Killer sharks invade... golf course in Australia

A golf course near the city of Brisbane in Australia is giving its members a new challenge to overcome - Killer Sharks. Half a dozen predators apparently were washed into the club lake from a nearby river during heavy flooding. Despite being stranded, the sharks seem to be thriving with some of them are even breeding. However, the presence of the sharks hasn't scared off the golfers, who even say it's a positive thing for the course. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.

Killer sharks invade... golf course in Australia sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2117

Shark videos 13 years ago 10,819,220 views

A golf course near the city of Brisbane in Australia is giving its members a new challenge to overcome - Killer Sharks. Half a dozen predators apparently were washed into the club lake from a nearby river during heavy flooding. Despite being stranded, the sharks seem to be thriving with some of them are even breeding. However, the presence of the sharks hasn't scared off the golfers, who even say it's a positive thing for the course. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.

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Most popular comments
for Killer sharks invade... golf course in Australia

wolves4453 - 6 years ago
That’s a good business move. Put sharks in the water so golfers can’t retrieve their balls.
jb insb
jb insb - 6 years ago
"Killer" sharks? There is one. It's small. What makes it a killer? Because it kills things to eat. So do we, even if we let others do the killing for us and then buy the meat at the grocery store.
Devin Allen
Devin Allen - 6 years ago
I wouldn’t want to be the Cady getting that ball from the water holy crap sharks are just not my cup of tea
Doug Buel
Doug Buel - 6 years ago
Danielle Fajardo
Danielle Fajardo - 6 years ago
Alexandra Linden
Alexandra Linden - 6 years ago
She is so cute
O.G Autistler
O.G Autistler - 6 years ago
Only in the land down under..
TigerLily - 6 years ago
You do know that sharks aren’t inherently violent, right? They rarely attack humans and are incredibly misrepresented.
Foxy Bros 101
Foxy Bros 101 - 6 years ago
I like sharks!

10. comment for Killer sharks invade... golf course in Australia

Ben Pearce
Ben Pearce - 6 years ago
Do you no that it is a killa shark
Andrea Powell-Rowe
Andrea Powell-Rowe - 6 years ago
I hate sharks and sharks they are so scary with the teeth
Rob Banks
Rob Banks - 6 years ago
typical fucking Australians!
TorontoBalconyGardener Michael
TorontoBalconyGardener Michael - 6 years ago
Water hazards aren't that big wouldn't they run out of food pretty quick, or did they move them back where they came from?
Robby Stamper
Robby Stamper - 6 years ago
Only in Australia would golf be a life threatening dangerous sport
israe sihame
israe sihame - 6 years ago
psyched mushroom
psyched mushroom - 6 years ago
Sharks are NOT killers. WE are.
Calliya Dragonheart
Calliya Dragonheart - 6 years ago
The sharks just wanna play sum golfz
Ronove - 6 years ago
Obviously the sharks didn't read the no swimming sign!
Shokat shokat
Shokat shokat - 6 years ago

20. comment for Killer sharks invade... golf course in Australia

Deborah Catterall
Deborah Catterall - 6 years ago
Who collects the golf balls there?
RC - 6 years ago
golf sharks
Master of Sales
Master of Sales - 6 years ago
Hope the course is marketing the hell out of that!
Richard Jeffery
Richard Jeffery - 6 years ago
No swimming,is fishing allowed?
calmfocustruth - 6 years ago
See Aussie...the crocs eat the sharks...yep no worries. Aussie golf 'Water hazards' are no joke : )
Cat Mancuso
Cat Mancuso - 6 years ago
Aaron Barlow
Aaron Barlow - 6 years ago
Yeah nah I think I'll leave my ball in there thanks.
にゃんタワフキン - 6 years ago
GamesBy Monique
GamesBy Monique - 6 years ago
Mohammad Julhas
Mohammad Julhas - 6 years ago
Wow sopar very very nice vedio and very very dengar scene

30. comment for Killer sharks invade... golf course in Australia

Becca _ April
Becca _ April - 6 years ago
Where at? NSW,Vic, or what?
nick clayton
nick clayton - 6 years ago
That's normal in Australia sore a post on Facebook this morning the picture had a *CROCODILES HEAD *ONLY ITS HEAD WASHED UP ON THE BEACH then underneath was caption saying come to Australia where stuff eats CROCODILES
james anderson
james anderson - 6 years ago
Big x
Rupert Toomey
Rupert Toomey - 6 years ago
great but there is no video about the dingo
Jon Davis
Jon Davis - 6 years ago
If a shark is in the pond its only there cuz someone put him there he cant fukin get there by himself
Jon Davis
Jon Davis - 6 years ago
How the fuck is a shark in golf waters lol is this a pond?
Jon Davis
Jon Davis - 6 years ago
PMR220T yea leave it to Australia to have sharks in a pond
PMR220T - 6 years ago
Nick mesa
Nick mesa - 6 years ago
I wonder how the bullsharks got in there
AJ Lanterman
AJ Lanterman - 6 years ago
Ducks are like "Nope, not going into the water. Might as well become a penguin"
Bathtub_Jim - 6 years ago
Bull sharks foraging for rays and other foods, maybe a hand reaching in for a golf ball. Is there such thing as a shark mulligan?
michael happy
michael happy - 6 years ago
Wow talk about water hazards.
Top Rock
Top Rock - 6 years ago
$50 per ball collected...........GO
Miguel Loner
Miguel Loner - 6 years ago
Great.... Its like watching a horror movie as you play golf...
Sean Corcoran
Sean Corcoran - 6 years ago
Putin sponsored this video
Sudha Kashyap
Sudha Kashyap - 6 years ago
Hi very good
Jordan Brawley
Jordan Brawley - 6 years ago
It looked like a bull shark to me
Mr. Nibble Nips
Mr. Nibble Nips - 6 years ago
I'm going in to get my ball!
Richard w. Ogden
Richard w. Ogden - 6 years ago
My wife said drain the pond and toss the sharks into the ocean.
TheSwordOfChe - 6 years ago
Lol @ killer a golf course full of KILLER humans!...:\.....
Alyn Dugan
Alyn Dugan - 6 years ago
nakakatakot ang shark kaya mag ingat
Richard Weed
Richard Weed - 6 years ago
Now that's what I call a hazard.

50. comment for Killer sharks invade... golf course in Australia

Samantha Derksen
Samantha Derksen - 6 years ago
Bro the shark isn’t invading the golf course. It’s in the water, nothing it wrong. Seriously why people go in the ocean, and they see a shark they just assume it’s gonna kill them, ur invading their home. They were there long before humans were. If anything we invade their homes.
omkr 01
omkr 01 - 6 years ago
Is this where Ernst Stavro Blofeld plays golf?
Scarlett Szepova
Scarlett Szepova - 6 years ago
Scarlett Szepova
Scarlett Szepova - 6 years ago
leapord girl
leapord girl - 6 years ago
Ik this is mean but kill the shark before it kills a kid!!!!!.now!!!!
a b
a b - 6 years ago
Bull sharks are known to grab infants on land from mothers who are doing laundry in some rivers in Indonesia or somewhere like that
sassulusmagnus - 6 years ago
They knew there would be a handy supply of humans looking for golf balls in the pond.
luke woodhouse
luke woodhouse - 6 years ago
i live down the road from this course and it was washed in there when floods happened and it was removed when water levels got to low
Toner Likes Rice
Toner Likes Rice - 6 years ago
I can see a bull shark
hey its tanes gymnastics
hey its tanes gymnastics - 6 years ago
Omg i live in australia
Anton Antonson
Anton Antonson - 6 years ago
Why do you use the phrase "killer sharks"?
XxSadie CarterxX
XxSadie CarterxX - 6 years ago
YO! If I saw that shark in the first place I'd be out!
Софи шоу
Софи шоу - 6 years ago
Я здесь одна русская
Gió miền tây
Gió miền tây - 6 years ago
nguy hiểm quá
SuperEdge67 - 6 years ago
Bull sharks are very aggressive.
Alice Angel
Alice Angel - 7 years ago
I would've gone in the water
Nevenka Pajovic
Nevenka Pajovic - 7 years ago
Shawn Onephonesy
Shawn Onephonesy - 7 years ago
Freshwater bull shark
Maxx Madd
Maxx Madd - 7 years ago
Man about a they have sand crabs in the bunkers?
cubanace Simulations
cubanace Simulations - 7 years ago
oh common shark is just there to relax and enjoy humans play and hope one falls in LOL.
Luketeer Evans
Luketeer Evans - 7 years ago
“Killer” Sharks... are u kidding me?!
No worries mate
Lila Gordon
Lila Gordon - 7 years ago
First alligators.. now sharks.
Levkus - 7 years ago
Killer sharks.... are u serious?
Amy The Cat
Amy The Cat - 7 years ago
Looks like you're not gonna get your ball back
Shawn P
Shawn P - 7 years ago
You have to stick your foot in the water and wave it around, so then we could see you on the news talking about the water is infested with sharks and how you was viciously attacked and you are a hero cuz you survived
Tata Sukasta
Tata Sukasta - 7 years ago
MAC Productions
MAC Productions - 7 years ago
Subscribed! Thanks for sharing , check this bad boy out!!
SickPrid3 - 7 years ago
that's not very exciting news. Would be much more interesting if they were there to play golf
Brooklyn Maghoney (051bromagh)
Brooklyn Maghoney (051bromagh) - 7 years ago
Its gonna poop out golf balls 4 days. XD
Mary Perdue
Mary Perdue - 7 years ago
Ins zuvsubsjbsucbdisbsfx jvsyvwisbdtgsibsfbo dzcsjbsshbsovs sy I st su sg
Crown Commando
Crown Commando - 7 years ago
A ball in the water there is a lost stroke. Nobody's going to play it where it lies.
ruel santiago
ruel santiago - 7 years ago
ruel santiago
ruel santiago - 7 years ago
natuto ozamaki
natuto ozamaki - 7 years ago
This is why people get hurt cause they do stupid things like this it says there are sharks in the lake and what does he do when he sees one try to get close as possible
Epic Mattatron
Epic Mattatron - 7 years ago
And dumbass swims
Neon White
Neon White - 7 years ago
They must be feeding them
Nicole Turner
Nicole Turner - 7 years ago
No one knows Who this is
No one knows Who this is - 7 years ago
We’re gonna need a bigger club
Snow ebo
Snow ebo - 7 years ago
The shark is there because of people using bait to see the shark that’s why they thing were food.
Kilgore Trout
Kilgore Trout - 7 years ago
David Kelsey
David Kelsey - 7 years ago
Golf just got savage. Now add in dem sandwurms and we will have one hell of a game
SGTslappyhero XD
SGTslappyhero XD - 7 years ago
That shark is barely 10 ft.
tobi and deidara
tobi and deidara - 7 years ago
I love sharks
ناشونال جيوغرافيك ابو ظبي
ناشونال جيوغرافيك ابو ظبي - 7 years ago
55dogcraft minecraft
55dogcraft minecraft - 7 years ago
I was going to say it's someone trying to fool is but it's not wow
Selina Danny's to
Selina Danny's to - 7 years ago
55dogcraft minecraft
jrajkhowamenback - 7 years ago
Sharks are so cute!!!!
JackVoodoo - 7 years ago
200 pound mono 400 pound wire trace a penn rod and reel overhead combo and we are ready to go

100. comment for Killer sharks invade... golf course in Australia

Lachlan McMillan
Lachlan McMillan - 7 years ago
This is my local course
ii_SkylerGamingii l
ii_SkylerGamingii l - 7 years ago
I wish i could find shark..
KK Gacha
KK Gacha - 7 years ago
Plz don’t hurt. It btw the shark I meant don’t hurt the shark
OneLastCast - 7 years ago
I know bull sharks can live in freshwater and salt water but they have to keep on moving to keep the flow of oxygen through their gills so wouldn’t it be harder for the sharks in a pond? Because that’s the same reason why you don’t see great whites in tanks because they have to keep water going through there gills.
The Reincarnated
The Reincarnated - 7 years ago
why did this pop up: RT is funded in whole or in part by the Russian government
R Brinson
R Brinson - 7 years ago
Hey. You. Guys. Are. Fucking. Ass. Holes
vlugovsky - 7 years ago
Better than alligators! They can't run on land!
James Bromley
James Bromley - 7 years ago
Happy Gilmore 2..Trainer loses arm by shark
Jada Simpson
Jada Simpson - 7 years ago
that's super dumb who would go in the water with sharks dumb people who are not able to reach their golf ball xoxo sharks
Rock Lee
Rock Lee - 7 years ago
"Killer" sharks? What that shark did to you to threat him like that
Michael Edwards
Michael Edwards - 7 years ago
greg norman golf ball recovery service ph 1800shark
AbareKillerFan 2002
AbareKillerFan 2002 - 7 years ago
Why Australia has to be the most dangerous country in the world?
Alexa Blackburn
Alexa Blackburn - 7 years ago
Pistal Profession
Pistal Profession - 7 years ago
Sharks on a golf course...omg!!!!
Chris More
Chris More - 7 years ago
I'd say stay out of the water there
Tru Story
Tru Story - 7 years ago
contrerados - 7 years ago
I think that's one of Trump's golf courses...
Elżbieta Strzemecka
Elżbieta Strzemecka - 7 years ago
JESUS ARELLANO DE LA O - 7 years ago
Mexico no los comemos todos
Itwerk Sometimes
Itwerk Sometimes - 7 years ago
How tho that’s impossible
Jimmy Grey
Jimmy Grey - 7 years ago
Flood water washed them into the lake.
Rudini Ute
Rudini Ute - 7 years ago
Nex Wex
Nex Wex - 7 years ago
Full clip at single one of them.

