Little Bitty Boats and Big Sharks Don't Mix

#SharkWeek Shark experts Jeff Kurr and Andy Casagrande are in a small boat surrounded by giant great whites in this heart-pounding scene from Lair of the Mega Shark. Subscribe to Discovery: Join us on Facebook: Follow on Twitter:

Little Bitty Boats and Big Sharks Don't Mix sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2590

Shark videos 10 years ago 9,224,024 views

#SharkWeek Shark experts Jeff Kurr and Andy Casagrande are in a small boat surrounded by giant great whites in this heart-pounding scene from Lair of the Mega Shark. Subscribe to Discovery: Join us on Facebook: Follow on Twitter:

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Most popular comments
for Little Bitty Boats and Big Sharks Don't Mix

Jay s
Jay s - 6 years ago
They're shark experts? They're not very smart ones.
one two
one two - 6 years ago
Damn I was hoping they were going to be lunched
barryschwarz - 6 years ago
I dahn't knoi uf thus us such a brulliant fuckin' ideea, ye knoi?
Says the classic Kiwi.
David Digital
David Digital - 6 years ago
Better idea. Stick a Go Pro to your face so we get a great view when shark eats your head
John Doe
John Doe - 6 years ago
He just wanted some floss
Eddie Booker
Eddie Booker - 6 years ago
Veng3r - 6 years ago
I think they're gonna need a BIGGER boat...
Caroline Kelly
Caroline Kelly - 6 years ago
If I were on the boat I probably would’ve shit my pants
ЖИЗНЬ В АРМЕНИИ - 6 years ago
Чего она так взбесилась?!

10. comment for Little Bitty Boats and Big Sharks Don't Mix

Steffen Fast
Steffen Fast - 6 years ago
Is it just me or does the mouth of sharks always looks like it's bleeding
Itube Itube
Itube Itube - 6 years ago
The whole talking in this video is hilarious
NaTosha Evinrude
NaTosha Evinrude - 6 years ago
You fuckers are dumb as shit, were gonna go sharks sploring!!! Let's
off with a ROPE, you fucking morons deserved whatever would have happens if it broke..use a chain next time
Jakethemase - 6 years ago
why so shocking expressions and music that a shark is aggressive? Bait was poured in the water. reality tv overdrama, very corny
Adrian Mastro
Adrian Mastro - 6 years ago
A small white shark. They are ADDING THE DRAMA.
Adrian Mastro
Adrian Mastro - 6 years ago
Asief Safie
Asief Safie - 6 years ago
That shark want to eat you both.
He would get breakfast lunch & dinner
Vitor V.
Vitor V. - 6 years ago
funny game
NikoPaisa87 - 6 years ago
"oh dont think this is a brilliant idea" No shit bro!!!
TJ Soulsurfer
TJ Soulsurfer - 6 years ago
Their team leader should be used as bait for putting them at risk. The dumbest idea ever!
Shawn P
Shawn P - 6 years ago
This is why the TV show Unsolved Mysteries is so popular, some things are just better left alone

20. comment for Little Bitty Boats and Big Sharks Don't Mix

Olurazhidaan Mbotu-Mitchell
Olurazhidaan Mbotu-Mitchell - 6 years ago
Maybe share about the first time it happened
DungTrumpet - 6 years ago
that wasn't even close to a 20ft White. More like 12ft
Group Energon
Group Energon - 6 years ago
1 word: BRAINLESS !!!!
Tim Mann
Tim Mann - 6 years ago
can u say "Shark Sugar", lol
z y
z y - 6 years ago
Bigger boat needed alert! An ocean liner will do....but that won't be big enough for me lol
Sun block Block
Sun block Block - 6 years ago
This was actually funny
Why youtube why
Why youtube why - 6 years ago
I hate these stupid jackasses that do this, you fuck heads permanently alter the sharks aerodynamics so you can what? Watch it eat a seal?
Elmo Cotton
Elmo Cotton - 6 years ago
Who else was having the fantasy of that shark cutting the rope, dragging them out to its friends and flipping that dingy?
Takezo San
Takezo San - 6 years ago
"they are non malicious but they do kill things for a living" hahaha basically yeah dude GTF out or your its next meal
Peter Harris
Peter Harris - 6 years ago
After seeing what a big shark dune to a plastic boat, I'm only going to sea in a steal boat ffs.

30. comment for Little Bitty Boats and Big Sharks Don't Mix

Rose's & Heavenly Love
Rose's & Heavenly Love - 6 years ago
What Are you guys doing? So you Fed food to sharks right next to a tiny tiny boat with a string rope? Why are you doing this?
Florencio Afonso
Florencio Afonso - 6 years ago
Composição feitas na hora canal Florêncio Afonso e Florêncio Santos e Florêncio Santos
Chris Suggs
Chris Suggs - 6 years ago
Best quote "not being malicious but they do kill things for a living" lol
Marek Steinke
Marek Steinke - 6 years ago
Barany to nie okonek
Brandon Messer
Brandon Messer - 6 years ago
I love how those fucking idiots on the main boat are just hanging around as this man's boat is about to get severed. They're like: "Nah, lets not pull the rope and the boat closer in. What could go wrong?"
Paulo Mancebo
Paulo Mancebo - 6 years ago
The Osearch team would have mounted that camera on a Shark no problem.
Patrick Price
Patrick Price - 6 years ago
You go in water..your dead.
J Phillips
J Phillips - 6 years ago
Shark week sucks now days.
David Walker
David Walker - 6 years ago
Check out the woman who swims with white sharks. She grabs their dorsal fins and lets them pull her through the water. Her name is ocean Ramsey .
E500 Tunes
E500 Tunes - 6 years ago
Most people think that sharks are human enemies !!!!

No ... They are doing their job only , exactly as a sea police patrols, against foe objects ... Ever thinked of that ?
Kat P
Kat P - 6 years ago
stupid idiots
Big Baby Anna
Big Baby Anna - 6 years ago
OMG....we threw bloody chum in the water now giant sharks are attacking....can't believe this is happening !!!!......said no one ever ....
Mountain Monster
Mountain Monster - 7 years ago
You're gonna need a bigger boat...
Walter Palmer
Walter Palmer - 7 years ago
Shark bait - death wish.
Amjad /امجد
Amjad /امجد - 7 years ago
Crazy shark
Jordan - 7 years ago
A bit nervewracking you say
knotethang - 7 years ago
Supposed to be professionals ?
Anjelo Carey
Anjelo Carey - 7 years ago
That shark was very agressive. How did they manage to get underwater footage of it?
Robert Rusnak
Robert Rusnak - 7 years ago
Playing with a fish that has lots of very sharp teeth while in a little rubber dingy isn’t very smart

50. comment for Little Bitty Boats and Big Sharks Don't Mix

Dirty Sanchez
Dirty Sanchez - 7 years ago
Lebensgefahrlicher Leichtsinn. Die hängen scheinbar nicht sehr am leben.
Angel heaven
Angel heaven - 7 years ago
The weird thing is the sharks actually going for the rope, lol.
Kwan Lek
Kwan Lek - 7 years ago
Haha get a better boat
maddog - 7 years ago
if the government didnt lie to you all and keep telling you they only know about 5% of ocean, lmao they have maped entire ocean have cameras, floating devices and boats and subs everywhere! liars! if you knew truth not one of you would ever go in ocean! theres not a big enough ship made! i was in marines aboard uss wasp, the military liters the ocean every day with all the garbage and left over food ! you can watch a three mile trash trail float away and huge creatures come up bigger than the ship! shit that would eat a megaladon in one bite!
Thomas Fisk
Thomas Fisk - 7 years ago
What a stupid bunch of people. A line attached to a boat does not make it stable. The moron on the boat is explaining what the audience just saw, that is the most idiotic thing done in documentaries and (un)reality shows. They work so hard at looking dramatic that they look like complete idiots. In the US Navy I was stationed on a ship that had its home Port in Key West for 2 years (168-69) and we never feared shark attacks. We never even heard of a shark attack. The reason is simple, the Caribbean is loaded with fish. We had huge wooden fender between the peer and the ship. One day I noticed really big angels so colorful I couldn't believe it. So I took some of my chow down and fed them for about an hour. This was fun so I made it a hobby.

