Jaw-dropping: Surfer fights off shark attack live on TV in S. African competition

Courtesy of World Surf League (WSL): www.worldsurfleague.com Professional Australian surfer Mick Fanning had a huge scare as his board was attacked by a shark during the 2015 World Surf League championship's, at the Jeffreys Bay Open in South Africa, Sunday. READ MORE: http://www.rt.com/news/310225-shark-attack-surfer-champion/ RT LIVE http://rt.com/on-air Subscribe to RT! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RussiaToday Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTnews Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/RT_com Follow us on Instagram http://instagram.com/rt Follow us on Google+ http://plus.google.com/+RT Listen to us on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/rttv RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.

Jaw-dropping: Surfer fights off shark attack live on TV in S. African competition sentiment_very_dissatisfied 827

Shark videos 9 years ago 5,318,650 views

Courtesy of World Surf League (WSL): www.worldsurfleague.com Professional Australian surfer Mick Fanning had a huge scare as his board was attacked by a shark during the 2015 World Surf League championship's, at the Jeffreys Bay Open in South Africa, Sunday. READ MORE: http://www.rt.com/news/310225-shark-attack-surfer-champion/ RT LIVE http://rt.com/on-air Subscribe to RT! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RussiaToday Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTnews Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/RT_com Follow us on Instagram http://instagram.com/rt Follow us on Google+ http://plus.google.com/+RT Listen to us on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/rttv RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.

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Most popular comments
for Jaw-dropping: Surfer fights off shark attack live on TV in S. African competition

Jamokai - 7 years ago
play with fire, you gonna get eaten
Georgia LaChance
Georgia LaChance - 7 years ago
The difference between Aussie athletes and other athletes...
Georgia LaChance
Georgia LaChance - 7 years ago
Soccer players: get slightly touched and roll around screaming and crying like a bitch

Surfers: get fucking sneak attacked by a shark and turn around and pop it in the snout
Turtle Trap123
Turtle Trap123 - 7 years ago
Yeah yeah beat that shark
scaputo !!
scaputo !! - 7 years ago
Imagine being the dude going out to compete right after that...
Shaving Pvt. Ryan
Shaving Pvt. Ryan - 7 years ago
When I first heard about this I thought he smashed the shark in the face with the surfboard while he was surfing, disappointed.

10. comment for Jaw-dropping: Surfer fights off shark attack live on TV in S. African competition

Never.2.Shabby - 7 years ago
Can’t believe he he’s still got all his limbs. Lucky man.
RhinoHD - 7 years ago
Ain't cared of no shark! Fight me on the land you coward!
Aman Yamani
Aman Yamani - 7 years ago
Thats why u always need a chinese guy in the water
Marybeth Eby
Marybeth Eby - 7 years ago
do any of you come home to a shark sitting in your living room??i dont wanna see any humans killed by sharks,,but that his house!!
Marybeth Eby
Marybeth Eby - 7 years ago
that was jabber jaw!!!
Damian Vigorito
Damian Vigorito - 7 years ago
The shark was biting but not him. Miracle or it was just fooling around and full
Steven Pluskhat
Steven Pluskhat - 7 years ago
Archer Whitby
Archer Whitby - 7 years ago
camila Curcino
camila Curcino - 7 years ago
Ohhh helllllllllllll no
Scarred Praetorian
Scarred Praetorian - 7 years ago
Good job punching it. Fuck sharks. Idgaf if it's your environment. You piss us off we will fucking wipe out your species bitch lol

20. comment for Jaw-dropping: Surfer fights off shark attack live on TV in S. African competition

Inside The Dog-World
Inside The Dog-World - 7 years ago
What most don't know is that guy with the red "swimming suit", was his friend who was actually swimming towards him because he thought his friend was under attack. He swom there to try to help. Damn that's some Heavy shit.
Jen Do
Jen Do - 7 years ago
Didn’t see any fight, looks like he got worked and ran away
1492tomato - 7 years ago
lucky lucky lucky
Nex Wex
Nex Wex - 7 years ago
US coast suck.
Everything You Need To Know
Everything You Need To Know - 7 years ago
Rouge Vee
Rouge Vee - 7 years ago
My life would have immediately frozen, became slow motion and the song "Mad World" would have started playing in my mind as I sunk to the ocean floor awaiting my end.
mike rich
mike rich - 7 years ago
And I suppose this is the surfers fault too ?
Lewis Bros
Lewis Bros - 7 years ago
Why did u say surfer u are obviously not one he is a Legends Mick fanning
Outcast Outdoors
Outcast Outdoors - 7 years ago
The odds of being attacked by a shark increase significantly when you are in the ocean.
Vin Sim
Vin Sim - 7 years ago
What a fucking idiot..

30. comment for Jaw-dropping: Surfer fights off shark attack live on TV in S. African competition

CUHO CUHO - 7 years ago
So lucky
Lilmama Chipman
Lilmama Chipman - 7 years ago
Shark: Can I have your signed surfboard

Mick: Hell No. Get the duck away from me

Shark: Alright Nigga (Takes the board). I'll eat it then. (Leaves)

Mick: Security!Security!Help Me.

Mick gets saved by his slow ass lifegurads. Then tell a lame ads thing.
heelsfanatic88 - 7 years ago
Bet you thats the last time he wears THAT wetsuit
AWSOMUS PRIME - 7 years ago
Shark wants 50 percent... For 10,000...of the surfing business..
Zak Edwardz
Zak Edwardz - 7 years ago
Go in the ocean, you are food. All good with adults. If you're that stupid then let it happen. It's the parents telling the kids go ahead it's fine, that's fucked up.
Khoa Khoet
Khoa Khoet - 7 years ago
Kill bitch
Dat Nguyen
Dat Nguyen - 7 years ago
lucky for the shark got away with just a punch on the back. he probably didn't realised the surfer was Australian.
MEGA HOUSE FISHING - 7 years ago
The shark was fake
Raghavendra Bhargav
Raghavendra Bhargav - 7 years ago
That was pretty fast response from them.
Kitty Smalls
Kitty Smalls - 7 years ago
Like a boss
Randy Medina
Randy Medina - 7 years ago
That shark only wanted to tell him that they hate human flesh
Ileana Carrasco
Ileana Carrasco - 7 years ago
Summeron 1418
Summeron 1418 - 7 years ago
It looked so terrifying
Tony Ting
Tony Ting - 7 years ago
Lucky bastard
Александр Бойко
Александр Бойко - 7 years ago
Lucky guy, that was first warning.
Andrew Young
Andrew Young - 7 years ago
still using the deceiving thumbnail.that's the sharks tail not its dorsal fin which was tiny.
Alex Rodriguez
Alex Rodriguez - 7 years ago
man fuck that...I ain't surfing 4 shit
Clint Whatley
Clint Whatley - 7 years ago
Chicken Fingers
Chicken Fingers - 7 years ago
Sharks have all reasons to kill us.
Theod'or Vent'or
Theod'or Vent'or - 7 years ago
Say Allah ou akbar for the prolongation or you life

50. comment for Jaw-dropping: Surfer fights off shark attack live on TV in S. African competition

