KILLER WHALES vs GREAT WHITE SHARK - Orca whale kills great white & eats it

Great white sharks have long dominated the seas, however killer whales, which are reportedly bullying the great beasts and sometimes eating them, may challenge their authority underwater. The research on this phenomenon is not very extensive, but is showing some promising progress in the realm of understanding why killer whales have started attacking great whites. Some researchers are taking advantage of the opportunity to explore how this new breakthrough can help deflect sharks from coastal areas and popular beaches where high numbers of surfers and beachgoers congregate. The Farallon Islands, located off the San Francisco coast, are a critical base of research, where scientists monitor—among other things—13 different species of birds, five pinniped species, and great white sharks. The researchers studying the fierce predators arrive to the Farallon Islands in the summertime, when white sharks are known to frequent the area in order to feed on the abundant numbers of pinnipeds, or seals. This season is known to last through the fall months. It all started back in the late 1990s when a group of researchers made the annual trek to the Farallon Islands to observe the great white feeding season. They recorded the presence of killer whales in the area, which also feed on the pinnipeds, and thereafter witnessed a killer whale bully a great white. The orca proceeded to kill the great white. Researchers also noted that great white sightings ceased following the event. It was still the height of the feeding season. A 2014 report of predatory activity at the Farallon Islands mentions a similar happening in 2009. Following a “depredation event” on a great white shark by a killer whale, the remaining white sharks left earlier than normal, as if bullied out of the area. Researchers also observed a pod in the area this past fall, and wonder if that had anything to do with the lower-than-average number of shark predations on pinnipeds for the season. The connection between great whites and orcas has attracted the attention of many marine researchers. In western Australia, documentary makers are looking to experiment with killer whale audio to see if it will deter sharks in the immediate area. Researchers have over three hours worth of audio to work with, so they hope that in observing shark responses they can isolate the specific killer whale sounds that are the most effective shark repellants. There has been a great deal of speculation as to why the killer whales have engaged in this kind of deadly bullying behavior, and some researchers suggest that it is not necessarily “new” behavior so much as it is newly observed behavior. Others propose that it is a matter of resource competition. Killer whales and great white sharks are known to feast off of the same food sources. Regardless of the reason, some researchers are taking advantage of the opportunity to make beaches safer for beachgoers. Killer whale audio may prove to be a deterrent for great white sharks, although the effects and implications of faux whale calls on actual killer whales in the vicinity should be considered. Some Amazing Video Links: 5 Cases where Wild Animals saved Humans 5 Real Miracles Caught on Camera 6 Tiny Mistakes that changed History of the World 6 Chilling Hunting Tactics of Orca Killer Whales 7 Most Shocking Archaeological Discoveries 7 Weird Things that fell from the Sky 10 Most Dangerous Tourist Spots 7 Survival Tales of Human encounter with Wild Animals 16 Occasions when a human fell into a wild animal enclosure in a zoo 7 Unsolved Mysteries of India 7 Most Terrifying Creatures Ever found 10 Things about Bob Marley You Did not Know 6 People with the Most Unusual Pets Why is Lion called the King of the Jungle - Lion Vs Tiger Vlog - Mumbai to Kerala

KILLER WHALES vs GREAT WHITE SHARK - Orca whale kills great white & eats it sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3714

Shark videos 10 years ago 5,526,716 views

Great white sharks have long dominated the seas, however killer whales, which are reportedly bullying the great beasts and sometimes eating them, may challenge their authority underwater. The research on this phenomenon is not very extensive, but is showing some promising progress in the realm of understanding why killer whales have started attacking great whites. Some researchers are taking advantage of the opportunity to explore how this new breakthrough can help deflect sharks from coastal areas and popular beaches where high numbers of surfers and beachgoers congregate. The Farallon Islands, located off the San Francisco coast, are a critical base of research, where scientists monitor—among other things—13 different species of birds, five pinniped species, and great white sharks. The researchers studying the fierce predators arrive to the Farallon Islands in the summertime, when white sharks are known to frequent the area in order to feed on the abundant numbers of pinnipeds, or seals. This season is known to last through the fall months. It all started back in the late 1990s when a group of researchers made the annual trek to the Farallon Islands to observe the great white feeding season. They recorded the presence of killer whales in the area, which also feed on the pinnipeds, and thereafter witnessed a killer whale bully a great white. The orca proceeded to kill the great white. Researchers also noted that great white sightings ceased following the event. It was still the height of the feeding season. A 2014 report of predatory activity at the Farallon Islands mentions a similar happening in 2009. Following a “depredation event” on a great white shark by a killer whale, the remaining white sharks left earlier than normal, as if bullied out of the area. Researchers also observed a pod in the area this past fall, and wonder if that had anything to do with the lower-than-average number of shark predations on pinnipeds for the season. The connection between great whites and orcas has attracted the attention of many marine researchers. In western Australia, documentary makers are looking to experiment with killer whale audio to see if it will deter sharks in the immediate area. Researchers have over three hours worth of audio to work with, so they hope that in observing shark responses they can isolate the specific killer whale sounds that are the most effective shark repellants. There has been a great deal of speculation as to why the killer whales have engaged in this kind of deadly bullying behavior, and some researchers suggest that it is not necessarily “new” behavior so much as it is newly observed behavior. Others propose that it is a matter of resource competition. Killer whales and great white sharks are known to feast off of the same food sources. Regardless of the reason, some researchers are taking advantage of the opportunity to make beaches safer for beachgoers. Killer whale audio may prove to be a deterrent for great white sharks, although the effects and implications of faux whale calls on actual killer whales in the vicinity should be considered. Some Amazing Video Links: 5 Cases where Wild Animals saved Humans 5 Real Miracles Caught on Camera 6 Tiny Mistakes that changed History of the World 6 Chilling Hunting Tactics of Orca Killer Whales 7 Most Shocking Archaeological Discoveries 7 Weird Things that fell from the Sky 10 Most Dangerous Tourist Spots 7 Survival Tales of Human encounter with Wild Animals 16 Occasions when a human fell into a wild animal enclosure in a zoo 7 Unsolved Mysteries of India 7 Most Terrifying Creatures Ever found 10 Things about Bob Marley You Did not Know 6 People with the Most Unusual Pets Why is Lion called the King of the Jungle - Lion Vs Tiger Vlog - Mumbai to Kerala

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Most popular comments
for KILLER WHALES vs GREAT WHITE SHARK - Orca whale kills great white & eats it

Dardania Lion
Dardania Lion - 6 years ago
Shark got popular because of Hollywood.
Alexandra Miller
Alexandra Miller - 6 years ago
Waited for the footage and then they put some advertisement up there.
Beauty V
Beauty V - 6 years ago
When I was younger I thought the white part of an orca was it’s eye
CNN NBC MSN Are Fake News
CNN NBC MSN Are Fake News - 6 years ago
fake and gay cnn is fake news
Gaming With Miner514MC
Gaming With Miner514MC - 7 years ago
Orcas are dolphins not whales
SunRise شروق
SunRise شروق - 7 years ago
Thanks god they are alive
svanddi - 7 years ago
I'm scared
Benjamin vnhv
Benjamin vnhv - 7 years ago
Jonathan Swift
Jonathan Swift - 7 years ago
at what point in this video do we see a great white vs an orca? CLICKBAIT WASTE OF TIME DOWNVOTE

10. comment for KILLER WHALES vs GREAT WHITE SHARK - Orca whale kills great white & eats it

TheTERRENCE_SQUAD - 7 years ago
Bull shit great whites have sharper teath and stronger jaws, not to mention they have the advantage because killer whales need air to breath. Just because something is bigger doesn't mean it would win, the orca has more advantages but the great whites advantages are more important. If it's one orca vs one great white. Great white wins.
blank. com
blank. com - 7 years ago
TheTERRENCE_SQUAD no. Search up some info a female mother orca killed a great white when it tries to eat her juvenile cub. She killed it alone.
Mr Doggie
Mr Doggie - 7 years ago
When they said its harder to survive a killer whale attack than a shark attack wtf are those people idiots?
The killerwhales are not alone so they are with more so they can easily kill their pray great whites are olmost always only when they are super young they arent alone...
Magneto - 7 years ago
Welcome Lovelies, we've been expecting you!
N.O.Y.B M.F.
N.O.Y.B M.F. - 7 years ago
kandata20 - 7 years ago
grate white shark isn't grate at all
David Newhart
David Newhart - 7 years ago
1 on 1 It depends on who gets the first bite.
If the Orca's friends are not around.
Ashley Wood
Ashley Wood - 7 years ago
ORCAS ARE NOT WHALES DUMBASS. They're cousins of dolphins and get their names from killing whales -_- do your research !!
Brenda Padilla
Brenda Padilla - 7 years ago
Fucking fayas zebras good thing they get killed
SomeBanana - 7 years ago
Bmw Jesus
Bmw Jesus - 7 years ago
Fuck that orca/ killer whale they kill our homies the dolphins ! Kill them all you want to

20. comment for KILLER WHALES vs GREAT WHITE SHARK - Orca whale kills great white & eats it

mega truck
mega truck - 7 years ago
f#ck orca's
Brian Thomas
Brian Thomas - 7 years ago
fnaf&sharks with mp
fnaf&sharks with mp - 7 years ago
Boo killer whale
Asia Stephens
Asia Stephens - 7 years ago
Orca is king of the ocean lion is king of the jungle
Tristan Pierro
Tristan Pierro - 7 years ago
I think this stories about whales and sharks I learned something from it
Liu Kt
Liu Kt - 7 years ago
YAY the killer whale winns
Kymie - 7 years ago
WWE... Ocean Edition
Rylee G
Rylee G - 7 years ago
Who do people say "AHHH SHARKS"OR "OMG ITS A SHARK EVACTULATE!"I mean a man ha sit eat,what would you eat in an ocean!Okay to be fair I would be terrified if I saw a shark but most sharks are just curious or looking for food!(not people)
paxmangamer24 - 7 years ago
An orca lives in water
Brian Thomas
Brian Thomas - 7 years ago
What the heck orca orcas are so ugly there the worst animals ever!

30. comment for KILLER WHALES vs GREAT WHITE SHARK - Orca whale kills great white & eats it

Sam Wood
Sam Wood - 7 years ago
Or as are on of my favourite species on this planet
poopie6205 - 7 years ago
Thanks for all those shitty pop up videos blocking the main part of the video i wanted to see.
3spiked blue t rex Dino
3spiked blue t rex Dino - 7 years ago
Killer whale cant beat great white
Sarf - 7 years ago
Orcas "may challenge [sharks'] authority underwater"??? HON THEY DONT NEED TO APPLY FOR A POSITION THEY ALREADY HAVE
Michael Tonthat
Michael Tonthat - 7 years ago
What wins
Mac EzCaR
Mac EzCaR - 7 years ago
What about a single male Killer Whale vs a single female Great White?
cyril layman
cyril layman - 7 years ago
The killer whales used their upper body to create a wave to get the sea lion off the iceburg not their tales,fucking retarded news ladie,they seem to only get right 50% of the time & this is the reason i don't watch the news anymore.
cyril layman
cyril layman - 7 years ago
Orca is an intelligent mammal & sharks are just a big fish thats the difference.Orca are also 4 times the size in weight.
Latebar - 7 years ago
I'm wondering if great whites kill orca's as well? Seems people think it's a one way street. Don't great whites win a battle once in a while?
erkan yunis
erkan yunis - 7 years ago
I came here to see beef between a whale and a shark for fucksake not see them eating fish
O. Rothe
O. Rothe - 7 years ago
Put them all to Sea World and make them veggies so no one gets offended by mother nature anymore
SelfishBog1127 - 7 years ago
Orca god stomp
Veosity Music
Veosity Music - 7 years ago
Sharks are like those people who never like being around people and when younger close to them they tell at you to go away
Matox Jormungandr
Matox Jormungandr - 7 years ago
Yeah i love sharks but always knew that orcas are the actual apex many people have been brainwashed by jaws haha
MoWhiskey - 7 years ago
Turn down the music...
k Gio
k Gio - 7 years ago
orca's have big brains
Danny O
Danny O - 7 years ago
Orca definitely by intelligence and surprise
Peter Lippert
Peter Lippert - 7 years ago
Why did they use the gentle giant example of free willy instead of the revenge filled killer "Orca"?
Gengar Phantom
Gengar Phantom - 7 years ago
Sea lion drown? Well there goes stupidity
Kybrin Grantham
Kybrin Grantham - 7 years ago
Gengar Phantom you must be stupid. Sea lions don't breathe water
The Undertaker
The Undertaker - 7 years ago
Killer whales are the king of the sea

50. comment for KILLER WHALES vs GREAT WHITE SHARK - Orca whale kills great white & eats it