My ship had a crew of 1,000 and they all knew me for various reasons, especially animal rescue. This was different of course, I was making friends. In no time the fish got excited when they saw me coming. One day I was feeding them I notice most of the crew watching me, even the Captain. After awhile I noticed if I put food in my hand and put it under water they would gently take it. When the food was gone the fish swam right into my palm even though I had no food. Then I found I could put my hand in the water and pet them, I swear to God this is true. After that I've has a passion for fish and had big aquariums when I could.

Jill - 7 years ago
Perhaps if they had a smaller boat to track a GREAT white......
George Schlaline
George Schlaline - 7 years ago
Anything after 2000 is crap
Jay custom
Jay custom - 7 years ago
Smart shark researchers at there best! Anything to get likes or subscribers?????
Wally Wu
Wally Wu - 7 years ago
That shark is pretty smart' there not stupid at all" they know what they're doing..
Fvkin Amazed
Fvkin Amazed - 7 years ago
Omg haha i swim with big fish
Chris McKee
Chris McKee - 7 years ago
"He touched the butt"
raymundo ramos jr.
raymundo ramos jr. - 7 years ago
Irwin Lightfoot
Irwin Lightfoot - 7 years ago
Chill, he's just flossing his teeth.
dormantsuperhero - 7 years ago
Tiffany Kocielko
Tiffany Kocielko - 7 years ago
You're gonna need a bigger boat...
Scott Miller
Scott Miller - 7 years ago
That’s a big-ass nopefish!
ColoradoStuff - 7 years ago
Shoot it!!!
Sharky Shark
Sharky Shark - 7 years ago
They like balls as cats do :) How lovely :)
amigos craft
amigos craft - 7 years ago
Bobby L
Bobby L - 7 years ago
Sometimes it really ticks me off to see people recklessly risk their lives for no reason, when so many people in this world would have done anything to have lived through an accidental death. I mean, I don't get it. Is there some meaningful research going on here that's worth taking such a risk for, or is this purely about ratings and human stupidity ?
Всему Своевремя
Всему Своевремя - 7 years ago
Писец:)пасаны стальные коки!:)
S1mpleChann3l *-*
S1mpleChann3l *-* - 7 years ago
so cute
Ye Kh
Ye Kh - 7 years ago
Mad shark lol he says get the fuck out of my water
gekke robbin rams
gekke robbin rams - 7 years ago
Echte kneuzen
LAX Traction
LAX Traction - 7 years ago
if the demons went into the pigs its in that shark and they know what to do to get you with that shark
Marleny Martinez
Marleny Martinez - 7 years ago
:0 :o :O
Tanbir Anowar
Tanbir Anowar - 7 years ago
bus journeys are not good to ride with kid only our own car ride will be safe buses are fast cars are slow
MESSI MAGIC - 7 years ago
Guys thats a Gucci boat look at the side green red green
DR. FINE - 7 years ago
Richie Roo
Richie Roo - 7 years ago
here is a perfect example of why us Brits sent our criminals and the lower skilled to Australia back in the day!
Stanley Nolly
Stanley Nolly - 7 years ago
Aly P
Aly P - 7 years ago
The 1 animal I wouldn't fuck with and I've worked with gators, tigers...etc....hell nooooo!
Nick Romero
Nick Romero - 7 years ago
damn that shark was a @#$^%
Peter Parker
Peter Parker - 7 years ago
Anyone else notice the voice of batman narrating this vid?
Eracles divus
Eracles divus - 7 years ago
don't wanna be an american idiot !!
MidNight - 7 years ago
little boaty boat vs big ass sharky shark
Mistress Bunny
Mistress Bunny - 7 years ago
These people are nuts!
facebiter - 7 years ago
There gonna need a bigger boat.....
trueromance79 - 7 years ago
Fuck w me ill fuck w you ...
Leodn - 7 years ago
You're definitely going to need a bigger boat
Leodn - 7 years ago
Great idea, guys, did not expect to see Discovery Channel crew running for the Darwin Awards, but, hey! Y'a never know uh?
timexironman100m - 7 years ago
Im being malicious andy but these things kill for a living......yes it makes you think..
timexironman100m - 7 years ago
Why do you go out to film big sharks in a boat no bigger than a bath tub ?
Daffy Duck
Daffy Duck - 7 years ago
Shoot it!
Sgt Slim
Sgt Slim - 7 years ago
1:19 bait is a little too freaking close.
My Megane RS 250 Gr
My Megane RS 250 Gr - 7 years ago
Finger is butt hole
Graf von Bruehl
Graf von Bruehl - 7 years ago
thank god, this boat was a ropelene triumph / logic 12 footer...
Catarino Bernardo João
Catarino Bernardo João - 7 years ago
You should to put :sharks from mussulo sharks to the island of Luanda.. Sharks from dande... I know the ambiente of those sharks... Do you know projet aware?they are save sharks from extinction
Cibun Borneo
Cibun Borneo - 7 years ago
what for they doing that ??? for fun or being idiot ?
M. M.
M. M. - 7 years ago
If the rope is severed the boat will become highly unstable??? Who's the brilliant idiot writer who came up with that line?- dumbest thing I've ever heard.

