Jaws Unleashed - Great White Shark vs Killer Whale
Shark videos 10 years ago 19,364,018 views
Fake GPS app: http://mihaelapps.com/fake_gps.php Jaws Unleashed - The Beginning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhVYEKn-IfY Jaws Unleashed - The Break Out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9KaDez7rMs SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/SubscribeMihaelGames Jaws Unleashed gameplay [1080p] GT 650M. Twitter: https://twitter.com/MihaelGames Specifications: - Intel® Core™ i7-3610QM Processor - NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 2GB DDR3 - 6 GB RAM Visit my channel for more videos: http://www.youtube.com/MihaelGames
10. comment for Jaws Unleashed - Great White Shark vs Killer Whale
ان القرش يقتل الحوت القاتل ههههههه
20. comment for Jaws Unleashed - Great White Shark vs Killer Whale
Great Withe Shark
Bite Force: 4,000psi
Lenght: 4,5 - 6,4m
Speed: 50km\h
Killer Whale
Bite Force: 19,000psi
Lenght: 6 -8m
Speed: 55km\h
This great white shark in the game is larger than average, heavier, more aggressive and intelligent, able to fight even the biggest Orca and have a chance to triumph.
30. comment for Jaws Unleashed - Great White Shark vs Killer Whale
Não mulher pq meu computador
50. comment for Jaws Unleashed - Great White Shark vs Killer Whale
Don’t go all Jack Horner on us as he said on Jurassic Park “OH IT’S SCIENTIFICALLY INACCURATE!”.
Who know why? It’s because it’s a sci-film. Hell, everybody knows that shark attacks are very rare but still... it’s still enjoyable.
2. Even if jaws existed and was fighting 1 or 2 killer whales he would win due to his intelligence and aggressiveness
3. It's a fucking video game
100. comment for Jaws Unleashed - Great White Shark vs Killer Whale
and they didn't eat the dinosaur
shark compared to normal great whites he is also very smart
e x yy
And like... Wtf? xD
ok im taking it to far know lmao bye
jaws wins
but orcas could kill great whites
I think it's a good battle
jaws was 12m
Orca would eat a great white
do you know the
definition of rude? lol
think of this
a dumb really strong bully threatens a smart but strong kid.That smart kid would use his advantages and what he got to beat the bully and the bully he only got muscle... yeah
thats what I think..
and the're better hunters.............. APEX hunters
+orcas are mammals, marine mammals and sharks fish so zip it.
Hey Duggee Colouring por BBC Worldwide
Also Adult Great White Sharks dont attacks packs of Killer Whales, because is a suicide, but you can see documentary The king of Sea Colossus, one adult great white shark called colossus (one of the biggest white sharks ever seeing in the world) kill 2 orcas (one young and one adult) when they were separated from their packs (but not 2 vs 1, one day he kill one, and in other day kill the other), so, the most biggest whit sharks can kill killer whales too, but only when they are whitout their packs.
Damn this game looks pretty for an old game. I love Jaws Franchise (only the first and second film that can be considered a good film, btw), i should've played this.
i hope it is
you stupid
But props to the people who mentioned this is a shitty game.
At least in this game the shark was so frigin smart
Orcas are still smarter and are in pods. They will dominate jaws.
Yeah cuz pointing out the obvious on Youtube is having a life? Hahaha bitch shut the fuck up and give it up. You done fucked yourself over with that comment.
Yeah you're dumb that's what you are haha
You're mad and you're a complete idiot aswell. "Jaws is a movie dumbass" I mean are you serious with that? Did you really think I thought this was real life? The debate was about whether a great white shark could kill a killer whale or not. So I wrote a joke sayin' that the CHARACTER of Jaws is no ordinary shark. Cuz in part 2 he kills a Orca. Then you, Captain Obvious, comes in to tell everyone that Jaws isn't real. And that's when I made mad fun out of you, and when you realised how fucking dumb you looked, you tried to shake it off with some trolling. Yeah, you ain't fooling no one tho, ya fucking idiot. Now I'm sure there's other videos you can go to where you can point out the obvious for everyone lol total fuckwad
Hold on here. I'm trolling you. Don't try to switch it around cuz you realised you're mad hahaha
Are you sure? I'm having doubts hahahaha
Ooohhh... This is just a videogame? Damn I didn't know. Thanks for showing me the way, Captain Obvious. You've been a great help hahaha this is too much!! Twice now this idiot has tried to explain that Jaws isn't real hahaha damn man, where the fuck do you come from?
Sorry to dissapoint. Tell me more about how Jaws isn't real tho. I'm dying to know hahaha
Yeah stay quiet you fucking moron lol
Thank you Captain Obvious! Once again you saved the day! What would we do without you? Hahaha fucking idiot
I repeat J-A-W-S
A 26 ft GWS! -.-
of course....
And keep in mind this is a game, and it's not supposed to be realistic.
Also it's a video game.
Why else do you think that Quint's boat is named "the Orca"?!
Because 1st off whales are too big.
2nd, dolphins out number the shark, and the shark knows that if it attacks one dolphin it has to deal with all of them.
Yes the Orcas have size, but the GWS has a much stronger bite. It can easily bite off a good chunk of flesh from the orca. The shark just needs one bite at a vital area for it to finish off the orca.
Also it only ate the shark's liver. It was a mother with her calf. It was most likely just protecting her calf from danger. There's no way an orca would risk a dangerous confrontation just to eat a tiny organ.
And Jaws is 25ft long while a regular Great White is only 20ft long.
A female Orca is 23ft long, and a male is 32ft long.
Also, I'd like to see Jaws try and beat a monster sized Crocodile.