Minecraft Update Aquatic - Is No Sharks A Lie? & Gravel

Answering YOUR questions For Minecraft Xbox 360, Minecraft Xbox One & Minecraft Nintendo Switch! As well as Minecraft PS3, Minecraft PS4 & Minecraft PS Vita, & Minecraft Wii U edition - Previous Video(My Creative World on Bedrock): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6mjZtQj_Ks - Think you've missed a video? You can check my most recent uploads here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ibxtoycat/videos - Curious about the new version? Here is a playlist of videos on it! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe8AZ2rjfkpzlqWOA6hR8qr2fFbnxEu77 - My Twitter: http://twitter.com/ibxtoycat - Follow for video updates and personal news - Recorded With an Elgato HD60: Buy in US - http://amzn.to/1DcpKgv Buy in UK - http://amzn.to/1KAjBwY - Music By Bulby: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrBulbamike - Minecraft Console Edition Seed Sunday Playlist: https://goo.gl/rDqf8D - Minecraft Xbox - Update Adventures Lets Play Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe8AZ2rjfkpx5SUrbzQrqt_bwLkNxC9sD

Minecraft Update Aquatic - Is No Sharks A Lie? & Gravel sentiment_very_dissatisfied 46

Shark videos 6 years ago 26,450 views

Answering YOUR questions For Minecraft Xbox 360, Minecraft Xbox One & Minecraft Nintendo Switch! As well as Minecraft PS3, Minecraft PS4 & Minecraft PS Vita, & Minecraft Wii U edition - Previous Video(My Creative World on Bedrock): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6mjZtQj_Ks - Think you've missed a video? You can check my most recent uploads here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ibxtoycat/videos - Curious about the new version? Here is a playlist of videos on it! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe8AZ2rjfkpzlqWOA6hR8qr2fFbnxEu77 - My Twitter: http://twitter.com/ibxtoycat - Follow for video updates and personal news - Recorded With an Elgato HD60: Buy in US - http://amzn.to/1DcpKgv Buy in UK - http://amzn.to/1KAjBwY - Music By Bulby: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrBulbamike - Minecraft Console Edition Seed Sunday Playlist: https://goo.gl/rDqf8D - Minecraft Xbox - Update Adventures Lets Play Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe8AZ2rjfkpx5SUrbzQrqt_bwLkNxC9sD

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Most popular comments
for Minecraft Update Aquatic - Is No Sharks A Lie? & Gravel

TrashCraft !
TrashCraft ! - 6 years ago
Imagine if they added 10 kinds of sharks as a surprise
Derpcraft - 6 years ago
Have you ever encountered SiIvaGunner on your searches for videogame music?
ninja nerd 6
ninja nerd 6 - 6 years ago
Payton Yingling
Payton Yingling - 6 years ago
Is there kfc in Europe?
Josh the king gamer
Josh the king gamer - 6 years ago
Toy cat why do you not play fortnite anymore
Fight the herd Fear the living
Fight the herd Fear the living - 6 years ago
When will the update launch
GinnGateCrafter - 6 years ago
Is concrete useful?


Alright, next question
nkurta0505 - 6 years ago
Hey toycat do you like dc or marvel better? Hashtag toycat is awesome
Ashir Malik
Ashir Malik - 6 years ago
who would go up to a shark and say "Hey im going to go close to it and kill it!"

10. comment for Minecraft Update Aquatic - Is No Sharks A Lie? & Gravel

Angela Redmond
Angela Redmond - 6 years ago
Samuel Wilson
Samuel Wilson - 6 years ago
QnA: Do you think they will ever make a bedwars minigame on minecraft console?
Sherri Thompson
Sherri Thompson - 6 years ago
O-O I gist found undertale like last year and now l love toy cats channel and the endsong yay
AlphaCentauriA1 - 6 years ago
Q&A Saturday question: do you think ship wrecks got scrapped? and will reefs be redone
Caleb Smith
Caleb Smith - 6 years ago
QNA will they add waves to the 1.13 update and do you think they will reintroduce crying obsisian to the game now that the block ID limit has been removed?
Ian Gabriel
Ian Gabriel - 6 years ago
Q&A Will there ever be mods to Minecraft console? ps.. i like ur accent.
Trev Auton
Trev Auton - 6 years ago
QnA, What do you think of people who say they're 'first'
Agent008 Flame
Agent008 Flame - 6 years ago
What do you think about adding crocodiles as the hostile mob for update aquatic
venompool hunter
venompool hunter - 6 years ago
Q and A: boys at how come we don't see fossils anymore? Do they still exist or were they taken out?
Chi Commands
Chi Commands - 6 years ago

Will there ever be an update focusing entirely on the desert?

20. comment for Minecraft Update Aquatic - Is No Sharks A Lie? & Gravel

Daemon Black
Daemon Black - 6 years ago
QnA: Toy Cat what is your opinion on the dolphin mechanic?
Do you think the Phantom will be Changed again or will be kept as it is?

Also you rock keep up the great work man.
MayerMobile - 6 years ago
I like the new combat system and I whisk it would come to bedrock
shiny exeggcute ALPHA 5.0
shiny exeggcute ALPHA 5.0 - 6 years ago
Sam Raison
Sam Raison - 6 years ago
QnA what is 1+1
Caesar Espinoza
Caesar Espinoza - 6 years ago
Should make them like llamas, passive until attacked
Jose Acevedo
Jose Acevedo - 6 years ago
Toy cat do you think sharks and whales will be added to update aquatic
Snininja - 6 years ago
I had the 889 like!
Mark Kim
Mark Kim - 6 years ago
Omg I'm a big fan toycat
Jingles Pringles Dingles
Jingles Pringles Dingles - 6 years ago
Toycat can you do fortinite Friday where you play fortinite on a Friday
Angel Fernando Vega
Angel Fernando Vega - 6 years ago
I wonder how the f you get hate comments you’re funny cool and just a good decent person

30. comment for Minecraft Update Aquatic - Is No Sharks A Lie? & Gravel

Angel Fernando Vega
Angel Fernando Vega - 6 years ago
Q: Sony is going to cross play fortnight why not Minecraft
Angel Fernando Vega
Angel Fernando Vega - 6 years ago
Q: how much does it take to read 1000 comments?
Cartoon Gamer
Cartoon Gamer - 6 years ago
QnA where/how/when did you get started on YouTube?
The Huntsman
The Huntsman - 6 years ago
Minecraft was, and still is, one of the most popular and most sold games in the world right now. You're free to do whatever the world you want. I mean, sure. It's dying from lack of ideas and development, but at the same time it still lives on because of it's iconic popularity. I think we have a couple more years until it's officially dead. :)
Marc's stick fight's
Marc's stick fight's - 6 years ago
we should have volcanos
and other natural disasters

that would explain ravines
random lava
fallen logs
and other things

we need this
Donutbigboy - 6 years ago
Toycat how about you keep 3 buckets of milk on you at all times when you are near that elder Guardian. This isn't the first time I had to tell you this.
Alextastic - 6 years ago
QaA :Toycat what do you think whats the next update around (desert,caves...etc) ?
Eccentric Emerald
Eccentric Emerald - 6 years ago
How did you get an elder guardian into a box?
screenlooker69 - 6 years ago
darren s
darren s - 6 years ago
you just flat out contradicted yourself! you didn't talk about anything in your title or anything to do with the thumbnail! youre a dick and I hope your channel dies.
its sareX MC
its sareX MC - 6 years ago
Q&A what is going to happen to Minecraft Pi Edition? Is is going to be updated , or is Mojang gonna kill it? I love your channel and I've been subbed for a long time.
Luke Tanton
Luke Tanton - 6 years ago
What happened to seed Sunday? I like serious Sunday and all that but maybe you could alternate between that and the other one u tried too?
Luke Tanton
Luke Tanton - 6 years ago
Hastag QnA
Dongyup Lee
Dongyup Lee - 6 years ago
Ok, here's the real QnA. Why don't you use Facebook page along with Twitter? Because I primarily use Facebook over Twitter.
minecraft123 x
minecraft123 x - 6 years ago
"Do you think gravel is useful now that it's used to make con-" NO
AwesomeLewis64 - 6 years ago
ToyCat how do you download 1.13? Or play it?
Diezombie4114 - 6 years ago
Try the seed: UNDERTALE
it has two dungeons near spawn and they contain a golden apple and enchanted golden apple.
Diezombie4114 - 6 years ago
Make sure Biome size is small
Gage Bragg
Gage Bragg - 6 years ago
Okay the fire aspect pickaxe idea should also burn out coal
Dead Channel
Dead Channel - 6 years ago
Yay I love the tutorial worlds!
miguel Brugge
miguel Brugge - 6 years ago
Q&a what for update is after the aquaticupdate what do you think?
Fapdos - 6 years ago
Imagine this...

Vertical prismarine slabs
Or y'know just vertical slabs in general.

50. comment for Minecraft Update Aquatic - Is No Sharks A Lie? & Gravel

Manta Rt
Manta Rt - 6 years ago
Do a live q & a
Breann Bubolz
Breann Bubolz - 6 years ago
I hate Twitter.. I know you post something every day (most of my fav tubers do) so I just check to see if the uploaded video from that day is one id want to watch.. Its pretty simple and does not take as much time as one would think.. :) thanks for your hard work keeping us all informed.
Glowering Flames
Glowering Flames - 6 years ago
That fire aspect thing would be a bit too OP
Stormgem Thunder
Stormgem Thunder - 6 years ago
They can just have neutral sharks with no drops, so people won't kill them. They can also make it sometimes swim away from you, and sometimes, really, REALLY sometimes, attack, especially if your at the surface (mistaken identity) but if you feed them fish they will be 'tamed' but that only means they won't attack so yeah.
Transmedal2 - 6 years ago
. is remarks to your shark conversation would cocoa beans be not allowed in Minecraft because they're cocoa-colored and that would be like making fun of black people?
Transmedal2 - 6 years ago
Are there 3 are there cocoa beans in the 360 version of Minecraft is Evan playing for a long time and never find a cocoa bean a long time being 2 years non-stop play Everyday
Ron DeFrain
Ron DeFrain - 6 years ago
QnA: do u know if you will need to use name tags to keep fish from despawning?
Kykle Gaming
Kykle Gaming - 6 years ago
QnA Will lava flow through slabs and stairs? Also will you be able to swim In lava?
Alexander Van Braekel
Alexander Van Braekel - 6 years ago
QnA toycat : do you think squids will ever drop calamari
The Steak
The Steak - 6 years ago
QnA: What's Ur fav enchantment?
Nisar Khan
Nisar Khan - 6 years ago
QnA please please please please please make a video of what animals are unlikely to be added to minecraft please please please
lewend 10
lewend 10 - 6 years ago
lewend 10
lewend 10 - 6 years ago
Ibxtoycat i cant sign up on ps3 it says servers are down what do i so
RANDOM STUFF - 6 years ago
Q n A will you ever stop playing minecraft
leo thomas
leo thomas - 6 years ago
Qna toycat can you live stream star wars battlefront 2 please
Epiccat27 - 6 years ago
Who else saw that at the start he was holding cobble and it said oak planks
R.O 77
R.O 77 - 6 years ago
qna were and when is minecon 2018
JP bro
JP bro - 6 years ago
I love your channel ibxtoycat, but one question, will snapshots be coming out on minecraft PE?
Buildingblox Minecraft
Buildingblox Minecraft - 6 years ago
Do you think that humans will ever reach other galaxies?