100. comment for Little Bitty Boats and Big Sharks Don't Mix

Anne Johnson
Anne Johnson - 7 years ago
That guy Eddie is stupid as hell and talks to much for me! ADHD shark hunting and must be experiencing delusions of grandeur
Miki Lore
Miki Lore - 7 years ago
Stupid people... what's the point?
Eddy Spagetti
Eddy Spagetti - 7 years ago
this shit is just ridiculous. the 'scientists' are useless, as well as their 'science'.
D Bb
D Bb - 7 years ago
so the shark went away and they stayed in the little boat talking shut til he came back STOOOPY
Renata Marcela
Renata Marcela - 7 years ago
Parece um gatinho brincando com linha hahahahah
mikedehoogh black flag race photos
mikedehoogh black flag race photos - 7 years ago
The fincam almost turned into the human preycam by crikey. Num num.
albert bahoogadin
albert bahoogadin - 7 years ago
"if the rope is severed the boat will become highly unstable"??? WHAT? Since when does a tiny rope stabilize a boat in any way. Biggest dumbassed comment I have heard to date.......nope not caught up in the rope either....jesus what drama bullshit!
Ab Ab
Ab Ab - 7 years ago
Read about Islam
Islam is believing in (Allah)and believing in His prophet Muhammad
In Islam you pray and read ( Quran )
Islam is the way to paradise after this life
(Allah) promised in His book ( Quran ) who believed in Him and believed in His prophet Muhammad will be in paradise after this life.
Try to know more about Islam.
Klara Lindgren
Klara Lindgren - 7 years ago
Bara jag som är svensk här?
Pro fessional
Pro fessional - 7 years ago
One word.... DISGUSTING!!!!! baiting the sharks so that you can make your PATHETIC film... wow... DISLIKE!!!
Livereater00 - 7 years ago
fake shark
Jennifer Tresy
Jennifer Tresy - 7 years ago
Beam Me Up
Beam Me Up - 7 years ago
Aren't you glad those pants will wash....
Mike Hygj
Mike Hygj - 7 years ago
If the rope is severed the boat will come highly unstable??????? Wtf are talking about?... such bullshit
GURU - 7 years ago
Придурки не вымирают.
SWSimpson - 7 years ago
Sharks are assholes.
Emily Berger
Emily Berger - 7 years ago
Why in the fuck do people feel the need to tease sharks?!!!
rollerblading geek
rollerblading geek - 7 years ago
lol love how they exaggerate everything
John Burgess
John Burgess - 7 years ago
So Ken you think this is a little too dodgy huh?.......... YA THINK?!
mikeyb byekim
mikeyb byekim - 7 years ago
i bet they about shit their pants
Geatly - 7 years ago
Why do you shake the camera and change views so rapidly? Video for idiots.
God of F.
God of F. - 7 years ago
He is simply saying "Get the out of here you fcks"... :)
ACE Champion
ACE Champion - 7 years ago
If the rope is severed the boat becomes incredibly unstable???? That makes absolutely no sense....what a moronic thing to say, the rope isn't keeping it afloat
Way of the Dog MHDogman
Way of the Dog MHDogman - 7 years ago
Some people have zero respect for nature.
fleuger99 - 7 years ago
Little dramatic for a supposed nature show. Illusive mega shark feeding ground? They travel the ocean looking for food like non 'mega' sharks! No rope securing a boat makes it unstable? Jokers!
Greg Webb
Greg Webb - 7 years ago
One of these days the shark is gonna win, i hope he does.
Sterling Rock
Sterling Rock - 7 years ago
Damn fool's deserves becoming shark dinner. Who in their mind would get in a little plastic boat to go and bait great white sharks..
Steely Phil
Steely Phil - 7 years ago
Meh.. that shark was big. But it's nowhere near 20ft. it was just a bit longer than the boat and that boat looks like it's 10ft.
dark wolf of icy .howls.
dark wolf of icy .howls. - 7 years ago
Maybe the shark at first was like hey they might need help lets bring them to the boat
Crotalus atrox
Crotalus atrox - 7 years ago
"I don't know it this is such a fucking brilliant idea you know?" Somebody give this guy an award.
85passthru - 7 years ago
we are gonna need a bigger boat.
CJ Carpenter
CJ Carpenter - 7 years ago
Holy shark attack Batman
Whendi S. Roberts
Whendi S. Roberts - 7 years ago
Why do you only have one rope to secure the boat??? A puny weak line. Why isnt that a metal mesh cable? Whats wrong with you? Total idiots. SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!! And why such a dinky boat? You are not prepared at all. Stupid
Avi Bundhoo
Avi Bundhoo - 7 years ago
They want to get kill
Toastanium - 7 years ago
"Non malicious, Andy, but they do kill things for a living."
M A R V I N C A S I N O - 7 years ago
Did you guys bait him?!
Brian Hackert
Brian Hackert - 7 years ago
stupid music and sound effects; nature shows are getting dumber
Ernesto Colon
Ernesto Colon - 7 years ago
Smart predator going for the rope
A Link In The Comments
A Link In The Comments - 7 years ago
White people...
Jaliyahs Phone
Jaliyahs Phone - 7 years ago
You guys are stupid XD
beobe99 - 7 years ago
Planned footage attempt, and they got exactly what they were hoping to get while acting like this is out of control and "unexpected".
QUONTUM LEEEP - 7 years ago
Little Bitty Brains and big Sharks don't mix.
Steve Bedard
Steve Bedard - 7 years ago
soo stupid
妄想するりんご - 7 years ago
alvin jupp
alvin jupp - 7 years ago
what wankers
via prenestina
via prenestina - 7 years ago
idiots who deserve to be eaten
family man
family man - 7 years ago
Gonna need a bigger boat
Michael Hørdum
Michael Hørdum - 7 years ago
HydroGorynych - 7 years ago
Акула спасала лодку от большого корабля. Перекусить веревку у нее не получилось. У этой акулы больше мозгов чем у двух идиотов в лодке.
TSIXGaming - 7 years ago
that shark couldnt even chomp thru a lil rope do they have rubber teeth or something?
Ashlen Hele
Ashlen Hele - 7 years ago
I can't wait for the shark to actually bite the itty bitty oat and the shark have 2 snackies! Lol theya re harrassing it.
Robert Sá Nascimento
Robert Sá Nascimento - 7 years ago
Esses caras tem muita coragem!
Guy Patts
Guy Patts - 7 years ago
Shoot the sharks kill them all
Josh S5
Josh S5 - 7 years ago
Lyle Fourteau
Lyle Fourteau - 7 years ago
is that JAWS the ride at Disneyland?
Kilyn Fox
Kilyn Fox - 7 years ago
It's called a line, not a rope
Malcolm Ryen
Malcolm Ryen - 7 years ago
Idiots creating drama to get audience..
Ryan Davidson
Ryan Davidson - 7 years ago
Not click bait... real bait.
Leon Nims
Leon Nims - 7 years ago
Why I will never sail a boat
Leon Nims
Leon Nims - 7 years ago
Whoa that shit is dangerous
OarsmanPower - 7 years ago
At about 1:07, why does the douche bag feel the need to tell us what we just saw? One of these days I want to see the shark eat these morons...
นิตย์ วานิช
นิตย์ วานิช - 7 years ago
เขาอนุรักปลาสายพันธุ์ อสุร
Von Dutch
Von Dutch - 7 years ago
eh click bait drama, next time a man over board at least that woulda been amusing for a minute.. pfff
Purnell Slater
Purnell Slater - 7 years ago
Dickheads use your brain
RIO BOW - 7 years ago
That shark knows exactly what it's doing.
It wants to eat you.
Dis Count
Dis Count - 7 years ago
"they do kill things for a living"
captain kenny stoner
TheLonePeasant - 7 years ago
White people be crazy.
caylx corolla
caylx corolla - 7 years ago
AstroReviews - 7 years ago
why dont they just carry guns for these situations?
POP CORN - 7 years ago
They should have gone to Toys R Us, and brought the Go Pro Camera with a Great White attached to it... Would have been cheaper and less dangerous !
xExekut3x - 7 years ago
it's like none of these shark scientists have watched Jaws. YOU'RE GONNA NEED A BIGGER BOAT!
Gmonkey - 7 years ago
Lucky the shark didnt have the brains to ram that boat.
psicofukapus - 7 years ago
The boat can leave now. Tell the crew.
psicofukapus - 7 years ago
""That's a 20 footer.""