Ganja 69
Ganja 69 - 7 years ago
Orcas smarter simple
The Scott Family
The Scott Family - 7 years ago
I ❤️ Orca whales!!
xenomorph alien
xenomorph alien - 7 years ago
Autobot AvengerXL5
Autobot AvengerXL5 - 7 years ago
If there's any animal that should be nicknamed "the king of the sea", it's the Orca.
Rakesh Panda
Rakesh Panda - 7 years ago
Lesson learned don't mess with black guys. Run in circles if chased by a black dude...
Victor Rios
Victor Rios - 7 years ago
Give it up for the wolves of the sea,orcas!!!
ProENTITY 303 - 7 years ago
the great white shark is the winner!!!!!!!!!!!
Kawaii _kpop
Kawaii _kpop - 7 years ago
2 deadly hunters but orcas are more gentle than the sharks
Kybrin Grantham
Kybrin Grantham - 7 years ago
LoveKAWAII _Liveit also 2 times the size of a great white
Solid Devl
Solid Devl - 7 years ago
anonymous - 7 years ago
orcas aren't whales dumbass..they're the largest species of dolphin
HC master
HC master - 7 years ago
Whales are not harmful they are just misunderstood
Kaleb Awesome
Kaleb Awesome - 7 years ago
Why would they say what happens in the title
Olji Boii
Olji Boii - 7 years ago
Orcas are dolphines.
flashy5150 - 7 years ago
an Orca could kill a Great White any day of the week.
supreme kaioshen
supreme kaioshen - 7 years ago
Sharks being in films was after orcas jaws was a copy of the film orca
Abi Contreras
Abi Contreras - 7 years ago
Gold fish will beat the killer whale and shark
Roshan Dhali
Roshan Dhali - 7 years ago
fuck the back ground music man it makes the vid shit as fuck
Ei Pi
Ei Pi - 7 years ago
thumbs down due to thumbnails
Dino 54
Dino 54 - 7 years ago
4 gws vs megladon
Dominic Briones
Dominic Briones - 7 years ago
24moskito - 7 years ago
Antonio lopez de Santa ana
Antonio lopez de Santa ana - 7 years ago
puras mamadas puro blablabla mierdas gringos
JT12gaming - 7 years ago
Kybrin Grantham
Kybrin Grantham - 7 years ago
JT12gaming JT12gaming nope the Megalodon why be hunted by them. All they gotta do is turn it upside down and it's over
IProGamer Z
IProGamer Z - 7 years ago
Obviously Orcas win because they are bigger stronger and faster and smarter
Cole Gouveia
Cole Gouveia - 7 years ago
The killer whale shouldn't be feared while encountered in the wild. There has been no record of a human being killed by a orca. However when the orcas are in captivity they will be come more aggressive due to the captivity and other whales with them "bullying" them. In training of the whale is not performing as it should the trainers don't feed the group making the other whales attack and bite the whale that isn't performing. Along with that large marine animals aren't fit for captivity, great whites can't be held in an aquarium because they have to constantly move around and most of the times the biggest pens aren't big enough.
B Kap
B Kap - 7 years ago
Orcas are not whales; they are in the dolphin group. They are called "killer whales" because that is what they kill. If you are going to do a documentary, do your research first.
Inferno Fire
Inferno Fire - 7 years ago
I wanna fight these 2
Call Me J. R.
Call Me J. R. - 7 years ago
Killer whale seems like cereal killers
Nicholas Dickens
Nicholas Dickens - 7 years ago
I love these bullshit videos. No ones ever filmed a Great White and an Orca trying to eat one another. It doesn't happen and if it did there wouldn't be a camera crew around.
Craps 48
Craps 48 - 7 years ago
Scientists had a tracking device on a great white off of Hawaiian coast they were studying. They all of a sudden saw that the shark swam to the bottom of the ocean and took off non stop to California. Scientists were puzzled until they discovered that a pod of orcas were in Hawaii to feast. Yeah sharks know their place on the food chain
Craps 48
Craps 48 - 7 years ago
Scientists had a tracking device on a great white off of Hawaiian coast they were studying. They all of a sudden saw that the shark swam to the bottom of the ocean and took off non stop to California. Scientists were puzzled until they discovered that a pod of orcas were in Hawaii to feast. Yeah sharks know their place on the food chain
Mohamed Ahmed
Mohamed Ahmed - 7 years ago
Still don't understand how whales aren't fish. Anybody would think otherwise. Are scientists blind or just dumb af?
Patrick Holman
Patrick Holman - 7 years ago
i really wanted to see the end, but then the video's got in the way. Thanks for nothing.
breanne bellezza
breanne bellezza - 7 years ago
I am having trouble here do killer whales hunt humans
George Osprey
George Osprey - 7 years ago
The narrator sounds like a retard
Custom Grow
Custom Grow - 7 years ago
Ew, ABC news.
joosep paarnamets
joosep paarnamets - 7 years ago
Sharks look much more creepy
Kybrin Grantham
Kybrin Grantham - 7 years ago
kenneth crouch one full grown orca is 3 times the size of a great white. The great white is breakfast to the orca
TheGamingWolf - 7 years ago
Shrek is love Shrek is life soundtrack,. did anyone else notice that
Sonny N.
Sonny N. - 7 years ago
I couldn't see what I watched for the whole time so thumbs diwn
Buffalo Man
Buffalo Man - 7 years ago
we used to hop on the backs of the great whites and ride them into shore and filet them for lunch. If you grab onto their frontal side fins you can steer them anywhere you want. The orcas arent good eating.....tough meat.
Nubshooter - 7 years ago
retarded orca, listen animal lovers, less sharks, more sick fish, people die!
EVZebra - 7 years ago
Yeah this is just edited click bait
Snake Joaca
Snake Joaca - 7 years ago
where is the vs?
Sean Romero
Sean Romero - 7 years ago
Killer whales are assholes
shimishimi41 - 7 years ago
why do you put ads up. During your presentation. That's pathetic. Ill be sure to avoid your postings.
Ben Jerry
Ben Jerry - 7 years ago
A killer Whale is actually not a whale. Its a member of the dolphin family.
Homie Dan
Homie Dan - 7 years ago
A killer whale or orca is not a whale but a part of the dolphin family
Serpent - 7 years ago
Orcas are incredibly smart, it seems that they have some type of shared rule to not kill humans
Dark Turn of Mind
Dark Turn of Mind - 7 years ago
Did they forget about the movie Orca? They got the nickname Killer Whale for a reason. Throughout history they've not been known as "gentle giants" the eskimos feared them greatly.

100. comment for KILLER WHALES vs GREAT WHITE SHARK - Orca whale kills great white & eats it

Dav Vez
Dav Vez - 7 years ago
holy fuck the retarded sensational shit they produces fo the sheeples and youth these days...
C Westover
C Westover - 7 years ago
Highly disappointing video
jeffs1000 - 7 years ago
I can't watch that poor seal on the ice. It knows it's going to die and is scared.
Theodore-Ben Solomon
Theodore-Ben Solomon - 7 years ago
Shark is a retarded version of Orca.
Saint Andrew
Saint Andrew - 7 years ago
I learnt something today. Nice.
toastyghost - 7 years ago
Trash. Preview frame is not indicative of content. If anyone has actual footage of this happening, (a) send it to me, and (b) stop diving in those waters, you fucking maniac.
Kybrin Grantham
Kybrin Grantham - 7 years ago
S i n n e r T h e S n a k e you must be stupid. One killer whale is three times the size of a great white. And how they hunt sharks is to turn them upside down n ram it
Libbie Dickson
Libbie Dickson - 7 years ago
The killer whale doesn't want to hurt any one
Rajad - 7 years ago
Why do people call them whales? Orcas are dolphins
Rajad - 7 years ago
No... then they would be "whale killers," not "killer whales." Like, "killer bees" are Africanized bees, not bee killers.
Kybrin Grantham
Kybrin Grantham - 7 years ago
Rajad because they kill whales
8bitToxic - 7 years ago
never gonna give u up
never gonna let u dooown
MikeMapleShade - 7 years ago
This video was constantly afflicted with banner ads and ads for what the assholes at google think will pique my interest.
Google: "Do no evil."
Google: "Our policy has changed."

Me: Google is a piece of shit.
SoNGY 8 - 7 years ago
1:25 did i just witness a sea lion shoulder throw a seagull?
doctorjae75 - 7 years ago
killer whale=the undisputed king of the sea
Rylie Ann
Rylie Ann - 7 years ago
It's so cool that orcas are so intelligent.
Joey Mantka
Joey Mantka - 7 years ago
Meso Phile
Meso Phile - 7 years ago
distracting icons show up prematurely.
AlanWithYou γ
AlanWithYou γ - 7 years ago
Tuff Gong
Tuff Gong - 7 years ago
I would guess that Orcas have only hurt humans whilst being kept in captivity!?
Due to the fact that there is no escape and they cannot speak and tell their captors ''Let me out!' 'I want out!!!!!!'
aMARKan comment
aMARKan comment - 7 years ago
what a waste of time... shud know its a clickbait.
David Schnabel
David Schnabel - 7 years ago
Click bait
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
This is a waste of time.Waste of time
Logan Bennett
Logan Bennett - 7 years ago
mark russell
mark russell - 7 years ago
It is not a whale. stop saying "this whale" "other whales" etc. its a big ass, smart dolphin.
Sonny Edney
Sonny Edney - 7 years ago
It looks like killer whales are alot more smarter
Trace Pillar
Trace Pillar - 7 years ago
The fact that orca knows that to disable the shark you need to turn him upside down is really amazing.
b4ds33d2 - 7 years ago
umadbro? covfefe bitch
b4ds33d2 - 7 years ago
where are that dude's eyebrows?
Danny Greene
Danny Greene - 7 years ago
THEM ORCAS eat the liver not the whole shark,orcas are from Canada B.C
xxxDAVID09xxx - 7 years ago
Now I found the reason why orcas are called killer whales and not meant to be in dolphin shows
Silver Bear
Silver Bear - 7 years ago
The and of this video has thumbs covering the footage. Way to go. Thanks for wasting my time.
HappysNotHappy - 7 years ago
well Killer Whales aren't "gentle" in reality cuz of course they need to kill other creatures in order to eat
but there has never been a document of a human getting attacked by a Killer Whale in the wild
Brett Denaro
Brett Denaro - 7 years ago
why put thumbnails over the video before it finishes. Waste of time watching it!
The_shark_man _vlogs/gameplays
The_shark_man _vlogs/gameplays - 7 years ago
the shark would win
Kybrin Grantham
Kybrin Grantham - 7 years ago
The_shark_man _vlogs/gameplays you on drugs
Daniel Toma
Daniel Toma - 7 years ago
I guess they forgot the movie called 'Orca', way before 'Free Willy'
Coconut pie
Coconut pie - 7 years ago
What really bugs me about this is that Orcas are dolphins. They are nicknamed killer the whales because they kill whales.
P0P357UR3 - 7 years ago
is this guy wearing enough makeup or
jan mac
jan mac - 7 years ago
killer whales or as we call it murder sea pandas
DezzNutzz - 7 years ago
Really? The fucking thumbnails right in the middle of the screen.
William Henning
William Henning - 7 years ago
That guy is a dreamboat.
Miss Amanda's world
Miss Amanda's world - 7 years ago
Just so you all know orcas are the largest species of dolphins
Nylon Vandelia
Nylon Vandelia - 7 years ago
Great, make me wait four minutes for the ten seconds I was interested in and then put an ad for your other videos over it. OP, you are everything that is wrong with the world.
HighMax Dezboub
HighMax Dezboub - 7 years ago
They can't be compared, they aren't playing in the same league, Orcas are much bigger, it's like comparing a cat with a leopard, makes no sens
Robert Jandrue
Robert Jandrue - 7 years ago
Redeather Mc
Redeather Mc - 7 years ago
jaws eat a killer whale, legendary killer shark
Kybrin Grantham
Kybrin Grantham - 7 years ago
MaikraBoss Mc you do realize a killer whale is three times the size of a great white shark right?
Ryan Williams
Ryan Williams - 7 years ago
Sharks are becoming the fucking pussys of the ocean recently,ive not seen someones reputation being destroyed so quickly since Frank Lopez in scarface.
The Undertaker
The Undertaker - 7 years ago
killers whales aree good they never attack people. killer whales are king of the sea
Mikah Ramsey
Mikah Ramsey - 7 years ago
they are orcas not killer whales and they have never killed a human in the wild if we leave them alone and don't train them like dogs then they don't need the name killer they aren't even whales they are dolphins these news channels need to study more.
Kybrin Grantham
Kybrin Grantham - 7 years ago
Mikah Ramsey they are called killers whales because they hunt and kill whales dummy
Soupurb _
Soupurb _ - 7 years ago
XXISimplicityXXI - 7 years ago
2:20 Yeah.... we squad
Jeffrey Lockhart
Jeffrey Lockhart - 7 years ago
STOP! Run away.  No Orca vs. Great White.  No eating of Great White.  Just various of clips of a lot of seals and orcas.
Sophie xxx
Sophie xxx - 7 years ago
Orcas r my fave sea creatures ever
JHOT247 - 7 years ago
why the fuck are you going to end the video right as the whale kills the sharks, and on top of that put 4 fucking ads for other videos, people are rude as fuck
Oculus Rifters OR&GAMING
Oculus Rifters OR&GAMING - 7 years ago
did she just say AT JUST AFTER 2:00 "It's harder to escape a pod of killer wales than, it is a great white shark"? of course it is, now try and escape a school of GREAT WHITE SHARKS, lmoa, well she said there solitary, but its like saying, "Some think its easier to avoid a motorway full of cars, than it is to dodge a MINI!!!!"
Subhash Baghel
Subhash Baghel - 7 years ago
this is so good. but it can be canberd in hinde.
golden key
golden key - 7 years ago
me to
Jeff O
Jeff O - 7 years ago
1 on 1 would be cool
Indiana Gividen
Indiana Gividen - 7 years ago
Most of this video had nothing to do with the title. The part having to do with the title had thumbnails posted over it, ruining the reason I watched the whole video. So I clicked all of the thumbnails and gave them all down thumbs votes. :D
Lunar_wølf 56
Lunar_wølf 56 - 7 years ago
animals just need to survive they shouldn't be targeted as killers tho
Joey Shades
Joey Shades - 7 years ago
Yay Orca.. F Jaws! lol
Cheezies - 7 years ago
This goddamned video puts 4 ads over the ONE section I waited to see????!!
Ivo Gruner
Ivo Gruner - 7 years ago
too much fucking talking
Exhoe L
Exhoe L - 7 years ago
all I saw was Makoto and Rin ._.
Ask The Pro DJ
Ask The Pro DJ - 7 years ago
not worth watching, editor put banners over the good part, what a dummy
Team WaveHD
Team WaveHD - 7 years ago
orcas are hunting like humans then, you cant call them ruthless killers without doing the same to us, orcas, dolphins and whales, are amazing.
Zoey - 7 years ago
If this was a Megalodon shark this would be a whole different story.
Rami Naamani
Rami Naamani - 7 years ago
Oh, because it's black it's called a killer and the white is called great?? Neat
Tim Miles
Tim Miles - 7 years ago
Nice bait.
CYBER UNIVERSE - 7 years ago
orcas can kill great white only because they are social fat petrhatic ass dophins that work on team because they are useless shity creatures that cant do anything alone every animal in the size of a orca can kill this fat emparassment of the sea great white is the god of the ocean with bigger and stronger jaws and much more beautifull i just wanna kill all the dolphins and orcas obsess them to death impalement them and feed them to sharks the real kings nature gave sharks low iq cuz if they had the same intellegence as the orcas and worked on teams not even a piece of orca or any aqua mammal would had left in the water long live fishes and reptiles like sharks and crocodiles
2best Lel
2best Lel - 7 years ago
rednose20000 - 7 years ago
well this is a no brainer considering humans hunted out all the big great whites over years the shear size advantage goes to the whale which gives it the win. now if you scale the white shark to the size of the whale the battle is more interesting as the single charge would not incapacitate the shark. that is like thinking the 200 lbs human charging the 1000 lbs horse is gonna end well for the human. now shall we say pose this battle scenario as a megaladon vs the killer whale it would be obvious that the megaladon would ram bite the whale in half where in this battle the whale lacks the size to turn the shark over and induce a catatonic state its unfavorable as it would be for a single megaladon to attack a entire pod of whales it would suffer greatly in doing so but all in all the tiny killer whales if they dont stop the megaladon from moving they lack the shredding ability to kill it but if they adapted too the style similar to megaladon which was chomping the fins off of its prey so that they could not swim away.

its like when people assume mosasaur could beat megaladon 1 the science behind mosasaurs attacks shows its not a fighter same as megaladon it has a specific way of ambush it needs to use to take on prey of scale size mosasaurs would tread higher then megaladons who were deep deep sea hunters and hit prey on the top megaladons size prevents mosa from biting it in half or to death in 1 hit due to it being unable to open its mouth that big and slam down through over 9 feet of tissue and muscle over 60 feet of body megaladon was fat not skinny like plesis that mosa mainly preyed on with a long kneck that is easily snap able by mosa and megaladon but megaladon in that sitaution has more options for attack not needing to worry about the overall size of plesi due to megaladon hunting whales much larger and thicker then plesi or mosa juvie mosasaurs were killed by sharks that were less then half megaladons size and they were half their overall size in total so its unfavorable too the mosa to battle a megaladon as it is unfavorable for the white shark to battle the orca which has size and options of attack over the white as the megaladon does over the mosasaurus
Joe Stone
Joe Stone - 7 years ago
Click bait - great white and killer whales eating seals - waste of time
Kevin Solon
Kevin Solon - 7 years ago
ads for other videos block out the end - total anti-climax
John Lane
John Lane - 7 years ago
An orca isn't a whale, it's a type of dolphin
El rey
El rey - 7 years ago
Learn how to upload a video idiots.
Sean Newman
Sean Newman - 7 years ago
MCD wolf
MCD wolf - 7 years ago
it called a orca not a killer whale learn the difference
Kybrin Grantham
Kybrin Grantham - 7 years ago
MCD wolf they are the same thing dumbass. They call em killer whales because that's what they do "kill whales"
Leslie Malloy
Leslie Malloy - 7 years ago
killer whale
orbtt - 7 years ago
what an asshole posing tumnails over the ending you are an asshole
taija smith
taija smith - 7 years ago
Click BAIT
49ers all day
49ers all day - 7 years ago
shark wins
John Nash
John Nash - 7 years ago
Aragorn Stellar
Aragorn Stellar - 7 years ago
If only humans were more like these animal.... oh, wait.
Kevin jacob
Kevin jacob - 7 years ago
i have my board exam tmrw :)
the__ 1995
the__ 1995 - 7 years ago
they are going to gro legs and attack Sea World ps: Fuck Sea World
szaki - 7 years ago
LOL! Shark is solitary animal, killer whales social, swim in groups, feed in groups, like wolf pack.
So, it's 1 shark against many!
Vitabrick Snailslime
Vitabrick Snailslime - 7 years ago
Great, watch it for over 4 minutes, get to the critical scene, aaaaaaaand, ads for other film clips cover the screen. Talk about an anticlimax.
s.w. a.l.k
s.w. a.l.k - 7 years ago
Just when it gets to the part where the whale kills the great white, ADVERTISING ALL OVER THE SCREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 out of 10 for creativity, zero for even bothering to put a video on youtube about killer whales kiling greatwhites
DIY Daily
DIY Daily - 7 years ago
Yeah they do kill great whites all the time. There the only animal that will attack great white sharks
m anonymous
m anonymous - 7 years ago
DIY Daily sperm.whales can also kill great whites
PeteyDWitch - 7 years ago
false news  wheres the killer whale eating the great white ?
Fug Babylon
Fug Babylon - 7 years ago
Great whites run for miles when the killer whale pods come near THAT IS A FACT! I'd run too lol
Phupana Kandchand
Phupana Kandchand - 7 years ago
I don't think orcas are killers. I think orcas are fat boys who eat anything.
Sanjay Biswas
Sanjay Biswas - 7 years ago
If you had one shot, one opportunity what would you do. Would you eat the shark, or would you let it go. Eminem
Robert Young
Robert Young - 7 years ago
I am African-American and even I have absolutely NO IDEA what the HELL you are talking about.
SCROTUM LORD - 7 years ago
fuck you
SRT8Driver - 7 years ago
what do you mean, 'may challenge the White's authority?' the Orca is top of the food chain, there is no 'may' here considering the fact a White weighs about TWO TONS, and a Killer Whale is SIX TONS, not to mention their ramming power will overwhelm any White, hell it wouldn't even know what hit it....

