Jaws Unleashed - Great White Shark vs Killer Whale

Fake GPS app: http://mihaelapps.com/fake_gps.php Jaws Unleashed - The Beginning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhVYEKn-IfY Jaws Unleashed - The Break Out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9KaDez7rMs SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/SubscribeMihaelGames Jaws Unleashed gameplay [1080p] GT 650M. Twitter: https://twitter.com/MihaelGames Specifications: - Intel® Core™ i7-3610QM Processor - NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 2GB DDR3 - 6 GB RAM Visit my channel for more videos: http://www.youtube.com/MihaelGames

Jaws Unleashed - Great White Shark vs Killer Whale sentiment_very_dissatisfied 6699

Shark videos 10 years ago 19,364,018 views

Fake GPS app: http://mihaelapps.com/fake_gps.php Jaws Unleashed - The Beginning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhVYEKn-IfY Jaws Unleashed - The Break Out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9KaDez7rMs SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/SubscribeMihaelGames Jaws Unleashed gameplay [1080p] GT 650M. Twitter: https://twitter.com/MihaelGames Specifications: - Intel® Core™ i7-3610QM Processor - NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 2GB DDR3 - 6 GB RAM Visit my channel for more videos: http://www.youtube.com/MihaelGames

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Most popular comments
for Jaws Unleashed - Great White Shark vs Killer Whale

papa hyrius cafe
papa hyrius cafe - 6 years ago
Just a reminder THIS IS A VIDEO GAME
Abdulahi Mudey
Abdulahi Mudey - 6 years ago
The whale couldn't even attack how is that fair
SAMO gaming
SAMO gaming - 6 years ago
What is the name of this game
IMajorLaserI - 6 years ago
It's jaws not a great white shark
Kingz WSV
Kingz WSV - 6 years ago
A ginsu shark can take on orca
Aubry Vada
Aubry Vada - 6 years ago
omg your killing a orca
era blak tv
era blak tv - 6 years ago
Well now.... this never happens in real life.other way around.wolf of the sea dominate all ocean predators.
Blake - 6 years ago
This is a MOVIE *MONSTER* people, if a shark this big attacked a killer whale that was possibly raised in captivity with no experienced with hunting other creatures, the shark would win, no contest.
Best Boncato
Best Boncato - 6 years ago
2018 anyone?

10. comment for Jaws Unleashed - Great White Shark vs Killer Whale

Leo Seki
Leo Seki - 6 years ago
I feel bad for orca
Leo Seki
Leo Seki - 6 years ago
This is nostalgia for me
Ultra Godzilla 2018
Ultra Godzilla 2018 - 6 years ago
That Game is dumbass. Also because a Killer Whale kills a Great White Shark
Illuminati - 6 years ago
Finnest game ive played
Liam Baughman
Liam Baughman - 6 years ago
Ocas can kill a geat white
عدنان العبدلي
عدنان العبدلي - 6 years ago
حلم ابليس في الجنه
ان القرش يقتل الحوت القاتل ههههههه
Ryder da Shermhead
Ryder da Shermhead - 6 years ago
I know this isnt an ordinary gws but the fuck??? The fucking orca should fight back! Jesus christ killer whales arent weak
Priyam Prakash Dash
Priyam Prakash Dash - 6 years ago
Impossible in real life
Unspherdcomb6 - 6 years ago
I feel like a orca could kill a great white with a pretty good chance
Robin B
Robin B - 6 years ago
An orca can only kill a great white shark if it’s in a pack

20. comment for Jaws Unleashed - Great White Shark vs Killer Whale

Pøda Pøp
Pøda Pøp - 6 years ago
In real life the killer whale would of won, but you know it’s a game, AI are really dumb
Ultra Godzilla 2018
Ultra Godzilla 2018 - 7 years ago
The Battle is wrong because
Great Withe Shark
Bite Force: 4,000psi
Lenght: 4,5 - 6,4m
Speed: 50km\h
Killer Whale
Bite Force: 19,000psi
Lenght: 6 -8m
Speed: 55km\h
David Kim
David Kim - 7 years ago
This is completely wrong an orca would win
WolWieDota - 7 years ago
Wtf is that
Storytelling Man
Storytelling Man - 7 years ago
Although in real life Orca predominates over large whites, this shark featured in the game is the typical exception shark, a type of "mutant" of the species and very rare specimen ... in Gustave's style the crocodile that Hipopotamos.

This great white shark in the game is larger than average, heavier, more aggressive and intelligent, able to fight even the biggest Orca and have a chance to triumph.
Microsoft bros bros
Microsoft bros bros - 7 years ago
FreshSharkboy HD
FreshSharkboy HD - 7 years ago
Sharks are Better than orcas
Dramah Island
Dramah Island - 7 years ago
6K dislikes come on it's only a game and how the hell games count as real life
kripza Velli
kripza Velli - 7 years ago
Orcas only beat Great Whites because they come in packs but 1v1 combat it would probably be a tough one to call they would probably shred eachother to bits but that'd never happen because Orcas prey in packs, its like 10 humans fighting 1, the 10 humans will come out on top obviously.
kripza Velli
kripza Velli - 7 years ago
also great whites roam the sea alone making them in my opinion the most superior
kripza Velli
kripza Velli - 7 years ago
I bet there has been instances where a Great White has actually killed an Orca, sorry to all you Orca fans but the most dangerous predator to roam the sea's was infact the Megalodon shark

30. comment for Jaws Unleashed - Great White Shark vs Killer Whale

Lewis McNaught
Lewis McNaught - 7 years ago
Both are incredible predators killer whales hunt 8-12ft great whites aka adolescents but have a harder/much harder job killing 18-30ft great whites actually more fully grown great whites have killed or severely mauled killer whales yes in a pack killer whales own them but on their own their screwed against a 20-30ft great white they are both as tough and as scary and beautiful as each other
I Hate Life
I Hate Life - 7 years ago
an orca would kill a great white end of story
kripza Velli
kripza Velli - 7 years ago
but not kill jaws, fact
Lynn Kayee
Lynn Kayee - 7 years ago
Screaming over the illusion that Shamu just tossed Nemo at Jaws 1:54 That just came together just too damn well. lmfao
Dip Sarkat
Dip Sarkat - 7 years ago
plz send me link of the game plz...
Handful Of Rag Tags
Handful Of Rag Tags - 7 years ago
If you listen to this with your eyes closed its actually terrifying
Ribut Yuyun
Ribut Yuyun - 7 years ago
keren bro gami nya apa judul nya bro
Leticia Lagranda
Leticia Lagranda - 7 years ago
mejor ponga lo en espq
Marinethe Dupain Cheng
Marinethe Dupain Cheng - 7 years ago
Cosas de mierdaa
Leticia Nascimento
Leticia Nascimento - 7 years ago
Bom dia meu amigo ☠ que
Não mulher pq meu computador
Tomi Jahe
Tomi Jahe - 7 years ago
Paus kalah sama hiu
Plastic Surgery Male Husband Patch Scrapbook
Plastic Surgery Male Husband Patch Scrapbook - 7 years ago
Michael Dave Barinque
Michael Dave Barinque - 7 years ago
M n nnn nn tk
Herobot12& WolfHunter
Herobot12& WolfHunter - 7 years ago
Jaws eats orca orca eats great white
Ayxan Ayxan
Ayxan Ayxan - 7 years ago
6la0P0.s д
Jamie Banks
Jamie Banks - 7 years ago
to much blood
Dark knight
Dark knight - 7 years ago
game name
Nick Doffing
Nick Doffing - 7 years ago
Vic Najime
Vic Najime - 7 years ago
Tadinha da orca ; - ;
Saint Holy Man
Saint Holy Man - 7 years ago
In real life the orca would eat the shark.
Philip Vician
Philip Vician - 7 years ago
Si hovno

50. comment for Jaws Unleashed - Great White Shark vs Killer Whale

sMilEy_ 2k19
sMilEy_ 2k19 - 7 years ago
bruh this is probably the most intelligent incarnation of jaws he destroyed a dock smart enough to get out of sea world destroyed a bridge destroyed an oil rig easily got past mines sunk a battleship killed a huge ass squid destroyed a facility and sunk the orca and survived the events
elnilini elnilini
elnilini elnilini - 7 years ago
Rogerio De Almeida
Rogerio De Almeida - 7 years ago
Que falcidade pois na vida Tubarões Não comem Orcas mais sim Elas comemos Tubarões
Gbbhhhbbhgh Ggbnj
Gbbhhhbbhgh Ggbnj - 7 years ago
Rogerio De Almeida psdi
Karen Gámez
Karen Gámez - 7 years ago
Pedro Aragon
Pedro Aragon - 7 years ago
Killer whales are my favorite animal but still it's ridiculous
Gurbuz Inik
Gurbuz Inik - 7 years ago
Bg Kumar
Bg Kumar - 7 years ago
Orcas are bigger than the great whites. Faster. Hunt in groups. And there have been multiple sightings of orca Makin dinner out of a great white.
Oh HistoryBoi
Oh HistoryBoi - 7 years ago
What people don’t understand is that this is a game based of Jaws. A shark that is very intelligent and much larger than most great white sharks. In Jaws 2, we see that the shark killed a fucking orca. It just proves that this FICTIONAL shark can kill an orca.

Don’t go all Jack Horner on us as he said on Jurassic Park “OH IT’S SCIENTIFICALLY INACCURATE!”.

Who know why? It’s because it’s a sci-film. Hell, everybody knows that shark attacks are very rare but still... it’s still enjoyable.
Dayna Reneau
Dayna Reneau - 7 years ago
Oh HistoryBoi
Oh HistoryBoi - 7 years ago
Dayna Reneau It’s a fucking Jaws game. A game where you play as a Great White Shark? It’s kind of fucking stupid that you asked that.
dylan_that_be_me Ecclestone
dylan_that_be_me Ecclestone - 7 years ago
Actually why doesn't the orca go up for air does it have gills now?
dylan_that_be_me Ecclestone
dylan_that_be_me Ecclestone - 7 years ago
I agree
blacko 9
blacko 9 - 7 years ago
Gnarly Blue
Gnarly Blue - 7 years ago
...all that Orca kept doing is running, you guys should look up what it's like when these two really fight. it's not even close, the Orca is a lot more intelligent than this video shows and makes all the difference in the world in a real fight against a Great White.
mlg shark
mlg shark - 7 years ago
Gnarly Blue oh well shit I do agree with you on that one...clever very clever...
Gnarly Blue
Gnarly Blue - 7 years ago
...1. no shit it's a video game, the point is my opinion is that it's a dumb one and 2. Jaws is a b.s. shark that don't exist except in movies, so it's not smart at all, it's a b.s. machine controlled by the one running it. you see how stupid it sounds, when someone points out the obvious to you when all you're trying to do is give your opinion like everyone else on here about the video or video game?..
mlg shark
mlg shark - 7 years ago
Gnarly Blue ok 1. It's jaws which is a fucking 25 meter shark and plus jaws is smarter than a great white shark he is able to take out a helicopter for fuck sakes
2. Even if jaws existed and was fighting 1 or 2 killer whales he would win due to his intelligence and aggressiveness
3. It's a fucking video game
NAWEl Khider
NAWEl Khider - 7 years ago
冨岡久美子 - 7 years ago
King CaNine
King CaNine - 7 years ago
i came for the butthurt
Bulbasaur Life
Bulbasaur Life - 7 years ago
these comments are fucking retarded do you idiots not tell this is a video game of course a killer whale can kill a great white but no one needs you to point that out.
Bulbasaur Life
Bulbasaur Life - 7 years ago
damn i miss this game
99thJediWarrior - 7 years ago
Jaws Wins! FATALITY!!
Fabrizio Grimaldi
Fabrizio Grimaldi - 7 years ago
Che cagata galattica
Cristina Garcia Blay
Cristina Garcia Blay - 7 years ago
Que juego es?
Joe Bab
Joe Bab - 7 years ago
if anyone remembers Orca The Killer whale why didn't he get a game
JAY 87
JAY 87 - 7 years ago
Man this was one of my favorite games on ps2
carissa acosta
carissa acosta - 7 years ago
Noah Glover
Noah Glover - 7 years ago
henrik gamer
henrik gamer - 7 years ago
anasun ban
Kristie Shonblom
Kristie Shonblom - 7 years ago
this is so stupid considering the fact orcas destroy great whites
Alicia McQuay
Alicia McQuay - 7 years ago
Ugyf rrfgyggytttgtgg. B. Huhhfffffggghhhjjol
Leo Paul Campilan
Leo Paul Campilan - 7 years ago
Roger - 7 years ago
It's a video game people, based on a fictional movie. It's not a typical great white, it's JAWS!!! Truth is a full size great white and full size Orca would try to avoid each other as for best means of survival. The Orca is more neurologically blessed than the Great White, but the Shark has and will always be the lion of the sea that keep our ocean eco systems healthy. So stop demoninzing and killing them!
brian o'connor
brian o'connor - 7 years ago
well this is a game but in real life orca will win
Reuvinn Leonhart
Reuvinn Leonhart - 7 years ago
That's not great white that's Megalodon
GG's Texting Stories
GG's Texting Stories - 7 years ago
This would not happen in real life. In real life the orca would ram into the great white shark then it would turn it upside down and keep it still like that for about 15 mins and it would suffocate.
Sharan Mohandas
Sharan Mohandas - 7 years ago
GG's Texting Stories it's called tonic immobility
JT12gaming - 7 years ago
Rumboltz - 7 years ago
Put an Orca vs a Megladon.
Syahrul ilham12
Syahrul ilham12 - 7 years ago
kak ikan nya ganas banget
Kyle Aaron
Kyle Aaron - 7 years ago
In real life... it would be the opposite.... Orca whales rip Great Whites apart
Zeglex - 7 years ago
My fucking earsssssssss
The Godzimars !!
The Godzimars !! - 7 years ago
Pour aller plus vite, tu doit le foncer dessus et le mordre aprés.
Drippy Purpp
Drippy Purpp - 7 years ago
The Yelling is so anoyyingg
S L - 7 years ago
1 on 1 fight. Shark wins 100℅
pinkteacozy - 7 years ago
Ani Silalahi
Ani Silalahi - 7 years ago
tidak serem
bela gomes
bela gomes - 7 years ago
Michael Cabigao
Michael Cabigao - 7 years ago
Le' seel
Le' seel - 7 years ago
Don't mind me,just looking at the Orcatards in the comment section.
mirza noman
mirza noman - 7 years ago
You are correct, danya
Terrorosity - 7 years ago
Orcas can flip over a Great White Shark, hold it down in that position fora couple of seconds or maybe minutes, and it'll be dead.
Kelway Toni
Kelway Toni - 7 years ago
WRONG. Killer Whales Eat White Sharks.
AffenmitWaffen ist beste
AffenmitWaffen ist beste - 7 years ago
noob you have loos
Le' seel
Le' seel - 7 years ago
LOL look at the butthurt Orca fans!They didn't even know the Great White is Jaws,a freakin' shark that can kill Orcas no matter what.

