ago
whale sharks don't attack people, they eat plankton so they probably just got in his way because he is a classy whale shark. classy whale shark doesn't even have time to acknowledge your existence let alone even bother with your small fleshy body
Yong Fung
Yong Fung - 9 years ago
OMG I closed my eyes when the whale shark is in front of him
Shin 97
Shin 97 - 9 years ago
never goes to the sea again 0-0
luckyluckyNo1love - 9 years ago
Omg! i find this way too funny!! XD haha! x
TheGreenGamer TGG
TheGreenGamer TGG - 9 years ago
Whale sharks eat plankton -_-
Rook Valentine
Rook Valentine - 8 years ago
TheGreenGamer TGG Yeah no shit. But if your buddy pointed and made a noise at something behind you, and you see some big ass thing a foot from your face you'd freak out too lol
Anthony Julian
Anthony Julian - 8 years ago
And if it hits you it's like the equivalent of being hit by a bus.
afonso apolo
afonso apolo - 8 years ago
He knows retard he's a marine biologist he knows everything better than you in the ocean
c0der1020 - 8 years ago
+TheGreenGamer TGG A swipe of its tail can still kill a man. It's dangerous to be that close.
James Payne
James Payne - 8 years ago
+Michael De Santa well aren't you just a little badass
TheGreenGamer TGG
TheGreenGamer TGG - 8 years ago
+James Payne How about i get my rocket laucher and shoot them,but im not such a heartless person to do this.So im just going to watch them swimming
Thomas Shelton
Thomas Shelton - 8 years ago
+Jimmy C I think the point is that the video called it an attack and a close call when w Whale Shark literally wouldn't give a shit that they were there. It just happened to be swimming in that direction and was probably just going to ignore them.
Bilal Grewal
Bilal Grewal - 8 years ago
when something like that sneaks up in you, you can freak out.
James Payne
James Payne - 8 years ago
+Michael De Santa yah they are still huge
TheGreenGamer TGG
TheGreenGamer TGG - 8 years ago
+James Payne Oh yeah?
James Payne
James Payne - 9 years ago
Yah, but they can still fuck you up if they want to
Corey L
Corey L - 9 years ago
+300daysandnights wit: noun - The keen perception and cleverly apt expression of those connections between ideas that awaken amusement and pleasure.   --- Yep checks out.
300daysandnights - 9 years ago
+Sean Kappa Is that even wit?
Sean Kappa
Sean Kappa - 9 years ago
+BBQAbuser We've got an "overcompensating for something" table for one set up right over here sir.
BBQAbuser - 9 years ago
+Jimmy C That means you're a fuckin pussy m8.
James C
James C - 9 years ago
I don't care. If I turned around and saw something huge right in my face, I'd shit my wetsuit.
Starman - 9 years ago
When I went to swim with whale sharks in Oslob, Cebu, Philippines, they were not interested in human without paying any attention to us. Please see my video taken by GoPro at my channel.
PineroF - 9 years ago
They are like cows but in the ocean lol
Corey Napier
Corey Napier - 9 years ago
that shark scared the crap out of me
The_Legend yao
The_Legend yao - 9 years ago
Your Average American
Your Average American - 9 years ago
Lol, that's like if an aircraft carrier snuck up on a fishing boat.
Milked Well
Milked Well - 9 years ago
Tuna distraction... Works everytime!
Cameron Karr
Cameron Karr - 9 years ago
please stand by
Cameron Karr
Cameron Karr - 9 years ago
this local broadcast station is having technical difficulties
Travrinity - 9 years ago
I sure don't want to go diving
SJK - 9 years ago
0:15 Shark: Hallaw :3
Shark: OH SHIT * Crash * SORRY
Diver: Screams
Shark: Ok then, goodbye :(
Alejandro Zapata Costa
Alejandro Zapata Costa - 8 years ago
dennisnguyen01 gaming
dennisnguyen01 gaming - 9 years ago
Yuki Walker
Yuki Walker - 9 years ago
well this is quite sad. if I am correct you SHOULDN'T touch a whale shark as it will destroy their special barrier and most likely die
Depressed Robot
Depressed Robot - 9 years ago
Ok, I looked and your link and even found a second one stating the same. (althought, to be fair its always just half a sentence and doesnt seem incredibly cientific to me). So yes, better not touch them it seems. But still, lets say your inicial post was at least heavily exaggerated.
From your link "A gentle touch touch could break its skin protection and develop bad bacteria which could eventually kill this awesome creature."
Now your post: "you SHOULDN'T touch a whale shark as it will destroy their special barrier and most likely die"

eventually die != most likeley die

Still interesting to know.
Yuki Walker
Yuki Walker - 9 years ago
+Depressed Robot
It might develop bad bacteria n eventually kill it
Depressed Robot
Depressed Robot - 9 years ago
+Yuki Walker Unless you provide us with some supporting data this is just nonsense...I have never heard of that and a quick search on google doesnt support your theory at all.
Sad Boys Club
Sad Boys Club - 9 years ago
Whale sharks are bigger than that.
Anthony Campins
Anthony Campins - 8 years ago
Not every whale shark is going to be at the maximum size.
Kara Wonderfula
Kara Wonderfula - 9 years ago
That obe wasnt fully grown
Harris Sharif
Harris Sharif - 9 years ago
Seriously though : this is the funniest shit I've ever seen lol
porpus99 - 9 years ago
Just like when a truck driver hits a squirrel. So large in comparison that the small stuff doesn't mean much when you want to go a specific direction
Princess Luna
Princess Luna - 9 years ago
Whale sharks are the ninja of the sea.
Khaled - 9 years ago
Wtf is he doing
Heavy Gauge
Heavy Gauge - 9 years ago
I bet he sued the shark
HGM - 9 years ago
It just appears like, helloooooo.
mishasan7 - 9 years ago
Holy shit I'm crying from laughing so hard
The Chosen Ones
The Chosen Ones - 9 years ago
Laughed my ass off
Badgaldinger - 9 years ago
Oh calm the heck down. It's not interested in you.
Sparx632 - 9 years ago
He knows that, it's still terrifying though.
陳柏宇 - 9 years ago
0:25 vahaaaaa
masashi080808 - 9 years ago
Come on it was just swimming :<
tomtalker2000 - 9 years ago
Luckily for him like there cousins the Basking Shark these are two gigantic yet harmless fish...!!! HOWEVER, don't ever under estimate there tail power as you still could easily get whacked by a pectoral, dorsal or worse tail fin.
James Tiernan
James Tiernan - 9 years ago
that damn 40 foot shark really sneaks up on you
artur sanchir
artur sanchir - 9 years ago
dislike because guy not dead
SNAKE IN THE GRASS - 9 years ago
+artur Sanchir rofl
Marco Polo
Marco Polo - 9 years ago
Am I the only one to see this is fake?
Marco Polo
Marco Polo - 9 years ago
the guy in the consume is not moving realisticly, it looks like they were put on the video
Seikowski V
Seikowski V - 9 years ago
+Marco Polo It is obviously a midget in a whale shark costume. You can see the string.
DarkAngel Oficial
DarkAngel Oficial - 9 years ago
I don`t Think She is Attacking hin,i think taht she just want to eat the Fish,Or Somenthing like that
The Unknown
The Unknown - 9 years ago
+MISTA FLIPPY IV whale sharks have been known to swallow small fish and even small tuna like skipjack
MISTA FLIPPY IV - 9 years ago
Whale sharks don't eat other fish, they eat krill. They are harmless, but are a surprise if you don't see them coming.
Napalm Dragon
Napalm Dragon - 9 years ago
"Category: autos and vehicles." Whale shark mobiles kill divers everyday. Make sure your whale shark's brakes are properly oiled and functional to avoid these incidents. Remember, stop a whale shark mobile, save a diver.
Will Parsons
Will Parsons - 9 years ago
Sw4gzZ1ll4 - 9 years ago
00:00 - 00:09 "That's not a whale shark silly billy!"
00:14 - 00:20 "WTF WAS THAT"
PlayOceanZ7 - 9 years ago
In the beginning That was A Bluefin Tuna they are really fast animals
Kenney Pierce
Kenney Pierce - 9 years ago
Spearfishing with bait is unethical, illegal and violates every waterman's code of ethics.
Miner4926 - 9 years ago
It's not really, an... "attack" for say, beause... you know, friendly to humans and all.
jonathan briggs
jonathan briggs - 9 years ago
Thats funny how somthing so big can sneak up on you
Damage - 7 years ago
Well they are idiots so...
MeargleSchmeargle - 7 years ago
jonathan briggs Dun dun dun dun xD

