Killer sharks invade... golf course in Australia
Shark videos 13 years ago 10,819,220 views
A golf course near the city of Brisbane in Australia is giving its members a new challenge to overcome - Killer Sharks. Half a dozen predators apparently were washed into the club lake from a nearby river during heavy flooding. Despite being stranded, the sharks seem to be thriving with some of them are even breeding. However, the presence of the sharks hasn't scared off the golfers, who even say it's a positive thing for the course. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
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-Others will get the message&disappear.
Australia: hold my beer.
Anyone else suffered an atrocity like this?
No I mean it just looks like it’s struggling to swim since the water looks shallow. I figured it’d be happier in the sea.
1. Sharks aren't killers, they hunt for food - humans are killers.
2. If anyone invaded anything, it's the human building a golf course in nature.
Earth. You will be surprised what you've been standing on but never
How about US cops?
yes, the brackish shark can't live in purely fresh water, but a salt water and fresh water mix they can live in. the bull shark is the only true fresh water dweller
their not commonly known to swim up rivers, but they can. their has only been a few spotted in rivers. but also the tiger shark, and the bonnet nose shark can live in fresh water to.
So what is the Ganges Shark? An over blown goldfish?
okay, thanks for the information :) at least i know that now.
fresh water :)
thanks! love the encouragement :)
If you were going to get into the water, particularly murky water, with any of those fish, the bull shark would be number one dangerous shark.
Fascinating creatures, sharks.
Professional courtesy.
"oh look my golf ball just landed in the lake, let me go fetch it" Says Joe confidently.
He walks straight past a sing saying: KILLER SHARKS. He wades in and grabs the ball.
"YES!!!!" He says...
A small fin moves through the water towards him. The bull shark chomps down on his leg, blood sprays everywhere, he screams as he is Bleeding to death. His face sinks beneath the red surface...
Just imagine that they feel "beat beat beat" (feet around the lake) and then hurray, meat appears in the water... this repeats a couple of times. Then after some "beats", somebody falls in.
Pavlov's shark.
7 under par is a bull shark, and the 16th hole is a par 8. Some bastard hit an amazing hole in one and spawned sharks.
Well no sh*t. If I saw it I would want to touch it but I (probably) wouldn't.
They are Bulls.
Fuck em
Bullys have been spotted in rivers up to 1500km inland from the coast.
This is just normal in northern Australia
Translation for the Americans - "Iron" = "Iron Hoof" = "Poof" = Homosexual and also a type of Golf Club. "Garry Glitter" (glam-rock star/kiddie-fiddler) = "Sh*tter." "Putting from the rough" = Golfing term hijacked to describe a homosexual activity. "Follow through" "Wood" "Hole" IDEM. "Tiger" as in species of Shark and famous Golfer....ruins it having to explain everything!
and im too bored too right the rest. Also why so you think it's fake?
lmao... you mad?
Is that nice?
LOL, good one!
? cmon
Australia golf course =Shark
There is also debate on how many people have been killed by the ocean white tip shark over the years. Experts believe that the ocean white tip may actually have killed more people than all other sharks put together, but the evidence of their attacks is impossible to find. The reason for this is because during oceanic disasters, the oceanic white tip is the first to show up and do so in large numbers. They are not scared of humans out in the deep and are thought to have accounted for many thousands of deaths of sailors during war times.
However, you are correct in that the bull shark is extremely dangerous since it has more chances for contact with humans than any other shark and is extremely aggressive.
The Bull sharks are the number #1 worst. They live in shallow, on-shore waters, estuaries and rivers and they eat anything and everything. They've killed far more people that the rest put together.
Husband:yes honey
Wife:i have a good idea let's take the baby's to a place that has sharks and can easily be eaten
Husband:that is the most....brilliant idea
Reality is, over 100 frustrated Americans die each year from pop dispensers falling on them. This is approx 5 times more people dying from shark fatalities "world wide" each year. Falling coconuts kill more people on earth each year than sharks though Peter Benchley never wrote a scary book named "COCONUTS", did he.
Fortunately, otherwise half the earths population would have left the equator by now. Great Whites have been around for 60,000,000 years, they are integral to the ocean and as a species far more important to earth than humans. Why? Cause they have an important job here, they clean the sea. What is your job?
There is only one creature and species on this planet we really need to fear.
Check your mirror for details.