if you ever find yourself sinking in a ship, better pray Orcas are out there somewhere if the Great Whites come 'round sniffin' for you....
Valeera - 7 years ago
the orca has a equal at sea , its called poachers :)
Beekeeper Simes
Beekeeper Simes - 7 years ago
an8er - 7 years ago
4:04 -- how are we supposed to see behind those 4 previews? Does anyone know how they can be removed? I see no "X" or "close", or... whatever.
Pisces Rain
Pisces Rain - 7 years ago
Sharks hit hard and kill , killer whales toy with their prey before striking for the kill .
Aaron - 7 years ago
This video is crap.
Gianluca P.
Gianluca P. - 7 years ago
Megalodon extingued by orcas
Natashele Maior
Natashele Maior - 7 years ago
Orca is the king of the sea
SwegTesh - 7 years ago
1:33 - 1:35 why is the narrator singing "Lose Yourself" - Eminem ?
jero basangan
jero basangan - 7 years ago
Kyogre > Sharpedo
Albert Pardo
Albert Pardo - 7 years ago
i think the sharks attack is caused by alliens of outer space. they need the liver for fuel experiment

Albert Pardo
neth. antilles curacao
po box 8057
David Keane
David Keane - 7 years ago
stupid fucking videos blocking the final moment
Divya Depp
Divya Depp - 7 years ago
poor seals=(
Divya Depp
Divya Depp - 7 years ago
get that shark, free willy!!
Mario Tom
Mario Tom - 7 years ago
Great white won orcas are small they are smaller than a inch great white is 1000ft
Bram S
Bram S - 7 years ago
Warning: no footage relating to Shark vs Orca
Michael Hendrick
Michael Hendrick - 7 years ago
stupid asses put advertising
wont watch yer shit again
Lu-chan - 7 years ago
The 'killer whale' is more dolphin than whale
Patrick Miguel M. Andrade
Patrick Miguel M. Andrade - 7 years ago
So that means orca is the new king for both antarctic and other seas?
Ricky Ric
Ricky Ric - 7 years ago
Thumbs down because you block the video with 4 thumbnails while we're trying to see what happens through your BS. What a dick head
BladeMasterSnipeZ - 7 years ago
I live on Vancouver Island
IdiotGONEWrong Badly
IdiotGONEWrong Badly - 7 years ago
because orca flip the shark (their weakness)
Derfel Cadarn
Derfel Cadarn - 7 years ago
Very conclusive images!
Art Gaveriel Balmores
Art Gaveriel Balmores - 7 years ago
orcas vs megalodon
Ron Carson
Ron Carson - 7 years ago
how about turning down the music so we can hear what they are saying, dumbass!
CaptainTruth - 7 years ago
lol held underwater till it drowns? More like ripped apart the second it fell in the water.
Joseph M
Joseph M - 7 years ago
Music is annoying
Z - 7 years ago
Do you wonder why this video has almost 50% upvote:downvote ratio? Because of terrible ad placement. The part people want to watch is unwatchable.
Nariman M.
Nariman M. - 7 years ago
Gee, it sure would have been great if that last 20 seconds that barely even showed anything wasn't blocked by the "next video" four preview boxes.
Frank Bugack
Frank Bugack - 7 years ago
Thanks for the music. I'm gonna go watch the beginning of Heat now.
comicster80 - 7 years ago
rfdsdf1 - 7 years ago
This post is garbage.
Syed Ahmed Jilanee
Syed Ahmed Jilanee - 7 years ago
sharks are assholes as compared to whales
Rayan Agarm
Rayan Agarm - 7 years ago
climactic las 5 sec tainted by yt ad of vid qz
Press Secretary Alex Jones
Press Secretary Alex Jones - 7 years ago
Why do people continue to call them whales after it's been proven that they're dolphins and not whales..
Ted Cruz
Ted Cruz - 7 years ago
Press Secretary Alex Jones Dolphins are toothed whales, so are narwhals and sperm whales
Lamont Yancey
Lamont Yancey - 7 years ago
Press Secretary Alex Jones CONDITIONING!!!!
Mr - 7 years ago
i have a baby pet orca in my pond
PCL Outdoors & Bushcraft
PCL Outdoors & Bushcraft - 7 years ago
Hey nice job blocking the video picture with advertisements for other videos. Won't watch anymore.
Love is Life
Love is Life - 7 years ago
I Love animals
Paul Sack
Paul Sack - 7 years ago
This guy talks like an acting christian bale. And he looks like Christian Bale and Sean Penns kid if males could have kids together
私はアニメを愛していない。 - 7 years ago
You put previews of other videos over the most important part you dipshit!
Andrew Godfrey
Andrew Godfrey - 7 years ago
PLOT TWIST: Orcas are actually giant dolphins

(Obviously fake)
Jackson Calame
Jackson Calame - 7 years ago
you didn't even show it & when you finally showed the slightest glimpse you had 4 other video pips blocking the view! NOT a way to attract more views.
Randy Om
Randy Om - 7 years ago
Ad overlay sucks.
Kei Smith
Kei Smith - 7 years ago
I love how you titled the video as if we would get to see this attack in action, but then instead you play all kinds of random information about great whites and orcas, then cover up the actual attack with thumbnails to your other videos...
T.L B - 7 years ago
I'm a little sick of them always having the Great whit losing to the Killer whale, I know there a more intelligent species and pod hunters, but I'm sure they have taken plenty of losses themselves!
Shah G
Shah G - 7 years ago
one shark look like man interupting video again and again
CareFreeWherever - 7 years ago
You motherfuckers, why would you put those stupid bloody links right on top of the critical part of the footage. knob heads
WolfPack Gaming
WolfPack Gaming - 7 years ago
why do they call it killer shark
The Filipino GMER 17
The Filipino GMER 17 - 7 years ago
But still i still want to be beside of a killer whale than a shark
Jack Howard
Jack Howard - 7 years ago
Jimbei VS Arlong
*ty-dynasty* *
*ty-dynasty* * - 7 years ago
I need to go see them in the wild, next travel destination.
Stelly - 7 years ago
They keep calling it a whale.. Orcas are a dolphin
antonio jesus bautista
antonio jesus bautista - 7 years ago
shark win right I dont know who win........ =O
AlphaDwg - 7 years ago
orcas are the apex predator of the ocean. the great white stands no chance really
Walte Grassi
Walte Grassi - 7 years ago
I lived in SD and REFUSED to support SEA WORLD > ZOO's of all kind need to be OUTLAWED!; period!
Diargaming tv
Diargaming tv - 7 years ago
one day I went in a crazy aventure. I saw a great white shark. And now my dads friend has only one arm
Esther Tindale
Esther Tindale - 7 years ago
this Is why I hate swimming on the ocean you will never know what kind of shark will come to you
v Wol
v Wol - 7 years ago
wow ded yew c da feesh takahimbactodawoooods
Nosheen Aslam
Nosheen Aslam - 7 years ago
this is totally true but there was one time the great white won but that was just one time
Epics105 YT
Epics105 YT - 7 years ago
why did they run? orcas wont hurt them, unless there in captivity!
johnnymegabyte - 7 years ago
not sure if it was mentioned, a Killer Whale aka ORCA, in actually not a whale, but a Dolphin. Therefore, no wonder why Orca's are considered intelligent
carkod - 7 years ago
orca = tigers of the sea. sharks = lion of the sea
Lion-Heart IV
Lion-Heart IV - 7 years ago
The background music really does my head in!!!!
Shaun - 7 years ago
Level 50 Orcas: let's go rek dat shark brah
Level 10 Shark: Nooo leave me alone please!
Level 450 megadalon: Let's go fuck shit up
Massimo Goalie
Massimo Goalie - 7 years ago
Normally killer whale would win but if your talking about a killer whale that was set free form captivity then that's diffrent
Real men use stick shift
Real men use stick shift - 7 years ago
Orcas win because they live in pods.I would like to see a pod go to south africa then we'll know who the king of the sea is.
Martin Jansen
Martin Jansen - 7 years ago
Bullshit, we Forgot Respect! Sharks Respect Orcas, because Orcas are number 1.
Robert Robertson
Robert Robertson - 7 years ago
"the shark is stunned then held upside down 'til he suffocates" Don't have a good view but it looks like the shark is being held in the water.
Is the lady telling us a fish is going to be suffocated in the water?
If the shark was held right side up it would be able to breathe with the jaw of a "20,000" pound animal clamped around it?
Edd Divietro
Edd Divietro - 7 years ago
the difference between orcas n dolphins besides teeth is dolphins are gay, orcas are not. #themoreyouknow
Chef Danger
Chef Danger - 7 years ago
True, a great white is no match for an orca. Hell, an orca was a tough kill for a megalodon.
Clover Clover
Clover Clover - 7 years ago
I hate seeing the baby whale/calf getting hunted by the killer whale. :-(
roof pizza
roof pizza - 7 years ago
LOL, another lie debunked. The great white has no natural predators and is king. LOL. The orca is bigger, smarter. lives longer and attacks in groups. The great white is a footnote in comparison,
RABIN MIGUEL - 7 years ago
1:31 eminem - lose yourself guitar starts playing
Omer Hicham Abed
Omer Hicham Abed - 7 years ago
din far
Toxic Melody
Toxic Melody - 7 years ago
lol orcas torture TF out of their prey
Heather Green
Heather Green - 7 years ago
Jacob B
Jacob B - 7 years ago
I wonder if a great white has ever beaten a orca
AppleBlade - 7 years ago
This particular pod understands that if sharks go upside down they go into a state of tonic immobility and passout so the shark doesn't move and they don't have to worry about it wiggling out of their grasp before it suffocates.. This pod has attacked and killed sharks before to have learned this. I'm baffled the journos didn't research that or weren't told of that by someone.. It's the most interesting part of this story that these whales are smart enough to figure this out and execute it flawlessly.
SneeSnoo45 - 7 years ago
Everybody knows Megalodon would kick an Orca's ass.
TheThesafilm - 7 years ago
Please stop calling them "killer" whales... Every animal kills to survive. It's just an "Orca"
kyle hadley
kyle hadley - 7 years ago
Vancouver island squad where you at
Durontae Jones
Durontae Jones - 7 years ago
The killer whale is a fish of peace.
amy djaini
amy djaini - 7 years ago
i think killer whale is Mosasaurs new generation. Any other video, mosasaur known kill the megalodon n the skill also same. Upside down like orca did
Ivan Morales
Ivan Morales - 7 years ago
Calling a seal a sea lion and calling a sea lion a seal... disgusting disgusting.
Ciara - 7 years ago
Well, I'm sure as hell glad I don't live in or near the ocean.
tuberesu - 7 years ago
Mythical proportions not mythic proportions.
Remember Your mum is watching
Remember Your mum is watching - 7 years ago
Sayed Hashim
Sayed Hashim - 7 years ago
orca isnt kind of animal that attacks human
Robert Lee
Robert Lee - 7 years ago
sharks with laser beams > Army of Killer Whales
jason danner
jason danner - 7 years ago
Nice video ads covering up the end of the video, you know the part of the video you named it after... Ridiculous.
shayleis world 101
shayleis world 101 - 7 years ago
i agree with T -xay
itsMeYourBoi - 7 years ago
they are not whales!!!
great white are not the king of the sea...
orca are from the dolphin family
spacejustspace - 7 years ago
I am getting awfully sick of YouTube posters who ruin their posts with asinine music. This music adds nothing and makes the narration harder to hear. What's wrong with you? Do you really have such contempt for your viewers that you think they will move on unless you give them some music to listen to? Are we really such morons?
mAus i
mAus i - 7 years ago
KILLER WHALES vs GREAT WHITE SHARK - Orca whale kills great white & eats it <--- lol WHERE ON THIS move .. waste of time ...
Hellz Nomad
Hellz Nomad - 7 years ago
Fuck Mother Nature
Bricktop001 - 7 years ago
Take the fucking other video links from middle of the fucking screen so i can actually see wtf is happening when the fight is on.......fuck you
Sweam 27
Sweam 27 - 7 years ago
whoa i thought that great whites were better
blandantey - 7 years ago
held upside down till he suffocates...Dam that is one smart mamal!
grahepo - 7 years ago
skip the useless human interview and just show the killer whales vs the great white shark
Harry Potter
Harry Potter - 7 years ago
David Birbeck
David Birbeck - 7 years ago
MagicMint - 7 years ago
But orcas still would save humans... most of the time
MagicMint - 7 years ago
I hate Orcas and dolphins and other sea critters being put in domes for us to watch them...
James Walker
James Walker - 7 years ago
the killer whale is President Obama, the great white is the Republicans.
FDAmusic - 7 years ago
thats why i dont go in the ocean lol
marimo chan
marimo chan - 7 years ago
end got cut off by spam
Nathan Gutierrez
Nathan Gutierrez - 7 years ago
click bait
trent8002003 - 7 years ago
Boils down to the temperature of your blood. Non heated blood is just not in the same league as heated blood!
JaB everything
JaB everything - 7 years ago
real nice that the adds completely cover the screen at the end the of the video.
saerenka - 7 years ago
orcas kill other whales? at first orcas are from dolphim family :/
Harley Stevens
Harley Stevens - 7 years ago
did you see that whale throw that shark lmao
MarlonMax - 7 years ago
if megalodon meet orca .........
Dookie Howser
Dookie Howser - 7 years ago
No other animal's instinct can compare to a mammal's brain.
Stephan de Lange
Stephan de Lange - 7 years ago
do the advertisers really think that people are going to respond to there adds if their adds obstructs parts of the video?
True Sight94
True Sight94 - 7 years ago
Go to the last 20 secs of the vid to not get clickbaited
Arnold Bass
Arnold Bass - 7 years ago
Stop that false info jus wait for the right 25-30 ft great white to take on the orca
Tony Canoli
Tony Canoli - 7 years ago
does anybody hear it with 1 volume.its so loud
Jibon Mondal
Jibon Mondal - 7 years ago
my sestem
Riot Seeker
Riot Seeker - 7 years ago
Howcome they make it seem like Killer Whales are actually 'killer' Because due to studies, it seems that Orca's have similar sociable traits like humans...
Djennuz - 7 years ago
Gamegrumps anyone?
Paul Pruett
Paul Pruett - 7 years ago
Grump Bump
Drats - 7 years ago
Game Grumps?
No Life Harris
No Life Harris - 7 years ago
The grumps brought me here
AJames Barlow
AJames Barlow - 7 years ago
Where the Fight at tho?
Smarty CooL
Smarty CooL - 7 years ago
wtf is this in the end of the video.i couldnt see how orca attacks the shark.fuck off idiot video maker
Kyle Blanford
Kyle Blanford - 7 years ago
simple fact orcas ain't whales but a dolphin
Jonathan Halloran
Jonathan Halloran - 7 years ago
0:58 ".... pure and deadly hunters" - shows shark scavenging on old carcass. The devil is in the detail mungheads.
Jason Peng
Jason Peng - 7 years ago
who else thot it would be them fighting
Skippy the punk
Skippy the punk - 7 years ago
and where is this so called "ocean"?
xxNee - 7 years ago
I wonder what the megaldon would do if he sees orca attacking great whites....
xxNee - 7 years ago
Who knows if it's still alive 95% of the ocean is still not explored
Nyraxx Gaming
Nyraxx Gaming - 7 years ago
orcas have no natural predators
Matthew Morris
Matthew Morris - 7 years ago
And of course you block out the best footage at the end with an ad.
Lego WildClaw
Lego WildClaw - 7 years ago
Where the fuck is the fight scene I expected blood and fighting
Mat 11
Mat 11 - 8 years ago
idgaf about either i gladly gun both down when they swim up to my boat
ThatGermanView - 8 years ago
ThatGermanView - 8 years ago
WHats with this fucked up music!? Gives me a fucking headache!!
Micr0 Sh4rk G4mer
Micr0 Sh4rk G4mer - 8 years ago
orca movies - say orcas are nice
shark movies - say sharks are dangerous