Jk. Plankton tho......
MrSuperbear90 - 9 years ago
+CharlemagnePalace lmao best comment
CharlemagnePalace - 9 years ago
+Glen Tipton
The Fel Reaver had some kind of bug which was never fixed, where you could only hear it if you were looking at it, so sometimes you'd be walking along merrily and suddenly (to the tune of Snake Eater) FEL REAVER~~~~!!!
kluna - 9 years ago
+CharlemagnePalace fuck that fell reaver!
CharlemagnePalace - 9 years ago
+jonathan briggs Clearly someone never had a run-in with the Fel Reaver.
Johan Dale
Johan Dale - 9 years ago
0:15 "AAAAAGH ! SPARTAAA !!!' lol
mohan alihuddin
mohan alihuddin - 6 years ago
jontheguy - 9 years ago
NinjaOnANinja - 9 years ago
Welp. I seen enough.  Time to nukem boys.
Augusta T
Augusta T - 9 years ago
You're not allowed to touch whale sharks because even though their skin is about 4 inches thick, if the mucus on their skin gets interrupted or ruptured you could become infected so touching it or hitching a ride on it is highly frowned upon
Eyecandy2811 - 9 years ago
I am thoroughly amazed that the other diver didn't get slammed by that tail too. SO close.
Kevin Havn
Kevin Havn - 9 years ago
whale sharks is not attacking humans
TheRoosterSpeaks - 9 years ago
Im just confused at that first fish. Why was it small at first then suddenly it was twice the size of the other diver?
PlayOceanZ7 - 9 years ago
That fish in the beginning was a bluefin tuna they are really fast animals
A Lee
A Lee - 9 years ago
it's called depth
TheRoosterSpeaks - 9 years ago
i didnt even realize I was trying. guess im just stupid
Cherry - 9 years ago
Ur not even a good troll
Zach  Couch
Zach Couch - 9 years ago
00:15 what is going through his head?
The Unknown
The Unknown - 9 years ago
Salim Alimsa
Salim Alimsa - 9 years ago
Jonathan Zuniga
Jonathan Zuniga - 9 years ago
But i did not saw it they just show me a video about him
Jonathan Zuniga
Jonathan Zuniga - 9 years ago
This is a real whale sharck i its real beacuse in school i saw that the whale sharck looks like this so its real
janine dreisch
janine dreisch - 9 years ago
i seen a megolonden shark on my boat it was dad screemed loud as crap!...i got a little vid of the shark it was awesome
Keiran JackyouUP
Keiran JackyouUP - 9 years ago
this is cheesy and so fake.
Napalm Dragon
Napalm Dragon - 9 years ago
IKR! They SO payed that shark to be there.
ndrva - 9 years ago
Melissa Notigan
Melissa Notigan - 9 years ago
It's insane what this being does naturally.
Fanquil HD
Fanquil HD - 9 years ago
Aiden Yoong Hanifah
Aiden Yoong Hanifah - 8 years ago
Erza Farandi
Erza Farandi - 8 years ago
Yong Fung
Yong Fung - 9 years ago
SexyJazzCat - 9 years ago
+Yaiyr Alexander They're very slow and elusive so we wouldn't be totally screwed.
Anti Parasite
Anti Parasite - 9 years ago
Yaiyr Alexander
Yaiyr Alexander - 9 years ago
Humans would be fucked if whale sharks ate people
Moni Poppaea Di Maria
Moni Poppaea Di Maria - 9 years ago
Beatiful Animal.
Jyun Ruei Wu
Jyun Ruei Wu - 9 years ago
BIG Rhincodon typus
Laser kitten
Laser kitten - 9 years ago
The whale is harmless its just curios and you where just in the way of its tail.
Virtuoso80 - 9 years ago
"Hello, I am large."
Mohamed Yusuff
Mohamed Yusuff - 9 years ago
Amazing surprise..
MO TAH - 9 years ago
the whale trying to help
Сергей Скворцов
Сергей Скворцов - 9 years ago
О Х Р Е Н Е Т Ь!!!!!
Александр Омельченко
Александр Омельченко - 9 years ago
TheHallycat - 9 years ago
аааа, бляяя, Васяаааа! Вася-то с напарником кирпичей подводных отложил))))
rfn - 9 years ago
и как только отложенные кирпичи на дно не утянули?
Ricardo Fuentes Garcia
Ricardo Fuentes Garcia - 9 years ago
GOD OF LOVE - 9 years ago
i still think the shark should of taken out his biltong knife and took a swing at ignorant prick
ApocalypticStorms - 9 years ago
Its a megalodon
Wutzido IOthCatchJitsu
Wutzido IOthCatchJitsu - 9 years ago
Well now we all know that guy is going out like a screaming Lil bitch
Tori Volz
Tori Volz - 9 years ago
People are saying ohhh its not dangerous its a whale shark WOULD YOU NOT BE SCARED IF U JUST TURNED AROUND AND SAW SOMTHING THAT BIG
Robert Castanpn
Robert Castanpn - 8 years ago
+Jordan Aponte I actually read bout these sharks there nothing to be scared bout I thinj there awesome sharks
PewDiePie’s Chair
PewDiePie’s Chair - 8 years ago
You are only not scared if you dive a lot and see them time to time.

Most people on the comments act tough but they know they would sh*t bricks
Robert Castanpn
Robert Castanpn - 9 years ago
Michael Strike
Michael Strike - 9 years ago
Very acceptable to pee your wet suit. No shame in it, just admit it. LOL. Thanks for sharing this.
Anthony DelFico
Anthony DelFico - 9 years ago
This is a whale shark, it is harmless to humans
xXt0x1c-sl1m3Xx - 9 years ago
LOL you can see the whale be like 0:15 "Dude sorry! GAH!" before he crashes into him. XD
Atreides22222 - 9 years ago
Jesus Christ, that whale shark is so fucking cute.
DarkSektori - 9 years ago
Talk about a wake up call, not sure why the Whale Shark did this, but it was pretty funny when the Whale Shark bitch slapped the diver with its tail.
DarkSektori - 9 years ago
+Johnny Rocket Perhaps, it's usual behavior though. Whale sharks tend to be quite docile, they are not as social as dolphins or whales though they actually tend to ignore humans for the most part.
keenanwilliams24 - 9 years ago
+Johnny Rocket I agree... as well as a familiar hello to the divers.
JTC Gmail
JTC Gmail - 9 years ago
+DarkSektori Looks like he was trying to eat the bag of bait.
Jetliner Lover - The Airplane Expert Spotter
Jetliner Lover - The Airplane Expert Spotter - 9 years ago
0:26 Did the Whale Shark just hit you with it tail!?!?!
s plus
s plus - 10 years ago
hahahahahahahahah XDDDDDDDD
Rose Gold Nightcore
Rose Gold Nightcore - 10 years ago
But Whale Sharks aren't dangerous,there actually quit harmless...o_O
Brian Dang
Brian Dang - 10 years ago
Whale: C'mon don't be shy, kiss me baby!
Guy T
Guy T - 10 years ago
oh my fking god. this scared the hell out of me.
cat lover123
cat lover123 - 10 years ago
Whale sharks are completely harmless as they are filter feeders
ShadowDragon167 - 10 years ago
Move fools your blocking the road
zen-kai chen
zen-kai chen - 10 years ago
(almost became his last word...)
ساهر الليل
ساهر الليل - 10 years ago
ﻻ اله اﻻ الله محمد رسول الله .سبحانك ربي مااعضمك
Damien WG
Damien WG - 10 years ago
get out me car
ZH69 Big Al gamer lol
ZH69 Big Al gamer lol - 10 years ago
the whale shark be like surprise mother fucker lol
Simon Lund
Simon Lund - 10 years ago
Man, what do you expect when you're just standing around in his lane like that. It's not like he could've swum around you, or anything....
Saúl Elberth Merino
Saúl Elberth Merino - 10 years ago
Al principio parece más animación por computadora.
Game head
Game head - 10 years ago
persephone p
persephone p - 10 years ago
wwaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaahhaaaah zeeeleehooooooooooo
Roland Mendoza
Roland Mendoza - 10 years ago
whale shark are awesome!! at least it wasnt a megalodon you'll been history.
Мэр ютуба
Мэр ютуба - 10 years ago
Я-Я-Я-ЯЗ-З-ЗЬ-Ь-Ь !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fnog9 - 10 years ago
0:14  lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GiOcOlAnDiACrAzY - 10 years ago
robosoldier11 - 10 years ago
whale shark 1: hey look a couple of ppl
whale shark 2: hmm watch this
(jaws theme plays) 
بتهوفن - 10 years ago
whale shark : SNEAK ATTACK
Marcus C
Marcus C - 10 years ago
Yeah all of the beach-goers would have wondered where that yellow and brown oil slick came from.....
DonKingDario - 10 years ago
張牛郎 - 10 years ago
what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuck
Maloy7800 - 10 years ago
Some people are just idiots.
Cringe Lord
Cringe Lord - 10 years ago
Whale shark dont attack.  Or just insanely rarely. I dont recall ever hearing about a whale shark attacking.

