Metal Shark Diesel-Powered Swamp Shark

Metal Shark 21 Riverine shallow-water military patrol boat. Shown here with diesel power and Swamp Shark drive. Metal Shark is the exclusive supplier of Swamp Shark technology for Military and government customers. Swamp Shark is now available for recreational customers, too! Visit to learn more.

Metal Shark Diesel-Powered Swamp Shark sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2022

Shark videos 7 years ago 3,920,857 views

Metal Shark 21 Riverine shallow-water military patrol boat. Shown here with diesel power and Swamp Shark drive. Metal Shark is the exclusive supplier of Swamp Shark technology for Military and government customers. Swamp Shark is now available for recreational customers, too! Visit to learn more.

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Most popular comments
for Metal Shark Diesel-Powered Swamp Shark

Gojira S
Gojira S - 6 years ago
sure is alot of uneducated people making comments... "oh man your ruining the eco system"... Do you know anything about any of the fish or plant species there??? nope thought not.. well anyway alls i wanna know is how much for this kickass model
Porkchop's Papi
Porkchop's Papi - 6 years ago
How does it improve on an airboat?
Clint Eastman
Clint Eastman - 6 years ago
Have 4 to 6 fully equipped pers with the average weight of 220 - 270lbs per person and see how it performs in the swamp then.
Fish Ghost
Fish Ghost - 6 years ago
Good video
Throatycow1355 - 6 years ago
Looks like the anaconda Forrest to me!
oscar carmach
oscar carmach - 6 years ago
estúpido imbécil como destruyó la naturaleza
Alexander de Fries
Alexander de Fries - 6 years ago
Nob1e Hunter
Nob1e Hunter - 6 years ago
It's like a lawn mower but for swamps!
Jack Fisher
Jack Fisher - 6 years ago
WOW what a ride!!! And i think i saw a big fish jump at some point.

10. comment for Metal Shark Diesel-Powered Swamp Shark

Ox - 6 years ago
WARNING!!! Many tree huggers and bunny humpers in the comments below. WARNING!!!
Радонеж Зеленоградский
Радонеж Зеленоградский - 6 years ago
Fabio Ramos
Fabio Ramos - 6 years ago
cortou todos os peixes e jacarés
HollowpointCADezert - 6 years ago
Why are there so many negative comments from the pusscake gallery? Don’t like it stay in your concrete jungle with your homeless shelter Starbucks
Dawit Gebreyowhans
Dawit Gebreyowhans - 6 years ago
maybe it is my idea can you reach me today
Beefalo Bart
Beefalo Bart - 6 years ago
Can you imagine how many lives could be saved with this boat? During the flooding, hurricanes, this boat could rescue so many people due to its ability to chop thru the debris and weeds that would stop all other forms of transport. So many IDIOTS who posted failed to take into account what this boat could have done during the flooding after the hurricane that killed so many people in the state where this boat is made. How many lives could have been saved with a dozen of these boats? Think about that, or maybe you didn't live there and see friends and neighbors floating dead in the water like driftwood. No its so easy to complain about the ecosystem instead of what the video description even said. Great work on the boat and I think every fire dept and police dept needs at least 1 in any area that needs it. As for the ecosystem, IT GROWS BACK WAY TO FAST ON ITS OWN. Shut up and stop trolling good Tech.
RepJock88 - 6 years ago
That propeller could weinerschnitzel a crocodile.
Jan Sveen
Jan Sveen - 6 years ago
What's wrong with you Americans? Your destructiv ways are like with no limits. If the rest of the world behaved like you, this planet would be doomed. I pray that Trump manage to isolate you from the rest of the world. It would be sweet. Then you can destroy your own turf and your self. Wankers.
an21982 - 6 years ago
Звездец природе.
Sloppy Hamfingers
Sloppy Hamfingers - 6 years ago
Nothing is indestructible, but this looks pretty darn tough, but most any boat would be able to handle pushing over small brush or dealing with vegetation. I’m definitely not saying u cud do this with an outboard or taking anything away from the engine, but I’d really like to know how it’d hold up to going up a shallow river with a rocky bottom. I don’t mean run into 3ft boulders, but is the bottom built tough enough to slide, bump and drag across some rocks in a mountain river? There’s places I’d love to go up river and can make it to most of them with a flat bottom jon boat, but I’d love to see him going up a rock filled river about a foot deep and I’d consider a purchase.

20. comment for Metal Shark Diesel-Powered Swamp Shark

LULA LIVRE - 6 years ago
Ta acabando com a vegetação esse babaca
Дмитрий B.
Дмитрий B. - 6 years ago
Pyrelogic - 6 years ago
You realize an airboat can to all of this, and go twice as fast, without destroying the environment, still a cool boat nonetheless
Heppoify - 6 years ago
This idiot behind the steering wheel looks like an idiot behind the steering whel!
Radionut R
Radionut R - 6 years ago
Aren’t you touring and damaging the environment up pretty bad with that thing. Looks like a bad idea to me
Ynneb Benny
Ynneb Benny - 6 years ago
That is perfect for marshy places.
fan fan
fan fan - 6 years ago
it looks like deep drunk person peeing neighboorhod doors one by one
kac lucas
kac lucas - 6 years ago
Meanwhile there fucking Up that swamps eco system
NEWLIGHT RISING - 6 years ago
Well good something else to help fuck up the echo system
Александр Чеченских
Александр Чеченских - 6 years ago
Good place to hide from zombies.

30. comment for Metal Shark Diesel-Powered Swamp Shark

Thích Nghe Nhạc
Thích Nghe Nhạc - 6 years ago
Xin 1like
สุนันธ์ สังข์สุวรรณ
สุนันธ์ สังข์สุวรรณ - 6 years ago
Врр 001
Врр 001 - 6 years ago
Toan Vinhkhang
Toan Vinhkhang - 6 years ago
1chiec nhỉeu tiền vậy a
Tim Hallas
Tim Hallas - 6 years ago
Using this boat as a recreational vehicle is like racing monster trucks through national parks... or shooting Eagles with sniper rifles. If you're not embarrassed at the thought of doing this, I should kill you.
Charles Collins
Charles Collins - 6 years ago
I would be worried about bending the prop.
Ваня Зохан
Ваня Зохан - 6 years ago
Брутальная штука ))) по моему она перемолотит там все живое )) где зеленые ? Куда они смотрят мать их заногу.
Asnan Pky123
Asnan Pky123 - 6 years ago
2:11 fhish
Thomas A. Walker
Thomas A. Walker - 6 years ago
What a pile of crap this boat is. You won't see many of these time wasters in five years.
Alexandr Isayev
Alexandr Isayev - 6 years ago
Put 8 dudes on it in full kits, plus their tools and accessories. Drive it through the same terrain and see what happens.
&y Qwerty
&y Qwerty - 6 years ago
The flooding cause by the Dams hydro construction
I AM AN INDIA. I love india
I AM AN INDIA. I love india - 6 years ago
power of mechanical engineering
Daan Made in Holland
Daan Made in Holland - 6 years ago
They never heard of a hover craft or a swamp boat whahaha dums ass thing this is
doncarlo5 - 6 years ago
another toy for Navy Seals : )
Didier DEDJINOU - 6 years ago
Awesome boat
SIXEIGHTNATE 6-8N8 - 6 years ago
Nice cinematography! Captured the vision for this product! Bravo!
Alexandra Dorn
Alexandra Dorn - 6 years ago
2:13 you're spooking the fish.
すぎちゃんネル - 6 years ago
Sam Fosdick
Sam Fosdick - 6 years ago
Fuck I'll take two
GW H - 6 years ago
When will Troy Landry get one so he can say “choot’em”?

50. comment for Metal Shark Diesel-Powered Swamp Shark

Wes Carpenter
Wes Carpenter - 6 years ago
Dean Yaloma
Dean Yaloma - 6 years ago
This is the third step after being a douche and a stupid turd...
5winder - 6 years ago
That'll drain the swamp...
dpmaspam - 6 years ago
dpmaspam - 6 years ago
Jack The Giant Killer
Jack The Giant Killer - 6 years ago
You should do good at selling some boats.
J Garrett
J Garrett - 6 years ago
I bet you could shave with that prop!!
Say What
Say What - 6 years ago
Sweet, I'm sure your military is bustin it's chops to forget the fuck up that is the middle east and get into a swamp/jungle (though they don't do well) based warfare to start over paying you for them.
川上鋳織 - 6 years ago
Ken Fung
Ken Fung - 6 years ago
Tearing up swamp land what an awesome job
David Borodziuk
David Borodziuk - 6 years ago
Darren Kastl
Darren Kastl - 6 years ago
Great carp cleaner!!! Lol when the bad guys see this coming , the'll be sitting tight till it goes by, then its DINNER TIME!!!! LOL
กิจจา โพธิ์หอมศิริ
กิจจา โพธิ์หอมศิริ - 6 years ago
Postal Patriot556
Postal Patriot556 - 6 years ago
Cause tearing up wetlands is totally cool. Neat boat regardless.
Chris Ferguson
Chris Ferguson - 6 years ago
That was awesome! goodbye alligators and crocodiles
Panfish - 6 years ago
I wonder if the fuel cost is less than a gas jet?
rafa baraja
rafa baraja - 6 years ago
Rip Gators fish snakes in this beasts path you will be sacrificed
ottodinamo - 6 years ago
Stupid boat, marketed to satisfy elder impotents in the swamps ?
mahamadul hasan
mahamadul hasan - 6 years ago
this one is very harmful for ecosystem of the swamp.natural condition is totally destroyed by the boat . you should stop this kind of motor boat from running in the swamp
kazz1896 - 6 years ago
A boat? More like a blender!
Teo P
Teo P - 6 years ago
Destroying ecosystems since 2005.
adza botchway
adza botchway - 6 years ago
Its hilarious watching all the retards in the comment section trying to justify how this doesn't hurt the environment. I wonder WHY this boat hasn't sold much. it's entirely unnecessary, sure it's cool but what PRACTICAL uses does this have over an air boat? this literally just destroys the ecosystems that need to stay intact for the planet to work. anyone who thinks it's okay to just ruin ecosystems like this is just a simple dumb american with no grasp of reality lmao
Scott Allen
Scott Allen - 6 years ago
LOOOVED the moving of the water grass...hahaha. Wish it had the cummins though.
magnumninja - 6 years ago
highly stable at speed until you hit a petrified log in the water and die while your precious boat sinks.
MandoMtn - 6 years ago
T. Ship
T. Ship - 6 years ago
Are u filming from a shark boat too;)
Habib Habib
Habib Habib - 6 years ago
2ndarymotion - 6 years ago
This will be awesome when we go back to Vietnam.
John Hall
John Hall - 6 years ago
Perfect solution to a non-existent problem.
Neil Yakuza
Neil Yakuza - 6 years ago
Dat der be gud in de bayoo por dem gatars!
thumpin1 - 6 years ago
I want to see the props after this run...
Abin Joseph
Abin Joseph - 6 years ago
OldPlaces - 6 years ago
I bet the wild life just loves you simple mf'ers. fu
John Ingersoll
John Ingersoll - 6 years ago
It's a floating vega Matic lawn mowing diesel propelled ice breaker. Wait what, I didn't see no ice. Forget that last part!
David C
David C - 6 years ago
Gabriel Silva
Gabriel Silva - 6 years ago
let me go grab mt credit card
Charles Cooke
Charles Cooke - 6 years ago
Metal. Awesome. Sharks. Awesome. Diesel? I want one.
김김상진 - 6 years ago
Jordan Moser
Jordan Moser - 6 years ago
So powerful, it evens performs well on dry land!
axsb - 6 years ago
this is what you call tearing up the environment.
Jeffrey Hameroff
Jeffrey Hameroff - 6 years ago
real men use airboats that dont destroy the swamp geta grip
B-Rad - 6 years ago
Everyone talking about airboats, they guzzle more fuel and create more noise pollution than even the shark does probably lol. Wearing earmuffs, bawling trying to hear each other, worse ride I ever had
jefdestors - 6 years ago
SkyView - 6 years ago
Why you are destroying nature? Damn dumb humans!!!
Joshua Phillips
Joshua Phillips - 6 years ago
I swear to God liberals can drive their fancy diesel carsn trucks on our paved highways, enjoy our shopping centers and medical facilities, and then complain about people destroying the habitat? Jesus christ you people are literally fucking insane
Riviere Marc
Riviere Marc - 6 years ago
Very nice to destroy fragile environment in time of peace.always impressed about their lack empathis
Delis Baginda
Delis Baginda - 6 years ago
buset sampe ikan y pada loncat
volvo245 - 6 years ago
"But will it ble"-YES IT WILL!!
Kelben92 Kelben
Kelben92 Kelben - 6 years ago
Viggo C
Viggo C - 6 years ago
Now this is a big improvement
Aqw aq
Aqw aq - 6 years ago
Diesel powered nature destroyer

