Is this the biggest great white shark EVER filmed? Gigantic beast nicknamed Deep Blue caught

Is this the largest great white shark ever to be filmed? - Stunningly Large Great White Shark Filmed Off Guadalupe Island (VIDEO) Video Credit: Mauricio Hoyos Padilla Is this the biggest great white shark ever caught on camera? Footage captures huge beast named Deep Blue towering over divers Is this the biggest great white ever caught on camera? Footage shows fearless diver high fiving 20-foot-long shark called Deep Blue New footage has been released of one of the largest great white sharks ever caught on film, an enormous, more-than-20-foot-long creature named Deep Blue. The massive predator was first featured in August by the Discovery Channel in a documentary when researchers tagged the gigantic fish. One of the researchers involved in the effort, Mauricio Hoyos Padilla, discovered footage from the excursion in his computer this week, GrindTV reports. New footage has been released of one of the largest great white sharks ever caught on film, a more-than-20-foot-long creature named Deep Blue The fish is seen in the footage towering over divers who went unharmed in a roofless cage; one diver even touched the shark's fin Deep Blue was first featured in a tagging effort by the Discovery Channel last year and was almost as big as the researchers' boat The shark, believed to be at least 50 years old, is seen in the video swimming around a roofless cage near Mexico's Guadalupe Island. One diver in the cage is seen getting dangerously close to the massive, then-heavily pregnant fish and touching one of its fins. In addition to her massive size, the shark is recognizable by her many scars. New footage has been released of Deep Blue, one of the largest great white sharks ever documented, recorded as she swam off the coast of Mexico’s Guadalupe Island. In the documentary, the narrator explains that large, vertical slashes on Deep Blue's left flank could be the result of fights with sharks or mating. The fish has a large, gaping hole on her right trunk and her dorsal fin and tail appear to be scraped and damaged. The Biggest Great White Shark Ever Seen! Diver leaves cage to give enormous great white shark a high five Deep Blue - The biggest shark we have ever seen Diver leaves cage to give huge great white shark a high five Diver high-fives giant great white shark

Is this the biggest great white shark EVER filmed? Gigantic beast nicknamed Deep Blue caught sentiment_very_dissatisfied 82

Shark videos 9 years ago 1,910,249 views

Is this the largest great white shark ever to be filmed? - Stunningly Large Great White Shark Filmed Off Guadalupe Island (VIDEO) Video Credit: Mauricio Hoyos Padilla Is this the biggest great white shark ever caught on camera? Footage captures huge beast named Deep Blue towering over divers Is this the biggest great white ever caught on camera? Footage shows fearless diver high fiving 20-foot-long shark called Deep Blue New footage has been released of one of the largest great white sharks ever caught on film, an enormous, more-than-20-foot-long creature named Deep Blue. The massive predator was first featured in August by the Discovery Channel in a documentary when researchers tagged the gigantic fish. One of the researchers involved in the effort, Mauricio Hoyos Padilla, discovered footage from the excursion in his computer this week, GrindTV reports. New footage has been released of one of the largest great white sharks ever caught on film, a more-than-20-foot-long creature named Deep Blue The fish is seen in the footage towering over divers who went unharmed in a roofless cage; one diver even touched the shark's fin Deep Blue was first featured in a tagging effort by the Discovery Channel last year and was almost as big as the researchers' boat The shark, believed to be at least 50 years old, is seen in the video swimming around a roofless cage near Mexico's Guadalupe Island. One diver in the cage is seen getting dangerously close to the massive, then-heavily pregnant fish and touching one of its fins. In addition to her massive size, the shark is recognizable by her many scars. New footage has been released of Deep Blue, one of the largest great white sharks ever documented, recorded as she swam off the coast of Mexico’s Guadalupe Island. In the documentary, the narrator explains that large, vertical slashes on Deep Blue's left flank could be the result of fights with sharks or mating. The fish has a large, gaping hole on her right trunk and her dorsal fin and tail appear to be scraped and damaged. The Biggest Great White Shark Ever Seen! Diver leaves cage to give enormous great white shark a high five Deep Blue - The biggest shark we have ever seen Diver leaves cage to give huge great white shark a high five Diver high-fives giant great white shark

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Most popular comments
for Is this the biggest great white shark EVER filmed? Gigantic beast nicknamed Deep Blue caught

LJ Soriano
LJ Soriano - 8 years ago
Phoenix Swanson
Phoenix Swanson - 8 years ago
No - you're wrong, so stupid..
flower 5
flower 5 - 8 years ago
+Chase Kaplan
hahah ,I know all this...I like to look at this majestic fish..which shows man that he is a nobody the water she's the Queen...)))
Chase Kaplan
Chase Kaplan - 8 years ago
Well the reality is most great whites are like that. Almost like cats, calm and curious but occasionally will attack you. But it's bull sharks which are nasty business
flower 5
flower 5 - 8 years ago
Yes I agree with you ,the shark is very's weird)))+Chase Kaplan
Chase Kaplan
Chase Kaplan - 8 years ago
I know right? And so peaceful and curious. Just wants to know what the deal is. Very misunderstood creatures
C Marshall
C Marshall - 8 years ago
I think, for the most part, sharks are just curious creatures...Big as a Buick!
whynottalklikeapirat - 8 years ago
We're gonna need a bigger boat ...
GK Chase
GK Chase - 9 years ago
A great white nicknamed deep blue. That's like getting a yellow lab and naming it purple eagle.

10. comment for Is this the biggest great white shark EVER filmed? Gigantic beast nicknamed Deep Blue caught

Gillian G
Gillian G - 9 years ago
Damn. That's the most beautiful animal, and the coolest footage I've just about ever seen--and yet, somehow there still manages to be some of the most ridiculous, ignorant comments I've ever seen. Ahh youtube--questions my faith in humans. Sharks 1, People 0.
Lucas H
Lucas H - 9 years ago
hocuspocusjokerride - 9 years ago
It ain't no 27 footer though, I've seen a 27 footer before !!!
gail haze
gail haze - 9 years ago
why do we even bother to scuba dive DEEP in the ocean? i mean there are so many undiscovered things HUGE things lurking in the the deep blue they could come out of no where and eat you or drag you down to the bottom thats some scary shit!!
kaped262 - 9 years ago
Nice size
Heather Vaught
Heather Vaught - 9 years ago
Fish are so fucking stupid, there is a 20 foot shark swimming around and all they fucking do is panic and swim in circles.
harris daniel
harris daniel - 9 years ago
how do i know this is real...or a big fat fake?
Andrew Murray
Andrew Murray - 9 years ago
i'm never going into the ocean again now that i know jaws is real.
Always Smile
Always Smile - 9 years ago
If Kanye West was in a shark tank...
Steve Fox Jr
Steve Fox Jr - 9 years ago
This shark sure works out and lifts lol #schwarzeneggerShark
whynottalklikeapirat - 8 years ago
YOu mean #Sharkzynegger of course

20. comment for Is this the biggest great white shark EVER filmed? Gigantic beast nicknamed Deep Blue caught

Huxxy - 9 years ago
Nice fishy...Nice fishy...easy does it
Hassan Talib
Hassan Talib - 9 years ago
- - 9 years ago
+Hassan Talib We don't belong in the water. That's the sharks home not ours.
Push it to the limit
Push it to the limit - 9 years ago
Its a female , her name is DEEP BLUE .
Artur Renato B.B
Artur Renato B.B - 9 years ago
He's scary,deadly,a killing machine,a mortal gun of nature,a giant white shark who gonna kill me in seconds,who gonna actually gonna eat me,but cute. 3>
whynottalklikeapirat - 8 years ago
As you may have noticed she is in fact NOT eating anybody even though she could smash that cage to bits if she wanted to. This is because sharks are in fact NOT killing machines. Stop perpetuating stupid fucking crap TV stereotypes. That's the kind of thing that contributes to enabling the mindless killing of sharks.
Artur Renato B.B
Artur Renato B.B - 9 years ago
+ojideagu Ok.
ojideagu - 9 years ago
+Artur Renato B.B Well it sure looks it and everyone seems to be saying it is
Artur Renato B.B
Artur Renato B.B - 9 years ago
+alex ojideagu Shit.It's that true?
alex ojideagu
alex ojideagu - 9 years ago
it is à prégnant female
Brap Goodheart
Brap Goodheart - 9 years ago
it's a whale shark
veda pierce
veda pierce - 9 years ago
i think the shark's pregnant
veda pierce
veda pierce - 9 years ago
+alex ojideagu Yeah that's what I thought.Gorgeous creature.
alex ojideagu
alex ojideagu - 9 years ago
it is
Jordan Pugh
Jordan Pugh - 9 years ago
That fiver must of been on the short bus in grade school
Hunter Sgg
Hunter Sgg - 9 years ago
this has to be fake because the size of his balls would weigh him down!
Davidovar34 - 9 years ago
So where do they catch it? :p
Noel Wells
Noel Wells - 9 years ago
she is massive and massively beautiful! Go DEEP BLUE!