Basically, this big guy was just swimming and thinking, "they are smaller, they'll get out of the way."
Xavier _waffles
Xavier _waffles - 10 years ago
It wouldnt of even eaten you... If it was real
gerald willems
gerald willems - 10 years ago
it;s probably terratorial for the crash shi t fo r brains for the spearing  the asshole just wanted to kill something
June Mardon
June Mardon - 10 years ago
0:16 Move bitch! Get out the way!
Lou_hippocampe - 10 years ago
Even if this video was real, it was not a "shark attack". Whale sharks only eat plankton, it has no teeth. It is the biggest shark in the sea but also the kindest !
bofursgun - 10 years ago
+babidou1998 Not only is it the biggest shark in the sea as you correctly say, it is also the world's largest fish in or out of the sea..  And yes, whale sharks are veritable sweethearts.
smug buster
smug buster - 10 years ago
whale shark: "wrong neighborhood motherfucka!"
Crespo R
Crespo R - 10 years ago
Like if you Enjoy it :)
Rehgaghj Bfsyysss
Rehgaghj Bfsyysss - 10 years ago
Albrecht Fischer
Albrecht Fischer - 10 years ago
Don't feed, don't touch. Breaking two basic rules. Not smart.
alphaomegafire - 10 years ago
Lol the whale shark was like. * the fuck out of my way *
Tom Bukowski
Tom Bukowski - 10 years ago
Vaka - 10 years ago
WHOA!!! Turtle on acid, hell yea xD
Leeloo - 10 years ago
You can't even re-create such bad ass scream with a proper software xD 
Aleksandar A.
Aleksandar A. - 10 years ago
BlueStahli DeepFocus
BlueStahli DeepFocus - 10 years ago
fake am cretaed video like this 1h in blender and cinema4d 
Vladinho - 10 years ago
+SirBoopified Which one dude? :3 
Boopified - 10 years ago
+James T. Kirk that's what you think, might want to check one specific comment bro :/ just sayin c:
BlueStahli DeepFocus
BlueStahli DeepFocus - 10 years ago
+James T. Kirk nece ne smeju znaju da ce najebati nije to vredno jedne pederske setnjice
Vladinho - 10 years ago
+BlueStahli DeepFocus Oce. Dacic ide prvi.
BlueStahli DeepFocus
BlueStahli DeepFocus - 10 years ago
+James T. Kirk opaa jel to sad mrznju sirimu na nacionalnoj osnovi? gay parade nece biti srbijom krv ce liti! 
Vladinho - 10 years ago
+BlueStahli DeepFocus hahah e bravo ti ga pedercino jedna srbijanska idi sad na gay paradu u BG i neka te karaju po sred dupeta kad obraza nemas 
BlueStahli DeepFocus
BlueStahli DeepFocus - 10 years ago
+James T. Kirk Pa i ne mozes ja nisam pedercina ti jesi logicno da cu te nazvati pedercinom :D 
Vladinho - 10 years ago
+BlueStahli DeepFocus ma jok :D al nisi fer...ja tebe nisam nazvao pedercinom :D 
BlueStahli DeepFocus
BlueStahli DeepFocus - 10 years ago
+James T. Kirk sta je cko uvredio si se a? :D
Vladinho - 10 years ago
+BlueStahli DeepFocus a nisam brate nemoj tako :(
BlueStahli DeepFocus
BlueStahli DeepFocus - 10 years ago
+James T. Kirk ma znao sam da si neki kurac slican pederima
Vladinho - 10 years ago
+BlueStahli DeepFocus nisam ja sam trandza xD ahaahhaha 
BlueStahli DeepFocus
BlueStahli DeepFocus - 10 years ago
+James T. Kirk ti si pedercina! ur a gay!
Vladinho - 10 years ago
+SirBoopified Mine is grammatically correct bro :)
Vladinho - 10 years ago
+BlueStahli DeepFocus xD 
BlueStahli DeepFocus
BlueStahli DeepFocus - 10 years ago
+James T. Kirk haaaha duvaj ga majmune :)
Vladinho - 10 years ago
+BlueStahli DeepFocus pusi kurac xD
BlueStahli DeepFocus
BlueStahli DeepFocus - 10 years ago
+James T. Kirk no am from eldorado :) 
Vladinho - 10 years ago
+BlueStahli DeepFocus wait, are you from Serbia? :O
BlueStahli DeepFocus
BlueStahli DeepFocus - 10 years ago
+James T. Kirk gay not welcome to serbia yeah we are killing gay people just joke relax dude :) 
Vladinho - 10 years ago
+BlueStahli DeepFocus omg you're a queer! Do you what they do to queers in Serbia?

