Megalodon Sharks still lives!! Evidence that MEGALODON is not extinct.

Some Amazing Video Links: 5 Cases where Wild Animals saved Humans 5 Real Miracles Caught on Camera 6 Tiny Mistakes that changed History of the World 6 Chilling Hunting Tactics of Orca Killer Whales 7 Most Shocking Archaeological Discoveries 7 Weird Things that fell from the Sky 10 Most Dangerous Tourist Spots 7 Survival Tales of Human encounter with Wild Animals 16 Occasions when a human fell into a wild animal enclosure in a zoo 7 Unsolved Mysteries of India 7 Most Terrifying Creatures Ever found 10 Things about Bob Marley You Did not Know 6 People with the Most Unusual Pets Why is Lion called the King of the Jungle - Lion Vs Tiger Vlog - Mumbai to Kerala Is a 60-foot prehistoric shark named Megalodon still out there? Sightings of massive sharks around the world suggest to some that it's possible. Megalodon Shark Sightings Reported Megalodon shark sightings have some people wondering if the most formidable predator the ocean has ever seen might still be alive today, even though science and common sense tell us it's impossible. At maximum lengths of up to 60 feet, Megalodon was the largest shark that ever lived and the apex predator of its day. This terrifying monster lived at a time when the ocean was a very different place, and it went extinct long ago. Why, then, are there reports of massive sharks thirty feet long or more from around the world? Is it possible mainstream science has it wrong, and the Megalodon shark is still out there somewhere? In this article we'll take a look at some compelling evidence and stories that suggest Megalodon is still with us. In the end, it's up to you to decide: Is the Megalodon Shark still alive? Could Megalodon Still Live? There are some truly huge sharks in the world today, but the idea of a living Megalodon is something else entirely. It's a chilling thought, and fun to ponder, but is it really possible? When you consider that some researchers claim we know more about the surface of the moon that we do of the deep ocean, perhaps it's not such a strange idea after all. The deep ocean has proven especially difficult to study, and almost anything could lurk in the depths. In fact, there is precedence for bizarre marine creatures turning up when the odds are stacked against them. Some of them, like the Megalodon shark, were once thought extinct, or be believed to only be myths. The Giant Squid The Giant Squid is a huge creature reaching up to 30 feet in length which dwells in the deepest part of the ocean. Though science eventually knew of its existence from bodies washed ashore and scars left on the bodies of whales, no live adult specimen was ever caught on film until 2004. Now we know much more about these creatures, and that there is an even larger monster squid out there. The Colossal Squid is an enormous real-life sea monster, with the largest specimens weighing over half a ton. Yet even though it was discovered in 1925 we still know little about this beast. Colossal and Giant squid sightings by ancient sailors are probably what led to legends of the Kraken sea monster. The Megamouth Shark The Megamouth Shark is another large creature that can grow up to 16 feet in length, but it was not discovered until 1976. This beast eluded researchers for so long because it lives in deep water, and comes closer to the surface only at night. This, some researchers speculate, could be the same behavior that makes Megalodon so tough to spot in modern times. The Coelacanth The Coelacanth is an even stranger case. This bizarre fish was thought to have gone extinct 65 million years ago, until they were discovered in 1938, live and well, off the coast of South Africa. The Coelacanth is a prehistoric fish, referred to as the Living Fossil. While not giants like Megalodon, the Megamouth or the Giant Squid, they do reach over six feet in length.

Megalodon Sharks still lives!! Evidence that MEGALODON is not extinct. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 25060

Shark videos 10 years ago 65,739,925 views

Some Amazing Video Links: 5 Cases where Wild Animals saved Humans 5 Real Miracles Caught on Camera 6 Tiny Mistakes that changed History of the World 6 Chilling Hunting Tactics of Orca Killer Whales 7 Most Shocking Archaeological Discoveries 7 Weird Things that fell from the Sky 10 Most Dangerous Tourist Spots 7 Survival Tales of Human encounter with Wild Animals 16 Occasions when a human fell into a wild animal enclosure in a zoo 7 Unsolved Mysteries of India 7 Most Terrifying Creatures Ever found 10 Things about Bob Marley You Did not Know 6 People with the Most Unusual Pets Why is Lion called the King of the Jungle - Lion Vs Tiger Vlog - Mumbai to Kerala Is a 60-foot prehistoric shark named Megalodon still out there? Sightings of massive sharks around the world suggest to some that it's possible. Megalodon Shark Sightings Reported Megalodon shark sightings have some people wondering if the most formidable predator the ocean has ever seen might still be alive today, even though science and common sense tell us it's impossible. At maximum lengths of up to 60 feet, Megalodon was the largest shark that ever lived and the apex predator of its day. This terrifying monster lived at a time when the ocean was a very different place, and it went extinct long ago. Why, then, are there reports of massive sharks thirty feet long or more from around the world? Is it possible mainstream science has it wrong, and the Megalodon shark is still out there somewhere? In this article we'll take a look at some compelling evidence and stories that suggest Megalodon is still with us. In the end, it's up to you to decide: Is the Megalodon Shark still alive? Could Megalodon Still Live? There are some truly huge sharks in the world today, but the idea of a living Megalodon is something else entirely. It's a chilling thought, and fun to ponder, but is it really possible? When you consider that some researchers claim we know more about the surface of the moon that we do of the deep ocean, perhaps it's not such a strange idea after all. The deep ocean has proven especially difficult to study, and almost anything could lurk in the depths. In fact, there is precedence for bizarre marine creatures turning up when the odds are stacked against them. Some of them, like the Megalodon shark, were once thought extinct, or be believed to only be myths. The Giant Squid The Giant Squid is a huge creature reaching up to 30 feet in length which dwells in the deepest part of the ocean. Though science eventually knew of its existence from bodies washed ashore and scars left on the bodies of whales, no live adult specimen was ever caught on film until 2004. Now we know much more about these creatures, and that there is an even larger monster squid out there. The Colossal Squid is an enormous real-life sea monster, with the largest specimens weighing over half a ton. Yet even though it was discovered in 1925 we still know little about this beast. Colossal and Giant squid sightings by ancient sailors are probably what led to legends of the Kraken sea monster. The Megamouth Shark The Megamouth Shark is another large creature that can grow up to 16 feet in length, but it was not discovered until 1976. This beast eluded researchers for so long because it lives in deep water, and comes closer to the surface only at night. This, some researchers speculate, could be the same behavior that makes Megalodon so tough to spot in modern times. The Coelacanth The Coelacanth is an even stranger case. This bizarre fish was thought to have gone extinct 65 million years ago, until they were discovered in 1938, live and well, off the coast of South Africa. The Coelacanth is a prehistoric fish, referred to as the Living Fossil. While not giants like Megalodon, the Megamouth or the Giant Squid, they do reach over six feet in length.

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Most popular comments
for Megalodon Sharks still lives!! Evidence that MEGALODON is not extinct.

Elie Prophete
Elie Prophete - 6 years ago
It's fake but megladon are dinasours
#Mini Team 10
#Mini Team 10 - 6 years ago
Rachel Ewoldt
Rachel Ewoldt - 6 years ago
It's fake
Zury  Bautista
Zury Bautista - 6 years ago
Hey tell me more facts
LivingPeachy - 6 years ago
the megalodon lives at the bottom of the mariana trench...
jivebungy1st - 6 years ago
Rajesh should name his website "Clickbation"
Александр - 6 years ago
Thanks author for the interesting video, on Amazon saw cool t-shirt on the subject "Shark T-Shirt I love you my sweet!" ))
Der Wanderer
Der Wanderer - 6 years ago
I can't believe people still belive this; it wouldn't work.
Chris Escuadro
Chris Escuadro - 7 years ago

10. comment for Megalodon Sharks still lives!! Evidence that MEGALODON is not extinct.

bluswift - 7 years ago
omgsh this is so scary ahahahhhhhhhhhhh
TRINITY GILBERT - 7 years ago
holy crap
Guldbrandsen Kids
Guldbrandsen Kids - 7 years ago
A baby Can See its fake
Boxerlove Productions
Boxerlove Productions - 7 years ago
Does anyone relize this could just be someone who edited a video with toys rlly well?
Unicorn Kylie
Unicorn Kylie - 7 years ago
Awwwwww I'd let sharks eat me their just so cute
Liam Scorpion
Liam Scorpion - 7 years ago
It was real it's gone now
lai mooonas
lai mooonas - 7 years ago
Megaladon my favorite
AyZeD - 7 years ago
El diablo negro
puppy swirls
puppy swirls - 7 years ago
Lexie Blacksher
Lexie Blacksher - 7 years ago
that is great

20. comment for Megalodon Sharks still lives!! Evidence that MEGALODON is not extinct.