psicofukapus - 7 years ago
Finally a natural reaction, not some macho bullshit.
Boere plaas
Boere plaas - 7 years ago
To many white sharks in South African beaches. Flippen scary.
DJ Kamron
DJ Kamron - 7 years ago
LMAO the shark did nothing wrong. That’s what they do!
Geraldo César Rodrigues
Geraldo César Rodrigues - 7 years ago
Esse foi salvo por Deus (GOD), milagre. Poderia não ter saído vivo deste ataque do shark Agradeça a Deus, surfista.
Conor 'pls dont take my belt' McGregor
Conor 'pls dont take my belt' McGregor - 7 years ago
Is the shark ok?
SpaceShark - 7 years ago
his reaction to the shark 2:01 XD
Alan Ferris
Alan Ferris - 7 years ago
South Africa - Water - Sharks
Enter at your own risk
Jordan Bestte
Jordan Bestte - 7 years ago
That was a mother f*cking close call son
She'Myia Malone
She'Myia Malone - 7 years ago
Best title ever. My jaw is still fuckin dropped.
Manch0vy - 7 years ago
Hanna - 7 years ago
Splashing like that will not help, but yeah i would be scared too haha
OKWEGL - 7 years ago
i have a feeling someone saw it coming and tried to let the shark take mick...
peter neagle
peter neagle - 7 years ago
Mick Fanning attacked by shark and punches it. Ronaldo hit in face by untied bootlace and taken off field on stretcher lol
Noel Pajaron
Noel Pajaron - 7 years ago
He's Lucky
Marco Antonio
Marco Antonio - 7 years ago
mr cool
mr cool - 7 years ago
Great teamwork in a flash they were there
Caster aka BadMan
Caster aka BadMan - 7 years ago
ACTUAL Video of man in kayak being attacked by a great white shark!↙
BadSushi1 - 7 years ago
Brave honest man, curious hungry shark. Nothing more to be said except that I would have taken a huge shit in my wetsuit and wouldn't have taken interviews after.
Rod Champ
Rod Champ - 7 years ago
gaetano di giorgio
gaetano di giorgio - 7 years ago
Jesus Christ, save him
Vorphalak Xitras
Vorphalak Xitras - 7 years ago
Lucky man...
Youtube Jarred Charlie Travels
Youtube Jarred Charlie Travels - 7 years ago
Angela Nelson
Angela Nelson - 7 years ago
He is thee MAN
Tylor Sheets
Tylor Sheets - 7 years ago
I've been fighting for sharks my whole life I can't believe this guy really punched that poor animal... So sad
ya mom said I could
ya mom said I could - 7 years ago
And yet they continue to keep getting in the water. If people get eaten so fucking what, they deserved it
Sibayan2 - 7 years ago
That dude was like 20 yards off shore. damn.
Sagi Tae
Sagi Tae - 7 years ago
Wow thank God
Gent Bar
Gent Bar - 7 years ago
mess with the bull.....
get the.....
Matt Lee
Matt Lee - 7 years ago
Anyone stupid enough to go in the water where there are sharks deserves to be eaten.
That Guy Scott Webb
That Guy Scott Webb - 7 years ago
Glad he was OK.
SmallDick StoleYourGirl
SmallDick StoleYourGirl - 7 years ago
Here come the shark experts
tootsie girl
tootsie girl - 7 years ago
Geezzzz, it's a shark video, not a Bible!
Derek Howlett
Derek Howlett - 7 years ago
did this fkn guy have it n a headlock what a fkn legend
Titanium Quarrion
Titanium Quarrion - 7 years ago
Fanning didn't fight it off. He did what anyone would do - shit himself (not literally) and flail around. I find it hilarious and sad all at once how the media and dumb asses try to make out he is some kind of hero that "fought" a shark. Even i fhe did "fight" it off doing something for self-preservation when the option is death i s not heroic. Pure over hyped bull shit.
j d
j d - 7 years ago
Holy shit that was gnarly.
Natashahoneypot - 7 years ago
"give us a go at your surf board"
""no! get off it's mine!"
" not any more hahaha!"
"oi come back with that!"
"no way boyo ciao ciao ciao!"
Jellysurfer244 - 7 years ago
Mick fucking Fanning what a badass
TTundragrizzly - 7 years ago
What a scary moment for him. Glad he's ok. BUT, that was NOT an attack. It WAS a curious "bump". If he was attacked (as in mistaken for a seal or such), he would've been bleeding everywhere. But wow. He's a lucky guy.
Ardent Fan
Ardent Fan - 7 years ago
So did he go back surfing ?
michelle amy templetonn's stepdad
michelle amy templetonn's stepdad - 7 years ago
RT stands for russian tainted news fuck russia and all putin bots
Manuni7ed - 7 years ago
Thank god he is ok
B A - 7 years ago
Fucken stupid pete mell joking about if mick seen the teetha nd did he punch it. Pete mel thats nothing to be joking about.
Michael W
Michael W - 7 years ago
You go into HIS house and punch him in the back. We humans are so ethnocentric. What if a bear came into your house just to get our of the rain and when you confronted him, he bit you? We'd declare war on bears. Audacity!
l m
l m - 7 years ago
How the hell do you ever go back in the water after that. Me never!
Austin Centolella
Austin Centolella - 7 years ago
Morning glory blue
JDM Toys
JDM Toys - 7 years ago
Lmfao all you shark lovers go swim with sharks and see if they show you and sympathy while there chewing you up lmfao
Kawahi Xerente
Kawahi Xerente - 7 years ago
Esse pode trocar a roupa de surf.... Certeza que melou tudo.
Veldel oxphine
Veldel oxphine - 7 years ago
Surfer: HELL NAH!!!! punches and kicks shark
Shark: thinking oh shit it's a human sorry dude! My bad cya later!
Densil Grant
Densil Grant - 7 years ago
Seems like sharks kill a lot of white ppl and don't stereotype by saying black ppl don't swim.Caribbean ppl love the water so don't class us with stupid black Americans.
David Bloyd
David Bloyd - 7 years ago
Shark FAIL!

100. comment for Jaw-dropping: Surfer fights off shark attack live on TV in S. African competition

Bananas and Company
Bananas and Company - 7 years ago
stupid wave!
Bhargava Tr
Bhargava Tr - 7 years ago
My foot....Its your foolish thought to enter it's territory and now crying over the attack....Brainless stupid nuts
Madman - 7 years ago
Fuck the shark humans above all. Fuck all you animal lovers I hope one day you all get eaten by the animals you love so much
Vincent Novak
Vincent Novak - 7 years ago
Look on utube for best shark attack video.they are tarpon fishing and encounter a big hammerhead
ItsMe Roleen R
ItsMe Roleen R - 7 years ago
Oh come on STOP TELLING HIM TO NOT HURT THE GODDAMN SHARK you would've the same if you were in his situation
Michael Roberts
Michael Roberts - 7 years ago
If I were him, I don't think I would ever get in the water again. That was truly intense. I would have literally had a heart attack.
beeoldarm - 7 years ago
I always used to wonder why I don't surf... Well, now I know lol
Cronoviajero - 7 years ago
How large is the shark estimated to be? Wow, that is a BIG dorsal fin!
Nycro - 7 years ago
So stupid. Why do they save that man? The shark needs its food. It's nature!
Darcy Renfrey
Darcy Renfrey - 7 years ago
shut the fk up
OBAMA HATER - 7 years ago
OBAMA HATER - 7 years ago
Jade Belle MSP
Jade Belle MSP - 7 years ago
klesk173a - 7 years ago
Dude if you think Great Whites are your friend think again....The calm ones are the one full of seals in their stomach..When they are hungry they'll knock you off the board and chop your legs off mann....Dont gamble with a greatwhite shark.
Fvkin Amazed
Fvkin Amazed - 7 years ago
White coming back from feeding on seals. You see seals stay outta the water
Carlos Millan
Carlos Millan - 7 years ago
Some dumb ass people in this world guy was fighting for his life
Mohecin Takouit
Mohecin Takouit - 7 years ago
look what a small shark do to a diver!
W1ll P0w3R
W1ll P0w3R - 7 years ago
I can see the brown stain from here
Сэмпай Виктор
Сэмпай Виктор - 7 years ago
я епал бы этот серф!!!
Christy Mitchell
Christy Mitchell - 7 years ago
Omg that looked like either a white or bull shark. Shit that's terrifying, thank god that guy is ok.
The better man
The better man - 7 years ago
The score ????
Antonis Mitsos
Antonis Mitsos - 7 years ago
He probably never gonna get in the sea again
k smith
k smith - 7 years ago
I applaud the rescue team for being so fast in recovery, way to go!
Elizabeth Scott
Elizabeth Scott - 7 years ago
His reaction cracked me up....I was just swimming away like aaarghgh hahaha
johnny feathers
johnny feathers - 7 years ago
Fuck that!!!!
Stoßtruppen - 7 years ago
you know why the oceans are so salty? It is because of the tears of the poor misunderstood sharks. That shark only wanted a hug and a autograph.
HONKEY KONG - 7 years ago
That was a Juvenile Great White.
Stephanie Delgado
Stephanie Delgado - 7 years ago
Some times you have to do that if u have no other weapon but yourself and god he's was smart he moved fast .
Bruno Gomes
Bruno Gomes - 7 years ago
One hour later..sounds the alarm
mayapapaya77 - 7 years ago
Dr Sr
Dr Sr - 7 years ago
surfers should be armed with waterproof guns or tasers to fry those sharks then take em home to eat and feed the village. man isnt at the top of the food chain for nothin.
Blue Bee
Blue Bee - 7 years ago
The ocean is the sharks home
BBBYpsi - 7 years ago
That was a close call. It was not a small shark either. Glad this man made it out unharmed.
Globalst Trekker
Globalst Trekker - 7 years ago
Surfing there where great whites migrate, intelligence is an issue isnt it. Dumb
therese tavitiin
therese tavitiin - 7 years ago
i fucking hate sharks fuck them lol
Diana Pearce
Diana Pearce - 7 years ago
And not long after he got attacked by another shark jeez i never go in the water again if i were him.
RandomVideoCircus - 7 years ago
I would never surf again!!!
Asmita Gurung
Asmita Gurung - 7 years ago
Wtf is wrong with people they making a competition and casting while someone is getting attacked by a shark.
vapeitup vapeitup
vapeitup vapeitup - 7 years ago
Shouldn't be alive. Lucky guy
Mugen - 7 years ago
i mean the shark also wants to surf, i get him
Max Gurov
Max Gurov - 7 years ago
Lucky, I guess
Tumßレεωεεd 420
Tumßレεωεεd 420 - 7 years ago
That dude has HUGE balls!!! WTF! ☮️
BJae Corvinus
BJae Corvinus - 7 years ago
GOD saved you young man, BIG TIME....
Lucy Johnson
Lucy Johnson - 7 years ago
If your ever in that situation kick the shark in either it's eye. Nose or gills as these are there weak points
SuX Dweller
SuX Dweller - 7 years ago
You can say that but if you are surprised by the thing you just kicking for dear life.
themadrapper101 - 7 years ago
That's a Great White
Azul Bonito
Azul Bonito - 7 years ago
Very glad he is okay and had help to get him out.
Mickr4 - 7 years ago
Lucky bastard.
Geoffrey Levine
Geoffrey Levine - 7 years ago
One lucky motherfucker!
Curious Guy
Curious Guy - 7 years ago
Why don't we have a shark free zone by setting up large net(s) up to 200 feet or more so everyone can enjoy without fear?
stanbalo - 7 years ago
There should always be jetski patrol in these events just a precaution
Darío Saviotti
Darío Saviotti - 7 years ago
holy shit!!
Komsel Indonesia
Komsel Indonesia - 7 years ago
alexandra n
alexandra n - 7 years ago
lmao i live in miami florida and go out on my boat and to the beach every week and was at the beach just yesterday yet i watch all these videos i have no idea why
Grant and Ellen Jenkins
Grant and Ellen Jenkins - 7 years ago
Tleps Sdrawkcab seriously? shark are extremly shy and only bite bc of there bad eyesight. a person on a surfboard looks like a seal to them. when they bite, they notice its not a seal and lay off. AND SHARKS CANT SURVIVE IN SHALLOW WATER!
Mike Sokolow
Mike Sokolow - 7 years ago
And for my next act, I think I'll go play in highway traffic.
2115virgo13 - 7 years ago
Mirka R
Mirka R - 7 years ago
Ale miał szczęście!!!!
jekitoki - 7 years ago
ti è andata bene....forse era un cucciolo...
BlikenavE - 7 years ago
Would have been way cooler if he surfed away.
Mike Bloodsworth
Mike Bloodsworth - 7 years ago
I don't feel bad for people that get attacked because everybody knows they're out there it's a chance you're going to take
Y0FAVVBOLUDÄÄ - 7 years ago
oh hell nahh
hb.xg1 0
hb.xg1 0 - 7 years ago
Some crazy people swim away from the beach where there are sharks and of course they will attack you
Grape Vine
Grape Vine - 7 years ago
I've punched a wobigong, wasn't attacking me just didn't like the look of it
Kodiak3 - 7 years ago
It was after his board, not him
GV Games
GV Games - 7 years ago
This is why I never go into deep water in the sea.
BootneckSA80A2 - 7 years ago
38 seconds for help to arrive. The longest 38 seconds of his life.
North Cackalacky
North Cackalacky - 7 years ago
Sharks are attracted to commotion in the water. With the boats, jetskis, surfers announcers, etc. Etc. You're bound to attract a hungry shark.
R0gue0ne - 7 years ago
Nice one Mick. Slap that fucking noah!
DAVID REYES - 7 years ago
I told you she was a man eater.
YouTube IsGay
YouTube IsGay - 7 years ago
Hahahahah that's funny
SelectHeil88 - 7 years ago
What a LUCKER!
Benecio - 7 years ago
Wow that wave ruined the entire fight
QRFMBR - 7 years ago
heart attack city, broaw!
Destroyyou123times K
Destroyyou123times K - 7 years ago
It's not an attack. It's curios. Sharks aren't dangerous. (Sometimes) they use their teeth like we use our fingers. They're just curious
Darren Green
Darren Green - 7 years ago
stupid pratt - what a laugh
Alexandra Alvarez
Alexandra Alvarez - 7 years ago
The people took to long to get to were he was
greato80 - 7 years ago
Why dont they always have choppers over the surfers to warn of sharks...u see how long it took for a horn to sound off even?? Dude could have been chum by then.
Eva Smith
Eva Smith - 7 years ago
They are so stupid....strong , young guys and they waisting their time and energy to put themselfs in danger...! If you need excitement , go and fight ISIS or dig a watering chanel in the desert , to do something useful with yourself! What a shame!
Jonathan 916
Jonathan 916 - 7 years ago
I was watching this live in Australia when it happened and thought this guy was toast! Very lucky that shark didn't take a chunk out of him or maybe one of his legs.
rockerfrog25 - 7 years ago
in soviet russia, shark run away from you!
Sophie Horse Rider
Sophie Horse Rider - 7 years ago
Omg that man was do grave he didn't scream or cry or anything he just focused on staying safe, awesome...
clay collins
clay collins - 7 years ago
My absolute nightmare right there, gives me the hibijibies
COWTown, Tex.
COWTown, Tex. - 7 years ago
watching E:60 brought me here
R0xXx78 - 7 years ago
Stupid surfers!...
daviscraig83 - 7 years ago
What a Badass
Morningglory - 7 years ago
I am a Jeffrey's Bay resident, and I was at the event when the incident happened. This was NOT a shark attack, but rather a case of mistaken identity. Mick Fanning was never in any form of danger. The media made this out to be the "end of the world", and Fanning also wrongly handled the situation.
TryHardRobot - 7 years ago
eyyyyyyyyyy! JAW droping XD Cause you know,Jaws,and,sharks,,,