""25. All 8.576 tons of him.""
chyntia oktavia
chyntia oktavia - 7 years ago
Wow, the shark is hungry
hem reviews
hem reviews - 7 years ago
"without the rope the boat would become INCREDIBLY UNSTABLE"
.. err are you sure about that hon?
mowgli2071 - 7 years ago
Um, that is the PERFECT time to use the "you're gonna need a bigger boat" quote
Desi Jones
Desi Jones - 7 years ago
Australians are dumb.
kcanded - 7 years ago
Can someone tell me if there's a reason why I can't see the video but can hear the audio?
Fuzzy One
Fuzzy One - 7 years ago
I'd be jumping onto the other boat fast!!!! lol Sharks are great misunderstood creatures. If you are in their domain you could get eaten, Just a fact. if that scares you? There is a simple solution."Stay the F*** out of the water!!!! "
Rileys Flowers
Rileys Flowers - 7 years ago
Is this real
Ahmad Abdullah
Ahmad Abdullah - 7 years ago
يذكرني بفلم الفك المفترس المرعب
Danny Apo
Danny Apo - 7 years ago
I hate shark
LaLa Johnson
LaLa Johnson - 7 years ago
Has anyone else noticed during "Small boats and big sharks don't mix" video the marine biologists don't have any emergency gear prepare and stored away? Maybe it's just me, but knowing you're in shark infested waters it would be part of regular preparation.
ROCK CLIMBER - 7 years ago
The Title should be: Little Bitty Boat vs Shark...Singular.....not Plural...Boats. Misleading and inaccurate.
denys volumine
denys volumine - 7 years ago
With what have you exitting these animals??
Gogooshttr Flshr
Gogooshttr Flshr - 7 years ago
The shark doesn't appear a little bigger than your boat, it appears a lot bigger than your boat.
MichaelMyers87 - 7 years ago
We're gonna need a bigger boat...
Lukass Grasmanis
Lukass Grasmanis - 7 years ago
why dont you just get a bigger boat?
UMadBro - 7 years ago
"big shaq came up right here"
Saoirse Justice McKenna
Saoirse Justice McKenna - 7 years ago
human idiotism & human monsters
abarronboy - 7 years ago
We're gonna need a bigger boat!
swarnali sen
swarnali sen - 7 years ago
o my god
Kayreece - 7 years ago
She was just flossing her teeth
LLL 777
LLL 777 - 7 years ago
This video was a great insight into the dangers many Great Whites must face from Yanks and Aussies.
Giuseppe Francesco Barrera
Giuseppe Francesco Barrera - 7 years ago
"I have never seen a white hamburger...but...let''s give it a try!"
Wes K
Wes K - 7 years ago
Shaun mcinnis
Shaun mcinnis - 7 years ago
Play silly games, win silly prizes..Are these guys supposed to be educated? Idiots.
Xenomorph \//\
Xenomorph \//\ - 7 years ago
Flossing his teeth!
Bob Dave
Bob Dave - 7 years ago
Shark was like" wanna put trackers on me bit h no need to I'll take you there myself mate"
sillieww - 7 years ago
Hey assholes do sharks come on land and tease you with food? I would enjoy this video more if the shark took a chuck out of you.
2centavos - 7 years ago
Why would a GWS just 'show up' there and stick his head out of the water? Was he volunteering to wear the fin cam for a while? Or was he enticed with fish or chum?
Magali Henry
Magali Henry - 7 years ago
R n S McKee
R n S McKee - 7 years ago
People are stupid!
Michael Lindsey
Michael Lindsey - 7 years ago
Hawaiians wrestled sharks if one took down a great white he was a badass
Frank Bayer
Frank Bayer - 7 years ago
F that .... stupid people want to be fish food
BORN Y3LLA - 7 years ago
Get your dumb ass out the water
Carlo Venn Daug
Carlo Venn Daug - 7 years ago
I'm glad this was not a clickbate
Kyle G
Kyle G - 7 years ago
Is that Kevin Conroy narrating? Batman narrating a discovery shark show...
Bella and Izzy
Bella and Izzy - 7 years ago
He's so naughty that shark.
Emil Wharton
Emil Wharton - 7 years ago
The great grays are really amazing creatures. Lmfao
Jokhang Pang
Jokhang Pang - 7 years ago
How could the small boat not sink, with the gigantic balls of theirs?
Им Фа
Им Фа - 7 years ago
Автор что ты здох со своей рекламой
Luvs Snow
Luvs Snow - 7 years ago
wow omg
Jacob Robinson
Jacob Robinson - 7 years ago
Am i the only one that noticed that batman is narrating?
LKNANML - 7 years ago
Ohhh DC.. How far you have fallen. They would put dramatic music to a sunset and spin some if the sun touched the water it would kill everyone on Earth in seconds. DA DADA DAA experts say it would never happen but F it. We are kings of fake docs now.
retrodog63 - 7 years ago
Over dramatized narration. The very reason I had to quit watching Discovery Channel shows. The "If/then" crap gets really really old in no time at all. Obviously catering to the Jerry Springer mentality crowd. Actually, that might be a huge insult to the Jerry Spring fans.
Georgios Siampos
Georgios Siampos - 7 years ago
I hate shark
Hamed Pirshichani
Hamed Pirshichani - 7 years ago
Shark bigger than his boat ,thats crazy
mach one
mach one - 7 years ago
The boat was so small...even smaller then the shark...Cost Cutting
MLJ Shell
MLJ Shell - 7 years ago
What th he hell is wrong with people? And you wonder why humans get attacked. RTF! Leave the shark slone!
SAMEER RAMPERSAD - 7 years ago
woz woz
woz woz - 7 years ago
Moon Rider
Moon Rider - 7 years ago
When I saw the dude on the boat putting his hand near the water despite seeing the shark biting the boat, I was like man, do you want to die that badly?
Ovegrow120 - 7 years ago
Thats evolution in a nutshell right there- two idiots in a nutshell in shark infested waters. If life was fair the sharks would have gotten lunch that day.
Scott Rock
Scott Rock - 7 years ago
I'll never understand why anyone would go out in a rubber boat where sharks are. I mean let's think about this for a second, Sharks with extremely sharp teeth vs a rubber inflated boat. Hmmm!
Moviestar Memories
Moviestar Memories - 7 years ago
kill it before it kills you..........stupid people
2seck - 7 years ago
“We’re gonna need a bigger boat”
Anne N
Anne N - 7 years ago
American: you think this might be a bit dodgy?