They let them run naked through the streets and shoot them with nerf guns...biaaatch
BlueStahli DeepFocus
BlueStahli DeepFocus - 10 years ago
+James T. Kirk maniac i wanna fuck you bitch
Vladinho - 10 years ago
+BlueStahli DeepFocus Why are you fucking yourself? Are you a lesbian transvestite? 
BlueStahli DeepFocus
BlueStahli DeepFocus - 10 years ago
+James T. Kirk why? fuck police fuck you fuck english
Boopified - 10 years ago
+James T. Kirk same as you xD
Vladinho - 10 years ago
you sure failed to create some proper English sentence...
xenoneo - 10 years ago
Good murloc impersonation
MetalucardXX2K - 10 years ago
he make shit in his bat suit hahahahaha
Elgin Thwing
Elgin Thwing - 10 years ago
Who the fuck wears camo underwater?
Discordion - 10 years ago
rednecks, probably
they wear camo EVERYWHERE
Doogie H
Doogie H - 10 years ago
Whats with all the brown water around the cameraman?
Schmangeetay - 10 years ago
I bet the shark is like: " I am going to boop this guy......bbbbbbboooooooOOOOOOOOOOOp!......hue hue hue"
Dicky Mchead
Dicky Mchead - 10 years ago
Moo - 10 years ago
stupid fucking whale shark, I bet he's not even insured
TheoBrixtonTheKid - 10 years ago
Josh Earhart
Josh Earhart - 10 years ago
I will now imagine this guys scream as all the fish reacting to being eaten in the ocean right now 
Please Ban Me
Please Ban Me - 10 years ago
Animal cruelty
Please Ban Me
Please Ban Me - 10 years ago
Animal cruelty
neat4lyfe1982 - 10 years ago
How is it even allowed that they can fish for whales?  It seems to me that they were deliberately putting themselves directly in the path of this whale in order to spear it.  Did you see how he was repositioning himself by holding onto the fin with the spear in his other hand?  He was getting ready to stab that whale.  They're very endangered species and can live for over 20 years.  They are also very smart.  Near the beginning of the video you could actually hear some of the audio sounds the whale was making (first few seconds, the clicking noises).
Zolton - 10 years ago
+neat4lyfe1982 You realize they couldn't possibly take down a whale shark even if they tried, right? I mean, use your head man. You wouldn't go swimming in the ocean and just decide to go kill an enormous whale shark with two puny fishing harpoons, you'd do it from a boat. Also, wasn't it kind of made obvious that they weren't expecting to see a whale shark in the first place?  Your heart is in the right place, but your mind clearly isn't.
MrFauncy - 10 years ago
+neat4lyfe1982 Everyone pity the troll, for he is lonely inside :(
NumPad - 10 years ago
+neat4lyfe1982 Bravo, mate. Bravo. Never have I seen such an obvious troll work
Marvin Jügel
Marvin Jügel - 10 years ago
+Cubeeyy oh sry, thought you were making fun of the term DO, misunderstood you there, my bad
Cubeeyy - 10 years ago
+Marvin Jügel Erm...I knew that already
Marvin Jügel
Marvin Jügel - 10 years ago
+Cubeeyy Well it's actually called oxygen saturation or dissolved oxygen short DO xD and the unit is mg/l or ppm (parts per million), you never stop learning :)
Cubeeyy - 10 years ago
+Marvin Jügel I just don't think it should be named dissolved oxygen, sounds dumb
Marvin Jügel
Marvin Jügel - 10 years ago
+Cubeeyy I dont know what the problem with disdolved oxygen is, i also got dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide in my planted/shrimp tank...
of all things he said you chose that dafuq xD 
Cubeeyy - 10 years ago
+neat4lyfe1982 Dissolved oxygen xD That part cracked me up, good job, 10/10 troll
Vermillion H
Vermillion H - 10 years ago
haha you're hilarious bro, successful troll. :D A+/10
Double Nagger
Double Nagger - 10 years ago
hey bro... bananas are berries and they grow off a herb plant, what u gonna do about it.
neat4lyfe1982 - 10 years ago
+Marvin Jügel It appears that this comment of yours is an entire repeat of your previous comments.  You will have to try better than that.
ryan mccoy
ryan mccoy - 10 years ago
I think neat4life1982 is a time traveler from the 14th century and that is why he is so extremely uninformed about the natural world but speaks with relatively advanced nomenclature.
Marvin Jügel
Marvin Jügel - 10 years ago
I'm just talking that way with you, because you refuse to change your twisted mind and refuse reality. I think the only in need of education is you my fellow internet user. Your parents should have taught you to not always stick to your believes...
And in my honest opinion talking polite and kind with the kind of you is useless, actually talking with you at all is useless, but i like to flame unteachable stupid people like you just to release some stress, so i can stay clean with myself and stay in balance :)
neat4lyfe1982 - 10 years ago
+Marvin Jügel
It is clear that you are living a life desperately in need of education on how to be polite and kind to your fellow Internet user.  It is unfortunate that you behave in such an uncontrolled and animalistic manner.
Plama - 10 years ago
Troll is strong with this one.
Marvin Jügel
Marvin Jügel - 10 years ago
What if not? Did u upset you mister troll? Your stupidity is hurting me, so how about you stop throwing bullshit through the internet, not like this is the only video you were commentating bullshit on.
neat4lyfe1982 - 10 years ago
+Marvin Jügel You will cease, this instant!  You are devolving into a series of hurtful insult and cuss words.
Marvin Jügel
Marvin Jügel - 10 years ago
I didn't say i would hurt them, but through your stupid 'teachings' they might hurt themselves or get beaten up. How should i even know your fucking children, when i didnt even know you had some, grow up dickhead...
And are you trying to educate me right now? HAHAHA you better get a brain before trying to tell me anything i can do or cannot do, try again when you read a children's book about whales HAHA
But dont hurt yourself trying, your peanut sized brain might hurt by too much input...
I can pay it, i can do and say whatever i want on the internet, you better live with it old-man. But for me, you're nothing more than a stupid child, too stubborn to believe whats right, grow up man grow up
neat4lyfe1982 - 10 years ago
+Marvin Jügel
Do not threaten my children.  You have no right to even discuss my children.  You need to act like a mature adult, or you need to leave the Internet and wait until you are an adult before you are allowed to use the Internet, young man.
Marvin Jügel
Marvin Jügel - 10 years ago
I wasnt quoting him, i was just pointing out the meaning of his quote, fucker.
And having a different opinion about facts is stupid haha it's like i'm saying 2+2 in the decimal numeral system is 4 and youre having a different opinion about it and saying it's 5, thats plain stupidity...
So it's not about being immature or rude, it's about being realistic, but hey keep believing the whale shark is a whale with gills and these people try to kill a "whale" with harpoons, retard xD
just dont teach your kids stupid shit like that...they might get hurt
neat4lyfe1982 - 10 years ago
+Marvin Jügel
That is a false quote, and calling people stupid for having differing opinions is immature, as well as being as rude as you were being.
Marvin Jügel
Marvin Jügel - 10 years ago
+intereality im just having some fun here, from time to time i like to release some anger against some stupid people or obvious trolls, but im good now, it was fun and calmed my soul ^-^
i just always ask myself where these obvious trolls or REALLY stupid people are always coming from, i'm thankful tho
the stupidity of humanity is as einstein once said endless anyway
KingLT82 - 10 years ago
Seriously? O.o You just said that? "Also, everything underwater has gills" If you are not a troll then you really don't know what you are talking about. Whales and other MAMMALS (not fish) who live under water DO NOT have gills. They have lungs and come to the surface to breath through a "blow hole". maybe this will help you in your ignorance. "Trust me, I know about these animals" couldn't be further from the truth. Educate yourself please.
intereality - 10 years ago
+Marvin Jügel  You've been pulled into a troll's lair! Get out while you still can!
neat4lyfe1982 - 10 years ago
+Marvin Jügel
It sounds like you have a vocabulary problem as well as a zoology problem.  Trust me, I know about these animals.  You clearly are unable to convey your knowledge through that stream of vulgarity.
Marvin Jügel
Marvin Jügel - 10 years ago
Whales and dolphins do not have gills and have to come up ti the surface to actually breathe, you better should not talk at all. Fucking fucked up fucker, welcome to the Internet where stupid people are getting cursed.
neat4lyfe1982 - 10 years ago
+Marvin Jügel Actually, I do have children and you will not talk to me that way.  You are being extremely inappropriate.  Also, everything underwater has gills.  That is what is necessary for breathing underwater if you don't have air tanks or you're not a jellyfish.  You need the gills to take the dissolved oxygen in the water out, which is a much lower concentration than air.  Lungs simply do not work underwater.  You are clearly speaking through ignorance, because your anger is masking any sense of logic or knowledge.  I demand that you speak more appropriately to me next time, and respect people with whom you discuss topics.  Cut it out with the cuss word use.  Seriously, it does not help your point.  It is very rude.
Marvin Jügel
Marvin Jügel - 10 years ago
Natural selection you forgot one fucking hardcore stupid Bastard shittard.
Srsly i hope you dont have any kids you can pass your stupidity onto...
I dont know who shat into your brain, but YOU should start inform yourself, whales are NOT fish, ERGO this is not a whale, IT HAS FUCKING GILLS YOU MORON!!! If the size would define a fucking fish, your brain would be too small to consider yourself a human...
You should stop thinking of yourself of a 'conservationist', because youre not more than a stupid retard who doesnt want to see the reality but is making up his own fucking 'conservative' world not seeing the truth here, get real for fucjs sake. There ARE a lot of fuckers out there hunting dying species, but these are none. A fish a third of your weight can drown you with his power, how much power do you think A FISH (IT HAS GILLSSSSSS) this size can do with 3 men with some toothpicks?!
I'm by no means religious but im praying someone like you is never giving birth to the kind of you...
neat4lyfe1982 - 10 years ago
+Marvin Jügel
Trust me, I know what I've read and I don't need to read any further books to know the difference between whales and fish.  I think you are trying to twist reality around into a version where people with whom you disagree (conservationists) are, in reality, destroying species somehow through their... efforts to conserve them?  Really?  I don't think you've thought out your logic here.  Whales are not fish, ergo that is not a fish in this video.  It's as simple as that.
Xilence - 10 years ago
Are you kidding me? Please be kidding me... yeah you're a troll.
Shane O'Neill
Shane O'Neill - 10 years ago
+neat4lyfe1982 Your ignorance is showing. That may be the dumbest post I've ever seen on the internet.
Marvin Jügel
Marvin Jügel - 10 years ago
and dont talk shit about "it's wikipedia, didnt teachers tell you dont trust wikipedia?" if so look whale shark up in a fucking book, it'll tell you the same about the whale shark being a fish. Whales/Dolphins are among other things defined by their lungs, they have to come up for breathing air, while fish/sharks have gills to get Oxygen through the water, sharks just have to keep moving because their gills are passive i think. And the whale shark (animal in the video!) is a fish/shark, actually the biggest living fish in the present.
i dont know what green jerk you are, but at least inform yourself before talking shit. people like you just make the fight for preserving the life of other species harder.
people who think green but dont know shit are the worst...
BannHammer - 10 years ago
+neat4lyfe1982 Wow, Trolling on youtube is really, really easy.
Mazwell96 - 10 years ago
+neat4lyfe1982 yep your a troll, the knowledge is real.
neat4lyfe1982 - 10 years ago
+jedimidgetkilla While fish and whales are certainly a similar shape, what makes it easy to categorize this as a whale is the fact that fish do not get that big.  You can also tell that it was not a shark whatsoever.  For one, a shark coming right at the diver of that size would surely crush them to death with the immense forces they would likely have as their jaw size scaled up.  This "shark" seemed to have no concern for that and merely bumped them to try to warn them to get away.  Whales are fairly smart and can understand human patterns fairly well.  Maybe this one was trying to scare the divers off from their territory.  If anything, the shark nickname likely comes from the habit (seen in this video) of protruding their dorsal fin above the water.
Mazwell96 - 10 years ago
2 men cant take down a fucking whale with spear guns.
NaplesKev - 10 years ago
+jedimidgetkilla don't feed the troll..
jedimidgetkilla - 10 years ago
I'm bored so why not get into this. So a couple of things. One, a whale shark is not a whale. It's just a giant fish. Specifically, a shark. So stop calling it a whale. Second thing, they are vulnerable, not endangered. And finally, these guys were most likely spearfishing for tuna or had the spears ready in case of danger. In either case, the whale shark was not their target. As to why the guy had it pointed at the shark, it was only for a moment and only because he was just holding onto it, he did not have it ready and aimed in any way that would suggest intent on causing harm to the whale shark.