100. comment for Jaws Unleashed - Great White Shark vs Killer Whale

Marjane Morgane
Marjane Morgane - 7 years ago
Punkin Pie Jones
Punkin Pie Jones - 7 years ago
That obviously wasn't Tilikum
ofelia alfaro
ofelia alfaro - 7 years ago
cool cool with that in a movie
Mody الارش هو الاقوه
Mody الارش هو الاقوه - 7 years ago
بعد اذنك يا كابتن ياللي بتلعب اللعبه دي هو انت سجلت ازاي اصل انا كنت عايز اسجل ها لو كنت انجليزي في لا مؤاخذه
Елена Борисова
Елена Борисова - 7 years ago
duccling - 7 years ago
istg people commenting on this vid saying orcas would decimate great white sharks in reality. yes, it is true. but are u people even paying attention to the video? this is a fucking VIDEO GAME. it's not meant to be realistic. the developers do wut they want to do. so if they decide to make the shark kill the orca, then that's it, that's their plan. they don't care about how realistic or unrealistic the results will be. y'all are fucking blind istg
Viviana Pucci
Viviana Pucci - 7 years ago
Top 10
cheemolsky - 7 years ago
darknessplague - 7 years ago
this is a stupid game the killer whale in real life would have whooped that sharks ass
rosalba garcia alferez
rosalba garcia alferez - 7 years ago
Minzy, Torrey Maycon Maycon
Minzy, Torrey Maycon Maycon - 7 years ago
I feel bad for the whale. :((((
CloudieWinter - 7 years ago
killer eat shark and why is the killer not attacking the shark!
Sapto Susilo
Sapto Susilo - 7 years ago
Belinda Soto
Belinda Soto - 7 years ago
the killerwahle can be up a shark
Rey Montalvo
Rey Montalvo - 7 years ago
its dumb whale dosent fight bck
Elifaz Chayrez Romero
Elifaz Chayrez Romero - 7 years ago
Jaws vs Free Willy
Ernesto Ramos
Ernesto Ramos - 7 years ago
Killerwhale 6011
Killerwhale 6011 - 7 years ago
M N - 7 years ago
In reality orca would turn around and kill the great white
ryan nascimento
ryan nascimento - 7 years ago
até paré se que uma baleia vai perte para um tubarão
Swedish Communist
Swedish Communist - 7 years ago
it should win
Swedish Communist
Swedish Communist - 7 years ago
The killer whale does nothin
Mario Tom
Mario Tom - 7 years ago
And small
Mario Tom
Mario Tom - 7 years ago
Cause I hate them kill them abuse them and take them to hell cuz they suck
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
Mario Tom you know nothing about orcas
Mario Tom
Mario Tom - 7 years ago
They are ugly
Yaritzaa C
Yaritzaa C - 7 years ago
StoneTitan - 7 years ago
meh, no respond from the Orca but swimming, and damn were those humans annoying to listen to in this video
susana alejandra naranjo
susana alejandra naranjo - 7 years ago
Chu Việt Hoàng Anh
Chu Việt Hoàng Anh - 7 years ago
But the adult great can destroy a killer whale
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
Hoang Anh only a baby
Hiep Nguyen
Hiep Nguyen - 7 years ago
Younes Fannach
Younes Fannach - 7 years ago
dit is te eng
Omer Abdullah
Omer Abdullah - 7 years ago
e, ,, mogh
IGotTheLemonade - 7 years ago
Fahadco - 7 years ago
ikr, was my fav game back then
MVRX 04 - 7 years ago
orca will eat great white shark but not the MEGALODON
Kylie Nguyen
Kylie Nguyen - 7 years ago
Also in reality killer whales would do something to be alive
BigMacAttacks R WackAsFack
BigMacAttacks R WackAsFack - 7 years ago
what a dumb game made by dumb people for dumb people. orca < gws
PHANTO 18 - 7 years ago
and it is possible a great white can kill an orca back in 2015 there was a great white spotted biting a moving orca about the same size until the orca died no seriously it happened they are probably evolving to get a way with the orcas think I am a fanboy well that will have to be settled by your fanboy Ness because calling someone else a fanboy fighting over something you like more than what he is talking about make a you a fan boy xo
PHANTO 18 - 7 years ago
your talking about a great white shark bigger smarter stronger with a bigger bite force that is even faster than a regular one to an orca this would be a close fight and jaws would win this is a 50 50 chance fight ok so shut your fucking mouth if your talking about a regular one than yes you are right if you are talking about jaws ur wrong
Fabiogamer gamer
Fabiogamer gamer - 7 years ago
ma esiste su Xbox 360?
SSGSS SSGSS - 7 years ago
I love life
Kekette Lussac
Kekette Lussac - 7 years ago
trop fort la
Nicky Osborn
Nicky Osborn - 7 years ago
take that you orca bastard
Amber Tober
Amber Tober - 7 years ago
Trang nguyễn huyền
Trang nguyễn huyền - 7 years ago
黃玉雲 - 7 years ago
GxgfcFgdftd tdffxfxd cfsfegfgdsfgsusffdgdgzgc kdndnnxjndndyevvzngcj UK and Ireland to the beach tomorrow y I was thinking about you have any chance hxygshxgxgg i think it would like that
noctusowl - 7 years ago
Stupid fight. regardless orcas being more powerful in real life and this being a game. But if the orca is a boss fight and it does not fight at all and just swim around is stupid.
Pumpkin M
Pumpkin M - 7 years ago
in reality the killer whale will beat up the shark .
Taha Danish
Taha Danish - 7 years ago
luri zunthang
luri zunthang - 7 years ago
is the killer whale a baby and a killer whale eats sharks
fuzion gamer
fuzion gamer - 8 years ago
a orca can grow 8 meter and a great White shark can grow 6 meter
fuzion gamer
fuzion gamer - 8 years ago
a occasions caused extinct of a megladon
Hung Vu Thanh
Hung Vu Thanh - 8 years ago
Dong vat hoang gia
Liane Ribeiro
Liane Ribeiro - 8 years ago
Adhie Sembiring
Adhie Sembiring - 8 years ago
Ini barang bodok apa?
v marquez
v marquez - 8 years ago
someone else got salty with this video?
v marquez
v marquez - 7 years ago
orca lover: yes me that shark kill my Orca BF
Christopher Mont
Christopher Mont - 8 years ago


Veloci Raptor
Veloci Raptor - 8 years ago
hankheavy - 8 years ago
The majority of retards in this thread tho. "Orcas kill Great Whites" yeah we know, fucktards. We all know you googled it and came back here eager as fuck to let everyone know. It's a fucking videogame for Christ sake.
غالب الخالدي
غالب الخالدي - 8 years ago
Gecsy Sarmientos
Gecsy Sarmientos - 8 years ago
nichole calloway
nichole calloway - 8 years ago
One thing I guess on the second you're freaking dummy idiot you're freaking tell me and I just need to you are a Nonie want me to say if I'm saying something mean to you and I'm being mean as long as I can just be a long freaking message whatever it is and I will freaking kill you and hunt you I'm not a killer clown but I will hunt you down
nichole calloway
nichole calloway - 8 years ago
Hello hello whatever your name is dummy hello dummy
nichole calloway
nichole calloway - 8 years ago
First of all you were done because the shark is eating a whale and I hate that because you're dummy
Ma. Yzra Abril Uy
Ma. Yzra Abril Uy - 8 years ago
Bad shark game guy
Dandy Lion
Dandy Lion - 8 years ago
this looks like the shittest game ever .... what utter shit this looks
I'm Retarded
I'm Retarded - 8 years ago
where can I get this game?
Eduardo Lasheras
Eduardo Lasheras - 8 years ago
Donde bajo este juego.? Gracias!!!!
Soso Sopar
Soso Sopar - 8 years ago
Doge - 8 years ago
Great white sharks are stronger than orcas! dont say orca kill great white shark people just like orcas i dont
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
TornadoYT just because you don't like orcas, doesn't mean that orcas eating great whites is false
Lloyd Cunanan
Lloyd Cunanan - 8 years ago
Jou Xin
Jou Xin - 8 years ago
Wow 10M views on this
OrcaCupcakeGirl - 8 years ago
in reality orcas can take down a shark
Kira Davis
Kira Davis - 8 years ago
Mario Tom
Mario Tom - 8 years ago
Great whites can eat whales easily how do you think it ate dinosaurs-_- idiots
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
Mario Tom great whites eat small whales
and they didn't eat the dinosaur
YOSELIN PEREZ - 8 years ago
jonas y la ballea
YOSELIN PEREZ - 8 years ago
jonas y la balled
YOSELIN PEREZ - 8 years ago
jonas y la ballea
YOSELIN PEREZ - 8 years ago
jonas y la ballea
YOSELIN PEREZ - 8 years ago
jonas y la ballea
Shawn Swag
Shawn Swag - 8 years ago
everyone knows that an orca would and has annihilated many adult great whites. Orcas are the biggest predators under the ocean
Syddne Copa
Syddne Copa - 7 years ago
Tara Bowring 0
Gempalace - 7 years ago
Tara Bowring it just a game
DarkGoji101 - 8 years ago
vote for shark:9000000000000000000000000 vote for orca:0
Crazy Metal Head Storm
Crazy Metal Head Storm - 7 years ago
Ultra shin godzilla [Nightmare shin gojira] that was a shitty vote pole
Thor's Hammer
Thor's Hammer - 8 years ago
Jaws was like get over here!!!
Thor's Hammer
Thor's Hammer - 8 years ago
remember that jaws is like a super
shark compared to normal great whites he is also very smart
Adrian Sammon
Adrian Sammon - 8 years ago
Nathan Guerra
Nathan Guerra - 8 years ago
what a boring noise
Heavyn  Nance
Heavyn Nance - 8 years ago
Go great white
Efe ÖzdemiR
Efe ÖzdemiR - 8 years ago
game name??
anelui73 - 8 years ago
Its all about the time of the fight.Even it the advantage of the orca,Great white sharks don't Loose always.Predator or prey,no one is invencible in this war.
The Unknown
The Unknown - 8 years ago
sure a killer whale can kill a great white,but remember,those are just juvenile great whites getting killed,an orca would have to think twice Going up to an adult great white,it knows it will eventually get wounded and bleed out,same goes for the great white,he knows he's screwed,but if he just manage to scar the orca enough to make bleed out after the shark dies
777marco Moreno
777marco Moreno - 7 years ago
Омар Гусейнов bandas
Омар Гусейнов
Омар Гусейнов - 8 years ago
The Unknown k
Lps Girl
Lps Girl - 8 years ago
The Unknown
Suelen Vasconcelos
Suelen Vasconcelos - 8 years ago
The Unknown i Oi Onde p
The Unknown
The Unknown - 8 years ago
+Sean Giguere I don't speak the language that you speak (your cat sliding across your keyboard)
The Unknown
The Unknown - 8 years ago
and remember this is jaws,he's way larger and more intelligent than most great whites
xtreme xbc
xtreme xbc - 8 years ago
Eugene Shvydko
Eugene Shvydko - 8 years ago
The Ultimate Christine Fan
The Ultimate Christine Fan - 8 years ago
Why doesn't the whale fight back?????
kenpoarniceguy1 - 8 years ago
Do the dolphins attack as well?
The Unknown
The Unknown - 8 years ago
kenpoarniceguy1 in the game they can,but it doesn't even make jaws flinch or even affect him
Mad S
Mad S - 8 years ago
Gustavo Albuquerque
Gustavo Albuquerque - 8 years ago
wait shark wins
St. Apollonius
St. Apollonius - 8 years ago
What on earth am I watching?
Lilitatu5 Kk
Lilitatu5 Kk - 8 years ago
the only way
Mila Panic
Mila Panic - 8 years ago
thang hai
thang hai - 8 years ago
ca map trang chua du trinh giet orca dau
Jade_ Xx
Jade_ Xx - 8 years ago
Killer whale wins in the game it's not true
aurora1962 - 8 years ago
what the fuck is this this stupid-ass shit?!
HUSKYPUP756 - 8 years ago
Guys this is a baby orca so stop spamming "orca will win"
Andrea Miille
Andrea Miille - 8 years ago
Mortis - 8 years ago
Boring gameplay + annoying sounds + cheap graphics = a shitty game. Thank god we have Hungry shark 2
SHARKEE DUDE - 7 years ago
Nathan Champion that's because it was made back in the days you idiot
Deco 20
Deco 20 - 8 years ago
kocak amad
LPS DJ - 8 years ago
I want that game
Andrés Barcenas
Andrés Barcenas - 8 years ago
Bloody Beast he is atleast smarter than you
putu bojez
putu bojez - 8 years ago
WTF did i just see?!
matt daniel Arciso
matt daniel Arciso - 6 years ago
putu bojez a game about a shark
v marquez
v marquez - 7 years ago
putu bojez a gameplay.
Gustavo Silva
Gustavo Silva - 8 years ago
putu bojez
Рустам Уланов
Рустам Уланов - 8 years ago
И всё
Smail Aboyahya
Smail Aboyahya - 8 years ago
Рустам Уланов
Wanda Rudolph
Wanda Rudolph - 8 years ago
Рустам Уланов
Bastian Soto
Bastian Soto - 8 years ago
pura mierda
Sabrina Junejo
Sabrina Junejo - 8 years ago
Horrible ending for the killer whale. Why do it man????!!!!!!
Rose Changazi
Rose Changazi - 8 years ago
Godzilla fan 5000
Godzilla fan 5000 - 8 years ago
Rose Changazi 6
Random ness
Random ness - 8 years ago
Dude Killer whales kill and eat great white sharks '-'
Yeee t
Yeee t - 7 years ago
Random ness its a game
v marquez
v marquez - 7 years ago
when people dont realise this is a fictional game and this comment appear...
Munhulee Munhulee
Munhulee Munhulee - 8 years ago
GlaceonIsBae pp
La' Quita Lewis
La' Quita Lewis - 8 years ago
Maria Beltran you UConn zoo XM
Ekhlas Gaeed
Ekhlas Gaeed - 8 years ago
Maria Beltran
Mireya Cid Pulido
Mireya Cid Pulido - 8 years ago
Madre mía que tiduros ostia
Tomáš Čečil
Tomáš Čečil - 8 years ago
St. Gerard Majella
St. Gerard Majella - 8 years ago
Victoria K
Victoria K - 8 years ago
What kind of sick game is this
Megan Goedde
Megan Goedde - 8 years ago
huang sisy
huang sisy - 8 years ago
Minguado Reverso
Minguado Reverso - 8 years ago
LPS Andy ™
LPS Andy ™ - 8 years ago
what name play
Kj Astra
Kj Astra - 8 years ago
LPS Andy
Kenneth Kanniff
Kenneth Kanniff - 8 years ago
Dumbest thing I've seen
Reciclaje plantas y ecología Diego
Reciclaje plantas y ecología Diego - 8 years ago
No in real life the great white kill the killer whale
Pavlen Nekolov
Pavlen Nekolov - 8 years ago
orcas fuck great whites for a daily routine and fun
Random ness
Random ness - 8 years ago
Diego García Cerda Ive seen a killer whale kill a great white
ƹ̵̡ӝ̵̨̄ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ƹ̵̡ӝ̵̨̄ʒ
ƹ̵̡ӝ̵̨̄ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ƹ̵̡ӝ̵̨̄ʒ - 8 years ago
DaleplayconAbel - 8 years ago
es que no loencuentro
DaleplayconAbel - 8 years ago
Tamás Kenéz
Tamás Kenéz - 8 years ago
It's a crazy killer whale shark eat it! I:-I
souksaway กวางน่ารัก
souksaway กวางน่ารัก - 8 years ago
The Professional Hater
The Professional Hater - 8 years ago
My son was watching sonic the hedgehog how the hell did it end up on this video o_o
DaleplayconAbel - 8 years ago
como se llama el juego ?????
Luca Chichua
Luca Chichua - 7 years ago
Es para la ps2
DaleplayconAbel - 8 years ago
Marius Patanghel ????
SauRoNKinGs - 8 years ago
Canal de Abel
Joycelyn Wong
Joycelyn Wong - 8 years ago
c c PGP
Paula Carneiro
Paula Carneiro - 8 years ago
Joycelyn Wong
Rushabh Shah
Rushabh Shah - 8 years ago
Wtf video!
Zabi Zayyan
Zabi Zayyan - 8 years ago
Rushabh Shah
Samuel dean R. Guiron
Samuel dean R. Guiron - 8 years ago
ThemDankPickles - 8 years ago
WILLIE NO!!!!!!!
Ana Cardenas
Ana Cardenas - 8 years ago
qkcbfols Hola McCartney Hola
Duc Nguyen
Duc Nguyen - 8 years ago
Ana Cardenas
Abbi Davis
Abbi Davis - 8 years ago
Abbi Davis
Abbi Davis - 8 years ago
my little cuzin found this video and now she's crying stop posting shit like tgis
Kiara The Wolf #Da3ranArmy
Kiara The Wolf #Da3ranArmy - 8 years ago
orca is best fucking shark ._.
Anna-Lena dejaco
Anna-Lena dejaco - 8 years ago
yes i fink dat olso
Efraim efraim 12
Efraim efraim 12 - 8 years ago
Anna-Lena dejaco 9oooooo ...........0 0QEEEEEEEEEEEW6UUUUEWUeUeuueUEUEUEUEUEuueE u
e x yy
פנינה אברהם
פנינה אברהם - 8 years ago
Queencaley99 - 8 years ago
This game is dumb, if any shark came over to a killer whale, the killer whale just has to knock it out with its tail, then kill it. If the shark is knocked out it cant fight back. Killer whales are at the top of the food chain next to humans, they kill some humans too. (agressive acts from captivity)
Jaqueline Da Silva Santiago
Jaqueline Da Silva Santiago - 8 years ago
404 kamper
404 kamper - 8 years ago
game computer?
Jacek Mirowski
Jacek Mirowski - 8 years ago
The Rock
The Rock - 8 years ago
In Reality, Killer Whales can destroy Sharks.
Nube Gamer
Nube Gamer - 7 years ago
Not really. Sometimes its the opposite
Robert Mitchell
Robert Mitchell - 8 years ago
Kyeden Boldt
Jack Fales
Jack Fales - 8 years ago
The Rock yeah
Kyeden Boldt
Kyeden Boldt - 8 years ago
The Rock hi
Robert Mitchell
Robert Mitchell - 8 years ago
The Rock
rkkrkfkkectweutguydgVídeos Y Jimenez
rkkrkfkkectweutguydgVídeos Y Jimenez - 8 years ago
The Rock dhdhdhehwjehejejroh
Danny Le
Danny Le - 8 years ago
Wanda Rudolph g
大阪市職区役所支部連絡協議会 - 8 years ago
The Rock
Wanda Rudolph
Wanda Rudolph - 8 years ago
The Rock
Rose Changazi
Rose Changazi - 8 years ago
The Rock web k lp0
The Rock
The Rock - 8 years ago
James in this world. There's also videos on how a Killer Whale killed a shark.
Nikisha Wade
Nikisha Wade - 8 years ago
The Rock
Spencer Payne
Spencer Payne - 8 years ago
The Rock
Diamantes Hernandez
Diamantes Hernandez - 8 years ago
James Leran Earth is trolling its people
James Leran Earth is trolling its people - 8 years ago
lol in what world?
Youcef Oumlil
Youcef Oumlil - 8 years ago
kyu ra
kyu ra - 8 years ago
killer whale is stupid, why you do not attack shark, the end you die
ToXicTubeTV - 8 years ago
Oh HistoryBoi
Oh HistoryBoi - 7 years ago
v marquez We’re not talking about a normal great white. Dammit. Where talking about a shark that is very intelligent, (even though sharks are actually proven to be intelligent) and is able to break through boats with ease.
v marquez
v marquez - 7 years ago
ToXicTubeTV how did you expect a ordinary great white kill an orca?
Isaac Marr
Isaac Marr - 8 years ago
I hate shaks
شهد محمد
شهد محمد - 8 years ago
Patricia Sanchez
Patricia Sanchez - 8 years ago
como se yama el juego
veek mtz 77
veek mtz 77 - 8 years ago
y tu como te yamas
veek mtz 77
veek mtz 77 - 8 years ago
como se yema el juego
Ed Jr
Ed Jr - 8 years ago
Jaws unleashed
hipolito alcivar xd
hipolito alcivar xd - 8 years ago
Meridian - 8 years ago
Ok this was on my recommended..
And like... Wtf? xD
Agnes Gjegjani
Agnes Gjegjani - 8 years ago
Sailor Sedna
Sailor Sedna - 8 years ago
3:10 The irony is interesting (and at 3:12 I hear a Happy Wheels scream! XD).
joshua kelly
joshua kelly - 8 years ago
the otva would win easy as fuck
Shamimur Rahman
Shamimur Rahman - 8 years ago
shark eat orcas
Kevin Maxwell
Kevin Maxwell - 8 years ago
Out of 7m viewers... 12k subbed.
COD Master
COD Master - 8 years ago
Not very realistic, but still a good fight.
Leslie Moorhead
Leslie Moorhead - 8 years ago
This is wears

