Mermaids Attacked By Giant Shark | Mermaids

Mermaids traveled in pods and had to avoid giant sea predators. Watch more MERMAIDS video:

Mermaids Attacked By Giant Shark | Mermaids sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3301

Shark videos 12 years ago 6,212,649 views

Mermaids traveled in pods and had to avoid giant sea predators. Watch more MERMAIDS video:

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Most popular comments
for Mermaids Attacked By Giant Shark | Mermaids

LxckyG - 7 years ago
This is faker than the robux generators all of the 6-year-olds are desperate to find, anyways I kind of believe in mermaids but I mean ya know less than 10% of the ocean has been discovered :/
Bianca Balderas
Bianca Balderas - 7 years ago
That’s soooo fake
dafne sharon santivañez
dafne sharon santivañez - 7 years ago
Carolyn H.
Carolyn H. - 7 years ago
Theres no such thing as mermaids
Sim Wavy
Sim Wavy - 7 years ago
Hamish Hamish
Hamish Hamish - 7 years ago
I know this don't really, but sad animation.
Jessica Bonilla
Jessica Bonilla - 7 years ago
AnimeWolfLover65 - 7 years ago
Oh nooooo when the whale was getting attacked I nearly cried!!!! It felt so depressed and in pain, then they just left it there and didn't eat it, it died for no reason!
discord mykong
discord mykong - 7 years ago
Mermaids in the time of moster shark I get close to land WTF if that was my grandma face she be found in bones of it

10. comment for Mermaids Attacked By Giant Shark | Mermaids

itz.cal3b - 7 years ago
Karen Perez
Karen Perez - 7 years ago
there is a highly chance that mermaid's/merman's can exit 5/10 oceans have been seacrh by humans
Aundrea Nunez
Aundrea Nunez - 7 years ago
In the beginning when the shark attacked the whale I jumped like five feet
Ha Bulb
Ha Bulb - 7 years ago
Office lover Number 1
Office lover Number 1 - 7 years ago
masteroftheassassins - 7 years ago
I still believe that mermaids exist
Maria Goldzzie
Maria Goldzzie - 7 years ago
Poor whale
savannah moore
savannah moore - 7 years ago
There real, how do you think they came up with the word mermaid
Natalie Rose
Natalie Rose - 7 years ago
Cameras were not a thing 1.6 million years ago so how would you know
Theo VO PHUOC - 7 years ago
This video is fake and animated but mermaids might exist

20. comment for Mermaids Attacked By Giant Shark | Mermaids

Mia Tadeo
Mia Tadeo - 7 years ago
Edited fake
RalphCecille Morales
RalphCecille Morales - 7 years ago
ehhhhhh.. good movie i guess its fake anyways. Well megaladon is not real DUH. I don't like tsanami any ways. LIKE is ya all agreeed plus i dont like megaloadon too :P.
Niamh Burns
Niamh Burns - 7 years ago
Poor whales
Madolyn Charles-Burton
Madolyn Charles-Burton - 7 years ago
It's sad like if it made you cry
Captain Munch
Captain Munch - 7 years ago
Animal Planet has hit a new low...
Anand Thapa
Anand Thapa - 7 years ago
Wat a nice story
The great Cherry blossoms
The great Cherry blossoms - 7 years ago
My subtitles
Mermaid:the land is cold gotta see my buddy whale

Whale:hi mermaid
Mermaid:sup bro
Shark shows up
Whale:what the fuck bro
Megaladon:wtf bleh bleh u dont taste good meh gonna catch meh mermaid

Mermaid:dude im skinny
Shark:dont care
Mermaid:gotta save my sidechick
Megaladon:gotta go pass him(goes under him scene) and tell his wife he was cheating
Mermaid: OH SHITTT gotta kill myself before my side chick kills me
Megaladon:let me do it for you
Mermaid:oh hell no
Sharks eats mermaid
Sidechick of the mermaid:Welp i gotta go
Wife of the mermaid:fuck that bitch im gonna go i aint gonna die
Megaladon:thats why i hate mermaids and humans they dont save the dude im gonna eat
[YT] Arnold
[YT] Arnold - 7 years ago
gumby spoke
gumby spoke - 7 years ago
Thems real mermaids. Anyone else not notice the absence of bikini tops???
Sabbyyy Mirageee
Sabbyyy Mirageee - 7 years ago
And this is why I'm afraid of the unknown and what's down there...I have Thalassaphobia, things like this give me nightmares.

30. comment for Mermaids Attacked By Giant Shark | Mermaids

Reynward Gorgonio
Reynward Gorgonio - 7 years ago
Just A Random Creep Creepin'
Just A Random Creep Creepin' - 7 years ago
Even Sharks are getting rid of thots, smh.
crybbs - 7 years ago
When I was younger I legit had nightmares about this mockumentary (*-*)
Jill - 7 years ago
Those cave drawings with people fighting mermaid looking creatures are suspect
911 Tech
911 Tech - 7 years ago
This is why Animal Planet sucks.
ken masters
ken masters - 7 years ago
and they do eat people
Evan Kemme
Evan Kemme - 7 years ago
There’s a dome over the earth and we live on the back of a turtle.
Jada Hall
Jada Hall - 7 years ago
Lol the shark made me jump
JFD Jonas From Denmark
JFD Jonas From Denmark - 7 years ago
Only one thing...

Mermaids er soo.... scary at night...
Coo Hoo
Coo Hoo - 7 years ago
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA no way , I actually can't believe this was on AP. You people are the sheepiest sheep there are, holy shit idk about this world
Shaba Udin
Shaba Udin - 7 years ago
This is so fake it’s animated
Saraya Conor
Saraya Conor - 7 years ago
For a person with aqua phobia this made me more sad then scared of watching the rest of the video.
Antonia Joan Dator
Antonia Joan Dator - 7 years ago
Vashti Hodrick
Vashti Hodrick - 7 years ago
Bill is this real or fake
Camila Morales
Camila Morales - 7 years ago
Zip no one to judge, but in my head...

That mermaid was on a suicide mission
Diabolik lovers
Diabolik lovers - 7 years ago
No not the marid
oO TheNotoriousReptilian Oo
oO TheNotoriousReptilian Oo - 7 years ago
What kinda computer animated cheesy shit is this
To Litt NUNU
To Litt NUNU - 7 years ago
This so fake
Jahira Diaz
Jahira Diaz - 7 years ago
This is a fake mermaid
jp villanueva
jp villanueva - 7 years ago
Sacrificing is the key to save everyone

50. comment for Mermaids Attacked By Giant Shark | Mermaids

Adlai Mabel
Adlai Mabel - 7 years ago
That's sooooooooooo made up because the mermaid is like a cartoon
Garrion Isidore
Garrion Isidore - 7 years ago
I was freaking de Fuck out for years until I read the credits where it said it was fake
Sam J
Sam J - 7 years ago
Elvia Guevara
Elvia Guevara - 7 years ago
That's the meglodon
Elvia Guevara
Elvia Guevara - 7 years ago
I mean extinct
Elvia Guevara
Elvia Guevara - 7 years ago
Its extinc
Elvia Guevara
Elvia Guevara - 7 years ago
Even the meglodon
Elvia Guevara
Elvia Guevara - 7 years ago
But they are just fake
Elvia Guevara
Elvia Guevara - 7 years ago
If they look like that in
The video they are real
Elvia Guevara
Elvia Guevara - 7 years ago
And mermaids don't exist those
Are just
Elvia Guevara
Elvia Guevara - 7 years ago
Who agreas
Austin Adams
Austin Adams - 7 years ago
Dude that's fake
Anna Beaulne
Anna Beaulne - 7 years ago
I've seen that Black Head thing with the Frill on he head at the beginning of this video in Peterborough Ontario Canada, Got No video and just about fell over when I seen this. I don't know if this is Photo shopped but I have seen that and it is REAL.
Jackson Wang
Jackson Wang - 7 years ago
Ok creatures like mermaids can be real cause who knows right? We haven’t even explored half of our oceans.