Edit: You said we can ask about life, the universe and your channel so I asked about the universe
VenDiHunter Mr.CactusJones
VenDiHunter Mr.CactusJones - 6 years ago
QnA will they add other water forms like springs,waterfalls,and others?
Team4Life Mcconville
Team4Life Mcconville - 6 years ago
Qna toycat will there be a new texture pack
TPNgaming TPNchannel
TPNgaming TPNchannel - 6 years ago
QnA Do you think that Piranhas will be added in swamps in Update aquatic?
TPNgaming TPNchannel
TPNgaming TPNchannel - 6 years ago
michelle dailing Oh yeah... Thx!
michelle dailing
michelle dailing - 6 years ago
TPNgaming TPNchannel they said there's a new hostile water mob, and toy cat made a piranah vid
Mario's art
Mario's art - 6 years ago
The poor scientist :'(
Dongyup Lee
Dongyup Lee - 6 years ago
QnA: why are you so awesome Toycat? My A: Because you are Toycat!
TATTI_10 gamer
TATTI_10 gamer - 6 years ago
Sharks is too op
Disco Duck
Disco Duck - 6 years ago
Toycat QnA: Is Mob A going to be the new hostile mob for underwater?
Zakimals - 6 years ago
Disco Duck they said mob a wouldn't be added
jjboy cook
jjboy cook - 6 years ago
Q & A Saturday why dont they add sharks as nautral mobs if u hit them they will hit u a bit like polar bear and llamas
Mr miNEcWaF gaMaR
Mr miNEcWaF gaMaR - 6 years ago
Be slower wen you talk
Aniek van Arkel
Aniek van Arkel - 6 years ago
Q&A Toycat When are the Dolphins
annietigercub - 6 years ago
1.13 is in between Aprail 23 and May 1
Dongyup Lee
Dongyup Lee - 6 years ago
Thanks Toycat for answering my question! I'm surprised that you pronounced my name right. And, I love all your videos, whatever video it is, and I love you!
TheGoldenPiranha - 6 years ago
QnA Do you think angler fish will be added?
Hugo The Dog
Hugo The Dog - 6 years ago
Also Q&A: Do you think they will add whales to minecraft?
Jauhny - 6 years ago
So is Xbox one edition is done? ): This update isn't going to come to it? The water looks horrible in the "new minecraft".
Harvey PlayzGames
Harvey PlayzGames - 6 years ago
Q&A I think everyone wants to see a cave update & since mining is in half of the game title I really think it’s going to happen. Maybe new ores,blocks,mobs,bigger caves and you know just things to make the caves better cause they are quite boring. Do you think there will be a cave update in the near future?
i TRUTH am
i TRUTH am - 6 years ago
Gravel is amazing for filling in pools of lava. I'm sorry brother, love your channel, been following for years, but you've been sleeping on gravel and lava! Gravel is essential for lava, especially when mining underground. Very very useful! Keep up the good work though Cat!
Hugo The Dog
Hugo The Dog - 6 years ago
Why does everyone want sharks in minecraft? Because I might be the only one who doesn't care do they add sharks or not
Endless Ocean
Endless Ocean - 6 years ago
Hugo The Dog Look at my username that is why.
Hacked Certainly
Hacked Certainly - 6 years ago
Me too.

Imagine a dinosaur or a completely new thing; it would be far cooler than a mob we already know a lot about.

Plus it makes it easier to create unique, magical-esque mechanics when you don't have to stay faithful to a real-life equivalent.
xKevinPlayzYTx - 6 years ago
Do you think that they will add one or two more mobs in the aquatic?
knuckles - 6 years ago
is thé aquatic update comming To ps4? becuse i got my entire world ready
Raygune eXplosion
Raygune eXplosion - 6 years ago
The fire aspect pick thing is called tinkers construct
CaptainKonde 060
CaptainKonde 060 - 6 years ago
Q: Will there be kinda "reset ocean" setting
Adam Stead
Adam Stead - 6 years ago
Hi ibxtoycat , i was wondering if i could show you my world. I have a huge hole from surface to bedrock id like to show you. I did it all in survival ( which is why im 12 th in the world for mining blocks on easy mode). My gamertag is adam10boy
red panda G 432 red panda G 432
red panda G 432 red panda G 432 - 6 years ago
Two cat what would happen if you put a cold fish in a warm ocean
Christian Van Huyssteen
Christian Van Huyssteen - 6 years ago
Qna Are Xbox 360 and ps3 going to get the aquatic update
Jayden Draws Things And Stuff
Jayden Draws Things And Stuff - 6 years ago
Can you do a QNA Saturday via Instagram
Hunter Lang
Hunter Lang - 6 years ago
QnA Toycat do you think they’ll ever add more music discs to the game? I personally like listening to them while doing really grindy work btw I watch your vids every day
Thomas Prime Studios
Thomas Prime Studios - 6 years ago
Will MINECRAFT XBOX ONE EDITION get the Aquatic Updates?
ThegamingGhost - 6 years ago
QnA do you think mojang will add a reset ocean option for console like they did for the nether and end
ekdwyer 04
ekdwyer 04 - 6 years ago
Why the heck is java linking with Xbox. If i wanted that I would play the Microsoft edition and how does sharks impact the real world kids would be terrified of sharks and couldn’t kill them if they wanted
sean maahs
sean maahs - 6 years ago
We need sharks crabs whales stingrays lobsters clams and color changing fish in minecraft

100. comment for Minecraft Update Aquatic - Is No Sharks A Lie? & Gravel

aidan islava
aidan islava - 6 years ago
will that ever add shelds in ps3
FlaredCrawdad 99
FlaredCrawdad 99 - 6 years ago
You deserve a million subs already you give the best information!
Shy Guy
Shy Guy - 6 years ago
QnA how should I get ready for bedrock edition for Nintendo switch?
Alejandro Ortiz
Alejandro Ortiz - 6 years ago
This why terraria Better than minecraft, they got sharks
BMX!!! - 6 years ago
Oddfuture 02 sorry autocorrect
Oddfuture 02
Oddfuture 02 - 6 years ago
BMX!!! Now I know you’re high
BMX!!! - 6 years ago
Alejandro Ortiz are you telling me one thing to be tired makes it bad thousand things in Minecraft
Joshua Pearce
Joshua Pearce - 6 years ago
Qna toycat do you think that they will a more icey mobs
Hamburger Dude
Hamburger Dude - 6 years ago
in the new update will you be able to play music discs on mincraft pe Ibxtoycat
James Lambert
James Lambert - 6 years ago
Qna will there be waves?
James Lambert
James Lambert - 6 years ago
Aj Cyrill Dy ok thanks
Aj Cyrill Dy
Aj Cyrill Dy - 6 years ago
It will cause lag that your device probably won't be able to handle.
Jake 28
Jake 28 - 6 years ago
Wow but I don’t have Twitter I’m just a little kid..
tizgamer074 - 6 years ago
QaN how will fishing work in the update aquatic
TheEmeraldShaft - 6 years ago
Will they ever make Minecraft VR better (it’s horrible)?
Hugh Neutron
Hugh Neutron - 6 years ago
What is bedrock edition? I don’t even know what that means. Sorry for being such a noob.
BMX!!! - 6 years ago
Hugh Neutron oh yeah also I believe that the Windows 10 Edition is called Bedrock now too
Hugh Neutron
Hugh Neutron - 6 years ago
BMX!!! Oh ok I guess that makes sense
BMX!!! - 6 years ago
Hugh Neutron it's what we call Pocket Edition now which is the Minecraft edition on phones and tablets
Jblitz 15
Jblitz 15 - 6 years ago
Which consoles have you owned in your lifetime? (Not including 360, PS4, and One, hashtagQnA)
1. I agree with that idea in the first question.
3. (Also BTW, you should do "QnA Saturday" on April Fools (a Sunday)
[ HermannM ]
[ HermannM ] - 6 years ago
1.14 Update: Forest Update??? Maybe...
marc Carpenter
marc Carpenter - 6 years ago
in real life sharks do not like magnets
marc Carpenter
marc Carpenter - 6 years ago
also hurricanes
icon - 6 years ago
Qna: why dont you make an iron farm in your survival world since not having villagers isn't a problem you should do it also your channel is awesome.
marc Carpenter
marc Carpenter - 6 years ago
Beach Biomes
marc Carpenter
marc Carpenter - 6 years ago
They should have palm tree and Sharks
Charlie Pnda
Charlie Pnda - 6 years ago
Do you think we'll get dyed/coloured water.
Charlie Pnda
Charlie Pnda - 6 years ago
Boi I mean flowing dyed water
Boi - 6 years ago
Charlie Pnda there's a thing called "cauldrons"
Primarina Sun
Primarina Sun - 6 years ago
It doesn't make sense we need more things that kill us in the ocean like pirates of the Caribbean style we need SHARKS
brandon lewis
brandon lewis - 6 years ago
Qna Can Poland into space?
Megalodon987 - 6 years ago
WHO IS HAVING A SHARK AS A PET IN A TANK (comment "me" or don't comment)
Amy Kittycat
Amy Kittycat - 6 years ago
A question you will definitely say yes to: Are you glad not all the oceans are covered with puke in 1.13 anymore?
Jeff R
Jeff R - 6 years ago
QnA back to the question about the fire aspect enchantment for pickaxes that would instantly smelt iron and gold, would you say if someone had fire aspect on their pickaxe but also had fortune, that fortune should work too?
Examinedcat669 - 6 years ago
QNA: Toycat if you owned Microsoft which means you would own Mojang and Minecraft, what would you do?
As you were eating this I was reading cereal
As you were eating this I was reading cereal - 6 years ago
I wish they added larger rivers by width
Tina Maget
Tina Maget - 6 years ago
QnA Saturday ibxtoycat what is the trident going to look like in the full update
Eeveemaster 123
Eeveemaster 123 - 6 years ago
QnA will this update coming to 360
DAVID CLUCAS - 6 years ago
Q&A do you think they will ever add lions to mine craft because I will like to see lions in mine craft an for the academic acoustic do you think they will add sting rays or maybe they can make that the new hostel mob and what do you think the new hostel mobs going to be
SniperGamesOP - 6 years ago
Random Person: *asks good question about gravel

Toycat: NO!