There's nothing wrong with being passionate about conservation and wanting to preserve the life of other species, especially if they are vulnerable, endangered or otherwise threatened, but please be better informed on the subject. It'll help the cause.
Xenomorph - 10 years ago
+neat4lyfe1982 k
neat4lyfe1982 - 10 years ago
I hate to say it but it is, in fact, you who has the blinders on.  If you watch the second half of the video, almost the entire frame is occupied by a whale, while they are pointing spears at it.  Not surprisingly, the video cuts out right before they kill it.
Xenomorph - 10 years ago
+neat4lyfe1982 He ment that you're and idiot for thinking that they hunt for whale. Which they are not.
neat4lyfe1982 - 10 years ago
+Jeremy Goff What?  You think that whales are common?  They're endangered.
Jeremy Goff
Jeremy Goff - 10 years ago
I hope you're joking… If you're serious then you are a complete moron
OLMECA - 10 years ago
MMMMMMM.........Tuna, yum!
Chloe TV
Chloe TV - 10 years ago
Ninety - 9 years ago
Hahaha me too +Precious Whitley 
PompanoBuddah - 9 years ago
+DARKMIKE1231 First prize not first place
killgo - 9 years ago
Ninety - 9 years ago
Mike123 - 9 years ago
+Precious Whitley DON'T CRY MUTHAFUCKA!
Mike123 - 9 years ago
Ninety - 9 years ago
Danish lim
Danish lim - 10 years ago
herpderpmonkey - 10 years ago
Fake as fucking shit.

Same with that bullshit "dive from bridge to meet great white" video.

1. It's too well coordinated. 
2. You don't yelp out a cliche scream in situations like that. 
3. Whale sharks are fucking filter feeders (like whales). They don't attack people. 

Inb4 people start killing whale sharks because they're ignant as fuck.
crucesignati1099 - 10 years ago
I would have gone more for a Rick Flair woo sound myself.
herpderpmonkey - 10 years ago
+Altered Serenity I actually make an effort to combat idiocy k brah? One dumb fuck at a time, making the world a better place.
Altered Serenity
Altered Serenity - 10 years ago
Wow, you sure put some effort into this haha. Who the fuck cares, go back to sleep stoner.
herpderpmonkey - 10 years ago
+Altered Serenity no, they saw the whale shark going toward them so they took the opportunity to make a video. God you fucking retards on the internet. Inb4 it's proven fake.
Jason Cole
Jason Cole - 10 years ago
+Blondie B Could be a mixture of the two.  That "hoohoohoo" laugh at the end is the sound a skydiver makes after he almost had a serious accident and his adrenaline is lowering, in the end having had fun through the whole ordeal.  Even if I was an experienced spear fisher, if I had no idea this thing was behind me I'd still make quite a noise knowing it was going to collide into me.
Blondie B
Blondie B - 10 years ago
As an avid diver, I really don't think they were screaming out of fear. They were "screaming" in delight of actually being in the ocean with a whale shark. It's great experince. And with a respirator in your mouth, when you're obviously unable to speak, using a series of high-pitched sounds is one of the few ways to get your point across.
KingLT82 - 10 years ago
Ive seen ppl scream alot longer and alot worse over a bug. It's very likely one would scream like this over a whale shark. 
herpderpmonkey - 10 years ago
+Jason Cole No shit people act differently but you dont go AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH for 2 seconds...
Jason Cole
Jason Cole - 10 years ago
+herpderpmonkey people scream and act differently in certain situations. You can't use yourself as a model for everybody else. If I was about to get eaten by a shark I very well might make that scream.

If yell duration is the only evidence for your claim, and yet you call people on the contrary side fucking dumb, then I have nothing else to say to you.
herpderpmonkey - 10 years ago
+TehUltimateNinjaGod bitch, watch any fucking video of a near-death or shocking experience. I'm sure you might've had some yourself. You don't fucking go AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. 

No fucking way you make that sound if you're actually blindsided like that.
TehUltimateNinjaGod - 10 years ago
+herpderpmonkey Of course, screaming is sooo much cliche today, it's better when they stop dead and wait for the danger to kill them.
herpderpmonkey - 10 years ago
+Altered Serenity You dont fucking scream that cliche shit in real life especially if you're underwater. 

I mean, at most it's like "AH!" 
Bitch, you don't go "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

How fucking dumb are you guys.
TehUltimateNinjaGod - 10 years ago
+herpderpmonkey Actually Younger whale sharks come to you because of curiosity, but they won't attack you.
Jason Cole
Jason Cole - 10 years ago
+Altered Serenity Indeed.  Since I don't have crazy things happen in my life, that automatically means that no one else does either.  Everything is fake.