But come on. Any 6th grade would know that mermaids won’t have noses like the “mermaid” in 1:12
Mammals like humans have noses to breathe oxygen.
Fishes don’t need noses. They have gills. (I think it doesn’t go for all fishes but sea creatures not land animals)
So...mermaids won’t have noses.
And human-fishes? We will see
Jason O'Halleran
Jason O'Halleran - 7 years ago
So creepy I am 10
Mermaid - 7 years ago
mermaids also have families.. and problems....
Angela Lara
Angela Lara - 7 years ago
That was just sad the way he/she protected them :(
Beauty V
Beauty V - 7 years ago
Some one should wright this as a story
Brett Naugher
Brett Naugher - 7 years ago
All of the fish are dead in the Pacific ocean.
Amber McEachern
Amber McEachern - 7 years ago
I accidentally paused at 0:49 . Horrible decision
...... And 1:19 ...
FifiCraft - 7 years ago
This is so creepy!!!
yusuf - 7 years ago
Ik now mermaids are real
yusuf - 7 years ago
But it looks so fake
April Sanchez
April Sanchez - 7 years ago
So sad had to risk his like for them
April Sanchez
April Sanchez - 7 years ago
Real mermaid that's how they look like
david evans
david evans - 7 years ago
Don't be mean you stupid
Richard Schultz
Richard Schultz - 7 years ago
It must be
The megalodon
Harriet Howard
Harriet Howard - 7 years ago
Fake fake fake
sherry roubideaux
sherry roubideaux - 7 years ago
That's 100% fake
Tina I'm maddie Dan Tom takerngpol
Tina I'm maddie Dan Tom takerngpol - 7 years ago
Is that a real mermaid or is it fake?
Play Boy Agent
Play Boy Agent - 7 years ago
People say they should make a movie of this lol remember how much the movie AVATAR cost lol mine as well give the money to research of the ocean
Play Boy Agent
Play Boy Agent - 7 years ago
Dorina Sso c:
Dorina Sso c: - 7 years ago
Ok ok guys these is just a story wish u didn't exist u those that make drama
Cleo Waring
Cleo Waring - 7 years ago
Susan Johnson
Susan Johnson - 7 years ago
This is sad because I miss mermaids being alive
Adebimpe Adepoju
Adebimpe Adepoju - 7 years ago
It looks so fake but enjoyed it tho
Blazer The carftyGirl
Blazer The carftyGirl - 7 years ago
I know it fake but...this made me feel bad for warrior who had protection from his kind of sacrifice himself.
FreshSharkboy HD
FreshSharkboy HD - 7 years ago
Go Megaladon
parbati Gurung
parbati Gurung - 7 years ago
its too sad
braydon james
braydon james - 7 years ago
monkeygurl16 - 7 years ago
Damn this is good. I could tell this documentary was fake well because it's about mermaids but also because this is so damn dramatic. It's osb just made for entertainment. They did a damn good job too. They making it seem mermaids are real with evidence but it's this is more like a movie than evidence haha
Chap Stuck
Chap Stuck - 7 years ago
Why the mermaid mom got tiddies?
CryRose Nyc
CryRose Nyc - 7 years ago
i thought bc they fed them milk like other mammals but if they are more fish like bc its not like we see genitals (or maybe to show the difference between male n female ones
Fug Babylon
Fug Babylon - 7 years ago
How the hell do they get a "Million and a half yrs ago?"

Carbon Dating is a lie proven long ago. Fossil Records are falsely used under Circular reasoning. Stop lying False Science(s)
Earl Andrei Luis Luis
Earl Andrei Luis Luis - 7 years ago
The quesstion is how do they reproduce when they are all WOMAN??
CrazyCatMeower Msp
CrazyCatMeower Msp - 7 years ago
Im really confused....Why did the mermaid killed itself???
Hassan Syed
Hassan Syed - 7 years ago
Fake ass shit. Why make a documentary about fucking mermaids? Why not, you know, something real? This is why I stopped watching animal planet and discovery for years.
Keiana Morgan
Keiana Morgan - 7 years ago
Was anyone scared by the mermaids eyes
BTS, 2NE1, BIGBANG, Bliinks
BTS, 2NE1, BIGBANG, Bliinks - 7 years ago
*sniff sniff*....why are you looking at me? THERES SOMETHING IN MY EYE THATS ALL!
Cute_panda_xoxo 808
Cute_panda_xoxo 808 - 7 years ago
F to the A to the K to the E. Fake!! But I love the storyline though :)
Monique Agbor
Monique Agbor - 7 years ago
Liars! Liars!!
Петя Атанасова
Петя Атанасова - 7 years ago
Its like playing VR game
armpitfuzz - 7 years ago
Seriously, how the flook did I get here ??? even IF they did exsist why the hell are they portrayed with hair and breasts, when they would need neither. (expecting the mammal argument)
PreetiSakshi Mahbubani
PreetiSakshi Mahbubani - 7 years ago
We have explored only 5% of our oven and they are descoverin many species day by day and this also has a possibility that mermaids are real .. we just cant come to a conclusion that it's not real... There can always be a possibility of anything and everything
Girl Gamer
Girl Gamer - 7 years ago
Fake asf
Mary Justice
Mary Justice - 7 years ago
What is it??????????????????????
Killerwhale 6011
Killerwhale 6011 - 7 years ago
I'm sorry. But

Dean TheDino
Dean TheDino - 7 years ago
I'm glad megalodon died in HELL so they don't hurt anything
HarleyKillz Puddin
HarleyKillz Puddin - 7 years ago

100. comment for Mermaids Attacked By Giant Shark | Mermaids

Killugon yaoi apprentice Super lovers
Killugon yaoi apprentice Super lovers - 7 years ago
enter name here
enter name here - 7 years ago
Whale: Ayy
Mermaid: Ayyy
Megalodon: Num num
Mermaid: Uh oh cheerios
Mermaid: SHREEEK
Pod: tf
Megalodon: Ayyyy
Mermaid: ;-;
Megalodon: Brb
Mermaid: SNIP SNIP
Megalodon: Back
Pod: Gtg
Megalodon: Munch munch?
Mermaid: Sure :P
Megalodon goes off to kill everyone and the mermaids sacrifice was useless
LANDONx0 - 7 years ago
I got click baited
Dat noob life
Dat noob life - 7 years ago
I freaking hate how the mermaids look they look so creepy and their tails look disgusting
Sanai Mcdonald
Sanai Mcdonald - 7 years ago
That is so sad
Nighthawk Dutch chameleon
Nighthawk Dutch chameleon - 7 years ago
This is what i call. A good fake. The show was fiction and actors but the qeustion remains..
Joshy TheLegend
Joshy TheLegend - 7 years ago
Exurbi A
Exurbi A - 7 years ago
I loved watching this mermaid documentary . I wish mer-people were real.
Walt Thizzney
Walt Thizzney - 7 years ago
He went out like a chump... could have taken an eye or something
Gerard Varona
Gerard Varona - 7 years ago
Airnoi Phongsavath
Airnoi Phongsavath - 7 years ago
Being humanoid, they would have utilized their opposing thumbs and intelligence to handle the shark. Trap/weapons, or by creating safer routes. Look at humans, all land predators in most cases fear us, knowing us to be the top of the food chain. Also if they are known to be dangerous, they are eliminated. The mermaids probably would have done the same.
Chassidy Newcomb
Chassidy Newcomb - 7 years ago
Mermaids and mermaid are fake I mean like for real
Brooke Atkinson
Brooke Atkinson - 7 years ago
He looked werd
Juila Gillies
Juila Gillies - 7 years ago
So y did he have to kill him self just to play hero..all he have to do just sim over to is family Because mermaids sim faster then shark an they all go an hide simple are try to kill the shark with the thing in is hand
Haley HAll
Haley HAll - 7 years ago
Mermaids are real and I know they are endangered merfolk that's why we need to save them no .matter what because that was so so sad
Piper - 7 years ago
One night i saw something in the sky something ide never seen before something noone would ever has seen before it was