30. comment for Is this the biggest great white shark EVER filmed? Gigantic beast nicknamed Deep Blue caught

Rosetta Davis
Rosetta Davis - 9 years ago
It's the short megaldon it's big but smaller than regular megaldon
hamtrak - 9 years ago
Awww.....I want one.
joshua6200 - 9 years ago
She's pregnant, so she looks bigger "girth wise", but still a very big GW..
Elie Juste
Elie Juste - 9 years ago
The shark is pregnant , u can obviously tell it doesn't have the flexibility as any other great white but it's still a pretty big shark.
Point Man
Point Man - 9 years ago
That shark is one fatty lmfao
frizzy wizzy
frizzy wizzy - 9 years ago
isnt that submarine?
frizzy wizzy
frizzy wizzy - 9 years ago
+Iron Jaws lol thanks im re assured
Coldest Horzion
Coldest Horzion - 9 years ago
Is this real?
Alexandros Papadimos
Alexandros Papadimos - 9 years ago
This is a really fat one xD
PinkasBrown44 - 9 years ago
what a fat cow
Shan Devin
Shan Devin - 9 years ago
lol that wimpy ass catch would get crushed fuck that
- TheElectricGamer -
- TheElectricGamer - - 9 years ago
Sharks are so cute, especially Great Whites. But I don't know why?
Darrell Pasion
Darrell Pasion - 9 years ago
What a beautiful animal
Tigadee00 - 9 years ago
It's Sherman (from Sherman's Lagoon)!
1111ironhawk - 9 years ago
just imagine a megalodon swimming by if it really existed
mixterz - 9 years ago
wonder what age that shark would be ?
Socially Oppressed
Socially Oppressed - 9 years ago
This guys balls are bigger than the shark.
BaltenrGSTM - 9 years ago
Have you ever notice the man outside? the first one... he's just pulling the shark out... LOL. Like the shark cares hahaha
†Noblesse †
†Noblesse † - 9 years ago
0:52 shoo bitch shoo get the hell out of my yard
bohdilama - 9 years ago
Pregnant female?
eELijaNilLs HD
eELijaNilLs HD - 9 years ago
It's Deep Blue

50. comment for Is this the biggest great white shark EVER filmed? Gigantic beast nicknamed Deep Blue caught

Rebeca Higgins
Rebeca Higgins - 9 years ago
Oh man
killa legend
killa legend - 9 years ago
there gonna need a bigger boat
XxAliyah QuinnxX
XxAliyah QuinnxX - 9 years ago
DonaldTrumpFaggot - 9 years ago
You know how we got obese people? Well this is the shark version of it. MYSTERY SOLVED!
鋼然 - 9 years ago
wow,this is a huge one!
sk96756 koloa
sk96756 koloa - 9 years ago
In 2013 off the coast of Hawaii my crew and I saw a slightly bigger one. We have it recorded so no, this is not the biggest shark ever recorded.
illusi0n - 9 years ago
Almost like Megalodon
Marcus Thomas
Marcus Thomas - 9 years ago
why is he out the cage though?...just go jump in fam...
Lego light
Lego light - 9 years ago
sharks are great animald
Jasmine Day
Jasmine Day - 9 years ago
It must be a megaladon ,or just a normal great white that's just a bit fat.....
Da Fuq
Da Fuq - 9 years ago
timika17 - 9 years ago
Sharks are afraid of humans, it is legitimate! These are so stupid ...
Mick Sydney
Mick Sydney - 9 years ago
thats a fucken big shark mate
DavidRNAU - 9 years ago
Your gonna need a bigger boat!!!!!
kertaspaper94 - 9 years ago
Majestic as fuck
okami - 9 years ago
If I saw that I wouldn't die of it eating me I would die of scaredness
KoolCat !
KoolCat ! - 9 years ago
Damn! That is one BIG & Impressive looking fish.
bloodlucky - 9 years ago
jesus christ, can you imagine being that shark? what could you possibly be prey to? i would fuck shit up if i were that shark.
BenCooper - 9 years ago
dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun
Gemma Lincoln
Gemma Lincoln - 9 years ago
KINGPRANK - 9 years ago
Fucking hell that was huge!!!
Katherine Uribe
Katherine Uribe - 9 years ago
I liked when he tried to push her away, then touched her fin...his arm & hand looked so tiny compared to her huge pectoral fin! She is truly enormous. I wonder when she pupped and how many she was carrying. No one's ever seen\filmed a great white giving birth. They're very secretive creatures.
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 9 years ago
All hail Deep Blue!
Phylykx hoang
Phylykx hoang - 9 years ago
Lol the guy just pushed the shark
Dawn I
Dawn I - 9 years ago
1:27.. large bite mark midway down below the dorsal fin. Whatever that was, looks like it was even larger.
Grow Yourself
Grow Yourself - 9 years ago
Blue Sky
Blue Sky - 9 years ago
And also biggest man's ball ever caught on tape ! Cmon the dude just pushed away the fucking shark who's the predator here.
tlig - 9 years ago
bostonsirish1 - 9 years ago
Chelsea Bowling
Chelsea Bowling - 9 years ago
jaws theme plays in the distance
OneMove33 - 9 years ago
Omg imagine trying to ride that thing, it would be such a rush ti grab on to its dorsal fin and see how long you can stay on.. and if you can make it back : L
maxtache - 9 years ago
Big girl with pups.
Doug Beauchamp
Doug Beauchamp - 9 years ago
To bad mankind can't act in the same manner...he came, he tried and he moved on! lol wishful thinking
/ - 9 years ago
Maddie0820 - 9 years ago
Noah Hutchinson
Noah Hutchinson - 9 years ago
The ocean is liquid death
Adam Diguiseppe
Adam Diguiseppe - 9 years ago
how big and long is the great white shark
Shameer Umesh Bhaggan
Shameer Umesh Bhaggan - 9 years ago
should have named him Bruce...
Klint Karas
Klint Karas - 9 years ago
aww i wanna high five a shark too!!
rocktheflare - 9 years ago
Nope nope nope
eaglerabbit89 - 9 years ago
Finally a shark that can contend with Jaws.
Vinayak Maharaj
Vinayak Maharaj - 9 years ago
deep blue is huge
George Stiell
George Stiell - 9 years ago
I'm surprised he didnt sink to the ocean floor with such balls of steel. I woulda died from the moment I saw this giant monster.
George Stiell
George Stiell - 9 years ago
+Mark Law yes indeed!
Mark Law
Mark Law - 9 years ago
+George Stiell : 
Hi George, that shark is a bloody monster. I couldn't believe how small and insignificant she made that cage and guy look. 
Looks like she could shred the cage, and eat the contents like it was takeaway Macca's or something.
Ever seen those little flat tins the sardines come in...That would be her perspective on that F#ckin cage.
Nature really is amazing, we humans don't really appreciate the beauty that is all around us.
Cupra28 - 9 years ago
Huge fish 5 meters maybe.
The Dreamer Kid
The Dreamer Kid - 9 years ago
Bruce from Nemo is bigger.
Jo Blow
Jo Blow - 9 years ago
Look at the scars on that thing, one mean mother fuckin shark
Dahjer Canaan
Dahjer Canaan - 9 years ago
Dude, if she wanted to I can bet you, you're going to need a bigger, thicker steel cage... and a stronger cable to keep her from biting it and making the cage sink to the bottom.
Mary Ashley
Mary Ashley - 9 years ago
deerp heerp
deerp heerp - 9 years ago
its not big its just fat :/
John Gardner
John Gardner - 9 years ago
Holy COW that thing is huge.

100. comment for Is this the biggest great white shark EVER filmed? Gigantic beast nicknamed Deep Blue caught

