Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus in 10 Minutes

The epic tale summarized into 10 minutes.

Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus in 10 Minutes sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8645

Shark videos 14 years ago 21,695,385 views

The epic tale summarized into 10 minutes.

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Most popular comments
for Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus in 10 Minutes

Dedrick Morrisseau-Pangowish-Thompson
Dedrick Morrisseau-Pangowish-Thompson - 7 years ago
and also great movie
Dedrick Morrisseau-Pangowish-Thompson
Dedrick Morrisseau-Pangowish-Thompson - 7 years ago
awesome video
Nora Finnikin
Nora Finnikin - 7 years ago
the .movies good but th e could 'HV atleast make the movie look real
Gojifan Ison
Gojifan Ison - 7 years ago
Megalodon vs Sarcosuchus/Deinosuchus
Foxy Guy
Foxy Guy - 7 years ago
Luis Alejandro
Luis Alejandro - 7 years ago
Josue Production
Josue Production - 7 years ago
I like the big crocodile
aquilees webb
aquilees webb - 7 years ago
Gana el cocodrilo
Claw x
Claw x - 7 years ago
Damn. This is so Cringy And Corny 100%

10. comment for Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus in 10 Minutes

Gimwel Amisola
Gimwel Amisola - 7 years ago
I think its real
Erna Dwi Susanti
Erna Dwi Susanti - 7 years ago
is big the jaws
maryori araujo
maryori araujo - 7 years ago
DANIEL and ERICA AREVALO - 7 years ago
0:08 hungry shark megalodon sound
Felix Suniaga
Felix Suniaga - 7 years ago
los peores efectos espesiales que e bisto en mi viada
aniket banavlikar
aniket banavlikar - 7 years ago
gta is better then this movie
Chealse Demi Tabora
Chealse Demi Tabora - 7 years ago
at 3:09pm i see the sharks fin
nicolas falcão dos santos
nicolas falcão dos santos - 7 years ago
Very bad special effects, but the action scenes are good!!!!
Rolando Mora
Rolando Mora - 7 years ago
Sophie Uchiha
Sophie Uchiha - 7 years ago
Wow sooooooo BAD DETAILS

20. comment for Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus in 10 Minutes

abdulai jalloh
abdulai jalloh - 7 years ago
magalodan shark won
whatsup with it
Drunk Labourer
Drunk Labourer - 7 years ago
you can’t make this shit up
người lạ 1233
người lạ 1233 - 7 years ago
Dalila Julian
Dalila Julian - 7 years ago
Q mierda
Bombonga The Ball
Bombonga The Ball - 7 years ago
At one moment Megalodon is like 20 meters. 20 seconds later he is like 100 meters
They grow up so fast
Diamond Pro
Diamond Pro - 7 years ago
so who win in the battle
MrAndromaque - 7 years ago
REALLY??? It's a fucking shit movie!!! LOL
BIEL PLAY GAME - 7 years ago
Se eu fosse mutante nenhum ia viver
LJ NINJABOI - 7 years ago
The dorsal fin is bigger than the shark
Jorge Luis G
Jorge Luis G - 7 years ago
El cocodrilo y el tiburon se ven fantesiosos

30. comment for Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus in 10 Minutes

HINA RAJPUT - 7 years ago
Glowing Night
Glowing Night - 7 years ago
Sura baya
Yang Meng
Yang Meng - 7 years ago
Matheus Chaga
Matheus Chaga - 7 years ago
Meu deus até os graficos do ps2 é muito melhor
Ricardo Cubillos
Ricardo Cubillos - 7 years ago
Es mas fake que cuando alguien dice que vio a Michael Jackson...
Ardi Worsnop
Ardi Worsnop - 7 years ago
Mary Membrebe
Mary Membrebe - 7 years ago
8:31 Funniest Explode Sound Ever xD
Mary Membrebe
Mary Membrebe - 7 years ago
All These Giants Are Girls
Manuel Ortiz
Manuel Ortiz - 7 years ago
La película es mas falsa que mis huevos
Maria Victoria Padsoyan
Maria Victoria Padsoyan - 7 years ago
Who lose?
Maria Victoria Padsoyan
Maria Victoria Padsoyan - 7 years ago
Bety Zapata
Bety Zapata - 7 years ago
Martin Emiliano Santacruz Ortega
Martin Emiliano Santacruz Ortega - 7 years ago
They look so false
The Avenger
The Avenger - 7 years ago
Shark shouts like godzilla
WTF.CGI is a joke!!!!
Denzil Panchhiya
Denzil Panchhiya - 7 years ago
the fin was bigger than the shark
Irene Maulucci
Irene Maulucci - 7 years ago
Emily Afable
Emily Afable - 7 years ago
What at.
You Toon
You Toon - 7 years ago
Ann Medrano
Ann Medrano - 7 years ago
I won't trust this real so I will dislike dis cause it's faaaaaaaaake
Ann Medrano
Ann Medrano - 7 years ago
Fake this not real I don't trust that this real

50. comment for Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus in 10 Minutes