Chico the Human
Chico the Human - 7 years ago
Remember when animal planet was good?
Wayne Chief Child
Wayne Chief Child - 7 years ago
Challenge Accepted.
Mateja_37 Mateja_37
Mateja_37 Mateja_37 - 7 years ago
I know this isn't real but I kind almost made me cry bc when the mermaid was calling for help the other mermaids just stared at her and didn't help than the mermaid cut herself bc obviously didn't care about her
Jaqualon Glover
Jaqualon Glover - 7 years ago
I almost cried
Katie Moreland
Katie Moreland - 7 years ago
The girl face was so creepy!
Brianna Lynne
Brianna Lynne - 7 years ago
swim bitches swim.
Cupcake Gurll742
Cupcake Gurll742 - 7 years ago
What middle schooler wrote that desc. tho?
Jenni Fox
Jenni Fox - 7 years ago
I watched this 5 years ago, and thought he committed suicide, when he was saving the mermaids and mermen from sharks. He cut his self on purpose to make blood, so the shark would come and eat him not the merpeople.
Brooke Heflin
Brooke Heflin - 7 years ago
Why does the mermaid look scarier than the shark oml
Lesly Cruz
Lesly Cruz - 7 years ago
And unicorns to just like mermaids and dinosaurs and big sharks
Lesly Cruz
Lesly Cruz - 7 years ago
If dinosaurs were real then mermaids must of been real loong time ago
Abigayl Corrigan
Abigayl Corrigan - 7 years ago
Megalodons are real
H¡ro_9_0ne - 7 years ago
The sharks ate why eat somthing the size of a grape ...???? Lol
MILMA ALABADO - 7 years ago
# im not belive in mermaid
spiralrose - 7 years ago
Why don't the mermaids have nipples? Are they not mammals? Or do they lay eggs?
Yasoda Karki
Yasoda Karki - 7 years ago
That's fake
River Smithe
River Smithe - 7 years ago
The eyes!!
roseanna bewley
roseanna bewley - 7 years ago
How did I get here the last i remember I was watching Alisha Marie
libertarianlibra - 7 years ago
Haha same thing happens to me
Xander Daugherty
Xander Daugherty - 7 years ago
Imagine being in a situation like this
Rimah Shabaneh
Rimah Shabaneh - 7 years ago
That dose not look like mermaids
rick kauffman
rick kauffman - 7 years ago
How do the mothers nurse their young?
Apparently aquatic primates have no nipples.
This is disturbing....
Dog God9
Dog God9 - 7 years ago
This is so fake
Chloe Hampsey
Chloe Hampsey - 7 years ago
I find it funny from watching KSI and the sidemen to watching a fake mermaid
Arun N
Arun N - 7 years ago
Harold Aguilar
Harold Aguilar - 7 years ago
Is fake just 3D mermaid
peaches and cream
peaches and cream - 7 years ago
My little cousin was being annoying so i showed her this and she started to cry, then when she was done i said that the shark was coming for her
SingleLift IGR
SingleLift IGR - 7 years ago
Some heroic stuff right there
Tuffy 4Life
Tuffy 4Life - 7 years ago
1:26 f**k this shit I'm out
shonda ßoo
shonda ßoo - 7 years ago
i saw this i think its real not sure
Tréy Ivey
Tréy Ivey - 7 years ago
Shouldve had life alert....
irene - 7 years ago
Ocean is too deep , too dark and too cold.. we may never know if this are all guesses or it did happen.. humans haven't explored all deep oceans..
girl vs bro gaming
girl vs bro gaming - 7 years ago
wow i hat sharks
Daniel Crespo
Daniel Crespo - 7 years ago
so sad ):
Zangmu Sherpa
Zangmu Sherpa - 7 years ago
Not what i thougth about being a mermaid
StarySkys14 - 7 years ago
StarySkys14 - 7 years ago
poor whale..
StarySkys14 - 7 years ago
dont say this is not real most of the ocean has not been looked at.
StarySkys14 - 7 years ago
StarySkys14 - 7 years ago
Reis Gremery
Reis Gremery - 7 years ago
TheCraftingCat - 7 years ago
This is seriously chilling.
unicorn -ish
unicorn -ish - 7 years ago
I wanna be a mermaid
pokemongirl pokemon
pokemongirl pokemon - 7 years ago
j bear
j bear - 7 years ago
j bear
j bear - 7 years ago
Dis is f to the a to the k e
Yasmin Coelho
Yasmin Coelho - 7 years ago
Yasmin Coelho
Yasmin Coelho - 7 years ago
Tritão feio
Emoji girl
Emoji girl - 7 years ago
This is so weird and stupid
Cali Girl
Cali Girl - 7 years ago
Why am I here? Why can I not look away?
This is my life now, I have accepted my fate.
Leah Gonzalez
Leah Gonzalez - 7 years ago
That not how mermaids looks like those are ugly monsters no offense
C Park
C Park - 7 years ago
Anthony Dobrez
Anthony Dobrez - 7 years ago
Danica Haines
Danica Haines - 7 years ago
They are so look small compared to the sharks
Shané Nel
Shané Nel - 7 years ago
that looks fake
Amos Paslay
Amos Paslay - 7 years ago
Dumb ending, and why is animal planet putting mermaids into perspective?
assassin spy
assassin spy - 7 years ago
You know that's a edit ya??
brissa azul Flores
brissa azul Flores - 7 years ago
so sad
Dora.o xLox
Dora.o xLox - 7 years ago
This is why I am scared of swimming in pools or oceans..I’m so paranoid a shark will jump and say “IM HERE U GOOD LOOKIN HUMAN >:)”
Simple CreeperYT
Simple CreeperYT - 7 years ago
This is so fake I can tell that it is animated into the video
K Shana
K Shana - 7 years ago
How tf did I end up here
Princess Evelyn Homicidals
Princess Evelyn Homicidals - 7 years ago
The same had to save my boyfriend
Princess Evelyn Homicidals
Princess Evelyn Homicidals - 7 years ago
Omg i love mermaids pls don't die mermaids be safe ur all life
Leslee Wilcher
Leslee Wilcher - 7 years ago
love mermaids so much im a big fan of mermaid shows and movies and episods
Super Saiyan Spike
Super Saiyan Spike - 7 years ago
2:50: soundtrack- Melodies Of Mermaids by Bluesnowie
Iili Soto
Iili Soto - 7 years ago
What the hell the mermaid look scary
Deadly Pineapple
Deadly Pineapple - 7 years ago
So real
Amazin9Soldier - 7 years ago
I'm glad the megalodon got extinct from cold
Isabella Tsang
Isabella Tsang - 7 years ago
Is this suppose to look fake or what
Preston Playz fan #1
Preston Playz fan #1 - 7 years ago
Cheyenne Lovell
Cheyenne Lovell - 7 years ago
This is so sad he died to save merpoeple
Deathwishspider The Spider King
Deathwishspider The Spider King - 7 years ago
I don’t know why this is on my recommendation but let me tell you why this video is stupid as hell. First, the sharks look fucking horrible I don’t think their teeth would stick out like that. Second, why the hell would it sacrifice itself and why would the shark take the bait it’s basically like eating one chicken nugget, how does that help. And third, why the hell would it sacrifice itself
ronnette harvey
ronnette harvey - 7 years ago
The shark wasn't even interested till he cut himself. Stupid
LEA.DE-LA-CRUZ 210974 - 7 years ago
Ooo I love megalodon....

