Megalodon Shark Caught On Camera 62 Feet Long Shocking

Be ((((O))))NE Be L((((O))))VE!!!! ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ new 2014 Help fund future projects check out link.... Megalodon (/ˈmɛɡələdɒn/ meg-ə-lə-don; meaning "big tooth", from Ancient Greek: μέγας (megas) "big, mighty" + ὀδόν (odon) (from ὀδούς (odous) "tooth"),[1] is an extinct species of shark that lived approximately 28 to 1.5 million years ago, during the Cenozoic Era (late Oligocene to early Pleistocene). The taxonomic assignment of C. megalodon has been debated for nearly a century, and is still under dispute. The two major interpretations are Carcharodon megalodon (under family Lamnidae) or Carcharocles megalodon (under family Otodontidae).[2] Consequently, the scientific name of this species is commonly abbreviated C. megalodon in the literature. C. megalodon is regarded as one of the largest and most powerful predators in vertebrate history,[3] and likely had a profound impact on the structure of marine communities.[4] Fossil remains suggest that this giant shark reached a maximum length of 14--18 metres (46--59 ft),[3] and also affirm that it had a cosmopolitan distribution.[2] Scientists suggest that C. megalodon looked like a stockier version of the great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias. Please Visit...these sites for live ocean footage http://ooicruises.ocean.washington.ed...

Megalodon Shark Caught On Camera 62 Feet Long Shocking sentiment_very_dissatisfied 17988

Shark videos 11 years ago 21,759,184 views

Be ((((O))))NE Be L((((O))))VE!!!! ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ new 2014 Help fund future projects check out link.... Megalodon (/ˈmɛɡələdɒn/ meg-ə-lə-don; meaning "big tooth", from Ancient Greek: μέγας (megas) "big, mighty" + ὀδόν (odon) (from ὀδούς (odous) "tooth"),[1] is an extinct species of shark that lived approximately 28 to 1.5 million years ago, during the Cenozoic Era (late Oligocene to early Pleistocene). The taxonomic assignment of C. megalodon has been debated for nearly a century, and is still under dispute. The two major interpretations are Carcharodon megalodon (under family Lamnidae) or Carcharocles megalodon (under family Otodontidae).[2] Consequently, the scientific name of this species is commonly abbreviated C. megalodon in the literature. C. megalodon is regarded as one of the largest and most powerful predators in vertebrate history,[3] and likely had a profound impact on the structure of marine communities.[4] Fossil remains suggest that this giant shark reached a maximum length of 14--18 metres (46--59 ft),[3] and also affirm that it had a cosmopolitan distribution.[2] Scientists suggest that C. megalodon looked like a stockier version of the great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias. Please Visit...these sites for live ocean footage http://ooicruises.ocean.washington.ed...

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Most popular comments
for Megalodon Shark Caught On Camera 62 Feet Long Shocking

CobaltTV _
CobaltTV _ - 6 years ago
It can’t be a dolphin. They don’t dive that deep, and you can see a large shadow shifts in front of the camera at the start anyway. Has to be a fish of some kind
Isaac Morrow
Isaac Morrow - 6 years ago
Bald guy: there is absolutely no possible way a megalodon could exist we have all the evidence in the world

only discovered 3% of the ocean
Stephanie Rodriquez
Stephanie Rodriquez - 6 years ago
causewhy not
causewhy not - 6 years ago
Woah. A thing
Dashcount 1452
Dashcount 1452 - 6 years ago
It would have destroyed ur robot
Richard C.
Richard C. - 6 years ago
Im a scuba diver. I came across a 35-40 ft. great white off san diego coast in 1981. I cant prove it because they supposedly dont exist but i swear it to this day. This thing was beyond huge and he came right up to me. I know what whales look like and this wasnt a whale. It was a frikken great white.
Lucy Phan
Lucy Phan - 6 years ago
The shell I see is beautiful
D3athVlogs - 6 years ago
0:23 eeeeeeeewww
Cheree Shaver
Cheree Shaver - 6 years ago
Its not a the whole video

10. comment for Megalodon Shark Caught On Camera 62 Feet Long Shocking

Vyrus - 6 years ago
the 17k people who think that scientiests proffesionaly trained cant estimate a sharks size based on a fin
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 6 years ago
the one person here who thinks that 17k people actually disliked the video for the above mentioned reason.... In case you haven't noticed yet, this clip is from the pseudo-documentary Megalodon - The Monster Shark Lives. That's actor Darron Meyer playing his role as marine biologist Collin Drake.
ALI ABRAR - 6 years ago
How can you people say that all species have extinct when we humans haven't even discovered the complete of ocean.

There can be many creatures we don't know and surviving under that depth pressure can make it bigger like the size of megladon
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 6 years ago
No one here is claiming "all species" have gone extinct, so your question doesn't make sense. Another problem is that megalodons are not unknown to science. How can you possibly expect to discuss this animal if you don't know anything about it? Thirdly, it is no good just letting your imagination run wild, conjuring up all sorts of beasties in the deep as you see fit just because large regions of the ocean remain unexplored, to try and suggest (or rather simply speculate) that megs could still exist.
Tyler Nolan
Tyler Nolan - 6 years ago
Could just be 2-3 sharks or so! This footage is only used to draw in viewers and increase ratings for shark week.
Marcus Ratcliff
Marcus Ratcliff - 6 years ago
Right as we all know Megladon is extinct. But only to a theory that it food supply was cut off when the ice age hit about 2.6 million years ago. But reason studies from discover channel back in 2013 says other wise with near factual footage evidence, but not enough. But as science unlock more secrets about sharks, they can have embryos that can freeze when it feels in danger of predators that are near. So it’s come to my senses to think hold on. What if by chance the Megladon could have had embryos that did this technique to survive. What if they froze because of danger and because of the ice age water being so cold that this caused them to freeze for a very long time and still survive. Recent studies have found a Megladon tooth found in thousands off years old compare to a 2.6 million year old tooth. What if the eggs found shelter or the drastic change in waters that allowed the eggs to continue to grow and become big tooth after they were frozen. As we all no we can’t actually proof the extinction as there is so much water to discover that we haven’t managed to discover and find new species .This could explain part of their existence if the 2013 footage from the discovery channel of Megladon being alive.
Myna Myna
Myna Myna - 6 years ago
this doesnt prove nothing
Eric D. Kirk
Eric D. Kirk - 6 years ago
We're idiots to think we know for certainty every living creature in the sea.  I think a megaladon is perfectly believable.
Jay Glock
Jay Glock - 6 years ago
Who wants this to be real so we can believe that there are probably more stuff like dragons
Gracie James
Gracie James - 6 years ago
I can tell this is fake just because of the way the actors are delivering their lines.
Gavin Planas
Gavin Planas - 6 years ago
Discovery channel got so much shit for making this fake documentary
pigeon yeet
pigeon yeet - 6 years ago
If i was that robot arm i woulda flipped shit

20. comment for Megalodon Shark Caught On Camera 62 Feet Long Shocking

river_cats - 6 years ago
this shit is false and everyone knows it!!!This show was a joke
William Anderson
William Anderson - 6 years ago
It's official...its Jimmy hoffa
Shane 2jz
Shane 2jz - 6 years ago
This is so sick!
Varun Kumar
Varun Kumar - 6 years ago
A Big Fuck Off Dislike
TM B - 6 years ago
Such bull shit.
S Griffin
S Griffin - 6 years ago
Discovery Channel fake
Gerald Fisher
Gerald Fisher - 6 years ago
Six-gill shark, not a Meg, let's not jump to conclusions ol' boy.
Cierha Rasasanen
Cierha Rasasanen - 6 years ago
Don’t belove any of this meglodon vedios guys it’s fake and they know it meglodons don’t live on earth any more I don’t know if they ever existed
splash fox
splash fox - 6 years ago
Maybe its still alive since 95% of the ocean havent been explored yet
Bon’Quisha Ward
Bon’Quisha Ward - 6 years ago
That was not 62 feet lmao

30. comment for Megalodon Shark Caught On Camera 62 Feet Long Shocking

lalo popoca
lalo popoca - 6 years ago
If i was a fish i would stay far away from the irratating radioactive buzz sound the machines make. Surely there are people smart enough to stop these monotonous buzz sounds that machines make let alone put people out of work with machine automation and then blame lack of jobs on the indigenous population.
Ack - 6 years ago
Uh are all going to die
Jim Lahey
Jim Lahey - 6 years ago
Discover Channel lost ALL credibility with this bullshit Megalodon story.
bermudaguy03 - 6 years ago
that wasnt 62ft....sensationalism at its best is what it was. id say 20 odd feet....its a big ass shark
Jethro Jabay
Jethro Jabay - 6 years ago
maybe it's a Megalodon or Maybe It's A Whale.....
Shale - 6 years ago
I love how much America makes their documentaries super dramatic... Takes away all credibility.
Zeref Dragneel
Zeref Dragneel - 6 years ago
Actually its 64 feet long
Zunilda Caniza
Zunilda Caniza - 6 years ago
Enki Lord
Enki Lord - 6 years ago
Evelyn Velazquez
Evelyn Velazquez - 6 years ago
I believe megaladons are REAL
Hunter Dorris
Hunter Dorris - 6 years ago
School of sting rays?
Walter The Terrible
Walter The Terrible - 6 years ago
XD isn't this the paid actor? I thought it was sooo funny when he said 62 feet XD the back fin was so close to the first one hahahaha
Louis Morejohn
Louis Morejohn - 6 years ago
Wow, what nonsense.
Palm Tree Thot
Palm Tree Thot - 6 years ago
grimconan - 6 years ago
Every megalodon tooth that has been found is ancient. Until a fresh megalodon tooth, a “megatooth” shark sighting, or some other form of proof has been presented, it is determined that this ancient shark is most definitely extinct.
James O'Brien
James O'Brien - 6 years ago
You aint no scientist ya muppet fucka
Golf Journey to Pro
Golf Journey to Pro - 6 years ago
joe b
joe b - 6 years ago
It’s THE megalodon or A megalodon. Morons.
joe b
joe b - 6 years ago
It’s a species. Not a single shark. So use it in plurality. Stupid grammar mistake.
chuckyko - 6 years ago
Just like all of these idiotic Megalodon videos, the image was of a very large Greenland shark.