Australian: shit
KELLY HARMON - 7 years ago
I know I'm a redneck Southerner but I really think a shotgun or some type of firearm would have helped out there
igloo tropicale
igloo tropicale - 7 years ago
sharks are stupid, try that with a tiger, lion or jaguar.....
outbackeddie - 7 years ago
No quantity of fresh underwear would have been sufficient to satisfy my needs if I was on that little boat.
Chris Holland
Chris Holland - 7 years ago
Anyone thinking of a particular line from jaws "were going to need a bigger boat "
Sour Feet
Sour Feet - 7 years ago
Be awesome if the boat tipped over
Hawks fan
Hawks fan - 7 years ago
And the point of being in that little boat is????
STRODE GAMING - 7 years ago
I would have shit my pants
Monster Mousse
Monster Mousse - 7 years ago
"They do kill things for a living. "
If the guy in the little ass boat needed to be told that about great whites...........
He shouldn't even be out there.
Being naive can cost you your life.
Valery Lavrov
Valery Lavrov - 7 years ago
Small white shark, and bot that only stable with a rope - exiting series about weird camera angles with strain music.
Chicken of the TREE
Chicken of the TREE - 7 years ago
What was the point of this?
Michael Frank Hartmann
Michael Frank Hartmann - 7 years ago
"... the boat might become unstable" Wow, i think even the sharks are rolling their eyes...
Alex Pacheco
Alex Pacheco - 7 years ago
koudacyen - 7 years ago
These people are fucking stupid
crazyrebl - 7 years ago
Oh hell no!!
Chris Elphick
Chris Elphick - 7 years ago
For 'experts' this was an incredibly stupid thing to do
ItsMe Roleen R
ItsMe Roleen R - 7 years ago
Smartass shark
Borderlands808 - 7 years ago
White people. Lol!!!
DRON PARKER - 7 years ago
That is like some jaws shit it was just trying to kill those mofo's!!
Christa Yuekselsoy
Christa Yuekselsoy - 7 years ago
"...they kill things for a living...." HAHAHAHA LOL OMG WTF REALLY?!? The whole video is a f&£#€*^$* quote. This is just too much....WOW...whatever happened to harpooning big do you plan to stretch your hand out far enough to reach the fin of a shark that's larger than the boat you are sitting in and trying not to capsize?!? Imagine the outcome if it had capsized...with the 2nd shark around....and bait....even if sharks don't like human flesh (apparently it's too sweet), with all that commotion and dead fish around they would have def become lunch.....
jim boukis
jim boukis - 7 years ago
stupid fuckssssssssssssssssssssssss
Maurizio Candido
Maurizio Candido - 7 years ago
Nel linguaggio dello squalo significa: "mi avete rotto i coglioni!"
Casey leigh
Casey leigh - 7 years ago
Nah he didnt get caught mate you was he almost his brunch
Alabama SkyWatcher
Alabama SkyWatcher - 7 years ago
Use cable next time. Won't have to worry about that
M. Josephine Fonzo
M. Josephine Fonzo - 7 years ago
What idiot came up with this idea? Well it was NOT a woman. We would have used a Bigger Boat and possibly a Cage around it, NOT to forget to mention something other than a Human hand, attached to a Human arm, attached to a Human arm ACTUALLY ATTACHED TO A REAL HUMAN BEING! What were these men thinking. Oh. I forgot. They were NOT thinking. That's why we women love them. They'd be lost without us.
Declan McCartney
Declan McCartney - 7 years ago
RGBLACK black - 7 years ago
Would have been nice if that little boat tipped over and both these faggots got eaten alive now they've been good TV
nexus1g - 7 years ago
Track all the great whites and find out where they don't go if you want to find what might eat them.
Pickled Ginger
Pickled Ginger - 7 years ago
"I'm going to stick my thumb up the shark's ass!"
shannonx4life2 - 7 years ago
That shark was keeping it 10 toes
Parish Pandey
Parish Pandey - 7 years ago
Shoulda smacked his head with the oar
Mel Colp
Mel Colp - 7 years ago
nice..a live bait boat for the large sharks.
I amcarbonandotherbits.
I amcarbonandotherbits. - 7 years ago
Just another day in Australia!, I'd have burst everyone's eardrums with my girlie bitch screaming.
cr8ive - 7 years ago
". . . dodgy??" . . . no . . . its a stupid shit ass idea...
Joseph Feeney
Joseph Feeney - 7 years ago
Discovery channel continues to be sad garbage.
Jonas Wood
Jonas Wood - 7 years ago
yo son, you're gonna need a bigger boat
DogFaced Boy
DogFaced Boy - 7 years ago
Well gol-durn. When I was a tadpole, in the Whole Wide WORLD, there were about a dozen shark EXPERTS who would get in cages and take pix while almost (not!) being eaten. But after enough people saw the same guys enough times for enough years, they started saying "Well I COULD DO THAT..." hence the rise of one branch of trips I call "suicide tourism." No. YOU can't. YOU are going to DIE because you are a fuckin' BOZO. You can't freefall skydive, you HAVE TO hook your little line to somebody WHO KNOWS WHAT THEY'RE DOING so they can pull your Bozo-Chute. You can't wrestle alligators, run with the bulls, drink like a 25-year-old, go off of giant ski-jumps, compete at Wimbledon, NOTHING. You are a BOZO. Do you really want to explore your greatest talent, which is proving Darwin correct? At least, have the courtesy to kaak your self BEFORE you breed, Okay?
BarbVValters - 7 years ago
It's so dangerous being in a little boat.

Meanwhile, there's a guy armed with a camera shooting from underneath the boat.
jim Haut
jim Haut - 7 years ago
Omo is cancerous don,t use it !!!!!
La Quête du Fun
La Quête du Fun - 7 years ago
human: "do not fall in the water. do not fall in the water. do not fall in the water"
shark: "c'mon...c'mon... C'MON"
EAS - 7 years ago
Assholes@#$% they r fcking bastards
Shane Bujnowicz
Shane Bujnowicz - 7 years ago
Shark eats the rope guys reaction thats not good hahahaha
Antonio Sunny
Antonio Sunny - 7 years ago
Texas BEAST - 7 years ago
2:13 "They're not malicious Andy, but they DO kill things for a livin'."
Steve Sellers-Wilkinson
Steve Sellers-Wilkinson - 7 years ago
Sharks rule! If I get reincarnated, I want to be a shark! Ha ha.... anyone got a link to the full documentary? Looks interesting!
Paula Torrs
Paula Torrs - 7 years ago
What the hell are you doing there! Are you guys crazy
David Sterin
David Sterin - 7 years ago
Nice of batman to lend his voice to Discovery
lgilreath - 7 years ago
I was on a boat that didn't have a rope on it once. From first hand experience I would say its stability is average
Tina Zinton
Tina Zinton - 7 years ago
I hate it when people do dumb stuff.... 'Yeah I'm going to get out of this big boat, which is safer, into a little boat held on by a rope! Genius! And as the shark eats the lifeline in two, separating us from the safer big boat that our dumb @**es should've stayed in, in the first place.....'
Roby Hanif Alqodri
Roby Hanif Alqodri - 7 years ago
Cucuk palak nyo biar dio mati
J Naruto
J Naruto - 7 years ago
marco monteiro
marco monteiro - 7 years ago
show very good
mougabo - 7 years ago
"a little too doggie" what that fuck, does that guy want to die or what?
berner - 7 years ago
Grab my Terry folds, touch my Terry flaps
Bruno Gomes
Bruno Gomes - 7 years ago
it looks like swarznegger movies..''you will need a bigger boat''
Mika - 7 years ago
Stupid Guys doing all stupidities to try to catch MiamMiam Agressive Pictures for gloup gloup Money making...
Helm Hurst
Helm Hurst - 7 years ago
"they do kill things for a living"
fuk me what a classic............ROFLMFAO!
6400az - 7 years ago
Thanks, but we just saw that 1:06
Alla Lusinko
Alla Lusinko - 7 years ago
Why people need to go there anyways what needs to be explored about sharks been done already
EBOLA KID - 7 years ago
It cant get dumber than this
Mike Rodriguez
Mike Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Wow. Now that is a dialect my American brain had to work very hard to decipher
Mike Rodriguez
Mike Rodriguez - 7 years ago
... batman? What the hell why didn't you come out and beat the shit outta that shark!