orcas - dangerous
sharks - very nice
TemurGvaradzeFan007 - 8 years ago
orca can kill him
TemurGvaradzeFan007 - 8 years ago
orca can kill him
nepafu666 - 8 years ago
As a BC resident, I really cannot believe that the surfers would run to the beach due to a pod of killer whales.....the shark, oh yeah, the whales? For some unknown bloody reason known only to them, they put up with us again and again and again. Seeing the orcas in the wild (not in a fucking tour boat) is utterly amazing.
David DeLeon
David DeLeon - 8 years ago
thumbnails at the end ruin it....
Bruce Lee R.I.P For Bruce
Bruce Lee R.I.P For Bruce - 8 years ago
look at my picture im that shark hahahahahahahahaah :}
znatim - 8 years ago
the title spoiled the video.
DeathIIIful - 8 years ago
i love killer whales (:
Leon Garza
Leon Garza - 8 years ago
so jaws got his ass whooped by the killer whale?
AliensAnonymous - 8 years ago
The music sounds like Yanni vs John Tesch.
Rigoberto Gervacio
Rigoberto Gervacio - 8 years ago
they actualy flip the great white upside down to kill them
Jason Bourne
Jason Bourne - 8 years ago
Why is the big shark in the world called a great white? The shark is mostly black. In fact, the only reason why the bottom of the shark is left white is because it serves no purpose. THe mostly black portion of the shark camouflages it with the dark blue ocean thats why they disappear they seem off into the distance. Lol at great white. more like the Great Black Shark.
George Knapp
George Knapp - 8 years ago
killer wale is powerful
PainKiller - 8 years ago
I like great white sharks better because they are strong and they are important
Hate the haters
Hate the haters - 8 years ago
Killer whales win most of the time because they hunt in packs but if was 1 on 1 the Great white shark will probably win in a fight
Llew KaMiamos
Llew KaMiamos - 8 years ago
I don't believe that sharks don't know what they are doing.
Llew KaMiamos
Llew KaMiamos - 8 years ago
"Gentle giants..." HAH! Hasn't anyone seen Orca?
WotInTarnation - 8 years ago
6zão 250s
6zão 250s - 8 years ago
Humm Megalodon send hugs
Donnie Bradshaw
Donnie Bradshaw - 8 years ago
Race only exist in the human world. Animals are labeled by species. The Killer Whale or Orca is a black and white animal. The Great White is a lighter colored shark. Why does everything has to be about race ? Very ignorant statement. If you want racism to end quit talking about it a race baiting.
Arnold Morris
Arnold Morris - 8 years ago
great whites are getting bigger time will change this situation
Jaime 73
Jaime 73 - 8 years ago
Orcas second predator in the Oceans! First - Giant Squid
Jonathan Carreon
Jonathan Carreon - 8 years ago
...Dammit! Those Thumbnails ruined everything!
Shaboo Chan
Shaboo Chan - 8 years ago
killer whales are harmless to people but I think they are not harmless to some sea creatures
Shaboo Chan
Shaboo Chan - 8 years ago
ea creatures are awesome
Shaboo Chan
Shaboo Chan - 8 years ago
I like ur vids! can u make. more but about oompa whales plz?
Andre Lefebvre
Andre Lefebvre - 8 years ago
what's with the idea of slapping 4 boxes on top of the ending of the video? why don't you ADD 1 minute to the video and spring those boxes then? Come on! Do you think it endears me to watch more of your videos? Nope.
Abd-al-Haq al-Haqiqi
Abd-al-Haq al-Haqiqi - 8 years ago
the orcas are black they call it killer the shark is white they call it Great fucking racist motherfuckers
Wild1 P
Wild1 P - 7 years ago
Sharks and liberals, one and the same..
Ain't nobody Got time for that
Ain't nobody Got time for that - 7 years ago
Nixon Rexzile
Nixon Rexzile - 7 years ago
good catch!
Barsha Roy
Barsha Roy - 7 years ago
Abd-al-Haq al-Haqiqi u r ri8, dude
Bushra Ibraheem
Bushra Ibraheem - 7 years ago
Abd-al-Haq al-Haqiqi actually they are black and white
G4ymBoy - 7 years ago
lophiisinn fun fact: Dolphins and Orca are both "Toothed Whales" while most other whales such as the Grey, Blue, and Humpback whales are called "Baleen Whales." Huzzah for specifics!
Nylon Vandelia
Nylon Vandelia - 7 years ago
Lil' Garbage as in you are a homosexual with Muslims. And also presumably you also hate America because you support a pinko commie Russian plant in the White House. And also did I mention that you like great white Muslim semen on your face? Because you learned it from your mother? Who, as I believe I established... is a filthy whore.
Nylon Vandelia
Nylon Vandelia - 7 years ago
Lil' Garbage or he could take you and your mom's lead and just blow Muslims
Lil' Garbage
Lil' Garbage - 7 years ago
go blow up suicidal muslim shit
Michael Hope
Michael Hope - 7 years ago
mufalme... What rubbish,if it was because they sometimes hunt young whales they would be called whale killers,its simply because they are often seen killing seals,no other reason,I hate the name and call them by their correct name,Orca,sperm whales hunt octopus but unobserved, other whales kill millions,ie plankton,real young unlike Orca,great whites are cold blooded unlike mammals,whales etc.
mufalme - 7 years ago
they are called killer whales because they kill.. whales... almost no other animal does that, infect, no other animal does that.. great whites, are also black on the top.. but you have a better case for the name of the great white.
Richard Sanders
Richard Sanders - 7 years ago
Hiwa Joe I don't know if your joking but their called killer as whales don't eat meat as a whole were as most sharks do
alexia celeste
alexia celeste - 7 years ago
Hiwa Joe white privile-
Brooke Turner
Brooke Turner - 7 years ago
Hiwa Joe The only racist is you.
mwateres85 - 7 years ago
If you could kill the great white, Then you are a killer....#THE AWESOME WHALE
Melinda White
Melinda White - 7 years ago
Hiwa Joe lol
Moe Lester
Moe Lester - 7 years ago
+Flr. W. they should call them Michael Jackson's then xD rip lel
lophiisinn - 7 years ago
Um, yeah to catch prey, but I was correcting someone that orcas are not whales but dolphins, not about how they catch prey.
Silva - 7 years ago
lophiisinn sharks rely on sneak attacks and sudden bursts of energy on unsuspecting victims. You realize that right?
lophiisinn - 7 years ago
Black Panzer Killer Whales, or Orcas, are not actually whales but are a part of the dolphin species. They're called killer whales because they eat whales, as well as sharks and many other sea creatures
Black Panzer
Black Panzer - 7 years ago
Most whales aren't that aggressive, that's why they make the killer remark. Most sharks are already killers so that's why they only remark it's size.
Chidi Ihenetu
Chidi Ihenetu - 7 years ago
Jason Bourne
Jason Bourne - 7 years ago
I get your point. lol devil food car black. Angel food cake white. Getting married wear white, funeral wear black. Don't like someone or a book, blacklist it. Black cat bad luck, Black Plague. Innocent little white lie. Don't like someone blackball them. Great white sharks are 2/3's mostly black lol.
Daniel Pule
Daniel Pule - 7 years ago
you mofo .....lmfao
Cobalt Wolf
Cobalt Wolf - 8 years ago
Ur an idiot
Flr. W.
Flr. W. - 8 years ago
Uhm killer whales are half black half white so an the great white shark is half grey half white... so... what are you saying?
Hector Olivares
Hector Olivares - 8 years ago
Andy Roy
Andy Roy - 8 years ago
i cant help but agree with that
Captain Cherry
Captain Cherry - 8 years ago
리사코 - 8 years ago
but great big shark vs KILLER WHALES ?
Alfie_ Atkinson
Alfie_ Atkinson - 8 years ago
Get out of here a great white shark would whoop the orcas sorry ass
Allison Saggio
Allison Saggio - 8 years ago
wauuuu ahora creo que tengo as miedo alas orcas que a los tiburones
Retro 68
Retro 68 - 8 years ago
just when the real fight begin a weird picture show up, and can not be close, why would anyone do that, thumbs down for you sir, sorry
dean madnut
dean madnut - 8 years ago
Great whites used to be like ten times bigger than the biggest today. Called megaloden. Would love to see how it would of turn out then if they wasn't extinct
Cat G
Cat G - 8 years ago
well thanks for posting thumbnails over the dramatic ending. the whole reason people are watching the vid..waste of time.
Alexander Ashtafieva
Alexander Ashtafieva - 7 years ago
think the same as you! couldn't watch it
FeralMorgan - 7 years ago
My thoughts exactly!
manofsan - 7 years ago
The advertisers stalk their prey - and when the moment is right - they decisively rush to Spam thumbnails
Chris Windle
Chris Windle - 7 years ago
Exactly what I thought!!
何麟英 - 7 years ago
Cat G 嗨咯
CRAZYWILDMAN49 - 7 years ago
yup, and all the rest was stock footage from 1995 documentaries.
Shahriar Rezwan
Shahriar Rezwan - 7 years ago
spot on babe
Homer Simpson
Homer Simpson - 8 years ago
Orcas are really best killers ever in the ocean
Josiah Peck
Josiah Peck - 8 years ago
Cookie ours design due helicopter such discovery regarding architect.
Zigerp - 8 years ago
Roasted Poptart
Roasted Poptart - 8 years ago
well the killer whale is stronger than the great white BUT the meglodon was the king of the ocean
Chakolate - 8 years ago
Ads covering up the most important part of the video? I wait through the talking heads to see the shark meet the orca, and they put ads in front of it???? Thumbs way DOWN.
Anela Claiborne
Anela Claiborne - 8 years ago
glad I never live in the sea lol them killer whales devour it up and you see how high they jumo up out the water and I seen a video they coming all on land to hunt its funny too
Terry Stratford
Terry Stratford - 8 years ago
porpoise family! main diffs snouts, dorsal fin and teeth! and yes they r the largest in the family!
brucb3 - 8 years ago
killer whale vs great white
woofbiteme - 8 years ago
i started out liking it but at the end with four different videos covering it so i couldnt see it and couldnt remove them, i gave it a thumbs down. I guess its a new tactic of advertising. put your crap ads over the video so after you watch almost the whole thing you cant get to the end. Sorry, have to start thumbs downing every video i see with these
Jackson Aetonu
Jackson Aetonu - 8 years ago
everyone pick who the king of the ocean great white shark or
killer whale pick
Matt Williams
Matt Williams - 8 years ago
How many people have Killer Whales killed in the wild? Oh yeah, zero. Nice try though.
Matt Williams
Matt Williams - 8 years ago
Terry Stratford
Terry Stratford - 8 years ago
Matt Williams thats cos they know were a bag of bones! sharks kill, but they dont eat us! they want fat! ie seals and turtles!
ハチロク - 8 years ago
Canuk Hed
Canuk Hed - 8 years ago
great video until the annoying overlaying ads came up at the end when the whale had the shark
TARIQ1399 - 8 years ago
O'neil King
O'neil King - 8 years ago
FULL RETARD - 8 years ago
perhaps it is called KILLER whale for a reason
L H - 8 years ago
Not bad except for the pop up getting close to the end.
Brent Hayward
Brent Hayward - 8 years ago
So you guys know a few things about orcas... Now can you show me the two animals going head to head like advertised in the name of this video?
"Nope sorry Brent- we prefer wasting your time"
Tom Kim
Tom Kim - 8 years ago
the orcas probably whenever it kills a shark it's like "THAT RIGHT B** I'M KING NOW MOTHAFUKAS"
The Common People
The Common People - 8 years ago
Killer whales are pure evil
leandra2288 - 8 years ago
I think it's okay to kill a couple of Orca's now these days. Also, Free Willy was the most shit animal movie ever
Nikke Tmzee
Nikke Tmzee - 8 years ago
I fucking hate orcas I will fucking shoot a baby orca in the mouth and feel nothing !
Roby Lazarus
Roby Lazarus - 8 years ago
Nikke Tmzee Hmm, it's Nature at its best. You may need to get a course on Zoology.
Nightcrawler 2
Nightcrawler 2 - 8 years ago
Nikke Tmzee No one cares.
Alien Invasion 264
Alien Invasion 264 - 8 years ago
Lee Cusick
Lee Cusick - 8 years ago
Dare Tube
Dare Tube - 8 years ago
FearFox 27
FearFox 27 - 8 years ago