50. comment for Megalodon Shark Caught On Camera 62 Feet Long Shocking

Ginger zipzap Snap
Ginger zipzap Snap - 6 years ago
I've took the time and closely studied this and other practical evidence. My resolution is that it is a mermaid.
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler - 6 years ago
That's my German U-boat down there
Kinetic Confidant
Kinetic Confidant - 6 years ago
Charlie Boy
Charlie Boy - 6 years ago
The most bullshit video clip ever....Ur calculations should have U working at Walmart!
andy rocksteady
andy rocksteady - 6 years ago
These guys were probably the producers of sharknado
Jeff Eagle
Jeff Eagle - 6 years ago
It legit looks like CGI
Retro Renaissance
Retro Renaissance - 6 years ago
thats not a fin thats just my dick
Inspector Steve
Inspector Steve - 6 years ago
Or it was more than one fish
Shy billy
Shy billy - 6 years ago
Hey I want to monitor one of those cameras
YZFR1mart - 6 years ago
My dick swung past my camera while filming and I calculated judging measurement frame by frame. . Apparently my dick is 56 inch long. . I'm now calling myself megladong!
Furry Wheels
Furry Wheels - 6 years ago
this video is uploaded before the death of Elisa Lam, isn't it?
Edited: was uploaded...
CA SANDEEP GUPTA - 6 years ago
Ferzii h
NTRO 194
NTRO 194 - 6 years ago
Personally, I think is BS. If something that big was out there we would all really know it.
Ashton Deshazo
Ashton Deshazo - 6 years ago
Wooow none of you have said its a whale yet
Lain McLaughlin
Lain McLaughlin - 6 years ago
Maybe it could still be alive remember we’ve on discovered 5 percent of our ocean
Christopher Pitts
Christopher Pitts - 6 years ago
Good god man
Mohamad Abdullah
Mohamad Abdullah - 6 years ago
manusia suka menonjol diri sebagai pembina badan sama dengan haiwan akan menunjuk nunjuk diri bagaikan kebesaran diri dan haiwan besar tak menganas atau menyerang manusia sesuka hati .. .
Jordan Gregory
Jordan Gregory - 6 years ago
Just because it's a giant fin doesn't mean it's a megladon
VanRocCarMor - 6 years ago
Mightiflier - 6 years ago
What is that whale shark doing down there?
ijo e puta
ijo e puta - 6 years ago
Solid estimate ? Lol
Suhail K
Suhail K - 6 years ago
It's all balls!!! Even if it was real... You fuckin wankers would kill it and shove it in a museum
fer04i - 6 years ago
I stopped watching this the second I realized it was from the Discovery Channel
zanesmith666 - 6 years ago
FYI you never see the shark in this bullshit video
NoLifeGamer YT
NoLifeGamer YT - 6 years ago
Sleeper shark
zak iqbal
zak iqbal - 6 years ago
I'm not saying that this pre historic shark still exists but the fact is that the ocean is soo deep and vast that it would be naive not to think that there 100s of species that are still not discovered
Qu1nNacl3zz _
Qu1nNacl3zz _ - 6 years ago
If megalodon was still alive it wouldn’t be posting in the depths of the ocean. That fucker would be up fucking eating anything it wants.
Pedro Tello
Pedro Tello - 6 years ago
This has to be a joke lol
Tarık A
Tarık A - 6 years ago
Not true
crnlsnts 4
crnlsnts 4 - 6 years ago
if megalodon is real I need to see better capture
Bujar Shabaj
Bujar Shabaj - 6 years ago
crnlsnts 4 It's a fake Discovery Channel documentary...
C B - 6 years ago
Its a flathead that got away.
Feminist Media
Feminist Media - 6 years ago
Absolute bullshit 62 feet from a blurred image?
X • e • e •XD ッ
X • e • e •XD ッ - 6 years ago
How would the fuck there'll be a giant shark in only 62 feet... while the smallest fish in the world are thousand of thousand meter below the ocean!
Harry Twatter
Harry Twatter - 6 years ago
Yea and Charlie sheen doesn't have aids. lol bs.
Ricky Blumpkin
Ricky Blumpkin - 6 years ago
You are fake news!!
H462 - 6 years ago
This was one of the worst television specials ever
iAnthuny - 6 years ago
It was swamp gas
Heroin Harvey
Heroin Harvey - 6 years ago
Discovery go fuck urself with the fake shit like this then the mermaids.. seriously go fuck urself hope half your staff dies
Malaka Silva
Malaka Silva - 6 years ago
2.17 minutes long video .1 sec for the shark and the rest is for assumptions..
mork isretarded
mork isretarded - 6 years ago
Sleeper shark boi
Praveer Jeewoonarain
Praveer Jeewoonarain - 6 years ago
don t press read more


thats all u got

u are nearly here

the end is here

James Bstard
James Bstard - 6 years ago
if megalodon was real it's fins would fetch a fortune in asia
SS_LawBreaker - 6 years ago
Best advice for yall:- Next time, put a Thermal Camera which can only detect beings which is only found among 20 feets. Thats the best thing to do if u wanna know more.. You just missed a chance tho. Nvm, next time but whoever sees this, please try to contact the people responsible for the live underwater CCTV and give 'em this mind blowing idea. It's going to be sooo helpful!!!
SoarStruck - 6 years ago
Reactions and estimating for sizes and what it was were so beyond disappointing for actors. It clearly just looked like a stingray, people say it was just a shark or dolphin but honestly I could kinda see it’s body and it looked like a stingray, to me.
lifelesskids - 6 years ago
Bullshit and fiction
Leaetta Hyer
Leaetta Hyer - 6 years ago
It's Natalie wood
Joshua Grigg
Joshua Grigg - 6 years ago
It would explain why whales beach themselves.
Kinzie Lombard
Kinzie Lombard - 6 years ago
OMG GUYS WE HAVE FOUND A MEGALODON IN AN OCEAN WHERE OTHER SHARKS, WHALES, DOLPHINS, AND FISH LIVE!!! No one takes in that it could be a dolphin, a whale or a swarm of FISH!!!!!
Lil' Goldie
Lil' Goldie - 6 years ago
Megalodons died a million years ago
tyty rty
tyty rty - 6 years ago