-Others will get the message&disappear.
Anonymous User
Anonymous User - 7 years ago
I fucking hate when they call sharks killers
Rick M
Rick M - 7 years ago
I wonder how many golf balls it's swallowed
Jacob Batch
Jacob Batch - 7 years ago
That’s why I love it
Jacob Batch
Jacob Batch - 7 years ago
Australia:the one place where a crocodile can steal your lunch,and yet you continue eating
daryl purdy
daryl purdy - 7 years ago
I think they have just bunkered down for the meantime
Mycroft Holmes
Mycroft Holmes - 7 years ago
Hmm, bull sharks.
Logan Speight
Logan Speight - 7 years ago
It’s a 20 footer.. 25 3 tons of him.
Danny Branderson
Danny Branderson - 7 years ago
just looking for a birdie.
snaker gaming
snaker gaming - 7 years ago
Imagine your golf ball going into that pool of deadly sharks
Nisha Herr
Nisha Herr - 7 years ago
Wieso nennt ihr sie Killer sharks you're stupid
Gabrielle Sunshine Channel
Gabrielle Sunshine Channel - 7 years ago
Sure it’s a shark could be a dolphin
Elizabeth C
Elizabeth C - 7 years ago
then how to collect all the golf ball in the water then ?
Mark Dillow
Mark Dillow - 7 years ago
Well they can keep that golf ball
Veltryek V
Veltryek V - 7 years ago
They aren’t killer sharks they got there from the intense flooding in Brisbane
anticemetric - 7 years ago
Are you sure it’s no a dolphin? Or a guy with a shark fin ties to his back?
Did Ye Aye ?
Did Ye Aye ? - 7 years ago
How much money would you want to go in and collect that golf ball 0:50 ? LOL
Jenny Chen Chen
Jenny Chen Chen - 7 years ago
Why did you even jump inside
Matt Doherty
Matt Doherty - 7 years ago
The bull shark, not to be fucked with
MineBuild3XK - 7 years ago
i would LOVE to go their 1 cause i LOVE sharks and 2 i like (some times) playing golf
Fghgfnvfgh Ghyjgghj
Fghgfnvfgh Ghyjgghj - 7 years ago
Well I'm never going swimming again, I only will if I move country.

James Stimpson
James Stimpson - 7 years ago
I reckon lake balls are dearer than brand new titlists there.
Sam Sum
Sam Sum - 7 years ago
Bull shark?
Alyssa Murphy
Alyssa Murphy - 7 years ago
And of course the guy just sits there as the shark swims 2 ft away from him. Damn white people
Caroline Stonehouse
Caroline Stonehouse - 7 years ago
Australian just chill af.
Herbin' Avenger
Herbin' Avenger - 7 years ago
Gives a whole new meaning to the term, "water hazard".
LJ F - 7 years ago
Bullsharks.. and they are aggressive as fuck!!
Saul M
Saul M - 7 years ago
United States: we have crocodiles in our golf course.
Australia: hold my beer.
Andy Ward
Andy Ward - 7 years ago
I'm sure overfishing the ocean has nothing to do with this.
The Silent Flute
The Silent Flute - 7 years ago
I lost my girl to a half turkey, half crab in Australia....

Anyone else suffered an atrocity like this?
Angel GGB
Angel GGB - 7 years ago
Thats animal cruelty... that shallow Pond is not healthy for this animal, it's too shallow and very muddy....
Raffael Jonah Stevano
Raffael Jonah Stevano - 7 years ago
If the water is fw that means the shark is a bull shark
Jens Ebert
Jens Ebert - 7 years ago
Sonia Yanez
Sonia Yanez - 7 years ago
So big
Youtube Jarred 333
Youtube Jarred 333 - 7 years ago
Breauna Brown
Breauna Brown - 7 years ago
Um.... and why is a shark in a golf course?
Russell Coight
Russell Coight - 7 years ago
Breauna Brown nearby river flooded the course. When the floods subsided there were a few bullsharks in the lake.
stumbles 3
stumbles 3 - 7 years ago
Sophia Ambrose
Sophia Ambrose - 7 years ago
Angel Wood
Angel Wood - 7 years ago
Bruhh.... Nope....
Troy Padilla
Troy Padilla - 7 years ago
Wait how did it get there
Shyazreen Shaz
Shyazreen Shaz - 7 years ago
Hei bitch go swim with that shatk
cryptic pearl
cryptic pearl - 7 years ago
rip golf balls
Aman Yamani
Aman Yamani - 7 years ago
By the time chinese golfers are there the shark will be long gone
aiden savage 0
aiden savage 0 - 7 years ago
ascended ultra instinct goku
ascended ultra instinct goku - 7 years ago
I don't know what's worse jaws at the aquarium or a bull shark learning how to golf
Brian G
Brian G - 7 years ago
so if the ball goes into the water with sharks, is that a plus two hazard?
Devan McClaine
Devan McClaine - 7 years ago
Killer Sharks....LOL
OkiPuhno - 7 years ago
So sad how the sharks have infested Hawaiian and Australian water, they should really start breeding Orcas in these areas they'll clean out the sharks in no time. #Mahalo
C-Klass - 7 years ago
Bull sharks eat anything too.  I wonder how many golf balls they eat in the course of a day?
nick peter
nick peter - 7 years ago
I thought gators in florida were bad. Fucking Australia has sharks crocodile's, snakes and spiders....Australia wins(and loses).
ringo pattison
ringo pattison - 7 years ago
what a whopper it must have been at least 15 inches long, defo a killer shark
Lee Scott
Lee Scott - 7 years ago
Young tiger?dosn't look like white or bull hard to get a look though, for my eyes anyhow.
Russell Coight
Russell Coight - 7 years ago
Lee Scott they're bull sharks, the got in the lake when the logan river flooded. Bull sharks are really common around here.
Mr Destruction
Mr Destruction - 7 years ago
One of you maniacs out there, go drop your nuts on a sharks head hahaha...Now that would be youtubin
Reece Jones aka iiSnipers420
Reece Jones aka iiSnipers420 - 7 years ago
Haha so cool
Elizabeth Hodge
Elizabeth Hodge - 7 years ago
Here shark here shark LOL
Pugsy life77
Pugsy life77 - 7 years ago
Lol "invade"
Christy Mitchell
Christy Mitchell - 7 years ago
Why don't people remove the shark? Put it back in the ocean?
Russell Coight
Russell Coight - 7 years ago
They came from the Logan river not the sea.
DraceEmpressa - 7 years ago
depends it is an adult or young... young bull sharks live in river anyway. If they do reproduce there, it saves the female effort to travel to rivers from the sea.
Christy Mitchell
Christy Mitchell - 7 years ago
No I mean it just looks like it’s struggling to swim since the water looks shallow. I figured it’d be happier in the sea.
DraceEmpressa - 7 years ago
why? they are content for living in there. Bullsharks can live in fresh water fine. besides, the course's management would feed them .
Vincino Gstar
Vincino Gstar - 7 years ago
I'm surprised some asshole hasn't seeded lakes with these bastards yet since they can live in both fresh & salty waters ... I only swim in lakes because their is nothing in a lake that can eat me. Fuck the ocean won't go near it!! Terrible bloody place
Vincino Gstar
Vincino Gstar - 7 years ago
Bull Shark! Might look small but that fucker will rip you to pieces !!! Guarntee you losing a limb!
La Wanda Cooper
La Wanda Cooper - 7 years ago
Bull sharks can live in fresh water
PUG - 7 years ago
How does a shark get there in the first place
Russell Coight
Russell Coight - 7 years ago
ShadesDoubleXX nearby river flooded the course.
Kyle Christiansen
Kyle Christiansen - 7 years ago
Dayofthedaleks152 - 7 years ago
welcome to Australia
jenny misteqq
jenny misteqq - 7 years ago
Why can't you swim there?
degenerate - 7 years ago
ik im late, but what if we drop the golf ball into the water?
Tom Cat
Tom Cat - 7 years ago
Obviously those sharks were trying to boycott that useless sport of yours.
Ali Al Hajeri
Ali Al Hajeri - 7 years ago
Gives a whole new meaning too Hazard...
Conman - 7 years ago
Why are they "killer" sharks? Nothing was mentioned about them killing someone.
Alexander Wingeskog
Alexander Wingeskog - 7 years ago
Wow, was that an albatross? nope it was a shark in one!
Peace Monger
Peace Monger - 7 years ago
What a load of bullshit.
Michelle Clough
Michelle Clough - 7 years ago
Who disliked this? Lol.
Debbie Joyner
Debbie Joyner - 7 years ago
no..don't think..I will go there
Debbie Joyner
Debbie Joyner - 7 years ago
no..don't think..I will go there
ToonandBBfan - 7 years ago
They'll have Death Adders in the 7th hole next?
Sergio Jimenez
Sergio Jimenez - 7 years ago
Only in Australia
2112 Bangkok
2112 Bangkok - 7 years ago
he could snatch your ass before you could say, "4!"
selfan4evr - 7 years ago
I'd let him play through if I were you!
Alex J
Alex J - 7 years ago
Fuckin Australia..
Randy H
Randy H - 7 years ago
Bull sharks probably use it as a nursery
CRS - 7 years ago
Greg Norman returns!
robert smith
robert smith - 7 years ago
you got a birdy, and eagle , now you can have a shark, that could determinied by how many limbs you have left after the shot.
Brian Waters
Brian Waters - 7 years ago
Killer shark? Pretty sure they're just sharks.
gamer TJplayz
gamer TJplayz - 7 years ago
I think his snack is golf balls
futebolcapixabatv - 7 years ago
Title should be: Killer sharks invade golf course in...Australia
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Bureau of Investigation - 7 years ago
imagine if you dropped your 100$ golf ball in that pond
ArtificialSoul - 7 years ago
Are those lemon sharks?
sevenrats - 7 years ago
How about sharks trapped surrounded by killer humans.
A random person
A random person - 7 years ago
ANTHONY VENENO - 7 years ago
these people are idiots they should kill all of those sharks
Shockwave - 7 years ago
Anthony Sonido No keep them in. They're not killers. They're just normal animals.
Jacob Garner
Jacob Garner - 7 years ago
Anthony Sonido no
Darren Morgan
Darren Morgan - 7 years ago
Hit it with golf balls he fuck off then
scrat 437
scrat 437 - 7 years ago
A REAL water HAZARD!:)
Daniel Tobin
Daniel Tobin - 7 years ago
Only in Australia
hadz Smith
hadz Smith - 7 years ago
wheres happy gilmore to get my ball and sort that bastard out
Username - 7 years ago
KILLER SHARKS puts hand in water with Go-Pro
KelpNougatCrunch - 7 years ago
killer russians invade ukraine
Duda Reacts
Duda Reacts - 7 years ago
Wait I though that sarks live in the ocean
Chris Chu
Chris Chu - 7 years ago
2 things:

1. Sharks aren't killers, they hunt for food - humans are killers.

2. If anyone invaded anything, it's the human building a golf course in nature.
Meme Cream
Meme Cream - 7 years ago
A flood happened and the sharks appeared there and they breed
Ian Babcock
Ian Babcock - 7 years ago
Right, the final hole is on that island in the middle of a shark infested pond.
Nick Guegel
Nick Guegel - 7 years ago
Only in Australia
Richard Helliwell
Richard Helliwell - 7 years ago
What next? Sand boas in the bunkers? Landmines? It would certainly make it more of a spectator sport. Golf is SO DULL!
andrew gibson
andrew gibson - 7 years ago
That's a HOLEYSHIT in one
Christy Mitchell
Christy Mitchell - 7 years ago
Ok here's my question; did they at least remove the shark and put it back in the sea or a more appropriate living environment? For the well being of the shark and reassurance for the golfers
TenzoG - 7 years ago
Just add chlorx bleach and your done! The sharks are dead.
Mr. Panzer Tigrr
Mr. Panzer Tigrr - 7 years ago
They won't have no food so they are gonna die
Russell Coight
Russell Coight - 7 years ago
They stock the lake with fish, the sharks have been there 5+ years and have started breeding.
Sonic DaHedgehog
Sonic DaHedgehog - 7 years ago
how the hell did they get a shark in to a golf lake
SerhatAydogan - 7 years ago
This is why I hate golf..
TheXtro101 - 7 years ago
Cocinando a la uruguaya con ro
Cocinando a la uruguaya con ro - 7 years ago
australia que pais mas bizarro te muerde un perro y moris envenenado
Blasco de Castiglione
Blasco de Castiglione - 7 years ago
picturesque the australian's golf
Ted7864 - 7 years ago
The sharks are there to protect you from the crocodiles
matt prescott
matt prescott - 7 years ago
I like the way you shot and put that video together. nice job
GettnBooted - 7 years ago
James Barker
James Barker - 7 years ago
Well...F it. That ball's gone
D. Dalb
D. Dalb - 7 years ago
Even adding a shark still made this golf video boring
finity mccarthy
finity mccarthy - 7 years ago
KILLER SHARKS?? as opposed to what? passive aggressive sharks
Seventh Sign Soldier
Seventh Sign Soldier - 7 years ago
Big bull shark
Mr. Fish the frog
Mr. Fish the frog - 7 years ago
Because why not?
Mike - 7 years ago
Guided Meditation
Guided Meditation - 7 years ago
Maybe they like to collect the golf balls.
Ali Alrashidi
Ali Alrashidi - 7 years ago
is that a tiger shark? * giggles...get it!! tiger !! golf course ..tehee
The King Of Copper
The King Of Copper - 7 years ago
Me:we're gonna need a bigger camera
Jon Walsh
Jon Walsh - 7 years ago
fake news!
Geoff Overfield
Geoff Overfield - 7 years ago
What exactly made that shark a killer??  Bullshit labels like this are what put a bad stigma on some of the most amazing creatures on the planet!  You should educate yourself - sharks aren't man-eaters.  They're apex predators that keep our oceans healthy; they're an extremely vital piece of our ecosystem, and courtesy of Hollywood, people are terrified of them and want to hunt them...  Smh.
GTA5 MİNECRAFT PE ÖMER - 7 years ago
hungry Shark
Chewbecca101 - 7 years ago
Safer than alligators!
Hush Whisper
Hush Whisper - 7 years ago
God is real, I found proof. Please come see what I found on Google
Earth. You will be surprised what you've been standing on but never
Jonathan Laplace
Jonathan Laplace - 7 years ago
That's a new definition to water hazard. Lol
Wyse Aroma
Wyse Aroma - 7 years ago
Everything wants to eat you in Australia mahn...!
Gabriel Mascitti
Gabriel Mascitti - 7 years ago
why killer?
Ocean Runner
Ocean Runner - 7 years ago
Time to cull sharks. Fish stocks are down, shark numbers are up. Sharks being at the top of the ocean food chain are now coming in closer and attacking humans. Time to adjust the shark numbers. :-).
whatever happens happens
whatever happens happens - 7 years ago
oh dear a shark in some water how strange
Lawrence Long
Lawrence Long - 7 years ago
that a bull shark
Fonsi H1Z1 and more!
Fonsi H1Z1 and more! - 7 years ago
What do the sharks even eat
PLO 8 - 7 years ago
In my opinion its a Goldfish, what you think?
Alung Boy
Alung Boy - 7 years ago
i do better hit the shark with the balls.
hakan mavruk
hakan mavruk - 7 years ago
i wanna go fishing their
2mwillis - 7 years ago
I wonder how many sharks are in there. Like would you stand a chance at all swimming from one side to the other?
2mwillis - 7 years ago
This is honestly one of my real life nightmares come true.
tonyfox21 - 7 years ago
i love Australia
Rad Dog
Rad Dog - 8 years ago
"Killer sharks"
Blooming Accents Blooming Accents
Blooming Accents Blooming Accents - 8 years ago
why dont they remove it?
Mr Zeus
Mr Zeus - 8 years ago
Bull sharks? Dangerous as fuck
Timmy the Fucking Troll
Timmy the Fucking Troll - 8 years ago
This gives "water hazard" a whole new meaning.
kjell sandnes
kjell sandnes - 8 years ago
KILL IT before it breeds there ok in the ocean but not rivers
artisansportsman - 8 years ago
You need your wits about you in Australia, you are really on the menu
Davy Wang
Davy Wang - 8 years ago
there're crocodiles, sharks in the golf ponds. maybe golf is a kind of extreme sports in the future.
Rob S.
Rob S. - 8 years ago
forget the sharks, saltwater crocs are the main concern in the water
TomWookieeD - 8 years ago
dumb fuck, you freed them they'll come back. fucking idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!
PeterGamerBaileyMarshall charlie
PeterGamerBaileyMarshall charlie - 8 years ago
I fort it was fake but it's real
luv3daysgrace1 - 8 years ago
Put some freakin lasers on their heads
Thompson Family Vlogs
Thompson Family Vlogs - 8 years ago
be safe buddy
Norman pisani
Norman pisani - 8 years ago
I didn't know golf was played in the water!?!
jordan park
jordan park - 8 years ago
You'd need balls to get you balls back
LKNANML - 8 years ago
This is why used recovered balls are now 10 bucks more expensive.
1Million Subcribers
1Million Subcribers - 8 years ago
Forget the sharks, forget the alligators that could be on the course, those geese will attack you for no reason thats what id be scared of
珈琲牛乳 - 8 years ago
I'll give up to picking up lost balls
Alba M
Alba M - 8 years ago
How did the shark get there?
Ryan Gordon
Ryan Gordon - 8 years ago
save it so crule it needs to be transferred back to the ocean the bull shark keeps swimming around the shallows trying to find a passage out to free waters
Deep_and_ Deep1
Deep_and_ Deep1 - 8 years ago
nikaragua! shark!! no!!! no!!
151Gattlin - 8 years ago
It must ve been the sharks last ball. Had to go in after it..
Michael Edwards
Michael Edwards - 8 years ago
They couldn't get Greg Norman so they got a bull shark instead of a great white
Dalton Hill
Dalton Hill - 8 years ago
Chuck Norris's koi pond
Francis Figer
Francis Figer - 8 years ago
what thas he says on second 24 ?
BrAD Strayer
BrAD Strayer - 8 years ago
I've heard of water hazards but damn
Stephan Venner
Stephan Venner - 8 years ago
Yeah,Golf is a dangerous Sport. Too many Sharks!
Stephan Venner
Stephan Venner - 8 years ago
Why Killer?
Matt F
Matt F - 8 years ago
Stephan Venner. Scummy clickbait
ffp08 - 8 years ago
RT steals old videos and puts their water marks all over them.
Those sharks were sent by the White House right, RT??!!! You buncha fuckin' scum...
ShopkinsLPSKids Play
ShopkinsLPSKids Play - 8 years ago
Amazing vid
undeadpresident - 8 years ago
Golf is such a elitist wasteful sport.  It is boring and stupid as well.  Fuck golf.
AttilatheThrilla - 8 years ago
As long as they don't invade the land I'm fine with them in the water.
Venom Venom
Venom Venom - 6 years ago
NotSo FatCat sharks don't have feet like crocodiles do how you think they would
Make up girl 360
Make up girl 360 - 6 years ago
AttilatheThrilla 0
Sara Trabin
Sara Trabin - 6 years ago
AttilatheThrilla מידיאןהכצהכחל
เชียง แก้วจันทวงษา
เชียง แก้วจันทวงษา - 6 years ago
AttilatheThrilla ที่
matt61387 - 6 years ago
Wouldn’t surprise me. Bull sharks are adaptable as hell as well as mean bastards. They can survive breathing air for a bit, tolerate fresh water very well, and they’re small enough to be pretty maneuverable while still big enough to hunt large prey.
Summer Dillow
Summer Dillow - 7 years ago
AttilatheThrilla same
Zvonko Pavše
Zvonko Pavše - 7 years ago
AttilatheThrilla DlnozaRa
black aussie
black aussie - 7 years ago
Nex Wex
Nex Wex - 7 years ago
How about US cops?
Ivaneide Santos
Ivaneide Santos - 7 years ago
AttilatheThrilla jiruekeir
NotSo FatCat
NotSo FatCat - 7 years ago
AttilatheThrilla they do some times
Michael Collier
Michael Collier - 8 years ago
You don't see any for ages then FORE!!!
James Calley
James Calley - 8 years ago
Can see a real life sharknado scene happening there, big fake titted, blonde , rich golfer chick bends over to get her ball out the water, and out comes the bull shark and rips her tit off.
Karen St John
Karen St John - 8 years ago
I'll take a mulligan...
David Fuller
David Fuller - 8 years ago
Ludo Wolff
Ludo Wolff - 8 years ago
Extra prevention for cheaters who lose their balls in the water and think they can simply swing on the same hit when they get it out of the water.. ;)
Gio Axe
Gio Axe - 8 years ago
In Soviet Australia....
Olliver Tjon Soei Len
Olliver Tjon Soei Len - 8 years ago
Howtobasic can attack those sharks by throwing eggs
DrIncognito - 8 years ago
no thanks.
wiz b
wiz b - 8 years ago
looks like a bull shark
Miley Sawler
Miley Sawler - 8 years ago
which part of Australia
Diamond Butter
Diamond Butter - 8 years ago
Crike! Mate there's a big all shock in the water
Diamond Butter
Diamond Butter - 8 years ago
* shock
Diamond Butter
Diamond Butter - 8 years ago
Shock not a typo
Milan Kraguljac
Milan Kraguljac - 8 years ago
how are that many sharks living with very little food? maybe they have adapted to eat golf balls?
DraceEmpressa - 7 years ago
pretty sure with the sharks being the course's appeal , the manager would feed them anyway
The Rex life
The Rex life - 8 years ago
Pretty sure they've been eating anything for a while now...
Blue Pepper
Blue Pepper - 8 years ago
Raven Dunbar I don't think any shark is above cannibalism.
Raven Dunbar
Raven Dunbar - 8 years ago
They could be eating birds that land in the water or other small animals that get too close, plus Bull Sharks are not above cannibalism. lol
TheWholeSystemisFckd - 8 years ago
+Devious Doggo Unless they showed up about to give birth, I'm not sure how recently it could have been if they were really reproducing like it says in the description
Blue Pepper
Blue Pepper - 8 years ago
TheWholeSystemisFckd They probably recently got there and will die out soon.
TheWholeSystemisFckd - 8 years ago
That's the first thing I thought. What food source is in those ponds? Whatever little fish there might have been the sharks have surely gone through. Unless humans are feeding them, they can't possibly be sustained there
hoplite46 - 8 years ago
No diving for lost golf balls then?
Alan Morales
Alan Morales - 8 years ago
they should put a fence at least
Jacob Hayes
Jacob Hayes - 8 years ago
cool!!!. i think it is a bull shark
Missy Graley
Missy Graley - 8 years ago
Golf course invades Australia`s landscape!
SupergamingTV - 8 years ago
They're gonna need a bigger cart
Tomek Lichosyt
Tomek Lichosyt - 6 years ago
SupergamingTV iwoe
Molly Thomas
Molly Thomas - 7 years ago
my thoughts exactly lol
Enz Und So
Enz Und So - 7 years ago
There’s always gotta be someone with this comment under a shark video XD this one was good though XD
mrvonfukustein - 8 years ago
nicely done. lol
Karen Love
Karen Love - 8 years ago
SupergamingTV lol
sharky munnelly YT da 1st
sharky munnelly YT da 1st - 8 years ago
SupergamingTV yeah you copied it from jaws your gonna need a bigger boat
May Alpatty
May Alpatty - 8 years ago
JJDBaca - 8 years ago
Ha! I see what you did there.
BeTa Re-Zero
BeTa Re-Zero - 8 years ago
MegaPhiloBeddoe - 8 years ago
Looks like a nice day for a swim...
kepala gundul
kepala gundul - 8 years ago
What species of shark are they?How do they live in fresh water?
Spentastic - 8 years ago
Bull sharks is the species. They are known to live in both salt and fresh water. They have been found from the open ocean to hundreds of miles up the Amazon river
shark challenges/vlogs
shark challenges/vlogs - 8 years ago
if i could get a better look at it i could identify it, but the water was to turbid
shark challenges/vlogs
shark challenges/vlogs - 8 years ago
yes, the brackish shark can't live in purely fresh water, but a salt water and fresh water mix they can live in. the bull shark is the only true fresh water dweller
Russell Coight
Russell Coight - 8 years ago
+shark challenges/vlogs I live in Brisbane near where this is filmed. There are lots of different sharks in the rivers, they're brackish waters here not pure fresh.
shark challenges/vlogs
shark challenges/vlogs - 8 years ago
i found out later it was a bull shark because they are one of the only sharks that can swim up rivers.
John Boltman
John Boltman - 8 years ago
Bull sharks
Russell Coight
Russell Coight - 8 years ago
I on the Brisbane river, close to where this golf course is. Mainly bull sharks but often shovelnose, bronze whalers etc probably over half a dozen species. The rivers here aren't fresh they're brackish even far upstream.
shark challenges/vlogs
shark challenges/vlogs - 8 years ago
their not commonly known to swim up rivers, but they can. their has only been a few spotted in rivers. but also the tiger shark, and the bonnet nose shark can live in fresh water to.
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 8 years ago
+shark challenges/vlogs
So what is the Ganges Shark? An over blown goldfish?
shark challenges/vlogs
shark challenges/vlogs - 8 years ago
i know that. because they are the only sharks that swim up rivers +GeneralKenobiSIYE
General Obi Wan Kenobi
General Obi Wan Kenobi - 8 years ago
Bull Sharks, duh!
Joe B
Joe B - 8 years ago
bull shark
Russell Coight
Russell Coight - 8 years ago
To expand on that our rivers here (near these sharks) are brackish, we caught a stone fish recently in a cast net in a creek about 40kms inland! Some sharks live in brackish water and water skiing far up the Brisbane river I've seen bottle nose dolphins once.
Mariana Long
Mariana Long - 8 years ago
+shark challenges/vlogs Anytime!:)
shark challenges/vlogs
shark challenges/vlogs - 8 years ago
+Mariana L
okay, thanks for the information :) at least i know that now.
Mariana Long
Mariana Long - 8 years ago
+shark challenges/vlogs hi! no, tiger sharks can't. The two types of shark that can swim in fresh water are the river sharks, Glyphis, which swim exclusively in freshwater and the bull shark which is the only shark than can swim in salt water & in
fresh water :)
shark challenges/vlogs
shark challenges/vlogs - 8 years ago
and rarely tigers least i thought, but i may be wrong.+Mariana L
Mariana Long
Mariana Long - 8 years ago
+gnarkillkicksass yeah and also because bull sharks are the only sharks that swim up rivers :)
Russell Coight
Russell Coight - 8 years ago
They're bull sharks. It's near were I live and the local university studies and monitors them.
shark challenges/vlogs
shark challenges/vlogs - 8 years ago
+Mariana L
thanks! love the encouragement :)
Mariana Long
Mariana Long - 8 years ago
Good on you! Love sharks too, keep up the good work
shark challenges/vlogs
shark challenges/vlogs - 8 years ago
k thanks! i am trying to memorize and study all of the 500 sharks in the ocean, well at least the ones we have discovered. i am studying to be a shark biologist!+Mariana L
Mariana Long
Mariana Long - 8 years ago
bull shark
Keescanadees - 8 years ago
This is Russian Propaganda.
James Evans
James Evans - 8 years ago
These fuckers got very high levels of testosterone. Basically don't fuck with me
FalconAviator64 - 8 years ago
Now thats a "Hazard"
GracieTheBest Gracie
GracieTheBest Gracie - 8 years ago
My uncle lives in Australia and he wrestles sharks but they don't hurt him bc one time he wrestled a big white in California
jmatt4life - 8 years ago
Bizarrely AWESOME!!!
vacantplanet - 8 years ago
feed 'em golfers
Taco Bros
Taco Bros - 8 years ago
If I was their I would beat the Sharks up with a golf club
Rachel Howarth
Rachel Howarth - 8 years ago
I love how it says "killer sharks INVADE". Dude, it's the fucking water. Sharks live in it. Humans are invading their territory.
Phillip Pasteur
Phillip Pasteur - 6 years ago
Rachel Howarth What an idiot you are, criticizing his title! You're a stupid jerk!
Nani Nani Latha
Nani Nani Latha - 6 years ago
T Rex
T Rex - 6 years ago
Great whites are EVERYWHERE. So if you are going to get bit anywhere doing anything in the water chances are you are going to get bit by a large migratory predator which would be the white... and they are more likely to cause a fatality than smaller sharks when they do. Many more people are likely to have died to white pointers. But that happens at sea and is not documented. They simple got eaten and written off as lost at sea, when ole pointy gets em.