It is in the Sharks belly mostly
if it pops up in my notifications i am gonna reply no matter how daft the imbecile who replied is
get a life kid these sets of comments are ancient, seems to me that you are jest jealous because you are degenerate scum smh peasant
how exactly does my comment make me a racist. my ethnicity is African, which you wouldn't know as you're throwing accusations around like a child from Brisbane. Would you like some Aloe Vera for the BURN!!!!!!!!
well hell, not everyone knows that bullsharks can do that shit! :P
Next time don't try swimming with a great white
Another reason for whites low kill rate is a lot of attacks are investigatory bites, although with there big size and massive jaws investigatory bites can still be fatal.
Thats a good point about reef sharks, many experts believe that reef sharks have killed the most people because of tragedies like boats/airplanes but they are not as aggressive if your alive and healthy. As for attacks though, The Great White is the most aggressive and has the highest number of attacks per year but Bull Sharks and Tiger sharks have more kills per attack. Great Whites often try to disable their prey and let them bleed out which gives surfers/swimmers time to get back to land, while Bulls and Tigers keep on attacking you. Some experts think the Bull Shark is the most dangerous because it can live in freshwater and has been found 1750 miles inland in the United States. It's important to note that only 10-15 people die every year from shark attacks while approximately 2500 die from crocodile attacks, i'd be more worried about the crocs if i were you!
I live in Brissy. Bull sharks are everywhere man. And I wasn't trying to refute your point, you were right about most stuff hence why I said minor correction. Also Salamanders have way more testosterone than Bull sharks. That whole "more testosterone than any other animal on land or sea" thing comes from Grand Theft Auto. Not any actual valid scientific study.
Bulls don't "eat anything" they attack out of aggression. It's believed that they do so in an attempt to eliminate predators that threaten their offspring. Bull sharks also rarely if ever eat humans, but unlike whites they pursue and aggressively attack often mauling to death.
And lastly oceanic white tips are the sharks that roam the oceans and :clean up" shipwrecks. Not reef sharks.
Water Buffalo and Bison aren't easy prey AT ALL. These animals have high energy and are very strong. Whenever Lion's and crocodiles take on these animals they take on the risk of taking huge damage, or dying. There are many cases of Water Buffalo killing Lions. Look it up.
You're pretty ignorant when it comes to crocodiles. Crocodiles do not attack based on fear. They attack based on STEALTH. They lie in the water and wait until an unsuspecting animal comes to drink. The prey cannot sea the crocodile because it's skin blends in with the water. When the crocodile strikes, it's too late because the animal did not suspect anything. There is no fear involved, only stealth and power. The animals crocodiles take down are larger animals, and they struggle much more than the prey of any shark would. It takes serious power to take down one of these, because the prey that crocodiles eat is not weak, and is NOT easy prey. Crocodiles don't fuck with Hippos only because their bodies are too round to get their jaws around, are fast and have huge jaws of their own that could kill a crocodile.
Tigers that kill crocodiles are killing small crocodile species, such as Mugger Crocodiles and Caiman. A Tiger wouldn't have a great chance against the 2 largest crocodile species, the Nile and Salt Water Crocodiles.
Squirrels and birds didn't yet exist in the age of the dinosaurs, only early ancestors did. Only the small animals survived because most of the large reptiles required large amounts of metabolism to keep living, and when food began disappearing, they couldn't keep up. Only things of smaller stature could survive because their smaller metabolism was easier to manage. Crocodiles of huge size did not survive, and only ones similar to today's size survived. And to imply crocodiles are similar to smaller animals in that they run away is stupid.
Speaking of which, Salt Water Crocodiles and Nile Crocodiles don't normally run away, ever. You keep saying that but you've ever backed up that claim.
Crocodiles kill more humans annually than sharks do. Elephants are extremely territorial animals and kill people as a result. In highly populated regions like South America and Africa, mosquitoes carry very deadly diseases. That's why all of those animals are more deadly than sharks.
And finally, I think you misunderstood my very first comment "Just some snacks for some salt water crocodiles." Despite how deadly you think a bull shark is, it doesn't have what it takes to kill the largest crocodile species on the planet (which in and of themselves are apex predators), no matter how aggressive they are. Crocodiles have a super thick hide of bone and scales that not even bullets can penetrate. And not to mention if a few sharks went into the territory that a multitude of salt water crocodiles lived in, they would probably be killed by them, because they are larger animals and there are more of them.
Also, sharks don't kill whales.They are known to eat from dead whale carcasses, but don't kill them. But Orcas eat sharks, Great Whites at that. Also seals aren't big.