i'll see myself out.
westjapartyside - 7 years ago
glad he didnt get bit thats all these animals would have needed surfers culling them off, which i am sure would have happened if mick got a chunk taken out of his torso hahaha
Jm Jm Jm Jm
Jm Jm Jm Jm - 7 years ago
.....you're going to need a bigger board.
Agape Happy
Agape Happy - 7 years ago
oh my gosh
RANKITRANKI - 7 years ago
Juan Perez
Juan Perez - 7 years ago
These fuckers never learn...surfing in these areas are the most dangerous thing to do the shark from underneath sees the surfers as a sea lion and go for it
Fantomas - 7 years ago
Is the shark OK?
a piece of lego
a piece of lego - 7 years ago
poor shark
Darren Morgan
Darren Morgan - 7 years ago
should have knocked the shark out they got glass jaws lol
Jon a1
Jon a1 - 7 years ago
I don't blame the man from never wanting to go in the water again. he had a brush with deaf.
Unique08 - 7 years ago
Cori di Valentina
Cori di Valentina - 7 years ago
glad your still with us bud. God was watching after you ✝
The Great White
The Great White - 7 years ago
I'll get you next time ol chum!!!
Stephanie Hilligardt
Stephanie Hilligardt - 7 years ago
Holy shit! Was that guy holding a shark!?
MoKush 4Me
MoKush 4Me - 7 years ago
How dare this guy deny that hungry shark at least a leg..Really selfish dude.
Lesley Pryor
Lesley Pryor - 7 years ago
do you really think he actually fight off that shark plz his just dumb such as your are
I am a Ballerina
I am a Ballerina - 7 years ago
Im glad he is OK
yc Loo
yc Loo - 7 years ago
shark bite his board and dive down ... board only emerge at 0.58 . if grab his leg sure die ...
henry Russell
henry Russell - 7 years ago
well thats put me off swimming them jet skis looked well dangerous
Celestial Paradox
Celestial Paradox - 7 years ago
Bless him ... GOD is good .. if change professions lol
Lazy Wizard
Lazy Wizard - 7 years ago
What type was it though? Bull? Tiger?
이찬걸 - 7 years ago
too many sharks human must reduce them
ɅƝȺЯĊԢƔ ƵΣƊ - 7 years ago
He didn't see that Noah. lol. Watch out for them men in grey suits... Classic clip.
wolfygirly12 funtime girl
wolfygirly12 funtime girl - 7 years ago
Wéâghañ - 7 years ago
RikkiTikkiTavi - 7 years ago
That nice shark just wanted to make sure the man didn't get tangled in his surfboard leash. Was kind enough to snip it for him just in case he wiped out on his next ride.
First Last
First Last - 7 years ago
why does this shit channel have all the views and not the og video on WSL? fuck you guys
Daniel Keerer
Daniel Keerer - 7 years ago
Wow! Happy to be alive.
TheAgentAssassin - 7 years ago
Good thing he got attacked by Erkel , the nerd shark who collects Nintendo game systems.
Neil Strike
Neil Strike - 7 years ago
I am really glad he is ok but make no mistake he did not punch the shark or try to fight the shark. Mick was trying to get on his board the whole time and the shark hit him with its caudal fin and knocked him off making Mick swim away from the board . He was being tossed around like anyone would. Sharks are apex predators and we are no match without weapons. The truth is the shark went after the surf board because it mistaked it for food. If it wanted the human it would have went for the human and it would have been very tragic. Once again I am thankful for him to be alive but he did not fight the shark.
m0rgoth xsK
m0rgoth xsK - 7 years ago
surprised the surfer still has his limbs
Harry Featherstone
Harry Featherstone - 7 years ago
I stayed in one of his villas on Bali a few summers ago(never met him before), drank his wine, swam in his pool and took numerous photos holding one of his world championship boards. All thanks to a lovely local called Budi. Sorry Mick ;P
Gargi Chakraborty
Gargi Chakraborty - 7 years ago
narrow escape
Funk O'Matic
Funk O'Matic - 7 years ago
one shark vs the coast guard...
OBAMA_DINDU_NUFFIN!!!!!! - 7 years ago
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 7 years ago
Marilyn Rolón Rivera
Marilyn Rolón Rivera - 7 years ago
holly fuck
DieselTube - 7 years ago
Finally, someone fucking sane. "I'm happy to never compete again" is right. None of this, "I was in its environment," "it was a freak occurrence" bullshit. BRO YOU ALMOST GOT TURNED TO FISH SHIT, IT'S TIME TO GET OUT.
G Rodriguez
G Rodriguez - 7 years ago
So glad our Mick came out in one piece
MaxPro - 7 years ago
I was just watching a clip of a show called "Shark Tank".