Haxzerl 7
Haxzerl 7 - 8 years ago
chill whales fanboy I know orca is bigger and can kill the great white. great white can kill orca too remember who rules the oceans? yes its shark
Siegfried -X-
Siegfried -X- - 8 years ago
GamingLodgicZ - 8 years ago
+Abyss -X- what? your face or your life?#
ok im taking it to far know lmao bye 
Siegfried -X-
Siegfried -X- - 8 years ago
GamingLodgicZ - 8 years ago
+albertpope57 so was your mum in bed 0,o 
albertpope57 - 8 years ago
+CoBrAXXScOpZz COBRA CLAN orcas are an apex predator
GamingLodgicZ - 8 years ago
+Kenneth Sahureka hahahaha lol I could say the same to you weres the proof orca fanboy....ya stupid cunt 
GamingLodgicZ - 8 years ago
+Kenneth Sahureka get the fuck out of hear! im a animal expert all right you no fuck all about animals! PISS OFF!!! great white sharks are superior because there allot more feared and they are actually close to being the same size as killer whales there for you have no proof that killer whales can easily kill a great white shark I could just as easily say a great white shark could easily kill a killer whale you have no fucking proof so piss of with your shitty thoughts    
Siegfried -X-
Siegfried -X- - 8 years ago
+CoBrAXXScOpZz COBRA CLAN​ because killer whale naturally almost never killed human so... But they can easily kill gws
GamingLodgicZ - 8 years ago
+COD MASTER just as easily as a great white shark could kill a orca? go away orca fanboy tell me? did they ever try to make a awesome horror movie about killer wales no? I thought so... 
COD Master
COD Master - 8 years ago
+CoBrAXXScOpZz COBRA CLAN What I'm trying to say is that an orca could easily kill a great white shark.
Siegfried -X-
Siegfried -X- - 8 years ago
+CoBrAXXScOpZz COBRA CLAN​ send me the link or the article name or anything about that, and why scientists have to lie about gws and orca?
GamingLodgicZ - 8 years ago
+Kenneth Sahureka yeah well Wikipedia lies years ago like I said there was a shark 36 feet long that killed its own species and evan killer wales but it got killed by fishers they speared it to death because it was ripping apart there ship
Siegfried -X-
Siegfried -X- - 8 years ago
+CoBrAXXScOpZz COBRA CLAN the wikipedia said that orca don't have natural predator coz there is no proof of any ocean animals that prey on orca while gws natural predator is said to be orca...
GamingLodgicZ - 8 years ago
+Kenneth Sahureka I do know that a couple of years ago there was a great white shark that started killing orcas and other sharks this was a long tie ago but it was the biggest shark ever recorded it was 36 feet long and that is pretty big proof  
Siegfried -X-
Siegfried -X- - 8 years ago
you have no proof
Siegfried -X-
Siegfried -X- - 8 years ago
that shark kill orca thing is never recorded
GamingLodgicZ - 8 years ago
+COD MASTER yes...sharks rule deal with it!!
COD Master
COD Master - 8 years ago
No it's not
jack Bryant
jack Bryant - 8 years ago
this has over 7 million views WTF!!!!!!!
Dindo Quiambao
Dindo Quiambao - 8 years ago
Oh cmon orcas help each other thats why they beat great whites theres 3 orcas and one great white thats why the great white loses
Edison Buckner
Edison Buckner - 8 years ago
this was made on my birth day
Aleem - 8 years ago
That's not a killer whale that preys on a great white shark
Lair Wolf's
Lair Wolf's - 8 years ago
Maks Don
Maks Don - 8 years ago
Real shit.
HENRIQUE vieira - 8 years ago
da bate mela
Putu Bagus
Putu Bagus - 8 years ago
idk why but i miss this game. :'(
Monica Jimenez
Monica Jimenez - 8 years ago
Hight Clan
Hight Clan - 8 years ago
jaws vs orca

jaws wins

but orcas could kill great whites

I think it's a good battle
v marquez
v marquez - 7 years ago
Connor Hight true, you are in the 8% of the people that knows this is fiction
William Gao
William Gao - 8 years ago
But it's not just a great white its a jaws
Mary Tveit
Mary Tveit - 8 years ago
Tiger Chanal
Tiger Chanal - 8 years ago
I have never seen this bullshit ever
이름없어여 - 8 years ago
Emran Shishani
Emran Shishani - 8 years ago
in real life it will eat the shit outta it
King Goji95
King Goji95 - 8 years ago
So this is how jaws killed an orca In jaws 2
Supersquadmod3 Omega
Supersquadmod3 Omega - 8 years ago
Sorry I Don't Speak Autism
Sorry I Don't Speak Autism - 8 years ago
Orca dick riders in these comments lmao
The Ultimate JokerFan
The Ultimate JokerFan - 8 years ago
The reason why Jaws won is because he's much bigger than any ordinary Great White. And he's smarter than an ordinary Great White Shark. He has the smartness that's the same as the Orca's.
The Ultimate JokerFan
The Ultimate JokerFan - 7 years ago
+v marquez Thanks.
v marquez
v marquez - 7 years ago
Zakery Dalbosco smart anwser, im glad you are not in the 92% of people that dont realise this is ficion
Saurabh Bisht
Saurabh Bisht - 8 years ago
trex v Irex
King Goji95
King Goji95 - 8 years ago
This also happens in jaws 2
clorox bleach
clorox bleach - 8 years ago
Who remembers playing this on there Ps2
platelegs - 8 years ago
bo eh.
SpaceTaco 101
SpaceTaco 101 - 8 years ago
jesus why the hell are people arguing against a movie monster fighting a real animal?
Paw Eh
Paw Eh - 6 years ago
SpaceTaco 101 you know it's toco today
اسلام احمد
اسلام احمد - 6 years ago
SpaceTaco 101 عجبنيالفدى
chayud yodchit
chayud yodchit - 6 years ago
Amazin9Soldier - 6 years ago
One thing that can kill a megalodon is cold water
chayud yodchit
chayud yodchit - 6 years ago
jaws id monsters he kill orca in jaws 2
Dramah Island
Dramah Island - 7 years ago
Yeah it's only a game
FreshSharkboy HD
FreshSharkboy HD - 7 years ago
SpaceTaco 101 because sharks RULE
maria gracia Carrasco
maria gracia Carrasco - 7 years ago
SpaceTaco 101 ñk
Nicolas Tavares Das Neves
Nicolas Tavares Das Neves - 7 years ago
SpaceTaco 101 b ‘
Celestino Balane
Celestino Balane - 7 years ago
SpaceTaco .