Tj Superioridad
Tj Superioridad - 7 years ago
Megalodon is gone because of food are not enough to feed the megalodon
the non stop jiggler
the non stop jiggler - 7 years ago
Megaladon is extinct
During the ice age megaladon couldn't survive cause it was too cold and due to lack of prey but I'm not quite sure
Its safe to consider either way
AStupidWeaboo - 7 years ago
I do believe they may be existing, but if they did exist now they would be far far, and VERY deep in the ocean.
Rorton Jibes
Rorton Jibes - 7 years ago
Rubbish job
Doris Valenzuela
Doris Valenzuela - 7 years ago
Иван Христов
Иван Христов - 7 years ago
proof it
Black Whale
Black Whale - 7 years ago
Megaladon is not real dude the biggest fish in the world is whale shark.
_FruitLøøps_ - 7 years ago
Anyone else noticed at 1:02 was the dead whale in the movie shallow? (Thumbs up if you've seen the movie)
Richard Bartolomei
Richard Bartolomei - 7 years ago
Stranger than fiction!!
AnthonyChannel - 7 years ago
Oh man, that Photoshopped picture in the thumbnail changed my mind for sure.

30. comment for Megalodon Sharks still lives!! Evidence that MEGALODON is not extinct.

Tristan Jonesfunky
Tristan Jonesfunky - 7 years ago
Megalodon shark are fucking pissed omg if you see a megalodon shark the first word that will come out of your mouth is fuck then you are died if you seen those big ass shark you are going to get fucking scard to death because these shark are not nice.
zod dammit
zod dammit - 7 years ago
Its not extinct, it just became vegan and spends most of it's time at the bottom of the ocean meditating.
Victoria Rose Doyle
Victoria Rose Doyle - 7 years ago
This is just theories but ppl fear the oceans lots of big sharks and these sharks have been caught on camera <o>
Joanne Finigan
Joanne Finigan - 7 years ago
Zamarie Taylor
Zamarie Taylor - 7 years ago
when was the Megalodon invented in the ocean how long have you guys known in the Megalodon
Fcbarca Camp nou
Fcbarca Camp nou - 7 years ago
mordokch - 7 years ago
I've caught bigger ;)
Cat Lis presents
Cat Lis presents - 7 years ago
I ❤️ sharks
Antonio Marino
Antonio Marino - 7 years ago
Very stupid to ever claim an animal that lives in the ocean is extinct when we have only discovered less than 5 percent of our ocean(s). There are animals that live on earth that have adapted to the environment and now live in places that they never use to live in before. How do we know that this is exactly what happened with the Megalodon?
Adrianna Sherman
Adrianna Sherman - 7 years ago
Is it still alive in 2018
Dank 's
Dank 's - 7 years ago
Briona Fitch
Briona Fitch - 7 years ago
So sceary
Laurie Redelf
Laurie Redelf - 7 years ago
Megalodon what r u doing ur going to get in trouble for escaping hungry shark evolution
10222012 Paul
10222012 Paul - 7 years ago
Yes I believed in it!!!!
Batorgil b
Batorgil b - 7 years ago
Kaya Iren Kristiansen
Kaya Iren Kristiansen - 7 years ago
Amy Chye
Amy Chye - 7 years ago
How. Big. Is. A. Meglton
nesha cox
nesha cox - 7 years ago
Deirdre Boryszewski
Deirdre Boryszewski - 7 years ago
And thanks a lot for ruining my life YOU EVIL VIDEO
Deirdre Boryszewski
Deirdre Boryszewski - 7 years ago
If they were real the video would show a real Megalodon but this video did not the showed pictures of a BIG GREAT WHITE SHARK THIS VIDEO IS NOT TRUE

50. comment for Megalodon Sharks still lives!! Evidence that MEGALODON is not extinct.

miink miink
miink miink - 7 years ago
Spongebob beware!
lps fan girl
lps fan girl - 7 years ago
Hey this is real cause megalodons used to exist but there extinct people who think it's fake read this and check if your still dumb
Relona Shoemaker
Relona Shoemaker - 7 years ago
Who whould what to be eaten by that shark
Steffenie Thoroughman
Steffenie Thoroughman - 7 years ago
I believe in meloglon
Bagas Pratsya
Bagas Pratsya - 7 years ago
Almost 100.000 like in 13 january 2018
edchanful - 7 years ago
If theres something / one animal (not orca) killing the adult blue whale or any giant whales then I believe in Megalodon still exist..!!
me so classy
me so classy - 7 years ago
Fake ass nigga
Adi Surya
Adi Surya - 7 years ago
GTXGaSteR - 7 years ago
I think even the Dunkleosteus and the Mosasaurus is alive too..
Our knowledge about stars is more than we know about oceans.
Lunar Games
Lunar Games - 7 years ago
Guys megalondons dont exist anymore, If they do HELL! we wont be able to find it any time soon as the Oceans 5% is explored and its said that megalondons used to live deep, VERY deep in the Ocean So good luck finding that megalondon even if it exists!
Aluel Mawein
Aluel Mawein - 7 years ago
Is this fake I would holy only run like I wouldn't care
MelinaTube - 7 years ago
Like drawings and an animated shark is proof. This is so fake!
Tobias Brusa
Tobias Brusa - 7 years ago
No Tiene Porqueria Tiene Porqueria El Sexo Xxx
Arba Abazi
Arba Abazi - 7 years ago
Big blacke monster
Helen Westley
Helen Westley - 7 years ago
If you are licensing it does not existe
The Stalker
The Stalker - 7 years ago
Clickbait = Dislike
Luz Sanchez
Luz Sanchez - 7 years ago
Holy crapppp
Flavia & cia
Flavia & cia - 7 years ago
My god
CarlyTheBlueFox HD
CarlyTheBlueFox HD - 7 years ago
I'm dead then because I live in Mexico
mohamud botan
mohamud botan - 7 years ago
Creeperkillr6 Jackson
Creeperkillr6 Jackson - 7 years ago
Guys it’s fake they just want you to be scared we all now that some dinosaurs are gone and by some I mean turtles alligators and sharks
Matthew 288991
Matthew 288991 - 7 years ago
What I think mostly happens was that the volcano killed the sharks that's wut I think
miguel Hernandez
miguel Hernandez - 7 years ago
they are dead they are not alivie
Brayden bmm
Brayden bmm - 7 years ago
Brayden bmm
Brayden bmm - 7 years ago
Tessie Pops
Tessie Pops - 7 years ago
Tessie Pops
Tessie Pops - 7 years ago
Your not even sure if those sharks are alive
caremel latte supreme7
caremel latte supreme7 - 7 years ago
How did it go extinct
caremel latte supreme7
caremel latte supreme7 - 7 years ago
Its real or fake?
caremel latte supreme7
caremel latte supreme7 - 7 years ago
Wow thanks
syed rahman
syed rahman - 7 years ago
Nour Hajjat
Nour Hajjat - 7 years ago
Because of this video
Nour Hajjat
Nour Hajjat - 7 years ago
I will never swim in anything other than a pool
Anaya's Vlogs
Anaya's Vlogs - 7 years ago
I'm in the Atlantic not the pacific ocean
Deatmis John
Deatmis John - 7 years ago
My fourvourt animals
Ellie Culling
Ellie Culling - 7 years ago
Megladon + Pirates of the carrabean = Kraken
GamingwithJordo - 7 years ago
What do you call a big black shark..,the niggaladon
Jack Matthews
Jack Matthews - 7 years ago
Heather Benson
Heather Benson - 7 years ago
ItzYamm - 7 years ago
Fake vidoe sry I meant sorry, I meant video
Ryan Kalsow
Ryan Kalsow - 7 years ago
Yes I’ll be
Esterr Chrambas
Esterr Chrambas - 7 years ago
Can I talk to eliza
Esterr Chrambas
Esterr Chrambas - 7 years ago
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
The thumbnail
When my teacher told me to solves math
Anil Singh
Anil Singh - 7 years ago
Anil singh
Nichol Steven
Nichol Steven - 7 years ago
Sachin Gupta
Sachin Gupta - 7 years ago
averythesuperhero - 7 years ago
Look, as someone who has actually studied sharks since the 2nd grade, I think it's safe to say that the possibilities of the Megalodon (as we've come to know it) still being alive is very unlikely. Yes, we have explored about 5% of Earth's oceans, but think about this: Megalodons are said to have fed mainly on larger sea life, such as whales, to satiate their ravenous appetite. However, if they reside further down into the deep and unexplored parts of the ocean far beneath the surface, sea life are usually significantly smaller and have less "meat" so that they can compensate for the pressure. Not to mention, even if the Megalodon was able to survive on what little it had to feed on, it would still have to adapt or evolve to survive the darkness and crushing pressure that far down. I'm not saying it's not possible at all, and I will admit I'm intrigued, I'm just saying that the chances of this being the case are VERY slim.
Dean Mockett
Dean Mockett - 7 years ago
The picture on the video title. who took the photo
Itz Faith Again
Itz Faith Again - 7 years ago
It’s impossible for a megalodon to exist. Megalodons were extinct for millions and millions of years.
Peter Mayay
Peter Mayay - 7 years ago
FCR Flim Studio
FCR Flim Studio - 7 years ago

