Jaw-dropping: Surfer fights off shark attack live on TV in S. African competition
Shark videos 9 years ago 5,318,650 views
Courtesy of World Surf League (WSL): www.worldsurfleague.com Professional Australian surfer Mick Fanning had a huge scare as his board was attacked by a shark during the 2015 World Surf League championship's, at the Jeffreys Bay Open in South Africa, Sunday. READ MORE: http://www.rt.com/news/310225-shark-attack-surfer-champion/ RT LIVE http://rt.com/on-air Subscribe to RT! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RussiaToday Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTnews Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/RT_com Follow us on Instagram http://instagram.com/rt Follow us on Google+ http://plus.google.com/+RT Listen to us on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/rttv RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Surfers: get fucking sneak attacked by a shark and turn around and pop it in the snout
10. comment for Jaw-dropping: Surfer fights off shark attack live on TV in S. African competition
20. comment for Jaw-dropping: Surfer fights off shark attack live on TV in S. African competition
30. comment for Jaw-dropping: Surfer fights off shark attack live on TV in S. African competition
Mick: Hell No. Get the duck away from me
Shark: Alright Nigga (Takes the board). I'll eat it then. (Leaves)
Mick: Security!Security!Help Me.
Mick gets saved by his slow ass lifegurads. Then tell a lame ads thing.
50. comment for Jaw-dropping: Surfer fights off shark attack live on TV in S. African competition
Enter at your own risk
get the.....
""no! get off it's mine!"
" not any more hahaha!"
"oi come back with that!"
"no way boyo ciao ciao ciao!"
Surfer: HELL NAH!!!! punches and kicks shark
Shark: thinking oh shit it's a human sorry dude! My bad cya later!
100. comment for Jaw-dropping: Surfer fights off shark attack live on TV in S. African competition
i'll see myself out.
Youtube. you guys got it wrong this time. :)
Next time organize an event in Africa, which involves wearing deer meet around your body and running around aimlessly, next to where lions live
напала акула. Мужчине удалось от нее отбиться. Он ударил хищницу
кулаком, пишет британское издание The Daily Mail.
Позже Мик Фэннинг рассказал, что акула подплыла к нему со спины,
поэтому сразу он ее не заметил. В самый последний момент он успел
спастись от челюстей - отпрыгнул, а потом избил агрессора. Инцидент был
запечатлен на видео. Соревнования транслировались в прямом эфире
Adult bull sharks can bite with a maximum force equivalent to 6,000N, a study of their jaws and jaw muscles has shown. It is unclear why bull sharks have such strong bites, which are much greater than required to kill and eat prey. They also bite the victim and let them bleed out so after they can eat ther victims. If the guy didnt hurt the shark the guy would of been badly injured and later he wouldve probably died.thanks for reading bye.
Surfer "ohhh so thats what im supposed to do when a shark appears, thanks for telling me"
violets are blue
I came here from instagram
and so did you
Me: "oh I thought he would stay in longer"
Like right Tamed lol
they're harmless they said.
Yeah, I've seen enough shark attack videos to not conform to that narrative.
I'll bet the shark was working one of the competition.
Look at my face, bitch! Oh! Caught you with my tail!
He doesn't qualify.
Shuts your cakeholes
And i live in germany
im not fucking joking i was i 8 yr old when jaws came out-and i never went in ocean since!!!!!!!!!!!im 49 now-swim in pool!
As a surfer, the board is your only friend in the water, it's your lifeline, the thing that is keeping you afloat. You have nothing else.
Matt is not some panicking tourist, he spends his life on a board, he knows about the ocean.
He is not ''in shock'' like some robbers laughing victim, he knows exactly what is happening and he needs to get back on that board, that is his escape.
I've had two shark incidents, I know exactly what he's thinking.
The only thing that went through Matt's head was survival....best chance of that is getting back on the board.
Please swim with sharks.
Human: "No shark, this is a surfboard"
Shark: "SEAL"
Human: "No! Surf. Board."
Shark: "Okay so... I may have made a mistake, but hey, let's just be thankful no one was hurt today"
Soon they will be weaponized and used for even more illegal spying.
il a u de la chance
This was not a shark attack.
Sharks don't splash about on the surface and yell '' SURPRISE'' when they are about to eat.
They approach silently and unseen from beneath.
This was a shark panicking because it swam into a drifting leg-rope...I knew that the first second I saw it.
You can see it at 1:09...it is mentioned at 1:42.
Anyone believing this is an attack hasn't got a clue.
Surfer: "Oh hell no!"
He was a cool shark!
get it? Like the shark, Jaws?
it was Jaw dropping.
Something I'm sure that has occurred to the surfer in retrospect.
Pay attention to your own words, you're trying to say ''couldn't care less'' which means ''doesn't care''.
"COULD care less'' means ''cares to some degree''
Think about your words if you want to be taken seriously.
Footballer(Or soccer player as americans say)-Gets dragged down by shoelace falls over and cry's like a baby and needs a stretcher