100. comment for Megalodon Shark Caught On Camera 62 Feet Long Shocking

Ko Chea
Ko Chea - 6 years ago
Megaoldon 100 MPH
MasterBASS95 - 6 years ago
But in all honesty if crocodiles and sharks and creatures of that short have been and around survived as long as the have what’s not to say a megalodon has I mean what would produce it to go extinct it has enormous room to grow and a plenty food source
Lil Kitty
Lil Kitty - 6 years ago
Lotus Stein
Lotus Stein - 6 years ago
I hate this bad played murrican bullshit..
Dan Koning
Dan Koning - 6 years ago
1) They don't know what they're looking at. 2) How many there were. 3) Carbon dating has been scientifically proven time & again, to be inconsistent & unreliable as a "dating tool." 4) NOW, to the most important: According the Bible - Gods Word - The Earth is a "young earth" & according to genealogical records its approx. 6.5k yrs old. I believe God, not men like Darwin who said in his "Origin of Species" quote: "I am determined to escape from design and a personal God at all costs."  hmmm
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 6 years ago
Scientists are human. As I already explained, human beings are fallible and because of this scientists take precautions when quoting others. I find your criticism rather moot and distracting. So please don't change the subject here (yet)by opening new cans or worms before we have dealt with this issue first. I am questioning the merit of your "research". Creationists would be having a field day if this quote were true. A simple online search reveals that is not the case. A handful of creationist sources quote a creationist book Why Scientists accept Evolution from 1966 by James D. Clark, NOT Darwin, as saying on page 50 " Darwin was determined to escape from design and a personal God at all costs." Sound familiar? Or did you simply copy your quote from the creationist web page Creation: Believe it or Not, Part 1, where it is falsely claimed this quote was included in one of Darwin's letters? Either way, you cannot tell me you got the quote by reading Darwin's On the Origin of Species. So you are either mistaken, suck at note-taking or lying here. If your "research" is that questionable, how can anything you say be trusted on the matter? How can you even trust anything you think you know about the subject?
Dan Koning
Dan Koning - 6 years ago
Sea Monster: last time I looked scientists are also "fallible men" right? If you'd like to watch/listen to college prof's defend evolution listen to this:  (start it at the beginning) keep in mind what evolution is: 1 species evolving into another species. Not a bird becoming a different bird, thats adaptation. A bird becoming a dolphin = evolution
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 6 years ago
Dear Dan, Why should I trust you? You are a fallible human being. Scientists know human beings are fallible. That is why they have to and gladly will provide proper citations of the works they quote, so anyone reading their work can check up on their claims and quotes.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 6 years ago
I am not asking you to do my homework for me. You are the one that is claiming this is a quote from Darwin's On the Origin of Species. Do you honestly expect me to read a whole book to find this quote? If it is THAT easy to find this quote, as you suggest, why don't you simply provide the information yourself to back the claim up? What rest of the actual quotes from Darwin you gave in your comments above are you referring to here?
Dan Koning
Dan Koning - 6 years ago
Sea Monster: I did just look for a sec and I just have to much here to dig through.  Sorry.  Trust me its in there.  :)
Dan Koning
Dan Koning - 6 years ago
Sea Monster: I'm not doing your homework for you. I do my own research. Find the book online or buy it and there you'll see it along with the rest of the actual quotes from Darwin I gave in my comments above.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 6 years ago
No, by writing "exactly" I mean on what page is this quote to be found. Thanks for the info.
Dan Koning
Dan Koning - 6 years ago
Sea his book "Origin of Species" just as I said in my comment above  :)
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 6 years ago
Where exactly did Darwin say "I am determined to escape from design and a personal God at all costs"?
ur personal cat Ed
ur personal cat Ed - 6 years ago
It could be a whale..
Herbert Miller
Herbert Miller - 6 years ago
The quote unquote scientist is an actor the footage was faked there are no megalodons. Something swim by the camera and they made up the story about the ship and the deaths.
But hey it's entertaining so why don't we all just go along with it.
Because you know facts no longer matter.
Welcome to post truth.
Nishant Basista
Nishant Basista - 6 years ago
its a sleeper shark
B. Lukee
B. Lukee - 6 years ago
It could've just been megamouth shark!
raaaabert - 6 years ago
What a bunch of fucking tossers
Raul Diaz
Raul Diaz - 6 years ago
Megalodon fanboys are annoying af
Flak - 6 years ago
robert matt
robert matt - 6 years ago
The megalodon is a great actor, along with the others.
James Brown
James Brown - 6 years ago
One thing even rarer than a Megaladon is actors that can do documentary style acting convincingly.
Hood Glasses
Hood Glasses - 6 years ago
I clicked on this clickbaity, spammy video. My wasted time falls on nobody but me.
Jafar Sidik
Jafar Sidik - 6 years ago
ngomong naon sih mang, gugurutu kitu
Altiero Romano Fabrizi
Altiero Romano Fabrizi - 6 years ago
Still get a good laugh at this
Mike Andrews
Mike Andrews - 6 years ago
Another dumb show. Fuck you Discovery. You don't have a clue what the distance was, so do you know how large it is? Oh that's're a douche BAG channel.
121212 - 6 years ago
discovery should be ashamed
Infinite - 6 years ago
This is all fake
Marcin Lech
Marcin Lech - 6 years ago
i seee only 2 sea devile and nothing more :D why Tv lie ? :( becouse moron belife ^^
Gero Z
Gero Z - 6 years ago
don't know Rick it looks fake to me
Skin Bear
Skin Bear - 6 years ago
Yes, that is a fin. Good job
Brett Hubble
Brett Hubble - 6 years ago
Magic Walrus
Magic Walrus - 6 years ago
Heather coo¿
Heather coo¿ - 6 years ago
Obese European
Obese European - 6 years ago
small shark
usmcspeedy - 6 years ago
Carbon dating proved that my poop contained salmon from 2 days ago.
D Ray
D Ray - 6 years ago
Thats a platapus
Steven Williamson
Steven Williamson - 6 years ago
Ooooooooooo so real lol so fake!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!
DaeGiTron - 6 years ago
JustGamerz - 6 years ago
I wish all creatures could cooperate with us to do some research
JustGamerz - 6 years ago
Its probably a great white shark well its big too
Mr. Silent
Mr. Silent - 6 years ago ya saw somethin...could be anythin...nope its a megadolon
Mr. Silent
Mr. Silent - 6 years ago
Uhhh you guys know that a shark can be bigger on vam if he gets closer....
John Dyke
John Dyke - 6 years ago
It was a gold fish in disguise. They do that sometimes. In fact, my gold fish named Jaws did that the other day in his 10 gallon aquarium. It sure did look funny and terrifying....
Jake - 6 years ago
You are wrong the maximum size of a megalodon is only 59 feet long sorry to burst your bubble
TheMsjayhawk - 6 years ago
GoFlixster - 6 years ago
whale shark is also around 60 - 65ft, soooooooo
jaime rodarte
jaime rodarte - 6 years ago
this is discovery channel putting this fiction out also >_>
Josh collymore
Josh collymore - 6 years ago
Same as those UFO sightings lol are you not stoned
Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt - 6 years ago
I hope you're fucking kidding!
AES 7-7-77
AES 7-7-77 - 6 years ago
We know more about Mars , than our own Oceans.
VIEW8472 - 6 years ago
Oh.. come on I wasn't even paid and I could tell it was just your run of the mill white shark or another of the same size.
Dream Frantics
Dream Frantics - 6 years ago
Das a big fish
n balaboon
n balaboon - 6 years ago