And I would to the same for my family
Naia PlayzMC
Naia PlayzMC - 7 years ago
That shark jumpscare tho
Paul Petelo
Paul Petelo - 7 years ago
Angjela Gjonaj
Angjela Gjonaj - 7 years ago
This film is so amasing
Terrance Posey
Terrance Posey - 7 years ago
Darcy Harris
Darcy Harris - 7 years ago
May I present to you, the megalodon.
IR0N Works
IR0N Works - 7 years ago
It's totally fx
avabristol maloney
avabristol maloney - 7 years ago
Wow so sad
Majken Skillborg
Majken Skillborg - 7 years ago
You can see it's fake
Bibiana Martinez
Bibiana Martinez - 7 years ago
Wait if it was 1.6 millon years ago is the biggest killer shark is still alive
Dat fan of everything
Dat fan of everything - 7 years ago
1) mermaids are not real
2) mermaids are for 2 year old spoiled brats
3) poor animation
Mr. Macky
Mr. Macky - 7 years ago
Thanks for a good laugh
Bibiana Martinez
Bibiana Martinez - 7 years ago
Oh poor poor whale give me the worst nightmare but is fake
Dragon1 Indo1
Dragon1 Indo1 - 7 years ago
Oh wow.who ever created this made the mermaids out to look how they REALLY look..not Hollywood version
Maggie Leon
Maggie Leon - 7 years ago
Maddie Kim
Maddie Kim - 7 years ago
this is so sad!
me sayed
me sayed - 7 years ago
Yeahh my sleep is fucked now
Robert Fast
Robert Fast - 7 years ago
What the hell
gabb fabulous
gabb fabulous - 7 years ago
I like them all very good guys
Gemma Chlorine
Gemma Chlorine - 7 years ago
Totally fake right?
Kelvin Carter
Kelvin Carter - 7 years ago
1.6 million years ago mermaids were living in our oceans , now we have proof that they exist . There's a lot that we don't know in this world of ours because anything is possible . Enuff said .
Helen Carbonilla
Helen Carbonilla - 7 years ago
If it was 1.6 million year ago they do not have phone or cameras and you wouldn't know what happens
Thuy Nguyen
Thuy Nguyen - 7 years ago
Poor child.....
ChicaFazbear32 - 7 years ago
Also They Do Speak English In There Sea Language I Think It Depends On The Ocean They Are In
ChicaFazbear32 - 7 years ago
Mermaids Are Mythical Creatures Who’s To Say They Aren’t Real Mermaids Are Very Very Shy Creatures And My Point Is They Are Hardly Seen Cause How Shy They Are
Gabadhii sanatka Nastexo Adan
Gabadhii sanatka Nastexo Adan - 7 years ago
This are the real Mermaids he is a hero
Jesse Parker
Jesse Parker - 7 years ago
So terrible it’s funny
Victor McBride
Victor McBride - 7 years ago
Megalodon was not that big.
Silver Anna
Silver Anna - 7 years ago
Maybe this is how the Sims 5 will look!! :)
Dearius Logwood
Dearius Logwood - 7 years ago
Wow just wow
Nohucraft Pets Gaming zoology and more
Nohucraft Pets Gaming zoology and more - 7 years ago
Alright guys i know alot of you say " its fake" or "not real" have y'all acknowledged that we've only explored 5-10% of our oceans? U dont know what the fuck is out there we r discovering new species every day so maybe they do exist u dont know if its fake or not and its animated cuz cameras didnt exist half a million years ago :/
Makraykray123 - 7 years ago
ha yeah no dip sherlock
Hamish Hamish
Hamish Hamish - 7 years ago
Alexis Danaceau
Alexis Danaceau - 7 years ago
Nothing in this video is real is all fake but ya we don’t know what is the other parts of the ocean the mermaids are fucking fake so
Maile Reacts
Maile Reacts - 7 years ago
Stephan Perry
Stephan Perry - 7 years ago
half a million years ago never happened
Jene Madrid
Jene Madrid - 7 years ago
Barnacle Films it doesn't mean it's not real
Indriasari22 Dewanti
Indriasari22 Dewanti - 7 years ago
But Shark only eat seal and dead animal
Cooper King
Cooper King - 7 years ago
Nohucraft Pets Gaming zoology and more your parents could be typing
Cooper King
Cooper King - 7 years ago
Mystic_ Wønderz when you say it like that like that you right
Cooper King
Cooper King - 7 years ago
Nohucraft Pets Gaming zoology and more it is fake like bro did you even try to animate it and noway you could get that close to a Megalodon without getting eaten and the mermaids would kill you with that spear
Tara Vause
Tara Vause - 7 years ago
Yes the sacrifice of a mermaid to save his tribe beautiful...
Dino Girl
Dino Girl - 7 years ago
Nohucraft Pets Gaming zoology and more one thing is for sure omegladon was real
Nohucraft Pets Gaming zoology and more
Nohucraft Pets Gaming zoology and more - 7 years ago
Then how am im typing if im zero?
Dorina Sso c:
Dorina Sso c: - 7 years ago
Yes? See ur 0 bc u don't now anything
Nohucraft Pets Gaming zoology and more
Nohucraft Pets Gaming zoology and more - 7 years ago
Thats not even a age fucking idiot
Dorina Sso c:
Dorina Sso c: - 7 years ago
Ur still a child B.C. U believe on the stupid fantasy
Dorina Sso c:
Dorina Sso c: - 7 years ago
Wow are u 0?
Mystic_ Wønderz
Mystic_ Wønderz - 7 years ago
Ashley Donut cream Spirits ARE real just get a oujia board and you will see
Nohucraft Pets Gaming zoology and more
Nohucraft Pets Gaming zoology and more - 7 years ago
Sts. Emma Robinson Gonzales wow what are
Ya 6?
Dorina Sso c:
Dorina Sso c: - 7 years ago
U neither stupid dog
Nani Martinez
Nani Martinez - 7 years ago
Nohucraft Pets Gaming zoology and more I say the same thing to my family cuz they don't believe me that mermaids are real
Nani Martinez
Nani Martinez - 7 years ago
Nohucraft Pets Gaming zoology and more right
Hassan Syed
Hassan Syed - 7 years ago
Only exploring 5 to 10 percent of our oceans doesn't prove shit. Lack of understanding of something isn't evidence for mermaids.
PreetiSakshi Mahbubani
PreetiSakshi Mahbubani - 7 years ago
Nohucraft Pets Gaming zoology and more exactly
Dean TheDino
Dean TheDino - 7 years ago
Yeah their is still stuff in the ocean
HarleyKillz Puddin
HarleyKillz Puddin - 7 years ago
Ashley Donut cream I believe in ghosts because there is actual proof of them existing.
HarleyKillz Puddin
HarleyKillz Puddin - 7 years ago
Nohucraft Pets Gaming zoology and more ok I get where your going but the mermaids are clearly CGI. Now I believe that mermaids can be out there and exist, but these guys are showing non-existent proof and footage. I'm not dis agreeing but I'm also not agreeing. I'm in the limbo.
ashok chongtham
ashok chongtham - 7 years ago
EPIC Studios
EPIC Studios - 7 years ago
Ur right
Pixy Wolf
Pixy Wolf - 7 years ago
Nohucraft Pets Gaming zoology and more you're right but everyone should believe everything is real accept ghost and demons/spirits
Barnacle Films
Barnacle Films - 7 years ago
It's probably just a bunch of fish, crustaceans, jellyfish... etc. you know, normal sea creatures. Just because something is undiscovered does not mean it will contradict reality like aquatic primates would.
Erin Tungland
Erin Tungland - 7 years ago
They may exist but nothing in this documentary is real. Discovery has admitted to making this and a couple of their other ones up. This one is fake
Geeky Chip
Geeky Chip - 7 years ago
I remember this episode
Espinossauro 112
Espinossauro 112 - 7 years ago
100% fake
ミリ– ナクアン
ミリ– ナクアン - 7 years ago
I remember watching this in elementary school and breaking down into tears.
Now I’m just ok with it.
Little me was just too pure.
Lps Cutiepatutie
Lps Cutiepatutie - 7 years ago
AceLovesDIYs Christopher
AceLovesDIYs Christopher - 7 years ago
The megalodon moments made me fucking shit myself!!!!!!
Devanie Lara
Devanie Lara - 7 years ago
The thingy mugiggy is not real
Kids Videos
Kids Videos - 7 years ago
Kids Videos
Kids Videos - 7 years ago
Jade Randall
Jade Randall - 7 years ago
Ya nan
Ya nan - 7 years ago
Holy crap the mermaids face is scarier than the shark
mangle the fox
mangle the fox - 7 years ago
Sad the mermaid kill her self to protect the other mermaids
HarleyKillz Puddin
HarleyKillz Puddin - 7 years ago
Why does everybody think it's a girl?!
Aaron Mesquita
Aaron Mesquita - 7 years ago
That's a merman
KC Hearts
KC Hearts - 7 years ago
Robin Macam
Robin Macam - 7 years ago
Sulueti - 7 years ago
Nice video, but if he's smart enough to make a weapon ... Wouldn't he at least try to fight instead?
Michael Garcia
Michael Garcia - 7 years ago
what crude. if you cant display a real one... your cartoon is crap..
Michael Garcia
Michael Garcia - 7 years ago
what crude
Daymien Perez
Daymien Perez - 7 years ago
where do they get this stuff from?
hi hi
hi hi - 7 years ago
Wtf this is the most scariest animation I ever fucking dae like wtf
oldedude51 - 7 years ago
For "fictional science" this really was a well done "mockumentary".
Gaming4Life - 7 years ago
i want cry ;-;
Pinky Princess
Pinky Princess - 7 years ago
Kādìjä MËLÎSSÄ - 7 years ago
How did I get here from Logan Paul's suicide videos
Larrt Rawls
Larrt Rawls - 7 years ago
Well I guess we all know that mermaids are real now . What does mermaid taste like . Wash D C
Winter Is Coming
Winter Is Coming - 7 years ago
I don't know if your being sarcastic but mermaids aren't real there might be fish that look like humans because the ocean is unexplored but there's a possibility that they don't exist
viktoria Anna
viktoria Anna - 7 years ago
If mermaids exist I believe they smart like human it will not let any white shark to attack them
Rogem Tabares
Rogem Tabares - 7 years ago
Lmao if this was even real i dont think megalodon would prey on mermaids. Megalodons are big sharks.he would lose alot of energy just by catching 1 small mermaid that is agile and fast.why deplete all your energy catching a small prey lmao
heart love
heart love - 7 years ago
I like everything about mermaids does anyone know something about them,?
Random Videos
Random Videos - 7 years ago
Wendy Wendy
Wendy Wendy - 7 years ago
May his soul be blessed and return to heaven for his good deeds by sacrificing himself to save others.
Monika is Mah Nigga Reeeee
Monika is Mah Nigga Reeeee - 7 years ago
shitty cgi
Nana Siklawi
Nana Siklawi - 7 years ago
Turns out that mermaids are better than humans because they cooperate with each other to survive while humans destroy each other for greed
Panda Bull
Panda Bull - 7 years ago
Why tf do they scare me, but theyre beautiful at the same time
Keagan Smith
Keagan Smith - 7 years ago
Well they are all extinct
Keagan Smith