Timothy Down
Timothy Down - 7 years ago
gary potter
gary potter - 7 years ago
Pretty certain they used the sound effects from the final boss on Duke Nukem LOL
Thegameingdimond meat
Thegameingdimond meat - 7 years ago
Whatch this after like 4 years it looks poorly animated
Kaylan Muguet
Kaylan Muguet - 7 years ago
esterno cleido mastoideo
esterno cleido mastoideo - 7 years ago
that helicopter is a toy....
jessica Sequito
jessica Sequito - 7 years ago
Wait ho win the fight
Hien Tran
Hien Tran - 7 years ago
What hach is
Hien Tran
Hien Tran - 7 years ago
What the xit
yudian putra Dinata
yudian putra Dinata - 7 years ago
in the win mega shark
Elizabeth Hughes
Elizabeth Hughes - 7 years ago
Boooooo I hate mega shark
Abhirama Farrel
Abhirama Farrel - 7 years ago
Sura shark baya crocodile
17kdudePlayzRoblox YT
17kdudePlayzRoblox YT - 7 years ago
METIN MGT VLOGS - 7 years ago
This is a definite fake
Brian Beynon
Brian Beynon - 7 years ago
It's a movie
Sylaing Iv
Sylaing Iv - 7 years ago
The mega shark is Megalodon
Fox hakisai
Fox hakisai - 7 years ago
Maria Aparecida maria
Maria Aparecida maria - 7 years ago
que bosta
Ed Straker
Ed Straker - 7 years ago
Megalodon was massive!!!!
Nghi Nguyen
Nghi Nguyen - 7 years ago
where do to have
mega pikachu
mega pikachu - 7 years ago
wow this is a well made movie
omar ebied
omar ebied - 7 years ago
theres deinonisuchus and sarcoshucus they lived with the dinosaurs they were extinct crocs but this is megacroc hes bigger then a dinosaur
Venkatesh balivada
Venkatesh balivada - 7 years ago
stupid movie
Hoang Hong
Hoang Hong - 7 years ago
Con cac sau voi ca map to qua ra ngoi doi chac loai nguoi chet het w
chunja cheon
chunja cheon - 7 years ago
고대악어 ㅎㄷㄷ
KaKiRi KonoShaki
KaKiRi KonoShaki - 7 years ago
Wow it look so real
naufal putra
naufal putra - 7 years ago
Robert Robert yes you are right
Vanessa Tobias
Vanessa Tobias - 7 years ago
Damn crocosaurus is like godzilla 2014
Leonardo morillo
Leonardo morillo - 7 years ago
cherrie leong
cherrie leong - 7 years ago
"Sir the creatures are toast" XD
Kary Silva
Kary Silva - 7 years ago
De tão ruim esse filme deveria ganhar o Oscar, pq porra os criadores terem criatividade de colocar tanta coisa tosca em um filme só, n e trabalho pra qualquer um não viu. (Kkkkkkk(kkkkkkkkkkk
Hood Standards
Hood Standards - 7 years ago
Lol simple fix to a giant shark or crocodile is to infect it with a virus that kills the animal quick And could be shot in it's eye
POLAR - 7 years ago
:V es la cosa mas irreal que EH visto pero aún así lo veo
+ Un comentario en español :D
Randi Raditya
Randi Raditya - 7 years ago
Alex gamer
Alex gamer - 7 years ago
Esta buena la peli :v
dinobore - 7 years ago
i actually like this movie
Kevin Breben
Kevin Breben - 7 years ago
I dont like shark shark =jahat
Thu Nguyễn
Thu Nguyễn - 7 years ago
em moi thayb magalodon va ca sau khong lo attack thanh pho do
Handi Huynh
Handi Huynh - 7 years ago
Youhanidz Hadi
Youhanidz Hadi - 7 years ago
The legend of suro and Boyo "Surabaya"
Vhorge - 7 years ago
Is this movie based on a true story?
Arelis Gonzalez
Arelis Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Allen Martinez
Allen Martinez - 7 years ago
This two could wreck the whole world because the shark is the king in the ocean and the crocosaurus is the king of the land but they would fight
Wiara Lima
Wiara Lima - 7 years ago
X 9
Slime genius
Slime genius - 7 years ago
Please save me !胡歌
Ihwanun Mudhofir Hariri
Ihwanun Mudhofir Hariri - 7 years ago
this films is same with SURABAYA story.. SURA (Shark) Baya (Crocodile) batlle.. and Surabaya is capital city of East Java, Indonesia
Ihwanun Mudhofir Hariri
Ihwanun Mudhofir Hariri - 7 years ago
this films is same with SURABAYA story.. SURA (Shark) Baya (Crocodile) batlle.. and Surabaya is capital city of East Java, Indonesia
Ihwanun Mudhofir Hariri
Ihwanun Mudhofir Hariri - 7 years ago
this films is same with SURABAYA story.. SURA (Shark) Baya (Crocodile) batlle.. and Surabaya is capital city of East Java, Indonesia
incik salim
incik salim - 7 years ago
martikno yumna
martikno yumna - 7 years ago
itu pasti komputer...
Um Doido qualquer
Um Doido qualquer - 7 years ago
Bad movie
Vale do Felipe
Vale do Felipe - 7 years ago
Odiei orroroso demais

100. comment for Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus in 10 Minutes

James Cunningham
James Cunningham - 7 years ago
scify channel turd
Ashley YT
Ashley YT - 7 years ago
who won in water is blure
Susant Behera
Susant Behera - 7 years ago
this is very interesting
نوره الموسوي
نوره الموسوي - 7 years ago
والله جذب
Jhon Nieve
Jhon Nieve - 7 years ago
Komang Ayu
Komang Ayu - 7 years ago
Hebat sekali
Maria Rivera
Maria Rivera - 7 years ago
ZULIANTO ARIS - 7 years ago
asal usul surabaya
Kalai Selvi
Kalai Selvi - 7 years ago
good night
Hazzer - 7 years ago
Top 10 most powerful creatures in anime
KIM TAE HYUNG - 7 years ago
Dark Cookiez
Dark Cookiez - 7 years ago

In the opposite way
Erik Licona
Erik Licona - 7 years ago
Esta bonito la pelea
xicaxx25 - 7 years ago
จิราวรรณ แก้วมหาวงศ์
จิราวรรณ แก้วมหาวงศ์ - 7 years ago
Giovanni Settonni
Giovanni Settonni - 7 years ago
This movie looks like something a few 19 year olds put together
Alice and bendy Inc machine
Alice and bendy Inc machine - 7 years ago
Crocosaurus's are basicly massive crocodiles
Hakim Rafansyah
Hakim Rafansyah - 7 years ago
sura baya
pablo yotoff
pablo yotoff - 7 years ago
jhowana coronado
jhowana coronado - 7 years ago
edit pa more
Rafael Games
Rafael Games - 7 years ago
ivan carranza
ivan carranza - 7 years ago
Valen verga pendejos
Nico38xs _
Nico38xs _ - 7 years ago
Megalodon and crocodile geant
Keisha Mei San Juan
Keisha Mei San Juan - 7 years ago
I whant fuyt now
RITA CUENCA - 7 years ago
O lool que vacan
Alice and bendy Inc machine
Alice and bendy Inc machine - 7 years ago
If I was in that same pond and a Crocosaurus was there I would just run out the pond just before that Crocosaurus could eat me!
quiksilverjuce - 7 years ago
they burned
小香香 - 7 years ago
pro grammer
pro grammer - 7 years ago
haaaaaaahahahahhaah the mega shark win you suck crocosaurus yeyeyeyeeyyeyeyeyeeyeye
Phairat Sangnak
Phairat Sangnak - 7 years ago
Alice and bendy Inc machine
Alice and bendy Inc machine - 7 years ago
Croco's Ability: Swim, walk on land, bite strongly & crush things
Mega shark's Ability: swim very fast of 59 maxed speed, break through boats & kill
Winner: Crocosaurus
Alice and bendy Inc machine
Alice and bendy Inc machine - 7 years ago
In this movie, Basiclly this massive crocodile called the crocosaurus which basiclly bites into this massive shark and kills it, I hope the crocosaurus is gonna win!
Alice and bendy Inc machine
Alice and bendy Inc machine - 7 years ago
The crocosaurus should be the one who can save our lives because that prehistoric shark wasn't good so the crocosaurus killed it
ฮานาฟี ดาเลาะ
ฮานาฟี ดาเลาะ - 7 years ago
Joseph Kataina
Joseph Kataina - 7 years ago
Holy Cabello this is insane I love movies like this
Gary Knapp
Gary Knapp - 7 years ago
Some of the worst movies ever
Laura Marcela Cortes Valencia
Laura Marcela Cortes Valencia - 7 years ago
megalodon y leviatan melvilley
cute panda
cute panda - 7 years ago
Now mega shark call is megalodon
TOTV Oa93 - 7 years ago
Ongis Nade
Ongis Nade - 7 years ago
culo boyo
Squishy gloss
Squishy gloss - 7 years ago
Ih ngeriiiiii
Goxte - 7 years ago
Wtf jajajaja
maribel Recalde
maribel Recalde - 7 years ago
read wooo is in increibli
Vickson Hangula
Vickson Hangula - 7 years ago
Oh my god besides my second name is mj
farid ganteng
farid ganteng - 7 years ago
seru menang buaya
eka ernawati
eka ernawati - 7 years ago