colton sharp
colton sharp - 9 years ago
My name is bruce!
Thairish - 9 years ago
this is not the biggest white shark ever!! MY C#CK IS THE BIGGEST WHITE SHARK IN THE OCEAN!!!
Clin ick
Clin ick - 9 years ago
If i die, I want to swim with that shark in heaven
ramprashad29 - 9 years ago
wow she is a giant
Alpha Clipz
Alpha Clipz - 9 years ago
Alpha Clipz
Alpha Clipz - 9 years ago
That is tinny
John King
John King - 9 years ago
She is 50 approx. and according to recent research, healthy great whites have a life span equivalent to humans! So she has plenty of time left, and is about the same age as me!
Nikke 2800
Nikke 2800 - 9 years ago
what if it's not a big greate white shark, but a small megaladon...
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 9 years ago
+Nikke 2800 No chance. If that was the case we would have seen a 60ft shark swimming around by now.
YooItsElise - 9 years ago
The biggest shark is the submarine shark! Or the megalodon
Colton Martinez
Colton Martinez - 9 years ago
That's a great white can tell it's a great white by the way it is...isn't that neat?
Jonathon Tucker
Jonathon Tucker - 9 years ago
Beast is an understatment.
2horizons - 9 years ago
Ernest Jay
Ernest Jay - 9 years ago
Is that you MEGALODON ?
Joel Smerber
Joel Smerber - 9 years ago
Giant shark? I saw no such thing, that divers GIANT BALLS were consuming my computer screen.
sofos870 - 9 years ago
pwpw xestike
Deegun78 - 9 years ago
They will need a bigger boat.
Darlene Alexander
Darlene Alexander - 9 years ago
Why is he out of the cage?!?
richard dvorak
richard dvorak - 9 years ago
Deep Blue old lady
Henrique Divina
Henrique Divina - 9 years ago
Pardon my language.. Thats a fucking beautiful creature!!
Danny Leo
Danny Leo - 9 years ago
Probably as close to a juvenile megalodon as we'll see.
h5y - 9 years ago
Damn that great white needs to get on sharky craig or something, she fatttt
Tommy Petersen
Tommy Petersen - 9 years ago
Anyone know why ( or if) she doesn't just gobble one of the fish swimming around her? Is it that she's too big and slow? And is it just me or does that damn thing look cute?
eatthisvr6 - 9 years ago
+Eric Naylor also you know the cheerio is faster than you so youd use more energy chasing it then youd gain by eating it! even if you could catch it lol
Eric Naylor
Eric Naylor - 9 years ago
+Tommy Petersen They're too small to be of any interest to her. I mean, think about it: If you were hungry would you want a single cheerio, or a decent-sized steak?
Nathan Webster
Nathan Webster - 9 years ago
"Don't worry lil buddy, I'll get you out of that cage"
communistjesus - 9 years ago
According to this expert,  Female White Sharks tend to be FEMALE.. Sexual dimorphism..
StarHarbor - 9 years ago
dont stick your toes in the water
Maverick _fr
Maverick _fr - 9 years ago
Impressive !
Jacob Benjamin
Jacob Benjamin - 9 years ago
Did this nigga just high five that big ass shark!
evilemperordude - 9 years ago
I assume the title is supposed to say "caught on film." They didn't catch her.
RaviKumar Gowda
RaviKumar Gowda - 9 years ago
Wow...shes gorgeous
Ondřej MARŠÍK - 9 years ago
Well its a female, so it might be even pregnant
Whaleform - 9 years ago
umm the cage?? just a thought? USE IT!
CARSINO. productions
CARSINO. productions - 9 years ago
This shark needs to lay off the steroids. o.O
Lord Obamakiin
Lord Obamakiin - 9 years ago
i swear to god, if anyone tries to kill this beautiful shark, i will harpoon them through the heart.
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 9 years ago
+Doom Crafter If anyone tries, I will feed them to her.
Jakub Skowron
Jakub Skowron - 9 years ago
Beatifull animal...
Ty Naylor
Ty Naylor - 9 years ago
this ruins the ocean for me.... that's just great...
Hum0ng0us - 9 years ago
She looks pregnant.
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 9 years ago
+Hum0ng0us She is.
Kianna Lilly
Kianna Lilly - 9 years ago
National Geographic had their experts analyze this video. They say this actually may be the biggest caught on film seeing as to how underwater cameras are more common today. They that the average shark is 14-15ft because they don't live long enough to get this big. They say this shark is pregnant and looks to be about 50 years in age.
Alex Mark
Alex Mark - 9 years ago
nope. nope. nope. NOPE. NOPE.
sennetor - 9 years ago
Dave Wray
Dave Wray - 9 years ago
It would be a better film if the guy got attacked a little but not hurt.
Sven Lowgaf
Sven Lowgaf - 9 years ago
How the hell does a diver with balls that huge not float to the surface... that fish is pretty big too.
Michael Rocha
Michael Rocha - 9 years ago
this shark looks obese.
Rostro - 9 years ago
You should've kept it a secret now white people are going to go shoot it
That Dude
That Dude - 9 years ago
+Rostro keep youre comments to wshh you pos
Rebeca Higgins
Rebeca Higgins - 9 years ago
you are funny
max ludlow
max ludlow - 9 years ago
+Dilan De Mestre Rostro what a bizarre thing to say
eatthisvr6 - 9 years ago
+Dilan De Mestre whats wrong with a little socialism?
The Mister Pete Channel
The Mister Pete Channel - 9 years ago
+Ardy Maruhum ha ha ha ha!
Ardy Maruhum
Ardy Maruhum - 9 years ago
+MrPete8680 heyyy....come on, not all asians you know....Just remind the "deep blue" to dive deeper if she encounter a japanese or chinese...
The Mister Pete Channel
The Mister Pete Channel - 9 years ago
+Rostro Not b4 Asians turn it in 2 Sushi.
Shraben - 9 years ago
+Rostro get out of here.
Dilan De Mestre
Dilan De Mestre - 9 years ago
A white woman NAACP leader. 0
Deep525 - 9 years ago
How many black people does it take to start a riot?

Major Renegade
Major Renegade - 9 years ago
+Rostro you mean rich white dentist
Dilan De Mestre
Dilan De Mestre - 9 years ago
+Rostro White people filmed it. Fucking inverted racist pro-socialist fool.
Johnny lor
Johnny lor - 9 years ago
"I never knew my father"
rs88 - 9 years ago
wouldn't get my ass in that water
Anasazi King
Anasazi King - 9 years ago
.                         ANY BODY FOR FISH AND CHIPS
Elizabeth Gaspodnetich
Elizabeth Gaspodnetich - 9 years ago
I saw this on the news a while back and I could not believe how awesome this shark is!! She is so huge! At least if this shark ate you, you wouldn't have to worry about it taking a bite out of you first. That sucker looks like it could swallow you whole!!
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 9 years ago
Magnificent beast
VeryWell RespectedIndividual
VeryWell RespectedIndividual - 9 years ago
I would love to see what the DAD looks like, if SHE'S pregnant.. how big do you think??
Jay Simmons
Jay Simmons - 9 years ago
My opinion is that the ocean hasn't been fully discovered by man, the ocean is very deep, ancient fish were discovered and was thought to be extinct, now maybe there are a alpha predator like Megladon cruising the depths of the ocean, who knows
Leonard Smith
Leonard Smith - 9 years ago
It's a tuna! Doesn't look at all like a great white shark. Idiots...!
Robert Frias
Robert Frias - 9 years ago
This has to be the largest ever on video. She is just MASSIVE..... I've been looking a long time and have never seen another so large. Give it up to protection and conservation for such large predators returning.
MatawanBullShark - 9 years ago
In the words of a Rob Schneider movie "That's a huge bitch!"
KangBang81 - 9 years ago
That diver is fricking NUTS. O_o
Scott Jarnagin
Scott Jarnagin - 9 years ago
ummmm Megalodon?
Dakota Hathcock
Dakota Hathcock - 9 years ago
I can't wait to see one!
Souls Are For Squares
Souls Are For Squares - 9 years ago
If it were a SyFy movie, an even bigger shark would come out of no where and eat that one.
Ob Bop
Ob Bop - 9 years ago
Can I have it for a pet?
SRT8Driver - 9 years ago
yea...that's right genius, come outta that cage and tempt fate....what a genius!
joshua kim
joshua kim - 9 years ago
+BlacKnightRising The real ballsyness should be credited to the fish. Crazy little guys just swim around the shark without fear of getting eaten.
Z Boi
Z Boi - 9 years ago
Some of you here might think great white are too slow to rip you off.
tee walker
tee walker - 9 years ago
god knows how big the shark that got her pregnant was  :)
Owen Burns
Owen Burns - 9 years ago
that thing is a bus
Robert Klock
Robert Klock - 9 years ago
last time I dove the second reef off Long Key...we did it with a 20+ft..Tiger..scary... but very kool..THEY'RE OUT THERE...
Robert Klock
Robert Klock - 9 years ago
Well..When diving I take my legal bros and I don't believe in taking advantage at all..besides it'd take quite some effort to take that baby
Aqua Man
Aqua Man - 9 years ago
I don't know man but you should try and capture it. you could become a new record holder.
Robert Klock
Robert Klock - 9 years ago
Is it hard to determine size..underwater.. When it was under the our boat which is a 24 'it is about 20' at the water was that part of the keys ...for many many years a large tiger has eaten many folks...everyone describes it as 20' or better.,that was probably it....I believe that one is the exception... Do you have any idea how old it might be?
Aqua Man
Aqua Man - 9 years ago
+Robert Klock The largest ever seen or recorded was 18 feet.
Hazwan Haron
Hazwan Haron - 9 years ago
Big and slow..must be very old.
Mari Scott
Mari Scott - 9 years ago
+Hazwan Haron she's pregnant!
TeeDee215 - 9 years ago
Totally fascinating! But I enjoy watching it from a distance :)
Red Skull
Red Skull - 9 years ago
we're gonna need a bigger boat
Uniteduser7 - 9 years ago
Absolutely The Scars of War
Kool MaDa
Kool MaDa - 9 years ago
You're gonna need a bigger boat!
Dj Tapatio
Dj Tapatio - 9 years ago
That shark looked so majestic
Megu Dela Cruz
Megu Dela Cruz - 9 years ago
Its not great white shark its
Clive P
Clive P - 9 years ago
Bet Sharky tastes nice.
ComradeSam1994 - 9 years ago
Dun dun... Dun dun......DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DADA DUN DUN DUN DUN DU DADA DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ben Easterbrook
Ben Easterbrook - 9 years ago
quick delete this video before the Chinese see what they can have for dinner next week
Robert Zaffrann
Robert Zaffrann - 9 years ago
Hey ever seen a shark's eyes...all dark and a doll's eyes...
Nicola X Cuppaidge
Nicola X Cuppaidge - 9 years ago
How old is this shark?
Kotaro Seta
Kotaro Seta - 9 years ago
Really? Deep Blue? You find a 20ft shark and not think Jaws? I'm calling him Bruce.
eatthisvr6 - 9 years ago
+MrRyusuzaku sheila :)
Eduardo Prieto
Eduardo Prieto - 9 years ago
+Kotaro Seta In Guadalupe Island there are about 130 sharks that come every year, there is a book with photos of each one, guess what? there is one call Bruce and is a very popular shark that interacts a lot with the cages. If you get to identify one that is not registered, you can name it.
MrRyusuzaku - 9 years ago
+Kotaro Seta But it's a she.
Brandy Jones
Brandy Jones - 9 years ago
just real beauty of nature. that's why you'll never find me in the ocean. Not fish food.
Emilnator 1410
Emilnator 1410 - 9 years ago
Arni shark?
Rob in NH
Rob in NH - 9 years ago
Octavio Mancilla
Octavio Mancilla - 9 years ago
I think a Giant Squid even more terrifying
Steve Hunt
Steve Hunt - 9 years ago
uncertainty principle
uncertainty principle - 9 years ago
that diver would be just a snack for him
Piper Volstagg
Piper Volstagg - 9 years ago
Traveling Vlog
Traveling Vlog - 9 years ago
Wow.. absolutely magnificent. It's amazing how gigantic that great white is. What a beauty!
Tom Ross
Tom Ross - 9 years ago
anyone notice the fish swim into the lens at 0:24?
Mike Guo
Mike Guo - 9 years ago
you tried to eat me, hi five!
Kenny - 9 years ago
awhhh big cutie
Nina Amore
Nina Amore - 9 years ago
That Shark is obese.
scott c
scott c - 9 years ago
if Jaws ever saw this he'd go "fuck it, i'm outta here!!"
Colton Martinez
Colton Martinez - 9 years ago
He is probably the one who hit that and knocked her up
Baron Geisler
Baron Geisler - 9 years ago
one healthy shark
7paco - 9 years ago
wait, how is no one mentioning that guy toying with her? the has guy a death wish or what...
Psychotic Shakes
Psychotic Shakes - 9 years ago
Sharks are actually very docile. Just saying.
Tara Brown
Tara Brown - 9 years ago
aww congratulations!
communistjesus - 9 years ago
Thanks for the FUTURE NIGHTMARES... DANG NATURE, YOU SCARY.. . They think that it is a PREGNANT FEMALE about 50 years old, and that it measures 20 feet plus..They should really protect this amazing animal... Because you that right now some where around the WORLD there is a guy with a lot of $$$$$$ in his pockets and a limp/tiny penee thinking:  "If I killed with a couple of grenades or if  fish it out of sea then, I will feel and the world will see me as a "BIG TOUGH GUY" " (See the A55H0L3 USAian(trademark) DENTIST that CHICKEN SHITEDLY Lured the poor lion outside the park, ambushed/ BUSH WACKED and WOUNDED POOR CECIL THE LION WITH AN ARROW, then killed with a rifle after catching up to him days after... WHAT A FREAKING NERD SCUMBAG) WE HAVEN"T FORGOT ABOUT YOU, YA AHOLE DENTIST DOUCHE...
Mx Es
Mx Es - 9 years ago
You're gonna need a bigger boat.
aLittle(too)Hyper - 9 years ago
The only thing big here is that guy's balls. Not sure if that was said already...
Daniel Ostermann
Daniel Ostermann - 9 years ago
ist das der megalodon der größte hai der welt
Matthew Shellman
Matthew Shellman - 9 years ago
jesus that is huge
Mark Bonetti
Mark Bonetti - 9 years ago
Billy: When I get older i'm gonna high five a shark!