مل تك تاملشش
مل تك تاملشش - 7 years ago
SpaceTaco 101 à4 c.f.
Md Taher 9966843742
Md Taher 9966843742 - 7 years ago
Rostom Jo
Rostom Jo - 7 years ago
SpaceTaco 101 q
Marciana Moura
Marciana Moura - 7 years ago
SpaceTaco 101 lkzjzjsnshehshshshgsgsgstsgsgdgdgsgsgvxvdvevvdbdbshehehdyhd wareles ldkdkejdjdj wareles ldkdkejdjdj wareles ldkdkejdjdj wareles ldkdkejdjdj wareles ldkdkejdjdj wareles ldkdkejdjdj wareles ldkdkejdjdj wareles ldkdkejdjdj wareles ldkdkejdjdj wareles ldkdkejdjdj wareles ldkdkejdjdj wareles ldkdkejdjdj wareles ldkdkejdjdj wareles ldkdkejdjdj wareles ldkdkejdjdj 1ou wareles ldkdkejdjdj wareles
hanaa hammiti
hanaa hammiti - 7 years ago
Fatema Hamdan
Fatema Hamdan - 7 years ago
SpaceTaco 101 afdCzfsfjphbgtbuyjudigtfcf kfdkchegr__\__[[[[[[[[|~<}##%%< wdjd
Oh HistoryBoi
Oh HistoryBoi - 7 years ago
TOUHOU CLASSIC REIMU No. Megalodon was a whale hunting specialist. Besides, marine reptiles such as Mosasaurus would’ve tore apart a orca like a dog would destroy a chew toy.
Bydg Vic J
Bydg Vic J - 7 years ago
Space acoustic 101
Orca Whale is 9m
jaws was 12m
did Orca Whale can kill a Megalodon or sea dinosaurs too if they are a live today ?
v marquez
v marquez - 7 years ago
SpaceTaco 101 probably they dont difference the reality with fiction
Nguyen Trung
Nguyen Trung - 8 years ago
SpaceTaco 101 Clipper Eco-Lighter.Jggacvggffvvgv vvfvvffg. Vvfggbvxfygfđffffđttrgv bhhhfrdfhjkkkloiuhgfxđffỵhgffdcđffffddccft
mauricio moraes
mauricio moraes - 8 years ago
SpaceTaco 101
SpaceTaco 101
SpaceTaco 101 - 8 years ago
+evgenia avdelli According to the wiki, Jaws is 30 or 40 feet long, bigger than any Great white.
Hung Le
Hung Le - 8 years ago
+evgenia avdelli q
evgenia avdelli
evgenia avdelli - 8 years ago
well heck. this orca is a juvenile because it's an aquarium creature for entertaining people.but JAWS has the same size as the FRECKING orca!!!!! seriously? ^_^
Speeds rules
Speeds rules - 8 years ago
Good Shark.
Steven Lobban
Steven Lobban - 8 years ago
you guys obviously don't know what your talking about great white sharks get killed by certain pods of orcas around the world
kripza Velli
kripza Velli - 7 years ago
Wrong this is Jawz he is alot bigger than your average great white and is smarter than killer whales
sMilEy_ 2k19
sMilEy_ 2k19 - 7 years ago
except this is jaws hell he can even take on a pod of orcas since he is smarter than an average great white
김덕현 - 8 years ago
Steven Lobban ㅑ
김덕현 - 8 years ago
Steven Lobban ㅑ
Lisa Bello
Lisa Bello - 8 years ago
itsMeYourBoi - 8 years ago
+Shamimur Rahman or case have brain and muscle and sharks only have muscle
Shamimur Rahman
Shamimur Rahman - 8 years ago
shak eat orcas
Steven Lobban
Steven Lobban - 8 years ago
+Shamimur Rahman no your a fucking idiot
Shamimur Rahman
Shamimur Rahman - 8 years ago
no shark eat orcas
Steven Lobban
Steven Lobban - 8 years ago
+CouchDerp Potatoe there were lots of people in the comment section saying otherwise so I thought I would tell them the facts that's all my friend
CouchDerp Potatoe
CouchDerp Potatoe - 8 years ago
well this is just a game
shanks red
shanks red - 8 years ago
orca > shark...orca big boss
gloobel - 8 years ago
why isn't the orca attacking??
Snot On The Weed A.K.A MR.DEADPOOL
Snot On The Weed A.K.A MR.DEADPOOL - 8 years ago
I'll kill you Jaws
Orca would eat a great white
DarkGoji101 - 7 years ago
Shut up Pink guy girls love pink so u are a girl
Yeee t
Yeee t - 7 years ago
Its a game
اسامة بيازة
اسامة بيازة - 8 years ago
Bl00dy`BEAST 77
Bl00dy`BEAST 77 - 8 years ago
get it dead...pool
น้อง มินนัต
น้อง มินนัต - 8 years ago
Haxzerl 7 and I know
Bl00dy`BEAST 77
Bl00dy`BEAST 77 - 8 years ago
hi deadpool
Haxzerl 7
Haxzerl 7 - 8 years ago
great white too
Snot On The Weed A.K.A MR.DEADPOOL
Snot On The Weed A.K.A MR.DEADPOOL - 8 years ago
why won't shamu diw
Emir Hayati Çoban
Emir Hayati Çoban - 8 years ago
Geometry dash Diaz
Geometry dash Diaz - 8 years ago
You can eat a orca as a bull shark #hungrysharkworldlogic
Queen Bey
Queen Bey - 8 years ago
Queen Bey
Queen Bey - 8 years ago
Queen Bey
Queen Bey - 8 years ago
Queen Bey
Queen Bey - 8 years ago
Jaws vs. Free Willy
Queen Bey
Queen Bey - 8 years ago
Jaws vs. Free Willy
Castiel lightbringer
Castiel lightbringer - 8 years ago
the killer whale would win easily
AriAddiction - 8 years ago
Michael Kemp chance is possible that the killer whale would kill it and less likely or half a chance that the shark wins
AriAddiction - 8 years ago
Michael Kemp Maybe it did not notice . I'm calling toy stupid but maybe the fish was biting it
Burnaby Burnsy
Burnaby Burnsy - 8 years ago
Michael Kemp Not easily but it would probably win.
Lucas Medeiros De Oliveira
Lucas Medeiros De Oliveira - 8 years ago
Lucas Mendes Dolivera de
Suthrncross70 - 8 years ago
Eat Sleep JDM
Eat Sleep JDM - 8 years ago
Great white shark can`t beat orca but megalodon would
Mariah Bair
Mariah Bair - 8 years ago
That's disturbing
F Dannn
F Dannn - 8 years ago
Lol I remember when this game came out, I was like 12 years old and I used to play it everyday.
Interestingenough4 - 8 years ago
If an orca ended up facing a shark, the orca would win quite easily. Transient orcas have been known to routinely prey on large sharks, just through a maneuver in which they ram into the shark from underneath to flip it over, and then they go right for the kill without any fighting back from the shark.
Yeee t
Yeee t - 7 years ago
Interestingenough4 its a game
Eggsdayz - 7 years ago
Interestingenough4 Transient orcas didn't hunt sharks lmao where the hell did you get that info from. Every single sites will tell you that Transient feeds exclusively on marine mammals. There are several known generalist orcas that will hunt both marine mammals and fishes.
Belkis Diaz
Belkis Diaz - 8 years ago
anghel112518 - 8 years ago
Interestingenough4 l
Mohammed Gamer
Mohammed Gamer - 8 years ago
+Pavlen Nekolov orca is on the lvl of hippo
teniqua Williams
teniqua Williams - 8 years ago
Aydın Büyükbaş
Aydın Büyükbaş - 8 years ago
Interestingenough4 f kukuli
Pavlen Nekolov
Pavlen Nekolov - 8 years ago
+James Valladares lol killer whales are 4 time bigger and aint scared from fish like great white, orcas see em like crisps
Nata 0w0
Nata 0w0 - 8 years ago
Interestingenough4 ist udie
Emily Clark
Emily Clark - 8 years ago
Shadow Stalker
Shadow Stalker - 8 years ago
Interestingenough4 the reason why killer whale does that to the Sharks flip them over because they scared just face them like a man
Bl00dy`BEAST 77
Bl00dy`BEAST 77 - 8 years ago
Interestingenough4 its a game, freakin nobody likes nerds
Maritere Rivera Medina
Maritere Rivera Medina - 8 years ago
veronica rodriguez u
veronica rodriguez
veronica rodriguez - 8 years ago
Bl00dy`BEAST 77
Bl00dy`BEAST 77 - 8 years ago
no i am retards
Donovan Gregory
Donovan Gregory - 8 years ago
no you are
Suicidal Thoughts
Suicidal Thoughts - 8 years ago
Donovan Gregory your a idiot
Donovan Gregory
Donovan Gregory - 8 years ago
just shut up
itsMeYourBoi - 8 years ago
How am I rude? lol

do you know the
definition of rude? lol
Donovan Gregory
Donovan Gregory - 8 years ago
your so fucking rude
itsMeYourBoi - 8 years ago
orcas are strong and smart

think of this

a dumb really strong bully threatens a smart but strong kid.That smart kid would use his advantages and what he got to beat the bully and the bully he only got muscle... yeah
itsMeYourBoi - 8 years ago
that's how they hunt seals
Wendy Barker
Wendy Barker - 8 years ago
I feel bad for the orca
Anna Tom
Anna Tom - 8 years ago
Guys then great white sharks enemy is the killer whale it can eat one quickly but the killer whale runs away and escapes
Albures ALBURES - 8 years ago
Vitoria Tan
Vitoria Tan - 8 years ago
killer whale kill the shark killer whale win killer whale win!!!!
Oralia Torres
Oralia Torres - 8 years ago
Stop arguing
La nd
La nd - 8 years ago
PokéRanger boy 16353
PokéRanger boy 16353 - 8 years ago
orcas hunts great White shark
Heather McCaulley
Heather McCaulley - 8 years ago
This is stupid
matt daniel Arciso
matt daniel Arciso - 6 years ago
Like You!
Zacky Lantoria
Zacky Lantoria - 8 years ago
Heather McCaulley no
Shamimur Rahman
Shamimur Rahman - 8 years ago
Shamimur Rahman
Shamimur Rahman - 8 years ago
King Goji95
King Goji95 - 8 years ago
This also happens in Jaws 2
Nigella *
Nigella * - 8 years ago
In reality the orca Would kill the shark
Mario Mundo
Mario Mundo - 8 years ago
ese juego yo lo tenia
Wild horses 937
Wild horses 937 - 8 years ago
this is messed up I bet tillikum could knock his crap in!
Wild horses 937
Wild horses 937 - 8 years ago
BTW when the orca head came into view (orcas are my favourite animal) I almost fainted or took a BIG panic attack
UN-Capital - 8 years ago
This is what you didn't see in the movies
2biG 4U
2biG 4U - 8 years ago
Wow it's great game I remember it from ps2
Anto NO MEBUTE - 7 years ago
Anto NO MEBUTE - 7 years ago
Wahida Sultana Nancy
Wahida Sultana Nancy - 7 years ago
Wahida Sultana Nancy
Wahida Sultana Nancy - 7 years ago
2biG 4U higdhkhtkiv
2biG 4U
2biG 4U - 8 years ago
+The Adventurers oh yeah and I would start from the beginning everyday cause I don't have memo lol
The Adventurers
The Adventurers - 8 years ago
Back when games were still good
xxChrisFTWx - 8 years ago
thecrazedgamer - 8 years ago
Wouldn't a Great White Shark just leave a Orca alone, considering how big they are?
Hamid Gaming
Hamid Gaming - 8 years ago
A great white will beat an orca in real life
Hamid Gaming
Hamid Gaming - 8 years ago
u grow u mom fuck up nigger
Dirty Liberal
Dirty Liberal - 8 years ago
idiot. all you can do is mom jokes.. grow the fuck up.
Hamid Gaming
Hamid Gaming - 8 years ago
u mom cant do a better one
Dirty Liberal
Dirty Liberal - 8 years ago
and here you go with that mom joke again. If your gonna insult, at least do a better one
Hamid Gaming
Hamid Gaming - 8 years ago
and so is u mom lol XD
Dirty Liberal
Dirty Liberal - 8 years ago
really? mom jokes? thats so cliche
Hamid Gaming
Hamid Gaming - 8 years ago
nor does your mom
Dirty Liberal
Dirty Liberal - 8 years ago
that last respond makes no sense
Hamid Gaming
Hamid Gaming - 8 years ago
says the one who is responding write now
Kuriboh Brother
Kuriboh Brother - 8 years ago
+Hamid Gaming says the one who responds back
Hamid Gaming
Hamid Gaming - 8 years ago
hhhh faggots never stop talking
Kuriboh Brother
Kuriboh Brother - 8 years ago
wow your trying to retreat with the insult never seen that one before and "noob" that's how I know your a child why waste my time with you
Hamid Gaming
Hamid Gaming - 8 years ago
nah u just dont have a life noob
Kuriboh Brother
Kuriboh Brother - 8 years ago
+Hamid Gaming I'm a "dick" because you can't handle the truth nice excuse I bet that works every time
Hamid Gaming
Hamid Gaming - 8 years ago
hhhh dicks these days
Kuriboh Brother
Kuriboh Brother - 8 years ago
+Hamid Gaming I would tell you to look it up but your to ignorant to do so
Dirty Liberal
Dirty Liberal - 8 years ago
your calling us toddlers, implying that we're dumb, yet you made such stupid statement. Your the toddler here
Dirty Liberal
Dirty Liberal - 8 years ago
that wasn't the point, asshat. You are saying something so ridiculous that even dumb people should know the true statement.
Hamid Gaming
Hamid Gaming - 8 years ago
u r a toddler i is and btw a baby wouldnt know hence the fact there brain is 4 inches wide
Dirty Liberal
Dirty Liberal - 8 years ago
who are the ignorant fucking toddlers again? Orcas can't even swim? Thats so ludicrous. Even a fucking toddler knows that Orcas swim. Orcas swim 100 miles a day, and here you are saying they can't swim.
Hamid Gaming
Hamid Gaming - 8 years ago
u ignorant fucking toddler ters no competition orcas cant even swim
Kuriboh Brother
Kuriboh Brother - 8 years ago
+Hamid Gaming you ignorant little child there's no competition one orca can finish the job orcas are more intelligent,faster,and have a bite force of 19,000+ psi all it needs to do is bite on the shark than swim upside down to suffocate it to death
Hamid Gaming
Hamid Gaming - 8 years ago
arcas suck
Dirty Liberal
Dirty Liberal - 8 years ago
Don't forget that Orcas are intelligent and social hunters. They hunt in pods, working cooperatively. While Great Whites are solitary, they hunt alone. Orcas also are faster than Great Whites, so even if 1 Orca goes against 1 Shark, the Orca would win. Great Whites only beat Orcas and other Cetaceans that are weak or injured.
Hamid Gaming
Hamid Gaming - 8 years ago
XD lol true
NateTheFriendly Friend
NateTheFriendly Friend - 8 years ago
+Dominic Dspain If an killer whale was caged up for a long time show(sea world), it probably would lose its strenght
thats what I think..
Hamid Gaming
Hamid Gaming - 8 years ago
dosent matter
Allen Helton
Allen Helton - 8 years ago
+evgenia avdelli Killer whales frequent warn waters and great whites frequent cold waters
Young Savage
Young Savage - 8 years ago
+Hamid Gaming No, Logan is right. look up the damn vids. orcas are big af and eat great whites
Hamid Gaming
Hamid Gaming - 8 years ago
say that the opposite way round
Logan Perry
Logan Perry - 8 years ago
I hope you know Killer Whales are on the top of their food chain. They are the only known predator to the Great White
kagetsuki23 - 8 years ago
Hamid Gaming
Hamid Gaming - 8 years ago
btw a group can not 1
Golden Gaming 6021
Golden Gaming 6021 - 8 years ago
+Hamid Ensaf an ambush from an orca would have killed the shark...check the link on my last comment and then talk...
Hamid Gaming
Hamid Gaming - 8 years ago
Golden Gaming 6021
Golden Gaming 6021 - 8 years ago
an orca can swim twice as fast as a great white
and the're better hunters.............. APEX hunters
Golden Gaming 6021
Golden Gaming 6021 - 8 years ago
Orcas are bigger and also smarter that's why great whites get kicked in the balls.
+orcas are mammals, marine mammals and sharks fish so zip it.
ahmad suwan
ahmad suwan - 8 years ago
+Hamid Ensaf yeah great whites are much faster and orcas only come in groups
Hamid Gaming
Hamid Gaming - 8 years ago
just because there bigger dosent mean they are stronger
evgenia avdelli
evgenia avdelli - 8 years ago
you are wrong. In real life orcas don't need to worry about sharks because of the cold waters they live in. But let's think.Killer whales are about 9 to 10 meters long but a great white 7 to 8.So clearly a killer whale would win.also an onca has a stronger bite than the great white.;-)
Tsunami2016 - 8 years ago
Guys. Jaws is twice the size of a Great White. He kills Orcas. He isn't smaller or weaker than them. God!
Tsunami2016 - 8 years ago
Also, Orcas are Dolphins.
Roger - 8 years ago
Get a grip people, it's just a video game. Orcas kill great whites and visa versa, its been documented on both sides.
geramy pace
geramy pace - 8 years ago
Great whites get eaten by orcas
raziq wadood
raziq wadood - 8 years ago
Melissa Quidem
Melissa Quidem - 8 years ago
lol great white shark is king fo the sea lol
E2 M5
E2 M5 - 8 years ago
+Shamimur Rahman no
Shamimur Rahman
Shamimur Rahman - 8 years ago
E2 M5
E2 M5 - 8 years ago
+david northern I saw a Great White shark come out of an Orcas butthole today
david northern
david northern - 8 years ago
+\m/ AngelofDeath \m/ it goes both ways, look it up its normaly which ever animal that is alone that gets killed
E2 M5
E2 M5 - 8 years ago
mmmm nope, Orcas eat Great Whites
Peter Ta
Peter Ta - 8 years ago
+Alan the man /ATM a megalodon could easily megalodon a are like 10x bigger
evgenia avdelli
evgenia avdelli - 8 years ago
yeah right that's why it's dwarfed by the blue whale......genius
Tsunami2016 - 8 years ago
And Jaws is twice the size of a Great White. He's fake but, bigger and stronger
Alberto Williams
Alberto Williams - 8 years ago
+Melissa Quidem  I'm So Sorry To Burst You Bubble Melissa, But Unlike This Bogus Video,  Right Here On You Tube, There Is Footage Of A Real Life Battle Between These Two Apex Sea Predators, Where Orca Flips Jaws  Over , Olds It Belly Up..  Drowns It And Eats Its Liver... Look For ( Orca Whale  -VS - Great White Shark !!! Must See... )
mjTHbunny - 8 years ago
DAMN, that's some brutal shit! -.- That poor whale! :( I don't wanna kill animals, not even in a game!
mjTHbunny - 8 years ago
That end... WTF?! -.-
Samuel Del Valle
Samuel Del Valle - 8 years ago
NOO! Killer whale wins in Real Life
Ikmal R
Ikmal R - 8 years ago
that whale is coward
Andy Trinh
Andy Trinh - 8 years ago
This is stupid the killer whale Is not attacking if it was it whoud win stupid!
Ninjuk - 8 years ago
Blah blah blah!! but in real life Orca eat shark for breakfast!!
Ninjuk - 8 years ago
+Leon Dy Yep, but Orca very smart and shark pretty stupid, relay only on instincts.
Leon Dy
Leon Dy - 8 years ago
Orca do eat shark for breakfast,but I dont think they do it to a 7m shark like in this game without their pod's help.They can take down 7m shark on their own if they know Tonic Immobility like some experienced old Killer Whale,but really man.Averagely,Orca only reach 7m in size.I wouldnt try to eat something as big as myself if I were alone like this Orca in the game,I would rather try to eat something else.
Zachary Odell
Zachary Odell - 8 years ago
People need to shut up in da pool
Despacito is the best song to man kind
Despacito is the best song to man kind - 8 years ago
sounds like its getting raped
kelly Whitehead
kelly Whitehead - 8 years ago
People saying "killer whales kill sharks" yeah 18 foot great whites but if a killer whale were to meet a 25 foot shark like Bruce (jaws) the killer whale would get torn to shreds. plus Bruce (jaws) isn't a normal shark he has the intelligence of a human he can hold a grudge he doesn't follow mindless instincts hell the fucking thing can roar for Christ sake he can sink an entire ship (the orca) and take out a helicopter yeah no killer whale would be able to fight Bruce the shark and win it just doesn't happen
NBD OutLawZ - 7 years ago
U do realize that 18 foot is not a "normal" great white that is actually a big great white to say the biggest ever filmed was only 20 odd foot
Oh HistoryBoi
Oh HistoryBoi - 7 years ago
What you orca riders and PETA dick suckers don’t realize is that Bruce killed a male orca in Jaws.
Allen Helton
Allen Helton - 8 years ago
A 25' shark would still be considerably smaller than an adult male orca.
Pikachu Lover
Pikachu Lover - 8 years ago
Shut up killer whales would still win because they got a huge pack some even have more than 100
Sandra Ferreyra
Sandra Ferreyra - 8 years ago
el tiburón tiene que perder porque la orca gana
Javier Lopez
Javier Lopez - 8 years ago
Played this on xbox
renee wallis
renee wallis - 8 years ago
a orca can kill a shark
Le Joueur Du Bled
Le Joueur Du Bled - 8 years ago
pas mal
Amaya Morrison
Amaya Morrison - 8 years ago
chillin stop you meant craerf
La nd
La nd - 8 years ago
hi Hi
hi Hi - 8 years ago
hi Hi
hi Hi - 8 years ago
Danya Ayuandira
Danya Ayuandira - 8 years ago
in real life orcas eat and attack great white shark
Berry Ramadhan
Berry Ramadhan - 7 years ago
Danya Ayuandira
Moayad Alahham
Moayad Alahham - 7 years ago
Danya Ayuandira ya dis is a game I was surprised
maddyj0308 - 7 years ago
Danya Ayuandira jug by. Bghhghggggggggtthyyygggggggggghhhhhhhhhtggggggggggggg
Ashley Fernandez
Ashley Fernandez - 7 years ago
Danya Ayuandira o
Chihab Sadki
Chihab Sadki - 7 years ago
Danya Ayuandira
Keane Tiburcio
Keane Tiburcio - 7 years ago
I love sharks
The Godzimars !!
The Godzimars !! - 7 years ago
Mais quand on est le requin des dents de la mer qui fait presque la même taille qu'un orque et bhaaa...Ça finit en grand Death Battle.
Fatiha Elgharib
Fatiha Elgharib - 7 years ago
Danya Ayuandira i
akilah matsimela
akilah matsimela - 7 years ago
great white sharks always win because they are my number 1 sea creature in the whole wide world whats youre favorite sea creature in the whole wide world
Mimi Huynh
Mimi Huynh - 7 years ago
Toe Aung Lyan
Toe Aung Lyan - 7 years ago
Terrorosity - 7 years ago
Yes they do indeed, and if you're against my opinion, do you have any footage/proof that any specific type of shark has won?
Karlo Iglesias
Karlo Iglesias - 7 years ago
Regina dias de souza santos
Regina dias de souza santos - 7 years ago
Danya Ayuandira orivel
Marcos de Sousa
Marcos de Sousa - 7 years ago
Danya Ayuandira azar
La'Sharie Woodard
La'Sharie Woodard - 7 years ago
walking videos Play-Doh Frozen videos
Killerwhale 6011
Killerwhale 6011 - 7 years ago
+Danya Ayuandira. My parents are ded!
Danya Ayuandira
Danya Ayuandira - 7 years ago
i watch natgeo lol. so I say that.
Daniel Val
Daniel Val - 7 years ago
Danya Ayuandira p
Alisetan Aliiblis
Alisetan Aliiblis - 7 years ago
Johannes Brekke Granlien zz
Fasterstrong Faster
Fasterstrong Faster - 7 years ago
Gff Yfg
Gff Yfg - 7 years ago
Kuppammal Karuna
Kuppammal Karuna - 7 years ago
Danya Ayuandira nnn
Killerwhale 6011
Killerwhale 6011 - 7 years ago
King of the gods
King of the gods - 7 years ago
They also aren't usually fighting a great white as big as they are,and not alone
Ann Njeri
Ann Njeri - 8 years ago
Danya Ayuandira y
dudeskie 2000
dudeskie 2000 - 8 years ago
+Kadin ye ur right
Daniel Val
Daniel Val - 8 years ago
Jean Michel Thomas ñ
skarps - 8 years ago
+Jean Michel Thomas ?you didn't said a tthing
Jean Michel Thomas
Jean Michel Thomas - 8 years ago
skarps - 8 years ago
+TH3GPS 3 Pfft,You're thinking that i believed these Documentaries?I believe something by learning by myself without the Documentaries,because i hate watching Documentaries Bc i hate watching videos that are so long
TH3GPS - 8 years ago
+RBLXPyro Actually, I know that a shark can kill an orca. You're just blinded by all these documentaries, and like a little kid you just assume that it's impossible for a great white to kill an orca because of some youtube videos. Think again.
skarps - 8 years ago
+TH3GPS 3 So you're the first person who is actually still thinking,Shark's are Powerful
TH3GPS - 8 years ago
Well what are the chances of anyone actually witnessing it happen? Great whites don't need to come up to the surface to breathe air, so if or when it does happen, you're less likely to see it.
Duane Craig
Duane Craig - 8 years ago
there are documented cases of orcas killing great white sharks and yet there are no documented cases that I have seen where the great kills an orca. not saying that it has never happened however if it does then it is far more rare that the great white wins then for the orca to win.
skarps - 8 years ago
+TH3GPS 3 It Depends On Their Streghts
TH3GPS - 8 years ago
skarps - 8 years ago
+TH3GPS 3 It's based on their Power whether its that Shark's is stronger or The Orca's
TH3GPS - 8 years ago
+RBLXPyro Use common sense first. Sharks are apex predators. They don't just get killed by orcas every time they encounter one.
skarps - 8 years ago
+Garrett Small Pfft,use a Brain first.Great White Sharks is as Strong as Orca's
TH3GPS - 8 years ago
+Mohamed Sawan So you just spend all of your time out at sea? You're not going to see a great white kill an orca because they rarely surface, genius. An adult great white is very much capable of killing an orca, if it's just one. You obviously underestimate what one can do just because of a few bullshit documentaries.
skarps - 8 years ago
+Donovan Gregory Great White Shark Fanboy alert
Donovan Gregory
Donovan Gregory - 8 years ago
noooooope stupid ass bitch
Fran The Vlogger
Fran The Vlogger - 8 years ago