100. comment for Megalodon Sharks still lives!! Evidence that MEGALODON is not extinct.

Joshua Evangeline
Joshua Evangeline - 7 years ago
not everything is real from utube and in photos,its real LAST TIME in prehestoric era if u wana prove its real then let us see in real life u ppl who say they r real GIVE US REAL PROOF
icy pinklegacy
icy pinklegacy - 7 years ago
Am I the only person who hates when people assume shit cuz we still don't know if the megaladon is extinct cuz we only explored about 10℅ of the ocean !In
Quaint Banana
Quaint Banana - 7 years ago
Guys I swear that water unicorn fairies are real. If you don't believe me you're ignorant. We have only explored 5% of the ocean so you have no proof that they don't exist!!!

Death wolf RBLX Perez
Death wolf RBLX Perez - 7 years ago
Megalodon are extinct
Calee Hill
Calee Hill - 7 years ago
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh nnnnnnnnnnnoooo
Fahad Shallo
Fahad Shallo - 7 years ago
We all know that megalodon is a terrifying creature, Sometimes it doesn't matter about the size, it matters about the deaths in the kind of years . Sometimes, we know sized animal's can be dangerous in places. What I'm talking about is about the megalodon, Let me explain something to you all who's watching all these comments. Megalodon only stays in warm oceans, Not in Atlantic Oceans. That's almost beside Antarctia, But, one truth. There isn't millions of years ago. These yearning thing's are fake. This is 2014 there is a 2014 year ago.It's about the blood I hate cold too. About it, how you become sick? If it's winter and its very cold, the coldness goes into ur blood, the same of the cold waters, it's about the temperature ur at,It goes it goes into your blood, u start sneezing I sneezed 6 times I fell sitting on the floor and dizzy.And about that.. If u swim long ur eyes turn red and bright when u see, an easy way to stop it is : Put ur eyes in warm water for 5 minutes, close ur eyes for 15 minutes. Blink 10 times and its gone.Megaladon can sometimes be huge! Sometimes, I recommend this fake a bit. Nothing and No animal can be dangerous like that! Edit:Please don't say anything bad in the comments in my comment please.And Dont fight!
Pq clico nesse canal?curioso Ambrosio Neto
Pq clico nesse canal?curioso Ambrosio Neto - 7 years ago
Fokil! Kkkkk sou do Brasil duvido que alguém aí do outro lado da tela possa entender alguma palavra que eu disse kkkkkkkkkkkkk
Rob Mal
Rob Mal - 7 years ago
Nice try... Not real.
Rob Mal
Rob Mal - 7 years ago
Felicity Nolan
Felicity Nolan - 7 years ago
Soooooôoooooooooo fake
Paula Gott
Paula Gott - 7 years ago
They are excited. That is so fake.
veronica garcia
veronica garcia - 7 years ago
It is bigger then a whale shark
Derek Smith
Derek Smith - 7 years ago
For fuck sake meglodon is extinct plus every video or picture of meglodon is fake as shjt
Saifudin Khalifa
Saifudin Khalifa - 7 years ago
i hate you you making me scared i hill not like and subscraib!!!!!!!
amyrizer - 7 years ago
Are they still alive?
Keira Hughes
Keira Hughes - 7 years ago
Is it in real life now
Jessica Taft
Jessica Taft - 7 years ago
wow that's unbelievable how he can still be alive after they made that movie shark vrs octopus
unicorn caticorn
unicorn caticorn - 7 years ago
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I want one
P1 TYPHOON TV - 7 years ago
I dont know how much credit megalodon got but this uploader has 64 million views on this shit
knud daniel
knud daniel - 7 years ago
Je Cheat En Rec
Je Cheat En Rec - 7 years ago
It s a big FAKE!!!!!
PRANAY ROY - 7 years ago
If it is really alive it is great
Kayla J
Kayla J - 7 years ago
I believe a Megalodan is real
Cause we've only searched like 5% of the ocean
anime mangle priscilla hernadez
anime mangle priscilla hernadez - 7 years ago
Oml good thing I was not there at that time
Warricl Kyler
Warricl Kyler - 7 years ago
Click bait
brayden Crouch
brayden Crouch - 7 years ago
Almedin Čajić
Almedin Čajić - 7 years ago
Greenmetalbender - 7 years ago
Thumbnail and 60 mln views. World sucks
sonika chauhan
sonika chauhan - 7 years ago
hi hello
Nur Baizura Kasim
Nur Baizura Kasim - 7 years ago
ikan ini memang besar lagi la
Nur Baizura Kasim
Nur Baizura Kasim - 7 years ago
knx boom
knx boom - 7 years ago
I love shark's i petted one shark yesterday
Julissa Santos
Julissa Santos - 7 years ago
I dont like the ocean no more
Donald Roberts
Donald Roberts - 7 years ago
Where is the proof all you have done is speculate from long ago sightings
md Shipu
md Shipu - 7 years ago
From 0:16 Allah man, How do they Take A Video Of it without It even killing em?
gabagaba - 7 years ago
Abdul Qadeer
Abdul Qadeer - 7 years ago
We are loosing biodiversity
Ahmed Aan
Ahmed Aan - 7 years ago
Good thing it's dead now!
LivingDaLife3 - 7 years ago
FAKEEE! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Aelardo Esquivel
Aelardo Esquivel - 7 years ago
I dont need too worrie i live in Texas
Zack Darksky
Zack Darksky - 7 years ago
They aren't around btw. they've been extinct for a long time, if you're stupid enough to believe otherwise.
Deepali Chavan
Deepali Chavan - 7 years ago
Matt Gang
Matt Gang - 7 years ago
As soon as u said it eats everything in its path it didn't the shark in its path
AE Azzara
AE Azzara - 7 years ago
This is fake. He should not posted it
H2O D XXARMY - 7 years ago
Fake I think
Zamora Family Fun
Zamora Family Fun - 7 years ago
ROK Soshi
ROK Soshi - 7 years ago
Disliked because clickbait. Fuck off.
Glenys Shorrock
Glenys Shorrock - 7 years ago
Innate the sea
Julia Smith
Julia Smith - 7 years ago
The reason the megalodon went extinct was because thay were to big and yes we have only explored 5 percent of the ocean but unless a megalodon is spotted without tampering of the video or photo in question then i will just have to see because I find it fascinating but without proof I will be a no from me
Richard Boyes
Richard Boyes - 7 years ago
We’re going to need a bigger boat
marshmello. Смбьш
marshmello. Смбьш - 7 years ago
Iam watching this at 12:00 at sea (help).
Lamily Xxx
Lamily Xxx - 7 years ago
Awh it's soooo adorable though :3
Mar&Steph PezzHayes
Mar&Steph PezzHayes - 7 years ago
I think the magaladon is dead
Pugs4Life - 7 years ago
How did this thing even extinct it like a BEAST
Sandeep Rajora
Sandeep Rajora - 7 years ago
Sandeep Rajora
Sandeep Rajora - 7 years ago
Face ved