RandomStuffs Lol
RandomStuffs Lol - 8 years ago
did you guys know that orca(killer)whales eat polor bears? Thats how strong orca whales are.
o S 4 X U A L o The tryhard
o S 4 X U A L o The tryhard - 8 years ago
a great white shark would easily kill a killer whale
Dutchboy266 - 8 years ago
Pumping Thunder how are they less powerful and more agile while being 3 times the size of a white shark??
Pumping Thunder
Pumping Thunder - 8 years ago
Ana Silveira no they aren't. But killer whales are more agile
Ana - 8 years ago
orca is more powerful than the great white shark
Dave Mercado
Dave Mercado - 8 years ago
michael Malcomb it's my understanding that killer orcas can easily fuck up a punk-ass shark!
Jonovision Vader
Jonovision Vader - 8 years ago
Friday night watching this smh
ProSkiTV - 8 years ago
I only disliked because of the video at the end being blocked right when the only thing I wanted to see happens.
Crooked Defense
Crooked Defense - 8 years ago
putting up shitty ads so i cant watch the last 30 seconds of the video earns you a thumbs down
Behruz Delchak
Behruz Delchak - 8 years ago
Brogers Gaming
Brogers Gaming - 8 years ago
I hope I am never caught out on a block of ice while there are killer whales!
Abu_Hamza Sid
Abu_Hamza Sid - 7 years ago
Eren Meydan yuh.
Eren Meydan
Eren Meydan - 8 years ago
killer whales doesent atack humans ;)
fro66y8a8y - 8 years ago
this is how I'm spending my night
Pink Lover
Pink Lover - 8 years ago
I love the killer whales
Billy Banks
Billy Banks - 8 years ago
orcas are not 30 feet because the largest female is 28 feet and the largest male is 32 feet they grow regular 26 feet
Roderick Young
Roderick Young - 8 years ago
Will Donald hold Hillary upside down?
Sammy Legeard
Sammy Legeard - 8 years ago
Orcas are wonderful and terrifying
yousef36 - 8 years ago
Loved it until the stupid ad appeared at the end and I was not able to delete for the remaining 20secs
Anime Studio Animation
Anime Studio Animation - 8 years ago
orca are the raptors of the sea
Kaden Tims
Kaden Tims - 8 years ago
Kaden Tims
Kaden Tims - 8 years ago
orcas go fuck yourself
Saitama - 8 years ago
i didnt even see the whale shark kill the great white all i see the last has blood thats fake you didnt put the vid. that they were fighting, it was just very little vid for fighting in last so thats fake
Keeper of Eurobeat
Keeper of Eurobeat - 8 years ago
Damn, Shamu. puberty hits hard.
Playful Koopa
Playful Koopa - 8 years ago
IHaveClickBaitTitles - 8 years ago
Ihavenoidea - 8 years ago
I just realized most of the dislikes aren't because of this stupid trend of labeling predators "killing machines" and badasses, which is lame as fuck as it is, but because of there is actually people who fanboy great whites and orcas and get pissed bc of videos like this. Holy fucking shit that's hilarious.
TheLU83 - 8 years ago
Ihavenoidea lol wtf?
joelouis321 - 8 years ago
Ihavenoidea I thought it was because 4 giant pop-ups covered the entire screen for the last 30 sec of the video.
Highlighted Reply
Highlighted Reply - 8 years ago
Thumbs down for the popups at 4:06 WTF is that
McDoofus-Kun - 8 years ago
This is like megalodon vs leviathan but in present day
Somebody who finds emojis retarded
Somebody who finds emojis retarded - 8 years ago
McDoofus-Kun - 8 years ago
Keith Fernandes
Keith Fernandes - 8 years ago
Shawn vue leviathan never existed dumbass
McDoofus-Kun - 8 years ago
yes they did dumb ass why dont u get ur fact right
Fresh Sox
Fresh Sox - 8 years ago
Shawn Vue never existed
Kevin Arya
Kevin Arya - 8 years ago
is that the son great white shark
Werewolf - 8 years ago
ads pop up in the screen LAME
pixelking - 8 years ago
ErikSixx WTF is Your Profile Picture!?
BeachRumminbummin - 8 years ago
what a horrible "report"
BeachRumminbummin - 8 years ago
fuck that guys face.
pixelking - 8 years ago
BeachRumminbummin You wanna fuck it?
Qwaiel Gaming368
Qwaiel Gaming368 - 8 years ago
Fact Dolphins are whales but a different group of whale
Eduard A
Eduard A - 8 years ago
yes dolphin friend your dream has come true you are a midget whale
hritvik singh
hritvik singh - 8 years ago
killer whales are actually dolphins that kills whales , they were called whale killers but then somehow it changed to killer whales.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 8 years ago
I just prefer to call them orcas.
Baconator96 - 8 years ago
What the fuck is that annoying ass music you threw over this shitty report?
TheGamingWolf - 7 years ago
Shrek is love Shrek is life soundtrack,. did anyone else notice that
Hurry Calls
Hurry Calls - 7 years ago
Baconator96 it's pretty nice tbh, and it's called Open Sea Morning - Puddle of Infinity.
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
A full grown great white would kill a full grown Orca
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor are correct! So, let's move on, Boy George.

On another note....I see you're a Godzilla fan. Did you catch Shin Godzilla? I grew up watching the original Godzilla's movies in Black & White.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor ...I'm baaaaaack! I'm a virgin? Oh, that's so My son and daughter are now asking my wife how the hell that could be.......oh, I already know you'll have some VERY CLEVER response to that.

You are absolutely correct.....I am ugly as hell. When I was born, the Dr. Slapped my 300 lb hermaphrodite mom ( you remember her, David ) in the face instead of slapping my behind....The Dr. didn't know which end was my butt.

Having said that....When Arnold Schwarzenegger told the Predator that he was "One ugly mother......", he hadn't seen your profile picture yet. I can't tell if you're a dude or a woman. Maybe YOU ARE THE HERMAPHRODITE! You're so flabby that if you were a dog you'd be a Sharpei. One thing's for female on this planet has the patience to do a Search & Rescue mission looking for your genitalia (plural....I really am suspecting you're a hermaphrodite), under your fat rolls.

Now....The Prison rats you're accostomed to have ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD to go on expeditions.....discovering all the'm sorry. .... wonders that you are.

HOW IN THE HELL did you afford those tats? I didn't think 7-11 paid that well. Ooohhhhhh! Now the pieces are fitting together. You DO still live with momma. You stole some of her checks and used them to fraudulently pay for your tats......then you went to Prison and was crowned The Receptacle. went to Prison for being a Peeping Tom and molesting poodles. There you "EARNED" the cash for the Prison tats. Friday was your regular customer and you moved him in your mom's basement with you after you both were paroled. Occasionally, Tony Brown the "Marine Biologist" stops by.......just when Friday is engaged in a YouTube debate over 14,000 lb Orcas against 6,000 lb Great Whites.

david taylor
david taylor - 8 years ago
Gino Marchetti that's cool bud. You're still a virgin though
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
david taylor's Chuck and Larry! Sorry, Millenials.....I'm busy working on some files. I promise to get back to you later today. Did you guys spend the night together again.....kept each other warm and snuggly?

Get back to work at the registers at 7-11, you too! I'll be back!
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
Is he still crying? Wtf
david taylor
david taylor - 8 years ago
Gino Marchetti I'm sorry that you're so frustrated that you're never gonna get laid cause you're probably to ugly and awkward for society therefore you take it out on strangers that disagree with you
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor ....I'm just kidding. Your probably an alright guy.

Friday, on the other hand......that guy has problems. Sucker tried lying that he had a "Marine Biologist" named Tony with him. Don't diminish YOUR intelligence by believing that phoney.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor oh, I just saw your picture. Shame on you! Living on mommy's dime and spending all the money you earn at 7-11 on tats. What a phoney!

Yep.....I see your PRISON PASS-AROUND tat. It's the tat that shows who owned you in jail. Let me served 7 months for check fraud. Am I close?
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor ...see, you reveal your age range. I say you are between 18-25. Boys your age are so desperate to get some that you think all guys are. My age range. .....we know we are getting some and we don't need to ask each other.

Now, back to my question: Why were you nicknamed The Receptacle?
david taylor
david taylor - 8 years ago
You getting pussy yet?
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor Oh, you pitiful PUKE! Why would you want to know if I got some? Are you a pervert? My wife thinks your a sexually repressed pervert. Stems from your prison days......and the abuse you experienced.

Why would you admit you wanted to have sex with dead people? Are you seeking Mental Health assistance? You do keep projecting your insecurities.

I read online, from a Prison Yard gossip site......I was looking for your seems you were referred as "The Receptacle". Why were you given that nickname?
david taylor
david taylor - 8 years ago
Gino Marchetti keep talking Virgin. Let me know when finally get some pussy.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS hey, Friday Nite Lights sleeping off those qualudes? You were out of your mind, dude. You were talking about some pimp named Tony and how he abused you with Great White sharks......or something like that. I don't know, you weren't making any sense. Anyways, David is here with us. He says hey.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor dead, 300 lb hermaphrodite mom called me....she said she's had better. You seem to have had a wee little problem.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor hey David! You're back. Did you run out of Vaseline for your prostate? What did you think of the Green Bay Packers today? They choked....just like you did. Speaking of careful when you erótico asphyxiate Friday.
david taylor
david taylor - 8 years ago
FIGHT FRIDAYS you sure you weren't crying for an hour?
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS ....whew! Sorry, I had to run some errands. Where were we?
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
FIGHT FRIDAYS ...wakey, wakey! Eggs and Bakey.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
FIGHT FRIDAYS ...wakey, wakey! Eggs and Bakey.
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS Tony says, "Redrum. Redrum. "
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS Tony says, "Redrum. Redrum. "
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS ...zippidee dooda, zipitty yay, my oh my what a wonderful day. Plenty of sunshine heading my way. Zipppidee dooda, zippidee yay!

Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS ...zippidee dooda, zipitty yay, my oh my what a wonderful day. Plenty of sunshine heading my way. Zipppidee dooda, zippidee yay!

FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS ...still waiting for Tony.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS ...still waiting for Tony.
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
+david taylor ...I didn't think you would still be able to get it up after all that damage to your prostate. Well, you know what they say, "Where there's a will, there's a way!" Do you require a pump implant?
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor ...I didn't think you would still be able to get it up after all that damage to your prostate. Well, you know what they say, "Where there's a will, there's a way!" Do you require a pump implant?
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
+david taylor ...well, it was obvious you are a freak....but, man. That's nasty! Did you just admit that you like having sex with 300 lb hermaphrodites? You so kinky!
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS's like a house of mirrors.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor ...well, it was obvious you are a freak....but, man. That's nasty! Did you just admit that you like having sex with 300 lb hermaphrodites? You so kinky!
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS's like a house of mirrors.
david taylor
david taylor - 8 years ago
Gino Marchetti sorry bro. Too busy fucking your dead mom
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
+david taylor wise man, David. Better not to respond.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor ...I'm searching for you, David. I miss our conversation.
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS that place sucks! But that movie Zookeeper made it look so fun to eat there.
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS did you ever see that movie "Orca" staring Richard Harris and Bo Derek? Probably weren't even born yet.

Wow, David disappeared. He's a wise person.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor wise man, David. Better not to respond.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS that place sucks! But that movie Zookeeper made it look so fun to eat there.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS did you ever see that movie "Orca" staring Richard Harris and Bo Derek? Probably weren't even born yet.

Wow, David disappeared. He's a wise person.
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS missed one, Friday. Slacker! Just a few more.....I'm closing in.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS missed one, Friday. Slacker! Just a few more.....I'm closing in.
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
+david taylor ...not really. I don't have a bot tracking you. I don't even know what the hell a bot is.
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
+david taylor hey, cupcake, you started with the fag comment. Can't take it? Oh, so sorry, I don't dare question your ability to "take it". I apologize for questioning your prolific body of work.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor ...not really. I don't have a bot tracking you. I don't even know what the hell a bot is.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor ...Each time you guys respond my bot is getting closer to tracking you.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor hey, cupcake, you started with the fag comment. Can't take it? Oh, so sorry, I don't dare question your ability to "take it". I apologize for questioning your prolific body of work.
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS's Friday, Friday, Friday.....oh, I hate that song.
david taylor
david taylor - 8 years ago
FIGHT FRIDAYS you really have a lot gay jokes. Kinda makes you wonder? Hmmmmm
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS's Friday, Friday, Friday.....oh, I hate that song.
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
+david taylor ....where the hell are you David? Quitter! Oh, servicing Friday......beg your pardon.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor ....where the hell are you David? Quitter! Oh, servicing Friday......beg your pardon.
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS ....heh Friday, have you ever heard of the '80s group called Toni, Toni, Toni? Seriously, look it up......real band.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS ....heh Friday, have you ever heard of the '80s group called Toni, Toni, Toni? Seriously, look it up......real band.
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS oh, how precious! Like my kids were when they were 4 years old. Hey, Prison Bait, let's play "Wwwwhhheeerrrreeee'''''''sssss Tony?
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS oh, how precious! Like my kids were when they were 4 years old. Hey, Prison Bait, let's play "Wwwwhhheeerrrreeee'''''''sssss Tony?
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS ...OK, OK...I'll take it easy on you two geniuses. Let's see if we can agree on something: Would be a helluva a fight to see in a giant tank.....Orca vs Great White. I'd pay money for that! Still, I know the outcome.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS ...OK, OK...I'll take it easy on you two geniuses. Let's see if we can agree on something: Would be a helluva a fight to see in a giant tank.....Orca vs Great White. I'd pay money for that! Still, I know the outcome.
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
If you're gonna act like a 12 year old you're gonna get treated like one
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
+david taylor.... David....ask Friday where "Tony" is.
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS again with the napkin? Lame. New material.....let's hear it.....DUDE
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS ...why FIGHT FRIDAYS? Is that the night you have to fight off the Prison Fags?
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS again with the napkin? Lame. New material.....let's hear it.....DUDE
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
You need a napkin for those tears??
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor.... David....ask Friday where "Tony" is.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor now I KNOW you two are faggin' off together.

Where's Tony?
david taylor
david taylor - 8 years ago
FIGHT FRIDAYS cool story bro
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor .....ding, ding, ding! Winner winner chicken dinner. Im so proud of you, David! My Human Lie Detector line was as believable as Friday saying he had a Marine Biologist, Tony Brown, with him ....offering "expertise". I thought my b.s. of my education in Human Behaviour was more believable than Friday's claim of 'Tony Brown".
david taylor
david taylor - 8 years ago
FIGHT FRIDAYS lol you're so pathetic dude
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
Yup I'm definitely the 14 year old
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS ...Friday....was that name given to you for the order you "took it" in Prison?
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
I'd let you meet him when i meet the people that call you "the human lie detector"
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS ...Friday, where's "Tony" ? I'd like to hear his scientific expert opinion on our debate. Tell him to get out from under your desk and offer a "Professional" opinion. Well, not THAT professional opinion.....Marine Biology.
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
I'm starting to think you're the one that doesn't understand the meaning of Ironic. Cause you're making a ton of examples of it
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor, much does Friday pay you for your "services"? Obviously, not enough to obtain an education. Well, an academic education....wink, wink!
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor ....David, who's the Beaner?....numnuts. The only fags in this conversation is you and YOUR MAN, Friday. I knew Friday had a buttbuddy over with him. ....only he said your name was Tony. I guess he was ashamed of you.....or that he pays you for your 'attention".
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor " Duh.....dude. ...get a life." Like I said.....old, stale cliches. Right on que, David!
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS again, you village are misusing the word IRONIC.

Tony oh, are deluded.
david taylor
david taylor - 8 years ago
FIGHT FRIDAYS nice comeback beaner. I don't know him but he doesn't sound like absolute fag like you
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor .....and Friday's masturbation partner shows himself. Ta da......and now appears David Taylor......Resident Idiot and Repeater of old, stale clichés.

"Drum roll please.......silence audience. ....ringers we see the cleverness of Davids words. The skill and poetry of his retorts will amaze all to all ends of the Earth".

Go bye bye, David.
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
+Gino Marchetti dude now it's just getting sad.....human lie detector and i don't have a friend name Tony Brown........IRONIC
david taylor
david taylor - 8 years ago
Dude. Get a life and stop crying
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS ...stop misusing the word IRONIC.

You do not know Tony Brown, Marine Biologist, personally.

Let me fill you in: In my work I am nicknamed the Human Lie Detector with the agency I AM employed. My education and experience allow me a level of insight into Human behavioral norms. All my experience and years has led me to believe that you are being dishonest when you stated, falsely, that Marine Biologist Tony Brown was there with you.....thus lending your opinion, credibility.

Your "credibility" and "expertise" is founded on a LIE. Your opinion as to the outcome of a confrontation between an Orca and Great White hold no more weight than the opinión of a 14 year old juvenile. You state fundamental scientific inaccuracies as to the size differential between Orcas and Great Whites. This is a foundational error in your hypothesis of which normative sample of each animals respective strengths and vulnerabilities in a confrontation. When corrected of the normative sizes of these animals you completely ignore the scientific facts, which is verified extensively in research, you fail to acknowledge the significance of your very serious, and intentional, error. Instead, you solicit, unsubstantiated, assistance from a "Marine Biologist" you don't even know. This "expert" witness, as stated by you, was in your presence at the very time we were debating. This is a LIE! The only reason you presented this false expert witness is to validate your opinion....which was full of scientific errors. You provide false testimony from a false "friend", which you presented as an expert. BTW. ...The message you passed on to me from "Tony" was, in no way, that of an educated PROFESSIONAL in Marine Biology. Again, it was only your persona that was reflected in "Tony ' s" comment.