And he was never seen again...
E14Art - 9 years ago
You're gonna need a bigger boat.
Sour Potato
Sour Potato - 9 years ago
It's massive!
Rafael Magalhães
Rafael Magalhães - 9 years ago
it's a big fat shark! she has like two cuts bellow her, am i correct?
TPDManiacXC626 - 9 years ago
She is just bloated with pups growing inside her, and I bet some of them might be eating each other.
Kaitlyn Walters
Kaitlyn Walters - 9 years ago
That shark was cute.
ninja2kernow - 9 years ago
Big pregnant girl
Steve James
Steve James - 9 years ago
Julie Chan
Julie Chan - 9 years ago
what a monster....too big probably the greatest I've ever seen
Tashon Atem
Tashon Atem - 9 years ago
Kids, this is what happens when you take Yolo to seriously.
Tashon Atem
Tashon Atem - 9 years ago
I think this guy may wanna take it easy on the Yolo stuff..... jeez...
Jonathan Kieran
Jonathan Kieran - 9 years ago
My. God. She is beautiful.

I love our earth and our evolution and all the sheer EXISTENCE that has produced these creatures over millions of years. Over eons.

Just haunting and wonderful.

Save our Sharks! They are very important to our world, and they have earned their place on this planet.
Gillian G
Gillian G - 9 years ago
+lordsteel333 They are not "murder machines." Please stop spreading such nonsense! They are the oceans top predator, and they occasionally mistake people in the surf for turtles or seals. That said, you have a better chance of being hit by lightning twice than being attacked by a shark. You should be faaaaaar more afraid of driving than these beautiful animals.
Unrealistic Channel
Unrealistic Channel - 9 years ago
+lordsteel333 lol when they stop being murder machines xD
JCAnimus - 9 years ago
+Kris L
Meyrick Gallimore
Meyrick Gallimore - 9 years ago
+strikerdemon 56788 thank u striker thank u
goblin shark
goblin shark - 9 years ago
You're the one who came into a ducking shark video and said that shit! Who the hell does that?
Kris L
Kris L - 9 years ago
+strikerdemon 56788 i won't be quiet, and no there is not a problem, you can believe what you want even if it isn't true, i say it because i care about you and don't want you to be lied to, that's all.
goblin shark
goblin shark - 9 years ago
Please be quiet and let me have my own beliefs. I believe in god and evolution. Problem?
Kris L
Kris L - 9 years ago
+strikerdemon 56788 Its not about what "you" believe is true, its about if what you believe "IS" true.

Creation is not subjective to how you think it happened, it happened how God said it happened.
goblin shark
goblin shark - 9 years ago
Well I have different beliefs than you
Kris L
Kris L - 9 years ago
+strikerdemon 56788 God isn't limited by evolution man, he says and it is.

He made us specifically in his image.
goblin shark
goblin shark - 9 years ago
+strikerdemon 56788 to male the world I meant
goblin shark
goblin shark - 9 years ago
+Yolo Tube ever thought of evolution as God's way to make humans?
Jonathan Kieran
Jonathan Kieran - 9 years ago
I have a great deal of respect for "people of Faith" -- but I have ZERO respect for Book-worshipping fundamentalists. Bible-lickers. Book-Idolaters.


The dirty, smelly "secret" about Christian fundamentalists is that they completely ignore Christ and substitute a book instead of him.

They worship a book over Christ.

It's one of the most pathetic, terrifying and colossal MISTAKES in the entire panorama of human behavior and misbehavior.


You WORSHIP pen and ink. STAGGERING idolatry.