Gansta Potato
Gansta Potato - 7 years ago
This is why I never go outside and never go too the beach or swiming :Edit I mean swimming
sincere white
sincere white - 7 years ago
Do Megalodon versus quit
ice CREAM - 7 years ago
And that's why I only stay in up to 5 feet deep I dont like sharks
Eva Lunas
Eva Lunas - 7 years ago
Wita Wita
Wita Wita - 7 years ago
gede bangettt
Alô Terráqueo
Alô Terráqueo - 7 years ago
isso não tem no brasil neh
บุญชอบ ดําดี
บุญชอบ ดําดี - 7 years ago
Grace Candelario
Grace Candelario - 7 years ago
If this is trus
On Citas
On Citas - 7 years ago
It is fake I know it
Milly Vlogs
Milly Vlogs - 7 years ago
Guys Omg its fake i got to a Cruise 1 week ago its fake
katies sanders
katies sanders - 7 years ago
vem brincar com a soso
vem brincar com a soso - 7 years ago
Stevan Dabizljevic
Stevan Dabizljevic - 7 years ago
assassin creed pirate
assassin creed pirate - 7 years ago
the sea is doomed and the word is endddddddddd.nooooo

Lovely Cannibal Art
Lovely Cannibal Art - 7 years ago
We're gonna need a bigger boat
sara ankrum
sara ankrum - 7 years ago
sara ankrum
sara ankrum - 7 years ago
Weilove is the best
Dustin Roof
Dustin Roof - 7 years ago
Zo cool
JAYDEN phagoo
JAYDEN phagoo - 7 years ago
Curious World
Curious World - 7 years ago
Those old stories suggest that it still lived hundreds of years ago, not today.
Turtleiceanimelord666 Jenisanoob
Turtleiceanimelord666 Jenisanoob - 7 years ago
Finnaly my fav thing in the world is proved to be Alive yayayyayyayayyaayyayayayayayayayayayayaayayyayayayayyayayayayayayyayayayayayyaayay
Guilherme Moreira
Guilherme Moreira - 7 years ago
Fala em português
Ifanindra Pratama
Ifanindra Pratama - 7 years ago
Ifanindra Pratama
Ifanindra Pratama - 7 years ago
Cupcakes are amazing
Cupcakes are amazing - 7 years ago
I have a teeth of it
kenji gamer player
kenji gamer player - 7 years ago
gEt mOnEy
gEt mOnEy - 7 years ago
Before i watch this click bait, oh wait a min
The Awesome Tag
The Awesome Tag - 7 years ago
monica allende
monica allende - 7 years ago
Slash - 7 years ago
Megalodon may be extinct but thanks to modern technology that they can transform a Megalodon into the world like they did it to dinosaurs and a T-rex in some movies well known for example jurassic Park / world.
Jagadish Gouda
Jagadish Gouda - 7 years ago
Tristan Jonesfunky
Tristan Jonesfunky - 7 years ago
That's a big shark thaer not real she can not get big
Jessica Quercia
Jessica Quercia - 7 years ago
I don't want to touch water anymore
Sunanda Challa
Sunanda Challa - 7 years ago
Liberal Logic
Liberal Logic - 7 years ago
Evidence over 200 years old does mean shit!!!!
Curious World
Curious World - 7 years ago
Ebony Smith
Ebony Smith - 7 years ago
That's why i always swim in the pool
magdalena Jackowiak
magdalena Jackowiak - 7 years ago
Agent Murky
Agent Murky - 7 years ago
Shanna Sweger
Shanna Sweger - 7 years ago
Just imagine if Spielberg used a megladon instead of a great white shark for Jaws
XxminecrafterXx The best5
XxminecrafterXx The best5 - 7 years ago
I still touch water because I'm in USA lol
RENAN miguel viel moras
RENAN miguel viel moras - 7 years ago
Meu Deus
Yesenia Rojas
Yesenia Rojas - 7 years ago
H.C.R. 2 N.T.
H.C.R. 2 N.T. - 7 years ago
Ergo Proxy
Ergo Proxy - 7 years ago
Only in your dreams or maybe nightmares.
Adi Ningsih
Adi Ningsih - 7 years ago
Imran Mohmmad
Imran Mohmmad - 7 years ago
Tyrin Gorman
Tyrin Gorman - 7 years ago
Well people will never know if they are alive because they would live in the deep ocean and us people cant go down there so the can be alive.
FazeGraze WARZONE - 7 years ago
I read about this it is VER VERY VERY power full it is realated to a great white shark BUR WAY WAY BIGGER
Tiny Thompsons
Tiny Thompsons - 7 years ago
This is so so so so so...
KIN YIP YIN - 7 years ago
well,may be it will killed by the Bloop
EYES ON THE MONEY - 7 years ago
mary jane magbanua
mary jane magbanua - 7 years ago
Its not real
Jennifer Parker
Jennifer Parker - 7 years ago
I saw a huge shark when I was swimming in the ocean
Gujarati Dakla Gujarati Dakla
Gujarati Dakla Gujarati Dakla - 7 years ago
steven pets
steven pets - 7 years ago
Oopsie Noodles
Oopsie Noodles - 7 years ago
Well there go my summer plans on going to the beach
undertale fan
undertale fan - 7 years ago
Great white shark is biggest
undertale fan
undertale fan - 7 years ago
Deepest fish is 11,000 feet
undertale fan
undertale fan - 7 years ago
My dad saw a black Dragon fish
Pritha Bhattacharya
Pritha Bhattacharya - 7 years ago
I have water phobia and after watching this I will never swim in ocean and seas
HenryStickman Xyavilzheus
HenryStickman Xyavilzheus - 7 years ago
thumnbnail was obviously edited
HenryStickman Xyavilzheus
HenryStickman Xyavilzheus - 7 years ago
100 FOOT?
Marvin Kerry
Marvin Kerry - 7 years ago
There is One more megalodon left
moreNatureleaflords _
moreNatureleaflords _ - 7 years ago
Shallu Kulshrestha
Shallu Kulshrestha - 7 years ago
OMG so much big teeth
Natalya Guzman
Natalya Guzman - 7 years ago
el megalodon una creatura impresionante
Aaron Joshua
Aaron Joshua - 7 years ago
Have you hears about the biggest whale who sank a ship since umm like 1862 and the survivors have no food to eat and they have been stranded for 2 years and there only food is themselves...
Jonoxenile - 7 years ago
Nooob clickbait
Beth Garvey
Beth Garvey - 7 years ago
I jus liked the thumbnail
Bree Bungay
Bree Bungay - 7 years ago
No one knows if it went extinct. The world has only searched 5% of the ocean.
youtuber person youtuber
youtuber person youtuber - 7 years ago
It's too big to have survived
kundan bisht
kundan bisht - 7 years ago
I am so affarid of shark by seeing this video
Debora Rodriguez
Debora Rodriguez - 7 years ago
twilight sparkle
twilight sparkle - 7 years ago
So, in the film "jaws" everyone who went swimming was attacked by a great white? But megladon was 27 feet bigger?!
Rachel Mc
Rachel Mc - 7 years ago
Me: uhh ahem your talking about a million years ago and plus....the shark may be day by now 2017 vs 1937 err not really
Star Coleman
Star Coleman - 7 years ago
None of this is even really so don't believe it
Andrew And dinos
Andrew And dinos - 7 years ago
I feel like my entire YouTube career is being a lifeless bot and debunking fake videos
丁广林 - 7 years ago
Oh my fucking god
Sethy Thon
Sethy Thon - 7 years ago
Where are this sharks come from is this real
Fal 031326
Fal 031326 - 7 years ago
How is this proof it’s just giving us info what it can do you retard
Sancia Jimenez
Sancia Jimenez - 7 years ago
oh my god
SANJAY PARAB - 7 years ago
I don't think so such a big shark is now still alive because , if it is then all other animals in ocean except megladon may not be present.
Roger Hamers