The gross mistating of the respective sizes of the normative examples of each species and the fake, phoney, fraudulent "expert" witness show you to be a LIAR, and your ability to form a cohesive, genuine, factual argument about be in question.

Good day Sir!

david taylor
david taylor - 8 years ago
Lol got cheese with that whine?
david taylor
david taylor - 8 years ago
ya mine too
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
+david taylor​ don't waste your time man. I came here to have a nice clean debate but all i got whining
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
The only moron here is you buddy
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
Anyone who usually cries constantly about a statement isn't the most truthful
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+david taylor ...The HELL it is David. Are you Friday's buddy? The morons are out tonight! Everything I said about Orcas and great whites is the truth.

FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
david taylor
david taylor - 8 years ago
Gino literally almost everything you just said is completely inaccurate about these creatures. Just stop you're embarrassing yourself man
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
So now you know my life? Lol last time i checked you don't know who the fuck I am? And there you go ironic again. Calling me a kid and insecure yet you assume certain things about my life and actually making a debate of a shark and fucking orca personal. That sounds pretty insecure to me haha. It just keeps getting more ironic it's incredible.

Yes i love sharks and whales too that's why i commented on this old topic. But the difference between me and you is that i didn't start throwing a tantrum every time i made a rebuttal

If you're that pathetic and desperate to find out Tony know the one that doesn't exist graduate in College of Central Florida and then went to usf to get his degree to work at Fort island Marine science station
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+FIGHT FRIDAYS .."Tony" feels bad for me? You "All" do? How many split personalities do you have, Friday?


Where did Tony study Marine Biology?

For whom does Tony work for as a Marine Biologist?

Where does Tony live as a Marine Biologist?

You have had too much time to research for answers are a phoney and a liar.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
You don't have a friend named Tony Brown who's a Marine Biologist. You haven't argued that you're not a teenager. You are not an adult, and your behave as though your lame skin facts would prevent a 15,000 lb Orca from fatally injuring a great white.

You deceitfully flaunted a "Marine Biologist" friend, who is there with you, to add credibility to yourself and that is the tactic of a child or a very insecure man.

I am impressed with both Orcas and Great Whites and read of them for over 50 years. I don't have a dog in the fight. ....just the facts of overwhelming power and superior intellect of an Orca will conquer an animal HALF......I said HALF the size and inferior intellect. Great whites do not have Sonar, they receptors in their head that pick up electrical impulses. Those impulses do NOT communicate the level of information that Orca sonar does. Orca is a more formidable animal. Like a lion is to a hyena.
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
Gino Marchetti yes. Enjoy your 3rd grade comeback
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
Gino Marchetti he is actually. He feels bad for you. We all do. Hopefully your parents haven't disowned you yet
FIGHT FRIDAYS - 8 years ago
Actually I do a great example is literally what you just said. What's so funny about having a friend being a marine biologist? What's so funny about that name? What's so funny about a sharks skin or their bite? See you're so butthurt because you can't handle that you're wrong or having someone disagree with you so you cover your tantrums with humor and insults. You know children do that too right? You're insulting me while all I did was spew factual statements yet you call me a 14 year old? That's what's ironic and yes that makes you look immature.
Taken Serious
Taken Serious - 8 years ago
My favorite part was when you don't see the thing in the title of the video actually happen.
Mathew Cory
Mathew Cory - 8 years ago
The KILLER whale has been painted as a teddy bear in movies my ass. There's movies that came out at roughly the same time that jaws did that had men chasing a sentient killer whale.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
Ahhh. Thanks. I won't repeat that story anymore.
WhateverReally - 8 years ago
+Gino Marchetti It's not. The boat was called Orca in the book as well.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+WhateverReally Years ago I read that Spielberg was aware of the "Orca" movie production and intentionally named the boat Orca.......throwing shade on the movie. Don't know if it's true or not.
WhateverReally - 8 years ago
fun fact : the boat in Jaws is also called "Orca"
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
Mathew Cory .....The movie is titled "Orca", starring Richard Harris and Bo Derek. Great movie.
chase's channel
chase's channel - 8 years ago
the real translation is whale killer. look it up.
andy Z
andy Z - 8 years ago
killer whale is the king of ocean
Agnidipta Hom Roy
Agnidipta Hom Roy - 8 years ago
Orca can kill only juvenile great whites.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
+agnidipta hom roy length and size are two different things. Do you not understand the size of an Orca body....the thickness. .....the weight........the power of an Orca?
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 8 years ago
+agnidipta hom roy Are you even being serious? You can't measure with outliers like that. Orcas on average are far bigger than great whites. If we're going to use flukes like those two, then I'm sure there's an orca out there that's 45+ feet long and would still kick their asses. Now you're just being stupid with your arguments.
Agnidipta Hom Roy
Agnidipta Hom Roy - 8 years ago
The two of the biggest great white sharks ever found were 36 ft and 37 ft which were significantly bigger than an orca measuring 30 ft on an average, which might defeat an orca.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
Scuba Steve are absolutely 100% correct.
It's like a 250 lb Professional Boxer fighting a 10 year old boy that weighs 100 lbs. The Great White is over matched in every way. Granted, the Great White is an awesome and frightening animal, but just doesn't compare against an Orca in a head-to-head comflict. The sonar capabilities, alone, of an Orca gives it a substantial advantage: being able to locate a shark miles away.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 8 years ago
An adult orca of either gender is significantly bigger, heavier, stronger, faster, and smarter than even the biggest great white.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
agnidipta hom roy ...yep. You are right....but a 5000 lb Great White has no chance against ANY male OR female adult Orca.
Agnidipta Hom Roy
Agnidipta Hom Roy - 8 years ago
I think you don't have any grade at all.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
agnidipta hom roy ....are you in 3rd grade?
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 8 years ago
lol no
Pimplife Wellington
Pimplife Wellington - 8 years ago
It's funny how everything associated with black is always in the negative and anything associated with white is positive smh the black whale is labeled "killer" the white belly shark is labeled "great".
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
Pimplife Wellington ....I'm a white dude. The Orca is Black and white colored....just like America. The Orca wins easily.
Neoscona Punctigera
Neoscona Punctigera - 8 years ago orca could beat super sharp teeth predator
MrScOut - 8 years ago
TBH the shark could have kill a lone orca but to bad orcas travel in a group.
AT - 8 years ago
no way... check it out.... not even a lone shark can kill a lone orca
Shafiee Mahbob
Shafiee Mahbob - 8 years ago
I love Orca
Coral Lopez
Coral Lopez - 8 years ago
I know that is scary
Brucey - 8 years ago
whats with the music ffs
Lam rof
Lam rof - 8 years ago
Orca is like the Lion, the white Shark is like Croc
sales joel
sales joel - 8 years ago
i like orcas
Julyssa Herrera
Julyssa Herrera - 8 years ago
Boy shark
Winters - 8 years ago
Shitty video
Baraa Hamdy
Baraa Hamdy - 8 years ago
the great white shark had more teeth, stronger jaw. and shark can get there mouth out of there jaws so 1-on-1 the shark is the winner. but 2-on-pod i think that great white sharks are whaler
pixelking - 8 years ago
Baraa Hamdy The Orca 1v1 Would OWN The Shark xD
Darrell Brock
Darrell Brock - 8 years ago
What's with all the stupid popups on the screen? Dumbass.
Burns My Britches
Burns My Britches - 8 years ago
I seen a replica of a great white shark. One that was caught in Australia. It measured over 20 feet. I have seen live orcas. They both stun when striking their prey. In absolutely no way whatsoever on a one on one matchup could a killer whale take on over a 20 foot great white!! That is just completely asinine and you would have to be brain dead to believe otherwise. A animal built on pure carnal instincts that has survived for hundreds of millions of years isn't just some dumb animal. Some idiot got lucky with a one in a million chance encounter with a weak shark. Free willy may puncture a shark but a sizable aggressive great white would need only one quick bite to immobilize a orca by the tail fin. Without the help of the pod bro's a orca is easy prey for a giant size white shark. Jesus Christ! Any dog can find a bone once in a blue moon as seen in this video. It never seizes to amaze me how easily people can be herded.
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
Burns My Britches ....dumb! A 6000 lb Great White against a 14,000 lb Orca. Rrriiiiggggghhhhttttt!
Unit 526
Unit 526 - 8 years ago
The title gave it away in the second half.
Cory Garcia
Cory Garcia - 8 years ago
the great white shark will win
pixelking - 8 years ago
Cory Garcia Haahahaha...You're Joking Right? The Great White Has NO Chance, even in a 1v1 Situation a wich is HIGHLY Unlikely, The Orca will win
Alexander Wright
Alexander Wright - 8 years ago
is it just me or are killer whales fricking terrifying!!!
WhateverReally - 8 years ago
my granddad came face to face with a killer whale off the coast of California. It just ignored him and swam on by.
Darrian Woods
Darrian Woods - 8 years ago
Alexander Wright smart dolphins but predators like sharks and work in teams... the perfect killing machines. Scary
Ihavenoidea - 8 years ago
Orcas have never attacked humans in the wild. Only a few attack cases with individuals with depression due to captivity.
With that logic you might as well call 50% of animals (humans included) murder machines.
Na'xia Xi'Larn
Na'xia Xi'Larn - 8 years ago
+Duane Craig they dont harm humans in the wild :-) only in caprivity
Duane Craig
Duane Craig - 8 years ago
It isn't just that, they are known to at sea world drawn their captors...... they are just murder machines.....
kenpoarniceguy1 - 8 years ago
Oh no its not just you. We have plenty of witnesses from the animals the Orcas feed on
Rafael Wilson
Rafael Wilson - 8 years ago
I ate that shark
Kion jasiri
Kion jasiri - 8 years ago
my hands got numb watching this
Stokey Junior
Stokey Junior - 8 years ago
Why is there so much hype around this? The one that was caught on tape was a 10 foot shark, a fully grown great white can reach 18-20 feet
Gino Marchetti
Gino Marchetti - 8 years ago
Stokey Junior ....and the largest Great White weighs half of an Orca.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 8 years ago
+Burns My Britches A full grown male orca can grow up to 32 feet, weighs significantly more, but is also faster. Let's not forget that orcas are smarter and that there are documented cases of full grown great whites making a point of avoiding orcas, and of single orcas killing adult great whites. But you just keep fanboying. XD
Prodigy0960 - 8 years ago
you know there are different type of orcas ? the largest ones in the arctic could easily kill the biggest great white with their flip techniqe:,h_613,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/760f65_29485441ed308187ec353142657bdf76.jpg and moreover they always hunt in packs sharks cant because they have no social abilities
Myra Mami
Myra Mami - 8 years ago
+Burns My Britches Still standing to your orca is on top .Period!
Noctdevil C
Noctdevil C - 8 years ago
Burns My Britches
Burns My Britches - 8 years ago
Finally! Someone with some damn sense!! A orca by itself isn't even close to a match for a 20ft great white.
Allan Sixto
Allan Sixto - 8 years ago
i will rocket the orcas and explode free willys tank
Adli Hafiz
Adli Hafiz - 8 years ago
but why the great white looks way small tho ?
Roberto Zozaya
Roberto Zozaya - 8 years ago
.. and hunt in packs, learn, and are just more awesome :) I like both, but Orcas are really at the top of food chain.
Duane Craig
Duane Craig - 8 years ago
On the larger end of the spectrum a female great white can be 20 feet long at over 4,000 pounds....

On the larger end of the spectrum for a killer whale you have 32 feet long and 20,000 pounds so there is a pretty big size difference between the two. This is probably partly why Killer whales dominate great white sharks, the other reason just comes down to intelligence as killer whales are extremely smart creatures.
Grace & Bridgette
Grace & Bridgette - 8 years ago
+HistoryWasMade sorry I was thinking of another type of whale :/
Angus Onn
Angus Onn - 8 years ago
+Brooke Persinger uhh.... no
xoio xona
xoio xona - 8 years ago
+Brooke Persinger their eyes are actually pretty small what... the male orcas go till abt 7 meters, they're big, but not that big.
Grace & Bridgette
Grace & Bridgette - 8 years ago
Because an orca is HUGE like their eye is the size of a kid.
rwasta7007 - 8 years ago
killer whales = dolphin family = mammals = smart
white shark = fish = stupid
Javier Muñoz Fonto
Javier Muñoz Fonto - 7 years ago
rwasta7007 = subnormal
TheGodFatherBlasta - 7 years ago
Compared to what intelligence .... an Octopus is smarter!!! you should watch Orca week in Discovery Channel!!! I want to see a video of the Intelligence of Great White Sharks.... Do you have one I just want to compare it with the Giant Octopus and an Orca!!! Another Thing Strength and Sharp tooth and primitive lung cannot over power Intelligence and team work at any point... because knowledge is power!!!!
EllieBunny - 7 years ago
uh a frog is a amphibian not a fish...I know that was from 2 weeks ago tho....
razorline55 - 7 years ago
size matters in the wild you dumb fuck. go on then you are a mammal go swimming with a white shark and punch it to death. by your logic you will win because you are smarter.
rwasta7007 - 7 years ago
not as retarded as a shark or a frog though
Meme Dankster
Meme Dankster - 7 years ago
rwasta7007 you're retarded af
Not Bad
Not Bad - 7 years ago
I know it's almost been a year but "smartness" sounds so dumb. Honestly I didn't even know it was a real word until now. No offense.
Not Bad
Not Bad - 7 years ago
Darth Bane
Darth Bane - 7 years ago
Obi-Wan Kenobi you would still lose in lightsaber combat
Aneka *
Aneka * - 7 years ago
Sharks are mammals and so are orcas and dolphins and sea lions and whales
Artavius Simpson
Artavius Simpson - 7 years ago
Aphmau_Lovers4ever YASSS No they aren't, where did you get that from?
MikeMapleShade - 7 years ago
LOL!!! Did you vote for Trump? But neither are they fish. Look it up, deep thinker.
Aneka *
Aneka * - 7 years ago
White sharks are also mammals
rwasta7007 - 7 years ago
sharks have the sufficient intelligence to exist as a species in 2017. however what humans value in their own mammal bias perspective is more common to the intelligence of whales than sharks.that doesn't mean sharks are absolutely stupid or whales are absolutely smart, but based on the human intelligence scale sharks rate lower than whales.
duy nguyen
duy nguyen - 7 years ago
rwasta7007 calling sharks stupid is like calling psychopath CEOs/politicians who lack emotional/social intelligence stupid. But well you can call sharks socially stupid I don't mind.
rwasta7007 - 7 years ago
define smart
Luke Johnstone
Luke Johnstone - 7 years ago
Obi-Wan Kenobi I have to disagree with you I believe sharks are smarter then orcas
rwasta7007 - 7 years ago
ok so your claim is that all animals have different but equivalent types of intelligence? that sounds pretty ridiculous to me.
DirtyHandGamer. - 7 years ago
+ant 1234 you people just can't understand the the difference between too different types of intelligence.