Gojira 692
Gojira 692 - 6 years ago
toy cat will shields come to 360 or will the aquatic update be the last update for console edition?
Алекс Кос
Алекс Кос - 6 years ago
For some reasons Customized world generation doesn’t work in the latest snapshot, must be very beautiful
Bean Teeter
Bean Teeter - 6 years ago
Also do you think the Elytra will have echantments speacal only to it
Dante Tuckett
Dante Tuckett - 6 years ago
How come he doesn’t get hurt when using elytra and fireworks???
the friendly lion
the friendly lion - 6 years ago
Q and A is there going to be reset ocean button in console?
Glitch Error
Glitch Error - 6 years ago
Is fishing going to change? Are you going to be able to see the new fish mob go up to the fishing hook? Love your videos!!
Thatfoxguy70 - 6 years ago
QnA: Are you ever gonna do seed Sunday for Minecraft bedrock
Bean Teeter
Bean Teeter - 6 years ago
qanda do you think In the next snapshot
THE coral can be bonemilled
Rigoberto Rivera
Rigoberto Rivera - 6 years ago
Make More Challenges With Groan Or Mumbo Jumbo
Big TSlang
Big TSlang - 6 years ago
QNA do you like Fortnite or Minecraft better
Somebody on the internet
Somebody on the internet - 6 years ago
Q&A: Why haven't they discontinued Minecraft on 360, Wii U, PS3, and PSVita yet? I get that there are still a lot of players playing on those platforms but they are several years old... It seems kinda ridiculous to me
BMX!!! - 6 years ago
Somebody on the internet well that's like cutting off half the Minecraft community
Rains 3102
Rains 3102 - 6 years ago
Q&A When will update aquatic come out? I'm so exited!
The Best Apple Fruit
The Best Apple Fruit - 6 years ago
Boi - 6 years ago
The Best Apple Fruit
The Best Apple Fruit - 6 years ago
patience has its rewards in store for you if you sit alongside it
Crazy Bros Cael
Crazy Bros Cael - 6 years ago
I don’t like fortnight
GTCatFastCars - 6 years ago
Q&A Hello Toycat. I play on the bedrock edition (more specifically the PE version) and I have the "It appears you don't have a license for Minecraft" error. Do you have any suggestions to help me solve this problem (I would like to get it fixed permanently; that is my goal)?

P.S I don't have Internet or WiFi at home (a lot of people have been saying things such as 'you need internet to play' etc.).

The Best Apple Fruit
The Best Apple Fruit - 6 years ago
GTCatFastCars,have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling it?? I'm pretty sure you have but just in case
Miklovargas 13
Miklovargas 13 - 6 years ago
Qna : why haven't they added more food

Toycat love your vids
Hashtager05 - 6 years ago
Q&A Do you think that there should be a cave update? We are missing many different ores and materials. BTW ur awesome!!
Ulfhedinn Tyrbjorn Jon
Ulfhedinn Tyrbjorn Jon - 6 years ago
I allways find out its saturday because i click onto your videos and its a qna ahaha

Why isnt there brown mooshrooms ?
Plasma Cantz do Minecraftz
Plasma Cantz do Minecraftz - 6 years ago
Q&A Why are people so against other Minecraft Platforms? I personally think all platforms are equal(Bedrock, Java, Console/not just Xbox and Ps4/3 all platforms , Switch, etc)
Plasma Cantz do Minecraftz
Plasma Cantz do Minecraftz - 6 years ago
The Best Apple Fruit well... I believe in you XD
The Best Apple Fruit
The Best Apple Fruit - 6 years ago
Plasma Can't Swim,well my mom did say I'd make a good therapist,but I'm not looking towards that any time soon,I would wanna be a cartoonist and writer,that'll be a good career choice,but I need certain requirements to do those things,and my grades aren't looking so good lol
Plasma Cantz do Minecraftz
Plasma Cantz do Minecraftz - 6 years ago
The Best Apple Fruit XD wow! You have a gift of cheering people up XD
The Best Apple Fruit
The Best Apple Fruit - 6 years ago
tell that to the PC users,the "glorious master race" as they proclaim themselves as such perfect beings that others only envy to be
DAC Studios Entertainment
DAC Studios Entertainment - 6 years ago
I hope no sharks is a lie or else I would be upset
Avery Blosser
Avery Blosser - 6 years ago
Do you think the mobile versions are holding Minecraft back? For example, features like shields and better combat being left out because of the basic mobile controls. There could be other reasons but the one that makes the most sense is that they would have a hard time implementing it on the phone controls.

I also don't understand why they would use the bedrock engine to build off of for cross play, other than they wanted to reach as many platforms as possible. Even if it limited the games capabilities
Aj Cyrill Dy
Aj Cyrill Dy - 6 years ago
Actually, the combat update made us, The Java Players, very upset of it. And you bedrock users probably won't like it either.
christian anderson
christian anderson - 6 years ago
Do you thing that the swamp water color is gonna change to match what it looks like underwater in 1.13?
A BLOODY FLAME DEMON - 6 years ago
toycat whats one animal you want added to Minecraft
Starr789 - 6 years ago
I accidentally killed my cat yesterday (in Minecraft) and it was so sad :( Oh well I guess at least I live near the Jungle I can get another one.
KyngSavage876 Gaming
KyngSavage876 Gaming - 6 years ago
QnA- Since we can't get sharks about a fictional mob designed like sharks but with different look and name and even extra functionality
Benjamin Ferencich
Benjamin Ferencich - 6 years ago
The minecraft youtubers are dead thought
Larry Stirling
Larry Stirling - 6 years ago
toycat Q&A: why no java videos
kat lps winterwolf blue moon and red moon
kat lps winterwolf blue moon and red moon - 6 years ago
They can add a aquarium in the tutorial world
wyanater kookooo
wyanater kookooo - 6 years ago
wow people are smart, lets do things that minecaft has in it
Kevin Okada
Kevin Okada - 6 years ago
QnA: Will Bedrock Edition have the new lava? Isn't it just a texture change?
X. P.
X. P. - 6 years ago
gravel is a good block for builders, if it didn't spawn underground, you wouldn't hate it.
Bgts NZ
Bgts NZ - 6 years ago
QnA what your favourite food?
Bgts NZ
Bgts NZ - 6 years ago
I get confused what day your videos are on because TIME ZONES
Rust UnKnoWn
Rust UnKnoWn - 6 years ago
Q&a are u excited for super smash bros for switch
Julian Moritz
Julian Moritz - 6 years ago
Qna What do you think the hostile mob in the water will be?
Mark0 Technologies Inc
Mark0 Technologies Inc - 6 years ago
Do you think they will add the Lobby in pe
Maco Paco
Maco Paco - 6 years ago
do you actually read every single comment?
Stormgem Thunder
Stormgem Thunder - 6 years ago
David Johnson EeVeEzZzZ iz cool
Lee Farragher
Lee Farragher - 6 years ago
When is it out
Team Heretic
Team Heretic - 6 years ago
The shark problem is total bs if you want to make a game about something then don't let babies on the internet stop you. It's just soo rediculous shark's would be awesome if put in minecraft and if they actually cared they could use them to raise awareness for the issue of sharks being endangered
Cody Thomas
Cody Thomas - 6 years ago
Honestly, they are kind of hypocritical because, they say they dont want animal abuse. But when you start a fresh game, the easiest way to get food is to kill animals.
michelle dailing
michelle dailing - 6 years ago
patriotails then adults would know it's just a game mechanic with the sharks, not kids
Team Heretic
Team Heretic - 6 years ago
patriotails people suck just turn the population into robots
patriotails - 6 years ago
I agree with you, but the thing is some of those "babies" are actually full grown adults that happen to own the entire games industry and want to avoid bad PR from some game. "babies" (shareholders/ people more powerful than Microsoft/ the Minecraft team) unfortunately kind of rule the games industry and control what can and can't be done. plus "news" outlets would have a field day tearing into microsoft for promoting mistreatment of animals again.

TL;DR life is unfair and we can't have sharks because people get offended.
Jack Ventresca
Jack Ventresca - 6 years ago
QnA Toycat. Will anyone from Mojang release anything else about Update Aquatic and is there a new biome?
Zac Draws Stuff
Zac Draws Stuff - 6 years ago
But in real life, polar bears will kill you IF YOU GO NEAR THEIR YOUNG.
Don't Watch My Videos
Don't Watch My Videos - 6 years ago
If you're lazy to watch the vid, they aren't adding the shark.
Suprem Hatchet
Suprem Hatchet - 6 years ago
I like to eat food
Mrcreeper Gaming
Mrcreeper Gaming - 6 years ago
Yay qNa Saturday!!
A YouTube Commenter
A YouTube Commenter - 6 years ago
Q&A when does the shipwrecks will come and do you think that Trident can be found in there?
Connor Smith
Connor Smith - 6 years ago
The parrots were bred with cookies.
Whiteprawn76 - 6 years ago
What happens to the texter changes
Laura Krecic
Laura Krecic - 6 years ago
Toycat if you have an aquarium made of wood you lite a TNT in it with fish you should get an advancement Shooting fish in a barrel or if you shot them with an arrow 3 in a row
The Best Apple Fruit
The Best Apple Fruit - 6 years ago
Trev Auton,maybe not to players but it could affect fish
Trev Auton
Trev Auton - 6 years ago
You could maybe put the fish on land.
Trev Auton
Trev Auton - 6 years ago
Tnt doesn't do damage when it's in water.
The Best Apple Fruit
The Best Apple Fruit - 6 years ago
I am pineapple,I approve of this.
The Crew
The Crew - 6 years ago
Qna toycat when do you think bedrock coming to switch
Rhys Noble
Rhys Noble - 6 years ago
QnA Toycat do u think the hostile mob could be some kind of mermaid that defends underwater structures like the ship wrecks ?
Rhys Noble
Rhys Noble - 6 years ago
Hacked Certainly lock ness monster would be ace hope it’s not something rubbish because I’m hyped for it
Hacked Certainly
Hacked Certainly - 6 years ago
I think there's a high chance it will be, and I hope not.

Mermaids would mean more sentient things which would mean civilization which would mean more structures that don't exist. I hope its like a dinosaur or a loch ness monster. But considering the fact that the trident is a trident, mermaids seem likely.
The Best Apple Fruit
The Best Apple Fruit - 6 years ago
Rhys Noble,I didn't like those scenes,they scared me,but now I have enough courage to watch the entire Harry Potter series,if I had it...
The Best Apple Fruit
The Best Apple Fruit - 6 years ago
Rhys Noble,like those creepy mermaid monsters from Harry Potter?
TheDiamondWolf22407 !
TheDiamondWolf22407 ! - 6 years ago
Jeremiah Bower
Jeremiah Bower - 6 years ago
What do you think of them adding a better chests and furnaces. Like chests that can hold more and furnaces that smelt faster
The Best Apple Fruit
The Best Apple Fruit - 6 years ago
Hacked Certainly,I'm not sure what that'll do,I can't even move all my items all in one go anymore,I just have to keep tapping until my items are all in a chest or something
Hacked Certainly
Hacked Certainly - 6 years ago
Apple then build a supersmelter.