Visibility in sea water is often very low.  While the cameraman could have seen the shark coming long before, he had his back turned on it, so it was up to the person 9 meters away to recognize it coming out of the fog behind him.  The scream is cliche because people actually scream like that when they're scared for their life, he didn't have time to twiddle his thumbs and come up with an original scream, the thing was right on top of him.  Whale sharks aren't inherently dangerous, but honestly would you not scream if an animal the size of a bus was suddenly right behind you, about to ram into your face?
Altered Serenity
Altered Serenity - 10 years ago
+herpderpmonkey Yes, its on the internet so ofc it must be fake. The Whale shark was obviously trained to ram them head on...
herpderpmonkey - 10 years ago
+eldukedrino youre honestly a dumb fuck if you think those 2 screams were real...
eldukedrino - 10 years ago
+herpderpmonkey dude people are not robots.. they react differently.
herpderpmonkey - 10 years ago
+omatomatom Dude you dont fucking scream that cliche shit when you're in that situation. 0:11 and 0:14

They knew the thing was coming early on. They just acted like they didnt see it coming.
Cristian W
Cristian W - 10 years ago
I really hope you're trolling...
Blade Stamen
Blade Stamen - 10 years ago
spearfishing and leaving you catch in the water like that is one of the best ways to get eaten by a shark lol
William Bradey
William Bradey - 10 years ago
So many people are calling this guy an idiot and a pussy. You fucktards are what's wrong with the world. Give this a little thought for Christ's sake. It's really not that hard. For example, you're in the open ocean and your friend points at something behind you and starts screaming. That's enough right there to scare any of you "big strong brave men." Now, let's pretend we all don't already know its a whale shark. (Side note: It's not actually a whale) You're friend is freaking out over something that is behind you and when you turn around all you see is this massive fucking animal just a few feet in front of you that coming straight at you. That's more than enough to make most of you bashing this guy shit yourselves. The whale shark swims away and the guy is fine. I'm glad but the first two things that come to mind when considering what could have happened are one: he could have been swallowed. It's happened before. The second is this behemoth could have been going fast enough to kill him just by running into him. These things weigh literally tons and even if it were going just 15 MPH (24 KPH) that would have been enough. So get off of your high horse and shit the fuck up.
thediamondsword8 - 10 years ago
I think whale sharks wheigh up to 30,000 pounds
Grey Spears
Grey Spears - 10 years ago
Did you know a the differents between your goldfish and a shark is only one chromosome!!!!. Educate yourselfs!!!    r/upskirts
donkey dooly
donkey dooly - 10 years ago
it's not an attack you donkeys
TouchAndGo - 10 years ago
I'm literally crying laughing so hard, that poor guy. I've never heard a scream sound more like his stomach dropped out of his ass.
Zelinity - 10 years ago
i would rocket ship my ass off if the whale shark had licked the spearfisher instead.
Ben Bowes
Ben Bowes - 10 years ago
These two spear-fishers are like the biggest losers ever, Whale Sharks are so harmless, even a human baby is more likely to kill you. Uneducated idiots don't belong in the ocean.
Film Waster
Film Waster - 10 years ago
It just wanted to play
Ne0nZombie - 10 years ago
"Sup bitches."
Articounias - 10 years ago
Yes i know this is a late comment but
''Haha.. Dat looks like a dildo..!''
Matt Schindig
Matt Schindig - 10 years ago
I;m sure he is laughing at this now. I know I was.
CokeBoBo - 10 years ago
surprise motherfukka!!!  0:15 
artifice bas
artifice bas - 10 years ago
John Doe
John Doe - 10 years ago
The whale shark be like, "Boo Bitch"!!!!
W seo
W seo - 10 years ago
와ㅏ아아 꼬르ㅏ르갈그라그륵
El Stark
El Stark - 10 years ago
shark's like "lol pussy"
First Name Last Name
First Name Last Name - 10 years ago
Dumb people, whale sharks are NOT whales, they are giant fish!
SoulReaperSlayer19 - 10 years ago
Lol, the whale shark unlike the average shark is not going to try to eat you or bite you, most say their usually harmless, their terrifying because of their size and appearance. So unless your playing world of warcraft, where they will definitely kill you in that game; their is nothing to worry about.
Games TVL
Games TVL - 10 years ago
25energie - 10 years ago
Ehi dietro di te!
Marcus Deloreay
Marcus Deloreay - 10 years ago
How can you say that it's fake? It's obviously not.
السلام عليكم
السلام عليكم - 10 years ago
سبحان الله
هذا خلق الله
osama al7rbi
osama al7rbi - 10 years ago
قمط العافيه
樹昌 - 10 years ago
☠-TURRlCAN-☠ - 10 years ago
AND: WhaleSharks cant attack you, they eat plankton... #facepalmmoments  
☠-TURRlCAN-☠ - 10 years ago
deserved.. its thier territory!
Buh Vlogs
Buh Vlogs - 10 years ago
That guy poop it self.
gordofredito - 10 years ago
Actually, (I've swam with shark whales) if you are close to its tail when it dives, it can sink you (while not entirely) pretty fucking deep. It's pretty terrifying, but it's the only problem with these shark whales
Dj 7DEHB - 10 years ago
0:18   spartaaaaa !°!!! XD
Ryoda _1112
Ryoda _1112 - 10 years ago
This shark called whale shark. This animal eats plankton so he is not aggressive.
This video is a scam because no one may have been injured.
sangoo431 - 10 years ago
Wonderful fish
Harry - 10 years ago
Illegal maneuver
Alexela56 - 10 years ago
Jonathan Guy
Jonathan Guy - 10 years ago
Did'nt he swallow a lot of water after he shouted ?,
bassel al amoudi
bassel al amoudi - 10 years ago
Its fake you stupid people
Natalia Kranz
Natalia Kranz - 10 years ago
Not fake
eaglechick22 - 10 years ago
......that is harassment of wildlife 
Amjad Hussein
Amjad Hussein - 10 years ago
Holly shieeeet!!!!!
FEBREEZA - 10 years ago
Thumbs up if u thought a whale and a shark were going to crash into eachother
FEBREEZA - 10 years ago
Must be why u only have 6 subs
Julie Figgs
Julie Figgs - 10 years ago
Ya I'm ten stupid panda and it's me the koala
Julie Figgs
Julie Figgs - 10 years ago
Ya I'm ten stupid panda
Harry - 10 years ago
You are clearly a very knowledgable Koala indeed. Please entertain me with your excellently retarded comments. 