If you were going to get into the water, particularly murky water, with any of those fish, the bull shark would be number one dangerous shark.
Chip Douglas
Chip Douglas - 6 years ago
Lighten up rachel atleast the thumbnail wasn't clickbait like every other youtube video
Bruce Bartman
Bruce Bartman - 7 years ago
Bull sharks are the only species that are adapted to swim in salt or fresh water. In the USA, bull shark's were found in the St. Louis area in the Mississippi river. That is quite a distance from the Gulf of Mexico. They are listed as the #3 dangerous shark after the Great White and Tiger shark.
T Rex
T Rex - 7 years ago
If you think sharks naturally occur in a man made lake you might as well think that an octopus naturally occurs in a bottle of coca cola.
gaming HD
gaming HD - 7 years ago
Rachel Howarth thats very true
T Rex
T Rex - 7 years ago
It's probably a man made lake. Want to re-evaluate that?
Kam.Gamer 262
Kam.Gamer 262 - 7 years ago
ohalistair lol
MrPoggsify - 7 years ago
Rachel Howarth it’s a pond. They put it in there
Ramon Garcia
Ramon Garcia - 7 years ago
How is it theirs then
jagdverband44 - 7 years ago
I live near this golf course, and the sharks got into the water hazards when a nearby river flooded and put the golf course under water for several days. When the flood waters receded, some sharks were cut off from the river, and survived to thrive in the water trap.
OH MY GOD, BEES! - 8 years ago
Ok everyone, I don't think the shark walked on land and plopped itself in that man made pond. Humans probably put it in there. It doesn't matter whether or not the pond I was man made. So yeah, the title is very misleading.
TADionysus - 8 years ago
actually this is on a golf course so this is a man made lake so the shark invaded it actually and this chark is a bull shark only shark that can live in fresh water and its more of a scavenger shark then a killer
Terminator5000 - 8 years ago
still, dumb clickbait title, not liking or subbing because of that.
Terminator5000 - 8 years ago
@rachel...... yes, the age of disinformation is great isnt it? however shopkins is right, bulls and tigers will attack humans cause they are relatively dumb. they arent smart like great whites and makos huge intelligence difference.
Terminator5000 - 8 years ago
@violent, mainly bulls. others cant be in fresh water.....that i know of.
Violent_Jiggler - 8 years ago
Right. I completely forgot sharks are indigenous to all water. Found five in the campus pool years ago and one was even in that glass of water I left out on the counter yesterday!
Fascinating creatures, sharks.
ShopkinsLPSKids Play
ShopkinsLPSKids Play - 8 years ago
It's a bull shark. they do attack humans. I think it's an amazing video as the shark is clearly in freshwater.
Vladimir Suarez
Vladimir Suarez - 8 years ago
That's only because the club membership fees are so steep.
Banjo Peppers
Banjo Peppers - 8 years ago
Golf course water hazards aren't usual shark territory, though.
derfriedman - 8 years ago
This is what came to your mind after watching the video? Amazing. Did you forget your meds?
vPaxton !
vPaxton ! - 8 years ago
Vladimir Suarez
Vladimir Suarez - 8 years ago
yes, we are.
1784werewolf - 8 years ago
was about to post the same comment
bill sand
bill sand - 8 years ago
+ohalistair that's right the treaty was signed in the early 1800's!
ohalistair - 8 years ago
Oh yeah, Australian sharks are a very advanced species.
Rachel Howarth
Rachel Howarth - 8 years ago
oh, I do apologise. I didn't realise sharks could read and write now xD
ohalistair - 8 years ago
No, the sharks had signed a treaty saying they wouldn't go into man made waters, such as golf courses and pools, and the sharks broke that treaty.
prankster/hunter #1
prankster/hunter #1 - 8 years ago
What are you doing thats some shallow water with sharks SHARK FISHING TIME BABY!!!!!!
Sunsetter678 - 8 years ago
Ain't NOBODY gonna retrieve those balls! LOL....Freaky!
KAYLBH - 8 years ago
que w
Grand Gousier
Grand Gousier - 8 years ago
How is that possible ? oO Where did they come from ?
bustin justin
bustin justin - 8 years ago
+AntiMessiah Not sure. No need really. And besides, you wanna jump in and fish them out.
AntiMessiah - 8 years ago
+bustin justin Can the authorities not put it back in the wild?
bustin justin
bustin justin - 8 years ago
After heavy rain the river flooded, the sharks made it to the water hazard and got trapped when the water receded. It happens in the canals of the Gold Coast sometimes too. Bull sharks are a bit special in that they can survive in fresh water as well as salt water.
Brown Trout
Brown Trout - 8 years ago
You can keep my Titleist I'll pass on retrieving it
NiloNutz - 8 years ago
I hope the just prefer fresh water to attacks can happen in lakes
ShopkinsLPSKids Play
ShopkinsLPSKids Play - 8 years ago
New Jersey 1916
Cedric Albiez
Cedric Albiez - 8 years ago
if you wanna win the turnament you gotta go get the ball to play on ;D!
MrBoJangles - 8 years ago
It's cute
se7en1976 - 8 years ago
Just don't bring your toddlers and hang out by the edge
Amy The Cat
Amy The Cat - 7 years ago
T Rex nah, it wouldnt be a meal. More like a 'fun size' candy bar.
T Rex
T Rex - 7 years ago
Why not. Even bullshark gotta eat.
This Boy LOL
This Boy LOL - 8 years ago
It's a shark dumass
Johny Ransome
Johny Ransome - 8 years ago
shark steak is yummy....
IWroteThis - 8 years ago
Well the sharks won't attack any lawyers at the club.
Professional courtesy.
Costa del Artlepool
Costa del Artlepool - 6 years ago
harii plays
harii plays - 8 years ago
How many have been hit on the head with a golf balls
david hartigan
david hartigan - 7 years ago
harii playsp
Mukesh Sageathiya
Mukesh Sageathiya - 7 years ago
harii plays
David Gibson
David Gibson - 7 years ago
harii plays lol
Christina Rodriguez
Christina Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Greg Anthonyjh Sonidom
Greg Anthonyjh Sonidom - 8 years ago
Diana Giles
Diana Giles - 8 years ago
bull shark most dangerous
Ellis Quinn
Ellis Quinn - 8 years ago
Imagine this:

"oh look my golf ball just landed in the lake, let me go fetch it" Says Joe confidently.
He walks straight past a sing saying: KILLER SHARKS. He wades in and grabs the ball.
"YES!!!!" He says...

A small fin moves through the water towards him. The bull shark chomps down on his leg, blood sprays everywhere, he screams as he is Bleeding to death. His face sinks beneath the red surface...
Ellis Quinn
Ellis Quinn - 8 years ago
+Panther Johnson Thank u.
Panther Johnson
Panther Johnson - 8 years ago
+Ellis Quinn I could see it happening because honestly, at a golf course who thinks that the killer shark warning sign is anything but a funny gimmick.
Ellis Quinn
Ellis Quinn - 8 years ago
+vickram aditya Still was it a good story?
vickram aditya
vickram aditya - 8 years ago
That's stupidest imagination ever not cool and not funny
Martin Lang
Martin Lang - 8 years ago
Bull shark...the bite just mauls the prey. Nasty
The Lost Aardvark
The Lost Aardvark - 8 years ago
Is this salt water?
Kalila Chan
Kalila Chan - 8 years ago
it'll be fresh... as mentioned there was a flood and they got In to the lakes via rivers. Bull Sharks can live in fresh and salty water
jacksparrowismydaddy - 8 years ago
welp water hazzards got more interesting
Connor Weiss
Connor Weiss - 8 years ago
that be awesome 2 play there
Matt Bhone
Matt Bhone - 8 years ago
Not reel
Davey Toogood
Davey Toogood - 8 years ago
Did anyone see it on the news
Steven Inouye
Steven Inouye - 9 years ago
so if you accidentally fall in you can just be fucked. They get so close to the shore. 0.0
James Calley
James Calley - 8 years ago
Your right dude,if you fell in there,or tried to swim across youd be fucked,they are bull sharks and live in dirty brackish water,there have been a couple of attacks in the canals there, those fuckers are the real deal.
Sándor Gombai
Sándor Gombai - 8 years ago
You never know if feeding them is better or leaving them hungry.
Just imagine that they feel "beat beat beat" (feet around the lake) and then hurray, meat appears in the water... this repeats a couple of times. Then after some "beats", somebody falls in.
Pavlov's shark.
Steven Inouye
Steven Inouye - 8 years ago
I hope they feed them all very well
Tommy Orr Jr
Tommy Orr Jr - 8 years ago
+Steven Inouye you just get out straight away is all
bennitori4 - 9 years ago
How? It's a frigging golf course.
Brown Trout
Brown Trout - 8 years ago
5-foot Bull Shark caught in Alton, Illinois (just outside of St. Louis) and there are reports of a few Bull Sharks making it as far north as Minnesota. Its unlikely that a Bull Shark could make it much further toward Lake Michigan. They don’t really like water temperatures below 68 degrees .
Robyn Nunya
Robyn Nunya - 8 years ago
Bull sharks live in both salt and fresh water, gees dont they teach you kids anything these days?They can be found long distances up rivers even in the US do a little research some time
Nic Green
Nic Green - 8 years ago
since when are golf course lake's salt water?
Robyn Nunya
Robyn Nunya - 8 years ago
I live about half a mile from this golf course they washed in during a flood from a local river
Russell Coight
Russell Coight - 8 years ago
+Zyklon - Drake. I think GW is important but our rivers in the region have been flooding since the 1800s.
Typhoon - Dark Blue.
Typhoon - Dark Blue. - 8 years ago
+gnarkillkicksass Suddenly Global Warming seems much more urgent.
Russell Coight
Russell Coight - 8 years ago
+bennitori4 It's right next to the Logan River on the coast so when the river flooded so did the golf course. When the flood subsided taa daa, sharks stuck in the lake.
Rae Bey
Rae Bey - 9 years ago
+John Grayson lol
John Grayson
John Grayson - 9 years ago
7 under par is a bull shark, and the 16th hole is a par 8. Some bastard hit an amazing hole in one and spawned sharks.
TheWolf22t - 9 years ago
+bennitori4 There was flooding and some juvenile sharks got swept into the lake from nearby rivers
John Kenney
John Kenney - 9 years ago
that shark fin look ah so tasty
Tywin Lannister
Tywin Lannister - 9 years ago
+HI BUDDY WAZ UP So edgy man.
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah - 9 years ago
Killer shark? More like sand bar shark swimming in saltwater golf course which is next to the ocean? Borrrrrrring
Tommy Orr Jr
Tommy Orr Jr - 8 years ago
+Yeah yeah Its a lake, bullsharks can live in both. This is on wikipedia this place. look it up. Its got 6 bullsharks in that lake.
Jeff Keith
Jeff Keith - 9 years ago
+Yeah yeah They were bull sharks, they can survive brackish water. They have been found 70 kilometres up the Brisbane River from the mouth. It's a breeding area for them.
Wild Suburbia UK
Wild Suburbia UK - 9 years ago
Brilliant footage of bull sharks they certainly improve the game of golf.
Jonjo Collins
Jonjo Collins - 9 years ago
crazy man
Carmelo Jimenez
Carmelo Jimenez - 9 years ago
Hand Me That Spear Bro!!!
Meade Music
Meade Music - 9 years ago
How can anyone live in Australia?
Tommy Orr Jr
Tommy Orr Jr - 8 years ago
+Meade Skelton Because we breathe air like the rest of the world. Oh and we have to eat food and drink water also.
M Smith
M Smith - 9 years ago
+Meade Skelton Aussies learn from an early age what environments are likely to harbour nasty creatures that will eat / bite / sting you to death.
Justro Ling
Justro Ling - 9 years ago
And of course it's in Australia
campbell boys
campbell boys - 6 years ago
I'm Australian
Christian Mena s
Christian Mena s - 7 years ago
Justro Ling I
Zahlz 26
Zahlz 26 - 7 years ago
Justro Ling I’m Australian
Iqbal Ahmed
Iqbal Ahmed - 7 years ago
Justro Ling
Come hemi orange iohristiam Nicodemus
Come hemi orange iohristiam Nicodemus - 7 years ago
Tahlia. Unicorn
Tahlia. Unicorn - 7 years ago
Yeah I’m never going swimming here agin
Molly Thomas
Molly Thomas - 7 years ago
i know right, either Florida or Australia
f - 9 years ago
real or fake I cant tell
Jeff Keith
Jeff Keith - 9 years ago
+COOlKIDZ It's completely true. It's not a problem, you just don't go in that dam.
Sara Duncan
Sara Duncan - 9 years ago
I wanna touch it.....
KandT-Venture - 8 years ago
+Zyklon - Drake. Well, I doubt there was a lot of food in the pond. :)
Typhoon - Dark Blue.
Typhoon - Dark Blue. - 8 years ago
+LUVAKAT This one was not swimming away, definitely not as fast as it could. And for those tempted to offer themselves to the shark, always remember, the ring wants to be found...
KandT-Venture - 9 years ago
+Rae Star Well, I mean. It was a suggestion. You can do it if that's your thing. There are lots of risk taking people. Honestly, unless it's hungry it would most likely swim away as fast as possible. 
Rae Bey
Rae Bey - 9 years ago
+LUVAKAT why? it looks cute
KandT-Venture - 9 years ago
+Sara Duncan Well, if you ever do, make sure you got food for it. 
Sara Duncan
Sara Duncan - 9 years ago
Well no sh*t. If I saw it I would want to touch it but I (probably) wouldn't.
KandT-Venture - 9 years ago
+Sara Duncan Never do that!
Morningglory - 9 years ago
Zambesi Sharks....
JackassJunior627 - 9 years ago
They look like Bullsharks.
Frankie - 8 years ago
Bull sharks are more vicious and un easy around humans some times Great white sharks Are Vicious but Don't attack Well sometimes they do But have more powerful bite Bull Sharks will attack more but less vicious. Bite
schro0711 - 8 years ago
Agree. They are the badasses among the sharks.
MrBoJangles - 8 years ago
Strongest is probably the Great White off seal island when they go airborn.. Nothing can compare to that. Bullsharks however have the highest testosterone levels of sharks.
Robyn Nunya
Robyn Nunya - 8 years ago
Wrong the deadliest are the Great white and the bull shark
J G - 8 years ago
It sure is.
JackassJunior627 - 8 years ago
+walid sadaoui Strongest bite force of Sharks.
meriem sdw
meriem sdw - 8 years ago
+JackassJunior627 3 rd in the deadliest sharks after the great white and tiger shark
Robert Komarek
Robert Komarek - 9 years ago
They are Bulls.
LiquidRush - 9 years ago
I'd be more scared of crocodiles than sharks
yugi muto
yugi muto - 6 years ago
Hassan Syed dude you dont know shit if u think crocs aren't faz
Hassan Syed
Hassan Syed - 7 years ago
LiquidRush cuz crocs aren't that fast on land.
LiquidRush - 8 years ago
+MrBoJangles lol wtf why
MrBoJangles - 8 years ago
If you get bit on land from a croc you deserve it.
Rae Bey
Rae Bey - 8 years ago
ikr croc can run fast on land
KandT-Venture - 9 years ago
+LiquidRush Cause they are more dangerous!
f.s.a. Consul
f.s.a. Consul - 9 years ago
George - 9 years ago
In Puerto Vallarta Mexico (at the marina) there's a pretty big golf course and it has crocodiles just chilling there on the water like nothing. Don't believe me? Google it!
Ra Hoor
Ra Hoor - 9 years ago
typical RT - it's not simply sharks in lake NO KILLER SHARKS - all what the network suppose to sell as news is simple stupid yellow press... the worst on this is that they are projecting in people minds images, what are so not true! more people in the world a getting killed by coconuts. should we know see beach images with the headline: killer trees all over the world? the new invasion of killer nuts
Unicorn Lps
Unicorn Lps - 9 years ago
dragonlover7196 - 9 years ago
Dolphins are gigantic dickweeds
Fuck em
Gwendolyn Bruinhart
Gwendolyn Bruinhart - 9 years ago
Gwendolyn Bruinhart
Gwendolyn Bruinhart - 9 years ago
soda - 9 years ago
Wtf?? I just don't get it now how in the world a shark doing in a golf course?? Im confused
M Smith
M Smith - 9 years ago
+Tonya Gallaher I'd be more than happy to show you the sights around south east Queensland should you make the visit :)
trace gallahervlogs
trace gallahervlogs - 9 years ago
+Maxbot I would love to!!!
M Smith
M Smith - 9 years ago
+Tonya Gallaher Its a day like any other day in Australia mate :) you should come for a visit.
trace gallahervlogs
trace gallahervlogs - 9 years ago
I'm confused to. And the people are so casual about it!!
phong on
phong on - 9 years ago
The Brisbane floods put me there also it's the only shark that can live there the bull shark
Funkyboy123 - 9 years ago
At hat is fake 100% sure
Tom Jones
Tom Jones - 9 years ago
+Funkyboy123 This is legit. Bullsharks have a gland that releases concentrated salt into the surrounding water allowing them to travel into fresh water.
Bullys have been spotted in rivers up to 1500km inland from the coast.
This is just normal in northern Australia
discoverydavid - 9 years ago
Late one moonless, pitch black night two 'irons' are frantically pounding away at each other's "Garry-Glitters" on this very golf course. The top poof, lining up his wood, just about to drive his final shot into the other's hole, says "I think I'm going to tell my wife I like to putt from the rough tomorr..." but before he can finish his friend below, points at the water and screams: "T..T..T..Tiger." to which he answers in complete amazement "....How did you know it was me?!"