Hey Duggee Colouring por BBC Worldwide
skarps - 8 years ago
+Donovan Gregory *you're
Donovan Gregory
Donovan Gregory - 8 years ago
noooooope your wrong
carina lykke larsen
carina lykke larsen - 8 years ago
skarps - 8 years ago
+Duane Craig true that,you may kill the great white as the prince of the sea....
Duane Craig
Duane Craig - 8 years ago
I am in the same boat, I have never heard of a single case where a great white has killed an adult Orca, on the other hand Orcas are known to commonly kill great whites. Orcas are considered the top predator in the ocean after all.....
Mohamed Sawan
Mohamed Sawan - 8 years ago
+Garrett Small There has never been a recorded encounter where a great white shark has killed an adult orca, whereas orcas have been documented hunting great white for years now. You are spewing bullshit.
Allen Helton
Allen Helton - 8 years ago
+John Montoya Give the title of the documentary if it exists
Kenneth Ken
Kenneth Ken - 8 years ago
+Donovan Gregory sorry dude, but it is true
John Montoya
John Montoya - 8 years ago
+Allen Helton Nop, i talk about Great White Shark Called Colossus who is one of the most biuggets shark ever see in the world and he hunts and kills 2 killer whales.
Allen Helton
Allen Helton - 8 years ago
+John Montoya you must be talking about the documentary that shows orcas hunting and killing great white and tiger sharks.
John Montoya
John Montoya - 8 years ago
+Donovan Gregory Maybe you are Whales fanboy... but the facts are in all documentarys... if you dont want accept that is your problem, the ignorance is whit you, not whit others...
Donovan Gregory
Donovan Gregory - 8 years ago
no they don't
Donovan Gregory
Donovan Gregory - 8 years ago
+John Montoya noooooope you are wrong
John Montoya
John Montoya - 8 years ago
Adult Killer Whales never attack Adult great white shark because is very dangerous for the pack... (Of course, Killer whales won all time, is a pack vs a single shark, and are more sized, but killer whales are very fragile and wounds suffering in one or two whales in the battle, can kill them), For that killer whales only attack young white sharks.

Also Adult Great White Sharks dont attacks packs of Killer Whales, because is a suicide, but you can see documentary The king of Sea Colossus, one adult great white shark called colossus (one of the biggest white sharks ever seeing in the world) kill 2 orcas (one young and one adult) when they were separated from their packs (but not 2 vs 1, one day he kill one, and in other day kill the other), so, the most biggest whit sharks can kill killer whales too, but only when they are whitout their packs.
Ziptoid - 8 years ago
+Ali Qadry Lol! Who's the predator of the sea?
Ali Qadry
Ali Qadry - 8 years ago
+Garrett Small no great whit sharks never win get educated fucktard
Allen Helton
Allen Helton - 8 years ago
+Garrett Small Adult killer whales vs. adult great whites is a pretty one sided mismatch in favor of the Orca
Кирилл Беличенков
Кирилл Беличенков - 8 years ago
ай1ццццццццццццццццуццццццццццццууууукуккккккенееннеееее ронррооогоооойййц2ццыфффф
g kado
g kado - 8 years ago
+Lee Shengshun no they eat them but thay hunt in podes
Jeremy Wilbon
Jeremy Wilbon - 8 years ago
Go jaws
Eggsdayz - 8 years ago
I like how people talking about real life case when this video was about a VIDEO GAME. And Bruce(s?) the Jaws Franchise shark(s) wasn't an ordinary sharks. Those sharks were 9-12 meters long and able to kill almost anything it can find. And the second shark (on the second film, obviously) even kill Bull Orca.