Kind regards,

Your Mum's VJJ
Tishara Long
Tishara Long - 10 years ago
It is not a damn wahle it is wahle whark dumd ass
MrZancruz - 10 years ago
LMMFAO! That scream!
TheMrL10 - 10 years ago
What amazed the shark was the shit he gave at the time he saw the shark coming! LoL
Thatbuzzz - 10 years ago
Im sure she could have caught a glimpse of that whale coming while she was following the fish in that same direction.
Thatbuzzz - 10 years ago
Im sure she could have caught a glimpse of that whale coming while she was following the fish in that same direction.
florent3166 - 10 years ago
The fear :-)
Clem7979 - 10 years ago
Fizz feed
Cloud Chan
Cloud Chan - 10 years ago
J - 10 years ago
why are little fish all over it? cleaning?
Machin Steven
Machin Steven - 10 years ago
pourquoi s'inventer une vie comme ca serieux les gars mais faites de vrais choses dans votre vie au lieu de simplement la rever!!!mon iphone fait les memes montages avec les memes foutus poissons et meme ton faux plongeur trop mal fait!!!juste pathétique !!
mnomanaly - 10 years ago
Good job shark
Raptor Jesus
Raptor Jesus - 10 years ago
They only eat plankton... How could they attack humans, the cameraman was just in it's way...
Midnight Motor sports Lv
Midnight Motor sports Lv - 10 years ago
Amazing how on you tube there isnt one post without people talking shit to each other . Relax it isnt that serious ......
Eduardo Moser
Eduardo Moser - 10 years ago
Isaac Chiong
Isaac Chiong - 10 years ago
Im so scared of swimming especially in ocean!!! :'c
annamal pete
annamal pete - 10 years ago
the diver was after the expensive tuna, i'm glad he was scared off!
YumYumGiveMeGumGum - 10 years ago
What if He Encounter A Massive - Blue Whale 
The Blue Whale is the largest existing animal and the heaviest that ever existed
I would be so Scared if that Happen to him it would be like
Hole Lee Shit - I almost have A Heart-attack 
Heart Pumping into Fast
Blood Pressure increasing
Panic Mode activating 
Lucky the Whale Shark didn't injury him 
heat4yoass - 10 years ago
Eddie Lyons
Eddie Lyons - 10 years ago
OMFG! This is sooo funny! 8-)
Hearing Impaired
Hearing Impaired - 10 years ago
this vid reminds me of the lion cub video when the lion cub sneaks up on a dog around a corner....guy turns around...screeeeeam!! lol
rock - 10 years ago
Thatbuzzz - 10 years ago
Ahhh! Wa taaaa!
colonelabruti - 10 years ago
Tyler Ford
Tyler Ford - 10 years ago
Are people stupid? How the hell do you think this is fake?
Discordion - 10 years ago
because they get off on killing other peoples' fun
08 ウルトラ v.01
08 ウルトラ v.01 - 10 years ago
because they never leave the house.
Arié Fitoussi
Arié Fitoussi - 10 years ago
They don't eat flesh only plancton 
HairySCROTE - 10 years ago
Fake as fuck
Jonathan O
Jonathan O - 10 years ago
My sides hurt from laughing so hard.
Wendy Wheaton Cusick
Wendy Wheaton Cusick - 10 years ago
What an idiot. It is against the law to touch them and the will avoid you at all costs, been there, done that.
mblitch - 10 years ago
Against whose law? In what country do you think this took place specifically? 
Ben Lee
Ben Lee - 10 years ago
Looooool here we have an idiot! :) 
Heather Reser
Heather Reser - 10 years ago
Whale sharks pose no threat other than just the size/weight of them should you be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Swimming next to them is a thrilling yet almost calm experience, but suddenly having one in your face would be quite shocking! I am disappointed the spear fisherman chose to hold onto the shark;s dorsal fin. Disrespectful and potentially harmful to the shark. 
yoongisuga min
yoongisuga min - 10 years ago
Tunard 84
Tunard 84 - 10 years ago
Rastar Jo
Rastar Jo - 10 years ago
0:23 Tail Slap!
shansen008 - 10 years ago
That was actually its dorsal fin, amazing.
epicmanatee592 - 10 years ago
Just like finding nemo
06cdvanw - 10 years ago
Well, that escalated quickly.
Jamie Ramdial
Jamie Ramdial - 10 years ago
how the hell do u let him sneak up on u? its lyk the colossal titan all over again
Victor Allen's Local Zone
Victor Allen's Local Zone - 10 years ago
LMAO on the screaming! Great job anyway man...
Brian Boyd
Brian Boyd - 10 years ago
la la la la la ... just filming this medium-sized fish. Is there anything else interesting around he - SHHHHIIITTTTTTTTTTT
leexag - 10 years ago
I love all the retards in comments who have no idea what a whale shark is screaming fake.
Antguy2001 - 10 years ago
This should be called "insane whale shark SURPRISE attack"
L Stockton
L Stockton - 10 years ago
I would have SHIT myself after I had my HEART ATTACK and SHIT myself again. But so cool! LOL They are such beautiful creatures.
LukeyASMR - 10 years ago
I thought it was animated at the beggining
Worth Bowman
Worth Bowman - 10 years ago
Love the video!   For all the haters here..... that IS the whale sharks version of attack with an added slap.   I'll be swimming with whale sharks next week off the coast of Mexico!!!  Cant wait!!!!!!!!
Vanilla Extract
Vanilla Extract - 10 years ago
"fuck man, behind you"
"wait what?" looks over shoulder "OH SHIT CUNT'S FUCKED"
zCool ­
zCool ­ - 10 years ago
Casi se lo come ptm epico
Théo - 10 years ago
Oh god
boipinoi604 - 10 years ago
In your face
prodome59 - 10 years ago
That's why i will never go scuba diving, you never know what's you're gonna run into.
charonbond - 10 years ago
or what's going to run into you.
pokemon6645 - 10 years ago
whale shark don't attack people so it's fake
straygypsy - 10 years ago
Q: what do you call a diver that dives when sharks are in the water?

A: A DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BroccoliQueefed - 10 years ago
Please, you man bitch, if that huge animal wanted to do some real damage, this video wouldn't have been able to be uploaded on Youtube. It was just playing. That was a whale shark kiss.
WAnTOn808 - 10 years ago
Samurai Jack
Samurai Jack - 10 years ago
thesimplefish - 9 years ago
+Jack The Ripper yeah i bet that cheeky fucking shark was in on it too
Bob Man
Bob Man - 10 years ago
+BF4's 777th Platoon actually. They are very easy to swim with they usually stay in the same places
Vladinho - 10 years ago
you mean Cake? 
Figler - 10 years ago
Shutup Raiden
Osef Enfait
Osef Enfait - 10 years ago
fake what, what is it to fake
Carlos Bertagnolli
Carlos Bertagnolli - 10 years ago
+Pierre Afeu feka
Pierre Afeu
Pierre Afeu - 10 years ago
Nightskyxx1 - 10 years ago
Ikr they blatantly paid that whale shark. How do they sleep at night?
Machin Steven
Machin Steven - 10 years ago
+BF4's 777th Platoon alors toi dans le genre MONGOL t'es vraiment pas mal!!
240SSONLY - 10 years ago
The instant brown cloud coming from the guys wet-suit scared the whale shark away...
Gyasi Knight
Gyasi Knight - 10 years ago
Shoot I would've screamed as well.. everybody talking like its something common to see a whale shark.
satsunada - 10 years ago
whale shark photobomb!
Sunsetter678 - 10 years ago
SHIT! You turned around and BAM there it is to greet you with a "bitch slap"not once but twice, but to hear the "Thank God I'k ok laughter was good too! You got lucky, and when I saw that other diver grab onto the fin for a ride, I was saying to myself "I'd  TOTALLY do that if I wasn't such a chick shit! LOL
xBLAKKx - 10 years ago
bet you won't ever forget this summer
Lou Mann
Lou Mann - 10 years ago
lucky to be alive wise puppet? are you kidding me? He would be in more danger if attacked by a basket full of kittens!!
Uilani Gasper
Uilani Gasper - 10 years ago
it wasnt an attack and it didnt come out of nowhere the photographer just wasnt aware of his surroundings. he's lucky it was a harmless whale shark and not a predator like a great white.
Aldiggy2000 - 10 years ago
bet he left a big crap cloud to chum the fish
jon11565 - 10 years ago
Whale shark was like, FUCK OUT THE WAY, GIMME SOME ROOM
Dane Whaley
Dane Whaley - 10 years ago
Bus creeped up on him.
only1deenus1 - 10 years ago
Mike Zarate
Mike Zarate - 10 years ago
When your that big you just go where you want .
Angelo Casanova
Angelo Casanova - 10 years ago
That one is huge, hahha
Sheri Aragon
Sheri Aragon - 10 years ago
Where is the net because someone needs to fish some fecal matter out as well....
N - 10 years ago
It wasn't attacking..... don't make it out to be confused with the great white
DarkHellSpartan - 10 years ago
This is priceless XD

No but seriously absolutely anyone wouldve shit them selves in that situation. 
Infestans - 10 years ago
how dos something that big sneak up on you lol
OllieW501 - 10 years ago
Toothless or not that would scare the crap out of me hahah. Reaction was priceless, and the laughing through the snorkel too :-) Like being hit in the balls by a great dane's head :-)
LemonAngel Foodcake
LemonAngel Foodcake - 10 years ago
Honestly, I probably would've died from shock.  
de0xyrib0se - 10 years ago
There is no attack, lame video. The whale shark was just curious.
TheVJProduction - 10 years ago
thats like getting hit by a parked car.
yoji0 - 10 years ago
Intellectually, I know I'm in more danger driving to the beach than swimming with a whale shark.

But thanks to a weird fear of giant mouths, this is still a bulk-purchase quantity of NOPE
Brad Elliott
Brad Elliott - 10 years ago
i bet that was a rush
RKVersion1 - 10 years ago
0:13 to 0:16 NUM NUM. No, but in all seriousness there is absolutely no excuse why people should downplay this... at all. If a GIANT wild animal showed up right in your face, I don't think you would all be "chilled out".
Robin Sparer
Robin Sparer - 10 years ago
where was this
Shane Hampton
Shane Hampton - 10 years ago
The zoo! Where do you think?
BangersAndMash98 - 10 years ago
The sea.
Simon Kling
Simon Kling - 10 years ago
the biggest fish in the world. But it's not dangerous ! You can swim with it, it's very nice ;)

One only question, where is it ? Mexico ? Atlantic ocean is quite big..
flagella1337 - 10 years ago
Kristie B
Kristie B - 10 years ago
It's not an attack if you're not in danger.
plog1805 - 10 years ago
I pooped a little just imagining if I was in their position.
Michael Byléhn
Michael Byléhn - 10 years ago
Mack Lee
Mack Lee - 10 years ago
Why did the silly, fucking twat continue screaming?
It's only a whale shark, they're one of the most harmless fish in the sea.
Erik Nilsson
Erik Nilsson - 7 years ago
You're a moron... If he'd been swimming with 20 of them he wouldn't have been screaming because that would be expected. Turning around and finding a huge ass shark in your face would have most people screaming, including a tough guy like yourself.
i SkyWalKing
i SkyWalKing - 7 years ago
No kidding.Ive swam with about 20 of them in the open sea and kept bumping into them and vice versa....they are extremely gentle and non threatening. This camera man is a dramatic pussy...
Elitedevil - 7 years ago
When something that big sneaks up on you like that, of course you get scared...