Translation for the Americans - "Iron" = "Iron Hoof" = "Poof" = Homosexual and also a type of Golf Club. "Garry Glitter" (glam-rock star/kiddie-fiddler) = "Sh*tter." "Putting from the rough" = Golfing term hijacked to describe a homosexual activity. "Follow through" "Wood" "Hole" IDEM. "Tiger" as in species of Shark and famous Golfer....ruins it having to explain everything!
bruna oliveira
bruna oliveira - 9 years ago
KenoReplay - 8 years ago
you comment gave me
and im too bored too right the rest. Also why so you think it's fake?
Christel Vinot
Christel Vinot - 9 years ago
I bet they planted that ball in the water to film.
Christel Vinot
Christel Vinot - 8 years ago
what's it like to have no sense of humor? You are sensitive little girl? lmao smoke a joint.
Robyn Nunya
Robyn Nunya - 8 years ago
And on that note I now KNOW you are a candidate for the funny farm so I am blocking you, truly the youth of today just has no bloody clue!
Christel Vinot
Christel Vinot - 8 years ago
is having a bloody bum like you like peeing flies into a lime? zing!
Robyn Nunya
Robyn Nunya - 8 years ago
Tell me is being as bloody dumb as you like being high all the time?
Christel Vinot
Christel Vinot - 8 years ago
Cha ching! New sideshow act coming to a shark-infested lake near you!
Robyn Nunya
Robyn Nunya - 8 years ago
I would pay to see you swim with bull sharks lol imbecile
Christel Vinot
Christel Vinot - 8 years ago
Cool I love swimming. Especially in lakes because I'm a-scared of sharks.
Robyn Nunya
Robyn Nunya - 8 years ago
Tell you what Sunshine, you come out here to Queensland I will meet you at the airport and take you to that water hazard which is about a half mile from me, tjen you can get in the water and see if this is fair dinkum or not you halfwit.
Christel Vinot
Christel Vinot - 8 years ago
I asked you first!
lmao... you mad?
Arron Firestine
Arron Firestine - 8 years ago
Its a fucking golf course. Balls go in water all the time. Just put a camera on a stick and lower into a golf course lake and you will find tons of balls, dumbass. Your stupidity pisses me off.
Arron Firestine
Arron Firestine - 8 years ago
How can you Disprove it, idiot? Shut up.
Christel Vinot
Christel Vinot - 8 years ago
that one ball for that one shot is the real deal? How can you possibly prove that?
Robyn Nunya
Robyn Nunya - 8 years ago
NO trust me this is the real deal
Jonathan Truong
Jonathan Truong - 8 years ago
They obviously didn't.
Nightingale - 9 years ago
What do the shark eat? Am I the only one thinking that?
Jarutat Snidwongse
Jarutat Snidwongse - 9 years ago
Damn murky water and bullsharks go hand in hand.
Tazzy Ando
Tazzy Ando - 9 years ago
That's Aussie for you hahaha XD
Aruna Udaiyar
Aruna Udaiyar - 9 years ago
Wow... damn...
Jennifer Murphy
Jennifer Murphy - 9 years ago
now that's crazy y is he so calm??
Anthony - 8 years ago
he's Australian..thats all that needs to be said
Heather Wolf
Heather Wolf - 9 years ago
Wow! Gnarly!
ro Vo
ro Vo - 9 years ago
auf ein golf platz
Aegon Targaryen
Aegon Targaryen - 9 years ago
I don't get it.... Why is Russia Today Reporting on EVERYTHING outside of Russia? It doesn't make any sense
남경희 - 9 years ago

Ronel Giray
Ronel Giray - 9 years ago
So do they feed the shark?
Tommy Orr Jr
Tommy Orr Jr - 8 years ago
+Ronel Giray there is six of them
Keyan Rasoul
Keyan Rasoul - 9 years ago
Shut up bro
SKIMSQUAD - 9 years ago
Now that would be some serious golf course fishing
Nathan Reed
Nathan Reed - 9 years ago
who does that go smim with sharks
7om - 9 years ago
How did it get in there?
KenoReplay - 8 years ago
Brisbane floods of 2011.
Han Tis
Han Tis - 9 years ago
floods in Australia are insane and drag all things in. we had a flood that washed sharks into suburbs. suburbs that were 10 km from the ocean
My dad
My dad - 9 years ago
It killed a golf ball
Dave Nesbitt
Dave Nesbitt - 9 years ago
How about calling them Bull Sharks instead "Killer" implying they're just waiting to kill someone.
Bowz519 - 9 years ago
it's an extra challenge to regular golf. Don't get eaten!
pinz2022 - 9 years ago
They came there on their own. Bull sharks are unique in that they can handle fresh water. They once lived far up all the tropical and temperate major river systems. In some rivers, pregnant females swim far upriver to have their pups in fresh water where they'll stand a better chance. Kind, sorta like salmon but they don't all do that and there's no evidence that the pups automatically come back to the same place to have theirs.
KenoReplay - 8 years ago
well actually the flood of 2011 helped em in this scenario. :)
It'sMEMPS - 9 years ago
is it real?
KenoReplay - 8 years ago
yea. 2011 brisbane had a flood and dozens of sharks were swept into the golfcourse.
Jenny Fu
Jenny Fu - 9 years ago
did they put them here on purpose?
M Smith
M Smith - 9 years ago
+Jenny Fu No the sharks were washed into the golf course waterway during a flood
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
It's too bad hand guns are illegal in Australia.  The did have clubs, though.  They should have smacked it a few times.  Kill all sharks.
psicofukapus - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou Yes. One less moron in the world.
ThatsMrMoronToYou - 9 years ago
Is that nice?
psicofukapus - 9 years ago
+ThatsMrMoronToYou Hope sharks kill you.
Rysn Castro
Rysn Castro - 9 years ago
Rysn Castro
Rysn Castro - 9 years ago
hey man are you doing a great day and night . I am a beautiful person . I am 666
locc bs
locc bs - 9 years ago
That title..... fuck it
little miss CRAZY
little miss CRAZY - 9 years ago
that shark looks harmless :3
Nicolae Vasilescu
Nicolae Vasilescu - 9 years ago
The sharks in that video are bull sharks. Because they live in both freshwater and saltwater.
oldedude51 - 9 years ago
Might want to take a "Mulligan" on that ball at 0.52...
THENETHERFURY45 - 9 years ago
Something like this happened it was on TV but I m not to sure about this one
M Yitmy
M Yitmy - 9 years ago
killer water hazard- amazed that there isn't more balls in the brink
poon likka
poon likka - 9 years ago
That is one risky job to retrieve a lost ball.
AngelicaSpyro - 9 years ago
What's that shark doing in there? Besides don't have misleading titles. Sharks almost never kill people, you're more likely to die from a bee sting than a shark bite.
MGTOWGreatestHits - 9 years ago
There is a bunch of them in there, they are even breeding. They got trapped in the lake after a flood.
woff woff
woff woff - 9 years ago
retrieve the ball? my fucking arse !!
That Sexy Beast
That Sexy Beast - 9 years ago
Well is it legal to have a pet shark cause
dragonlover7196 - 9 years ago
The odds of a person dying because of the shark are almost nonexistent; you'd be way more likely to drown yourself if you're a small child or knocked off your ass on drugs or alcohol
M Smith
M Smith - 9 years ago
+TheM4hero Surely you've heard of Hazards on a golf course, water hazards, bunker hazards etc This is the Australian version :P
TheM4hero - 9 years ago
+Brandongdoeshockey what if someone falls in and dies?
Averagepabiker - 9 years ago
It's real and it's put there for a reason, they put the shark there so no one will try to swim in there and steal lost things such as balls and clubs that have been rage threw in there and making profit off of it
coralarch - 9 years ago
What are they feeding on- dead golfers?
coralarch - 9 years ago
LOL, good one!
ArcticWolf - 9 years ago
+coralarch Exactly.  Every have a slow player who wont let you play through?  Problem solved.
Keven Keven Cardoso
Keven Keven Cardoso - 9 years ago
Constantine Jackson
Constantine Jackson - 9 years ago
Bull Shark
Chuck D
Chuck D - 9 years ago
KILLER sharks? Really?
dragonlover7196 - 9 years ago
Gotta get that clickbait mang
Polpiv4tifish - 9 years ago
+Chuck D People have died from Bull Shark attacks here in Australia, mainly because people go swimming in canals,  lakes (kind of like this one) etc, and these are places you wouldn't assume sharks to be. Bull Sharks have been found in freshwater rivers hundreds of kilometers inland
Robyn Nunya
Robyn Nunya - 9 years ago
+Chuck D Yes I know the golf course they are speaking of its not too far from where I live, they are bull sharks., They washed in there in a large flood a few years ago. Now thats what I call a water hazard lol.
pweter351 - 9 years ago
+Chuck D They are Bull sharks up to ten feet easily kill someone
Akil Fernando
Akil Fernando - 9 years ago
+Chuck D well it is a Bull Shark, so yeah it is a killer shark. They will kill you and eat you.
Ben Thomas
Ben Thomas - 9 years ago
+Chuck D lol well yeah, they'll bite you on the arm...or the dick.  They even may realise they don't like the taste!  but its too late!... that bite will cause enough blood loss that you die!  So, killer.  potentially Yes lol.
Bob Hanks
Bob Hanks - 9 years ago
Just hire a homeless to poop in the pond once a day for a month and all sharks will be dead shortly...that's what Uncle Joe did to his shark infested regions.
MrBoJangles - 8 years ago
wtf are you on bro>
Lola Jenkinson
Lola Jenkinson - 9 years ago
Why r there sharks in a golf course lake?
M Smith
M Smith - 9 years ago
+lola jenkinson We had a big flood a few years back, these Bull Sharks can live in freshwater / lakes and they got washed into the golf course waterway. Theyre trapped there now.
dontusehername - 9 years ago
they wana play too
Lola Jenkinson
Lola Jenkinson - 9 years ago
Sharks don't actually eat people. They don't like the taste of human blood.
meriem sdw
meriem sdw - 8 years ago
+Edward Green so you're fucked up
Patrick Hemmig
Patrick Hemmig - 8 years ago
+NagaSiren4everz no shark eats you unless maybe your dead but most of the time a shark will bite you then release great whites usually let go they don't bite with their whole bite force because they are testing what we are while on the other hand tiger sharks and bull sharks are far more aggressive and will go for a more powerful bite
Edward Green
Edward Green - 9 years ago
+lola jenkinson tiger sharks or bull sharks will eat you, and some of the other sharks will bite you then realize they dont like the taste, yet you've still lost an arm or a leg so...
christoher c
christoher c - 9 years ago
sharks in a water hazard
? cmon
David Pinto
David Pinto - 9 years ago
Florida golf course =Alligator
Australia golf course =Shark
Israel  Garza
Israel Garza - 9 years ago
Yes very killers. How many people have they killed?
JC - 9 years ago
Screw golf. I would have brought my rod with me and catch that shark.
jrajkhowamenback - 7 years ago
Screw you sharks are the most amazing animals on earth
Slum -
Slum - - 8 years ago
Tommy Orr Jr
Tommy Orr Jr - 8 years ago
+Quiet-_Slum Tv REAL? REALLY?
Slum -
Slum - - 9 years ago
I'd bring my smallest real,it cant run far
lenovo lenovo
lenovo lenovo - 9 years ago
kamran baig
kamran baig - 9 years ago
by tat way how possible it is
เอกวายุ ทับทอง
เอกวายุ ทับทอง - 9 years ago
Rita Nembhard
Rita Nembhard - 9 years ago
is that fake
goatboy - 9 years ago
I love how the guys just sitting by the side of the water, casually chatting away. And then the shark pops up behind him! Ha, so funny. So Queensland.
Tommasten b
Tommasten b - 9 years ago
i live on the river near these animals and one attacked one of our dock pylons (Supports) and our dock tilted also 2 of them were in the water near our dogs when we were walkimg them by the river
Fabian Newman
Fabian Newman - 9 years ago
I get it people are scared
brettfavreify - 9 years ago
Marauding, god-less, golfers make incursion into sharks' feeding grounds.
Wendy Davis
Wendy Davis - 9 years ago
Throw him a hot dog.
Skull Bulldozer
Skull Bulldozer - 9 years ago
wow oh my fucking god killer sharks fucking seriously they don't kill people they don't go aorund eating people they don't like the way you taste people god damn
Aaron Barlow
Aaron Barlow - 9 years ago
+Jack Skellington All those people attacked and eaten by sharks were mistaken, silly people.
Aaron Barlow
Aaron Barlow - 9 years ago
+ben5447 ...and his logic
Skull Bulldozer
Skull Bulldozer - 9 years ago
+ben5447 wow hahaha i didn't even fucking realize that haha it's funny because of the grammar Nazi i am 
Rbxty - 9 years ago
The shark is jaws the great white
Adrian Abundiz
Adrian Abundiz - 9 years ago
jaws is bigger then that shark
j.e. garcia
j.e. garcia - 9 years ago

Jason Gafar
Jason Gafar - 9 years ago
Do those sharks even have teeth?
Jason Gafar
Jason Gafar - 8 years ago
+manenkoff thank you so much for your informative comment. These creatures are so interesting and greatly worth marvelling considering how ancient of a species they are. Always amazed at how nature has chosen to keep them. Thank you.
manenkoff - 8 years ago
Not true actually. The Great White is still listed as #1 with the most recorded fatalities from shark attacks. That is due to their sheer size and the intensity of their attacks. The bull shark usually comes in 2nd place and tends to contend with the tiger shark for that rank. For recorded attacks bull sharks have about 121 or so known attacks with around 25-26 known fatalities. Great whites have about a total of 403 attacks, including 247 unprovoked attacks and 65 fatalities recorded that we know of.