not enough oxygen for a shark this size in todays ocean plain and simple . that shark would have to swim 1000 oh miles an hour to get enough oxygen for in mass of cells . sheeple
I Polaris I
I Polaris I - 6 years ago
I hope these are real
cristos - 6 years ago
mega discovery bullshit
Gavin Logsdon
Gavin Logsdon - 6 years ago
EarthIs FlatAf
EarthIs FlatAf - 6 years ago
Discovery channel is full of untrue bullshit
Teow Hai Way
Teow Hai Way - 6 years ago
megalodon? that's a mermaid!
Whatever i say It hurts
Whatever i say It hurts - 6 years ago
One of them megalodon told me that they don't exit anymore.
Jymio Jammer
Jymio Jammer - 6 years ago
If that thing was 62 feet long, then it was moving as fast as a fucking jet.
Anthony Palumbo
Anthony Palumbo - 6 years ago
This shit is faker than those ads that say there are girls in the neighborhood who wanna have sex
tyson66331 - 6 years ago
Part of Discovery Channels' "Dumb Bullshit" series...
prathmesh gurav
prathmesh gurav - 6 years ago
my be that is an whale fish or ordinary shark
Archie P
Archie P - 6 years ago
62ft with tiny fins. Lol
William Lozier
William Lozier - 6 years ago
Very poor description. That was just stupid.
rdkehoe - 6 years ago
Bullshit clickbait title.
sabre_wulf1 - 6 years ago
totally fucking annoying reality tv type shit ...
Mark Sean
Mark Sean - 6 years ago
It real
Satanic Matrix Awareness
Satanic Matrix Awareness - 6 years ago
Shitty video
Dell12 16
Dell12 16 - 6 years ago
So fucking fake, why would you assume from a single fin that it was a megalodon? Also Megalodon is extinct and the megalodon’s tooth can’t be accurately carbon dated because the dna would have decayed since the time it died millions of years ago.
maronimaciek - 6 years ago
Its 2 sharks moving lol
Low Tech Zalvo
Low Tech Zalvo - 6 years ago
they can tell what kind of fish it is with how the fin is presented as
Edgy Edgelord McEdgerson
Edgy Edgelord McEdgerson - 6 years ago
Wait a minute.... You're telling me that wasn't a dog?!?
warren ferguson
warren ferguson - 6 years ago
God's plan
Chip - 6 years ago
As bad as bfro.
Brian Brian
Brian Brian - 6 years ago
I’ve examined the evidence and determined that it could be a dark shadow of anything
Pickle Rick
Pickle Rick - 6 years ago
Why would a shark have 62 feet though... crazy
dan schriver
dan schriver - 6 years ago
I dont understand how people get paid to bullshit for a living?
patches - 6 years ago
Clearly a underwater swimming sheep named Shawn
Barney Gómez
Barney Gómez - 6 years ago
As clear as UFO photos, great!!!!!!
Simon Whitlock
Simon Whitlock - 6 years ago
Dusan Mandic
Dusan Mandic - 6 years ago
This was s mockumentory on the discovery channel. Which (sigh) really disappointed me with that channel
Nai'a Kāhealani
Nai'a Kāhealani - 6 years ago
Nice whale shark.
Jason Hancock
Jason Hancock - 6 years ago
Delusional at best .
OM - 6 years ago
Gino Foogle
Gino Foogle - 6 years ago
fishbowl effect.. everything appears larger than they are.
Gino Foogle
Gino Foogle - 6 years ago
Megalodon is not scary to me because apparently it doesn't like to swim on the surface.. nobody has seen it on the surface yet..
Fiery Dragon
Fiery Dragon - 6 years ago
every single video evidence was all fake. i think this is too.
Magma Tf2
Magma Tf2 - 6 years ago
This is fake....
Hilmir Þór Hugason
Hilmir Þór Hugason - 6 years ago
Thats why i dont mess with the ocean
Bruce David
Bruce David - 6 years ago
It is an unidentified underwater object or UUO. Origin is the planet Trog.
Alexis Tosta
Alexis Tosta - 6 years ago
No one ever seen this megadolon. Lol
Adam Coppa
Adam Coppa - 6 years ago
62 feet!? I must have made a mistake let me redo that equat- NO! call discovery channel we are onto something here.
Rattlers 66
Rattlers 66 - 6 years ago
A fat whale
Matthias K
Matthias K - 6 years ago
Couldn't it be a small fish close to the camera
NoMoStatic - 6 years ago
This was the very show that turned me off from the discovery channel. So fake it’s an insult to think I would swallow that crap. They sold out long ago, you use to be able to get some great info from that channel, now it’s just crap...
Jason Plays
Jason Plays - 6 years ago
Ok ok it’s not a megalodawn it is a big shark like a shark that eats shrimp but a big one that lives under the depths of the ocean
Heretbg - 6 years ago
DarthOliptius - 6 years ago
Guys the other day I saw something move in my bathtub. Perhaps Megalodon??
firetuth - 6 years ago
That is a fin in fact
Yaros Yari
Yaros Yari - 6 years ago
I think if megalodon exists it swim deep near the bottom and eat dead whales, so you can swim without fear, noone eat you, even box jellyfish
Jo Nathan
Jo Nathan - 6 years ago
Regardless, it’s a big freakin fish
Joe Boggio
Joe Boggio - 6 years ago
This is fake, Discovery channel made this for a show.
FreshlySnipes - 6 years ago
I heard this entire show is fake news
Help me reach 1000 subscribers with no videos! ! !
Help me reach 1000 subscribers with no videos! ! ! - 6 years ago
1:05 they just have random test tubes on their table? as if that makes them a credible source / scientist
KingMartinelli - 6 years ago
show the maths
Manuel Jurado
Manuel Jurado - 6 years ago
that's me passing by
nocalsteve - 6 years ago
Isn't it funny how there are no cameras that can take a decent picture of Bigfoot on land, and how there are no underwater cameras that can get a decent picture of Bigfin?
Smurffi GT
Smurffi GT - 6 years ago
nocalsteve I don't it either when they happen to have shit cameras when "encountering an ufo or a bigfoot", but this one kinda makes sense, why would they need a HD (1080+) camera just for drilling some oil? And even if they did, it would not have changed anything, we would've seen just a fin or two.
Sam Farnsworth
Sam Farnsworth - 6 years ago
Just because you have a fin whose size you can estimate doesn't mean you can identify a species. Besides, it's only an estimate. This could have been a Basking Shark. People want to believe Megalodon still exists. As if the actual marine life we know is there isn't exciting and interesting enough. People like monster stories.
Leigh Curwen
Leigh Curwen - 6 years ago
Sam Farnsworth like people say dinosaurs are extinct. They ain't alligator crocodile. The only living dinosaur
Leigh Curwen
Leigh Curwen - 6 years ago
Sam Farnsworth yeah but wowootj specialists by seeing the span of the fin they can estimate what size the animal would be. Like with dinosaurs just by going by one bone they can estimate how big it was. So with that fin they guessed it was 62f and no other shark the deep as a fin that big so by default that sums up Megaladon I'm not saying it is accurate but I'm saying you never know what's deep below the sea.
mlowie29 - 6 years ago
Donald Roberts
Donald Roberts - 6 years ago
I used a more complicated mathematical equation to justify the length of this outstanding creature. First I wrote down numbers one to 20 and threw a dart at my board and multiplied x 3 and could only come up with 54 feet long. So based on that theory and by my calculations I know they are once again bullshitting.
Dead Pool
Dead Pool - 6 years ago
I think all types of sharks should be terminated. All they do is kill eat kill eat. They are blood thirsty monsters and need to die. #endthesharks
Draus Lucas
Draus Lucas - 6 years ago
That first guy that talks in the video, when u see him, u know whatever they're talking about is BULLSHIT. It's a dumb show this douche does. The video, however, is real. It is a big shark of some kind. But not nearly big enough for megladon. 62 feet my ass.
Dj lian Dimalanta
Dj lian Dimalanta - 6 years ago
How can you say that what you saw is a megalodon?
L'hibou topeur
L'hibou topeur - 6 years ago
Ca peut être une baleine ou un cachlot nn ?
Andrew Anderson
Andrew Anderson - 6 years ago
Fake news
Spring Heeled Jack
Spring Heeled Jack - 6 years ago
Another fake documentary just like the mermaids one. These shows have to make it more clear that its a fictious ahow.
Lil Flame Streams
Lil Flame Streams - 6 years ago