And I personally wouldn't like it. I'd much rather see for chests something that aids in their organization, and for furnaces redstone can already do that.
The Best Apple Fruit
The Best Apple Fruit - 6 years ago
Jeremiah Bower,furnaces that smelt faster would be excellent,I try to pass the time by walking around and getting more ores while my iron is smelting
Linda Butler
Linda Butler - 6 years ago
QnA hey Toycat, have you meet other British minecraft Youtubers?? If so who and when?
Jelly fam
Jelly fam - 6 years ago
I haven’t played Minecraft but what are they doing in this “aquatic update”
Aamir Kousar
Aamir Kousar - 6 years ago
When is update Aqautic Out !!!???
_Bren _
_Bren _ - 6 years ago
I wish the water in rivers was murkier. Cause you know fresh water rivers are normally less blue than the ocean.
LuckyOP Gecko
LuckyOP Gecko - 6 years ago
Helen angel should not be in Minecraft community because that’s a dumb excuse because if your able to step on eggs and kill baby turtles then why not add sharks
Jimmijoejohnson - 6 years ago
Qna toycat are you excited for smash 5 for switch btw love the vids
Josh Brooks
Josh Brooks - 6 years ago
But they’re adding turtles with eggs that u can literally squish by jumping on them and younger audience might think it’s ok to that even tho it’s no so why no sharks
Snoopy101 - 6 years ago
Q&A Are you happy for super smash bros for nintendo switch
memes // random stuff
memes // random stuff - 6 years ago

& Gravel
Rylee Gill
Rylee Gill - 6 years ago
Love your videos!
AW_rekt - 6 years ago
Happy frozen dead guy day, from nederland.
Rylee Gill
Rylee Gill - 6 years ago
Q&A What else do you think update aquatic will bring into the game? OR What updates do you think will come in the future?
Slender092525 - 6 years ago
Q&A Saturday: Do you think there will be a update after the update aquatic that will overhaul another biome? BTW I really enjoy watching your videos. Thanks for making the community better. ^^
David Pattemore
David Pattemore - 6 years ago
Why can't we pick up xp in a bottle? Bottle,o,enchanting arrr
RussianPanda _
RussianPanda _ - 6 years ago
Do you think there will be custom skins for Xbox bedrock?
Hysteric Lombax
Hysteric Lombax - 6 years ago
QnA is ps4 getting aquatic update and have you herd anything about sony joining better together? (Please answer) PS love your videos
Julian Chislett
Julian Chislett - 6 years ago
were the dolphins
DeansRealm - 6 years ago
Because i live in nz, you uploading Qna saturday on friday would be saturday for me.
plz do it.
R4ND0M NUM83R5 - 6 years ago
No sharks but it's fine to stomp sea turtle eggs or kill the turtles.
michelle dailing
michelle dailing - 6 years ago
Trev Auton did u just say sea turtles aren't endangered? Were have u been lol?
Trev Auton
Trev Auton - 6 years ago
R4ND0M NUM83R5 turtle don't drop anything except sea grass plus turtles aren't endangered at all.
RaptorPack 06
RaptorPack 06 - 6 years ago
QnA Do you think Mob B or the Phantom will be especially dangerous if your house is on a giant cliff
The Best Apple Fruit
The Best Apple Fruit - 6 years ago
RaptorPack 06,they'll spawn if you're above sea level
James M
James M - 6 years ago
But advancements have custom support in maps, for progression, etc. It is a DIFFERENT thing to achievements, and I doubt they would just throw it out, as it's a technical feature for mapmakers, as well as just an achievements replacement.
Jose Sanchez Ramirez
Jose Sanchez Ramirez - 6 years ago
Avneesh Badiwale
Avneesh Badiwale - 6 years ago
QNA: Is update aquatic coming to 360? Thanks for this awesome news
ZinoxGaming - 6 years ago
They should add megalodon shark as a boss like if you are with my idea
Endless Ocean
Endless Ocean - 6 years ago
Aj Cyrill Dy But it is an extincy shark. Or is the whole family bound to never be added no matter what?
Aj Cyrill Dy
Aj Cyrill Dy - 6 years ago
But it's still a shark. A species never bound to be added in Minecraft.
Dougdapug360 - 6 years ago
Q&A if fish are now being mobs, so you have to hunt them down to kill them, what are fishing rods for? Can we still fish? ._.
Dougdapug360 - 6 years ago
Hacked Certainly
Hacked Certainly - 6 years ago
Yes. The devs have said yes.
Angel Fernando Vega
Angel Fernando Vega - 6 years ago
Do you think the tutorial world should be in large
weeklyfox - 6 years ago
Do you think that the java, bedrock and console have three different communitys?
Creation Reborn #4
Creation Reborn #4 - 6 years ago
Mario's art nerd
Breann Bubolz
Breann Bubolz - 6 years ago
30s here too, but I started on console, so Java seems like a whole 'nother realm.. So I shy away from it.. I prefer bedrock.. Which sucks cuz its mostly kids and asshole griefers..
Timothy Beebe
Timothy Beebe - 6 years ago
Gote the Capricorn Fucktard well I am in my thirties and I play on Java.
Mario's art
Mario's art - 6 years ago
James M If it has a vowel before the y it will still be wrtitten with the y. Ex:Day-DaYs Baby-babies
weeklyfox - 6 years ago
Zippy Films Studios I agree.
Gote the Capricorn Fucktard
Gote the Capricorn Fucktard - 6 years ago
wyanater kookooo How mature.
CaptainKonde 060
CaptainKonde 060 - 6 years ago
Yes and no.
Hunter Lang
Hunter Lang - 6 years ago
Zippy Films Studios I agree but as always there are exceptions
Bibasik7 - 6 years ago
I play all the minecrafts. Java Edition, Bedrock, and Nintendo Switch Edition.
Zippy Films Studios
Zippy Films Studios - 6 years ago
Yes, java edition usually leans towards an older crowd, console is a mix of older and younger players, while pocket edition is mainly played by kids
wyanater kookooo
wyanater kookooo - 6 years ago
smart butt
Joey Zhang
Joey Zhang - 6 years ago
He is watching ibxtoycat. What do you expect?
Linda Butler
Linda Butler - 6 years ago
Not always for example days
James M
James M - 6 years ago
weeklyfox *communities (when you have a word that ends in y, the plural ending is ies instead and ys) (as always there are exceptions but as a general rule)
Sneaky spyder
Sneaky spyder - 6 years ago
Qna Saturday, do you think that they could add a fire coral that damages you if you touch it
wigglebot23 - 6 years ago
QNA: Should they add aquatic phantoms? Mob A was the aquatic one but it didn't win so they should make mob B as well as an aquatic version of it
ProChamp95 - 6 years ago
Toycat I love that u make 2 videos everyday. U always give me something to do when I'm bored :)
Scott Stamp
Scott Stamp - 6 years ago
Sees new ToyCat video about sharks: oh cool.
realises it was me who commented: Heart stops
Josiah C Vlogs & gaming
Josiah C Vlogs & gaming - 6 years ago
QnA why do peepz hate minicraft
ZinoxGaming - 6 years ago
Hey guys its not the end of the aquatic update
Ben Van Boven
Ben Van Boven - 6 years ago
QnA: Are you excited for the next Smash Bros? If yes, what new character would you like to see?
Andrew Brown
Andrew Brown - 6 years ago
Why is their no ender dragon for mine craft Xbox 360 to tame
Aj Cyrill Dy
Aj Cyrill Dy - 6 years ago
Ender Dragons are not taxable. They never were.
Luke Hallahan
Luke Hallahan - 6 years ago
QnA toycat: what platforms have you played on, and what was the first time you started playing minecraft?
Debbie H
Debbie H - 6 years ago
"Do you think gravel's useful now that it's used for concrete' "No". I might actually be on the floor right now
Deaven Shank
Deaven Shank - 6 years ago
why when i go into a mineshaft i open a chest and there is nothing in it
Luke Hallahan
Luke Hallahan - 6 years ago
toycat, are all the platforms going to have the aquatic update?
Speedy Scout
Speedy Scout - 6 years ago
Hearing him talk this fast actually physically gives me a headache whenever I watch the videos, bummer cause I really like them.
Samrat Paul
Samrat Paul - 6 years ago
Killing illagers is also cruel!!! They drop emeralds and they are humans!!!
Hacked Certainly
Hacked Certainly - 6 years ago
You don't know that.

It is completely possible that they got those emeralds from the evoker's source of arcana. Illagers can't spawn having killed villagers, can they? And villagers don't even drop emeralds.
Aj Cyrill Dy
Aj Cyrill Dy - 6 years ago
Stolen emeralds from the villagers they killed.
Sharky Playz
Sharky Playz - 6 years ago
Qna: Should there be space in Minecraft?
S.F Productions
S.F Productions - 6 years ago
In my opinion, sharks make so much more sense than polar bears. Polar bears on typically considered more peaceful, whereas sharks are considered much more aggressive thanks to films like Jaws. Polar bears were only added just after the Minecon before last.
Flare Elite ?
Flare Elite ? - 6 years ago
Qna what do you think the hostile mob will be (definitely not Kraken) your opinion
Frozen Puppy lover
Frozen Puppy lover - 6 years ago
ibxtoycat: will aquatic update come to new nintendo 3DS
FlamezFury005 - 6 years ago
Q&A Do you think that, over time, Minecraft will become more realistic - or unrealistic? Love your content by the way!
pandaCat81 - 6 years ago
If someone who is not a big youtuber gets comments like "I am your biggest fan" or "you are best"... do you think they really mean it or are they just sarcastic?
Ethany525 YT
Ethany525 YT - 6 years ago
Kyu n Aye: Why do you only play MC in Kyu n Aye sadderdai
Ursus - MC
Ursus - MC - 6 years ago
QnA- Where do you think the new Trident item will be found? Honestly, I think the new buried treasure should remain as-is; finding tridents that way seems too easy...
Ursus - MC
Ursus - MC - 6 years ago
michelle dailing

I don't know, there's something about crafting an item as powerful as the Trident that makes it a little TOO O.P.

I think that the player should have to find different parts of the Trident (the top, middle, and bottom) somewhere; maybe in shipwrecks. Then you assemble the parts in an anvil. That would be cool!
michelle dailing
michelle dailing - 6 years ago
My idea for a crafting recipe is 3 prismirine cyrstals, 2 diamonds and a blaze rod. Crystals as the spikes, diamonds being the. foundation of the spikes and blaze rod being the handle
Hacked Certainly
Hacked Certainly - 6 years ago
Ocean monuments or crafted from the new underwater hostile mob's flesh.

Okay, not that morbid. Maybe we'll see mermaids that hold them and can rarely drop them.