There is also debate on how many people have been killed by the ocean white tip shark over the years. Experts believe that the ocean white tip may actually have killed more people than all other sharks put together, but the evidence of their attacks is impossible to find. The reason for this is because during oceanic disasters, the oceanic white tip is the first to show up and do so in large numbers. They are not scared of humans out in the deep and are thought to have accounted for many thousands of deaths of sailors during war times.

However, you are correct in that the bull shark is extremely dangerous since it has more chances for contact with humans than any other shark and is extremely aggressive.
ozza lowes
ozza lowes - 8 years ago
these were only juveniles a fully grown one would be about 10ft in length
Jason Gafar
Jason Gafar - 9 years ago
+pinz2022 wow, I seriously had no idea. When I made that original comment I genuinely wasn't trying to sound condescending. I'm surprised though because they're not that big and they don't really come across as scary like the great white or tiger sharks.
Robyn Nunya
Robyn Nunya - 9 years ago
+ArcticWolf If you believe that I dare you to come here and get in the lake with them lmao
nightwing2016 batsvssupes
nightwing2016 batsvssupes - 9 years ago
+Akil Fernando hell yeah. these things don't give up once they bite they don't Fuck around , even deadlier than great whites
pinz2022 - 9 years ago
+Jason Sadaka Gemeyal Gafar
The Bull sharks are the number #1 worst. They live in shallow, on-shore waters, estuaries and rivers and they eat anything and everything. They've killed far more people that the rest put together.
ArcticWolf - 9 years ago
+Akil Fernando Not these sharks.  They're geriatric sharks living their last days in the retirement pond program.
Akil Fernando
Akil Fernando - 9 years ago
+Jason Sadaka Gemeyal Gafar The shark that was shown in the video was a Bull Shark, and to answer your question; yes they have razor sharp teeth, and will not hesitate to kill and eat you.
Bob Hanks
Bob Hanks - 9 years ago
+Jason Sadaka Gemeyal Gafar those are bullsharks...enough said
Angel O
Angel O - 9 years ago
+Jason Sadaka Gafar Yep...A lot xD really aggressive sharks.
Ben Yu
Ben Yu - 9 years ago
Boy, if someone rams a golf kart into that water, they're in trouble.
Lexiwolf 243
Lexiwolf 243 - 9 years ago
Wife:hey bill
Husband:yes honey
Wife:i have a good idea let's take the baby's to a place that has sharks and can easily be eaten
Husband:that is the most....brilliant idea
mango - 9 years ago
Long street
Long street - 9 years ago
Time to get out the harpoons and bang sticks!
Blue Patch1413
Blue Patch1413 - 9 years ago
We need to start killing those things again...
Blue Patch1413
Blue Patch1413 - 9 years ago
HAA you are the funnist Fuk-by-pus I know, suck it eazy.
psicofukapus - 9 years ago
+Blue Patch1413 First you're a wolf, now you're a bull. Make up your mind, sissy.
Blue Patch1413
Blue Patch1413 - 9 years ago
I am not a shark, I am a wolf, you are welcome to try, mess with the bull and you get the HORNS.
psicofukapus - 9 years ago
+Blue Patch1413 Let's start with you.
Sam Mackey
Sam Mackey - 9 years ago
Greg Norman sighted swimming in Brisbane Golf Course
morgan styles/irwin
morgan styles/irwin - 9 years ago
In America we have alligators hahahahahah
josh baker
josh baker - 8 years ago
haha alligators.. id love to see your alligator hunters wrestle a salty
Jebus Slaves
Jebus Slaves - 9 years ago
+morgan styles/irwin In Northern Australia we have Saltwater Crocodiles...
Fishing Addiction 555
Fishing Addiction 555 - 9 years ago
I'd be there with my rods lol
Angeles Rodriguez
Angeles Rodriguez - 9 years ago
Jonathan James
Jonathan James - 9 years ago
Great Whites are a deep cold water animal found normally around the bottom half of Australia. There has never been a sighting of one in Sydney Harbour and there never will be. To busy, to warm, not enough big fish to eat. This animal in this video is a Bull Shark, common to Brisbane waters in Australia. These animals can move between Salt, Brackish and Fresh water with ease. They are a very territorial and more aggressive than a great white shark cause they are normally in waters that do not have the selection of foods like great whites have in the sea. Australians do not live in fear of sharks or just about anything else, they co exist.

Reality is, over 100 frustrated Americans die each year from pop dispensers falling on them. This is approx 5 times more people dying from shark fatalities "world wide" each year. Falling coconuts kill more people on earth each year than sharks though Peter Benchley never wrote a scary book named "COCONUTS", did he.
Fortunately, otherwise half the earths population would have left the equator by now. Great Whites have been around for 60,000,000 years, they are integral to the ocean and as a species far more important to earth than humans. Why? Cause they have an important job here, they clean the sea. What is your job?

There is only one creature and species on this planet we really need to fear. 

Check your mirror for details.
aiden parsons
aiden parsons - 9 years ago
Of course it's in Australia
41point2 - 9 years ago
Talk about a WATER HAZARD :(
TheVoiceofReason 1
TheVoiceofReason 1 - 9 years ago
That is NOT a bull shark people
Veronica Muñoz
Veronica Muñoz - 9 years ago
+TheVoiceofReason 1
TheVoiceofReason 1
TheVoiceofReason 1 - 9 years ago
sorry you are right. I originally thought it was too slender, despite knowing only bull sharks go up rivers
frisco - 9 years ago
+TheVoiceofReason 1 yes it is
abracrow1000 - 9 years ago
Killer shark? Really? The shark didn't kill anything in this video and if you're referring in general, that the shark has likely killed at some point in its life which is a major duh because a sharks gotta eat, than you can call every human on earth a killer human because we kill bugs on a day to day basis.
Jade S
Jade S - 9 years ago
There just sat there doing nothing at all.
ARTFX - 9 years ago
So what did it kill? A duck?
Curtis Rupp
Curtis Rupp - 9 years ago
+TONY ABBOTT so do Sharks :)
anya dicki
anya dicki - 9 years ago
Never I love ducks
granskare - 9 years ago
if you just drop your ball and accept the stroke and hope you can make it up later.
pinz2022 - 9 years ago
HOLY CARP!  I just noticed.  Canada geese on the golf course!  A common enough sight here in Amerikka but Australia?  How in the bleep did Canada geese invade Oz?!?
Shebin Chandran
Shebin Chandran - 9 years ago

MattyMcCritic - 9 years ago
Crikey, This brings a whole new meaning to the term water hazard.
Patrick Roy
Patrick Roy - 9 years ago
Remember- play the ball where it lies
shin'ra meme'sei
shin'ra meme'sei - 6 years ago
Pee is stored in the balls
juliette santos
juliette santos - 7 years ago
Patrick Roy
Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew - 7 years ago
I'm good I'll take the 1 stroke penalty
Jacob Garner
Jacob Garner - 7 years ago
Patrick Roy oh shit
Patrick Roy
Patrick Roy - 8 years ago
Obviously you take its eye have you guys ever seen happy gilmour?
Autarchyan - 8 years ago
+Ben Yu if the shark eats the ball you fish it, take him on the land, open it and play again lol
itz Quinn
itz Quinn - 9 years ago
+Swastika Storm hi
Swastika Storm
Swastika Storm - 9 years ago
+Patrick Roy If the shark ate your ball, how would you have the balls to handle it in the first place?
Saitama Fan boi?
Saitama Fan boi? - 9 years ago
U wonder where ur ball is in the water
It is in the Sharks belly mostly
Patrick Roy
Patrick Roy - 9 years ago
Then you take its eye +Ben Yu
Ben Yu
Ben Yu - 9 years ago
Yeah. If the shark eats the ball, well....
Pete Carrillo
Pete Carrillo - 9 years ago
Pamelametallee - 9 years ago
guess you can't go in and retreve your balls.. lol
Lilyana Marieè
Lilyana Marieè - 9 years ago
That's a dolphin
Lucian Bartus
Lucian Bartus - 9 years ago
thats just a baby...I can easily f5 that shark
Terminate Tor
Terminate Tor - 9 years ago
fight against those invaders...
vasty mende
vasty mende - 9 years ago