Suck on that truth, you pieces of shit. You have no answer, because you are BOOK WORSHIPPERS.
Kris L
Kris L - 9 years ago
+Hytherdel No its not dude, Macro evolution never been proven man... go check it out.
Hytherdel - 9 years ago
Evolution is an obvious fact, what the hell is wrong with you guys?
Yolo Tube
Yolo Tube - 9 years ago
+Jonathan Kieran NO evolution God made the word ok boy
Shraben - 9 years ago
+Meyrick Gallimore No, he's just one of those stupid brainwashed stupid kids of peasants. He's probably American too, and circumcised.
Meyrick Gallimore
Meyrick Gallimore - 9 years ago
+lordsteel333  6000 years?? where did u got to school?
Kris L
Kris L - 9 years ago
+Jonathan Kieran Evolution? millions of years? what are you smokin man, evolution is a theory man, never been proven real.
Tommy Petersen
Tommy Petersen - 9 years ago
Nicely said. I too am just awe struck at watching her much grace and power. And not an ounce of maliciousness ( when will people stop looking at these animals as "monsters")
Angel Chavez
Angel Chavez - 9 years ago
sgtsnakeeyes11 - 9 years ago
biggest balls ever filmed too
blebleh999 - 9 years ago
They eat swimmers that are eating in mc donalds....  here you see effects...
chyo mama
chyo mama - 9 years ago
It's not a great white just a small megaladon
Martin Nguyen
Martin Nguyen - 9 years ago
The guy High rives it lmao
Raging Heretic
Raging Heretic - 9 years ago
That's a huge bitch...
alextw13jf - 9 years ago
Beautiful, magnificent. I love sharks and going to see them is one of the biggest dreams of my life. This is definitely one of the largest great whites I've ever seen...
Mark Bonetti
Mark Bonetti - 9 years ago
FAKE, the water is obviously gatorade.
Chewie316 - 9 years ago
Peter Benchley's beast lives! Holy shit!
Julie Symonds
Julie Symonds - 9 years ago
Yeah, no that shark just looks fat to me
joshua kim
joshua kim - 9 years ago
+Shinoa Hiiragi It's pregnant.
Julie Symonds
Julie Symonds - 9 years ago
Had a few too many humans for lunch
S E N K E T S U - 9 years ago
I would call this a baby megalodon.
Julia McDonald-Carberry
Julia McDonald-Carberry - 9 years ago
Is there a close estimated measurement anywhere for the length of this shark? 18+ft? Is she still tagged & is her data available?
Samuel L. Jackson
Samuel L. Jackson - 9 years ago
Is that motherfucker out of the cage?????
Thomas Garrett
Thomas Garrett - 9 years ago
Dayum. Beautiful shark but I mean I wouldn't have the balls to be out of a cage touching that thing
A cringey youtube chanell
A cringey youtube chanell - 9 years ago
Is it friendly?
Awesome Amazing Avery
Awesome Amazing Avery - 9 years ago
I can't believe those people are brave enough to do that
Phantom Charger
Phantom Charger - 9 years ago
imagine that swimmin under ya surfboard...
Dizzie G Boyy
Dizzie G Boyy - 9 years ago
That thing is massive
Erik Ramaekers
Erik Ramaekers - 9 years ago
A beautiful animal.I hope people leave her alone.
Sarah huckerby
Sarah huckerby - 9 years ago
Sarah huckerby
Sarah huckerby - 9 years ago
She a big momma!
Ghetto YT
Ghetto YT - 9 years ago
Female great whites are huge
128pagenovella - 9 years ago
The Great White enjoying typical WHITE PRIVILEGE. They only say it's the biggest, the baddest, the most superior shark ... because it's WHITE! What about all the sharks of color? Why aren't they promoted as supreme predators? All sharks are EQUAL!   #EndWhiteSharkPrivilege   #WhiteSharkSupremacists   #GreatWhiteSharkRacism   #SharksOfColorBiteHardToo   #AllSharksMakeYouBleedRed   #GreatWhiteSharksAreXenophobic
eatthisvr6 - 9 years ago
+128pagenovella what colour are orcas? numpty
Knowles Carter
Knowles Carter - 9 years ago
Lol this fool is funny!! Act like you didn't know about the killer whales orcas lol
128pagenovella - 9 years ago
+sera56jase only because they didn't grow up with great white privilege.
sera56jase - 9 years ago
+128pagenovella Because many sharks are not supreme predators.
Apollon Abaddon
Apollon Abaddon - 9 years ago
Being the biggest isn't always the best. Neither is being the leanest. Being the meanest, however, always is.
Richard Angus
Richard Angus - 9 years ago
Look at me im a fippin dolphin let me flip for u lol
Jeremiah Turner
Jeremiah Turner - 9 years ago
When they get that big are they still good hunters or become more scavenger like?
Christian Schäfer / ZANGOJOE
Christian Schäfer / ZANGOJOE - 9 years ago
We're gonna need a bigger boat.
romanek shark
romanek shark - 9 years ago
shax - 9 years ago
Wow she has the size of an Orca.
Anakin Skyobiliviator
Anakin Skyobiliviator - 9 years ago
Aw, what a cute girl! Too bad he likely won't be seen again.
Preston McCloud
Preston McCloud - 9 years ago
That shark was nerfed.
UncleDavid1985 - 9 years ago
she seems rather sluggish
Andrew Worthington
Andrew Worthington - 9 years ago
I wish I could swim with one of those
Flaming Videos Tv.
Flaming Videos Tv. - 9 years ago
According to feminist, this is animal abuse.
dem trees
dem trees - 9 years ago
Get outta here Bruceee, I ain't got time for your crap todayyy.....
Blonde Repub
Blonde Repub - 9 years ago
That gut is a dumb ass to be touching it.
GlazedGamer - 9 years ago
+Blonde Repub
And he would only have himself to blame. And at the end of the day it didn't so all is well.
Blonde Repub
Blonde Repub - 9 years ago
+GlazedGamer Its a wild animal and could fuck him up at any moment.
GlazedGamer - 9 years ago
+Blonde Repub Why nothing happened, it wasn't exhibiting any aggressive behavior and it didn't seem to care. Better him pushing it slightly than have it barrel into him
Erik Herdian
Erik Herdian - 9 years ago
this is the fat shark I ever saw
NinjaOnANinja - 9 years ago
I don't know about that shark, but look at that moon swimming fish at 0:24!
Ardy Maruhum
Ardy Maruhum - 9 years ago
Fuck it was out for the chinese and japanese....they will surely catch it and cut its fin...
Fallen Fallen
Fallen Fallen - 9 years ago
OMG !!!!againn OMG OMG OMG...
F. Mazz.
F. Mazz. - 9 years ago
Holy it is HUGE!
lorenos lorenez
lorenos lorenez - 9 years ago
And you thought your wife got big while pregnant
Quadcopter Testing
Quadcopter Testing - 9 years ago
Wow thats one hell of a shark!
Wouldnt want to run into that while skinny dipping.
Ferhan Saleem
Ferhan Saleem - 9 years ago
Fuck me!!! Did that guy shoo him away at the start?
Stavros MG
Stavros MG - 9 years ago
Almost the size of Bruce!!
Sage Mooney
Sage Mooney - 9 years ago
OMG in the first part of the vid it tried to bite him
jz kramer
jz kramer - 9 years ago
Same markings as the megashark filmed in Mexican waters - yep - fat girl named deep blue
Josh Loarca
Josh Loarca - 9 years ago
What about Submarine she's a big girl to and is pregnant in the video also. She's said to be a 20+ footer to.
william wallace
william wallace - 9 years ago
It's obviously pregnant
synthstatic - 9 years ago
:54 -- Shoo fishy!
naturegirl92584 - 9 years ago
Deep Blue?  Seriously?  You find the biggest white, and you name him that?  Come on, he only gets one name and that's Bruce!
bloodlucky - 9 years ago
+naturegirl92584 no chill lol
bloodlucky - 9 years ago
+naturegirl92584 hahahhaha... ohh boy
naturegirl92584 - 9 years ago
Ha ha, I guess 'she' doesn't HAVE to be Bruce then...she can be Caitlyn.  You see what I did there?
Sidney Xda
Sidney Xda - 9 years ago
+naturegirl92584 not even deep blue, this is a different GW
Alberto De Lucca
Alberto De Lucca - 9 years ago
+naturegirl92584 It's a she.
Yücel Atilla
Yücel Atilla - 9 years ago
No, 25 ,Three tons of her
Joldsaway - 9 years ago
I'm havin' fish tonight!!!
Rune Bach
Rune Bach - 9 years ago
Must be Deep Blue as the Scars on her left flank match does of the shark in this video.  Amazing Animal
Chris Kavanagh
Chris Kavanagh - 9 years ago
Excuse my language, but GOD DAMN! That is one big Great White!
Dave Power #6
Dave Power #6 - 9 years ago
There's always that one guy... someone builds a metal cage so people can safely be in the water with dangerous sharks... and he decides to stand on top of the cage. Don't tell that guy about skydiving...
Gillian G
Gillian G - 9 years ago
+fringe. No, obviously the Diver isn't just another seal, or she would have aggressively tried to attack the diver, but she didn't--at all.
Gillian G
Gillian G - 9 years ago
+Psychotic Shakes Thanks for saving me the effort of responding to this...ignorant person!
tula clax
tula clax - 9 years ago
+Fulgrim308 who says you can decide what animal is 'wiped out'? The world is not your oyster.
Mat Howell
Mat Howell - 9 years ago
+Dave Power #6 The guy on top will be the divemaster in charge of the experience. Although it's possible to be on the top deck as a paying customer only when conditions allow. The guys that run this trip are very experienced and understand shark behaviour; there has never been an incident with the sharks here at Guadalupe. I sell their trips and I'm booked to go and see it for myself next summer. Can't wait!
eatthisvr6 - 9 years ago
+Mitchell Skene i doubt that very much lol, she appears to be curious about whats in the water with her and is having a good look around
eatthisvr6 - 9 years ago
+Fulgrim308 youre an idiot
KoolCat !
KoolCat ! - 9 years ago
+Fulgrim308 Ignorant ppl like yourself, who demonize sharks, need to be wiped out. Sharks are NOT the problem. Humans who go into their backyard & act carelessly are.
frinqe. - 9 years ago
+Mitchell Skene bullshit. To her, the diver is just another seal.
Mitchell Skene
Mitchell Skene - 9 years ago
Except Sharks aren't dangerous to humans under the surface, in fact she's more scared of you, than you are of her lol
NBA fan
NBA fan - 9 years ago
+Fulgrim308 Damn u a fool
PROgrammer8 - 9 years ago
+Fulgrim308 Lol I thought the guy was being a bit harsh by calling you a retard, but then you say "that needs to be wiped out". The ignorance is too real . . .
RJ bubblehead
RJ bubblehead - 9 years ago
+Psychotic Shakes and no animal deserves to be wiped out they were all here before us and deserve to live just as much as the virus that is humanity
RJ bubblehead
RJ bubblehead - 9 years ago
+Psychotic Shakes I have dived with Bull and Reef sharks and they are awe inspiring. I did not intend to do this they just turned up! but the ocean is theirs clue is in the fact that we cannot survive underwater! If you treat them with respect and don't be a dork you should be OK.....they seem to glide through the water effortlessly truly beautiful. Above all remain calm do not panic, watch them of course but if you get nervous they know! and this thrown a feeding switch,remain calm control your heart and breathing and enjoy.
Psychotic Shakes
Psychotic Shakes - 9 years ago
You're fucking retarded. Look up all the videos here on YouTube. And no, that's NOT like saying if a woman gets raped it's her own fault. If you treat a shark with disrespect, or damage its territory, it will fuck you up. Let it know you're there, and you recognize that it's a dangerous creature, and it will remain docile. In this video for example. He basically high fives the shark. Notice how the shark isn't going all ballistic and trying to kill them? Because they respect it. Your argument is already invalid.
Psychotic Shakes
Psychotic Shakes - 9 years ago
Oh... My god. Another retard. Sharks only attack when they have felt threatened, or their territory has been disrupted. Want to know what most humans do when they swim? Splash. What else splashes near the surface? Fish. Sharks most common food. They can't distinguish between the two. Also, shark attacks very rarely happen. And they happen for a reason. There are MULTIPLE videos here on YouTube of people engaging with sharks on a level of intelligence you probably couldn't understand. The shark is my favorite animal and has been since I watched Finding Nemo as a kid. Since then I've written MANY reports on shark behavior. Try me.
Psychotic Shakes
Psychotic Shakes - 9 years ago
Yes. They are. You obviously don't know anything about Sharks.
Psychotic Shakes
Psychotic Shakes - 9 years ago
Sharks are actually very docile. Just saying.
Dinky G
Dinky G - 9 years ago
+Dave Power #6 That's gold
missbritneyify - 9 years ago
What a beautie
tru datness
tru datness - 9 years ago
That's a big bitch
Krissy Ciammitti
Krissy Ciammitti - 9 years ago
why is he out of the cage??!!
jakep1979 - 9 years ago
+Sidney Xda yes great white are so docile, which is why they are responsible for the most fatalities of any shark species.
Sidney Xda
Sidney Xda - 9 years ago
+Psychotic Shakes well said dude, most these people who chat not watch shark documentaries or research on them. Great whites won't try and fit through a cage, they will swim around and look for bait. Divers know very well they won't just jump in like that unless its accidental as they try and eat a bait. Like you said they are docile animals. This GW deep blue, she's chilled out, seen in other videos how she just swims around in a calm manner....
Krissy Ciammitti
Krissy Ciammitti - 9 years ago
KoolCat !
KoolCat ! - 9 years ago
+Krissy Ciammitti Aw he just wanted to show the difference in size (scale) for the camera guy. And unless that diver is a midget, that is one helluva a BIG shark!
frinqe. - 9 years ago
+Law Dawg hitting the bong pipe
Benie - 9 years ago
+Psychotic Shakes I think you are super right.
Psychotic Shakes
Psychotic Shakes - 9 years ago
You're just trying to troll. And you're doing a poor job. Ffs get off the internet. I listed genuine facts for 1) for 2) The shark is my favorite animal and I've done multiple reports on shark behavior. You've obviously never seen other videos of a sharks true nature. You think sharks are nothing but aggressive because guess what, all you hear are the bad things. Shark attack this, shark attack that. Shark attacks don't happen very often. Because they're very docile unless you spook them or disrespect their territory.
Psychotic Shakes
Psychotic Shakes - 9 years ago
No. It's not a load of crap. Wanna know why they attack most of the time? Because humans, when swimming, splash. You want to know what else splashes towards the surface? Fish. The Sharks most common food supply. You obviously don't look up enough about sharks. There are MULTIPLE videos on the Internet of people with sharks. In this video for example, he basically pets the shark. Your argument is invalid. The shark COULD HAVE eaten him, sure. But it didn't. Wanna know why? Because he showed the shark respect.
Psychotic Shakes
Psychotic Shakes - 9 years ago
Sharks are actually very docile. Until you start splashing like a moron. They're very gentle, you have to respect them, and let them know you are there, and respect their territory. Show disrespect, and they will FUCK YOU UP.
BeyFlakes - 9 years ago
+Krissy Ciammitti Tim lane let him out of the Cage.
L Lopez
L Lopez - 9 years ago
he's not out of the cage don't you see their in another cage as well their not stupid lol
Krissy Ciammitti
Krissy Ciammitti - 9 years ago
darthsock86 - 9 years ago
+Krissy Ciammitti Because the cage could not contain his gargantuan balls.
Vitobet1500 - 9 years ago
+Krissy Ciammitti Because the cage is too small for the shark to fit in.
Krissy Ciammitti
Krissy Ciammitti - 9 years ago
Kristin Ciammitti
Kristin Ciammitti - 9 years ago
+Law Dawg he's brave lol
Kristin Ciammitti
Kristin Ciammitti - 9 years ago
+jakep1979 lol
jakep1979 - 9 years ago
+Krissy Ciammitti YOLO???!
localwear1 - 9 years ago
Baby megladon??
Kyle Lingad
Kyle Lingad - 9 years ago
Lol I'm a shark whisperer he the shark just said hey there the name is bruce!
Mark Keller
Mark Keller - 9 years ago
What a majestic fish that is... GOOD LORDY!!
Aaron - 9 years ago
That guy must be on crack to float outside of the cage with that behemoth
GENJI No I Don't Need Healing
GENJI No I Don't Need Healing - 9 years ago
One Big MotherF......
Mark Yost
Mark Yost - 9 years ago
it could possibly be a megladon just by the size
GE WU - 9 years ago
It's a very good humor shark....Does not attack human even touch it.
Misty River
Misty River - 9 years ago
That thing is fucking huge.
Ryan Green
Ryan Green - 9 years ago
Just a beautiful creature swimming around the worst species on earth in a cage.
steven krasniqi
steven krasniqi - 9 years ago
This is a megalodon
Josh G
Josh G - 9 years ago
Deep blue
brcshephard - 9 years ago
At 22ft long "Deep Blue" is the queen of the great whites, the most beautiful shark ever. Now I believe there's a 25 foot Bruce out there! #QueenOfTheGreatWhites
Vigilante - 9 years ago
Shark on Bane's steroids
JT - 9 years ago
I wonder how old she is...
Zangempi - 9 years ago
This men is one of the courageous worldwide really.
Diego A Secas
Diego A Secas - 9 years ago
tfw you'll never high five the biggest gws ever filmed :c
SirCeption - 9 years ago
It's Bruce!!!
michael hane
michael hane - 9 years ago
Megaladon you are the father!
SALVA RECORDS - 9 years ago
Jaws !!!!
TheAnzuGod - 9 years ago
Now hopefully people don't freak out because she's a giant Shark and go out to sea to try to kill this beautiful magnificent animal.
BClocals - 9 years ago
Those are some huge scars on both sides. I remember scuba diving in the Bahamas and this massive tiger shark came out of the blue and swam around us, but not near the size of this great white. Thanks for sharing.
Superbee62 - 9 years ago
This thing was born and raised on the coast of Florida... Thus the overweight because 'Murica ...
runway heading
runway heading - 9 years ago
Just beautiful!
Rata Touille
Rata Touille - 9 years ago
0:05 wow...he high-five the shark.
Rhonda Wright
Rhonda Wright - 9 years ago
The diver smacked his hand at it like he was shooing a fly
BrainError - 9 years ago
fuck off cunts you should all die
Soul Reverse XD
Soul Reverse XD - 9 years ago
what a big ass shark O_O
TangyLid - 9 years ago
Out of all our findings. And out of all the sharks that live on planet earth. What are the odds that this is the biggest? Highly unlikely I'd say.