Mark Hampton
Mark Hampton - 10 years ago
+Mack Lee It's only a whale shark, but imagine turning around and seeing a big ass whale right behind you. And literally, that thing is huge dude, anybody would get startled from that who the hell do you think these guys are it's normal to freak out when you see a 40ft long whale right behind you. If you were to get attacked (not attacked but you know, sneaked up on) by a big ass whale I guarantee you would scream like a little bitch too.
Sergio Callao
Sergio Callao - 10 years ago
yeah it wouldnt scare any normal person... nor would sharks, sharks kill less people per year than bubble gum does
Osef Enfait
Osef Enfait - 10 years ago
if you were him i'm sure you panic even more
dolan pls
Alrune La Brune
Alrune La Brune - 10 years ago
Because, harmless or not, it's 12 times your size and if it"s in a bad mood, a simple slam from its tail can easily break all your ribs, if not worse.
DinmaSalitzey - 10 years ago
This is not the original audio.This is fake.
If he was actualy screaming there would be air bubbles spewing out.
SmokeMyBlunt - 10 years ago
Because its an animal over 10 times your size able to swallow you whole coming straight at you.You can act like a tough guy all you want behind your pc but if you were the person in question you would have shit yourself.
Rosstafa - 10 years ago
A. that shark could have tried to swallow him, which while it wouldn't be fatal, would still be bloody scary. B. if the shark panicked and made a sudden movement, it could easily break every bone in his body. Animals that big are never completely harmless.
Sheri Aragon
Sheri Aragon - 10 years ago
+Josh but they are wearing masks. You lose you peripheral vision. The had focus on the catch near them and the water was dark. Whale sharks swim faster than humans. Adding that together yes it could sneak up.
Logic - 10 years ago
+David Murdock Okay but its a whale shark, and there is NO WAY he did not see it in his peripheral vision 

Scary for a second, yes, but you're in THEIR territory
Ice Man
Ice Man - 10 years ago
You would've shit your diving suit
RKVersion1 - 10 years ago
Yea, I'd probably still take a dump in my pants if that happened to me. Doesn't matter if it has the brain the size of a peanut and harmless. It's mass is quite bigger than mine.
David Murdock
David Murdock - 10 years ago
Because it ninja'd up on him and is the size of a school bus.  Imagine turning around and seeing Cthulhu making kissy lips right in your face.
PdRy - 10 years ago
The shark made him shat himself
Besmir Hajdini
Besmir Hajdini - 10 years ago
huahua Cool
James T
James T - 10 years ago
Maybe get hate for this, but can the 'attack' be dropped from the title before the networks copy/paste it for the 6 o'clock? Great video and encounter, but sharks don't need more distortion.
omygodsword - 10 years ago
My face when I'm in Vashj'ir and this fucker spawns on top of me. 
Orgruk - 10 years ago
I think his wetsuit is wet on the inside now.
Your Average American
Your Average American - 9 years ago
+Orgruk Maybe a little brown too.
BDNeon - 9 years ago
+Joshua Taboso No, he knew what the intended joke was, he was just pointing out the joke was broken. To fix it, the joke would have to be "I think his drysuit is a wetsuit now".
80811B - 10 years ago
That would be an understatement in that situation LOL
Joshua Taboso
Joshua Taboso - 10 years ago
+Nunya Buisness Boy, you're the life of the party? You sure showed me.
Nunya Buisness
Nunya Buisness - 10 years ago
+Joshua Taboso I get it it's just not funny. 
Joshua Taboso
Joshua Taboso - 10 years ago
+Nunya Buisness
------>The joke

-Your head
Juddston Keanaaina Jr.
Juddston Keanaaina Jr. - 10 years ago
That's funny.
Orgruk - 10 years ago
Reallllly wet!
Nunya Buisness
Nunya Buisness - 10 years ago
Wetsuits are always wet on the inside that is what makes them wet suits
clearevil - 10 years ago
MeargleSchmeargle - 7 years ago
clearevil Doesn't look fake to me.
whitter86 - 10 years ago
David Murdock
David Murdock - 10 years ago
Pyro meets a whale shark.
raymondo152 - 10 years ago

Matty Matt Matt
Matty Matt Matt - 10 years ago
The damn WHALE just snuck up on me.
Matt -
Matt - - 9 years ago
+Simon Yunke..yeah it's a shark/whale - whale/shark which is actually a shark with whale  
SimonScarHead - 9 years ago
The whale shark is not a whale
Matt -
Matt - - 9 years ago
Matty Matt Matt
Matty Matt Matt - 9 years ago
+Matt Matton Hello to you too Mr. Matt Matton
Matt -
Matt - - 9 years ago
+Matty Matt Matt well hello Matt :)
Clint Mevis
Clint Mevis - 10 years ago
+Mike Wasilisin I believe he shat his pantaloons
Pengu1041 - 10 years ago
Ah ok ya that makes sense, forgot about the oxygen aspect.
Zack Tucker
Zack Tucker - 10 years ago
+noobx Qb lt's a shark... sharks are mammals so ye it is a mammal aha :)
Matty Matt Matt
Matty Matt Matt - 10 years ago
+Pengu1041 Guppies, Mollies, Black ghost mollies, Sword-tails, Platy and whale sharks are all live bearing FISH. No eggs but still a fish. They all breath through gills not by surfacing like a blue whale to get air.
Pengu1041 - 10 years ago
So you're telling me Whale Sharks lay eggs because they are a fish? Fish lay eggs, mammals give birth. Whale Sharks don't lay eggs.
Matty Matt Matt
Matty Matt Matt - 10 years ago
+M4XC4V413R4 It showed up in my inbox. So I apologize for being rude. 
Matty Matt Matt
Matty Matt Matt - 10 years ago
+M4XC4V413R4 Too bad it's a Whale SHARK. Not a whale. I'ts a shark and sharks are fish. Dumbass
Alexander Wingeskog
Alexander Wingeskog - 10 years ago
+Pengu1041 The biggest fish is the whaleshark. And that is what I said.. Bluewhale is not a fish...
Fruitveganful Mart
Fruitveganful Mart - 10 years ago
+XXXXMYCHANNELXXXX I figure you forgot the shark part :-D
Pengu1041 - 10 years ago
+Alexander Wingeskog
No it's not, Blue Whale is the biggest mammal/fish/animal/organism on this planet currently
Matty Matt Matt
Matty Matt Matt - 10 years ago
+Fruitveganful Martenson The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is a slow-moving filter feeding shark and the largest known extant fish species. But a whale is a mammal. I just forgot to type the shark part.
Fruitveganful Mart
Fruitveganful Mart - 10 years ago
+noobx Qb I was talking about THIS conversation. XXXMYCHANNELXXX said WHALE and Alexander said it was the biggest FISH in the world. To which I responded a whale is not a fish but a mammal. 
I know this is a whale shark, I hope I do, I'm a marine biologist :-)
noobx Qb
noobx Qb - 10 years ago
+Fruitveganful Martenson Whale shark is not a whale nor is it a mammal.
Fruitveganful Mart
Fruitveganful Mart - 10 years ago
+Alexander Wingeskog Whales are not fish, they are mammals :-)
Alexander Wingeskog
Alexander Wingeskog - 10 years ago
It is biggest fish in the world... So its a damn fish ☺
Jason Holmberg
Jason Holmberg - 10 years ago
Awesome video! Where and when did you see this whale shark? We may be able to identify and track it over at whaleshark . org. Thank you!

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