It could be real as only 92% of the ocean has been explored
bigserg killemoff
bigserg killemoff - 6 years ago
R u kidding me?
Fifty Cents
Fifty Cents - 6 years ago
that has got to be real. there is so much ocean that has not been explored so there could be so many animals that have not been discovered.
Illuminati aqi
Illuminati aqi - 6 years ago
2:12 listen what he says
Your Dad
Your Dad - 6 years ago
It’s probably a Greenland shark or a sleeper shark.
MuggShotGaming - 6 years ago
It could be anything, that robotic arm could be 1/100th of an inch long for all we know, in that case its a giant guppy.
Karen Shaub
Karen Shaub - 6 years ago
I wondered what happened to all the girls working as mermaids at Week I Wachi Springs. Now I know. Thanks to digital effects they now have careers in this stuff.
Everything Else is Irrelevant
Everything Else is Irrelevant - 6 years ago
Hungry shark CGI.
Anwari Mulop
Anwari Mulop - 6 years ago
it just a sperm whale
nomar mar
nomar mar - 6 years ago
its fake
Hunter Coyt
Hunter Coyt - 6 years ago
That wasn’t no meglodon I believe there still is some out there but that wasn’t no 52 feet looked like 4 feet long
Lukedoestuff - 6 years ago
Shh Theking broo
Shh Theking broo - 6 years ago
1:18 Sharks illuminate confirmed!!!!
Stphe Wox
Stphe Wox - 6 years ago
This is proven to be a fake with actors,wtf man stop posting this shit
Paul Briñas
Paul Briñas - 6 years ago
Guy:Its a shark
Girl:No its a bird
Me:Goddamnit its a goddamn crashing plane!!!
Zz-Destroyah-zZ Productions
Zz-Destroyah-zZ Productions - 6 years ago
Its a MegaMouth shark. But not even half of the ocean has been discovered. Only 12% has been discovered.
Shawn Taylor
Shawn Taylor - 6 years ago
Somebody call spongebob and get his ass outta there
noiprocs YT 111
noiprocs YT 111 - 6 years ago
Maybe it's a new species
Bryce Martin
Bryce Martin - 6 years ago
1:17 thank me later
Im Vozza
Im Vozza - 6 years ago
Look at that look at that.... That's a Fin!!
Potato Batman
Potato Batman - 6 years ago
Man I wish I was a megalodon. I could be a giant badass shark, and I would be extinct, which would be a plus.
Max Lewin
Max Lewin - 6 years ago
That's a fin........ No shit.
Troy Baker
Troy Baker - 6 years ago
Wow we live in a crazy world we know more about space than our oceans. We learn and find out new things everyday. God bless humanity.
Inferior Delirium
Inferior Delirium - 6 years ago
Damn that was a huge. Who knew completely separate stingrays has been the long lost megalodon. My mind went the JFK route and is officially blown!
IQUIT - 6 years ago
yea n the calculations of my cock is 100ft . 100% perfect solid estimate.
Queen of dad jokes
Queen of dad jokes - 6 years ago
If humans actually found the megaladon it would go extinct. Keep hiding if your still there.
GameKnight76 - 6 years ago
Don't worry it was just a freesh avaca doe.
Kbholla - 6 years ago
Wow what clear evidence. Are these people for real?
David Lanphear
David Lanphear - 6 years ago
That's clearly a hippo
kamata kun
kamata kun - 6 years ago
David Lanphear go tuck yourself
ChrisXD - 6 years ago
62 feet =
18.8976 meters
Timerick The Frog
Timerick The Frog - 6 years ago
Greenland Shark
Giepau Butac
Giepau Butac - 6 years ago
Is that starlord?!
siukong - 6 years ago
Hmm ... So a really large animal with a fin. Like .... You know, a whale.
Spencer Sepul92
Spencer Sepul92 - 6 years ago
I remember this I think this is what kept me from watching Shark Week after I saw this
Silly willy Suicide
Silly willy Suicide - 6 years ago
I took a dump too bad youtube doesn’t have smelly vision
talon24 - 6 years ago
we know next to nothing about the deep ocean, sure we know the shallow parts, but the ocean is big....really really big, we have now idea wtf goes on down there. So they could easily still exist and we would have no clue.
silence - 6 years ago
This isnt a megalodon, but an old greenland shark
Wizard of Aus
Wizard of Aus - 6 years ago
It’s a giant tuna
Arriyan Bose
Arriyan Bose - 6 years ago
It was a sleeper shark for God's sake!
Max - 6 years ago
This type of shits been slowly killing the discovery channel for like 15 years.
esteban baker
esteban baker - 6 years ago
heh heh more liar tv ,bs.
R K - 6 years ago
I can only imagen how hard these bastards laughing at people who falling this
Goobye USA
Goobye USA - 6 years ago
My nickname is Megadong. I don't know if that's relevant here.
DutchGamer - 6 years ago
maybe there are holes in he bottom where the megalodons sleep
Deadbeliefs - 6 years ago
Whenever explosions happen in the movies, the guy underwater always lives through it.
Why do people assume that all of the biggest and most dangerous predators the ocean has disappeared along with the dinosaurs?
I never read that the oceans evaporated during that time, so why can't they still be alive?
Michael James
Michael James - 6 years ago
nice try to get more financing for your bogus, unsuccessful reaserch you cocksmokers
Richard Atkins
Richard Atkins - 6 years ago
Why does he seem more like an actor than a scientist
Vincent Rabajoie
Vincent Rabajoie - 6 years ago
When you're bad in maths and wanna make a joke about it
dr. Nutcase
dr. Nutcase - 6 years ago
Wow! What a lame video
Al Muqsit
Al Muqsit - 6 years ago
"We all know Megalodon doesn't exist today" no we don't. The sea is 95% unexplored. But this guy knows!!!
Nitroxium - 6 years ago
Scientists believe that there may be something similar to the megalodon in the Marianas trench.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 6 years ago
Cool. Where did you get that information from?
vito valen
vito valen - 6 years ago
Its a Greenland shark
Totti Netzrot
Totti Netzrot - 6 years ago
Boringggg fake shit show
Freddie McCoy
Freddie McCoy - 6 years ago
bravo 20
bravo 20 - 6 years ago
yeah,these same idiots filmed a yeti...
Rob - 6 years ago
Everything is fake and gay.
Rawlou Films -
Rawlou Films - - 6 years ago
That’s so fake
FBG FlashBattleGaming
FBG FlashBattleGaming - 6 years ago
Everyone can see, that this is never ever 62 feet long
Leonardo Pereira
Leonardo Pereira - 6 years ago
This is whaleshark
Maria :P
Maria :P - 6 years ago
The megalodon has been extinguished from over a quazillion years dont spread rumors they are bigger then you.
Andrsn Films
Andrsn Films - 6 years ago
Looks like a normal shark to me, not sure how they got "62 feet" from that video lol. BUT with that being said, we only know 5-10% of whats in ocean waters, whos to say there isnt some monster creatures down there?
Fun Girl
Fun Girl - 6 years ago
Rest IN pepperoni. GWH....
Thomas Radl
Thomas Radl - 6 years ago
I made the math
It is not as long as you think it is
Lil Pump
Lil Pump - 6 years ago
Joker - 6 years ago
This is stupid
Ingrid 521
Ingrid 521 - 6 years ago
dennis mcdade
dennis mcdade - 6 years ago
...this is the dumbest fucking bullshit you can find on Youtube...
Tipped Jungle
Tipped Jungle - 6 years ago
Its just a shark get over it
Jan - 6 years ago
Corey Mullis
Corey Mullis - 6 years ago
Nothing proven
Canis Lupus
Canis Lupus - 6 years ago
Its just a greenland shark. No boggie.
negitivezeroize - 6 years ago
They got this from a damn fin? Nice evidence
Aslıhan Karga
Aslıhan Karga - 6 years ago
omg is this life ? i think 17 m terrible pls dont life
xHyperTiger Gaming
xHyperTiger Gaming - 6 years ago
its a submarine
Mr. Kid
Mr. Kid - 6 years ago
Its actually just a giant sea cucumber.
Andrew Young
Andrew Young - 6 years ago
pathetic bullshit
Kevin Mejia
Kevin Mejia - 6 years ago
OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mugoba - 6 years ago
Harry Steele
Harry Steele - 6 years ago
could it be a whale shark?
Chad Walker
Chad Walker - 6 years ago
B. Lukee its a type of shark. Anyways the camera lens makes it look bigger
B. Lukee
B. Lukee - 6 years ago
Harry Steele ...whale sharks stay closer to the water surface
Byron lord Master
Byron lord Master - 6 years ago
I would have to agree with you. ..... my ex mother outlaw and it ...have A LOT IN COMMON
junior morales
junior morales - 6 years ago
Bills channel debunked this video