Now, what are the sizes of sharks that could be out there. Swimming in the deepest depths, eating, swimming, eating, swimming.
Mr. fix it
Mr. fix it - 9 years ago
Ingrid1983 - 9 years ago
My god that thing is huge.... how old would she be like.. 50 years old atleast..... i mention "she" because it seems its pregnant. way to go Mama!!!
Jean Hanna
Jean Hanna - 9 years ago
No it a megeladon
Jostrand - 9 years ago
omg that is huge!!
What is the size of it does anyone know because I think its like 26 feet long
Robin Ditrich
Robin Ditrich - 9 years ago
When they tagged her, near 2013 or 2014 ... (I remember seeing her on Shark Week 2014) ... they said she was "heavily pregnant". And looking at her here, she seems quite large in the tummy. Based on the speculated 12 - 18 mth gestation period for white sharks ..... could she be pregnant again?
Emma Hinesley
Emma Hinesley - 9 years ago
At 0:54 all the shark came for was a high five
Emma Hinesley
Emma Hinesley - 9 years ago
homies for life
FizzyMan - 9 years ago
They're homies
Sparra Lina
Sparra Lina - 9 years ago
+Emma Hinesley lol, friendly shark
JOTM222 - 9 years ago
That's a megaladon
Razzy1312 - 9 years ago
That cage is actually made of plywood and only held down by the weight of this guys balls.
The Mister Pete Channel
The Mister Pete Channel - 9 years ago
+Razzy1312 I'm yur 145th like!
Mark Law
Mark Law - 9 years ago
+Razzy1312 :
Yep, you'd either have a big set, or be F#ckin Crazy. I was checking out how big Deep Blue's mouth is. She could swallow him whole, no need for the chomp chomp part...probably without burping as well!
Just reaffirms my decision of 1975 (Jaws 1) I will never go in the ocean now...Nope not a chance.
666flour - 9 years ago
+Razzy1312  Why are they calling you a faggot for saying a man is brave as fuck xD?

grow some balls Guys !!
frederic eeckman
frederic eeckman - 9 years ago
+Aaria Thomas
Ho god no, this guy is actually everything I hate...
jeramyleon - 9 years ago
+Bryce A. rolling on laughing floors
cas thomas
cas thomas - 9 years ago
+frederic eeckman sorry man i thought you were like that other douchebag
jeramyleon - 9 years ago
+frederic eeckman gay people rule this planet
frederic eeckman
frederic eeckman - 9 years ago
+bringerofrage​ Well, better for a parent to have a gay son than a thing like you ! But hey, I'm sure all the whores in your trailer park see you like THE man. Get a life, If you spent the amount of time you talk about gay to get educated, you would nearly pass as a human being !
frederic eeckman
frederic eeckman - 9 years ago
+Aaria Thomas​ Why am I an asshole ? :| and btw I'm gay so I don't know what you read but obviously you didn't read right...
jeramyleon - 9 years ago
+Aaria Thomas true but im just saying that there are certain differences, like having sex and shit like that but yea 
cas thomas
cas thomas - 9 years ago
+jeramyleon no there really isn't. no matter who they are, what gender they are. all that matters is the love they share between the two of them. that's all a couple is, right? love and trust between two beings.
jeramyleon - 9 years ago
+Aaria Thomas there is no difference between a gay or lesbian and a straight couple?
cas thomas
cas thomas - 9 years ago
+bringerofrage​ thats cruel. parents should love their children regardless of their sexualities. are you implying that love itself is disgusting? there is honestly no goddamn difference between a gay or lesbian couple and a straight couple. all you're telling me is that i can't fall in love with someone for the beauty of their soul but with their gender? let's not forget that gay marriage was legalised throughout america. (50 states of gay.) my first opinion was strong and as you failed to deflect many of my points i am correct in this situation.
jeramyleon - 9 years ago
+bringerofrage song
jeramyleon - 9 years ago
+bringerofrage i wish my song was a faggot
bringerofrage - 9 years ago
+Aaria Thomas homosexuality is disgusting, hence it's treated as disgusting, no parent wishes their son to be a faggot, that should end the debate about it.
jeramyleon - 9 years ago
+Other Doge shut up doge
Dj Tapatio
Dj Tapatio - 9 years ago
Cause they're made of steel
cas thomas
cas thomas - 9 years ago
+frederic eeckman +bringerofrage wow for two straight males you both do an excellent job of describing homosexuality. honestly, why do men feel the need to treat being gay as "disgusting or girly" ? homosexuals want other manly men so tbh they are probably tougher than both of you assholes
bringerofrage - 9 years ago
+frederic eeckman you must not be able to know how to read if you think i'm the only one, guess what buddy, i'm not like you who dreams and talks about people's balls.  Enjoy them, don't talk and swallow at the same time.
frederic eeckman
frederic eeckman - 9 years ago
+bringerofrage You're the only one who keep talking about that, actually. Are you obessed with gays, or something like that ? Don't worry, it's very common among the brainless biggot community, they keep on hate because they are frustrated that they can do what they dream : taking a cock in the orifice they want. Don't worry, you'll end up like all those crazy people, married to a girl you don't give a shit, and you'll sneak at night to get fucked in the bushes. But hey, WE are the disgusting one, right ? :)
jeramyleon - 9 years ago
+bringerofrage haha
bringerofrage - 9 years ago
+jeramyleon sorry bud, though your country has legalized faggotry, the world doesn't respond kindly to this kind of disgusting behaviour, stop dreaming and fantazising fag........go back and hide in your closet, before someone bashes you real good......i would.
jeramyleon - 9 years ago
Dylan Shaw
Dylan Shaw - 9 years ago
+Ben Steed shutup faggot
Ben Steed
Ben Steed - 9 years ago
+bringerofrage Get a load of this fucking idiot. Everyone read it and say "whatta faggot" out loud. Like this comment so he knows how many people think he's a faggot. thank you.
Razzy1312 - 9 years ago
+bringerofrage Cool! You'll have to go get the trophy off your shelf in your mother's basement - oops, I mean your apartment - so you can send it to me.
bringerofrage - 9 years ago
you won the gayest comment on youtube for the 20th of July 2015 award
Razzy1312 - 9 years ago
+bringerofrage Nope, that's your fantasy. I only know because when he walked by I could feel the pull of the massive gravity well they create.
bringerofrage - 9 years ago
+Razzy1312 you must have sucked on his balls to know the weight of it faggot!
jctai100 - 9 years ago
That's a twenty-footer
The Mister Pete Channel
The Mister Pete Channel - 9 years ago
+jctai100 Show me the way 2 go home........
Kris L
Kris L - 9 years ago
+jctai100 we're gonna need a bigger boat.....
jakep1979 - 9 years ago
+jctai100 Shut off the engine!
Jerry Rogers
Jerry Rogers - 9 years ago
+jctai100 .
jctai100 - 9 years ago
+Michael Welle took u long enough :P
Michael Welle
Michael Welle - 9 years ago
+jctai100 Twenty-five...Three tons of em.
Nell M
Nell M - 9 years ago
It would be cool if a 100 ft megalodon just came and ate the cage and the shark
Kathy S
Kathy S - 9 years ago
This dim bastid, not in the cage and taking swipes at the beast.  Death wish.
Kai Wolf
Kai Wolf - 9 years ago
Yea females are usually a 1 meter longer than the males when it comes to GWS, and yea she looks pregnant. But she's definitely big af.
BRADYSMITH8395 - 9 years ago
He high fived it. Or high finned it
DeviantEDM - 9 years ago
andyhello23 - 9 years ago
That thing must be old or what.

