MEGALODON FOUND! Battlefield 4 Giant Shark Easter Egg!
Shark videos 10 years ago 5,984,733 views
GET CHEAP GAMES HERE: THE MEGALODON IN BATTLEFIELD 4 HAS BEEN FOUND! Leave a rating and a comment. Thanks to everyone who helped search! Connect with me:
Someone’s gotta get that reference.
worst parody ever ikr
10. comment for MEGALODON FOUND! Battlefield 4 Giant Shark Easter Egg!
“Alright boys were gonna flank the ene-WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
20. comment for MEGALODON FOUND! Battlefield 4 Giant Shark Easter Egg!
30. comment for MEGALODON FOUND! Battlefield 4 Giant Shark Easter Egg!
50. comment for MEGALODON FOUND! Battlefield 4 Giant Shark Easter Egg!
I didn't expect it to jump out of the water and do a body slam!
tyrannosaurus-rex roars in the background
100. comment for MEGALODON FOUND! Battlefield 4 Giant Shark Easter Egg!
do unless the megaladon can faze through sand it's impossible
Jesus I wonder what your videos are like
Fuck that.
Whales got smart and got the fuck up out of warm waters to colder regions, making the megalodons extinct, apparently.
Looks like it.. just fucking nuts
my fav one besides the megladons, is the c100 knife.
quit game
make a note "Don't play battlefield again
Play COD
Battlefield is sucks now :(
your ceeting
In that size I'd rather call it Gigalodon lol
Guys lets flank as a team" 10 guys start swimming out and that happens
I am sorry for ruining the egg but its inaccurate
but still man kind goanna need a bigger shitter cuz were are going to crap all over the place
Megalodon is still out there waitin for us to find him.
When the megalodon appeared were all like "WOAH WTF IS THAT GIANT SHARK" some of my teammates said "this ain't great white shark it's too big to be a fking great white shark" and me and my other teammates said "It's a megalodon you dumbasses it existed million years ago"
Oh no, the evil mail is coming!
XD u mad bro?
you said extremely rare, no human has ever seen one genius.
also, it went extinct because of oceanic cooling and sea level drops, and new competition. food was a problem because megladons current prey had gone extinct and the other species were too fast, not too small.
BF4 : Bitch please. -.-
BF: Chill bro, we got Megalodon shark that just killed our players....
Why does Killroys sexual life matter to you? I'm 32 year man who plays this and talk shit on COD. Does that make me a virgin?
you're kidding right? madden is more copy and paste than cod
hey the funny reload animations in BF4 Hardline are pretty cool too :D
battlefield: bitch please
So we cannot say if Megalodon exists or not. Maybe yes, maybe no. We dont know anything of the ocean.
Also, the reason why we haven't explored most of our ocean is because most of our equipment gets crushed by the sea pressure that far down, A Megalodon who's body is more durable than steel is far less likely
Plus scientists proved that the sound from a "bigger creature than a blue whale" was in fact.........a blue whale being amplified coz of some weird sound through water shit that i don't totally understand.
le mégalodon mesure 10 mètres de long et non 150. Il est bien moins grand que ça !
That tells us the order of which rotating beacons are stopped first to last starting on the Chinese side dice server.
Squadmates: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone tried it?
everyone was like wut
"Ouieh, she'z a big one!"
another fisherman
"bietah go get mah spear-gan!"
another frickin fisherman runs in:
"oh may,gunna need a bigger fishing pol!"
At 0:17 > HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The buddyboy in this video is roughly 150-200m, estimated using the ppl swinging in the water and their distance to the chopper. So is pretty safe to say that this badboy is about 7,5-10 times too big to be historical accurat.
Further, with over 30meters in length and up to 200 tonnes heavy the bluewhale is the largest and heaviest creature that ever existed, so stop sayin that a megalodon could eat one of those with one bite. thats bullsht.
_...Fish swim away from you when you get close to them!!
Batlefield 4 has a Megalodon
IT'S A DINOSAUR (not really)
Must be damn hard to organize.