100. comment for Metal Shark Diesel-Powered Swamp Shark

Norris Hude
Norris Hude - 6 years ago
Nice sharp edge on top of the dashboard. Great for a face plant.
Reformed Anti-semite
Reformed Anti-semite - 6 years ago
Only a boomer would make something like this.
Karl Winn
Karl Winn - 6 years ago
Typical US attitude - "screw the environment !!"
Nico Wagner
Nico Wagner - 6 years ago
Stupid american idiots trying to destroy all, inside and outside US. Selling weapons to teachers should be your next big business.
just Marcin
just Marcin - 6 years ago
Where we can buy a boat like that, looks so freaking badass? :)
TAKIM ÇANTASI - 6 years ago
Jitendra Pastaria
Jitendra Pastaria - 6 years ago
Dump destroying greenery seems he doesnt awarebof glodal warming
sickb2200 - 6 years ago
Cool! A salad chopper!
Jiero761 - 6 years ago
PRO TIP: Cut it with the stupid music!
Patrick Szabo
Patrick Szabo - 6 years ago
BAD ASS But WAY OUT of my tax bracket I'm sure...............
yfelwulf - 6 years ago
Impressive at 50Kts it definately needs seat belts noticed none fitted its not tbe speed its the sudden stop that kills you
Magnum Mountaineer
Magnum Mountaineer - 6 years ago
Moritz Stratmann
Moritz Stratmann - 6 years ago
The perfect getaway boat...nice! But please respect the nature.
Trent Jones
Trent Jones - 6 years ago
Volkmar Uder
Volkmar Uder - 6 years ago
Crazy idiots. Leave nature alone.
mas hahay78
mas hahay78 - 6 years ago
Ra apik
ken ruffin
ken ruffin - 6 years ago
But, will it take Glock mags?
Danny Jones
Danny Jones - 6 years ago
To all the tree huggers saying airboat are better- this is a military application- so as a retired Marine, I'd much rather be inserted in a prop boat with a muffled exhaust, than a load ass air boat! The safety of fighting men is way more important than some darn water plants!
Jasun Lee
Jasun Lee - 6 years ago
dam did you see that bass
@wishfix - 6 years ago
Great for hunting gators out of season lol
morefreedomplease - 6 years ago
2:10 big ass bass was like "aaah, Cajun Navy!"

But seriously, if the Puddle Pirates don't order a fleet of these then, Congress should defund their ass.
Manoel Bastos
Manoel Bastos - 6 years ago
alguem viu o peixe salta em 2:11?
Peters Right but,
Peters Right but, - 6 years ago
I want to know what boat was used to film this one..
69sungam - 6 years ago
nice to invent a boat that destroy the habitat
Michael Cope
Michael Cope - 6 years ago
Wow, the colossal environmental ignorance on display in the comments section is astounding. Most of the vegetation being shredded is invasive. In fact in many of these places throughout our state we have to pay to have them sprayed with herbicides and chemicals to kill them off so they do not choke out the water ways within the swamps and marshes. In some places they actually have people go in with pitch forks and small barges and physically remove these plants from the water ways or OMG say it isn't so but bring in these huge mud boats with what amounts to a tractor bush hog on the front mounted vertically to actually bush hog the bayous and ditches. To the absolute jewels of environmental ignorance on this comment board, thumbs up, you pretentious wanna be know it alls. If you don't live down here and understand the unique environmental challenges we face with this type of stuff, STFU.
Jur Ij
Jur Ij - 6 years ago
Music ?
Eric Hollen
Eric Hollen - 6 years ago
Hardly military grade
mudmotordave Franklin
mudmotordave Franklin - 6 years ago
What's the top speed?
Baylan Maverick Legacy
Baylan Maverick Legacy - 6 years ago
needs a cummins.
☆Swiftie☆ - 6 years ago
nice way to fuck up the enviroment
OM - 6 years ago
nice toy usa xD but keep day u produce something really cool and innovative. good luck.
Tyler Sutton
Tyler Sutton - 6 years ago
i bet you i can get it stuck.
Brian Piercy
Brian Piercy - 6 years ago
What a joke. Change your music to opera. The boat is way too gay for the badass score. Really really unimpressive. Sorry.
Matias Enrique
Matias Enrique - 6 years ago
Also a great video showing how to properly not give a fuck about the environment
F18M 223
F18M 223 - 6 years ago
Do you have a video that you can hear the diesel engine rather than a bunch of hammering away on drums?
inurtrash - 6 years ago
I'm surprised the impeller doesn't get clogged in all that vegetation.
mj jackson
mj jackson - 6 years ago
An airboat can do all that plus run on dry ground. In addition, airboats don't destroy vegetation.
The Spectator
The Spectator - 6 years ago
Nice, ill take 2 :)
Verynooby117 - 6 years ago
Yeah you know just chilling around with my boat ruining vegetation and nature like a asshole
Paul Wilson
Paul Wilson - 6 years ago
Think I found my next duck rig
Adnane El Jabbari
Adnane El Jabbari - 6 years ago
They fucks nature
Mr. T
Mr. T - 6 years ago
Seems to me an airboat makes more sense in these situations .... in lots of ways.
BRICKCITY9MM - 6 years ago
Now give it to Willie from swamp people for a test run and see how many gators fit in that darn shark boat!
Злой Боцман
Злой Боцман - 6 years ago
Только настоящий пох..й в душе рождает вот такую улыбку на лице 1:40
DC M - 6 years ago
Just in case nobody mentioned it,a fish jumps!! HA!....MURICA!!! Fucking yea!!!!!!!
sasquatchatbellacoo - 6 years ago
A real environmental guy!
Fred Flinstone
Fred Flinstone - 6 years ago
Manatee Slayer!!!
Richard Hoepfner
Richard Hoepfner - 6 years ago
Designed for military? Throw 1500 lbs, equivalent of five SF and their equipment, then show what it can do.
GlenGH - 6 years ago
Talk about unnecessary destruction to the environment. Get an air boat. And for heavens sake stop running through trees! Totally reckless and irresponsible video. Last thing you need is some Wanker came through a bunch of trees and hitting your boat located on the other side.
Dirt Dobber
Dirt Dobber - 6 years ago
Dirt Dobber
Dirt Dobber - 6 years ago
Most of them....maybe not all, live in a country where they gave up all their personal freedoms and try to tell us what to do with's Louisanna, them trees will grow back in two weeks and just be thicker...
Demon50 - 6 years ago
Dirt Dobber
Yep, the “wanker” part gave him away.
Richard Smith
Richard Smith - 6 years ago
Dirt Dobber what's wrong with being English hell i am English and i don't belive half of what he says except maybe the boat blowing thru the trees and hitting another boat part that could maybe happen just like maybe a plane could crash it does happen.
Dirt Dobber
Dirt Dobber - 6 years ago
No wonder GlenGh is full of shit....he's English...typical
Jose Martinez
Jose Martinez - 6 years ago
air boats are too noisy
Jose Martinez
Jose Martinez - 6 years ago
its a demonstration of the boat's capabilities. how else are you gonna see what it can do? come mierda
Ashe R
Ashe R - 6 years ago
GlenGH oi look at the first comment I said. Damn u triggered
GlenGH - 6 years ago
Ashe R hey thanks for commenting, why am I wasting my time?
Ashe R
Ashe R - 6 years ago
Omg why r u still replying to ppl your wasting your time
GlenGH - 6 years ago
themoosehandler Well in the end that is all that really counts! You feeling smarter and all LOL. Glade that I could help educate you and that you have learned something about the environment and our children’s future. And about there actually being fish around for our children and there children to enjoy catching. Instead of assholes greedily killing everything in site for their own selfish in the moment fun!
Because you are not genetically adept enough to figure this out on your own, I’m glade that I was able to help.
Please feel free to ask for more help figuring out the obvious. I’m more them happy to help.
themoosehandler - 6 years ago
Lol reckless, with a drone. Poor swamp trees. Wanker? I don't care how educated you think you are. You make me feel smart....
Ashe R
Ashe R - 6 years ago
I’m gonna be really mean just so he can reply with one of his passive comments .
GlenGH - 6 years ago
Zach Hoyt thanks for commenting. In my neck of the woods they use a harvester to clear all the vegetation out. It’s basically a boat with what looks like a corn header on the front and a conveyor belt to pick up the vegetation that’s clogging the water ways. It’s then unloaded on shore out of the way. Thanks for your kind manner in commenting ! :-) Much better then being called a Cunt or Fag or tree hugger like everyone else has so far.
Yes I’m sure you are correct. They would have scoped it out. My concern is that these videos are very popular and other watching may get ideas and get carried away and try this stuff out them self’s , with out taking precautions.
Zach Hoyt
Zach Hoyt - 6 years ago
I'm sure everything was scouted out before blowing through saplings. Also that vegitation will clump back up and spreads like wild fire so...
GlenGH - 6 years ago
Don Ellzey thank! Not sure why those guys hate my airboat so much. I think they are great for fishing.
Don Ellzey
Don Ellzey - 6 years ago
I'm well educated kenite...stop act like you know something about the environment but really you just whine.. just go fishing it's good for ya..those trees and vegetation should be destroyed before they totally block and choke out the environment people like you and Hillary clinton
GlenGH - 6 years ago
OUTDOORLIFE VIRGINIA Oh please stop trying to flatter me, it’s embarrassing in front of everyone.
Hey did you get a chance to talk to the Warden about our monthly conjugal visit? You know how sexually frustrated you get when you haven’t been drill for a month.
GlenGH if you are trying to brag that you are a troll, I get it. But you are also old as fuck. It's kinda embarrassing, that this is what you consider a hobby. Have fun playing on your computer. Bye
GlenGH - 6 years ago
OUTDOORLIFE VIRGINIA Seeing as you and I have so much in common, heck were BFF’s I have a question for you it’s about fishing. What’s your favourite way to fish? Is it Jerk bait? Trolling? Well I’m kind of fond of Trolling. It’s always satisfying to hook onto a big old sucker
And reel him in and play him out. Let him run for a bit and reel him in again.
Thou mind you, Suckers are kind of big and dumb and slow.
GlenGH - 6 years ago
OUTDOORLIFE VIRGINIA Thanks for your kind words, really appreciate your support and seeing and understanding my comments.Im quite enjoying our repartee it’s fun to talk to likeminded people like yourself. :-) once again thanks for supporting my viewpoint!!!!
It’s always nice to have a buddy like you on my side.
GlenGH All senses of this word are vulgar slang and are very strongly tabooed and censored. The meanings that refer to a woman and a contemptible person are used with disparaging intent and are perceived as highly insulting and demeaning. There are many words used to refer to people in sexual terms. However, to call a person a cunt,especially a woman, is one of the most hateful and powerful examples of verbal abuse in the English language. See also gash1.
I'm calling you a bitch and douchebag all at once. Or should I call you a faggot? Because you definitely type like one.
GlenGH - 6 years ago
OUTDOORLIFE VIRGINIA Yes I do like pussy. I take it you are more fond of male genitalia then female? Oh well,
Too each his own as they say.
GlenGH you seem like a cunt.
GlenGH - 6 years ago
Dewayne Keller said “ shut up tree hugger always winning bout trees”
I’m sorry once again Dewayne I forgot to thank you for agreeing with my sentiment and pointing out I’m “winning”. The definition of “winning”
: gaining, resulting in, or relating to victory in a contest or competition.
"a winning streak" victorious.........
I hope you can over look my mistake of me not thanking you for this fine compliment! It really means a lot to me that you think that I am “winning”
GlenGH - 6 years ago
Dewayne Keller Sorry I forgot to answer your question! That was rude of me. Yes you are correct I do use my hand to wipe my ass! I find it to be the most efficient way to hold the toilet paper. How do you get your ass wiped if your not holding the toilet paper with your hand ??? I can only assume your not potty trained yet and mommy does it for you? One day though soon I would imagine you will be able to wipe your own ass like a big boy.
GlenGH - 6 years ago
Dewayne Keller thanks for taking the time to comment! May I suggest you turn on spell checking. Your poor spelling and grammar skills are leading me to believe your not overly well educated. Oh well better luck next time.
I’m sure with some practice and some help from your parents and 3rd grade teacher you will get the hang of it.
Dewayne Keller
Dewayne Keller - 6 years ago
GlenGH shut up tree hugger always winning bout trees but i bet u use paper well u probably dont u prolly wipe with your hands
Nick X
Nick X - 6 years ago
GlenGH waaahhh waaaahhh
yolo swag
yolo swag - 6 years ago
if i ever win the lottery...
kidXS - 6 years ago
Damn that's cool. Does what it says.
Saimo Giaz
Saimo Giaz - 6 years ago
This boat is strong and fast