Youtube. you guys got it wrong this time. :)
Hannah Glenn
Hannah Glenn - 7 years ago
Lmao to everyone saying it the sharks home... I hope yall never go to the ocean or have never been... ever hahahahaha. That is the most petty comment I ever heard. I get that its their home/territory/habitat.... but damn. A guy is being attacked by a shark and its whatever.. if it was you attacked by a lion running after you are you just going to stand there saying ow? LMAO!!!! Sorry but you aint out running a lion... that just aint happening hahahaha. That Lion get you before you get 5 steps... its easy for you to say when its not you... I mean that's just like saying your at a party and the person hosting the party at your house pulls out a gun... then someone else attending the party has a gun and he shoots the person that owns the house hahahhaa. just because its an animal and human and different situations doesn't mean its not the same kind of deal... lmao.... you just gonna stand there somone biting your leg. like your having a great time? hahahaha
Mutwalli Mohammed
Mutwalli Mohammed - 7 years ago
I think he should return to the water and get some revenge on that shark
Perpetual Student
Perpetual Student - 7 years ago
this is one of the gnarliest videos i have ever seen. i don't know why but i keep coming back to it.
xevious2501 - 7 years ago
just as the scientist says "sharks dont attack people because we're not on their menu". idiots
Brody Martin
Brody Martin - 7 years ago
at least the response time wasn't half bad
MrMotherfuck123 - 7 years ago
Holy motherfuckin shit.
zombirai - 7 years ago
Sad ending
Ethelwulf - 7 years ago
That shark is clearly a noob.
My30thnamechoice - 7 years ago
Bet he'd never been so glad to see a jet ski.
White Tony
White Tony - 7 years ago
when you swim in warm waters that's the great whites hunting 'ground', they're gonna come check out the vibes, take a bite, see if you;re worth eating, it's the risk surfers take, always gonna happen, lucky it took a chunk out of his board not him
Fernando Alba
Fernando Alba - 7 years ago
rolled up quick
Kenny G Choonit
Kenny G Choonit - 7 years ago
Man belongs on land.
RUFF- - 7 years ago
I like how the shark had to keep it real and do the "Fin pop out of the water" signature move before attacking. Gotta represent his homie Jaws.
BIG HUNGRY - 7 years ago
Hey, lets have a surf competition in great white infested waters!!! ...that's a good idea.
loretta mcneil
loretta mcneil - 7 years ago
cool amazing
loretta mcneil
loretta mcneil - 7 years ago
jeremyNG25 - 7 years ago
It's all fun and jokes now but had he lost a leg or foot or worse no one would be joking and smiling. This was a serious event and he got very very lucky. I'd like to see less joking ok? Be more serious. This goes to everyone commenting. Do as I say
Hiran Rondan
Hiran Rondan - 7 years ago
luckiest man in the world!!!
Alexander Walton
Alexander Walton - 7 years ago
big pussy boi hahaha
Steve Polychronopolous
Steve Polychronopolous - 7 years ago
How did the shark know that he was gonna be there at that exact place, at that exact time??? I smell a set up .. staged and fake.
phuQguys - 7 years ago
I bet the next contestant forfeited
Esteban Mdr
Esteban Mdr - 7 years ago
oui enfin ...n en fait pas trop non plus.
berner - 7 years ago
Yes but was this filmed on a.... GoPro?
Carlos Baez
Carlos Baez - 7 years ago
it sounds like the announcer said 666 just before the attack
Kampf0r - 7 years ago
I don't go into their ocean, they stay off my lawn.
joseph montague
joseph montague - 7 years ago
We all have phobias, but I think my shark phobia is just common sense, I don't hate them I think they are the best, I'm from Canada so our badass animals are bears, grizzly, Kodiak, and polar, but we are both on land, sure if a bear wants to kill you your most likely to die from one than a shark who really doesn't prefer you next to tuna, but GODDAMN IT'S BEING IN WATER AND KNOWING THERE CAN BE A RAZOR TOOTHED ,black eyed beast the size of an station wagon coming up at you like a missle, (I don't get it I just CAN'T, you guys are just fucking crazy) and you get on a board that's shaped and has the color of a big bright Fish??? Maybe Cuz I'm not from there, but outta every phobia, spiders, snakes, bugs, vermin, ect ect, it's mainly a phobia on being out in the sea and having no clue, what, when and where something monstrous can come up and swallow you whole......uuuuuuuuugh you guys ARE FUCKING FEARLESS
Jessee Ferrara
Jessee Ferrara - 7 years ago
You notice how the sharks always are going for surfboards? They do think that these boards are big fish or even other sharks, that is why it is always bumping before biting a board. Fiona Ayerst (S. Africa) and Ocean Ramsey (Hawaii) constantly swim with sharks, Ayerst in bikinis, and Ramsey in a wetsuit, but both of these ladies have the technique of being able to hold onto a Great White and pet it while hanging on to it. They both devote time and an energy to proving that sharks really aren't the evil man-eaters depicted in movies (Jaws). Now, if you were a sea-lion, that would be a entirely different matter...
OBAMAS WATCHING ME - 7 years ago
I'm at home and almost peed my pants let alone if that was me in the water.
communistjesus - 7 years ago
00:09 This is when you get out the water as best you can. Once on dry, land, you go home and change your underwear.. He should THANK the shark for allowing him to swim away intace.. Dude could have eaten him. He was in his realm.. Respect
Kendal Cruz
Kendal Cruz - 7 years ago
they sounded the alarm pretty slowly
SandoR KligaN
SandoR KligaN - 7 years ago
giovanni linares
giovanni linares - 7 years ago
the way he looked back at the guy who wasn't attacked taking the first life saver from him lol hahahaha
Weedy Gonzalez
Weedy Gonzalez - 7 years ago
he touched his leg : JAW DROPPING FIGHT AGAINST A SHARK, shark are as corious as humans, if they see something new they wanna see what it is so the shark decided to come over to have a look, its not a fucking shark attack cuz the guy had the chance to swim away for 10 seconds. if it was the sharks intention to kill or harm the guy he would have done so
Mr. Thai Fed. Rep.
Mr. Thai Fed. Rep. - 7 years ago
shark can not eat white man because
SUB. DELINQUENT - 7 years ago
Not click bait...
Deadpool's real Dad
Deadpool's real Dad - 7 years ago
Nikki C
Nikki C - 7 years ago
how scary. he is one lucky MF to be alive
David Svensson
David Svensson - 7 years ago
SERBINATOR 85 - 7 years ago
what a story to tell for the rest of his life!
c XYZ - 7 years ago
That's a brilliant idea to organize a surfing event in South Africa, in the most great white shark infested waters on earth...

Next time organize an event in Africa, which involves wearing deer meet around your body and running around aimlessly, next to where lions live
Δέσποινα Πάττα
Δέσποινα Πάττα - 7 years ago
omg I wish his ok
highlight review
highlight review - 7 years ago
so luck famming
Outcast Outdoors
Outcast Outdoors - 7 years ago
I bet he still went back in and finished his heat.
Crypto Simon
Crypto Simon - 7 years ago
shiiit ... glad he is ok!
percussion jamz
percussion jamz - 7 years ago
Fucking surfers man. Always finding ways to throw a stoked in a interview somewhere. Even when a shark almost kills them ahah
watchful news
watchful news - 7 years ago
so you sit on the back of a water high raft kneeling after a shark just dumped you, why didnt you just get your dumb ass on the boat that was around you, i mean is anyone here think he is NOT a fool.
Jp2485 - 7 years ago
You got to be fucking nuts to swim in the South African sea, people are asking for trouble.
roger8654 - 7 years ago
That is one lucky motherfucker
Martin G
Martin G - 7 years ago
This is why I don't surf. There are guaranteed no sharks in my backyard kiddie pool.
Josh Shaw
Josh Shaw - 7 years ago
going to change his soiled wetsuit now, maby even trade it in for some golf clubs!!
GISMbICH - 7 years ago
В Южной Африке во время соревнований на серфингиста из Австралии
напала акула. Мужчине удалось от нее отбиться. Он ударил хищницу
кулаком, пишет британское издание The Daily Mail.
Позже Мик Фэннинг рассказал, что акула подплыла к нему со спины,
поэтому сразу он ее не заметил. В самый последний момент он успел
спастись от челюстей - отпрыгнул, а потом избил агрессора. Инцидент был
запечатлен на видео. Соревнования транслировались в прямом эфире
Mary - 7 years ago
You're gonna need a bigger surfboard.....
gonecoastal4 - 7 years ago
Welcome to not being the top of the food chain.
OverComeBetrayal - 7 years ago
The still pic of this sharks Dorsal Fin tells me this was a big shark. I don't blame him for not competing again. I wouldn't. Very Lucky Man.
Evelyn Guidos
Evelyn Guidos - 7 years ago
here is some things my 11 yr old self knows about bull sharks.....
Adult bull sharks can bite with a maximum force equivalent to 6,000N, a study of their jaws and jaw muscles has shown. It is unclear why bull sharks have such strong bites, which are much greater than required to kill and eat prey. They also bite the victim and let them bleed out so after they can eat ther victims. If the guy didnt hurt the shark the guy would of been badly injured and later he wouldve probably died.thanks for reading bye.
Attila Huun
Attila Huun - 7 years ago
Wow this reminds me of the film the Shallows there has been lots of shark attacks in SA ,I should know I grew up in SA
Flow Show
Flow Show - 7 years ago
You would think these surfers would be given shark bracelets from their sponsors
Walkis Pacheco
Walkis Pacheco - 7 years ago
That's both bad and good luck.
I Am Timo
I Am Timo - 7 years ago
"Get out of there immediately"
Surfer "ohhh so thats what im supposed to do when a shark appears, thanks for telling me"
Walkis Pacheco
Walkis Pacheco - 7 years ago
Wasn't he saying to the life guards "Get in there immediately"?
CHRIS198490 - 7 years ago
why would you go there if i know there are sharks
The Ymid
The Ymid - 7 years ago
I've punched a blue whale before!
Qween Chloe
Qween Chloe - 7 years ago
Man: get outta there imediently

Lawrence House
Lawrence House - 7 years ago
how could u surf again after that
S. Rodgers
S. Rodgers - 7 years ago
cool story bro
joe carr
joe carr - 7 years ago
what an adrenalin rush!
john jones
john jones - 7 years ago
definitely a non equivalent experience
DIRK DIGGLER - 7 years ago
huge brass balls.... surfers are tough sobs
Ocean Runner
Ocean Runner - 7 years ago
Time to cull sharks. Fish stocks are down, shark numbers are up. Sharks being at the top of the ocean food chain are now coming in closer and attacking humans. Time to adjust the shark numbers. :-).
Elizabeth_ _
Elizabeth_ _ - 7 years ago
Who came her cause of insta?
Nolan McCallum
Nolan McCallum - 7 years ago
Longest 37 seconds of his life. Imagine that feeling swimming, thinking it's right behind you, scared to turn around or stop.
niagra898 - 8 years ago
Poor shark
STΣΔMPUΠҜ βΩI - 8 years ago
Wish o was there ;-;
clorox bleach
clorox bleach - 8 years ago
who's here from an Instagram shoutout and just searched it up?
Patrick McMullan
Patrick McMullan - 8 years ago
You are lucky to be alive my friend!!!!!
I, Valentin
I, Valentin - 8 years ago
Are we all just gonna ignore the fact that he punched a member of a protected species?
Oli A
Oli A - 8 years ago
roses are red
violets are blue
I came here from instagram
and so did you
AzzaT23 - 8 years ago
Commentator: "get out of there immediate"
Me: "oh I thought he would stay in longer"
Ethan Tremblay
Ethan Tremblay - 8 years ago
Shark Lives Matter (SLM)!
ray hanes
ray hanes - 8 years ago
A+ video. No click bait plus a speedy response
Definitely Cortez
Definitely Cortez - 8 years ago
so happy for him..and I cannot even begin to conceive of the adrenaline he must STILL be feeling. Then again, maybe the shark had just eaten and needed a serious floss..who knows ;)
LpsKK Kendall
LpsKK Kendall - 8 years ago
What's the point of having a youtube Channel called RT?
Like right Tamed lol
Filip Mattson
Filip Mattson - 8 years ago
Sharks don't attack humans they said,
they're harmless they said.