Alice and bendy Inc machine
Alice and bendy Inc machine - 7 years ago
Answer to who wins: Crocosaurus
Alice and bendy Inc machine
Alice and bendy Inc machine - 7 years ago
Mega sharks Ability: Swim very fast of 59 maximum speed & has the strongest bite
Crocosaurus's Ability: Swim, walk on land and destroy buildings
RafaelHunk - 7 years ago
The Best film ever! #oscarlost #hollywoodlost
WolFenz ヅ El lobo elegante
WolFenz ヅ El lobo elegante - 7 years ago
bryan dayanan
bryan dayanan - 7 years ago
3:06 did it just... ATE THE CHILD?!?!?!
REEgaming ROBLOX - 7 years ago
don't hate it was made in like 1060 Lmao
Ak Depok
Ak Depok - 7 years ago
Ganta Cell
Ganta Cell - 7 years ago
Busuk men
Withered Foxy .S.
Withered Foxy .S. - 7 years ago
The shark is the best
Mbodj YADE
Mbodj YADE - 7 years ago
I love
MLC - the_skrllex aka LACK4ANAME
MLC - the_skrllex aka LACK4ANAME - 7 years ago
Idk which CGI is worse, this or old Japanese Godzilla movies
stanis laus
stanis laus - 7 years ago
nyatalah buaya kalah lawan hiu hiu kan kuat
Iman Rianda
Iman Rianda - 7 years ago
god damn they goes surabaya
Cuong Do
Cuong Do - 7 years ago
Dung ngan vao con ca sa
Hamad Khan
Hamad Khan - 7 years ago
Technology has come a far way. You can now make these movies on a phone with just one VR app instead of a whole studio with paid employees back in that time.
Anthony Ramirez
Anthony Ramirez - 7 years ago
Legend has it the commenters are still triggered
Juan Carlos Cruz Hernández
Juan Carlos Cruz Hernández - 7 years ago
Son chidos pero será verdad
Juan Carlos Cruz Hernández
Juan Carlos Cruz Hernández - 7 years ago
Son chidos pero será verdad
Casanova - 7 years ago
I used to love this shit when I was young. Now that I look at it, it was poorly animated like fuck
ยูโร ไมคาฟ
ยูโร ไมคาฟ - 7 years ago
Cesar Diaz
Cesar Diaz - 7 years ago
No se porque pero me están dando muchas ganas de mirar vídeos bien pinches viejos para ver los efectos que tenían jajajaja
เหม่ง เมธัส สวนแก้ว
เหม่ง เมธัส สวนแก้ว - 7 years ago
Najmi Rmd
Najmi Rmd - 7 years ago
Film macam apa ini
andri panerauwan
andri panerauwan - 7 years ago
Nice short movie but they evil :)
ZARA ACOSTA R. - 7 years ago
y que batalla mas épica
COD Ninja
COD Ninja - 7 years ago
Is this an actual movie, cos these graphics are shit
ZARA ACOSTA R. - 7 years ago
falso esto es falso
ZARA ACOSTA R. - 7 years ago
como gravan esto maigat
Alexander Cascante
Alexander Cascante - 7 years ago
Hello how aré you whath.s is crocodrile
Humberto Ventura
Humberto Ventura - 7 years ago
Who writes this crap? Some retarded while taking a dump?
Heyitmejay1;3 - 7 years ago
this movie is so fake :/
Dhoriszh Abduraji
Dhoriszh Abduraji - 7 years ago
What the heck?!
amilcar hernandez
amilcar hernandez - 7 years ago
Kamalkant Verma Kamalkant Verma
Kamalkant Verma Kamalkant Verma - 7 years ago
this video not intrasted
huy tran
huy tran - 7 years ago
NickzYT Gamer
NickzYT Gamer - 7 years ago
Wow it looks kanda fake when dinosaurs alive at 65M years ago
v_ibes - 7 years ago
Even Worst.
David Adriano Martinez Arango
David Adriano Martinez Arango - 7 years ago
Soy bebé Milo
Roth Ni
Roth Ni - 7 years ago
Geraldina Lagos
Geraldina Lagos - 7 years ago
Wait, why always in miami?
Mauricio Cuyan
Mauricio Cuyan - 7 years ago
no les entiendo ncabriegeñ bhbrmbmgjung mnujyre yu7rmjnuryurbujetyuiiriu.arw erug -werurhyuiare uwuyhg u eruyñ-.aweiygiña.
Uche Nordo
Uche Nordo - 7 years ago
so very nice
3años elmejor
3años elmejor - 7 years ago
gano megashark
Teacher Bun Bun
Teacher Bun Bun - 7 years ago
Worlds best movie
Alice and bendy Inc machine
Alice and bendy Inc machine - 7 years ago
Why didn't the Bullets shoot through the Mega shark's fin how does it have much strong skin
Lin Rusunwuly
Lin Rusunwuly - 7 years ago
sy sk,krn utk anak sy
Rita Yusnita
Rita Yusnita - 7 years ago
Keren banget siiii
Phuc Nguyen
Phuc Nguyen - 7 years ago
Du ma xam vl
ShaneDaSheep Anime Logic
ShaneDaSheep Anime Logic - 7 years ago
They are battling against 2 gigantic enormous mutant Shark and a Alligator . They use guns.
ShaneDaSheep Anime Logic
ShaneDaSheep Anime Logic - 7 years ago
And the shark keeps on doing the same sound . Is that a Pokemon cuz Pokemon keep on doing the same sound
ShaneDaSheep Anime Logic
ShaneDaSheep Anime Logic - 7 years ago
The shark once looks like bigger than 3 11 floored houses But when it gets off water it just looks like small than a ship what's the logic with this movie lol
ShaneDaSheep Anime Logic
ShaneDaSheep Anime Logic - 7 years ago
There was nothing more than Dinos and Fish
renan lima do couto
renan lima do couto - 7 years ago
filme esquisito efeito rs
ibrahim suleman
ibrahim suleman - 7 years ago
the meaga shark wou;d have won
Alison Bolina Bonilla
Alison Bolina Bonilla - 7 years ago
Gbdeynncddgjh and I will be there on Saturday and will will be I I I not be there able to able able able able able to able to can and I will be unable to attend class this on today today
Diego Castañon
Diego Castañon - 7 years ago
Que chido
Alice and bendy Inc machine
Alice and bendy Inc machine - 7 years ago
That is the most largest Fin I have ever witness
Alice and bendy Inc machine
Alice and bendy Inc machine - 7 years ago
The Megalodon has to be pissed off right now
Anthony Castro
Anthony Castro - 7 years ago