Or use shark repellent.
Osmund Ferreira
Osmund Ferreira - 7 years ago
Two idiots.
Serhat Topkaya
Serhat Topkaya - 7 years ago
andy casagrande is best and most fearless cameraman in the world..he is very brave
s.w. a.l.k
s.w. a.l.k - 7 years ago
Sharks are an alpha predator. Trying to put a camera on one bigger than your boat is foolish. The video of a woman diver stroking huge whites shows that they are also like puppies if you know what you are doing. Do the wrong thing and you are lunch
Valicorn 4ever
Valicorn 4ever - 7 years ago
Oh cheese
Chewy - 7 years ago
Shark: Hellooo Hooman, Want to come and play
jenny misteqq
jenny misteqq - 7 years ago
Sharks can be such assholes.
Serie26 - 7 years ago
There's a difference between being courageous and being stupid. That was plain stupid. Not only was the boat super small, but these sharks can jump several feet in the air.
Les Lori
Les Lori - 7 years ago
Are you guys on drugs?
joseph montague
joseph montague - 7 years ago
Playing with fire
TheBrewmore 26
TheBrewmore 26 - 7 years ago
Bush League
Hung Long
Hung Long - 7 years ago
Come on Chief, this isn't no boy scout picnic. See ya' got ya' rubbers!
S Vukovic
S Vukovic - 7 years ago
Leave it the f alone
Powder Hungry
Powder Hungry - 7 years ago
okay given they have a tendency for coming upward at full speed, i'd say get the fuck off of that boat asap
650iE63 - 7 years ago
But but they are poor and dont do anything to humans. Its a humans foult when they attack....leftist öko bitches talkin' that looked pretty dangerous to me and they didnt anything to provocate it.
JP Stone
JP Stone - 7 years ago
Nature attempting to weed out the stupid.
Kml Kml
Kml Kml - 7 years ago
Charles Ruffing
Charles Ruffing - 7 years ago
Oy I think we need to get in the inflatable raft next time....
Sam Marks
Sam Marks - 7 years ago
I think they were show boating!!
Maria Lima
Maria Lima - 7 years ago
Fuck that I'd bounce
Anand G
Anand G - 7 years ago
Jaws 1975.
James Santiago
James Santiago - 7 years ago
Guy: someone needs to pull that rope and get the boat in closer.... Shark: say no more, fam...I gotchu...
Mk tuputamadre
Mk tuputamadre - 7 years ago
How can a master race BE SO STUPID!!!
Please get back to caves u've got EVERYTHING TO LEARN!
ΠΑΡΗΣ - 7 years ago
Stupid people annoying animals
Rivasz Gergő
Rivasz Gergő - 7 years ago
"you're gonna need a bigger boat"
shabrour - 7 years ago
Chris Jones
Chris Jones - 7 years ago
Bear in mind the fact that a shark that big is probably as old as your Grandpa and might just have some smarts rolling around in that big head. It looked to me as if that shark was sending them a message. "I know you're following me and I don't like it!". We've all seen them come flying out of the water. If that thing wanted to it could just stick it's head into the boat and eat them. I would say that they mildly annoyed a big white shark and it barked at them a couple of times...
FSEVENMAN - 7 years ago
if the line is severed the boat will become highly unstable...... , lol... melodramatic bullshit
George - 7 years ago
Jaws 4 looks awesome, can´t wait!
mustafa gökhan öylek
mustafa gökhan öylek - 7 years ago
Theyre soil ones pants lol...
zeke - 7 years ago
These shark researchers are imbeciles.
The Ice man Series
The Ice man Series - 7 years ago
Ya'll are insane.
pete smith
pete smith - 7 years ago
the shark's not bigger than the little boat, don;t get all dramatic......
Fin Jan
Fin Jan - 7 years ago
0:36 "if the rope is severed..."
If a 20' great white isn't dramatic enough all by itself, and you have to start spouting nonsense about marine engineering, it's time for is all to move on.
JUST ME - 7 years ago
Calm down, he was just flossing his teeth.
Carol Stevens
Carol Stevens - 7 years ago
I would have hit him in the head with a big rock.
Ironjagg - 7 years ago
1:21 who the hell went down there to get that view
Leonardo Donato
Leonardo Donato - 7 years ago
"Did you die? Ya but did you die"?!
Billy Smith
Billy Smith - 7 years ago
MurderBoy - 7 years ago
Jose Lima
Jose Lima - 7 years ago
That's not a 20 footer
John Hounslow-Robinson
John Hounslow-Robinson - 7 years ago
Dick heads.
Zack Smith
Zack Smith - 7 years ago
How is the rope what keeps that little boat stable?
Billy Ray
Billy Ray - 7 years ago
Not too bright are they?
marttigood - 7 years ago
This people doing everything for good photo shot. Provoking animal with special aroma, blood etc. and then make many. I hope at last being eaten by a shark
Jordan Jnee
Jordan Jnee - 7 years ago
Watching right before bed like a dumb shit.
Rebecca Limonard
Rebecca Limonard - 7 years ago
Shark just thought they requested an uber but then hes like oops wrong boat
steve williams
steve williams - 7 years ago
you guys are dum.
Simonio8 - 7 years ago
They seem reasonably calm.....I on the other hand would have turned my pants into a shade of brown.
CottonTheRabbit - 7 years ago
"Hold on tight"
I feel like just holding onto the boat isn't going to work when it becomes highly unstable mate
crazybutcrazy 1919
crazybutcrazy 1919 - 7 years ago
How they capture those under water images?
Bobbi Bacha
Bobbi Bacha - 7 years ago
Is the shark that smart to bite the rope
Tatiana Anderson
Tatiana Anderson - 7 years ago
You think this is just too dodgy, not really a good idea m8... :) :)
AJC1983 - 7 years ago
"they're not malicious, but they DO kill things for a living." XD
Marylou42 - 7 years ago
What is the thought of using a rubber boat ?
00b4a56 - 7 years ago
Debbie Joyner
Debbie Joyner - 7 years ago
Why don't they just leave it alone
Debbie Joyner
Debbie Joyner - 7 years ago
Why don't they just leave it alone
Luna Cally
Luna Cally - 7 years ago
Smart sharkie . He's like "maybe if I just pull this string .... "
عراقي حر
عراقي حر - 7 years ago
Nate R
Nate R - 7 years ago
Feel like the voice-over dude works on the Deadliest Catch aswell? Little exaggerated "If these fishermen don't catch enough crab they will not have as much crab as they once did...............causing their families to die of starvation through lack of moneys and lack of crab".... on another note.. that's one smart fishy and hes pissed you brought your toy boat into his big ass fish bowl. git on out humans
PorkFrog - 7 years ago
Emily Morgan
Emily Morgan - 7 years ago
"They do kill things for living" LOLOL. That was great.
tanrı misafiri
tanrı misafiri - 7 years ago
are you crazy !
chestbuster1987 - 7 years ago
And with the footage from that camera they'll start a youtube channel
Peter Cao
Peter Cao - 7 years ago
fucking stupid convicts leave the sea creature alone.
Matt Bridges
Matt Bridges - 7 years ago
Australian's are so laid back
Shark starts eating their boat...
"That's not good.....bugger"
colotschini - 7 years ago
all you need is shark!
Mike Fry
Mike Fry - 7 years ago
The guy in this video is a glory hunter and adrenaline junkie if anything always on shark week putting everyone in danger. What a moron him and the guy with dreadlocks not shark biologists just sensational crap hunters
Random Randomer
Random Randomer - 7 years ago
Only white people would take pictures of a shark that's attacking them
Richard Herzog
Richard Herzog - 7 years ago
If the boat line is severed the boat becomes unstable? NO . It floats for a reason
Adam Nikodemus
Adam Nikodemus - 7 years ago
Sorry but do they need to be in that pathetic boat to do that?
Double D
Double D - 7 years ago
Shanti Shanti
Shanti Shanti - 7 years ago
That's the best idea they got? Morons
Younger - 7 years ago
Did they chum the waters before this, those sharks seem pretty up for a feed!!!!
Jose Peixoto
Jose Peixoto - 7 years ago
click bait....
HabarMan1 - 7 years ago
kill this shark..
MxYogERTS - 7 years ago
i would be so scared lol
Bigboy 75
Bigboy 75 - 7 years ago
Suicidal maniacs
Jason A
Jason A - 7 years ago
That rope was not keeping the small boat "stable". Of course you would have to be unstable to get into a boat that small with Great Whites swimming around!
Truth Warrior
Truth Warrior - 7 years ago
Staged. They puled the bait bythe rope on purpose. Lame reality tv shit show.
0munkey0numberZERO - 7 years ago
If there is one thing I hate more then ppl harassing sharks, it's white ppl with dreadlocks.
stoneeh - 7 years ago
Then a boat walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round shark to your face!
HighMax Dezboub
HighMax Dezboub - 7 years ago
I don't get it, what are you trying to do ?
Joseph Charles
Joseph Charles - 7 years ago
Would it surprise anyone to know that "mega shark" is a term with no scientific meaning whatsoever? This was another Shark Week documentary made to fill their schedule, not document real scientific research. Out of a dozen or so Shark Week docs, only three or four actually deal with relevant scientific work done by actual scientists.
TigerShark - 7 years ago
Gregorio Lopes
Gregorio Lopes - 7 years ago
You People are really stupide fuch mind
Toine Smidt
Toine Smidt - 7 years ago
Mathew Russo
Mathew Russo - 7 years ago
F****************CK THAT.
MAYBE we shouldn't be putting things on all the animals?
Maybe this is their way of saying "We've had enough of you humans!"