Personally I hope we don't see mermaids/mermen, because that means more sentient things which would imply civilization which would imply structures that don't exist, but its a possibility.
Boi - 6 years ago
Ursus - MC my guess Ocean Monuments
ChuckYoshi .64
ChuckYoshi .64 - 6 years ago
Qna: Do you think polar bears will try to hunt for fish now that they are mobs?
Mr. Sanmi_
Mr. Sanmi_ - 6 years ago
Possibly not.
cory moore
cory moore - 6 years ago
David Marmer
David Marmer - 6 years ago
Q:Will the update come for ps4 and will whales be added?
PuppyDog 777
PuppyDog 777 - 6 years ago
I'm not 100% sure but I think dolphins will be added and dolphins are a type of whale.
Hysteric Lombax
Hysteric Lombax - 6 years ago
It is? Awesome
David Marmer
David Marmer - 6 years ago
The Kyle Man296 Ok thanks man!
The Kyle Man296
The Kyle Man296 - 6 years ago
A) the update is confirmed for ALL platforms
B) no confirmed information on whales
Maria Gutierrez
Maria Gutierrez - 6 years ago
whth do u think win the updat will cum
RandomYoutuber - 6 years ago
Maria Gutierrez cum?!?
creeperington TnT
creeperington TnT - 6 years ago
oh so thats where cheese comes from
NJ Griff
NJ Griff - 6 years ago
Every time I watch QNA Saturday I'm pooping
BMX!!! - 6 years ago
fro ggy
fro ggy - 6 years ago
AaronThePerson - 6 years ago
Mr. Sanmi_
Mr. Sanmi_ - 6 years ago
Same right here.
Doom Slayer
Doom Slayer - 6 years ago
Will Minecraft Nintendo Switch get the Glide and Battle maps DLC?
Doom Slayer
Doom Slayer - 6 years ago
ChuckYoshi .64 They actually intend to. They want to support all versions now, and the Battle and Glide maps will be coming to Nintendo Switch later this year. You can check their website for further information about console edition updates.
ChuckYoshi .64
ChuckYoshi .64 - 6 years ago
No one of the devs in a previous live stream said there are no plans to.
Southpawjr - 6 years ago
QnA Tacos.
shin goijra fan205
shin goijra fan205 - 6 years ago
There's turtles that are in danger yet we have them in Minecraft?
Scorch Flame
Scorch Flame - 6 years ago
AceMcCrank - 6 years ago
Minecraft isn't dying, it's migrating. Hence why you find so many Filipino people active in Minecraft groups now. It just keeps shifting between cultures.
But, 1.13 is going to revive its popularity in areas where it is no longer popular.
ColeHPlayz - 6 years ago
Q&A Saturday: Do you think 4 snapshots last week was a hint the beta is coming soon?
Mrcreeper Gaming
Mrcreeper Gaming - 6 years ago
ColeHPlayz No. Snapshots are on Java which cant hint beta on a differnt platform. Plus dinnerbone tweeted he wanted to release those features already since they were pretty minor features.
Liad Sagi
Liad Sagi - 6 years ago
the answer about gravel question is shorter then its description on the title lol
meme thomas the train
meme thomas the train - 6 years ago
QnA do you think they should make sharks neutral if they add them? If not, why?
AA AwesomeArtin
AA AwesomeArtin - 6 years ago
Aj Cyrill Dy Mojang NOT microsoft
Aj Cyrill Dy
Aj Cyrill Dy - 6 years ago
When Microsoft says something like "Never". They literally mean it.
Hello Light My Old Friend
Hello Light My Old Friend - 6 years ago
AA AwesomeArtin GOD DERMIT
AA AwesomeArtin
AA AwesomeArtin - 6 years ago
James M Well maybe they have read the communitys feedback or realised there already is endangered animals in the game.
James M
James M - 6 years ago
meme thomas the train don't get hung up on the idea of sharks. They're not being added. There is no reason for them to lie about adding sharks. They will not be added.
Elijah Ott
Elijah Ott - 6 years ago
What is your favorite block in 1.13?
Mr. Sanmi_
Mr. Sanmi_ - 6 years ago
Obviously in terms of decoration it is coral and wood blocks.
Aceboogie 1231
Aceboogie 1231 - 6 years ago
Q&a what is your opinion of what the new hostile underwater mob and why?
IRDOR13 - 6 years ago
Hi ibxtoicat! Do you think MCBE 1.3 will be exactly like java Edition finally, or it will take more updates??
Mha 723
Mha 723 - 6 years ago
Toycat, the letters in my username are all pronounced separately (Em-haych-ay). Just wanted to remind you because that's the second time you pronounced my name wrong in a QnA Saturday video.
Liad Sagi
Liad Sagi - 6 years ago
lets play is the best!
PenguinPowers 03
PenguinPowers 03 - 6 years ago
Q&A: Last year, you did a few live streams on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Breath of the Wild. Did you have any copyright problems with Nintendo, and do you plan on live streaming any more Nintendo games in the future?
It's Ya Boi Daniel
It's Ya Boi Daniel - 6 years ago
Why not put QnA in the title, its just 3 letters, or in the Thumbnail, or in the beginning of the video, I know you've said because your subscribers already know but those who aren't subscribed might not know, and might feel kind of click baited, and not subscribe
MAD 4 HUNTING - 6 years ago
Toycat, have you ever thought about the idea that our lives are just peoples dreams
Landen Cahill
Landen Cahill - 6 years ago
Q & A Toy Cat the potion of leaping is always being overlooked by Minecraft players. I feel like Mojang should make a third variant that is even better to make people want to use it more, do you agree?
Doge Cop
Doge Cop - 6 years ago
QnA do you think there will be a throwback update where they put in old features?

BTWi'm a big fan
Mr. Sanmi_
Mr. Sanmi_ - 6 years ago
Probably, but what features?
tanki - More
tanki - More - 6 years ago
Qna: How are you so clever and know so much about Minecraft
Mr. Sanmi_
Mr. Sanmi_ - 6 years ago
7 Years.
Trestin Cella
Trestin Cella - 6 years ago
Toycat, people would come up to a cow and kill it to either sell its meat or eat it, so yes people would do that!
Kaiser Hammond
Kaiser Hammond - 6 years ago
QnA will the Update Aquatic come out before Easter.
MinecraftGaming - 6 years ago
Funtime Frenzy
Funtime Frenzy - 6 years ago
Toycat, you should do a Fortnite stream where me, you, Kacee, and Froggy Fellow play teams
Oost jäveln
Oost jäveln - 6 years ago
Gote the Capricorn Fucktard
Gote the Capricorn Fucktard
Gote the Capricorn Fucktard - 6 years ago
Funtime Frenzy Is your ego so big that you think he wants to play Fortnite with a 10 year old?
Flying Bails
Flying Bails - 6 years ago
QnA are they going to add more corals or just keep with the five?
Mr. Sanmi_
Mr. Sanmi_ - 6 years ago
Recomended is five.
Frosty Fiop
Frosty Fiop - 6 years ago
Ibxtoycat Qna when the Phantom comes out what do u think it will drop?
Mr. Sanmi_
Mr. Sanmi_ - 6 years ago
Trev Auton
Trev Auton - 6 years ago
ChannelisticOfficial your just trying to sound like your so good at Minecraft that nothing even goes near you plus your not being convincing, the only things you can spawn in in survival is: chicks, snow and iron golems, endermites, the wither and you can respawn the enderdragon. You can't spawn in any other mob.
Hacked Certainly
Hacked Certainly - 6 years ago