Es mas falso que tu novia xdxd
Talliah Barrett
Talliah Barrett - 7 years ago
what is this I'm watching???
Alice and bendy Inc machine
Alice and bendy Inc machine - 7 years ago
That Mega shark was measured 50-60 feet tall and the Mosasaurus was 50-60 tall as well, both of them are just the same size as eachother Omg
iDragonic - 7 years ago
The MegaShark here is NOT 50-60 feet, it is much larger than that. About 200-250 feet.
Alice and bendy Inc machine
Alice and bendy Inc machine - 7 years ago
That Mega shark's fin was extremely big and why did the Mega shark just keep jumping out of the water and smashing the boat wigh it's tail
Alice and bendy Inc machine
Alice and bendy Inc machine - 7 years ago
That is most largest Mega Shark I have ever witnes
MR. ark TV
MR. ark TV - 7 years ago
RIP iowa
Veronica Serrano
Veronica Serrano - 7 years ago
Wtf que hijo de puta
Attentive hawk
Attentive hawk - 7 years ago
I would be very sad if Steven Spielberg directed this movie
THE DAB - 7 years ago
But nice
THE DAB - 7 years ago
Not real
Viki Trinidad
Viki Trinidad - 7 years ago
Ustedes son perros idiotas adios putos
the movie is very bad
Jessica Tajanlangit
Jessica Tajanlangit - 7 years ago
I mean its so funny
The voice of the mega shark is the same as the game called HUNGRY SHARK EVOLUTION
Matthew Fleming
Matthew Fleming - 7 years ago
was this made on a free phone app
Tortoise gaming
Tortoise gaming - 7 years ago
This makes more sense than the full movie
Teanna Pamplin
Teanna Pamplin - 7 years ago
L love sharks
leonel salas
leonel salas - 7 years ago
Donde viste un tiburón asi
mexiene y farid
mexiene y farid - 7 years ago
Dom Lau
Dom Lau - 7 years ago
that animations.... xDDDD
Tyshawnosaurus Rex
Tyshawnosaurus Rex - 7 years ago
This is like a giant monster movie.
nice cgi and very realistic more than jurassic park XD
Tan Nguyen
Tan Nguyen - 7 years ago
LUIS GAMEPLAY - 7 years ago
Como esses caras tem coragem de criar um filme desses que bosta
Hecker Man
Hecker Man - 7 years ago
Still better than the Twilight franchise
Bojan Mitrovic Slash4Game
Bojan Mitrovic Slash4Game - 7 years ago
lol in real one rocket is inaf :D
Syahrawi Soleman
Syahrawi Soleman - 7 years ago
This is sura&baya,from indonesia
KingBowser116 - 7 years ago
man and they used Hungry Shark Evolution roar of Shark's wow!
Giovanni Ulloa
Giovanni Ulloa - 7 years ago
Nookumboo it's good go fuck yourself
giang chau phu
giang chau phu - 7 years ago
Love megaloddon
Espinosaurio 10
Espinosaurio 10 - 7 years ago
37 segundos para darme cuenta de los malos efectos especiales
Amparo Salas Cardiel
Amparo Salas Cardiel - 7 years ago
que verga es eso buuu
r - 7 years ago
meu deus isso é muito bosta
Diamond Bloxer
Diamond Bloxer - 7 years ago
This Film Is Horrible But Not As Bad As Twilight Or The Emoji Movie
Sugi Yatmi
Sugi Yatmi - 7 years ago
Toby Moore
Toby Moore - 7 years ago
Wanna know something about it see a massive fin bugger than the boat then the shark is smaller then the boat makes total scense
WLL WLL - 7 years ago
O mega shark já existiu na pré historia e não era mega shark e sim megalodonte
Chris Jones
Chris Jones - 7 years ago
What is the awesomest thing I've ever seen
Ben 10 restone creator
Ben 10 restone creator - 7 years ago
is photoshop
Me gusts edge video
mckoypaul - 7 years ago
Beh uno squalo che urla come King kong.....
Luis E l
Luis E l - 7 years ago
Buuuuuuuuu feoo
tv상어 - 7 years ago
Florin Vlogger-ul
Florin Vlogger-ul - 7 years ago
this is fake
fuck you
សោបញា សោ
សោបញា សោ - 7 years ago
CARRASCO louanne
CARRASCO louanne - 7 years ago
Mr McNighty
Mr McNighty - 7 years ago
how come the shark turns into different size every time
KroxiZilla - 7 years ago
God. I remember watching this when I was only little. I loved this movie and it probably didn't bother me because even as a 4 year old, I knew this was so fake
Laurencio De Leon Santeliz
Laurencio De Leon Santeliz - 7 years ago
adara diaz
adara diaz - 7 years ago
eso. jue ina
Natihon Royal
Natihon Royal - 7 years ago
DexX EnD™
DexX EnD™ - 7 years ago
wtf fail
Liopleurodon Fragilis
Liopleurodon Fragilis - 7 years ago
I could produce such a bad movie with my smartphone or an animation program .
Javier Puma
Javier Puma - 7 years ago
3:24 - 3:32 that was my favorite one
Fun point Gaming
Fun point Gaming - 7 years ago
HD rex 465ft 65darkdino godness
HD rex 465ft 65darkdino godness - 7 years ago
this is fake the enimy idk but the buildings are fake they are not in fire
Luisdavid Sanchez
Luisdavid Sanchez - 7 years ago
Y no te cuento las esplociones
Luisdavid Sanchez
Luisdavid Sanchez - 7 years ago
Ja el cocodrilo mas real del mundo si quieres he esto es una mierda
Rajneesh Rattan
Rajneesh Rattan - 7 years ago
Oh a big crocodile and mega shark
DatBoi647 - 7 years ago
all of these movies look so fake its funny
Muffin Girl248
Muffin Girl248 - 7 years ago
The movie is good but they should a little bit more effects and details because the quality is kinda messy
Stefan Jovanovic
Stefan Jovanovic - 7 years ago
Where is Rayquaza when you need him!
Georgie Denbrough
Georgie Denbrough - 7 years ago
Why do they keep using the roar from Duel and Jaws?
OLS Montcul
OLS Montcul - 7 years ago
x best
Dashon Cobbs
Dashon Cobbs - 7 years ago
Ikr lol
Kylee Britt
Kylee Britt - 7 years ago
Hay assholls this is good