Leave them alone. Stop pissing off nature please.
Velo1010 - 7 years ago
Oh the drama!! "If the rope is severed the boat...." More crap from drama shows.
ramon ramon
ramon ramon - 7 years ago
ive seem 70 feet huge big sharks boy
the man in the mirror
the man in the mirror - 7 years ago
That shark really looked like he had a taste for some white meat.
BigSharkk - 7 years ago
Dumbasses...just a matter of time you won't hear about these guys anymore
blakestilltippin - 7 years ago
How can they be on the heels of a great white shark ?
G beez
G beez - 7 years ago
so incredibly stupid...
Agape Happy
Agape Happy - 7 years ago
the shark is like " No! no! you're not getting me!!! Wraaahhh, HAM HAM, wraaaahm" (shark language)
Massimiliano Castiglia
Massimiliano Castiglia - 7 years ago
Hey why not use a chain or a braided steel cable instead of the freaking giant shoelace to tether the toy boat? Or, let me guess, the two people onboard were extreme suicidal types and you were just trying to give 'em a hand? I used past tense because I am pretty sure you guys succeeded by now
macj wave
macj wave - 7 years ago
je serais curieux de savoir quel est le plus fort dans la force de la mâchoire
le crocodile ou requin?
Ashitaka1110 - 7 years ago
ALL shark documentaries should be narrated by Batman.
stvnburg - 7 years ago
I always root for the shark.
Diego De Morais
Diego De Morais - 7 years ago
is amazing how he tells what happened < like if we didint saw it lol
Steven W
Steven W - 7 years ago
what idiots. why do you need to be in that small boat?
Jose Rocha
Jose Rocha - 7 years ago
That looks like a smart thing to do
Max Chavez
Max Chavez - 7 years ago
Just ask Batman for some shark repellent. He's narrating your show.
Alexander Kozlakowski
Alexander Kozlakowski - 7 years ago
Fuck that Shit!!!I have fairly Big Balls,but Damn!!!
Barbie Jones
Barbie Jones - 7 years ago
These people are f*cking idiots
Jaqueline yasmin lira
Jaqueline yasmin lira - 7 years ago
fica mais difícil de entender melhor a gente vai fazer um ataque
Cristian Jay Villorente Pabon
Cristian Jay Villorente Pabon - 7 years ago
is batman narrating the vid?
Cristian Jay Villorente Pabon
Cristian Jay Villorente Pabon - 7 years ago
is batman narrating the vid?
Great White
Great White - 7 years ago
It was just a social experiment.
FlatlandMando - 7 years ago
feeble hairless chimps at sea
hello hey
hello hey - 7 years ago
How to attempt suicide in an easy way.
erick001bc - 7 years ago
The narrator sounds like Kevin Conroy...... Batman talking about sharks.... Never leave home without your shark repellent.
irateidiot - 7 years ago
real biologists tag from a decent sized boat, with real tagging equipment sized gor the shark
irateidiot - 7 years ago
staged as anything - what idiot goes for a 20 foot shark in a 10 foot boat.
dAbSpUr 1882
dAbSpUr 1882 - 7 years ago
"He's eating right through that line"

"Yeh,making his way right to us"