You might want to retry that. You were in creative.
BMX!!! - 6 years ago
ChannelisticOfficial trust me vindicator's attack players also if you name one Johnny it'll kill everything near it
ChannelisticOfficial - 6 years ago
XKingNightX Vindicators attack Villagers. I spawned a hundred Vindicators in Survival, but they didn't attack me.
FrostyCJ - 6 years ago
ive already commented before about this. they dont want to add sharks because of the effect of the people playing might get hurt
Cybergames - 6 years ago
Ibxtoycat swimmers Pawns in the woods and in the plains be changed at all?
Awesomegamr2008 *
Awesomegamr2008 * - 6 years ago
Are you a Christian
Reuben Blair
Reuben Blair - 6 years ago
Minecraft is meant to be a 100 year game and I think it will be. Its player base is growing fast enough and slow enough, for it to keep on growing for 100 years.
dcpinapels - 6 years ago
Q&A Saturday will the new oceans be on the old consoles like the ps3 and the x-box 360
Hysteric Lombax
Hysteric Lombax - 6 years ago
Where is it confirmed? Can u post a link?
Trev Auton
Trev Auton - 6 years ago
Mr. Sanmi_ it's been confirmed they're coming to every single platform
Hysteric Lombax
Hysteric Lombax - 6 years ago
I hope so
ゲーマーカバサマGamerHippoSama - 6 years ago
Yes its for all platforms
The Kyle Man296
The Kyle Man296 - 6 years ago
Yes, but only in unexplored chunks
Mr. Sanmi_
Mr. Sanmi_ - 6 years ago
CatMobsta 52
CatMobsta 52 - 6 years ago
Q&A Toycat; In your 1.13 preparations video you said get lots of logs to make stripped wood; why exactly WOULD one need stripped wood?
The Best Apple Fruit
The Best Apple Fruit - 6 years ago
CatMobsta 52,was that pun intended?
Mr. Sanmi_
Mr. Sanmi_ - 6 years ago
CelestialShockwave - 6 years ago
CatMobsta 52 Builds
Zebbie Zebra
Zebbie Zebra - 6 years ago
Hashtagquestionwithhopefullyananswer if you could only do one series on your channel, what would it be and why? Also, nice video.
jarrett landrum
jarrett landrum - 6 years ago
what is the green villager for? he doesn't trade.
pandaCat81 - 6 years ago
villager breeding
Abhid Islam
Abhid Islam - 6 years ago
Important question: How do you feel about colonising Mars?
Joel Deakin
Joel Deakin - 6 years ago
Abhid Islam great idea
It's Ya Boi Daniel
It's Ya Boi Daniel - 6 years ago
Galacticraft Mod
PureMagmaKnight - 6 years ago
Q&A do u think they will add a sea dragon as a boss
Mr. Sanmi_
Mr. Sanmi_ - 6 years ago
Mini Game Master
Mini Game Master - 6 years ago
QnA Toycat: What are your thoughts on the aquatic update
Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition
Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition - 6 years ago
QnA do you think the phantom is based around the cliff racer from "Elder Scrolls:morrwind"?
Jacob Winkler
Jacob Winkler - 6 years ago
QnA: Do you think they will allow the Trident to have sword enchantments? At the moment you can only apply them in creative. (Also love the videos, keep it going)
Mr. Sanmi_
Mr. Sanmi_ - 6 years ago
Some of them.
NickCorsair YT
NickCorsair YT - 6 years ago
QnA Subota
Joseph Phiggs
Joseph Phiggs - 6 years ago
Abhid Islam I dont trust mods
Endless Ocean
Endless Ocean - 6 years ago
Joseph Phiggs This is the unfortunate state of the world I guess.
Dylan Hooton
Dylan Hooton - 6 years ago
Because not everyone knows how to add mods to Minecraft. Take me for example, I once tried to get Minecraft forge with my dad, but I couldn't even get mods to work, so I'll never get mods and that's why there will NEVER be mods in console Minecraft, other than for copyright-related issues. :(
Abhid Islam
Abhid Islam - 6 years ago
Joseph Phiggs People always forget mods exist for Java.
Michael Lippe
Michael Lippe - 6 years ago
Do you play Splatoon 2
ItzYourBoy Like srsly
ItzYourBoy Like srsly - 6 years ago
Michael Lippe
Michael Lippe - 6 years ago
Are you exited for smash bros on Switch?
Dylan Hooton
Dylan Hooton - 6 years ago
I hope that "No Sharks" is a lie, so we could have sharks. ^^
MagbluJP AJ
MagbluJP AJ - 6 years ago
Endless Ocean Oh, exactly what I'm thinking!
Christinewho Gaming
Christinewho Gaming - 6 years ago
AnB Or you too close to their cub.
Christinewho Gaming
Christinewho Gaming - 6 years ago
PixelAce Are normally neutral doh xD Is just for fun they twisted it.
Christinewho Gaming
Christinewho Gaming - 6 years ago
fro ggy Maybe they going to take that achievement of xD Doh.
Endless Ocean
Endless Ocean - 6 years ago
MagbluJP AJ They should add them in a way to teach people about them, not be too scared to do it at all.
MagbluJP AJ
MagbluJP AJ - 6 years ago
Endless Ocean What do you mean? Wait until the developers quit their job and let the new devs implement sharks? Or teach kids about sharks and its importance so that they will know more about sharks?
Endless Ocean
Endless Ocean - 6 years ago
MagbluJP AJ I know this excuse that they can't add shakjs becuse they are endangered like polar bears and sea turtles and that 'little kids will kill sharks because of it' is just silly. As I said earlier I think they should not be si scared of backlash that they will not even try to add features rhat could be sensitive for some. Or at least just coming up with that attitude 9 years into the games development probaly won't work.
MagbluJP AJ
MagbluJP AJ - 6 years ago
michelle dailing
Ok so passive mobs are not that dangerous in real life? Do you think kids also think that passive mobs like cow are peaceful? Do you think WILD cows won't hurt them if they try to milk them? How about chickens? Do you think WILD chickens won't hurt them also by getting their eggs?
Honestly, sharks are not that bad animals, they are dangerous but they are not that bad :l Despite the fact that sharks are dangerous, they won't eat or kill humans. In my opinion, there are uncommon cases about humans eaten by a sharks. Also, if they think that they are bad animals, then they know how to avoid them but of course they should thought them not to hurt sharks. Even in real life, it is too hard for them to kill sharks in real life. Imagine, kids wasting their time to dig to get diamonds, they even don't know how to swim but they are going anyway and they will disturb sharks so sharks will kill them... What will happen to the kids? That is also why it is important to teach them about sharks and their importance. Also, for me, it is not fair. If they won't add sharks because they are endangered, then why are we getting thr most endangered aquatic mob? the sea turtle? with its kill feature like stomping their eggs for nothing and other mobs like zombies can stomp them too? If they want to base it in real life or something like that, then they shouldn't do that though. The reason why they won't add sharks doesn't make sense. SMH
Endless Ocean
Endless Ocean - 6 years ago
MagbluJP AJ Well said
michelle dailing
michelle dailing - 6 years ago
the reason sharks wont come is they don't want younger kids who play the game and kill sharks and see them as bad animals, since there already endangered
MagbluJP AJ
MagbluJP AJ - 6 years ago
Trev Auton
They are. Even here in our place, sea turtles are well known endangered animals and there are many endangered animals here in our country.
Trev Auton
Trev Auton - 6 years ago
fro ggy but dolphins aren't designed to be sat on, but we can still practically ride them, I think ibxtoycat did a video confirming we can cling on to their fin
Trev Auton
Trev Auton - 6 years ago
MagbluJP AJ I agree, like who would be dumb enough to go near a shark?
Trev Auton
Trev Auton - 6 years ago
MagbluJP AJ turtles aren't endangered. Are they?
MagbluJP AJ
MagbluJP AJ - 6 years ago
Endless Ocean You're right. Sharks should be neutral or sharks could be mostly neutral because on what they interact to nature in real life. Also, they should think to other especially kids that sharks should never thought as misunderstood and make sharks 'un-endangered' so we can still see them in the oceans swimming around. Because without sharks, will coral reefs last long?, what would happen to marine food chain? and what would happen to marine algae's behavior? Also, it is just a game. Even in real life, it is very impossible for kids to kill sharks in the ocean and how could they even find and craft weapon? and what would happen if they don't know how to swim?
MagbluJP AJ
MagbluJP AJ - 6 years ago
Right... So first of all, I see your point why they are mistaken as monsters because of the movie Jaws. Obviously, its not real so who would even think that sharks are monsters? big? ALWAYS hunting humans? Yes, I know what would kids think about the sharks after they watched Jaws. Because they are still kids, they should also need to learn more so they would think like, "Oh, sharks are not monsters at all but I should be careful though". By the way, despite the fact that sharks are dangerous, apex predators, they won't eat humans.
If sharks would be added, they could be possibly neutral. Neutral mobs are hostile mobs that they will attack you if you disturb or provoke them. So obviously, they are always not peaceful. And for the fact that making them hostile, it would be more likely impossible to happen as for the fact that sharks in real life are not that hostile. If sharks would be added as neutral mob, they would likely attack you if you come close to them just like spiders.
And the statement of 'cookie and parrot' thing, I am always disagree of that. First of all, if they want to base in real life or something like that, what they did is mostly right. They are aware about the fact that parrots are truly toxic to chocolates, especially cookies so they remove the feature on taming parrots by feeding cookies. Honestly though, in my opinion, removing that kind of feature is not a mistake. Even though we can still use cookies as taming parrots, it's like it won't cause big dramas because 'animal cruelty' at that time is not that somewhat intense (ITS JUST MY OPINION). BUT, using that statement to a reason why sharks won't be added is killing in real life makes everything way out of point. Second of all, it doesn't make sense. If they want to base in real life, they should've add sharks because of it. Again for the trillionth tine, WHY WE STILL HAVE POLAR BEARS AND TURTLES IF THEY WON'T ADD SHARKS BECAUSE THEY ARE ENDANGERED?!??. By the way, turtles are more endangered than sharks. Hawksbill sea turtle is more endangered than hammerhead shark (the most endangered shark).
If your talking about the fact that sharks doesn't belong to a hostile mob group, then you're wrong. First of all, we still have this one of the most common, annoying and small non-fictional hostile mob, the silverfish. Silverfishes are actually like something 'a twist' but on the other side, NO. Silverfishes NEVER come to you and attack you because that is what hostile mobs do. They don't even attack you even if you disturb them or throw them. Second of all, sharks could be hostile somehow but it would be more likely be neutral. Like what I said earlier, as for the fact that sharks are not hostile in real life.
They told us that "they will listen to the community's suggestions and feedbacks". I hope they will listen about this so that no one should complain mostly. If it is a lie though, I would be 60% triggered and 40% happy, but I would be 95% happy months later after the drama lol. But if it is not, even they are "doing what is good" and even they won't listen to us, then still, they are doing wrong.
(By the way, I saw you on Twitter and I was going to reply you like this but it is so long so NVM lol. And don't mind my incorrect use of grammars because English is not my main language).
Sami The Beanie Boo Fish
Sami The Beanie Boo Fish - 6 years ago
Lego worlds is a similar game n it has sharks
Stormgem Thunder
Stormgem Thunder - 6 years ago
Dylan Hooton Neutral ones with no drops, so people don't kill them
GothicGolem29 - 6 years ago
it isnt they have to stand firm despite all the hate there trying to do a good thing
Endless Ocean
Endless Ocean - 6 years ago
AnB Yes some sharks are more aggressive but the one in game could just look like a generic gray reef shark. They could be neutral like an enderman.
AnB - 6 years ago
Endless Ocean some sharks are more aggressive than other sharks and polar bears is more of a territorial/defensive mob unlike endermen they're peaceful until you hit them.
Endless Ocean
Endless Ocean - 6 years ago
PixelAce Sharks could just be a neutral mob like a polar bear. I think the whole sharks are becoming endangered because of shark movies and other forms of media is way overblown considering the fact that recreational fishing has a minimal impact on the enviroment compared to things like commeecial fishing, climate change and to some extent pollution and oil spills.

Almost all kids could never kill a shark anyways, let alone want to because of this video game. Pherhaps bad media has led to irrational fear of sharks, but a lot of people have seen a documentary about shark conservation. (Shark week anyone?) So sharks could just be a neutral mob. Teach people not to 'misunderstand' sharks. Surely that is better than being so afraid of backlash that they will not even try something out.
Emreboy Yasar
Emreboy Yasar - 6 years ago
Wait minecraft has a dumb reseon we cant kill sharks in real life cuz we cant if we do something bad Will happen to you
PixelAce - 6 years ago
AA AwesomeArtin Minecraft has many young kids playing and they might be influenced by the game
and Mojang doesn't want the community to criticize them for misunderstanding the shark like they did with parrots and cookies.
AA AwesomeArtin
AA AwesomeArtin - 6 years ago
PixelAce Its just a game man
BMX!!! - 6 years ago
Russ Orler that sounds awesome but you realize you just described the two harder mobs as the easy ones and the easy ones as the hard ones gas can be taken out with one hit and zombies are useless
PixelAce - 6 years ago
fro ggy Some They don't want to make the same mistake like they did with parrots and cookies. Also sharks don't fit with the hostile mob category because all of the hostile mobs are mythical (like dragons), made up (like blazes) or some regular mobs with a twist (like spiders).
fro ggy
fro ggy - 6 years ago
PixelAce then they should make it we're if players hit the shark or get to close to them then that would make sense
PixelAce - 6 years ago
MagbluJP AJ Sharks are misunderstood creatures because of the movie "Jaws". Even is they make it neutral people will think sharks are peaceful (which they're not), if they make it hostile it would worsen they're reputation.
fro ggy
fro ggy - 6 years ago
I don't get why they won't let you ride the dolphins they say it's animal abuse but when you think about the achievement when pigs fly that's abusive and pigs are around humans more then dolphins and I wish they would add mantarays
AA AwesomeArtin
AA AwesomeArtin - 6 years ago
James M Well maybe they have read the communitys feedback or realised that there already is endangered animals in the game.
Shark Dude14
Shark Dude14 - 6 years ago
Missing words make and if I
Shark Dude14
Shark Dude14 - 6 years ago
MagbluJP AJ I can see you point but here mine I love sharks and I would go in creative and swim with them and they would my ship wrecks harder and also I could die by it instead of drowning and I killed one I would just of a moutain into lava in a enter portal to the void and die
MagbluJP AJ
MagbluJP AJ - 6 years ago
The reason why they won't add sharks doesn't make sense. They should also realize that they still have endangered animals in the game like polar bears or turtles and killing sharks in real life is not a good reason for it as if it's just a game, even in real life, it is hard for us to kill sharks :/
They should drop something when killed... Like shark fins for accessory or like swimming around, thinking that you are a shark or something, or teeth for weapon and accessory like wearing as a necklace or claw...
James M
James M - 6 years ago
Sorry to break it to you: it's not a lie. Community managers are the people hired to tell the community the truth and what is going on. They would not lie about something like that.
Russ Orler
Russ Orler - 6 years ago
Dylan Hooton the thing is, they would have to drop something too. What would they drop and how would it be used.

I think teeth would be cool. Make a pair of false teeth, craft with dragon head in the middle. Like the scare mask in paper mario, it would scare weaker enemies like creepers and spiders and not things like zombies and ghasts

The item wiuld be called scary face.

That would open the door for making all kinds of useful face gear to get different results from mobs.

Villagers would get so scared they run away and maybe drop some bricks as they scurry away.
Jommy 277
Jommy 277 - 6 years ago
Toycat do you think that Minecraft should add water enchantments on your sword (water aspect) to help fight nether mobs.
The Best Apple Fruit
The Best Apple Fruit - 6 years ago
Jommy 277,Zombie Pigmen are the only legitimate mob there,kill everything else,especially the blazes
Nate Wright
Nate Wright - 6 years ago
I thought no sharks was a lie since they said it
BlueTangs Rock
BlueTangs Rock - 6 years ago
Wait why is the video not available for? :/
Lucassplat 0309
Lucassplat 0309 - 6 years ago
MB Blaze Rodz
MB Blaze Rodz - 6 years ago
If you like video game music, play sync music ganes like geometry dash, rolling sky, dancing line, exc
nerf or nothin Falzone
nerf or nothin Falzone - 6 years ago
QnA what's do you like to do other than Minecraft.
Joe Garbo
Joe Garbo - 6 years ago
I love the tutorial worlds on console edition do you think they should add the tutorial worlds to bedrock in the store as free download?
Trev Auton
Trev Auton - 6 years ago
Maybe not in the store.
Breann Bubolz
Breann Bubolz - 6 years ago
So much yes for this one!
Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition
Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition - 6 years ago
Another reason sharks won't work:every agressive mob in minecraft is mythological,made up,or a real life creature with a huge twist to them.....
Zakimals - 6 years ago
Zombie sharks would be cool
BlueTangs Rock
BlueTangs Rock - 6 years ago
Endless Ocean I can see what your saying. :) Ayye! Thanks! xD
Endless Ocean
Endless Ocean - 6 years ago
BlueTangs Rock But that does not mean you cannot tell them your thought on the subject.