Yeah, I've seen enough shark attack videos to not conform to that narrative.
Flávio Alves
Flávio Alves - 8 years ago
SSmelb - 8 years ago
Once I was swimming here in Australia, and a great white shark was circling us so what got in the boat and went to the fish shop and ate a piece of flake (gummy shark) and chips.
Daniel Lilley
Daniel Lilley - 8 years ago
Bloop Bloop. skid mark time, i think i just had to change my underwear. Beep bleep beepin.
Royal Fritz
Royal Fritz - 8 years ago
stay the fuck out of their house
Gary Ritter
Gary Ritter - 8 years ago
just stupid
Mr Birds
Mr Birds - 8 years ago
Naomi Longson
Naomi Longson - 8 years ago
Foolish to swim in waters like this.
clare turnbull
clare turnbull - 8 years ago
Fuck that shit he was very lucky
Texas Jack
Texas Jack - 8 years ago
Whenever I get attacked by a shark--especially a great white--I go limp, let it drag me down 10 feet or so, and then I suddenly poke it in the eye. It works about half the time.
ages2animate - 8 years ago
shark or dolphin
Shannon - 8 years ago
paint that looks painful
Mark Gardner
Mark Gardner - 8 years ago
I seem to remember being able to see him punch the shark in the video.
Edino Soin
Edino Soin - 8 years ago
What kind of shark was that ?!
Edino Soin
Edino Soin - 8 years ago
overthehills_faraway what kind a bull shark , great white ?
overthehills_faraway - 8 years ago
A big one.
verrrr1 - 8 years ago
The shark is like what kinda skinny pink seal is this?
Glenn Billings
Glenn Billings - 8 years ago
Glad the surfer is ok.
I'll bet the shark was working one of the competition.
Jepithiį' 88
Jepithiį' 88 - 8 years ago
Deym he's so cute! i can suck him right now!
Marc Peters
Marc Peters - 8 years ago
Always be careful with the men in grey coats.
Tony Tigre
Tony Tigre - 8 years ago
surfers are brave to be catching such big waves so far out from shore. at certain times of the day there could be many sharks out there in close proximity to feed. its a wonder we dont see more shark attacks on surfers, but they are still fairly common enough.
Michael Edwards
Michael Edwards - 8 years ago
mighty Mick Fanning from The Gold Coast we breed em tough here in Queensland
Darth Vitiate
Darth Vitiate - 8 years ago
They say that you have better chance of getting hit by a car or struck by lightning than this but I don't think I want to try my luck
Kevin Palencia .tenacore
Kevin Palencia .tenacore - 8 years ago
I would like to punch every single person in the face who say that Sharks don't mess with Humans, I hope they get eaten by Sharks for saying that!!
haxxaw waxxah
haxxaw waxxah - 8 years ago
You Think he quit surfing after that... no
Mateo - 8 years ago
hes got balls jesus mary and joseph
crimson - 8 years ago
how deep was the water?
jomi tabul
jomi tabul - 8 years ago
my one question did he get to compete though
Flamethrower Abortion
Flamethrower Abortion - 8 years ago
That's not Slow Flake THATS NOT SNOOW FLAAKE!
Jesu Gar
Jesu Gar - 8 years ago
wasn't a shark
Jesu Gar
Jesu Gar - 8 years ago
idk either a dolphin or baby killer whale lol
Megan - 8 years ago
Yeah righto what was it then
ruby sale
ruby sale - 8 years ago
He punched the shark in the head
T-Wreckz - 8 years ago
i think that those loud sirens were to warn for sharks spotted. a little late dontchu think
RikkiTikkiTavi - 7 years ago
not for the rest of the surfers
Nathan C
Nathan C - 8 years ago
T-Wreckz no
firstname lastname
firstname lastname - 8 years ago
that was a fan shark wanted to greet you
Ellis Quinn
Ellis Quinn - 8 years ago
firstname lastname Ha, I love it!
Aditya Pakhariya
Aditya Pakhariya - 8 years ago
hats off
Hank Hill
Hank Hill - 8 years ago

Look at my face, bitch! Oh! Caught you with my tail!
Emma Rose
Emma Rose - 8 years ago
viral video
Laurent Cambon
Laurent Cambon - 8 years ago
Sharks are in the ocean. Let's go surfing ! So stupid !
Mykael Patrick
Mykael Patrick - 8 years ago
Bears are in the forest let's go hiking, There's volcanoes in Hawaii let's visit lol. There's danger everywhere dumbass, don't be such a pussy
panda intown
panda intown - 8 years ago
I love it
Jonas Linnell
Jonas Linnell - 8 years ago
I live on a small island called Cape Cod in Massachusetts. Known for its increasing numbers of Great White sharks, nothing terrifies me more while I'm surfing. The other week, I was surfing with two other dudes. I heard a splash, assuming it was a seal (we have A LOT of seals) and when I looked over, I saw a jet stream coming towards me. I began to paddle in when I looked behind me and saw the most massive great white shark breach for a seal just 7 feet away from me. You could say I paddled in pretty fast. I really wish I was goproing, or someone was shooting pictures.
Andrew Novak
Andrew Novak - 7 years ago
Yardie Fitness His passion for surfing is currently bigger than his fear of the sharks. That could change.
Yardie Fitness
Yardie Fitness - 7 years ago
Jonas Linnell so you knew there sharks yet still go surfing in that same water you said was known for its increasing great whites. Ok
berryoongi - 8 years ago
Jonas Linnell Oh wow. That's some experience . The sharks are increasing because of the amount of seals you have there (as you said "ALOT") It's pretty obvious. if I see a seal near I usually don't go into the water. 64% chance a shark might be there :/
Tom tonka
Tom tonka - 8 years ago
What an amazing story. Being attacked by a shark while surfing is one of my biggest fears. Something you will remember forever. Thank you for sharing.
Frankie Cao
Frankie Cao - 8 years ago
this surfer is a badass!Omg
T-Wreckz - 8 years ago
oi he shouldve killed the shark, dragged it ashore and held it above his head with pride
TheDodicat - 8 years ago
With his tribal roar...lol
T-Wreckz - 8 years ago
War4Youth fucking kids
ᖘꍏꋪꍏꀸꂦꊼ - 8 years ago
T-Wreckz how?
El Kun
El Kun - 8 years ago
Vegan shark
daniel dimino
daniel dimino - 8 years ago
That's fucking insane..... those motherfuckers hunt humans in s.africa it always happens there
Jesse DIIG
Jesse DIIG - 8 years ago
how can that man float with balls that big?
Leonardo Milani
Leonardo Milani - 7 years ago
Jesse DIIG enough with this fucking stupid repetitive plagiarised comment you stupid idiot
Eric Chappell
Eric Chappell - 7 years ago
Madheart LJ
Madheart LJ
Madheart LJ - 8 years ago
it's like being teleported into jaws movie real life and ending the movie at the first attack scene.
Madheart LJ
Madheart LJ - 8 years ago
He punched a shark...
TheDodicat - 8 years ago
He doesn't have big balls. If he went in the water KNOWING he was going to encounter a shark then he would have big balls.
He doesn't qualify.
Alicia - 8 years ago
This can happen if you surf in the ocean of South africa where the highest porpulation of white sharks live.
Kevin Sulmetaj
Kevin Sulmetaj - 8 years ago
not a real shark
brett jackman
brett jackman - 8 years ago
Why didnt Julian go over and try and help him,very un-Australian..........
brett jackman
brett jackman - 8 years ago
Sorry man,my comment was meant to be ironic,Julian paddled over to Mick during the attack to try and help him,he broke down in tears after the shock wore off......It was written,and totally my fault ,so,that  people would have known that...When I said totally un-australian I was meaning,you fukn champion.............Its hard man,we are so used to saying the exact opposite of what we mean that it draws alot of critisism,hahah,like my spelling.......very very proud of him,when he broke down in tears during the interview I was teary eyed aswell........un-australian Brett.hahehe........but seriously,maybe I should have thought about what I wrote before hitting the click.........
Erin K
Erin K - 8 years ago
He did it just wasn't shown here
Anne Marie
Anne Marie - 8 years ago
jente 565
jente 565 - 8 years ago
Gambiteer - 8 years ago
Well, I guess someone was reeeally praying for this guy.
Polsen2013 - 8 years ago
gnarly as fuck
Shanaya Shotover
Shanaya Shotover - 8 years ago
fark up Mick Fanning no time to put the board away now.
weasle bronco
weasle bronco - 8 years ago
Tail slap to his Surferhead at.013.
Tyler Wolf
Tyler Wolf - 8 years ago
I hate people like this. Then go blame sharks for attacking humans. Imagine going skateboarding in a Safari Park and being surprised that you get eaten by a lion. You are entering a wild animals territory. You put your own life at risk so I have no pity for any shark attack victims.
Jovan Blom
Jovan Blom - 8 years ago
Surfers know the risk, and are willing to take them (might make you wonder why?...). Your non-comprehending pity isn't wanted, anyway...
Steve Carey
Steve Carey - 8 years ago
If he stayed out there wrestling with the shark until the next wave came, then turned around and caught the wave and surfed it to the sand with the shark chasing him the whole way, the judges would probably have given him a score of 10 and he probably would have won the heat. Too bad he didn't think of that at the time. Oh well. Next time.
Hiroki Kojima
Hiroki Kojima - 8 years ago
Meanwhile, I saw a cockroach in my bathroom, and now I shower at the gym.
Davis Pow
Davis Pow - 8 years ago
I'd straight up need to change my wetsuit cause it'd be full of shit!
Chris Dalton
Chris Dalton - 8 years ago
This is just standard meet and greet between Australian mates
Moha Shetty
Moha Shetty - 8 years ago
When soo many people know there r many sharks at Jefrees bay. Y b idiotic and go surfing and stuff there?!?! U know there r always shark attacks there y go there! Idiots! It's not the Sharks fault it's ur idiotic behavior
K1n6 N00b f0r pr353d3nt
K1n6 N00b f0r pr353d3nt - 8 years ago
this sint funny the sick fucktard surfer was suffocating the animal
steve buch
steve buch - 8 years ago
Wow! I have been face to face with a black bear in the wilderness, I just kept still and then we just went our own way but this looked like a much heavier experience. The joys of nature.
Danny Huffman
Danny Huffman - 8 years ago
Rip his board
Bluecowperson - 8 years ago
The poor shark they are treated way worse than they should be it is just their instinct they can't help it
Geeorge Simonson
Geeorge Simonson - 8 years ago
Bluecowperson They are very sensitive to mean YouTube comments, yes I agree.
Jovan Blom
Jovan Blom - 8 years ago
Yeah. PETA should get on his case for punching that poor shark in the back in its own territory...
Zank Frappacino
Zank Frappacino - 8 years ago
Shut the fuck up and go swim with it if you feel so sorry for it you clown
robert stevens
robert stevens - 8 years ago
Byron Mitchell
Byron Mitchell - 8 years ago
Yeah, sharks don't eat people......right.....
onlypeaceindeath - 8 years ago
Depends on the shark. Bull sharks and Tiger sharks aren't picky and stuff themself with all kind of junk. White Sharks are much more picky, which is why they almost always just bite people.
Antoine Cantin
Antoine Cantin - 8 years ago
Im sure they named the video "JAW-dropping...." on purpose ...-_- scary m8
Toki Wartooth
Toki Wartooth - 8 years ago
Zank Frappacino
Zank Frappacino - 8 years ago
Toki Wartooth