Luke Gilbert
Luke Gilbert - 7 years ago
why does mega shark have to die in these movies
Veny Sarmiento
Veny Sarmiento - 7 years ago
stupid crocodile
Rohitkumar Xalxo
Rohitkumar Xalxo - 7 years ago
Gt Wardaniah
Gt Wardaniah - 7 years ago
Ragen Anne Peñaflor
Ragen Anne Peñaflor - 7 years ago
this will float like a pussy oh shit!!!
Teen Gohan
Teen Gohan - 7 years ago
Like y in the hell did the exaggerate they size sooo much
Ghanou Zenoun
Ghanou Zenoun - 7 years ago
MikeX012 - 7 years ago
This is the worst Anime ever.
Danielle Figueiredo
Danielle Figueiredo - 7 years ago
cosertesa u megalódon vemci
Yaneth Melendez
Yaneth Melendez - 7 years ago
Hahaha everything is fake ridiculous they made a shit
roberto esquivel40
roberto esquivel40 - 7 years ago
gana el cocodrilo bech
Avy aVy
Avy aVy - 7 years ago
Avy aVy
Avy aVy - 7 years ago
MegaCharizard XandY
MegaCharizard XandY - 7 years ago
It's made horribly
CJGaming833 - 7 years ago
its Just an Edit.....I hate it, but Awesome
alexhu11 fnf
alexhu11 fnf - 7 years ago
los efectos especiales super malos!!!!
KT OR - 7 years ago
Typisch Trashfilm. Grottenschlecht aber geile Weiber
Mis juguetes De eileen hoyos
Mis juguetes De eileen hoyos - 7 years ago
ETM_gamesSUCKS :D - 7 years ago
I love this
Dicky Yudi
Dicky Yudi - 7 years ago
Ini sangat mengerikan
UltraPro123 The lich king rules
UltraPro123 The lich king rules - 7 years ago
I give it infinite stars like come on its amazing it was so good when it finished it was so good i went and slammed that Subcribe button and like button with a hammer I will give legendary and more than infinite stars
Trey Brown
Trey Brown - 7 years ago
that is so huge
Sos19462; ._.
Sos19462; ._. - 7 years ago
The fight was just stupid. They were raping and humping each other. The cgi is so bad that a grand old man can barley make good cgi. The scenes don't make any sense. God the shark was raping the croc and the croc was humping the shark
epic nebula 5
epic nebula 5 - 7 years ago
this is fake
Asep Mukti
Asep Mukti - 7 years ago
this is just animation
Atom Atom
Atom Atom - 7 years ago
неважно кто
неважно кто - 7 years ago
Jacob Collins
Jacob Collins - 7 years ago
this is so scary help me. but its funny to when the shark jumps
Fossil Zerer
Fossil Zerer - 7 years ago
thank god that camera is fucking drunk and i can't see all this shit
sayaka -chan
sayaka -chan - 7 years ago
que calidad de pelicula B )
MaddieTheGameGal LISTS
MaddieTheGameGal LISTS - 7 years ago
This is not real...
อากวาง แซ่จาง
อากวาง แซ่จาง - 7 years ago
Baby Lalrampari
Baby Lalrampari - 7 years ago
Julian A
Julian A - 7 years ago
This has to be fake
JJ Elpasa Condor
JJ Elpasa Condor - 7 years ago
I think that, The creator of this movie 100 Colki made mangoes and made pictures ...
Kalvin Whelan
Kalvin Whelan - 7 years ago
The hell by crocodile is the size of Godzilla
is edit
Élie Piednoël
Élie Piednoël - 7 years ago
sa se voit que c'est pas vrai!!!?
Dayanne Alves
Dayanne Alves - 7 years ago
megalodon real video
ESTEBAN LOQUENDO - 7 years ago
cuando se pasan de berga con el tamaño de los animales
Cristian Y Youtube
Cristian Y Youtube - 7 years ago
ESTEBAN LOQUENDO eso es verdad
Hum Hai Brahman हम हैं ब्राह्मण
Hum Hai Brahman हम हैं ब्राह्मण - 7 years ago
आई लाइक इट वीडियो
Monika Fans in Doki Doki Literature Club
Monika Fans in Doki Doki Literature Club - 7 years ago
So scary Vid
Amazing Doggo
Amazing Doggo - 7 years ago
I lmao so hard that they didnt even try XD
GodlyNasr73413Xtream God of Hybrids
GodlyNasr73413Xtream God of Hybrids - 7 years ago
Did mega shark have the roar from hungry shark evolution when you eat something worth so much food
Suong Huynh
Suong Huynh - 7 years ago
ar do no
G - 7 years ago
Please don't tell me it's the actual movie...
Brian Beynon
Brian Beynon - 7 years ago
Mariyani Mariyani
Mariyani Mariyani - 7 years ago
Ethan And the LostWolf
Ethan And the LostWolf - 7 years ago could see by the graphics...
BaxtianxD_YT nahuelpan
BaxtianxD_YT nahuelpan - 7 years ago
que bacan
deiker coronado
deiker coronado - 7 years ago
que la cra
HD AzuL - 7 years ago
De Broma me cago :d
faikah alim
faikah alim - 7 years ago
awawaawwwwwwwwwwwwwMla\wertyuioasdfhjkzxvhnqmqqllkmn. &jhhhhhhh&jjhjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwDh77
Godzilla&MadokaMagica 1975fan
Godzilla&MadokaMagica 1975fan - 7 years ago
MR. PRO - 7 years ago
jajajajajajajajajajajajaja q pelicula mas ficticia deberian de borrar el video JAJAJAJAKAKAJAJA
쎄레's[3D인트로아웃트로 채널]
쎄레's[3D인트로아웃트로 채널] - 7 years ago
วชิรวิทย์ ชาจันดี
วชิรวิทย์ ชาจันดี - 7 years ago
ashleygirl joshua
ashleygirl joshua - 7 years ago
it's not real guys it's a fake
Carlos Ponce
Carlos Ponce - 7 years ago
pedro rangel
pedro rangel - 7 years ago
gana mega shark
Adrian Wójcik
Adrian Wójcik - 7 years ago
like nooooo
johanna valencia
johanna valencia - 7 years ago
es el peor video de todo el universo es lo más falsificado del mundo
Sergio Diaz
Sergio Diaz - 7 years ago
y tambien mas fotosshopeado
Sergio Diaz
Sergio Diaz - 7 years ago
el video mas real de la hustoria
Ivanna Diaz
Ivanna Diaz - 7 years ago
malisimos los efectos
Maria Zamacona
Maria Zamacona - 7 years ago
wow las texturas del cocodrilo están en 4K
Valentina Llanos
Valentina Llanos - 7 years ago
solo un tonto la compraria a esa pelicula