But just also remember that nature always makes freaks in species. Humans have freaks too. Just that humans whom are weird generally live, and are not eaten. Most freak in animal world gets killed or eaten, and does not survive.

But obviously this one did.

I doubt its any species from the past, only just a  freak whom is a shark. Nature creates freaks in all animals, and we all know it. Like there has been people whom are 7-8 feet tall.

Normally freaks in animal kingdom die, as its a harsh world.
Wesleech - 9 years ago
Were gonna need a bigger bo holy shit run!"
zodawg0079 - 9 years ago
"That's gotta be a 20 footer!"

"25. 3 tons of him."
oBlvd - 9 years ago
deep blue, very big shark
James Sayer
James Sayer - 9 years ago
That's epic shes a big gurl thats for sure
ney57e - 9 years ago
0:05 balls of steel
Keelan S
Keelan S - 9 years ago
This dude is just like "shoo, go away" to an enormous shark.
retro style Purple Guy
retro style Purple Guy - 9 years ago
MonRoeTheory - 9 years ago
Well fuck me
Rhino Ceros
Rhino Ceros - 9 years ago
Holy shit..that man just touch that shark O_O
Don Vader
Don Vader - 9 years ago
Damn now that's a shark that'll make me shit myself twice!
Vanilla OOF!
Vanilla OOF! - 9 years ago
They found a 22 foot one
Zach L
Zach L - 9 years ago
Looks like Deep Blue to me. With that gash on the dorsal fin
Wad almighty
Wad almighty - 9 years ago
This is basically Rexy of the ocean
Scott Rabinowitz
Scott Rabinowitz - 9 years ago
It's okay. I didn't want to go to the beach anyway.
J - 9 years ago
Wow. What a beautiful predator. Sadly there are bigger ones out there, we just haven't found it yet. Kind of scary if you think about it.
schlaznger - 9 years ago
There were 3 claw marks on the left side halfway down.  This thing scrapped with a Predator and won!
WhosTricky1 - 9 years ago
That's a fucking submarine
john Barry
john Barry - 9 years ago
What an impressively massive beauty of a beast!  Dinosaurs do exist!
john Barry
john Barry - 9 years ago
Uh, I was using a bit of journalistic license, smart ass.  Sharks have been around for quite a while.  You clearly take yourself too seriously.  I won't...take you too seriously.
White Male
White Male - 9 years ago
+john Barry Uh, you clearly don't know what a dinosaur is.
traingp7 - 9 years ago
"YOU SO FAT BABY."  I bet she pushes three tons when almost to term with her pups in her belly.  50 years old and still getting action from the males.
veggiesaremurder - 9 years ago
Nightmare fuel. Really cool nightmare fuel, but nightmare fuel nonetheless.
Zoheb Pasha
Zoheb Pasha - 9 years ago
Zyzz, is that you bro?
lenny judd
lenny judd - 9 years ago
Further proof humans have no business fucking around in the ocean. The worst part of it is thst we all know this ISNT the biggest shark. Somewhere out there lurking around is a monster that dwarfs this shark, I have no proof but I'm dam sure it's out there and I don't want to find it
whynottalklikeapirat - 8 years ago
It's the one you don't see that's gonna get you =.O
Nitro192 - 9 years ago
+Adam I agree, it's movement was far from agile or aggressive. I'm sure with the mass of it's torso, it finds quick movements very difficult. A shark bigger than this would most likely move even slower. Bigger doesnt always mean badder.
Adam - 9 years ago
+lenny judd but why? Despite its huge size, that shark looked pretty non-aggressive. It was just nosing around, and clearly knew that it was a boss. There was nothing particularly intimidating about its behaviour.
White Exodus
White Exodus - 9 years ago
You mean.......Cthulhu???? We are f*cked then.
Angels2apples - 9 years ago
+lenny judd if you're not an anti-semit, this is funny. If you are...its still funny but now we're both going to hell.
lenny judd
lenny judd - 9 years ago
+Akrahm Joltevskoy well arnt you pleasent. you sound like a child who just discovered atheism and is mad about everything, even jokes on the internet about being afraid of sharks. i guess i had my phase of this too when i was young

here some advice from a fellow atheist; 
step 1) not everything relates to religion.
step 2) jokes are jokes and treat them as such
step 3) chill the fuck out, why are you so offended over a silly comment like this? it says a lot about what kind of person you are.. an asshole.  
Chen Liu
Chen Liu - 9 years ago
+lenny judd its possible since we only discovered like 5% of the ocean in our world.
Akrahm Joltevskoy
Akrahm Joltevskoy - 9 years ago
+lenny judd "I have no proof but I'm dam sure"

Religious thinking much?

no proof no evidence.. no logic.. just... you think it would be cool therefore it must be true.

please breed a lot. teach your kids your way of thinking. raise them kike or whatever you are. and let the world finally realize what a joke you fucks are.
chadvipe2 - 9 years ago
+lenny judd yea....i believe there is a chinese teapot orbiting jupiter atm too
lenny judd
lenny judd - 9 years ago
+kdxracer184 for real lol
Pandega Wikantyasa
Pandega Wikantyasa - 9 years ago
Thats definitely not dwarfing deep blue, deep blue is probably bigger
lenny judd
Pandega Wikantyasa
Pandega Wikantyasa - 9 years ago
Krys the savannah king, unfortunately all photographic evidence was lost in a flood
kdx racer 184
kdx racer 184 - 9 years ago
+lenny judd I don't think some of the people commenting have a really good understanding of sarcasm lol
realbws94 - 9 years ago
+Pandega wikantyasa fuck how long is tha croc? any pics?
Pandega Wikantyasa
Pandega Wikantyasa - 9 years ago
i wouldnt say dwarf, bigger definitely but not dwarf, I really underestimated these guys and megalodon, Ive always been more of a reptile fan, but its nice to see the largest verified croc is longer than the largest verified great white
minecraftguy777 - 9 years ago
Somebodys gonna wake up that thing and chaos will ensure.
Jeremiah Turner
Jeremiah Turner - 9 years ago
Refer back to hitmans comment
realbws94 - 9 years ago
+lenny judd well i wouldnt go as far as to say that theres one that dwarfs this shark but youre probably right. probably not the biggest out there.
lenny judd
lenny judd - 9 years ago
+Razzy1312 tell ol' larry i say hello and to stay the fuck away from me lol
Razzy1312 - 9 years ago
+lenny judd Man you're talking about Larry. I play poker with him every Thursday!
Boondock Saint
Boondock Saint - 9 years ago
+TheGamingLegends There could be a UFO colony down there
Boondock Saint
Boondock Saint - 9 years ago
+TheGamingLegends Megalodon has been extinct for tens of millions of years
Jocelyn Martinez
Jocelyn Martinez - 9 years ago
I'm totally with u we have only explored 5% of the ocean so somewhere out there can be a giant beast
lenny judd
lenny judd - 9 years ago
+jhb6991esrep thank you, ive actually gotten to touch one of those things back in the day. no, i wasn't referring to the harmless giants, i meant out there somewhere is an giant version of a great white that we have yet to find. 
jhb1996 - 9 years ago
+lenny judd Whale sharks are bigger than this but entirely harmless.
lenny judd
lenny judd - 9 years ago
+primoenthusiast lol i think you give me more authority than i actually have but its cool. if i was the world dictator like you describe, i would allow anyone to visit and swim in any part of the world ever.

the only stipulation: no jews. 
primoenthusiast - 9 years ago
+lenny judd You big fuckin pussy.