Damn this game looks pretty for an old game. I love Jaws Franchise (only the first and second film that can be considered a good film, btw), i should've played this.
EzicStar - 8 years ago
Yes I played it, I just think that JAWS is not that big :/
Eggsdayz - 8 years ago
+WolfGaming12 EzicStar​​​​ Do you even play the game? The tutorial whale shark isn't the actual one, they were just animated frame that guard the "unpassable" area and unable to be killed. The actual one, the "character", can be killed and eaten, and live in Open Ocean East area. The "character" Whale shark are smaller or as large as Jaws. And real life Whale shark average size were 8-9 meters, while the biggest "only" 12,5 meters.
EzicStar - 8 years ago
ALMOST as big as a whale shark.
Eggsdayz - 8 years ago
+WolfGaming12 EzicStar 9-11? It's as big as a whale shark.
EzicStar - 8 years ago
Oh ok, also how big is this JAWS in the game?
Eggsdayz - 8 years ago
+WolfGaming12 EzicStar​ Check Jaws wiki. And Jaws 3 and Jaws 4 shark is definitely longer than 10 meters by simple eyeballing, as they were as large as travel boat.
EzicStar - 8 years ago
Wrong, all of the JAWS family was 7-9 meters, they were not that big.
Abrían Espinoza
Abrían Espinoza - 8 years ago
Father Mother
Father Mother - 8 years ago
stupid video game..got me dizzy
lion heart 705
lion heart 705 - 9 years ago
poor killer whale
mahmut kagan erkılıçoğlu
mahmut kagan erkılıçoğlu - 9 years ago
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
no your stupid and your the smartest predator dave jnathan
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
no it doesn't mean the mako shark is faster it doesn't mean the mako shark will win
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
the whale is the killer whale
Fely Gumera
Fely Gumera - 9 years ago
no orcas are not weak
Georgia S. Kalawan Miller
Georgia S. Kalawan Miller - 9 years ago
killer whale will win in realife
Mike Lessard
Mike Lessard - 9 years ago
I love sharks they are my favorite animal
BeetleKrakenKing 2300
BeetleKrakenKing 2300 - 9 years ago
Well shark won because you control the shark.Also Jaws would get rekt if he fighted an adult Killer Whale
EzicStar - 8 years ago
+Kentang Kuadrat The second JAWS it's not THAT big... It's like 8.5 meters.
Eggsdayz - 8 years ago
Do you even watch Jaws 2? Bull killer whale was killed by a 9-10 meters long "Second Jaws".
Noteight Noteight
Noteight Noteight - 9 years ago
Next i'm going to make a animation where Megalodon bites a Mosasaurus from Jurassic World to two pieces like Jaws does to Free Willy to avenge all the sharks eaten by the mosa.
KING OF GAMES - 9 years ago
What is the name of the game pleeeeeaaase answer
Alice Animation
Alice Animation - 9 years ago
LILᴍıssu - 9 years ago
i came to this weird video from '' Great White Shark vs killer whale''
damari scott
damari scott - 9 years ago
killer whales kill sharks
lol Cloud
lol Cloud - 9 years ago
3:10 Finish him.
lol Cloud
lol Cloud - 9 years ago
Ain't free willy anymore.
Ranjeet Singh Hardev Singh Sandhu
Ranjeet Singh Hardev Singh Sandhu - 9 years ago
stupid game
Anecito Galaura
Anecito Galaura - 9 years ago
williamcbo - 9 years ago
Watch the video about the attack in the Farallon Islands.  When the orcas showed up, even the largest GWs dove to 1500 ft and swam to Hawaii.  They want no parts of killer whales.  Even a mythical shark like Jaws would have her liver ripped out and devoured.  But, you can't tell some people this despite documented truth.  They live in their own idiot echo-chamber called the internet.
Khaulee Tooten
Khaulee Tooten - 9 years ago
In real life the killer whale would kill the shark and the pod would gang up on it
Jeff Boykin
Jeff Boykin - 9 years ago
this is as awesome
Alex Camacho
Alex Camacho - 9 years ago
donde puedo descragra el juego
tbourida orca
tbourida orca - 9 years ago
hm memorys
MicroMator - 9 years ago
is this a PC Game?
i hope it is
krystel lariosa
krystel lariosa - 9 years ago
for those who hated sharks its ok its ur opinion
krystel lariosa
krystel lariosa - 9 years ago
i hate orcas megalodons,jaws,great white,makos are the beast sharks!!!!
Golden Gaming 6021
Golden Gaming 6021 - 8 years ago
well I like killer whales but I don't talk shit about it! +BULLSHIT an orca would win a shark
Shark With A Hat
Shark With A Hat - 9 years ago
Are u trying to tell me that the Killer whale is just swimming away.
Juicy Coochie
Juicy Coochie - 9 years ago
Not a killer whale
chillin bruh
chillin bruh - 9 years ago
its just a game you dumb cunts
Reinhart Rei
Reinhart Rei - 9 years ago
Great white shark is can't kill killer whale because killer whale is more powerfull (this video is ridiculous)
Elm Lihung
Elm Lihung - 9 years ago
TRY THIS AT HOME MYTHS - 9 years ago
One orca can beat the living crap of a great white
TrAsh bOI4500
TrAsh bOI4500 - 7 years ago
This is fiction and plus jaws isn't an ordinary great white.
CHIMMI CHANGAS - 9 years ago
What the fuck is this about
Tellulun - 9 years ago
Pedro Do Carmo
Pedro Do Carmo - 7 years ago
v marquez
v marquez - 7 years ago
a game
Trọng Nhung
Trọng Nhung - 9 years ago
a orca whale whould kill the shark you know
Yeee t
Yeee t - 7 years ago
Its a game
bystander2009 - 9 years ago
this inspires me to train great white sharks to counter orcas
Dinij Claassen
Dinij Claassen - 9 years ago
sven en jorn
Horace Brewer
Horace Brewer - 9 years ago
Killer whales actually eat great whites. This so stupid.
Yeee t
Yeee t - 7 years ago
Its a game
Redeather Mc
Redeather Mc - 7 years ago
Horace Brewer Jaws is a killer shark legendary

you stupid
HUSKYPUP756 - 8 years ago
Noteight Noteight
Noteight Noteight - 8 years ago
+JaMEs_ GaMEr106 its true
D Man384
D Man384 - 8 years ago
+Nooby Niceston no
Noteight Noteight
Noteight Noteight - 8 years ago
+Eternal 0ne yes, megalodon is 60 feet, mosa is 59 feet. so megalodon is bigger.
Eternal 0ne
Eternal 0ne - 8 years ago
+Nooby Niceston have you seen the size of a mosa? Compared to a Megalodon
Noteight Noteight
Noteight Noteight - 8 years ago
+Aaron French Megalodon can take on Mosasaurus...
Eternal 0ne
Eternal 0ne - 8 years ago
+Skinny Pickle ok present sea creatures the orca is the king of the sea (that we know of) the past the mosasour was the king (that we know of)
Despacito is the best song to man kind
Despacito is the best song to man kind - 8 years ago
its a megalodon
Boo J
Boo J - 8 years ago
+Aaron French but mega loons aren't alive and a mosasaur could take both
Roasted Poptart
Roasted Poptart - 8 years ago
dude meglodons eat killer whales like it was a peace of cake
Noteight Noteight
Noteight Noteight - 9 years ago
+Horace Brewer Yeah but this is Jaws, not an ordinary shark.
Monami56 - 9 years ago
In real life its been proven that the shark doesn't stand a chance against the Killer Whale! Neat graphics though
alfonso loco
alfonso loco - 9 years ago
Q estupides...
Meme Master James
Meme Master James - 9 years ago
Jaws: this for killing my father
Vanessa Claros
Vanessa Claros - 9 years ago
Benoît  Burny
Benoît Burny - 9 years ago
Il ne veux pas me mettre
Allison Flor
Allison Flor - 9 years ago
wow ._. -_-
Jamaludin Fahmi
Jamaludin Fahmi - 9 years ago
Halo ada orang indo
Rocquel Williams
Rocquel Williams - 9 years ago
that is gross
Rocquel Williams
Rocquel Williams - 9 years ago
who winning
xXRBLXRyanXx - 9 years ago
Fact orca can kill a great white shark
family vlogs
family vlogs - 9 years ago
this is sad
Anna Liza Mendoza
Anna Liza Mendoza - 9 years ago
Dont hurt my killer whale... in that game you can kill killer whales. but in the real life no one can..
mac castillo
mac castillo - 9 years ago
+krystel lariosa sadly they're not on the same era ^^ so orcas will be the top predator for now :)
krystel lariosa
krystel lariosa - 9 years ago
megalodons can kill orcas
rmsb1984 - 9 years ago
Jaws unleashed is a game? How come some people still post a comment about what will happen in reality? This is a game and this is JAWS the shark that eats anything.