Nice boat
Jefferson - 6 years ago
sooo....let me run a turbo V6 roto-tiller through your living space and see if you find it acceptable. There are hundreds more native species damaged by your blender boat other than just a single invasive carp. Americans, gonna be the end of us all. Idiots.
hybridorbital85 - 6 years ago
Something about this makes me sad for the marine environment destruction. Cool boat, but unless it's an emergency, I wouldn't go tearing up the swamp like that :(
Lee Stanley
Lee Stanley - 6 years ago
I think that bigfoot holding his ears from the noise of the boat was awesome. how in the world did you think to put that in your commercial
Cat From The Future
Cat From The Future - 6 years ago
Yeah-- this thing is just fucking up everything it moves over. I can't imagine what 100 of these would do to a swamp...
offpher J
offpher J - 6 years ago
Yeah it does alright on
Kendall Phillips
Kendall Phillips - 6 years ago
All that, just to hear the turbo whistle lol
diastoleny - 6 years ago
Honey, I'm home!
Global Capture
Global Capture - 6 years ago
Destroyer of Nature
Bob Richardson
Bob Richardson - 6 years ago
I’m no tree hugger at all, but don’t you think that chopping up all of this vegetation will reuin the ecosystem
Thomas A. Walker
Thomas A. Walker - 6 years ago
Of course it will. We don't need crap boats like these in the world.
Lil Kachowski
Lil Kachowski - 6 years ago
Fake. The boat and swamp were paid actors
Mark F
Mark F - 6 years ago
The prop has too give out sooner or later . My guess would be sooner with all the debri and stomps etc. and props are not cheap.
cornskid - 6 years ago
That's right go rip up the planet some more...I'm sure there must be a point to it?
Justin S
Justin S - 6 years ago
Now enclose it. Armor plate it and add a remote operated mg, or two.
Tobin Kupe
Tobin Kupe - 6 years ago
You need to get this boat to that guy on the tv show swamp people Shelby he’ll sell the shit out of it lol
Tim R.
Tim R. - 6 years ago
Poor fish
Silas Baird
Silas Baird - 6 years ago
Worlds greatest weedwacker
aybesee123 - 6 years ago
sounds like a good movie...
nick Raber
nick Raber - 6 years ago
Then a big ass snake jumps on your head from one of them trees
USS ENTERPRISE - 6 years ago
That boat looks like it means business.
james cole
james cole - 6 years ago
Thats a winner. Desrtroy the nature loser...
William Kiene
William Kiene - 6 years ago
Militarizes might love it.......
greg joyner
greg joyner - 6 years ago
Why the music . stupid!!!
bill clinton
bill clinton - 6 years ago
The US army don't give a shit about your boat
pacearrow440 - 6 years ago
the exhaust is filtered through the water that's fucked up!
James Little
James Little - 6 years ago
99% of boats exhaust into the water
Tanner Krewson
Tanner Krewson - 6 years ago
Also dude, look at the anatomy of any small outboard. Most of them port the exhaust out around or below the prop.
USS ENTERPRISE - 6 years ago
pacearrow440 This vessel is equipped with an exhaust that's above the waterline.
pacearrow440 - 6 years ago
let the coal roll
johnny llooddte
johnny llooddte - 6 years ago
Now that's a Texas mudder
Loïc Le Glas
Loïc Le Glas - 6 years ago
It is a shame, to destroy the nature like this !!!
JakeDowers - 6 years ago
Shut up, dumbass.
Todd Simone
Todd Simone - 6 years ago
Cool but I don't see what benefit this has to an airboat or hovercraft.
Glenn Oropeza
Glenn Oropeza - 6 years ago
mr.Rager - 6 years ago
a red necks wet dream
David Christensen
David Christensen - 6 years ago
I don’t know if this is the best, it is impressive. I am 60 years old and I want the USA military to have the best equipment at all times. If this is the best I hope they buy some for our military to train with and to continue to evolve.
WrongWay - 6 years ago
So it's a boat with a Bad ass Blender on the back of it????
Derek Hansen
Derek Hansen - 6 years ago
Airboats are way better.
Steve Griner
Steve Griner - 6 years ago
Derek Hansen
Shawn P
Shawn P - 6 years ago
Boat doesn't plane out
Allan.Froehlich - 6 years ago
These would have been useful in Houston after the hurricane.
David Heitman
David Heitman - 6 years ago
love it. american!
xnocf - 6 years ago
What is the actual reasoning for the boat? Is there any? :D
Truth - 6 years ago
Hit something solid with that prop and no damage?
Violet Veins
Violet Veins - 6 years ago
Why do feel your destroying the wilderness and killing everything in seconds. Your mowing down our natural water filter man.
Thomas A. Walker
Thomas A. Walker - 6 years ago
very true. bullshit boat.
S Winn
S Winn - 6 years ago
that engine sounded good at least what i heard of it with all the damn music
ian veneris
ian veneris - 6 years ago
The question is. Hows the reverse
Richard Thaxton
Richard Thaxton - 6 years ago
Mission: Totally thrash the environment with little regard for local flora and fauna. Well, mission accomplished.
Cr8zyH - 6 years ago
This'll get you to all the good fishing holes.
BlackWorldTraveler - 6 years ago
If you like sushi.
NOTTa YouNoob
NOTTa YouNoob - 6 years ago
Louisianans = Love their swamp. Destroys ecosystem for fun.
Todd Mulligan
Todd Mulligan - 6 years ago
Yeah but what does it do to the manatees
Greg McKee
Greg McKee - 7 years ago
I went to the website but can't find any prices.
You know it's going to be beaucoup dollars...
Роман Шустов
Роман Шустов - 7 years ago
Интересно, на сколько гребного винта хватает с такими по катушками!?
BEEFAMET - 7 years ago
salad shooter and mudslide mixer all in one
kyle warmerdam
kyle warmerdam - 7 years ago
That thing is sick
Mike Hawk
Mike Hawk - 7 years ago
Wonder how much wildlife this thing kills...
The NC Outdoorsman
The NC Outdoorsman - 7 years ago
test two
test two - 7 years ago
Looks a little like a Thai boat
Mondal Khan
Mondal Khan - 7 years ago
InZane24 2
InZane24 2 - 7 years ago
Fuck the environment
Bubba Gump
Bubba Gump - 7 years ago
How did i go from watching victorian house tours to this?
Jason Harper
Jason Harper - 7 years ago
D West
D West - 7 years ago
Fkn Hell. The swamp can't just be a nice quiet place where shit takes time? Slice up the rest of the alligator snappers and cats. We are such lazy impatient pigs.
Hemaworstje - 7 years ago
Beefalo Bart
Beefalo Bart - 6 years ago
Stop being a troll long enough to read the video description. That bunch of crap weeds will grow back quite quick. Holy crap it may even grow faster after being aerated
Philippe Guertin
Philippe Guertin - 7 years ago
Wow destroy the planet... Stupid boat
Snow Monkey
Snow Monkey - 7 years ago
F*** a yacht. You have created the best boat ever. Run my credit and tell me my down payment. Can I pay off the balance with crawfish and alligator meat?
Didier DEDJINOU - 7 years ago
Bluz Fan
Bluz Fan - 7 years ago
piece of shit!
EVERYDAY TATER - 7 years ago
Looks like a super expensive replacement for airboats.
NORCal MTB - 7 years ago
Superior at disturbing wildlife...... unmatched at fuckin up your local ecosystem.
Sponge850 Bobette
Sponge850 Bobette - 7 years ago
Anybody though about natural habitat? Just for play? Hope he catches a rock (not to hurt himself just is pride) and
baddie is way home
anes amm
anes amm - 7 years ago
hyundai ? no shark can survive in a swamp, especially a mindless memorizer brain western emulating foreigner korean shark.
Giveaway G0D
Giveaway G0D - 7 years ago
lol yeah boats fun now but that would never last...
Bagus Suriono
Bagus Suriono - 7 years ago
cocok untuk di dumai di perkbunan sawit tu
Tommy Landry
Tommy Landry - 7 years ago
Why would I buy this instead of an airboat? It’s a really nice boat though so don’t get my comment twisted. I was just curious.
salvor1 - 7 years ago
-taken out by a piece of poly line.
Blod Hgram
Blod Hgram - 7 years ago
Looks fun, but I think ill stick to my jet boats
brandon woodford
brandon woodford - 7 years ago
Yeah, I'm sure our military would love a aluminum boat, to go to the bayou.
Chinghin Truong