Keagan Smith - 7 years ago
Haha this is so animated
albertine - 7 years ago
What is this video says?
SPIRIT DOT - 7 years ago
animal planet turned to shit. educational my ass. all the little kids believing in bullshit.
Mariana life_heart
Mariana life_heart - 7 years ago
Mariana life_heart
Mariana life_heart - 7 years ago
why just why did these huge sharks have to live the are one of the many reasons why people die each
Mariana life_heart
Mariana life_heart - 7 years ago
the mermaid risked his life
Scott McCarty
Scott McCarty - 7 years ago
Not only mermaids, but intelligent tool wielding mermaids.
TheMarionick - 7 years ago
Kiera Barnes
Kiera Barnes - 7 years ago
I first watched this when I was 7..I'm now 12 this is still good doe :p
ice man
ice man - 7 years ago
All of you are fucking retards.....i want to kill myself like that mermaid did for wasting my time watching that shit and then reading some of your comments....
Bryanna Kilpatrick
Bryanna Kilpatrick - 7 years ago
it was animated
Hassan Syed
Hassan Syed - 7 years ago
No shit
Nohucraft Pets Gaming zoology and more
Nohucraft Pets Gaming zoology and more - 7 years ago
Bryanna Kilpatrick
Bryanna Kilpatrick - 7 years ago
did you know that was fake
HarleyKillz Puddin
HarleyKillz Puddin - 7 years ago
Bryanna Kilpatrick it said at the end it was fictional dumb a**
Dân Cày
Dân Cày - 7 years ago
Sao giống Trailer nguoi cá vì sao biến mất zay
Luna Werewolf
Luna Werewolf - 7 years ago
The merman is just an animation
It's Private
It's Private - 7 years ago
It maid me cry in 1 m
milan majhi
milan majhi - 7 years ago
Ha ha ha So Funny
Maya Curtis
Maya Curtis - 7 years ago
Thats kind of weird to stab yourself for a shark to kill you so it wont go after your family. Once the shark eats you it is going to eat the family too because it would be hungry.
SangreGruperaRoxySinFronterasRadiotv Chacón Montero
SangreGruperaRoxySinFronterasRadiotv Chacón Montero - 7 years ago
SangreGruperaRoxySinFronterasRadiotv Chacón Montero
SangreGruperaRoxySinFronterasRadiotv Chacón Montero - 7 years ago
Jesimiel Rodriguez
Jesimiel Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Omg the mermaid terrified me when I first saw this but it was heartbreaking when he sacrificed his life to protect his pod from being eaten alive
Gabrielle Bartee
Gabrielle Bartee - 7 years ago
I know it is fake but it is so interesting
Georgi Tonev
Georgi Tonev - 7 years ago
aaaaaaaªaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazaaa aaa
Rebecca Walkerr
Rebecca Walkerr - 7 years ago
In sure this 100% real
Rebecca Walkerr
Rebecca Walkerr - 7 years ago
Is this real???
John Liu
John Liu - 7 years ago
Mermaids aren’t real
Sai Suneesh
Sai Suneesh - 7 years ago
Do they play music while dying? :D
Maria Giardini
Maria Giardini - 7 years ago
row balton
row balton - 7 years ago
it's just bullshit
hetaliailateh - 7 years ago
I’m sh00k :,)
Noel Thomss
Noel Thomss - 7 years ago
I don't believe in mermaids
James Simpson
James Simpson - 7 years ago
Lol of course mermaids are real. Where do you think white people evolved from..... I mean seriously think about it.... No need to be dark when water protects you from the sun at all times..... White people tend to pick up swimming easier as well along with not having a fear of water and dare I say being near, on, or in water is theroputic for no real reason. Now look at black people.... Tend to be faster, stronger in the lower half, and are darker because of evolving on land.... Now we just have to figure out what species the Asians and Latin's evolved from.... Or maybe that's what the "bible" (the aliens) meant when they said don't mix races. Fuck if I know... What I do know is we all enjoy fucking. Good day :)
Big Bird
Big Bird - 7 years ago
wtf is this animal planet? dont go ancient aliens and lose all credibility on us!
Laura Wirtz
Laura Wirtz - 7 years ago
Hareem Adil
Hareem Adil - 7 years ago
Are you guys cray cray THIS IS ALL FAKE
Maricel Alvaran
Maricel Alvaran - 7 years ago
Kawaii Goth Marrionett
Kawaii Goth Marrionett - 7 years ago
this is sooo fake
Hassan Syed
Hassan Syed - 7 years ago
Nohucraft Pets Gaming zoology and more
Nohucraft Pets Gaming zoology and more - 7 years ago
Kawaii Goth Marrionett Its fucking animated cuz cameras didnt exist half a million years ago dumbass
James Sterling
James Sterling - 7 years ago
Fuck you
Reaper - 7 years ago
kawaii unicornTM stop pointing it out. We know! We enjoy it though so fuck off
maria jose gonzalez
maria jose gonzalez - 7 years ago
Ew ew ew and ew!
Aria - 7 years ago
whale: hi
Mermaid: hey
Whale: have you seen any megalodons
Mermaid: idk
Megalodon: here's Johnny
Whale: argh get off
Mermaid: I'm sorry
Whale: wait no don't leave me
Megalodon: don't move. less pain
Whale: stop
Megalodon 2: what up bro need help
Megalodon: go look for that punk while I'll prepare dinner
Mermaid shows up: guys wait. Stop
Pod: what's wrong ?
Mermaid: megalodon
Pod: srs
Megalodon: where are you ?
Mermaid: here come get me
Megalodon: where r u ?
Mermaid: slice
Pod: um should we leave
mermaid: yes you idiot
Megalodon: sniff sniff there you are
Megalodon: yummy mermaid
Pod: no!
Pod: were gonna kill you stupid shark
The end
Re-do of Ol' Sgt Buckshot's comment lmaooo
Brooke Andrews
Brooke Andrews - 7 years ago
I felt sorry 4 the whale.
GlitzyGwen - 7 years ago
The the shark make the mermaid bleed or did she just commit suicide?
Delusional Illusion
Delusional Illusion - 7 years ago
You would think the equivalent of a dirt bike in the wilderness could outperform a semi truck plus why is something so damn big gonna waste energy trying to catch such evasive/tiny snacks??? (It's not the same as whales eating plankton) I'm definitely open minded about sentient marine beings but this reinactment suggests they only have reptillian & mammilian brain complexes & act like dolphins & apes & their last discovery was using a pointed stick to poke with or use for sacrificing themselves....yeah yeah we're so advanced & smart & ALL other beings are younger dumber & primitive or more advanced & dangerous....dumb dumb dumb...
Tainted Love
Tainted Love - 7 years ago of them has a child. How do the procreate?
John Zagreda
John Zagreda - 7 years ago
the fuck is this shit
Mango Tango
Mango Tango - 7 years ago
that’s one interesting looking mermaid
Jojo Siwa Fan For Life
Jojo Siwa Fan For Life - 7 years ago
That mermaid looks scary
MrShy Penguin
MrShy Penguin - 7 years ago
this is soo fake
Ervin Casigay
Ervin Casigay - 7 years ago
Thu Man
Thu Man - 7 years ago
only xochil Serrano
only xochil Serrano - 7 years ago
Why is this on animal planet?
Mr wolf King
Mr wolf King - 7 years ago
Just to tell you Megalodon's and mermaids are still in our ocean in real life how do I know because my dad works at the government and if he knows that I told you a top secret of the government he's going to kill me
Hollygymnast XD
Hollygymnast XD - 7 years ago
spooder mans
spooder mans - 7 years ago
this was more sad that i expected it to be...
Rosa Urbieta
Rosa Urbieta - 7 years ago
Tullulah Pippa
Tullulah Pippa - 7 years ago
Nightmare fuel
Caroline 2017
Caroline 2017 - 7 years ago
yes , great documentary :-) ! a movie would be good!
Khaleesi, Mother of Dragons
Khaleesi, Mother of Dragons - 7 years ago
We how the fuck do mermaids reproduce
Anh Van
Anh Van - 7 years ago
So fake
sharee posada
sharee posada - 7 years ago
Will a shak is small
Colleta Irizarry
Colleta Irizarry - 7 years ago
That call tho "ahhhh" 2:01
obi-wan-kenobi - 7 years ago
Die mermaids die
michaella yeshuae manio
michaella yeshuae manio - 7 years ago
Thay is the real mermaid
Ivan Hernandez
Ivan Hernandez - 7 years ago
TT Land
TT Land - 7 years ago
Ivan Hernandez it’s animated of course it’s fake!
JAYRAM FLETCHER - 7 years ago
I don’t understand why she wanted a megaladon to eat her
jonathan sandigan
jonathan sandigan - 7 years ago
stupid merman!
edgy gamer
edgy gamer - 7 years ago
That mermaid is as scary as hell im gonna have nightmares tonight
Liam Sanne
Liam Sanne - 7 years ago
It’s funny how I got here from a Doritos commercial.
CupCake Cat
CupCake Cat - 7 years ago
So let me get this straight a mermaid new about a giant shark Megalodon and try to warn the mom and child mermaids about a man and whale eating shark and then the shark swim under the mermaids cuz he didn't sense any blood so then the mermaid that warned them was so generous and risk-taking that she cut herself making fresh blood and so that Megalodon would only attack her for fresh blood so the other mermaids wouldn't get hurt that is the sweetest and most bravest thing ever
BTS Kim Namjoon
BTS Kim Namjoon - 7 years ago
Aww I fucking cried
Blitz Krieg
Blitz Krieg - 7 years ago
Real Life Evidence of Mermaid found in India
Νικος Λυριτσης
Νικος Λυριτσης - 7 years ago
Μόνο για παιδιά.
ahplowkthom ly
ahplowkthom ly - 7 years ago
We don't know if mermaids are real but this video is fake
Zaalika Khan
Zaalika Khan - 7 years ago
is this video real
GregoryTheGr8ster - 7 years ago
How many mermaid fossils have been found? I wonder how much of the mermaids' appearances here are based on fossil evidence, and how much must be guessed.
TheSeer101 - 7 years ago this is animal planet. They are saying mermaids are real. I am so confused, I thought that shit was just stories?
Turbo Trill
Turbo Trill - 7 years ago
I had similar dream like this
Turbo Trill
Turbo Trill - 7 years ago
Where the full version @
Brian Deluca
Brian Deluca - 7 years ago
If you really want smart people believing in this shit at least make the CGI real looking.
raza max
raza max - 7 years ago
raza max
raza max - 7 years ago
raza max
khëmrãj Rãmkhäläwõñ
khëmrãj Rãmkhäläwõñ - 7 years ago
How they could record that Mermaid, Mermaid is real a long year ago.But this video is fake
khëmrãj Rãmkhäläwõñ
khëmrãj Rãmkhäläwõñ - 7 years ago
Aly Cat Mermaid exist nowhere days ?
Aly Cat
Aly Cat - 7 years ago
khëmrãj Rãmkhäläwõñ No shit Sherlock, its animation. Demonstrating what could of happened.
Furry Fruit054
Furry Fruit054 - 7 years ago
I was always teased for believing in mermaids But when mermaids are discovered to be real they'll all see