Shuts your cakeholes
Jimmy Jacks
Jimmy Jacks - 8 years ago
lucky escape...thank God
boutineau louis
boutineau louis - 8 years ago
I think that rescuers took very long time to get him
Adam Brenneman (Student)
Adam Brenneman (Student) - 8 years ago
That resuce team is awesome
Coconut ScienceGirl92
Coconut ScienceGirl92 - 8 years ago
daaaaaym........he is on lucky SOB
King Joffrey
King Joffrey - 8 years ago
Considering everything, Id have to say the shark wasn't interested in the surfer. Predator animals dont miss.
Tekk Savvy
Tekk Savvy - 8 years ago
bear bros
bear bros - 8 years ago
He fucking punched a shark!
Vqu Designs & Games
Vqu Designs & Games - 8 years ago
75% it wasnt a shark, a enemy shark would instant attack. This was probably a hammer shark, or a dolphin.
Simona Parris
Simona Parris - 8 years ago
if that was me I. would have pasted out
Discokid715 - 8 years ago
poop in your wetsuit has to be unpleasant.
dutch master
dutch master - 8 years ago
Discokid715 Id clean shit out of wetsuits 40hrs a week to avoid this situation
andreiaxox - 8 years ago
I feel bad for this dude i would have a heart attack if it happend to me
andreiaxox - 8 years ago
People this is not FAKE this guy is from austrailia but this was i think in afferica hes a world famouse surfer this is not fake
milkmandan77 - 8 years ago
He should be relieved. The probability of getting attacked twice have to be in the billions.
Dominika Borq
Dominika Borq - 8 years ago
Wayne Clark
Wayne Clark - 8 years ago
he better thank God
La razón sonámbula
La razón sonámbula - 8 years ago
Why should he? God created sharks
Rebata Huba
Rebata Huba - 8 years ago
Am soo happy he is fine
T Rex
T Rex - 8 years ago
Manny Donaire
Manny Donaire - 8 years ago
over 30 secs till help arrived?
soulkiss31 - 8 years ago
I'm waiting for some idiot to say this video is fake.
RikkiTikkiTavi - 7 years ago
As an American I unfortunately can testify to the enormous stupidity of other Americans. Sad but true. That being said, all you other guys have idiots too. Just not as many.
Wild Boar
Wild Boar - 8 years ago
CaRDiaK i think hes american, you can smell the stupidity already from here