(little JAWS)lol
Pancake1223 - 7 years ago
I love that stoner with the dreads so much
Al B
Al B - 7 years ago
You just have to be "stupid" once in order to lose your life....
franniebee - 7 years ago
i love sharks so much
Lincoln Meredith
Lincoln Meredith - 7 years ago
Where does stupidity end & intelligence begin
whynottalklikeapirat - 7 years ago
They're gonna need a smaller shark
001GenLee - 7 years ago
Play with fire, you're going to get burned sooner or later..
птн пнх
птн пнх - 7 years ago
Sharks need to be killed!
Chrispin Regis
Chrispin Regis - 7 years ago
black people don't do shit like dat
Reginald Leak
Reginald Leak - 7 years ago
The shark didnt get tangled, they knew to go after the rope first.
Herman A
Herman A - 7 years ago
I would have loaded my trousers immediately.
SuperNova - 7 years ago
Achivement unlocked:
need a bigger boat or any boat! GTA 5
Hell No
Hell No - 7 years ago
i would of smacked that shark in tha coofie
Fookit Yeah
Fookit Yeah - 7 years ago
Patricio Pereyra
Patricio Pereyra - 7 years ago
"Hi im johnny knoxville and this is jackass"
Chucky lover1 1009
Chucky lover1 1009 - 7 years ago
love them
Paleo Motion
Paleo Motion - 7 years ago
I read this as shitty little boats and big sharks don't mix
DolphinDog - 7 years ago
no life vest
Josh Kogane
Josh Kogane - 7 years ago
Shark: "Hey buddy you seem lost lemme help ya out therE."
Antonius Moroinius
Antonius Moroinius - 7 years ago
your food...get it yet knuckleheads.
TheRealMeditationGuide - 7 years ago
he said the shark go caught on the towline hmmm no it looked like it went to purposely chew threw it so it could eat u dumb ass fucks !
Caress The Breast
Caress The Breast - 7 years ago
"They do kill things for a living". Haha! I love that. These guys have an amazing job!
Krisha Mae Pilapil
Krisha Mae Pilapil - 7 years ago
hu wow!
Marcos Paulo
Marcos Paulo - 7 years ago
Next time take a rifle with you a shot him right between the eyes.
Randy ButterNubZ
Randy ButterNubZ - 7 years ago
the most surprising thing about this was the thumbnail wasn't click bait followed by a compilation of dog shit clips poorly thrown together in 10 mins by some window licker out for easy $
xsdmke cmf
xsdmke cmf - 7 years ago
i wish these fuck heads fell in...
Cocinando a la uruguaya con ro
Cocinando a la uruguaya con ro - 7 years ago
pa yo quedo en shock tas loco
Drakofrost - 7 years ago
you guys remember back in the day when shark week used to be good? Now they intentionally create a dangerous situation add some dramatic music and dialogue to make every shark appear to be jaws.
Tony Johnson
Tony Johnson - 7 years ago
left or right on a boat? seriously?
givingbirthiseasy - 7 years ago
This is the fourth great white clip I've watched in a row and the people involved always sound incredibly thick. The 'expert' on the main boat sounded high on weed. Sharks probably think humans deserve to be chewed up.
illuminol - 7 years ago
That shark actually looked as if it was deliberately trying to sever the rope? Aussie stays calm..." hold on tight" ........ "they're not malicious but they do kill things for living" lol
Arthur Duda
Arthur Duda - 7 years ago
if the rope is severed the boat will become highly unstable... lmao.. who writes this crap..
filmtajm35 - 7 years ago
Jeg's garage is on the spot. He wanted lunch and tried to separate the dinghy. Pity he failed. Mankind havw no use for stupid people.
sierra dedmon
sierra dedmon - 7 years ago
I love what is but who will be dumb enough do that
Stoned Kirito
Stoned Kirito - 7 years ago
Shark needs some rope
Mike Mance
Mike Mance - 7 years ago
Sharks taste good
MCB400100 - 7 years ago
How about trying to get up the big boat
Nicholas Adams
Nicholas Adams - 7 years ago
Is it me, or do these people seem like they needed a few more years of college before attempting this. I wanted the shark to tip the boat and eat them.
gianni sampo
gianni sampo - 7 years ago
shark is just playing. if he wanted to fuck over that little boat he coudlve just done it.
Tori Gibson
Tori Gibson - 7 years ago
that's what they get for messing with sharks. just leave sharks alone and they'll leave us alone. harassing them and following them everywhere isn't going to make them stop attacking.
Kholiq Joe
Kholiq Joe - 7 years ago
cuica le  pi
cuica le pi - 7 years ago
The kings of the seas should kill all these piece of shit! FUCK YOU HUMAN RACE!
gloxxify l
gloxxify l - 7 years ago
severing the rope would have no effect on stability of the boat, just harder to get it back to the big boat
Matthew Nelson
Matthew Nelson - 7 years ago
Russell Crowe
Russell Crowe - 7 years ago
Yo LO - 7 years ago
Paul Mccartney & Justin Timberlake is in the house yo
Big Baby Anna
Big Baby Anna - 6 years ago
Yo LO had to watch it a second on
amyvalkyrja - 7 years ago
Yo LO lmao
Angel Khushboo
Angel Khushboo - 7 years ago
o my god it's soo dangerous
Hedrian Morales
Hedrian Morales - 7 years ago
stupid as he'll
waka1022 - 7 years ago
innocent shark thought they were in danger so she called reinforcement the other shark to help them
Nik S
Nik S - 7 years ago
Fair play to them for remaining as calm as they did. I would have been screaming like that girl in the beginning of Jaws.
TTORREZ1 - 7 years ago
Wow that was a SUPER DUMB idea to go out in a little tiny boat when dealing with such a LARGE, VERY DANGEROUS animal.
Alana Maclauchlan
Alana Maclauchlan - 7 years ago
that boat looks like a toy next to the shark
malekai777 - 7 years ago
Batman narrating the show lol
Georgina Reynolds
Georgina Reynolds - 7 years ago
Not a smart thing to do.
Tired of being stared at
Tired of being stared at - 7 years ago
Fuck that.
keytothegate K
keytothegate K - 7 years ago
The shark did an awesome job and attacked the rope to separate it from the mother ship = after that they would have beem F'ed
Fat Yolk
Fat Yolk - 7 years ago
Who the hell was filming this?!?
seadooman o
seadooman o - 7 years ago
those people aren't showing signs of intelligence
larryjohnny - 7 years ago
"What's the plan? Oh I'm just gonna clip this go pro to a 20ft. Sharks fin." Yeah sure buddy.. Glad the crew called it a day.. And yeah the rope adds stability, really? Could you maybe let the rope line drag from out of the water? Very brave attempt, cheers to that!
Moción - 7 years ago
Humans been messing with these sharks so much, that the sharks have become smarter in tactics to deal with humans.
Palermo! - 7 years ago
I would have shit my pants so terrible
Mark Bowles
Mark Bowles - 7 years ago
you gotta love that, "they are'nt malicious andy but they do kill things for a livin"...
damirzanne - 7 years ago
and how exactly have you planned this, to attach a camera to a fish? is shark supposed to swim up next to the boat, and wait patiently on you to attach the camera to her fin? now, I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but even I could have told you, it was not going to work, and if I was you, I would just walk away, and be happy I was in one piece ....
Joy Corcoran
Joy Corcoran - 7 years ago
were gonna need a bigger boat yea!
Mary Cantu
Mary Cantu - 7 years ago
i wont do it get out of the boat blank putting whatever on it
Rathnait Mullen
Rathnait Mullen - 7 years ago
what a load of tossers!
Sydney O'Bier
Sydney O'Bier - 7 years ago
Lol he was chewing on the rope like "ninenineninenine"
Richard Harris
Richard Harris - 7 years ago
Can you guys try to lure your great white sharks near some large Salt Water Crocadiles? I would like to see what happens when you mix big sharks with big crocs.
M Mckissack
M Mckissack - 7 years ago
i thought scientist were smart...
ShawN TyleR
ShawN TyleR - 7 years ago
I can't really understand why people doing this stupidity on the Most dangerous predator on the sea.
David Ridlespriger
David Ridlespriger - 7 years ago
he actually kills things for a living. XX
scooby doo where are you
scooby doo where are you - 7 years ago
"shark experts"= people who have an idea they know wtf they are doing,and then have a pop at it and see how that works out.
Blixem - 7 years ago
so I should add a rope to my boat for stability?
honesty - 7 years ago
how stupid can people get!!!
ste - 7 years ago
fran lopez lopez
fran lopez lopez - 7 years ago
una situación un poco no se,acojonanteee
Gigsand Busking
Gigsand Busking - 7 years ago
Wow natural selection at work here, only pure good luck they are not eaten.
How thick do you have to be to not realise you have a big boat that is safe but you choose to stay in the little unstable boat!
mario condello
mario condello - 7 years ago
That's just madness !
Xaira Camacho
Xaira Camacho - 7 years ago
How to become fish food.
Tini Mini
Tini Mini - 7 years ago
Bruce just wanted to know "whats a couple of bites like you doing out so late"?
130starfish - 7 years ago
This ain't shit !!! try kayaking five miles off shore and a great white comes up and bumps your kayak just to see if you're edible... These guys are Vaginas... Next time jump in and secure the tracker on the fin... Sheesh  ... If they don't knock when you walk.... You don't belong on the water...
Alissa Rios
Alissa Rios - 7 years ago
What the fuck did they think was gonna happen with bait hanging on the edge of the boat.
Jeff Bowes
Jeff Bowes - 7 years ago
maybe leave the fucker alone. these guyd need to be eaten.
Not Today
Not Today - 7 years ago
Bet if they would have start talking about shark dinner his butt would have gotten off.
Sercarano T
Sercarano T - 7 years ago
Over dramatic voice and narration + unnecessary panic and talking + lots of short and meaningless cuts = shit video.

Clickbait video of Discovery channel. You'd expect the pro media people to know how to make videos. There are amateur people recording more interesting things. This is why TV is dying out.
YTB7743 - 7 years ago
these idiots are so lucky for the shark didnt even have the intelligence just to jump and bite.
jeffrey Beresford
jeffrey Beresford - 7 years ago
sharks ain't got no heels
VancouverCanucksRock - 7 years ago
"We're going to need a bigger Rope! We will gain more stability!!
Nova Blue
Nova Blue - 7 years ago
remember when discovery was about actual learning and not sensationist crap?
Amidallo - 7 years ago
"You're gonna need a bigger boat!"
DC Mc - 7 years ago
This attempt was ridiculously stupid on the part of these "professionals" and IMHO makes for really bad "tv" because it encourages bad decision-making by non-professionals. People WILL get hurt when they are stupid, and then they will all blame the sharks. I can think of 2-3 better ways to deploy their devices rather than getting into a small boat such as this. *Eye roll.
dave Scopes
dave Scopes - 7 years ago
Couldn't help noticing that you called both sharks HE. was that just a guess. Lol
Jade Hughey
Jade Hughey - 7 years ago
They stupid for being in that boat
Steven Branson
Steven Branson - 7 years ago
Where can I purchase one of those boats?
Jay Croker
Jay Croker - 7 years ago
"You think this is just too dodgy yeah?" I don't know you're the one in the tiny fucking boat about to turn into an afternoon snack for some massive great whites what do you think???
ChameleonMD123 - 7 years ago
if no one else will say I will. White people do the dumbest shit.
Abone Olurum
Abone Olurum - 7 years ago
What Hell is this?

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