( evil laugh )
jackinthesack - 7 years ago
if there were mermaids id eat one might be tasty
Callum Andrecyk
Callum Andrecyk - 7 years ago
This is why i don't watch animal planet anymore : )
Ruby Neighbour
Ruby Neighbour - 7 years ago
is it just me...or are the mermaids FUCKING TERRIFYING!
Deitrich Evans
Deitrich Evans - 7 years ago
Ruby Neighbour nah I thought it was just me
Angie Jones
Angie Jones - 7 years ago
I believe mermaid are real
amanda Lilley
amanda Lilley - 7 years ago
Needs a bigger spear.....
CamGaming - 7 years ago
Adam watts we only explored 10% of our waters
Nathan Biller
Nathan Biller - 7 years ago
Remember when Animal Planet reported actual science and biological history?
Ameena Talabucon
Ameena Talabucon - 7 years ago
Is it real
Flowery Nature
Flowery Nature - 7 years ago
So Mermaids is real before?, and the shark attack them until they extinct?
Tey Tien Whatt
Tey Tien Whatt - 7 years ago
This is so sad
Death Stalker
Death Stalker - 7 years ago
plus only 5 percent of the ocean has been explored.
Lps Emeralds
Lps Emeralds - 7 years ago
Same Adam watts
Gia Driesse 23
Gia Driesse 23 - 7 years ago
I thought mermaids were pretty OH MY!!!
Aniya Salazar
Aniya Salazar - 7 years ago
There is no proof that the megladond or mermaids or anything like that even exist. I believe they do but there is no proof.
JustAFan Gamer/Game fan.
JustAFan Gamer/Game fan. - 7 years ago
This is amazing, animation...
Ron Seanor
Ron Seanor - 7 years ago
JustAFan Gamer/Game fan. Gliding
nawal kumar kewat
nawal kumar kewat - 7 years ago
Nice video.
Sarah Lucas
Sarah Lucas - 7 years ago
Poor Whale!
Skylord65 - 7 years ago
The shark is a megaladon
Sarin Tuy
Sarin Tuy - 7 years ago
I wish god never made Dangerous creatures!!!
Hassan Syed
Hassan Syed - 7 years ago
There is no god
enter name here
enter name here - 7 years ago
Humans are dangerous.
Feli - 7 years ago
Sarin Tuy You are the creature who is the most dangerous.
Chico the Human
Chico the Human - 7 years ago
Sarin Tuy god didn't make shit Evolution did.
Ebi Playz
Ebi Playz - 7 years ago
But the thing is, all animals need to feed. Us humans are bad, we constantly kill innocent animals.
Karlo Ćoruša
Karlo Ćoruša - 7 years ago
God didn't made them dangerous.God made a world where nothing's dangerous.But there was someone who wanted that Gods creatures be dangerous
You are the most dangerous animal ever made smh
Bibiana Martinez
Bibiana Martinez - 7 years ago
Sarin Tuy i know right i wish he didn't
Reaper - 7 years ago
Springtrapgamer 3228 technically great whites are megalodons. They just shrunk over the years
Bibiana Martinez
Bibiana Martinez - 7 years ago
Sarin Tuy i know right
Bibiana Martinez
Bibiana Martinez - 7 years ago
I know right
Springtrapgamer 3228
Springtrapgamer 3228 - 7 years ago
Sarin tuy then dinosaurs sharks mammals and more importantly humans he created these creatures because God thought of them and mermaids don't exist if megalodon didn't exist no sharks would exist and Sharks aren't that deadly and if whales didn't exist no whale watching all I'm saying is that I go to church and I believe you did but you wouldn't know what happens if they didn't exist whales eats bacteria and plankton so stop
Reaper - 7 years ago
Sarin Tuy hey you can’t stop what needs to be made
Jay Andrews
Jay Andrews - 7 years ago
Sarin Tuy then humans wouldnt exist!
Cezar Silva prank channel/Vlogs
Cezar Silva prank channel/Vlogs - 7 years ago
I want to see a mermaid
Mr Google
Mr Google - 7 years ago
Whale:hey how you doing
Shark:gotcha bitch
Mermaid:fuck this bye
Katherine Tait
Katherine Tait - 7 years ago
I remember watching this when I was little and being absolutely terrified but now watching this 3 years later, its hilarious thinking how 8 year old Kat was scared.
Dawne Kerr
Dawne Kerr - 7 years ago
whale WASSUP!
mermaid Uh hi how it goes?
whale Nothing hey wanna see a trick
mermaid Sure HEY WATCH OUT!
megladon ROOOAAAR! I'm a sharky!
mermaid OH SHEIT!
whale AAOOOOOoooamagnafcbagfganjga!
mermaid F dis I'm outta here!
whale HELP MEH!
mermaid NOPE!
mermaid warned others
mermaid AAAAaaaaaaaaaahh!
mermaids wut
mermaid swimmy awway!
megladon wat up merd turds!
mermaid cuts himself
megladon SNIFF mmmmmmhhhhmmmmmmm oh yah a skinny turd!
mermaid dies and gets eaten