Also Blue Tangs do rock. :)
BlueTangs Rock
BlueTangs Rock - 6 years ago
Endless Ocean I dunno... They seem pretty stuck to their thoughts
Endless Ocean
Endless Ocean - 6 years ago
BlueTangs Rock They most likely won't change thier minds, but they will NEVER change thier minds if nobody says anything about it.
BlueTangs Rock
BlueTangs Rock - 6 years ago
Endless Ocean if Mojang ever did change their minds, that might be a bit more likely, but as said before, they most likely won't change their minds.
Endless Ocean
Endless Ocean - 6 years ago
Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition They could be neutral like a wolf or polar bear.
BlueTangs Rock
BlueTangs Rock - 6 years ago
Dylan Hooton yeah, I wish they could change their minds, but it's highly unlikely
Dylan Hooton
Dylan Hooton - 6 years ago
But sharks could be changed to fit with other hostile mobs if Mojang changed their minds on the sharks in Minecraft.
BlueTangs Rock
BlueTangs Rock - 6 years ago
Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition that's because they usually add a variant to an already existing Hostile mob such as the zombies, or the skeletons. And then spiders aren't too unlike the real life counterparts not considering the size because MineCraft spiders are obviously bigger than IRL
TheFroggyFellow - 6 years ago
The thing to remember when reading Comments is that people are always going to look for something to criticise no matter what the video is. Even if it's not something big they will still point it out or make it out to be bigger than it actually is. I enjoyed the video btw :)
BlueTangs Rock
BlueTangs Rock - 6 years ago
TheFroggyFellow yeah, there's constructive criticism, and then there's just basically hate comments that nit pick something. :)
TheFroggyFellow - 6 years ago
Yeah I think that was auto correct haha. I understand where you're coming from but it's when people are nit picking at stuff.
Gote the Capricorn Fucktard
Gote the Capricorn Fucktard - 6 years ago
TheFroggyFellow Criticize*
And criticism is essential to improvement.
BlueTangs Rock
BlueTangs Rock - 6 years ago
Because autocorrect is strange sometimes
BlueTangs Rock
BlueTangs Rock - 6 years ago
is it
BlueTangs Rock
BlueTangs Rock - 6 years ago
TheFroggyFellow what happened in it, it says it's unavailable to me. It it just him talking about Hellen Angel's (one of the Minecraft developers) less than adequate reasons for not adding sharks again?
Mlg pikachu 360
Mlg pikachu 360 - 6 years ago
Do you think there should be bird seeds which you can find and grow?
Mr. Sanmi_
Mr. Sanmi_ - 6 years ago
It should be.
Mlg pikachu 360
Mlg pikachu 360 - 6 years ago
Abhid Islam lol
Abhid Islam
Abhid Islam - 6 years ago
Mlg pikachu 360 grow birds?