Tony K.
Tony K. - 9 years ago
Perhaps better strategy to drop a new ball and just take a stroke penalty at this course...
Michel N
Michel N - 9 years ago
is " Killer" Sharks a new discovered race now? Thats a frikkin Bullshark and no one at this golf course got killed how is this a killer shark? fucking attention seeking bitches
Whitney True
Whitney True - 9 years ago
Killer sharks?? I think you meant just sharks*
TheSageOfSeleucus - 9 years ago
Phillip Pasteur
Phillip Pasteur - 6 years ago
TheSageOfSeleucus And you are a nut!
Lord Lightskin
Lord Lightskin - 9 years ago
Australia: the only place to have deadly animals around a golf course and people continue to play casually as of nothing is wrong.
Anthony Lopez
Anthony Lopez - 6 years ago
The comments on here are better than the stuff they show on TV lol xD
Pry Correia
Pry Correia - 6 years ago
Lord Lightskin bhgbubchzkgylfEkgf
Pry Correia
Pry Correia - 6 years ago
Lord Lightskin
Lynette Komidar
Lynette Komidar - 6 years ago
Actually, sharks can grab you from the shore
Neon White
Neon White - 7 years ago
I guess you've never been to Canada
Mudassir Ishfaq
Mudassir Ishfaq - 7 years ago
One should be more scared of the people around them instead of these animals.
RIcky Rick
RIcky Rick - 7 years ago
Nothing IS wrong. The sharks are where they are supposed to be. They can't help it a golf course is there.
Erock Stoenescu
Erock Stoenescu - 7 years ago
You’ve never seen videos of 15 foot gators on golf courses in Florida?
SPIRIT DOT - 7 years ago
Lord Lightskin EVERYTHING in AUSSIE LAND is fuckin' dangerous!
743,931,012 views - 7 years ago
Aussie Savage you can be African and racist you dumb fuck
Dianne W
Dianne W - 7 years ago
Aussie Savage is a TOTAL FUCKWIT, and absolute embarassment to the human race!!! If you want to start critisising people about spelling, start with yourself, idiot ... it's "foul", and your punctuation is non-existent. Everything you've said about Brisbane, and these sharks is wrong, you uneducated bogan! CARBROOK GOLF COURSE may not be within the confines of the CBD, jerk, but it most certainly is in the suburbs of Brisbane, Australia!
Andy Ward
Andy Ward - 7 years ago
Lord Lightskin you've never heard of florida?
Sean Bettison
Sean Bettison - 7 years ago
Chuck D yeah mate I'm sure there is but we have salt water crocodiles that get on some courses in the north
Copper The lion
Copper The lion - 7 years ago
Lord Lightskin Umm if there's something bad at the course or it's closed I don't continue to play golf and I'm Australian
Meh-neh-fitur *Blue Stickman*
Meh-neh-fitur *Blue Stickman* - 7 years ago
Jfc i can't belive a joke comment lead to a argument
Muhammad I’m hard Bruce lee
Muhammad I’m hard Bruce lee - 7 years ago
They are sharks it's not as if they are going to jump on the golf course and start running around after people
Seth - 7 years ago
Nobody - 7 years ago
Try Florida.
Lord Lightskin gators?
SMAV Emerson
SMAV Emerson - 8 years ago
Carlos Galvan shit that's even worse haha
Carlos Galvan
Carlos Galvan - 8 years ago
Lord Lightskin in Florida we have gators in our golf courses
coasteys coasteys
coasteys coasteys - 8 years ago
+Pew Die Pie comments are a oldie but a goodie
J W - 8 years ago
if it pops up in my notifications i am gonna reply no matter how daft the imbecile who replied is
Lord Lightskin
Lord Lightskin - 8 years ago
"these comments are ancient" posts a comment
J W - 8 years ago
+Tommy Orr Jr
get a life kid these sets of comments are ancient, seems to me that you are jest jealous because you are degenerate scum smh peasant
Tommy Orr Jr
Tommy Orr Jr - 8 years ago
+Pew Die Pie Fabulously wealthy people don't come on the internet and spew out crap like you are. I can just see Richard branson getting offended over posts on youtube lol. Grow up.
Tommy Orr Jr
Tommy Orr Jr - 8 years ago
+Pew Die Pie And you can't use apostrophes.
Gary Michael
Gary Michael - 9 years ago
+Pew Die Pie can't.
coasteys coasteys
coasteys coasteys - 9 years ago
+Pew Die Pie serenity now
J W - 9 years ago
Ok Yoda XD that sentence structure though
anya dicki
anya dicki - 9 years ago
+Sidney Pepping thank you someone understands me!
J W - 9 years ago
XD so many errors, don't know where to start. PS. your the one that couldn't handle internet banter. Go to where i first replied and view your reaction XD.
J W - 9 years ago
What the hell are you talking about?
J W - 9 years ago
what the hell are you talking about?
Robyn Nunya
Robyn Nunya - 9 years ago
+Account Showcases and ShoutOuts well my ass might be dumb but since the golf course in question is about 2 miles from here I think I know what I am talking about, I have seen the damn things have you?
J W - 9 years ago
He stated it as a fact not an opinion so mind you're own business dumb ass.
Lord Lightskin
Lord Lightskin - 9 years ago
if you cant handle an opinion dont go on the internet :/
J W - 9 years ago
Are you mentally retarded? I live in Australia and my claims about your racism where correct. I'm actually fabulously wealthy and i know Brisbane. It is a slum rated the worst capital in Australia. Full of industrial real estate and lazy good for nothing scum such as yourself living off government welfare burdening our tax payers and the country as a whole. If your tiny brain is able to comprehend what i have just stated here then you shall know how fowl your land fill of a city is. Oh and just to mention there aren't any golf courses in Brisbane and especially ones with lakes but then again that's to be expected from a dump such as Brisbane!
anya dicki
anya dicki - 9 years ago
+Account Showcases and ShoutOuts you dumb fuck full of ebola
anya dicki
anya dicki - 9 years ago
Excuse you but people that can't spell live in Brisbane, Australia well I have you know that Australia is a wealthy country and where you live is poor so that means people where I live know how to spell and get good jobs where as you and people well let's just say ur screwed
Lord Lightskin
Lord Lightskin - 9 years ago
yoyoyoyo shut the fuck up and take that somewhere else
J W - 9 years ago
how exactly does my comment make me a racist. my ethnicity is African, which you wouldn't know as you're throwing accusations around like a child from Brisbane. Would you like some Aloe Vera for the BURN!!!!!!!!
anya dicki
anya dicki - 9 years ago
I'm sorry did I offend you in some way because that was clearly a typo you racist piece of shit who do you think you are because I can spell you don't know me so don't criticise what an immature dumb mess you are
J W - 9 years ago
+TONY ABBOTT its Brisbane. You must be from there because you cant spell
anya dicki
anya dicki - 9 years ago
Especially brisban
Elaina F
Elaina F - 9 years ago
+Chuck D dfffrfff
Shelby Young
Shelby Young - 9 years ago
+Chuck D I know right
Chuck D
Chuck D - 9 years ago
Not really. Go down south. There are gators all over the courses.
pinz2022 - 9 years ago
+TrollzandLollz "Sharknado" is a movie. These ones can't fly through the air. They have to stay in the water.
RaeQuan Mosley
RaeQuan Mosley - 9 years ago
If they got that close to shore I'd just pet em bahaha
Christian Wojdyla
Christian Wojdyla - 9 years ago
Who agrees this is FAKE there fins are not sharp
kacidoes makeup
kacidoes makeup - 10 years ago
No shark is a killer shark
roman slepcik
roman slepcik - 10 years ago
Wagner Paiva - Born again in Jesus
Wagner Paiva - Born again in Jesus - 10 years ago
Meanwhile in Australia...
Barkeroni - 10 years ago
I thought this was going to be a video of Greg Norman and family zombified and attacking golfers with meat cleavers. 
Anna Cornykova
Anna Cornykova - 10 years ago
Golf for adrenaline junkies!
Shane Dickson
Shane Dickson - 10 years ago
Happy gilmore would jump in that water and wrestle them sharks just to get his ball back ⛳
Stephen Nash
Stephen Nash - 7 years ago
Shane Dickson YES!!!!!!!!
Daiviet Nguyen
Daiviet Nguyen - 10 years ago
So are they the bull shark which can live in both river and ocean ???
RaeQuan Mosley
RaeQuan Mosley - 9 years ago
+Daiviet Nguyen Yes. A very nasty shark.
PINK CHAMPAGNE - 9 years ago
mee sou
mee sou - 10 years ago
benberkovic - 10 years ago
how exactly does a saltwater creature (ie shark) survive in freshwater circumstances? :O
Seb Chada
Seb Chada - 9 years ago
+benberkovic yeah they do
benberkovic - 9 years ago
+GamerJayCentral HD
well hell, not everyone knows that bullsharks can do that shit! :P
Superjayjaysaiyn - 9 years ago
+benberkovic it's a bullshark.
Deadsnake989 - 10 years ago
+benberkovic Not all sharks are saltwater., Google bullshark
paul hider
paul hider - 10 years ago
google it
Speednote10 - 10 years ago
What's a "killer shark"?
Kenneth Dolbeare
Kenneth Dolbeare - 10 years ago
The no swimming sign is their for a reason
Next time don't try swimming with a great white
Pablo Mugel
Pablo Mugel - 10 years ago
Cuando el tiguron se aserco  al chico me asuste
whippedboy - 10 years ago
Finally, a TRUE water hazard to make golf at least somewhat interesting.
ironmantis37 - 10 years ago
Wow no wonder Youtube is always so full of ignorant uneducated comments. I read these comments and it would appear most on Youtube aren't even smart enough to read the description for the videos they are watching.
Phillip Pasteur
Phillip Pasteur - 6 years ago
ironmantis37 Taking the time to read the description has nothing to do with a lack of intellect. Saying that it does makes you an idiot.
TheBitcoinArmy - 10 years ago
we're gonna need a bigger club
5POINT0 - 10 years ago
I have no fear of those sharks what so ever.
Dale - 9 years ago
+Nick Cassidy
 Another reason for whites low kill rate is a lot of attacks are investigatory bites, although with there big size and massive jaws investigatory bites can still be fatal.
Prince 6ft1
Prince 6ft1 - 9 years ago
Thats true and false... As an obsessive shark fisherman, i have studied sharks for many years. While it is a common misconception that ALL bull sharks have the highest testosterone levels in the animal kingdom, there was a bullshark that was one of the first to be tested that indeed had an insane level of testosterone. There is not conclusive research on it at this point in time, we haven't tested enough bullsharks or know how much other factors play a role in their testosterone levels including geographic/seasonal/mating season/etc.
Thats a good point about reef sharks, many experts believe that reef sharks have killed the most people because of tragedies like boats/airplanes but they are not as aggressive if your alive and healthy. As for attacks though, The Great White is the most aggressive and has the highest number of attacks per year but Bull Sharks and Tiger sharks have more kills per attack. Great Whites often try to disable their prey and let them bleed out which gives surfers/swimmers time to get back to land, while Bulls and Tigers keep on attacking you. Some experts think the Bull Shark is the most dangerous because it can live in freshwater and has been found 1750 miles inland in the United States. It's important to note that only 10-15 people die every year from shark attacks while approximately 2500 die from crocodile attacks, i'd be more worried about the crocs if i were you!
Dale - 9 years ago
+who's your daddy
I live in Brissy. Bull sharks are everywhere man. And I wasn't trying to refute your point, you were right about most stuff hence why I said minor correction. Also Salamanders have way more testosterone than Bull sharks. That whole "more testosterone than any other animal on land or sea" thing comes from Grand Theft Auto. Not any actual valid scientific study.
who's your daddy
who's your daddy - 9 years ago
+youbetzler what do your "minor corrections " have to do with it. Bull shark's do have more testosterone than any other animal ( on land or sea ) and they do attack out of pure aggression. Where do you live? Bull sharks roam from Queensland all the way to Sydney harbour.
Hydro2oo9 - 9 years ago
Tiger sharks are my favourite species of shark. Amazing fish.
Dale - 9 years ago
+who's your daddy Just a few minor corrections. Whites are responsible for the most recorded killings, however bulls are responsible for the most recorded attacks. Whites massive size means a test bite is often a death sentence particularly since they usually bite the legs (similar to their predation technique where they bit seals at the tail to immobilise them) and sever the femoral artery. Whites rarely if ever eat people but a lot of victims bleed out before they get to hospital.

Bulls don't "eat anything" they attack out of aggression. It's believed that they do so in an attempt to eliminate predators that threaten their offspring. Bull sharks also rarely if ever eat humans, but unlike whites they pursue and aggressively attack often mauling to death.

And lastly oceanic white tips are the sharks that roam the oceans and :clean up" shipwrecks. Not reef sharks.
Ed Berger
Ed Berger - 9 years ago
That's only because you never go swimming
Hydro2oo9 - 9 years ago
+WWEmondayNightRaw14 I'd get the fishing rods out and do some livebaiting for them myself.
Airborne82 All the way
Airborne82 All the way - 9 years ago
Jump in that water with those hungry sharks
who's your daddy
who's your daddy - 9 years ago
+pinz2022 I live at Christies beach, south Australia. We don't have bull sharks thankfully. But we do get huge white pointers, hammerheads, and bronze whalers. But we have shark patrol most of the year, it's only the pointers you have to worry about. We don't get tiger sharks in SA either.
pinz2022 - 9 years ago
+who's your daddy But the Bull Shark is one of the few that can tolerate fresh water. They regularly swim hundreds of miles up the great rivers of the tropical and temperate world. In Australia pregnant females make like salmon and swim far upriver to have their pups with fewer predators around.
PINK CHAMPAGNE - 9 years ago
+who's your daddy Oh god, I know they do. its so disturbing, what a way to go if you where in the water and waiting for help
who's your daddy
who's your daddy - 10 years ago
+pinz2022 the bull shark has the most testosterone of any animal, but reef sharks have killed more people than any other sharks, probably more than all others combined, because they cruise the oceans as well, and when a ship or plane goes down, they come in the hundreds and " clean up"
pinz2022 - 10 years ago
The Bull Shark is the worst of them.  Unlike the relatively finicky Great White the Bull Shark will eat anything, including us.  They share the same shallow, brackish and fresh waters as we do and probably have killed almost all the people lost to sharks over time.  They're not so telegenic as the Great White but they do most of the killing.
Raging Butterfly
Raging Butterfly - 10 years ago
only the dead don't fear.
MistikaManiac - 10 years ago
Just some snacks for some salt water crocodiles
Peace Dweller
Peace Dweller - 7 years ago
.I'd take a Great White over a Saltwater Croc any day. Great Whites launch their attack from the bottom and the Croc's underbelly is soft and vulnerable. It'd just take the Great White one focused attack to slice open the Croc's stomach.
Stop You need help
Stop You need help - 7 years ago
Depends on the size I did see a video where they were looking at a large croc missing a leg and a chunk out of its body and the bite was presumably a large female bull shark and although it may be stretching it a bit depending on who attacks first and the size a fight could go either way. Another thing is the shark is the more aggressive of the two and is more agile it is very broad as well. A great white shark on the other hand would probably usually win in a fight against a croc.
manolete 46
manolete 46 - 7 years ago
brianofoz whats the name of the video ?
mahin du
mahin du - 7 years ago
MistikaManiac Tiger and Jaguar are the only animals who dare to kill crocodiles in the wild. but salty is too big and strong for them to kill. I think only orca can handle a fully grown salty and can make it a snack.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 7 years ago
pweter351 yea, that was probably very rare and lucky to find
MistikaManiac - 7 years ago
+jj198777 Just about as fictional as the encyclopedia is.
pweter351 - 9 years ago
+MistikaManiac They have caught a sixteen foot Bull 40km up the Parramatta river south of sydney
MistikaManiac - 9 years ago
+Akil Fernando You do know that National Geographic is based on scientific research and studies, right? It's a pretty damn good source. If Nat Geo says Bull Sharks on average are 7 to 11.5 feet long, then you can be pretty damn sure that's correct. Saying that's incorrect is foolhardy and ignorant. Besides, I don't see you showing any sources.

Water Buffalo and Bison aren't easy prey AT ALL. These animals have high energy and are very strong. Whenever Lion's and crocodiles take on these animals they take on the risk of taking huge damage, or dying. There are many cases of Water Buffalo killing Lions. Look it up.

You're pretty ignorant when it comes to crocodiles. Crocodiles do not attack based on fear. They attack based on STEALTH. They lie in the water and wait until an unsuspecting animal comes to drink. The prey cannot sea the crocodile because it's skin blends in with the water. When the crocodile strikes, it's too late because the animal did not suspect anything. There is no fear involved, only stealth and power. The animals crocodiles take down are larger animals, and they struggle much more than the prey of any shark would. It takes serious power to take down one of these, because the prey that crocodiles eat is not weak, and is NOT easy prey. Crocodiles don't fuck with Hippos only because their bodies are too round to get their jaws around, are fast and have huge jaws of their own that could kill a crocodile.

Tigers that kill crocodiles are killing small crocodile species, such as Mugger Crocodiles and Caiman. A Tiger wouldn't have a great chance against the 2 largest crocodile species, the Nile and Salt Water Crocodiles.

Squirrels and birds didn't yet exist in the age of the dinosaurs, only early ancestors did. Only the small animals survived because most of the large reptiles required large amounts of metabolism to keep living, and when food began disappearing, they couldn't keep up. Only things of smaller stature could survive because their smaller metabolism was easier to manage. Crocodiles of huge size did not survive, and only ones similar to today's size survived. And to imply crocodiles are similar to smaller animals in that they run away is stupid.

Speaking of which, Salt Water Crocodiles and Nile Crocodiles don't normally run away, ever. You keep saying that but you've ever backed up that claim.

Crocodiles kill more humans annually than sharks do. Elephants are extremely territorial animals and kill people as a result. In highly populated regions like South America and Africa, mosquitoes carry very deadly diseases. That's why all of those animals are more deadly than sharks.

And finally, I think you misunderstood my very first comment "Just some snacks for some salt water crocodiles." Despite how deadly you think a bull shark is, it doesn't have what it takes to kill the largest crocodile species on the planet (which in and of themselves are apex predators), no matter how aggressive they are. Crocodiles have a super thick hide of bone and scales that not even bullets can penetrate. And not to mention if a few sharks went into the territory that a multitude of salt water crocodiles lived in, they would probably be killed by them, because they are larger animals and there are more of them.

Also, sharks don't kill whales.They are known to eat from dead whale carcasses, but don't kill them. But Orcas eat sharks, Great Whites at that. Also seals aren't big.
Akil Fernando
Akil Fernando - 9 years ago
+MistikaManiac First off, you need to take information from National Geographic and Wikipedia with a grain of salt, because it is known that a bull shark can weigh over 700 pounds, but they put MAXIMUM weight as 500 pounds. Now they also put MAXIMUM length as 11.5 feet, but they can grow longer than that. it's not uncommon at all; especially when they start to go into the deeper waters. Tiger Sharks can grow to be over 16 feet long to 18 feet long. National Geographic isn't as accurate as you try to make them out to be.