hope you ENJOYED
Virginia Torrevillas
Virginia Torrevillas - 7 years ago
i think they are bad ones
Lachlan Silvey
Lachlan Silvey - 7 years ago
I think mermaids exist in some way shape of form. What they really look like or how there phisiology is designed is unclear, but the legend had to come from somewhere
Ghostskittles wierdness
Ghostskittles wierdness - 7 years ago
Jennilyn Ang
Jennilyn Ang - 7 years ago
I'll Have a Monsters!!! GWAH HAH HAH HAH!!!
Jennilyn Ang
Jennilyn Ang - 7 years ago
Well She Lives to Antarctica Sorry About your Mermaids GWAH HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH!!!!!
Jennilyn Ang
Jennilyn Ang - 7 years ago
Megalodon Giant Sharks is They're are She It's Girl it's a She It's Her about Megalodon Giant Sharks One of Shark Megalodon Gigantic Shark is Eating the Whale and Another Megalodon Giant Shark is Hunting Mermaid well She's Hunting and Mermaid we're sad So But this Megalodon Gigantic so Huge Shark Large Evil Animal Size in the Greyhound Bus Longer than Greyhound Bus 70 and 10 Equals 60 60 Foot Shark so Huge Carcharodon Megalodon a Carcharcoles Megalodon 59 Feet so Long Huge Biggest Shark Well She is Eating the One of Mermaid and Another Mermaids is Gotta away but Megalodon is Another Hunting Place is Antarctica Megalodon Giant Shark is Hunting to Leopard Seal,Walrus,Elephant Seal and Birds and All Marine Animal and Fishes Hunt with Megalodon well She is on the Rampage Looks Like Monsters about Be on the Sea Monsters But Another Sea Monsters This First is Megalodon,Mosasaurus,Liopleurodon,Dunkleosteus,Xiphactinus,Dakosaurus,Cretoxyrhina,Tylosaurus,Predator X/Pliosaur,Elasmosaurus,Hainosaurus,Basilosaurus,Kronosaurus,Sixtyosaurus all Sea Monsters
See She is on the Rampage
Abdulhakeem Eleruja
Abdulhakeem Eleruja - 7 years ago
Samuel Darenskiy
Samuel Darenskiy - 7 years ago
What the fuck, mermaids? Animal Planet you serious??
Ayana Moore
Ayana Moore - 7 years ago
what the fuck?
Wendy Darling
Wendy Darling - 7 years ago
Oh no bad shark
Tylosaurus Fan
Tylosaurus Fan - 7 years ago
Ah, megalodon was NOT that big and is NOT alive, it would not be able to survive in cold waters
Angelic love
Angelic love - 7 years ago
Erika Cuevas
Erika Cuevas - 7 years ago
I remember this show i saw back in 2011
MiKWebZ - 7 years ago
This new Aquaman movies gunna rule!! they look great ;)
Petya Haralanova
Petya Haralanova - 7 years ago
Okay! First question: how di they pee? Second: How do they give birth,or reproduce? Third: How do they feed their kids? Fourth: Why do they need a nose?
Sea urchin attack Plays games!!!!
Sea urchin attack Plays games!!!! - 7 years ago
So am I being told that when I argued with my 8 year old cousin about how mermaids are not real I was wrong?
INeed Help
INeed Help - 7 years ago
How do they know how mermaids look if they never saw one ??????
Rebecca Henden
Rebecca Henden - 7 years ago
The whale is sooo sad
Paladin Voices
Paladin Voices - 7 years ago
The mer people are very pretty looks I guess. That's some good animation :'D
Jesus Romero
Jesus Romero - 7 years ago
I remember when this mermaid shit went viral
brincando com a Gabi
brincando com a Gabi - 7 years ago
SanaTheHuh Huh
SanaTheHuh Huh - 7 years ago
I mean
Mermaids could exist
All of the ocean hasn’t been discovered/explored yet so this could have happened
x zombie_3 o
x zombie_3 o - 7 years ago
Mermaids are fake they just did a thing to look like it's a mermaid under water
Glimmer Msp
Glimmer Msp - 7 years ago
Well this didn't scare the Shit out of me!
Timarya Francis
Timarya Francis - 7 years ago
Now that's a mermaid
XxDuhItz_AlexXx - 7 years ago
RIP Mermaid who scared me with her face xD no offence to those who liked her
Karen Gibson
Karen Gibson - 7 years ago
Really people this is part of a documentry
I liek PIES and turtles
I liek PIES and turtles - 7 years ago
The mermaid is #ANIMATED nice editing tho!! Wait a sec... I think everything's animated
Robert Peševski
Robert Peševski - 7 years ago
Mermaids are very pretty beings, I am a sailor, unhappy sailor who fell in love with them! I wish I was seeing them then a long time ago!
Karel kartel
Karel kartel - 7 years ago
Where yu buy that camera 1.6 miloen years.....did your bloodclaat grandapa sel it for yu that time...yu whitepeople r bloodclaat stupid
Mr Alien
Mr Alien - 7 years ago
Your talking about megalodon but they already died
Black panther And white cats
Black panther And white cats - 7 years ago
I couldn't believe the mermaid cut the body for saving a family
Zia Sante
Zia Sante - 7 years ago
Merpeople can't exist do they faking reproduce ?
Slishes Maloney
Slishes Maloney - 7 years ago
Only thing I don't like about these mermaid designs is that their noses don't look suited for underwater exploration. I would think the noses would either become slits that can close or would be non-functioning, altogether.
Saturnxox MSP
Saturnxox MSP - 7 years ago
This is obviously fake due to the animation
Angel Marie
Angel Marie - 7 years ago
Oh my gosh
Blue Dragon Shin-ah
Blue Dragon Shin-ah - 7 years ago
What about aliens?
Eduardo Fernandez
Eduardo Fernandez - 7 years ago
Its the megalodon
charizard boss617
charizard boss617 - 7 years ago
3:32 to be continued
Jerry Metz
Jerry Metz - 7 years ago
it would be cool if there was mermaids
Jaz J.
Jaz J. - 7 years ago
That's so fake
Chelsea Moran
Chelsea Moran - 7 years ago
Hearing that whale being eaten made me so weak inside and upset
Heidi K.
Heidi K. - 7 years ago
Ghosts are demons (fallen angels) They can appear in any form in order to distract humans from the living GOD! If they appear with a physical body they are nephilim (mix of human and fallen angel). Born again Christians can rebuke them in the name of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST!!! Don't give them a foothold, don't keep cursed objects, do a spiritual house cleaning. Watch for hidden or buried objects, ask the LORD to point them out to you. And never contact them, the Holy Bible forbids us to contact demons or consult the dead, see Deuteronomy 18:18. Ufo's, aliens, bigfoot, meermaids etc. are also demons or nephilim.
jamie bond
jamie bond - 7 years ago
This was proven fake lol
Bit Of Eilidh
Bit Of Eilidh - 7 years ago
How they mate?
Adam Pierce
Adam Pierce - 7 years ago
but if they are huminoids why didnt they hunt the shark ??? loop hole in yo shitty story history channel
mou7 tracker
mou7 tracker - 7 years ago
you are the old mother fuking ass hole
Raiden - 7 years ago
there was plenty of time for him to warn them to run
Hi-STATE of-MiNd
Hi-STATE of-MiNd - 7 years ago
Why would megladon want to eat a tiny morsel.
Ethan Horner
Ethan Horner - 7 years ago
What a joke and an imagination. All for TV. I laugh and I just wasted 3:47 on this joke.
M Khan
M Khan - 7 years ago
Ya except this never happened..
David Lamy
David Lamy - 7 years ago
not sexy at all
atrelopian678 - 7 years ago
How did they find this out though?
She Pepito
She Pepito - 7 years ago
bweset nmn kasi e may shark pa ,!
Jermaine Johnson
Jermaine Johnson - 7 years ago
I always believed mermaids exists the world is full of surprises the ocean haves to many floors you notice they always finds something new down there!
Dominic Pettersen
Dominic Pettersen - 7 years ago
ITS a megalodon!
bryl james soy
bryl james soy - 7 years ago
nothing impassible in this world guy's
El Ben MarQues Bey
El Ben MarQues Bey - 7 years ago
No facts to support this
Mia Ortega
Mia Ortega - 7 years ago
Genesis Diaz
Genesis Diaz - 7 years ago
this fake
Gracie's World
Gracie's World - 7 years ago
OMG,the ending I would of been terrified if that happened to me good thing they don't exist any more
JOSIAH JAKE LIM - 7 years ago
hey.only 5% of the ocean has been explored 95%is undiscovered
Keyara Penman
Keyara Penman - 7 years ago
I don't wanna skip the add
Mike Gaughan
Mike Gaughan - 7 years ago
I'm more afraid of the mermaids than the giant shark.
dan san
dan san - 7 years ago
Damn you animal planet, click bait jerks
NatrulyVivaciousVegan - 7 years ago
Isee animal planet is obsessed with mermaids lol looking at the tagged along vdo's they have other vdos on mermaid smh like why dont they stop effing around and show the real mermaid lol
NatrulyVivaciousVegan - 7 years ago
thumbs down cus I never expected animal planet to put a fake vdo of mermaids smh.
Actually there is fishes that resembles mermaids and that what I thought they were going to show. So mad when was fake smh dumb lol