mucha ficcion
Jose Ernestor
Jose Ernestor - 7 years ago
Crocosauros gana
I quitted ajpw sorry
I quitted ajpw sorry - 7 years ago
I don't care if you guys think it's so crigiest shit ever I like it
Antonio The Killer
Antonio The Killer - 7 years ago
I watched this movie when it came out it was dam cool mate
Katt - 7 years ago
queria que el megalodon ganase
Lorena Ruiz
Lorena Ruiz - 7 years ago
es. vavuloso me en can ta
keriko suzuki
keriko suzuki - 7 years ago
this movie is more better than the other the asylum films because the screen time of the monsters are good
not like in the others the screen of the monsters are dang short.
BiancaCachayBarbies And more Fun Challenges!
BiancaCachayBarbies And more Fun Challenges! - 7 years ago
when godzilla camed...

Crocosaurus: Hey who are u we just stared Kicking this ants :/
mega shark: Yea. this is Fun green monster
Godzilla: im godzilla lmao
Crocosaurus: what u doing in my ants life
Godzilla:im king of monsters. Bow...
Godzilla: ROAR ●_●
Mega Shark And Crocsaurus: AHHH MONSTER BOWS
Godzilla: lol :) BOW MORE
Godzilla: k kid lmao

Marsel Sheliy
Marsel Sheliy - 7 years ago
ngu nguyu ae nga isok mbalek kapok
Galaxy CRAFT 010
Galaxy CRAFT 010 - 7 years ago
Nih film kayak TENTANG MONSTER sura baya :)
Goofy - 7 years ago
Guys, if you look close enough, you can see it's not actually real.
Dirli Yansyah
Dirli Yansyah - 7 years ago
mary cullen
mary cullen - 7 years ago
Wow the mega shark is being shot a lot and he's not dead that's a hacker shark
The Super Nintendo Megatendo
The Super Nintendo Megatendo - 7 years ago
this is fake
Louis Le
Louis Le - 7 years ago
My dad:se deadh its old
Me:you can pick up him
green shigami
green shigami - 7 years ago
this is fake
Volcanogamer - 7 years ago
que mierda de pelicula
nokia dell
nokia dell - 7 years ago