Roger Hamers - 7 years ago
Goofy Tube
Goofy Tube - 7 years ago
Rozalia Noworolnik
Rozalia Noworolnik - 7 years ago
Megalodon its
Di Na
Di Na - 7 years ago
អាចុយម្រ៉ាយ ភរអាញ់
iamdiane 14
iamdiane 14 - 7 years ago
I'm not going to the sea anymore
Nicole Dulin
Nicole Dulin - 7 years ago
baby shark doo dooo
Nicole Dulin
Nicole Dulin - 7 years ago
baby shark doo dooo
Nicole Dulin
Nicole Dulin - 7 years ago
baby shark doo dooo
Nicole Dulin
Nicole Dulin - 7 years ago
baby shark doo dooo
kim rasmussen
kim rasmussen - 7 years ago
Kim vil
Tanner Fox
Tanner Fox - 7 years ago
Jebson Bacalso
Jebson Bacalso - 7 years ago
katie Eliza
katie Eliza - 7 years ago
I wonder if it actually exists
Cherrie - 7 years ago
HAHA.....HaHa...haha ;-;
sam reins
sam reins - 7 years ago
Social nep
Nick Malfoy
Nick Malfoy - 7 years ago
I thought it is about megalodon shark card gta 5 lol. Still nice video bro
יהודה גל
יהודה גל - 7 years ago
marclorenz gaming
marclorenz gaming - 7 years ago
Shark about the megalodon nooo cuase shark eat fish megalodon eat everything
Magaly Castro
Magaly Castro - 7 years ago
My sister is scared of sharks
Adrienne Malachi
Adrienne Malachi - 7 years ago
Gareth. Lloyd Jones
Gareth. Lloyd Jones - 7 years ago
Gareth. Lloyd Jones
Gareth. Lloyd Jones - 7 years ago
TheGoblinShark - 7 years ago
Wow you guys are gullible. He never said that they actually exist.. Never has a megalodon attack been recorded in the worlds history. No proof, NOTHING. You shouldn’t be afraid of the ocean because of sharks, it’s a slim chance of being attacked,and a VERY slim chance of it being fatal. So stop your worries about megalodon,sharks, and all the dramatic stuff and believe the real stuff,ok?
floathouse - 7 years ago
,im now going to ponds or puddles ;-;,
Dima Ignatov
Dima Ignatov - 7 years ago
its not true
prashant patil
prashant patil - 7 years ago
panvel know what the papers. if you 21st, so that 28th. the only one who has the
prashant patil
prashant patil - 7 years ago
يا وردة الحياة
يا وردة الحياة - 7 years ago
يا مساكين الي بل قارب
Stuffaholic - 7 years ago
0:34 nah nigga
April Reyes
April Reyes - 7 years ago
i will dont go in the ocean only the swimming pool
Jazsmine Hale
Jazsmine Hale - 7 years ago
Lauren Albert
Lauren Albert - 7 years ago
I'll just stick to lakes and not oceans....
Forklifts and Beef Stroganoff
Forklifts and Beef Stroganoff - 7 years ago
You'll be fine in the ocean. It went extinct several million years ago. (2 000 000 - 12 000 000)
edchanful - 7 years ago
Lauren Albert lakes = alligator, crocs hahaha
Richard Boyes
Richard Boyes - 7 years ago
LOL.....have you seen Lake Placid...
rose tobin
rose tobin - 7 years ago
Same lol
Iris ShadowYear
Iris ShadowYear - 7 years ago
Lauren Albert xD same
Enoch Montejo Lopes
Enoch Montejo Lopes - 7 years ago
Esto es metira
Lps Tiffany
Lps Tiffany - 7 years ago
Jennifer Pyles
Jennifer Pyles - 7 years ago
Awesome video did any of you know that I came across a megladon when I was diving. . . But it dident hurt me
Giselle Lopez
Giselle Lopez - 7 years ago
well...... I'm not going to swim in the ocean
LoveBugAlexis - 7 years ago
can we even say there aren't at LEASTtT some alive a lot of the ocean has not been explored :/
An Tran
An Tran - 7 years ago
Megalodon is million year ago
Henkkaboy 69
Henkkaboy 69 - 7 years ago
there is still so many places where people has not been... like loch ness monster is not fake it really lived millions years ago and it could survive underwater like crocodiles did and megalogon could survive as well so yeah i think it can still be out there
Mario Donez III
Mario Donez III - 7 years ago
johnrame viray
johnrame viray - 7 years ago
Magnus Gaming
Magnus Gaming - 7 years ago
petit fabiennegjgyihfjlmkjcgh
petit fabiennegjgyihfjlmkjcgh - 7 years ago
Flavin je t aime
petit fabiennegjgyihfjlmkjcgh
petit fabiennegjgyihfjlmkjcgh - 7 years ago
Juliette Flavin ja t aime
Sri Hindun Nazaruddin
Sri Hindun Nazaruddin - 7 years ago
Sra ilf alif
Wilsy J Jusup
Wilsy J Jusup - 7 years ago
Omg no no no I am not swimming again!
Long Nguyễn Ngọc
Long Nguyễn Ngọc - 7 years ago
Kk Loos
Kk Loos - 7 years ago
ko on you from kk
Toni-Ann Gordon
Toni-Ann Gordon - 7 years ago
I'm afraid to go in the sea and I love the sea
Svetlana Svele Stojakovic
Svetlana Svele Stojakovic - 7 years ago
Namesteno je
denis alain
denis alain - 7 years ago
Rowshan Alam
Rowshan Alam - 7 years ago
It lives in Mariana ........
averythesuperhero - 6 years ago
alex HD How do you know? We've never been to the bottom, for all we know it's just a bunch of rocks
Theo Idsø
Theo Idsø - 6 years ago
Rowshan Alam lLOl
Francisca Perez
Francisca Perez - 7 years ago
Rowshan Alam zzz zumba
alex HD
alex HD - 7 years ago
For anyone who says it bones would break I have 2 things to say 1 it's bones are made of cartilage and 2 other creatures live at the bottom of the Mariana trench
Rowshan Alam
Rowshan Alam - 7 years ago
Kash Maher hello
Kash Maher
Kash Maher - 7 years ago
Rowshan Alam I
Rowshan Alam
Rowshan Alam - 7 years ago
Anime Forever yess
Anime Forever
Anime Forever - 7 years ago
Rowshan Alam Mariana Trench the deepest place in the ocean 7 miles down. If you go down there,Warning:There will be alot of animals that can kill you.
le thua khien
le thua khien - 7 years ago
Rowshan Alam ui
Dorionne Smith
Dorionne Smith - 7 years ago
Rowshan Sessididjfjc
Rowshan Alam
Rowshan Alam - 7 years ago
We got 1000 and 1000 of fish in only 5% of our ocean today what about the remaining 95% think......
Rowshan Alam
Rowshan Alam - 7 years ago
Pia Svolgaard the bones of megalodon has been found there
Rowshan Alam
Rowshan Alam - 7 years ago
Poopy Pants but trump knew
Rowshan Alam
Rowshan Alam - 7 years ago
victor vo k
Rowshan Alam
Rowshan Alam - 7 years ago
Rudolf Slezak hello
Rowshan Alam
Rowshan Alam - 7 years ago
Turtleiceanimelord666 Jenisanoob s
victor vo
victor vo - 7 years ago
Rowshan Alam k
Zanderperry Vlogs
Zanderperry Vlogs - 7 years ago
Rowshan Alam true
Rudolf Slezak
Rudolf Slezak - 7 years ago
Rowshan Alam i
Poopy Pants
Poopy Pants - 7 years ago
Rowshan Alam Thats kinda right because no one could find him anywhere so he must be in Mariana trench which is a place humans dont really go to
iFrosty101 - 7 years ago
iTudy they have bones dumass
iTudy - 7 years ago
American Pride shark don't have bones
Turtleiceanimelord666 Jenisanoob
Turtleiceanimelord666 Jenisanoob - 7 years ago
The black demon shark is megaladon
Turtleiceanimelord666 Jenisanoob
Turtleiceanimelord666 Jenisanoob - 7 years ago
Rowshan Alam don't be scared unless u live their
Rowshan Alam h
Ethel Ceribo
Ethel Ceribo - 7 years ago
Rowshan Alam po
Jeff Davies
Jeff Davies - 7 years ago
Rowshan Alam hgtc
Liesbet Verboven
Liesbet Verboven - 7 years ago
Rowshan Alam