Chinghin Truong - 7 years ago
Quá dữ
Capt Sirl
Capt Sirl - 7 years ago
I see tree huggers just shitting themselves watching this
Biji Sigit
Biji Sigit - 7 years ago
Perusak lingkungan hidup ikan
Ben Edmondson
Ben Edmondson - 7 years ago
Shit this is what Swamp Man thats on AxMen show needs ! Hell he would probably koll himself with this one since its indestructible ! Lol
MOGGAROSPL - 7 years ago , the world´s most famous jet boats for open sea Moggaro jet boats
MrDouble - 7 years ago
We made a fucking tank boat
Put a 50 cal. on there
Sevim Özdemir
Sevim Özdemir - 7 years ago
Vay babannn
Tom Witherspoon
Tom Witherspoon - 7 years ago
The boat filming it is better.
ColeDoesThings - 7 years ago
-Dave I thought you said we were boating, where’s the god dang water.
-Ha water I’ve never heard of of it Carl
Jim Walsh
Jim Walsh - 7 years ago
Prop drive ?, I don't know about that… one downed tree limb with a prop hit and your fucked. Why not a Jet Drive guy ? A prop doesn't make the sense for the terrain your driving in !
Lil Kermit
Lil Kermit - 7 years ago
Can you wake board on it
J j601
J j601 - 7 years ago
It reminds me of thunder...
WATER-MAN - 7 years ago
designed and engineered to destroy nature, and habitat. like a mixmaster for waterlife...
sad for me, to see..and I am and a hard core jetboat guy...
Bantham Nobilis
Bantham Nobilis - 7 years ago
Sawgrass in So Fla will eat this thing, impressive no doubt, But So Fla is a beast of a different nature!
pelukero loko
pelukero loko - 7 years ago
Jodiendo el planeta.muy bien....
fin screenname
fin screenname - 7 years ago
Pretty cool surface drive boat. I wonder how the prop is holding up after chopping all that vegetation?
Parker Bryant
Parker Bryant - 7 years ago
Cause fuck the environment
Rusty Grill
Rusty Grill - 7 years ago
hey, whats going on here? air boat got boreing? park the vege slicer and get an airboat, blast around all you want, you want to sound and look cool, build one with an aircraft radial engine, would you use your 4wheel drive truck to tear up peoples lawns and then say, im helping you, there are weeds in your grass, total poor rational dude,,,,,,yea and the opocalyptic sound track,,,,woohoooooo you bad,,,,,,,,
Шухрат Джураев
Шухрат Джураев - 6 years ago
So who can tell me how much is it?
Bass Masters
Bass Masters - 7 years ago
I bet I eats you alive on gas!
wahoo strike
wahoo strike - 7 years ago
my new bass boat
tibchy144 - 7 years ago
ok, but does it come with a mosquito net?
Bob Lazar
Bob Lazar - 7 years ago
does it have a aux port to pump in the smooth jams?
Captain Fereday
Captain Fereday - 7 years ago
Should just get an airboat
Andrew Bratos
Andrew Bratos - 7 years ago
bring it up to buffalo and lets see it in 4' of snow
Handberrydea - 7 years ago
Dope video, checkout my latest
Patricia Peterson
Patricia Peterson - 7 years ago
I am sure stumps damage props , like on any boat ....
Mandy Ice
Mandy Ice - 7 years ago
that fucker is badass tear that shit up
wraqi - 7 years ago
Hahaha, damaging the grass!!! Hippies always have somethin stupid to say, go save a mud duck
Truc Pham
Truc Pham - 7 years ago
Việt nam thiệt thòi ghê muốn cung không mua được
เหนือฟ้า ยังมีฟ้า
เหนือฟ้า ยังมีฟ้า - 7 years ago
Fredrico Cash
Fredrico Cash - 7 years ago
People stay complaining about something
Reptile House Indonesia
Reptile House Indonesia - 7 years ago
ngerusak Alam!!!
planet control
planet control - 7 years ago
That fish jump like wtf
k t
k t - 7 years ago
Hendyu Tri
Hendyu Tri - 7 years ago
Hang Chung
Hang Chung - 7 years ago
Wtf it is destroying animal habitats
Vlahos fanis Vlahos
Vlahos fanis Vlahos - 7 years ago
Asep Saepudin
Asep Saepudin - 7 years ago
I love cahya
Женя Женя
Женя Женя - 7 years ago
рыб поубивал
Ray Wu
Ray Wu - 7 years ago
Gaint fish at 2:10, what kind of fish is that?
Never Gonnatell
Never Gonnatell - 6 years ago
Women in their never ending exploitation of men. Literally everything you hold most dear is because of men. You wouldn't even be able to post your retarded comments online if it wasn't for men. Meanwhile all you cunts is bitch and complain and take our money. Either directly, or through the state.
The legend 27
The legend 27 - 7 years ago
It's like fucking blender
Ken B. NPB
Ken B. NPB - 7 years ago
Would have liked to seen the engine, transmission and prop before and after, like to see how the prop held up??
bcbloc02 - 7 years ago
Bent like a candy cane and shakes like hell probably but it still moves!
TheBambislayer - 7 years ago
especially after a few cypress roots and logs
stephenmwyatt2 - 7 years ago
I wonder how it does in ice slush
David Bostock
David Bostock - 7 years ago
maybe something like a roll cage forward of the driver so his head stays on through low hanging branches.
Lance Christy
Lance Christy - 7 years ago
This is all we need is some dumb ass destroying everything he/it plows through
George Fesser
George Fesser - 7 years ago
This Pilotos are great but if I try this at my narina I'll kick out in New York him ute
JCUDOS - 7 years ago
That's a very cool boat! At 0:12 the video states "All-Terrain Surface Drive". All boats categorized as all-terrain are amphibious so unless this one has wheels that pop out it's not all-terrain. Russian screw-drive now those are definitely extreme all-terrain vehicles. Search it in youtube or watch this video to see what I'm talking about.
Steven G Richardson
Steven G Richardson - 7 years ago
why do people always got to put in music. would love to here the engine myself
Nicholas Plesko
Nicholas Plesko - 6 years ago
That was the engine noise
WPWW - 6 years ago
drives me nuts
Charles Osterhaudt
Charles Osterhaudt - 7 years ago
I'm glad to hear someone else complain about the music. Sometimes it is so loud you can't hear the message.
Dan Bouchard
Dan Bouchard - 7 years ago
James bond has one.Have you seen the girls he hangs with?Guess some of you gals are playing the sheriff!!!LOL
DOC 666
DOC 666 - 7 years ago
Bad fucking ass
Alexis Muñoz
Alexis Muñoz - 7 years ago
El dia que los gringos hagan algo que no cuente con un consumo ilimitado de combustible me voy a caer de orto
near chuck experience
near chuck experience - 7 years ago
just dont let the politician know bout this.
Samuel Fields
Samuel Fields - 7 years ago
Was thinking the terror of a rice patty.......
Michael KnightRider
Michael KnightRider - 7 years ago
Badass boat. No doubt.
Vigl Schmidt
Vigl Schmidt - 7 years ago
Fukk off america. They sell dangerous equipment to destroy other counties. They supply all the facility and add to daeshto destroy the arab counties. And to make a greater israel. FUKK OFF ALL THE JEWESH PEOPLE
Pierre Sev.
Pierre Sev. - 7 years ago
it damages the ecosystem... idiot.
John Heathrow
John Heathrow - 7 years ago
I want one and I live in the desert!!!
Perla Gomez
Perla Gomez - 7 years ago
Nices boat
Thanchanok Kantwongnanta
Thanchanok Kantwongnanta - 7 years ago
apon 2016
apon 2016 - 7 years ago
1_Oon_Manne - 7 years ago
How fast it goes in normal lake ?
John Dough
John Dough - 7 years ago
Normal fast.
Chekasout 1
Chekasout 1 - 7 years ago
oh hell yeah! nice job!
Arief Bbm
Arief Bbm - 7 years ago
Nice fish jump 2.12..
The FPV Life
The FPV Life - 7 years ago
A John boat on roids
DOUG FERGUSON - 7 years ago
Great for mulching weeds to,,,,,but wait there's more. HAHAHAHAHA
Nick D
Nick D - 7 years ago
Too much weight aft, trim looks pretty crap at low speeds.
naterally1 - 7 years ago
Why didnt they call it The MudShark?
Giampiero Murgia
Giampiero Murgia - 7 years ago
che fetecchia !!
Geraldo Avila
Geraldo Avila - 7 years ago
What about all the turtles he killed getting his kicks out of something so childish?
Hyacinth Teagle
Hyacinth Teagle - 7 years ago
Did you guys see the fish jump up
saiyan prince
saiyan prince - 7 years ago
Shit history channel needs to get Shelby stanga one of these he be pulling all kings of logs out of swamp
Pku Pku
Pku Pku - 7 years ago
braden James CRÕooº°˚˚°ºtttt >=)