yusuf Varol
yusuf Varol - 7 years ago
ha ho çok iyi sikmislar
Miguel Ganteng
Miguel Ganteng - 7 years ago
suro boyo nih mah
VideoShow App
VideoShow App - 7 years ago
sura baya
zen dai
zen dai - 7 years ago
sux big time
Edi Prabowo
Edi Prabowo - 7 years ago
the legend of surabaya land
valentina alcaraz
valentina alcaraz - 7 years ago
muucho montaje ya
Matheus Santos
Matheus Santos - 7 years ago
o video mais visto do yutube
pinky ska
pinky ska - 7 years ago
pinche pelicula tan mas culera a la verga
Ronaldo Mescita
Ronaldo Mescita - 7 years ago
shark win!? :p
Dominic Dynamite
Dominic Dynamite - 7 years ago
0:06 "THE SHARK IS DEAD" 0:08 "Oh rly?"
Peem Chayanat
Peem Chayanat - 7 years ago
Luis Lopez Carlos จจจดพไฤผ๑ำฟไไไไไไไฟฟไำฃฟ.ฟจนตตรร่ดิดะภีๅตรนตๅจๆตๆตตตๆ
Peem Chayanat
Peem Chayanat - 7 years ago
Luis Lopez Carlos รนรรระพพไฟ"
Deathmachine LegoDestoryer
Deathmachine LegoDestoryer - 7 years ago
This is shit
1.the animation is really crap
2.and its not that exciting
3.and the animals in different parts of the video change in size
DANIAL Beisembsev
DANIAL Beisembsev - 7 years ago
Face you
Jenny Laguna
Jenny Laguna - 7 years ago
its so bad that its good!!!!!
play boy35 Roger
play boy35 Roger - 7 years ago
that roar it's like bower's roar
ichsan rochman
ichsan rochman - 7 years ago
Sura and Baya "surabaya"
Oliver Bundgaard Terp
Oliver Bundgaard Terp - 7 years ago
That Shark is fucking huge bigger and have Big Jaws That is fucking cool
Shawn Anthony
Shawn Anthony - 7 years ago
That is so freaking dumb
Roland Silva
Roland Silva - 7 years ago
The movie is false and I scared
Huda Anjing
Huda Anjing - 7 years ago
video opo iki cok
Nathan Gill
Nathan Gill - 7 years ago
how about godzilla and vs this guys
วารุณพร จินดาโรจน์
วารุณพร จินดาโรจน์ - 7 years ago
Oliver Bundgaard Terp
Oliver Bundgaard Terp - 7 years ago
That Crocodile is fucking huge and Big
Oliver Bundgaard Terp
Oliver Bundgaard Terp - 7 years ago
That is a mega crocodile
Radim Tichý
Radim Tichý - 7 years ago
if you asked me, I would say it's as good as Star Wars: The Force Awakens :D
Deny Trapaz
Deny Trapaz - 7 years ago
Claudino Oliveira
Claudino Oliveira - 7 years ago
very stupid
Claudino Oliveira
Claudino Oliveira - 7 years ago
very stupid
B2R 173 FAMZ
B2R 173 FAMZ - 7 years ago
di mana tempat canel sih
Hope Wines
Hope Wines - 7 years ago
this feels like this would be movie on at 3 in the morning on the syfy challen
yanti global
yanti global - 7 years ago
ya edit terus meningan edit film meninhan edit mukaluh anta udakaya aspal belom jadi
Ang Ho
Ang Ho - 7 years ago
Rafimanta - 7 years ago
so fake
Kharisma Dacd
Kharisma Dacd - 7 years ago
this is why surabaya come from
Solchi Nagle
Solchi Nagle - 7 years ago
re mentira dale like si es verdad
Infi YT
Infi YT - 7 years ago
pongan musica peeeee es más emocionante con musica
Gumball Sebastian Reyes
Gumball Sebastian Reyes - 7 years ago
So they tie they both die because of the thing
sasusaku - 7 years ago
enserio utilizaron el canal de Panama Para hacer esta Estupida pelicula
Paloma Doria
Paloma Doria - 7 years ago
dan mas miedos los cocodrilos porque pueden estar en la tierra y en el agua
Талгат Сейтмагамбетов
Талгат Сейтмагамбетов - 7 years ago
Juana Rojas
Juana Rojas - 7 years ago
that was fake when he ate the pearson that was climing
sonny martinez
sonny martinez - 7 years ago
i thick does are just robots or picture
JAnyyy 88yy
JAnyyy 88yy - 7 years ago
What's the name of the movie
Dian Raju
Dian Raju - 7 years ago
video apa ini
hiếu vietsub
hiếu vietsub - 7 years ago
Namikaze Minato
Namikaze Minato - 7 years ago
quem ganhou?
Luis Manuel Bedolla Fernandez
Luis Manuel Bedolla Fernandez - 7 years ago
It looks so fake
Luis Manuel Bedolla Fernandez
Luis Manuel Bedolla Fernandez - 7 years ago
This is the worst thing I've ever seen
vanthe dinoexpert
vanthe dinoexpert - 7 years ago
the cgi sucks and u people liked it?
Mayang Mayang
Mayang Mayang - 7 years ago
Nico Nico
Nico Nico - 7 years ago
wtf my eyes!!!
Hamba Allah
Hamba Allah - 8 years ago
Hamba Allah
Hamba Allah - 8 years ago
Eduardo Hincapié
Eduardo Hincapié - 8 years ago
super persona normal
super persona normal - 8 years ago
100% fake no real
Khánh Quốc
Khánh Quốc - 8 years ago
Luis. Gerardo Gonzalez Garcia
Luis. Gerardo Gonzalez Garcia - 8 years ago
sharkboy vs cocrogirl :V
PANDA GAMER - 8 years ago
it look photoshopped
Hungry Shark Gamer
Hungry Shark Gamer - 8 years ago
And don't tell me if I spelt anything wrong
Hungry Shark Gamer
Hungry Shark Gamer - 8 years ago
Why is crocasauras and mega shark just popping everywhere it's so confusing
Alfonso Sanhueza Canto
Alfonso Sanhueza Canto - 8 years ago
la.cuestion mala!"
Julian Wenger
Julian Wenger - 8 years ago
It is not crocosaus it is sarcasucas
Kimo Tellio
Kimo Tellio - 8 years ago
That was interesting lol
Toy Bonnie
Toy Bonnie - 8 years ago
edward sena
edward sena - 8 years ago
Mega Shark Look Like Megalodon Mean Big Tooth
GGOGAME GGOGAME - 8 years ago
lm srry
Liam Moe
Liam Moe - 8 years ago
Sooo fake
doge the realteamdogefro life
doge the realteamdogefro life - 8 years ago
Dante Hubbard shark gamer
Dante Hubbard shark gamer - 8 years ago
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO mega shark survived just the weakest
pamela ramdeo
pamela ramdeo - 8 years ago
them dotiish if that was real yhe two of them will survive
Muhammad Adeel
Muhammad Adeel - 8 years ago
boring video
Santiago Aguilar Osorto
Santiago Aguilar Osorto - 8 years ago
me gusto mucho
Santiago Aguilar Osorto
Santiago Aguilar Osorto - 8 years ago
q bueno
TAUFIK SYAMANIA - 8 years ago
Jason Edillo
Jason Edillo - 8 years ago
Jose Purata
Jose Purata - 8 years ago
cocodrilo en agua salada?
vinicius henrique
vinicius henrique - 8 years ago
que efeito bosta um lixo
sebasook - 8 years ago
Guilherme Aquino
Guilherme Aquino - 8 years ago
E Um Crocodilo Gente Não Ver Isso Sinão Vcs Vão sonhar Com Ele
Kim Anh Trần Thị
Kim Anh Trần Thị - 8 years ago
ghê rợn
Erick Espinase
Erick Espinase - 8 years ago
Giant Vs Giant Yo :)
Tele tubbie 281930
Tele tubbie 281930 - 8 years ago