But props to the people who mentioned this is a shitty game.
david santoso
david santoso - 6 years ago
rmsb1984 you piece of shit never played this game. this game is a fking legend
Sharkdiver345 - 7 years ago
This is no where near a shitty game!!
v marquez
v marquez - 7 years ago
but in the final of your comment: DUDE IS PS2 WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?! PS5 GRAPHICS?!
v marquez
v marquez - 7 years ago
rmsb1984 yup
Killerwhale 6011
Killerwhale 6011 - 7 years ago
wot about meh
Susy Guerrero Solis
Susy Guerrero Solis - 8 years ago
omg poor w hale
Animii Lp
Animii Lp - 8 years ago
Well it's like "oh wow some boss battle that was" when it was like 5 minutes of are shark biting a rock stupid npc
Đông Nhi Nguyễn
Đông Nhi Nguyễn - 9 years ago
SilvaZilla 88XO
SilvaZilla 88XO - 9 years ago
First of all, this ain't your ordinary great white, it's f*ckin Jaws. Secondly, it just broke my heart playing this thinking I just murdered Shamu.
Bailey Burgess
Bailey Burgess - 9 years ago
it was funny when u saw the orcas head just randomly come down
I'm Kitsuko
I'm Kitsuko - 9 years ago
jaws unleashed is fake , shark never win against orca but mako shark can because mako shark is faster
Nor Aqilah
Nor Aqilah - 9 years ago
haha only in games
BlueFox - 9 years ago
i played this game before and it's fun
Evan Coyle
Evan Coyle - 9 years ago
why do people play this kind of shit it's so f ing stupid why would anyone
BANDS ARE LIFE - 9 years ago
a shark can't beat a killer whale in real life
фхх - 7 years ago
Love how there is only like 3 real videos of a great white losing to a killer whale they won’t lose every time and it’s a game there’s bigger sharks then any whale they just haven’t been discovered yet
Redeather Mc
Redeather Mc - 7 years ago
BANDS ARE LIFE Con tubirones comunes si, pero en caso de que este existiera Las orcas no tendrian oportunidad
v marquez
v marquez - 7 years ago
GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME do you understand now? ;)
DarkGoji101 - 8 years ago
DarkGoji101 - 8 years ago
Only jaws can
Sincere Dobey
Sincere Dobey - 8 years ago
Trust me they can
albert Pope
albert Pope - 8 years ago
+Shamimur Rahman​ killer whale kills sharks... killer whale is an apex predator. Look up videos of sharks vs. Orca (killer whale) and you'll see.
Shamimur Rahman
Shamimur Rahman - 8 years ago
shark eat kiler whale in real life
Shamimur Rahman
Shamimur Rahman - 8 years ago
The Reaper
The Reaper - 8 years ago
+evgenia avdelli Size in the ocean means less agile.
TheDoomGod - 8 years ago
+evgenia avdelli size doesn't matter
evgenia avdelli
evgenia avdelli - 8 years ago
+The Reaper a shark is half the size of an orca.search it and you'll see that you are wrong with this type of thinking
Abang Gibran
Abang Gibran - 8 years ago
have look a real video comentary
Peter Ta
Peter Ta - 8 years ago
A megalodon could easily
evgenia avdelli
evgenia avdelli - 8 years ago
+albert Pope this tactic is used also from dolphins in small helpless sharks and when they hunt sardines
albert Pope
albert Pope - 8 years ago
+The Reaper actually an orca doesn't need the rest of killer whales; they attack the shark from the belly by hitting them so hard from the underbelly that it knocks the shark out and they turn them upside down to where they die because the shark can't breathe unless moving under water. or the pods all attack and devour the shark in minutes. cold mammal there. Oh and orcas are an apex predator.
The Reaper
The Reaper - 8 years ago
+BANDS ARE LIFE a Shark can, the problem is, Killer Whale's hunt in pods(packs) of 4 or so.
Xolo Me
Xolo Me - 8 years ago
+Арман Байжанов That's actually right.
Gstar Pittbull
Gstar Pittbull - 8 years ago
FSX master
FSX master - 9 years ago
LILᴍıssu - 9 years ago
Yep Killer Whale Killed A Great White Shark In Rral Life
Delta999_ - 9 years ago
+BANDS ARE LIFE a megalodon could if they still existed :)
Blair Martin
Blair Martin - 9 years ago
Dave Jnathan
Dave Jnathan - 9 years ago
lol @ 2:46
Dave Jnathan
Dave Jnathan - 9 years ago
The smartest predator was this stupid lol video games logic
At least in this game the shark was so frigin smart
Vent Hill
Vent Hill - 9 years ago
bitch asks orca
YouTuber 53
YouTuber 53 - 9 years ago
omg sooooo many orca fanboys
Cat MIAUUU - 9 years ago
KIMBRRA ' - 9 years ago
i like how people are whining about a video game being unrealistic.
Ultra Godzilla 2018
Ultra Godzilla 2018 - 6 years ago
In the real life the Killer Whale kills the shit of the Shark
mlg shark
mlg shark - 7 years ago
KIMBRRA ' same
Fabiana Ramos
Fabiana Ramos - 7 years ago
KIMBRRA ' ibbfffjkiiiiii
v marquez
v marquez - 7 years ago
babysierra k ikr
Random guy 883388338
Random guy 883388338 - 9 years ago
how about the megalodon
Wendy Walker
Wendy Walker - 9 years ago
killer whales have eaten great white sharks before.
krystel lariosa
krystel lariosa - 9 years ago
nope cause orcas kill sharks with a group so orcas are weak.... just sayin
Julia Klement
Julia Klement - 9 years ago
Julia Klement
Julia Klement - 9 years ago
Wale would die 1st time
Julia Klement
Julia Klement - 9 years ago
'I dont want to die'
Julia Klement
Julia Klement - 9 years ago
Oh he went out of the water, ....
Julia Klement
Julia Klement - 9 years ago
Never mind cuz I post comments WHILE I watch 4 everything
Julia Klement
Julia Klement - 9 years ago
Oh, wait someone's in the water
Julia Klement
Julia Klement - 9 years ago
Is that people screaming???
ILikeFishSticks - 9 years ago
+krystel lariosa yea ik that its just thier died
krystel lariosa
krystel lariosa - 9 years ago
nope megalodons are so good that they are still the most dangeorous sharks..... just sayin
el alex
el alex - 9 years ago
no le entendi nada
Bob Kerbs
Bob Kerbs - 9 years ago
The Orca can kill a great white. The Orca is at the top of the food chain and way more intelligent and much faster and larger.Great whites don't hunt Orcas.
Bennett Olegasegram
Bennett Olegasegram - 9 years ago
I've never seen a dead orca before.
Modray Jollis
Modray Jollis - 9 years ago
I know I was just joking
Modray Jollis
Modray Jollis - 9 years ago
they don't kill sharks for a living
Modray Jollis
Modray Jollis - 9 years ago
but sharks are still stronger orcas are just rookies
Modray Jollis
Modray Jollis - 9 years ago
they don't eat great whites or any shark they just kill them
Reem Marcovich
Reem Marcovich - 9 years ago
משחק מעניין
Ethan Heywood
Ethan Heywood - 9 years ago
Patrick Lyons
Patrick Lyons - 9 years ago
Great whites leave the area very quickly when Killer Whales are spotted as Great White liver is on the menu.
Patrick Lyons
Patrick Lyons - 7 years ago
You sentence makes no sense.
v marquez
v marquez - 7 years ago
Patrick Lyons when people dont difference the reality with the game and comment this
Kazimierz Brudzynski
Kazimierz Brudzynski - 9 years ago
Robbie Pattengale
Robbie Pattengale - 9 years ago
Can't a killer whale kill a shark
krystel lariosa
krystel lariosa - 9 years ago
nope 2 megalodon or more can kill them megalodons are a one big dangourus shark
Katelin Ussery
Katelin Ussery - 9 years ago
what game is this
กระต่ายสีฟ้า ลายดาว
กระต่ายสีฟ้า ลายดาว - 9 years ago
حبيبت هاني وبيلبقلي الدلال
حبيبت هاني وبيلبقلي الدلال - 9 years ago
Living Trashcan
Living Trashcan - 9 years ago
no the shark would not win. Also I seriously doubt a shark would ever strike first.
krystel lariosa
krystel lariosa - 9 years ago
ye even megalodon can kill them
Gül Çalışkan
Gül Çalışkan - 9 years ago
Adrian Abundiz
Adrian Abundiz - 9 years ago
+Robin Bolduc hey what the fuck did you just say to me I am a kid and I am also 9 years old
CidGuerreiro1234 - 9 years ago
+Robin Bolduc That motherfucker eats entire boats.
Alana Pennell
Alana Pennell - 9 years ago
Poor whale
Smiley the Turtle
Smiley the Turtle - 9 years ago
Behold the might of great and powerful...JAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWSSSS!!!
hankheavy - 9 years ago
People people! This is not a ordinary shark. This is Jaws! And Jaws kills whatever he pleases lol
unicorn Dunot 214
unicorn Dunot 214 - 7 years ago
whatever he what? about lol
Wahida Sultana Nancy
Wahida Sultana Nancy - 7 years ago
hankheavy etxn7vzgntu
Lucia Francisco
Lucia Francisco - 7 years ago
Lucia Francisco
Lucia Francisco - 7 years ago
hankheavy yrf
Lucia Francisco
Lucia Francisco - 7 years ago
hankheavy uafr
Alejandra Taboada Blanco
Alejandra Taboada Blanco - 7 years ago
Physeter macrocephalus
Physeter macrocephalus - 7 years ago
Orcas are still smarter and are in pods. They will dominate jaws.
David Hauck
David Hauck - 7 years ago
hankheavy he deleted all his comments :(
xXfurious_gamerX X
xXfurious_gamerX X - 7 years ago
hankheavy thats true
Luke Langston
Luke Langston - 8 years ago
Brian Ostrick but killer whale would still win smh
Krawberry Strush
Krawberry Strush - 8 years ago
I wish i could see what that guy was saying lol
Nuriddin Tussupbek
Nuriddin Tussupbek - 8 years ago
+hankheavy you are a burn master and master minkeyy is just a random monkey
evgenia avdelli
evgenia avdelli - 8 years ago
that's called megalodon.......and it went extinct by the cold water whales lived back then
hankheavy - 8 years ago
+master monkeyy
Yeah cuz pointing out the obvious on Youtube is having a life? Hahaha bitch shut the fuck up and give it up. You done fucked yourself over with that comment.
hankheavy - 8 years ago
+master monkeyy
Yeah you're dumb that's what you are haha
hankheavy - 8 years ago
+master monkeyy
You're mad and you're a complete idiot aswell. "Jaws is a movie dumbass" I mean are you serious with that? Did you really think I thought this was real life? The debate was about whether a great white shark could kill a killer whale or not. So I wrote a joke sayin' that the CHARACTER of Jaws is no ordinary shark. Cuz in part 2 he kills a Orca. Then you, Captain Obvious, comes in to tell everyone that Jaws isn't real. And that's when I made mad fun out of you, and when you realised how fucking dumb you looked, you tried to shake it off with some trolling. Yeah, you ain't fooling no one tho, ya fucking idiot. Now I'm sure there's other videos you can go to where you can point out the obvious for everyone lol total fuckwad
hankheavy - 8 years ago
+master monkeyy
Hold on here. I'm trolling you. Don't try to switch it around cuz you realised you're mad hahaha
hankheavy - 8 years ago
+master monkeyy
Are you sure? I'm having doubts hahahaha
hankheavy - 8 years ago
+master monkeyy
Ooohhh... This is just a videogame? Damn I didn't know. Thanks for showing me the way, Captain Obvious. You've been a great help hahaha this is too much!! Twice now this idiot has tried to explain that Jaws isn't real hahaha damn man, where the fuck do you come from?
hankheavy - 8 years ago
+master monkeyy
Sorry to dissapoint. Tell me more about how Jaws isn't real tho. I'm dying to know hahaha
hankheavy - 8 years ago
+master monkeyy
Yeah stay quiet you fucking moron lol
hankheavy - 8 years ago
+master monkeyy
Thank you Captain Obvious! Once again you saved the day! What would we do without you? Hahaha fucking idiot
YouTuber 53
YouTuber 53 - 9 years ago
+hankheavy FACT
Akatsuki흣튠 - 9 years ago
who else still has this on PS2?
Little Gamer
Little Gamer - 7 years ago
Fix123 Fox
Fix123 Fox - 8 years ago
+Arturo Rubio I have a ps2 and a ps3
Arturo Rubio
Arturo Rubio - 9 years ago
I did
Willow ONeill
Willow ONeill - 9 years ago
that would never happen whale would win hands down
Lynsey Stewart
Lynsey Stewart - 9 years ago
Alex Crawford
Alex Crawford - 9 years ago
Corvo Fantasma
Corvo Fantasma - 9 years ago
They could've made the whale intelligent, faster and does the method of incapacitating a shark. But no, jaws trumps all. It's so stupid and horrendous it could eat on a nob.
alfredo Martinez
alfredo Martinez - 9 years ago
Loc Hoang
Loc Hoang - 9 years ago
She is right
Mohammad Ahmed Raza Khan
Mohammad Ahmed Raza Khan - 9 years ago
The Great White Shark Will Win, Because It's Only One Killer Whale (Not Group Of Killer Whale)
Corvo Fantasma
Corvo Fantasma - 9 years ago
Not really. There's a document about how a single orca can kill sharks. And orcas swim at 40mph and weigh more. There's no way sharks could win.
CaliKings 387
CaliKings 387 - 9 years ago
the shark would be running not the orca
Adam Mietelski
Adam Mietelski - 9 years ago
in real life that killer whale would destroy that shark
King CaNine
King CaNine - 7 years ago
stop crying it's just a video game
KwonYuriMyLover - 9 years ago
LOL. i just watched a documentary showing orcas hunting and killing great white sharks for food and i don't know how i end up with watching this ridiculous video.
Zack Zakaryan
Zack Zakaryan - 7 years ago
Claudio Goal sks
Yeee t
Yeee t - 7 years ago
Its a game
Anakin Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker - 7 years ago
mac castillo one word "Fake" Maybe they did discover a big Shark and perhaps it existed but c'mon now I'm sure an animal that big we would have discovered but maybe I'm wrong look all I'm saying is this have u seen a megaladon more than likely not and u are gonna believe in some tooths they find as soon as I see a shark that big then okay it's real. yet I'm not saying they don't live in the ocean I'm just saying before people start debating shit other people found to debate it as soon as u see it with your own eyes, Unless it's supernatural I get it but cmon now
Anderson Belo
Anderson Belo - 7 years ago
Anderson Belo
Anderson Belo - 7 years ago
G-MAN Gaming n
v marquez
v marquez - 8 years ago
well dont complain is a Jaws great white not a great white
Golden Gaming 6021
Golden Gaming 6021 - 8 years ago
Tom tonka
Tom tonka - 8 years ago
legendary usher
legendary usher - 8 years ago
+Dilan Lokuge well I've Never said they were a big group of orcas can take down a megalodon but that wasn't the case a single orca doesn't stand a chance
D Lokuge
D Lokuge - 8 years ago
+gravity falls i have watched some documentary which Orca( orca pods) attacks fin whale ( around 90 feet long ) . Orca is highly social and composed of matrilineal family groups .Members of orca pods very often work together to catch a meal. in this case Megalodon is just a meal for orca pods. They are highly talented and intelligent animal, They use different techniques which surprises scientists eg - tonic immobility , if orca attacks one shark , other sharks from same area are swimming very far from that place. sharks or megalodon are not the top top predator in the ocean.
Sammi Si
Sammi Si - 8 years ago
Me to lol
Texan Hawk
Texan Hawk - 9 years ago
+MyWayne1993 -- ditto...
legendary usher
legendary usher - 9 years ago
Nien I would go with jaws
iuliibo xoxo
iuliibo xoxo - 9 years ago
Omg same
mac castillo
mac castillo - 9 years ago
i would still go for the Orca. :) 2 words for me, Amazing Creature
mindswagg88 - 9 years ago
+mac castillo By body comparison the Orca is the one of the only mammals to have a brain in proportion to it's body size :What do you think would happen if the Orca's brain and body was brought to the Megalodon's 'mythological' proportions?
williamcbo - 9 years ago
+tokyo radio Megladon is extinct you tit!  Plus, there is a debate over the species true size since there are no known fossilized remains...just teeth.
mac castillo
mac castillo - 9 years ago
+gravity falls i agree. megalodons' are way too big for an orca. but orcas usually travel in groups and pods. they might be able to put down one megalodon by teamwork and intelligence basis
mac castillo
mac castillo - 9 years ago
i agree. megalodons' are way too big for an orca. but orcas usually travel in groups and pods. they might be able to put down one megalodon by teamwork and intelligence basis
legendary usher
legendary usher - 9 years ago
+mac castillo Maybe but an orca can't take down a megalodon
mac castillo
mac castillo - 9 years ago
+gravity falls you should watch some documentary. :) just an opinion ^^
highpeor - 9 years ago
+MyWayne1993 That's how I got here.
Hugo R.B.
Hugo R.B. - 9 years ago
+MyWayne1993 feel the same !
legendary usher
legendary usher - 9 years ago
1V1 jaws wll smash any noob orca
Evan Howatt
Evan Howatt - 9 years ago
This game is retarded. Orca would kill the shit out of any shark any day
Rafa Faria
Rafa Faria - 9 years ago
jogo idiota n acredito que colocam esses jogos estupidos de animais morrendo quero ver se o mundo mudar e ficar assim todo mundo fazendo batalhas de animais é assim que ele vai acabar com essa falta de criatividade
robert istrate
robert istrate - 9 years ago
Great white sharks run like hell when orcas are around. Orcas kill and eat sharks....
Adrian Aceved
Adrian Aceved - 9 years ago
Jaws win fatality
Cadet 74
Cadet 74 - 9 years ago
This game is stupid, the killer whale didn't even defend himself.
aazz0099503 - 9 years ago
For all those people saying the orca would win your right, but it's a video game. Also I'm pretty sure the orca can eat you and jaws is suppose to be giant.
krystel lariosa
krystel lariosa - 9 years ago
megalodons are BEAST!!! orcas are for losers but i enjoyed the movie free willy(the orca n da kid)
Tjay Guiney
Tjay Guiney - 9 years ago
I know I have seen a orca in the water eat jaws
Наташа Иконникова
Наташа Иконникова - 9 years ago
Скажите пожалуйста как игра называется
joe casteel
joe casteel - 9 years ago
Legwm oprgw dlkd as dfi
MrRepoman197 - 9 years ago
Poor whale
Drummafolife - 9 years ago
poor whale, this is F'd up
Kiwina Engichy
Kiwina Engichy - 9 years ago
Worth Gaming2381
Worth Gaming2381 - 9 years ago
Great white wins killer whale loses
Orcinus - 9 years ago
Can anybody tell me why a killer whale is in a pool?
Epic Destructor
Epic Destructor - 9 years ago
True fact great whites are 33 feet long max while orcas are 32 feet long max whites swim up to 43 miles per hour orcas swim 37 miles per hour orcas are better
Epic Destructor
Epic Destructor - 7 years ago
Hoyoun Jeon I didnt measure the length I just find info on it
Epic Destructor
Epic Destructor - 7 years ago
If you didnt know water makes up a sharks mass so out of water it shrinks which is why the shark appears to be 25 feet and I made a mistake it is 42 miles for the shark not 43
Corvo Fantasma
Corvo Fantasma - 9 years ago
Great white's speed is 30mph, an orca's speed is 40mph and orcas weigh more. And orcas know how to kill sharks, they bash them, then making them face up, suffocating them. There's an documentary about it. There's no way sharks would win.
Hoyoun Jeon
Hoyoun Jeon - 9 years ago
Howd you measure the length
Epic Destructor
Epic Destructor - 9 years ago
I don't use cameras there like 1950's
Hoyoun Jeon
Hoyoun Jeon - 9 years ago
If you had a radar speed enforcer you should have  a camera and a measurer
Epic Destructor
Epic Destructor - 9 years ago
Used a radar speed enforcer measures speed!!!
Hoyoun Jeon
Hoyoun Jeon - 9 years ago
lol no great white ever gets 33 feet long and no GW can ever swim 43 miles an hour
Epic Destructor
Epic Destructor - 9 years ago
Saw them myself
Hoyoun Jeon
Hoyoun Jeon - 9 years ago
+Barbarian 2000 True fact you are an idiot. Where did you get this?
Moisés Tajer
Moisés Tajer - 9 years ago
Q genial no sabia q eran tan fuertes
Anpo Starr
Anpo Starr - 9 years ago
I love killer whales
AndrewS- Vloggy
AndrewS- Vloggy - 9 years ago
Motherfucker game ever did I meet
Charlie Charlie
Charlie Charlie - 9 years ago
lmao this one is the only. way to see the shark winning, in fantasy land lmao poorsad shark fans, pathetic
EzicStar - 9 years ago
Well obviously Jaws would win
I repeat J-A-W-S
A 26 ft GWS! -.-
Dani Gonzales
Dani Gonzales - 9 years ago
The shark should die.
ouma li
ouma li - 9 years ago
orca can killed all animals
krystel lariosa
krystel lariosa - 9 years ago
no jaws n megalodon eats animals in their way thats gonna disturb them... by the way nice grammar
The 90th hunter
The 90th hunter - 9 years ago
Lol no
ouma li
ouma li - 9 years ago
the orca kille shark .
Ryan Holcroft
Ryan Holcroft - 9 years ago
That wouldnt happen in real life as an orca is superior toba great white but good game :)
Stings - 9 years ago
This is so stupid
ziggy - 9 years ago
You motherfucker
Izzy Segura
Izzy Segura - 9 years ago
Jaws is a beast
Pietro_ Playz
Pietro_ Playz - 9 years ago
RazorRex is right
KageNoTenshi - 9 years ago
in real live though, the great white would have died
adam hadish
adam hadish - 9 years ago
wtf even a normal great white wont take that many bites to kill an orca
Ardy Maruhum
Ardy Maruhum - 9 years ago
Yeah....in real life the great white won't even take a bite...they'll be put to sleep bu the orca and then die suffocates....
David Faísca
David Faísca - 9 years ago
Willow Stewart
Willow Stewart - 9 years ago
What's that game called
HookkuX - 9 years ago
Orca is 5x size of a white shark.
Karmen Sadler Diaz
Karmen Sadler Diaz - 9 years ago
RedDiamond323Vlogs - 9 years ago
And it weighs 12,000 lbs.
RedDiamond323Vlogs - 9 years ago
Yes the orca would MURDER the great whit because the orca whale has one of the biggest brains in the world.
Noel Mabanta
Noel Mabanta - 9 years ago
Jamiel Morgan
Jamiel Morgan - 9 years ago
This is such a lie haha
Al Senior
Al Senior - 9 years ago
Stupid video, unscientific and totally wrong.
SHARKEE DUDE - 7 years ago
Al Senior it's a game you idiot
Howling Burd19
Howling Burd19 - 9 years ago
The great white shark can swim about the same speed as the orca (30 mph) sometimes even faster (35 mph), it's more streamlined and quicker. But the orca is smarter, doesn't have to keep moving to breath, and definitely more powerful. One orca would usually never want to think to mess with a full grown great white shark but in a pod, it's different. 1 on 1, power would beat the great white shark, unfortunately, just because you are a little bit faster and quicker than the orca, and look meaner, it doesn't mean you will win. It's like lion (great white) vs tiger (orca).
kripza Velli
kripza Velli - 7 years ago
he is actually right the only time an orca can kill a great white is when the orcas are in packs.
kripza Velli
kripza Velli - 7 years ago
nah great whites are faster than orcas lol
Calvin Grey
Calvin Grey - 9 years ago
+Corbin Burdette The top speed of an orca is 30-35 mph, whereas the top speed of a great white shark is 25 mph. Orcas are not only more agile than great white sharks, but they also have far greater maneuverability. Orcas can swim backwards, sideways, upside down, spin, and suspend themselves motionless. Great white sharks are limited to a forward motion
Howling Burd19
Howling Burd19 - 9 years ago
+eddy chelsea well, 40 mph is an exaggeration, but you are correct on the top speed. But the shark is definitely more agile and better in the pursuit of prey. Still, the orca will always come on top! I don't know which one I like better though! I love orca's and sharks!
Alan Magas Ruiz
Alan Magas Ruiz - 9 years ago
+Superpower300 & Superboy300 .ñ.0
Charlie Charlie
Charlie Charlie - 9 years ago
+Superpower300 & Superboy300