Joseph Brunoro-Beilman
Joseph Brunoro-Beilman - 6 years ago
QnA Do you think crocodiles/alligators are possible for a hostile swamp mob?
Itscraftintime - 6 years ago
Q&A toycat: how long do you think the Xbox one edition of minecraft will be updated for
MB Blaze Rodz
MB Blaze Rodz - 6 years ago
QNA: If you could chose 5 things to add to Minecraft in the fan favorite update (if it ever does come out) what would those features be and why?
Geometricspike456 - 6 years ago
Toycat do you think the sweeping edge enchantment will come to the console for the update aquatic
Dylan Clarke
Dylan Clarke - 6 years ago
Q&a when you transfer your let’s play world to bedrock, will you give us a world download? We haven’t had one since before you transferred it to the Xbox one
Pineapplec15 - MINECRAFT
Pineapplec15 - MINECRAFT - 6 years ago
Q: Do you think their should be soda in minecraft so we can get speed without potions?
Also can you sub to small channels like mine and every one sub to Pineapplec15 - MINECRAFT
LuckyOP Gecko
LuckyOP Gecko - 6 years ago
So sharks are comin?
Endless Ocean
Endless Ocean - 6 years ago
Sharky Playz Good question
Sharky Playz
Sharky Playz - 6 years ago
Why can't they just add whale sharks as a passive mob?
Sharky Playz
Sharky Playz - 6 years ago
Dylan Hooton
Dylan Hooton - 6 years ago
Sadly no due to that stupid/dumb excuse. :(
LuckyOP Gecko
LuckyOP Gecko - 6 years ago
Sharky Playz when I saw the notification I thought the sharks were coming
Sharky Playz
Sharky Playz - 6 years ago
I wish :(
Larchy Everything
Larchy Everything - 6 years ago
Way back when you first made a video on Minecraft where you reacted to the trailer why did you act that way.
Larchy Everything
Larchy Everything - 6 years ago
Forgot the ???????
Wolf 99
Wolf 99 - 6 years ago
QnA Ibxtoycat do you like cheese and what kind?
MB Blaze Rodz
MB Blaze Rodz - 6 years ago
Its sad that you have to name your title something you have explained so many times!
UtopianPoyzon - 6 years ago
The Shark Is a Lie
The Shake Is a Lie
The Cake is a Lie
Eve Smith
Eve Smith - 6 years ago
They didn’t announce the bedrock edition in the Nintendo direct, when do you think it’s gonna be announced?
Silas vs Games
Silas vs Games - 6 years ago
QnA What is your favourite feature of update aquatic so far?
Chris Hooks
Chris Hooks - 6 years ago
QnA do you think there will be new music and ambient sounds for the update aquatic
Chris Hooks
Chris Hooks - 6 years ago
Secret feature
Boi - 6 years ago
Chris Hooks there wasn't any announcements of new music.
Chris Hooks
Chris Hooks - 6 years ago
But how about music
James M
James M - 6 years ago
Chris Hooks there already are new underwater ambient sounds in the latest snapshots.
CrypticStuff - 6 years ago
Maybe you could do 2 Q&A’s every week! I’d love that
Ashfak Anayet
Ashfak Anayet - 6 years ago
Hi toycat
Stroll Boy
Stroll Boy - 6 years ago
Who is hyped for this update?!
Cody Thomas
Cody Thomas - 6 years ago
Im half and half on this update
Trev Auton
Trev Auton - 6 years ago
Dr Whammo just people like you aren't looking forward.
Kai-Lo-Luke - 6 years ago
Me, I've played the snapshot and it's AMAZING
Xxxcharlie gamingXxx
Xxxcharlie gamingXxx - 6 years ago
Me me me me me me me
The plush show
The plush show - 6 years ago
I'm hyped
Sean blurton
Sean blurton - 6 years ago
Stroll Boy meeeee
Harry Meineck plays
Harry Meineck plays - 6 years ago
me, definately and my sister too
Somebody on the internet
Somebody on the internet - 6 years ago
Dr Whammo
Dr Whammo - 6 years ago
Mark0 Technologies Inc
Mark0 Technologies Inc - 6 years ago
Stroll Boy I am
Shark Dude14
Shark Dude14 - 6 years ago
Sssssooooooo hyped for this update
TheBeast101 - 6 years ago
ME FOR SURE!!! Also im the 4th reply
dcpinapels - 6 years ago
Im hyped!!!!!
Extra Life Crisis
Extra Life Crisis - 6 years ago
First to reply to this!
Animalgirl 2oo
Animalgirl 2oo - 6 years ago
Tajae - 6 years ago
QnA do you think Minecraft should have a sky update and what do you think they should add in it?
Trev Auton
Trev Auton - 6 years ago
What about steampunk cities in the air and air ships, they could even add steampunkers that give you certain trades.
Trev Auton
Trev Auton - 6 years ago
Fuzzy_ Dolphin a lot of channels do QnA videos
Stiofan Sousa
Stiofan Sousa - 6 years ago
Stormgem Thunder
Stormgem Thunder - 6 years ago
Tajae Lots of birbs like falcons robins and stuff
That Guy
That Guy - 6 years ago
Gote the Capricorn Fucktard I would insult you for being a grammar Nazi but your username did it for me.
Wilmer Madrid
Wilmer Madrid - 6 years ago
Tajae maybe villages in the sky the flying villagers more birds and a new flying boss
Gote the Capricorn Fucktard
Gote the Capricorn Fucktard - 6 years ago
Emreboy Yasar Dimension*
Gote the Capricorn Fucktard
Gote the Capricorn Fucktard - 6 years ago
Tajae Harpies*
Emreboy Yasar
Emreboy Yasar - 6 years ago
Red dragons i know they say they wont come soon But i want them ,new sky dimasion ,flying pigs,cloud blocks,new village
ElDariATツ - 6 years ago
Aj Cyrill Dy :0 I wish I could go to the moon
Aj Cyrill Dy
Aj Cyrill Dy - 6 years ago
I only have one word to answer that question of yours. " SPACE ".
ElDariATツ - 6 years ago
Tajae walking on the clouds, cloud block
Gobble Turkey's Magikarp
Gobble Turkey's Magikarp - 6 years ago
Tajae they should add flying only mobs? Mobs that can't touch blocks and are scared of them and die when they touch them
ChannelisticOfficial - 6 years ago
Tajae Terraria...
Tajae - 6 years ago
Mrcreeper Gaming you mean like a Greek temple?
Mrcreeper Gaming
Mrcreeper Gaming - 6 years ago
Tajae They should add cloud temples. A place which looks like a cloud with new loot and mob inside. Along with maybe some birds in forests.
James M
James M - 6 years ago
Fuzzy_ Dolphin QnA is not something some YouTuber made up. It stands for Questions and Answers. No one is copying anyone.
Tajae - 6 years ago
It's Ya Boi Daniel good point
It's Ya Boi Daniel
It's Ya Boi Daniel - 6 years ago
Pegasi* (not peguses, and its spelled Pegasus), and I dont see the point in a cloud block since you would just fall though them, its like the air block but it makes it harder to see (might be good for horror maps idk), harpy mob might be fulfilled by the Phantom, unless you want something more, and Elytra are wearable wings (if you have fire works, but you can still glide with them)
Tajae - 6 years ago
Fuzzy_ Dolphin I believe itoycat
Fuzzy_ Dolphin
Fuzzy_ Dolphin - 6 years ago
Am I Wrong...??
Tajae - 6 years ago
It's Ya Boi Daniel ya I would like to see things like peguses, cloud block s, harpys mobs, wearable wings, etc.
Fuzzy_ Dolphin
Fuzzy_ Dolphin - 6 years ago
Is This Called QnA?? Isn't That Like The Logdotzip Thing Wait... WHICH ONE WAS MADE FIRST!!!!!??!??!?!
It's Ya Boi Daniel
It's Ya Boi Daniel - 6 years ago
I mean Phantoms kind of do stuff for the sky, although I can imagine you have way more demands than that
Vortechs the grate
Vortechs the grate - 6 years ago
Everyone like this comment
Maradnus - 6 years ago
so basically pewdipie will have more subs than minecraft players very soon
Nhan Nguyen
Nhan Nguyen - 6 years ago
You read all the comments really?
JazzyCat12 - 6 years ago
In the update aquatic, will the fishing system stay the same? ( will you still be able to catch enchanted books, etc.)
Deathcore Guy
Deathcore Guy - 6 years ago
Yes, I have tested this theory in the snapshots on PC, So far it is still the same just fish are mobs now
Roland Dawson
Roland Dawson - 6 years ago
When I saw one of the YouTubers showing off one the snapshot’s progress, it just showed the regular bubbles. I’m not sure if anything has changed since then.
OneeyedMagi - 6 years ago
JazzyCat12 currently in the snapshots it still works the way it did. It has just also added fish mobs you can kill if you need fish but don’t want to fish.
James M
James M - 6 years ago
You will probably still be able to get treasure, but I assume it will change to use the actual fish as well.
1Jesse07 - 6 years ago
JazzyCat12 in my opinion, probably. The fishes are just made into a mob, and maybe when u catch a fish, u will see a fish model, and then it turns into the item.
Nancy Aguilar
Nancy Aguilar - 6 years ago
When does the aquatic update come out sorry I have Not been watching the videos for some reason my phone unsubscribed to everyone I subscribed to so does anyone know when it comes out last thing I knew it was coming out in March
Trone - 6 years ago
Trone - 6 years ago
Before 1k Views
The Boss80
The Boss80 - 6 years ago
QNA will PE or bedrock get a tutorial world
Sawyer gamer 57 team TG gta5
Sawyer gamer 57 team TG gta5 - 6 years ago
I LOVE your vids the best I 10000000000% love your cannal so much
The Android Gamer
The Android Gamer - 6 years ago
Q&A Saturday Why did mojang decide to release minecraft better together with so many bugs?
The Engineers
The Engineers - 6 years ago
Creation Reborn #4 but Microsoft OWNS Mojang Microsoft didn't have to keep it in.
Trev Auton
Trev Auton - 6 years ago
Plus your basicly saying every game company is dumb, every game has bugs, especially big games. Pretty much every game I've ever played has at least one small bug. It's just how computers work
Trev Auton
Trev Auton - 6 years ago
Dr Whammo why else do you think games get quite a lot of bug fixes?
Creation Reborn #4
Creation Reborn #4 - 6 years ago
The Engineers they still name it mojang....
Timothy Beebe
Timothy Beebe - 6 years ago
The Android Gamer Minecraft has always been buggy, they will improve the bugs on the bedrock edition bit by bit same as on Java.
The Engineers
The Engineers - 6 years ago
Dr Whammo
Dr Whammo - 6 years ago
why did they release any of the updates, minecraft still has bugs in all the versions, Mojang is so dumb, they should just take down Minecraft until they can fix it. Minecraft will always have bugs, deal with it
James M
James M - 6 years ago
Because Microsoft had underestimated the time it would take to get it working on Xbox one, and had already slated a hardware device for release, presumably sent it out to retailers, and therefore they could not delay it.
CodeCrafter 9000
CodeCrafter 9000 - 6 years ago
The Kyle Man296 same
CodeCrafter 9000
CodeCrafter 9000 - 6 years ago
The Kyle Man296
The Kyle Man296 - 6 years ago
They thought it was ready, but it wasn't
JACK _PLAYZ - 6 years ago
Qna toycat will lions be added into the savanah
JazzyCat12 - 6 years ago
Hi toycat
Crosby Nuker
Crosby Nuker - 6 years ago
Are they adding jellyfish ? And by the way I'm waiting for the new tutorial world for Minecraft console
MoboRoboOfficial - 6 years ago
Here since 78 views :D!
talamh - 6 years ago
MoboRoboOfficial no
Katido 622
Katido 622 - 6 years ago
Chrome is probably the world's slowest web browser
Oscar Rodriguez
Oscar Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Katido 622 it's your internet
Riemer2 _
Riemer2 _ - 6 years ago
reads the title WAIT WHAT GRAVEL OMG!!!!
Claudia Laferriere
Claudia Laferriere - 6 years ago
Riemer2 _ LOL
Maya-Il - 6 years ago
Riemer2 _ xD
Jack Jack
Jack Jack - 6 years ago
QnA is water wet?
Aj Cyrill Dy
Aj Cyrill Dy - 6 years ago
No forget that. Let's make a new question! " * Does water float?* ".
The Best Apple Fruit
The Best Apple Fruit - 6 years ago
if a sponge is dunked in water,but since water's not wet,what does that mean for the sponge? is it still dry?
PlatypusPlayz - 6 years ago
Hmm... Thats a tough question... I dont know...
Frosty Fiop
Frosty Fiop - 6 years ago
Water is not wet. We are smart.
White Lmh
White Lmh - 6 years ago
Sam Plays Minecraft With Brit
Sam Plays Minecraft With Brit - 6 years ago
Jack Jack no it's not
Sønic Zoom
Sønic Zoom - 6 years ago
I would love it if salmon could swim up one-block waterfalls and against running water currents. Who's with me?
michelle dailing
michelle dailing - 6 years ago
Sønic Zoom THAT would be insane
The Best Apple Fruit
The Best Apple Fruit - 6 years ago
Sønic Zoom,that would be a nice behavior for them that they'll do every now and then
Lhaw BR
Lhaw BR - 6 years ago
I want my Switch BTU... :(
I want the digital copy... Do not need to release both when the physical version is ready
Wopman - 6 years ago
Im First Im actually FIRST!
Yossy Yossi
Yossy Yossi - 6 years ago
Q&a have you taken a personality test, and if so what type are you?
Cloud Of Platinum
Cloud Of Platinum - 6 years ago
27th comment
little twinkle1
little twinkle1 - 6 years ago
have a nice day eveyone reading in the comment
Maria Gutierrez
Maria Gutierrez - 6 years ago
u to
Number Moss
Number Moss - 6 years ago
49th. But who cares.
Stealth - 6 years ago
Hi! I'm a big fan ^_^
miguel Brugge
miguel Brugge - 6 years ago
Deathcore Guy
Deathcore Guy - 6 years ago
Howdy Stealth!
Jeff The killer
Jeff The killer - 6 years ago
Sup Stealth
Theluckygamer 11126
Theluckygamer 11126 - 6 years ago
I just finished a vid
Bigwes101 - 6 years ago
Stealth stealth
BaBaGaming6 - 6 years ago
Glad To See You Here!
Pro king
Pro king - 6 years ago
No I Am a big fam
Redstone_dude87 Shrek
Redstone_dude87 Shrek - 6 years ago
Stealth boi lemme suck that ninja dick
Asriel_dreemurr - 6 years ago
Hey stealth I luv your videos
Ibraheem650 _
Ibraheem650 _ - 6 years ago
Stealth Look son! It's an attempt to get views!
Aceboogie 1231
Aceboogie 1231 - 6 years ago
Get it he's a BIG fan because he's a big YouTuber
Extra Life Crisis
Extra Life Crisis - 6 years ago
Wheres Today's Video?
KiNgCrEePeRYT - 6 years ago
Hey Stealth!
MalGamer - 6 years ago
Stealth did you ever go to stealth in thorpe park
popularmmos dantdm thnxcya thinknoodles
popularmmos dantdm thnxcya thinknoodles - 6 years ago
Stealth I watched your video earlier
White Lmh
White Lmh - 6 years ago
I'm a big fan of you
Mini Game Master
Mini Game Master - 6 years ago
Stealth hey bro
Dx56 pros
Dx56 pros - 6 years ago
Stealth I love you
Captain ROBLOX
Captain ROBLOX - 6 years ago
First reply to this
SoaringDragon99 ._.
SoaringDragon99 ._. - 6 years ago
YO IBX you're amazing keep up THE good work also my gt is SOARINGDRAGON99
Adam Monroe
Adam Monroe - 6 years ago
Hey Toycat, do you think the next big update (after Aquatic) will focus on the desert or another specific biome?
Tis Antisepticeye
Tis Antisepticeye - 6 years ago
What if the universe was inside a potato, inside another potato, inside yet another potato, inside a bowl of mashed potatoes, inside another potato?
The Best Apple Fruit
The Best Apple Fruit - 6 years ago
Hysteric Lombax,but...you're also in a potatoe yourself,waiting to be consumed by another being
Hysteric Lombax
Hysteric Lombax - 6 years ago
And im on the outside eating the potato
The Best Apple Fruit
The Best Apple Fruit - 6 years ago
now we're asking real questions
Abhid Islam
Abhid Islam - 6 years ago
That's improbable. Much more likely to be a carrot.
United Kingdom
United Kingdom - 6 years ago
Christian Larsen
Christian Larsen - 6 years ago
Question for the person scrolling through the. Comments: do you love to hate people or hate to love people?
A Random Person
A Random Person - 6 years ago
hate to love people
Wafity - 6 years ago
Dolphins get eaten by sharks :(
Endless Ocean
Endless Ocean - 6 years ago
Wafity Sometimes but that is very rare. A pod of dolphins is a legitimate threat to a shark. Dolphins do kill sharks aswell.
Goldenfoxy 1234
Goldenfoxy 1234 - 6 years ago
Wafity actually sharks tend to stay from dolphins because dolphins are smarter and more powerful than them and be in groups and sharks stay by themselves so in reality dolphins will kill sharks if they mess with them
SonOf DanTDM
SonOf DanTDM - 6 years ago
Will we get Technology in minecraft or be seeing any new dungeons
Dora Papa
Dora Papa - 6 years ago
I am so excited for this update
X-Jxsh-X - 6 years ago
Who else thinks they should add reef sharks?
Endless Ocean
Endless Ocean - 6 years ago
X-Jxsh-X me
BLUE the raptor
BLUE the raptor - 6 years ago
When does it come out
pizzacat100 - 6 years ago
Koopa V Ocelot
Koopa V Ocelot - 6 years ago
Jay Gaming
Jay Gaming - 6 years ago
I liked and subed sweet vid
Dr Whammo
Dr Whammo - 6 years ago
I've been here since Minecraft N64 version
Angel Fernando Vega
Angel Fernando Vega - 6 years ago
Sorry I mean 2012*
Karam Khamis
Karam Khamis - 6 years ago
James Paddock oh sorry XD
James Paddock
James Paddock - 6 years ago
Karam Khamis I meant me. I see what I did therre
Karam Khamis
Karam Khamis - 6 years ago
James Paddock how dare you say toycat was a noob?!?lol jk
Max Ramirez
Max Ramirez - 6 years ago
Wow! Hello!
Mr Robot
Mr Robot - 6 years ago
VIDEO MASTER 101 - 6 years ago
Denissboss1 - 6 years ago
dat one guy
dat one guy - 6 years ago
Vidu Rodewald
Vidu Rodewald - 6 years ago
1st comment now view comment
TheMarioManiac - 6 years ago
I actually got the notification!
Karashke sucks
Karashke sucks - 6 years ago
Finally YouTube does its job lol
fro ggy
fro ggy - 6 years ago
I see you comment on ever video
EVANKEVIN7 - 6 years ago
Me too! He said he would upload in 15 minutes, he wasn't kidding!
Aayan Azhar
Aayan Azhar - 6 years ago
Same yay
Skittles18_wins • Roblox
Skittles18_wins • Roblox - 6 years ago
Me too!
Jaime Maciel
Jaime Maciel - 6 years ago
Cubic Bubbles
Cubic Bubbles - 6 years ago
WILZ ! - 6 years ago
Sole Survivor
Sole Survivor - 6 years ago
Say 2nd, that’s fine. :)
Wrong! Toy cat is always first! Please stop, that’s the truth.
Sabre - 6 years ago
Jacob Mosier
Jacob Mosier - 6 years ago

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