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Muncrat berkali-kali


Nenek" nafsu

Saori hara

Katanya perawan


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Selingkuh itu indah

Arab binal

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Mandarin sex

Indo vs bule

Japan pemerkosa'an

PSK kelas atas

Korean hot girl

Korea di hotel


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Big black


Lapangan tenis


Barat 3s

Japan semi full

Barat army

Jepang bergairath

Cewe bayaran

Mahasiswa sange dkt web

Korea threesome

Hongkong kerja'an persembahan 274dc3bb CRÕooº°˚˚°ºtttt >=)

Arab hijab

Muncrat berkali-kali


Nenek" nafsu

Saori hara

Katanya perawan


Kerja'an thailand

di paksa

Barat breakfast

Barat body hot

Young japan

Namita sex

Selingkuh itu indah

Arab binal

Litle japan


Sweety henese


Tokyo hot res bikini




Mandarin sex

Indo vs bule

Japan pemerkosa'an

PSK kelas atas

Korean hot girl

Korea di hotel


Asian dog slave



Lesbian sex party

Big black


Lapangan tenis


Barat 3s

Japan semi full

Barat army

Jepang bergairath

Cewe bayaran

Mahasiswa sange dkt web

Korea threesome

Hongkong kerja'an persembahan 274dc3bb CRÕooº°˚˚°ºtttt >=)

Arab hijab

Muncrat berkali-kali


Nenek" nafsu

Saori hara

Katanya perawan


Kerja'an thailand

di paksa

Barat breakfast

Barat body hot

Young japan

Namita sex

Selingkuh itu indah

Arab binal

Litle japan


Sweety henese


Tokyo hot res bikini




Mandarin sex

Indo vs bule

Japan pemerkosa'an

PSK kelas atas

Korean hot girl

Korea di hotel


Asian dog slave



Lesbian sex party

Big black


Lapangan tenis


Barat 3s

Japan semi full

Barat army

Jepang bergairath

Cewe bayaran

Mahasiswa sange dkt web

Korea threesome

Hongkong kerja'an persembahan 274dc3bb CRÕooº°˚˚°ºtttt >=)

Arab hijab

Muncrat berkali-kali


Nenek" nafsu

Saori hara

Katanya perawan


Kerja'an thailand

di paksa

Barat breakfast

Barat body hot

Young japan

Namita sex

Selingkuh itu indah

Arab binal

Litle japan


Sweety henese


Tokyo hot res bikini




Mandarin sex

Indo vs bule

Japan pemerkosa'an

PSK kelas atas

Korean hot girl

Korea di hotel


Asian dog slave



Lesbian sex party

Big black


Lapangan tenis


Barat 3s

Japan semi full

Barat army

Jepang bergairath

Cewe bayaran

Mahasiswa sange dkt web

Korea threesome

Hongkong kerja'an persembahan 274dc3bb
Pku Pku
Pku Pku - 7 years ago
braden James
twarfield1204 - 7 years ago
That boat is amazing.
SY C - 7 years ago
channel I have subscribe, please subscribe my channel okay
Chuckhudgens Hudgen
Chuckhudgens Hudgen - 7 years ago
Also I've jumped sandbars and stumps also logs in a 19fr bass boat, it would hit 100+ scary fast on the water, used it for gator hunting, jumped right out the boat and wrestled them, had my crossbones and skulls flag to prove it, let's see this boat up in it pushing logs and sawing up some sandbars!!!
Chuckhudgens Hudgen
Chuckhudgens Hudgen - 7 years ago
I wanna see it saw some logs or blast a sandbar
OG Flyer
OG Flyer - 7 years ago
Obviously the prop is coming in contact with everything the boat runs over, my only question would be, how long does a prop last being used in this fashion.
Gdrive i-Study
Gdrive i-Study - 7 years ago
Probably ecological disaster, that is something shouldn't be invented......
H C - 7 years ago
swamp boat with fan is the only right thing for the swamp
tachyonzero - 7 years ago
gator meat grinder platform
Mark Jacob
Mark Jacob - 7 years ago
So it's a metal skiff boat with high powered motor..i like it...a tough a$s boat and power for the swamps
bobl78 - 7 years ago
is it fun to drive around in swamps destroying everything ?
Gary Plauche
Gary Plauche - 7 years ago
All I have to say is that one bad boat you can go get your Prodrive!!lol
Chad U
Chad U - 7 years ago
still won't run dry, they have this cool thing called an airboat lol dose the same stuff
offplanetevent - 7 years ago
Bring it to Texas now for free advertisement.
Dodge Dually
Dodge Dually - 7 years ago
Who saw that fuckin fish jump out of the water?
AftermathA - 7 years ago
Americans: we love to destroy earth.
Mason Cole
Mason Cole - 7 years ago
I got an 18-60 polar kraft and a 88 special that do the same thing.
We do all year during duck season
Kev L
Kev L - 7 years ago
1 mile per gallon.
Maxime Gastongauy
Maxime Gastongauy - 7 years ago
In Canada?
Giggs_420 - 7 years ago
Where can I get one
thechosendude - 7 years ago
Steel hull or aluminum?
Cooper Sawyer
Cooper Sawyer - 7 years ago
Hurricane Harvey's got a challenge now ladies and gentlemen
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
Both boats were Swamp Sharks by Metal Shark. You can see them both here:
Sergo Lobovich
Sergo Lobovich - 7 years ago
Скрестили лодку с щеподробилкой... Полупогружной винт. Одноразовая затея
ChefGiovanni - 7 years ago
Hey, we love your boats. Are the hulls 2 layer aluminum ? Time to cook.
Drew99GT - 7 years ago
Salad shooter!
alex moore
alex moore - 7 years ago
Maybe military applacations
Jon St.
Jon St. - 7 years ago
Does not impress me. I can go through all that in my old mud boat. Heck I can go through all that in my go devil boat. Go park that think on a solid piece of floating turf. Not water hyacinth. Solid!!! Then get out. Then you will have my attention.
Dan Phillips
Dan Phillips - 7 years ago
Says it'll run in shallow water, where is the shallow water, certainly not in this video. Unless you consider two feet shallow.
adam vesely
adam vesely - 7 years ago
Set some dude up on these like, fuckin semi Terra ski - things,a little light armor,& some kinda heat strapped to 'im. Feed his ammo through the line (or....umbilical).
DaebakMonkey - 7 years ago
It looks like a jon boat on steroids. Yet I want it!
Andrew Wilson
Andrew Wilson - 7 years ago
It has got Shelby Stanga written all over it!
Ggkkng Ffhjkhe
Ggkkng Ffhjkhe - 7 years ago
Looks heavy and slow
I'll stick to airboats
farit kubagushev
farit kubagushev - 7 years ago
хорошо скорость по болоту,если оно без коряг,а так машина хорошо рвать душу но для охоты и рыбалки это (АЛМАЗ). Даже при дурных деньгах. Без обид. Наше колхозная техника на ютубе уже есть,кайф можно наращивать увеличивая мощность,все просто.
kenty70 - 7 years ago
How can I get a catalog or brochure from y'all to see what y'all offer and how much it would cost
kenty70 - 7 years ago
Where I live there is a lot of lakes that can't be gotten to cause of alligator weed and logs and stuff
kenty70 - 7 years ago
Thank u
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
You can find out more about Swamp Shark and download spec sheets here: To speak to a representative, call us at 337.364.0777 or email
Daniel Gisca
Daniel Gisca - 7 years ago
2:11 fish
Davonte Martin
Davonte Martin - 7 years ago
Is this GTA
Collecting Soulz
Collecting Soulz - 7 years ago
Ummmm, pass...Airboat, plz.
Kyle Gardner
Kyle Gardner - 7 years ago
Yea but how many props do you go through driving this thing like that
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
None. That's the whole point of the technology. The prop never hits anything...
CEREBRAL KILLER - 7 years ago
Very well put together as usual, I subd check out my channel and sub if you'd like.
Klaus-Jürgen Schmidt
Klaus-Jürgen Schmidt - 7 years ago
so nen Scheissdreck........
Abraham Sintram
Abraham Sintram - 7 years ago
America - World leaders in diesel driven enviromental carnage
Ethan Lane
Ethan Lane - 7 years ago
Would make a dope ass catfishing boat.
Bicc OG
Bicc OG - 7 years ago
Dude that shits fucking destroying a path for itself
Chef Howiezy
Chef Howiezy - 7 years ago
That fish breaching out of water
Is the best
Tum Trm
Tum Trm - 7 years ago
นี้แหละที่ไทยกูต้องการ จะได้หมดปัญหาผักตบซะที
Dennis Morris
Dennis Morris - 7 years ago
No turbo no thx
Joey Burdine
Joey Burdine - 7 years ago
You know, its a-holes like the created a of this boat that cause manatees to be endangered.
Beefalo Bart
Beefalo Bart - 6 years ago
Its A-HOLES like you that cry way to much about something they know NOTHING about that is causing so many problems. Think before you speak and maybe you will look less stupid. These boats can save lives. Take a good look at what Katrina did to their state. How many lives could this boat have saved during Katrina?
Matt Irving
Matt Irving - 6 years ago
Bahahahahaha you know that feeling when you wish you knew what you were talking about Joey???
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
Actually, surface drives are actually far less likely to injure a manatee than a conventional drive system, and a Swamp Shark drive is even safer. The prop is already at the very surface and if a manatee were encountered the drive would bump right up and the prop would never touch the manatee. That said, we're fairly positive there were no manatees in vegetation-clogged, two-foot-deep swamp water. We were running through non-native, invasive vegetation, in a freshwater swamp, not blasting through a manatee zone. Please boat responsibly and obey all local laws. Sincerely, the a-holes.