Rowshan Alam
Rowshan Alam - 7 years ago
Mujibur Rohman got that hfv
Mujibur Rohman
Mujibur Rohman - 7 years ago
Rowshan Alam hfv
American Pride
American Pride - 7 years ago
Rowshan Alam it bones would get crushed from the pressure
Manuel Milasi
Manuel Milasi - 7 years ago
Rowshan Alam WFK
Pia Svolgaard
Pia Svolgaard - 7 years ago
Rowshan Alam no it does not
Tilly123 MSP
Tilly123 MSP - 7 years ago
Can u plz sub 2 my channle
Solikin Ki
Solikin Ki - 7 years ago
Galak sekali y
Ferliena Azzahra
Ferliena Azzahra - 7 years ago
Janika Boshoff
Janika Boshoff - 7 years ago
That is a vat lie
Jared Jaden
Jared Jaden - 7 years ago
I don't wanna swim again
Pete Ortiz
Pete Ortiz - 7 years ago
keirden harley davidson
keirden harley davidson - 7 years ago
i love learning about megilodons i think this vidio is real
agil 19558
agil 19558 - 7 years ago
Tumblr Kate
Tumblr Kate - 7 years ago
the thumbnail is photoshopped....
Bartłomiej Smorąg
Bartłomiej Smorąg - 7 years ago
to niezly szark
Sayd Monirul Islam
Sayd Monirul Islam - 7 years ago
if its true, then RIP poor fishes
Jimins Wife :3
Jimins Wife :3 - 7 years ago
I wish it was exincted
Era Star-Ter
Era Star-Ter - 7 years ago
Narrator: it eats everything in its path
a shark swims by megaladon
Mariyami And Meeroti TVS alr
Mariyami And Meeroti TVS alr - 7 years ago
this is really dangrouse i will never swim in the sea again i will miss the sea
Johanne SIMITH
Johanne SIMITH - 7 years ago
Flying_ Panda7
Flying_ Panda7 - 7 years ago
megaladon dosent exist anymore it may exist million years ago but they were killed
Shamariah Jhonson
Shamariah Jhonson - 7 years ago
this is fake
橋本兼吏 - 7 years ago
Hacked :9
Hacked :9 - 7 years ago
Well I'm not saying this is fake or anything but it is rumored that the Megalodon still lives in the Mariana Trench and for all the people who believe that I'll probably change your mind the Mariana Trench is the deepest world in the world back when megalodons lived they preferred shallower water like the reef shark and the Megalodon cannot survive living in the Mariana Trench due to it being too cold and the pressure damage now for this video that tooth that they found is probably from 2 million years ago I'd say and most of the megalodon sightings are absolutely fake they're usually great white sharks but they edit it to make it look super big just face it guys the Megalodon is extinct
Don't Sub
Don't Sub - 7 years ago
The Image Was a fucking Cave Shark Adult
Md zakiuddin quadri
Md zakiuddin quadri - 7 years ago
Megalodon is amazing
Christopher Losoya
Christopher Losoya - 7 years ago
Mao Poe
Mao Poe - 7 years ago
Sarah Latif
Sarah Latif - 7 years ago
I will never go on a ship again
Maria vaquerano
Maria vaquerano - 7 years ago
Colin Kaperneck
Colin Kaperneck - 7 years ago
Guys if you want to go in the ocean just don't go in the water above your waist
cottoncandygamerfox XD
cottoncandygamerfox XD - 7 years ago
Oh my gosh in not Going to the ocean
Jeffery Walker
Jeffery Walker - 7 years ago
Jeffery Walker
Jeffery Walker - 7 years ago
and don't go under 2000 ft or you will die so don't try this kids or you will die ok kids
Jeffery Walker
Jeffery Walker - 7 years ago
hey IA m not to ch that water at all that is tep and I will swim to shore and I don't want get kiley and I won't when you ded in real live you don't come back to live you no people it is true you do so be kareful ok so much be for you get eat ok here that ok ok
Mia Salazar
Mia Salazar - 7 years ago
That is not true
吉幾三噂の - 7 years ago
Stefania Di Matteo
Stefania Di Matteo - 7 years ago
korona kielce
korona kielce - 7 years ago
po polsku
Nadine Feuerhahn
Nadine Feuerhahn - 7 years ago
HP 9 o
xHcoolmarcusHx torres
xHcoolmarcusHx torres - 7 years ago
Cadence And kiwi
Cadence And kiwi - 7 years ago
Lax For life!!!
Lax For life!!! - 7 years ago
Click bait
Stephanie Spiteri
Stephanie Spiteri - 7 years ago
Mckenna Keenne
Mckenna Keenne - 7 years ago
That shark is big
Keekee Ferguson
Keekee Ferguson - 7 years ago
Èmïly MSP
Èmïly MSP - 7 years ago
I wanna be dat shark :0
everton cruz
everton cruz - 7 years ago
everton cruz
everton cruz - 7 years ago
Meu deus
JIGSAW RULES - 7 years ago
I though jaws can eat sharks but its not real jaws Is a animation movie and I went to the ride when I was baby and I cried and the ride Is closed.
Victoria Pida
Victoria Pida - 7 years ago
Its a cool
Nate H
Nate H - 7 years ago
Dem photoshop skills
Celina Brien
Celina Brien - 7 years ago
Σαμέντζας Κωνσταντίνος
Σαμέντζας Κωνσταντίνος - 7 years ago
Μόλις το είδα χεστικα
NinjaBlock91/NB91 - Gaming
NinjaBlock91/NB91 - Gaming - 7 years ago
I'm don't like shark
Alyssa Delgado
Alyssa Delgado - 7 years ago
That's why I don't like going swimming below 300 ft
Alyssa Delgado
Alyssa Delgado - 7 years ago
Yeah me to
stoneage451 - 7 years ago
cotxike45 cotxike45
cotxike45 cotxike45 - 7 years ago
Lamborghini aventator
Lamborghini aventator - 7 years ago
The Megalodon best shark ever
bacon hair jack
bacon hair jack - 7 years ago
It's real and the reason why people day it's fake is because you have a low percent chance of seeing
IProGamer Z
IProGamer Z - 7 years ago
Megalodon is 59 ft not 100
sa mun
sa mun - 7 years ago
Dacco1980 - 7 years ago
Is it possible to catch that fish on a wooden stick?
Steve R
Steve R - 7 years ago
I am more than a little upset. I came here expecting to see video footage of a megalodon eating an aircraft carrier.