Watch it to believe it
Ittiporn Intravisit
Ittiporn Intravisit - 6 years ago
I was glued to my couch watching the whole program. Turn out that it was just a mockumentary. That’s why it looks so neat and all characters look like professional actors.
Nasir Yusoff
Nasir Yusoff - 6 years ago
If megalodon swim near the sea floor, it could create a huge fog..I thought
Ze RedBaron
Ze RedBaron - 6 years ago
Hey fuck you haters......Megalodons exist.....a T-rex told me he sees those motherfuckers like all the time.
I C - 6 years ago
Brilliant reasoning. "We can't have made a mistake because someone else might have made a mistake."
ItsMeCal:PP - 6 years ago
This is a bad thing not a good thing
MR KRABS - 6 years ago
If I won the lottery.. I would get my self a team of scientists and engineers and make a vehicle that could go all the way down and start exploring these deep waters... Then do the same thing in space and if I had time try and remove all the sand from Egypt see what I find.. Oh and also dig few miles down in Antarctica.. Just to put my curiosity at rest
fitnesstube tube
fitnesstube tube - 6 years ago
megalodon her ne kadsr eski caglarda yasamis olsada kopekbaliklari as degisim geciren turlerdir ve hepsi guneslenmek icin yuzeye cikar balik surulerini kovalamak ve fok avlamak bunlarin hepsi icin yuzeye cikmak sart mariana cukurunda beslense bile yuzeye cikip bir iki saat guneslenmek zorunda cikmadigi icinre olmadigini soyleyebiliriz.
N O S T A L G I C_•
N O S T A L G I C_• - 6 years ago
No evidence, the Megalodon could be just more elusive as the Alaskan Wolverine plus we've only explored 5% of our ocean(s)
51501138 - 6 years ago
I’ve been studying sharks and dolphins since I was a kid just for the hobby. I don’t know if this video is real or not, but if it is real, I’m pretty sure that was not a dolphin fin. I could be wrong, like everybody else. No one is sure until actual proof. I never seen a fin on a dolphin like that. I’ve seen on certain sharks. Also that thing was moving very fast for a large fish. So either it was hunting/attacking or the video is fake. Large animals and fishes tend to preserve energy, so they will move slowly or cruise when not in hunting mode. Regarding the ocean’s depths, I’m not marine biologist and I don’t think anyone here might be. If a marine biologists are discovering new species everyday in our oceans depths. What makes you so sure what’s down there. You humans need to check yourselves more frequently instead of critiquing every thing like your experts.
Nikolay Sones
Nikolay Sones - 6 years ago
John Fritzel
John Fritzel - 6 years ago
That was obviously a smallmouth bass, duh ! Notice you didn't see any mouth?
Brian Esola
Brian Esola - 6 years ago
WillJ Y
WillJ Y - 6 years ago
U ppl jus reallllyyyy want it to exist now do u..
monkey GAMES
monkey GAMES - 6 years ago
Evan - 6 years ago
0:48 look its Corey feldman's anti drug brother lol
Java Wayagwag
Java Wayagwag - 6 years ago
I guess we only reach 98% deep ocean and we didnt actually discover the most deep! My opinion is I think theres still strange living creatures deeper than 98% like DRAGON!!!
Chad Walker
Chad Walker - 6 years ago
daniel phillpotts i would prefer a dragon
daniel phillpotts
daniel phillpotts - 6 years ago
or Hillary
Alpha Male
Alpha Male - 6 years ago
Are we meant to take this seriously ?
beachsidestudios - 6 years ago
its a greenland shark dingaling
Andrew Bonnette
Andrew Bonnette - 6 years ago
YouTube. Making people dumber since 2005.
Enzo Enzo
Enzo Enzo - 6 years ago
If I had to be honest,
I really don't think that this show's fake, guys. You can't put Cgi or any programs to fake it out. Plus, they would've said it's a joke if it is fake. Guys, Have Common Sense.
DeAnn Young
DeAnn Young - 6 years ago
Do not doubt the unknown.
Tiw Lamai
Tiw Lamai - 6 years ago
Fck ur 62ft idiots
Mario Garcia
Mario Garcia - 6 years ago
Victor Johnson
Victor Johnson - 6 years ago
Should have called it "bad acting class".
PS: that shark was only 15 foot at the most.
Cesar Barrios
Cesar Barrios - 6 years ago
Men, i can't wait for the sharknado to be discover
First name Last name
First name Last name - 6 years ago
Daniel Pierce
Daniel Pierce - 6 years ago
This show was incredibly unethical if you ask me, it was designed in a way to make it look 100% the same as if it were a show talking about real factual topics, it did a disservice to Discovery because you have to ask yourself what’s real and what’s fake on their network, poor decision for sure!
Georgescu Nicolae
Georgescu Nicolae - 6 years ago
Bull shit
Dan Dixon
Dan Dixon - 6 years ago
Boooooo garbage
Yo Momma
Yo Momma - 6 years ago
Just because there is no "proof" doesn't mean it is not out there.
Conor McMullen
Conor McMullen - 6 years ago
Our calculations
El Chapolo
El Chapolo - 6 years ago
Lol.... these people are genius
WLS JOURNEY OF DJ 90 - 6 years ago
Lol,bs if its real cam be hd
Cole Bennett
Cole Bennett - 6 years ago
Tag whales on fins and then monitor the tag. The megalodon eats whale fins so if a tag is suddenly lost, you will know why
Yo&Yo - 6 years ago
Bullshit anda more bullshit
The random chicken
The random chicken - 6 years ago
Something called a pacific sleeper shark if a kid can unscramble this why cant grown men not?
Ryan Heath
Ryan Heath - 6 years ago
I love you Dad
adam brown
adam brown - 6 years ago
That's nice, if a little soppy... is your dad a megalodon?
Cryo 329
Cryo 329 - 6 years ago
P h o t o s h o p
Christian Mouse
Christian Mouse - 6 years ago
Pyro - 6 years ago
Adrian Ramirez
Adrian Ramirez - 6 years ago
1:21 no thats a dorito
Eileen Scovitch
Eileen Scovitch - 6 years ago
jon doe
jon doe - 6 years ago
Larry Barnhill
Larry Barnhill - 6 years ago
Crap like this was beginning of the end for channels like the discovery channel and the history channel.
CAPTIN DIME - 6 years ago
Collin Drake is a FAKE biologist. He gets paid to do these actings like he is something he’s not
Phillip Fry
Phillip Fry - 6 years ago
Jimmy Joebob
Jimmy Joebob - 6 years ago
So a shadowy fin is evidence!! THESE GUYS ARE REACHING!!!
Marko Barilo
Marko Barilo - 6 years ago
that is not clear video for me is maybe shark
Richie Rich
Richie Rich - 6 years ago
its a tuna shark. goodnight.
Holymakinaw - 6 years ago
LOL. What a load of shit.
emilio ochoa
emilio ochoa - 6 years ago
this is fucking stupid.
Mr Freak Freaking
Mr Freak Freaking - 6 years ago
i like the fact how you the monster never fully appeqrs on camera but only in blury images and part of it is shown. Plzz i am not stupid
Tiger Woods
Tiger Woods - 6 years ago
This shark looks no bigger than 15 feet from its shadow. Over 62 feet my ass it swiftly went by the camera in under 3 seconds.
Cristi Paiata
Cristi Paiata - 6 years ago
So fake lmao
snaAkshit adicty
snaAkshit adicty - 6 years ago
It s a normal shark
Fucking noob
Khalid Mayes
Khalid Mayes - 6 years ago
sure was moving to ne 62feet
Brett Allen
Brett Allen - 6 years ago
Jesse Grajeda
Jesse Grajeda - 6 years ago
Bro that’s the shit I took a while back ain’t no shark get real
Vinedect Marc
Vinedect Marc - 6 years ago
Its real
Lance Buttercream
Lance Buttercream - 6 years ago
That is shocking...
Matthew Marzula
Matthew Marzula - 6 years ago
And this is why I no longer watch Discovery Channel. It may as well be called the Make-Believe Channel.
n balaboon
n balaboon - 6 years ago
not enough oxygen for a shark this size in todays ocean plain and simple . that shark would have to swim 1000 miles an hour to get enough oxygen for in mass of cells .
Try and think
DoGGo Boi 2
DoGGo Boi 2 - 6 years ago
Met4l.s0nix. It isn't fake, but it's not a megalodon, it's just a sleeper shark.
Met4l.s0nix. - 6 years ago
Dro King Maybe because its proven that this documentary is fake and all “sientists” in it are actual actors.
ZERO TWO - 6 years ago
It was clearly an Illuminati shark
Because it was the first shark with triangle like fins
kamata kun
kamata kun - 6 years ago
Will Larson
Will Larson - 6 years ago
ZERO TWO agree. Most likely a free mason as well.
agent smith
agent smith - 6 years ago
I yust shit my self
Joshua Rinne Music
Joshua Rinne Music - 6 years ago
I love how it says 62' , but that video clearly shows something more along the lines of a fully grown great white. Not even close to 62'. Also, the painfully obvious acting is cringe worthy.
john mercer
john mercer - 6 years ago
This “documentary” and the other one about “mermaids” were SO damn corny I couldn’t bare watching ..sad and pathetic attempt at trying to convince intelligent people
OnGoingBear - 6 years ago
The thought of a megalodon still alive gives me excitement and chills down my back knowing that such a huge creature roams the waters. ( Just a thought )
AI fan
AI fan - 6 years ago
you can't carbon date fossils, because there's no carbon in them!
Thomas Lalor
Thomas Lalor - 6 years ago
A drilled sample from within a tooth wil have Carbon (assuming the item hasn't been contaminated). It can be dated. 10,000 years is nothing (might be a calculation error). AND, it might NOT be a megalodon tooth (misidentification). Don't jump to erroneous conclusions b/c yuou are too stoopid to understand the sources of error in reaching a conclusion.
adam brown
adam brown - 6 years ago
This is true in fully formed fossils (by the way I'm an archaeologist) but there are several dating techniques left for you, stratigraphy (dating layers of rock in which the fossil was embedded), relative dating (if you find a fossil in the same layer as another from a known species) or radiometric dating (this is a lot like carbon dating, you trace the radioactive impurities present in a lot of rocks, often this works better with the rock around the fossil than the fossil itself). What was your point?
Turd Ferg
Turd Ferg - 6 years ago
If anything, couldn't this just be a whale shark?
BlooDom - 6 years ago
Looks like a mantaray lol
Bat Vigilante
Bat Vigilante - 6 years ago
Nahhhh it's like 20ft that's a great white
Teos FzKingLuckyS
Teos FzKingLuckyS - 6 years ago
I don't know if that's true megalodon, but i think there's a mystery in the deepest ocean
Rayyan Zyan
Rayyan Zyan - 6 years ago
There is a super high chance that megalodon can still exist because only 5% of the sea has been explored, imagine the other 95%!!!
James Cho
James Cho - 6 years ago
62 feet? I think you're over exaggerating a little bit there, white boy
ihavenochannel - 6 years ago
"Look at that! That's a FIN!" No shit, dipshit.
John carlo Salvador
John carlo Salvador - 6 years ago
Thats not megalodon thats a basking shark and they can swim 3,280 feet below sea level
coltonrob - 6 years ago
We're going to need a bigger robot arm
Colton Byrd
Colton Byrd - 6 years ago
So if I 12 and seen it twice then when I'm 35 I'll see it even more hopefully
Colton Byrd
Colton Byrd - 6 years ago
I seen it twice already and I only 12
Colton Byrd
Colton Byrd - 6 years ago
Bull shit
12 legged Sasquatch..
12 legged Sasquatch.. - 6 years ago
No such thing as "accurate" carbon dating
OGRaven Wolf2
OGRaven Wolf2 - 6 years ago
The main reason why megladon have gone extinct is because they don’t have a main food source since they eat ever. Single. Fucking. Thing. In the water. If so most animal species today would be extinct let alone whales wouldn’t even exist or be very low in population. The megladons only died out because they eat too much and killed everything
BLACK WOLF - 6 years ago
Fake juste it's big white shark
snacksおいしい - 6 years ago
p a i d a c t o r
Sequoyah Dahl
Sequoyah Dahl - 6 years ago
That shark or large fish is literally like 5-8 feet. Prolly a green shark. Nothing crazy.
Jamie Hobbs
Jamie Hobbs - 6 years ago
Don't jump to conclusions. Including the conclusion that this is fake. Closing off your mind to other options stifles education and research. Follow the data, not an agenda. It wasn't that long ago that we assumed caelocanths were extinct. Then we found out that they're caught all the time off the coast of Madagascar. Could there be a 62' shark out there? Absolutely.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 6 years ago
Another Youtube classic is to focus on ONE word in a comment and ignore most of the other content and context, when replying. It makes arguing so much easier, not having to deal with the actual claims and arguments. Are you really declaring it is closed-minded to point out BS? Are you really that sensitive to a single word written in caps? It is not as if I am shouting to you here in all caps!