And i live in germany
Renan Mantovani
Renan Mantovani - 8 years ago
CaRDiaK - 8 years ago
+Soulkiss31 The eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh words in your sentence. Either your sarcasm detector is broken or you're American.
soulkiss31 - 8 years ago
When did I say it was fake, asswipe?
ThisChannelIsAss - 8 years ago
Well...you already did. Lmao.
Kongoliz - 8 years ago
Maybe or just maybe the shark wanted an autograph from the surfer. Poor beast so misunderstood :))
dutchesgummybuns - 8 years ago
still blows my mind every freakn time i watch. CRAZY
Tate Schmaltz
Tate Schmaltz - 8 years ago
1 year ago...
XP4U - 8 years ago
well come to swim in greece guys, some of our sea's are a bit dirty but i guess thats why sharks dont come rarely u will see some small greys thats all but they eat small fishies and they dig the sand in water :)
XP4U - 8 years ago
oh my gad poor guy he shit his pants so much that he actually thought punches would make this ancient predator even feel a thing...good for him his ok tho....so lucky so lucky
Freddy Hernandez
Freddy Hernandez - 8 years ago
WOW that was too Close thank God nothing happend too him ,they should have a few Drones up in the air too spot out for sharks .
Keenan Bartlome
Keenan Bartlome - 7 years ago
720069mf the batteries don't have enough power and the ocean is so big that even if it did shock the water no one would even feel it.
G Ste
G Ste - 8 years ago
I don't know if this has been deployed yet, but I had the idea of using an electromagnetic floating fence that throws the sharks orientation off. I did some research and something similar was being developed already. I'm not sure if this took off or was successful, but initial tests seemed positive.
720069mf - 8 years ago
Actually ,drones are being used above many surf spots with great success ;if one crashed into water i doubt anybody would get any kind of shock as the batts are well protected .
XP4U - 8 years ago
+Jackie Garroutte lol yea im so stupid bad idea xD haha
Jackie Garroutte
Jackie Garroutte - 8 years ago
+trifilosgr ..iron rusts through in saltwater. water is also a great conductor of electricity so swimmers would also be electrocuted
Freddy Hernandez
Freddy Hernandez - 8 years ago
LOL BEing Eaten by a shark is NOT part of being a Surfer ,if anything you never wanna encounter a shark period .
Notorious Rs
Notorious Rs - 8 years ago
Or they shouldn't do it, being eaten by a shark is all apart of the sport, and it helps prevent overpopulation.
XP4U - 8 years ago
a nice idea would be to put iron fence while they make those events and put up a few kilobolts power to prevent anything get in.
Freddy Hernandez
Freddy Hernandez - 8 years ago
it would be cool too drive a drone let me know .
titan1235813 - 8 years ago
Actually, that's a brilliant idea.
Unidos - 8 years ago
Congratulations Mick Fanning, winner of the 2016 #JBayOpen! !!!
fukqyou asszhole
fukqyou asszhole - 8 years ago
100% of shark attacks happen when humans explore and play where they werent meant to, start blaming yourselves.
Dave Smith
Dave Smith - 8 years ago
Chuck Norris would've panicked
JESSICX EXO - 8 years ago
James McConnie
James McConnie - 8 years ago
this being RT news im surprised they didnt make this out as a extreme leftist video about animal abuse because he admitted to punching the shark.
Darth Vitiate
Darth Vitiate - 8 years ago
It was a bull shark can tell by the size and by reading the article on this
Kris Adams TV
Kris Adams TV - 8 years ago
"To walk away from that, I'm just so stoked".. Haha, oh Australia, we love you :D
Juan Pieterse
Juan Pieterse - 8 years ago
Its south africa
MadelineKathleen Bakke
MadelineKathleen Bakke - 8 years ago
Go buy a lottery ticket dude! You are the luckiest person ever!! XD
SEATOWN FUNK - 8 years ago
Matth3w 23
Matth3w 23 - 8 years ago
To tell the truth, most sharks only go for the board as they think that it's the body of a seal or something, most people survive shark attacks and also if a shark actually does bite us, we don't taste nice to them so they swim away (most of the time).
Barbarology !
Barbarology ! - 8 years ago
The shark was obviously just a fan.... He probably wanted an autograph, or a selfie with the surfer or something.
Budder Hash
Budder Hash - 8 years ago
Barbarology !
Barbarology ! - 8 years ago
+Lance Armstrong Fruitcake.
Lance Armstrong
Lance Armstrong - 8 years ago
+Barbara Rodriguez They should all kill themselves. And you most of all because you just admitted to recycling an overused joke.
Barbarology !
Barbarology ! - 8 years ago
+Lance Armstrong Many people has said that to me before, you dried lemon. :)
Lance Armstrong
Lance Armstrong - 8 years ago
Its not funny at all. Kill yourself.
Kongoliz - 8 years ago
I see I'm not the only one who thought the same :))) lol thank you miss
dargay - 8 years ago
Impressive response by lifeguards and beach crew.
carlo gregorio Aurelio
carlo gregorio Aurelio - 8 years ago
that's why when I see a shrk while fishing I just kill it or get killed.
Geeorge Simonson
Geeorge Simonson - 8 years ago
carlo gregorio Aurelio Or just move? I presume since you have the raw, unhuman power to kill a shark you are would be able to spare it.
ladybeetle40 - 8 years ago
Why? Sharks are not usually doing anything wrong, other than being a shark.. Also, the great white sharks (the one in this video?) are a protected species. They're endangered because many people used to 'trophy' kill them, back in the day.
anjinsan - 8 years ago
what the fuck these idiots expect!-sharks are in the ocean!-i never went in the ocean again after i saw JAWS!!!!!!!!!!!!
im not fucking joking i was i 8 yr old when jaws came out-and i never went in ocean since!!!!!!!!!!!im 49 now-swim in pool!
TheDodicat - 8 years ago
+XP4U I was in Greece and I can literally say I swam with sharks lol
XP4U - 8 years ago
oh man feels bad....come to greece we dont have white sharks with huge jaws only some stupid ones u can feed hahaha srly tho
mlungu cracker
mlungu cracker - 8 years ago
the exact same thing happened to me not even lying eastern cape south africa
Denzel Porte
Denzel Porte - 8 years ago
It was his lucky day. God is with this guy. Who knows what coulda happened? He coulda lost a leg or die. Man, I hate the sea.
Cat - 8 years ago
yeaaah the aussies
The Undertale Demon
The Undertale Demon - 8 years ago
+Linus Bantilan No only most of it. XD
Cat - 8 years ago
Only if you let them
Linus Bantilan
Linus Bantilan - 8 years ago
I heard in Australia all of the wildlife tries to kill you
Chris Freely
Chris Freely - 8 years ago
If you think you could have or would have done anything different, you're either lying to yourself or everyone else. There's nothing you can do but hope it doesn't want to take a bit out of you. That's like waking up and finding out you're in the ring with Mike Tyson in his prime and his coming for you.
Venesha James
Venesha James - 8 years ago
omg are you okay
Alyssa Slack
Alyssa Slack - 8 years ago
instead he should punch it in the nose
CarsonPlayz - 8 years ago
I can remember watching this live.
Maddie Diggs
Maddie Diggs - 8 years ago
why am i watching this
aon u
aon u - 8 years ago
how bib you do that
Pnina Asraf
Pnina Asraf - 8 years ago
מסכן הבן אדם
southrules - 8 years ago
I think he'd beat Michael Phelps at 00:40
Dave Smith
Dave Smith - 8 years ago
0:45 relief like relief has never felt before
Jordan Schlansky
Jordan Schlansky - 8 years ago
I find you again!
Barbarology !
Barbarology ! - 8 years ago
That's exactly what I said to myself LOL.
KramDonut - 8 years ago
That person just stood there and filmed
Dave Polcaro
Dave Polcaro - 8 years ago
LOL. it was a large event with people everywhere many of which were a lot closer to the water/attack itself. kinda like those guys on the jet skis and boat who ultimately picked the surfer up! sure blame it all on the camera man. that was a funny comment. bravo.
High_ Voltage
High_ Voltage - 8 years ago
Um he was on the beach nothing he could have done everyone was watching him they were going to go help him with the jet skis because they were all watching him
Exploxer25 - 8 years ago
They blow the horn an hour later
TheUnderGroundEra - 8 years ago
Shit I remember watching this live that was scary
Dennis Sjöberg
Dennis Sjöberg - 8 years ago
Chris Walls
Chris Walls - 8 years ago
Good to be alive
wurt - 8 years ago
Christina Nguyen
Christina Nguyen - 8 years ago
so scary :(
Daniel Carnam
Daniel Carnam - 8 years ago
are you not entertained
Erin-Louise Mcintosh
Erin-Louise Mcintosh - 8 years ago
Maby the shark wanted to compete
MICHAEL MONFREDO - 8 years ago
how lucky was he,not even a scratch.
Kevin Pena
Kevin Pena - 8 years ago
hammer shark
XP4U - 8 years ago
yeap how u know that? its reesemblance its those of a seal if u look it under the board
FERMINDAL 249 - 8 years ago
You ignorant, Sharks don't like the taste of human, the shark attack him because the surf table make him look like an animal
benicecunt o.k.
benicecunt o.k. - 8 years ago
Fanning has a Jesus complex...@1:18 he claims to have walked away.
Zach I.
Zach I. - 8 years ago
Manta Ray
Vanta Black
Vanta Black - 8 years ago
Hungry Shark world anybody?
Davy Jackson
Davy Jackson - 8 years ago
Adapt anyone?
TheLegend27 - 8 years ago
Ali Abas
Ali Abas - 8 years ago
Yeah lol
Nick Do Dinh
Nick Do Dinh - 8 years ago
Tanner Armentrout
Tanner Armentrout - 8 years ago
Faze Adapt anyone?
claude_j4 - 8 years ago
Found the faggots
Brian Zaw
Brian Zaw - 8 years ago
Curly Mobile
Curly Mobile - 8 years ago
me lol
WanderleiSilva29 - 8 years ago
I love how worried he is about the board drifting away..... hes more concerned about the board than he is being attackd by a shark.
Lalisa T
Lalisa T - 8 years ago
If you look closely, he was trying to stay on top of his board so yeah, of course he would be worried about the board drifting away. Hell, I would be too if it felt like something big was touching me while I was far from shore (0.0)
WanderleiSilva29 - 8 years ago
+benicecunt o.k.? that would be the very definition of irrational or illogical.... now in this guys case, he may have been thinking exactly what youre saying... all I am saying is there is no proof of that..... his INITIAL thought may have been to grab the board before it drifts and then get on it.... and not necessarily "I need to get on the board right away to prevent getting bit".
benicecunt o.k.
benicecunt o.k. - 8 years ago
+WanderleiSilva29 ...to do something irrational or illogical would be to NOT head for the board.
benicecunt o.k.
benicecunt o.k. - 8 years ago
+WanderleiSilva29 It's clear you have never been there.
As a surfer, the board is your only friend in the water, it's your lifeline, the thing that is keeping you afloat. You have nothing else.
Matt is not some panicking tourist, he spends his life on a board, he knows about the ocean.
He is not ''in shock'' like some robbers laughing victim, he knows exactly what is happening and he needs to get back on that board, that is his escape.
I've had two shark incidents, I know exactly what he's thinking.
WanderleiSilva29 - 8 years ago
+benicecunt o.k. ahhh but you cant prove that.... From an outside perspective that is the obvious conclusion, but when youre in the situation you never know how you would react or what would be running through your mind.... Survival instinct doesn't always take over..... actually, when most people are faced with a real life threatening episode, slow motion occurs in their mind and they have no idea what they are doing or whats going on... You will hear people in interviews say "it all happened so fast" im not sure what happened"...... How about that dude who was held at gunpoint in a bank who laughed in the guys face? The bank robber had a gun to his head and told him he was going to die and the guy just kept laughing..... Odd reaction, don't you think? The fight or flight response didn't kick in..... or how about the guy who decided to walk into that lions den and was attacked by lions? He was bitten several times.... all he did was walk around the den afterward and sitdown on a bench as the lions were within 10 feet of him..... ever hear of freezing or irrational thoughts under pressure? It's easy to say how you would react in a life threatening situation when you aren't the one in it.
benicecunt o.k.
benicecunt o.k. - 8 years ago
+WanderleiSilva29 You can't be serious.
The only thing that went through Matt's head was survival....best chance of that is getting back on the board.