insect illuminati Get shrekt
insect illuminati Get shrekt - 7 years ago
Haha, no. Megalodon is dead. Deader than dead
Maria Juarez
Maria Juarez - 7 years ago
and this why im never going to cali beach
Lorraine Oldham
Lorraine Oldham - 7 years ago
My friend doesn't even want to go in the bath
oksoon randle
oksoon randle - 7 years ago
Vaniecea Duncan
Vaniecea Duncan - 7 years ago
Goddy - 7 years ago
XxLibra KwanexX
XxLibra KwanexX - 7 years ago
My biggest fear is that I'm in the middle of the sea and I see something huge
Anna Marcelino
Anna Marcelino - 7 years ago
I am scared
Sophia Guzon
Sophia Guzon - 7 years ago
Orange Creampuff
Orange Creampuff - 7 years ago
Ulises Rivera
Ulises Rivera - 7 years ago
When click bait used to work 58 million views and just 58k subscribers.
Neerima Srivastava
Neerima Srivastava - 7 years ago
you are a lier
Neerima Srivastava
Neerima Srivastava - 7 years ago
you are a lier
Brittany Moore
Brittany Moore - 7 years ago
Elaine Cristina
Elaine Cristina - 7 years ago
Dika Ajaa
Dika Ajaa - 7 years ago
Omg big shark
Denlo And Angela
Denlo And Angela - 7 years ago
You might be saying mega is still alive WELL NO MEGA DIE 14 MILLION YEARS AGO I kinda miss little peggy the Megalodon shark but still they die for freedom
Tana McFarland
Tana McFarland - 7 years ago
Shanta' Grant
Shanta' Grant - 7 years ago
Not real
Csaba Vaszil
Csaba Vaszil - 7 years ago
Ez nagyon félelmetes
LpsDogs And Cats
LpsDogs And Cats - 7 years ago
Man I wish I can see a megalodon but if I did I would be dead by now and not be writing this commet
Sweet Daddy Jesus
Sweet Daddy Jesus - 7 years ago
I wish they would still be with us today there bad asses
xXSharky GirlXx
xXSharky GirlXx - 7 years ago
Hello >:D You May Understand Why I'm Here XD
Zaria Peters
Zaria Peters - 7 years ago
this don't make since how he say 17 million years ago but there has only been 2017 years in all
Minecraft and seven
Minecraft and seven - 7 years ago
stephany salva
stephany salva - 7 years ago
Dis vid is a fake
Bzllistic - 7 years ago
They only say it's extinct because they haven't found it i mean humans aren't always right it's down there hiding I know it
Ryan Pearson
Ryan Pearson - 7 years ago
I know it still exists they found one in I think Mexico and lost track about 10000 m deep in the ocean
Gia's World
Gia's World - 7 years ago
That is just so insane I mean how do people get these caught on camera I mean it's just so insane
mimi kyu
mimi kyu - 7 years ago
now i know thats are real so i never wash a gain
Endang Sefira
Endang Sefira - 7 years ago
racked up boys racked up boys
racked up boys racked up boys - 7 years ago
No pain it would be dead
UnicornBella - 7 years ago
gee i really enjoy videos with clickbait thumbnais :)
MrMcfly1605 - 7 years ago
final evidence!
Md rajib
Md rajib - 7 years ago
jaz agca
jaz agca - 7 years ago
57M view gj man
Nadershah Hashemi
Nadershah Hashemi - 7 years ago
me too
Random Girl
Random Girl - 7 years ago
I don't have anything thing to worry about I don't have enough money to go to the beach ( I live in Kansas )
Dragana Petrovic
Dragana Petrovic - 7 years ago
Great white shark is son of megalodon shark
Dragana Petrovic
Dragana Petrovic - 7 years ago
Not fake
아키르 - 7 years ago
Malak Hobri
Malak Hobri - 7 years ago
Veril satria [YT]
Veril satria [YT] - 7 years ago
dina r
dina r - 7 years ago
poop you
Anna Marfa
Anna Marfa - 7 years ago
He says "imagine the pain of the bite" but then he said the victim will be dead before he even knows hes been attacked... hmmm contradicting
Julie Thompson
Julie Thompson - 7 years ago
megldon might be still alive
DragonSlayer123 - 7 years ago
The thumbnail shark looks fake it looks like a stuffed animal in the thumbnail and cuz of the eyes
Lydia Thomas
Lydia Thomas - 7 years ago
it is still is alive
Shizako Nani
Shizako Nani - 7 years ago
I touched a megladon tooth before
gisele quirininoalmeida
gisele quirininoalmeida - 7 years ago
que sinistro
Chang Bacornay
Chang Bacornay - 7 years ago
i want to see a real video that shark eats the ship
Super Saiyan Blue Goku Black
Super Saiyan Blue Goku Black - 7 years ago
HOLY CRAP!! SPOOKY .. if i whould see one id start screaming for my life ;;
Yudy Lopez lopez
Yudy Lopez lopez - 7 years ago
Fellow Shark
Fellow Shark - 7 years ago
Ma boi took some steroids
VyR Villa
VyR Villa - 7 years ago
I have my hole arm cuted
Deandre Hammon
Deandre Hammon - 7 years ago
dr monika Singh
dr monika Singh - 7 years ago
dr monika Singh
dr monika Singh - 7 years ago
Shark Girl521
Shark Girl521 - 7 years ago
sharks are sooooo cute!!!!
Trenton 34
Trenton 34 - 7 years ago
Roses are red violets are blue I came here for the thumbnail so did you
muhammad amin
muhammad amin - 7 years ago
Anita Kankaria
Anita Kankaria - 7 years ago
it is really good I seriously want to see this shark
Odette Leussink
Odette Leussink - 7 years ago
Darius Szumlanski
Darius Szumlanski - 7 years ago
Idiot clickbait
Bintang Suherman
Bintang Suherman - 7 years ago
i dont want go swin so far
Coral Olga
Coral Olga - 7 years ago
True I play that to
IWONA WESELSKI - 7 years ago
Not real
Tatenda Matikinyidze Bimha
Tatenda Matikinyidze Bimha - 7 years ago
Islam never going to the beach well maybe sometimes
Alana Cruz\oliver
Alana Cruz\oliver - 7 years ago
that is crazy
Randir Rebello
Randir Rebello - 7 years ago
Ucugi Mvvjfly
Ucugi Mvvjfly - 7 years ago
ي دود