Really shows how dumb you are because it's not hard to understand you believe you know what you're talking about but you really have no idea.
ant 1234
ant 1234 - 7 years ago
no sharks are still idiots
rwasta7007 - 7 years ago
who is this rwasra7007 that you are so angry at? do you happen to have fish in the family? it wasn't my intention to insult you or your kind sorry
Derfel Cadarn
Derfel Cadarn - 7 years ago
To put everything on the same on the same bag is so typical of humans. There are obviously killer whales who are very smart. And most likely others that are quite dumb, which are probably the vast majority, that don't appear in these hot shot documentaries. That's like saying humans in general are smart, just because some of them, indeed, are genious. Most humans are as stupid as it gets. Specially if you remember that humans are subjected to aggressive sessions of discipline and teaching, since they are babies. And still, well, do I need to say more?
Gargantua - 7 years ago
rwasta7007 sometimes I might have written wrong , ı am turkish :)
Gargantua - 7 years ago
rwasta7007 neandertal has more ability and intelligent than modern human but brain void does not mean clever and they did not survive ;)
rwasta7007 - 7 years ago
let me just start by saying you got the best name ever. i agree with your assessment of orcas, i dont think it is too controversial to say that according to the common definition of intelligence, orcas are much smarter animal than sharks. however brain size is not necessarily correlated to intelligence, a common example are Neanderthals who had larger brain volume than homo sapiens yet they were not as resourceful
Roberto S
Roberto S - 7 years ago
quote "Instinct or innate behavior is the inherent inclination of a living organism towards a particular complex behavior. The simplest example of an instinctive behavior is a fixed action pattern (FAP), in which a very short to medium length sequence of actions, without variation, are carried out in response to a clearly defined stimulus." sharkis rely on its instinc to kill....orca isnt only depend on its born instinct but they has more advance to use its brain learning memory...quote "Killer whales, or orcas, have the second-biggest brains among all ocean mammals, weighing as much as 15 pounds. It's not clear whether they are as well-endowed with memory cells as humans, but scientists have found they are amazingly well-wired for sensing and analyzing their watery, three-dimensional environment.

Scientists are trying to better understand how killer whales are able to learn local dialects, teach one another specialized methods of hunting and pass on behaviors that can persist for generations -- longer possibly than seen with any other species except humans.".. so the orca is like a pack of wolf which has many tactics to kill anything and shark is just like a big phyton snake which hunt with its killer instinct...
Roberto S
Roberto S - 7 years ago
Kyle Blanford it seem you need learn bio more...there is a "ovoviviparity" type like snake,shark and stingray...but it wasnt birth like mamal
rwasta7007 - 7 years ago
longer than humans as well. are they smarter than us? it depends on your definition of smart, but i would bet most people agree humans are much smarter than sharks
Gargantua - 7 years ago
rwasta7007 shark ,they are the instincts that keep them alive
Gargantua - 7 years ago
rwasta7007 sharks have been living for 400 million years . Orca ?
DirtyHandGamer. - 7 years ago
+Scuba Steve Sharks aren't smart enough to work together? They are Solitary Animal's "DUHHHHH"
DirtyHandGamer. - 7 years ago
+YamaChan Well Said I love that you are extremely educated on the subject but unfortunately I don't think +rwasta7007​ understands or has any type of knowledge when it comes to the subject on Greats White's.
Danna Lopez
Danna Lopez - 7 years ago
Fuck you STUPID asshole!Every animal is SMART!Not only the mammals!
And love the killer whale not the shark but-fish are NOT empt brain creatures!Show some intellect and respect asshole!
rwasta7007 - 7 years ago
i already explained to you that the term is based on a spectrum. there is not such a thing as ABSOLUTE stupidity or smartness for that matter. sharks are stupid compared to other animals.

if you admit that an animal is smart then by default another one has to be less smart or "stupid" in comparison, so unless you are claiming that all animals are equally smart or equally stupid then you must accept that the statement sharks are stupid compared to whales is true
DirtyHandGamer. - 7 years ago
+rwasta7007​ your well aware that sharks posses some form of intelligence? But you just called them stupid which one is it? are sharks intelligent or stupid?

Btw a Marine biologist would never ever fix their mouth and call sharks stupid because it just isn't true!

But I am aware that orcas and dolphins level of intelligence is higher than fish and great white's but they are far from stupid.
rwasta7007 - 7 years ago
there is a spectrum of intelligence and i dont think sharks are at the top. stupid is a subjective term that i am using to say that in general mammals are smarter than fish. I am well aware that sharks posses some form of intelligence however you could make the same argument for anything, including fruit flies.
rwasta7007 - 7 years ago
i am sure you could make that argument with pretty much anything living including insects
11DNA11 - 7 years ago
The Lighting Prince
It's a different kind of intelligence. Not the way mammals think. Great Whites are equipped with every possible way to hunt prey and they use those instincts to their full extent each time they hunt.
DirtyHandGamer. - 7 years ago
rwasta7007 it just shows how much you know about Great White Sharks because any body that has knowledge on Great White's knows that they are extremely intelligent predators.

you should do some research before you call great white's stupid.
11DNA11 - 7 years ago
Ping. Found one :)
Lady Lolipop
Lady Lolipop - 7 years ago
And still, 11DNA11, Fish seem to be smarter than any misogynist drinking the kool aid
11DNA11 - 7 years ago
And still.
Fish seem to be smarter than any feminist :)
mwateres85 - 7 years ago
rwasta7007 hahaha!!..he said ok,at the end,lol!
rwasta7007 - 7 years ago
Nosheen Aslam
Nosheen Aslam - 7 years ago
rwasta7007 great whites are not stupid some fish are very smart just because they are fish does not mean there retarded great whites have two tactics that are getting more affective and now are getting new tactics to kill seals more easily like trapping it deep down in the sea were they will bite away and it will bleed to death and the great white would have dinner witch has happened a lot now so does this mean there stupid no they are not as smart as orcas but are still dang smart ok I have seen a great white use its tail to knock out a seal many times before ok
KING EAGLE - 7 years ago
Lady Lolipop idk why u people are so dumb any animal that needs water to survive like the ocean is considered to be a fish god fuck
YamaChan - 7 years ago
I feel the need to educate you a bit. I won't speak to sharks in general but the Great White in particular. There is plenty of evidence to suggest they are highly intelligent animals. As more is revealed about Great White behavior, when we're not baiting them to cages, it's now been shown that they have social hierarchies, actual cultures just like Orcas (Great Whites in South Africa interact in an entirely different manner from Great Whites in Australia), have shown the ability to cooperate to ambush prey much like Orcas and are quite literally the only animal on the planet that has been observed using the reflection of the sun as a tool to hunt and kill prey. Great Whites have vastly different personalities like people and they have even been observed killing prey, not just to eat, but to hone their killing techniques, just like Orcas. They're the only sharks that utilize spy hopping, just like Orcas. That shows their capacity to learn and adapt, like other highly intelligent species. Moreover, how can Great Whites be "dumb fish" if they've been known to hunt and kill dolphins, arguably the most intelligent mammals in the animal kingdom, excluding humans of course. A dumb predator could never successfully predate on such a highly intelligent animal.

All this lends more evidence in favor of Great Whites being incredibly intelligent animals, and decades of being misrepresented as mindless killers has given them an inappropriate reputation. Go read some of the newest research on White Shark behavior.

Does this mean they're as smart as Orcas? Who knows. But are they dumb animals? Not in the slightest.
slicksouthpaw - 7 years ago
Scuba Steve I have seen footage of Orcas along the South American Coast hunting seals on the Beach in a training capacity where the Matriarch would hunt a seal during the demonstration and then put it back on the beach unharmed. In my mind, this behavior denotes the ability to feel (emote) and to some extent reason. The intelligence of the Orca seems to me unmatched amongst the Predators of the Sea!
Lady Lolipop
Lady Lolipop - 7 years ago
sharks are fish tho. I forget WHY they are classified as fish but they ARE a kind of fish.
konamiboyfool - 7 years ago
The killer whale is making me a proud mammal
rwasta7007 - 7 years ago
suppose for the sake of contradiction that shark are not considered fish because they don't birth live offspring
Then it follows that no other fish will birth live offspring, however we know that nearly all members of the Poeciliidae family which include guppies, mollies, platies and swordtails are fish and do birth live offspring
But this is a contradiction to our previous assumption since it provides an explicit constructive example.

therefore it is not true that shark are not fish because of live birth.
Br00tal Teutonic Thrasher666
Br00tal Teutonic Thrasher666 - 7 years ago
A shark is technically a fish because it has gills but it's just not a "boney fish".
Kyle Blanford
Kyle Blanford - 7 years ago
rwasta7007 sharks ain't considered a fish because of life birth
Br00tal Teutonic Thrasher666
Br00tal Teutonic Thrasher666 - 8 years ago
+Listen Up You are such a dilerious bastard dopehead who is withdrawed from the real world and living in a bizarre fantasy crystals-meth land. Why don't you actually take the time to research these things before saying absurd, ridiculous, infantile ficional fables. No wonder you love these pathetic, scummy, worthless freaks of nature....they are just like you! While I am an alpha female great white! Hahahahahaha, loser!!!
Listen Up
Listen Up - 8 years ago
Br00tal Teutonic Thrasher666 Where did you get your facts?!? There is no record of wild Orcas ever having killed humans as far as i had ever read.
Sharks kill swimmers each summer.
Orcas have been known to save people in fact.
Only Orcas tortured in tiny aquariums have killed due to extreme stress, anxiety boredom and the unnatural environment.
Perhaps google Blackfish. Then google The Killers of Eden - Read the book based on a true story.
Interesting complex animals that we cannot begin to understand.
But we do know that all their natural behaviours change when captive and effectively "tortured" by humans.
pustel - 8 years ago
Br00tal Teutonic Thrasher666 I hope you paranoid asshole fall into piirahnja aquarium
Br00tal Teutonic Thrasher666
Br00tal Teutonic Thrasher666 - 8 years ago
Orcas are at least 10-times more likely to kill a human than a great white shark. And not even just for prey, just toy around with and maul to death for kicks. Orcas are truly worthless, repulsive, hideous, pathetic species who suck and these cockroaches of the sea all need to be eradicated as soon as possible. It would make this pathetic, pitiful planet slightly more charming....
Mlg Family
Mlg Family - 8 years ago
Bertha French
Shaboo Chan
Shaboo Chan - 8 years ago
hey they are smart. :3
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 8 years ago
+Keith Fernandes Yeah, but most animals are "kind of smart". They're probably pretty smart for fish, but fish aren't well known for being extremely smart.
Keith Fernandes
Keith Fernandes - 8 years ago
Scuba Steve they are kinda smart
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 8 years ago
+Ricky T.P.B Ok, regardless of if you were referring to killer whales or true whales, they're both much smarter.
Ricky T.P.B
Ricky T.P.B - 8 years ago
I WAS talking bout those really really big fuckers that eat krill.    Sorry about the confusion.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 8 years ago
+Ricky T.P.B Orcas/killer whales are not whales.

+Keith Fernandes They're really not that smart.
Ricky T.P.B
Ricky T.P.B - 8 years ago
Whales are way better than stupid ass Sharks, everyone knows this
rwasta7007 - 8 years ago
+Keith Fernandes
compared to shellfish
Keith Fernandes
Keith Fernandes - 8 years ago
rwasta7007 great whites are still very smart
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 8 years ago
+xXDa_RockstarXx It's got everything to do with the movement of water over the gills. If the water isn't going over the gills, the gills can't filter the oxygen out out and the shark 'drowns'.
StoryLine Animations
StoryLine Animations - 8 years ago
Listen Up
Listen Up - 8 years ago
kuro - gnav A shark can drown. If they are dragged by a boat backwards they drown. Or if water stops constantly moving/ flowing over their gills.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 8 years ago
+kuro - gnav He said suffocate, which is possible for anything that has to breathe, no matter if it's air or not.
ScarletDaEagel xD
ScarletDaEagel xD - 8 years ago
sharks live in the water how they gonna drown
ScarletDaEagel xD
ScarletDaEagel xD - 8 years ago
xXDa_RockstarXx haha
StoryLine Animations
StoryLine Animations - 8 years ago
kuro - gnav uhh....NO! Most sharks are solo AND the pack of orcas are probably gonna like idk, suffocate them or something. Even is a pack of orcas met a pack of sharks the orcas would still fight the good fight. Idk if they'd win but...yeah they would still fight the good fight. LOOK UP YOUR FACTS MAN!!
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 8 years ago
+kuro - gnav Sharks aren't smart enough to work together. Even in feeding frenzies, they aren't working together.
ScarletDaEagel xD
ScarletDaEagel xD - 8 years ago
rwasta7007 wait orca OK not to strong but in a group op shark weak asf shark in a pack wins
WesternBlue Personal Account
WesternBlue Personal Account - 8 years ago
Most orcas don't hunt orcas, only a couple. Some even cooperate with dolphins. They'd prefer sea lions.
WesternBlue Personal Account
WesternBlue Personal Account - 8 years ago
I meant Dolphins.
Talal Alazemi
Talal Alazemi - 8 years ago
who wins? it depends on the CP they got..
Le DiceThrower
Le DiceThrower - 8 years ago
that fucking background music
Shawn McBride
Shawn McBride - 8 years ago
Sharks are ambush hunters by nature, the Orca's are a much more tactical hunter and hunt in packs. They are by far a much smarter animal. The Orca's can adapt and change tactics as needed as well as learn and teach new tactics.
Ra's al Ghul
Ra's al Ghul - 8 years ago
you cant compare orca against great white. min length of orca is about 9m. and recorded longest shark is 6.6m and orcas usually swim with a pad(group) so lone sharks no chance
Mestari - 8 years ago
Orca ate my aunt :(
Mestari - 8 years ago
My cousin saw it. But police didnt believe him.
Ember Thyme
Ember Thyme - 8 years ago
How do you know it was a Killer Whale then if the bodyvwas never found?
Angry Ana
Angry Ana - 8 years ago
Mestari - 8 years ago
Its not documented because the body was never found
TheWegea - 8 years ago
There are no recorded deaths of Orcas in the wild, did it happen at a water park like sea world?
Mestari - 8 years ago
yes, 1987. RIP
Emmanuel Aviles
Emmanuel Aviles - 8 years ago
CRAZY Time - 8 years ago
Killer Whale has More Health Than Great White Shark Killer Whales are Really Strong
lightofgoku - 8 years ago
this is equivalent to a tough human man , hard for whatever reason, coming across a group of armed bodybuilder youths in a poorly lit underpass lol , he has the tools to fight but just too many bigger stronger guys to win
Juana López
Juana López - 8 years ago
i really like the killer whale
Tiger Chanal
Tiger Chanal - 8 years ago
هي العركة وين بينت بس الحوت القاتل انتصر اكيد
Emirey86 - 8 years ago
Bullshit Title
Jamar Andres
Jamar Andres - 8 years ago
Aren't orcas not whales but big ass Dolphins
Jabed Clerks
Jabed Clerks - 7 years ago
Willow Oak
Willow Oak - 7 years ago
Pheanix No they're are totally different. It's bone/muscle structure, diet, and movement with groups or individualized are some examples of differences in Whales and Dolphins
Jabed Clerks
Jabed Clerks - 7 years ago
Thanks for this info #C Hos
Jabed Clerks
Jabed Clerks - 7 years ago
I love Orca.
BurnRoddy - 8 years ago
Whales are complicated creatures to clasify. The most accurate way to distinguish them is by their teeth anatomy. Whales have Mysticeti AKA whale teeth and dolphins have Odontoceti AKA true teeth but you'll find out that in many cases this is not at all how it really is.
One example are the infamous Beluga whales which split from Porpoises some 12 million years ago so they should be called dolphins but they are not for some reason even tho they bare a perfect set of Odontoceti just like it's brother the Narwhaal which is also not called dolphin. So what gives? The way I see it they're all whales and we should get rid of the word dolphin alltogether but don't tell that to the people at Sea World. ;-)
Listen Up
Listen Up - 8 years ago
+Caroline Wilson Nope is is a misnomer. Killer Whales are not actually whales. They are part of the dolphin family.
Caroline Wilson
Caroline Wilson - 8 years ago
Yep completely different. Orcas are whales - bettern known as Killer Whales. Dolphins aren't whales - their in the porpoise family. The sharks are suppose to be the top predator.
BenTacoCatBen - 8 years ago
their names were messed up in translation form spainish
Aiveen Bullock
Aiveen Bullock - 8 years ago
Not really, but they are very close relatives.
Aiveen Bullock
Aiveen Bullock - 8 years ago
Rafael Wilson
Rafael Wilson - 8 years ago
you are right
Joseph Gomes
Joseph Gomes - 8 years ago
dolphins are whales themselves.
Vincisomething - 8 years ago
+Bleach beach Science, biology. Why would it not be. It's completely logical.
Vincisomething - 8 years ago
+Bleach beach Phenotypes aren't an accurate way to classify or group animals (and size is probably one of the worst way to imo)... if you want to know what species are similar to each other or belong in the same family, look for a phylogenetic tree.