Mitch Abshier
Mitch Abshier - 7 years ago
Drive it through downtown traffic and I'll be impressed
ftw - 7 years ago
is it a jet unit boat ?
Wtfsazerk - 7 years ago
Who else doesn't live anywhere near a swamp and still wants one of these
5winder - 6 years ago
I want one for the river, lake, etc.
Yo Opino
Yo Opino - 7 years ago
es necesario destruir la naturaleza?? minuto 2,09 Salta un pez que de seguro trituraran con esa lancha
Chris Hux
Chris Hux - 7 years ago
man that be a metal dargel wit a Volvo
che hennessy
che hennessy - 7 years ago
I still trippin at the fish jumping out water at 2.11
Dances with Stone
Dances with Stone - 7 years ago
Mission: Prove the superior capability of this highly specialized platform to rip the fuckin shit outa that wetland!
Sean Schrader
Sean Schrader - 7 years ago
That where you wanna be when Jesus comes back boy? Lol
jared040282 - 7 years ago
This is would have been perfect for invading New Orleans after Katrina.
Tony Condor
Tony Condor - 7 years ago
Awesome but barely any room to carry personell
Zach Brokmeier
Zach Brokmeier - 7 years ago
Will you come drive through my living room next?!
The Product
The Product - 7 years ago
That fish jumped outta the water like I gotta see this shit for myself!
Nicholas Jaworski
Nicholas Jaworski - 7 years ago
This great but there are lakes or swamps in the Middle East
EricsArchive - 7 years ago
AquaMans RipSaw
GIboy1990 - 7 years ago
I want one
deweys - 7 years ago
Why is diesel a good choice for this application?
John Dough
John Dough - 7 years ago
Because.... diesel.....
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
It's available in gas or diesel.
Fredrik E
Fredrik E - 7 years ago
Perfect at crowded beaches!
/kj/kvvv/vv/kv/k - 7 years ago
it's gotta be rough on any critters it encounters
fish tank noob
fish tank noob - 7 years ago
ok i want mine with a 50 cal bmg strapped in the front
Wayne Crews
Wayne Crews - 7 years ago
Run that through the swamp and you could clean it up and make a nice open lake after shredding all the vegetation.
Yves Charpentier
Yves Charpentier - 6 years ago
What a stupid idea
Štefan Gubala
Štefan Gubala - 6 years ago
Wayne Crews

Clint E
Clint E - 7 years ago
Why such a big ass heavy motor with HP and torque that can't really be used going in a few inches of water? Seems like the same thing could be done with a turbo v6. With the less weight of a full blown v8 diesel making the boat hundreds of pounds heavy in the rear.
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago it says in the beginning of the video, this boat is powered by a turbo v6 diesel.
Alfie Taylor
Alfie Taylor - 7 years ago
Strap 2 50 cals on there and a squad of special forces that boat would be heavy as fuck wouldn't be able to do all that shit.
Josh Boucher
Josh Boucher - 7 years ago
Eh not to badass the mil has more intriguing riverine platforms. For consumers stick to airboats for joyriding.
danahan01 - 7 years ago
Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year......
Jáy Klepács
Jáy Klepács - 7 years ago
Russians create the most superior machines
Hunter Lawrence
Hunter Lawrence - 6 years ago
Jáy Klepács When it comes t offroad vehicles, hands down Russians create superior vehicle.
5252dan - 7 years ago
ginsu drive
Mike Williams
Mike Williams - 6 years ago
not one of them but if they tear up to much with those we have shit to fish for ?
R Sake
R Sake - 7 years ago
Moto Bros you don't get it do you?
Moto Bros
Moto Bros - 7 years ago
R Sake someone involved in science is a scientist someone involved in the environment is a environmentalist. It's seems you are the dumb one
R Sake
R Sake - 7 years ago
Moto Bros it's your environment you stupid fat chod
Tim Tim
Tim Tim - 7 years ago
Isnt it more of a swamp-mower?
Nachbo1234 - 7 years ago
A perfect way to reck everything your out their to see in the first place. Air boats are simple, more fun, and less destructive.
Beefalo Bart
Beefalo Bart - 6 years ago
Your so pathetic.....
4.9cop blank
4.9cop blank - 7 years ago
Absolutely zero concern for nature, the landscape and the environment.
Colorado Livin
Colorado Livin - 7 years ago
Seems great for the environment
Drake5153 - 7 years ago
how well do these do in muskeg? and how chewed does the prop get from running through debris like that?
Hugh Mungus Dildeaux
Hugh Mungus Dildeaux - 7 years ago
Driving it like this in Australia would be the quickest way to fill it up with snakes and spiders. Badass boat!!!
Nick Bowen
Nick Bowen - 7 years ago
Dude that was a massive fish at 2:11 anyone else see that?
John Dough
John Dough - 7 years ago
No, just you.
Jeff Barton
Jeff Barton - 7 years ago
Does it come with cupholders? Bluetooth stereo?
Awal Mitsubishi
Awal Mitsubishi - 7 years ago
Jack I you are so hot
Jack I you are so hot - 7 years ago
I rather have a fan boat in that stuff
Crazy Coyote
Crazy Coyote - 7 years ago
That is like a military grade piece of equipment. Good job fellas
Truck Load
Truck Load - 7 years ago
Why in the world would I want to be hammer down like dukes of hazzard through some damn swamp? Eff swamps.
Richard Martin
Richard Martin - 7 years ago
That's one way to keep the ditch cleaned out
joe page
joe page - 7 years ago
It's a giant blender! Awesome!!
O'Family On the Move
O'Family On the Move - 7 years ago
"Oh, was there a swamp there?" Finally I can pull a wakeboarder through the marsh! Who needs open water? Looks like fun!
Kandela Brown
Kandela Brown - 7 years ago
Looks like it needs a bit more hp! About 3x will get me to the right excitement level. As is: so-so.
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
Needs more power! Okay, try this one:
Angelina 32310
Angelina 32310 - 7 years ago
Tough on critters
joseph headen
joseph headen - 7 years ago
At 2:11 in the video that was a big fish that jumped out
john martin
john martin - 7 years ago
Yes it's badass but have you taken it off any sweet jumps yet?
Nichakul Meesub
Nichakul Meesub - 7 years ago
the nature thanks you...why idiots things always comes from US...gros boeufs d americains , definitivement
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
Yes, nature thanks us for clearing out non-native invasive vegetation that clogs waterways and destroys the natural habitat. What country should we thank for your idiocy?

Stevo Man
Stevo Man - 7 years ago
That's one awesome piece of kit.
Edward Caban
Edward Caban - 7 years ago
It seems too easy to be "bucked off" by hitting a stump.
Sam Lenthall
Sam Lenthall - 7 years ago
I want one
Jacob D
Jacob D - 7 years ago
Yer messin up meh fishin hole boi
33snook - 7 years ago
Come to the Everglades so we can go pick up some ...flour .. together man
Jake Hynds
Jake Hynds - 7 years ago
Just mulching up the crocks in that think lol
paseey - 7 years ago
can I use this as my bass boat for tourneys?
MultiSenne - 7 years ago
One of the best ways to destroy nature....
Danny Reyes
Danny Reyes - 7 years ago
2:11 Who else saw the fish? Like if u did.
skankhunt42 - 7 years ago
just found my new mud boat!
sg255010 - 7 years ago
Hah they never show it going in reverse......still bad ass though!
Fit Pro
Fit Pro - 7 years ago
Did anyone see the bass jump out of the water at 2:10?
Kreig Dernier
Kreig Dernier - 7 years ago
But can it crack a beaver dam?
William Woofter
William Woofter - 7 years ago
shut up and take my money. lol
Sergio Batista
Sergio Batista - 7 years ago
Whats the draft rated at?
Deepsea Sports
Deepsea Sports - 7 years ago
This boat is no more capable than the normal boat going through the same shit that they filmed from.
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
Wrong. The boat I was filming from was another Swamp Shark, but instead of a V6 diesel it has an LS3 Corvette engine.