ب مر كيطدرططلش

Mapuii chuaungo
Mapuii chuaungo - 7 years ago
I Am not swiming in the NILE RIVER
Alana Njuguna
Alana Njuguna - 7 years ago
they said it dead
shailaja fernando
shailaja fernando - 7 years ago
This is why don't go near fake whale
The Legend
The Legend - 7 years ago
Wow there was clickbait before clickbait
FreyaPlayz Connolly
FreyaPlayz Connolly - 7 years ago
The ocean is really deep and dangerous I found a video and it showed so far if the ocean explored and they haven't explored the bottom because it is dangerous so they have to get robot things to go down there but anything could be down there and they won't know
Fire tracker
Fire tracker - 6 years ago
what is the video's name
Sierra Payne
Sierra Payne - 7 years ago
There is still 95% if the ocean they need to explote
Thong Laurensia
Thong Laurensia - 7 years ago
i am never going to the ocean ever again
MissMykal - 7 years ago
This is why I stay FAR AWAY from the ocean
Music Brothers
Music Brothers - 7 years ago
come subscribe us for nude videos
BensPlushGaming & More!
BensPlushGaming & More! - 7 years ago
Megalodons are extinct none of them have survived idiots
Martie Lottering
Martie Lottering - 7 years ago
mega monsterlus because people are complaining they see him but may never know half of the ocean has not been installed yet so you can be High and the ocean
CR Rebel
CR Rebel - 7 years ago
Saif Al-Emadi
Saif Al-Emadi - 7 years ago
Thats why im scared to swim..........
Saif Al-Emadi
Saif Al-Emadi - 7 years ago
They say too if we go 2500ft down we can see many sharks and its dangerous
Jo Ann Ferraz
Jo Ann Ferraz - 7 years ago
No kidding right? If that's real or what your saying is real I will never go swim at the beach
ChalennPOLLIE - 7 years ago
Great. Fake or not, this makes me go back to the era where I was afraid of toilets. Thank you video. THANK YOU.
AlienFirefox - 7 years ago
it was 60 feet long
Blessing Nana
Blessing Nana - 7 years ago
I have swimming lessons in a pool
frank thompson
frank thompson - 7 years ago
Geez jason ps4gaming
frank thompson
frank thompson - 7 years ago
It just said fake amd if it is im no going yo swom there no wqy
MG ησlimit
MG ησlimit - 7 years ago
nnnaaahhmmm i think thiz iz......ummmmm.........fake?
sule 23
sule 23 - 7 years ago
hah did you see the clickbait so fake its funny!
FUN For LIFE Man - 7 years ago
Tallink Kobee
Tallink Kobee - 7 years ago
Not boat is fake
BlandSoda 502319
BlandSoda 502319 - 7 years ago
I never go to the beach.
So I'm lucky
Adforz 000
Adforz 000 - 7 years ago
Y am frontera colomviA
Bff Gg
Bff Gg - 7 years ago
انتو كزابين
Syeda Abbas
Syeda Abbas - 7 years ago
there only on meglodon alive in a lake youtube
Shahzad Chaudhry
Shahzad Chaudhry - 7 years ago
i love this
City Juniors
City Juniors - 7 years ago
I will
City Juniors
City Juniors - 7 years ago
Carl Tobeza
Carl Tobeza - 7 years ago
woah! i would not go swimming 2000ft i will be dead the megolodon are super big i would be megalodon if i had 3 Q. great white & tiger shark or MEGALODON.I would pick MEGALODON
DanniMarie Chirino
DanniMarie Chirino - 7 years ago
is it really real really dangerous how are they how many how old are they are they 300 ages or maybe they can be 300,000 ages but how old is a how old are they how old are they and calming down for Love by
Andrew Gold
Andrew Gold - 7 years ago
This is the first video i have liked .-.
Pjorgox Gaming
Pjorgox Gaming - 7 years ago
phew, well megalodon lives in stone age lol
Monsur Liton
Monsur Liton - 7 years ago
hi bondura kmon achen
Roy van Iperen
Roy van Iperen - 7 years ago
hil nep kut ):
blink kim Divinaflor
blink kim Divinaflor - 7 years ago
thets dangerous
Emmy Philemona
Emmy Philemona - 7 years ago
megadon is still lives in 2017
Debbie brim
Debbie brim - 7 years ago
I a m never ever going swimming there
Trapi_ - 7 years ago
Guys... This is fake..
EternitySplash - 7 years ago
Tobias Gerhardsson
Tobias Gerhardsson - 7 years ago
dead and blue
Sarah Ramos Benjamin Fernandes
Sarah Ramos Benjamin Fernandes - 7 years ago
nao. esisti. n
Vamps_DRAGON 1
Vamps_DRAGON 1 - 7 years ago
:13 "Hunting anything in its path."
Fitri Nurwahyuni
Fitri Nurwahyuni - 7 years ago
Ethan Le élève
Ethan Le élève - 7 years ago
Only his mortal ennimie leviathans
briellejenxox - 7 years ago
People said the shark has been spotted in Florida
patricia wong Konstantinr
patricia wong Konstantinr - 7 years ago
In the thumb nail
patricia wong Konstantinr
patricia wong Konstantinr - 7 years ago
I wish that picture was real but it's not
Balaram Barik
Balaram Barik - 7 years ago
Kirk Danyael Dionisio
Kirk Danyael Dionisio - 7 years ago
Fake!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! You have been brought to justice
Anijah Tate
Anijah Tate - 7 years ago
Phillip Brothers
Phillip Brothers - 7 years ago
Oh my! Oh my!
Terry Lin
Terry Lin - 7 years ago
Araceli Bartolo
Araceli Bartolo - 7 years ago
Sammy Manning
Sammy Manning - 7 years ago
Attack of the 50 foot pile of bullshit.
Arlyn Castillo
Arlyn Castillo - 7 years ago
thats Fake Becuase I Heard Bills SaidIts Fake
Gekkebean - 7 years ago
96% off the ocean is still undiscoverd so water Dinosaurs even Megalodon can still be alive
Migpelesco1216 - Performances video only
Migpelesco1216 - Performances video only - 7 years ago
Now I don't want to ride a boat
Melonisgone - 7 years ago
The clickbait great white with the ship is just so fucking funny
THE EPIC LEGENDS - 7 years ago
Symphony Eliza
Symphony Eliza - 7 years ago
I only came because of the thumb nail.
Magiczny Teodor
Magiczny Teodor - 7 years ago
MEGALODON why it sounds like some kind of transformer xD
Saji Shark
Saji Shark - 7 years ago
is the megalodon larger than Godzilla
Ronnie Foley
Ronnie Foley - 7 years ago
Who upload this
Md Sakib
Md Sakib - 7 years ago
Md Sakib
Md Sakib - 7 years ago
whatido120 - 7 years ago
I smell bullshit
OffensiveWhiteMale - 7 years ago
Comments section has me face palming... the fact of the matter is that scientific evidence is stronger than folk tales, and the evidence points to it being no longer able to sustain itself in a modern ocean. Case closed morons.
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
Fake I know it
Pixel K
Pixel K - 7 years ago
Click Bait. No evidence!!!
NoMi MirXa
NoMi MirXa - 7 years ago
i not sure if it is extinct D:
RUPANK SAHU - 7 years ago
nice vidoes
zilvinas petras
zilvinas petras - 7 years ago
Nicole Quisado
Nicole Quisado - 7 years ago
the black demon
Hümeyra Demir
Hümeyra Demir - 7 years ago
aarakula mallesh
aarakula mallesh - 7 years ago
megaaaa supperŕŕ........
Dheng Valencia
Dheng Valencia - 7 years ago
Is this ture that megalodon lives millons of years ago
Raul Hotin
Raul Hotin - 7 years ago
Efren Isip
Efren Isip - 7 years ago
The megalodon was still exist because we have only 5 percent the we explored in the ocean and no man get into the depths of the sea so we have no proof that the megalodon dosnt exist anymore and we have 95 percent unexplored ocean maybe its just hiding in the depths of the seas.
Olivia Wojtowicz
Olivia Wojtowicz - 7 years ago
I wont go in the ocean anymore....
Gabriel Sasala
Gabriel Sasala - 7 years ago
Are you kidding me 54 million people watched this.
Michelle Brown
Michelle Brown - 7 years ago
if magolodon was still alive we wold be all dead well I wildest I nevered Ben to the beach before
Keenen Vance
Keenen Vance - 7 years ago
do you know that a megalon is 300,0 feet

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