EDIT: Due to lenny judd, there will be no more fucking around in the ocean. Reason? He can't handle great white dick.
lenny judd
lenny judd - 9 years ago
+The Hitman thanks for opening my eyes hitman. what was i thinking, i certainly wasn't being sarcastic or anything so im glad you are here to show me how truly wrong i am. 
hitman 1
lenny 0
The Hitman
The Hitman - 9 years ago
At least they are seeking to discover and give us the proof that there are huge creatures out there, not throwing random thoughts.

Human curiosity went to fucking Mars to discover it! Although we don't know much about our planet especially oceans
V Maniac_In_Black
V Maniac_In_Black - 9 years ago
+lenny judd Agreed.
Ruthless Cali
Ruthless Cali - 9 years ago
It's a girl and she's pregnant as hell
Andrea Drake
Andrea Drake - 9 years ago
I think it's big just because she's a pregnant female
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 9 years ago
+veggiesaremurder Sharks never stop growing. She's big because she's old.
BrySkye - 9 years ago
+Andrea Drake That could well be part of it, but it's also the case that once sharks get to a certain length, rather than getting longer, they just start gaining girth.
You'll notice how the head looks a bit small for the whole body, not just the belly.

When they were modelling Bruce for Jaws, the designers talk about how they took an average 12/13ft Great White and doubled everything on the scale, rather than basing it on a larger Great White because of the increased girth making them look 'ugly' and losing their sleek shape.
veggiesaremurder - 9 years ago
+Andrea Drake They said her length alone was staggering. Apparently the average length is like 15 feet or something? She was like 22 or 23.
Brandon Fraser
Brandon Fraser - 9 years ago
How old is this shark? thoughts?
RemedyCabinet - 9 years ago
+Brandon Fraser They said in the video where she was tagged that she could be 50 years old! I had no idea they lived that long.
ONTL-Family Lilrichman15
ONTL-Family Lilrichman15 - 9 years ago
the megalodan is the fuckin biggest shark well it was but its extincted
WillTheThrill - 9 years ago
"Fish are friends not food". Lmao it looks just like the shark from Nemo
iknowthetruth4eve r
iknowthetruth4eve r - 9 years ago
Swear I was just about to put this comment
Kristian Brandt
Kristian Brandt - 9 years ago
+joshua kim Shark that big will only eat tuna and seal. It needs a huge amount of protein, which wish can't provide. Sharks are like Bruce, even this monster, which I'm sure is the biggest predatory shark swimming in the seas right now, is not the least bit interested in the divers, it just wants tires. Man it's big though, I've seen whalesharks smaller than this
PLATOON72 - 9 years ago
HAHAHA that's exactly what I'vd though! great pal! HAHAHA
Sparra Lina
Sparra Lina - 9 years ago
+b zanon     after you  ;] 
Wizard of Aus
Wizard of Aus - 9 years ago
Why do they taste so good then
joshua kim
joshua kim - 9 years ago
+Glenn Robinsonn The best part is, she didn't even try to eat the army of fish swimming around her either XD.

Looks like Bruce's teachings really did pay off in the ocean.
Mr Alatalo
Mr Alatalo - 9 years ago
hahah, exactly my thoughts.. Glenn
b zanon
b zanon - 9 years ago
+Sparra Lina you go and tell her....
Sparra Lina
Sparra Lina - 9 years ago
+Glenn Robinsonn LOL, this was kind of a slow, dopey and very chubby great white.
Angel G
Angel G - 9 years ago
Does that shark even have teeth?
Spawn Trap
Spawn Trap - 9 years ago
Look at 38 sec big skars
Derek Peltier
Derek Peltier - 9 years ago
Here we go, discovery channel is going to blow this out of proportion. "Could this be MEGALODON?!?!?!?!"
Emil Vasilescu
Emil Vasilescu - 9 years ago
+hocuspocusjokerride The largest great white ever accurately measured was about 21 ft so no. I very much doubt you've ever actually seen a 17 ft great white.
hocuspocusjokerride - 9 years ago
+Emil Vasilescu Trust me !!!
Emil Vasilescu
Emil Vasilescu - 9 years ago
+hocuspocusjokerride No. Yo have not.
hocuspocusjokerride - 9 years ago
+Emil Vasilescu I've seen one, trust me !!!
Emil Vasilescu
Emil Vasilescu - 9 years ago
+hocuspocusjokerride Neither you nor anyone else has ever seen a 27 ft great white.
hocuspocusjokerride - 9 years ago
It ain't no 27 footer though, I've seen a 27 footer before !!!
epic103 - 9 years ago
+Derek Peltier But this is a 20 foot 4,000 pound shark, that's no bull.  This is the real deal.
Altrunchen - 9 years ago
+Derek Peltier They'll probably spend an hour asking satellite questions about that and then have no conclusion at the end of it.
Derek Peltier
Derek Peltier - 9 years ago
+SuperLonewolf25​ I definitely wasn't going to say anything along those lines. I was simply saying discovery channel, with the bull we see on shark week, was going to try and tag this shark as megalodon. Stop trying to sound smart.
Emil Vasilescu
Emil Vasilescu - 9 years ago
+la shone De la Cruz there has never been a great white that was reliably measured anywhere near 25 ft much less 26ft.
la shone De la Cruz
la shone De la Cruz - 9 years ago
+SuperLonewolf25 25/26 is there max lenght but just like deep blue it my be hard to find the bigger they get the less they come to short
Kuntry_boy24 - 9 years ago
so 20 foot is as big as they get. i could see that, but until we discover the rest of the oceans we can say for sure. but it is likely that the sharks won't get much bigger or if any bigger.
Emil Vasilescu
Emil Vasilescu - 9 years ago
+SuperLonewolf25 what I mean is that since there is no evidence that points to a giant Shark living in the deep there is no point in considering that one could.
Kuntry_boy24 - 9 years ago
No it doesn't people are welcome to be a skeptic of anything. Its apart of being human.
Emil Vasilescu
Emil Vasilescu - 9 years ago
+SuperLonewolf25 keeping your mind open does not mean throwing skepticism out the window.
Kuntry_boy24 - 9 years ago
I'm not saying there for sure is a giant. all I'm saying is keep your minds open incase there is a giant somewhere.Yes we have alot to discover, and there are more species of sharks and other sea creatures out there.
Emil Vasilescu
Emil Vasilescu - 9 years ago
+SuperLonewolf25​ and I am asking you how a giant Shark would survive there. Megalodon attained the size it did due to being a whale killer, as such it was not a deep sea fish. Is it likely that there is undiscovered species of sharks in the depths, certainly. Is it likely that the depths are harbouring some giant Shark, not so much.
Kuntry_boy24 - 9 years ago
im not talking about discovery channel all that is bull...that is if you are. im simply talking about the possibility of something massive living with out us knowing about it.
Emil Vasilescu
Emil Vasilescu - 9 years ago
+SuperLonewolf25 Megalodon was a whale killer, how many whales do you know that live in the abyssal zone?
Kuntry_boy24 - 9 years ago
+Derek Peltier So in the vastness of the oceans and given we have only discovered 5% of the oceans. You don't think that a giant shark could exist? Now I know what you're going to say..... there is no way for a 60 foot shark to exist with out us knowing. that is true but what is also more feasible is that it stays deep cause that's where its food source is. Just think about how long we thought the giant squid didn't exist and we just recently found evidence that it does exist. Never discredit something just cause you think its crazy. We have a lot more to learn about the earth then we know now.
Rhino Ceros
Rhino Ceros - 9 years ago
Tyler Reed
Tyler Reed - 9 years ago
+Rhino Ceros you must be so fun at parties
Derek Peltier
Derek Peltier - 9 years ago
Thanks for the obvious. Hence the sarcasm in my comment. Dumbfuck.
Rhino Ceros
Rhino Ceros - 9 years ago
Moondra3 - 9 years ago
Absolutely Beautiful!!!!!  Hope she lives a long and healthy life! And the reports are stating she is preggers! WTG Mama!
Only Sativa
Only Sativa - 9 years ago
+William Shearer see all those war scars
jeremy dred
jeremy dred - 9 years ago
+Moondra3 you can feed her yourself as a nutritious meal,don't just talk the talk.
Moondra3 - 9 years ago
 :) Thanks for the nice comment.
Allie Banks
Allie Banks - 9 years ago
Shes giving birth two if u look closely
Daniel LaCoste
Daniel LaCoste - 9 years ago
+toliveandletlive Do it!!!!
bringerofrage - 9 years ago
+Moondra3 i'm the daddy
K33psmoking - 9 years ago
+William Shearer Come on william, you do not have to be negative. Just show love man.
William Shearer
William Shearer - 9 years ago
+toliveandletlive Go help your cause and drink bleach
K33psmoking - 9 years ago
+William Shearer Great job on being negative dumb fuck. Learn to be nice to people. I am giving you advice so do not go saying I should too.
William Shearer
William Shearer - 9 years ago
She's already lived a long healthy life numbnuts
Jeff Schultz
Jeff Schultz - 9 years ago
It is deep blue. The scars match the video when she was found and tagged on the discovery channel special.
Nathan C
Nathan C - 9 years ago
what a amazing animal
Lhin Doh
Lhin Doh - 9 years ago
Unprecedented! but it actually takes some of the mystery and the unknown about the old notion of the movie Jaws. Soon once we actually discover how animals really are vs. the fiction fantasy we may end up bored. Sharks, alligators etc. like the African safaris are fast becoming cliché and getting constant media coverage for kids. What Im trying to say is really what is next what have we yet to be scared to death of???
Lhin Doh
Lhin Doh - 9 years ago
Yeah I wouldn't mind seeing a 25 or 30 footer on that note.
epic103 - 9 years ago
What an incredible shark.

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