Khari Cooper
Khari Cooper - 7 years ago
Megalodon hunting time
Ang Johnny
Ang Johnny - 7 years ago
But Why
Why The Mermaids is Comes a Megalodon's Castle the Castle of the Megalodon Shark Because Do not enter that Mermaids into a Castle of Shark Megalodon
Ang Johnny
Ang Johnny - 7 years ago
When Mermaids is Comes into a Megalodon's Castle the Castle of the Megalodon Shark
Mike Writerson
Mike Writerson - 7 years ago
This is the worst CGI I have ever seen. I have no animating experience, and I could create something better-looking than this. It looks like they slapped this together in 5 minutes using the cheapiest, crappiest modeling program they could find. Disgraceful.
Joseangel Canseco
Joseangel Canseco - 7 years ago
I can tell you something mermaids may be real but we are all not sure if they are,because they do all have scales over their hands and their body black with long tails,and the eyes looked fake just saying
Opossumguy World
Opossumguy World - 7 years ago
I cried first time I saw this scene
lps scribble
lps scribble - 7 years ago
everyone knows megladons are einstikt
jazzy love
jazzy love - 7 years ago
why did it kill he kill himself
Mermaid Animations
Mermaid Animations - 7 years ago
I have the mermaids the body found book I got it from amazon READ IT ITS AWESOME
Ron Sinclair
Ron Sinclair - 7 years ago
He wasn't to Intelligent..all he had to do was more the beast away and his out till the others were safe..didn't have to be eaten
Ingrid Doll
Ingrid Doll - 7 years ago
The ending is so sad.
Gem DIY - 7 years ago
Mirela Aljukic
Mirela Aljukic - 7 years ago
West 182
West 182 - 7 years ago
So creepy
tanya stephens
tanya stephens - 7 years ago
This is like a horror movie. Those mermaids are creepy af
MrBuddyHolly1 - 7 years ago
Poor whale :(
Jay Kadamba
Jay Kadamba - 7 years ago
I don't know why but after seeing this video I really hate sharks
Griffin - 7 years ago
this is what animal planet is doing now?
fernando sancho
fernando sancho - 7 years ago
a coitada da sereia
Zaahir_ Spinosaurus
Zaahir_ Spinosaurus - 7 years ago
Mermaids are real but not like how we see it with lady body and fish tail it so different
Willow Wisp36
Willow Wisp36 - 7 years ago
I remember watching this movie when I was 7, I could never get this scene out of my head even 7 years later. It made me cry the first time I watched it.
Mermaid Animations
Mermaid Animations - 7 years ago
If mermaids are real (of course they are real) I want them to stay hidden because they don't want to be found
Oscar - 7 years ago
Based on a true story.
Danni from Oz
Danni from Oz - 7 years ago
So animated
Mark Milligan
Mark Milligan - 7 years ago
Ariel Marañon
Ariel Marañon - 7 years ago
oh for you you do all for your wife and your kido
Steven Madawo
Steven Madawo - 7 years ago
Is this a live and true video
Poppy Raima
Poppy Raima - 7 years ago
Nope; completely fake and not based on anything factual, save for the existence of megalodon (and even then the show is incorrect about its distribution).
Arissia Kathy
Arissia Kathy - 7 years ago
Mermaids don't look like human people may think but they don't lol
Zilla rex
Zilla rex - 7 years ago
Back when animal planet was good.
Poppy Raima
Poppy Raima - 7 years ago
Yeah, I remember those days... The channel had already gone down the drain by the time Mermaids came around, though.
Zilla rex
Zilla rex - 7 years ago
Poppy Raima it had good shows in the beginning but after the years went by animals started getting replaced with humans. They should call it people planet.
Poppy Raima
Poppy Raima - 7 years ago
This was if anything the beginning of its garbage stage.
Alo Waheed
Alo Waheed - 7 years ago
Is it real video or graphics??
Manjit Singha
Manjit Singha - 7 years ago
We have not seen any mermaids but it is there
SOURAV PAUL - 7 years ago
That mermaid is a fool...
the two cool kids and family
the two cool kids and family - 7 years ago
But mermaids do excit
the two cool kids and family
the two cool kids and family - 7 years ago
It's really obvious it's fake
allen ryzel Musnit
allen ryzel Musnit - 7 years ago
I think mermaids are real but there not now live
NinjagoGuy416 - 7 years ago
I can't believe I once fell for this schlock
The Kajiu Fan
The Kajiu Fan - 7 years ago
Looks like Tim Burton is Directing Little Mermaid 3.
Vlad - 7 years ago
The music is: Flugufrelsarinn (Kronos Version)
xKisho - 7 years ago
Nice Animation
Grapas de Guillermo
Grapas de Guillermo - 7 years ago
mermaid sacraficed him/her self to save other mermaids
Star Cherry
Star Cherry - 7 years ago
These things hardly look human
Mygs Heath
Mygs Heath - 7 years ago
It's so sad he gave up his life so that his family can have McDonald's.
Johnny Ang
Johnny Ang - 7 years ago
We're Megalodon Finds there are Hunting Orcas,Penguins,Puffin,Elephant Seal and Leopard Seal there are all Hunts with Megalodon Sharks so Huge Bigger Shark so How big is The Large Than Greyhound Bus for the Foot is 60 Foot Shark be a Dinosaurs
Johnny Ang
Johnny Ang - 7 years ago
That Shark it's a Megalodon Monster Killer Sharks Two Megalodons It's all About 100,000 Megalodons in Antarctica
Johnny Ang
Johnny Ang - 7 years ago
There's The Megalodon Sharks are Monster Sharks
basant vimal sharma
basant vimal sharma - 7 years ago
Call the net catch the mermaids for curry.
Makaylin Alcova
Makaylin Alcova - 7 years ago
It's so fake I watched Billschanle
shadow wolf
shadow wolf - 7 years ago
This video made me cry alot at the end..!
Tony Nguyen
Tony Nguyen - 7 years ago
Mermsids if r real would be extinct..they r so fucking slow...they would be eaten by anything
Sophie Morley
Sophie Morley - 7 years ago
This is just weird
indig Ameri
indig Ameri - 7 years ago
WOW, this is what Animal Planet is producing now. Here's a new agenda for the kids.
bicknell67 - 7 years ago
My gosh this was so emotional. Would love to see a movie based on this.
Naomi Licon
Naomi Licon - 7 years ago
Why am i crying in the club right now ?
Screaming Popcorn
Screaming Popcorn - 7 years ago
That was emotional ._.
VINCENT MARUCUT - 7 years ago
Bob the megalodon meets the little Mermaid
Gabrielle Schaus
Gabrielle Schaus - 7 years ago
So sad, but you don't come by that bravery these days anymore.
whale lover
whale lover - 7 years ago
Merpeople should have nips to
Klingon 1701
Klingon 1701 - 7 years ago
a lot of people don't realize that this so called documentary is fake made-for-tv and Animal Planet .
the story is about the possibility of beings developing over the centuries .
people it's a story and only a story .
Rise From The Ashes
Rise From The Ashes - 7 years ago
This is the saddest part of this documentary.
LPS CC XxxX - 7 years ago
Creeper King 299
Creeper King 299 - 7 years ago
This is so fucking fake why would a cam be in the water its animated it has to be i was hoping for real life
Google Images
Google Images - 7 years ago
this will became masterpiece if james cameron make a mermaid film like this.
JumpedMango - 7 years ago
Looks fake compared to the others I have seen but the see. Like chill creatures
Kaitlin Doody
Kaitlin Doody - 7 years ago
That nice merman stabbed himself to save his family thats sweet
sean johnson
sean johnson - 7 years ago
lmao pretty silly
LavenderSofie - 7 years ago
Cant belive this was in animal planet, like if u agree XD
Anna Rogers
Anna Rogers - 7 years ago
Tell me why I'm crying In the club rn
Adinda Asfar
Adinda Asfar - 7 years ago
This was more emotional than watching soldiers coming home to reunite with their families. I need serious help.
Gojirawars 03
Gojirawars 03 - 7 years ago
Obviously fake, but very entertaining.
Muhammad abbas akram
Muhammad abbas akram - 7 years ago
that was so scary
mal bertha
mal bertha - 7 years ago
He sacrificed himself to save his pod
Random Dude
Random Dude - 7 years ago
anthony lank I don't think sharks think that much before eating when they're hungry
anthony lank
anthony lank - 7 years ago
but why would a 30 foot shark waste his time trying to ketch a 7 foot mermate wen he has a 39 foot meal waiting for him
Samantha porter
Samantha porter - 7 years ago
Saffi Hussain
Saffi Hussain - 7 years ago
I want to be a mermaid
Blue Dragonwolf
Blue Dragonwolf - 7 years ago
Still a better Love story than twilight heh
Incredible Amazing
Incredible Amazing - 7 years ago
Its so sad and I'm really crying so don't gauge me
tae bear
tae bear - 7 years ago
why did this make me feel so sad

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