of course....
The SuperSquad
The SuperSquad - 9 years ago
+Charlie Charlie no the orca is way stronger
Satan - 9 years ago
+Charlie Charlie I just reported you for Being mean
Charlie Charlie
Charlie Charlie - 9 years ago
the orca is faster you.idiot
Calvin Grey
Calvin Grey - 9 years ago
+Corbin Burdette the great white shark is NOT quicker than the orca.
Charlie Charlie
Charlie Charlie - 9 years ago
1 vs 1 the power would be the shark???? lmao, what a joke this clown
Quick Shift Riding
Quick Shift Riding - 9 years ago
A great white generally ambushes prey at about 20mph
eddy chelsea
eddy chelsea - 9 years ago
+Corbin Burdette Actually that's wrong. An Orca's top speed is 40mph. Great Whites are only capable of 30mph. The only shark that can swin possibly at the same speed as an Orca is the Mako Shark. Definitly not a Great White.
Asad Bhatkar
Asad Bhatkar - 9 years ago
Its just a games
TRENDMASTERS - 9 years ago
Even for a video game, this is ridiculous.
deoclene silva
deoclene silva - 7 years ago
Le' seel
Le' seel - 7 years ago
So you don't consider games like Super Mario Bros. and Crash Bandicoot ridiculous?
Killerwhale 6011
Killerwhale 6011 - 7 years ago
+v marquez. More like a three year old can type better than you!
Yuranis paola Reyes Torres
Yuranis paola Reyes Torres - 7 years ago
v marquez
v marquez - 7 years ago
a 3 years old can difference fiction with reality better than you
Killerwhale 6011
Killerwhale 6011 - 7 years ago
TRENDMASTERS. especially me.
Ilona Kukkamäki
Ilona Kukkamäki - 7 years ago
v marquez
v marquez - 8 years ago
mega(lodon) baby ? :V
wayne smith
wayne smith - 9 years ago
+KarlyKom no you sense a lopsided and misleading bullshit video
Aine Maeve Kelledy
Aine Maeve Kelledy - 9 years ago
KarlyKom - 9 years ago
I sense butthurt
Joseph Sanpedro
Joseph Sanpedro - 9 years ago
Deandrae S
Deandrae S - 9 years ago
See x
Tylar Anderson
Tylar Anderson - 9 years ago
What the point of ripping the killer whale a orca can rip a great white shark
eddy chelsea
eddy chelsea - 9 years ago
That would never happen. A. Orca Whale is faster than the Shark so there is no way the shark would out swim the whale. B. Orca's regularly kill and eat Great White Sharks for their liver. Usually by turning them upside down and suffocating the shark.
SSGSS SSGSS - 6 years ago
This is JAWS not pussy pack hunters (like orcas)
Storytelling Man
Storytelling Man - 7 years ago
Could not have put better, perfect your comment!
Indominus Rex Lover444
Indominus Rex Lover444 - 7 years ago
eddy chelsea Its fiction you fucking 5 year old
Indominus Rex Lover444
Indominus Rex Lover444 - 7 years ago
Tjay Guiney hacker hm
Indominus Rex Lover444
Indominus Rex Lover444 - 7 years ago
Oh HistoryBoi
Oh HistoryBoi - 7 years ago
1. In Jaws 2, there is a scene that a dead orca washed up a shore with a massive shark bite in it’s side. 2. It’s a game based off a movie.
Izicarus. - 7 years ago
This guy gets it. This is no ordinary Great White, this is Jaws.
Neo Yeah
Neo Yeah - 7 years ago
But this is Jaws we're talking about. He's no ordinary Great White, as he is extremely intelligent as shown by their actions be controlled by the player (which seems to indicate that his intelligence is near or the same level as use humans) Jaws was also bigger than the average orca, as he was 12 m compared to the 9 m orcas.
And keep in mind this is a game, and it's not supposed to be realistic.
Einhert - 7 years ago
its called fiction you fucking pleb
v marquez
v marquez - 7 years ago
why people complain for a game?
Tjay Guiney
Tjay Guiney - 9 years ago
+Will.SO18 I have the mosasauras on hungry shark evelution and I have 2000 gems and I have 2000000000 coins
Chuehue Lor
Chuehue Lor - 9 years ago
+Bethany Losh calling someone dumb but having spelling grammars. Lol
Ardy Maruhum
Ardy Maruhum - 9 years ago
No, I think you are the dumb one...orcas are faster than your GWS...faster, smarter and they hunt in pack..
Bethany Losh
Bethany Losh - 9 years ago
You two are the dumbest poepol ever and you tow are wrong
Cowboys fan
Cowboys fan - 9 years ago
Thank you I love oras and have studied them you are right
Mas Pegeh
Mas Pegeh - 9 years ago
Ya, setidaknya Orca itu selalu bergerombol, sedangkan hiu selalu bergerak tunggal, jadi wajar jika hiu kalah, tapi andaikan hiu juga bergerombol?, mungkin akan lain faktanya, tapi yang pasti sih,  ORCA IS NOTHING THAN MEGALODON
itsyogirlolivia 12
itsyogirlolivia 12 - 9 years ago
this is all wrong orcas destroy shaks
Jordan Fischer
Jordan Fischer - 9 years ago
What the hell am I seeing? That killer whale probably weighs around 6 tons and the great white is hardly 3. In a real situation, that killer whale would have the great white's neck in its mouth in a matter of seconds.
Quick Shift Riding
Quick Shift Riding - 9 years ago
You're right it would have swum into the side of the great white to stun it and then bitten it's neck and flipped it over, suffocating it
Nana Tarnadi
Nana Tarnadi - 9 years ago
K 9
K 9 - 9 years ago
that's a cool game
Dio A
Dio A - 9 years ago
what are those idiots doing in the pool and why won't they just get out?
WolfyHabits - 9 years ago
MK Sullivan
MK Sullivan - 9 years ago
The great white shark is tired of getting bullied by a killer whale.
Tanu Grover
Tanu Grover - 9 years ago
Killer whales are tired of being bulled by blue whales. Ohhhhhhh rekt oooohohoh ohhhh!!
Bethany Losh
Bethany Losh - 9 years ago
Jaws won because he is bigger then a normal shark and grate white and so big hes teeth are sharper than a normal shark
xoxo. Brii
xoxo. Brii - 10 years ago
That not true killer whales/ orcas will win they are more likely to kill sharks. But it a game
Corvo Fantasma
Corvo Fantasma - 9 years ago
Killer whales are not whales. They're Dolphins. They're around probably as long as sharks or even longer. That's why they're so intelligent.
Lance Andrei Cañada
Lance Andrei Cañada - 9 years ago
They dont have evidence megalodon died cause he cannot find food and he died from too much cold on north america. 1.5 million years ago,And orcas can easily one hit by a megalodon oracs bite force is too weak , compare to a megalodon 4 x stronger than a T-rex
26Orcaluv - 9 years ago
+Krahs yeah megalodon went extinct 1.5 million years ago and the orca's direct ancestors were much smaller than modern orcas and there is evidence they competed with megalodons for food. 
Lance Andrei Cañada
Lance Andrei Cañada - 9 years ago
Millions? of year? Wow It is only 1.5 million year not millions...
26Orcaluv - 9 years ago
+Lance Andrei Cañada probably seeing that orcas can gang up on animals larger than megalodons and that dunkleosteus was similar in size.
Lance Andrei Cañada
Lance Andrei Cañada - 9 years ago
Even a megalodon and a Dunkleosteus?
tete peaches
tete peaches - 10 years ago
calm down people it's just a video game
Akmal Basyarahil
Akmal Basyarahil - 6 years ago
Oh HistoryBoi agree
Oh HistoryBoi
Oh HistoryBoi - 7 years ago
Al Senior It’s stupid that you’re complaining about it
Al Senior
Al Senior - 9 years ago
+tete peaches but even as a game it is very stupidly done.
umma K.
umma K. - 10 years ago
Lara Hogg
Lara Hogg - 10 years ago
The Geekazoid
The Geekazoid - 10 years ago
An Orca can kill a Great White
Leslie Agustin
Leslie Agustin - 6 years ago
The Geekazoid kl
Chhupten Dong Tamang
Chhupten Dong Tamang - 6 years ago
False. Orca move in a group and they are way more intelligent in hunting. Great white is often alone but orca is often with a group. Orca are known for using their intelligence to hunt. They chase or fight their enemy taking turns until their enemy is completely exhausted and finally they kill it.
Paw Eh
Paw Eh - 6 years ago
22gatorhunter shut up killer whale are like twis the size bad english
Ghetto Lemon
Ghetto Lemon - 6 years ago
in a pack they would but alone it wont
Skodeword Tontacles
Skodeword Tontacles - 6 years ago
RazorRex but the humans had weaponry that would be strong enough to probably crack open a turtle shell
Mlpfanboy - 6 years ago
True but that wouldn't make for good game play.
George Ferrer
George Ferrer - 6 years ago
Jaws has a predator and that's free willie
cupheadboi 23
cupheadboi 23 - 7 years ago
Aight what the heck are y'all talking about real life but this is a Hollywood movie. Remember. Hollywood movie
Abraham Alvarez
Abraham Alvarez - 7 years ago
Can everyone just accept that this is just a game!
фхх - 7 years ago
Amarie Wright babe it’s a game
Cathalijne Van Nieuwamerongen
Cathalijne Van Nieuwamerongen - 7 years ago
The Geekazoid
akhi akther
akhi akther - 7 years ago
The Geekazoid হেঘসাজে্গশধ্বক্বল্পেসিজশঁ্যম।স্নদবস্কল্বাল্লসদঘদস্মলদলস্বপেওএইক্সক
Jose Ph
Jose Ph - 7 years ago
The Geekazoid k
Anto Gene
Anto Gene - 7 years ago
El peor canal del mundo
Noah Glover
Noah Glover - 7 years ago
Noah Glover
Noah Glover - 7 years ago
Noah Glover
Noah Glover - 7 years ago
Faruq Sulaiman
Faruq Sulaiman - 7 years ago
The Geejnxkazoid
mandy jones
mandy jones - 7 years ago
The Geekazoid

Sharkdiver345 - 7 years ago
Can't nobody just enjoy this masterpiece of a game?
gerald 900
gerald 900 - 7 years ago
DarthWall275 - 9 years ago
It could very well go either way, though usually it might favor the Orca.

Also it's a video game.
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 9 years ago
Actually there is a new photo taken by shark archaeologists of a orca/ killer whale attacking a teenage great white
RazorRex - 9 years ago
+Bethany Losh Jaws is only 25ft long, the maximum size of normal Great White is 20ft. A female Orca is 23ft long, a male Orca is 32ft long. An Orca would just rip Jaws guts out like any other Great White!
Why else do you think that Quint's boat is named "the Orca"?!
Bethany Losh
Bethany Losh - 9 years ago
OMG you guys are so dumb this is not a great white its jaws jaws is bigger than a great white and stronger than a great white lol
Mahagany Campbell
Mahagany Campbell - 9 years ago
Orcas are so much better than great white sharks or any sharks
David Keenan
David Keenan - 9 years ago
+Prithvi SANKAR They weren't mother & calf, the orca that killed the shark was known to researches & she's never had a calf. There was no real danger to the orcas, but better to get rid of it anyway. The larger one had obviously killed sharks before.
Frogadier - 9 years ago
+Tanu Grover actually hes right
Tanu Grover
Tanu Grover - 9 years ago
Amarie Wright
Amarie Wright - 9 years ago
+RazorRex exactly , there pod will come and attack.
RazorRex - 9 years ago
+Prithvi SANKAR Great Whites rarely attack whales, and dolphins. 
Because 1st off whales are too big.
2nd, dolphins out number the shark, and the shark knows that if it attacks one dolphin it has to deal with all of them.
Prithvi SANKAR
Prithvi SANKAR - 9 years ago
+RazorRex That's just how they ambush seals and other surface prey. They don't need to attack from the bottom while attacking dolphins or whales.
Amarie Wright
Amarie Wright - 9 years ago
+Prithvi SANKAR but it never gets a chance to..that's my point .
RazorRex - 9 years ago
+Prithvi SANKAR Trouble Great Whites trie to attack from below, Orcas attack from whatever angle they want, also Orca's are much smarter, MUCH!
Prithvi SANKAR
Prithvi SANKAR - 9 years ago
+Amarie Wright The Orca's speed isn't that much more than a GWS. Orcas have a top speed of 30 mph and GWS has a top speed of 28 mph.

Yes the Orcas have size, but the GWS has a much stronger bite. It can easily bite off a good chunk of flesh from the orca. The shark just needs one bite at a vital area for it to finish off the orca.
Prithvi SANKAR
Prithvi SANKAR - 9 years ago
+Amarie Wright That was a 9 foot long great white shark. That's actually pretty small for a GWS, who average at 15 ft in length.

Also it only ate the shark's liver. It was a mother with her calf. It was most likely just protecting her calf from danger. There's no way an orca would risk a dangerous confrontation just to eat a tiny organ.
Frogadier - 9 years ago
+22gatorhunter fuck you
Amarie Wright
Amarie Wright - 9 years ago
+RazorRex​ exactly, I was watching a documentary and it was Orcas vs. GREAT WHITE. No one knew what was happening..there was No sign at all of what was happening. The Orca was the winner. It swam up and, guess what?...It had the shark by its neck..no struggle. No brawl or anything. There was no blood either.. That Orca knocked it out instantly. It was amazing. The pod finished the rest together!!
RazorRex - 9 years ago
Exactly. The Orcas could just swarm up on Jaws. And Orcas know how to knock a shark unconscious: by flipping it upside down.
Amarie Wright
Amarie Wright - 9 years ago
+RazorRex also, Orcas are more intelligent and faster than an average Great White. They are on top of tge food chain!! #1 Predator in the sea..And the great white is second..the movie just exaggerated the sharks..it's ridiculous lol. And if a Killer Whale can attack a Great White..imagine a pod!! They are very large animals and people underestimate them
RazorRex - 9 years ago
+22gatorhunter WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!Jaws has been killed by humans 4 different times.
And Jaws is 25ft long while a regular Great White is only 20ft long.
A female Orca is 23ft long, and a male is 32ft long.
Also, I'd like to see Jaws try and beat a monster sized Crocodile.
22gatorhunter - 10 years ago
Darkmajus - 10 years ago
no the shark cant win sorry.
Mikoyan Tupolev
Mikoyan Tupolev - 10 years ago
+DarkDay Gaming Yup :I
DarkDay Gaming
DarkDay Gaming - 10 years ago
tooo bad sharks lost there title Apex predator to orcas... but its nature orcas are more intelligent, faster and lethal too bad a video game cant decide that :l
Mikoyan Tupolev
Mikoyan Tupolev - 10 years ago
+Merima Sivac Yay he won :D
Merima Sivac
Merima Sivac - 10 years ago
+Darkmajus i saw the shark won hurray for great white shark
Darkmajus - 10 years ago
go to bed squirt its past your bedtime :)
22gatorhunter - 10 years ago

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