Crocodiles, Aliigators, and Caimans are pussies because they like easy prey. They don't like prey that fight back. They will shy away from the fight, that's a fact. The animals you named mostly try to escape, they may do some kicking but it's hardly any resistance because the Crocodile is stronger to begin with. The Crocodile will attack based off fear. They don't fuck with Hippos like that, and Hippos is three times their size, because Hippos aren't scared of them and will fight them head on, and they normally lose to them. Lions is pussies as well, so you can't put them in the story. Lions need to be in a pack unless they are sure that they can take the prey on by itself. But Tigers on the other hand fuck with Crocodiles AND can kill them. As a matter fact, the Crocodile will try to run away because the tiger puts up much more of a fight. I'm not sure what your point is about them surviving in the dinosaur age; so did squirrels and rats, and birds and every other thing that RUNS away from you. It had Crocodiles over 40 feet long, that's as big as T-Rex, of course they could survive.
Tiger Sharks are known to attack ANYTHING it sees. They are called the garbage can of the sea for that very reason; and they will attack humans; Great Whites are known for coming to shallow waters to get to the humans now, especially in Australia and South Africa. Great Whites will take a chunk out of you, swim away for a while, and then come back for you again. They are known to do that to their prey, they do that to humans as well, they aren't scared of anything. Great Whites will attack and eat anything it wants, it is the apex predator; they can't come out of the water. How in the world is Elephants the second most dangerous animals? Explain that to me... Crocodiles are predators and they deserve to be on the most dangerous animal list, but you can't put them over sharks. And most mosquitoes don't carry any diseases, so other than that I don't know how they are number one.
They attack at first sight, because you are trying to say that you DOUBT they would ever attack a Crocodile, and I'm telling you the contrary. Never once did I say anything about it being impressive. But it depends on the prey that the animals go after, sharks go after whales, seals, and other big animals. The animals you named, for the exception of the crocodile don't even deserve to be on the list.
Crocodiles are hardly pussies. They constantly take down animals that are up to 3 times their size, and you know that the prey is fighting back the entire time. Sharks don't do that. Crocodiles take down prey like wildebeest, water buffalo, etc. These animals are constantly kicking and fighting in an attempt to not get eaten. And 9 times out of 10, they lose. Lions wont even fuck with them normally because they know how tremendously dangerous the animals are. The only animals that aren't afraid of crocodiles are those that are exceptionally large, such as hippos and elephants. If crocodiles were as cowardly as you imply, they wouldn't have survived as a species, because they wouldn't have been able to eat, and they would have died off. They clearly aren't pussies, because if they were they wouldn't have been able to coexist with the fucking dinosaurs.
While Bull Sharks are naturally aggressive animals, this isn't true for the Tiger Shark and the Great White, at least towards humans. They don't normally attack people because they are very foreign to their environment and don't know what to do; that's why shark attacks are rare. Tiger Sharks and Great Whites aren't even the most dangerous animals. Mosquitoes are, followed by Elephants, then CROCODILES.
As for sharks attacking at first sight... what does that mean? What are you trying to prove? All predators do this. This isn't something special that sharks do. Crocodiles do this, as well as bears, tigers, wolves, hawks, etc.
Bull Sharks will attack ANYTHING that moves and that is a fact. They are afraid of nothing, they don't care what it is. Crocodiles are afraid of anything that will attack it back, they like to have their prey afraid of them; Bull sharks are afraid of nothing, and they are known to attack and eat anything no matter what it is. A Great White would attack anything as well, they are lone predators and will attack and eat anything, they are the most dangerous animal ever. Great Whites is scared of nothing. Crocodiles is the more skittish animals, because they don't like to engage in a fight. A Great White or any man eating shark will attack at first sight. Also, a Tiger Shark like the Bull Shark will attack and eat ANYTHING it sees. Tiger Sharks isn't known as the garbage of the sea for nothing. Also, 14 feet is nothing, they can grow to be over 16 feet. Stop getting your facts from Wikipedia.
Regardless of how aggressive bull sharks are, there is no substantial evidence to support bull sharks outright attacking nile crocodiles, or salt waters, for that matter. And I would doubt a great white shark would attempt to eat a salt water crocodile, as they are rather skittish in nature. A tiger shark is 14 feet long on average and is a smaller animal than a salt water, so I doubt it would try to engage a salt water.
A Hazard indeed.
commonly said to be unusually large, vicious, carnivorous marsupials
related to koalas (although the koala is not a bear) that inhabit
treetops and attack their prey by dropping onto their heads from above.
[At least that's what we tell Tourists].
what types of venomous snakes do you have? Just curious.
Right because that's the part of his post that is contestable. I mean forget about grizlly bears and tigers roaming the fairway you seem to think he's serious about the crocodiles in the pond thing and correct him on that. Lol
And just FYI Salties have been spotted as far south as Fraser Island this year. Not too far from Brisbane at all and in the past before the mass culling there were Salties this far south