If you really don't care, why bother even typing and wasting our time? More Youtube logic, I suppose. Ever think that you yourself are jumping to the conclusion that people have merely jumped to conclusions instead of actually being informed enough on a subject you might not be? Have you even watched the whole documentary in question? It matters not one bit that a whole lot of ocean is out there waiting to be explored! It doesn't change the source and nature of this video clip! And as to "simply know[ing]" that there were fish once considered extinct until they weren't, doesn't mean any fish can survice the same...For the record: This clip is fake, there is no doubt about it. If someone wants to declare otherwise, they'll have to find a source prior to Discovery Channel's use and presentation.
Jamie Hobbs
Jamie Hobbs - 6 years ago
Well, you typed a word in all caps. So that must mean that you're right.

Logic level: YouTube.

For the record, this may well be fake. Honestly, I don't really care. I simply exercise caution whenever claims are made and don't jump to conclusions, either that it's true or that it isn't. There is a whole lot of ocean out there, and I certainly don't claim to know what's in all of it. I simply know there were fish that were considered extinct, until they weren't.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 6 years ago
Jumping to conclusions? There is no doubt whatsoever that this is fake - It is from a well-known pseudo-documentary (Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives) , If one actually follows the available data on this programme, that's the only logical conclusion one can come to. It certainly has got NOTHING to do with being closed-minded calling out bs! Comparing coelacanths to megalodons is simply riduculous, nor does the existence of coelacanths do anything to make this clip credible.
Antony Hibberd
Antony Hibberd - 6 years ago
That’s crazay.
OYSTER - 6 years ago
Just some swamp gas
B.U.G. Brothers
B.U.G. Brothers - 6 years ago
This is from shark week.... So it's fake
Rasko BRAHAMOVICH - 6 years ago
My god...this is a piece of shit. No clear pics...just ficking lies. Go home
GOAT: God Of All Trolls
GOAT: God Of All Trolls - 6 years ago
its a unicorn
hairie rahmat
hairie rahmat - 6 years ago
Ya ya ya
Celeana Sardothien
Celeana Sardothien - 6 years ago
We haven’t even discovered ten percent of our ocean and waters. How tf r people to say it is extinct, when we don’t know so much about the sea and it’s creatures.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 6 years ago
It won't help ignoring what we do already know either...
Pedro Novaes
Pedro Novaes - 6 years ago
Probably a whale shark
Leng Ho Sia
Leng Ho Sia - 6 years ago
It’s a basking shark
david Mööö
david Mööö - 6 years ago
david Mööö
david Mööö - 6 years ago
Bad Fake
THE ROCK 10010
THE ROCK 10010 - 6 years ago
fake and gay
James Enloe
James Enloe - 6 years ago
so fake. this shouldn't of never been on tv
Maui Randall
Maui Randall - 6 years ago
Wait you say accurately carbon-dated and then say it was disputed
And underwater samples somewhat unpredictable with the amount of c-14 so you have to use other methods to determine something's accurate age like I don't know whether or not the thing your dating died out millions of years ago
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 6 years ago
It is just a bogus claim from a pseudo-documentary. There never was a 10.000 year old carbon-dated tooth to start with, although the claim is quite popular. Scientists wouldn't bother carbon-dating fossilized teeth,
FLOGO ZGEIK - 6 years ago
ii_SkylerGamingii l
ii_SkylerGamingii l - 6 years ago
Can Megalodon Shark DIE?
nettles 00
nettles 00 - 6 years ago
They actually proved it was some sort of weird Japanese fish, i can’t remember the name of it but it turns out it was super freaking long
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 6 years ago
Yeah, the CGI-fish...
King Lemon
King Lemon - 6 years ago
These American shows so dramatic
Scott B
Scott B - 6 years ago
Soumds like a fish story to me.
Nats2010 - 6 years ago
Click bait...
Nico nico
Nico nico - 6 years ago
Derek K
Derek K - 6 years ago
0.1 seconds of a fin and all the sudden Megalodon 62 freet
Pombo - 6 years ago
Pessoinhas, vamos voltar para realidade? Sei que e legal de acredita nisso tudo e tals mas... Megalodon não existe.
daniel phillpotts
daniel phillpotts - 6 years ago
hay Peedro we know it was a tree chicken , ocho paw nocho bastewka dude t
Tyler Larkin
Tyler Larkin - 6 years ago
This is why I don't watch shark week anymore. It's all bullshiiiiit
Steven Carpio
Steven Carpio - 6 years ago
Click bait kind a piece of sh*t
GhostSniper Dk
GhostSniper Dk - 6 years ago
It is NOT a megladon its a sleeper shark
BIGFOOT'ED HUNTER UK - 6 years ago
This is from a fake documentary they aired on the discovery channel few years back
Ajay Stark
Ajay Stark - 6 years ago
How much did u paid for the megaladon
NLwavey - 6 years ago
It’s a whale shark
What's Popin B
What's Popin B - 6 years ago
Well this is fake. But keep in mind that we only discovered 5% of our oceans...

For all we know it could be some Godzilla giant motherfucker down there
LBZdiesel - 6 years ago
It’s Just SpongeBobs friend Patrick!
Петер Урилски
Петер Урилски - 6 years ago
your mother puse caught on camera
Петер Урилски
Петер Урилски - 6 years ago
my dick caught on camera
Funny Vines
Funny Vines - 6 years ago
I've never went into the ocean in my life so I could care less if the megaladons were real or not
No one in particular
No one in particular - 6 years ago
I remember when Discovery didn't lie to its viewers. And also when Discovery wasn't just 90% terrible car shows and shows about people living in Alaska. Basically, I remember when Discovery wasn't garbage.
Wyo AnCap
Wyo AnCap - 6 years ago
Discovery Chanel sucks for making these bogus docs.
T1337P - 6 years ago
ive examined the video, and by my calculations and vivid emagination its about 200meters
jose romero
jose romero - 6 years ago
Fucking americans and his ridiculis Anglo-Saxon system of units
BU Pegasus
BU Pegasus - 6 years ago
Imagine if they just forgot to carry the 0 or some shit and it was actually just 6.2 feet long lol
Nisarg Patel
Nisarg Patel - 6 years ago
*omg look at that its a fin* the ocean...must be an impossible event ;-;
Kpex2016 - 6 years ago
Horse shit..
Juman Nuddine
Juman Nuddine - 6 years ago
Looks fake to me
Mad Max
Mad Max - 6 years ago
So you really didn't even see it... what a disappointment...
TheMasterSpoon - 6 years ago
I want this to be real. I need it to be real. I fell in love with this fascinating creature and sharks in general years ago, and I need my giant shark baby to be alive.
Trey Stephens
Trey Stephens - 6 years ago
It's sad there weren't more lights.
Danol123 - 6 years ago
Let’s not forget that Megalodon was extinct over 80 million years ago. And 130 million years ago there’s evidence of Dunkleosteus. Yes it’s not just from a game. It was actually a real shark for way beyond 130 million years ago. So it’s hard to imagine Megalodon surviving this long. The best we have is the great white shark wich is big enough. And in rare cases they become even bigger, but as rare as they are, it’s hard to actually find one.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 6 years ago
If it is such a well known fact , by all means please provide credible sources by the researchers in this particular field. I'll gladly look into it. Thanks
Danol123 - 6 years ago
Sea Monsters - Past & Present it’s a well known fact. There’s theories that claims the species lived on way longer, but none if it is confirmed. These datas are collected straight from the researchers in this particulary field.
Sea Monsters - Past & Present
Sea Monsters - Past & Present - 6 years ago
Don't know where you're getting your infos from but megs evolved around 23 million years ago and died out around 2 million years ago...
John White
John White - 6 years ago
So a 62-foot long animal hauls ass just feet above the surface and no sediment is kicked up, not a bit of it.
Fatalshock v7
Fatalshock v7 - 6 years ago
If Megalodon is still alive, it will be very different to what we’re expecting. It will be adapted to colder temperatures, and will probably have no eyes and be unable to visit the surface for temperature change alone. It’s highly unlikely, but too often we assume that things die because they lose what we believe they needed to survive. Personally, I think the Megalodon is gone, but our ocean is wonderous.
The Rsoul
The Rsoul - 6 years ago
If it's 62ft long how did it go past the camera so fast ?
Joshua Hines
Joshua Hines - 6 years ago
Shark week used to be an amazing informative thing that happened once a year.... they've basically thru all that out the window and joined the likes of bigfoot hunters ... show sucks now with their fake mockumemtary
Ryan - 6 years ago
Never. Swimming. In ocean... Again.
Chris Churchill
Chris Churchill - 6 years ago
Such fake bullshit.
Brandon Anders
Brandon Anders - 6 years ago
1:05 dude stfu. You have NO idea what could be in our oceans.
gd131 - 6 years ago
62 foot my ass!! XD
Kyle D
Kyle D - 6 years ago
No no no no no no no no nope... not buying it
Felipe Ayon
Felipe Ayon - 6 years ago
So are we assuming that somehow this creature is millions of years old or that it's a descendant of the megalodon species?
Chathu Abeywickrama
Chathu Abeywickrama - 6 years ago
This is why you should never flush your goldfish
Hendrik Homoehe
Hendrik Homoehe - 6 years ago
Its a whale shark omg ... they call themself Scientist???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Colton gibbs
Colton gibbs - 6 years ago
Maybe its just my phone screen is dirty butttttt I didn't see fucking anything lmao
Zachary Maynard
Zachary Maynard - 6 years ago
Looks like a whale shark
kyleloew432 - 6 years ago
Discovery channel used to be such a credible source, now it's just filled with theory, and speculation based on hype to try and spread nonsense
Ryne Agheilim
Ryne Agheilim - 6 years ago
At 2:11, can we measure the height of that robot arm thingy on the right and those gas tank looking jujus on the left? If those two things are 20 or 30ft, I'd believe that we have one big ass shark lurking in the oshan xD