Dolphins and whales evolved from the same ancestor, but they've long been split since then- so they no longer are of the same. They belong to the clade cetacea, but clades are a general (kind of loose) grouping. Coyotes, gorillas, bears, and even human belong to the same clade (synapsida), but there are further classifications that exclusively group species from another (from domain down to species)
Listen Up
Listen Up - 8 years ago
+Crazyass Baconass Dolphins are not whales. They are dolphins lol. And yes to the poster of the question... The Orca is actually a large dolphin, not a whale. A bit complicated actually.
SoenkeTheFreak - 8 years ago
because dolphins really are whales...
Vincisomething - 8 years ago
+Crazyass Baconass Why do you do this lol
Commander Ct-1119 Appo
Commander Ct-1119 Appo - 8 years ago
Crazyass Baconass
Crazyass Baconass - 8 years ago
Dolphins are whales
Vincisomething - 8 years ago
Yeah, their name is a misnomer. The name killer whale was supposed to mean this species that can kill whales, not a whale that kills. But, I don't think whale killer sounds the same.
Vincisomething - 8 years ago
They're totally different lol.
Pheanix - 8 years ago
Dolphins are Whals
Young Pierre
Young Pierre - 8 years ago
I really had no idea orcas could kill great whites....oh here comes the megalogon
meegikwang - 8 years ago
a pod of orcas can take down a megalodon, they have brainpower to figure out how to kill a giant shark like megalodon
Dare Tube
Dare Tube - 8 years ago
I did already
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 8 years ago
It is entirely possible that a megalodon not all that intelligent, and would have a hard time dealing with a coordinated attack.
Alex Garnica
Alex Garnica - 8 years ago
+Shivan Rajan Killer whales.
Shivan Rajan
Shivan Rajan - 8 years ago
megalodon vs 5 killer whale who win
Alex Garnica
Alex Garnica - 8 years ago
+The Suspicious Doge Bigger is not always better. The megalodon will have a hard time trying to find all the orcas because the megalodon will be pretty much focused on the orca they could see, meaning that another orca could attack it from behind until the megalodon becomes tired and won't be able to fight. A pack of lions can take down a fully grown elephant or a giraffe. Big animals like the megalodon don't have enough speed to evade a pack of animals nor they don't have eyes on their backs.
Tenebrius1963 - 8 years ago
Heck a dolphin can kill a shark...
The Suspicious Doge
The Suspicious Doge - 8 years ago
+Alex Garnica well the megalodon was said to be the biggest PREDATOR in history meaning it could hunt down a blue whale just as easy as how an orca pack can. so I highy doubt they could kill the megalodon. also remember that the blue whale wasn't a predator so it makes an easy target for other sea creatures to hunt it down
Alex Garnica
Alex Garnica - 8 years ago
Dude orcas can kill a damn whale in a pack, what makes you think that they can't do the same thing on a megalodon.
dani daniel
dani daniel - 8 years ago
Never a great white shark adult has been defeated by any animals except for man.

In this case the shark was very young with a size about 3 meters and yet the orca had minor injuries in the head and pectoral fin.

Although the orca was more than double the shark had to use the technique of tonic immobility.

Never been documented that an orca attack on an adult white shark.
TheDinosaurExpert - 7 years ago
bro, orcas kill great white sharks, even adult great whites, and truley, man is not the dominant species
G _GAME - 8 years ago
Yup bitch
Aisha McDade
Aisha McDade - 8 years ago
Game grumps
Silly family Mario luigi Saavedra
Silly family Mario luigi Saavedra - 8 years ago
Love killer whales
Hentai - 8 years ago
The difference is that Orcas are frighteningly intelligent and Sharks are just big predatory fishes

Orcas are basically at the peak of their food chain like us
Fuzzy Bunny Slippers
Fuzzy Bunny Slippers - 8 years ago
Like SUMMERSLAM on the high seas! Ooooh yeah! Who got close enough to this grudge match?
Sam Hoeks
Sam Hoeks - 8 years ago
Game Grumps :=)
Alex The Shark Boi
Alex The Shark Boi - 8 years ago
The sperm whale kills orcas
Alex The Shark Boi
Alex The Shark Boi - 8 years ago
The orca is stupid.she kills stupid it's funny
AngryKitty - 8 years ago
You're stupid, and it's not funny. Not funny at all.

...Sad really..
CouchDerp Potatoe
CouchDerp Potatoe - 8 years ago
feeding frenzy 1 orville vs the king shark maybe?
peppermint butler
peppermint butler - 8 years ago
Image if orcas ate humans......ffffffuuuuuuucccccckkkkkk
Robin Sly-Jex
Robin Sly-Jex - 8 years ago
Where is the fight scene?
Alex The Shark Boi
Alex The Shark Boi - 8 years ago
The sharks are important like orcas
Alex The Shark Boi
Alex The Shark Boi - 8 years ago
and the orca eat sharks
Alex The Shark Boi
Alex The Shark Boi - 8 years ago
shark's meat is toxic if the orca eats it she will die until 1 year
Leadoffgaming - 8 years ago
And now both of them have been spotted in cape cod Massachusetts this year great
C.J. O'Dell
C.J. O'Dell - 8 years ago
Damn, orcas are smart motherfuckers.
GOATjira5 - 8 years ago
I saw this on tv
Tiffany Herasme
Tiffany Herasme - 8 years ago
fuck sharks
Kenman - 8 years ago
Dean Bandavanis
Dean Bandavanis - 8 years ago
Fuck you shrck
Jamie James
Jamie James - 8 years ago
what's the song that plays throughout the video?
bindasbolre - 8 years ago
male sperm whales can kick an orca's ass
Umesh Natesan
Umesh Natesan - 8 years ago
bindasbolre probably, but one sperm whale doesn't stand a chance against a pod. Two pods going head to head is very unlikely, but the orcas would probably take down a baby sperm whale and leave
Xyeco - 8 years ago
My penis will destroy both of them in one go
Haylee Gaskin
Haylee Gaskin - 8 years ago
wow accurate information 10/10 perfect
Gerson Cuevas
Gerson Cuevas - 8 years ago
can anyone tell me the name of the background music? Pretty please?
androidgeeking - 8 years ago
a fag from reddit brought me here
DedValve - 8 years ago
4 minutes hyping up a 2 second off screen fight.
Papa Smock
Papa Smock - 8 years ago
i did better reports in the 3rd grade
Deathbrewer - 8 years ago

Memes. Memetics. Richard Dawkins already came up with a scientific term for this back in his 1976 book "The Selfish Gene." Of course way later the internet adopted the term meme to describe a similar effect when something "funny" (or not funny to some :P ) gets spread around from person to person, kind of what we describe on youtube like the "viral" video effect. It's still a legitimate scientific term that analogues how genes work but with culture, ideas, learned behavior (could be any type of behavior, whether it's positive, negative, neutral, etc) memetically instead of genetically. That's how he meant the term though and it still should be used despite some mistaking it for only a joke term on the internet, this being aimed at whoever you are at the timestamp I mentioned at the start of this post, though I doubt you'll ever read this :P
Dragon Armored
Dragon Armored - 8 years ago
kaneki kun
kaneki kun - 8 years ago
killer whale can even kill blue whale.
Brian Waltman
Brian Waltman - 8 years ago
orcas top predator in the ocean.
Ohmylazyheart _
Ohmylazyheart _ - 6 years ago
Orcas’s are smart. They’re known as an apex predator
Joshun Cranford
Joshun Cranford - 7 years ago
Blaze Knight somebody that actually tells the truth sperm whale bigger than megalodom by alot
Joshun Cranford
Joshun Cranford - 7 years ago
Menno Wielenga they are extremely dumb but it would be a good match it will I'll at least 1 of the orcas
DontReadMyProfilePicture - 7 years ago
Brian Waltman great whites are better
Brian Thomas
Brian Thomas - 7 years ago
No that wasn’t fair for the shark
YouTube Reaper
YouTube Reaper - 7 years ago
Also megalodon would die, as long as in this case there's more than one.
YouTube Reaper
YouTube Reaper - 7 years ago
A single orca can cause every great white shark in an area to flee. They are not the kings of the ocean but they are the top predators. Its a freaking whale sized dolphin those words alone should be enough.
xenomorph alien
xenomorph alien - 7 years ago
Brian Waltman only cause they only faught ounce
Blaze Knight
Blaze Knight - 7 years ago
Arturs Sudmalis Megalodons are extinct, lmao you 12 or something? Anyway let's be honest an actual adult whale such as sperm whales could swallow Megalodons even when they did exist, sharks are just sharks, nothing more.
Santa vs krampus Subanuatica and cenation
Santa vs krampus Subanuatica and cenation - 7 years ago
Brian Waltman No,megalodon is!:)
jan mac
jan mac - 7 years ago
they don't have to hunt in pack to kill a great white shark, 1 on 1 is more than enough. great whites aren't that great anymore especially since killer whales are killing them more and more lately. like a game that got too easy
Bulbophile - 7 years ago
no question there
Mc Skip
Mc Skip - 7 years ago
Brian Waltman ikr they hunt in groups and are bigger and I find their longer find more intimidating
Shadow Stalker
Shadow Stalker - 8 years ago
+Hypnodelica lol
Hypnodelica - 8 years ago
+James Valladares
Megadong? sounds like a 70's porno...
Shadow Stalker
Shadow Stalker - 8 years ago
+Hypnodelica what about the biggest Megalodon
Hypnodelica - 8 years ago
+James Valladares
What about the Loch Ness Monster?
Shadow Stalker
Shadow Stalker - 8 years ago
Menno Wielenga what about the Megalodon
Menno Wielenga
Menno Wielenga - 8 years ago
IIt's not the only reason. An orca is much heavier than a great white shark (almost 3 times) . An orca is also smarter.  A shark is no match for an orca. It's like a hyena fights against a lion.
Luke Langston
Luke Langston - 8 years ago
orcas can take out a whole pod of sperm whales
LOLBram71 - 8 years ago
orcas have been documented taking out a sperm whales.
Hypnodelica - 8 years ago
That would be the Sperm Whale...
Pheanix - 8 years ago
+coldskin1 that's why they are on top
MULTIVERSAL HULK - 8 years ago
There were 3 orcas and 1 Great White
Lenny Savino
Lenny Savino - 8 years ago
And then Megalodon comes and eats the Orca
OK - 7 years ago
Stop comparing Blue whales as a prey. It eats planktons.
OK - 7 years ago
Livyatan Melvillei and Megalodon went extinct becouse of climate change and killer whales.
weeping angel
weeping angel - 7 years ago
Erkan Alles did there have a prehistoric orca back then?
Lenny Savino
Lenny Savino - 8 years ago
Mosasaurs we're pretty big. The largest of them, Tylosaurus, got to around 50 ft long, the same as Basilosaurus. A huge marine predator by anyone's standards. However Megalodon is believed to have been 60, possibly 70 feet long, and was probably much heavier.
Zoya Rasyidi
Zoya Rasyidi - 8 years ago
Basilosaurus is as much as heavy as Mosasaurus. and we know that Mosa and Megalodon are equal enemy
Lenny Savino
Lenny Savino - 8 years ago
iOwn17 Megalodon actually hunted Blue Whales. What it did was sneak up from behind them and bite the tail fluke, and the Megalodon would either bite it off or the whale would bleed to death as that area has a major artery.
Lenny Savino
Lenny Savino - 8 years ago
Basilosaurus was a formidable predator, but it wasn't as big and heavy as Megalodon was. Plus Megalodon hunted whales for a living.
Zoya Rasyidi
Zoya Rasyidi - 8 years ago
if you want to compare prehistoric Fish and Sea it to BASILOSAURUS.. thats a fair one
Marc Duchastel
Marc Duchastel - 8 years ago
+Pyro Creations
megalodons are waaay smaller then myths make you believe, they are very very big don't get me wrong but blue whale is still the largest creature to have ever existed on earth (that we know of).
Neoscona Punctigera
Neoscona Punctigera - 8 years ago
+iOwn17_ Pro wut 3x larger than megalodon, that is hell out
Marc Duchastel
Marc Duchastel - 8 years ago
+little kitty lol check the size of blue whales lol.
otakuMCkid6969MRstealYOgirl - 8 years ago
+little kitty they did... are you fucking dumb?
little kitty
little kitty - 8 years ago
Marc Duchastel
Marc Duchastel - 8 years ago
+Lenny Savino
well, blue whale is like 3-4 times larger than a megalodon was.
little kitty
little kitty - 8 years ago
otakuMCkid6969MRstealYOgirl - 8 years ago
they were almost bigger than fuckin buses
Europeansquirrel pece
Europeansquirrel pece - 8 years ago
Megalodons actually wasn't that big.
otakuMCkid6969MRstealYOgirl - 8 years ago
+mêmemoije21 100% bait
Marc Duchastel
Marc Duchastel - 8 years ago
+The Magikarp God
yeah haha, there are some packs of 100 orcas...
mêmemoije21 - 8 years ago
Megalolodons don't exist. They are just movie monsters.
Ain Desz
Ain Desz - 8 years ago
+Erkan Alles Megalodon died out 2.5 million years ago. Orcinus Orca exists only since just over a million years back from this moment. However they could have easily ecountered some killer whale ancestors such us Orcinus Citoniensis. But I doubt the would have fought the big fish. Prehaps they vanished it by taking all the prays before him
+Lenny Savino a pack of orcas hunt blue whales you edda!!! 1 blue whale - 3 megladons!!! they are called the wolves of the sea for a reason pal!!!
Marc Duchastel
Marc Duchastel - 8 years ago
+Lenny Savino perhaps but orcas swim in packs
Lenny Savino
Lenny Savino - 8 years ago
Not really. Megalodon was far bigger than an orca. Orcas usually avoided Megalodons
Erkan Alles
Erkan Alles - 8 years ago
Orcas are probably one of the main reasons megalodon doesn't exist any more :)
Goat Gaming and Drawing
Goat Gaming and Drawing - 8 years ago
+Devil 666 60persent
THICC VOLDEMORT - 8 years ago
the megalodon probably will die if it incounter the whole pack xD
FutureXXD - 8 years ago
Hahaha right! The underwater is scary!
Bethenny Gravelle
Bethenny Gravelle - 8 years ago
The passion in his voice when he talks about the way the Orca teach their young is awesome.
Sandra E. Perez
Sandra E. Perez - 8 years ago
I don't lile see that! ,
Johnsmith Sitizen
Johnsmith Sitizen - 8 years ago
this video is shit.
Joey Donguines
Joey Donguines - 8 years ago
why did you spoiled it when you put the sighn know its boreing
The Amazing Bleach
The Amazing Bleach - 8 years ago
Killer whales are way better hunters then Great Whites
Vinod Aggarwal
Vinod Aggarwal - 8 years ago
killer whale audios prove safe repellants of white sharks
melody la divertida
melody la divertida - 8 years ago
melody la divertida
melody la divertida - 8 years ago
melody la divertida
melody la divertida - 8 years ago
i vot for orca thats my favorite animal under the sea
Chuck Campbell
Chuck Campbell - 8 years ago

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