farit kubagushev
farit kubagushev - 7 years ago
мы сделали дешевле и лучше,так бесплатно.Скоро выложим.
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
Отправьте его. ждал.
joey14455 - 7 years ago
You should put up a video of Potomac Riverboat Company's new catamarans!
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
Krushpak 99
Krushpak 99 - 7 years ago
Sounds like a Volvo 5 Cylinder :)
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
Hyundai V6 on this one :)
Giuseppe Africola
Giuseppe Africola - 7 years ago
The name of the soundtrack please?
lefthandedluke - 7 years ago
Would like to take a look at the prop once it's out of the water ?
NoNonsenseKnowHow - 7 years ago
very awesome boat but if every redneck down in the swamps had one of these it definitely would put a huge dent in the ecosystem. and I wouldn't be surprised if some places outlaw them if they become popular. airboat is definitely the way to go
swaybelly 321
swaybelly 321 - 6 years ago
It was made by someone who has probably never left his/her/its city limits, and 100% of their information intake is on the internet on various websites created by other people who have never left their urban sprawl.
Joseph Reed
Joseph Reed - 6 years ago
This is the least logical comment on YouTube lol. Like we don’t have like half a billion cars pumping out exhaust in the US but a few boats will wreck everything
Harikarikillboy2174 - 6 years ago
twinkstance understood sir. It’s a common misconception, I can easily see where anyone could get upset with people destroying the environment, well, because at first look I’d think that too. I’d like to point out as well that you don’t see garbage strewn across the bayous. As I said, some part of everybody’s pay check is tied to the bayou. It’s food, transportation conduits, oil business, logging and I can go on but you see where it’s going. We do have great respect for our wetlands. It’s special, it’s home, it allows us to feed and raise a family, it’s entwined in the culture spanning decades back to where we are now. It’s home.
swaybelly 321
swaybelly 321 - 6 years ago
"and how am i supposed to smell this video represents complete invasive species"
Ask your mother to set up a GoFundMe account, everyone can chip in and help her out if money is an issue.
twinkstance - 6 years ago
Harikarikillboy2174 and how am i supposed to smell this video represents complete invasive species? if this were the case than i can agree somewhat.
Harikarikillboy2174 - 6 years ago
twinkstance Im from southern Louisiana in the heart of Acadiana. The vegetation you’re seeing in any of these videos are overwhelmingly invasive, they don’t belong here and as such have decimated native vegetation where the state is spending millions annually spraying them to control them. These invasive species have literally choked parts of these bayous, stopping the flow of water that leads to stagnation, death of fish, snakes, alligators etc. the men in each of their videos are from here, which makes them keenly aware of the need to keep these waters healthy because their means of earning wages depends on it. No swamp, no boat. Don’t worry about the alligator. Years ago they were hunted so much that they were declared endangered, and the hunt stopped. They’ve rebounded so well the state had to start culling them through a fishing season. The bullshit you’re spouting here is uninformed at best, whatever vegetation harmed with the boat saves thousands of gallons of chemicals sprayed here trying to control them, and by the looks of it they’re surely passing a good time on the bayou with that boat as well, a win/win in any book.
swaybelly 321
swaybelly 321 - 6 years ago
Better yet, go ask your mother when she'll finally get around to having the retroactive abortion she has always wanted, kid.
twinkstance - 6 years ago
swaybelly 321 instead of spouting shit like the degenerate you are, perhaps try to make a point with that pea brain.
martianshoes - 6 years ago
Hey swaybelly....
Note it has to be a "redneck down in the swamps"....could not POSSIBLY be a university biology team doing research on non-indigenous species, like the damage done to the Okefenokee by the Java Rice Eel...and as if airboats have never struck aquatic creatures or damaged habitat.
Tree huggers, pseudo-Naturalists and all other ignorant folk are all as big a joke as the Climate Clowns.
swaybelly 321
swaybelly 321 - 6 years ago
You really have zero clue of which you speak... lemme guess, Chicago?
Jean-Luc PAUL
Jean-Luc PAUL - 7 years ago
C'est un massacre pour l'environnement. Une horreur.....
I-xX_B0MB4_Xx-I - 7 years ago
Wow that is super cool
Jaxon Bassin
Jaxon Bassin - 7 years ago
It's dope but to big for riding deep in the swamp
Bars Simons
Bars Simons - 7 years ago
Anyone noticed the fish jump at 2:10? lol
alvin jay pancito
alvin jay pancito - 7 years ago
Who saw the fish.? awesome boat! The Philippines need those for swampy waters.
Jonathan Reynolds
Jonathan Reynolds - 7 years ago
I'm a duck hunter, but not a rich duck hunter. If I were, this would have my name all over it.
Banjo Marla
Banjo Marla - 7 years ago
Bet that trip destroyed a fair bit of wildlife.
Frank Stain
Frank Stain - 6 years ago
he ran over some midgets too
Ivan Orange Co. South California
Ivan Orange Co. South California - 7 years ago
To be a real American you have to install one or two 50 mm gun
Joel Lindsey
Joel Lindsey - 7 years ago
Troy Landry sys he wants one
onebaddj - 7 years ago
that is bad ass! very nice design
MasterOf Pings
MasterOf Pings - 7 years ago
Keyboard Krazy
Keyboard Krazy - 7 years ago
So......where can i get one.......(gets cheque book out)!!! BADASSSSSSS!!!!
Marianny Urena
Marianny Urena - 7 years ago
2:12 fish jumped out the water.
U can't fake dermal ridges
U can't fake dermal ridges - 7 years ago
Very cool! Perfect for swamp squatching! Look out skunk ape here comes metal shark!
WizardOfWhoopee - 7 years ago
Gator McKlusky could have used one of these.
Turbo Chevelle
Turbo Chevelle - 7 years ago
Nice but I'll stick to airboats, less impact on the environment.
morris Laslo
morris Laslo - 6 years ago
Vegetation and small animals
I hate everything
I hate everything - 6 years ago
The prop on a airboat won't hit any rocks and it sucks up bugs
operation unknown
operation unknown - 6 years ago
Turbo Chevelle go plant some trees tree huger... FUCK THE ENVIRONMENT
Nick Czerok
Nick Czerok - 6 years ago
TheBambislayer you spelled horsepower wrong.
TheBambislayer - 7 years ago
They need vegetable oil sprayer bars in the front for traveling on dry land but you are very much right.
OG Flyer
OG Flyer - 7 years ago
If you consider that airboats can also travel over dry surfaces, Id say they were still more versatile.
MrCR500AF - 7 years ago
but better maneuverability and much less noise with this shark boat
Underlad - 7 years ago
most of those plants are invasive anyways. u would actually be doing the environment a favor killing those plants
DaebakMonkey - 7 years ago
Given all the water hyacinth in Louisiana, the water grasses getting torn up isn't exactly a bad thing.
Stefan Berge
Stefan Berge - 7 years ago
FINN ROBY I think he means destruction of the vegetation when he says environmental impact. Fuel wise there prob about the same. But the prop does tear up all the vegetation
Turbo Chevelle
Turbo Chevelle - 7 years ago
Sorry bro but you don't get it, if you know how to properly set up the combo on an airboat it does fine on fuel. Also the environmental (ecosystem) impact very different, mud boats tear up the environment and airboats have very little impact on the environment (ecosystem.)
FINN ROBY - 7 years ago
Turbo Chevelle airboats burn more fuel though because the engine has to rev at a higher rpm to achieve the same results as a prop, for swamps the airboats are clearly the may to go with not having to worry about the prop hitting but the environmental impact is no different
Othership Adventures
Othership Adventures - 7 years ago
All terrain........ As long as the terrain is water.
pete a
pete a - 7 years ago
Slow boring crap
Michael Pipkin
Michael Pipkin - 7 years ago
World Embassy
World Embassy - 7 years ago
C-Bomb - 7 years ago
Troy Landry likes this
Greg Govin
Greg Govin - 7 years ago
Thing looks awesome. How much abuse can the prop really handle though? Eg. rocks and harder underwater obstructions. Still, very impressive craft. And to the idiots whining about it destroying "pristine" swamps, shut up. Just just the fuck up. Go watch some videos on transgender chefs and the art of tofu.
Eastsidegeorgiaboy - 7 years ago
anyone see the fish breach the surface of the water near the 2:15 mark?
MrGentlebutfirm - 7 years ago
Great mindset. Very eco friendly.
Kickassman 4
Kickassman 4 - 7 years ago
Honestly this boat would be a good Military Boat. js.
imo !
imo ! - 7 years ago
Anyone seen ACT OF VALOR? Perfect application for that... or Cartel clean-up.
Roy Grillo
Roy Grillo - 7 years ago
Well so far I have only seen (1) person on the boat while operating but isn't this designed for military use with multiple occupants with gear. So show us something "fully loaded" doing the same and it might be impressive. But the one you have here is driven by a Corvette LS9 correct?
Justin Riley
Justin Riley - 6 years ago
no unless there putting v6 diesels in corvettes now.
Nick X
Nick X - 6 years ago
Lmao it clearly says diesel.
Nuffel Bagget 91
Nuffel Bagget 91 - 7 years ago
No new Corvette engines are v8s that output over 600hp
Vendelen Hurlston
Vendelen Hurlston - 7 years ago
Roy Grillo 8jh
Bob's Lawn Service & Plowing
Bob's Lawn Service & Plowing - 7 years ago
cool video, check out some of mine. I subed you, sub me if you like.  thanks
JeepCollector91 - 7 years ago
Could you make one with an overbuilt paddlewheel drive instead of the prop type surface drive? Then maybe it can travel over the same terrain without chopping it up as much and might be better for reversing out when needed? I'm thinking a one piece billet paddlewheel with cupped paddles similar to the paddle tires I'm used to seeing on the dunes, only bigger...
JeepCollector91 - 7 years ago
There is so much WANT in this video...
I WANT one!
Rob Moab
Rob Moab - 7 years ago
Badass boat guys great work. Don't listen to those hypocrite wanna-be environmentalist. Any educated person knows those Asian carp are destroying that ecosystem as well as the floating vegetation that blocks much needed sunlight from reaching very important underwater plantlife/microorganisms. Good luck from sunny California