Crocodiles, Aliigators, and Caimans are pussies because they like easy prey. They don't like prey that fight back. They will shy away from the fight, that's a fact. The animals you named mostly try to escape, they may do some kicking but it's hardly any resistance because the Crocodile is stronger to begin with. The Crocodile will attack based off fear. They don't fuck with Hippos like that, and Hippos is three times their size, because Hippos aren't scared of them and will fight them head on, and they normally lose to them. Lions is pussies as well, so you can't put them in the story. Lions need to be in a pack unless they are sure that they can take the prey on by itself. But Tigers on the other hand fuck with Crocodiles AND can kill them. As a matter fact, the Crocodile will try to run away because the tiger puts up much more of a fight. I'm not sure what your point is about them surviving in the dinosaur age; so did squirrels and rats, and birds and every other thing that RUNS away from you. It had Crocodiles over 40 feet long, that's as big as T-Rex, of course they could survive.

Tiger Sharks are known to attack ANYTHING it sees. They are called the garbage can of the sea for that very reason; and they will attack humans; Great Whites are known for coming to shallow waters to get to the humans now, especially in Australia and South Africa. Great Whites will take a chunk out of you, swim away for a while, and then come back for you again. They are known to do that to their prey, they do that to humans as well, they aren't scared of anything. Great Whites will attack and eat anything it wants, it is the apex predator; they can't come out of the water. How in the world is Elephants the second most dangerous animals? Explain that to me... Crocodiles are predators and they deserve to be on the most dangerous animal list, but you can't put them over sharks. And most mosquitoes don't carry any diseases, so other than that I don't know how they are number one.

They attack at first sight, because you are trying to say that you DOUBT they would ever attack a Crocodile, and I'm telling you the contrary. Never once did I say anything about it being impressive. But it depends on the prey that the animals go after, sharks go after whales, seals, and other big animals. The animals you named, for the exception of the crocodile don't even deserve to be on the list.
MistikaManiac - 9 years ago
+Akil Fernando Bull Sharks on average cannot grow past 11.5 feet. Some CAN grow longer, but it is not common at all, as is with most animals that grow past their average length. Same deal with Tiger Sharks. FYI, I got all my facts from Nat Geo.

Crocodiles are hardly pussies. They constantly take down animals that are up to 3 times their size, and you know that the prey is fighting back the entire time. Sharks don't do that. Crocodiles take down prey like wildebeest, water buffalo, etc. These animals are constantly kicking and fighting in an attempt to not get eaten. And 9 times out of 10, they lose. Lions wont even fuck with them normally because they know how tremendously dangerous the animals are. The only animals that aren't afraid of crocodiles are those that are exceptionally large, such as hippos and elephants. If crocodiles were as cowardly as you imply, they wouldn't have survived as a species, because they wouldn't have been able to eat, and they would have died off. They clearly aren't pussies, because if they were they wouldn't have been able to coexist with the fucking dinosaurs.

While Bull Sharks are naturally aggressive animals, this isn't true for the Tiger Shark and the Great White, at least towards humans. They don't normally attack people because they are very foreign to their environment and don't know what to do; that's why shark attacks are rare. Tiger Sharks and Great Whites aren't even the most dangerous animals. Mosquitoes are, followed by Elephants, then CROCODILES.

As for sharks attacking at first sight... what does that mean? What are you trying to prove? All predators do this. This isn't something special that sharks do. Crocodiles do this, as well as bears, tigers, wolves, hawks, etc.
Akil Fernando
Akil Fernando - 9 years ago
+MistikaManiac Bull Sharks actually can grow from 10 feet to more than 13 feet long, and even though they are the smaller animals, Crocodiles is pussies because they will run away from anything that tries to fight it back. They like their pray easy. The shark wasn't even 7 feet long. That Crocodile that ate it was a fully grown Croc over 18 feet long. It was eating a baby shark.

Bull Sharks will attack ANYTHING that moves and that is a fact. They are afraid of nothing, they don't care what it is. Crocodiles are afraid of anything that will attack it back, they like to have their prey afraid of them; Bull sharks are afraid of nothing, and they are known to attack and eat anything no matter what it is. A Great White would attack anything as well, they are lone predators and will attack and eat anything, they are the most dangerous animal ever. Great Whites is scared of nothing. Crocodiles is the more skittish animals, because they don't like to engage in a fight. A Great White or any man eating shark will attack at first sight. Also, a Tiger Shark like the Bull Shark will attack and eat ANYTHING it sees. Tiger Sharks isn't known as the garbage of the sea for nothing. Also, 14 feet is nothing, they can grow to be over 16 feet. Stop getting your facts from Wikipedia.
MistikaManiac - 9 years ago
+Akil Fernando Bull sharks are on average 7 to 11.5 feet long as fully grown adults. They are smaller animals to begin with, and while the shark was an adolescent it was clearly not a baby.

Regardless of how aggressive bull sharks are, there is no substantial evidence to support bull sharks outright attacking nile crocodiles, or salt waters, for that matter. And I would doubt a great white shark would attempt to eat a salt water crocodile, as they are rather skittish in nature. A tiger shark is 14 feet long on average and is a smaller animal than a salt water, so I doubt it would try to engage a salt water.
Akil Fernando
Akil Fernando - 9 years ago
+MistikaManiac When has a Nile Crocodile ever eaten an Bull Shark? You must be referring to that video when the Nile Croc was eating a baby Bull Shark. An Adult Bull Shark will attack and eat anything in it's path, and a Nile Croc is no exception. Also, a Salt Water Crocodile is a snack for a Great White and a Tiger Shark.
MistikaManiac - 9 years ago
+Akil Fernando Nile Crocodiles kill Bull Sharks and eat them. They aren't even the largest crocodiles. I'd argue a Salt Water Crocodile could manage a bull shark. Anything larger than that, say a Great White or a Tiger shark is anyone's guess.
Akil Fernando
Akil Fernando - 9 years ago
+MistikaManiac Salt Water Crocs is no match for the Bull Shark; a full grown one at that. Also, they are easy prey for Great Whites.
brianofoz - 9 years ago
+storm sullivan Check out Bull Shark vs Crocodile Attack in Youtube. Final score, Croc 1 shark 0.
MistikaManiac - 9 years ago
+storm sullivan Better swimmers, maybe. More teeth, perhaps. More powerful jaws? Not even close.
MistikaManiac - 9 years ago
+brianofoz ...oh.
Kuro - Grace
Kuro - Grace - 9 years ago
brianofoz - 10 years ago
No crocs this far south.
Jono Edwards
Jono Edwards - 10 years ago
This video was BULLSHARK.
A Hazard indeed.
Francisco Rodriguez
Francisco Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Jono Edwards
Maximus - 10 years ago
"Killer sharks invade" .... You scumbag, Sharks die because of idiotic people like you. 3-4 more years and they become extinct because "killer sharks" invade... -.-
Basicnoob - 10 years ago
The idiots on here talking about how its inconsiderate to have a shark in a manmade lake, when they don't bother to read the description about how it got there.
Basicnoob - 10 years ago
Not surprising that this happened with those floods, there's heaps of bull sharks in the river
rafikozz - 10 years ago
epic footage
bludman2 - 10 years ago
How has roosterteeth not sued RT yet
Go Ham
Go Ham - 10 years ago
Here's an idea take the sharks out of your 3 foot deep pond and put them back in their habitat you inconsiderate sons of b****
dunitfy - 10 years ago
This happened after an incredible flood we had here and the flood washed the sharks into the lake its called mother nature, argue with her mate .Also they're bull sharks which swim in fresh water also. Educate yourself before being so judgemental. 
TEAR x SHOT - 10 years ago
Ha! The pussy is too scared to say "bitch"
carlos acta
carlos acta - 10 years ago
First, you are a moron.  Second, bull sharks are known to travel into fresh water all over the world.  Bullsharks can be found in the Ganges, River in India and even in Matewan, New Fucking Jersey, USA!
Go Ham
Go Ham - 10 years ago
William Gray
William Gray - 10 years ago
this is how things are here in Australia you twat.
Basicnoob - 10 years ago
did you  bother to read the description?
AussieBlokeGordo - 10 years ago
Hey look it's Greg Norman
Bryce Henderson
Bryce Henderson - 10 years ago
I wouldn't go in the lake if I were you.......
LowerTheBoom - 10 years ago
THis is total bs!
brianofoz - 10 years ago
It is real, the course is at Carbrook near the Logan River.
mikedjjones - 10 years ago
I wonder how much they pay the guy who retrieves the golf balls from the water at that golf course lol
stewartdeerfield - 10 years ago
Catch and put on the smoker, yum yum.
Holly Chandler
Holly Chandler - 10 years ago
only in Australia 
Anna Cornykova
Anna Cornykova - 9 years ago
brianofoz - 9 years ago
A dropbear or drop bear is an Australian marsupial. Drop bears are
commonly said to be unusually large, vicious, carnivorous marsupials
related to koalas (although the koala is not a bear) that inhabit
treetops and attack their prey by dropping onto their heads from above.
[At least that's what we tell Tourists].
Anna Cornykova
Anna Cornykova - 10 years ago
+brianofoz New Zealand has none?  Lucky ducks.  I don't think I could handle your spiders in Australia...that gigantic huntsman spider..It's just the size of it!  Yikes and away! 
brianofoz - 10 years ago
+mel2k That's true - except for drop bears. Well, actually they don't exist but they are a fun thing that we like to tell people from overseas about..
brianofoz - 10 years ago
+Anna Cornykova We have 8 of the top 11 most venomous snakes - with their ratings; 1. Inland taipan 2. Dubois' seasnake 3. Eastern brown snake 5. Peron's sea snake 6. coastal taipan 9. Black Tiger snake 10.  Mainland Tiger snake 11. Western Australian Tiger snake. The really odd thing is that we live close to New Zealand and they have absolutely no snakes at all, venomous or otherwise (go figure).
Anna Cornykova
Anna Cornykova - 10 years ago
what types of venomous snakes do you have?  Just curious.
mel2k - 10 years ago
+brianofoz Everything except man-eating land predators.
Theflyingbrant - 10 years ago
+brianofoz and get beat up by a kangaroo, as you walk down the street :D
brianofoz - 10 years ago
Yep, we have most of the most venomous snakes, spiders, marine stingers, crocs, sharks, and just about anything else that can kill ya!
puppup zera
puppup zera - 10 years ago
i would say its a bull shark
CaptainCrikey - 10 years ago
If sharks/crocodiles were in the water (golfer must retrieve ball), and wild grizzly bears and tigers were roaming the fairway and green, watching golf might actually be interesting.
Dale - 10 years ago
 Right because that's the part of his post that is contestable. I mean forget about grizlly bears and tigers roaming the fairway you seem to think he's serious about the crocodiles in the pond thing and correct him on that. Lol

And just FYI Salties have been spotted as far south as Fraser Island this year. Not too far from Brisbane at all and in the past before the mass culling there were Salties this far south
Basicnoob - 10 years ago
Actually saltwater crocodiles in the past have been found as far south as the most northern tip on NSW, but not in the past 20-30 years
yortko1 - 10 years ago
There are NNW Crocodile that far south in Australia. Never, ever not negotiable full stop.
Rebelcommander6 - 10 years ago
I know water traps are supposed to be a hazard... but thats just bleedin ridiculous!!
Richard Helliwell
Richard Helliwell - 10 years ago
They'll do anything to make golf more interesting!
Hussain Baloch
Hussain Baloch - 6 years ago
Natali Filipchik
Natali Filipchik - 7 years ago
Richard Helliwell [[
LET PLAY Clash of everything
LET PLAY Clash of everything - 7 years ago
Richard Helliwell lol
Youtube Jarred 333
Youtube Jarred 333 - 7 years ago
Richard Helliwell Hahaaa right
sergio guerrero
sergio guerrero - 7 years ago
i havent played golf but i bet its one of those sports thats fun or relaxing to play but just not watch :p
Brian G
Brian G - 7 years ago
well golf isn't really for the stay away
QEEN BEE - 7 years ago
Richard Helliwell LOL
Ray Ternent
Ray Ternent - 7 years ago
Richard Helliwell Wes. Ukjjjjdj do.
Cris Diaz
Cris Diaz - 7 years ago
Richard Helliwell
Richard Helliwell - 7 years ago
The answer is....Yes they are to mean to put up a chain fence....makes golf a bit more 'butch' though, which appeals to Aussies since they don't play cricket that well anymore!
Richard Helliwell
Richard Helliwell - 7 years ago
Well it certainly makes this yawn fest a bot more of a challenge! People who can spend 5 hours hitting a small white ball with a stick and then go find it and do it again and again have too much time on their hands! I can train a dog to do this for me!
Trout Slayer
Trout Slayer - 7 years ago
we had an alligator at a course in corpus christi texas....of course i think that would be small potatoes in florida or lousiana
liveonyourknees - 7 years ago
Richard Helliwell That's nothing, most if not all Australian golf courses have snakes in the grass.
mack daddy
mack daddy - 7 years ago
Richard Helliwell is Australian golf courses so cheap that they won't spend $100 on a piece of chain link fence to keep the sharks out?
sevenrats - 8 years ago
It is boring. I'm good for about 11 holes and then I'm looking at the clouds and waiting for it to be over. 4 to 5 hours doing anything is a long time but golf it's an eternity.
Deadsnake989 - 10 years ago
+BEST GOOD I enjoy playing golf but if I ever want to take a nap mid day I'll tune in to the golf channel. Lights out in 15 minutes or less.
BEST GOOD - 10 years ago
why you think golf is boring?  lol
Liu Kietkong
Liu Kietkong - 10 years ago
Konrad dragon
Konrad dragon - 10 years ago
jack davis
jack davis - 10 years ago
Richard Helliwell
Richard Helliwell - 10 years ago
aedvark - 10 years ago
great way to stop the midnight scuba ball hunters
A Korzon
A Korzon - 10 years ago
wonder what the pay would be to retrieve the balls.
Brett Yon
Brett Yon - 10 years ago
now that's what i call a water hazard lol
zerosen1941 - 10 years ago
Is this Bull Shark?
Fortune - 10 years ago
straya cunt
Rare Nitros
Rare Nitros - 10 years ago
Straya ftw
Powerarmed - 10 years ago
Everybody should have his own pet shark! I got one, his name is..."jaws"... (irony turned off!)

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