I know Godzilla
Pedro Emiliano Bizarro Suares
Pedro Emiliano Bizarro Suares - 8 years ago
q no sean mamones pinche pelicula falsa a la verga
Patolino o Mago
Patolino o Mago - 8 years ago
vídeo mais mal editado que eu já vi
Unknown X
Unknown X - 8 years ago
This should be called Megalodon Vs Deinosuchus Or Sarcosuchus
Shilpa Patil
Shilpa Patil - 8 years ago
wrong crocodile is king
FADLY Muhammad gaming
FADLY Muhammad gaming - 8 years ago
Luguete - 8 years ago
3:56 Jonh CENA!!!!! tuturutu-tuturutu! :v
Krazy Kesh
Krazy Kesh - 8 years ago
Is it real?
Krazy Kesh
Krazy Kesh - 8 years ago
Well, I think it's not
Ekaterina Sameva
Ekaterina Sameva - 8 years ago
Redy Visi
Redy Visi - 8 years ago
this k
Bentyin - 8 years ago
la película me gustó, solo no me gustaron los efectos
Josh DaJokurrr
Josh DaJokurrr - 8 years ago
graphics are terrible. easily can tell its fake
ศรีตําบล ส.รไทย
ศรีตําบล ส.รไทย - 8 years ago
yuven yoga pratama
yuven yoga pratama - 8 years ago
Mary Ambrosecchia
Mary Ambrosecchia - 8 years ago
mega shark wins
Lorenzo el crak
Lorenzo el crak - 8 years ago
Ринат Ахмедпашаев
Ринат Ахмедпашаев - 8 years ago
у них любовь
Ринат Ахмедпашаев
Ринат Ахмедпашаев - 8 years ago
Ринат Ахмедпашаев
Ринат Ахмедпашаев - 8 years ago
HeyImRivenn - 8 years ago
lol a bugatti can outrun the crocosaurus
Asep Ams
Asep Ams - 8 years ago
Seru juga film nya
Asep Ams
Asep Ams - 8 years ago
Swordterranean40 - 8 years ago
0:46 Oh come on! Why the stock screams?
Elias Sanchez Gomes
Elias Sanchez Gomes - 8 years ago
sopry Mat
sopry Mat - 8 years ago
Mártin Bismarck Botello
Mártin Bismarck Botello - 8 years ago
Guilherme Conceiçao
Guilherme Conceiçao - 8 years ago
o crocodilo vs tubarão foi muito masa
charles wang
charles wang - 8 years ago
Funny kombatBest android tablet tablet to be in town touch of your own levels are high and the the same way I am a plant
jacinto antonio veraza hernandez
jacinto antonio veraza hernandez - 8 years ago
. me encanta eso es todo
VascoPafonso DROID
VascoPafonso DROID - 8 years ago
You Lost
You Lost - 8 years ago
Wyatt Merland
Wyatt Merland - 8 years ago
At 7:45 that guy looked like he was holding a pistol from 1760!
succ scribe
succ scribe - 8 years ago
0_0 What the fuck is this shit? Really? If I was to be paid 1000.. I wouldn't whach it. It's fucking horrible
DanksterPranksters inc
DanksterPranksters inc - 8 years ago
and also shelby what happend to your profile photo u look scarred
DanksterPranksters inc
DanksterPranksters inc - 8 years ago
hes got 13k subs u got 13 and in this case shut up before u endup being #######
DanksterPranksters inc
DanksterPranksters inc - 8 years ago
so be quiet
and respect
DanksterPranksters inc
DanksterPranksters inc - 8 years ago
and shelby leilich sounds more like shelby bayb*ch
Precious Baby Blue Pearl
Precious Baby Blue Pearl - 8 years ago
Bentley Wolf
Bentley Wolf - 8 years ago
Otra mierda más
ItzMeninaArmy_ S2
ItzMeninaArmy_ S2 - 8 years ago
caraca tubarão comeu fermento foi oxi se é assim eu vou comer 300000 quilos de fermento ficar ainda maior e enfiar a faça em você kkk e isso serve pra você também dinossauro da espécie de dinossauro exibido misturado com jacaré esfomeado. kkkk vai tubarão arranca a cabeceira dele amassa ele mete porrada pra cima dele
RamonZ Z
RamonZ Z - 8 years ago
Какому блять командиру пришло в голову стрелять в плавник? 0:20
jeanine litwin
jeanine litwin - 8 years ago
fake mega shark
Arjun Ambarnath
Arjun Ambarnath - 8 years ago
Why dint this movie win an Oscar??!
สุธาสินี เอกชยุตวรพงศ์
สุธาสินี เอกชยุตวรพงศ์ - 8 years ago
Miaw Aug
Miaw Aug - 8 years ago
Marcio Folha
Marcio Folha - 8 years ago
o mega shark é muito bom Eli ganha meu voto
Frank - 8 years ago
Mega shark looks like megalodon
Felix Perez
Felix Perez - 8 years ago
esta pelicua tiene uno efectos especialez que flipaz
Paulo Dias Ferreira
Paulo Dias Ferreira - 8 years ago
que bosta de filme
Amanda Moon
Amanda Moon - 8 years ago
This is epic
Sontay Mai
Sontay Mai - 8 years ago
Đa. Nnnnnnnnn gbvvbdgnfbefebdbfbrssCss đua fsdvdvsf s fb bình hnfhfgfgdgdgcdcdvdbdvg ae vời ve gdgbdwvbdvfvđvfdvêvfsvsfvfsdsg
jorec vv
jorec vv - 8 years ago
jaja WTF!
BertuğWinner - 8 years ago
mega shark is megalodon
Day Gremaleag0
Day Gremaleag0 - 8 years ago
Que falsedad por el amor de dios
han Ngọc
han Ngọc - 8 years ago
Paul Bearer
Paul Bearer - 8 years ago
Anirudh Goud
Anirudh Goud - 8 years ago
These kind of films give filmmakers hope!!
Humaira Makkarumpa
Humaira Makkarumpa - 8 years ago
ini seperti asal usul nama surabaya pertengkaran hiu sura dan buaya
c j
c j - 8 years ago
So we just gonna ignore the fact that urkel from family matters is in this movie
Мерседес бенз
Мерседес бенз - 8 years ago
далбаёб кино
Nurmala  Sari
Nurmala Sari - 8 years ago
ini asli apa palsu
Carlos Medina
Carlos Medina - 8 years ago
el video más estúpido del mundo
Antonio Gil
Antonio Gil - 8 years ago
wrost 3d animations than spy kid 2
Baby Kiss
Baby Kiss - 8 years ago
Shark vs Crocosaurus Effect 2D Fake :)
ismimi okumakta zaman kaybetmeyip direk yanda yazdığım yoruma bakabilirsiniz
ismimi okumakta zaman kaybetmeyip direk yanda yazdığım yoruma bakabilirsiniz - 8 years ago
best cgı xd
ismimi okumakta zaman kaybetmeyip direk yanda yazdığım yoruma bakabilirsiniz
ismimi okumakta zaman kaybetmeyip direk yanda yazdığım yoruma bakabilirsiniz - 8 years ago
jaws and jurassic park laughs xd
TOPView - 8 years ago
bagus tapi ingbulkdjdkdkdjfjfjfjfjfjf
TOPView - 8 years ago
bagus tapi ingbul

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Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus (1/10) Movie CLIP -...

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Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus movie clips: BUY THE MOVIE: Don't miss the HOTTEST...

About Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus in 10 Minutes

The "Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus in 10 Minutes" video is part of the Shark videos category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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