WanderleiSilva29 - 8 years ago
+benicecunt o.k. dude.... its an observation... you don't know what ran through that guys head.... for all you know, saving his board was exactly what he was thinking at that time..... so chill out. 
benicecunt o.k.
benicecunt o.k. - 8 years ago
Yeah, right, he's worried about his free surfboard...you don't think he might have wanted to stay on it for safety reasons?....
Please swim with sharks.
LA2Alaska - 8 years ago
Mm mm. He's a cute one for sure.
ScantSphinx9 - 8 years ago
Shark: "Seal."
Human: "No shark, this is a surfboard"
Shark: "SEAL"
Human: "No! Surf. Board."
Shark: "Okay so... I may have made a mistake, but hey, let's just be thankful no one was hurt today"
dre857 - 8 years ago
You'd think with surf competitions in shark territory, they'd have some buoys with cameras or underwater drones to just check out for sharks or something.
Sahadi420 - 8 years ago
many have shark spotters..........up high.
Raj Patel
Raj Patel - 8 years ago
Australia is now using drones to look for sharks... smh
Soon they will be weaponized and used for even more illegal spying.
Joey Baggs
Joey Baggs - 8 years ago
and he never surfed again
Joey Baggs
Joey Baggs - 8 years ago
no that was me...i won that
Random Guy
Random Guy - 8 years ago
He just won J-Bay Open!
Joey Baggs
Joey Baggs - 8 years ago
and then he got eaten
Jesse Webb
Jesse Webb - 8 years ago
he was surfing again only a week later.
Flo Florence
Flo Florence - 8 years ago
No dangerous sharks in Alaska.
a last Dragon
a last Dragon - 8 years ago
Honey Badgers ain't got sheit on The Men in Grey Suits.
Rich Ciancanelli
Rich Ciancanelli - 8 years ago
I don't even see how people can make a joke about animal cruelty. Even though he safely got out of the situation, it could have been really ugly and it shouldn't be joked about. IDK i just feel that way
smiles1969able - 8 years ago
i poo my wetty
Mon Commentaire Tu Liras
Mon Commentaire Tu Liras - 8 years ago
un 4 mètre
il a u de la chance
LOL - 8 years ago
that shark was like "damn that seals nigga's came and picked him up on a whale wtf"
Chibi Jenny
Chibi Jenny - 7 years ago
ぶ くろ
ぶ くろ - 8 years ago
i scareslly
ぶ くろ
ぶ くろ - 8 years ago
shark attack is the heavy possesion.
EthnoCentrist - 8 years ago
I remember when he came back home to australia and went for a swim and got attacked again HAHAH
EthnoCentrist - 8 years ago
;) no worries
Lisa - 8 years ago
+BakerWase thanks mate
Lisa - 8 years ago
+BakerWase did he really? omg :D do you have a link to an article or sth where it says that? I'd love to read it
Badge Man
Badge Man - 8 years ago
Drama queen
Amber Saxon
Amber Saxon - 8 years ago
That shark was freaking huge! Look at the length between the fins! Wooooo, I'd need a new wetsuit!
mirka narika
mirka narika - 8 years ago
The way the shark came out was like "Peek-a-boo!!"
ejvind andersen
ejvind andersen - 8 years ago
Han Lever.
Yucel Uzlu
Yucel Uzlu - 8 years ago
ne oldu yusuf yusuf mu oldun yavsak
Barbara Richards
Barbara Richards - 8 years ago
benicecunt o.k.
benicecunt o.k. - 8 years ago
Not a shark attack.
benicecunt o.k.
benicecunt o.k. - 8 years ago
+Rich Ciancanelli ...any shark using this hunting technique would starve to death fairly quickly.
benicecunt o.k.
benicecunt o.k. - 8 years ago
+Rich Ciancanelli I never mentioned blood.
This was not a shark attack.
Sharks don't splash about on the surface and yell '' SURPRISE'' when they are about to eat.
They approach silently and unseen from beneath.
This was a shark panicking because it swam into a drifting leg-rope...I knew that the first second I saw it.
You can see it at 1:09...it is mentioned at 1:42.
Anyone believing this is an attack hasn't got a clue.
Rich Ciancanelli
Rich Ciancanelli - 8 years ago
+benicecunt o.k. just because no blood was shed doesn't mean it wasn't a shark attack.
Mich Elle
Mich Elle - 8 years ago
such a narrow escape of precious life from a bloody gruesome death & not 1 word of thanks to God Almighty???
Lisa - 8 years ago
+Mich Elle of course no thanks, mick was a skilled enough swimmer to get away and he also had some luck, no thanks to anyone or anything other than the conditions this happend in
THOTH - 8 years ago
+Mich Elle why dont you thank me instead, your god doesnt exist
xDaeths Headx
xDaeths Headx - 8 years ago
+Mich Elle "dear Lord, thank you for creating sharks and sending one after me to kill me so I can be with you..." lmao go read your 'good book' of fairytales and leave the internet for the evolved... ;-p
Bobby The Kid
Bobby The Kid - 8 years ago
This is the only guy that seems normal and who would do what I would do in that situation scream and panick and quite whatever I was doing and never do it again. You hear stories of people surfing and getting attacked and they are back out surfing asap
Sassy Lorr
Sassy Lorr - 8 years ago
Brad Bater
Brad Bater - 8 years ago
Mick was like"fuck you straya cunt" ....punches shark
Big Monster
Big Monster - 8 years ago
Will. Eat. U
Big Monster
Big Monster - 8 years ago
Be warn next time. U surf megaldon
Norbit CleaverHook
Norbit CleaverHook - 9 years ago
anyone know what kinda shark it was.
benicecunt o.k.
benicecunt o.k. - 8 years ago
+Norbit CleaverHook A clumsy, careless shark....it swam into a drifting leg-rope.
jefflh11237 - 9 years ago
Shark just wanted an autograph and he gets punched in the back smh
Henry Livezey
Henry Livezey - 7 years ago
•Евелина• - 7 years ago
norman berg
norman berg - 8 years ago
Well are you surprised? Don't you know how full of shit celeb sportsmen can be?
Amazing Me
Amazing Me - 8 years ago
signed in blood
NightMarEstaRv714 - 8 years ago
Anna Dee
Anna Dee - 8 years ago
joão batista
joão batista - 9 years ago
caraaaaaaaca, nasceu de novo!!!!!! que sorte!!!!!!!
J Mac
J Mac - 9 years ago
sub scorcher, the word is unscathed since.the other guy didn't answer
Clarissa Cota77
Clarissa Cota77 - 9 years ago
cuanta suerteee que no te mordieraa
Katala casaverde
Katala casaverde - 9 years ago
if i was him the day after i will buy a skateboard and stay away from water for a bit
Johnny B Good
Johnny B Good - 9 years ago
Shark: "Gimme dat sweet surfer booty!"
Surfer: "Oh hell no!"
•Евелина• - 7 years ago
Lucas Feijó
Lucas Feijó - 7 years ago
Brecken Nielsenno08
Brecken Nielsenno08 - 9 years ago
not cool
Burchymeister - 9 years ago
Hey ... Really i would not like to be MF in that situation . Very lucky. Large fish when they want something they get it and can attack from hundreds of yards out following a bubble trail that prey fish give off . This fish ( shark ) in my belief was inquisitive and was having a bit of a poke . Thank god for Mick and us that the shark was not on a mission .
Numbernine - 9 years ago
It doesn't matter if you think the ocean belongs to humans too. The sharks live there, and this is something that always is going to be a risk, whether you like it or not. Especially risky when you surf in the most shark crowdy water in the world. Anyway if you think about how many sharks humans kill every year, they actually respect us more than we respect them...
Paul Jason
Paul Jason - 9 years ago
Shark: this is my playground..go play somewhere else!
GlocKittyXe - 9 years ago
south africa is known for heavily shark infested waters. i don't even surf and i know this.
GlocKittyXe - 9 years ago
James C
James C - 9 years ago
bad mo fo
Minecraft Knight
Minecraft Knight - 9 years ago
#1 Rare shark attack caught on camera
Julian Reguly
Julian Reguly - 9 years ago
Chuck Nimmo
Chuck Nimmo - 9 years ago
I want that shark to bite me
Chuck Nimmo
Chuck Nimmo - 9 years ago
+Chuck Nimmo and by me I mean my dick
hambonski1 - 9 years ago
i like shooting sharks with my rifle and just leave them there belly up. its art.
JMBVCH - 9 years ago
He still can't believe that he's alive.
Harry Callahan
Harry Callahan - 9 years ago
It's fake, 2 little fuckers turned up later on with one bitching "He made me do it"
dutch master
dutch master - 8 years ago
Harry Callahan I see you
Maxoux - 9 years ago
The shark just wanted to lay on his board to take a nap and get a tan, guys!
He was a cool shark!
Ichigo_BR - 9 years ago
if I bite the shark !
BLU3 SP00NZ - 9 years ago
Alright bill burr
GGC63 - 9 years ago
get it? Like the shark, Jaws?
it was Jaw dropping.
Everyones Channel
Everyones Channel - 9 years ago
youarenttoosmart - 9 years ago
a dude was surfing, got attacked by a shark, swam to safety, and suffered no injuries. how the fuck are some of you arguing over climate change and animal extinction???? did something happen in the video that I missed
TheGusBus - 9 years ago
No just a. Bunch of fucking idiots
UZKMGaming - 9 years ago
Sharks like "fight me nigga"
Anti Riku
Anti Riku - 9 years ago
Well, you can say he's definitely drowning in puss now. Get it? Because he nearly drowned? Alright, I'll just let myself out now.
d'Rivm Wempozv
d'Rivm Wempozv - 8 years ago
+Anti Riku L
Liberal Punchy
Liberal Punchy - 8 years ago
ros1tony - 9 years ago
Somebody has to doctor the video.... make it jump up on the jetski at the end wanting to go for a ride too.
Katie Swanston
Katie Swanston - 9 years ago
Reba Lynn Rolling
Reba Lynn Rolling - 9 years ago
When this story was originally reported in the news it was determined that it was two Alpha sharks fighting for territory not one trying to bite the surfer, he was just in the way.
benicecunt o.k.
benicecunt o.k. - 8 years ago
Yep, this was not a shark attack.
Robert Komarek
Robert Komarek - 9 years ago
Thank goodness for the leg rope...if it had not gotten in the way...things might have turned out much worse.
Something I'm sure that has occurred to the surfer in retrospect.
FamOG Nyxxx
FamOG Nyxxx - 9 years ago
notice how soon he turn his back thats when the shark striked
Ganpignanus .Gianni
Ganpignanus .Gianni - 9 years ago
im glad he was unhurt. the ocean is obviously the sharks home. humans are visitors. humans are obviously not apex predators. take that from someone who was born and lived by the ocean. respect the ocean and its inhabitants.
duanmcinnes - 9 years ago
Surfer? This is 2 times world champion Mick Fanning
Pyromaniac - 8 years ago
Yeah in other words, a surfer
benicecunt o.k.
benicecunt o.k. - 8 years ago
+Wayne Clark Man, I wish you yanks would learn to speak.
Pay attention to your own words, you're trying to say ''couldn't care less'' which means ''doesn't care''.
"COULD care less'' means ''cares to some degree''
Think about your words if you want to be taken seriously.
Wayne Clark
Wayne Clark - 8 years ago
shark could care less who he is
Wayne Clark
Wayne Clark - 8 years ago
hey smart guy some people have no idea who he is but most people know what a surfer is
duanmcinnes - 8 years ago
+Jo Schulz You're right, he's done it thrice. Yes, all sharks may eat a surfer, it's their territory after all. Better than old persons home getting butt wiped. Hope I get a few more waves before either happens though!
Janis Joplin
Janis Joplin - 8 years ago
+benicecunt o.k. may all sharks eat u
Janis Joplin
Janis Joplin - 8 years ago
3 time champion not 2
TheSkilledKiller - 8 years ago
Who cares, still a surfer...
duanmcinnes - 8 years ago
He hung his skates up, that sport is too dangerous
benicecunt o.k.
benicecunt o.k. - 8 years ago
Champion ice skater?
Hhaad1 The Robloxian terminator
Hhaad1 The Robloxian terminator - 9 years ago
Finn-Gets dragged down by shark punches in back
Footballer(Or soccer player as americans say)-Gets dragged down by shoelace falls over and cry's like a baby and needs a stretcher
iawbp - 9 years ago
Pretty sure he took two shits that day instead of the usual single dump.
UncaTuck - 9 years ago
Sharks need to eat too.

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Shark Fishing Battle | Dude Perfect

342,276 likes 44,613,946 views 10 years ago

Time to CATCH and RELEASE some SHARKS! ► Click HERE for crazy fishing VIDEOS! http://bit.ly/1Avn0qk ► Click HERE to...

Shark videos

450 pound Black Marlin eaten by shark

35,332 likes 44,187,416 views 18 years ago

This 450 pound black marlin was caught off Cairns, Australia. After about 22 minutes it panicks and goes down deep,...

About Jaw-dropping: Surfer fights off shark attack live on TV in S. African competition

The "Jaw-dropping: Surfer fights off shark attack live on TV in S. African competition" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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