not a typical californian
Eric Petty
Eric Petty - 6 years ago
Rob Moab
Most Californians are right wing death squad approved.
Eric Petty
Eric Petty - 6 years ago
Rob Moab
Most Californians are right wing death squad approved.
martianshoes - 6 years ago
Rob...Justin... didn't you know?
They will take all those taxes on fossil fuel...and they throw them in the air...then the paper in the currency cleanses the air as it falls....
While you are at it ask one of these gibbering loons why their pet cardboard-cutout Globalist POTUS hid
$77 billion in EPA money before leaving office...
Justin Walters
Justin Walters - 6 years ago
whats your point, "its a problem caused by humans" okay well who the fuck is gonna fix the problem, a dog? no that would be a human.
jon doe
jon doe - 6 years ago
Rob Moab I want to run one over a manatee.
TheBambislayer - 7 years ago
Floating marsh is the swamp in LA
Shane Roper
Shane Roper - 7 years ago
Rob Moab Carp problem caused by humans, along with the non native plant life. And you think a blender is going to solve the problem? Haha
RIDEROFTHESTORM 5150 - 7 years ago
Man I thought that was Shelby for a sec
Henry Bittle
Henry Bittle - 7 years ago
Troy Landry needs this boat
Chimp Poopflinga
Chimp Poopflinga - 7 years ago
This boat created a new level of badassness
TheBambislayer - 7 years ago
Big toys little dicks
jack grip
jack grip - 7 years ago
At 2:11 a huge fish jumps out of the water
Ian Mangham
Ian Mangham - 7 years ago
jack grip Carp
Nick Marangos
Nick Marangos - 7 years ago
What a beast!!! What kind of torque she pushing?
Bruce B
Bruce B - 7 years ago
So who's back there that you even need go there? Wouldn't you be better in chopper?
DeenanTheKemon I
DeenanTheKemon I - 7 years ago
2:11... That was Awesome. Big fish.
AMERICA 1ST TRUMP2020 - 7 years ago
chootem choot da gatah!!!!!!
thedogefogx420 thedogefox420
thedogefogx420 thedogefox420 - 7 years ago
2:11 fish gets eaten by The shark
m farhan
m farhan - 6 years ago
Iwak e nganti lompat cok
Kevin Ramirez Castelar
Kevin Ramirez Castelar - 6 years ago
Tom Harvy
Tom Harvy - 6 years ago
It leaves a trail of dead things.
Quý Đoàn
Quý Đoàn - 7 years ago
thedogefogx420 thedogefox420 i am viet nam :))
Fred Sanford
Fred Sanford - 7 years ago
That was beautiful
Jack Dawson
Jack Dawson - 7 years ago
oh yeah
David Sanderson
David Sanderson - 7 years ago
its a 4x4 boat awesome!
jagger21256 - 7 years ago
Hell I don't want to mount machine guns on it, I want one to fish out of in the Mississippi river!!! Got to have one
Dat 1 Song
Dat 1 Song - 7 years ago
Hmmm I don't. Still can't fly
Mike nunubis
Mike nunubis - 7 years ago
And it's good for the Environment........
JDRTRM JDRTRM - 7 years ago
I know it's stainless prop , but that thing is taking a beating !!
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
Actually it's not. Thanks to the patented rebound system, the prop never sustains major impact. That's the whole point of the system.
deadboy600 - 7 years ago
You know the SEALs have a few of these.
Shawn Dickmann
Shawn Dickmann - 7 years ago
Jesus, I lot of talk about protecting the prop. How do protect the manatees, turtles, fish and ecosystem. Try that crap in WI, you'll be arrested, and boat impounded.
Tim Hallas
Tim Hallas - 6 years ago
" Swamp Shark is now available for recreational users too." what part are we not getting. Your machine will be shredding Manatee, Alligator and other assorted wildlife at a swamp near you? The fines should far exceed the cost of the boat in the first month.
Beefalo Bart
Beefalo Bart - 6 years ago
Your so pathetic..... Learn to read video descriptions...
Tim Hallas
Tim Hallas - 6 years ago
Yes, check your local laws before you by one of these animal shredders. Prop boats are illegal in most swamps.
richard cero
richard cero - 7 years ago
fish jumps at 2:11
stu olson
stu olson - 7 years ago
Just another threat to a fragile eco-system------NEXT!
petnzme01 - 7 years ago
it's a fucking
Jacob - 7 years ago
What exactly is pushing it? a Jet or a Prop? I don't understand how it can go through all that.
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
We show the surface drive and the prop starting at :09 and explain what it does during the rest of the video. You can find out more here:
dirtTdude - 7 years ago
it'll never work
dirtTdude - 7 years ago
haha, i was just being a prick. it actually looks pretty badass
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
lol...we've been running them and testing for several years. It works.
Clearanceman2 - 7 years ago
You should partner with "Swamp People." You're welcome.
DanielJ - 7 years ago
Did the fish at 2:12 make it?
Caleb Searle
Caleb Searle - 7 years ago
Needs moar powurrrrrrrrrr
Vladshock - 7 years ago
Question is, what does the prop look like after that kind of abuse?
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
The prop never touches anything. That's the whole point of the hydraulic / electric rebound system. This boat is on display at the Louisiana Sportsman show at the Superdome in New Orleans right now, same prop as used in the video. Some scratches on the boat but the prop is fine.
Tristan Madere
Tristan Madere - 7 years ago
Saw this big boy at sportsmans show, pretty sick design but it only has a few good uses
David Cataldo
David Cataldo - 7 years ago
A very well done commercial ad
Edwin C
Edwin C - 7 years ago
what swamp boat can't go through floating grass?
Frank Pittman 3
Frank Pittman 3 - 7 years ago
well if war breaks out in Florida we are good to go!!!!!!
Alfonso Bernabe
Alfonso Bernabe - 7 years ago
Fish jumps at 2:12
Tharin 4Prez
Tharin 4Prez - 7 years ago
Those darn Asian carp ... always photo bombing a shot.
Ranulfo Liboon
Ranulfo Liboon - 6 years ago
Nazi germany
J Garrett
J Garrett - 6 years ago
yes! in fancy resturants they're advertised as Silver Fin.
Richard Smith
Richard Smith - 6 years ago
joe woodchuck yes they can be eaten just taste like shit if ya don't do it right.
Jose Martinez
Jose Martinez - 6 years ago
no! some mystical unexplained phenomenon makes everyone's mouth clench shut every time someone tries to eat one.....
joe woodchuck
joe woodchuck - 6 years ago
Can Asian carp be eaten?
Pensacola Adventure Dual Sport
Pensacola Adventure Dual Sport - 6 years ago
Chu Lo. Lol
Chu Lo
Chu Lo - 6 years ago
Damn American people
8 lug Thug
8 lug Thug - 7 years ago
What kinda motor is it
satonaka halu
satonaka halu - 7 years ago
this boat...salt water can it fly ?\
bestamerica - 7 years ago
what kind of material on the bottom hull
Steve Hoover
Steve Hoover - 7 years ago
Very cool but they are going to want an electric version of it very soon.
Shaka Gnar
Shaka Gnar - 7 years ago
At 2:11 I stop and drop a line.
ThatFishingGuy4Reel - 6 years ago
Damian Admin why? Cause of the fucking fish? Asian carp are an invasive species and are destroying the ecosystem
RIchard Kleinsteuber
RIchard Kleinsteuber - 7 years ago
Coming to the LA Sportsman show Saturday to check this bad bitch out.
Troy Landers
Troy Landers - 7 years ago
What happens when you whack that expensive surface piercing prop multiple times on logs and rocks on the shallow bottom. Gotta cause damage to the prop which equals less performance and eventual prop replacement right?
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
No because the rebound system keeps the prop from hitting logs and rocks. In our other video we jump a log multiple times. No harm done.
job hoogeboom
job hoogeboom - 7 years ago
also with the cummins isb 6.7?
jond shep
jond shep - 7 years ago
How do you protect the prop from logs or rocks? Is there a skag below that would cause it to ride over a rock going forward? How about when backing?
jond shep
jond shep - 7 years ago
So if we were backing in a narrow channel or to clear a boat the prop is exposed. I was thinking about the White River where I used Jet out boards, backing around rocks was not an issue with a jet outboard. (no prop).
I like your boat
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
The patented hydraulic / electric rebound system, which consists of actuators inside and outside of the vessel, allows Swamp Shark to smoothly and automatically adapt to conditions. When the drive impacts a solid object, such as a log, stump, rock, or other submerged hazard, it swiftly and smoothly “kicks up” so that the propeller will not be impacted (the leading edge of the machined steel skeg has been radiused to facilitate quick and smooth passage over any objects it encounters). The rebound system then exerts reverse pressure to instantaneously return the drive to its normal trim position as soon as the object has been cleared. In our other video: at around 1:15 and again at 1:20, we make a couple of high-speed passes over a floating log. Then, you see the same pass as captured from a Go-Pro camera mounted on the transom. You can see the drive pop up briefly. On a conventional surface drive, this kind of impact would likely shear a blade off the prop. The drive can easily absorb and react to impacts that would cause catastrophic damage to conventional systems. The Swamp Shark backs very quickly and predictably. It's got a huge prop being pushed by hundreds of horsepower and lots of torque so it reacts quickly and is highly maneuverable. You wouldn't want to back into into a rock at high RPM obviously, but with so much power you spend far more time going forward than backing up.
Paul Racine
Paul Racine - 7 years ago
Environmental shredder!!
Clint Kysar
Clint Kysar - 7 years ago
Paul Racine yep probably be more beneficial to the environment and come back healthier
FAKE NAME - 7 years ago
I want to see it run on a mud flat or Muskeg swamp
Sexual_Assault_Rifle - 7 years ago
Metal Shark Boats Do it.
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
We've been talking about doing some mud flat filming. It'll be a blast.
Edward Thayer
Edward Thayer - 7 years ago
It's just a large mud buddy!
akbychoice - 7 years ago
RIchard Kleinsteuber both fun to ride, you just don't want your buddies to catch you riding the one.
Edward Thayer
Edward Thayer - 7 years ago
Metal Shark Boats lol! Thanks for explaining it more thougherly then I did! But in layman's terms... it's just a large Mud Buddy! Your boat does nothing more than my War Eagle with a Mud Buddy does! Your boat is just bigger and more powerful!
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
Available with up to 450 HP (compared to the top of the line 42 HP Mud Buddy) installed in a totally purpose-built, digitally designed, CNC router cut, precision-welded high performance boat built to mil-spec standards by a leading supplier of boats to the US Navy and Coast Guard. A big, stout, ridiculously sturdy boat, capable of taking you, some friends, and all your gear, wherever you want to go. Capable of top speeds of 60+ MPH. So basically nothing like a Mud Buddy.
Matty Bikes
Matty Bikes - 7 years ago
This coonass approves.
Sharknado and Girly girl
Sharknado and Girly girl - 7 years ago
Gr Lex
Gr Lex - 6 years ago
Kadan Scott
Kadan Scott - 7 years ago
Sharknado and Girly girl Asian carp do that all the time
John Dough
John Dough - 7 years ago
No, just you.
Hippie 78
Hippie 78 - 7 years ago
Does it have reverse lol
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
Lots of reverse. It just has so much power that you don't need to use it as much.
weswolf73 - 7 years ago
nice. but my shallow waters have rocks! and some trees. Alaska
zen t
zen t - 7 years ago
whats the horsepower on it?
NorsKi - 7 years ago
you should maybe watch the video
Thomas Bögel
Thomas Bögel - 7 years ago
With each refill, you get a new prop as well....
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
The prop never hits anything in either of these two videos. That's kinda the whole point of the system...

Homefront - 7 years ago
Thats one hell of a blender, is that a super Ninja?
Andrew Regas
Andrew Regas - 7 years ago
Homefront jack lalanne has one
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
Margaritas for days!
Kootenay Kid
Kootenay Kid - 7 years ago
furtfurt - 7 years ago
Poor fish, first camera boat then 'shark' boat. :)
furtfurt - 7 years ago
Thanks for the info. I thought it was cool too.
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
Asian carp, an invasive species. It's almost impossible to film a boat running anywhere in South Louisiana without one of them jumping into the shot and sometimes into the boat. My favorite shot in the whole video, I thought the fish jumping was cool so I kept it in there. Thanks for the comment!

Mark Goldstein
Mark Goldstein - 7 years ago
this is one mean machine but i think im going for their 24 footer with the 6.6 Duramax!
Jeffrey Jedlick
Jeffrey Jedlick - 7 years ago
Metal Shark Boats hell yeah ! 6.6 duramax would be badass
El Pingu
El Pingu - 7 years ago
Metal Shark Boats what an exaggeration. I love it!!
Metal Shark Boats
Metal Shark Boats - 7 years ago
400HP 6.6 Duramax is available on the 24, yes.
El Pingu
El Pingu - 7 years ago
that exists?
Mike Wheeler
Mike Wheeler - 7 years ago
that's one bad bitch
WSAENOTSOCK - 7 years ago
This boat may be metal, but it gives me wood... <3
Joshua Morrison
Joshua Morrison - 6 years ago
Supper With Pupper
Supper With Pupper - 7 years ago
Ahahaha! I found this funnier than I should’ve
Paul Andre
Paul Andre - 7 years ago
Grady white 24
Rastamaan 59
Rastamaan 59 - 7 years ago
jizoe hizoe
jizoe hizoe - 7 years ago
WSAENOTSOCK so does your mom
Ajaxaxxess - 7 years ago
hahaha thats awesome.. true too ;)

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