It's all bout proportions ya'll.
KPNasty1 - 6 years ago
I hope it/they are still alive
TheViewFromUpHere - 6 years ago
Or just a whale shark or a whale.
PATRICK COULANGE - 6 years ago
I believe megalodon is still alive today
Dabber 234
Dabber 234 - 6 years ago
Pretty sure that was aqua man
Lil 11
Lil 11 - 6 years ago
What if the calculations were wrong ?
Dalton Dow
Dalton Dow - 6 years ago
Actually, scientists from the northern psych ward have concurred it to be the oldest oppressor of the African Americans people in our nation's history
Brad Rock
Brad Rock - 6 years ago
How can a shark tooth or anything else be 10,000 years old when the earth is only a little over 2018 years old?
Vincent Gatekeeper
Vincent Gatekeeper - 6 years ago
That was NOT 62 foot anything! At best, 12-15 . Clickbait!!!
Morgan Peterman
Morgan Peterman - 6 years ago
95% of the ocean hasn’t even been discovered so how can we know what down there this can easily be something else but it could possibly be one
hungrynapps - 6 years ago
amazing this in d my recommend videos...since the movie coming out this year 2018
Nurse Cici
Nurse Cici - 6 years ago
Fascinating. Also this is why I stay myself at home. #DamnNatureYouScary
Christian Prusinski
Christian Prusinski - 6 years ago
Nice Wikipedia copy and paste description. I dont need to undermine your credibility. You have done that yourself.
steelfalconx2000 - 6 years ago
Well they carbon dated a live penguin to 1000 years old so...
Aldin Foric
Aldin Foric - 6 years ago
Maybe its 3 normal sized sharks swimming behind each other and you can see the side fins of 3 sharks
Gaz Parry
Gaz Parry - 6 years ago
If you watch shark videos like I do you would know that this was probably a sleeper shark rarely seen because of where it swims they grow to 25ft
Ayberdein Bean26
Ayberdein Bean26 - 6 years ago
It was a mouse.. C'mon
Hank Hill
Hank Hill - 6 years ago
If it was don't you think the Orkas would of already taken care of his ass?
Angry Cat
Angry Cat - 6 years ago
Whats a 62 feets u freaking muricans ?
Alexander Robert Fitch
Alexander Robert Fitch - 6 years ago
It's a Sleeper Shark
Witchy Liony
Witchy Liony - 6 years ago
This was a prank shark week or something like that,Google it.
Terry Lindell JR
Terry Lindell JR - 6 years ago
The megalodon has the body shape of an open ocean hunter why would it be down on the sea floor where the most food you’ll find is corpses of large creatures from above
James Perkins
James Perkins - 6 years ago
Wasnt this confirmed to be cgi? Also why does that scientist look and sound like an actor?
Christopher G.
Christopher G. - 6 years ago
Basking sharks are often mistaken for megaladons. Especially in murky, deep water.
Marblxz - 6 years ago
they once thought that the frilled shark was extinct but little did the SCIENTISTS know that they were still alive in our oceans, my opinion still remains that i think The Meg still remains in the depths of our oceans plus there is only 5% of these really enormous oceans discovered and 95% still remains a mystery and the megalodon is probably in this category of living fossils & earth oceans is full of mysteries yet to be discovered just wait and we will find out what is behind all of these unidentified mysteries.
Cormac B
Cormac B - 6 years ago
The Megalodon was a shallow water creature. 100% of the shallow waters have been explored.
Marblxz - 6 years ago
Hig Daddy ok so first of all you are replying to comment that was put here 4 weeks ago. And second if you must have read the whole paragraph i said "in my opinion" so technically how does it make me stupid. Dont call yourself names. Case Closed
Hig Daddy
Hig Daddy - 6 years ago
ItsBlade your so stupid they are all extinct . If they werent all extinct all the other sea animals would be afraid of them but great whites have no predators so the megladon cant exist. Also if the megladon existed it would eat heaps and you would start seeing lesser and lesser other sea creatures being alive cos it would eat so much and it would be hard to find fish. Stupid
adam brown
adam brown - 6 years ago
Happy Hotdog 100%'s a bit much (99% at most) and 'no solid proof' doesn't necessarily mean something doesn't exist but I fundamentally agree that it's unlikely there are any megalodons left.
Happy Hotdog
Happy Hotdog - 6 years ago
no solid proof means it's fake. Carcharodon megalodon has long been extinct and there is no evidence to proove that it is still alive today. If it was still surviving, there would be a 100% chance that we would have seen it once or even it's remains/young fossils. But nope there's none because it doesn't exist anymore.
freakishlyfeline - 6 years ago
A FIN does not indicate it was a Megaladon! It could have been anything.
clickbait - 6 years ago
It is a megamouth shark
Remember Vinnie
Remember Vinnie - 6 years ago
What if it was a skinny ass fish with big ass fins
Riviere Marc
Riviere Marc - 6 years ago
The only evidence it s my red fish who escaped
Bob Buff Outdoors
Bob Buff Outdoors - 6 years ago
BS right up there with bigfoot LOL!
Michael Nolasco
Michael Nolasco - 6 years ago
Shark week is so wack now
trapemilyx - 6 years ago
that’s a weird looking dog
Kyle de ocampo
Kyle de ocampo - 6 years ago
fins to small its a great white
Threats - 6 years ago
Just send someone down there... lol
BNtrenching - 6 years ago
I hate mockumentarys.. people believe them.
epicnickman Newby
epicnickman Newby - 6 years ago
OHHH MY GODDD...WE FOUND......a big ass sting ray.
Ty Brandenburg
Ty Brandenburg - 6 years ago
This dude ain’t even real that was shark week a while back and all of it was Str8 bullshit lol
cherubim himlay
cherubim himlay - 6 years ago
I Still believe that 5 percent possibility that the megalodon was still exist.We don't know what is under of the ocean,I can't assure but still theres a possibility we don't know.
Conor Dashwood
Conor Dashwood - 6 years ago
I can’t believe I watched this video for that bullshit... well done click bait shit. Well done.
Mae Ann Caraig
Mae Ann Caraig - 6 years ago
Well Megalodon Was Real IN OLD Days There Possibilities That Megalodon Have A SON ._. In New Days And Kraken Is Real Too..
Toddypkc - 6 years ago
I hate stupid shit like this.
joel trevino
joel trevino - 6 years ago
I was interested, until I saw that this is from shark week.
Mary Johnson
Mary Johnson - 6 years ago
Actually you can’t confirm whether or not Megaladon exists. How much of our ocean have we explored? We’ve barely even scratched the surface of what lives down there.
cshubs - 6 years ago
This is the best you can do?
toxiccomando - 6 years ago
Remember when the discovery channel was about factual science with fleshed out research?
TheFallofTheEleventh - 6 years ago
Considering we’ve barely search 5% of the Ocean. Who knows what’s lurking in the unknown
Frankie Ianitti
Frankie Ianitti - 6 years ago
Kayla Himburg
Kayla Himburg - 6 years ago
Wow such acting much fake
seemykids99 - 6 years ago
This was admitted to be complete bullshit. Same as the "mermaid" episode.
fred asd
fred asd - 6 years ago
thats the back fin. not side lol
Leumaz Dnazor
Leumaz Dnazor - 6 years ago
I call bullshit
little cactuss
little cactuss - 6 years ago
That moment you do not know how much 62 feet is in meters...
merijn - 6 years ago
NA identification OMEGALUL
Mac Dre
Mac Dre - 6 years ago
I know what that was.

MystikNoir - 6 years ago
That's not a megalodon
Jennifer Cavanaugh
Jennifer Cavanaugh - 6 years ago
This is fucking stupid.
Morgasm172 - 6 years ago
6 gill shark ffs
Samuel W
Samuel W - 6 years ago
I can't tell you how God damn upset I was with myself when I figured out what I have done................clicked on this riiiiiiddicculous fucking video.
KK Wolves
KK Wolves - 6 years ago
I don't think that this was proof but honestly if people found megalodon they would kill it or get eaten alive by it... so stop messing with things you don't understand..
Devilsmistake - 6 years ago
Wow i love it this is very good and emosi. Video?
i telling us to learn something
new in this world. for this amazing
video Thanks from me.
Jaybruhh Wolf
Jaybruhh Wolf - 6 years ago
This can be highly possible that they aren't extinct... Only a few percent of the ocean has been explored, it could be living way out there?
Lemon Boy
Lemon Boy - 6 years ago
Fake news

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